Jonathan gets a classical education
- 3 years ago
- 35
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I could feel someone shaking me.
"Jonathan ... Jonathan ... wake up, you have got to wake up."
The shaking continued. Why couldn't everyone just leave me in peace?
Suddenly I felt an icy splash.
I started to cough.
Someone had just poured a glass of water on my head. I blearily cracked my eyes open. I was on the floor of my office, staring up at a little crack in the ceiling. I could see Jim's wispy blonde hair out of the corner of my eye.
Jim was holding an empty glass, and wore an expression of concern mixed with anger.
"Jonathan you little bastard you drank yourself into a goddamn stupor!"
I simply groaned in response. My head was pounding. I had never been this drunk before. I tried to sit up, and the dull throb behind my eyes broke into a splitting blinding pain. I dropped back down to the floor with a grunt.
In the back of my mind I realized my chair had tipped over.
"Is that broken glass Jonathan? Goddamn! This is a mess." Jim was fumbling around with something that looked like a CompVac. Which is a little box on a stick that is twice as effective as a broom or a regular vacuum.
I tried to speak, but all I managed was a little gurgle.
"Some genius you are." Jim said sarcastically.
I simply groaned again.
"Well come on, we've got to get you home somehow."
I felt him grab my shirt. He tried to hoist me up by the fabric. After a small struggle he gave up and I slumped back onto the floor.
I heard him sigh. "Wait here, I've got to go get some help."
My mind was functioning enough to realize that that might be a problem. Several of my office enemies would jump at the chance to tell Director Jones about my little habit.
My fears, however, were quickly put to rest.
"Ho now! Had a little too much Irish courage have we John?" Paul's loud good natured voice boomed somewhere above my head.
"You could say that again," Jim said. "He's drunk enough to ground a bear."
Paul laughed. "Now let's say you get the feet, and I'll grab him under the arms, and we'll see if we can get him as far as the elevator."
I felt their hands tugging at me, until they finally lifted me. They carried me like a lifeless log all the way to the elevator banks.
It was late again.
Maybe 11:00 o'clock. A few people were still in the office. They glanced my way, but after a stern look from Jim they quickly glanced back.
The elevator dinged. We got in. The doors closed. They gently set me down on the elevator floor. I felt something pressed up against my lips. It was Paul. He was holding a water bottle to my mouth.
"Drink, it'll help clear your head."
I obediently took a big gulp.
"Slowly now," Paul said. "Drink too fast and you might lose your dinner."
The elevator binged again. The doors slide open to reveal an empty lobby. I was once again hoisted up and carried out the front door into the dark and bitterly cold parking lot.
"He can't drive like this," Jim said.
I could hear the smile in Paul's voice when he spoke. "No, but I've got that all figured out ... I called a taxi right after you buzzed down to me in the lobby Mr. Brown."
"He's barely conscious, how do we know the cabbie won't dump him in the middle of the road?"
Paul barked a laugh. "Leave that to me."
The tax was already parked and waiting. I could see it was one of the new brown cabs. The ones you could call and charter. Yellow cabs were just too hard to phone in.
They gently set me down on the curb, where I maintained a position that somewhat resembled sitting. My head had stopped spinning, but my vision still left something to be desired.
Paul motioned for the cab driver to roll his window down. The cabbie complied, and Paul leaned his bulky frame on the windowsill, and started talking to the cabbie.
"Could I see your license pal?" Paul asked cheerfully. I couldn't see what was happening, but I assumed the cabbie complied.
"Now then, Mr. Vasquez, my friend Mr. Creed here has had a bit too much to drink and we'd like you to take him home."
Jim handed Paul a piece of paper. "I got it off of his credentials," said Jim in a whisper.
“Miss Brandon,” her secretary’s voice came through the speaker on Friday, “you have a call from a Jonathan Quirk.” She picked up the phone. “Melissa,” he began, “would you have dinner with me tonight?” “I’d be honored.” “Five o’clock at your office?” “That would be fine.” He met her at the office and walked her to his car. “Are you wearing the stockings I gave you?” he asked when he was in traffic. “No.” “Have them at home?” “Yes.” “We’ll go there first then.” He parked in a guest...
Melissa had missed Jonathan. When he called her up the day after Christmas, she thrilled to the sound of his voice. “Did you enjoy your Christmas?” What did he want her to say? “I missed you.” That was safe enough. “I’ll get back to town tomorrow. Come over then?” “Yes, Jonathan.” “Five o’clock, my place.” It was hard to find parking in his neighborhood, and she had to walk three blocks to his apartment house. The wind was cold and gusty. Since she was wearing a skirt, no panties, and...
I knew where I was this time. I was in the 'dark' space ... my subconscious. A small part of me mused if this was normal or not. I decided it wasn't ... someone would have written a book on it ... or maybe I just didn't check the 'metaphysical' section. Once again I was seated in the chair of dark stone. I looked around. I couldn't see my doppelganger ... I couldn't see 'The Beast.' There was nothing ... I was profoundly alone. I stood up and stepped out into the...
We picked at our food in silence. Sarah kept her head down, and her eyes focused on her food. She was idly playing with her fork, and randomly scraping it across her plate. She did it in the way that people do when they're either extremely bored or extremely tired. She had hardly touched her meal. The afternoon had turned overcast, and it was dark in the kitchen, however, neither of us made a move to turn the lights on. I cleared my throat. "So tell me about yourself Sarah," I said. I...
He wouldn't stop kicking me ... even though I had fallen down. "You think you're better than us wimp?" My attacker spat between kicks. He was big, I was small ... I was young, he was old. I curled up on my side. "You think just cause you're some kinda freak you can just act like you know everything?" The kicks kept coming ... one after another ... my stomach was in agony. Bret was a high school senior taking Pre-Calculus, I was a twelve year old, and I sat next to him ... I got a...
Jonathan & Nikki and their surprise BBC gangbangJonathan & Nikki had each always had a fascination with big black cocks. ... After it came up in their marriage and they discussed it, they agreed Nikki could try sucking one to completion. They searched for a big black dick on the internet, and after finding a massive one Nikki was very excited to try, they booked a hotel room & arranged a meeting.The night was finally upon them. It was going to happen! Nikki's first taste of big...
The door closed with an audible click. We were silent for a beat. We both turned to look at each other, her question hung in the air. I smiled. "Alright my sweet, all rules are now in effect again," I said warmly. Sarah looked up at me and blushed. She gave a small smile and, shyly, she slowly unzipped her beige skirt and gracefully stepped out of it. I got a good look at her bare pussy as she did. She had already taken all my rules to heart and hadn't worn any underwear. Next she...
I remember the day I bought this house. I had just finished my training at the Academy and moving was difficult. I had grown used to Quantico Virginia's pleasant climate. I had also grown quite accustomed to the order and discipline of the Marine base. The day I graduated all the new Agents were given Bureau's to report to. These assignments were not given at random; they depended on your scores and your abilities. I was assigned the New York branch. Adjusting to New York had been ......
I was sitting in my office with the lights off. I was doing my usual victory ritual. The ritual involved closing the blinds and telling my exploits to a bottle of scotch. It was four in the morning. I could hear people milling about the bullpen. They were making calls, getting calls and dealing with lawyers. As expected, all the rich individuals were no longer sitting in our interrogation rooms. The little lawyer bees had already stormed in. They were ready with claims that their client had...
I reluctantly spooned my eggs into the trash can. Looks like I would be eating granola for breakfast. I grabbed a bar of the stuff from my pantry, and ran out the door. It was only after I saw my street side parking space empty, did I remember my car was still at the office. Shit. I scrabbled through my pockets for my cell phone ... then realized I had left it on my kitchen counter, and ran back into the house. It was five minutes until I found my phone, and another twenty until the taxi...
She was as beautiful as I remembered. Jim was listening intently to Dr. Thompson read things off of a clipboard. But that didn't matter. Their conversation was lost to me. My entire consciousness was focused on the red haired angel tied to the gurney positioned in the middle of the room. She was sleeping quietly. Her stomach rose and fell in a calm rhythmic manner. Her eyelids would occasionally flutter, and her slim pale face looked slightly pinched, as if her dreams were not gentle...
Jones wasn't speaking. I couldn't tell if the ability of speech had simply deserted him, or if he was thinking of something particularly scathing to say. Suffice it to say, he didn't take my news well. "Let me get this straight Agent Creed. Not only did you activate this girl's brain chip ... thingy, but now you tell me that she has refused witness protection and is insisting on living with you?" I wanted to disappear. "That's about the size of it sir." Jones exhaled ......
Melissa Brandon was sure that Jonathan would be livid when he got back. She had tried to do what he told her, but she hadn’t tried hard enough. He’d told her to pay up her Visa Gold. She’d almost paid it up by the time the December statement had arrived. And then, knowing that the next check would be the last one, she’d neglected to mail in the payment until nearly the deadline. Caught in the Christmas mail rush, that payment hadn’t got there. She still owed $7.32 on the card as of the...
The moment had passed. She had been eager enough to leave the building, but the second we stepped into my little black sedan things became awkward again ... by the time we hit lunch time traffic it was just plain uncomfortable. Unfortunately in bumper to bumper traffic I had nothing to do but to steal glances at my new teenage ward. Suffice it to say she looked ... on edge. She was sitting up very straight in her seat, and her hands were clenched into fists on her lap. She was also...
Sarah's mouth dropped open... "You mean ... you're going to hit me?" She asked timidly. Inside me I felt something building ... a sort of tension ... something primeval ... like there was a raging beast inside me that knew no humanity and no society. All it knew was its will, and its desire to be obeyed. "I said I would, and I meant it." My voice sounded cold to my ears ... clinical, detached, yet ruthlessly uncompromising. It was eerie to here this voice pass my lips. Sarah noticed...
I was pacing the floor of my bedroom. Thoughts were rushing around my head at a mile a minute. This situation was out of control. I was out of control ... we need boundaries ... maybe if we couldn't ignore it ... we could come up with something to deal with it. Sarah was on the floor kneeling calmly with her hands in her lap. She had a small smile on her face and she followed me with her eyes as I wore down the carpet. I finally threw up my hands. "I'm no good at this," I said. Sarah...
It was silent for a beat. The dull hum of the water heater filled my ears. The warm stuffy feel of the basement pervaded my skin, and my legs were falling asleep from sitting awkwardly on my pool table. Sarah Gale had just asked me to claim her. Half a minute passed, and thousands of thoughts ricochet around inside my head. But one singular one came to the forefront. What she had just said turned me on ... and that worried me. As a modern man I wasn't supposed to think of women as...
Memory lane is always a painful road to stroll down. I turned Professors Casey's picture down onto the desk. I didn't want to look at him ... I was a mess still ... the job he had offered me was eating away at my sanity little by little. What seemed like a blessing had become a curse. But it wasn't his fault; he just wanted what was best for me. I heard a car alarm go off on the street below. It was quickly silenced. I opened a drawer, and fished out a piece of paper and a pen. I began...
I decided to wait her out. It wasn't like she could go anywhere. If she wanted to go get extensive surgery she would need transportation. The keys to my car were in my desk, and I took the phone on my desk off the hook, so she couldn't call a cab. Patrolling cabs never came by my neighborhood. I couldn't fathom what had brought this on. It was a bit strange for a woman to ask a male what his fantasy female would look like. In all honesty I had just given a description of Sarah with...
For me, sex had never held my interest. I had grown up at a different rate then people my age. I matured faster and couldn't relate to any of the girls my age. A boy with a college education did not want to fuck a freshman in high school. Even if that freshman was the same age as the boy in question. My previous relations, therefore, had left me wanting. This was not like those past encounters. The girl beneath my body was driving me insane ... and I wasn't sure I wanted my sanity to...
Needless to say, sleep did not greet me swiftly. I tossed and turned. I tried lying on my back until my shoulders became sore ... I tried my stomach ... but my neck began to ache. All the while the clock silently marched forward. Twelve O'clock. One O'clock. Two O'clock. I put a towel over the clock ... knowing the time wasn't helping anything. Sarah's words kept echoing in my head. 'You act like an entirely different man when we fuck. You stand a little straighter, your eyes...
"Master ... master." Sarah's voice floated above me like a protective angel. I groaned and tried to roll over. To my surprise, I couldn't roll over ... I wasn't even lying down. "Master, wake up ... you're scaring me..." I cracked open one bleary eye. I found myself looking directly into Sarah Gale's perfect green eyes. They were glistening with moisture, and her cheeks were read and puffy. "Oh Master! Master it's me, can you hear me?" I groaned, and nodded slowly. My head...
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Claire invited me over to dinner. It was a little unexpected; we'd spoken a few times at work, had lunch together, but I hadn't read too much into it. I spruced myself up, bought a bottle of wine and headed over.She answered the door, stunning in a mid-thigh length flowery summer dress. It was low cut and I could see the bulging curve of her medium sized breasts. The way they swayed suggested no bra. I felt a warn stirring in my trousers. I smiled and handed over the bottle and we exchanged...
This is not the most original story ever, I admit that freely, but let me know what you think, if you like or don't like, whatever...If you think this is worthy of archiving please go ahead, but let me know first. ================================================== Unreal by Alan Bittig What the hell has happened to my life? This morning everything was normal, everything was fine. Now everything is turned upside down and twisted into ten-thousand different variations. ...
100% fiction! *HEADNOTE* In part one of this series, I mentioned that Kat and Maureen went to Kat's house, but Maureen invited Kat inside. Kat was supposed to make the invitation. Sorry for the mistake. Enjoy this next installment of the series. *END HEADNOTE* ********************* Main Characters: Katherine Worthington: 25, A.K.A. "Kat". Pre-op male-to-female transsexual, formerly known as "Kyle". daughter to Maureen. Maureen Worthington: 50, mother of Katherine. *********************...
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My Step sister is a freak. Apparently, her pussy has been dried for weeks, so she has to go around spying on me while I’m in the shower. After she finished peeping on me, she went over to my bed and started masturbating. She was pleasuring herself with her sex toys when I walked in. I was taken a back by the situation. What the fuck was she thinking? This is when she told me that she has been wanting to try out my cock since our parents got together. But can she handle a monster cock? Watch and...
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( … ) Th: Sie sagen, Sie machen sich Sorgen deshalb – warum?P: Ich weiß nicht – vielleicht weil es in letzter Zeit immer stärker geworden ist.Th: Sie meinen ihr sexuelles Verlangen?P: Ja, genau.Th: Können Sie ihr Verlangen näher beschreiben?P: Ich denke halt ständig an Sex. Ich bin oft stark erregt – oft mehrmals am Tag.Th: Und was tun Sie dann?P: Ich masturbiere viel, oder ich treffe mich mit Melanie. Aber das geht nicht immer, weil sie ja etwas weiter weg wohnt.Th: Dazu möchte ich gleich noch...
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FetishI was called by a man who responded to my ad and asked several rather pointed questions, for example, ‘What about anal? Have I ever been spanked?’ I don’t know why but the thought of being spanked made my juices flow. I was raised to be a lady and I moved in very straight-laced circles. No one in my society would ever be caught even reading the ad on that Website, let alone respond to it. But being nude and turned over a man’s knees and having my naked ass spanked really excited me. For sure...
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