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Child's Play By Kelly Davidson Part I When I was eleven years old I was friends with a little girl named Lisa who lived across the street. We were about the same age and in general, liked the same things. In fact, she was a tomboy who dressed pretty much like the other boys in our neighborhood. But every once in a while her mother (who looked like Jill Taylor from the show, "Tool Time") would make her wear a dress. I used to admire Lisa clothes and wish I could try them on. There was a red dress in particular that caught my eye. I would spend hours dreaming of playing dress-up with Lisa and trying on her clothes. But Lisa was more into doing boy things than playing dress-up or house, so I knew my dream would never happen. Or would it? One day I learned that Lisa and her parents were leaving for an overnight trip to visit her grandparents. Her father was looking for a new job in another city so they could be closer to them. This meant the house would be empty for an entire day; all I had to do was find a way in. I decided then and there that I was going to enter their house while they were gone and try on some of Lisa's clothes. A plan formed in my mind and I put it into action. The night before they left, I went over to play with Lisa and made sure one of the basement windows was unlocked. The next morning I woke up in time to see Lisa getting into the car and watching it drive away. As soon as the car turned the corner the excitement inside me started to build. Today was the day I would get the chance to try on some girl's clothes. Oh, I had worn some of my mother's stuff before but everything was always too big. Now I was going to wear something in "MY" size. I wanted to leave right then, but two fears held me up. First, I was afraid if I left too early my Mom would get suspicious and watch to see where I was going. Second, I was concerned that Lisa's family may come right back. Despite my enthusiasm, I somehow waited until 9 a.m. before making my move. After telling my mother I was going out to play, I calmly trotted over to Lisa's backyard. Making sure no one was looking; I slid behind a bush that hid the unlocked window. I sat there for moment, wondering if anyone had noticed the window was unlocked and had re-locked it. But when I pushed on the window it opened right up. I slid myself into the basement and locked the window behind me. The house was quiet and spooky and for the first time I felt guilty about what I was doing. True, I wasn't planning to steal or damage anything, still I knew what I was doing was wrong. Despite my guilt, the excitement of trying on some of Lisa's clothes over came what I was feeling. Cautiously, I walked upstairs while carefully checking to make sure no one else was home. Convinced I was alone, I walked into Lisa's room. It was your typical girl's room except there were more boy's toys lying about than girl's toys. I stood in front of the closet for 30 full seconds just thinking, 'This had been so easy.' I couldn't believe that something so forbidding and beyond my wildest dreams was about to come true. I grabbed the knob and slowly opened up the closet door in anticipation. There hanging in front of me were a number of pretty dresses, some that I had never seen Lisa wear before. I was like a kid in a candy store; I didn't know which one to try on first. Then I spotted the red dress I liked so much. It was a simple dress, with white bows on the sleeves, and just long enough to cover my thighs. I reached out and grabbed it off the hanger. Holding it up in front of me, I stood in front of the mirror trying to see how it would look. I hadn't even tried anything on and yet I couldn't remember a happier day in my life. I felt so soft and feminine in my hands and I had to try it on. But just as I was getting ready to take off my shirt I heard someone asked, "So Jeff, did you find anything in 'YOUR' size?" I turned to see Mrs. Smith standing in the doorway with an amused look on her face. No doubt she had seen the whole thing however, I quickly put the dress behind my back in a poor attempt to hide it. "Mrs. Smith," I shouted out. "What are you doing here?" Without changing her expression she replied, "I decided to stay home and get caught up on my needlework. Lisa decided that she would rather visit her grandparents while her father looked for a job than stay here with me. Now, the ten thousand dollar question is, what are you doing here young man?" I didn't know what to say. Even though I had been caught red- handed I wasn't about to admit the real reason for being there. I did some quick thinking and blurted out, "I couldn't find my baseball this morning and thought maybe I had left it over here last night." "Humm, I see." She smiled even more. "And what's that behind your back?" "Nothing." I answered nervously. I clutched the dress tighter; hoping this would cause it to disappear. She walked over to where I was standing and bent down. "Look's like something to me. Come on now Jeff, let go of it. Let me see what it is." She pulled the dress out of my hands that were behind my back and held it up in front of me. "This doesn't look like a baseball to me," she said with a big grin. "What were you planning to do with Lisa's dress?" "Well, you see," I stuttered, trying to think up a good story, "I knocked it off the hanger by accident and it fell to the floor. So I... picked it up... and was checking to make sure it wasn't dirty before I put it back." It might have been a good story if I had been able to tell it convincingly. Unfortunately, Mrs. Smith saw right through it. "I see," she replied getting down on her knees and holding the dress up right to me. "Nope, it looks clean to me. I like this dress. Lisa looks real cute in it. You know, I hadn't realized it before but you and Lisa are about the same size. I bet you could wear this dress if you wanted to." The words made me freeze. Had I really heard her right? Was she implying it was all right with her if I tried it on? Or was she waiting to see how I would reply before yelling at me for breaking into her house? I stood there not know what to say. Mrs. Smith had always been a nice lady to me but then; I had never been in trouble with her before. Sensing my fear, Mrs. Smith smiled softly and in a low voice said, "Don't worry Jeff, I'm not going to tell anyone what happened. I know you're a nice kid." She paused for a moment to stare at me then she spoke the words I had dreamed of hearing. "And if you want, I could dress you up as my 'little' girl." A cold chill of excitement ran down my spine. Had I really heard her right? Was she being sincere or was this a trap? Still afraid to show my true feelings, I played her last comment off as a joke. Giving her a weak smile I replied, "Well, I guess that would depend on what you made me wear?" "What do you mean?" she asked mischievously. "You heard the saying... your mother dresses you funny." I responded, trying to sound humorous while hiding my excitement. She smiled sweetly and said, "Why, I would dress you in the most beautiful dress, with ribbons and bows... and frilly panties... lace anklets and black paten leather shoes. Wouldn't you look just adorable? You'd be the ultimate in femininity... for a little girl, I mean." My mind went numb. I wanted to scream out, 'Yes, yes. I'll do it!' but was afraid of what she would do if I sounded too eager. After all, my parents could never accept my desire to dress up. With years of living in fear under my belt it was hard to believe someone was willing to let me live out my dream and not judge me for it. I tried to find the words but couldn't. Finally she spoke. "There are a few rules we need to get worked out. First, we can't tell anyone about what we do today. It'll be our little secret. "Second, you'll spend the day here until it's time to go home for supper. I'll call your Mom to let her know where you are so she won't worry. "Third, your name will be... let's see, how about Susanna Marie Smith. I've always wanted another little girl so I could give her that name. You on the other hand will refer to me as mommy. "Finally, you will have to act like a good little girl. That means listening and doing what I tell you to do even if you don't want to. Are we clear on these rules?" I nodded out a "yes" and tried to appear more relaxed. I didn't realize it but the last rule would come back to haunt me later. "Now, would you like to see the outfit I have in mind?" she asked pleasantly. I nodded silently and for the first time began to wonder what I had gotten myself into. She smiled, got up off her knees, and took my hand. "Okay, come with me dear." I was beginning to believe that Mrs. Smith was looking forward to this just as much as I was. Part II She led me down the hallway into a spare bedroom. "I got this outfit so Lisa could compete in the Little Miss's contest at the local fair next month. But being such a tomboy, I had to fight with her just to try it on. 'It was too girlish', as she called it, to wear for any period of time outside the contest. What do you think?" Mrs. Smith pulled from the closet one of the prettiest dresses I had ever seen. It was light pink and made out of a silky material with white lace and bows attached all over it. The dress had a white, lacy collar garnisheed with small, white bows. The shoulders of the sleeves were widely puffed out but came together midway down the arm and ended at the elbows. On the ends of the sleeves were little white bows and lace. From the collar down to where the skirt began the dress had a light, flower pattern on it. The skirt of the dress was actually two skirts, the lower being just a plain, pink color made out of the silky material. The top skirt covered the bottom skirt completely and was made out of a semi-transparent, silky pink lace with the same flower design as on the top part of the dress. At the hem of the skirt small, feminine bows were fixed to it. Around the waist was a wide, white ribbon that was tied into a big bow in the back. "You'll need this to get the skirt to spread out," Mrs. Smith said as she grabbed a lacy petticoat from the closet. "I think the rest of the stuff we can find in Lisa's room. Let's go back there and get you dressed." She pushed the petticoat into my arms and carefully picked up the hanger that held the dress. I followed her back down the hallway into Lisa's room carrying the pile of silk and lace in my hands that would soon be on my body. My mind was going into overload with happiness and excitement. After hanging the dress on the back of the door, Mrs. Smith opened up a dresser drawer. "Lets see, you'll need underwear," as she threw an unopened package onto the bed. "Would you look at this, it's never been open. Lisa wouldn't even try them on. Or the socks!" as she tossed another unopened package on the bed. Next she walked over to the closet and pulled out a pair of shinny, black shoes and a robe. She placed the shoes on the bed and handed me the robe. "Here, take off your clothes and put this on." I did as she said, putting the robe on before taking off my pants and underwear. Mrs. Smith picked up the pile of clothes and told me she would be right back. She left the room and a moment later re-appeared with a long, blonde wig. "Bet you didn't know your mother was a blonde at one time," she said with a smile. "Okay, I think we're ready to start." As we sat on the bed she explained what everything was and in what order I needed to put them on. She was very comforting in her words, as if she were deliberately making sure she didn't say anything that might embarrass me. She also had a blissful smile on her face as if she were enjoying the moment. Once this was done Mrs. Smith looked at me for a moment and said, "If you need help with something just let me know. In the meantime I'm going to call your Mom, just to let her know where you are, and get dressed myself. Take all the time you need Honey, alright." With those parting words she got up and left, closing the door behind her. I rushed to the door and opened it slightly so I could hear her conversation with my mother. It turned out my Mom was going shopping that afternoon and was hoping Mrs. Smith could watch me while she was gone. Talk about good luck. After Mrs. Smith hung up the phone I closed the door and turned to the job at hand. First I open up the package of new underwear that was lying on the bed. They were white and silky with ruffles attached to the outside all around. I carefully stepped into them and pulled them up. A cool wave of excitement ran throughout my body causing me to shiver slightly. The panties were much silkier then anything I had tried on before. Next I opened up the package containing the socks. Like the underwear, they were also white and had three rows of lace trim near the top. I slid them over my feet, passed my ankles, and all the way up to my knees. They felt so soft and warm on me. After the socks came the hard part of putting on the petticoat. It was made out of a smooth, nylon material with white, flower lace attached at the edges. There were three layers of soft, lacy ruffles that caused the petticoat to flare out on it's own. I had never seen, let alone wore anything that had so many ruffles attached to it. It took me a moment just to find the place where I needed to put my head through and then I started battling all the lacy ruffles to get it over my body. With one final big pull, I was able to slip it into place. The ruffles on the petticoat were thick and I enjoyed the touch of them rustling around my legs. I was tempted to look at myself in the mirror but held off. Next I picked up the dress and removed it from the hanger. It felt so cool and silky in my hands, which were shaking with excitement. I tried to stare at all the details; the lace, the ribbons, the bows, but it was too much to take in. The dress was absolutely beautiful! It was prettier then I could have ever dreamed up. Another cool wave of excitement went down my spine, causing my body to shiver. I carefully placed the dress over my head and pull it down just as Mrs. Smith had told me to do. Then I lifted up the skirt and started spreading it out over the petticoat. From my angle, the dress just covered the petticoat. As I began smoothing out the dress over the petticoat, I noticed that pressing down on the dress was like I was pushing down on a bunch of soft pillows. As soon as I stopped pressing down, the dress and petticoat would pop right back out again. I did this a few more times to try and capture the experience in my memory. There was a knock at the door and Mrs. Smith asked, "How are you doing in there?" "I'm almost dressed," I replied. I lifted the wig off the fake head and put it on, being careful and doing it exactly the way Mrs. Smith had shown me. The wig was made of long, straight hair that went all the way down to my waist with a sight curl in the front. The last thing I did was slipped my feet into the shoes. They were shinny and black but a bit tight. I had to fight with the buckle before they went on. After all this was done, I made my way to the mirror. What I saw shocked me. While I wasn't perfect, I looked better then I ever dreamed I could. Staring back at me was this cute, little girl in a pretty, pink party dress. "This can't be me," I kept repeating to myself in a daze and yet it I knew it was. There was another knock on the door. "Hurry up, I want to see how you look." There was excitement in her voice that I hadn't heard before. Perhaps it was her excitement that made me nervous, or maybe that this would be the first time someone would see me dressed up. Whatever the reason, I didn't want Mrs. Smith to walk in and see me standing in the middle of the room dressed like this. So I went inside the closet and closed the door before calling out that I was ready. I heard the bedroom door open and then a concerned voice ask, "Susan, where are you?" "In the closet." I replied nervously. "Why are you hiding in there?" The voice got louder as Mrs. Smith walked up to the door. "I... I wanted to surprise you. Are you sure you want to see me?" I asked. "Really, really sure? Because if you're not, then don't open up the door." "Yes I want to see you." Her voice became softer and understanding. "Look, I'm not going to laugh at you, I promise. In fact, I know we're going to have a great time if you trust me. Now, I'm going to open up the door on the count of three. One - Two - Three." I took a deep breath and braced myself for the worse. I realized there was no turning back now. For better or worse, my decision had been made. Part 3 The light from the room suddenly came shinning in on me. I slowly looked up and saw Mrs. Smith standing there with big smile on her face. I had feared the worse but her face told me she wasn't upset or grossed out by what she saw. In fact, it was the opposite; she looked totally happy. Not only did Mrs. Smith want me to be her little girl, I think she actually believed it. "Oh Susan!" she squealed with delight. "You look soooo adorable. Your sister didn't looked nearly as good in this dress as you do. Come out of that closet so I can get a better look at you." She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the middle of the room. "Oh my, what a pretty little girl you are." "I couldn't get the dress zipped up all the way, Mrs. Smith." "Mommy," she reminded me, "remember? And that's okay, I'll do it for you sugar. I just can't believe how good you look in this dress; it's perfect on you. However, we're going to have to do something about this petticoat, it's a little low." She knelt down and had me lift up part of my dress while she made some adjustments to it. "Lower your dress now," she told me. "Okay, that looks much better." Moving my hair to one side she zipped up my dress and straightened out the collar and some bows. "There are still a few things we need to take care of to complete this outfit," she said. "Come with me child so I can make you pretty." Mrs. Smith took my hand and led me out of the bedroom. The shoes I was wearing were tight and petticoat rustled against my legs, which caused the skirt to sway back and forth as I moved. It was a struggle for me to walk in this outfit. Somehow I managed to make it into to her bedroom without falling over. "Sit down in the chair at the makeup table," she commanded. Easier said then done. Everytime I tried to sit down I ended up with a pile of ruffles to fight with. Mrs. Smith watched my struggle with amusement. "Here, try sitting down this way," which she then showed me. Her way ended up working better then mine and I was able to sit without having my dress sticking up. The chair I sat down on already had a soft cushion but all the ruffles from the petticoat made me feel like I was sitting on a couple of fluffy pillows. The makeup table was huge and meant for serious business. It had three, large mirrors and six sets of drawers (three on each side). The two side mirrors were placed at a 45-degree angle, which allowed me to see what I looked like from both sides. On the table were several smaller mirrors, numerous bottles of perfume, lipstick, hairbrushes, other bottles of makeup, and some jewelry. Mrs. Smith picked up a brush and started bushing my hair, working on the front curl to make it more noticeable. When this was done, she laid the brush down and pulled from one of the drawers a big, white bow. With great care she attached it to the back of my head. The ribbons from the bow almost ran down to the end of my hair. From another drawer she pulled out a pair of white, lace gloves and told me to put them on. The ends of the gloves went up to my elbows. Mrs. Smith explained that they had been her mothers and was glad to see one of her girls would enjoy wearing them. From still another drawer she pulled out a white, pearl necklace. Placing it around my neck, the necklace hung just above the collar of my dress. I had never thought of trying on my mother's jewelry before and seeing the necklace had me spell-bound. "Okay, we need to add some makeup to give you the right effect," she stated while picking up a bottle off the table. "I need you to sit very still while I put this on, so don't move." Over the next half hour she applied blush, eye shadow and liner, pink lipstick, nail polish and finally, some of the sweetest- smelling perfume I had ever smelled in my life, even to this day. When she was all done Mrs. Smith stood back and looked at me with pride. "Oh Susan, you look so beautiful." There was a lot emotion in her voice. "You're a living doll in that dress. I can't wait to show you off." She got down on her knees and gave me a big hug. "We'll going to have so much fun today, just you and me. Girl fun that is." "Mommy, what do you mean you can't wait to show me off?" I asked nervously. "Did I say that?" she said with a sly smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean too. Wishful thinking I guess. Anyway young lady, we have work to do. It's one thing to look like a little girl, it's quite another to act like one. The contest is next month and you have a lot to learn. I'll make you a promise; if you work hard this morning I'll take it easy on you for the afternoon. Agree?" Before I had a chance to answer she took my hand and led me into the living room. Over the next couple of hours I was taught how to sit, walk and act like a proper little girl. Mrs. Smith was teaching me all the things I would need to know to compete in the contest next month. In fact she made the comment, "With your looks, poise, and that dress; you're going to be contender Susanna. Now give me a smile," she said as I posed for a picture, sitting in a chair with my legs bent sideways, hands together resting on the skirt of my dress and my hair flowing down over my shoulders. I became a lot more relaxed when I saw my mother get into her car and drive away. I continued to relearn how to do things as a girl until about noon when Mrs. Smith looked at the clock and said, "Let's stop now and have lunch." I agreed but instead of heading to the kitchen she led me back to her bedroom. Going to her closet, she pulled out a white blouse and handed it to me. "Here, put this on over your dress so you don't get food on it," she said. A new wave of excitement came over me. It was one thing to be wearing Lisa's clothes, now I was trying on Mrs. Smith stuff. I was hoping she would hand me a skirt or something else to wear but instead we walked back to the kitchen. From the side of the refrigerator she pulled out a fancy apron and placed it over me. "There, I think that should be okay. We don't want to get anything on that pretty dress of yours, now do we? So, what shall we fix for lunch?" We decided on some grill cheese sandwiches that I helped make. After we ate and cleaned up the dishes, I removed the blouse (with much reluctance) and handed it back to Mrs. Smith. "We need to freshen up your makeup but that can wait a while," she remarked to me. "Since you worked so hard this morning, I'm going to let you play while I do some needle work." The news made me happy. True, I was living out a dream and so far it had been more than I could have hoped for. But I had grown tired of the routine of relearning to walk, sit, and talk like a little girl just so I could impress a judge in a contest that I would never be in. In fact, not only was I tired; I had become bored with this make-believe game we were playing. While I still liked the idea of dressing up and even acting as a little girl, the things Mrs. Smith made me do hadn't been as much fun as I thought they would be. Realities of real life never live up to your dreams. Then there was my age. If I had been older the situation would've been different. But at eleven years old, my attention span wasn't that long. The little kid inside me had had enough and he wanted to go outside to run and play with his friends. "Can I go outside and play?" I asked, thinking I could change back into my boy clothes and go to the park. My friends would be starting a baseball game about this time. "I'm afraid not, Susan." Mrs. Smith replied. "I don't want you to get your dress dirty and I'm not ready for you to take it off yet." The reply took me back a little; I hadn't been prepared for that answer. "But I really want to go outside." I began to whine. "Please, can't I change and go outside. I need to get some fresh air and stretch my legs." "Sorry Susan, I need you to keep that dress on for a little while longer." Then she gave a sly grin and added, "I guess if want, we could go for a walk in the park. Would that help?" "In this?" I responded, holding out the hem of my skirt to her. "My friends would laugh at me." "No they wouldn't Susan. In fact, I bet your friends would fight over each other just to sit next to such a pretty little girl on the swing. I know the dress is a little bit more fancy than what most girls wear, but I don't think they would make fun of you because of it." Clearly Mrs. Smith wasn't thinking straight or she didn't understand the situation. Had she forgotten who I really was? "But I'm not really a little girl, that's the problem," I replied. Oh really?" Mrs. Smith walked me over to the mirror and said, "Look at yourself Susanna. You're beautiful and completely feminine. Nobody could ever tell there was a boy underneath all that silk and lace." I looked at the person in the mirror and realized she was right. It wasn't a boy wearing a dress that I saw; it was little girl in a lacy, pink outfit with white bows and ribbons. She had long, blonde hair that flowed down to her waist and a big, white bow that hung on the back of her head. The shinny black shoes, the white gloves, even the ruffles that peaked out from underneath my dress every now and then all helped to make me into the illusion of being a little girl. "You just need to believe that the person in the mirror is really who it appears to be," she whispered softly in my ear. "If it helps, I believe you're the prettiest little girl a mother could ever have." Mrs. Smith wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tightly. "I've enjoyed myself this morning. How about you; have you enjoyed yourself?" I nodded my head and gazed at her happy face in the mirror staring over my shoulder. For the first time in my life, I was in love. I didn't want Mrs. Smith to stop hugging me and I would've done anything to make her happy. She was much different than my mother, who I could never seem to please. Mrs. Smith accepted me for who I was and didn't expect me to be someone I wasn't. I knew she wouldn't yell at me for getting a B+ on a math test instead of an A+. She would've been happy just knowing I had tried my best. I also loved the way Mrs. Smith smelled and how she dressed. The clothes she wore, usually skirts or dresses, were always so much more pretty and stylish than other women her age. She was everything a man, in my case an 11-year-old, could want. How could I refuse her request? "So, do you want to go outside for a walk or stay inside and play?" she asked. Playing inside wasn't my first choice but it wasn't the worse thing that could've happened. True, I couldn't go outside and play baseball like I wanted but Lisa had a number of great toys I didn't have, and most of time she hogged them whenever we played together. Now I could have them all to myself without having to share. I guessed playing in the house one afternoon wouldn't kill me. In fact, the more I thought about it, the better the idea sounded. I could play with some neat toys and still remain dressed. "I guess I would rather stay inside Mommy. Do you think it would be okay if I got out Lisa's race car set?" "Actually, I had something else in mind for you to play with," she said while taking my hand and leading me down the hallway. For so reason I didn't like the way she had said that. Part Four Mrs. Smith led me back into the spare bedroom and open up the closet door. From it she pulled out a large baby doll with long, dark hair. It was wearing a diaper, rubber pants, and a fancy dress. Mrs. Smith also pulled out a box that contained extra dresses, diapers and other accessories. It turned out that the doll was one of those types where you fed it and it would then wet itself. It hardly looked used. "Here, this should be fun to play with," Mrs. Smith said with excitement as she thrust the doll into my arms. "Now you can be a mommy just like me". While I had always liked the idea of dressing up and even acting like a little girl, I never held any interest in playing with dolls. In fact, I was embarrassed to even be holding it in front of her. "A doll?" I said in a shocked voice. "Can't I play with something else? I mean, you don't expect me to play with an old doll, do you?" "Why Susan, this just isn't any kind of doll. This is the type of doll that all little girls dream of playing with." She stopped for a moment to give me a huge big smile and added, "Do you know what the best part is? She's all yours, no one else's." I took little comfort in the last statement. "But, but, I don't even know how to play with a doll. What am I suppose to do with it?" I asked in a confused tone, hoping this would get me off the hook. "Well, first you give her a name," she replied while gently patting me on the back. "Then you can feed and change her. Let's see, after that you can read her a book; I bet she'll like that. Then you can give her a bath and make sure she's all clean and dry. And finally, you can dress her in a nightie and rock her to sleep. Of course, you'll need to sing to her." she added with a small, sweet smile. "Me, sing to a doll?" I protested. "I can't do that, I just can't." "Sure you can." she replied lovingly. "Susan, you're going to find that this is a lot of fun if you give it a chance. I used to spend hours playing with my baby-dolls and they couldn't do half the things that this one does. You're a very lucky girl to have such a nice baby!" I didn't feel that lucky, not one darn bit. I didn't want to hurt Mrs. Smith feelings but there was no way I intended to play with this doll. "I really don't think I can do this very well," I told her. "Maybe we should try something else." "Now Susan," her voice becoming a tad stern that made me take notice, "remember our deal here? You agreed to be a good girl and do as I say if I dressed you up in the prettiest outfit Lisa owned. I've kept my part of the bargain so far, haven't I? Now it's your turn to listen to me." Then her voice became sweet and encouraging again. "Trust me sugar, you're going to enjoy yourself. Just give it a try, you'll see. I know you'll make a great mommy." I didn't have much choice. Mrs. Smith grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the living room with the box of stuff in tow. "Come on baby, you can play in the living room while I work on this quilt. And if you're a good girl, maybe I'll teach you how to sew later on." I took a place on the couch while Mrs. Smith sat in a rocker close by. After a few minutes of me just sitting there holding the doll under one arm, Mrs. Smith asked, "What did you decide to call your baby Susan?" I felt my cheeks turn red. It was embarrassing enough to be holding the doll, now I had to name it. "I don't know?" I muttered, hoping she would take the hint and let me play with something else. But Mrs. Smith wasn't about to give up so fast. "Come on Susanna, give this a try. It would make me very happy if you did. Remember our rules, be a good girl now." I thought about it and sighed. "Okay, how about... Sally. Do you like that name mommy?" "Sally is a very pretty name for your baby, Susan. But hold her closer with both hands; she's not going to bite. And talk to her and let her know how much you love her." I was totally embarrassed but realized there was no way out of this. Trying to make the best of the situation, I lifted the doll up to my chest and started talking to it softly as any little girl would. Next I took out a bottle and began feeding my new, unwanted baby-doll, while silently cursing the person who had designed it. Mrs. Smith on the other hand just smiled contently from her rocker as she worked on her quilt. Time began to drag, as every minute seemed like an hour. 'How long would she make me do this? I wondered. 'Not the whole afternoon?' I hoped. Perhaps once I did everything she had asked me to do I could play with something else. After feeding the doll it's bottle, I checked the diaper and sure enough, it was wet. Instead of changing it, I pulled out the toy bathtub and filled it with water. Mrs. Smith got me a washcloth and soap to use and allowed me to take off my gloves and put on her apron. It was hard work washing the doll on my knees while wearing this fancy, Sunday school outfit. The ruffles from the petticoat didn't cooperate and dress wasn't made for kneeing. Somehow I managed to soap and rinse off the doll without getting my dress dirty or wet. After drying off the doll, I faced the next hurtle of putting a new diaper on her. The problem was, I had never changed a diaper before and didn't know what to do. In fact, these were real store bought pampers that you would buy for newborn infants. I hated to ask but, "Mommy, I don't know how to do this. Can you help me?" "Sure I can honey. Here, let me show you how it's done." Mrs. Smith laid the doll on the table and taught me what to do. "Okay, you give it a try," she replied while handing the doll back to me. I followed her directions and managed to get the doll diapered and dressed in another outfit. "Your baby looks tired Susan." Mrs. Smith said. "I think you need to give her a bottle and make her take a nap. Here, take my chair so you can rock and sing her to sleep." Mrs. Smith moved her stuff to another chair and gently forced me into the rocker. I gave up trying to keep my dress down (from all the ruffles) and worked on holding the doll up while feeding it a bottle. Slowly I started to rock in the chair, hoping this would end soon. "Come on dear." Mrs. Smith encouraged. "Sing to your baby. Let me hear your sweet voice honey." I gritted my teeth and softly started to hum, then sing, "Rock-a- by-baby" to the doll. After my third repeat of the song, Mrs. Smith couldn't take it anymore. "Oh Susan," she said, her voice filled with pleasure. "You're so adorable sitting there. I just have to get a picture of this". She grabbed her camera and took a few shots of me sitting there. I, on the other hand, kept squeezing the bottle and trying to get the doll to drink faster. The sooner the bottle was done, the sooner I could lay the doll down and be done with it. After what seemed like an eternity, the bottle was finally empty of it's contents. I laid the doll on the couch and told Mrs. Smith that Sally was asleep. Of course I knew the diaper was wet, but I was hoping Mrs. Smith would forget so I wouldn't have to change her again. "Oh, you can't leave your baby sleeping on the couch like that honey". An idea popped into her head. "Wait a minute, I'll be right back." I heard her go into the basement and move some stuff around. A moment later she came back up the stairs dragging something behind her. "I thought it had been thrown away, but it wasn't." she said with great joy. "It used to be mine but I'm giving it to you. What do you think?" It was an old baby buggy that had seen better days. The handle was rusty, the wheels were loose, and entire thing was filthy. Mrs. Smith got out a wet towel and started to clean up the dirt. "It's old but still in good shape honey. At least this way you can take your baby with you without having to carry her around all the time." After a few minute of cleaning the buggy looked a lot better. Mrs. Smith tied a few ribbons to the outside of it and gave me an old baby blanket to lay the doll. I placed my new baby-doll into the buggy and covered her with the blanket. Then Mrs. Smith had me push the baby buggy around the room while she watched with delight. "Oh Susan, you look so sweet doing that. If only we had time to go to the park, you could push your baby around on some of the paths they have there." My mind went back to the park. I imagine pushing the baby buggy down a path dress like I was. Being dressed this way was bad enough, but pushing a baby buggy with my doll in it, the image caused me to shiver with fright. "Can I change now?" I asked politely. Mrs. Smith looked at the clock and said," No honey, I need you to wear this outfit a little while longer. In fact, I think it's time we freshen up your makeup dear." She got up and led me back to her bedroom again. This time, Mrs. Smith seemed to put more care into making sure my hair and makeup was just right. I didn't know the reason but was about to find out. We went back into the living room where Mrs. Smith made me repeat some of the things she had taught me that morning. I was drilled on the proper way to walk, talk and sit like a young lady. When this was done Mrs. Smith got down on her knees and started fixing the bows and ribbons on my dress so everything was just right. 'Why all the fuss,' I wondered. 'Was she planning to take more pictures?' Little did I realize that for the next hour I was about to play the ultimate game of make-believe! Part Five It started when there was a knock on the door. I panicked, thinking maybe my mother had come back early. But as I tried to leave Mrs. Smith grabbed and firmly held me in place. "Stay right here," she told me softly. "Everything's all right, I was expecting guests at this time. It's my surprise for you." "I can't stay here. Look at ME!" I protested as my body began shaking with fear. Was I ready for this? There was another knock at the door. "Susanna, I don't have time to argue about this." In an even more comforting voice she said, "Look honey, you look perfect; no one will suspect a thing. Just do the things you learn and enjoy being a little girl. You'll love this experience, I promise. Now, take a deep breath and relax. Everything will be alright." Mrs. Smith let go of my arms and walked backwards towards the door while keeping her eyes on me. "Just relax, you'll do fine." She pointed her finger at me to stay before turning to open the door. "Are you Mrs. Smith?" someone asked. Yes, I am. Hi. You must be from the committee. I'm glad you could make it. Please, come in and call me Linda." Three ladies entered into the house. Two were in their late thirty's and the other couldn't have been more then twenty. "Thank you Linda. You have a lovely house," one of the older ladies said as she looked around the living room and spied me. "Oh my, and who is this lovely princess?" All three ladies looked over to where I was standing nervously. "This is my 10 year old daughter, Susanna," Mrs. Smith proudly announced. "What a pretty dress!" the first lady commented. "She's adorable Linda." I stood there, too afraid to move. "We were working on her outfit for the 'Little Misses' contest at the state fair next month. We're hoping to win this year." "Well I don't see how she can lose," the second older lady replied. "She's as cute as a button. And that dress, oh, I just have to get a better look at it. Do you mind Susanna?" Before I had a chance to reply, all three ladies were touching my dress, straightening bows, and smoothing out my skirt with their hands. "I remember wearing dresses like this when I was younger," the first older lady said. "They use to make me feel so pretty. Do you like wearing dresses like this Susanna?" I shyly shook my head but Mrs. Smith commanded, "Speak up dear, just like I taught you." "Yes ma'am." I replied. Thank goodness I hadn't hit puberty and could still make my voice sound softer than it was. "And you're so polite too. Linda, you have raised a fine young lady here. Does she have any other surprises?" 'Only one,' I thought but kept quiet. Mrs. Smith just looked at me and grinned. "Nope, none that I know of." "Well I have a daughter who's 13 and I have to fight with her just to wear a skirt to church," the first lady continued. "She won't even look at 'a dress' when we go to the store." "Your lucky," replied the second older lady. "My daughter is 17 and refuses to even put on a skirt. In fact, she wore a pants suit to her prom. Can you believe that? She has a closet full of some of the prettiest skirts and dresses that I made for her but she refuses to wear them. Maybe I should give them to Susanna," she said with a smile. "I hate to say this," she added, "but last month my daughter got her hair cut real short. Because of the way she dresses, she looks like a boy now. And when I ask her to wear a dress she refuses. Her reason is that her other friends dress this way and she doesn't want to break fashion. How about you, Mary? Any thoughts?" The younger women spoke for the first time. "I used to love dressing up as a princess when I was a little girl. I would go out as one every Halloween. My dream is to dress my child as a princess all the time, even if it's a 'boy'. Everyone, including Mrs. Smith, broke out in laughter. "Don't worry Susanna, he could never be as pretty as you." "Well, you are very pretty in that dress. I bet you're going to hate taking it off," the first lady commented. It's nice to see a little girl who is not ashamed to be... a girl. And such a pretty one." I felt my cheeks starting to turn red from all this attention. "Today, too many girls want to dress and look like boys." she added. "It's nice to meet young ladies like yourself who don't mine dressing up in pretty outfits. It lets us, the older generation; know that in the future there will still be young ladies who won't mine acting and dressing as such. Your the hope for our future womanhood." (Now that was an interesting thought.) Despite being embarrassed, I realize she had given me a compliment. Maybe I could get away with this. "Yes ma'am, and thank you," as I held out my skirt and curtsied, just as Mrs. Smith had taught me. The three ladies giggled with pleasure while Mrs. Smith beamed with at me with pride. "Well, I figure we could work on my application over here," Mrs. Smith said, pointing to the chairs in one corner of the living room. "Have a seat while I get some coffee and snacks. Susanna, be a good girl and help your mother, okay." "Okay mommy," I said as I walked behind her into the kitchen. The minute we went around the corner Mrs. Smith turned and gave me a giant hug. "You were fantastic back there," her voice filled with pride. "I couldn't be prouder of you, especially when you curtsy to them. That was perfect. You're a very good learner, Susan." One of her hands went down and patted me on the bottom. "I'm proud you're my daughter. I want you to always be my little girl." That was all I wanted to hear. All my life I had been looking for someone to accept and make me feel wanted. I never did seem to fit in at home. No matter what I did, it never seemed to be good enough. I prayed to God, while she was holding on to me, to make it so. I wanted to be her little girl for life. "I love you mommy," and I did. The words were real, not rehearsed. She smiled back and said, "Well, we have guests we have to take care of. Come on, let's get busy." She stood up and walked over to the counter. Even though I had passed with flying colors, being around those other women was a nerve-racking experience. I had a number of fears about being caught, and they were still dancing in my head. 'What would happen if these ladies found out who I really was? Would the police be called in? Would my parents find out?' I really didn't want to find out the answers to these questions. What I really wanted to do was to play it safe and stay in the kitchen or hide out in Lisa's bedroom until they left. But Mrs. Smith had other plans for me. She handed me a plate of cookies. "Here, take these and serve them to our guest please." Seeing the fear in my eyes she added, "you're doing great Susanna, keep up the good work." She turned me around so I faced the entrance to the living room and whispered in my ear, "Take a deep breath - relax." She gave a slight push on my back to start me walking towards the living room. I carried the cookies out to where the three ladies were sitting at. Each of them gave me a pleasant smile and thanked me for being so helpful. A minute later Mrs. Smith followed with a tea tray. The three ladies introduce themselves to us and Mrs. Smith took a seat next to one of them, leaving me standing there. "Baby doll, why don't you go play with Sally while we talk." Mrs. Smith motioned to the doll that was lying in the buggy. "Okay," I replied obediently. I picked the doll up and headed for the hallway but only got a few feet before I heard Mrs. Smith say, "Excuse me for a moment. Susan dear, where are you going?" "I was going to my room to play so I wouldn't disturb you." "That's very nice of you honey but I want you to play in here where I can keep on eye on you. That dress cost us a lot of money and I don't want to see you get it dirty, okay. You can play on the couch with Sally, just don't try to give her a bath." Mrs. Smith then went back to her guests. 'What an embarrassing situation,' I thought as I sat down on the couch and stared at the ladies on the other side of the room. But what else could I do. If I left the room Mrs. Smith would only drag me back in and, she would be mad. I didn't want that to happen. And, I couldn't just sit here; I was suppose to be a little girl and just sitting was not what a 10-year girl would do. No, if I wanted these ladies to think I was a little girl then I had to act like one. So, what would a little girl do in this situation? I knew the answer even before I started thinking it out. There was only one thing I could do to keep up this masquerade. I was trapped and I knew it. Mrs. Smith looked over and gave me the eye to start playing. I laid the doll on the coffee table and changed it's diaper. This caught the attention of all three ladies, who seemed more interested in what I was doing them what Mrs. Smith was talking about. From the box I pulled out a pretty dress and carefully pull it over the dolls head. To keep up the appearance, I kept smiling and talking to my doll. After she was dressed, I brushed its long, dark hair with a pink baby brush. Once done, I sat the doll on my lap and read the book, 'The little red caboose' to her. Mrs. Smith continued to talk while the three ladies took their turn checking to see what I was doing. The longer I played with the doll the more embarrassed I became. While I would have given my front teeth to stop what I was doing, I realized that the more attention I gave the doll the more convinced these ladies would believe that I was just another little girl. So I forced myself to play the part happier, more joyfully, more serious then any little girl could. I read the doll a couple of other books before I couldn't take it anymore. Grabbing the bottle, I proceeded to feed my baby while talking softly to her. By now I was feeling totally foolish but knew this was the only way to keep up my cover. Every now and then one of the ladies would look up and give me an approving glance. Ten minutes later the bottle was done and the doll's diaper was wet again. While I worked on changing the diaper, I listened to what was going on. Mrs. Smith was trying to get a grant from these ladies for a special quilt she wanted to make. It seemed like she had been talking for hours, going over her plans. 'When was this meeting going to end?' I asked myself. After changing the doll's diaper, I started looking through the box for something to dress her in. I came across a frilly, pink nightgown with lace all over it. With great care, I dressed the doll in it. Then a horrible thought struck me. There wasn't anything left to do but sing my doll to sleep, something I was dreading. I felt foolish enough playing with this doll but having to sing to it in front of strangers, it was more then I could stand. I just couldn't bring myself to doing it. Instead, I held the doll in my lap hoping no one would take noticed. After a few minutes of explaining her quilt to the ladies, someone else started talking and Mrs. Smith looked over at me. Our eyes locked and in an instant, I had read her mind. She made a motion to continue with what I was doing or else. With great resistance, I lifted the doll up and snuggled it against my chest. I began swinging my arms back and forth and softly sang a lullaby to the baby doll. The ladies in the group looked over and stared at me with admiration. I could read their minds; each of them dreamed of having a little girl like myself who they could dress up in pretty clothes and watch as she played with her dolls. I could tell Mrs. Smith was thrilled with my performance as she struggled to continue. After what seemed like forever, the meeting finally broke up. I continued to rock the doll as the three ladies stood and walked over to me. "That's a very pretty baby you have Susanna," one of them said. "What's her name?" "Sally," I replied shyly. I didn't want to get into a discussion about my doll. "I can see that you take really good care of her," she continued to ramble, almost as if she believe it was a really person. Then it dawned on me; I had done such a good job of acting in front of her that she actually believed I thought it was 'a real baby'. In fact, from the smiles on all three ladies faces, I could see that they all believed this was true. These ladies must have thought I was a little baby or something. I held onto the doll even tighter, part out of embarrassment and part of fear of blowing my cover. "Oh yes, she is a good mother to Sally," Mrs. Smith agreed, adding on to my woes. "In fact, she plays with Sally most of the day. She is a fine mommy." "How old is your baby Susanna?" one of the older ladies asked. I just stood there, too embarrassed to say anything. "Go on and tell her honey," Mrs. Smith coaxed. "Six months," I said, clutching the doll even tighter. "Look how tightly she holds onto her doll." one of the older ladies whispered to the others. "Don't worry Susanna, we are not going to take your baby away." All three laugh as if this was quite funny while I loosened my death-grip on the doll. "Well, she is a very pretty baby, and you're a very nice little girl Susanna. It was a pleasure meeting both Sally and you," she said with a smile as she patted me on the shoulder. The three ladies said their good-byes and headed out the door. Mrs. Smith turned after they left and gave me a big smile." "Come here you little angel!" Mrs. Smith said while holding out her arms to me. She gave me a big hug and lifted me slightly off the ground. "You were perfect," she said in a joyful manner. "Those women envied me for having such a sweet, pretty little girl. I'm sorry I didn't warn you but I didn't want to you to be nervous before hand. Now, aren't you glad I didn't?" I had to admit I was glad she hadn't told me ahead of time. If she had, I would've been a nervous wreak before they had gotten here. It is a memory I treasure today and I'm glad it happened. I would do it again if I had the chance. Mrs. Smith stopped hugging me and said, "I guess now you can change into another outfit, unless you would like to play some more. In fact, I was thinking we could do something together. Would you like that?" The excitement of the outfit had worn off but I still wasn't ready to exchange this dress for another. Besides, the thought of doing something with Mrs. Smith sounded much more exciting. Being around her was a wonderful experience and I wanted to do as much as I could with her. "I would love to do something with you mommy, what do you have in mind? Anything you want." "Anything?" Mrs. Smith smiled while grabbing my hand. "Come along with me then sweetie, I have another surprise for you." She led me into the spare bedroom again and told me to sit on the bed. Then she reached down and pulled out a box from underneath the bed. "You're going to love this baby doll." Part Six Mrs. Smith opened up the box and to my horror, started pulling from it more dolls. Only these weren't just dolls, they were Barbie dolls that she had gotten for Lisa who refused to play with them. "This is going to be fun." she squealed. "I've been dying to play dolls with one of my girls for a long time. We can dress them up and pretend to go shopping and do all kinds of things. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" I looked into her happy face and realized there was no way I could say 'No' to her. So we sat on the bed and dressed the dolls up like they were going to a party. Then I drove them around the room in a Barbie car and when they got to the party we sat them in chairs and pretended like they were talking about dresses, makeup, and other things girls talk about. We even had them dance with a Ken doll. This was the first and only time I enjoyed playing with a doll. I mean, I really had a good time and ended up getting into the game. This couldn't have happened if it hadn't been for Mrs. Smith, who seemed to really be enjoying herself. During that hour we bonded just like mothers and daughters do under similar circumstances. It was an extremely special experience where I felt completely like her little girl. I was thinking, experiencing and enjoying my new role as her daughter. After playing for a while Mrs. Smith said, "You must be uncomfortable in that dress Susan. Let's get you out of that dress and see how you look in some of your sisters other outfits." I agreed and we walked back into Lisa's room. The rest of the outfits were uneventful compared to the first dress I wore except that I did look good in most of them. In fact, I could have gone outside wearing any of them and everyone would have taken me for a little girl. First I tried on a short pink dress with puff sleeves. Mrs. Smith had me take off the petticoat and gave me one of Lisa's pink slips to wear. Next I tried on a blue flower dress, which we both thought made me looked pretty. Mrs. Smith told me Lisa didn't like the dress and wouldn't even try it on. There were a couple of skirt/blouse outfits that I changed into as well but I didn't look nearly as good in them as I did in the dresses. Finally I tried on the red dress with the white ribbons, which I (and Mrs. Smith) liked so much. It looked as if it was meant for me. Mrs. Smith thought I looked so good that she took a few pictures of me wearing it. Up to this point it had been a pretty good day but there was one thing I was a little disappointed about. Mrs. Smith was a sharp dresser and I always admired the pretty dresses or sharp skirt and blouse outfits she wore. Today however, she had put on a pair of black pants and a white blouse. I guess she had done this in her haste to get back to me. I was a little disappointed she hadn't taken time to put on a dress or skirt and finally, I gathered up the courage to say something about it. "Mommy, wouldn't you like to wear something different so we can both be dressed up?" Mrs. Smith looked at me with her big blues eyes. "Why baby-doll, would you like me to wear something different than what I have on? Why didn't you tell me before? I guess I could if you want." She disappeared into her bedroom and a few minutes later re- appeared wearing the same blouse but with a flowered skirt that came down to her knees. "How's this?" she asked while twirling around. "Does it meet with your approval?" I had another outfit in mind (her wedding dress) but didn't want to push my luck and nodded an approval. She was a prettiest woman in the world, no matter what she wore. "Your clothes are so pretty," I told her. "I wish I could wear them." Mrs. Smith giggled. "Why that can be arranged. I guess you have time to play 'dress up' if you like." Before I had a chance to answer she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. "Let's see, what would you like to wear? Do you want me to pick something out for you or do you want to do it?" I told her to pick something out and she started shifting through her closet. "Here are some things." She pulled out several dresses and laid them on the bed. "You can pick out whatever you want to try on. Now, let me get some other items for you." She walked over to her dresser and pulled out a blue slip, white bra and pair of dark pantyhose. She smiled as she laid them on the bed in front of me. "Here you go baby-doll. Now, you can put these on over your dress or I can leave and you can change into them. What would you like me to do?" I decided to change into her clothes but told Mrs. Smith it was all right for her to stay if she turned around while I got dressed. My hands were shaking with anticipation as I picked up the bra. Knowing that Mrs. Smith had worn this same bra under her clothes made it that much more exciting. It felt so soft and smooth in my hands as I placed it over my chest. I grabbed some socks and stuffed them into it to give me a figure more like what Mrs. Smith had. Next I picked up the full slip that was lacy and felt so silky. As I slid it on my body a cold chill ran down my spine and I shivered with excitement. The slip was too big on me of course and while it didn't come close to Mrs. Smith's knees when she wore it, it ended up going all the way down to my feet. Putting on a pair of pantyhose was also a new experience but somehow I managed to do it without getting a run in them. From the pile of clothes I selected a blue and white flowered dress with a broad white collar and belt around the waist. I didn't even bother unzipping it, as I was able to pull it right over my head. Mrs. Smith looked so stylish in this outfit and I dreamed it would have the same effect on me. I told her I was ready and she could turn around. "Oh Susan!" Mrs. Smith said with a giggle. "You look so cute in my dress." She held one hand to her mouth and giggled again. "Take a look at yourself in the mirror honey." I would 'love to say' I looked as pretty and snappy as Mrs. Smith did in the outfit. The truth is, I looked more like a clown or better yet, a little girl playing dress up in her mother's clothes than the young lady I hoped I would see. But I didn't care; I was wearing the clothes of the women I was in love with. Everything was perfect. Everything that is except for the outfit I wanted her to wear. Time was growing short and I became more determine to see her in it. However, instead of asking her directly, I came up with a plan. Pointing to her wedding picture on the dresser I asked, "Is that you in that picture Mommy?" "Why yes it is baby." "That dress looks so beautiful on you. To bad you don't still have it around so I could see it." She grinned and I could see she got the hint. "Why thank you very much honey. Actually, I have it here in the closet. Would you like to see it?" I nodded yes and she pulled out a large white box from the top of the closet. Carefully she open it up and pulled from it a long, white wedding dress. The pictures didn't do it justice. "Hold it up on you Mommy." She did and I began to picture her wearing it. Now all I had to do was figure out what to say that would make her want to try it on. Just as I was getting ready to say something she spoke. "You don't have to ask sugar, I know what you have in mind." "You do?" I said a little surprised. "Yes, I do." she grinned. "I can take a hint. And it's fine with me baby, you can try it on." "Um, well um, what about you?" This was not what I had in mind although the idea didn't seem that bad to me. "Well, I don't mind baby doll as long as you don't mind standing there in front of me in your slip." Her smile got real big. "You'll have to take off the dress you have on before you can get into my wedding gown you know." I didn't argue with her, I was thrilled with idea of trying the wedding gown on. I stepped out of the dress I was wearing and before I even had a chance to think about what was going on Mrs. Smith slid the wedding dress over my head. Suddenly I became lost in a sea of white silk. "Put your arms in the sleeve baby." Mrs. Smith commanded. I found them and positioned my hands inside. "Good, here we go." All of a sudden my head popped out and I could see again. Mrs. Smith grabbed my hair and dropped it over the back of the dress. "Not bad sugar, not bad. Let's try the veil now." She pulled the veil out of another box and positioned it onto my head. "One more thing, let's put on some red lipstick to highlight your lips." She applied it with care and stood back to look at me "Oh my," she giggled happily. "My little baby is a bride! And so cute too. Try walking down the hallway Susan to the rhythm of this song. Dum - dum - dumdum, dum - dum - dumdum." I walked slowly down the hallway toward the living room as she hummed the theme to the wedding march. The dress was big and heavy to walk in, with most of it lying on the floor. I scooped up the skirt of the dress with both hands but even than a good portion of the dress still dragged on the floor making it difficult to walk. "I guess you'll need a few more years to grow into it," she said with a smile while checking her watch. "It's getting late, but I have one more outfit for you to try on before you take a bath." She walked over to the makeup table and from the bottom drawer pulled out a silky, white nightgown with a matching lacy robe. Mrs. Smith stared at me for a moment and her voice got real serious. "With every wedding there is a wedding night Susan. It's a special time that you always remember. Here, take this." She handed me the nightgown. "This is my favorite nightie sugar. It was the first one I wore after I was married. It's very special to me and now I want you to put it on. Are you okay with that?" I nodded my head, not fully understanding what she was trying to tell me. Mrs. Smith unzipped the wedding gown and I stepped out of it. Then she turned around as I took off her slip and pantyhose and put the nightgown and robe on. After I was done she turned around and a new look appeared in her eyes. It was a strange look, one that took me back a little. "I have a surprise that I'm going to give you," she said. "I know you are going to like it." You mean? No, not sex. She was after all old enough to be my mother although that wouldn't have mattered, if I knew what sex was. Remember, back in my days I would've been too young to know about stuff like that. She was referring to another form of pleasure although sometimes I wonder if she had thoughts of something more. Her actions towards me later on indicated that she felt guilty about something. Was it because she had enjoyed dressing me up as a little girl or something else? I will never know. Mrs. Smith led me over to her bed and pulled back the sheets. "Lay down baby." I did as I was told and she pulled the sheets back over me. "Okay baby,

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The Playhouse

We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...

4 years ago
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The Gift of Roleplaying

Hello all. Usually I post random poems or rants, but I would just like to take the time to post something about roleplaying. Ever had that situation come up, where you watched your character grow up from a simple youth to a full grown adult? You’ve seen him or her fight, you cried when they cried, you felt what they felt you saw them bleed and then started bleeding too. You knew him or her like the back of your hand. From the first adventure you went on to the last one, you fought your way up...

3 years ago
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yo Hetero con gay en la playa

Esta historia es verídica. Me pasó este verano en las playas de cerca de Alicante (España). Os pongo en antecedentes. Soy hetero, muy hetero sin ningún interés en hombres. CAsado hace mas de 10 años, treintañero, muy deportista, ojos verdes, buen cuerpo, vamos que no tengo problemas para ligar y eso que me freno bastante.Siempre me han gustado las playas nudistas, que el sol te de en todo el cuerpo, ponerte morenito el culo (uno de mis mayores encantos). El caso es que hay varias por aquí...

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The Adventures of Madames new Playmate

Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame's house. The drive to her new Domme's place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug halter...

3 years ago
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At my friends playing playstation

My name is Chris, i'm 18. One day, I went over to my friend Alex's place, because his dad was out and he was feeling bored. Alex is a small guy with curly blond hair, and he loves to play playstation more than anything. So I knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Alex. He was standing there in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. "Hey man", "hey Chris" he replied, "come" he beckoned for me to come inside with him, so we went inside and I stood in the middle of his living room while he...

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Gaby Part 6 Cosplay

Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...

4 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 26 The Playoffs

We entered the conference playoffs as the team favored to win. Our local paper was helping to fuel the interest by featuring pictures and biographies of each of the starters in the week prior to the first game of the playoffs. I got a lot of razzing at school the day after my picture and bio appeared. I was pretty uncomfortable with all this attention, but I was in the minority from my teammates. Most of the rest of the guys on the team were really enjoying their moment in the spotlight. We...

4 years ago
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The Playmate

Hello Little Miss This is the second of my "Little Miss" stories. Poor old Nathan. Love, and stay safe KT Pel xxx The Playmate "But what on earth is it?" Nathan was positioned cross legged on the living rug, just as I had instructed. It was Christmas morning, though there was little spirit of the season in the air. "It's a doll," I replied coldly, as I warmed my hands on the mug of hot chocolate Nathan had made for me. "Yes, I can see that Tabitha. It's the same...

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Playmate by shalimar I took a break from my household chores on that early May afternoon and watched Miriam, my five-year-old and her friend, Sarah, learn a clapping song from two of the older girls in the neighborhood. The older girls are very patient with my baby and her friend as they learn the actions, rhythm and words of the song, "Playmate." As I watched them it brought back memories of my own childhood, sitting and watching the girls in the neighborhood do that and other...

4 years ago
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Finding Pet A Playmate

It has been a month since Master gave me His collar, claiming me as His. It has been a wonderful month filled with pleasure and love. I couldn’t have wished for anything more. That was until Master asked me to move in with Him. I was speechless. Ecstatic would be an understatement. Of course I accepted and was moved in within a week. We quickly got into a routine. I am to be in position in front of the door when Master gets home from work. The position I’m supposed to be in is me naked on my...

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Sophie My Playgirl

Sophie My PlaygirlBy: Londebaaz Chohan How it all started, I really do not remember and I do not give a fuck if anyone else knew or not. Honestly, I worried a little that Sophie shall be hurt if she knew that I was fucking her mother as well but my friend Mathew would surely do something drastic, if he found out that I was fucking his sister as well as his mother. However, it happened and it went on. Sophie always gave me that demur kind of looks that said, she wanted to suck my cock, whenever...

2 years ago
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Digital Playground

DigitalPlayground. That has to be one of the most creative names for a porn production company I’ve ever come across. It’s the perfect description of what a good porn site should feel like: an online place to play, a well-deserved break from all of the other bullshit in day-to-day life. After a long day at work or another fight with the wife, come to Digital Playground to let loose a little. Don’t mind if I is one of the oldest porn studios that is still active today....

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Bisexual Playground

BisexualPlayground! Are you the kind of horny dude that swings both ways? Do you enjoy both dick and pussy? Do you wish that you could meet other people who are like you? Well, if you answered yes to these questions, holy fucking shit, do I have the social network for you! Oh yeah, you know where I’m getting at!Bisexual Playground is a platform where you can discover bisexual men, women, and couples that want to get their freak on just like you do. Here, you will find all kinds of people in...

Hookup Sites
4 years ago
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The Stanley Cup Playoffs

To some, the NHL playoffs are a welcome event, especially if they involve their favorite team. Me? I couldn’t give a rat's ass because — as you may have read in my earlier journal entries — I do not like sports. For my awesome husband, however… well, his favorites, the Boston Bruins are in the Stanley Cup playoffs. For me, the best thing about that is knowing that, along with other season ticket holders, he’ll be busy for four to seven nights. Actually, I planned on going to St. Louis for...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harems Passion 6 Sisters Naughty Roleplay

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sisters' Naughty Roleplay By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Roleplay

Driving home, I thought about the ‘surprise’ my wife would have in store for me. It was my 40th birthday, so maybe an expensive gift along with the well-known ‘surprise’ cake, or some roleplay, perhaps. Then I got a tell-tale text message from the sweet wife, “Jaanu, come soon. We’ll have dinner together.” I smiled to myself. The SMS could mean that she probably ordered food and invited some friends. I parked and wiped my face with a wet tissue. Then I braced myself for ‘Happy birthday’ shouts...

1 year ago
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Reddit Playboy, aka r/Playboy! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard of the magazine Playboy. It’s one of the biggest names in the adult industry, and it has existed even before porn was a thing. This magazine was the best thing a teenager in the 90s could hope to get. Blockbuster and other video renting stores never let minors rent out XXX movies, so the only thing they could hope to get is a playboy magazine at the corner store from the shop owner who doesn’t give a shit about what these guys are...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Playroom

This is a simple gentle story. If you want violence, rape, incest or such stuff please look elsewhere. This story is set in the same village as another of my stories, ‘The Chair in the Corner’, but is in no way a sequel. I hope that it stands up on its own, as they say. I hope you like it. If you do, I’d like to know. If you don’t, then I’d also like to know why, so that I can do better next time. Our house is next door to the Running Fox, one of the village pubs. In fact, in the past, it...

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Passion at the Playground

It was just another lifeless day at the office as I rummage through piles of paperwork the size of mountains and working on a computer that is so antiquated, sometimes I think that cave dwellers used this computer. It seems like my stress level is at an ‘all time high’, my nerves are almost to the point of being ‘comfortably numb’ and my mental status is at the brink of making Von Gogh look fairly sane. Suddenly, my phone rings and at the other end of the line was my boss requesting me to...

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Adventure in the Playground

Finally, construction was complete, and just about every tried it out... for the first few months. Then gradually, kids became bored with it. The track started to grow over in places, and me and my friends found a great spot half way around the track to build a secret hide out. It offered a perfect, discreet view of the uneven bars. My mates and I used to hide out there and watch the girls swing upside down. Unless we made a sound, teachers and students didn't even know we were there. ...

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Endless Playground

He had been wanting to fuck her for three years. She was hot in the way Moms are hot. That sounds dismissive, but it wasn't, not to him. It was celebratory. She wasn't a twenty-something waif-thin hottie, she wasn’t a MILF, she wasn’t a model, she wasn’t a cartoonish divorcee on the prowl. She was just a single Mom, maybe a little prettier than the others, at least in his eyes. She had dark, alluringly unkempt hair and sea green eyes. Her ample hips curved deliciously into a trim torso before...

Straight Sex
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Sex in bus roleplay

I want to apologize in advance for all the errors - English is not my native language.But I hope you understand the point.I do not know - maybe this is not the most ideal roleplay, but she and I really liked it and we continued the story.Let's start! Irina - girl from my roleplay - well, how she introduced herselfCrowded bus at rush hour, standing in traffic. A young girl, 19 years old, stands in a corner of the bus at the window, squeezed on all sides.She is wearing short jeans shorts,...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 4 Repeat Business and Roleplays

When my mom and I had gotten home, I immediately ran into the house to take a shower and change as quick as I could. I re-shaved my entire body and removed my makeup so that I could start from scratch and apply it again. Once I was finished with my makeup, I see a new outfit laid out on my bed. This was a cute nurse outfit with a short tight skirt that barely covered my ass. It was also pink with white stockings and long lace gloves that went up to my shoulders. Finally the top was like satin...

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Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...

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Erins Playdate

As I slipped out of bed at 4:30am I tried to be as quiet as possible. I always got up well before Erin as I have a little over an hour commute to work. Normally I stay nice and quiet trying not to wake her, but this morning was a little tougher. My heart was beating a little faster and there was almost a little tremble in my hands. No matter how many times we had done this, I always got super excited the morning of. After getting all my things together I gently kissed Erin on the forehead and...

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The Officeplay

Your handle was officefuck69. This intrigued me. I checked the rest of your profile and thought you were worth sending a message to. 'Hi: Thanks for the flirt. I checked out your profile and you have my attention. What exactly are you looking for? Tell me a bit about yourself and feel free to ask me anything. I will answer any and all questions.' SEND I checked out a few web cams, read a few articles and was about to log off when I saw that I had a message. 'I'm looking for...

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Sheridan had been suspicious from the moment she heard David’s voice on the other end of the phone. ‘I’m coming over in fifteen minutes. Don’t ask questions, don’t argue. Trust me,’ he’d said. Worse still, he had used that damned devilish tone of his which, in the past, had caused her to make several poor decisions, none of which she regretted. Now, she was standing in shock at her front door. He wasn’t holding flowers, but instead, three full grocery bags. He brushed past her with just a...

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*Originally posted on ANS story board 3 years ago and then again on girlspns TGSP archives *You will notice a few points have been changed to comply with the guidlines on CHYOA Our story begins with Eric Lingle, a sly but shy 18-year-old boy who often hangs out with his many friends from school and the neighborhood, both boys and girls. His parents are complete hippies, and therefore let him do pretty-much whatever he wants and are far-too-open about sex topics with their son. Whenever he has a...

5 years ago
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You get home on friday evening, a little tired after a week of work, but glad and excited to be able to enter your fantasy realm within the VR machine you have in your bed room. The machines were invented a little over a decade ago. At first it came out that they were being developed for military purpose, but soon people got their hands on the technology, through illegal means or maybe even leaked by the government? Who knows. Either ways, you're glad it happened because they are now a public...

2 years ago
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New playpal

So, I have a new play pal and is exceedingly tall but also exceedingly hung, at a whole 11 inches long he is well endowed. It is a thin cock, totally shaved all over apart from the hair on his head. He is not the cutest guy in town but with an 11inch cock, who is complaining? Certainly not me!We met via a gay site and chatted for a while, he invited me up to his place and we briefly chatted and then it got down to serious business. He sucked my cock for a while and then bid me to suck his after...

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Naptime. The girls were asleep downstairs. Allen and I, in a lazy state from a lunch of chicken nuggets and french fries (the girls' choice), were sprawled out next to each other on the couch, yawning and gazing at the TV.Just another rainy Sunday afternoon playdate. Allen and I had been doing this for the past two months, giving ourselves a chance at a moment of peace while the girls play with each other, on days when his wife and my girlfriend were scheduled to work.We met through our women,...

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The Playmaker

"Mollie, pass it here!"Mollie fake passed it to her teammate and kicked the soccer ball in for the win. Mollie was thrilled and excited!"Now that's how ya play soccer guys!" Mollie told them. The girls on Mollie’s team really weren’t too fond of her. They said that she was always a ball hog and never let any of them really score. “Great game, huh guys?” Mollie asked as they were walking to the locker room.“Not’re always fucking hogging the ball and never let us have our moment.”...

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“Hairplay”Of all the towns and cities that I’d been in and all the hair salons that I’d seen, I’d never seen one with the name “Hairplay”. Was it deliberate? Was there more to it? Was it just an attempted pun on “Airplay”? Why wasn’t it two words? So many questions, so many images, so much wishful thinking.I’d never been to this town before, never had occasion to, but it had just been added to my “patch” under a restructuring. You know the sort of thing: fire half your staff and double the...

4 years ago
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Wife gets Even Butt I still Win Assplay

I have been simmering over the incident where my wife "accidentally" slipped a finger into my butt while rubbing around the brown eye. She just slipped a wet finger over my anus and tapped it like a button. She enjoyed watching my ass react to her touching it. She told me how it looked like it might be time to goose the gander and slid her wet finger into my butt-hole. I had just suffered through a string of failed anal pokes lately. The last time I got to stick it in her rear, I snuck it in...

2 years ago
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A Pick Up At Playlinda

A Pick-Up At Playalinda I'm sixty seven years old and married to a really sexy, sixty eight year old wife who has a fabulous body for her age. Hazel and I have been married for six years and have always had a fantastic sex life, but due to health problems, my ability to perform has declined over the last year. Although we still have a good sex life, I've begun to feel that I'm letting her down. Hazel loves to feel a good hard cock in her and the longer it stays there the better she likes...

3 years ago
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It was the speed of the attack that did it. One minute I was walking the short distance from the main road to my house in the silent darkness, the next someone hurtled into me, knocking all the breath out of me and slamming me against the wall. I was stunned and disorientated. I was aware of dropping my bag of shopping and hearing the bottle of wine break on the floor; I was aware that already hands were gripping my shoulders and spinning me round. I was jerked roughly forward, my feet...

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Str8 guy playdate

Jake and I met on-line and agrred to meet at my hotel for some guy play. We were both str8 and married but wanted to see whst it was like to play with a guys cock. We were not going to kiss, hug, fuck or do bjs just play with our cocks.I had a fridge full of beer ready so Jake and I could enjoy a few beers when we got to my room. I took my shower first and came out wrapped with only a towel but with a boner already. Jake took his shower and came out with a boner without a towel on. He was not...

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UglyBugs Bedplay

They talk about sink-schools, but not sink-colleges.We were a sink-college.When one of the Sunday papers published a Higher Education league-table, we were placed literally bottom - plum-spang bottom - of the whole of the East Midlands region.It was the nosedive moment. Parents took their teenagers off the applicants' list. Heads of Department resigned, one after the other. Anyone with anywhere to go, went. And it was painfully obvious that these included any woman remotely worth looking...

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It8217s Not Just Love Making 8211 The Foremost Foreplays

Hello Everyone This is pradeep back again with the continuation of my first submission(IT’s NOT JUST LOVE MAKING),And people who does not read my first story please I request you to read my previous submission which was the first part,so that you can have a great brief introduction of the my story which im gonna share you all. So to say about me,I am Pradeep (Name Changed),From (Vadapalani) Chennai.Iam 21 years old and i am living in a private home.I am 5.9 with athlete body and average in...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 4 Repeat Business and Roleplays

When my mom and I had gotten home, I immediately ran into the house to take a shower and change as quick as I could. I re-shaved my entire body and removed my makeup so that I could start from scratch and apply it again.Once I was finished with my makeup, I see a new outfit laid out on my bed. This was a cute nurse outfit with a short tight skirt that barely covered my ass. It was also pink with white stockings and long lace gloves that went up to my shoulders. Finally the top was like satin...

3 years ago
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I'm a girl from Holland and become a member of hamster a little time ago. I'm a married woman but I discovered that I like to make love with other women. No I met a wonderfull girl at Hamster. Her name is Evaplayer and we have a good time when we are together. I really like it when she says to me that my body is hot and she wants to play with me. It's so nice to talk to her. I understand this is not a hot story, just one to tell you all how much I like her

4 years ago
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The final round. The permanent changes no undos. I lose the toss, she drums fingers. Thinks. "You have to say the first thing you think of" Fuck. Good move. "You get hot: big tits, longer legs. Blonde" Blurted out, her form shimmers, solidifies: a wet dream. She nods and writes a note. "You're a billionaire." Confusing, but whatever. "You're a braindead slut. Loves cock" She starts to say something, notices the note. Reading seems hard but "You and I swap lives" --...

5 years ago
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SueSue was 25 now, but she was playing with chains since she was about 20 years old She started playing with them at that time and found that she liked the sound and the feeling,? At first she wore little ones in her ears,? had some more holes pierced in her lobes and liked the feeling of the little chains? tickling her neck and the sound they made One day she saw a picture of a woman with a clit piercing and she immediately decided to have one of herself, the idea of having a chain dangling...

2 years ago
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Gods Playgrounds

This level of nothingness, no sound, no sight, no touch... It's a unique kind of nothingness. You hear nothing, but it's too little noise to even be called silence. You see nothing, but it's not pitch black or any colour at all. It's just nothing. You feel nothing, but it's not the kind of numbness you'd feel under anesthesia. It's really nothing. You don't really know how long you've been here. Or, well, if 'here' even counts as a here. This anti-location, you can only describe it as existing...

Mind Control
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Turnabout is ForePlay

When I was in high school, I was a belligerent brat who was pissed off that my genes didn't make me into "A" material, sexually. I wasn't stupid, but that's not an asset when trying to make male friends. As a result, I found myself bullying several of our cheerleader types just as a way of lording something over them. The upshot of that was a surprising attraction from my gym teacher! I was still sexually naïve as regards lesbianism so I didn't see it coming, that first time Miss...

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"No, no, no, no!" I sighed getting to my feet, "Some Romeo you'd make." I was helping my son with his lines for the school play, it was supposed to be Romeo and Juliet, but poor old Will Shakespeare would have turned in his grave if he could hear the way my sixteen year old boy was making a hash of one of the most romantic scenes in the play. "Aw mum, it's rubbish." Angus moaned as I took the book from him. "It's not rubbish, as you would quickly see if you took an interest in the...

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Turnabout Is Fairplay

Belinda was terrified! She had been in her laundry room folding clothes one second and was outside the next. Not just outside, but an outside she had never seen before. The sky was purple for Pete's sake! Not just a normal purple, but with lime green streaks running through it. A normal God fearing Christian woman, mother of two normal grade school kids, married to a boring, but safe accountant; Belinda did the only thing she could think to do. She closed her eyes and confidently counted to...

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© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I knocked, waiting patiently, and finally I hear her slowly unlock the door. She had never seen me before so it was nice to see a smile appear from those beautiful lips. She invited me inside after saying hello and asked me to sit while she got ready as I had just woken her up from a nap. She was tall. Tall and pretty, almost taller than me but I liked that fact. It looked like she had just pulled on some thin...

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The chat room was entitled, "Lesbian, Bi-sexual First Encounters". Searching for a chat partner, julie4u2000 looked through the profiles. There were some men in the room of course trying to find a woman who was not there for the roleplay as advertised in the description. The description simply stated, "curious women wanting to discover another side of themselves with another woman". Of course this could mislead a man. A few private message pop-up windows appeared almost immediately from...

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When I was young, I found out about a very interesting fascination I had. You see, a friend of mine came from a very rich family. His parents were not around much, and he had way too much freedom. One day, when we were 12, he showed me his new toy. Somehow, he had actually managed to get the most realistic sex doll possible. It was scary to see at first, it was so realistic, yet just a doll at the same time. It was a beautiful woman, and it definitely made my cock hard to see it. I touched...

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EllenChapter 6 Swordplay

Over the next weeks, Ellen and Richard saw each other regularly, but they found it difficult to get as close as they had been used to. They were never left alone and a sense of frustration built up in both of them. The opening of the ball season should have provided them with an outlet, but at that point they had become slightly irritated with each other. Ellen, in her naïve excitement, had come to enjoy the gossiping and scandal mongering of society, something that Richard did not appreciate...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 222 Swordplay

See if I try to help someone, and they want to be an ass in return. She didn’t even kiss me or thank me as she hurriedly dressed and rushed off. I’m giving her a yeast infection that a one-treatment egg won’t cure. I washed my dick off, dressed, and headed back down the stairs to the store and workshop. Just inside the door, the older woman reached out to grab my arm in a much firmer grip than I would have expected from a woman twenty years younger. She guided me into the storage room and...

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Cost of a Cosplayer

Authors Notes: Some inspiration has been taken from the convention branches of Sexual Privilege and The Rulebook, but I am definitely taking things in my own direction. There are a few places where you can have weird continuity jumps if you don't have Game Mode on, so I'd recommend turning it on. I've tried to make it work as well as reasonably possible if you don't, but that only goes so far. Feedback, suggestions, and chapter submissions are all welcome. Comments help motivate me and chapters...

2 years ago
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When somebody says that they prefer to watch animated pornography instead of actual pornstars I completely understand them. Everything is possible in a hentai world, not to mention that all the chicks who are animated are just fucking perfect. If you are looking for such a naughty site, I suggest that you take your time and explore the beauties has to offer.At the beginning of such reviews, I always wonder if I should explain what ‘hentai’ even means since I am sure there are...

Hentai Streaming Sites

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