Jonathan gets a classical education
- 3 years ago
- 35
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I decided to wait her out.
It wasn't like she could go anywhere. If she wanted to go get extensive surgery she would need transportation. The keys to my car were in my desk, and I took the phone on my desk off the hook, so she couldn't call a cab. Patrolling cabs never came by my neighborhood.
I couldn't fathom what had brought this on. It was a bit strange for a woman to ask a male what his fantasy female would look like. In all honesty I had just given a description of Sarah with bigger breasts and a better complexion. Not one of my most creative moments ... but it was the answer that most red blooded American men would have given.
Which is exactly why I should have kept it to myself.
Sarah was at the very least interesting. At times she seemed to completely acquiesce to the chip and act like a slave, at other times her fiery personality shone through.
After about thirty minutes I started to get a little anxious. I started to spin a pen around in my hand ... something I knew I only did when I was unsettled.
What I really wanted was a drink ... but I needed to think clearly. I had gotten into this mess by not using my head ... I needed to get creative, and start acting like I knew what I was doing.
It was after an hour had past when I heard the shriek.
I paused for a beat. Then I leapt out of my chair and ran for the door. Another shriek pierced the house. It was coming from Sarah's bed room. I bounded down the stairs, taking them two at a time, and I practically kicked down the guest room door.
Sarah was lying naked on her bed. She was flushed and writhing on top of the sheets. I grasped her by the shoulders and looked down into her pain filled eyes.
"SARAH!" I screamed. "Sarah what's wrong? Are you ill ... please God Sarah, tell me what's wrong."
Tears were streaming from down her cheeks ... but she gazed up at me and smiled...
"I'm changing for you Master ... I'm going to be your fantasy woman ... I'm going to be perfect for you..."
Her words were cut off by a gut wrenching moan.
I grabbed her face with my hands and focused her onto my face. "What do you mean Sarah ... what do you mean changing for me?"
Sarah moaned. "The chip ... it's making the changes you asked for ... the last stage of the symbiosis is taking place ... I don't know how I know this ... but ... oh Master it hurts ... I wish it didn't hurt so much."
Sarah was crying openly now. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me hard. Her naked breasts pushed up into my chest.
"Sarah ... do you mean to say that the chip is turning you into the woman I described in the study?"
She simply nodded, and hugged me tighter. Her body was incredibly warm, almost as if she were running a fever...
Oh my god ... she's running a fever.
I tore myself away from her and ran into the bathroom. I jerked open the medicine cabinet. I kept a spare thermometer in there.
"Open your mouth," I said. Sarah opened her mouth.
"Keep this under your tongue."
She nodded.
My heart sank as I watched the number slowly tick higher and higher.
103 Fahrenheit. Not good.
I start to think quickly. I didn't have the qualifications of a doctor, and Sarah was burning up. The first thing she needed was an ice pack. The next thing she needed was someone who knew what the hell to do.
I tore down to the kitchen to get the ice. I was on my cell phone at the same time.
Jim picked up on the first ring.
"John, I thought you weren't coming back for a week?"
"I'm not Jim but I have a situation here ... do you have Dr. Thompson's phone number?" I asked frantically.
"No need John, I'm standing right next to him ... I'll give you to him now." I could hear the cell phone switching hands.
"Hello? Agent Creed? Doctor Thompson speaking."
I sighed in relief. "Listen Dr. Thompson, there have been some complications with the neural processor. I was wondering if you could come down here and help. She's running a pretty high fever."
There was a pause.
"How high," he asked.
"One hundred three," I replied.
He grunted in affirmation. "Alright, I'll bring some of my gear down and take a look at her, if her temperature gets any higher than that take her to the hospital."
I was relieved Thompson was coming. "Get Jim to give you my address. I'll leave the front door open for you. We'll be on the second floor."
"Alright Agent Creed, I'll be there as soon as possible."
Sarah was shaking on the bed. I tried my best to help her, but I was useless. I held an ice pack to her head, and stroked her hair softly. I whispered in her ear that everything would be alright ... even though I was freaking out.
I heard the front door open ... then feet on the stairs.
Jim and Dr. Thompson burst into the room. Dr. Thompson was holding one of those old fashioned physician bags, the ones doctors use to make house calls.
Dr. Thompson approached Sarah. He pulled a pen light out of his pocket. He lifted Sarah's eyelids with one hand and waved the light in front of Sarah's eyes.
He turned and looked at me. "She seems to be in pain, but not of disabling magnitude. She is still responsive. However, she is far too warm, even with the ice pack."
I looked between him and Jim. "What should we do?"
Doctor Thompson peered into the bathroom. "Is there a tub in there?"
I nodded.
He smiled. "Good, fill it with cold water, we're going to have to dump her in it ... um, is she dressed under these sheets?"
I shook my head.
Dr. Thompson shrugged. "I guess modesty comes second ... let's move her to the tub ... then I have questions for you ... the tub is a temporary solution ... we still may need to get her to a hospital."
I filled the tub with cold water ... Jim and I gently eased her into the frigid bath, while Dr. Thompson took notes on his notepad.
We returned to the guestroom.
Dr. Thompson cleared his throat. "Let's talk in here, it would be unwise to stray very far from her in this condition."
I sat down on the bed, and Jim occupied the chair in the corner of the room. Dr. Thompson leaned against the wall next to the bathroom door.
"Alright Mr. Creed, tell us how you know the neural processor is responsible for the fever. It is flu season you know ... Sarah might just have a bit of a bug."
For a second I imagined that her pain wasn't my fault ... that she had simply come down with a cold ... it was a nice thought...
"She told me the chip was doing it." I replied.
Dr. Thompson nodded, and made a note on his pad. "Alright, how did she know that the chip was responsible?"
I shrugged. "She has frequently said that she 'knows' things without knowing why ... my assumptions are that the chip is supplying her information subconsciously."
Another note was scribbled down.
"Very well," Thompson said, "Now, what did she say was the cause of her current state?"
“Miss Brandon,” her secretary’s voice came through the speaker on Friday, “you have a call from a Jonathan Quirk.” She picked up the phone. “Melissa,” he began, “would you have dinner with me tonight?” “I’d be honored.” “Five o’clock at your office?” “That would be fine.” He met her at the office and walked her to his car. “Are you wearing the stockings I gave you?” he asked when he was in traffic. “No.” “Have them at home?” “Yes.” “We’ll go there first then.” He parked in a guest...
Melissa had missed Jonathan. When he called her up the day after Christmas, she thrilled to the sound of his voice. “Did you enjoy your Christmas?” What did he want her to say? “I missed you.” That was safe enough. “I’ll get back to town tomorrow. Come over then?” “Yes, Jonathan.” “Five o’clock, my place.” It was hard to find parking in his neighborhood, and she had to walk three blocks to his apartment house. The wind was cold and gusty. Since she was wearing a skirt, no panties, and...
I knew where I was this time. I was in the 'dark' space ... my subconscious. A small part of me mused if this was normal or not. I decided it wasn't ... someone would have written a book on it ... or maybe I just didn't check the 'metaphysical' section. Once again I was seated in the chair of dark stone. I looked around. I couldn't see my doppelganger ... I couldn't see 'The Beast.' There was nothing ... I was profoundly alone. I stood up and stepped out into the...
I could feel someone shaking me. "Jonathan ... Jonathan ... wake up, you have got to wake up." The shaking continued. Why couldn't everyone just leave me in peace? Suddenly I felt an icy splash. I started to cough. Someone had just poured a glass of water on my head. I blearily cracked my eyes open. I was on the floor of my office, staring up at a little crack in the ceiling. I could see Jim's wispy blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. Jim was holding an empty glass, and wore an...
We picked at our food in silence. Sarah kept her head down, and her eyes focused on her food. She was idly playing with her fork, and randomly scraping it across her plate. She did it in the way that people do when they're either extremely bored or extremely tired. She had hardly touched her meal. The afternoon had turned overcast, and it was dark in the kitchen, however, neither of us made a move to turn the lights on. I cleared my throat. "So tell me about yourself Sarah," I said. I...
He wouldn't stop kicking me ... even though I had fallen down. "You think you're better than us wimp?" My attacker spat between kicks. He was big, I was small ... I was young, he was old. I curled up on my side. "You think just cause you're some kinda freak you can just act like you know everything?" The kicks kept coming ... one after another ... my stomach was in agony. Bret was a high school senior taking Pre-Calculus, I was a twelve year old, and I sat next to him ... I got a...
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The door closed with an audible click. We were silent for a beat. We both turned to look at each other, her question hung in the air. I smiled. "Alright my sweet, all rules are now in effect again," I said warmly. Sarah looked up at me and blushed. She gave a small smile and, shyly, she slowly unzipped her beige skirt and gracefully stepped out of it. I got a good look at her bare pussy as she did. She had already taken all my rules to heart and hadn't worn any underwear. Next she...
I remember the day I bought this house. I had just finished my training at the Academy and moving was difficult. I had grown used to Quantico Virginia's pleasant climate. I had also grown quite accustomed to the order and discipline of the Marine base. The day I graduated all the new Agents were given Bureau's to report to. These assignments were not given at random; they depended on your scores and your abilities. I was assigned the New York branch. Adjusting to New York had been ......
I was sitting in my office with the lights off. I was doing my usual victory ritual. The ritual involved closing the blinds and telling my exploits to a bottle of scotch. It was four in the morning. I could hear people milling about the bullpen. They were making calls, getting calls and dealing with lawyers. As expected, all the rich individuals were no longer sitting in our interrogation rooms. The little lawyer bees had already stormed in. They were ready with claims that their client had...
I reluctantly spooned my eggs into the trash can. Looks like I would be eating granola for breakfast. I grabbed a bar of the stuff from my pantry, and ran out the door. It was only after I saw my street side parking space empty, did I remember my car was still at the office. Shit. I scrabbled through my pockets for my cell phone ... then realized I had left it on my kitchen counter, and ran back into the house. It was five minutes until I found my phone, and another twenty until the taxi...
She was as beautiful as I remembered. Jim was listening intently to Dr. Thompson read things off of a clipboard. But that didn't matter. Their conversation was lost to me. My entire consciousness was focused on the red haired angel tied to the gurney positioned in the middle of the room. She was sleeping quietly. Her stomach rose and fell in a calm rhythmic manner. Her eyelids would occasionally flutter, and her slim pale face looked slightly pinched, as if her dreams were not gentle...
Jones wasn't speaking. I couldn't tell if the ability of speech had simply deserted him, or if he was thinking of something particularly scathing to say. Suffice it to say, he didn't take my news well. "Let me get this straight Agent Creed. Not only did you activate this girl's brain chip ... thingy, but now you tell me that she has refused witness protection and is insisting on living with you?" I wanted to disappear. "That's about the size of it sir." Jones exhaled ......
Melissa Brandon was sure that Jonathan would be livid when he got back. She had tried to do what he told her, but she hadn’t tried hard enough. He’d told her to pay up her Visa Gold. She’d almost paid it up by the time the December statement had arrived. And then, knowing that the next check would be the last one, she’d neglected to mail in the payment until nearly the deadline. Caught in the Christmas mail rush, that payment hadn’t got there. She still owed $7.32 on the card as of the...
The moment had passed. She had been eager enough to leave the building, but the second we stepped into my little black sedan things became awkward again ... by the time we hit lunch time traffic it was just plain uncomfortable. Unfortunately in bumper to bumper traffic I had nothing to do but to steal glances at my new teenage ward. Suffice it to say she looked ... on edge. She was sitting up very straight in her seat, and her hands were clenched into fists on her lap. She was also...
Sarah's mouth dropped open... "You mean ... you're going to hit me?" She asked timidly. Inside me I felt something building ... a sort of tension ... something primeval ... like there was a raging beast inside me that knew no humanity and no society. All it knew was its will, and its desire to be obeyed. "I said I would, and I meant it." My voice sounded cold to my ears ... clinical, detached, yet ruthlessly uncompromising. It was eerie to here this voice pass my lips. Sarah noticed...
I was pacing the floor of my bedroom. Thoughts were rushing around my head at a mile a minute. This situation was out of control. I was out of control ... we need boundaries ... maybe if we couldn't ignore it ... we could come up with something to deal with it. Sarah was on the floor kneeling calmly with her hands in her lap. She had a small smile on her face and she followed me with her eyes as I wore down the carpet. I finally threw up my hands. "I'm no good at this," I said. Sarah...
It was silent for a beat. The dull hum of the water heater filled my ears. The warm stuffy feel of the basement pervaded my skin, and my legs were falling asleep from sitting awkwardly on my pool table. Sarah Gale had just asked me to claim her. Half a minute passed, and thousands of thoughts ricochet around inside my head. But one singular one came to the forefront. What she had just said turned me on ... and that worried me. As a modern man I wasn't supposed to think of women as...
Memory lane is always a painful road to stroll down. I turned Professors Casey's picture down onto the desk. I didn't want to look at him ... I was a mess still ... the job he had offered me was eating away at my sanity little by little. What seemed like a blessing had become a curse. But it wasn't his fault; he just wanted what was best for me. I heard a car alarm go off on the street below. It was quickly silenced. I opened a drawer, and fished out a piece of paper and a pen. I began...
For me, sex had never held my interest. I had grown up at a different rate then people my age. I matured faster and couldn't relate to any of the girls my age. A boy with a college education did not want to fuck a freshman in high school. Even if that freshman was the same age as the boy in question. My previous relations, therefore, had left me wanting. This was not like those past encounters. The girl beneath my body was driving me insane ... and I wasn't sure I wanted my sanity to...
Needless to say, sleep did not greet me swiftly. I tossed and turned. I tried lying on my back until my shoulders became sore ... I tried my stomach ... but my neck began to ache. All the while the clock silently marched forward. Twelve O'clock. One O'clock. Two O'clock. I put a towel over the clock ... knowing the time wasn't helping anything. Sarah's words kept echoing in my head. 'You act like an entirely different man when we fuck. You stand a little straighter, your eyes...
"Master ... master." Sarah's voice floated above me like a protective angel. I groaned and tried to roll over. To my surprise, I couldn't roll over ... I wasn't even lying down. "Master, wake up ... you're scaring me..." I cracked open one bleary eye. I found myself looking directly into Sarah Gale's perfect green eyes. They were glistening with moisture, and her cheeks were read and puffy. "Oh Master! Master it's me, can you hear me?" I groaned, and nodded slowly. My head...
I returned to my corporeal body with a jolt. It took me a second to reorganize myself ... it felt good being back 'in' my body after being 'out' of it. Carol was still on the floor ... and was still glaring at me ... strange ... how much time had passed while I was immersed in her neural processor. I looked down at her, and fixed her with my sternest glare. "Look," I said. "I'll deal with you later. Right now I need to assess the situation." Carol continued to stare at me. "Do...
~Five Days Later~ "You've been very bad slave." Sarah nodded. Her position was truly a work of art. She was eagle spread on my bed. Her arms and legs were tied to the bed posts with scarves. Her pale breast's rose rapidly. She murmured something behind her bright red ball gag. I grinned. "Oh no. No speaking slave. Only good little girls may speak ... and you've been bad. Haven't you? Sarah nodded. Her face was flush with arousal. I dragged my little leather flogger across her...
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this info is mostly for other girls, i am 51 years old now & on my second marriage.i met my second husband on a chat line & i had been going without for some time at this point.therefore very horny.he picked me up & we went to tim hortons and got a tea and pulled off to the side to talk.we had both talked over the phone and knew this was going to be something sexual so i dressed in somethingcomfortable, ( a low cut top & a skirt with no bra or panties.but where he parked there...
I don't know how I got through my classes that day. I don't remember them and had no notes when I checked later. That would mean trying to find someone who would loan me theirs so I could catch up. I hurried home after my last class. I didn't see Jen downstairs when I got home. When I called out to let her know I was home there was no answer. I went up to her room and found the door closed. I could hear her stereo so I knew she was there. I knocked softly but got no reply. I decided to...
I woke up Saturday morning and I was already rock hard. “Wow, what a dream!” I said. “What did you dream about baby?” I heard from the other side of my bed. I rolled over and saw Ella and a big smile came to my face. “So it wasn’t a dream? That all really happened?” I asked. “Oh, it was real alright. Real amazing,” Ella replied. I rolled over and kissed her and said that I really enjoyed it. “If you liked that, wait until you see what happens today” she said with a wicked grin.
Hi, mai nikhil mai meri story dostone kutta bnakar liye maje ka 3rd part likh rha hu mafi chahunga deri ke liye agar koi sja deni ho to muze fb pe btaea meri id nikhil Naigaokar(slave boy) hai ya phir muze mail kre pr Chlo ab kahani pe aate hai to door bell bajti hai dhire dhire door khul rha tha to muze do log boxers pe dikhai diye pr jab pura door khula to mai dekhta hi rah gya wo do log hmare seniors the punit or swapnilunhe dekh kr mai jaisehi bhagne ja rha tha tabhi punit ne kaha “Are...
Gay MaleI was very young and when I look back now I realize I learnt about sex without even knowing what it was. Instinct and nature and a horney “aunty” took care of the rest. Since then it has been a great and wide experience which I shall narrate in different chapters. But to talk of my first experience… I was studying in Kerala and we were staying in a house where the owner and his wife stayed upstairs. We could go to their house through steps from inside our house. The aunty, Latha was maybe in...
I decided that after my boyfriend of six years left me for another woman I’d change and show him what he was missing out on. I lost weight, let my hair grow, and started dressing sexy. I also went back to school and got a better job. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lalola. I am 25 years old. I have long black curly hair, dark brown eyes, with an exotic face and my measurements are 40DDD-30-43. So you know how much I’ve changed in the 1yr I haven’t been with my ex I used to be 44DDD-40-53....
“You know,” Ric panted as he followed along behind Tony as they searched for the twins, “there’s lots o’ critters out here, an’ all we got is that crummy bow of yours.” “Don’t worry,” Tony said, talking back over his shoulder, “these arrows will slice through just about anything!” “Yeah,” Ric replied, a wry tone to his voice. “That’s why we’re not fucking Tanya right now! Did ja think maybe you should’ve used arrows appropriate to her size and weight class?” Tony stopped and turned back...
The Awakening of Toni "How much do I owe you John?""Nothing it's on me.""You can't keep doing these jobs for me and not charging, you must take some payment. You have spent all the afternoon repairing that leak." "I'll have a cup of your special coffee and a quick shower then." He said smiling at me. "It's hot and I could do with freshening up."I filled the kettle and plugged it in. "Your wish is my command." Was my reply as I spun around to face him.John stood in front of me in just a pair of...
The rest of the week seemed to go by in a blur. Johanna and I spent our time shopping, catching up with some of my old friends and more often than not, I spent as much time with Josh as possible and Jo spent time with Brian. This was often difficult for her because his girlfriend Lacey made an appearance at the house several times during the week. Brian played it cool and Johanna stayed out of the way. She knew that Lacey wasn’t as good in bed as she was and Brian had told her so on many of...
The Plan By Bill Hart Martin Jefferson sat in the doctor's office in stunned silence. He'd known something was wrong when they ordered those additional tests after he'd completed his annual physical. But, at the age of fifty, to be told you had at best six weeks to live was not what he had expected to hear. They had discovered a pair of inoperable malignant tumors, one in each of the upper lobes of his lungs. One would have been enough, but not insurmountable. The surgical...
Author's note: This story is written in dialect, but it is not the kind of thing that one usually sees. I have been doing some more research on the subject, and this is the result of that research. At the time of this story, people did not use contractions. For example, no one said "I'm," instead, they said "I am." Likewise "can't" was never used, instead they said "cannot." "Won't" was "will not." All in all, the language would have sounded very stilted to us in the 21st...
This is an original work by inferis created in 2011. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you dont like it or find it offensive stop reading it and find something else to enjoy. ———— Cool Spring Nights (Part 1: A Family Finds Love) It was the sound of our garbage can being knocked over onto the sidewalk that woke me up on this cool spring night. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. 2:17am it glowed. I lay in bed staring at the clock thinking of a phrase I had heard somewhere,...
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE SUGGESTIONS, REQUESTS, OR ADD ON TO THE STORY ITSELF! Stephanie - a little nerdy blonde that is about 5' 4'' with c cup breasts and a cute figure. Her husband has big plans in how to transform her into one hell of a whore. She is secretly kinky and has been waiting for this moment for a long time! Sarah- Five foot six blonde with green eyes, shoulder length hair and a nice pair of D cups. She used to be a dancer and still somewhat has the body of one. Her husband...
The airport was crowded. He'd chosen to fly at rush hour, with all the business travelers. This trip was the first he'd made in some time. His investments were beginning to pay off well. The money wasn't exactly piling up, but he was doing well enough. This trip would take him to New York. He planned to find some one to handle his investments closer to the markets. No big deal, and he'd be back tomorrow. He walked through the security scanner on the way to the gate and almost froze in...
My wives and I left the Tales together. We had cum together twice during the Tales. It had been languid sex. It continued to be languid, more intimately in the privacy of our bedroom on our extra-large bed. Love became intensely communicated. Too few times at that time my wives and I shared our loves for each other, our love times four with no other for a night. My fault mostly, having love for many others, lesser perhaps, but needing to be expressed, perhaps more for the other woman or...
Joni didn’t know who was more surprised, Jillian, or Sissy. After a moment, Sissy finally spoke up, “Sorry, Johnny. How’d you find out?” “I heard it from my Mom.” Joni hesitated for a split second on if she should divulge the details or not, “Some things came up, and I asked her if she had ever thought of having sex with her son Johnny and she told me about the times you two have had sex. Now, why?” “I don’t really know why. After you and I had sex, I went back to the party. She came...
I have told u bout my sex encounter with honey and cheery .that goes on till i got married to honey. Nw we have liscense for sex. But we are missing our 3rd partner cheery the night we got married . The third day we have to go for our honeymoon in europe for 15days. But the night betwween was our wedding night. And that we celebrated in hotel .honey bokked the honeymoon suite for us. We reach the hotel at 11pm and went to the reception for the keys. The recpitionist gave us the keys and...