Salvation free porn video

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I guess I was no different from any other guy growing up in the bad old ’80’s. Those were the days when greed was good, nice guys came second, and political correctness was yet to be thrust upon us.

Life in middle class suburbia was comfortable rather than excessive, but with the increasingly intrusive advertising and an ever growing focus on lifestyle, wealth, and success, it was easy for a young 18 year old guy like me to get a contorted view of the world. My stock standard reading material was Playboy and Penthouse, and most of my ideas, beliefs and attitudes came from those glossy pages of wisdom.

There were two types of women in the world I had decided, Babes and the rest. All women were dim-witted bimbos, but Babes were hot, were great to have sex with, and looked mighty good hanging off your arm. It was my ambition, no, my birthright, to bonk as many Babes as I could, and eventually secure myself one for a wife. In the meantime I had to work fairly hard at college so that I could get a good job, and thus attract a bevy of buxom babes from which I could make my selection.

As a result of my attitudes, I was generally very unpopular at college. I was regarded as something of an ass-hole by nearly all of the female students, and all of the Tutors. Yes, even the male Tutors despised me because of the derogatory way I talked about their wives and the female Tutors. None of my male Tutors were married to Babes, therefore, to my mind, they were all losers, and I told them so. I enjoyed pointing out the physical flaws in the dogs they had married. Male Tutors, who were not married, were of course branded as homosexuals or faggots as I preferred to call them.

The female Tutors automatically despised me because of the way I treated them. I was contemptuous to all but one of them. Yes, you guessed it, she was a Babe – the only Babe in the school.

Mrs. Susan James was one of the top Art Tutors. She was married and lived in our street. She was tall and slender, with a mane of rich, black waist length hair, and disproportionately large breasts, (otherwise known as normal breasts), beautiful brown doe eyes, and a knock out face and ass. (I wasn’t sure which I valued more highly.) She had a look about her that was straight out of a centerfold, and I thought she was the hottest thing I had ever seen. Naturally, I gave her the respect she deserved and was always polite and helpful to her in class, and worked very hard to ensure I got top marks.

Often I cursed my rotten luck. If only I had gone to a college where there were more babes as tutors, I would have been one of the best students in the country. I grudgingly accepted my lot in life, but compensated for the raw deal I had received by spending as much time as humanly possible with Mrs. James. I mowed her lawns and cleaned her pool. Her husband was away a lot and she was grateful for my offers of assistance. After all, she was a Babe, so I didn’t charge her any money for it. I knew I creeped her out a bit, and she was often quite standoffish, but I figured it was just her way of compensating for the natural animal magnetism she felt for me.

I couldn’t wait for the day when we would inevitably have wild sex. Her husband would be out of town. It would be a hot day and I’d be stripped down to my waist, the sweat would make my skin shine in the sun, showing off my muscles and driving her insane with lust. She would invite me in. She would be wearing nothing but the tiniest of bikinis, as all women do when they’re alone. Her breasts would push out from the confines of her D-cups and heave with each breath she took. We would sip champagne whilst she told me how lonely she was. Soft music would be playing in the background and I would listen to her and comfort her until I decided to press myself against her. She would resist me at first, but then she would give in to her animal desires and my overwhelming masculinity. I would fuck her brains out like she needed and deserved.

To be honest, I was becoming almost frustrated with her. I had given her ample opportunities to seduce me, but for some bizarre reason she seemed more interested in her painting or in the book she was reading. I did some further research in playboy and realized that I would have to be more forceful. Babes needed to know who was in charge, the article had said. Babes like guys who know what they want, it said. ‘Go for it, you never know your luck’ and ‘There was no shame in rejection’, it stressed. Rejection? As if!

I was at the time masturbating every night, and had read every playboy forum article of the last three years. I was confident that despite my lack of actual experience, I had all the required skills, knowledge and stamina as a lover to be able to give the bitch the doing over she needed. All I needed was the opportunity.

I devised a rough plan for our tryst. Friday afternoon was when I usually cleaned her pool. Her husband was still away, and my family would be out. I would get there early, finish the pool, and be there, sweaty and topless when she got home. Mrs. James would be tired from a hard week at school, and at this time I anticipated she would be most receptive to my advances. A good doofing from me would revitalize her and give her the pick-me-up she needed. It had also crossed my mind that as she would no doubt be desperate for more of me, once I’d given her the taste, we would have the entire weekend to fuck ourselves silly.

Naturally I told all the guys at school. I was something of a legend to them, and they eagerly listened to my plans and grunted and groaned with envy and pent up sexual aggression. Some of them advised caution, but I dismissed their advice. After all, what did they know about women? Who were they to tell me?

Friday afternoon came around quickly, and I finished off the pool as fast as I could, and waited for her return. She took longer that I expected, for it was at least an hour before her Volvo cruised into the garage. Luckily I had read an article the night before about masturbating before an important date, so that when it was time to perform for real, you were not too eager and didn’t cum too quickly. I used the extra time I had to shoot off a load. I wasn’t too concerned for her sake. I knew she’d enjoy being fucked by me. I was more concerned about my own enjoyment – I wanted it to last.

She had obviously been shopping as I saw her struggle with several bags. Carrying bags was woman’s work, so I didn’t bother to assist her. I used the time to adjust my tight khaki shorts to show off my tight buttocks, and stand outside her French windows. I made sure I found a sunny spot so that she would see my muscles shine and her primitive sexual desires would kick in.

I was furious when I heard the shower running. ‘That selfish bitch’, I cursed to myself, but then I realized that it was probably a good thing. I preferred my women to be clean and fresh – I didn’t care much for those hideous feminine odors I had read about!

I must confess, all this waiting in the sun had done little for my ardor, and I could sense my man meat shrinking and losing interest. Perhaps the wank had been a mistake? No. Playboy knows what it’s talking about.

Suddenly her voice pierced my thoughts, and I looked up suddenly.

‘What on earth are you doing?’

She asked, with an incredulous look on her face. I had several hundred smooth one liners in my repertoire, all of them guaranteed by penthouse to be dead set leg openers when used on the weaker sex. However at that point in time, I forgot every one of them.

You see she was the very vision of my every sexual fantasy. Her long black hair, still damp from the shower, hung down loosely around her shoulders. It was messy, and yet the best hairdresser in the world could not have styled her a more natural looking, wild, and wanton look. She was wearing a sexy black lace bra, and matching panties, with a garter belt which hooked onto a pair of sheer, black stockings. My
mouth made like a goldfish, but no sound emerged, and my face reddened with embarrassment. I bet Hef never acted like this! I preyed that my composure would recover so that the sex could commence. Obviously she was hot for it! Fancy being such a slut as to dress up like that, just for my benefit!

‘Strange you hanging around out here like this! Did you want something? You’d better come in, I’m in a hurry.’

She said as she turned and disappeared from view. ‘In a hurry hey?’, I thought to myself. ‘Gee, women these days are pretty straight-forward! Luckily for her I was in a hurry too, and I’d have my schlong pounding her bearded clam in no time at all’. I followed her inside with legs made of jelly and a heart pounding like a big bass drum.

I waited in the living room excitedly. My mouth was as dry as a sand pit. I moved to go and get a drink of water, but I was halted as she re-appeared. She was carrying a pair of outrageously sexy black stilettos, and a sexy little black cocktail dress.

‘So what were you doing hanging around out there, half naked? You looked a bit creepy. I was about to call the Police when I realized it was you.’

She said. She had a deep, earthy voice which I normally found incredibly sexy, but I was acutely aware of the anger in her voice. I guess she was angry with me because she was fighting her innermost desires for me, but I was suddenly becoming less confident about this. Could it be that she was genuinely pissed off at me? ‘Na! She’ll come around.’ I told myself.

Meanwhile she had reached into a cupboard and was bent over as she unfolded an ironing board and a small iron. Her perfect ass, clad in the tiniest and sheerest black lace bikini briefs stuck out proudly toward me. I know I was crazy not to give it a firm spank – obviously that’s what she was hoping for, or maybe just a quick pinch would have done the trick. Everyone knows women love being slapped and pinched on the ass by guys, but I was confronted with having to come up with something intelligent to say. None of my amassed stick-mag wisdom seemed appropriate.

Here I was, confronted by an impossibly attractive woman, wearing the sexiest of outfits imaginable, and rather than leaping on top of her I was standing awkwardly behind her, trying to think up something to say.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just that I finished the pool early.’

I managed to say. It felt good to get the words out, to sound like a man again, a man confidently talking to a woman, which of course, I was. Things however were not quite going to plan. I distinctly detected some indifference toward me, not pretend indifference as with most babes, this seemed to be genuine, as if she really wasn’t interested in me at all!

‘So why didn’t you go home?’

She asked, her beauty unable to mask the cold hard logic of her question.

‘I…I…I… was waiting for you.’

I stuttered like an infant. It was as if she was an adult, and I was merely a child!

‘What for?’

Her tone was frank and accusing. It was if she was suggesting I had no cause to hang around her house once my job was completed. The nerve!

‘I thought you might need me for…something else.’

I answered. I didn’t sound a suave as I wanted to. ‘Something else’ was the phrase which was supposed to make her smile seductively and remove her bra. To be honest, I sounded more like a frightened little boy. I realized what a mistake I had made. Here I was thinking she was a Babe, when in reality, she was simply an adult female, who happened to conform to some media manipulated stereo-type. It didn’t matter that she was sexy. It didn’t matter that she was wearing sexy lingerie – she was a bitch and she was giving me a hard time. (The wrong sought of hard time.)

‘Now why would you hang about half naked for nearly two hours on the off chance that I would want something else?’

She spoke as she ironed the delicate hem on the dress. Her focus was the dress, I was a mere irritation to her. How could that be? I folded my arms across my chest. This made me feel more assertive and allowed my biceps to bulge seductively. Something caught her eye. ‘At last!’, my subconscious screamed at me. ‘Now she’s taken the bait!’

But she was not admiring my biceps. Instead she was looking at my groin. She had a snarl on her lips that would have scared any man.

‘What the hell is that?’

She asked, putting the iron on its stand and moving over to me. She squatted down in front of my groin. I had dreamed of her doing this, and my heart leapt for joy, even though I was still a little unsure of what was actually happening.

Not waiting for me to answer, she reached out with a finger to the front of my pants. My heart stopped beating. By the time I saw the wet patch it was too late. Some residual cum from my pre-emptive wank must have seeped out of me. She ran her finger over the wetness and then rubbed the liquid between her finger and thumb.

‘Oh my God! That’s semen! You dirty little pervert!’

She screamed at me. I hadn’t expected that reaction. Didn’t babes drink cum like it was water? She continued to shout at me, the anger so very evident in her eyes.

‘You’ve being masturbating over me all afternoon. I suppose you were hanging around hoping to see me naked were you? Well have a good look! Is this what you wanted to see? Huh? Am I sexy enough for you? You pathetic, sexist, male-chauvinist pig! I am so disappointed and disgusted with you. I have defended you to all the other people at work. They think you are a pig, but I tell how clever and nice and helpful you are. And all the while I was simply a bit player in some sick little testosterone fueled fantasy of yours.’

I felt very stupid. I loved looking at sexy women in lingerie, but they were always in magazines. How I longed for the security of my bedroom and those non-descript female images. I didn’t like looking at a real woman quite as much. Especially one that was angry and shouting at me. I wanted to run out, but she hadn’t finished with me yet. Even I had to accept that my dreams of a weekend of sex with her were fast fading.

‘I know!’

She shouted, as if she had just had an idea. She sat down and put on the high heels she had brought out before. Then she started walking around me with slow, exaggerated steps. Her heels made a chilling clip, clop on the cold slate tiles.

‘Is this what you wanted to see? Am I sexy? Is this how the girls look in Hustler or whatever trash it is you read? Is this what you thought you were going to see? Well, aren’t you a lucky boy! Have a good hard look. Do I make you feel horny? Am I the object of your desires? Do you really think that a woman like me could ever be interested in a silly little boy like you?’

I felt anything but horny. I felt stupid and angry and hurt. Then she said something that made me feel sick to the stomach.

‘Would you like to have sex with me? Huh? You wanna fuck me, big boy? You wanna give it too me like the slut I am? Huh? Huh? Huh?’

Each time she said ‘Huh!’ she poked me in the chest. I gulped.

I should have been rock hard, but her trash talk only made me feel more stupid, and more inept. I suddenly realized how degrading my view of women must be not only for her, but for all women. I had only seen her as a piece of meat, a lay, a fuck, a Babe. I had overlooked the 30 years of life experience, the two divorces, the two miscarriages, and her battle with bulimia. I ignored her two university degrees, the three years she spent living and working in Paris, the number of paintings she had sold. I failed to notice dedication to her art and her teaching, her compassion, her empathy, and her dignity.

I was beginning to realize what a dickhead I was.

‘So come on, get them off! I want to see that man meat you’re going to feed me. You gonna give it to me doggy? What position you like? Huh?’

She now poked me in the chest wi
th each word she uttered and I could tell that she was not kidding.

‘No please, I’m sorry. Can’t I just go?’

I pleaded.

‘Aw, the widdle bwaby wants to gwo home to mummy, does he?’

She mocked me cruelly and laughed with delight on hearing the malice in her own voice.

‘As soon as I see what I’m missing out on, big boy, you can go. So come on, show me what you’ve got.’

She sat down smugly and raised an eyebrow as she waited. I fumbled with my button, then the zipper. The slick that had leaked from my cock from my earlier exertion was even more evident on my underwear. I preyed my cock would spring to life. In one sad corner of my severely dented male psyche, a tiny thought struggled for life. ‘Perhaps when she sees how magnificent your cock is, she will be begging you for it.’

I doubted it. The moment had long since past. I gasped as I slid down my underwear to reveal my manhood to her. It was smaller than it had ever been. She burst out laughing. Tears of shame welled in my eyes.

‘That’s the tiniest, most inept little thing I’ve ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on. Now don’t you dare move.’

She hissed at me as she clip-clopped out of the room at high speed. Before I could work up the courage to run she was storming back into the room. In her hands she held a Polaroid camera.

‘Now smile while I get some nice photos!’

She said in a happy, sing song voice, as she commenced snapping away. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I started to cry. I was a man of 18 and yet there I was, before the sex goddess of the century, balling like a child with my pants down around my ankles and my ridiculous penis flapping in the breeze.

‘Now young man,’

She said, sitting back down on the lounge and shuffling through the six or seven photos she had taken of me. She paused and smirked at one or two of them, before returning her steely gaze to me.

‘I am going to do you an enormous favor.’

I opened my mouth to beg her not to show the photos, but she waved me away, and continued.

‘I could give these out to the other students, or to your parents, or even the Police. I could ruin your life with these.’

Her voice was soft yet hard, and she paused to let her words take effect. The only sound in the room was my sobbing.

‘But instead what I shall do is grant you a wonderful new life. From this day forth, you shall treat all women with the respect. You will work extra hard in ALL your classes, and you will apologize to all the women you have ever offended. Is that clear?’

I nodded.

‘If you do these things, you will find there is a world of great beauty out there, and not only will you learn to enjoy all that beauty, you can also become a part of that beauty. Do you understand?’

Again I nodded. I wasn’t quite sure what she meant. Was she talking about Babes? Probably not, but I wasn’t about to argue with her.

‘You have a good brain, but you are squandering it at the college. If you lifted your game you could be accepted into one of the top Universities in the country. The day you get accepted into one of those places, is the day I give you all these photos back. If I hear you’ve been rude or nasty to ANYONE, and I mean anyone, I will have these photos xeroxed and distributed. Do you understand?’

‘Yes Mrs. James. Thank you Mrs. James.’

I bleated. She nodded and seemed satisfied.

‘Right get your clothes on and get out. I’m late for a date with a REAL man.’

She snapped at me and resumed ironing her dress, as if the whole episode had never occurred. I was still in shock. I just stared at her as she finished ironing and then slipped the little dress on. She looked sensational. In comparison I looked and felt miserable. What a pathetic failure of a man I was.

‘Go on, I’m meeting my husband tonight in town, and we’re spending the night at a hotel. You’ve already made me late, and yes, I know what you are thinking, we will be having sex. And do you want to know something else?’

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Living on a Dead End StreetPart Two Tuesday

Living on a Dead End Street~ Part Two ~ Tuesday by Ginny Wolf My alarm clock sounded early on Tuesday morning. I jumped out of bed, nearly completely awake as I needed some extra time to become ready and to fix breakfast for my wife Helene. While she continued sleeping, I took a quick shower, put my hair up on electric rollers as our rough and tumble love-making last night made my hair quite disheveled, and dressed in a toffee colored bra and matching panties. Helene demands that I...

1 year ago
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Visit To Mrs Jensen

It seems amazing to me how a seemingly harmless chat with a friend can lead to unexpected consequences. That is exactly what happened to me after one evening chatting over a drink to my childhood friend, Lucy Williams.We had both been schooled in the 1980s when corporal punishment was being abolished in schools in the UK. It had been used during our time in primary school, although neither of us had witnessed or experienced it, and by the time we started secondary school it had been outlawed....

2 years ago
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Anniversary Waltz 3 Darkness Considered as an Elemental Plot DeviceChapter 2

The sun burned off some of the night's humidity as it rose fat and orange on the second day. It pierced the condo's waterside windows, pushing everyone out of bed. The showers could only offer cold water, and even that was closer to tepid. The morning was filled with petty annoyances: nicks and cuts from shaving, three different people going through the motions of making coffee before each realized the futility, sighs over chocolate melted into the contents of a too-hastily packed...

3 years ago
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What A Fucking Evening

By: AWC Jacob was never as nervous as today. He had done it many a times but then for no good reason, he got married and now well over two long decades, he was back in the game. He was at one of the piers of the Liberty Marina. His eyes were looking all over. He was very clear when he said that it was the end of September, meaning it got darker a bit earlier than a month or so ago and he insisted to be on time by fixing the time of between 7:00 and 7:15 PM sharply and now Robbie was late by...

2 years ago
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Changing for Napoleon

Characters: Anna, Big Mike, JulioI had just finished a light lunch and I was looking out of the Refectory anteroom windows. It looked like a lovely day outside. I could go for a little walk in the gardens, after all I had three hours that I did not know what to do with. There would be tea at five with Jeanne and shortly after Jasmine was going to help her with calculus. Jasmine is a science genius, and what’s more important she has the gift of clear explanations. She can make mathematics very...

3 years ago
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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 3

We both agreed nothing could surpass what had just happened, so we packed and left. I'd been typing away on my laptop while Eric dozed. He finally stirred, and asked me what I was working on. "A new Battle Babe. I haven't introduced a new character in a while, and I think the time is right." "Let me guess. She'll be hot, horny, another stone cold fox. Describe her." "Exactly as you said. Olive skin, jet black hair, I think she'll be older than the rest. Might be good for them to...

2 years ago
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Razor Ch 10

After a miserable week, in a long line of miserable weeks, I pulled my tired body and aching head towards my foster-mom’s house for our monthly family dinner. I hadn’t gone there for our last family gathering, because I hadn’t felt up to it, and I’d contemplated ‘calling in sick’ again, but I’d had calls from several of my brothers over the past week, some just calmly reminding me of the date and time, some blatantly telling me I had to come. I felt pretty crappy about it when I realized that...

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Hi. I haven't written in a while. I didn't know where this was going to go but I wanted to write something a little relatable to me with a little twist. This is quite personal so please be kind.Hope you all like it.My heels clipped along the concrete pathway as I walked towards the glistening river. Everything was so quiet and serene- a complete contrast to the mayhem that was going on inside the club. My ears continued to hum as I sat down on the river-bank, taking a swig from my large glass...

3 years ago
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Tanya looked completely in shambles. She was only dressed in a shabby jacket from a uniform. Her face was tear stricken, her mouth was gagged, and on her legs were white blotches of something sticky. A lot of it. Her arms were handcuffed behind her back. Her expression was terror stricken. Tanya looked at the general with pleading eyes, desperately hoping he would help her, whimpering behind her gag. The scruffy condition of the white woman could not hide the fact, that she was very...

4 years ago
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Charisma Part 2

Charisma, Part 2 By Cal Y. Pygia After fondling her breasts and her cock and balls for several more minutes while she probed Tiffany's mouth with her tongue, Charisma allowed her guest to get undressed while she removed her own clothes. The seamstress was a beautiful woman, for a genetic female, but, of course, she was nowhere nearly as gorgeous as Tiffany. Charisma had big breasts, but they sagged a little, and small discolorations and stretch marks marred the fleshly orbs, and...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 771

BEER BY SEVEN YEAR OLDS A handful of 7 year old children in Australia were asked what they thought of beer. There were some interesting responses, but the last one is especially touching. ‘I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the prettier my mum gets.’ --Tim, 7 years old ‘Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.’ --Melanie, 7 years old ‘My Mum and Dad both like beer. My Mum gets funny when she...

2 years ago
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The Giantess Crushing a Tiny Man

This started as a text chat with someone who has a crushing fetish. I realized after a while that I had basically written a piece of erotica so I copy/pasted it, cleaned up the grammar a bit, and now post it here for your consideration.You can clearly see the dirty sole of my shoe as it hovers over you. I'm keeping my heel on the floor though because I don't want to just squash you, I want to play with you first. It's not often that I get to torture a little man.I lift my foot, turn it a bit to...

2 years ago
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Another Day of Chores0

11 o’clock comes and goes and still no sign of the guy!! Finally at 12:30 he turns up and you were right.... ‘God you think he’s repulsive!!’ the guy thinks he’s doing you a favour by just turning up and then he turns round to you and says... ‘ I’ll take a quick look but I’ve got an important job to go to, so I’m gonna leave my trainee here to sort your little problem out,.... ‘Little Problem!! You could kill him!!’ then in walks the trainee...... ‘Mmmmm you think, this is more like...

1 year ago
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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 16

Harriet was really hoping Bud would come back from the TAD assignment Admiral Chegwidden had sent him on. She didn't know how much longer she'd be able to deal with her situation -- she was now several months pregnant; she'd gotten A.J. to fuck her and give her this baby she was carrying and when she'd gotten pregnant, she become even hornier than she was normally; she'd fucked Harm to take care of her sexual needs and hunger and now she was so overpoweringly horny again that she didn't...

4 years ago
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Garama Garam Anti Robina Ki Phudi

Hi,How are you all friends piyari anties or lerkio or baray baray lun waly dosto ap sab ko mera salam aj may dobara ap sab k samny apni story sunnay jar aha hon yeh b bilkul sachi kahani hy jo k meri or anti robina ki hy yeh story next day ki hy jab mayny 3 phuddian 1 sath mari theen us sy next raat ki.kher hoa youn k anti robina nay next night mujy 12:15 py cell pay miss call ki may samjh giya k signal green hy or may ny furan usy call back kit u us nay kaha k aj b may gher may samjhon akeli...

1 year ago
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Playing HostessChapter 4

3 months after the initial party that Judith "hosted" for her friends, she and her husband Matt were still very much involved in incest with her sister Ruth, who was also helping Judith satisfy their father. Matt was also regularly fucking Samantha, Mallory, and, of course, his mother-in-law. However, as much as she liked fucking Matt and didn't want to stop, Ruth missed her ex-husband. She still wanted him back. There HAD to be a way for her to get her man back and persuade him to not be...

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Change Of Life

This is a continuation of another story, "Change of Power", a sequel to Tigger's "Change of Direction". Change Of Life By JRD Joe, Bronwyn, Julie, and Joe's children were at the dinner table telling stories into the night. Julie could barely contain her joy. Less than a week ago, she had despaired of ever seeing her child again. Then, three days ago, her child came back to her on, of all days, what Julie thought would be the last day of her life. Then, after he saved her life...

1 year ago
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My First Sex Party With Three Women

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my first experience of sex party. Now coming to the story this is my first experience of going for a sex party and it was amazing. I usually comments from the readers regarding the story and fantasies. One day I...

3 years ago
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My Life in a Year Ch 01

Author note – Here is ‘Chapter’ 1, (after the first two intros) of My Life in a Year. You might want to read those first to catch up, but at this point, not needed. Enjoy, and send me feedback! January 3rd, 2005 Dylan roared up the side street, the sounds of his mustang reverberating off the rows of houses. It had snowed the night before and the grass and trees were brilliant white with snow and ice. Piles of the dirty snow crowed the curbs where the plows had come through, and the street...

2 years ago
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My wifes first threesome

Hi I’m Ayush married to Asha for past five years. Asha is petite, with large round boobs and soft creamy butts. I have this friend from Australia, Peter who is on an exchange programmed here for few months. Now he’s going back after the program. So, I invited him for dinner with us. He’s very cute, shy but nice guy. He’s very handsome with golden hair. He must be around 23-25 with mischievous eyes. I’ve asked my wife Asha to wear a short midi and a sleeveless thin top with no bra. While...

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harry 07

DISCLAIMER: I sadly do not own any of the characters that I am writing with. J.K. Rowling does may she continue to write great books. I only own the plot. "Rowena is this such a good idea?" asked Helga as she and the three other founders gazed at the school with longing, but failed to gasp like the other first years as they had created it and it seemed normal for them, this did not get past Hagrid who was in the boat next to them. Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Griffyndor, and...

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Perfect Life

Authors note: This is my first story on CHYOA and will be writing each of the chapters myself. If there’s a particular option/choice you would like to see on any of the chapters please comment. If I like the suggestion I’ll be happy to add it! You could barely sleep last night, the thoughts of finally turning twenty-one had made it nearly impossible. The thoughts of finally being able to drink without needing to beg your older friends to do it for you and able to finally tag along when they...

2 years ago
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The missing piece

Can you please comment after reading this as this is my first time on here? This story is about me having my first time with the boy I could never be with. He was about 6'2", big brown eyes, a killer smile, and a six pack. As for me I'm about 5'4", tiny waist , medium size ass, 38D cup breast. I rolled over and looked at the clock. Wow it was already 3:00 am. Then my phone started ringing and I knew it was him. I opened the window and he climbed in without making a sound. He was drenched from...

First Time
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Fun at Ski Patrol with Kristen

It’s a slow Sunday in March at Park City Ski Resort. My team is split between two shacks. I’m working with my team leader Kristen for the day. Kristen is a good-looking girl. We’re the same age, 21. She has shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes. She’s about 5’5”. She has a small but nice ass and large 34D breasts. Kristen and I have got on very well ever since we first met. We have always been attracted to each other, but she had been dating the same guy for years, so I knew nothing would...

2 years ago
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Helping Her Stretch out Part II

Jasmine lifted her arms over head as Tia pulled the top off of her. Jasmine's tiny tits barely moved as her top was pulled off of them. Tia threw the top to the side, and looked back at Jasmine, "so did you enjoy yourself?" Jasmine nodded to her coach. She did like it, even though she knew she would be sore tomorrow. Tia smiled as she reached out and lightly ran a finger over Jasmine's left, erect nipple, "someone still looks excited," she moaned lightly. Mr. Hill had moved to the...

3 years ago
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Meeting In A Marriage

Hi, my name is Sameer, I had introduced myself already, I wrote my first experience. And now I’m telling you again a real experience. I live in Gwalior, for any contact or meeting pleas email me I’m not too slim but looking good. I’m versatile n having a great personality. 1 year before, me and my family arrived Goa (imaginary name) to attain a relatives marriage. I were too excited to attend such marriage because m going to meet my brothers n sisters and other family members whom I don’t know...

Gay Male
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2107 Life in the Fast Lane

It was a week later that we got the diagnosis for Doug. I called Angela. "Lymphoma? Crap!" she said. "Hodgkins or non-Hodgkins?" "Oh. They said it wasn't Hodgkins. That's good, isn't it?" I said. "Not necessarily." She hesitated for a few seconds. "They'll probably want him to start treatment right away. It depends on what stage it's in as to what the treatment will be. I'll send you some info so you'll all know what to talk about with the oncologist. Don't try to...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Skylar Snow Mona Azar A Lesson In Latching

Skylar Snow arrives at her stepmom Mona Azar’s house to ask for advice. They have a warm, loving relationship and chat about Skylar and her wife Lacey, who are about to have a baby. Skylar tells Mona that she and Lacey are a bit worried about how to handle breastfeeding. Skylar is particularly concerned about missing out on the breastfeeding experience herself, insisting that she just wants to better know how to take care of Lacey while she’s breastfeeding. That’s why she...

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More Love to ComeChapter 8

"Vice Squad, please," said Tim into the telephone. "I want to speak with Lieutenant Kramer." "I'm sorry," said the cool, efficient voice at the other end of the line, "but Lieutenant Kramer isn't in at the moment. May I take a message?" Damn, thought Tim, what a time to be on a coffee break. "Yes," he added, "I'll leave a message. Tell him that I have information concerning Jay Snyder, lots of information, and that I'll be waiting for him in the bar at the Ambassador Hotel....

2 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 123

Present – Thom, Mira, Ben, Jens and Ira – At the hospital parking lot I’m not sure why Ben and Jennifer don’t want me knowing about their next mission but my guess is that it’s something that my superiors might not look favorably upon. Mira instructs Jennifer, “Ms. Blaine, with the Farsi lesson terminated for the day, we can commence your Russian lessons. Please acquire this vehicle’s additional seat.” Jennifer takes the passenger seat and then the fun begins... Ms. Blaine relieves Mr....

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EvilAngel Scarlet Skies Shameless Submission

Young redhead Scarlet Skies is a freaky little submissive with sex on the brain. The deviant cutie arrives on director/stud Bryan Gozzling’s doorstep looking to be dominated and manhandled. Scarlet’s perky tits protrude through her tight dress, and her pale skin radiates through dark fishnets. Bryan admires her cute body to start, and then shifts her around and shows her off for the camera. He strips off the obedient girl’s dress, spits in his hand and then fingers her wet...

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Morning Woods

I awoke to the delightful sounds of morning birds, singing their early music and the quiet lapping of water on the rocky shore. When I opened my eyes, I was staring up at the beautiful morning’s sky, the tree tops glowing in the rising sunlight. Chris and I had slept under the stars, beside our campfire for the last night of our camping trip. The food bag hung high in a tree well out of sight, and our tent still fully soaked from all the rain we’d been having. We finally had some amazing open...

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Taking the Plunge with Daddy Book 2 Part 2

By Tuesday afternoon at work, I was a mess. Horny beyond belief, unable to concentrate, my mind caught in some electrical storm bouncing between the clit-melting feeling of my third pair of silk panties worn under my boring office chinos and thoughts of him, Daddy - everything about him coming back to me in flashes; the first taste of his cock there on my knees in the hotel, the taste of the base of his cock when he forced himself into my wet, gagging throat, the feel of his dominant...

1 year ago
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Felicitys Pony Part1

This is a follow on from the Mistress and Master story if you have not read this one yet I suggest you do, this story does however stand on its own. When I arrived at Mistress Elaine's house something was different. There were a few lights on, but on the whole it looked as though no one was home. I thought about the recent email. "Davina be at the house Friday six pm sharp. Be prepared to serve all weekend" The email had been slightly different. If it had been a letter I...

3 years ago
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A very nice suspect and a very nice conclusion P

Had it been a while since this suspect had come to me, and if my beautiful sister was a little bisexual? perhaps because of his sometimes a bit too to be narcissistic for to the fact that it is a girl-woman very hottie :-P as I have already said several times in the my previous blog-stories :-P, the fact is that a day I'm go to do the sneaker :-P (and this is nothing new with my nice sister :-P), the reason why I came to this was our knowledge of a girl, white, namely russian like us,...

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