Salvation free porn video

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“That was amazing.” He whispered at last. I hummed into his groin. “I can’t believe I let you do it again. Glad I did though.”

I let his cock slip from my lips and flop over his balls. “So am I.”

He reached between his legs, ruffled my hair and smiled. “You’re addictive, faggot.”

“Does that mean I get a fuck next time?”


“You said that the last three times.” I was gagging for Hassan to ram his fat dick up me. Then I’d be able to tell Nev that I’d succeeded in turning him, if only a little. Hassan wasn’t aware of this of course. He didn’t even know Nev was in on the whole thing.


He stood up causing the loose pile of wood he was balanced on to wobble. “We’ll see faggot. I’m still not into boys.”

I remained kneeling on the cold concrete watching his tuck himself away. “You’ve sucked me off Has. That says something.”

He snorted and made for the exit, a portion of wall that had collapsed some time ago. He paused before stepping out and turned to me. His mouth opened and closed twice, but he decided not to say what he was thinking. Instead he said he’d text soon and left.

I sat on the hard floor ignoring the stones digging into my ass and stared at the mouldy ceiling. The old pill box was a little known feature in the town, but kids found it. Kids like me. It was our secret sex den, which the growing pile of used condoms strewn in the corners attested to. It was a grotty place, but it was my only escape. No one knew I came here, least of all my sister, boyfriend, or girlfriend.

I sighed, took a deep breath, and struggled into my jeans. I was getting cold but I wasn’t ready to leave yet. I wanted to stay out the house as long as possible and aside from my shifts at the coffee shop, which had grown in quantity and length, (more money being a nice side effect), this was my only real escape. Well, this and Nev. I didn’t even visit the woods anymore because Cody went there so much more now that it wasn’t so secret.

I pulled on my sweatshirt and sighed again. It had been two months since I returned to Jenny’s, and found out that she’d sucked my own sister into her domain, and that my boyfriend was her cousin. They’d been in it the whole time, aside from a drawn out fight, and had conspired to return me to what I considered ownership. Sure I’d gone in willingly and considering the mess I’d made of everything it was the only home I had left. And I did have to admit to myself that I got plenty of fucking. The real upside was regular sex and nights together with my sister but it still pained me when I watched her and Jenny at it.

Giggling startled me from my reverie and I saw a boy and a girl climbing through the gap in the wall. They looked disappointed when they saw me. I held up my hand a stood. I was leaving. They watched me pass and went about their business out of sight. They looked young, just eighteen I guessed, and were probably just starting out. I considered spying on them, then realised that what I know, and do, it wouldn’t be very titillating. I took a slow walk home.

Closing the front door I stripped as house rules demanded. I knew there was no one at home as the little yellow flag just inside the door wasn’t raised. It was a stupid system but Jenny put it in place, and it stays. I pulled open my drawer from the small cabinet to the left of the front door, and extracted my home ‘uniform’. We all had a drawer and specified clothing, or not, to wear. Each week one of us decided what everyone would wear for the rest of the week. At first we’d all been conservative but when Jenny’s turn came she went all out. From that point on it enforced humiliation and near nakedness. The only hard rule for me was my collar, pink leather with four metal loops around it and FAGGOT printed on it in silver letters. The others always included it. To be fair Cody always had to wear a ball stretcher, also pink leather and with a short lead attached. The difference was he loved it, I did not. I think it was the girls enforcing their domination over us boys.

After the collar came the panties. As it was Chloe’s turn to dress us she’d chosen what she always did, her own used underwear. She loved me in her panties and hot pants. So did Jenny. For half a month I was wearing girl’s panties, used or fresh. I held up the yellow French knickers with white frills around the edges, took a sniff and smiled. Despite all the time that had passed and the amount of sex we’d had, my sister’s still aroused me in ways no one else could and her scent dug up powerful feelings. I pulled them on. The final item was a pair of thigh high white socks with pink hearts attached to the outer top. I knew I looked fucking stupid, and the humiliation was indeed strong. The others loved it. I climbed the stairs and went to the kitchen to make a drink. Then I slumped in front of the TV to relax before they returned and the ritual fucking commenced.

* * *

I lay in bed staring into the dark. It hadn’t been fucking after all. I’d been the urinal for an alcohol filled evening. I swallowed a lot of piss. I kind of enjoyed it, but not as much as the card evening with Nev and Hassan. Highlight: Chloe and I had a sixty nine to a climax, her on top. Low light was a drunk Cody telling me once again that he loved me. Once upon a time that was a wonderful thing to hear. Since admitting what a traitor he was and selling me back to Jenny, (in so many words), I’d lost any chance of love for him. It was pure lust for his body now, and even that was waning. In truth I’d always hesitated when he declared his love, so something must have always been holding me back. Did I know then and just blinded myself?

Intermittent flashes from my phone told me I had another message and I knew it was from Jason. Since I kissed him then fled, he’d been trying to get hold of me. I had ignored every single text and call but two months on he wasn’t giving up. I was running out of resolve. I hadn’t had the balls to block him, and now I was weakening. I fled because I was a coward and now I wasn’t facing him for the same reason. His messages followed similar themes; ‘speak to me mate’, ‘don’t worry Tom, lets talk’, ‘ur a gud kisser lol’. Voicemails followed the same pattern, adding that he was never going to give up.

Cody shifted beside me and I was brought back to the here and now. His deep, steady breathing told me he was asleep. The duvet was ruffled around his waist and I could just make out his beautiful torso. My cock twitched but then the memories of finding out he was related to Jenny came flooding back and it stopped. Judging by his lack of awareness of my loss of attraction to him, I decided I was a good actor. Something to be remembered.

The door creaked and I looked over. From the hazy light reflected around the hallway I made out the silhouette of Chloe peering in.

“Tommy?” It was the faintest of whispers, more a distant hum on a light breeze. With incredible care I rolled off the bed, careful not to pull at the duvet, and padded from the room. Chloe backed out and beckoned me to the downstairs entrance hallway. We knew which stairs groaned and missed them. At the bottom Chloe flung her arms around me and we kissed like we were long lost lovers. She was aggressive and needy and I gave in to her, loving every second of her embrace. We held these silent liaisons as often as possible, which is to say, not very. After my musings tonight I felt an extra urgency.

She pulled back. Before I could drop to my knees and taste her, she did so, taking my erection into her throat. I had come only once last night, as a result of my sister, and suffered the frustration of the others having multiple orgasms. That frustration was released quickly and within minutes I’d filled my sister’s mouth with cum. She stood and kissed me again and we shared the salty goo. After swallowing we held onto each other for ages, lost in the touch of each other’s bodies. I know this was not how siblings were supposed to be, but we’d broken that barrier and travelled a long way beyond.

“We should go back.” I whispered at last.

She pulled back and grabbed my wrist. “No, wait.”

I stared at her. In the light filtering through the frosted glass of the front door I looked at her. She was so beautiful to me. Then I saw the collar, black, almost certainly her SLUT one. We didn’t have to wear our uniforms to bed, but Jenny sometimes made Chloe keep her collar on. I suspected it was so she could chain her up somewhere overnight but Chloe never confirmed, or denied, this. That was about to change.

“What’s up sis?”

She paused and looked down. When she returned her gaze to me I could see tears building. “You were right Tommy.”

I stared in confusion. “What about?”


I held my breath. I could see she was still weighing up whether to tell me, but the pressure proved too much. She needed to tell someone, and I was the closest to her. What the fuck had Jenny done to my sister?

When she told me, she blurted it out in one constant stream. “She wants me to be in a video with a friend of hers and toys and its outside with people watching and I don’t want to ‘cos I saw what she videoed you doing and I’m scared Tommy, I don’t wanna be in a video!”

I grabbed her and pulled her back in to a hug. It was supposed to be a comforting hug, but I got a rush just from her warmth and the press of her breasts against me. I felt guilty. “Don’t do it then.” I whispered, kissing her ear.

“She’s forcing me Tommy. I can’t say no.”

“You can sis. You’re letting her push you. I know. I did.” The pictures and videos Jenny had made of me were always in my mind. Even now I was scared she would release them and my world really would come crashing down. I couldn’t let Jenny do that to my sister.

“Tommy, she has that video of us. She says she’ll put it on the net.”

I thought about it for a second or two. “She didn’t when I left did she?”

“That’s because she still had me.”

I conceded the point. “Do you know where she keeps them?”

Chloe nodded against my shoulder. “I know where the USB sticks are, but I can’t get them.”


“She usually closes her door and they are kept in a drawer with noisy stuff like bangles and keys, in a locked box. I can’t go in and get them”

“Can’t you get them when you’re staying in there with her?

“Tommy!” She pulled back and held me at arm’s length staring at me. “How can I?”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t know?” I shook my head, but suspected. “Tommy she keeps my collar locked to her belt at night. My face is in her pussy all night!”

I was confused. “You’re not locked now. Get them now.”

“Yeh, she didn’t lock it properly. Second time. I’m scared in case she catches me, and anyway where would I keep them? She’d know instantly it was me. We’d have to get them when we could leave straight away.”

I nodded and cupped her face. “I need to think sis, but I won’t let her make this video. She’d own you then.”

“What about the online one?”

“Let me think.” I repeated. I pulled her back to me and held her tightly. “I’ll think of something.”

We cuddled for a few more minutes before creeping upstairs. We kissed each other and parted for our rooms. I thought of her having to bury her face between Jenny’s thighs all night and, despite myself, felt a twinge of jealousy.

I rolled into bed making as little movement as possible, but sleep wouldn’t come. What the hell was I going to do?

* * *

Jenny and Chloe watched Cody and I shower, Jenny commanding various sexual activity throughout. For his part, Cody enjoyed every second, his customary smile in place that looked like he found the world amusing. I used to find it endearing but now it seemed to taunt me. We took in turns to finish on each other’s asses and lick it off, after which Jenny led Chloe crawling on all fours from the bathroom. A jolt of fear shot though me at the thought Jenny had overheard us the previous evening.

Cody and I dried each other. Before going to get dressed Cody pushed me up against the bathroom wall and crushed himself into me, gripping my ass with a powerful clutch.

“I’m so pleased… you came… back baby…” He said between kisses. “I… love… you.”

Despite myself, Cody’s hot body turned me on. I tempered a reply laced with lust. “I pleased… too… Cody.”

He held my hand while we returned to the bedroom. I glanced into the lounge in the way past and saw Jenny in her arm chair, legs over the arm rests, and Chloe eating her to climax. I sighed. This was before eight in the morning and this is what we had become. Jenny’s harem; a hyper-sexualised group of early twenty-somethings who live to suck, fuck, lick and experiment with evermore extreme sexual activities. Jenny hadn’t changed, she’d just reigned herself in until she regained control. I knew her. She was becoming complacent again, and the proof was her push to turn Chloe into her own personal porn star. My resolve hardened even if I was no closer to an idea.

Uniforms were only required in the mornings at the weekend, and only if we weren’t working. After fighting off Cody’s groping hands I dressed and hurried from the room. I found Chloe waiting on her knees outside the closed bathroom door. A sound of pissing could be heard the other side. I rushed over and knelt beside her.

“You okay?” I whispered.


“Chloe, did she hear anything?” At her confused look I clarified, “Last night?”

She shook her head. “No. She was asleep when I went back in.”


“Yeh. Out like a zombie.”

“What’s the morning oral about?”

“Tommy!” She said, surprised, then realised she needed to keep her voice down. “I lick her out at least once a day, this isn’t unusual.”

“And the crawling?”

“How often have you seen me crawling?”

I thought about it. “All the time.” She nodded.

“And waiting here?”

“Ready to lick her pussy clean. She did it for me yesterday, didn’t you notice?”

“Cody was fucking me.” Okay, so nothing unusual. I was being paranoid. “Do you enjoy it?”

“Yeh.” She smiled. “Shame it’s her though.” I kissed her and crept away. Halfway down the stairs I heard Jenny call to her ‘bitch’, and glimpsed through the railings as Chloe crawled into the bathroom, tongue out.

My day at work was long and boring. I spent the morning shift with Ben, the self-styled hipster who, while friendly enough, saw the world ‘ironically’ and meant I couldn’t spend more than a couple of hours in his presence. I could however spend the entire day, and night given the chance, with Mattie. A Goth by dress but she seemed too happy to live like one. She was again wearing a lower cut top, something she’d taken to in recent weeks, and I found it hard to avoid staring at her chest. She also allowed her natural hair colour to conquer the black and purple dye and she was even prettier for it. The facial metal remained.

“Oi.” She punched my arm and failed to hide a grin.

I shook my head and looked sheepish. “Sorry Mattie. I… I’m such a sexist pig.” Her breasts though, flawless pale globes pushing out her top. I’d been caught. I was lucky she and I were, if not friends, then acquaintances. I could lose my job for that.

“If you’re going to look, don’t do it when I’m talking to you.” I nodded. She’d been telling me about her weekend drinking with friends and I’d been avoiding talking about mine. How you slip sucking cock, constant fucking and dressing in women’s underwear into polite small talk?

“I just chilled really. Boring I’m afraid. Money and all…” In response to her asking about my weekend, I’d answered in the blandest way possible. ‘Oh I fucked my sister, had sex with a violent ex con, sucked off his friend because I’m trying to turn him bi, ate a mars bar from my boyfriend’s ass, and led my ex-girlfriend turn me into a sissy for her own delight’. It wouldn’t really go down well.

“I don’t believe you.” She said with a wink, then turned to serve a customer. “You can look at my ass now.”

I did.


I returned home after work, dressed in my uniform, and found Cody waiting in the lounge. He wore a leather chest harness and black stockings with lace tops. He held a black belt. I stripped and gave my ass to him, first the pain, then the pleasure. I thought about what Mattie would say about it, then enjoyed the fuck.

Jenny didn’t come home so I spent the night with Chloe. Sex was slow and deep and long, and we bathed in each other’s warm sweat afterwards. We cuddled until we dried and cooled which was long enough for me to become erect again. She sat got on top and sucked me off. I rubbed her wetness all over my face before delving into the most beautiful pussy I’d even had. My heart always beat faster when I was eating my sister, she was the only girl that did that to me. Again we didn’t wash when finished. Both of us preferred to enjoy our scents.

Hugging tightly, we fingered each other’s asses in gentle rhythm.

“I love you so much sis.” I whispered.

“I love you too Tommy.”

Moments later I felt her shuddering and wetness on my shoulder. I pulled back, removing my finger. She grabbed my wrist and forced my hand back to her ass. I complied.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Tommy.”

“What? What about?”

“I made you come back here, to her. I shouldn’t have. I’ve fucked it all up haven’t I?”

“No sis. No.” With my free hand I stroked her hair. “I fucked things up some time ago. This is just the result. If I’d never met Jenny then we wouldn’t be here.”

“But we’d also never be together like this.” She sniffed.

“Yeh, true. Everything has a silver lining.”

She hugged me closer. “She’s pretty awesome though.”

I nodded. “Yeh. Awesome and evil. You fell for her as well then?”

“Yeh. Now I know better, but I enjoy her body so much.”

“Me too. Perfect body and filthy as hell. Dangerous combination.” I wanted to pull my finger from her ass and give her a proper hug, but I knew she wouldn’t let me. We were two peas in a pod, once we discovered the delights of anal stimulation, there was no going back. Chloe in particular couldn’t leave hers alone. Proof that it’s in the genes I guess. “So you’re a lesbian then?”

She thought about it before answering. “Mostly.” She continued after I dug my knuckles into her shoulder. “I love pussy and being with a girl. I’d prefer a girlfriend. But if a really fit guy came along then yeh, I’d let him do me.”

I swallowed. This felt like a conversation leading to a termination but she cut that thought short.

“Then there’s you. I couldn’t live without you Tommy. In me.”

I moved my lips to hers and we lay there kissing while the sun dropped and the darkness flooded the land.

How does one square this circle?

* * *

Several days went by, all spent at work or dressed like a fool, and I was no closer to finding a solution to Chloe’s video problem. I was in constant stress, like I was descending through the ocean and the pressure was increasing by the minute forcing my skull ever smaller. One day I would implode. I cared less about myself than my sister. I was resigned to being owned by Jenny now and in truth, there were many less enjoyable situations in which to find oneself. I had a roof and food, loads of sex and a boyfriend and a girlfriend.

Nev contacted me during this time. I’d scratched work and thus I found myself in his bed, (well, Barry’s spare bed), on Friday morning, with a full day of fucking ahead. I kissed up his hairless skin, still marvelling at the smoothness of it. He lay there on his back, legs apart, while I worked up his legs into his groin. He smelled lemon from his shower. I knew soon he would smell masculine and I’d be back here, balls in my mouth while he recovered.

Nev didn’t fuck, he made love. He took me deep and slow, forcing me to feel every millimetre of his cock, unable to touch his body after he’d bound my wrists to the bed head. He held my legs apart with his immense strength and owned my body. He was the only guy who had me like this. Everyone else fucked, nailed, or pounded. Men doing what they thought manly men should do, pure animal penetration. I love it of course, but I found I loved this more.

After ages of relentless pleasure he pulled out and staggered to my head where he straddled me and pushed his meat into my mouth. I took it and sucked and was rewarded with a huge mouthful of creamy spunk. Nev cried out then groaned for an extended period while I sucked every drop from him and licked him clean.

“That was a big load.” I said grinning up at him while he untied my wrists.

“Yeh, ‘aven’t ‘ad it in a while.” He rolled me on my side and climbed in behind me. Nev liked to spoon. His hug was firm but not tight. “Missed ya actually son.”

I sighed. I was doing a lot of that recently. The joy left me and I deflated. Nev noticed.

“What’s up son?”

“Nothing.” I replied. He tried several times to coax it out of me but I remained silent on the subject. The pressure built. He gave up after a while and turned to other things. He told me about some deal he was working on and cackled with laughter.

“Sound like a fukin businessman don’t I?” It wasn’t really a ‘deal’. He’d threatened a corrupt councilman into signing over some land. Then this guy had threatened to go to the police, after which Nev felt the need to visit him at his house. “Won’t be givin me no more trouble.”

I shuddered, remembering I was laying in the grip of a violent ex prisoner, and wondered how I got myself into these things. When would he turn on me? I dismissed the thought. It could be anytime or never. Just give him your ass and keep him happy. It would be easy, I enjoyed Nev having me.

The story and memories of violence perked him up and I felt him harden against my lower back. I wiggled my ass against him.

“Yeh son, you’re hot ain’t ya?” He leaned round and kissed me, fondling my cock. I hadn’t come and was ready for anything. Then a thought occurred.

“Do you think Has will come round if I text him?”

Nev looked at my first in surprise, then with a grin. He nodded and untied my wrists. “Try it.”

The reply from Hassan came within moments and I knew I had him, I just needed to be careful. This would be the first time Hassan did anything with me in Nev’s presence. When he found out I was at Barry’s he knew Nev was with me and said no, but I detected it was a wary no, not an outright one. Several messages later and he agreeded I could suck him off while Nev fucked me, but he wasn’t going naked. I agreed, knowing I’d get his clothes off in the first five minutes.

“Hey faggot.” He said as he barged into the room. He paused and more formally greeted Nev. “Hi Nev.”

Nev nodded, laying naked on the bed. I saw Hassan try to avert his eyes but he couldn’t quite manage it. I decided to give him something else to look at and leaped off the bed at him, hugging him, then dropping to my knees. I felt his bulge and realised he probably had a semi all the way over. He didn’t stop me pulling his jeans and boxers off. His fat meat came to attention and my mouth watered. I licked from base to tip, then pinched his foreskin between my lips and pulled. He wasn’t getting the full treatment yet however. Nev wanted it done just right.

I stood and tried to pull off his jumper.


“Come on Has.” I grabbed his hand and placed it on my cock. He gripped it and slid along it a couple of times, before letting go.

“I’m not gay!” He cried, but didn’t move.

“No one says you are Has.” Said Nev from the bed and it struck me how Nev only pronounced his ‘H’s when saying Hassan’s name. An odd thing to notice given the circumstances I’ll grant you, but there it is. Nev continued, “But ya want some of this boy, so why not just give in. Girls will come later.”

“You’re trying to turn me aren’t you?”

“Don’t be so fukin dumb Has. Lose yer jumper.”

Hassan stared at him and I felt a crackle in the air, but it passed as he relented. I helped it over his head and stood back to admire his chest. It was quite stunning. His dark Asian skin was covered in a matt of black hair surrounding big dark nipples. I lunged forward and sucked on one, eliciting a yelp and then a groan of joy. His hair was soft like a cat and I ran my fingers though it enjoying the silky sensation and defined muscles. Reaching down I felt his cock pumping. He was ready.

After suckling on his other nipple I moved back into the bed. Nev was behind me and started grinding his groin into my ass. I was becoming dizzy with lust and my problems receded into the distance. Excitement built. This was what I had been working on Hassan for so long for, and I was keen to see what Nev had in mind. First though I knew we had to get him comfortable, and that involved me sucking him. He stepped to the edge of the bed and I took him in my mouth, all eight inches of rock hard fatness. He forced it into my throat and I welcomed it in, his soft public hair tickled my nose and eyes. At the same time, Nev parted my cheeks, spat on my hole, (his favourite lubricant), and thrust inside me.

“Fuck ‘is mouth.” Commanded Nev, and then both commenced pumping me. Nev wasn’t going to make love this time, it was a rare occasion and Hassan needed to see masculine sex, lest he get put off. The two men synced their rhythm and I was stuffed front and back. I slurped against Hassan’s cock every time he withdrew it and after a time dribble escaped my lips, only to be forced back in with his thrust. I couldn’t move nor add to the movement, I had to remain still while they pumped me in unison. I groaned and hummed against Hassan’s cock as Nev drove his meat deep into me and prodded my prostrate. The bed squeaked and rattled. The floor under Hassan creaked with his shifting weight, and behind me the head rail clanked into the wall beating out the rhythm of my pleasure.

Nev left it long enough to allow Hassan to get caught up in the moment and lose his reluctance to the situation. He pulled out and patted my ass, his sign to roll over. The sudden loss of warmth and suction caused Hassan to groan. Good. I rolled over and spun around. My ass was now open to Hassan. He was staring but didn’t move forward.

“Nah ya don’t Has.” Said Nev, pushed him aside and climbed on the bed. “Get over ‘is ‘ead.”

Hassan didn’t pause. He jumped on the bed and wobbled to my head. He turned to face Nev and got to his knees. His big heavy balls appeared in front of my eyes, the soft fur a neat cocoon surrounding them. I jerked as Nev pushed back inside me, my head bobbing up and down with his motion. I returned my attention to his balls. I’d played with his cock so often, but rarely had I enjoyed these puppies. I wondered why not, then strained my neck to lick them. Hassan felt the touch and lowered himself onto my face. I sucked and licked the fat globes while he stroked himself.

Minutes later Hassan shifted position and tried to force his cock down into my mouth, but I prevented him by taking a fold of scrotum in my mouth and letting him feel my teeth. He relented. It hadn’t gone unnoticed, and Nev patted my thigh three times. I looked down my body at him. He winked and sucked his cheeks in. I hoped I understood what he wanted. I felt him soften his fucking so my head didn’t bob about so much. I reached up to Hassan’s hips and pulled him down further onto my face. This gave me more of his balls. It was clear he didn’t know what was coming as he allowed me to work each testicle into my mouth. When I had them both in I closed my lips and sucked, rolling them around in my mouth as much as I could. It wasn’t much. My mouth was full.

That’s when Nev pushed further into me and I knew he was leaning forward. With a sudden jerk Hassan tried to pull away, but I closed my teeth just enough for him to feel them and he knew he was trapped. He had no choice but to let Nev suck his dick.

“Shit no Nev!” He tried to protest. There was no answer, just an intermittent slurping sound. Nev found a rhythm that allowed him to pummel me and suck Hassan. I murmured and moaned into Hassan’s balls and from above, Hassan forgot his protesting and let himself go. I felt his hips buck under the oral onslaught and I knew he’d submitted. I held onto his balls for a few more minutes then decided to try and drive even wilder.

I released one ball at a time, letting them slip from my lips and clinging onto his hair until they too escaped. Then using my elbows to brace against the bed I pushed back a little, further under Hassan. Now his furry ass was above me. I squeezed my arms between his legs, parted his ass with my thumbs, and drove my tongue into his tight hole. He wailed above me, jerked as if to get away, then relaxed when he felt the sensation of his sphincter being licked.

“Oh my god!” He cried. I knew Nev would be smiling into Hassan’s cock. He had what he wanted. Hassan had allowed himself to be taken by men. There was no going back from here. There never is. He was bi now, and just had to accept it. It might take time, but he would, if secretly. I knew the feeling well and pushed my tongue in harder. I wanted him to have the most amazing time that he would always remember, and if like me, would jerk off to.

It didn’t take long for him to cum, and with a wail like a girl he spewed his seed into Nev’s mouth. Nev wasn’t ready and it splattered onto my chest. Nev grunted, swallowed what he had, and returned for the remainder. I felt his ass loosen as he came down from the orgasmic high, and I knew we had him when he remained on my face. He wanted my tongue in his ass even after coming.

Moments later Nev grunted several times and slammed into me hard enough to push me up the bed. I slipped out of Hassan’s ass and he climbed off me, but remained on the bed staring at my body.

“Touch me!” I pleaded with him, eyes half closed with the slowing pounding from Nev. “Please!”

Hassan reached out, paused, then gave in and gripped my cock, stroking slow.

“Harder Has, harder!” He complied and wanked me off. Now I knew how he masturbated himself; hard and fast. I came in minutes with Nev’s semi still half in me. I clenched my ass as I shot strings of jizz over myself and forced Nev out. I giggled as the final adrenalin dissolved in my system and became soft. Hassan didn’t let go of me. We remained like this for minutes, Nev and I sharing a wink and Hassan staring at out genitals. He was the one to move first. He slumped back on the bed resting on his hands.

“Shit.” He whispered.

Nev looked at me and tilted his head. ‘five minutes’ he mouthed, and left the room.

I turned to Hassan. “You okay?”

He shook his head and looked down at himself. “I can’t believe I just did that.”

“Awesome huh?” I grinned.

He looked at me, then my body, then his, and then back to me. “Yeh.” He nodded as though affirming it to himself. “It was.”

I reached over and cupped his balls. I saw some jellified cum on the head of his cock and leaned down to lick it off. He didn’t stop me. His cock twitched at my touch.

“You’re hot.” I said as I sat back up.

He said nothing for a bit before leaning forward. “Never had my ass licked.” Then a thought seemed to occur. “Nev.”

“What about him?” I asked after a period of silence.

“He… he never said about, doing that with me.”

I shrugged. “No idea.”

“Shit. I don’t wanna be his boyfriend.” I saw a bit of panic set in. I’d need to make sure Nev wasn’t too pushy.

“I doubt he is looking for that Has.” I patted his thigh. “It probably just seemed the thing to do. You know, in the moment.”

Hassan looked doubtful but it seemed to assuage his fear a little.

“How about I try to find out?”

“Yeh. Cheers. But you know, discrete like yeh?”

I nodded as Nev came back in the room.

“Right Has, ‘op it. I’m ‘avin time with the boy.”

Hassan was quick to leap from the bed and dress. I watched him hide his sexy hairy body, then went over just before he made to leave. I hugged him and whispered in his ear.

“You’re faggot is available any time you want to practice or try something new. I’ll find out about Nev.” Then I kissed him, and for the first time he didn’t pull away. Then he was gone and I was on the bed with Nev working me into another lustful mess.

* * *

For the first time ever my sister came into the coffee shop. It was quiet for a Saturday but the heavy rain had just finished and I expected the hordes to descend any minute. She had been caught in the rain and her pink tshirt was wet. It hadn’t gone see through but it did cling to her body, and without a bra her erect nipples were available for everyone to see. I suspected she may have been enjoying the attention. I greeted her with a little surprise, careful not to stare at my own sister’s chest in public, and turned to make her coffee.

Mattie was my co-worker that day and this coincidence led to a startling discovery. In the polished chrome of the machine I saw Mattie. I had to concentrate and took several seconds to make sure, but there she was, staring at Chloe’s breasts. I turned to Chloe to check the angle. Yes. She had been looking at her boobs. I turned back to the machine and then spun around in a show of forgetting something. Mattie flicked her gaze away to the ceiling finding something invisible to occupy her interest. At first this made no sense, not because I didn’t believe Mattie could be a lesbian, but because I’d never seen her looking at any other girl in that way, especially not so overtly.

The cup overflowed with milk and I switched back to the task at hand. I cleaned up and took the coffee to a corner table. Chloe followed. There I found the reason for her first visit to the coffee shop; she was worried about the video. Jenny had mentioned it again and said how she thought she had found a cameraman.

“She said he would need paying, and as we didn’t have a lot of money, we’d both have to make sure he left happy.” She looked glum.

I reassured her, but not very well. I told her I would find a way out, but admitted to struggling. I felt I was having a positive effect but as she sipped her drink it became apparent that she was becoming distracted. She kept glancing over my shoulder and several times I had to repeat myself. When the coffee was finished she moved to leave, then sat back down.

“Oh yeah, Jason came round earlier. Said you two really should talk.”

“Oh.” After a pause I collected her china and stood.

“Just passing the message on Tommy.” She rose and I watched her leave. Before exiting she glanced back over her shoulder at Mattie, who flashed a shy smile and went back to her vigorous cleaning of the counter. I pondered this new information as the shop started to fill with customers.

* * *

I was Jenny’s pussy eater that evening, and gave her four orgasms. Despite everything I found it wonderful being back between her perfect thighs and licking her smooth lips. Time flew past. After Jenny had come for a second time we relaxed, her in the chair, me between her legs, enjoying the cries of ecstasy from Cody’s bedroom as he fucked Chloe in the ass. I knew it was her ass from the guttural grunts. Vaginal penetration always produced whimpers from her. Moments after Chloe went silent Jenny tugged on the lead attached to my collar and I delved back in, tasting her slippery wetness. I had come to think of the chair as her throne. From it she commanded us, even Cody. Sometimes she might watch us perform acts on each other, but in most cases someone would be eating her cunt, or less often these days, her ass.

“Ahhhh…” She sighed after the fourth time. Her thighs trembled and I planted soft kisses on them feeling the silky skin. There were worse things to be forced to do I decided, even if the frustration of my own lack of orgasm annoyed me.

After a few moments basking in the afterglow she commanded me. “I need to piss Tommy.” I moved back between her thighs and pressed my open lips up against her labia, parting them in the process. The hot stream filled my mouth and I took rapid gulps to avoid spilling any. The humiliation excited me and my cock bounced around.

After licking her clean she slid off the chair and onto my lap. She wiggled herself into position and slid down onto my cock.

“It’s been a while baby.” She whispered as she moved up and down in a slow deliberate rhythm. I nodded and closed my eyes. God she felt good. Her pert little breasts brushed up against my chest and when our nipples rubbed together we both sighed as jolts of electric pleasure shot through us. Her expert technique worked me into a fast frenzy and minutes later I was whimpering to be allowed to come. She slowed, edging me until I could stand it no more. I cried out and thrust my groin into her, using the floor as extra leverage. She tried to pull away but I grabbed her hips and forced her down on me. She relented and gave her pussy to me. I emptied myself into her and relaxed down onto her chest, my face between her breasts.

She stroked my hair. “Miss that?”

I nodded against her but didn’t pull back.

“Me too Tommy baby. Welcome home to your fuck slut.”

We held onto each other for a while before Jenny stood and padded into the bedroom. She returned wearing pink hot pants with ‘lil princess’ printed on the groin in white script, and carrying a second pair for me. I slipped them on and she snuggled down on the floor with me. I stroked her thighs and she caressed my balls though the Lycra.

I broke the silence first. “Why did you get so vile?”

I felt her shrug against me, a pause, then she answered. “I didn’t mean to. I got bored.”

“Bored of having seven guys at your beck and call?”

Another shrug. “Perhaps that was it. Especially Will. He was such a sissy.”

“I can’t believe it.” I shook my head. “He was such an alpha when he was fucking me.”

“Yeh. That took a lot of training. In the end he just gave up.”

Another round of silence was again broken by me. “You don’t have to be this way.”

“How do you want me to be?” She snapped, softening her outburst by slipping her hand in my hot pants and gripping my cock. “Like all the other boring girls out there? The one’s you would leave after a night or two?”

I shrugged. “No Tommy. I’m into a lot of nasty shit. I love it. And I like to be in control. This is how it has to be.”

“You don’t have to be in control.” I mumbled.

She barked a laugh. “Ha! Yes I do. Can you imagine if any of you had the power? Will perhaps? You Tommy? Fuck no, none of you were a challenge so I had to be the dominant one. You all had a good life until you became ungrateful.”

“Fuck off!” Anger flashed through me. “You were going to make me have sex with an animal. A fucking animal! Not only is it disgusting, it’s illegal.”

She considered the point before answering. “Yeh well, it was a bit far. I wasn’t even into it. I only thought I’d do it because I could.”

“Well you couldn’t. I left.”

“Yep. Biggest mistake you ever made baby. But you’re back now.” She slipped her hand from my tight shorts and put it round my shoulders.

“Don’t make Chloe be in a video.” It was an obvious plea, but I had to try.

She turned to me. “Thinking of your sister while fucking me huh?” She seemed to be teasing but I knew better.

“No Jenny. Thinking of you while fucking you. Now I’m thinking of Chloe. Please don’t force her to make a video.”


I was incredulous. “She doesn’t want to!”

“I don’t hear her complaining when we eat each other to orgasm Tommy.”

“That’s private.”

“Gotta make some money somehow.”

“But… with my sister? Please no!”

“So what are you offering in return?” The question floored me and I realised she had already planned this. I’d been played. Again. I sighed and pondered, but it didn’t take long. Any hopes I had for something else had gone when I returned to this house and Chloe had become ensnared in Jenny’s web.

“Me.” I said. “Use me.”

“What? You mean use you in a video instead of Chloe?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Or I could just use you both of course.” She murmured. I was about to snap back but held myself. I realised she was trying to ensure I would follow through. “What else will you do?”

“Just me Jen. Destroy the video of her and I, then let her go. If you do that, I’ll do what you want.”

A smile played at the corner of her lips. “Anything I want?”

“Within the law, yes.”

“Hmmm.” She put a finger to her lips. “A submissive gay boy has a bigger niche audience than just another slut being fucked.” I smarted at her calling my sister a slut but held myself in check. “Let’s see. You make a video of whatever I want first, then I’ll destroy the one of your sister.”

Now I had to hold my ground. “No.”

A raised eyebrow and an unpleasant look. “No?”

“Destroy anything with my sister on it first. You have enough videos and pictures of me already.”

“True.” Her glare softened. “But you’re going into this with your eyes open. I want a video of you getting fucked by ten random strangers in a public toilet, then licking their cum out the piss tray.” I opened my mouth to reply but she stayed me with a raised finger. “While being pissed on.”

I knew once this video was made the others would come thick and fast, and each would be more extreme than the last. I had to hide my excitement despite losing my free will and life if I did it. It was clear she didn’t know about me in the woods, and I had already decided that I would protect my sister. I was also resigned to my family eventually finding out, and would simply ignore them, as I did with Jason.


She smiled. It was at once predatory and satisfied. She stood and rolled her hot pants down. Using the ball of her left foot she pushed it against my shoulder until I lay on my back on the floor, then straddled me and lowered her ass onto my face.

“I want to feel your tongue deep inside me baby.”

My mouth watered. Even though I’d surrendered myself to save my sister, there were definite positives in the deal.

* * *

I awoke to a dreary, overcast day. She’d forgotten to draw the curtains when putting me to bed. I tried to move then remembered the cuffs holding me to the bed posts. Her pungent scent was all I could smell. I tried to use my tongue to shift the crotch of her panties to one side but she’d pulled them on too tight. Besides, I liked it and didn’t try too hard. I shifted up the bed to give my stretched arms some respite and realised I had a hard on pointing at the ceiling. I also needed a piss.

After licking her ass she’d taken me into her bedroom and fucked me senseless with her big strap-on, the one she’d had made from a cast of Trey’s cock and like the real thing, it had taken me a few minutes pain before I could relax and take the girth. She was relentless, and only stopped when she was too tired to continue. Then she’d pushed a butt plug in me and ridden me on my back, straddling my face when I’d come so I was forced to suck my spunk from her sloppy pussy.

She didn’t lay next to me or cuddle for a bit. She didn’t need to, she had me now. She’d bound my wrists and attached them to the bed, pulled her used panties over my head so I could see though the legs, and attached my collar to my neck. After covering me to my nipples with a duvet she’d left. That duvet had been pushed to one side sometime during the night and now I realised I was open to the chilly room. I shivered and stared at the ceiling counting the cracks.

After a while Chloe peeked around the door and seeing I was awake, came in.

“Hey Tommy.” She climbed on the bed next to me and lay her arm across my chest, propping her head up with her other hand. I looked down her body. She wore a tiny boob tube and her flannel shorts. My erection bounced.

“Hey sis.”

“Jenny said you had some good news, and you were to tell me before I let you out.” The hope in her face said all that needed to be said; she no longer had to do the video.

I nodded as much as I could. “No video.”

She beamed at me and stoked my chest. My cock flailed around. “How did you do it?”

“Doesn’t matter sis.” I said and smiled at her. “Jen will also destroy the one of us.”

That elicited an even bigger smile and my heart ached at her beauty and erotic allure. She looked me down and back up, then pulled the panties from my face. She leaned down and kissed me then pulled back, a naughty look on her face.

“You really should smell of me, not her.” She said and pulled off her boob tube allowing her big breasts to swing free. Her nipples were erect and I wanted so much to suck on them, but she had other ideas. I watched her struggle out of her shorts and got a brief glimpse of heaven before she pulled them over my head. I couldn’t see anything through the soft material and it was a form of torture not being able to see my sister naked. That torture was turned to bliss when she mounted me and fucked me slowly, teasing every second out of me.

“Oh Tommy I love you.” She breathed and increased her rhythm, slapping down onto my hips and forcing me deep into her. She came fast, whinnying like a pony, but she didn’t stop and I realised she would get two orgasms out of me. The thought nearly made me shoot early but I controlled myself and allowed her to ride me like a bucking bronco. Every so often she’d come down so hard the butt plug jabbed further into my ass and increased my excitement even further. I wished it was a cock. By the time we both came we were crying out as though in pain, wailing each other’s names and begging for more.

She collapsed down onto me, both of us gulping down air, the thin film of sweat we had built up now a chilly covering. She pushed up her shorts over my head and found my lips. We kissed with passion and neediness, her holding my head and me desperate to wrap my arms around her, the frustration adding to the intensity. After a good twenty minutes she moved to untie my hands.

“No.” Cody’s voice commanded from the door. “Don’t untie him.”

Chloe spun her head and I looked over her shoulder. He must have been standing there watching I realised. How long? Chloe looked back at me with a raised eyebrow, then turned back to him.


“I want a go.” His grin was salacious. “And I have a surprise.”

Chloe shrugged and rolled off me.

“Wait.” I said. “I need a piss.”

“Don’t untie him.” Repeated Cody. He moved further into the room and I saw he wore only a pair of green briefs. His perfect body on show, and his genitals hugged by the tiny material was a hot sight and even though I’d just ejaculated I felt the stirrings of arousal once more.

“But…” I began to protest when Chloe put a finger to my lips and smiled. Then she moved down me until her face was above my dick. With a final look at me, a wink and a nod, she took my flaccid meat into her mouth and waited. I couldn’t stop the flow and hadn’t realised how much I needed to release. She gulped it down like an expert and remained licking the tip as I squeezed out the final dribbles.

“Yummy.” She said and bounced naked from the room. Cody watched her ass before turning back to me. He leaped on the bed and moved up to sit on my chest. He started to untie my right wrist.

“I thought you wanted me tied up?” I asked. He glanced at me before returning his attention to the bindings.

“I do. Just need you in a different position.” My wrist was moved to the middle rail and refastened. He repeated this with my left one. “There. On your front bitch.”

I wriggled a turn until I was face down.

“Ass up, knees wide.” He commanded. I obeyed. My ass was screaming out for cock and he knew it. I heard fumbling and then his briefs were pulled over my head, the third lot of underwear this morning. This time they covered my eyes more than my nose leaving my mouth free, but I could still smell his masculine scent.

“Come in bro.” He called and I started. Who was he bringing in? I heard the door rub on the carpet, then again as it closed. There was the ominous click of the key in the lock. Some movement and whispering, I couldn’t make out what was said, and then I felt the butt plug plucked from me making me wince as it caught, and cold lube being pushed into my hole. Cody or his friend used several fingers and I realised my ass must be gaping from the fat rubber that had been there all night.

Cody climbed under me, squeezing between my legs and shuffling up on his elbows. He kissed me when his face was under mine.

“Keep your mouth open.” He whispered when he pulled back a little. I did so, and got rewarded with a ball gag in my mouth. I shook my head to try and stop him but it was too late. He’d got the strap around my head and buckled before I had a chance to stop him. Not that I could have done much in my tied position.

“Now then fuck hole, let’s use you properly, just as you’re always so desperate for.” The soft Cody I knew wasn’t present. Instead he sounded commanding, but with my arms stretched over his shoulders and tied to the bed railings, I couldn’t stop him. Part of me was wary, concerned about what he was going to do, but a larger part of me begged for it to happen whatever it was, and the fact I couldn’t stop it drove intense arousal. Just like the woods when he made me suck his balls while he got fucked, I was helpless and horny. Maybe he was right, maybe I did need to serve. Perhaps that’s why I was so quick to give in to Jenny.

He bucked his hips and slipped inside me tearing my thoughts back to the moment. My gaping ass making entry easy. I now realised how relaxed I was as had I barely felt it. But the surprise was still to come, and the bed bounced as the stranger got in position behind me. It dawned on me what Cody had planned just seconds before it happened. The stranger forced himself inside me. I squealed as my hole was stretched further by an impressive sized cock, but the pain passed and I grinned to myself as I was double penetrated.

The boys raped me. Although I was perfectly willing, there was no other way to describe it. I was tied to the bed and two cocks thrust inside me with the force of a fucking machine. Within minutes they were both panting, the stranger behind me more so. I revelled in the nastiness of it. The use of my ass as a fuck toy, being tied and unable to prevent my hole being stretched and abused.

“” I moaned into the ball gag in time to their rhythm. “mmmmMM!”

A slap stung my ass. “Like that don’t ya bitch?”

“Mmmm!” I nodded. A tiny part of my brain processed that voice and found it familiar, but it was drowned out by the excitement of the moment. All I could concentrate on was the feeling in my ass and the power they had over me. The sensation was more incredible than anything I had done before. Visions flashed through my mind; going down on Will for the first time, Jenny fucking me with her strap on, getting nailed in the woods. They were all swamped by this moment. I was aware of a distant but growing realisation. Jenny didn’t trap me, I allowed myself to be trapped, again and again. I sought it out, and when I got there I lost myself in it, and I was losing myself again. I knew that next time would have to be harder, more extreme to get the same sensation. I was addicted to sex and being used as a toy.

“Oh fucking hell!” Cried Cody. He had lost himself as well, and he licked my face to prove it.

“Mmmm…mmmm” I hummed, and was rewarded with another stinging slap.

“Shit bro!” He said and slapped me again. Cody spat on my face. I was bouncing on their cock as far as the bindings would let me. I couldn’t get them both deep enough and wanted to beg for more. The stranger rammed harder but Cody couldn’t get the angle from under me and I couldn’t sit down. Cody reached under me and pinched my nipples.

My whole body was on fire and I wondered if this was how girls felt as their orgasm burned higher. The snapping at my ass and Cody pulling and hurting my nipples were registered as pure pleasure, even though I knew I would hurt like hell after. They fed a feedback loop that drove me insane with lust. Something had to give, and I growled against the gag as I came on Cody, firing shot after shot that caught between our stomachs and smeared across us. I hadn’t been touched aside from a gentle rubbing from Cody’s movements.

“Oh fuck!” Shouted stranger. “Oh fuck…fuck… ARRGH!” I felt him pump his spunk into my ass, slamming home five times and jerking me with such force I moved up the bed. Cody rushed to shift with me and a final bucking of his hips he too ejaculated with a cry, but he slipped out of me and shot his load over my ass cheeks and strangers balls.

We all collapsed onto each other panting and sweating. Stranger crushed me between him and Cody as he lay on my back. He remained in me, fully hard and I realised how big he was. I wiggled my ass at him and he responded by pushing in deep. Cody grunted beneath me and the stranger relented.

We lay there for several minutes before Cody reached behind my head and untied the gag. My non-aroused brain regained some resources and my jaw worked side to side to relieve the ache.

Wait. Bro? “Cody,” I whispered. “Bro?”

I felt him nod under me. I froze. A memory string had been plucked and I waited while the vibration travelled to my recollection. Fuck. The policeman from the woods!

I moved my head closer to where I thought Cody was and ended up head butting him. He shifted and I moved my lips to his ear. “The policeman?”

“Yes.” He replied at full volume. “Tommy, meet Brayden.” Brayden responded by pushing his erection into me again. Now I knew why he was lasting and remembered the length of time he pummelled Cody.

“Why does he call you bro?” I asked, not bothering to whisper this time.

“That’s what brothers do.” He pulled his underwear off my head. I blinked at the sudden light then looked at him. He gave me an evil grin. “I told you it was more common than you knew.”

My head spun and I stared at my bound wrists. Was everyone at it? Jenny, Cody, Brayden. Then of course me and Chloe. What fucking life had I crafted? I looked back down.

“I didn’t even know you had a brother.”

Cody snorted. “You didn’t even know Jenny and I were cousins.”

“But.” I didn’t know what to say. It was a surprise, but an erotic one. I’d watched Brayden nailing Cody twice, and then he’d had me. Now they’d both had me at once. “But… brother and cousin?”

Cody laughed and behind me I heard Brayden sniggering along.

“We’re a very close family.” Said Brayden. His English accent didn’t accord with Cody’s mild twang.

I didn’t want to know, but I did. So I asked. “How close?”

They both laughed, but Cody answered. “Mommy, daddy, Jenny’s parents. We’re all into each other.”

“Holy fuck! How? I… how didn’t I know this?”

Another laugh. “Oh fuck Tommy. I love you but you are the most self-centred person I know. You asked me once in the car why he call me bro,” I remembered the moment after the second time in the woods. I had been shocked at a sudden flare of anger. “All it took to stop you asking was one shout. You never asked again.”

My mouth flapped like a fish. I wanted to ask so much, to tell them I didn’t believe them, but nothing came out.

“You’ll meet daddy.” I looked at Cody. “Yeh, he’s seen your videos. Like’s you.”

“Fuck bro, I’m desperate here.” Brayden whined, and I realised his cock was still hard.

“Do him.” Said Cody, and Brayden pounded me again. I knew he had staying power, but he’d come already. It didn’t seem to slow him down, and for fifteen minutes I was pummelled while Cody cuddled me with arms and legs.

* * *

I watched Chloe enter the lounge and drooled. Uniform was my choice this week and I’d come up with blinding ideas. She wore a sleeveless crop top that exposed the underside of her breasts, a pair of pink cotton panties with white lace edging, and white ankle socks with pink lace edging. The twist was Cody and I had been using the crop top as a wank rag for the previous week. It was screwed up, stained and crusty. I wanted to fuck her right then, but my bindings held me fast to Jenny’s chair, wrists behind my head and legs apart over the arms. She knelt down in front of me, forced her face into my ass, and sucked Cody’s cum from my hole. I closed my eyes and smiled, enjoying my sister’s tongue.

Cody was recovering on the sofa, back in his uniform, a pair of Jenny’s black lace French knickers. The bastard had the body to pull them off. He was panting and caressing his sore cock. Jenny had forced him to swallow a Viagra pill that morning and after five times on me he was beginning to feel it. I could take more, but I don’t think he had any more in him.

Jenny sat on the floor with her back to the window. This was my genius idea. She was allowed to wear anything small as long as the three of us had soaked it with piss first. I could smell her from where I was bound. I’d upped the ante on the uniform rule and they all knew it. I realised I was going to regret it, but I couldn’t help myself.

Chloe pulled back and showed me Cody’s cum in her mouth before swallowing. Then she grinned and winked.

“Right then, all done.” Said Jenny and stood. We all knew she was pissed off at her uniform, (well first she was pissed on, then she was pissed off), but she was forced by her own rules to wear it. She was shivering from the tiny wet vest and panties she wore, yellowed by the urine. She wandered from the room and we heard the shower start.

“Thank god!” Gasped Cody, and left to do whatever he felt he needed to. Soothing cream at a guess.

Chloe waited for him to leave and stood. She pulled the crusty crop top off and lay it over my face. “I’ll be back in a moment.” I heard her pad from the room. For several minutes I closed my eyes and took in the sweet musky smell of Cody’s and my dried spunk. When she returned she flung the cum rag away and I saw she was fully dressed in jeans and a wool jumper. I cocked an eyebrow at her, and she sat on the chair between my legs.

“Before I untie you, we need to talk.” That was never a good sentence in my opinion but I remained silent. “You know what about.” She continued.

“No sis.” I shook my head.

She lay a hand on my thigh and my cock jumped. “You have to speak to Jason.” My cock wilted. “Come on Tommy, you’ve known him since you were kids. I doubt he’d hate you just because of a kiss.”

“Fuck sis, it was…. I fucking jumped him.”

“So?” I didn’t have an answer and after a moment of silence she continued. “He’s been trying to get in touch Tommy. It doesn’t sound like he never wants to see you again.”

“It’s fucking embarrassing Chloe.” The withering stare she gave me said everything, but she pointed out the obvious anyway.

“You dress in girls clothes, drink piss, fuck your own sister and get fucked by many men while begging for more. Kissing Jason is the least embarrassing thing you do.”

I had to concede the point. Perhaps I was being a little silly. Fuck it. “Okay, I’ll speak to him.”

“Great!” She leaped from the seat. “He’s waiting for you at his place.”

“You fucking set it up?” I asked, annoyed and surprised in equal measure.

“Yup.” She set about untying me. “Bumped into him outside your coffee shop the other day. He begged me to help.”

“Chloe…” I started.

“Don’t say it bro.” She finished freeing my wrists and jumped out the way before I could grab her and yank her jeans down. “You need to

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Brother and SisterChapter 10

"Isn't it wonderful that Nancy can see again, honey?" Elsa Goodman said to her husband, Dean. She stood behind his chair in the den, her hands on his shoulders. He was watching TV, but he was obviously not very interested. The summer reruns were getting stale. "Sure as hell is," Dean grinned, finishing his can of beer. "And she's out on a date with the Doctor." "So that leaves us alone," Elsa murmured, running her fingers down inside his half-opened shirt. She had always been...

2 years ago
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The Room

The Room by dale10 He began to whimper like a wounded puppy the moment I entered the room. Of course he couldn't speak, not with the tape over his mouth. He lay on his stomach on the checkered bed sheet, his strong young legs tied to the two rear corners of the bed. His arms were tied together in the small of his back, which emphasized his considerable shoulder muscles. He was the perfect specimen of sixteen year old jock boyhood. I stood for a moment just staring at his great beauty....

3 years ago
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Best Friends

by Memory's Grace 1. Air Conditioner "Unh." "Unh." "Hunh... unh!" Again. One more time. Again. One more time. Again. "Yeah... yeah, you like that." "Unh." Again. "Unh." One more time. "Unh." She takes another swing. "Unh." It's not really that I like "Unh." being fucked up the ass. Not really. "Unh." Again. "Unh." One more time. "Unh." It's just that that's all we do. "Yeah, lemme show you some more love. Yeah." "Unh." You see, she...

2 years ago
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The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow 1

The Sun will come out Tomorrow By Jena Corso Edited by no one - editor needed for some of my stories. Please email me if interested and thank you Chapter one It was a beautiful spring afternoon as their mother waved goodbye to the bus driver as brother and sister came happily off the bus as another week of school had ended. Emily practically sprinted up the sidewalk excitedly from the corner leaving her mother and brother in the dust as she hoped around awaiting their arrival...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 974

REDSKINS DROP OFFENSIVE NAME... The Washington Redskins finally agreed to drop the offensive name: Dan Snyder, owner of the NFL Redskins, announced today that the team is dropping “Washington” from the team name, and it will henceforth be simply known as “The Redskins.” It was reported that he finds the word “Washington “ imparts a negative image of poor leadership, mismanagement, corruption, cheating, lying, and graft, and is not a fitting role-model for young fans of football. The...

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Maa R Kakimar Chodon

Ami aj je galpata likhchi eta sampurna koyekti satti ghatana.Amar nam javed. Amader poribar char joner. Ami, baba, ma ebong amarbhai. Ami ekhon ekta besorkari firme kaj kori. Amar bhai o ektabesarkari firme Mumbai te kaj kore. Babar nam Sukhen, mar nam Namita.Ekhon amar boyos 32 yrs. Babar boyos 68, ma 47-50, bhai 27 yrs. Amarbaba ar ma prai 15 bochorer choto boro. Amar ma dekhte khub bhalo naholeo sexy body. Parar kakura ebong boyosko dadara amar mayer dikekamonar chokhe takato. Parar pujor...

2 years ago
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Two Islands Day 2

Morning came. Eliza, Erika, & Maribel came back by 3 in the morning. Anna Jane and I kept our little party to ourselves when they arrived.The three stayed in to sleep off their hang over. AJ, tired from all the action we did doze off in the hammock after breakfast. Rina kept asking me to go boating with her to the caves.Me, being too polite, couldn't say no to sweet Rina. We took the boat to the larger island just a few miles north of our location. When we arrived at the cave, we anchored...

4 years ago
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Destination Vegas

by Salacious © 2002It was a risk, but she was willing to take it. She had been talking with Kage for months now, chatting, camming, and phoning - the banter was good and the sex was hot. He could make her drip so easily. With carefully selected words he would type and send them via instant messenger, he would watch her as she read them. Instruct her, guide her, lead her, taunt her, tease her - he enjoyed the look of heat on her face and they both longed to share the union of their desires....

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Wife Swapping Lets Try ItChapter 3 What Happened to Jill

I ran out of the motel and flagged down a taxi. As the taxi sped off I thought I spotted David going into the motel, but wasn't sure. I took the elevator up to the ninth floor of our motel and hurried in. The room was a mess, there was just a little spot of blood on the sheet. I yelled for Jill. She was in the bathroom. I ran in and found her in the shower. She looked up and was crying as she said, "Jack, he raped me." I grabbed her and hugged her and said, how I was sorry for...

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NaughtyAmerica Romi Rain VR 23513

Do you like big fat ass by the fireside? Sure you do, especially the day after Thanksgiving! And there’s a bonus to that: big fat tits! Yup, Romi Rain wants to stay indoors with you today to avoid the madness outside, and she wants to get motherfucking naked, in virtual reality! T&A from Romi Rain on Black Friday is about as good as it gets! Let her punish you with her huge tits, then flip her over and slap her big ass with your hands and dick before you slide it into her hot wet pussy and...

1 year ago
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Depraved Secret

The room was quite spartan – white, painted walls dotted here and there with a few old picture frames, a frosted glass window and, strangely, what appeared to be some sort of clear polythene sheeting, covering an old worn carpet. Lastly, 2 worn looking armchairs were just visible to the right and left of the scene that was revealing itself to my puzzled gaze. ‘What is this?’ I thought to myself. I didn’t recognise the room. It certainly wasn’t a video I could recall taking! The...

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If It Dont Show

"If it don't show...." By Olivia Evans "What are you babbling about?" I asked Wendy, my blushing bride of three years. Wendy is a gorgeous woman of twenty five with nice firm 34 "B" breasts, long slender legs and a body to die for. In case you're interested, she's five seven and weighs 125 pounds, her measurements are 36-28-38. I'm four inches taller and considerably heavier, about 75 pounds heavier. My hair in contrast to Wendy's natural blonde, is dark brown. We...

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Mrs Robinson Stays In

She takes best friend's son in front of her cheating husband."Have you ever done any riding Dan? You've grown up a lot in the last couple of years. You look like you'd be pretty comfortable in the saddle.""Well mom did take me to a pony ride when I was eight..." Dan answered, rather cleverly he thought given how much trouble he was having keeping focused on Mrs. Robinson's casual banter.She had asked him to come over and do some stone work on the artificial waterfall by her pool. Dan could use...

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1 New Experience

1 New ExperienceIt was as if the world was unfolding around her for the first time. She was aware of the caress of soft hands on her breasts and on her pussy. Her body seemed to be aflame and writhed with the pleasurable feelings. She had no control over the flood of thoughts in her mind. She tried to assimilate the details but the only explanation a recurring dream.The sounds surrounding her became louder. Her eyes fluttered open slowly letting the dim sunlight filter thru the curtains....

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A black man assaults me in a party

That Saturday late afternoon my cell phone rang. My best girlfriend Cecilia was home alone, her loving hubby Peter had gone to visit his parents for the rest of the weekend.Cecilia called me up to invite me to go with her at some of her friend`s party. I really was not in the mood, but hearing Cecilia`s voice, I started again to feel a little bit horny, rubbing my pussy lips.After all, I was home alone, bored, absolutely bored because Victor was flying abroad for three days at least. Bored but…...

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The potential client Part 2

Introduction: Jennifer find herself living out her innermost fantasies with a potential client Jennifer was still fascinated by all that had happened with Joe. Since then, she had pleasured herself countless times to the thoughts of what had happened in his office. She struggled internally about having him as a client. As far as sexual gratification, he was wonderful. She was not comfortable, however, in keeping him as a client if they were to continue this way, and she really hoped they...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 23

I followed Valerie down the hall, trying to concentrate as I watched her cute little butt wiggle as she ran. Man, I had seriously underestimated how pretty she and her sister were. It wasn't going to take much work at all to convince me that I needed to awaken their powers. Of course, I would resist, just so I didn't ruin my girls' fun in convincing me. The only problem was, for some reason I could sense it was going to take several sessions to accomplish the task. Yep, I was going to have...

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Hey Peaches

HEY, PEACHES by Throne "Hey, Peanut!" How I dreaded to hear my wife's boyfriend, Frank, call me. He's big and rough and loves to see me feminized and cuckolded. My wife Tyra takes care of the former and he's always grabbing and pawing her, which leads to lots of the latter. In the year since they met my life has changed drastically and it doesn't look like anything can reverse that. When he hollers I'm quick to respond. I set aside his work boots, which I had been cleaning,...

1 year ago
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Im Already There

‘I’m sorry I won’t be there for Valentine’s Day,’ Patrick said. ‘It’s okay.’ Hayley wasn’t happy, but this was the price of dating a trucker. ‘I know you’d be here if you could. And I know you’ll be thinking about me.’ ‘Always, honey,’ Patrick said. ‘I miss you. But I’m always thinking about you when I’m not with you. I’m there, even if I’m not. You know what I mean?’ ‘I know. You’re in my thoughts. I miss you too, though.’ ‘I’ll make it up to you when I get back. Take you out for a night...

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Suddenly you pull out a blindfold and put that on me. My senses have just increased. He moves a twig over my body making me shiver. Then I feel the sting on my breast as he gives the switch a swing. Ow, I scream. You suddenly put a ball in my mouth and tape it in. You do the switch on my upper thighs too but I can't even squirm. I can feel your hand tracing over my body stopping to feel my wetness. Then suddenly nothing. I wonder what to expect next. Nothing at all. I strain to...

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Frees Fans gives away their gimmick in the title, at least if you’ve been jacking off to the internet in the last few years. OnlyFans is the biggest thing to happen in the world of smut since the rise of reality porn in the early ‘00s, so it’s only natural that we’re now seeing a ton of sites trying to ride that wave. Slap the word “free” in the title, and you’re damn near guaranteed to have a huge influx of horny visitors hoping to get a peek at all those pretty girls without signing up for a...

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MrLuckyPOV Arietta Adams Cocklate Ice Cream For Anal PAWG Arietta Adams

Arietta Adams is a thick slut who needs to keep the calories coming in if she wants to maintain her large natural white ass. The only thing this red head whore loves as much as ice cream, is cock. She combines the two into her favorite meal ever. Watch her suck and fuck this cream covered cock and take it deep in her ass. Nothing better than some cool whip cream to help lube up her asshole and throat. She shakes her juicy and and eats some cherries while getting fucked hard. This is unlike...

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Summer Nowhere Part Three Never Been Kissed

written by Nellieneska, edited by atrain_alex89 ” Colby pulled away from Isobel and quickly brought himself to his feet. The last thing that he needed was to piss her off more by over stepping whatever line he felt he had just crossed. She had been like a sister to him all of his life and he was sure that she felt the same way towards him. “I am so sorry.” he blurted out quickly, trying to think of a way to explain himself. “I don’t know what ... it just happened.” Isobel looked over Colby...

Oral Sex
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NubileFilms Fiona Frost I Will Be Waiting

Fiona Frost is all alone and really wanting her boyfriend, Tyler Nixon, to keep her company. She invites Tyler over and then waits for him to join her. She passes the time by dolling herself up in a matching bra and thong, and by applying just a touch of makeup to really highlight all her cutest features. By the time Tyler arrives, Fiona is definitely ready to go. She gives him a bit of a striptease, playing up the way her bra makes her big boobs stand out even more and the way her ass looks...

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A Peasant Girl Chapter 2

Her brother made it clear that he was bringing her along as a reward for being good, so she tried very hard to please him in the days leading up to the fair. She even offered to go put on another show for his friends of her own free will, to prove how good she was. So on Sunday, the one day she had a few minutes of free time, she went again with Vladimir to the distant barn. She did not wear a shift beneath her frock this time, and halfway there her brother stopped her. "Those pigs can...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 3 Futas First Harem Treat

Chapter Three: Futa's First Harem Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So meeting with King Njam bin Mohammad ibn Saud was not what I expected,” I said to Adelia, the cameras rolling. My interview was almost over. We were in the final stretch. It was wonderful to tell, but I was feeling the mental strain now. Still, it was a wonderful way to spend my forty-eight birthday by looking back on my life. We were talking about my first year in office as president. “In what...

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Midnight There Morning Here 2

It's morning again. Teri's eyes were still closed but she knew that she had to get up soon. She could feel sunlight sneaking into her room through the curtain, changing the temperature in her apartment and warming up her bed, and her body. Another day has just begun. She wiggled her toes and her legs as she regained her consciousness, trying to muster the willpower to wake up. At Tim and Chelsea's place, it was afternoon already, she thought. That was the first thing that...

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The Way of the War After the War

after the war We almost decided to move the wedding date forward by two days to co-inside with V-E day. The end of the war in Europe. But decided to leave it alone, besides to much effort had gone into the preparations for the 10th . The wedding went off with out a hitch and Erica's little belly bulge was hardly noticeable. After all she was only about 4 or 5 months pregnant at the time. Let them count... later ... Erica laughs. We departed for our Honeymoon in a small floatplane...

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With My Slutty School Teacher Sharon

Hi readers, this is Sarfaraz Khan back with another story. Hope you remember me. If you haven’t read , you are missing many things, kindly give a read. I’m a 23-year-old male from a South Indian city. I love sex, which is smooth and seductive, never forced. So coming straight to the story It is about my slutty elementary school teacher. Her name was Sharon. Let me describe her here. Back in school days, she was a darling of everyone’s eyes and a sure eye candy for all staff, including peons,...

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GFS Bestfriend pt4

Charmaine woke up the next morning at 9, head hurting. Danny woke up with her, feeling ok. Feeling great, in fact. He was 5 hours or so removed from fucking his dream woman!Charmaine went into the spare room to awaken her friend. Liz woke up, a little hurting herself. They talked briefly before Charmaine headed for the shower. As soon as Danny heard the shower, he went straight for the spare room, wearing only a T-shirt and boxers. When he saw Liz he was hard instantly.The blankets were thrown...

4 years ago
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The House Fire Chapter 1

The House Fire By Sara D Nick finally finds the courage to venture out of the house dressed as Nicole only to return to a house on fire with his parents screaming to firemen to rescue him from the burning house. All the preparation, practice and the many hours in front of the mirror, dressing and applying makeup, had finally, in my mind, come to a conclusion. I was going to venture out of the house for the first time. It was just after midnight, I had...

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Lapse in Judgment

Chapter 1 The Lapse   The couple paused as they stood on the front porch of the huge house and glanced at one another.  Neither spoke and each took a deep breath before she reached out and pressed the doorbell.  Moments later, her actions were rewarded with the opening of the heavy door. "Hello, hello," smiled their host warmly.  "Do come in."  He stepped back to allow the couple to enter the spacious hallway inside.  "It's so good to see you both again," he continued.  "Go ahead and...

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After Midnight chapter 9

It sounded simple, all lie down, all go to sleep, but for Candy, it wasn’t. Her head was buzzing, she wanted to talk, but had no idea what to say, or who to say it to, and while her head buzzed, Andy and Marsha slept alongside her.If she rolled to one side, she’d show her back to the other. She desperately wanted to hold Andy but a little voice told her not to upset Marsha, but would either of them even know when they woke up?If Andy threw her out, and surely he ought to throw her out, then...

1 year ago
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Scoreland Eva Notty Cum For Eva

Eva Notty has it all: A beautiful face, a hot bod that looks amazing in tight clothes and swimsuits, incredible sex skills and a pleasing personality. What does Eva like about tit-fucking so much? “That my tits are big and they can wrap around any dick, no matter the size, so it’s kinda like a peek-a-boo action. I like the cock-head coming out from between my tits, and if the cock is long enough, sometimes I can put it in my mouth and suck it,” Eva told us. Eva kneels, holding...

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a shared time with another on xhampster

would you like me to write a little story for you? about how I would 'enjoy' being with you ?13:15o yes, you can do that13:20well I AM a very naughty old man ... and my pleasure is mostly about giving pleasure ... so the one with me cums first ... over and over again13:22I would undress you ... cuddle up to you ... hold you in my arms without any actual sex touching ... just a warm embrace ... with my head nuzzled up to your head13:23a warm breath across your ear ... then my tongue would flick...

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The Hush

It has been a good choice to come here. You had been worried about the accommodation, the area, but it had all worked out just fine. Three days, three whole days to do nothing. Just lay around, eat, sleep, read........make love. It was good. It was very good. It had been bitter cold the day you had arrived. Tony had made the fire and you the mugs of tea, it had not taken long for the cabin to warm up to a cozy temperature. There was a very snug, homelike feeling to this place. It was...

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New Neighborhood New Fun Ch 1 of 4

Hello, My name is Lisa. I am 34 years old with medium length blond hair. I have a very nice body, in spite of having had two kids. One benefit of the kids is that my boobs have grown from my previous C cups to DD's. I have a very shapely body and get hit on all of the time. Our family recently moved from one suburb of Dallas to another to be closer to my husband's work. Even though we left a house and neighbors that I loved, it was fine with me, since we are also closer to my family and that...

Wife Lovers
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 10

They were seated in a private booth in a small intimate restaurant far across town. She and Phillip had never eaten there nor did she recognize any faces as they had entered, so Jeanne relaxed and enjoyed the delicious meal and wine. Eric drank in the beauty of the woman sitting across from him. She wore her auburn locks high in a twist, her eyes accentuated by a hint of shadow. She wore a black satin evening gown cut low and revealing not only very attractive cleavage, but also the fact...

4 years ago
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Two Hot DaughtersChapter 3

The next day after school, Diane and Anita again headed straight to Diane's house. Anita had called her friend the night before to tell her about fucking with her brother, but she hadn't shared any of the details. Diane was dying to hear all about it. She was so jealous she could hardly stand it! "Come on!" she said, taking Anita's hand to hurry her along. "Not so fast," Anita whined. "My pussy is kinda sore, and can't run." "Oh God, it must have been great!" Anita tried to be...

2 years ago
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Who is she Part One

Living in upstate New York, working in the city, subways are a transportation necessity. As usual, it was packed like a sardine can. I had already given my seat to an older lady, so on my feet I stood. 9 th Street, the next stop, was always crowded. Those of us standing did the back step shuffle. She climbed in and I checked her out. Mature, not small but not fat, perfectly thick in all the right places. She wore a sleeveless summer dress, black with a floral print, heels and dark hose. With a...

1 year ago
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Survival of the Sexiest part 4

In the last episode, I suggested I wasn’t totally without morals. Well, I lied, I do have morals, but they can, at best, be described as loose. My new customers, Jenn and her husband Roy, had clearly led me astray. But as you will have read in the last story, it was the business meeting to end all business meetings. Jenn and I had worked closely together, with Roy just putting his oar in from time-to-time when called on, if you know what I mean.Jenn was hooked. I was the first pussy notch on...

3 years ago
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Her Unusual Prom

She sat back, the night of the prom and felt like the only one she knew of who didn’t get herself a date that night. Now 19 and one of the prettiest girls in her class she never could figure out why she hadn’t gotten a date for it. Still she went anyway. For some reason, she told herself, maybe there’d be a guy who’d come up, and ask her to dance. Was that lame or was it lame she wondered? It was 1982 and yes that’s right, it was the school’s senior prom. Sullen about not being asked to it, she...

First Time
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This is my second story. Don’t be shy to critisize me. I know it got damn long again… Sorry… Enjoy it anyway! This story happened around fifteen years after my wife Karen had died. She had died of an unwanted abortion together with our unborn little daughter. I’d been to her gravestone at the cemetery once a week ever since. After she had died I never got into a new relationship, it was as though I had totally lost interest in women. My name is Marc, I’m 5’9”, something like 165 Lbs. I’m a...

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Working Overtime

It had to have been near midnight, and Toni was still at her desk, typing up some document on the last case. No one else had offered to stay except her, but this week she needed the extra hours. Files were stacked high on her desk, and the clock was ticking away. She brushed a strand of her light brown hair from her face and sat back in her chair and sighed. She skimmed through some of the files and realized that some of the ones she needed were not there. Toni sighed again and shook her head,...

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The Farmers Wife

I had been working on this farm all summer and doing a pretty good job. We were nearing the end of the season though and I was preparing to go to college in a few short weeks. Overall it had been a rather uneventful summer, I worked from sun up to sundown and didn't have much of a social life other than trying to flirt with the owner's daughter. She was two years younger than me and it wasn't going well. Her dad was on me all the time and her mom would hover around in the evenings, so I...

1 year ago
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Cam Show Hub! I fucking love live webcam sex shows. I won’t even tell you how much money I’ve thrown at camwhores over the years, and how many I’ve shaken my dick at during their free shows. Some might call me an addict, because there have been times when girls have hooked me so hard I had to stay online night and day to see if they’d connect and stick some dildos in their cooters. CamShowHub aims to take away some of that work by archiving as many public webcam shows as

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Android OmnibusChapter 11 The Morning After

Some of Michael's new abilities were beginning to take hold as he was slowly trying to regain some normality back into his life. Having remote access to one's psyche may prove to be more of a curse than a blessing, however. Fortunately for us humans, that aspect is not likely to become probably for a significant future. Although, being able to call one's significant other from one's built-in cellphone to see when he or she is coming home from dinner would be extremely cool. "Get...

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Hello Readers, My name is Shekhar and I run a Men’s Beauty Parlour at Baner, Pune. My men’s parlous has all the facilities for hair-cut, shaving, facial, manicure, pedicure, head massage, leg massage, full body massage etc. The parlour is doing exceptionally well and I have spread the message that men ought to take care of their inner and outer beauty, equivalent to the opposite sex. I submit here under a true story which changed my lifestyle. On one Sunday, one lady walked into the parlous...

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Susan and Stevenaked in SchoolChapter 2

TUESDAY Steve God, waking up curled up with Susan is like a dream come true. I awoke to the alarm clock, and slid into Susan gently; I stroked in and out a couple of times before she fully awoke, but when she did, it was Katie bar the doors. She arched her back to meet my thrusts, and soon we came, together. We got in the shower, dressed minimally, and went down for breakfast. Beth had hired a professional cook, and meals were on par with the better hotel restaurants. We then said our...

4 years ago
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Lust Overcomes Shyness 8211 Part 3

Hello everyone. I am back again with the 3rd and the final part. Thank you for the responses and the love you gave me for the 2nd part. I hope you review me for the 3rd part too. Before I start my story, I willlink you with the past incidents. It starts with how I met a girl in the bus and how the crowdy bus and brakes of the bus and bit of my shy behavior (which couldn’t be seen in the story) lead me to lose my virginity to a adorable, hot and dusky chick. You can read my previous parts to...

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