Twin Pain Sluts 4 free porn video

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THE STORY OF TWIN PAIN SLUTS CHAPTER 4 For the next few days things settled down to a boring routine like emptying the bus out, taking it back, cleaning up the mess on the patio, making up all the beds that were rumpled up, and getting clothes washed and ironed. Late one morning, Ann came into the house from an early morning excursion, and had a plastic bag that I recognized, from a B&D shop up north of town. "Watcha got?" I asked. "Just some toys, you will see later," she replied. A few minutes later, I heard some noise coming from down stairs some furniture skidding across the floor. While I was curious, I was not about to poke my head down there. The "Twins" were in the kitchen drinking coffee after a late morning arising! House Keeper, Helga was just finishing cleaning the bed rooms, and making the beds, then carrying down the used sheets and pillow cases. Ann came up from the basement, and told us all, have a light lunch, get naked, put on a robe if you want, and meet me down in the dungeon in one hour! She had closed the door to the steps downstairs. No one was curious enough to peek down there! "Now, in that hour," she demanded. "I want all of you to go put "heavy" make-up on, brush your hair into a casual style, put on five or six inch heels, that means the tallest that you have, and no jewelry!" You will put on your thigh high black "stay up nylon stockings," no garter belt!" Then she added, "Jewelry and garter belts may get in the way!" She said, "I will be taking photo's, so I want you looking your"sluttiest" best for the camera!" "When I ring this gong (she pointed to the big 3 foot diameter bronze gong hanging next to the peg board), you all will be ready and come down the stairs "Now go get ready," she demanded. We all scurried off, ran up to our bed rooms, and followed her orders. Fortunately, we all were used to dressing, putting on make up, and not wasting time talking. Both of us couples had vanity tables, and bathrooms with mirrors, so we could all be doing make-up at the same time. Make-up took the longest, but scurrying around looking for stocking, shoes etc, took a few minutes. But we all made it, if with only 2 minutes to spare. We all went down to the first floor, and waited for the "gong" to sound. We checked each other for proper attire, and make-up. But that was foolish since we had little time to return and change! I think we all stood there feeling like animals going into slaughter! Then the gong sounded, and we all headed down the stairs into the basement dungeon. The first thing we noticed was the steel post supporting the upstairs floor had several pillows wrapped around it held up with light rope. She had wrapped "Butcher Paper" around the pillows. All the furniture (what little there was) was moved out to the edge of the room. Both a still camera and video cameras were mounted on tripods, and several light bars were suspended from the ceiling, and turned on! Ann reached into the bag that she had just brought out a new black leather 8 foot bull whip. Next she found 4 penis gags in the bottom of the bag. These penis gags were only about 4 inches long, but at least 1 ? inches in diameter. These plugs necked down to ?/ inch diameter before ending in a 1 1/4inch diameter thin flange. The flange of course was to keep the penis from being swallowed, but it was too wide to do that without a great deal of force applied. She laid out 4 sets of leather wrist and ankle cuffs that were sheep skin lined, and told us to put them on. While handing each 4 double ended clips, we each put the cuffs on and inserted one end of the clips into the exposed"U" shaped hasp that was extended through the adjusting slots cut in the straps. Ann curled up the 8 foot whip, and clipped it to her utility belt. Then went to the wall peg board and retrieved the six footer. She stood a distance from the post , and flipped the whip back and forth then around getting the feel and balance, then drew it back and let fly a stroke against the paper! With a loud crash, the whip smacked the paper, and the last 2 inches if the whip had cut through the paper, and the flay had a punched a 2 inch hole through! Ann drew back and swung with much more force, and hit the paper about 2 inches below the first. Now the paper made a 4 inch long cut in the paper and ended with a 3 inch hole! Next came the 8 footer she removed from her belt. This time she had to step back an additional two feet from the post. Again she got the balance of the whip, and drew it back and with a much wider swing of her arm and wrist slammed onto the paper. This time it left a 6 inch long cut in the paper, and a 3 ? inch hole. She practiced with several more lashes more so as to learn control of the longer whip, and than the damage it could inflict! Now this whip, was made to cause much pain, broken skin, deep welts, and leave deep scars, when used properly!! On a small end table close to the hoists, were four "sets" of "clover" leaf nipple clamps. Each "set" was actually two clamps attached together with a chrome chain about 3 inched long! Next to them were 4 medium/to large size butt plugs, two with pony tails attached!" . I think that Ann was thinking of ways to make us uncomfortable, so she sent Helga and I back up stairs to put on our chastity belts. In the mean time, she placed the two spanking benches along side each other, in a long file. By the time we returned down stairs she had the "Twins" bent over one bench with their asses hanging straight out, and their wrists cuffed in front and down to the bench cross bar. Ann took no time in securing Helga and I down to the other spanking bench! Then she put the penis gags on us, and buckled them behind our heads. She took several photos of us bent over the bench, then unbuckled Jackie's gag, and using the "remote" , took several more photos of her forcing the penis gag into Jackie's painted lips! Mistress Ann took from the implement peg board a sturdy paddle just like a fraternity would use. No holes, and varnished smoothly. She walked around us smacking each ass, then circled around the bench and started over meeting out another stinging swat to each of use until we all had received 4 stinging, and painful swats. I could feel my ass was hot and burning, and I was sure it was beet red. Again Ann took several more photos of us. Then she rubbed our asses to "wipe out" the stinging pain! But that did little to appease us. Next Ann switched the paddle for the rattan cane! By this time, the uncomfortable position, with our arms held down which also pulled our heads down, made breathing through our noses very difficult. She "swished" the cane through the air a couple of times, to let us know she was ready, and "Put the fear of God" in us! Instead of giving us one stroke each then moved on to the next, she gave each of us 5 severe "cuts" before "moving on". I could not tell how hard she swung, but I heard a "humfff" sound coming from the recipients after each stroke I was the third in line, and I felt a searing sharp pain on my ass cheeks, and instinctively tried to raise up, but to no avail. The first "cut" was not too severe, but did sting and hurt like Hell, since it was on top of the paddle marks. Then, the next one was noticeably harder, and I tried to scream, but the penis gag would not allow that, I heard myself repeat what was heard before, Hummfff! The next "cut" was harder! I thought I felt blood tricking down my ass, but could not see, or touch my ass to find out. Then she surprised me by lifting my horse tail up, and stroked the cane just below my "plug". Then she delivered the fifth "cut" into the "crack" between my ass cheeks and thighs, I almost passed out from the severe pain. I think she gave me the most severe canning of all! I had to blink several time to keep the tears to from forming droplets. Next was Helga's turn. I felt Helga "twitch" violently after each stroke, and Ann lifted her horse tail up and out of the way to complete the 5 cuts. I was able to looked to my left, and saw at least one tear running down Sindy's cheek. Then I turned to my right and saw Helga with several tears running down her cheeks too. Next, Ann took photos of our asses, as a group (wide angle) then each individually. My ass was on fire, and I was sure we all felt the same burning sensations. Then, Ann released the buckles, and removed our penis gags, then released our wrists from the cross bar, and we all stood up immediately. I took a couple steps back and saw that we each had five angry scarlet welts over bright red ass cheeks. Each of us had several drops of blood oozing down our legs. I reached back and felt my ass, and felt the welts clearly protruding out of my ass cheeks. And more than just droplets, I felt several lines of blood running down my leg and when I pulled my hand away from my ass, my whole hand had blood smeared on it! Mistress Ann, had each of us bend back over the bench, and she wiped a alcohol "wipe" over each of your cheeks. I was last since my ass was bleeding more than the others. It was then, that Helga and I realized were not going to be replaced by the twins for Ann's sadistic pleasures! Ann allowed us to stand leaning on the benches and take a breather. I would have loved to sit down and rest, but my ass was too sore to even think of sitting down! Ann continued to keep busy, cleaning the cane with another alcohol wipe, then moving the hoists apart for more room, and taking the buggy whip down to clean it too. She stood off to one side of us, and practiced using the buggy whip by "cracking it in the air. High over her head, then at waist level. Obviously, this action was to "put the fear of God in us! Then she started to peel off Jackie's breasts forms, which was very easy since they had been on her for over a week. She cleaned her breasts with alcohol to make sure that they were not covered with adhesive. Then, Mistress Ann continued her diabolical punishing efforts by suspending us from the electric hoists. Then she attached a set of nipple clamps to Sindy's left nipple, the other end to Jackie's right. Then she placed the other set onto Sindy's right nipple, and Jackie's left nipple. The clover leaf clamps were not tightly stretching our nipples, but did not leave any "slack" between them unless we pressed our bodies tight together. She repeated the same treatment onto Helga's and my nipples. She swung the buggy whip onto the small of Sindy's back. Sindy, of course tried to twist away from the blow, but immediately screamed as the nipple clamps stretched both of their nipples out and squeezed tighter on each nipple. Ann went around to Jackie's back and repeated the lashing on Jackie's back, only this time she lashed out a second time waiting a few seconds between blows. Twice, Jackie jerked away, causing Sindy to scream, and Jackie to groan loudly. Ann left them to suffer, and approached Helga and I . Again she let loose a lash that not only "popped" as it struck Helga's back, it forced Helga to jerk back. The same reaction occurred, with her pulling away until both of our nipples stretched out and caused our nipples to be pinched harder. Helga screamed, but I was anticipating the reaction, and only groaned a little. Ann repeated the same two strokes on my back, causing a searing sting on the small of my back. I think this was the most severe punishing pain and humiliating treatment that Ann had devised for me! And of course to Helga! But Ann was not done, and the worst was yet to come. Next, she approached Jackie and Sindy, and repeated the same excruciating lashes on them, and after each stroke, they both screamed, and writhed at the pain inflicted. Ann was far from finished even though an hour had elapsed. She let us all rest and recover as much as possible with us hanging by our wrists with the devilish nipple clamps on. The next item she plucked off of the peg board is hard to describe. It must have been a fiber glass rod with a wooden round handle, and had leather strips braided over the length of the rod. Attached to the end of the rod, was a leather strip 4 inches long and ? inch wide. But this strap of leather was split into 3 strips of leather 3 inches deep. This piece of leather looked like it had threes finger at the end of the rod. She had soaked that end in a leather softening/conditioning emulsion. While making the end soft, it also made it flexible. First, she approached me, and positioned herself in the exact position to effortlessly swing the instrument and hit the exact target to extract the maximum pain. She drew back her arm at her side, and with a side arm swing, she drove the implement at my right shoulder blade. At the very last micro second she flicked her wrist back causing the "fingers" to snap hard against my shoulder blade. The effect was a white hot pain best described as three bolts of lighting pierce my shoulder and burn deeply into my skin. I screamed as loud as possible, and had to jerk my shoulder away from the pain. At that instant, both Helga and I screamed again from the nipple clamps jerking at our nipples! Mistress Ann did the same to Helga's shoulders, with the same screams coming from the pain of the crop like implement, and the nipple clamps. I think both of us were nearly wreaks from the suffering. Ann removed the nipple clamps from the two of us, then lowered the winch to allow us to remove our wrist restraints. We both fell into each others arms, and hugged each other for a long time since we both could not sit down yet! Ann still had two more "slaves" to punish with that hellish crop like devise. We both could only watch, and cringe as Jackie first screamed and suffered the same torment on her shoulder blades. It was Sindy's turn now to taste the sting of that wicked crop. I think Mistress Ann let up a little on the force of her blows to Sindy's shoulders. They both would scream a second after she struck, from the pain caused by the nipple clamps pulling and biting into there now sore and sensitive nipples. Ann allowed them to recover from their suffering, but left them in suspension for a few minutes. Then she removed those devilish nipple clamps. Then pulled down the six foot bull whip from the peg board, and started to swing it around, and crack it into the air. Then she said with an evil voice, "Now I want you both to sing for me in the loudest voice possible. Standing at the far side and she swung the bull whip at Jackie, and targeted the back of Jackie, but the flay end curled around under her arm, and "snapped" against her right breast, Poor Jackie screamed for all she had in her lungs, and slumped a little, then was able to return to stand upright. Ann responded with, "Yes, sing my little lovely, scream like a banshee! Smiling like a devil, as she walk around beside Sindy, she took several small steps to position herself just right, and flicked the whip in the air several time. I am sure it was to intimidate Sindy, and put "The Fear of God" in her. All this time, Sindy was begging, "Please, no more, please!" "I can't take any more!" As Ann was drawing back her arm, she replied, "Yes you can, and will!" Just as the whip wrapped around Sindy's back and under her arm to "snap" onto her Right breast! Sindy slumped a little, and Ann motioned for Helga to go to her. While Helga was comforting Sindy Ann spun around to the other side facing Jackie's back, and in quick session, gave her two quick lashes that landed on the middle of her back about two inches apart. Jackie screamed at the top of her lungs, and slumped down, but at the same time she was discharging a load of cum onto the floor! Again, Ann yelled, "Yes, scream louder you bitch! Buy this time, Sindy had recovered enough to stand alone, so Helga moved out of the way. Mistress Ann said to Sindy, "Now I want to hear you sing to me in that high pitched voice with the loudest scream possible!" I could tell, that Ann was in the verge of an orgasm since she was using her left hand to rub her crotch as she drew back the whip once again. It only took her two seconds to draw back, and swing the whip forward with such force that Sindy swung around from the blow, screamed an eerie scream, and fainted. Ann had already drew back her arm when she realized that Sindy was in no condition to scream again! I don't think Ann would have come close to her target since she was in the throws of a massive orgasm. Helga ran over to help Mistress Ann from collapsing and assisted her to a chair. I ran over to where Jackie and Sindy were hanging, and lowered the hoist and helped the unconscious Sindy down from the hoist. I removed her wrist cuffs, and motioned for Helga to help her up the stairs. Then I released Jackie from the hoist, and helped to carry her up the stairs also. We laid the two of them on their bed, face down and Helga got a damp wash cloth to lay on Sindy's forehead. Jackie just lay there sobbing in pain, as soon as Sindy came to, she also was crying from the pain still wracking her beaten and bruised body. Helga said that it was a shame that Sindy did not reach a climax. But Sindy only smiled a little, and said. "Oh but I did, right before I passed out the first time!" Ann soon came into the bedroom, with a large first aid kit, and started to attend to their welts, open and bleeding wounds, and sore nipples. To me, I could not understand a person that could inflict such pain while enjoying it, and then be so kind and caring the next minute! Three days later, Ann received a phone call from Lady Victoria. She talked for a while, then I heard her tell Lady "V", that she had some new implements to "play with". She responded that they certainly were very effective in correcting "bad little boys and girls!" She also told her that she found a cleaver little way of causing even more "discomfort" during the administration of corrective behavior! Then I heard, yes you may come over this afternoon. Oh, A new submissive, a girl, oh, that would be so nice! And, she screams so beautifully. "I cant wait, see you then! Ann hung up the phone, and told us that Lady Victoria was coming over to use the dungeon for a little while, later this afternoon. She told us she also has a new "pain slut" that she wants to introduce to us. Or rather as she put it , "to see if she can take it and "get off" on it! Ann just smiled and rubbed her crotch in anticipation of future events!At 4 o'clock, Lady "V" arrived with TV slave, (and pony girl) Gina, and a new "GG" girl Betty. Betty was a young girl of about 18, while Gina was 19, maybe 20. Betty had short cropped red hair, a pert little nose, and freckles! She seemed to have an above average bust ("C" or "D"), and wore very little make up. While Gina was boldly made up in brilliant shades of black eyeliner, rosy cheeks, and bright sparkling eye shadows. Unfortunately, the eye shadows did not show too much since she had extremely long and thick eyelashes (obviously false). Gina was wearing that shinny chrome plated neck collar I saw her wear sometime ago. It was 1 ? inches wide, and had two 2" diameter rings riveted on each side just above the shoulder. And one smaller ring in front. Gina was also wearing steel bracelets similar to the ones that the twins wore to the "Gay Parade". Again, the bracelets were made in two halves, and required an Allen wrench to tighten both bolts into each half. These bracelets were attached to the "O" rings onto Gina's collar! Attached to the center ring, was a long leash, held by Lady "V". Betty was wearing a wide black leather "corset"collar laced up in the back of her neck. This collar was so wide that it had to be sculpted under her chin, and arched down in front, to almost her cleavage with a ring riveted on the front about 6 inches below her collar bone. Again, a leash was attached to that ring, and Lady "V" held the two leashes in one hand. Ann and Lady Victoria sat around for a half hour and chatted about what had happened recently, and what they thought about the pony race we all were in, and how she was looking forward to seeing how Betty would respond to the whip! Betty was sitting on the floor next to Lady "V's" legs, while Gina sat on a short stool that Ann had made her sit on in the corner of the room. I noticed that Gina was squirming a little, and figured that she was retaining a butt plug in her ass! Lady "V" told Betty to strip down to only her panties, and show us her Tattoo's. Betty hung her head, and asked if she really had to. Ann told her, "When we go down to the dungeon, you will have to be naked, so you should do it now!" Betty looked at Lady "V", and asked her, "Do I have to be naked down in the dungeon?" "Certainly," she replied. "You can't be punished fully clothed!" "And besides, you need to learn that the naked body is a beautiful sight!" Betty hung her head, and said, "Please don't make me undress." Lady "V" said in a stern voice, "Strip, right now!" She got up, removed her blouse, and mini skirt, and asked, "How is that?" Lady "V" said "I told you to strip, and that means naked all the way down!" Poor Betty was mortified, and begged again but a glare from the "Lady" was enough for Betty to reach back for her bra, and unclasped it, but held it close to her chest with pleading eyes, and Lady "V" jerked her had in a motion that meant to "remove it". She held the strap in one hand and let it drop exposing her "breasts". At that moment, the bra dropped down away from her chest allowing her two "sponge" falsies pads to fall to the floor, and exposing the inside of her heavily "padded" bra. I was shocked like the rest of us "girls" that this poor girl had barely "A" cup size bobbies! Dr. Tom walked in from work, and asked what was happening. He took one look at Betty, and asked Ann if she thought she should put her bra back on. Ann responded, "We were all getting acquainted before we went down to the dungeon, and Lady Victoria wanted Betty to get ready for her 'indoctrination'." Dr, Tom replied, " indoctrination", you mean her punishment?" Ann replied, "Yes, to put it crudely!" Lady "V" then said, Betty has never felt the sting of a paddle, the pain of a whip, or the suffering of tight bondage." And now the humiliation of exposing her breasts!"... "As small as they appear to be!" I asked Tom privately, if he could give Lady "V" the number of Dr. Timothy Thomas, (that had given me my implants). Since I felt so sorry for her, and knew what it was like to be so under developed! Ann said, "it is now time to retire to the dungeon for a "little fun and games!" Tom asked, "Can I join you?" Lady "V" said, "The more the merrier!" Betty pleaded, "Please, not with every body watching!" Lady "V" responded, "In a few minutes, you will not notice that you are being watched, since your mind will be occupied on what is happening to your body!" On the way down, Ann told Jackie and me to bring down some extra chairs. Tom took us out to the garage, and grabbed several folding chairs, and motioned to us to grab some too. I got three, and Jackie got four. By the time we got down stairs, Gina was naked and suspended from the hoist. Lady "V" had the rattan cane in hand, and was doing a "tap dance" on her ass. I could not help but smile at Gina's, small cock, and felt that we shared the same common inadequacy, but she did have a full "D" size breasts! And she had them pierced with large gauge and diameter gold rings! We heard the swish of the cane as it was descending down on her ass. Whop" it sounded as it landed on her bare ass, and she jumped, and aarrgued loudly. Then Lady "V" taped again, then drew back and struck twice in succession, and Gina aarrgued much louder. And did a fast dance around in a circle. Lady "V" wanted to gag her, but Ann pleaded not to, as she told Lady "V" she loved to hear slaves scream! Ann got up from her chair, and took Betty by the hand, and suspended her from the second hoist, and motioned to Lady "V" over to Betty. Lady "V" looked up to see that sure enough, there were two hoists! Lady "V" then centered her attention on Betty. Giving her a rather gentle "cut" with the cane. Betty jumped, and yelled "ouch". Then the second one landed with a great deal more force, and she screeched louder. I realized that Lady "V" was just "warming her up" But at that mild stroke, Betty pleaded and begged her not to hurt her! Lady "V" moved back to Gina, and repeated the same strokes on Gina's ass, two quick strokes in succession. But with more force! By this time, Gina was sobbing and pleading. I think Ann was getting tired waiting on Lady "V" to "get down to business" and get them screaming! Ann got up, and unhooked Betty from hoist #2, and drug her over to Gina, and reattached her facing Gina. Then she found the twin nipple clamps, and attached them to their nipples like she did Helga and I. Betty screamed each time the clamps were attached to her nipples. But, she must have realized that though they were very uncomfortable, they were not too painful, almost bearable! Her naivety was shattered when she felt Lady "V" take another stroke on Gina's ass, and Gina jerked back, pulling on both nipple clamps. Betty let out a shocked scream. Ann moaned, "Yes, Yes, cane her again!" "Harder!"Over the next 30 minutes, Lady "V"tried almost every implement that was on the peg board! Including the three fingered crop. That one left three deep red sploshes all in a row! And elicited the most painful and loud screams, from both of them. Ann was now in heaven saying, "Oh Yes, make them scream." "Sing little slaves!" Sing Louder!" "Make more music for me." I knew she was fast approaching a magnificent orgasm. The last implement was the six foot bull whip. Now Lady "V" was not as proficient with it as Ann, but she used it very effectively, as she drew it back, and left deep red ugly welts up and down both Betty and Gina's back, causing them to writhe and try and turn, all the while pulling on their nipple clamps. Lady "V" unleashed one last stroke, that wrapped around Gina's back, and landed on her upper breast! The sound was terrifying and loud, and caused Gina to pass out as she slumped down hanging from her wrists, This caused Betty to feel the terrible pain on her nipples, and she screamed at the top of her lungs! Ann went ballistic, trembling and writhing in pleasure, shuddering the effects of a massive orgasm! And both Lady Victoria, and Betty were in the throws of an intense orgasm! Jackie and I rushed over, lowered the hoist, and released them from their bondage. They both were sobbing as we placed them in the fold-up chairs to rest and recover. It was then that I noticed Dr. Tom had place Sindy on the GYN table, with her legs spread wide and high, while her ankles were strapped to the stirrups. He was fucking her slow and deliberately! Sindy did not seem to mind as she was moaning in pleasure. Tom usually draws out his pleasure especially when he has a young and beautiful girl (or Transgender). He realized that he was being watched, so he speedup up and three minutes later he drove deep into Sindy's pussy, and shot his load, at the same time Sindy was having a massive orgasm! We all went back upstairs, with Betty hanging on Gina's shoulder for support. Lady Victoria asked Betty if that was enough punishment for tonight! Betty hung her head, and said, "Only if you are too tired to to make me cum again!" Ann looked at Lady "V", and said, "Looks like you have found another 'Pain Slut'!" Tom handed a note to Lady Victory, with Dr "DD's" name on it, and told her, "Here, Betty could use a little remedial surgery!" Since it was fast approaching 7 PM. Ann told Dr. Tom to go get "Kentucky Fried Chicken for everyone. As we sat around the table eating, Helga mentioned that she had read another announcement, in the paper. She said it sounded like fun, and was for a good cause! "What did you read about?"Ann asked. Helga answered, "Oh, it was something about a charity event for latex lovers!" Ann responded, "I have several latex outfits, and I love wearing rubber." "The only problem is that they all have tears in them!" I responded, "I could fix them with some glue, and patches!" Lady Victoria added, "I have several outfits too, with the same problem!" I think Latex is the most sensuous material made, and the colors are so bold and sexy!" Now, Ann, was into her organizational mode, and started issuing orders: "Helga, Find out all about the event." She ordered. "Heather, find out how to repair latex, get the materials necessary, and learn how." she added. "Lady "V", bring over all of your damaged outfits for Heather to repair!" Ann added. told Gina, "Locate all of the Latex fetish shops within a two hour drive." "Sindy, you are to get online, and find all of the latex suppliers of both sheet material, and finished goods!" She instructed. She asked everybody, "Is that all we need for right now?" There was no response, so we were "off on another adventure!"

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Twin sisters come home from bad dates angry and horny to discover each other

“Total deviant freak!” Michelle flung her car keys across the living room so hard they left a dent in the drywall. Only then did she realize there was someone else in the room: her identical twin sister Anna. “Sorry,” Michelle mumbled as she dropped her purse on the carpet. “Something the matter?” Anna asked. “You bet it is.” Michelle kicked off her pumps and sank into the warm cushions of the overstuffed couch. “That Richard you set me up...

3 years ago
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Twin Sister DelightChapter 2 Popping the Twinsrsquo Cherries

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My rump stung from Lee’s slap. I shivered, unable to believe this had just happened. My body buzzed from the orgasm the naughty, American teenager had given me while my twin sister, Kimiko, whimpered and shivered before me, my face pressed into her silky bush, her tangy, incestuous juices smeared across my lips and cheeks. I had just eaten my twin sister’s pussy and ... enjoyed it. She’d ordered me to eat her pussy, and ... I’d done it. I’d...

1 year ago
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Twin Swap

Twin Swap -- Chapter 1 -- Graduation It was Daniel's high school graduation. Sitting in the hot sun on the bleachers, the 18 year old's senior's feet ached from the 5-inch silver pump heels he was wearing. Pantyhose covered his toned shaved legs that were neatly crossed at his knee. Underneath his black graduation gown, was a white lace halter dress. His silk white strapless 34A cup bra struggled to contain his boobs that seemed to grow by the day, and his penis was securely...

4 years ago
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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 5 Twins Wicked Evening

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Twins' Wicked Evening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint's house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand,...

2 years ago
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Twin Love affair Chap 2 deflowering my twin sister

The moment I heard those words rolled off her lips. I didn’t waste a single second. Our lips were locked in a deep passionate incestuous French kiss, I was lost in this incestuous bliss, I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. For years I had fantasized about this moment, but I had to make sure she was sure. I would hate myself if later on down the road, she would come to regret sleeping with me, especially if she end up pregnant by me. So, I gently broke our kiss and lifted up...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 3 Twin Sistersrsquo Incestuous Secret

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint’s cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint’s basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all so overwhelming. My entire world was turned upside down by the revelation that my twin sister, older than me by...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 6 Twinsrsquo Wanton Mother

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister’s asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint’s cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn’t know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me, leaking down my thighs as I hid naked. This was the moment that my twin sister’s desires finally were...

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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 5 Creating MommySluts

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Creating Mommy-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich thrust into his mother's pussy. She was bent over the break room table for the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Ulrich was one of the young men who worked there, all devotees of the new god, Henry Archer. They had formed their own Mother Fuckers Club, Ulrich's mom, the supervisor of the shipping...

4 years ago
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Twin sister Caught Me

(i did not write this)I guess I didn't hear the door open. I was too busy. Too busy jerking off to a porn movie on pay per view. The next thing I did hear was my twin sister, Lacy gasping."My god, Larry. What in the world are you doing?"Her timing was lousy. Or maybe it wasn't. Depends on how you look at the situation. I had reached the point of no return. My cock had begun spouting a gigantic load of cum. I couldn't have stopped if I'd wanted to. The first load hit me square between the...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1

Introduction: Reposted by poipular demad and numerous e-mails Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1 Hello readers and fans. I know it has been quite a while since my last post and I am sorry, but in my own defense I have been around the world a few times and Ive been very busy. I will report that I did get to see my brother-in-law Hirito while on a return trip to Japan. He is still a little pissed at me, but our seeing each other was at least cordial. He is now a father of 11 year old twin girls. His girls...

1 year ago
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Twin girls double trouble

I worked at a drive in theater for several summers. One summer I had three girl friends at the same time and was having sex with them up to six times a day. This story is not about the three girls or the amount of sex I had with them and what happened when they found out about each other, that is another story. This story is about what happened one night at the drive in theater.In the entrance booth I was working with another guy about my age and we were just talking as it was slow, when this...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 4 Twin Sistersrsquo Anal Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn’t in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a mewling sound, wanting to go back to sleep. I wiggled my hips. There was something in my butt. Thick. A...

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Festival Sluts

Reddit Festival Sluts, aka r/FestivalSluts! Having a party girl for a girlfriend is an extreme fucking sport. These babes are free-spirited, energetic, and have a zest for life that few others can keep up with or even begin to understand. They live for the moment, and you might find yourself single before the festival season. Don't take it personally; it probably was never meant to work. But if you don't mind dating one, be my fucking guest. Let's see if you still have a girlfriend before the...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt6

Introduction: Hot Dog Twin Japanese Nieces Pt6 Kayko and I made love for the next hour while the girls swam laps in the pool. It was more like leg exercise because they were hanging on to kick boards and just kicking with their legs. In any case it didnt matter because I was inside my wife again and loving every minute of it. We switched positions many times on our king size bed, rolling around and enjoying every sensation we experienced. Her on top riding like a cow girl, me on top either...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIV Doctor Paine

Alice blinked, surprised to find herself sitting on an uncomfortably hard wooden chair in front of a very large desk, behind which sat a very large man with an incredibly bushy mustache and sideburns and very little hair on top of his head. He looked very official, as did the room he inhabited. He also sounded very official (in other words, quite pompous).“So, these adventures you had. You believe them to be real? That you really were captured by…” he paused, glancing down at an open notebook....

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Converting the Family 1 MindControlled CumSluts

Chapter One: Mind-Controlled Cum-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Billy Purvis I gripped the modified remote in my hand. Weeks of being closeted in my hot, stuffy bedroom had finally paid off. I was ready to use it. I'd resisted busting out my device all day, struggling through college, suffering. I wanted to use it so badly, my dick hard, begging for satisfaction....

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Twin Girlfriends

When I was 25 I was working for a catering company that mostly catered for movie productions and the like. We had big trucks and huge industrial-sized outdoor grills that we would set up at movie and TV lots and at on-location sets. We served great food but it was mostly basic fare. We ran a glorified chuck wagon, as opposed to upscale gourmet-type caterers. We catered the production of this one movie--it was a stupid bikini flick, one of those low-brow summer B movies. After production...

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College Sluts

Reddit College Sluts, aka r/CollegeSluts! Is there a more perfect time to get pussy than in college? There’s something about bitches in college that makes them infinitely hornier. Maybe it’s because they’re not tied down at home anymore, or perhaps it’s because they have instant access to cock – all they have to do is walk across campus and go to a dorm room. Hell, nowadays all they have to do is hail an Uber, and they can get dick anywhere in the city where mommy and daddy are nowhere to be...

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Twin Switch

Twin Switch I tried to contact the author "SalonFetish" but was unable to do so. I am adding some chapters of my own and have done nothing to change the original three chapters. Should the author object to my additions then I will have them deleted. The standard disclaimers about confusing this story with real life apply and no use of this material is authorized for anything other than personal private use. I can be contacted at [email protected] for any comments or to...

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Twin AngelsChapter 5

We were running low on medical supplies and medicine, so daddy brought “Wings” into Manila Bay and sailed toward the Manila Yacht Club’s marina. We docked, and Sammie and I put a red flag on the door to our room to remind us that we were in port, and we needed to wear clothes if we went up to the pilothouse or out on deck. Dad and mom got dressed to go into town. They took a taxi to Bambang Street, which has nothing but medical supply stores on both sides of the street for about four or five...

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Preeti And Her Mom Party Sluts

By : Preetikul Hi! Hello friends again this is Preeti Kulkarni from Aurangabad bringing you a treat of reading as we (Preeti and Swati) were used as party special sluts. I remember that day, it was 2nd Saturday of June month was raining heavily so sitting in the balcony with my Mom (as it was her ½ day and didn’t changed). As the chatting was on my mobile ranged Zara Zara touch me touch me, must be Ronit so rushed to grab my handset to see who is calling? Ronit: SP (sexy pussy), what’s on? I...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 3

The very next afternoon found the twins back in the anteroom of the kennel building. They had selected a beautiful beagle to fuck. At this very moment, the aroused beagle, Leroy, was sitting on his haunches next to the teenaged girls. Saliva was dripping from his lolling tongue as he watched Dee and Kim writhing against each other on an old mattress they had discovered in a shed next to the kennel. The beagle's hardening prick quivered and dripped with pre- cum, protruding several inches...

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Catfighting Sorority Sluts

Catfighting Sorority Sluts. Catfighting Sorority Sluts. By GabbyLez ([email protected]) Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, humiliation, reluctant, nc, BDSM, lactation, w/s, urination, toys, costumes. Summary: The vicious rivalry between two snotty sorority houses heats up into a sadomasochistic orgy of catfights and BDSM sex. Lots of preppy outfits, strap-on dildos, panty-gags and kink.  INTRODUCTORY NOTE: When this story was originally posted, the readers may have missed the fact it was supposed...

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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 5 8

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 5 - 8 Chapter 5 The following morning, Janice was almost relieved to see her two twins back to being themselves again. And she spent a lot of time that morning just looking at them that way. Kelly once again looked absolutely lovely in another of her new outfits - high heels and all. She had once again repainted Kelly's nails for her the night before while Mark looked on and filled his sister in on everything the rest...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 2

The Dixon's dog kennels had a good-sized room in the front which was partitioned off from the actual kennels in the back where the dogs stayed. In this front area, there were a counter, a couple of wooden benches, the cash register, several plaques, photos and awards. At that moment, the floor in this room was strewn with the teenagers' discarded clothes. Kim was on one of the benches, which was wide enough to support her as she lay there on her back. Sitting directly on Kim's flushed...

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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 14 17

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 14 - 17 Chapter 14 "I knew it had to be soon," Janice replied early that morning when Mark went into her bedroom to explain that "his" period had just started. Mark had gone in early to tell her, only because his mother had specifically asked him to do it. "Have you told Kelly yet?" "Not yet. Want me to break the bad news?" "No," Janice said with a sigh as she forced herself out of bed. "I better do it...

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Twin Brides

Based on a true story... Foreword: Twin brides. This is an innocent title of an amazing story. What does it mean? It can mean a lot of things. It can mean that there are two sisters who decide to get married on the same day. The question is: who are they marrying? Two happy grooms? Or -- gasp! -- each other? It seems that weddings can elicit the strangest reactions: the groom faints, the bride laughs as if she were mad, the guests sweat like there is no tomorrow, the bride slips...

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Sissy 101 Intro to Sissy Sluts

Sissy 101: Intro to Sissy Sluts One week before my freshman year at college, I received a letter saying that my class schedule changes had been approved. That struck me as odd because I hadn't requested any changes. Without explanation, I had been un-enrolled from two of my general studies classes. I was now signed up for SISGEN101 and SISHYP161--whatever that meant. I went online to the university's website. These classes weren't even listed in the general course description...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 10 Santas Size Queen Sluts

Chapter Ten: Santa's Size Queen Sluts By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by n1one and the story was crafted by fans on his discord server. “Who is next on my list?” Clara purred as she sat in her bedroom. She was in a festive mood. She had loved what her tweets were doing. All the chaos her lies were causing. Everyone was so despicable that they believed them. “So who's next...?” I smiled. “Bianca and Natalie.” Always talking...

2 years ago
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Twin Girls 2

Twin Girls 2 By Laurie Ann B The sun streaming through my bedroom window awakened me. As I turned to throw the cover off I was reminded of yesterdays events as the silky pink nightie wrapped me in its folds. I can't say that it didn't feel nice cause it really did give me goose bumps. It was going to be a warm spring day and as I looked out my window I couldn't spy a cloud in the sky. A breeze blew through the open window and caused the loosely fit gown to wrap me in a silky caress. I...

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Money Can Buy You Sluts

Hi all, this is my first story here, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. Bangalore promised a lot more to me from my childhood, me being from hubli, a small town, bangalore was always the stuff of legends, big city, its freedom, its debauchery, had heard money works in bangalore, and I had it in plenty, being a single son from a rich family, everything came easy to...

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Twin Switch

Chapter 1 The owner of the small salon, Kim, was sitting behind the desk paging through a magazine when the front door opened. A child appearing about 12 or 13 stumbled in, almost knocking into the coat rack just inside the shop. Kim, when she saw the youngster, took a moment to try to decide if it was a boy or girl. The features were boyish-girlish pretty, the hair, fairly thick just to the shoulders. She had just decided it was a girl, then changed her mind that it was a pretty...

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Twin Twinks at the Hotel

Twin Twinks at the HotelTwin brothers Liam and Sean had spent a few days down the country on an adventure holiday with their parents. Lots of fun and frolics had been had by all but now it was the morning of going home day.Like all twins, the boys were inseparable and did everything together. They had shared a double bed up until a couple of years ago. Back home they still shared a room but now each had his own single bed to do in whatever he pleased. But for the holiday they were back sleeping...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 5 Twinsrsquo Wicked Evening

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint’s house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand, squeezing it. We both wore dresses, mine sleeveless and blue, the skirt falling down to a few inches above my...

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Twin Switch Chapters 3336

Twin Switch Chapter 33-36 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction featuring an evil step-mother who is determined to switch the sexual identities of her twin step-children. I highly recommend that you read all preceding chapters before reading this one. The basic plot to Chapter 33 was written by Trish Simpson who did a wonderful job. Thank you Trish. Chapters 34 plus had a lot of help from Troxis. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use not expressly...

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Twin Brothers together

As twins Kale and Jeremy grew up doing everything together, from baseball, school, and sex. The boys had spent their whole lives in a small town with nothing to do, so they spent their time together. And like any twins they were inseparable. Both the boys, being identical twins, were 14, 54 and skinny, semi long blond hair, gorgeous blueish grey eyes, and they were beautiful. They were the must haves of any girl in school. But as summer came around they spent their time messing around the...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 14 Tutoring the Fertile Sluts

Chapter Fourteen: Tutoring the Fertile Sluts By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2021 There were three sluts Clara was really interested in getting back at. Clara had such a crush on their instructor, Chase. He was a senior who tutored the trio. They all wanted him like the sluts they were while pretending not to be whores. Could Clara join? No! They bullied her. Drove her away. It had been the last straw that had banished Clara to exile. Now it was time to get back at them....

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Twin to The Rescue

My Twin to the Rescue Ken Brown was an average man. When you looked at him, you saw a man that stood about 5'8" tall and was about 165 lbs. He had auburn hair that, although was a bit longer than what you would expect for a business man, was still neat, and clean. He worked as a bank loan officer and was expected to wear a suit to work every day ("You have to present a professional appearance if you want people to take you seriously," his supervisor often said). On his days off,...

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Cheating Sluts

Reddit CheatingSluts, aka r/CheatingSluts! Don’t you just love it when girls become sluts? There are some rules to what this subreddit is actually about, and they tend to be very specific. While the subreddit is called r/CheatingSluts/, that does not mean that this subreddit is all about cuckolds and selfies. I will get more into that in a bit; I just want you to know that this subreddit is all about chicks who are a bit too slutty.Everything starts making sense eventually, and the first thing...

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School Of Sluts

School Of Sluts        I was ramming one of my many dildos in and out of my sloppy pussy when I heard the front door open. Mother must be home from work, I wonder if she brought home another guy from the strip club. I could sure use some real cock before going to school.        "Okay sleepyhead time to get up for school." Said mom, opening the door to my bedroom seeing me pound my pussy into orgasm overload. Candy, my mother is a beautiful 5 foot 4 slut, built for sex. Her natural 34D boobs...

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Mechanical Bull Sluts

A quick little story that came to mind. A few chauvinistic pigs can't get out of their own way when it comes to being anything competitive and trying to get laid. Enjoy Sluts! Mechanical Bull Sluts My buddies and I were from the big city and we were tired of doing the same old same old where we would head out to the local bar / establishment where we were always picking up the same type of women. The city women were pretty easy to pick up as we usually preyed on bachelorette...

3 years ago
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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt5

Introduction: Marks helps out Twin Japanese Nieces Pt5 After Mark had inspected all of the girls I felt it was important that I have a little man to man talk with him. He had done the job exactly as I had asked him, but he needed to know some things about respect and courtesy that definitely applied to this situation. We walked into his room and I closed the door, this was going to be the first really major talk I had with him so a little privacy was in order. I had already talked to him...

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Twin brother and sister fill little brother in

A note: I am aware this story exists in this site however the person who posted it wasn't me. I've reported it. Twin Brother and Sister Let Little Brother InBy: Antaeus When I was at the wild and crazy age of s*******n, I thought of myself as anything but wild and crazy. But honestly I didn’t have time, what with an over achieving brother and sister. My older siblings were twins just a single year older than me. The two of them had graduated a full year early and in my family, you just don’t...

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Twin troubles

Twin troubles CBA [The present] 'Arg that's so uncomfortable!' Jayson thought as he once again had the desire to pick the thong out of his ass again. He just wasn't used to it anymore, it had been years since he had worn women's clothing for an entire day. But then he saw the woman he was waiting for, the undeclared love of his life Cindy MacLean. He waved when they made eye contact and a smiling Cindy waved back and started making her way towards him. "Hey, Jayson you look...

1 year ago
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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt4

Introduction: A plan for Mark Twin Japanese Nieces Pt4 Upon the invitation to join us for a swim my son just stood there for a minute looking at all of us, in turn, with a stunned look on his face. I not 100% sure of what he was thinking but it only took a few seconds before he stuck his hands in his pockets. I guess the sight of 4 naked women was more than he could handle, and he had to try and hide the boner he was getting that was plainly evident in the front of his pants. No, he replied...

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Addicted to Sluts

My name is Dan Dickerson and I’m addicted to sluts. It started at a young age when I found my father’s porn collection at fourteen. The more I snooped the more I learned both my mother and father were a little freaky, of course I didn’t know it was freaky at the time. When I begun dating, I knew just the kind of girl I wanted. Tammy was the first girl I dated. I only dated her because I heard she was easy, I did get laid on the first date, so that part was true, but she was too clingy, and not...

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Twin Brothers2

Brad and Barry seemed to be two brothers who were normal in all appearances. They did all the things that twins would normally do together. They shared their clothes as they were the exact same size. They played together all during their childhood and got along pretty well at most times. Not to say that they didn't have the usual childish arguments. But all in all they seemed to be your ordinary young boys. They even shared the same bedroom like brothers of a close or same age would do. But...

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Twin Loving

Elizabeth and Eliza Watts were identical twins aged twenty 28 with tall slender figures, long blonde hair, blue eyes and firm busty bosoms.  One evening while they were alone in the two bedroomed flat they shared together, Elizabeth had an idea to make the evening fun and exciting. She dashed up the stairs and clonked about in one of the bedrooms; she then returned a few minutes later.Eliza had been leaning back against the sofa with a bored expression on her face until she saw her twin bring...

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Twin Swithch Chapter 15

Twin Switch Chapter 15 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT directed to the nature of this...

1 year ago
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Twin Sister Fucked By My Friends

Hi all I’m regular reader of IIS if u find any mistakes please forgive me this is my first story I’m posting in IIS which happened very recently 2days back. Let me Introduce myself I’m Swaroop from Bangalore me and my sister Swetha are twin babies we never had any secrets in between us. Let me describe her she has a stats of 36 28 36 she maintains her body in a nice manner. It was her engagement 2days back then after the function is been completed I heard her conversation with one of her friend...

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Twin SisterinLaw

I was minding my own business. It was a Saturday afternoon and Shari, my wife of about ten years, had taken off to go shopping at the mall. I finished up on some work-related stuff on the computer and decided to take a swim in our backyard pool.Since we live on the end of a cul-de-sac, there is not a back-yard neighbor who can see into our pool area, which I liked, since Shari and I often spent hours out by the pool, simply enjoying the sunshine and the quiet solitude of our pool and...


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