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Salvation Written by Dauphin [email protected] Act one Those were the days. We can all remember a time, when things were like being in Utopia. When life was so good, we never thought about being sad. For me this was when my Mum lived here. Then we were a family. Mum was the happy one in the family. She was always cheerful and making pies and things. I know this sounds a bit corny, but that's the way she was. At least that's the way I remember her. I remember when she read me bedtime stories and tucked me in bed. She would always smile and say I was sweet. Then we have my Dad. He was always trying to teach me sport. He used to come home with toys that all boys would love to have. You know, like racecar sets and football game and PlayStation 2. I would jump up and down when I saw them, but it always ended that Dad played the games more than I did and I would play with my sister. Her toys were far more fun and she didn't mind if I used them. In fact she encouraged it. That was my sister. She was 3 years older than me, but I think that she considered me her little sister. The old family story goes that she used to tell Mum when I was in her stomach that I was a girl, and when I was born she could see I was a boy, but she was not sad, she just said that I had long hair for a baby and I could be her baby sister. Mum tried and tried to tell her that I was a boy. After some time, my sister accepted it. Well somewhat. She still dressed me in her old clothes and we played with her toys. I will not be like others that write stories, and say that I was a girl in a boy's body. I was not. I was simply a boy that played that he was a girl once a while with his big sister. I do admit that I loved the pretty dresses and felt like a girl with them on. I was young, I didn't know the difference. But I loved playing with my sister. It is said when we miss a person, we only think about the good times that we had together. We remember it as a time of smiles and laughter. Then when I was 7, tragedy entered my life. Mum got cancer. I didn't like that Mum was sick. I would always ask her to play or if we could do something together. Mum knew that I was confused. She spent as much time with me as possible. I heard people say that Mum didn't have that much time left, that she would die. At that age, I didn't know what death was. Death was something that just happened to older people. It wasn't supposed to happen to my mum that was so beautiful and young. Even as the cancer was eating at her, and Mum started to lose weight and look all skinny like a skeleton, I always remembered her as beautiful. I remember once that Mum was in bed. She was tired and very sick. I didn't really care. I wanted to be with her. I told her I could make her beautiful. I started putting make up on her face. I was quite good at this, because I did it so often with my sister. I showed Mum what she looked like in the mirror. She smiled and started crying saying that she never felt as beautiful as she did now. Then I started putting make up on myself. I rushed into my sister's room and put on one of her old Church dresses and white tights. It was a white frilly dress with a pink ribbon. Needless to say she always hated it. When Mum seen me in it, she laughed and said that she should have bought the dress for me, "Her sissy son," This is the first time that I heard the word sissy. Mum spent most of her last time with me. Looking back, I think that Dad made her think that she was dying. He would ask her about the funeral and things like that. He would feel sorry for himself and would curse life. My sister would also just cry. Sometimes she would sit on the end of the bed and just watch Mum and me play. My sister understood the situation much better than me. I think that when I was with my mother, it was not about her cancer. It was about enjoying the moment. Mum felt like a mum; she felt alive. I didn't know that my Dad was jealous because I was spending more time with Mum. As I said, I didn't know any different, and Mum did feel more alive when I was there. But she died. Life would never feel the same again. Act II Changing times After Mum died, everything changed. The only thing that was the same was my sister. She loved me, as I was the only thing that was left in her life caring about. On the other hand, Dad ignored me. The jealousy that he felt when Mum was in her sick bed and used most of her last days with me was just too much. I don't think that Dad hated me at this stage. I think that I reminded him too much about Mum. The same was with my sister. I remember that I looked at a family picture. It was then I realized that she looked like Mum. She has the same eyes as Mum. When she smiled, she looked like Mum. I don't know if this made me have a closer connection with my sister, or was it just because we had it all the time? The first fall out I had with my Dad was Saturday a month after Mum died. I was so bored. My sister was playing with her friends. I tried to ask Dad should we play something and he just grunted something. He obviously thought that I was invisible. So I turned on TV. There were all children's shows. I liked some shows like The Little Mermaid and Care Bears. I wouldn't normally look at these, but today something caught my eye. It was ballet. I was just staring at the way they danced. It was so graceful. The men wore tights and soldier jackets that looked a bit funny. I wore tights before. I wondered if I could do ballet and look just as pretty as them on TV. Then Dad started getting mad. "What is it that you are looking at some puffy faggot Ballet? Is that what you think is fun? Do you like looking at men with tights on and acting like a pack of queers? You do know that all Ballet men are Queer?" "How do you know?" I asked confused. Dad was using a lot of words I didn't even know. I was just looking at some people dance, and I didn't quite understand what he was on about. He just stormed out and I continued watching ballet. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew was Dad was screaming at me again. "What? Wake up and answer me! Look at what you have done. You have wet yourself! Is the toilet too far away? Look at your clothes! What are you, a baby now?" I felt embarrassed as I realized that I did wet myself. I fell asleep when watching ballet and didn't know that I peed myself. I stood up while Dad abused me with words and changed my clothes. Deep down I believed what he said. I just peed myself. Dad only thought that babies wet themselves. That was life with Dad now. Every time he seen me, he would get mad and call me names such as girlie or baby. He never smiled at me or anything like that. He never asked me if I had a good day. He was like a stone with me, or some military sergeant, that just screamed and yelled all the time. I didn't mind, because my sister was there to give me a hug after he was so mean. She just said that I reminded him so much of mum, and that he was jealous that I used so much time with her before she died. Sometimes my sister was not enough. Once I was playing with my sister. We were playing the game that we always did, where she would dress me as her little sister. It was usually one of her old summer dresses and panties. Then she would put my hair in ponytail or something else. We would just play with her old dolls and toys. For me, this was the some of the happiest times in my childhood. I would feel like a sister and escape the world without a dad that always got mad at me. Of course one day, Dad caught me playing the little sister. He was outraged. My sister kept telling him that it was just a game, but she was told to go down and start dinner. Then he looked at me, and I knew it was time to be called many names. "What do I see here? My son is dressed as a girl! You are one weird boy. You are just a sissy, and that is one thing this world can do without. What am I to do about you? How am I going to make you normal? You might as well stay in that dress if you want to be a girl." "I don't want to be a girl!" "Then look in the mirror." It was like I couldn't do anything to please my Dad. He just always yelled and me. He would never smile and it looked like his eyes were red as the devils. Around this time, I started wetting the bed. I think it had something to do with mums death, but who knows? Instead of taking me to the doctor, Dad would get so mad and say I was a baby. To tell you the truth, I was sad around him. I really missed Mum more. It was a week later when one of my friends Michael asked me was I still sad about Mums death, It was when school was over and Dad usually picked me up later, as if he nearly forgotten me. I told Michael what life was like at home. I said I don't know how I would survive if it was not for my sister. Then he gave me a hug and told me that he liked me more than a friend, and he would pray for me. The hug was a long one, and I felt confused. He liked me more than a friend? It didn't matter, the next thing I experienced was my father taking my arm and dragging me back to the car. I was waiting for him to say something and call me names like he always did. The only thing he said was: "So now you have a boyfriend. A few weeks ago, we were invited to a house. It is a group of people that believe in God and have made their own cult where they can live as Jesus and do, as he wanted. We are packing and we are going there. I think that they can sort your strange personality. In this house, you cannot be a girl, have a boyfriend or be a baby" Act III. God is on holidays It was the first evening in the house. It was like a little hotel where lot of families lived. Father Steve that thought God spoke directly to him and he was a new prophet ran it. Everyone else believed it, otherwise, why would they be here? The first evening we were in a prayer room. We said a load of prayers. I thought if I was God, I would fall asleep. We just mumbled and mumbled. Then he said welcome to my family. I smiled and thought maybe this cult would make Dad smile again. Then Father Steve called me up to stand next to him: "My fellow people, this boy are troubled by many demons. I have had a long talk with his father that told me that this boy annoyed his mother so much when she was dying, that she had no strength to live. He also dresses in girls clothes and plays like a sissy. A few days ago, he was seen by his father giving another boy a hug. To make things worse, he pisses himself often. I am convinced that demons are controlling this boy. It will take our prayers and hard decisions from his father to make things better." I was crying. The prophet said I was to blame for mum's death. He also said that I had demons in me. This was also too much for my sister. The next day when we woke up, there was a letter. Dear family I will not live here where people are so mean. I will not live at a place where my father lets some priest say that my little brother is possessed by the devil. I will not live with my father that does not show his love for everyone in the family. I love my brother. He reminds me so much about Mum. He is not afraid to show himself. He does not wear dresses because he is a sissy or gay. He wears them because he thinks it?s funny. I love him for who he is and I hope this place does not destroy him. Now I was without my sister, when I read her letter, I started crying. What was I to do? She was the only one that knew how I felt. She was the only one that I could get support from when Dad was being mean, and now she?s gone to live with my aunt. She went without me! After she went Dad became even meaner. He loved to call me sissy and baby when someone else was listening. He made me wear diapers all the time because I started wetting more, even at daytime. Around him, I felt like a little Baby. I didn?t go to the same classes as the others my age. Dad said I could go to the nursery until I learned how to grow up. I cried when he said that I would be going to the nursery. The first day was extremely hot. Dad said that babies only wear diapers when it was hot. So crying and with a pacifier in my mouth, he took me to a room in the house that was used as the nursery. I could see the other children that were going to a normal school look at me and whisper or laugh. Other days, I had to go to the nursery in a short baby dress. I think Dad wanted to drive the devil out of me. Or he just wanted to humiliate me. Act IV Forced to Salvation I was now dressed fulltime as a girl. I was now a baby girl. I had diapers, pacifiers, and crib. I also had as many dresses as any other girl. Mary Jane Shoes, leggings, blouses. My hair as even looked like a girl. I was not a sissy. Before I only wore my sister?s clothes just to play with her. I liked my boy clothes. I only felt like a girl when I was playing her sister. Not when Dad made me dress as a girl, and a baby girl at that. One day, I was sitting watching TV with a light blue summer dress on. Dad invited all his religious mates to drink a beer. ?Look at him, ?Dad said, ?Or her. I make him wear dresses. He even has a diaper on. It is good that I can dress the devil as a sissy baby. I know he is my son, but I really hate him. Wait until I make him play outside with slut girl clothes, or just a diaper. I love humiliating him? This was the first time that I heard my Dad say it. He hated me. All he wanted to do was to humiliate me and make me more and more into a baby and sissy. It was like my heart stopped when I heard my own father say he hated me. I thought also that he would take me down town just in a diaper or dressed as a girl. It was humiliating and I would not do it. I did not want a Dad that hated me. My heart felt like it was dead My mind went blank Slowly I stood up. I walked into my dad?s room; I opened his drawer and took his gun. I could hear him shouting and telling me to come back. They were not finished talking about me. I came into the sitting room. I pointed the gun at him. The other men hid behind chairs and sofas. Dad just stood there. Deep down I wanted him to reach his hands out for a hug. He just stood there like stone. There was no love in his eyes. Maybe he was possessed by the devil. I shot 3 times I was now an orphan. Act V No story is a fairytale in real life. Here I was in the lake. I tied a stone around my leg and jumped in. I wanted to be with mum. How did I get here? After I shot Dad I was arrested. I had to go to court. Everyone felt sorry for me. I was abused by Dad and made to wear girl clothes. Because I wore diapers so long, my bladder was very weak. So the doctor told me I would have to continue wearing diapers and exercise at the same time until my bladder would work. I was not sent to prison or any children?s home. My aunt said that she was taking care of my sister and she could also take care of me. The court agreed and said I could live with my aunt and get some professional help at the same time. I thought things would be great now. I would be living with my sister now. The only problem is that she hardly talked to me. She would always tell me to go away, because she was on MSN. When she wasn?t on MSN, she would say that she had no time for me anymore. Then I tried to wear her old clothes, so we can play sisters again. She didn?t even notice this. I was going to beg her to play with me until I read what she just written on MSN. She wrote, ?I know that Dad was a moron and I know that my brother was sad because he was treated like a sissy. But I hate him because he shot my Dad.? After that, I walked out the door. I didn?t care who seen me in a dress. I went down to the lake and tied a stone around my leg. I jumped off a place where others usually dived. Everything was so blue down there. I was dying. Then I saw my Mum. She was an angel. ?Don?t give up? she said, ?I know how much you suffered because of your father. I know that you think your sister hates you now. After you read that she hates you to her friend on MSN, she also wrote that?s not true. She just was afraid that you would be taken away from her and she would miss you a lot. So have courage my son. Play sisters once in a while and be proud of who you are. You can do great things in this life. Have courage. I am always with you? I tried swimming up to the surface, but could not manage it. The stone was too heavy. Then I could see Mums hand and I held it as she helped me up to the surface. I was lying down on the side of the lake when some ambulance men were trying to make me breath again. I started coughing and gasping for air as this worked. The last thing I remember before they drove me to the hospital was that my sister hugged me

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Ellie Wong was watching the late night news when Alena came into the apartment. "So, how'd your date go?" she inquired as she peeled a banana that was turning brown. "It was okay," Alena replied as she kicked off her shoes and plopped down in the only other chair in the room beside the couch where Ellie was sprawled, her mouth half full of banana. "You get laid?" "Is that really any of your business?" Alena said trying to avoid any discussion of her "date." "I hope you did,"...

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Confessions Kenzi Ryans Bad Biker Guy

Kenzi Ryans has always has a thing for those bad boys on bikes and she just can not take it watching Charles ride off on his bike day after day. She just has to get in those pants and see that hard cock of his. He can rev her motor all he wants! She gets his attention and soon her shorts are coming down and he plays with that beautiful sweet pussy but Kenzi has had enough of that and really wants to taste that big hard cock! Soon she is taking it it deep in her pussy and loving the fact that...

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The Review

Back in the early eighties just before I joined up with my friend Rich in his telephone services company, I had an office job at a local securities firm. It was a relatively menial job, getting files and miscellaneous paper work but it did put some spending cash in my pocket. That was the main priority at the time. Come to think of it, some things haven’t changed. What was a change for me at the time was having to actually get dressed up for a job. Dress shirt with collar, dress pants, tie, the...

1 year ago
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Dyked Aurora Belle Tali Dova Priority Content Pusher

Tali has just finished mixing down Auroras new hit! Now Tali has to pass it on to all the big execs to get it on the radio. The only problem is sometimes that can take forever. Tali has a way to make Aurora her top priority though. If she lets her DYKE that pussy out and let her dildo fuck her, she will undoubtedly make her a star ASAP. No struggling musician could say no to this, and Aurora proved that her cunt licking game is just as good if not better than her singing game. Tali is...

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The TeacherChapter 3 The new wading pools

The next morning, after she had raked the sandlot to remove any souvenirs left by the cats of the neighborhood, she called Catherine; "Hi, Kat. I was wondering if you could do me a favor." "..." "I would really appreciate it if you would drop by the toy wholesaler at the mall and get me two of those eight-foot wading pools for small children. The place only opens at nine thirty and with my kids here, I can't go myself." "..." "No, not those; the hard plastic kind ... Yeah,...

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Earths CoreChapter 27 The Unseen

As Zax was waiting for Sister Iaura to wake up, whilst in the meantime reckoning how to treat Niel, someplace else, on the opposite side of the planet and beneath the blue sky, happened to share the same inaudibility but with ambiance much less peaceful. ... Stelero Mars, Archbishop Silternjan, Cardinal Northstar, in addition to all fourth level Martial Mortal members of the church and several of the third level Martial Mortals, were seated on long backrest wooden chairs around a rectangle...

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Second ChanceChapter 34

Winnie spent hours and hours debriefing Regina about Hussein and the two other men threatening her father back in Chicago. A pattern started to appear, if you connected the dots just so. They would identify a company that was ripe for plundering, manipulate the stock price by some means, then use the instability to collapse the stock, winning on two counts. The first win was by taking huge profits off the stock plunge, and the second was by weakening it and the overall American stock market...

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The Fulkner Research

The dis CenterPart 1 Chapter One-Introductions "Your master sent you here, because you were a good slave," Doctor Fulkner said looking up from a medical chart.  After squinting in thought he added, "I'm not sure about rewarding slaves.  You could physiologically damage other subjects with attitude or actions.""The client paid a premium," said an administration slave to the doctor's left, as the doctor flipped to pages two.He continued talking mostly to himself, "Her then boyfriend asked her to...

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Distant Love Part 6 Were friendsrightreuploaded

"You look like some cartoon character!" Alex said. "That because you never saw me fighting..." I said. "I've heard that it's worse..." Mark said laughing a little. "Haha..." I said sarcasticly. "I thought brazilians were good in...other sports like soccer and stuff..." Alex said. "Yeah...half brazilians like Samba too...I don't...and I always hated soccer..." I said. "Are you sure you were born in the right place...?" Mark asked. "I have my doubts..." I...

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Mothers Revenge

I started this story about a year ago but it never really got much further than where it is now. So I thought that I would put it onto Fictionmania and maybe come back to it some day. If anybody else would like to take it on from here then please go right ahead. Hope you enjoy. A Mother's Revenge By Kellie Cliffe I was only with Charlie for 2 months but it became clear to me that despite everything that went well between us, she just carried too much baggage. So one evening, the...

1 year ago
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VacationChapter 36

Day Thirty-six - Monday I woke to Sue petting my head and my face. She was laying there with tears streaming down her face while caressing my unshaven face. When she sobbed, I turned and was holding her, trying to comfort her, "What's the matter hon, what's wrong?" Sue choked and sobbed a few more times then, "You'll leave now that I have all this money. You won't want me." "That's bullshit. I don't give a damn how much you have. You and I have so much going on right now, we...

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Chain Gang WomenChapter 7

"Angelina and Lilly are going to be at the market in ten days, Mr Marcilenus. Karl has something arranged. Don't ask me what - he's not saying anything! But he wants you to organise a departure from Port Bemba on the following day. I shan't be able to concentrate on their fight! If we do all get away, what happens to you?" "I'll be fine, Marina. I am more or less immune from prosecution. My family are too popular for the government to touch us. I'll be put under house arrest if they...

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Starting to Have Fun as a Slave Girl

Greg and I had resumed our relationship as normal after my experience at Mistress Amber's. I was enjoying being his girlfriend. He treated me so nicely, and we enjoyed our time together. It was the most intense sex life I had ever had with anyone. For the most part he enjoyed being the dominant one, and he was happy to make me his little fucktoy after a nice night out. But it was that line that he didn't want to cross, and that line I felt I needed to cross, that gave us this itch once in a...

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What Are Friends For4

Marshall looked back at his friend, who was sitting on the couch nearby, watching his best friend play with his woman’s cunt. “Tyler, are you sure about this? Man, I don’t know.” “Of course man, Bev loves it. You know that pussy looks fucking perfect.” Glancing back, he watched her just ooze more juice, beads running down her inner thigh. The anticipation for another man’s cock was just too much for her. She started grinding against the bed. The little movement she could do was...

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Life With Anna

Introduction: Sexual fantasy with Anna leads Jason to finally buy the five year old girl off her mother, and after three years abusing her, he finally takes her virginity Anna was five when her mother sold her to me. Struggling with money, Denise Bradshaw had just lost her husband to the women next door, and heavily pregnant with his latest child, she was suffering. I met her in the supermarket on a rainy afternoon as she was buying nappies for her daughter. Anna was a skinny blonde child,...

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Mind the TimeChapter 45

There are a couple three four things a parent does not want to hear issue from their teenager's lips..."Mom, I missed my period ... and I seem to have missed one pill," while displaying the pill dispenser with one little pill still in the very center of the month... ..."I don't have anything to wear," when mom knows there isn't room for anything more in said teen's closet... ..."Mom, I can't find your car." ... Mom didn't know it was gone. ..."Mom, this is Jimmy ... he...

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The Gadget

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 38 Corruption

I have searched for twenty-five years, but I can’t find her. My entity is sullen, and I barely communicate with it anymore. I believe that it is sick and not just sick of me. I don’t believe it can leave me as I have found ways to lock it to its box. I met this wizard in Galanta who was having similar problems to me. Lord Gazan told me a wizard like me had taught him coercion spells a couple of years before. He had then experimented and through an unfortunate accident, he discovered blood...

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My Boxhellip Pt4

Introduction: I got so wet writing this. So I hope you enjoy as much as I did. (: Whats the surprise I said grabbing my clutch. You he said leading me out to the limo. Me, the hell. This man has a lot of mystery to me that shit turns me completely on. Listen to me, I swear Friday I was happily engaged and a virgin. We were off to our destination. I started rubbing on his inner thighs. You want this he whispered in my ear. I got on top of him kissing on his neck. He placed his hand on my...

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a quiet afternoon

I lay on my side with me knees drawn up as Richard slowly slid his rock hard cock in and out of my warm wet pussy. We were talking in low quiet voices about sex and girls in particular. Richard assured me I was the love of his life. I reminded him though I was his mother and soon he’d find a woman to love and cherish like he does me.He was wondering what made women attracted to men. I told him between sighs and uh huh’s. that he was a very handsome young man with a nice cock to offer any woman...

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NFBusty Jessa Rhodes Better Than Ever

Tanned toned bombshell Jessa Rhodes is in the shower soaping up her incredible enhanced breasts and her big hard nipples. Turning her attention to her shapely big ass, Jessa makes sure to cover every inch of her body with the sudsy water and to follow it up with her palms. When she has had a chance to dry off, her boyfriend Tony makes his presence known where he has been watching her the whole time. Turning around so the miniskirt formed by the towel rides up, Jessa flirts with her boyfriend...

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Free Sample

I was looking for a new toy for myself, browsing for anything that stood out. Saw many interesting things, some stuff that I couldn’t even imagine being used. I was just looking for a simple dildo, but to which one from that point. I was have difficulty deciding if I wanted something bigger than I already have, or did I want something thicker. Did I want it to be slick and smooth or closer to the real thing, so many choices. I change my focus and begin looking at clothing, trying to decide...

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Her Pet

I know better, but I can’t help myself. I needed to know… She warned me that I would be punished if I didn’t obey. So what do I do? I disobey, so she bound me, gagged me and made me watch two of her fairies make such passionate love that I cried a river. Why cry, you may ask? I cried because the sight was so beautiful and magical. To make it worse she touched me as I watched. She kept me like that for 24 hours! Imagine 24 hours of watching the most beautiful sex you will ever see and not be...

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NubileFilms Tiffany Tatum Freya Dee Sweet Arousal

Walking hand in hand, Freya Dee and Tiffany Tatum barely make it into their yard before Tiffany pushes Freya to the wall for a kiss. Freya’s top falls open, revealing her small tits. They get a few steps further into the yard before Tiffany once again pushes Freya to the wall. Dropping to her knees, Tiffany delivers openmouthed kisses to Freya’s plump ass. The girls could have gone on like that forever, but they have the promise of even greater pleasure if they move things inside...

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Dream of you

We're at your house in your room.You come up behind me and you reach around to touch my breasts as you kiss my neck. I am already getting wet. You begin to pinch and roll my nipples. Your hands slowly move down my body and cup my pussy. You gently rub till I am moving with you. You have me lie down on the bed and start to suck my nipples. You kiss your way down my stomachlick my pussy while slowly sliding your finger into me. First one finger then two while sucking on my clit. I am moaning so...

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Shy Young Wife

Call me paranoid, or whatever you please, but my wife’s “volunteer work” was really about sex all along, and I knew it from the beginning. She went on about self- actualization and needing to “discover herself” and to do something about society’s problems. And I went along, reluctantly – unhappily. I knew this was really all about us. It was about sex. I knew my marriage was in trouble. Problem is, what do you do about it? My brother and my ...

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Having Fun with Liz

My story starts about a month ago here on Xhamster. Living where I live there is very little contact with single females or married couples. One evening whilst on here I made contact with the male from a couple profile that are on my friends list. We chatted openly about our previous experiences on here and other swinging sites. This for the benefit of my new friends is a true account of my first ever meet with a couple. I certainly hope it isn't my last. My very first meet was with a couple...

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My Girl turns into a Cheating wife and Slut

This one day she got off me after she came. I was still hard and hadn’t cum. She was at her mirror brushing her beautiful red hair. I was begging her to come back to bed. She was looking at me though the mirror. She then said, OK Brian, want me to get you off? Oh yes, please come back to bed. Well you’re in luck, because I want to cum again. So why don’t you come over here and lick my pussy, while I finish brushing my hair. In a second I was before her licking her sweet red trimmed pussy. She...

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Las Vegas The Club

LAS VEGAS The ClubThe next day we hung around the hotel and relaxed.  Neither of us enjoys gambling that much, although when I do play, I like playing Blackjack because of the odds while still tilted in favor of the House, afforded the best opportunity to make some money.  Being a numbers kind of person and I will count cards but avoid getting caught.  Las Vegas casinos are not keen on card counters. They consider them cheats. Anyway, after last night we were both felt ‘used up’ and wanted to...

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A Much Needed Night Out of the House

Jan greeted us at the door wearing a tight blue dress with a plunging neckline that showed off some fantastic cleavage. Wow, Jan had been hiding some impressive boobs underneath the more conservative attire she typically wore to work. My husband, John, definitely took note of Jan's chest at well. Jan was one of my friends at work and was having a bit of a get together at her house. I was excited that we were able to find someone to watch our one-year-old so that John and I could get out of the...

Group Sex
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The Rendezvous P2

We head to the shower laughing and teasing each other. As you bend over to turn on the water my I get behind you and rub my still hard cock up over your wet pussy. I slip just the tip in and grab my shaft and stir it into your pussy you brace on the edge of the tub and ask me for more now. I shove deep into your pussy and you spread your legs wider as I start hammering you. You push back in rhythm to my pounding. I reach down and grab your hair and pull back forcing you to arch your back. I...

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