- 1 year ago
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‘Kenny? Kenny Jacobs, is that you?’
Ken looked over at the person who had seated herself beside him on the bench. His first impression was of nice well-tanned legs in open sandals and as his gaze moved up, he saw that the rest of her was just as nice. When he got to her face he saw the lines, slight wrinkles, and the hint of gray in the brown hair indicative of middle age, nothing severe, but noticeable.
‘I’m sorry ma’am, do I know you?’
‘Kenny, it’s Marcia Friedman, I was your history teacher at Central Coast High School. Remember me?’
‘Oh, Hi Mrs. F, I didn’t recognize you. You look a lot different without the business dress and with your hair down. How are you doing ma’am, and how is Mr. Friedman?’ Ken didn’t feel that it would be polite to mention the fact that Mrs. Friedman was a lot slimmer than he remembered her being.
‘Oh, I’m doing fine, and Donald left me for his svelte young secretary. I’m living with my sister now and I am much happier. How about you Kenny? The last I knew, you were on your way to school to be a mechanic. Why are you here, and in that uniform?’
‘It’s a long story Mrs. F, let’s just say that things didn’t work out and let it go at that. It’s been nice seeing you again ma’am, you are looking good. I should get back to work now.’
Ken stood up and placed his hat, emblazoned with ‘SECURITY’, back on his head and made to move out.
‘Wait a minute Kenny, are you having trouble? You look about as sad as I have ever seen anyone look. Is there anything I can do to help?’
Ken looked back down at the woman, ‘Not really ma’am, it’s something that I have to deal with. I’ll be okay.’
‘You don’t act like it,’ she reached into her purse, ‘here, take this card and call me tonight. I would like to hear the whole story. Maybe you could come to dinner. My sister and I don’t have company often enough. Please tell me that you will.’
‘You don’t need someone like me around ma’am. I think I’ll pass, thank you for the thought though.’
‘No, please Kenny, call me. I would like to help.’
‘I’ll think about it ma’am, but I really do need to get back to work now.’
Ken put the card into his shirt pocket, the pockets on his pants were too much trouble to get past his bulging waist to get into, and promptly forgot about it. Mrs. F sure did look better that she had in school, she must have lost 50 lbs or more. Though history had not been one of his better subjects, Mrs. Friedman had been one of his favorite teachers. She was not that much older than the students and had always been pleasant and willing to lend a hand when it was needed. Too bad about her husband leaving though, he must have been an ass to leave such a nice woman.
Walking around the mall didn’t allow him to get away from his own troubles. This was the only job he was able to keep, and the pay sucked. There were too many bills to pay. Sally Mae was after him for the school loans, the hospital wanted payment for the birth of his daughter, and the credit card his wife had used to leave him was maxed out and screaming. The rent was due on his efficiency apartment in Seaside and the insurance was due on his old Toyota. The thing he had the most trouble understanding though, was how he was staying so overweight living on mac & cheese and ramen. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had had real meat in his diet. The double cheese at Mickey D’s didn’t count.
This was the end of what was supposed to be his visitation weeks with his daughter. The problem with that was that Belinda had taken the baby with her to her parents’ house in Idaho. Ken couldn’t afford to take the time off of work, nor did he have the money required to drive all the way to Boise from Monterey. Why the hell did he have to get so drunk at that damn party? Everything would have been okay if he had just stayed away from there, or at least stayed sober enough not to sleep with the drunk girl.
Now his life was, for all intents and purposes, over. Nothing he could do now would get him out of the hole he had dug for himself.
Ken’s thoughts kept going around in circles for hours trying to find a way out when suddenly his stomach growled, and reminded him of the card in his pocket. Mrs. F had suggested dinner, he was willing to bet that it would have meat in it. He hated to freeload off of someone as nice as her, but the prospect of another package of ramen made his stomach wince. Ken decided to call Mrs. F after work, he got off at 5 this evening and had two days off after that. The last thing the security company wanted was for him to get in 40 hours and have to be considered full time. If that happened the union would require them to put some money into benefits for him.
‘Come on Marta, he’ll be here soon. I told him 6:30 and it is after 6 now. We have to make a good first impression if my plan is to work.’
Marta Horne gave her younger sister the finger as she turned to go upstairs to change into a more suggestive outfit. She wasn’t sure that finding a young man to live with them was the best solution to their problem, but it couldn’t hurt to try.
The problem had begun to show within the last few months. Her older husband had died of a heart attack 3 years before, and then her sister’s husband had left her 6 months later. They had combined households for convenience and to console each other. Neither of them had been left wanting financially. George had a hefty life insurance policy as well as some very good investments, and Donald had lost much of his livelihood to Marcia’s lawyers. They had both started a fitness and diet program shortly after Marcia had moved in. Marcia had done the best at this, but Marta had trimmed down considerably as well. With the loss of the weight and the improved physical fitness had come urges, which were becoming more and more urgent. Neither of the sisters wanted to subject herself to the bar and dating scene, but then Marcia had come up with the idea of getting a live in companion. Finding a suitable candidate was not as easy as it seemed, but maybe this young man would do, Marcia sure thought a lot of him.
Ken arrived a few minutes after 6, and when Marcia answered the door she took his breath away. She was wearing a long green sheath dress with slits on each side nearly to her waist. The top cut across the middle of her breasts without straps, showing a nice light tan skin with no lines.
When they got to the dining room table Ken was surprised again, Marta was wearing a little black dress that was short and backless displaying firm legs and very large breasts.
‘Kenny, I would like you to meet my sister, Marta Horne.’
‘I’m sorry Mrs. F. I didn’t realize that you would want me to dress for dinner. You and your sister look marvelous, I’m overwhelmed.’
‘You’re fine Kenny, we just wanted to look good for you. It’s been a long time since we had anyone to dress up for.’
‘Well thanks for asking me to dinner, it has been a long time since I had a home cooked meal.’
‘What about your family Kenny? What happened to them?’
‘I don’t have any family around here Mrs. F. Dad was posted to Ft. Bragg before he retired, and he and mom stayed there. My mom’s people are in Massachusetts and dad has never had much to do with his family that I know of, I think most of them are in Wisconsin. I’m kind of on my own here. They don’t even know what is going on as I have been ashamed to tell them. They would probably want me to move there, and I really don’t want to leave California, this is the only place that has ever felt like home to me.’
‘Let’s eat and you can tell us what has happened with you Kenny,’ they each sat at the large table, Marta at the end and Ken and Marcia facing each other next to her, ‘you said that things hadn’t worked out as planned. What happened? Did you fail out of school or something? I have trouble believing that from a sharp guy like you.’
Just then a dark skinned girl a b
it younger than Kenny’s 23 years brought appetizers out from the kitchen on a large platter. She placed servings in front of each of them before departing. Ken had been impressed when he heard the location of the house, only the very rich could afford a house near Carmel, and this one was just off Highway one, with an ocean view. The fact that there were servants was not much of a surprise.
‘No, I didn’t fail out Mrs. F. I just made a mistake and had to leave. I was actually doing pretty good in the classes. I had a 3.9 average for the first two semesters.’
‘Well what happened? Is there anything we could do to help?’
‘No Mrs. F, you can’t fix fat, ugly, and stupid. I’m just going to have to live with the con-sequences of my actions.’
‘Please call me Marcia, Kenny, and your grades show that you aren’t stupid. You aren’t ugly either, and fat can be fixed. Do you remember what I looked like when I was teaching? Marta was just as bad, and we were able to fix it.’
‘I doubt that whatever you did would work for me. I haven’t been able to afford to eat much for a long time, and I walk for eight to ten hours a day. I look just like my mom does, and I always will. And if I hadn’t been stupid I would never have gotten into this mess. I suppose I may as well tell you about it. After finals for the first semester, I went to a party to celebrate. I got drunk, and when I woke up there was a girl with me. I had no idea who she was, but when she saw who she had slept with, she got downright insulting. I swore off booze for a while and didn’t think anything else about it, hell, I couldn’t remember what happened anyway.’
‘Well about a month and a half later the girl got in touch with me through the guys who had thrown the party. She told me that she was pregnant and she thought that I was the father. I didn’t remember having sex with the girl, but I knew that I hadn’t had any rubbers with me that night, so I ended up in Vegas getting married to Belinda the next week. I had to quit school and find a job to support her and the baby.’
‘Oh, I’m so sorry Kenny. What happened then?’
‘She left when Mallory was at about 18 months and went back to stay with her parents in Idaho. Our quickie Vegas marriage became a quickie Vegas divorce. I was supposed to be able to visit with the baby last week, but I couldn’t afford to go.’
‘You poor thing, do you miss your wife?’
‘Not really Marta, I never cared much for Belinda, I was just trying to do the right thing. I miss the baby though, she was born 7 months after the party, so I am sure that I wasn’t the father, but I really did love the little beauty. No matter how irritated I got with her mother, I never held a grudge toward Mallory. I just wish that I could have something to do with her life. The last thing I want is for her to turn out like her mother. All Belinda ever did was to insult me and complain about how useless I was. She wouldn’t even let me have sex with her after we were married, and I’m pretty sure that she was cheating on me. The one time I did get to sleep with her she complained constantly about my weight and what a poor lover I was. She packed up the next day and left while I was at work.’
During the recitation of agony the main course of grilled tuna had been served, but the women had no interest in food and looked like they were going to cry. Marta spoke up, ‘That is just not right Ken. Let me call my husband’s law firm tomorrow, someone there should be able to help, after all, I still own a good portion of the firm. On anther topic, Marcia told me that you were doing something with engines, are you any good with them?’
‘I’m great, I don’t like to brag, but I could work in any garage in the area now. The problem is that they won’t hire me without the certificate I would have gotten at school. I have been working on cars since I was 14, I can do just about anything as long as I have the tools available.’
The two sisters looked at each other, ‘If that is the case, Ken, would you be willing to look at something for me and see if you can do anything with it? I would be glad to pay you for your time.’
‘Be glad to Mrs. Horne, and there is no need to pay me. This meal is worth a tune up and oil change at the least. What is it you need help with?’
‘This property used to be a lodge, with a bunch of cabins and a tennis court and pool, but since my husband died it has become overgrown and rough. I have a landscaping company that comes in once a week to take care of some of it, but they seem to be doing less and less each time. My husband bought a tractor to work on the place some, but it hasn’t run for years. I was going to send it to a garage in town. Once it is working I can hire a handyman to get the place back up to being something I can be proud of.’
‘Okay Mrs. Horne, I’m not dressed to work on anything now, but I’m off tomorrow and I can do it then. What kind of tractor is it?’
‘Please Ken, call me Marta, I think the name on it was Kaborta or something, and tomorrow would be fine.’
‘Kubota, probably. That is a pretty good brand and parts are available everywhere. I’ll come out tomorrow morning and take a look at it for you.’
Marcia asked, ‘How much do you make as a security guard Kenny? I don’t mean to get personal, but it would help if I knew.’
‘That’s alright Mrs., aah, Marcia. I only get 9.25 an hour, and no more than 36 hours a week. After taxes I barely take home $1,000 a month. I send Belinda two fifty a month to help with Mallory. I am a couple of weeks late with this month’s payment right now because a couple of bill collectors started getting nasty.’
‘Well that is going to have to be fixed, can’t have you arrested as a dead-beat dad. What bills are you having trouble with?’
Ken went through the litany of the rent, insurance, hospital bill, school loans, and such. As he was talking the girl came back in and asked if anyone wanted dessert. Marta asked that it be served on the deck. ‘You and your mother come out and join us Connie, I want you to meet our new friend.’
Dessert was fresh fruit salad with whipped cream. Kenny was introduced to Consuela and her mother Selena, who was carrying Consuela’s baby boy, Stefan, on her hip.
‘Did I understand that you are off for the next two days Ken?’ Marcia asked.
‘Yes’m, I’ve already worked my full week.’
‘How would you like to stay over in one of the cabins tonight and tomorrow? There is a task we would like you to do for us Friday morning and it would be easier for you to just stay here than drive both ways.’
‘That would be fine for tomorrow night as long as it is no bother ma’am. I don’t have anything else to do, but I need to get my tools if I am going to work on your tractor. I’ll go ahead and leave now and be back early tomorrow morning. Thank you again for such a fine meal.’
After he left, the ladies talked about what a shame it was that such a nice boy was having so much trouble.
‘What that bitch has done to him can’t be right,’ Marta said, ‘he should not have to do without seeing his daughter, even if he isn’t the sperm donor. I can’t believe anyone could be so cruel.’
‘You should have seen some of the little horrors in the high school he went to. I know some of them put poor Kenny down too. If he could lose some weight he would be fairly attractive, maybe we can get him to do our diet with us. Would you have a problem with him living here Selena, or you Connie?’
‘He is a nice boy, he would not bother us madam. It would be nice to have someone to protect us for a change.’
‘I hadn’t thought of that, he would be able to protect us, wouldn’t he?’
(to be continued)
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My wife Carol wanted to move into a townhouse. I didn't want to do it but she complained until I gave in. It didn't take long until I met one of my neighbors. His name was Kyle and he was an eighteen year old student. He was this tall, slim, good looking guy. After talking a few minutes I said he should drop by some afternoon. I normally got home around 3:30 and Carol wasn't home for another two hours. Kyle took me up on my offer. The doorbell rang and there stood Kyle. I don't usually eye up...
Introduction: I was driving from Virginia to Florida by myself Hi everyone. Well, I was driving from Virginia to Florida alone in Daddys convertable and really looking forward to the drive. It was Spring and I could ride with the top down I was hoping most of the way. I had several sundresses with spagettii straps and thongs if I decided to wear them. I did not bring along any bras since I planned on just riding along free of that restriction on my tits. My nipples were hard as soon as I let...
I'm at the beginning of the 60s, worked hard and a lot, and I'm sure I was lucky, so I could fulfill a dream a few years ago and buy a house in the south of France. Of course, I've also put a lot of time and work into renovation, but I'm satisfied: house with pool near a golf course. My wife, 30 years younger than me, dark-skinned, very handsome, slim and sexy ass, is also very happy there. We spend the summer as often as we go in the south. This summer I invited 6 of my golf buddies. We wanted...
“How about we take a trip to my folks, Jennifer?” “Are you bringing me over to meet the parents ... again?” she said, sporting a very devious smile. “Actually, the three of us need to have a discussion, my dear?” “Uh-oh, am I in trouble, Richard?” “NO, actually I am, Jenn. I’m in love with two women, and we need her to know about this, so we can discuss it like adults.” “I’ll move out, Richard – that would solve it, wouldn’t it?” “No, it wouldn’t, Jennifer ... you moving out would cause...
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story Whoops. If you haven't read that this will not mean much. Please take a few minutes and read that story. ;-) I would like to thank Matty Caff for her help in editing my story. She is a classy lady and a good friend. Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phyllis's favorite white wine, and waited for...
Hello people out there. I am Ritika from CHANDIGARH. My boobs and butts are the most interesting part of my body. I am studying Business from a private college here and I hardly go to the college.I have a group of friends with whom I can be generally be found in any of the cinemas, food joints or on the near market. We are three friends. We three enjoy a lot and all of us have a high sex drive. We even have lesbian sex sometimes as usually girls doing in hostel and watch porn movies a lot in...
This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Over the next few days, I had a lot of visitors. All of them came by to see how I was doing and to leave cards and such. Erica was right. I would be busy for awhile just answering all the cards and letters I had gotten while I was in the hospital. Even Dar's Aunt and Uncle came by a couple of times. Finally, I got up the courage to ask Dar why he'd done what he did to save me. He...
I was raised a total '90210' girl. I've never made any apologies for that. Born into the sunny glamor of Hollywood, I was raised in the gilded neighborhoods of Beverly Hills. As a child, I was spoiled by a father who ensured I had the best of everything. I was a true fashionista. I mean, you name it, and Daddy gave it to me. My trendy, designer clothes and ridiculously expensive Italian shoes came from the best shops on Rodeo Drive. Daddy even saw to it that hair stylists who cared for movie...
ReluctanceThe Grass Is Greener: A Semi Drabble (Based on a forty-year-old joke.) By Carol Collins Spring was in the air as the birds sang in the trees. It was a clear sunny day with a very pleasant temperature that made every one wish to be outdoors. Beside a winding pathway through the city park, George and his gay companion, Bruce, sat holding hands on a park bench. George watched in amazement as Bruce followed the movements of a very pretty girl that happened to be passing by. The...
Weve gotta do something! Marie slurred, drunk from the party. She and her lesbian girlfriend, Louise, had snuck off to an unoccupied room in the back of the house, and none of their friends had seen them. They both were 17, and were both very beautiful girls. Marie was a brunette, and had light brown eyes, she was 54. Louise was a red head, also had light brown eyes. She was 55. The two of them met in the end of 9th grade, and fell in love. They both were lesbian since they could remember. But...
Ricky Sampson is your average 18 year old boy. He lives with his parents and baby brother in a house in Nevada where he goes to school and works part time at a water park, it's Nevada the town gets really hot all year round. Ricky looks like a typical computer science nerd, with his glasses, black hair and pasty white skin but he wants to be anything but a scientist, that's his dad's job. Ricky's father, Mel is an inventor and he looks like an older version of Rick. When he isn't working at the...
TranssexualMax glanced at his watch again, then over at his mother, who casually lifted another stupid tea cup off the shelf and examined it from all angles. "Mom, are you seriously going to look at every single set of dishes in the store?" They'd already been in the same housewares section of the same department store for almost half an hour now. On a Saturday afternoon. And all 16 year-old Max could think about was how much fun he was NOT having at the skate park with his friends. "If that's what...
Part I – 'bad, Terribly Bad!' 'I reckon you think it's her duty to engage in adultery, right?' the 39-/o Russel smiled at his friend Joe, about Carla, the latter's submissive, 25-y/o wife, on an August, Sunday afternoon. 'Absolutely. Of course, it's hard for narrow-minded people to understand why I not only allow, but demand massive infidelity of her, although I hold her to the principle that a females' solitary function in life is pleasuring cocks, especially being that's her entire definition...
EroticI remember I was fresh out of college and my wife wanted to visit her family. We drove the long drive and when we made it it was rewarding to see her hot mom because she was so much taller than I was. My face came up to her breasts and if I hugged her normally I would be hugging her ass. She was In shape for her age and height which was awesome. She is a modest lady and always wearing a silky black dress which hugs her wide hips and dips inside her cheeks. She has bent down in front of me many...
Joliet picked me up from school on Friday, as usual, Joliet was my shemale lover, 'I have a surprise for you to night,' Joliet said, 'my cousin is in town and will be joining us, I want you to be on your best behavior and welcome him, no matter what he wants.' I glanced at Joliet wondering why I was being given this information. When we reached Joliets home, there was a black sports car parked in the drive, 'James is here already,' said Joliet. We entered and Joliet moved swiftly to the dining...
"Mr. Austin?" "Yes, Miss Acton-Smyth." The 17 year old sophomore was standing in the hatchway to the Chart room. Sylvia Acton-Smyth was one of the problem children. Repeatedly expelled and held back she was very old to be in the 10th grade. She wasn't too young though to be dressed in foredeck sunning gear ... nude and slathered with sunblock. She was bouncing ... just a trifle ... but bouncing just the same. If Andrea hadn't been standing behind her she would have had his interest...
Back at the cave, we unloaded the wagon and let Linda graze while I went through the armory, trying to figure out what kind of firepower I should carry in the field. I discussed the matter with Eve, and we decided on an RPG for now. However, it looked like we needed to consider what we could make of local materials that would replace the RPG, since we only had 6 of the rockets. It looked to me like we needed something that could be fired from the crossbow, but had an explosive warhead. No...
When I woke up, it was getting dark out. The last remnants of sunlight were coming through the skylight. Tristan was still asleep. I glanced over at him, studying his face as he slept, noticing the way his nose curved, his lips, his long grayish hair and beard. Having a man in my bed was so strange after all these years. A few hours ago he was a stranger. Now, what was he? What would he become, if anything? What was happening to my safe, quiet life? I got up, slipped on my jeans, but not my top...
Day 7I sat out on our patio awaiting my wife’s appearance; she had already told me she was going to sleep in and not to disturb her. I knew better than to argue, that to point out we would be missing a beautiful day for she had become so dominant and, almost aggressive, whenever I challenged her these days. Better that I continued to act the submissive was my thinking.Mid-morning and Sally eventually appeared at the door. I eyed her up and down as she stood there in yet another new swimsuit...
Starring the charming Kate Kennedy; Young, blonde and ready to bone, Kate Kennedy brings you a dream come true for any single father out there. She’s a cute, curious teen whose sexual fever never goes down. Watch her eyes twinkle as her beautiful bubble butt bounces from the pounding of her tight pussy. Chuck Phillips is doing a little video about car repairs when Kate enters his driveway on a bicycle. She’s been riding around the neighborhood, barely dressed, looking absolutely...
xmoviesforyouLuke went home. He was pretty neat for the most part. So his apartment was not going to require much cleaning up. He gave his bathroom a quick wipe down. He changed the sheets on his bed. She said she wanted to take it slow, but better safe than sorry. He ran down and bought a couple bouquets of roses and dessert. A mix of pinks and whites. And a single red. Why not? He set the table up with the flowers and put the red in a tall glass by the bed. He set some chicken in a teriyaki marinade...
After, I got married a period of 20 years passed during which I never jerked off. Our married sex life was enjoyable and the need never seemed to arise. However, that all changed one day when we were staying at a motel on a trip to the Rockies. I wasn’t in a very good mood one morning after I had had to listen to the neighbors fucking half the night. My wife was too tired from a long day on the road so she took a sedative and missed hearing all the action next door. So I was tired and horny the...