Alice's Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIV: Doctor Paine free porn video

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Alice blinked, surprised to find herself sitting on an uncomfortably hard wooden chair in front of a very large desk, behind which sat a very large man with an incredibly bushy mustache and sideburns and very little hair on top of his head. He looked very official, as did the room he inhabited. He also sounded very official (in other words, quite pompous).

“So, these adventures you had. You believe them to be real? That you really were captured by…” he paused, glancing down at an open notebook. “Tiny pirates. And then by… giant chess pieces?”

Alice simply nodded, feeling a little confused and more than a little fuzzy as she searched her memories, recalling all that had happened to her. How Captain Foxtrot had spanked her. Her reflection in the mirror. How the chessmen had lined up behind her while she’d been tied to the ship’s wheel and… used her and how much she’d liked it. On and on her thoughts traveled, mostly focusing on her sexual escapes… What had happened in Captain Honeyglass’s cabin. The stature of the Bull-man. Yim and Yee. The bumblebeetle… All of it.

She felt herself becoming dangerously aroused. Worse, he – she wrinkled up her face trying to put a name to the man behind the desk, finally coming up with one - Doctor Carpenter. Worse, Doctor Carpenter was watching her intently whilst making notes with a quill pen in his notebook, a strange expression on his face.

“And yet, you know that all of these things you claim to have happened are impossible?”

Again, Alice nodded, feeling unsure. They’d felt so real, after all, like real memories.

“It’s only impossible if you believe it is,” she murmured, more to reassure herself than to offer an answer to the question.

Doctor Carpenter sighed, shaking his head slightly as he removed his glasses and cleaned them with a square of cloth, his gaze wandering from her face down to her breasts where it lingered for far longer than polite. Blushing, Alice squirmed on her seat, glancing down and realizing that she was wearing a grey cotton dress that was a little too tight for comfort, so tight, in fact, that she could hardly blame the doctor for staring at her breasts since the state of her nipples was obvious.

“Oh!” she gasped, mortified as she covered them up with her hands and kept her eyes downcast. ‘How embarrassing!’ she thought, squeezing her knees together and swallowing nervously, waiting for him to break the uncomfortable silence.

Finally, he cleared his throat and addressed her softly, his voice careful as he talked to her as if she was a child.

“I think it would be in your best interests, Alice – you don’t mind if I call you Alice, do you?”

Alice shook her head, wondering what else he would call her. ‘Slut, perhaps? Whore?’

“I think it would be in your best interests to stay with us for a while and let us help you see that none of that was real. Think of it as being ill and letting us cure you. I think that you will find your stay with us not entirely unpleasant. We have some very fine doctors here, all eager to see that your mind is put right. All I need you to do is sign your name on this consent form.”

He pushed a very impressive looking towards her, offering her his pen as she leaned forward, reading slowly through it. It seemed quite straightforward. She was simply giving him permission to treat her while she stayed at the hospital for a few days.

“And, when I am better, I can go home?” she asked, taking the pen and pressing the nib to the form, then pausing, an inner voice that sounded suspiciously like Cheshire teasing at her thoughts.

‘They think you’re mad, Alice, and want to cure you. Don’t let them. Stay strong. I’ll come find you when I can. Remember, you’re not crazy. Your reality is just different from theirs.’

She lay the pen down on the desk, shaking her head slowly, a shy smile upon her face. Cheshire was her friend and she trusted his advice, after all.

“Thank you, Doctor Carpenter, but If it pleases you, I think I’d just as soon go home now. If you could have my things sent?”

“Oh, Alice, Alice, Alice,” the large man sighed and frowned as he reached for a bell upon his desk.

“Why is a raven like a writing desk?” she asked suddenly, her eyes bright and her brow furrowed, giving the doctor pause.

“Why is what?”

“Why,” she repeated slowly, each word precisely pronounced, “is a raven. Like a writing desk, Doctor?”

“I don’t -“

“Because there is a B in both and an N in neither,” she giggled softly, the sound drowned out by the ting-a-ling of the bell. Moments later, the door swung open on squeaky hinges and a striking woman in a nurse’s uniform entered.

“Yes, Doctor Carpenter?”

“Mistress Sinclair? Can you please take Miss Pleasance to Ward 4?”

“I’m sorry,” Alice spoke up, somewhat alarmed. “I thought I was to be sent home.”

“No, my dear. Although it pains me greatly, since you’re obviously not interested in getting better, for your own safety I’m going to have you committed until such a time that you are cured of your delusions.”

Alice stood suddenly, stamping her foot upon the floor, her voice indignant. “You have no right!”

Doctor Carpenter simply laughed as he turned the form towards him, picked up the pen, and signed her name on the bottom.

“There. Now I have every right. Enjoy your stay, Alice. I will be seeing much more of you quite soon.”

Alice shivered at his words, as they were accompanied by a calculating leer that chilled her to the very bone.


“Go away,” Alice muttered as the Cheshire cat regarded her from midair in her small room. Not only small, but grim, for it lacked windows and everything in it that wasn’t Alice had been painted or dyed a particularly dreary shade of grey.  

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Alice. If you’re not careful, you’ll lose all your muchness and then what will you do?”

“My muchness?” Alice asked, her voice sounding muted and tired. “What is muchness?”

“The quality or state of being in great quantity, extent, or degree,” Answered the cat. “Or, more simply put, that which makes you, you.”

“Then I fear I have already lost it, dear friend, for a day ago, I had been This Alice and now I am That Alice once again.”

“Well then, we’ll have to get you out of here so you can resume being This Alice.”

Alice simply snorted, for there was no point in arguing, nor any point.

“Don’t give up hope, Alice. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a tea party to attend.”

Before she could manage an answer, the cat had faded from view, leaving her alone upon the only piece of furniture in the room – a thin mattress upon a metal bed frame.

Moments after the cat had faded from view, Alice heard a key turning in the lock of the heavy metal door, doing her best to straighten the wrinkles from her smock as it opened, emitting the imposing figure of Mistress Sinclair accompanied by a pair of brutish looking male orderlies.

“On your feet, Miss Pleasance,” she ordered, her voice cold and sterile.

Alice obeyed as quickly as she could, nervously standing before the tall woman while doing her best not to look any of her visitors in the eye.

“Back straight. Heels together. Shoulders back. Chin up. Eyes straight ahead. Good girl. Now, tongue out.”

“Tongue out?” Alice asked timidly.

“Time for your medication,” Mistress Sinclair explained.

“What medi -“

The tall blonde tutted loudly then snapped her fingers. “Mister Hart.”

One of the orderlies stepped forward with a cruel smile, a small white tablet held between thumb and forefinger.

“Open wide, girl..”

“But I -“

Before she could finish her protest, he’d grabbed her face roughly, pressing one thumb into her right cheek, and one finger into her right, forcing her mouth open.

“Tongue out, Miss Pleasance!” Mistress Sinclair snapped and Alice complied, eyes widening as the pill was forced into her mouth.

“Now swallow.”

Alice swallowed, gagging on the bitter tablet as it went down.

“You’d best learn to behave, Miss Pleasance, or the next time it won’t be nearly as pleasant. Is that understood?”

Alice nodded, her fists clenched in anger at her treatment. What kind of hospital was this? Certainly not one that treated its patience with decorum or dignity.

“Now come along. We don’t want to be late.”

“Late for what?”

“Your treatment.”

Flickering electric lights lit the way. The hallway walls had been painted a bluish-white and the floors tiled to match. Despite her slippers, she could feel the chill on the soled of her feet. The same chill that rose goosebumps all over her exposed skin. With each step it seemed to seep through her thin cotton dress and even into her flesh, raising goosebumps all over her body and making her shiver.

“I am very cold,” she told Mistress Sinclair, her teeth chattering. “Might I have a scarf or perhaps a coat?”

“No, you may not. Now hush. I am not at all fond of spoiled young women who constantly complain. Spare the rod, spoil the child.”

‘I was hardly spoiled!’ Alice thought, indignantly, but she kept her thoughts to herself being more than a little afraid of the stern Nurse who was in charge. Even the hulking orderlies seemed to be a little nervous in her presence, which did offer Alice a modicum of hope, not at all liking the way they looked at her when they thought Mistress Sinclair wasn’t paying attention.

The corridor seemed to go on forever. They walked past many doors, each with a number upon it, exactly like the one barring Alice’s room, although It was impossible to tell whether or not there were occupants behind them. For all she knew, she might be the only patient in the entire ward.

‘Oh, I do hope that someone misses me. Perhaps the Yee and Yum and the Tweedles are out looking for me. Why, they might even be just outside, plotting and planning my rescue. Any minute now I will hear their voices and the sound of mayhem as they battle a small army of orderlies, laying about them with vim and vigor with their fists and rattles!’

But, wish as she might, there were no sounds of a fracas to be heard, nor even the muted footsteps of stealthy sneaking. There was only the sound of their own footsteps echoing down yet another otherwise empty hallway and her own trepidatious heartbeat as they navigated the maze of corridors until finally, they reached a pair of double doors with the words ‘Examination Room’ etched in yellow upon a dark blue plaque.

“Here we are, Miss Pleasance,” Mistress Sinclair announced, producing a set of silver keys upon a steel ring. “Now, remember. Best behavior!”

The lock turned with a loud click and the Orderlies, Mister Hart and his companion pushed them open wide.

“Oh,” Alice gasped, peering inside, for the room was, indeed, worthy of a gasp of surprise. Inside were all sort of strange devices, many of which looked like they belonged in a hospital facility, some of which looked like they’d been taken out of a laboratory (although what their purpose was, Alice had no idea. They just looked rather scientific), and some that she imagined might have come directly from the Tower of London, for they looked quite menacing.

“How curious,” she purred, as she was guided into the room, for she was suddenly feeling very relaxed, her trepidation slowly fading to be replaced with a sense of quiet anticipation. In fact, she could feel a spark of something else flare up within her and, although she couldn’t quite put a finger on the feeling, it felt quite pleasant. “It must be the medication,” she mused, unaware that she’d voiced her thoughts out loud until Mistress Sinclair answered.

“I see it’s beginning to take effect. Good.”

“I’m feeling… nice,” Alice said slowly, unable to find the correct word, or words, to convey the feeling slowly taking over.

“Yes, it has that effect,” Misstress Sinclair responded with a wry chuckle, the first sign of mirth Alice had seen from her since their first meeting. “It has some very curious effects, in fact. Right now you’re feeling very relaxed, I assume.”

Alice smiled and nodded her head slowly whilst curling her toes playfully inside her slippers for the simple reason that it felt quite good.

“It also makes you amenable to suggestions, which will be quite helpful during your examination. For example, stick out your tongue, Alice.”

Without pause, Alice stuck out her tongue as far as she could manage, her eyes drawn to the nurses. She felt a little dreamy and she didn’t seem to be able to stop smiling.

“That’s a good girl. Now put it back in your mouth.”

Again, Alice complied, feeling a surge of warmth at being told she was a ‘good girl’. For a brief moment, she questioned her reaction, but quickly shrugged her doubts aside, for it was so much easier to simply accept that it made her feel good.

“Soon, it will begin to affect your libido. You’ll find yourself easily aroused at first, and then you’ll begin to crave physical stimulation, especially that of a sexual nature.”

Alice nodded, having already noticed the first effect taking place, for her nipples had begun to swell and ache to the point of distraction as she gazed up at Miss Sinclair’s intoxicating eyes and she could feel her cunny growing wetter and wetter with every breath she took.

“There is one side effect that you might not enjoy as much. Or perhaps you will, given your nature.”

“Oh?” Alice replied, only mildly concerned, distracted by the heat of desire that she could feel building within her, making it hard to concentrate.

“Yes. It seems that, while your libido, or your state of arousal if you prefer, will grow, the stronger it gets, the harder it will be to climax. In fact, when it is at its peak, you will find it impossible to achieve orgasm. Many find this quite maddening. What your reaction will be, however, is yet to be discovered. That is the point of today’s test, or tests, if you will. Do you understand, Alice?”

“I think so?” she answered, unsure if that was the correct answer or not, but unable to come up with any other, for her thoughts had become very focused upon the heat building between her thighs.

“Good. Now, let us begin. Please undress, Miss Pleasance. Make sure you fold your dress and place it neatly upon the chair to your left. Slippers go under the chair. You may leave your knickers and brassiere on for now.”

Without hesitation, although she did turn her back to the orderlies who seemed quite intent upon watching her disrobe, she bent over and removed both slippers and placed them under the chair and then, just as quickly, pulled her dress off over her head, folded it neatly, and placed it upon the chair as she’d been instructed. A part of her recognized that the air in the room was still quite chilly and yet, she didn’t feel cold. She supposed it was because the heat within her was keeping her warm.

“Now, let’s get your measurements and your vital signs. Come stand over here on the scale, please.”

Alice stood still as Mister Hart announced her height (152 centimeters), her weight (7.7 stones), and the measurements of her breasts (32), waist (24 inches, and her hips (33 inches) all of which was exceedingly embarrassing, especially since he took every opportunity to ‘accidentally’ fondle her until she was quivering with barely suppressed desire.

‘At least I know that I am no longer in danger of becoming That Alice again,” she mused, for there was very little doubt that she was, indeed, This Alice at present, for it was impossible to ignore the wetness of her knickers and the prominence of her nipples. Nor was there a way to pretend that every brush of his fingers or even the measuring tape made her gasp softly and squirm with pleasure despite admonishments to ‘please hold still’.

“Mister Hammer. Vital signs, please.”

Just like Misters Hart, the other orderly seemed happy to touch her inappropriately as he took her pulse (150 beats per minute which raised Mistress Sinclair’s eyebrows!), temperature (38C), and listened to her heartbeat with a stethoscope (elevated).

“It seems you are a very healthy young woman,” Mistress Sinclair announced. “Mister Hammer, Mister Hart. Help Alice up on the exam table while I consult with Doctors Carpenter and Paine.”

The exam table was a very strange looking contraption – more of a padded table with strange metal extensions rising from one end that ended in something similar to a horse’s stirrup. There were a number of leather straps attached to various points along the table that apparently buckled.

“Now be a good girl, and sit yourself here,” Mister Hart ordered, patting the table with one meaty hand whilst giving her bottom a firm swat with the other.

“Oh,” Alice moaned softly as she pushed herself up on her toes and took her place on the table, her legs dangling over the edge.

“The Doc’s going to want your knickers off. Your brassiere, too.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t look,” Mister Hammer added with a devilish grin.  “Much.”

Shyly, Alice removed her underthings, carefully folding them as she though Mistress Sinclair would like, before handing them over to the orderlies who most definitely had lied about not looking. Not that in the state she was in, she minded much. Or at all.  She reminded her self that This Alice actually enjoyed such attention although she did keep her legs crossed at the ankles and her hands folded demurely in her lap whilst blushing and trying to hide a secretive smile by keeping her chin down.

“You know, Mister Hammer,” Mister Hart said. “Don’t she remind you of one of those French girls? The ones they put on postcards?”

“She does at that, Mister Hart. One of those girls dressed up in all that frilly underwear.”

“Only she’s not got any underwear on, does she.”

“Not a stitch.”

“And it’s a bit of a stroll to the Doc’s offices.”

“That it is, Mister Hart. What are you proposing?

Alice listened to the exchange, her blush growing deeper as she realized a small pool of her arousal was forming on the padded leather upon which she was seated, wondering as well what Mister Hart was proposing.

“I was thinking that maybe, if we asked nicely, she’d pose for us. Just like on a postcard. Be real nice of her, don’t you think?”

“I do at that. Would you like to ask her, or should I have the honor?”

“I think that, being my idea, I should be the one to ask.”

“Fair enough, Mister Hart. Fair enough.”

And so, without further discussion, Mister Hart turned his lust-filled gaze on Alice and parted his lips to reveal a lusty grin, asked exactly that and Alice, who rather liked the idea of being on a postcard dressed, not like a French girl, but naked, like a French whore, looked quite thoughtful for a brief moment before asking a question of her own.

“How, exactly, would you like me to pose?”

To which Mister Hammer, answered – “With your legs spread nice and wide so we can see your dirty bits.”

“Like this?” Alice asked demurely, her cheeks burning with shame while the rest of her burned even hotter with desire, as she lay back on the table on her elbows and slowly spread her legs for the men, well aware that her pussy glistened with her arousal. Their mouths gaped open as they stared and leered at her, making her feel like the dirtiest of French whores imaginable.

“Just like one of Bethany’s girls.”

“Only prettier.”

“And cleaner.”

“And you don’t even have to pay her.”

“Not a single farthing.”

‘They remind me a little of the Tweedles, only not nearly as pleasant,’ Alice decided, though she kept the thought to herself. ‘Nor had the Tweedles ever discussed me, at least not in my presence, so rudely!’

“Bet she’s tighter, too.”

“And wetter.”

“Much wetter. Look at her. She’s leaking like a sieve.”

“And look at those nipples.”

“Hard as diamonds.”

“You could cut rocks with them.”

“I want to suck on them.”

“You could ask.”

“I could. Or I could just do it.”

“You think?”

“Not like she could stop me, even if she wanted to.”

Mister Hart, of course, was right. Alice couldn’t have stopped him, even if she’d wanted to, which she wasn’t sure she did.

“Mistress Sinclair, though.”

Mister Hart nodded, his face turning sour as he lowered his voice. “I’d like to give her a good hard banging.”

“Not likely. Best we just finish up here before she returns or she’ll have our heads.”

“A shame. Maybe…”


“Maybe,” Mister Hart grinned as he eyed Alice shrewdly. “Maybe we can pay her a visit later this evening. When everyone’s gone home for the night.”

“Maybe we could.”

“Would you like that, girl?”

Trembling, Alice just stared at the orderlies, her eyes wide as her imagination ran wild. She’d be helpless to stop them if they did. Even one of them would be too much for her to fend off and both of them? Swallowing, she pictured herself trapped in her little room as they tore her clothes and pushed her against the wall and then took turns using her over and over, filling her tight cunny – cunt – with their wicked seed…

“I might,” she whispered, her cheeks burning.

“Hear that, Mister Hammer? She might.”

“She most definitely might, Mister Hart. That’s for later. For now, we best get on with readying her for the Doc, don’t you think?”

“I do think. Now girl. Don’t give us any reason not to be gentle and we’ll be gentle as can be. Understood?”

Alice simply nodded doing her best not to resist as they man-handled her roughly, but not too roughly, onto her back on the table, taking her feet and placing them in the stirrups and then strapping her in place, the thick leather belts securing her torso, with her arms to her sides, to the table and her legs to the metal extensions so that they were bent at the knee and spread, exposing her most intimate anatomy.

‘I am not sure I like this at all!’ Alice decided. ‘And yet, I am not sure I dislike it either.’

Before she had a chance to decide, either way, Miss Sinclair returned followed by a man with skin the color of chocolate and dressed in a white coat. She noticed that he was carrying the notebook that the nurse had entered all of her particulars in earlier. He was quite handsome and more than a little intimidating.

“Good day, Miss Pleasance,” he greeted her, his voice deep, each word carefully pronounced. While she couldn’t place his accent, it sounded quite exotic to her.

“Good day, Doctor…?”

“Doctor Paine. And how are you today?”

“I am not sure,” Alice responded timidly as Doctor Paine stood over her, surveying her, his expression stoic.

“That is to be expected, Miss Pleasance.”

He paused, taking several moments to read through Miss Sinclair’s notes, which Alice could only presume also contained Doctor Carpenter’s observations. She wondered what he had to say about her? Hopefully nothing unkind.

“Nothing for you to be too worried about. I’m just going to give you a thorough examination and perhaps run a few tests. Miss Sinclair is going to assist me. Mister Hart, Mister Hammer. If you’d be kind enough to return to your other duties. I’ll send for you when I’m done.”

“Sure thing, Doc,” They said in unison, straightening up their backs as they left the room, the heavy metal door closing behind them a clang.

“If you don’t mind, Miss Sinclair, I don’t wish to be disturbed.”

Alice watched as the formidable woman secured the door behind them before returning to the doctor’s side and bending slightly over Alice so that she could regard her with a cruel smile.

“This room is soundproofed. No one will disturb us.” While she seemed to be reassuring the Doctor, it was Alice whom she addressed, her lips forming a tight smile.

“Thank you, Miss Sinclair. Now, if you could roll that surgical tray closer, I’ll begin.”

Positioned as she was, Alice could just lift her head and turn it towards the Doctor and his beautiful assistant as she rolled the steel tray closer, but not enough to get even a glimpse of what might be on it, which made her quite nervous indeed.

“What are you going to do, Doctor?” she asked with a slight tremble in her voice, at which Miss Sinclair gave her a withering look, after which she decided that it was best not to ask any more questions or voice any concerns.

“Do exactly as I tell you, understood?” Doctor Paine instructed as he took a seat on a padded stool and rolled himself along the table until he was situated between her legs.

“Yes, Doctor,” Alice squeaked, although it was a quiet squeak, one that a mouse, cornered by a cat, might make. As for the doctor, he was humming softly as he carefully chose a steel tool from the tray. From Alice’s perspective, it looked like a trio of small spiked wheels with a handle attached.

She continued to watch nervously, tensing up as the doctor being running it lightly along the insides of her thighs. It felt surprisingly nice. Not at all painful, and she started to relax a little, despite the discomfort of being so exposed.

“Normal reaction. Very good.”

He continued to use the device alongside her cunny, making Alice giggle a little for it tickled.

“Lie still, Miss Pleasance,” he warned, for she’d not been able to keep herself from twitching.

She did her best as he ran the spiked wheels along the other side of her parted slit, and the inside of her other thigh. By the time it was done she was breathing heavily, obviously aroused.

“She’s responding quite drastically,” Doctor Paine commented.

“She was given 300mg of  Nymadenoxy-Methamphospate earlier, Doctor.”

“That’s double the usual dose, Miss Sinclair,” he murmured as he brushed the spiked wheels over Alice’s swollen button, at which she closed her eyes and let out an impassioned moan.

“Yes, Doctor, it is.”

Smiling, she arranged Alice’s blonde tresses carefully behind her ears, the back of her fingers caressing her temple and cheeks tenderly while the doctor rolled his stool from between Alice’s legs so that he was seated opposite his assistant. He then began to run the spiked wheel along the back of her hand and along her arm until he reached her shoulder.

Alice felt what seemed like liquid sunshine filling her, especially where he’d touched her with the steel pinwheels. It was a frabjous sensation, one that she’d never imagined, let alone experience. By the time he began wheeling it downward over her heaving chest, towards her small breasts and hard nipples only the straps holding her down kept her from squirming about on the table.

“How does that feel, Miss Pleasance?”

“Wonderful,” she moaned, letting out a sharp gasp as the steel pins found her nipple.

“And this?” He began teasing the other nipple causing her for the very first time in her life to take the Lord’s name in vain. Later, she would feel a terrible sense of guilt and shame for it, but that wouldn’t stop her from doing it again and again in the days to come.

“Very good. Miss Sinclair, if you would please sample her discharge?”

Taking a thin length of steel and a small glass dish she took her place between Alice’s thighs and inserted the instrument, twisting it several times until it was coated with the girl’s copious juices which she carefully deposited into the vessel which she then placed on the tray.

“Stick out your tongue, please.”

Obediently, she did as the doctor ordered, holding it out as still as she could while he ran the prickly wheel over it. “No, keep it out,” he admonished when she would withdraw it. A moment later Miss Sinclair wiped the metal depressor off on the muscle, giving Alice a heady taste of her own pussy.

“You may withdraw it now.”

"Nurse, speculum please.”

Alice watched, barely aware of what was taking place now that the drug within her bloodstream was playing havoc with her senses, as the blonde assistant handed a strange metal device over. Moments later she felt something chill being pushed between her nether lips and into her wet pussy and then a strange sensation of being opened up, much like it felt to have a cock inside of her. ‘

“Let’s have a look, Miss Pleasance. Unsurprisingly you are not a virgin. When was the last time you had sexual relations?”

Alice did her best to think. So much had happened so quickly and she wasn’t sure how to define sexual relations. Did masturbation count? What about the bumblebeetle? And Yum and Yee? Did he only mean sexual relations with men, or with anyone? And what about flowers? Or doorknobs, for that matter?

“I’m not sure,” she managed, breathlessly, doing her best to comply with his question. "Yesterday, perhaps?”

“I see. And how many men have you had sexual relations with?”

Again, Alice was flummoxed. How many? She’d lost count. And did Captain Honeyglass count as a man? What about the statue of the bull? It did have a prick after all.

“I’m not sure,” she said with a moan as Miss Sinclair ran the tips of her nails over her bare breasts.

“One? Two? As many as three?”

“No, more.”


“A dozen or more?” she cried out as she felt her nipple being pinched, carefully at first and then harder, so hard that she feared blood might be drawn.

“So many for one still in the bloom of youth? Tsk, tsk. I am beginning to wonder if we have a classic case of nymphomania, Miss Sinclair. What is your professional opinion?”

“The patient exhibits every sign, Doctor. An extremely high libido. She’s quickly aroused by the merest touch. Just listen to her moan when all we are doing is examining her.”

“I think you’re right. I think I’m going to recommend that she stay with us for at least a fortnight.”

“I am sure that Doctor Carpenter would agree.”

“I’ve been hoping to try out an experimental treatment and I think Miss Pleasance might be the ideal candidate. In the meantime, let us continue. Clamp.”

To Alice, it looked like a pair of scissors, only they were bent near the end. Not that she was able to get a good look as Doctor Paine leaned over her, blocking much of her view momentarily as he tugged at her nipple. Scared that he was about to cut her, she began to struggle against the straps binding her to the table, but to no avail.

He chuckled softly as he shook his head and she felt a kiss of cold steel against her nipple, then a squeezing sensation that went from uncomfortable to incredibly painful. Naturally, she began to thrash and scream.

“Halfway there,” Miss Sinclair announced, holding Alice’s head between her hands firmly while the doctor applied a second clamp to her other nipple making her scream out loud once more.

“How does that feel, Miss Pleasance?”

How did it feel? Like stubbing your bare toe against the armoire. No, more like kicking it. No, worse than even that! And yet, it felt good too, or at least her pussy seemed to think so, for she felt it twitching and clenching around the device still embedded in her, as she fought for breath, knowing she was about to come so hard she feared she might blackout…

And then… nothing but agony and ecstasy as she hovered on the edge of climax for an eternity, begging Miss Sinclair, Doctor Paine, God, Jesus, anyone listening, for relief.

“Miss Sinclair?”

“A side effect of the medication, Doctor Paine. Most patients are unable to achieve orgasm.”

“I see. Interesting. How long does that last?”

“Between four and five hours in my experience.”

“Heightened arousal without the ability to climax. It must be excruciating.”

“I’m certain that it is, judging from our patient’s reaction. Please remove the speculum. I’d like to try one more thing before we’re done with this session.

“Yes, Doctor,” she said with a nodded, removing the steel device spreading the walls of Alice’s pussy wide as the doctor moved his stool between her thighs once more.

“Clamp, please.”

Taking the clamp from Miss Sinclair’s hand, he moved closer to Alice as his assistant held her head up so that she could watch in horror as he held the instrument open and placed the flat end to either side of her sensitive swollen button and began to squeeze…


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When Alice came to, she was alone and in what could only be described as a compromised position.“Oh, dear,” she murmured, gazing at herself in the oval mirror that had been moved to the foot of the bed upon which she knelt, her arms stretched towards the ceiling, manacles of gold securing her wrists to a chain descending from the rafters. She let forth a sigh at the sight of her once pretty outfit, now quite disheveled and revealing much more Alice than she would have preferred. Much more leg....

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter X Fathers Study

Alice found herself in a very familiar setting; her father’s study, but not quite as she remembered it. Thankfully, she was wearing a dressing robe, for the idea of being naked in this most sacred of places would have left her completely flustered.‘It is a dream, after all,’ she reminded herself. ‘And I am not suddenly returned home.’Looking about the room, she took note of what belonged and what didn’t. Her father’s plush reading chair and ottoman, his shelves of books, his side table (upon...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter VII This Alice

Eventually, gravity settled down (as did her stomach) and she was once more right side up, positioned before the portal.‘I wonder where I am now,’ she mused as she gazed across the lake, recalling the earlier glimpses of enormous flora and fauna from the prison cell. Upon the distant shore stood a strange looking village made up of curiously shaped towers and buildings, walls and bridges, all painted in a cacophony of garishly bright colors. It looked like a child had taken building blocks and...

Oral Sex
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XX Humpty Dumpty

The palace, Alice decided, had a fairy tale quality to it. Two towers topped with pointed roofs flying pennants stood upon either side of a palatial building made from gold veined marble. The windows were made of stained glass and the doors to the main entrance were quite impressively large. There was a fountain of a mermaid spewing water from her mouth and flowers (the non-talking kind, she noted with a sense of relief) and bushes shaped like a variety of beasts, some of which she recognized...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XIV

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XIV“The Tranny who Banged (With) Me”, with Vic (OC) and Rory (based on a shemale art)Rory: Lying on his king-sized bed, Vic tried to find something to do that Thursday night. Alone at his place, he ran around his cellphone chasing someone who could give him a good night of cuddling and fun.He ran through his contacts, but couldn’t find someone worthy to share a bed with. Not that anyone at the list wasn’t good. It was Vic’s own reasons to find some kind of...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XIV

Chapter XIV – Never Waiting (based on Falling in Love No. 16 cover, DC, February 1958)The high-school prom is one of the most important things a girl can expect in her life. Dancing with the man she loves, being alone with him, sometimes even getting a kiss or something else. For girls like me, the moment is pure magic, like in the movies...However, when I got my prom date, things went a little different. Me and my best friend Susan were about to go together to the date. She brought her...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIX The Lion and the Unicorn

Alice awoke suddenly, shivering, the air quite chilly on her naked flesh, which was rather strange, or so she thought, seeing as she’d been immersed in hot water, or so she had thought.“I must have been dreaming again,” she murmured as she shook her head. “Or perhaps this is the dream…”Other images seeped into her mind, however, making her re-consider whether it had been a dream or a nightmare. She was having a bath. It was quite pleasant, only she’d been shackled in the tub so she couldn’t...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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The Naughty Adventures of Alice

It was one of those languid summer afternoons so rare in England, when all one wants to do is to doze in the drowsy air, half drugged by the sweet scent of wild flowers, and lulled by the murmuring of the bees, busy in their task of gathering pollen. It was a time for pleasant daydreams of sensual pleasure, and Alice was lying half hidden in the long grass by the river bank, her reverie undisturbed by the lapping of the water and the occasional splashing of oars, as young men entertained their...

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Alices pussy flooded with come

“Hi, I’ve been doctors and its sorted xx”. Great I thought reading the message I couldn’t wait to finish work and get hold of her sweet 18 year old body and come in her tight pussy. “I’ll pick you up outside work when you finish your shift, I’ll take you for a drive in the car because your mum and sister will be home later. I’m going to enjoy coming inside you tonight Alice” “Ok, 10pm xx” Alice text back. For the rest of the day I could think of nothing else except fucking Alice....

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The Slave of Paine

“Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY like it.” I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself and scratching behind my ears I thought, “Ooooh, it’s driving me crazy just thinking about it!” as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite paw-hands wandered to my high, perky, firm, round tits around a C1/2-cup, fondling them, playing with the fur, and...

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The Slave of Paine

Introduction: I have posted this before but never after I got more experience, reread, and corrected a lot. So heres my uber Master/Slave story. They are furries so dont read on if youre not into that. Dont give it a bad rating just cuz you dont like furries. Secondly, yes I know my story ravishing her starts almost the same. I copied it for a whole new story. ***TRIXIE*** Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter V Captain Honeyglass

Alice didn’t have long to ponder her fate. Before she’d even finished her sigh, she heard a rattle of keys and the thump of boots.“Well, at least I shall have company,” she told herself out loud. “Perhaps it’s the captain and he wishes to explain that this has all been a misunderstanding and that I am free to go after, of course, he gifts me with a lovely new frock and undergarments and invites me to supper.  I suppose, this being a ship, that it he’ll serve salmon braised in a garlic and...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XV The Caterpillar

Alice groaned, her eyes closed as she tried to shut out the soft sunlight warming her face as she woke slowly from from a very strange dream. One might even call it a nightmare! She’d been in a hospital or, more accurately, an asylum, one in which the doctor and his stunningly beautiful and cruel assistant had given her a very strange examination. She remembered if vividly, almost as if it was real. And afterwards, she’d been visited by a pair of orderlies who took advantage of her in her small...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XII The Room of Doors

“Please!” Alice cried as yet another almost orgasm began to build within. She’d lost count of the number or times she’s almost gone over the edge, only to be pulled back yet again. Enough that she was willing to do exactly as Nobody had claimed – beg him to release her and do whatever he wished to her as long as he would finally let her climax.“Please release me and make me- oh! Oh no. Not again!”She barely heard his chuckle so intent was she upon the bumblebeetle within her pussy vibrating...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter III The Knight and The Knob

Alice disappeared, or rather her reflection did, the moment the door flew open.“I had to make sure you’re not getting into trouble,” the knight announced, eyeing her suspiciously.  Just then Alice recalled the words of the Cheshire Cat. ‘Something about tea and cakes,’ she thought, wondering if it was helpful advice or simply madness as so much seemed to be since she’d left the comfort of the stream bank to pursue the tiny sailing ship. Just then she realized that the other Alice had left her...

First Time
3 years ago
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Mixed Metaphors xiv

Tony sat for hours unable to sleep. Although the sun was coming up, by Tony’s watch it was only two o’clock the afternoon before. They had been flying almost eight hours, and due to all the details in his mind and the fact he had slept most of the night before, he couldn’t close his eyes. They were scheduled to be in Naples, in about two hours. He placed an old favorite DVD in the player, placed the expensive headphones across his ears and started the movie. The movie was “The Adventures...

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Sisters Gift XIV

Part XIV End of Part XIII: With that she left. We knew she wasn’t upset with us, and we knew she loved us. I sighed and lay back on my pillow. My right arm was around Gabby while she lay on my chest. “I hope she finds it. I really do.” Gabby chuckled. “She already has. She just doesn’t know it yet.” I looked down at her questioningly, and she responded with one word. “Allison.” The next morning I woke up. Apparently during the night, Gabby and I had maneuvered ourselves into the classic spoon...

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A Year Ago part XIV

A Year Ago - part XIV by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phases of the story... Sunday morning I thought back to my first date with a man. During dinner at the bar last night George told me about his past lover. He didn't have to explain his life but he talked for a few minutes about how this relationship had brought him back to the region. "I'm happy my Aunt was close enough to you that you could share your...

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Patchwork People XIV Gimme Shelter

XIV. Gimme shelter. "You live in a garage?" They were standing on the little concrete square outside the front door, staring up together at a tidy two story structure that, modifications notwithstanding, still, in fact, looked very much like a garage. "Well, it's not exactly a garage. Actually, It's a converted carriage house. I'm just renting. The woman I work for owns it. She lives in the main house across the garden." "A carriage house? What's that?" "It's where they used...

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George Isolde etc Chap XIII XIV

Chapter XIII It was just 5:00 when Isolde pulled into the driveway and parked behind George’s VW. George and Terry came out of the house to greet her and she said, “Here – each of you grab a bag of groceries. Watch that one, Terry – it’s heavy.” She had bought several cans of soup, and some tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients for marinara sauce, and the store bagger had put all of the cans in one bag. “I forgot you were gonna have to rent a car,” said George. “We have to do something...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XIV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XIV - The Headmistress of Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission, reveals even more mind blowing secrets of hir own family history to Jezebel. With that we enter the medical office. Headmistress Saxon says, "The Doctor will be here in a few minutes. So just to fill you in, many of our students were confused about what really happened. The womyn students of both the McCarthur clan and the...

2 years ago
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Slave to a Vampiress Part XIV

Slave to a Vampiress Part XIV - Tulip reminisces about her third date with her beloved Mistress. Mistress Zephyra and Tulip confess their true feelings for each other. "How does being back in your cage feel to you, I want you to be absolutely honest?" "It hurts mistress, and it's certainly uncomfortable, and it's hard to explain but it feels kind of right to me." "Good gurl, good gurl. Let's get you dressed in your pretty outfit, princess." My bra and panty set were inlaid...

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Danny 2 Danielle Part XIV

Danny 2 Danielle Part XIV - The Blau's family dinner is interrupted in the worst way. How will the Blau's face down bigotry and hatred? I have to start from the beginning since Donny doesn't know how awesome mom was with taking on the principal. "Then some other stuff happened, but it's not important, so let's hear from mom." "Nice try, young lady, now as you dish the dishes, dish about what I missed at school." "Yeah Tad told me that your boyfriend was defending you when he got...

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Butterfly Beach XIV Captivity

A mockery of a woman, most decidedly feminine in feature, stood before me appraising me in silence.  In return, I examined her as well, more curious, at the moment, than afraid, although I wasn’t entirely without fear.  She would have once been regarded as beautiful, I surmised, despite that her features were somehow alien in cast – her single eye slanted and overly large, a lavender pupil filling the entirety and her features somewhat sharper than any human I had ever encountered.  And her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter I The Looking Glass

Alice plucked a daisy and idly plucked the petals, one by one with a sigh. She’d grown bored of sitting on the bank, her bare feet dangling in the cool waters of the brook, while her sister read.‘It’s not even an interesting book’, she thought to herself, having glanced once or twice over her shoulder. ‘Full of romantic notions and flowery verse. Much too polite for my tastes’. While the title had promised randy pirates, she was quite convinced that there was very little adventure, let alone...

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Krystal quivered nervously while you sat in the waiting room. You'd never tried to do anything like this before. You were only just 22 years old, but had answered the ad of the local sex clinic partially because all of your girlfriends were having happy sex lives except for you. They even teased you because you didn't have any sexual history even though you'd been popular in high school. But with high school behind you, you were starting to think that there might be something wrong with you....

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Alices Second Childhood Alices Second Chance

Alice’s Second Chance, Alice’s second childhood.   PART 1   Mom was a good woman. Dad is a good man. Yet my little sister, Alice was, by age 18, a total spoiled brat and a delinquent. She could easily also have ended up being a killer. It is certainly arguable that she deserved to be sent to jail.   Now Mom did not believe in hitting children and she did not. She did, however, understand that the word ‘NO’ needs to be heard and understood by children. She never hit me but I knew...

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I Work in a Doctors Office XIV

The following is a report that Jack related to me about a recent experience he had. I was flying cross-country to visit my grandparents. My dad is quite wealthy so I was flying first class. I had noticed this extremely attractive young girl at the terminal before boarding. She looked to be about my age. She had cutoff shorts on and had killer legs, cute ass, and very pretty feet clearly visible in her sandals. I have always had a thing for pretty feet. So imagine my surprise when she was...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter IX Yum and Yee

“You drank the tea,” Yee and Yum giggled while resting their hands lightly upon Alice’s bare thighs. “The special brew.”“Yes,” she admitted, quivering as they ran their nails idly over her flesh. “And now?” Alice wondered if they always spoke thusly, in unison, their voices blending together perfectly.“And now, sit perfectly still for us. Until it wears off, you’ll do anything anyone tells you to do. You should never drink anything without knowing what it is.”“Anything?”“Yes, anything,”...

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The English School 3 Alices Discovery

Alice’s Discovery Early one Sunday afternoon, Alice couldn’t resist the good weather during one of the last warm days of fall. She left several uncorrected papers on her desk in her cottage and crossed campus to the high fence that bordered a district park. Her faculty key let her through the gate. Students with permission could obtain keys to enjoy unspoiled nature in the park also. Alice wandered the trails rather aimlessly. She knew the area well and had no concern about getting lost. She...

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Sexy Naughty Adventures

Hi. My name is Chetan. My wife’s name is Nisha. We have been married for two years and live in a small town in Madhya Pradesh. Our sex life has been really great. Especially recently, in the last couple of months when my wife has opened up to me about her past. This is a series of stories about my wife and her sexual (mis)adventures. Let me start by describing her. Nisha is a beautiful young woman. Born and raised in a small town, Nisha is one of the hottest girls our town has ever seen. She...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXII The Dressmakers Shop

“I hope you enjoyed your nap, Alice.”Alice opened her eyes slowly, yawning as the owl-faced seamstress helped her to sit up.“I had such a strange dream, Mitzy,” she murmured, stretching her arms up above her head before settling her hands upon her lap with a soft sigh.  “There was a very rude centaur. And I met a lion and unicorn and I inspired them to go on an adventure. Oh, I do hope it’s a grand one. And then I attended a lavish party at a palace and I was wooed by a handsome Sargeant-Major...

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The Doctor Is In Chapter III Joining the Doctors Family

Call the Doctor“Since our three-way session last week my husband has been a man possessed,” I explained to Dr. Clark over the phone. “He wants to get into my pants, feel me up, and fuck me every day, Doctor.”Dr. Don Clark chuckled, “Isn’t that why you came to see me, Molly, to get more sex back into your marriage?”“Well, yes,” I responded, “but I didn’t imagine that his inner teen-age beast would be unleashed.”The doctor laughed at my description, before he replied, “Don’t worry, Molly. Rodney...

Group Sex
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The Pool Party Chapter XIV

While their mothers had been inside getting ready, Jamie and Tyler were leaning on the edge of the pool getting to know each other better. They had talked about their schools, friends, skateboarding, and girls. Being teenage boys, they finally began comparing notes on how far they had gotten with the opposite sex, but while they each admitted the most they had gotten was a blow job, neither confided the secret of who had given it to them. Little did they know just how much they had in...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XVIII Imprisoned

“Would you like some more tea?”Alice smiled as the face of the hatter filled her vision. She was laying upon her back upon the lawn, damp and sticky and still very much naked, not that she was overly concerned at the moment.‘He is very handsome,’ she thought, gazing into his twinkling eyes and his infectiously mad smile. ‘And a true gentleman, too!’For, as she was thinking those thoughts, the hatter had helped her to sit up and gently placed his coat around her shoulders, restoring a small bit...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXI The Main Attraction

‘I’ve heard that, if one pinches oneself whilst dreaming, they will awaken,’ Alice thought to herself. Putting words into deeds, she did just that, pinching her thigh as she took the last step. Alas, all that happened was she left a tiny red mark upon her thigh, one that began to fade almost as quickly as it appeared.‘Bloody hell,’ she thought with a disappointed sigh. Not that she had truly expected it to work, only that she had hoped it might as Sargeant-Major Dumpty led her into a small room...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XI Nobody

“Didn’t I tell you I’d find us a battle?”“Contrariwise, it was me, wasn’t it, who said it.”“Ain’t true!”“Most certainly is!”Alice was still laying beneath the bishop, hoping he wasn’t too badly injured (for despite his betrayal, she didn’t wish any real harm upon him) while listening to two impressively large men armed with what appeared to be very large baby rattles argue.“Logic says otherwise.”“Ouch!” one cried as the other hit him over the head with his rattle.“Ain’t about logic, it’s-““Dee!...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIII The Sisters

Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...

Group Sex
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Doctor and a very naughty patient

I couldn't put it off any longer. Having to go the doctor for a swab of my downstairs was something I didn't relish but it was only every 2 years, I had had a reminder letter and I knew it was time to make the appointment. I rang the doctor's requesting a female if possible but that meant waiting another couple of weeks and I wanted to get this out the way so I booked in with a new doctor, Dr Smith. 'He has no doubt seen hundreds of pussy's, so no need to be embarrassed', I thought to myself. I...

Straight Sex
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XVII The Tea Party

Alice paused behind one of the oak trees just as the un-birthday song stopped, her experiences in Wonderland giving her pause. The scene before her, while somewhat strange, wasn’t particularly alarming. In the middle of a clearing sat a large rectangular table covered with all manner of treats such as cakes and scones and jam, to name just a few, as well as a very large teapot and bowls for cream and sugar. No fewer than twelve chairs surrounded it, only three of which were occupied.‘He is very...

Group Sex
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XVI Crossing Argyll Meadow

Now that she could see beyond the shrubberies that ringed the clearing, Alice didn’t feet quite as lost. The Caterpillar had told her to follow the signs, or rather, the sign, since there was only one.‘Argyll Meadow. I like the sound of that. I could do with a leisurely walk, although it doesn’t look nearly as pleasant as the meadows I’m used to. In fact, I’m not sure it’s even a proper meadow.’In Alice’s experiences, meadows were usually covered with grass and populated with wildflowers while...

Monster Sex
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter VIII The Bird in the Tree

Much like the buildings that made up Pheffer-on-the-nusse The Bird in the Tree was quite whimsical. Bird cages, filled with exotic looking birds with brightly hued plumage, hung from the ceiling or were set upon stands everywhere Alice looked. Many of them were either whistling or singing softly. Tables filled the room, all occupied by a variety of guests.Nearest Alice a walrus slurped oysters from a shell whilst a rough man with crooked teeth gnawed upon a drumstick. Beyond them, a plump woman...

Mind Control
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter VI A Very Strange Dream

“You’re such a doll. I think I’ll keep you.”Alice shivered at Captain Honeyglass’s words, squirming uncomfortably in her grip, her toes wiggling in thin air as she was lifted up until their faces were level.“Keep me?” Alice squealed softly as sharp fingernails dug into her flesh.“On a shelf. I’d take you off every morning and dress you up in pretty things. Wouldn’t you like that?”“I don’t believe that I would, your ladyship. I imagine it would be awfully boring to sit on a shelf all day, even...

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Round Four with the Naughty Doctor

‘Now did you say you had a vibrator or did I dream that?’ ‘Ha, it’s not mine it is for a friend,’ I said smiling back. ‘Hmm I will buy a replacement, now where is it’………………………………………….I reached into my shopping bag that was on the back seat and pulled out the pink bag it was in. I laughed a little apprehensively, not sure of what he was planning to do with it. ‘Hand it here,’ he requested and took the bag. He pulled the ‘Pocket Rocket’ out of its box and I felt my pussy pulsate at the sight of...

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Naughty Outdoor Adventures

Naughty Outdoor Adventures By Daphne Xu Friday Afternoon Out Bryce Mansfield put the finishing touches of make-up on his face. There, thought the six-foot-two, 22-year-old, 170-pound engineering senior. He should pass adequately as a twelve-year-old Chinese- American girl. He'd attempted to dress up as a twelve-year-old Chinese-American girl during many classless afternoons the past half-year. Although his initial attempts were utter failures, he got obsessed with the...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Doctors Hot Wish Chapter 3 Dr Ritas Naughty Healing

Chapter Three: Dr. Rita's Naughty Healing By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I groaned as my patient's pussy rippled about my cock. Her moans were so sweet as she spasmed on the hospital bed, her thighs locked about my hips. The pain was wholly gone from her face. Her arm twitched in her sling, the bones healing as my futa-cum spurted into her depths. I shuddered, my large, ebony tits heaving before me as the pleasure rushed through my body. My own pussy convulsed, juices flooding down...

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Doctor Doctor0

This fantasy of mine started building stronger and strong in my mind, and I was unable to bear it any more so I decided to speak upon it to my wife. I knew that she will never agree if I approach I tried several things as role playing while sex showing her all sort of porn’s, which she liked. Once while making love I told her what I was thinking off. She slapped on my face and started crying she said she will die but will not give her body to another male other than me. So everything stopped...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIV 5 Moving In Pains

"HEY TIM!" Eric called from the first floor while I was helping the plumber with installing the second hot water heater. "WHAT!" I answered. "The furnace people and some of the cleaning people are here," Eric said from behind me. "Shit. Tell the cleaning people there's no water yet, so they might as well just come back tomorrow." "Okay. You want the heating guys to go ahead and start though, right?" "You bet I do. I'm tired of wearing this coat while I'm working. How's the...

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The Doctor Is In Chapter II Return to the Doctors Office

Prescient Telephone CallOur first visit to the Couples Counselor ended fairly abruptly after my husband, Rodney, and I had oral sex related orgasms. Rodney wanted to leave quickly because he had come in his pants - a lot. Not that I blamed him after the way Dr. Clark had aroused and over stimulated him during the session.At Rodney’s insistence, I had dressed quickly and we rushed out before I had time to properly thank Dr. Clark and inquire about a next appointment.It was now Saturday, and my...

Group Sex
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Dirty Doctor Naughty Ashley

Introduction: Everything written is fiction, created by my dirty mind. Dirty Doctor, Naughty Ashley. Hello, The characters name is Ashley. She is 18years old. Description: Dark blonde hair, long Big breasts, 36D Tall, long legs Round ass, smackable A bald tight cunt Lovely pink sensitive nipples with perfect sized areolas ~~ Chapter 1 I am a horny girl, Always had many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral. Both giving and receiving. I was popular in my school for my slut image and...

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MORE NAUGHTY ADVENTURES THE POWER OF THE PUSSYIt had been six months since my family was brought back together. Mom had moved back in with daddy and I, and we are happy again. The tight bound of love that I share with both my parents has grown even stranger due to the nature of our unconventional life style. The fact that loving my family has no bouncers’ and that sex is the only true expression of love.We were very excited about having mom back home again. I am very grateful that I am able...

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Alices Wonderland

Introduction: Just a fictional Magical Transformation I had been coming to the cabin for years. It was off in the mountains of North Carolina, about five hours away from our home in Tennessee, and while not the greatest of accommodations, it was a retreat from our busy lives. Sometimes my wife would come with me, sometimes, I would get away to write, and depending on if I was alone or with her, decided how relaxed I would be. I had married a younger woman after I had gotten well established in...

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The adventures Naughty Nurse Ella

The adventures Naughty Nurse Ella - MarkElla and Mark had been acquaintances for a while now through mutual friends but when Mark broke both his arms in an accident Ella offered to check in on him every now and again. Ella was a student nurse so already knew the basics and just wanted to help Mark who was mostly alone in his flat, Mark agreed and then Ella arrived the 1st time, helped him with some stuff and gave him a quick sponge wash but only the top half, Ella loved how he looked, he had...

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A Boy and His dungeon XIV

Friday morning, Jill and I were on our way to London to bring Jennifer home. We rented a small trailer, and the three of us had all of Jennifer's things loaded, including her scooter, and were on the road by mid afternoon. The drive back to Swansea passed quickly. We arrived in the early evening, unloaded everything and returned the trailer to the rental yard, had dinner at a coffee shop, and went home exhausted, lacking the energy for anything more than cuddling together. Saturday...

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Tim the Teenager Part XIV

Tim, the Teenage Part Fourteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 1 - Mother, Father, and My Lovers. (mc, oral mf & ff) The black limo pulled into our driveway, filling the entire drive. Even before the vehicle had been taken out of gear, I had my suitcase waiting by the trunk. I had a feeling that this was a different vehicle than the last one I had ridden in, but there were no exterior markings to indicate this. A different driver got out,...

3 years ago
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At “The Other Pub”, the three present discussed Kelly’s offer. John, his wife Mary, and their good friend James doubted the wisdom of expanding their circle of “friendship”. Not least in their thoughts was the revelation to others that they were sharing more than mere friendship. Much more. Trust was on the line. A new partnership of needs was on the line, and the old partnerships threatened, maybe. Goodwill among a married couple and two new friends slash Toys was a delicate balance...

2 years ago
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THE GOING-AWAY PARTY Several weeks had gone by since the last get-together. John and Mary, their toys James and Kelly had not met lately. Additionally, Kelly’s roommate Terri was now scheduled for her final gender-change operation, which she eagerly awaited. A trip to Branson, Missouri, by the married couple halted the “regular” Saturday night meetings. Taking advantage of a “celebrity auction”, they had bought a bargain weekend stay at a Branson resort. On the first night in the...

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