HootChapter 4 free porn video

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Things had very nearly gotten out of hand yesterday, the boss was all a-twitter over a missing bottle of Serum from the lab, probably in the drunk's car at the bottom of the pool, but everything was back in hand now.

Mackenzie snuffed and the scene sanitized. That nosy reporter had finally gotten her story; she just had not expected to be the lead, snickering, Jorg decided on pancakes with powdered sugar and ham for breakfast.

Anna awoke to the sound of water dripping off the eaves and noticed that the sun was just about to rise. The wind was blowing softly to judge by the gentle swaying of the silhouetted treetops. Picking up the flashlight on the nightstand and shining it on the thermometer outside her bedroom window, she saw that the temperature was up to forty.

Hmmm, late January thaw, she thought. The roads will thaw but, then the bottom will drop out, and we will be plowing mud with the undercarriage when we try to drive to the main road. Oh well, that is the price you pay for the peace and quiet of the country.

She could not help a sardonic snort escaping as she thought, Yeah, dead bodies showing up just like in the big city. At least black clouds sometimes have silver linings.

Snuggling down under the covers, she let her mind wander over the things for which she had to be thankful. A little smile quirked one corner of her mouth as she thought of Pate. Giving her fantasies free rein, maybe today, she thought, maybe today.

Noticing the sun trying to rise above the hills in the distance, he was glad this shift was about over. Trommer thought, It had been a long night, for that matter a long month, as he shifted position in the seat trying to ease his large, tired, body into a more comfortable spot in the seat, which felt as if it would need surgical removal.

The State Troopers, the Sheriff, the Deputies, including his own tired self, usually buried in work even before this unprecedented snowfall had descended, and made life really, miserable.

The last of the accident reports had been finished and the weather was at last warming up so a man didn't freeze his butt off, or at least, not quite as fast. One last loop around, as he headed home, to check those areas of slick and dangerous roadway that were especially troublesome before he went 10-7.

He hadn't even had time to do more then make a quick call to his girl friend. She had informed him that, "She wanted to see his young Charlie Daniels looking self because she had something that needed his personal attention."

Since he didn't have to be, back on duty until Friday night, if all went according to plan, Trommer hoped to remedy that situation, but a short nap was going to be imperative. It wouldn't do to fall asleep in mid-stroke because Debbie might take it as an insult and that could get a feller to singing soprano!

Trommer had no more then completed that shuddering thought when he rounded the north side of a sharp curve and felt the wheels of his patrol car lose traction. As he brought the vehicle back under control, his headlights illuminated the guardrail in the pre-dawn gloom, showing mangled metal and blackness where the headlights didn't reach into the dark valley below.

Easing to a stop, tripping the strobes on top of the cruiser, and stepping out onto the roadway, he carefully sidled over to the edge. Shining his Maglite into the abyss, it reflected back off of twisted metal far below.

After quickly calling in the accident on his shoulder mike Trommer shook off his fatigue and slithered back to the trunk of the cruiser to retrieve the first aid kit.

Damn, He thought as he carefully started down the treacherous slope, Bed and bush would both just have to wait.

The call came before breakfast was finished, so it was still very early in the morning. Examining the twisted ball of metal that was at the bottom of the valley, Pate found he was saddened more then he expected. True, Mona had been a pain in the butt, still she had been a vibrant young woman, and her death was truly a shame.

Since there was obviously no need of more than a coroner, they would wait to extract the body until the wreck was once again on the roadway above and, even though it appeared obvious as to the cause of death, they would still conduct a forensic examination to be certain.

The accident scene was right on the border between Searcy and Boone County's jurisdiction and much closer by road to Harrison then back to Marshall so he had called the coroner's office in Harrison directly to, "See if they would perform a professional courtesy, and perform the pick up of the body."

He'd been informed by the assistant coroner that, "Business was slack at the moment; they would be happy to help out and would be there shortly."

Leaving the scene in the capable hands of the State Police and his own deputies, Pate returned to his office to try and, once again, tackle the mountain of paperwork on his desk. I would almost swear that those papers breed at night or anytime no one is looking and have progeny immediately! He thought.

Every time Pate looked at the mess, it seemed it had doubled. After several hours of intense concentration and significant progress, it was time for some Tylenol, a head call, and a break for something to eat.

Heading out of the office he met the Fire Chief in the hall and invited him to lunch or at least coffee if he had already eaten.

Jim was amenable to the proposal and they sallied forth to the Knothole Café.

After ordering the Daily Special as they came in the door, the two men took seats in a back corner booth to keep from being bothered, and keeping their voices low, fell to discussing various occurrences around the county.

There had been the usual fires do to unsafe flues, faulty wiring, and carelessness but nothing involving a death or suspicious activity on Jim's end but Pate had experienced several unusual things happening in a short time span that were making him uneasy so Pate asked Jim, "If he had seen anything out of the ordinary lately?"

While Jim pondered the question, their food arrived and they dug in. The only sound for a while after that was the sound of cutlery on china.

After finishing their food and relaxing to enjoy their coffee, Jim said, "I don't know of anything at the moment, at least nothing comes to mind right now. If I remember, hear of or see anything I'll be sure to let you know right away."

"Fair enough," Pate replied. "Well, I guess I can't lollygag any longer, I'm surprised that I haven't been paged already."

Paying the tab the two returned to the courthouse and their respective offices. Looking at the pile of paperwork still to finish with disgust and issuing a sigh, Pate once more threw himself into the fray.

About an hour later, a call came
in from the Coroner in Harrison requesting his
presence, ASAP. The Coroner had found something but didn't want to discuss it over the phone and didn't think that Pate would want to wait for the official report.

Pate told him that, "He was on the way," and, after informing dispatch as to his whereabouts, left for Harrison.

"The Marshall is doing his best to find anything for a lead and he just had the body of the nosey reporter picked up by the Harrison Medical Examiner's Office. We needed her death to be public, and attributed to the ice, so there wouldn't be a lot of questions but I hope nothing was over looked. Our operative wasn't the Coroner on the accident scene because the Sheriff called Harrison directly and we couldn't arrange to switch vehicles and drivers.

"That means we haven't been able to arrange to get rid of her body as yet. Could there be any thread left hanging that could unravel our operation?" the Colonel asked his two lieutenants.

Jorg spoke up for the pair and stated, "No Sir. All loose ends, with the exception of the missing serum bottle, have been trimmed and sanitized as per instruction."

"What about the whereabouts of the bottle any further idea where it might be?" the Colonel asked.

Jorg replied, "The only thing that makes sense is that it might be in the car with Rafe but that's at the bottom of a quicksand pit in Louisiana and unlikely to be found at all."

At the mention of Rafe's name, the Colonel turned crimson and in a quiet, deadly voice said. "I never want to hear that name again! The next person that utters it will die slowly and painfully, clear? You're dismissed."

Both of the men replied, "Yes Sir!"

Leaving the Colonels office neither man said anything or looked at the other. They knew better then to do that. There were far too many cameras and microphones around to chance it and it had been fatal for others that had made that particular mistake.

Pate found Dr. Elias Parker working on a body when he arrived and knocked on the doorframe to prevent startling the man because it is really bad form to startle someone with a scalpel in his or her hand.

Pate waited until Dr. Parker looked up and, with a wave, acknowledged Pate's arrival before entering the morgue proper.

Dr. Parker was a short, energetic individual. He had noticed on earlier meetings with the good doctor, that he had a striking resemblance to the Elmer Fudd character of the bygone cartoon era, with no hair and big ears but fought back the urge to say, "Eay, what's up Doc?"

That was where the similarity to the character ended because the man was a brilliant forensic scientist and Deputy Medical Examiner for the State of Arkansas. He could have chosen anywhere to work and made big money but liked the relaxed life style of the Ozarks.

Stripping off his plastic gloves and reaching out to shake Pate's hand, he motioned for Pate to follow him.

When Pate finally caught up with him, he was standing by his desk. Pate said, "I've been meaning to ask you something but I've been a tad busy and keep forgetting."

Dr. Parker picked up a small plastic bag while asking, "What's up?"

"Just curious, but why was an ambulance used to pick up that John Doe we found instead of the Coroners Wagon?" Pate asked.

"Well, from what I was told, that was what was requested," Answered Dr. Parker.

Handing the bag to Pate, Dr. Parker said, "What do you think that is?"

Pate looked closely at the tiny piece of matter in the bag and said, "To me it looks like a rock chip or something."

"Well, you're partially right, it's concrete actually, and it was embedded in the patient's Left knee. I also noted that her trousers had a tear on that knee, and the knee appeared abraded before death since it appeared to have bled a good deal.

Those findings, in conjunction with that chip, made me pause and reconsider a bit on my original diagnosis as to the cause of death. I checked the external injuries much closer and discovered that she had a contusion with bruising at the base of the skull.

"Upon discovering that, I examined the injury site closer and discovered she had a fractured spine at that juncture. Now, I will admit that it might have been the result of the accident but I just couldn't get the injury to fit the kinematics of the accident.

"The patient also had a laceration on the forehead due to impact with the windshield in the crash but the injury had not bled. This leads me to believe that the injury was made postmortem."

"Okay," Pate said, "What did you conclude from all of that?"

Without a blink Dr. Parker stated, "She was murdered and the accident staged."

Pate had immediately called the State Crime Lab, requesting a slot in the garage, and then, called his office as soon as he headed back to Marshall.

He had directed his deputies to, "Get Mona's wrecked SUV sealed in plastic and get Red to haul the wreck down to the State Crime Lab, where the Forensic Tech's could go over it with a fine tooth comb." Then they were to contact Mona's editor and see if she had left word where she was going when she left the paper.

He informed dispatch that, "Since he was out this way he intended to stop by Mackenzie's place and see what he wanted to talk to him about."

About an hour, later Pate pulled up in front of Mackenzie's place, got out, and knocked on the door. There was no answer but he could hear the TV or a radio playing.

After knocking a second time, Pate was turning to go when he happened to notice a small stain, apparently blood, on the concrete entry pad in front of the door.

Turning back to the door, Pate used his handkerchief to gently try the doorknob but found it locked. Figuring he'd just have to apologize to Mackenzie later if he was wrong, Pate notified dispatch of the situation, ordered back up, and kicked the door in.

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March 7, 1995, Chicago, Illinois The phone rang on Tuesday evening, and I excused myself from watching a tape of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine with the girls and kids. Jennifer paused the tape while I went to my study to take the call. “Seriously?” I asked about a minute into the call. “Seriously!” Aimee said with a laugh. “What? You don’t think I’m a good catch?” I laughed, “I think you’re a GREAT catch. I just had you figured for not marrying until you were settled in your shore...

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When Layovers Are Good

A full arrivals hall, with multiple arrivals from all over the world, and staff at O.R Tambo had the wisdom of placing just two Immigration Officers at Passport Control. This was taking forever, and James time was very limited on this occasion.Just eighteen hours earlier, standing jaded at Check-In after a three-day conference in Hong Kong, he'd initially been inclined to reject the offer of flying home via Johannesburg in exchange for an upgrade. But just as he was about to politely say, "no,...

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I am now 100 gay

I was determined. This weekend it would happen. I would loose my gay virginity and complete manhood. The hard way. Tonight would change everything.Until now I've never had sex with a man and I didn't consider myself as homosexual either. But I was always fascinated to anal sex. The thought of "Why would someone let herself/himself get fucked in the ass, when there's no actual pleasure of possibility to orgasm in it?" Also the thought of giving up your body for someone else's pleasure was...

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How an impulse can change a situation

Need to get this out first. Just in case one might think otherwise this is a work of fiction. No one mentioned in this exists, except within my mind. Could this ever happen, well don’t know actually. It may have but like I said within this post everything is fiction, just made up.Chapter 1:The word Impulse is interesting because what it describes happens a lot in human nature, spur of the moment decisions. We’ve all met people that were impulsive and sometimes that worked in their favor while...

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The PAChapter 3

Needless to say Joel was in what would be described as a funk for the next couple of weeks. He was now looking for things to do on weekends with Deb moving to Southern California and no longer being available. One day he was surprised to receive a phone call which the caller ID indicated was from Steve Brandle. “Hi Steve, how are things going?” “Things are fine with me but getting right to the point you told me that you were a golfer right?” “I guess you could say that.” “Well I was...

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My Christmas Gift

My Christmas Gift By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Where to start? Well, I suppose it started way before I was even born. My mom came from a wealthy family; rather, make that a filthy rich family. Her father, my grandfather, Randal Harper, was an investment banker and everything he touched made money. However, he also believed in the Andrew Carnegie model of making a fortune and then giving it back. My mom and her sister were given starter funds, and he then gave the...

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This is my story for the esteemed viewers of Indian sex stories, I would like to share this event with you if you guarantee me that you shall receive this well and reply me, further you are welcome to send me your views and opinions and of course ladies and girls you can mail me at Last June I was returning from by business visit to Kuwait, by flight to my home city of Delhi, we were being served snacks and coffee, as it was being served the flight went through an air pocket and shuddered,...

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Rosalo Guder Chodon Khaoa 8211 Part II

Hi readers amar nam Som Chatterjee,from bankura.amar barite ami,mar maa r baba thaken.ata amar first story.amar email amar schooler pora complete kore siliguri te computer engineering porte jai.sekhane ekta bari vara ni. Oi messa paying guest thaktam.oi messer j owner chilo o amak khub like korto ami bujhtam bt ok propose korte parini.messer owner r tar wife khub valo chilen.ami masima mesomocai boltam. Owner er mayetir nam chilo sonu r class 12 a porto.darun dakhte chilo,fata fati mai,unnoto...

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The Paper RouteChapter 2

Dad came home not long after Mom started supper. He always comes to the kitchen to hug Mom and kiss her cheek. Today she grabbed him and kissed his lips as she hugged him. “Goodness, this is some welcome ... do I get more?” Dad laughed, hugging Mom as they twirled round and round in the kitchen. “Don, I got a raise today. I’m so happy,” Mom said kissing him again. “Hey congratulations, Pat. I’m proud of you.” I saw Dad run his hand under Mom’s t-shirt and she snuggled closer as his hand...

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My Second Piece of AssChapter 29 The Aftermath

Laura said nothing about my being over an hour late and when I started to apologize, she shushed me saying it didn't matter. We spent the afternoon shopping because that was what Laura wanted to do. In addition to the two laundry appliances, we needed furniture for the new room. While at the furniture store, Laura found a small desk that suited her. The salesman had been watching us, curiously. He catered to the wishes of Laura, giving her his full attention while ignoring me. I didn't...

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Beth and Jim Part II

It was almost noon before the couple stirred in bed. The sunlight streaming through the window found them contented, if somewhat tired. After kissing each other good morning, Jim brought his head down to her chest and idly played with her nipples. “I have to tell you Beth, what we did in the bathroom yesterday really excited me. Hearing you peeing, I started imagining what it must look like. I hadn’t really thought about it before, but a woman peeing is so different from a guy. With us it’s...

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CuckoldSessions Summer Day 10162016

Summer Day and her hubby, Ryan, are self-proclaimed freaks. They’ve got an “open” relationship and practice polyamory. What’s this mean? Ryan fucks any women he desires, and he may (or may not) fuck them with Summer. What else does this mean? Ryan enjoys watching his watch being satisfied, and nothing satisfies Summer Day more than “BBC”. Why? She’s “BCS”! Big black dick for the black cock slut…and all the while hubby watches!...

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Fit18 Tiffany Tatum Like Fucking A Sexy Secretary

Tiffany returns wearing a figure-hugging minidress and looks smart and sophisticated paired with glasses. I thought she was now working as a secretary or fancy law office, but she just wanted to dress nice to see me again. The casting doesn’t last very long because we were running our hands all over each other in no time. She looked great unzipping my pants and sucking on my cock, before lifting up her dress to reveal she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her perfect tiny ass beckoned as...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 12 Mary

I was sitting in the living room, looking out the window and sort of in a daze. It wasn't too late to get started on something, but I didn't seem to have any push. It was warm, so I hadn't dressed after my shower. I was sitting there in my warm daze when Anne came and made shadows on me. Then, she sat down close to me. I snuggled. I love her bare skin and I needed someone close. "Mary, what has gotten into you? You're not yourself lately." "Oh, nothing. I feel fine. Just lazy. Been...

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Youre My Bitch Now Chapter 2

Chapter TwoExcept, that's not how life works. Rick walked into the kitchen whereChris was eating breakfast.Chris said, ‘Hi, Rick, sleep well? No bad dreams I hope?’Rick nearly choked as he remembered the dream he had about Kittie lastnight, and as he looked at Chris, all he could see was Kittie strokingher cock.‘You alright?’ Chris said as he munched a piece of toast. ‘You look abit pale, are you coming down with something?’‘No, no, I'm fine,’ mumbled Rick.It was Saturday, and both of them had...

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Bruce Charlie Daniel and My self

It was Nonmember twelve, the shool was having a Pep Rally for our home coming game that evening. The gym was full of students our football team was on the floor the cheer leaders were cheering. My friend and I has sneaked beneath the bleachers and was getting peeks up the girls dress and skirts. As we worked our way out the end we made sure to move so it would not attract attention so we left one at a time. There was two huge portable chalk boards at the open end of the bleachers and my friend...

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The Lions Mouth

THE LION'S MOUTHT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please...

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The Life Model

I should warn you that this story contains no actual sex. It's very subtle, I think women may enjoy it more than you men. It's kind of about what goes on in my head,and it goes back to 1985 when I was s*******n and at college.I used to do art but it wasn't one of my main subjects. One day in my final yearthe art teacher called me into his office. He explained there was a life classthat day, and the model booked had been in a collision in her car and was notable to come. I asked why he was...

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Me And My Maid Nandini

This story is about my maid and me and how we started our secret affair. Before that, let me introduce myself as it’s my first story. My name is Rahul 22 years, and I am a proper Bangalore man. I’m 5’8 with dusty color with a lean athletic body as I do regular gym I have finished my studies and started my firm. My mom moved to dad’s place as he works abroad. Now, coming to the story. As I told, I had finished my studies and started my firm. With mom gone, I was left alone with no-one to do my...

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Lesbian free use

You awaken from a long boat ride to the far ends of the globe to a strangely mystical continent thought only to exist in myth. The journey was an arduous endeavor leaving your body and mind reeling with apprehension with only your shipmates to relieve you. as you voyage into a new world, bounding with opportunity and danger at every pass.

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Millennium Products I the Domination of KateChapter 2

Introduction Kate slept very well throughout the following week, and felt restored and relaxed in the mornings. She got out of bed early and met her daughter during breakfast. Linda had looked sad all through the week, possibly still worried about that boyfriend problem; but Kate didn't care as she usually did. During the week she had always gone braless to work, but, by a wise choice of clothes, it had passed unnoticed. However, Linda opened the bathroom door unexpectedly on Thursday...

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Across Eternity Book 1Chapter 5 Succession

Having recovered from the springburn sickness, Noah and Tin set out early on a beautiful day. Summer was approaching, so the mornings lost much of their chill, though everyone paid for it in sweat later in the day. Instead of roaming through the woods to hunt monsters, they had a specific location in mind. Noah had heard rumors of an abandoned mine, now taken over by goblins. A hive, a nest, a colony; whatever it could be called, it spelled trouble for the village. Goblins ate and bred like...

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