Salvation Ch. 5 Arrivals free porn video

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Weary, sore and filthy from they're long journeys the children were being given refreshments in the hall when Miss Marchant strode in carrying a vicious looking whip in her hand.

"Assemble these children in the courtyard for a thorough cleansing now!" Alice ordered Rebecca Bolton the matron and then just as quickly strode out again to rejoin the governors and their guests in the courtyard where they waited with baited breath for the entertainment to begin.

Full integration into their new routines would take a while, but what couldn't wait was to get them clean and then medically inspected. The many clandestine activities at St Saviour's dictated that the hygiene and sexual health of the children was always a top priority.

This had always been a daily routine that the staff enjoyed enforcing.

Once the children were assembled in the courtyard, the staff set about arranging them into small groups, removing their filthy rags and attaching their wrists to the many hooks that were embedded in the brick wall.

Confused and shocked the other naked children looked on nervously, aware that this audience who was showing great delight in the other children's distress, were also watching them.

Attached to the cold-water tap on the far wall of the courtyard was a hosepipe fitted with a special nozzle. The spray from this nozzle was designed to omit either a single jet or a wider more powerful spray, so that it was possible to hose down one child or many children at the same time.

The staff's excitement grew as they stepped back to admire the first group of naked children whose bodies even if they were a little filthy looked perfect to abuse. However, their first pleasure was to roughly wash them.

"Face the front!" Alice instructed the children.

Selecting the wider more powerful spray the staff took it in turns to hose them down. This wide spray immediately drenched them all, its power lifting them off their feet and dashing their already sore bottoms up against the brick wall.

Their screams and cries soon filled the courtyard, in stark contrast to the laughter that the staff and governors made. The cold and powerful water had a very telling effect on the children's genitals causing the girl's nipples and the boy's cocks to erect magnificently.

"Now turn and face the wall!" Alice shouted and staff ensured their compliance by the use of slender birches which startling the children into obedience. Any child who didn't immediately comply with this command was unhooked and led to a waiting whipping horse to be thrashed mercilessly by a lusting member of staff.

A whipping so early in the procedure led the governors to gain much satisfaction and Greta Foulds to openly chorus her satisfaction, calling out for them not to spare the child's bottom and thighs.

As the cleansing procedures continued the children's shyness was soon forgotten as the unforgiving cold-water spray was directed onto their anuses. This had the effect of making them stumble forward and up against the brick wall, bringing many fresh screams as their genitals and breasts were roughly grazed.

"Release them and commence scrubbing them!" matron ordered.

The water was turned off and the staff approached the frightened children with large blocks of soap and scrubbing brushes. Screaming they were scrubbed and lathered, until every inch of their sore bodies were covered with hard soap.

Again the cold-water spray was used to remove the soap. What did it matter if in the course of washing them a finger or two was pushed into them more repeatedly than necessary, or little cocks handled roughly, labia tugged on painfully, or nipples twisted. More than one member of staff smiled now, as they pushed their fingers repeatedly into intimate little places.

"Next group!" Alice shouted out, brandishing the whip she was carrying.

This time the children complied without complaint, much to the disappointment of the lusting audience who's passions were getting more and more aroused as they watched the ceremony unfold.

As the ceremony progressed, the governors would step in to help the staff abuse the children as they were dried with coarse towels. The governors encouraged their guests who hoped to become patrons, to freely fondle the children in the hope that they would each pay the twenty-five guineas that Alice had requested.

One such group of three men, who had been introduced by Lord Homes, followed the children from the courtyard to the infirmary, where Doctor Stevens and Nurse Bishop were waiting to examine them.

Full examinations would come in due course, but an initial test was needed now to catch any serious infections they might have, especially those that could be transmitted through their sexual activity.

Doctor Jeremy Stevens was in his element as Anne Bishop the head nurse led the children in, one after another, helping them into required position on the edge of the examination couch. Their arms needed to be wrapped around their thighs holding their legs tightly up to their chests, exposing themselves fully to the lustful doctor.

He was then able to use all his senses to verify their sexual health by probing their anuses, vaginas and urethras with his fingers smelling them immediately after insertion and then tasting their flavour.

This was not only a good indication as to their condition but very enjoyable.

A good teacher as well as doctor, Jeremy instructed Nurse Bishop in this special art and took his time much to the children's annoyance, to thoroughly explain each of the flavours and what could be derived from them medically.

Finally soothing ointments were slowly massaged into their wounds until their skin glowed, bringing warmth and relaxation to their little bodies and they were able to relax and enjoy this special attention for the first time.

Those children, who didn't need to stay in the infirmary under the watchful eye of the matron, were then sent straight to Patricia Appleyard the seamstress who waited in her rooms, her face flushed as one after another, she took the towels from the naked children to measure them for their little white sailor uniforms. Miss Appleyard enjoyed her job, always saving the inside leg measurement until last, enjoying the child's humiliation as she knelt in front of them to bring the tape up to the junction of their slender young thighs, brushing against their genitals and never stopping until she was satisfied with their arousal.

All the measurements were then recorded in the journal that made reference to the children's progress at St Saviour's. The uniforms were then issued to the children and adjustments made to way they fitted.

No undergarments are allowed at St Saviour's, which means that the uniforms can be extremely tight fitting and before allowing the children to leave the room she tested their tightness, her rough hands groping around under shorts or kilts until she was completely satisfied. In the hall, before being sent to bed the children were served their first meal, a spread of cold meats and vegetables, fruit and lemonade.

Rachel Jones the cook made sure that they drank plenty of the lemonade, which had been spiced with the clever drugs that James, her son had dispensed.

To the new arrivals, St Saviour's seemed like a palace. There was hot and cold running water, beds that had mattresses with woollen blankets and it smelt of fresh varnish and paint. There was also wholesome food to keep them healthy and a little sailor uniform for them to wear in the place of their filthy rags.

Alice towered over them, as they sat around the large oak tables that had been arranged facing the dais where the governors and their guests were seated.

Having eaten and then fallen into a drugged stupor, their attention was suddenly brought back to her as she lifted her whip high in the air and then brought it down hard across the governor's table, filling the hall with a loud crack.

"Children," Alice smiled. But there was little humour in that smile as she looked into the eyes of every child. "We have taken you from the horrors that befell you. We have rescued you, cleaned you, medically examined you, clothed and now fed you.

Tonight you will sleep in comfortable beds with the promise that we will be here for you tomorrow and the next day." She said, watching the expressions on the there little faces.

The special drug meant that they were very impressionable; they would strive to obey her and feel pleased with the least remark she might reward them with.

"But after the second day it is up to you," she told them. "I will only keep those who show they wish to stay, only those who do as they are told, who learn by example and strive to make their betters pleased with them."

She came down from the dais and walked between the long tables to speak to them, her whip by her side.

"Who wishes to stay?" she asked softly.

Hands shot up and bright, freshly washed faces, looked towards her eagerly.

"Who wishes to make me happy?" she asked.

Children half rose from their seats, trying to make their hand extend beyond that of their competitors. "Me miss, me, me, me."

Alice smiled, her heart pounding as she thought of all the harsh tests she would put them through to prove their loyalty.

"From tomorrow," she said, her voice putting an end to their whispers, "you will earn your right to remain here with me. In doing so, you will earn the right to wear different coloured badges on your uniform!" she explained and lifted one up for the children to see.

"It will be a sign of my pleasure and something to be worn with pride," she told them. Looking around her, Alice saw their faces light up and their eyes twinkle.

She looked back at the dais where the governors and their guests sat and Lord Holmes smiled affectionately at her, nodding his approval. A Little later, his tour of the building complete, Lord Holmes entertained his guests in the boardroom, his easy manner hiding the nervousness he felt within as he offered them a glass of sherry.

He desperately wanted the others on the board of governors to see him succeed.

After all, he was a lord.

Max Hughes, another industrialist took the offered glass of sherry and sipped it before nodding his appreciation. "Nice place you have here Holmes," he told him.

Richard nodded and smiled. Max, he knew had recently acquired the ancestral home of the Duke of Roxborough. A large country house set in 200 acres of beautiful countryside.

"There's no space to take them out riding here I'm afraid," Richard grinned.

Max loved to take his nieces out for riding lessons on his vast country estate, stopping in some isolated spot to better acquaint himself with their growing bodies.

His young nieces had both developed excellent equestrian techniques under his tutelage and they openly enjoyed the feelings in their cunts as their widely parted thighs rubbed and pounded the hard and unforgiving saddles.

"Yes, quite. Still there must be an alternative, as there is nothing quite as enjoyable than to watch a little girl as she masturbates herself in time to the rhythm of a galloping pony," he grinned.

Richard nodded, his mind racing to think of an alternative. "Perhaps we could install a mechanical pony in the stables that has a specially designed ridged saddle," he suggested with a large grin.

"The dungeon is still being built, but you can see from the drawings what our plans are," he said as he encouraged Max and the other two gentlemen to join him at the table where they were laid out.

"And you say we will be able to do anything we like to these children?" Jonathan Brown asked.

He'd come here nervously; well aware of what it would do to his parliamentary career should the press get to know. But as the visit continued, his nervousness faded and he began to see the many possibilities St Saviour's had to offer.

Now, with the prospect of the endless pleasures to be gained in the dungeons, he only needed confirmation that he wouldn't be disturbed while enjoying himself.

"Short of killing, amputation or serious disfigurement," Richard nodded. They'd agreed to that, at least for the patrons. Such limits wouldn't necessarily apply to the governors; after all they were paying one hundred guineas a year for the privilege.

"Your fee of twenty five guineas a year will entitle you to a single monthly visit of up to twenty four hours and the use of any boys or girls who are available at the time."

"Some of the children may not be available?" David Vine asked.

"We are hoping to provide an "ownership" scheme, whereby patrons, for a small additional fee, may "purchase" a child and thereafter have a say in how they are educated and used, or abused, whichever they see fit." Richard explained.

"Now that might be interesting," David murmured, nodding to himself as he leant over the drawings on the table for a closer look. To have a child believe that he was their true father for example.

Incest added a certain spice, as he and his younger sister had found out.

"So what do you say?" Richard asked then all.

"I'll get you the full amount tomorrow," said Max Hughes. "And I will want to know more about this ownership deal too." He warned Richard with a wink.

"Yes and so will I," agreed David.

Richard turned to the taller of the men and looked for an answer, growing nervous as he mulled over the offer. " I suppose bringing my wife would mean paying two lots of fees?" he asked.

Richard nodded and tried to visualise the little woman that Jonathan had married just a couple of years with a whip in her hand, but failed to do so.

"She won't be out of place will she, she being the only woman amongst us?" Jonathan added. "I doubt it," Richard told him, thinking of whom Greta Foulds was likely to bring.

It was the following day when Greta Foulds brought her prospective patrons to visit St Saviour's. There was much resentment and jealously amongst the group as she introduced them to each other, and yet it couldn't be helped.

These young men and women had once been in her charge and had now grown up and spread their wings, but in every case sort out their strict governess for her guidance and ruthless sexual domination.

Of the ten she had invited, Greta hoped that eight would pay the fee; enough to cover her own fee as well as their own. However, she had a little put aside, so if only seven elected to join, then she would still be able to become a fully-fledged governor.

It was nearly eleven that morning when Alice escorted Greta Foulds and her group up the backstairs to one of St Saviour's larger dormitories. The new arrivals had been kept separate from the rest of the children and had been allowed to sleep late after their ordeal the night before.

Greta's group were quietly ushered into the large room, where they were able to watch the matron and her staff as they stirred the children. The children had been made to sleep two to a bed and were completely naked, one of the rules at St Saviour's.

Removing the blankets from all the beds before commencing, the staff then set about masturbating the children. As they had their genitals roughly manipulated they were encouraged to watch each other and be as vocal as they liked, as they were swiftly brought to orgasm.

"Oh yes! That's so wicked!" Dorothy Peters gasped; the heiresses face aglow as she watched the children being slowly and methodically masturbated and then sent into the ornately tiled room adjacent to their dormitory, propelled along by a swift smack on their little bottoms.

"That's nothing. Come and watch this!" Jeremy Worthington urged, as he peered through the observation glass into the hygiene room, where the children were being given their morning enemas and cleansing.

The others rushed forward to peer into the room, which by now was starting to fill with steam. Many of them stared open mouthed in amazement, as staff dressed in long rubber aprons escorted the children to a long polished metal bar that ran the length of the room.

Once positioned over the bar, their ankles were fastened to straps in the floor forcing their legs wide apart over the drains, then their wrists were attached to similar straps on the floor in front of them.

The group collectively held their breath, as greased porcelain enema nozzles were forced into the children's tender anuses and a powerful jet of hot caster oil forced deep into their colons.

Startled cries drifted through the glass as child after child was thoroughly irrigated and had their anuses cleaned out for later use. With the oil held in by the special mushroom bungs, they then had their genitals washed and roughly abused which brought further cries from the children, much to the amusement of the audience.

Moving from child to child, the swelling in their bellies was roughly tested and the mushroom bungs only realised after ten minutes, forcing them to desperately hold their tortured bottoms closed and run to the ablutions room, passing a very appreciative audience. "I'll pay, just to watch and participate in that ritual," Donald O'Conner told Greta, his eyes alight and his trousers showing his obvious pleasure.

"A whipping first would help loosen their colon's," whispered Miss Renfrew, a woman who had followed in Greta's footsteps to become a governess. Over the last few years she had become an authority on colonic irrigation, its effects and its benefits.

Pauline Renfrew itched to use the special dildo shaped nozzles that she had designed especially for children, but had not as yet had the opportunity to try them.

"Perhaps soon she would!" she thought to herself.

"I'd be happy to let you have a closer look at our equipment," Alice told the young woman, leading them out so they could visit the schoolrooms, infirmary, viewing galleries, private rooms and what was soon to be the infamous dungeons.

While the main schoolrooms were on the ground floor, smaller and more intimate rooms had been decorated as classrooms on the first floor.

Here, in these rooms which would only hold at the most six children, visitors could assume the role of master or mistress and teach the children real lessons in humiliation and pain.

Next to the teacher's dais, a smaller version of the large whipping horse used for the punishment parades on Friday nights stood bolted to the floor.

Here, a boy or girl could be securely held for a thrashing with their bottoms widely parted and their genitals on full view, only a few feet from the eyes of the other children. Members of the group licked their lips in anticipation, as Alice opened a large cupboard that housed an arsenal of corporal punishment instruments that would be available for them to use should they become patrons.

Frances Bellings face fairly glowed as she picked up one of the special martinet whips to feel its weight and smell the handle. The handle was finished in real leather and shaped like a dildo with a smoothness that told of its repeated use.

She recalled the times when her own bottom was whipped by Miss Foulds with a martinet just like this one, then experiencing the real thrill of watching her little sister being buggered with the handle as a special punishment.

It was at this time that Miss Foulds introduced them to the pleasures of using masturbation, to help take the pain away.

"You'll join, won't you?" Greta asked hopefully.

"Oh yes!" Frances nodded. "We'll have such fun!" she cried, her face glowing even more with her excitement.

They then moved on, down to the ground floor schoolrooms and then down even further into the cellars where the dungeons were still being built. The dungeons rang out to the sounds of men hammering metal rings into the walls, ceiling and floors, while others cut chains to various lengths and fixed wrist, neck and ankle restraints to them. In the corridors were half unpacked crates that held the equipment that was to go in there, black ironwork and dark oak furniture.

Judith Richards stopped to examine the leather restraints. "I could spend days down here," she confessed. Greta Foulds had given her the privilege of assisting her in the education of her younger brother and cousins.

The memory of holding them down, sitting on their faces and then watching while Miss Foulds tortured their little bottoms and genitals all under the guise of corporal punishment, still brought her to peaks of excitement few women and even fewer men, could match.

Greta smiled and reached for her, stroking her wrists while looking deep into the younger woman's eyes. "Together again, with a whole host of children to educate," she murmured excitedly.

"Yes!" Judith agreed.

David was worried. All but one of his prospective patrons had agreed to join and Alice had spoken to him on the matter, suggesting another visit.

There was a light drizzle as they met the man at the main entrance, shaking his hand and welcoming him again to St Saviour's.

The man, a wealthy farm owner from the West Country who had travelled many days to make this visit nodded pleasantly. "I hope you can change my mind for me," he admitted. "But at the moment, I can't see myself paying out twenty five guineas to become a patron."

"Well, let's see," Alice said, liking the man's honest approach. "Have you seen the newly completed dungeons?" she asked him.

"I haven't, but then I am not one to see the children exposed to such as that. I am just a simple country lad Miss Marchant," he admitted.

"Well Mr Cosgrove, have you visited our stables?" she asked.

"I didn't know that you kept horses?" he told her. "We don't," Alice smiled. Alice led the way, explaining that many of the grand houses had stables. "They are often used as a means to get away from the family," she explained. Crossing the cobbled courtyard, the scene of much entertainment only a few days ago, she guided them into a large musty smelling building.

Fresh straw littered the floor, while off to one side; a couple of bails of straw were stacked providing a platform. In the centre of the stables were trestles that had saddles, stirrups and reins attached to them, waiting for they're little riders.

On the walls hung a variety of harnesses and other equestrian tackle, none of which would fit a pony let alone a horse, but all of which would fit a child.

"Would you like to see a harness in use?" Alice asked, bringing one down to hold it out so that Mr Cosgrove could get a sense of how it would fit.

The man's eyes lit up with his excitement as he stared at the special harness.

"May I really? He asked.

"Certainly," she laughed. "What age, would you like a boy or a girl?"

"Oh, now then. A girl, certainly, a tall but slender one, not yet developed," he begged.

Alice nodded and excused herself, leaving the two men to wander around the other stables, examining the implements on the walls, the many and varied crops and carriage whips, as well as various black shinning horsetails in different sizes. Alice, returned just a few minutes later with Amy in tow, the little 11 year old who drew so much attention to herself on the day the governors met for the first time. The little girl curtsied and looked timidly about her.

"Take your uniform off," Alice commanded the child sharply.

Amy didn't hesitate, as she knew from experience what would happen to her if she disobeyed but looked up adoringly at her mistress, swiftly removing her little sailor's uniform to stand naked in front of the three adults.

"She's eager to earn her first badge," Alice laughed, pushing the child forward so the men could see her better in the light that streamed in from the window in the roof.

"Will she do Mr Cosgrove?" Alice asked, as she turned the child around to show off her lovely round little bottom and smooth hairless cunt.

The man openly stared at the naked girl, a bulge growing in his breeches as his eyes were drawn to the child's hairless cleft, his tongue darting out to moisten his lips as he slowly nodded his approval. Alice smiled and held out the special harness, helping the child to climb into it and then tightened all the buckles until each of the leather straps fitted tightly to the contours of her shapely little body.

When done, dark leather straps circled her body leaving her tiny breasts and fledgling vagina exposed. If anything, the dark straps emphasised the smooth pale skin of her pubis, breasts and cute little bottom.

"We have slightly different designs, some more practical than others when it comes to pulling buggies," Alice explained, as he pushed Amy towards the straw bails picking up one of the many coloured horsetails.

"The children pull buggies?" the man asked breathlessly, as he watched Alice pry Amy's bottom cheeks apart.

"Oh yes, I'm hoping to have buggy racing competitions, to test the strength of the boys against the girls, when we get enough patrons," Alice explained, her attention diverted by the tightness of Amy's virgin anus.

"Would you mind lending a hand Mr Cosgrove?" she asked.

"Jim," he told her. The bulge in his breeches even more pronounced now as he stepped forward to relieve Alice of having to hold the little girl's bottom apart.

His hands dwarfed the little bottom cheeks spreading them even further apart, until no crease remained and her anus started to clench and relax.

Without grease, ointment or saliva, Alice positioned the horn shaped ivory tip of the horsetail at the entrance of Amy's anus.

Pushing the horn firmly into her anus she ignored the child's screams until it was firmly in place and her anal ring closed fully over the embedded horn.

As an added precaution, a strap was fastened from the tail to the harness she wore, keeping it in place no matter how much the child might try to expel it.

They let her stand, watching her as she panted and winced as the uncomfortable feelings of the embedded horn started to build within her.

"Walk about," Alice commanded.

Amy's hesitation brought her a harsh spanking on her already sore bottom and thighs, but it did encourage her to obey.

"We might also have dressage displays too," Alice grinned. "You certainly know how to weaken a man Miss Marchant!" Jim told her, his eyes never leaving the naked little pony girl as she continued to walk in pain around the stable.

With a chuckle, Alice retrieved a riding crop from the wall and thrashed it down across the child's lovely rounded little bottom, demanding that she lift her knees higher, hold her head taller and make her tail bob more.

The welts that Alice produced across her bottom, only served to inflame Jim's passions further and his eyes shone when she made Amy halt in front of him.

"I think you will find her quite moist," she suggested, flicking the crop to make her part her legs further for him. Gasping, the girl blushed brightly as she edged her feet apart, moving them until her thighs no longer restricted his access to her soft little cunt.

His hands caressed the smooth pale skin of her legs and travelled upwards to cup her fledgling cunt. Amy shook and gasped. His finger ran along the child's slit only to remerge gleaming with her juices.

Alice smiled. "Unfortunately, you'll have to be a patron to do anything more," she sighed.

For a moment it looked like he would lose his temper.

He just laughed and reached into his pocket, paying Alice the twenty five guineas in full to become a patron, before demanding that they both leave him alone with Amy, so he could continue to get to know her better. Alice and David left the stables for some much needed refreshment, satisfied that they had both achieved their goals. David and the other governors had finally got enough patrons and Alice was happy that the much need capital to save St Saviour's was now in place.

"All in all it had been a enjoyable day," Alice thought, as she started to plan the development of St Saviour's and arrange all the clandestine activities that were going to be needed, to keep her paying visitors satisfied.


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Salvation Ch 23

Sorry it's taken so long to post. Don't worry, the story is almost complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's totally amazing!" Peter Fuller enthused. "The change in my daughter Beatrice is phenomenal!" he told Doctor Croft as they walked along the corridor towards her private room. "I have to admit, that she does show signs of adapting to the change in her circumstances,"...

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Salvation Ch 22 Cruel Education

"Good morning," she said curtsying before drawing the girl forward, her wrists bound behind her back. "This is Melody who is eleven and she is going to receive Doctor Croft's special treatment for self abuse," she explained. The parents looked at each other and licked their lips; there eyes travelling over the child, her plain cotton shift hiding little of her pretty pubescent form. Jasmine let them admire the nervous girl while she turned down the bed and puffed up two large feather...

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Salvation Ch 21 Cruel Training

His clothes were dark and cut in a style that was no longer seen in the city. However, Doctor Croft's discrete enquiries had discovered that he was highly respected at the Bank where he was Manager, but, as he put it, felt restrained by his family's lack of obedience. "You've tried training them yourself?" Doctor Croft asked. "Yes I have, but my wife Joanna is a burden in such matters and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to join the children in learning self control...

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Salvation Ch 20 The Trustees Pleasures

Some rekindled the sensations they had caused inside her at the time and, despite herself, she found her cunt moistening at the thought of them being used. "Your father is a very special man," the Colonel told her, as he held up a clip she had often felt close over her nipples, and on a couple of occasions had been used on her labia and clitoris hood. Her clitoris now throbbed at the memory. Despite having had her cunt scoured tender, Jasmine still found herself excited by the...

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Salvation Ch 19 The Trustees Inspection

Since then there had been a steady trickle of patients, all in need of his special treatments and along with them had came their parents and guardians, eager to learn the many techniques and treatments with which to keep the children clean and full of vitality. Samuel had been judicious in the use of the income that his clients had provided him. He had needed staff, but he'd recruited them with care, offering them low wages in return for opportunities that were seldom afforded by other...

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Salvation Ch 18 Cruel Treatments

As he drew nearer, he was able to admire its architecture. It stood three stories high and over eighty feet long, and had windows that were heavily draped. The dark roof gleamed from the recent downpour and the windows reflected the sunlight, moving from pane to pane as he approached. The building stood well back from the street and had a doorman always in attendance for added security. Built for up to fifty patients, who were accommodated in their own private soundproofed rooms situated...

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Salvation Ch 17 Cruel Games

to a second, but narrower corridor. Facing south, it has the benefit of sunlight illuminating the walls. Here, several paintings hang, each seemingly low for the adults, but perfectly placed for the children to gaze at them as they pass. The paintings are German in origin and depict scenes of the time when Zealots commonly tortured peasants to learn of witches and any other ungodly activities. Dressed as priests and monks they sought out mainly the young girls of the villages...

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Salvation Ch 16 Ashdown Manor

extensive grounds a mile from the old Oxford road. To the front of the Manor there is a large ornamental lake and to the rear many smaller buildings. It was quite dark when Karen and Deborah Mellor arrived and to them everywhere looked cold, drab and most uninviting. Miss Victoria Hall, the housekeeper, ushered them straight into the warm kitchen, serving them some special broth to help get them warm again after their long journey in the damp carriage. Always delighted with...

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Salvation Ch 15 Cruel Lessons

the facilities fresh on her mind. Having Herbert to take care of all the paperwork had freed her to entertain her many distinguished visitors and to be able to indulge herself in her greatest passion, the abuse, punishment and torture of her young charges. Jim Cosgrove appeared from the side entrance, three young girls in front of him, all with that special glow and look to their faces that spoke of a secret knowledge, a special knowing of what was in store for them. "Miss...

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Salvation Ch 14 Taking Stock

the ledger before thanking Herbert for his diligence. Herbert, a small man in his fifties had become her secretary and accountant after approaching her during one of her many visits to find new stock. Meekly, he'd suggested she might need his assistance in running St Saviour's, in keeping track of the many bills, their debtors and creditors. He also suggested that for his room and board and the occasionally night with a child of his choice, she could have him, body and soul....

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Salvation Ch 13 New Recruits

recruits and had been allowed to shed her sailor uniform for a tight leather costume, lovingly made by the seamstress. Alice had remembered how Molly had handled the domination of young Martin and decided to give her more power and encourage the sadistic side of her nature. Now, another boy preceded her, his head continually turning to look at her, a bulge in his shorts from the revealing leather costume she wore. Molly enjoyed seeing his pain, as she enjoyed thinking of what...

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Salvation Ch 12 Cruel Experiements

had gathered in St Saviour's purpose built lecture theatre. The three tiers of seats that rose in a horseshoe from around the tiled floor were now full to capacity and the excited patrons and governors were eagerly awaiting the first of Doctor Steven's experimental lectures. Men and women of acquaintance nodded to each other, often surprised by each others attendance while others whose long term friendships had been built upon their clandestine meetings and the pooling of funds...

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Salvation Ch 11 Amy Jennings

just knew that she had to spend some time alone with her. Greta had developed a real passion for abusing and punishing little girls in her position as governess and Amy Jennings was now about to find out just how much. She had mentioned this to Alice a while ago, but it wasn't until now that Alice decided the time was right. Still angry that Amy had interrupted her much-needed orgasm, she arranged for Miss Foulds to spend the afternoon with the girl in one of the private...

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Salvation Ch 10 Cruel Punishments

enterprise was now starting to pay dividends and several new clients had recently been showing a keen interest in visiting St Saviour's as paying guests. Today, Jonathan Brown MP and his wife Elizabeth would be visiting St Saviour's and Alice intended to persuade Elizabeth to become a patron like her husband. Like all her prospective patron's, Alice had found out about the Brown's sexual interests and was delighted to learn that they were both sadists who took every...

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Salvation Ch 9 Sally Mildrew

both the staff's quarters and the children's dormitories. The rooms are private, isolated and soundproofed so that the screams of the children she tortures to satisfy her pent-up sexual passions, can't be heard throughout the orphanage. When the other children were sent to bed that evening, the matron brought Sally to Alice's bedroom to prepare her. Drugged, little Sally wasn't sure where she was, the bed wasn't hers; it was far too large to be hers. The air was perfumed...

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Salvation Ch 8 Cruel Pleasures

“Let the entertainments commence,” Alice ordered, a sly smile on her face. A very nervous little girl was led onto the stage, still wearing her costume from the party. Standing beside the girl Alice Marchant was tall, elegant and an austere figure who towered over the child. “This is Sarah, who is twelve years old,” Alice announced. Jenny Richards recognised her as the little girl who had been made to give her pleasure at the party. Alice remembered just how exhausted little Sally...

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Salvation Ch 7 Entertainments

She was able to see all the intertwining buildings that made up her beloved St Saviour’s and the long tree-lined drive that was now showing signs of wear due to the increased number of visitors. “Today, we are going to have so much fun!” she told herself. The newly built dungeon will at last come alive with the sound of children’s screams, as they struggle to entertain the lusting audience. Alice had to pinch herself to be reminded that this wasn’t a dream. The very thought of...

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Salvation Ch 6 New Routines

Alice’s parents had always insisted that these harsh drills and routines were necessary for the children’s character building, but as Alice helped matron to administer them she developed a real passion for inflicting them. Since inheriting St Saviour’s, Alice Marchant has introduced many new and even more sadistic routines, that now attract many wealthy patrons who pay to watch and participate in there enforcement. It has only been a week since their arrival, but the children are...

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Salvation Ch 4 New Stock

It was a bright sunny day and the journey was much smoother than usual due the unique design of the carriage springs and to Alice’s delight the interior was completely enclosed to prying eyes. On arrival at the orphanage in Hamstead, Richard helped Alice to step down from his carriage smiling as he admired her radiance. Realising that she was just as much flushed with lust, as he was made this occasion even more special for him. Looking around for prying eyes just as if they were...

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Salvation Ch 3 The Staff

Lord Holmes was generous with his time and helped out when needed. Alice never let it show, but she was grateful to him for suggesting ideas that reduced the disruption that this work made to the children’s daily routines. Although she would have denied it a bond was growing between them as they worked closely to re-build the once prosperous St Saviour’s. Alice brought the governors together on a regular basis to discuss important matters such as the purchase of new equipment and...

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Salvation Ch 2 The Governors

Alice sat at her desk looking through the replies and was delighted that all four had agreed to attend. Her pleasure was made all more enjoyable because she knew that none of them would have replied had she not made it clear that she knew something about them that they wouldn’t want to be made public. Alice smiled to herself as she heard a commotion outside and got up to look out of the parlour window that overlooked the walled garden. Children were being drilled naked, by their teacher...

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Salvation Ch 1 Alice Marchant

Standing in its own private grounds and set back from the road, the only way into the property is by a long and winding driveway. At the rear of the main building are several smaller buildings, an enclosed courtyard next to the old stables and a large walled garden. Foundered by the Marchant family in 1837, it has provided care and shelter for children who have lost their parents at sea, for the past 60 years. Located in the St John’s Wood area of London, it serves, through the family...

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Salvation in the Sargasso Sea Ch 02

~ Through the Turnstile ~ It was hard to decide if the goose bumps were from the cold air or from mild trepidation. The chill was easy enough to explain: she had taken her shirt off, exposing her back. Trish had thoughtfully put a warm towel on the pad to cushion her breasts, but she was still cold. The apprehension was more complicated. She had asked Leslie for a referral, knowing she was well-versed in these matters. Marla had made her decision, but was now having second thoughts about...

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Salvation in the Sargasso Sea Ch 03

~ Yesterday’s News ~ He was relegated to the back page of section B in the local newspaper, overshadowed by an advertisement for the Disabled American Veterans. ========================================= BOARD DENIES PAROLE FOR MEREDITH BY ANDREA CASPER * STATESMAN JOURNAL * SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 SALEM, OREGON — The Oregon Parole Board has denied the release petition of convicted felon David Meredith. Meredith, originally from Klamath Falls, had served less than half of a seventy-five month...

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Salvation in the Sargasso Sea

In loving memory of Sharon * ~ A Flaming Rose ~ He heard it hit the floor, the tiny set screw that slipped from his fingers. It ricocheted off his shirt and jeans on its bumpy course, but gave no hint as to its final resting place. Jon cursed to himself, slowly backing away from his workbench, hoping against all odds the screw would be right at his feet. It was not his lucky day. A timely buzz from his cell phone postponed the mandatory search and rescue mission. ‘Hey Andy. What’s up?’ A...

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Salvation in the Sargasso Sea Ch 04

~ In The Chapel ~ Dust particles drifted lazily through the filtered light from the stained glass window. The image of the descending white dove, olive sprig clenched in its beak, held the promise of peace and absolution. That hopefulness, however, had yet to reach the far corner of the chapel. The lone patron listened to the recorded pipe organ, weeping and praying for comfort. ‘Saint Jude, Thaddeus, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, pray for me who am so miserable. Come to my assistance...

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Salvation of Humanity

With the sudden obliteration of a strange comet over the pacific ocean few cared what would happen. Microscopic spores purposefully spread to major landmasses entering everywhere. Only when some humans discovered the spores a few months later did activate consuming all organic life that it came in contact with and spreading its strange carapace like structures over all inorganic structure. Within minutes of Outbreak due to the density of its populations China, Japan and much of the eastern...

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Salvation from Us

Present date: February 26th, 2035 My name is John, I’m 35 years old. I have short brown hair, lightly tanned skin and blue ocean eyes. I’m 6’4, lean muscular build all around my body. When the government shut down, finding work was nearly impossible. With no order, It was dangerous from just walking outside the streets. People were mugged, raped and killed daily in the city. I’ve decided it was safer to go into the wilderness and fend for ourselves. We were very fortunate when the...

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Salvation from Us Chapter 2

“Sam wait...don’t touch them.” “But we have to help them...” “I know, let me do it.” I said to Sam. I did a quick brief inspections on their bodies for broken bones before taking them back to the ranch. They both seemed to be passed out from exhaustion with no injuries but I don’t know if they’re infected or not. Only time will tell. “I’m gonna carry the older one back to the house while you stayed guard on the little one until I come back for him.” “But I can carry him myself.” “No you...

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Salvation of the Third Kind

One The door was an old, heavy oak, turn of the century thing, beaten and weathered, with years of damage around the area of the latch. A fairly new key set was about a foot above it, but as he pushed in, it opened without resistance. The moment it did, the smell hit him in the face. Predominantly urine, but a sickly sweet, acrid odor too. And a hint of Lysol. His eyes adjusted slowly as he slipped in, and closed the door behind him. There was a bare light bulb at the end of the hall, to the...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 32 Untimely Arrivals

The next four weeks passed peacefully. We saw visits from several ships, but none were heavily damaged. The longest stay was the corvette Aspen, which arrived with a missile jammed in its starboard tube. Terrence and Louis spent four hours with the AI carefully manipulating the missile until they could pull it free from the launcher. My tapestry was completed, and now hanging near the first door separating the enclave from the visitors part of the colony. Janice had claimed the loom and was...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 34 Undesired Arrivals

The nobles started to arrive in Tyrell weeks before the official start of Court. For some, it was the first time they had been to the capital in many years; for others (the ones Joseph had named to replace landholders that had fled or been killed), it was the first time in their lives. A tent city popped up outside of the castle walls and soon rivaled the capital itself in population. There wasn’t room at the castle for all of the nobles and the retainers they had brought with them. Joseph...

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DACA Dick Ass for Chillun Arrivals

i*****l immigration. Undocumented workers. Everyone has an opinion. And, like assholes damn near everybody has one and all of them stink. People ignore the realities of the complicated nature of the b**st. Let’s not fixate on the debate though. Let’s look at two D.A.C.A. recipients residing in these United States.First, there’s Fernando Rojas Guerrero, commonly known as Randy Rojas. He’s now 38 years old and came to America when he was four. Randy is five-ten and weighs about 195. The...

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My Fuck Buddy and Porn Partner Pt 2 Chapter 1 Arrivals

It was a warm summers day, so I wore chinos, blazer, open neck white shirt and loafers. I also had my laptop containing several downloads so sexy porn clips, with me in my backpack. We worked on the same floor of a large open plan office with about 100 colleagues. At around 9.45 I spotted Caz heading to the kitchen to beat the 10am rush, so I followed her. There was no one else there so I moved up close behind her and whispered in her ear. “I am going to give you a good fucking this...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 33 A Home Cumming New Arrivals

Scarlett arrived home from Argentina just before Christmas. The movie she’d been in had finished filming and that included a stop in the barren Falkland Islands. If needed, during the editing process she might return to any one of the settings for a few more days of filming unless Hollywood or Montreal could finesse the backdrop. Scarlett’s arrival was expected, thus, there was a small welcoming committee at her house when the limousine brought her from the main regional airport with her...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 54 Departures and Arrivals

As had happened when he travelled southward the first time, Joseph appointed Elena as his steward while he departed for the marriage ceremony of Lydia and Yerrick in the shire of the groom’s birth. This time, though, Jonathan would act as her compatriot in running the country. It had been a week since court ended and life had started to return to normal at the castle. Elena and Jonathan had taken a short trip to Westmont to allow that holding’s populace to celebrate their nuptials but the...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 20 New Arrivals

Friday Evening May 30 The “Casa Grey” Mansion With three indians on board, my Lincoln left Detroit on Wednesday evening, so they could avoid the busy traffic of Chicago. That city always seems to have the roads you need to drive under construction, and even when traffic is light the number of lanes seems to contract so it is slow going. After Chicago they made good time without pushing. They had stopped to eat at one place but otherwise the trio alternated driving. They arrived Friday...

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The world though young was lush and green with life. No intelligence had arisen, but nature was in balance with all the forms that had evolved. This tranquil state lasted for many eons, until one day... Out over one of the oceans, a spark of light appeared a mile above the water. It expanded and grew, becoming a ball of grey light hanging in the sky. None of the life noticed this, and it was this lack of notice that spelled the doom of much of the native life of this world. The sphere reached...

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Jocastas Playground the New Arrivals

As the ferry ploughed on through the fog, Nate's phone buzzed again. He slipped it out of his jacket pocket; the second-to-last bar winked out, as they had been doing steadily since departing from the terminal. Jessie: i miss u He thumbed past the lock. i miss u too. i can't believe i have to do this. Jessie:its ok. just try to have a good time!!!! :-) middle of nowhere. not even any signal out here :-( this place better have wifi. i'll text u when i get there. Message not delivered....

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 6 Lynn And Erinrsquos Story 02 ndash Departures And Arrivals

September – May – Year 2 “Hi Lover. You are awfully late. Is everything ok?’ “Not really Erin. Some guy on the plane was groping me in my sleep and I had to hurt him. The police held me for questioning. I am still in the terminal and I am going to get the rental car and head for the hotel.” “Are you ok?” “Yeah. I nailed him in the throat with my cell phone and the cops have him. The airline is going to have to deal with this one.” “Ok. Lover, it is so late they won’t let you see Paul...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 10 Babies and Other New Arrivals

[CJ was now babbling his little head off as we loaded Linda into Mary’s Caravan to head to the hospital!] Luckily, this was not totally unexpected. Dr Adrianne Meyers, the girls’ OB/GYN, had warned us during Linda’s last checkup, that it was not uncommon for twins to be born two to five weeks early. That being said however, it didn’t stop Bob and I from hitting all the panic buttons. Luckily the girls were taking it in stride. Sarah, Jamie and Greg said they would stay behind and clean up...

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There and BackChapter 10 New Arrivals

I found Theron and Tomas, both stripped to the waist, sparring with sticks instead of swords. I could see that Tomas was clearly the better swordsman, despite Theron's relative youth and impressive physique, but he was holding himself back to avoid humiliating Theron outright. I sat down nearby to watch, and Tomas took the opportunity to use it as a teaching moment. Both men backed off in intensity, and Tomas took the time to announce what they were doing, pointing out footwork, sword...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 15 Arrivals

CSS Vasco da Gama popped out of hyperspace in Thuleat two days after delivering her cargo to Hesperus. Aboard, she held concubine Belinda Keeler and her offspring. As senior, and so far only, Civil Service officer on Thule, Samantha Redburn met the passengers as they disembarked at the Primary Transport Nexus Room at Base Scott. The concubines of Clarke's Science Division, at least those not still aboard the research vessel, flanked the pregnant fourteen-year-old, all anxious to greet and...

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First Arrivals

I was nervous, I suddenly realised. It surprised me, somehow. I often found myself nervous, but it was usually something that I could easily suppress and ignore, but I was trembling and fiddling with a lighter in my pocket. It was a rather special day, after all, I had concluded as I walked down the streets. It’d been months of build up and I had spent most of the day up until that point preparing. I chuckled as I thought back to all of our moments. How I’d just idly apologised in a game....

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New Arrivals

Introduction: No one can live a lie forever. Gloria opened her eyes and the world was yellow and green and tilting from side to side. She almost went right back to sleep, but something told her shed worked very hard to wake up in the first place, and so with great effort she tried to make sense of whatever was going on. She was in a room she didnt recognize, with stainless steel walls and concrete floors and nausea-inducing sodium lighting. She had been asleep on some kind of metal table,...

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