Whoops Payback free porn video

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For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story Whoops. If you haven't read that this will not mean much. Please take a few minutes and read that story. ;-) I would like to thank Matty Caff for her help in editing my story. She is a classy lady and a good friend. Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phyllis's favorite white wine, and waited for her husband's return from work. Lost in her melancholy, Carol lamented her rash actions for the thousandth time, which had put such a strain on their marriage. 'Oh why hadn't I simply talked to Phil when I found all those female clothes?' Halfway through her wine Carol began to relax and realized, at least in the professional sense, things had gone way better than she could have hoped for. Dr. Phyllis had rapidly developed an almost cult like following among San Francisco's transgender community, known as the psychologist with the bodacious boobs. Carol had offered to reduce the size of his implants, but Phyllis declined for now. They had become his trademark, and were partially responsible for the long waiting list of clients. Ignoring the potential ethical conflicts of nepotism, Phyllis had even referred several patients to Carol's office for cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately at home, things had not gone as well. Phyllis told Carol that he forgave her, but he would never forget her lack of faith in him. He remained a real gloomy Gus. Carol tried everything from sex to booze to lift his/her spirits. So far nothing had worked. Carol sipped her drink and let her mind wonder, trying to think outside the box, contemplating various scenarios to revive their relationship. She ran a range of ideas through her imagination. 'Let me see, every man's fantasy is a three way - no that would raise the thorny issue of who to invite. Besides there is no way I could compete with her body...Maybe just some role playing, hmmm that has possibilities. Perhaps we could take a romantic vacation; I would love to see Phyllis in a bikini. ' This all brought Carol back full circle to reality. Carol's first attempt at sex with her feminized husband had been an unmitigated disaster. Phyllis had initially rejected Carol's overtures outright. Burdened with a great deal of guilt, Carol spent an inordinate amount of time planning and seducing her feminized husband. She knew she had to do something, and was fearful that one day Phyllis might lose interest in her as a sexual partner altogether. Intimacy was only consummated when Carol was the aggressor, and eventually he gave in to her persistent advances. Alas, conventional intercourse proved impossible as Phil's little man would swell; but wouldn't remain firm enough for penetration. On the positive side, the couple rediscovered the joys of oral sex. His penis was still sensitive and with the right oral stimulation Carol was able to give Phyllis a modicum of pleasure. Carol laid her head on the back of the couch and let her mind wander, attempting to escape the nightmare of her life. She concentrated on the memories of her recent successes in the bedroom. At the suggestion of sex, Phyllis would always put up token resistance but once Carol got him into bed and started sucking and licking his erogenous zones his walls of inhibitions crumbled like a sandcastle hit by a wave. Carol took pride in her suckling prowess. Once she went to work on his hypersensitive nipples, she could get him to squirm and moan like a bitch in heat. For those brief few minutes by alternating between Phyllis's three pleasure points Carol was able to let her husband relax and enjoy his new status of a man with tits. Carol was able to give her lover satisfaction, albeit short of a climax, but still it provided a form of sexual release he had been without for so long. After her sessions of fellatio, Phyllis would reciprocate; however Carol was aware his heart wasn't in it. She perceived it was performed more out of a sense of duty than enjoyment. The sound of a car pulling into the driveway broke Carol out of her daze. She jumped up, her hormones raging and almost knocked over the glass of wine perched on the coffee table. Rushing to greet her hubby at the front door Carol glanced through the window treatments hanging on the bay window. Her heart sank as she realized that the car was not theirs. Rather the shiny new BMW parked in the driveway belonged to her ex-best friend, Sue. Carol answered the door and swung it partially open, and unenthusiastically inquired, "Yes, what is it? "Can I come in?" Carol sighed and replied, "Sure, where's Chris?" "Oh he is gone forever." A stunned Carol threw the door open and pulled Sue into her house. "OMG, what happened?" Gesturing towards Carol she announced, "You guys 'happened'. I blame Chris for this entire mix-up. If he had been 'man' enough to tell me he was really a 'woman' none of this would have come about. I was so mad at him. I wanted to cut his nuts off and feed them back to him in a casserole." "You wouldn't!" Laughing Sue said, "No of course not, all that blood would be too hard to clean up. Carol what hurt me the worst was his actions destroyed our friendship. The bastard is paying for that, I promise. I have been so concerned about you...and Phil too of course." Carol engulfed Sue in a sisterly embrace and tried to comfort her. After a brief pause Carol said. "Sure I was angry, but I don't blame you. I do blamed Chris a little. After I calmed down it became clear, the fault was entirely mine, I was a total idiot. It was too easy to believe I was the victim, another deceived wife, I got so wrapped up in feeling sorry for myself I lost all perspective. It was so simple to jump to conclusions, and to believe the worst about Phil." The two women shared an emotional moment. Sue inquired, "Are we still friends? I haven't heard from you since that day." Carol responded by hugging her friend as powerfully as she could. The tears in her eyes clouded her vision but she still noticed the slightest of movements in the porch shadows. "Sue is someone with you?" Sue let go of her friend and took a small step back. She turned towards the open doorway and said, "Oh my, where are my manners. Carol I would like you to meet my new housekeeper, Chrissie get your ass in here! She accompanied me here so I could introduce her to you and Phil." In walked a tall, plain looking woman wearing a red long sleeve maxi dress, that was set off nicely with her short brown curly hair and long dangly earrings that lightly grazed the top of her broad shoulders. Carol's first impression was this woman lacked self-confidence; she moved with a strained gate and wore way too much makeup and had a diminutive bosom for such a large woman. Carol stared at her new houseguest, her head on a swivel as she looked from Sue and then to Chrissie and back again. Suddenly she had an epiphany. In amazement she said, "Sue, I thought you said that Chris was gone, if I am wrong this is going to be terribly embarrassing; but isn't this your husband?" Sue let out a belly laugh and looked Chrissie in the face and said, "Oh heavens no. I no longer have a husband. Do I Chrissie?" Chrissie stuttered out the response, "N...No Miss, your...your husband is gone forever. I have replaced him as your loving and faithful companion." Carol raised a cocked eyebrow and stared at Chrissie, half expecting to see a curtsy. But instead all she observed was a woman with an enigmatic grim who stood perfectly still, her shoulders back, and hands demurely crossed in front. "Sue what the hell is going on?" "Alright, if I have to spell it out for you I will. As you found out Chris is a transsexual and has wanted to live his life as a woman. I have simply given him that opportunity. We had a long talk and realized we still love each other so we decided to stay together, just not as husband and wife. Chrissie is now my boarder, has her own room in the basement and pays me rent; but as a punishment for her keeping secrets, she volunteered to become my permanent housekeeper. She goes to her law office during the day and comes home at night. After her household chores are completed she transitions into my friend/companion, and on some special nights my concubine. She really has a very talented tongue. I am thinking about renting her out." Chrissie shifted nervously back and forth on his feet and turned a deep crimson red from embarrassment; but remained silent. Carol's hand flew to her face in disbelief as she proclaimed, "Oh my God! It seems my actions have destroyed two marriages!" "No dear," Sue gestured towards Chrissie, "Our relationship was doomed for a long time. Chris keeping his secret was like the sword of Damocles hanging over our marriage. It was only a matter of time until it fell. So please don't feel responsible for anything that has happened between us. In fact, I believe we are happier now than at any time in our marriage." Chrissie smiled and nodded his head almost indiscernibly in agreement. Carol looked at the wine glasses on the table and said, "I am a terrible hostess. Here Sue take this one, I will get another glass for Chris." Sue took a sip and said, "This is excellent." Carol started for the kitchen and said, "Yes it is a German wine, Liebfraumilch I believe it is called, it is Phyllis's favorite. There are several more bottles in the refrigerator. Let me go get a bottle." Sue stopped Carol in her tracks with, "Don't bother with anything for Chrissie. She isn't thirsty right now!" Chrissie waved his hand as if to say yea, she's right. "Excuse me, I believe I hear, Phyllis' car now. We can all sit down and talk this thing through." "Well if that is what you want, but I had hoped to take everyone out to dinner. The four of us have dinner reservations at the new club on State Avenue." At that moment Phyllis walked through the open door, totally distracted his head down as he was busily texting on his phone. He glanced into the room and only acknowledged his guests with a mere nod. Without a word he headed straight to the bedroom. The rhythmic clicking of his heels on the hardwood floor resonated through the room, and was ended by the gentle closing of the door. Carol took a large gulp from her glass and apologized for the cool reception and began to sob. "Well at least she didn't slam the door this time. I am so sorry; she has become such a curmudgeon and a total hermit. She goes to work and spends her nights pouting in our bedroom." A concerned Sue reached for Carols hands and said, "It's alright, we can make it another night." "No, please I would love to go out tonight, I am going stir crazy. Aside from work I haven't been out of the house since that fateful day." Chrissie set his purse on the couch and stood up and walked toward the closed bedroom door. Over his shoulder, he said, "As a lawyer I have always had a gift for oral persuasion; let me give it a try." Carol shrugged her shoulders in consent. She and Sue sat in the living room, and drank wine and waited the outcome of the bedroom summit. They waited, 10, 20, 30 minutes: and still nothing. Just as Carol was about to go find out what was going on, the bedroom door opened and the two 'ladies' walked into the room shoulder to shoulder. Both Carol and Sue did a double take as their husbands were holding hands. Phyllis had changed outfits and was now dressed in a pink scarf-type blouse and subtle pink and gray plaid tulip skirt, her outfit was completed with white three inch open toe wedge sandals. Without making eye contact, Chrissie walked to her purse and took out her lipstick and compact and proceeded to repair her lips. Phyllis two steps behind said, "Carol I can't possibly go out looking like this. Have you seen my lip-gloss? Mine seems to have worn off." At which point Phyllis and Chrissie glanced at each other and giggled in unison. Sue leaned into Carol and whispered, "What the hell happened in there?" "I have no idea, I am not sure I want to know. Let's get out of here before they change their minds." Sue glanced at her watch and walked to the front door with a "Come on ladies, it's time to go, let's party." Sue drove with Carol joining her in the front seat. Phyllis and Chrissie slipped into the backseat and snuggled together. The drive to the restaurant was uneventful except for an occasional tittering chuckle from the rear. At one point Carol turned to investigate the commotion and caught a glimpse of Chrissie with her hand on Phyllis's happy area. Catching Carol's eye, Chrissie gave her a dramatic theatrical wink and calmly moved her hand back to her own lap. The restaurant lobby was crowded with guests milling around waiting for a table. Sue confidently bullied her way through the throng to the receptionist's stand and announced their arrival. As the hostess checked her reservation list, Sue subtly slipped her a twenty dollar bill. Amongst a slight murmur of complaints, the foursome was seated almost immediately. The four were shown to a table on the patio overlooking a beautiful well lit Japanese garden. The ladies sat in silence mesmerized by the relaxing nature of the four tiered terracotta water fall that emptied into a fish pond full of coy. It seemed time passed in a flash, as a handsome muscular young man seemed to materialize out of nowhere near their table. All eyes turn to this Adonis as he said in a deep resonating voice, "Hello ladies let me welcome you. I am Peter. I will be your server tonight." Then in a flirtatious manner he added, "If there is anything you see that is not on the menu, just ask for it." Sue ordered a bottle of chardonnay and an appetizer of sliced cheeses for the table. Carol and Phyllis each ordered the halibut special, Sue ordered a petite steak, medium well and told the waiter Chrissie would only be having a green salad with the dressing on the side, commenting "She is on a very stick diet. Isn't that right Chrissie?" As the waiter left, Phyllis shocked everyone with the offhanded comment. "Girls, get a look at those buns of steel. He could crush a walnut with that ass." Carol, Sue and Chrissie about got whiplash whirling the heads to the direction Phyllis was looking. Then everyone looked at Phyllis who was grinning like a Cheshire cat and responded "What? I was just making an observation." This produced spontaneous laughter from all four, which was loud enough to attract the attention of several adjoining tables. Regaining their composure the ladies quieted down and waited for the main course to be served. In low conspiratorial tones, they passed the time by taking turns rating the asses of the various waiters that fluttered around the room. In a unanimous decision Peter's was rated 'best of show.' During a lull in the game, Sue said, "Carol, Chrissie has something important to ask you. Go on dear, now is as good a time as any." Chrissie took a deep breath and stared at the napkin in his lap with his scarlet painted lips trembling, and said, "Carol as you know Phyllis is my psychologist and has given me permission to officially begin my transition. I feel terrible about the trouble I have caused between the two of you. The question I want to ask is, would you consider doing my cosmetic surgery?" "Of course I will, when the time is right." Carol put her hand on Chrissie's jaw and turned it to get a better perspective. She said, "You have great bone structure and a lot of potential to be pretty. Exactly what kind of look are you going for?" Chrissie broke into get sobs and tears flowed down his cheeks like hot lava. Chrissie used his napkin to dry her eyes and accidently smeared his mascara so that he looked like he had a raccoon mask on. Everyone at the table refrained from commenting realizing it wouldn't help. Between blubbers Chrissie managed, "I have no right to request your help; but please I just want so much to look like Phyllis." He brought his hands up to his small breasts and went on, "I am so jealous of her figure. Could you do the same for me? I can't wait to have big bazongas like hers." Carol was dismayed, "Chrissie you need to really think about that decision. What I did to Phil was a terrible mistake. If you want to live your life as a normal woman you really should have something more proportion to your body frame." Sue reached over and patted her husband's hand, "Now, now sweetie, don't cry; it will be alright. We will find some way to get you the great big boobies you want. Phyllis, why don't you take your little sister to the powder room and help repair her face?" As the two got out of earshot Sue spoke, "She is so emotional now that the hormones have kicked in." "Sue, those were just prescribed last week, they should not have that much of an impact already." "I know, I probably shouldn't tell you this but I have been feeding him my birth control pills for weeks and weeks and I made a copy of the hormone script and had it filled at two different locations. I have been feeding Chris a double dose every day." "You idiot, do you know what could happen. He must be monitored very closely. The side effects can be deadly." "I know that is why I am telling you. I still love her and don't want anything bad to happen. I am just impatient for the process to show results." Carol leaned toward her friend and asked, "How far does he intend to take this?" "Right now he only wants to appear more feminine. But, what he wants is irrelevant. I intend for him to go all the way. Mark my words, when the time comes he will be begging for a pussy." An incredulous Carol asked, "You want him to be a complete woman?" "Yes, of course. As far as I know, he doesn't like men; so as a woman he will have to stay with me forever, as a housekeeper and friend. Living 24/7 as a woman started today. Chrissie had her first day at work in skirts. That is one of the reasons she is so emotional. She was read as a man and had several verbal confrontations, one at work with a co-worker and one with a total stranger during the train ride home." Carol tried to digest this startling information when Sue cheerfully announced, "Here come the girls now, forget this little incident and try and enjoy the rest of our evening. Maybe we could even pickup a couple of guys." Carol gasped, "Are you crazy? As a married woman, I will never cheat on my husband; it is out of the question!" "Oh, Carol, don't be an old stick in the mud. Sixty five percent of wives cheat on their husbands at one time or another, so don't go getting all goody two shoes on me. I have already started bringing men home to get Chrissie accustomed to the idea. I haven't taken any to my bed yet, but that will come." The rest of the evening was a disappointment. No one felt in the party mood. Sue dropped off Carol and Phyllis at their home. Carol was dismayed, when her husband, hugged Sue goodnight and gave Chrissie a lingering kiss on the lips. Carol chased Phyllis down and wanted to talk about the evening but Phyllis refused to discuss the issue and went directly to bed. It was exactly a week later; Carol had a terrible premonition that something bad was about to happen and spent the entire afternoon calling Phyllis on her cell phone. Every call went immediately to voicemail. Her office was no help, all the receptionist would say was the doctor was out of the office. About sundown, a chipper Phyllis bounced into the house only to find a very distressed Carol sitting on the couch working on her second glass of Scotch. "Honey, where have you been all afternoon? I have been so worried about you; I have been calling and calling. Please tell me about your day." "Carol, please fix me a drink, and I will tell you everything, it has been a magical day. This morning I had a new pharmaceutical representative call on me. Bob was his name, an extremely handsome man with eyes that you could get lost in. After his very professional and persuasive pitch, he invited me out to lunch." A very concerned Carol sipped her drink, leaned forward, and listened intently. In a very nonchalant manner Phyllis continued. "I initially turned him down." Carol who had been holding her breath exhaled and said, "Initially?" "Yes dear, he was so persistent and just oozed sensuality. You have been pestering me about getting out more so I accepted just to make you happy. He drove us to the restaurant that is attached to his hotel." "His hotel?" questioned Carol. "Yes, Bob explained they have the best lunch buffet in the area. We had a delightful meal, and way too much wine. I knew I had too much to drink to go back to work. So I took the afternoon off and spent it with Bob." Phyllis looked down and rubbed a stain on her blouse then questioned, "How do you get red wine stains out?" A very anxious Carol walked over to her husband and closely examined her blouse. Using her fingernail Carol scrapped off a crusted blob of material. "It would appear you have more than wine on your outfit. Care to explain?" "Oh that, I am afraid I have been a very, very bad girl. After lunch Bob, brazenly invited me back to his room for desert. I guess some dribbled there." Carol suddenly felt lightheaded and went and sat back on the couch. "Damn it, Phil, tell me what happened!" "Well we got to his room and lo and behold Bob had lied, there was no desert. I just pouted as I had my heart set on something sweet, so Bob improvised. He offered to let me a suck on his mansicle." Carol's lower lip began to quiver as she sat and stared in amazement. Phil licked his lips and said, "Honey, I don't understand why before all this, you never wanted to give me head. I find the texture and taste to be indescribable, it was simply smoothielicious. I have been told by my clients that every man's discharge is different. I can't wait to carry out my own taste test." Phyllis proudly continued, "Bob's virility was incredible. After I had my creamy desert he was hard again in just a few minutes. He helped me up from my knees and lovingly laid me on the bed on my back. It was fortuitous I wore stockings and not pantyhose today. Before I knew what to make of it, he had my legs over his shoulders. He pushed aside my panties and licked my man pussy, until I thought I would pass out from the pleasure. Then he had my high heels pointed to the ceiling as he rammed that magnificent pole into me. It was pure bliss, I knew I had died and gone to heaven. Oh Carol, if a pussy feels half that good. I am going to reconsider my decision on a sex change." Then with a silly manner Phyllis jokingly said, "You are the expert, what do you think, should I turn my dick into a slip and slide?" A hysterical Carol began to sob uncontrollably and wailed, "Oh how could you do this...to me?" Phil stood callously and watched his wife's distress. He walked over to the sofa and placed his drink down on the end table. With one finger he scooped up a tear running down Carol's face and said, "Big whoop, you are upset. You asked about my day." Gabbing his breasts, and lifting them up for emphasis he said, "Remember dear, you created this package, don't get upset just because someone found it attractive and wanted to unwrap it and play with it!" Phil went and poured himself a refill, stopping only when the golden liquid threatened to overflow the glass. He stood over an obviously upset Carol, and twisted the knife in her heart. "Honey, I need to ask you a favor." With tears dripping down her cheeks Carol looked up and replied, "What is it?" "I was wondering if you could find someplace else to sleep tonight. I have invited Bob over to spend the night. Having you here would be a tad bit awkward." Flabbergasted at his audacity Carol wailed, "No problem, you bitch, I will go to my mother's." Phil turned and said, "Fine; but before you leave would you mind tiding up the place a little, it really needs a good dusting. I want to take a bath and get ready for my date." Carol ran out of the room sobbing hysterically. Phil stood in the doorway and yelled "Won't you at least vacuum the carpet before you go? It will only take a minute." In self-satisfaction he watched as she climbed into her car and slammed thedoor. Phil coldheartedly waved good-bye and closed the front door. Heading to his bedroom he thought, 'I have the whole night all to myself. After spending the entire day in that boring seminar I am looking forward to a hot bath and a good book. I probably was a little rough on her, but she deserved it. Payback is a bitch. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell her there is no Bob, I made the whole thing up. Then again, maybe I won't.' The end.

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Pledge Class Payback

This is a true story of an embarrassing incident from college and it happened to me Pledge Class Payback, A True Story By SirBosk1? 2005 SirBosk1 The following story is true, or almost completely true. Names and specific locations have been omitted to protect the guilty. It contains scenes of non consensual exhibitionism, bondage, kidnapping and erotic themes but no sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. This work is...

2 years ago
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Pandemic Payback

Pandemic Payback My name is Sam Shitekiekker, and I think this whole damn world has gone crazy. Political upheaval, a pandemic gift from nature, or as some claim a botched scientific experiment, let loose upon an unsuspecting world population. Weather patterns turned topsy turvy, and nothing remaining under even the guise of being normal anymore.. Strange happenings now common place, that now have us practicing self monitoring, self isolation, and quarantining. Media types now...

4 years ago
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Mindfuck Love and Payback

March 29th 2014The DVD wasn’t the one Vanessa had expected.She paused in sipping her sauvignon as the title card faded up on her laptop screen, accompanied by an acoustic guitar riff.Houston Lasalle ProductionsPresentHuh? She’d asked to borrow an erotic arthouse coming-of-age flick, but this was – what, a home movie?Sammy SukjobWhat the actual…andShane BoxschafterInOh guys, no you haven’t…Any Which WhereThe title was in boxy ‘70s font reminiscent of classic porn. It was accompanied by the...

1 year ago
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Alicia sat down grumpily at her school desk, several of the boy looked her way as she dropped heavily into the seat, her prominent chest bounced slightly with the movement. She was a pretty girl, her long blonde framed her face perfectly. However in her class there where prettier girls, much prettier girls. They got the attention that Alicia craved so badly. In attempts to get the attention she had gotten several tattoo’s and many thing pierced. All but one thing. She felt a sharp pain at the...

3 years ago
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Wifes Birthday bonepaybacks

This happened about 18 months after I caught my wife with Butch our shepard and black mailed her into being my sex slut. It was Friday and Judith asked if we could go out and I said sure it would be fun to go out for some drinks. Judith dressed in a pink half bra and a thong, thin white bottom up blouse and a short black skirt with black heeled boots. Her double D tits sat nicely in her bra and their dark nipples shown through her blouse, she was hot and damn lovely as always. She...

1 year ago
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Whoops Wrong Number

I frowned at the dressing room mirror. The skirt I was trying on was cute, but I couldn’t tell if it was too short or just short enough. I snapped several photos to send to my friend for her opinion. Unfortunately, I wasn’t really paying attention and accidentally sent them to the last person I was texting, a cute guy I’d met at the gym yesterday.Shit! I frantically sent him another message:“omg wrong number sorry!!!”I tried to suppress a groan of frustration. I liked this guy. He was tall,...

4 years ago
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whoops it happend again

Well what can I say, after being a fuck toy for my two best friend I decided to try out normal life, my gay and cross-dressing day's to be burned and buried in the past, and a new me to arise from the ashes like a phoenix, all my panties , bra's, and other girl clothes were taken to the incinerator in my home and destroyed, in my head I was straight as a dye, hehe. no more did I sleep in nothing but silk panties, no more did I wank off thinking of getting my bum used, I met a nice young lady...

2 years ago
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It started out as a quiet, normal Friday evening, I'd come home from work to find my dinner in the oven and Janice, my wife, out at the bingo, I'd eaten my dried out meal quickly, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and put a mucky video in the player, which was the nearest I came to sex these days. Upstairs I could hear Sara's, my eighteen year old daughter, stereo playing though not loudly enough to be disturbing as I settled back to enjoy the tape."Bollocks." I swore as the player made a grinding...

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It's not nice to fool Mother Nature. Nor your wife when she is the area's leading plastic surgeon. Carol paced the living room floor waiting for the grand entrance of her husband. Finally he scurried around the hall entrance and swooped into the room with a "Ta-Dah! How do I look?" An emotional Carol responded, "Give me a twirl and let me see." "Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad we rejected the drab trouser suit and decided on that 2-piece Skirt suit, for your first day at the new job?...

2 years ago
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Whoops 3 But Not all Mistakes Turn Out Bad part 1

Phil fought his way slowly back to consciousness. He had only vague surreal thoughts coming and going into focus in his head. He couldn't quite put his finger on it; nothing hurt yet his body felt wrong somehow. His arms were pinned under the blankets, the feeling of being restrained was an irritant. The only logical explanation was that someone had tucked the blankets in too tight. He shifted in bed trying to free his arms and noticed that his ass felt huge, like he was laying on...

2 years ago
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Whoops 3 Whoopsie Daisie Finale

Mike found himself caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. The 'woman' on his lap was comatose from emotional strain. She was total dead weight and Mike was unable to lift her. His wife was passed out on the floor and he knew if he didn't go to her there would hell to pay. Mike realized that to someone just walking into the room, it would be a very compromising tableau. It wasn't and he needed to put things back to a normal appearance. He did the only thing he...

2 years ago
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It started out as a quiet, normal Friday evening, I'd come home from work to find my dinner in the oven and Janice, my wife, out at the bingo, I'd eaten my dried out meal quickly, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and put a mucky video in the player, which was the nearest I came to sex these days. Upstairs I could hear Sara's, my sixteen year old daughter, stereo playing though not loudly enough to be disturbing as I settled back to enjoy the tape. "Bollocks." I swore as the player made a...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Obsession Payback

She removed the banana, put right her gown, and went to fetch the mail, disposing of the banana as she went. It was a letter for Andrew, not that she’d noticed – her ‘recollection’ had temporarily slighted her ability to concentrate. As she returned to the living room she tore open the letter, wondering what had become of Ken after all these years – she’d never saw him again after that night, and she liked it that way. She stopped at the window, it was still raining. Probably married to some...

2 years ago
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I had been friends with John for many years, through most of high school and a couple of years thereafter. During that time, I ended up dating a lovely red-haired girl, Nancy, that John had wanted to date. Somehow she ended up with me, and I believe John always felt hurt by that. However, it wasn’t my fault. He wanted to ask her out, but he was shy and hesitated; meanwhile, she asked me out. It was his good fortune in the end, as she turned out to be a lying, cheating little bitch. Midway...

3 years ago
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Accounts Payback

Pamela is thirty one years old and works at the same office and in the same team as David. Pamela is a lesbian and lives with her partner, Fiona. Pamela is ambitious and very competitive with David and has always been keen to match his work ethic if not better it. Pamela is average build, naturally pretty and with shoulder length blond hair. Pamela undoubtedly knows that her best feature is her perfectly shaped, curvy, round butt which she is glad of as she always feels embarrassed by her...

3 years ago
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Cheat Payback

My name is Melissa, I'm 34, 103 pounds, reddish brown hair, and a c cup to go with that. Men sometimes give me looks like they are interested, but I show them my wedding ring and they retreat to look for someone else. I'm not sure why I show my ring anymore, maybe I should just let things go and see what happens. Of course I know what will happen, I'll have a few drinks with one of them and then I'll get a little horny and then fuck him dry. So I am going to see what Jeff is working on...

4 years ago
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The Violateds Payback

He probably should’ve realized something wasn’t quite right when he came home and she was waiting for him in nothing but a sheer top in a candlelit living room. It wasn’t totally new to find her this way. Tonight something felt different? Maybe it was that she was wearing a new top he hadn’t seen before? But what really caught his attention was that she was playing with the new dildo he bought specifically to tease her ass with the night before. ‘I didn’t think I’d enjoy last night quite the...

4 years ago
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A Lifetimes Payback

Brianna Black strolled down the hall of her high school, heels clacking, as she held her head high. The people around her turned their heads to watch the beautiful yet arrogant girl as she showed off her curves and strutted around. Her lush, long blond hair swayed around her shoulders, and large globes of flesh formed a line of cleavage easily visible through the low-cut, tight pink V-neck shirt she was wearing. Her tight jeans also accentuated the other curves she was hiding. Yet as many...

Mind Control
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Sophie gets payback

“Do you get your kit off like the others?”“Yes but I have to pay for these, so its sixty.” Trixie said bouncing big new her tits up and down in their elasticated top designed to show most but not all that was on offer. Just to encourage him she popped one out.“Gawd inflation nowadays OK its worth it I reckon.” Three twenties changed hands but the savvy East Ender wanted more since he was paying extra and pulled down Trixie skirt. Underneath the long skirt he found very tall red boots and a...

4 years ago
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It had been a few summers since I was forced to be a sex slave to my Aunt in her apartment.She had tired of dressing me up and showing me off to her friends and they were now aware of my situation and I think some felt sorry for me to be blackmailed like this.She had me do several things in front of her Friends and they included bondage , torture, and using dildos to use me as a boi whore!I had hoped to somehow get even with her but how?I dreamed that it would come someday soon and she would...

3 years ago
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12.00am - I was in the bathroom and I placed the weapons in the holdall of our backpacks. "We have got to get this right!" commanded one girlfriend. Another one of my girlfriends sat in the reclining chair, pondering. "Having second thoughts?" "Me? no way" said another one of my girlfriends. "Its pay back". I stepped out of the bathroom and ushered the girls to the door. There were four of us.12.30am - It was night and the air was cool. We pulled up outside John Rosh Avenue, near the...

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Fucking Politics 8211 Pt 2 Cheating Wife And Payback

My name is Rishi. I’m married to a gorgeous girl named Disha. She has a model like a face and a body which I get to enjoy almost every night. At times when she doesn’t feel like, my mother-in-law Mandakini is more than willing to use her body to pleasure me. I’m a software engineer who works in a reputed company in a good post. I live in a big bungalow in the posh region of Mumbai city. All in all my life seems perfect. But it isn’t… A couple of months ago my parents were brutally murdered. My...

2 years ago
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Office Chronicles II Payback

Hi guys, this is Krish, and I am back with another story under the umbrella of office chronicles. This one’s about how I took on my manager and tore her to bits. So here we go… I had been working in this company for nearly two years now, with a boss who was always on my case and causing trouble and without any recognition for kicking ass day in and day out. My boss was an absolute bitch, she was in her mid thirties, and was divorced. I was 27 and was having the time of my life outside of work,...

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Unexpected payback

Tanja woke up from the muffled moaning at the end of her bed. She lazily stretched her muscles stroked a hand through her long blond hair and examined herself. Hmmmm she moaned she had fallen asleep wearing the clothes she wore last night: Thighigh leather boots, leather skirt, leather bustier and operalength leather gloves. She felt the leather against her skin and it immediately aroused her again. Her nipples went rockhard and her 34DD chest heaved as she started to slowly move down between...

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Emma Watson gets Payback

“Why the fuck did she go and do that?!” I shouted down the phone to my best mate, “She looks like a little boy! How am i supposed to wank over the bitch now!”“Ha ha, Im sure her first thought wasnt about whether her perv fans would still be able to cum over her to be honest mate!” he replied.We were of course discussing Emma Watson and her new haircut. After getting the role of Hermione in the Harry Potter films aged 11, the whole world had seen her transform from a cute little girl into a...

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Karma an erotic look into cosmic payback

Today I rode to the local medical marijuana dispensary on my bike. Let me rephrase, my bicycle. I have a car, but have much enjoyed the physical advantages to riding in reasonable distance on a bike. About five miles out, two in, I encountered a silver SUV stalled out in the right lane of a busy street I was biking through. Naturally I stopped because I am a good person, and I know the detrimental exchange of the bystander effect ( When there are more people around, a single person is less...

3 years ago
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I love Venice Beach,CA. When ever I have a couple of bucks to blow I will take turns vacationing either thereor Vegas (they're both pretty close to Phoenix). Shan6969, my ex and now periodical fuckbuddy, digs Venice as well. I can't count how many times we visited there when we were an "item". Shan6969 lives back east andalways comes in town unexpected ready to fuck. This time was no different. Her call woke me up Friday at 1:22 a.m.BOIDYNHO:(sleepily) "Hello?" SHAN6969: "Wake up you big black...

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For the longest time I suspected Jose cheating. I never had proof, it was just a feeling. I'm not one to snoop around, but I just had to find out. After 4 years of being together and living together, I thought I had rights to. One day while he was at work, I decided to check my computer. There was a file called "Music Baby". Hmmm, I wondered. I know he sings and all but music baby? So I clicked on the file and there were many folders, with folders inside. I found pictures of him fucking this...

2 years ago
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1                                            Chapter 1   Ok, so maybe I do have a few issues, but whatever it’s not like I was a complete psycho.    Since I don’t exist to him, I needed to figure out a way for him to see me. I had so much anger towards this guy, whom I’d had this obsession with for months. I tried everything to get his attention to try and become friends but he kept blowing me off.  Who did he think he was all powerful and mighty?  Thinking he was better than everyone.  Well,...

4 years ago
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Twins Equal Twice The Payback

Having established their intentions, each turned to the older woman kneeling before them, her hands taped together behind her back, a strip of tape over her mouth. John reached down and ripped the tape from her mouth, smiling a sadistic smile when she screamed. "Well, Grandma, it's time to teach you a lesson", he said, his face filled with cruel joy. *** To understand the events that are about to occur, you must understand what came before. John and Mark had been raised by their...

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This is crazy.I now understood women’s attitude to being viewed as meat in a cattle market.Twenty men, standing naked, slowly masturbating.Clothed women circled us, drinks in hand, inspecting us, fondling genitals.When satisfied with their selection, the man would walk off behind her, and disappear behind one of a series of curtains. Soon I was picked, and followed my woman behind the curtain, entering a cubicle where clothed women of various ages, sipped drinks.Well, this is itTo continue...

1 year ago
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A little messy payback

As noted, all my stories are true...The other night, the wife opened a bottle of red wine. This is always a good sign... without the wine, she's a prude, uninterested in any sexy times. But with a glass or two, she gets a little warm and a little turned on.She had three glasses.Twenty minutes later, she dragged me upstairs. "I'm sleepy!" she protested. But as soon as she got into bed, the sound of her magic wand came from under the blankets. I slipped off my boxers and started to stroke myself,...

2 years ago
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The Groomers get their Payback

The Police force had let them go three men who groomed and raped four teenagers the locals were not happy. The three were all Immigrants from the far East and had large families so getting to them was not easy. Two ex nurses and one ex police woman had a plan. Revenge would be drastic. One of the guys worked as cab driver and they found out which company he worked for. Over the next few days they prepared all they needed drugs surgical instruments and restraints. They agreed to call the...

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Tease the BullPayback

Prologue Kyran Hamilton was a busy young woman. The tall, curvaceous redhead with the lovely face was involved with two separate tasks at the same time, although the first was the only one requiring any active thought. The second was, however, delightfully making concentrating on the first hard to do. She was making a valiant effort and, judging from audible and tactile responses, her effort was being appreciated. Kyran was performing these tasks, on her knees, in front of the desk chair of...

4 years ago
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A Nice Payback

"Ambulance six" "Ambulance six at Speer and Broadway." "Ambulance six respond to Le Crepe restaurant at 14th and Larimer on a party short of breath." "14th and Larimer. Copy and en route." "Watch for Pumper-1 responding with you." "Copy." We were less than two minutes away. The pumper crew should have the story by the time we arrived. As soon as we pulled up I grabbed the bag and headed inside with my partner while the firefighters brought the stretcher. The Captain met us at...

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I approached the door nervously. I was dressed in something relatively normal — well normal for this new life I guess. I was wearing pink panties, white stockings with matching garter belt, pink four inch heels, pink silk gloves and of course the black leather cuffs that were locked onto my wrists and ankles. I had been summoned, so there was no way I could hesitate safely. I knocked. Called inside, I quickly approached her chair and knelt before her. I knew better than to look around before...

3 years ago
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The idea had been stirring for a couple of months now as I was finishing a hot shower getting ready to surprise an old friend who was becoming somewhat of a pest, dropping by on my day off in the middle of the week. I had asked that he not drop by on Wednesdays, as I wanted to catch up on my soap opera’s on my one afternoon off per week. He still kept coming and cleaned the house for me, and my teenage daughter, and took care of the pets when we were gone for little trips. Kind of like a...

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For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story I Warned You, I'm here to let you know that I did not go gently into that good night. For those of you who did not read that story, I'll give you a short synopsis. I work too damn hard and too damn many hours on my job. My home life sucks because I'm too damn tired from the job to give my wife the attention I want to give and get too many honey do lists finished. The stress was getting to me so I decided to treat myself to...

1 year ago
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Jim Grant moved quickly down the long, semi-illuminated, basement hallway. The seventeen-year-old was one of the editors of the high school paper and had spent the better part of two hours rewriting an article that had been turned in three hours before the paper had to be sent to press. If it had been up to Jim, he would've just tossed the poorly written feature in the trash can and been done with it. Unfortunately, it had been written by Phyllis Fox, a member of the school's in crowd and...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Payback

Naomi was just the typical trophy wife, 5'7" with long blond hair and a body that could make most of the hottest women in the world ask for beauty tips. She was married to a successful industrial businessman, however she was unhappy. She obviously married John for the money but secretly there was another reason. John was the best lover she had ever known, he could fuck her all night long and make her see stars in the process. Naomi was always up to spice up their lives because although John...

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Texas TerrorChapter 3 Payback

I had settled onto the bed when Lori returned, after a bath, wearing a modest night gown. She was the picture of obedience. I was relaxed and unprepared for her next move. She quietly went to her side of the bed with a new perspective on our relationship. " You've hurt me for the last time.", she said quietly as she took a snub-nosed.38 out of her nightstand. I knew she could handle the weapon. I had taught her how myself. It was for protection when I was gone, and at this range she...

4 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 15 Sunday March 6 Payback

'HEY LITTLE BROTHER! Morrie and Julie are about to wake up the two lovebirds.' The vision appeared just in time for me to see 'the parents' standing on either side of the bed with a tray of food each. "My but I think we've come at just the right time Morrie, the pair of them look as though they're in great need of this," said Julie as they each made a little space at the side of the bed to put their tray down before Morrie shook Anne gently by the shoulder. "Wakey-wakey...

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