- 4 years ago
- 30
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"Ambulance six"
"Ambulance six at Speer and Broadway."
"Ambulance six respond to Le Crepe restaurant at 14th and Larimer on a party short of breath."
"14th and Larimer. Copy and en route."
"Watch for Pumper-1 responding with you."
We were less than two minutes away. The pumper crew should have the story by the time we arrived. As soon as we pulled up I grabbed the bag and headed inside with my partner while the firefighters brought the stretcher. The Captain met us at the door and reported a young female was having an apparent allergic reaction and was barely able to breath. When I got to her side, she was supine on the floor, wheezing audibly, her color was ashen and her lips were cyanotic. The firefighters were just getting the oxygen on her.
Bending over her so she could see my face, I asked, "Are you able to talk?"
She shook her head 'no'. The poor girl was terrified.
I listened to her chest with my stethoscope and verified she was barely moving air. Respiratory arrest was imminent if we didn't fix it quickly. "What's her pressure?' I asked my partner.
"Systolic is 58 and the monitor shows bradycardia at 32."
Damn, I thought. Her heart's about to poop out.
While my partner was trying to get an IV started, I leaned down and took her face in my hands to make her look at me. "Miss, my name's Kevin. I'm a paramedic. I need to do something to make it easier for you to breathe. Do you understand?" Her eyelids were at half-mast but she nodded her head.
"OK, Miss, listen to me. I'm going to pass a plastic tube through your nose and into your airway. It's going to be very uncomfortable for you but it's important that you don't fight me, OK? As you feel the tube entering your nose, just keep swallowing. Do you understand?"
She didn't respond at all this time. She was loosing consciousness and I needed to move quickly. I took a 6.5 ET tube out of my bag and smeared the end with lidocaine gel. Tilting her head slightly forward, I passed the tube through the nostril and into her throat. She didn't even flinch; she was out. Her efforts to breathe were weak but still effective enough that by putting my ear to the end of the tube, I could follow the sound of her breath to the opening to the larynx. On the next inhalation, I pushed it through, advanced it down into her trachea and inflated the cuff with ten cc's of air. A firefighter already had the bag hooked up to the O2 and ready to go. I began to inflate her lungs but I was pushing against a lot of resistance.
"Her veins are collapsed," my partner said. "I can't get a line in her. Should I give her .5 of epi sub-q?"
"I don't think her circulations is good enough to disperse it. Give me 10 cc's, I'll push it down the tube." I squirted the epinephrine down the tube and continued to inflate her lungs. Gradually, the resistance eased and I was able to get more air into her. I checked the cardiac monitor and saw that her heart rate was picking up and was now at 86. As her brain began to re-perfuse, she started to wake up and began coughing against the tube in her throat.
As her eyes focused on my face I said, "Miss, you're starting to breathe better now. Do you understand?" She nodded her head.
"I know you don't like this tube in your throat but we need to leave it in place until we get to the hospital."
Turning to the fire crew, I said, "OK, guys. Let's get her into the ambulance. Captain, thanks for you help. Good work as usual. Have one of the waitresses put this girl's meal in a carry-out carton so we can get it analyzed for allergens at the hospital."
By the time we arrived at the emergency department, the patient was fully conscious. I gave my report to the triage nurse as we moved her into a treatment room. The Doc quickly auscultated her chest and confirmed she was moving air well and her level of consciousness was good. She leaned down to the patient and said, "Miss, you're doing OK now. We're going to take this tube out and it may make you want to vomit." The cuff was deflated and the tube removed without too much discomfort.
I breathed a little sigh of relief. "OK, Doctor Haddad, I'll go write my report."
"Thanks, Kevin. Nice work!"
The rest of my shift passed without anything nearly as intense. I turned the rig over to the next crew and headed through the ER on my way to the parking lot. As I passed one of the treatment rooms, a hoarse, raspy voice called "Kevin!" I looked in and saw it was the young lady with the allergy. She was sitting up, dressed in one of the hospital's high-fashion gowns and looking so much better with some color in her cheeks and some life in her eyes.
"Hi! Glad to see you're doing so well. Are they going to cut you loose pretty soon?"
"Yeah, when my mom gets here to pick me up." She could only speak in a whisper; pretty common after having a tube pushed through your vocal cords. "Doctor Haddad said you saved my life. I just wanted to thank you. I wish there was some way I could show my appreciation."
"You're more than welcome. It's what we do."
"I know, but I want to say thank you anyway. My name is Millie," she smiled holding out her hand. "Doctor Haddad told me your first name but she said it was against policy to give out full names."
I took the offered hand. "Yeah, it's just a way to help keep our work in the workplace. You know, a certain level of anonymity. My last name is Mendel. What's the allergy that caused all this?"
"I'm allergic to iodine. I didn't order anything with seafood but there must have been some in what I ate. I intend to see that the restaurant pays all my medical expenses."
"I doubt you'll get much of an argument from them, Millie, especially if they're looking at a possible big, fat law suit. Well, I'm really happy to see you're doing so well. Nothing personal but I hope we don't meet again." It's an old joke in the business but it gets a laugh anyway.
I left and headed home by way of the Red Garter bar for a couple of beers and some socializing. I was hoping Darla, one of the ER nurses would be there. We've been close friends for years and sometimes she's amenable to a tumble in the hay if I look like I'm pathetically in need. We'd been an item at one time but wound up deciding mutually that, while we loved the sex, living in the same space didn't suit either of us. I asked Luis, the bartender if he'd seen her and he said she was going to be out of town for a few days attending a trauma conference. It looked like a quiet night ahead.
After my shift the next afternoon, I was on my way to the parking lot across the street from the hospital when someone called my name. I looked around and saw a young lady waving to me as she got out of her car and crossed the street. It took me a few seconds to place the face ... it was Millie, the girl with the allergy.
"Millie! Hi, how are you feeling? I see you got your voice back." She was wearing jeans and a pale yellow tank top, both of which she filled out very nicely. Really a great looking girl with short-cropped black hair, beautiful pale blue eyes and a face you might see in a fashion ad. Add a few freckles across her nose.
"Yeah, just a little sore throat but, believe me, I'm not complaining," she laughed. "Kevin, I'm really glad I caught you. I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my place for dinner some time." She saw the hesitation in my face. "Umm, you could bring your girl friend or your wife or whoever. I just wanted to show my appreciation somehow."
"I don't have either, Millie. It's not that, but it is kind of an ethical dilemma for me. Let me explain. What you went through yesterday was a terrible thing, physically and emotionally very challenging. It's not uncommon for someone who went through what you did to feel a strong attachment to anyone who helped them through it, but it can make them emotionally vulnerable. If it was perceived by anyone that I somehow took advantage of that vulnerability, not only would I feel terrible about it, I could lose my job. Believe me, if I had met you under any other circumstances, I would have been wracking my brain to come up with a way to get to know you a lot better. I can't tell you how much it means to me to hear you express you thanks, it rarely happens in this business, but I have to say no thank you to your invitation."
She looked just a little bit put out. "Is that a rehearsed speech?" she asked mildly.
"No, Millie, it's not. Please don't think I'm being patronizing and please don't be angry with me. I happen to think you are a very attractive woman in every way and the temptation to take you up on your offer strains my limits, but it just wouldn't be right, not this soon after your ordeal. If you baked cookies for me, I'd gladly accept them and share them with my partner and the pumper crew who were also there to help pull you out of a disaster."
After thinking about it for a few seconds, Millie sighed and then smiled. "My dad's a lawyer, Kevin, so I've been taught all about 'the perception of impropriety'. I can see now how my invitation might put you in a tight spot. I just want you to know that I'll never forget what you did. Thanks again for giving me back my life." She leaned forward and kissed my cheek, then turned and ran back across the street to her car.
A week later I walked into the office to check my mailbox before my shift. The Chief saw me come in and waved me into his office. "Kevin, that box there on the chair is for you. A real knockout of a woman brought it in yesterday afternoon and asked me to make sure you got it, so, there you are."
"Thanks, Chief. Did she leave a message or say who she was?"
"No, but I told her you'd be on duty today if she wanted to see you. She said it was too soon, whatever that means."
I made the connection immediately and smiled. I was sure I knew what was inside, and I was right; two dozen scrumptious looking home made tollhouse cookies. There was a note inside the box as well. It said, 'These are for some very special people in my life. Let me know when it's not too soon'. The note had her phone number on it. When my partner arrived, I gave him six and asked him to stop by Fire Station 1 so I could drop a dozen off for the pumper crew. A hundred times since I last saw Millie, I kicked myself for turning down her invitation, but I still knew it was the right thing to do. That didn't stop me from fantasizing about her every time I felt particularly horny.
When we got to the firehouse, the Captain on Pumper-1 laughed and said we were too late because Millie had dropped off a box of cookies for them as well. What a sweetheart.
My day went rapidly downhill after that. Our first call was to the east side of the city on a domestic dispute with possible weapons involved. These are the calls emergency responders dread the most because we never have any idea what we're going to walk in on. Two police units pulled up to the scene at the same time we did. Our policy is to wait outside while the police make initial contact and then enter if we're needed. There was a lot of screaming from inside, then a voice, presumably a cop, shouted "Drop the weapon!" At the same time I heard the gunshots, the front window of the house blew out and I felt like I'd been kicked in the chest by a mule, falling back against the side of the ambulance. When my partner turned around to see what had happened, his eyes got like saucers. "Holy shit, Kevin, you've been shot!" I looked down and saw a hole had been punched in my white shirt just under my right clavicle. The pain hadn't really kicked in yet but I knew I was in trouble.
"Shit! Call for a second ambulance, Jerry! And get an IV started on me now. And some O2, I'm starting to feel a little short of breath."
Everything moved very quickly after that. The police had taken down the shooter and he was dead inside the house. The second ambulance had arrived within five minutes (although it seemed like an hour) and had me in the ER ten minutes after that. I was really happy to see Dr. Haddad's face looking down at me in the trauma room.
"You're doing OK, Kevin. Your pressure is good and so is your O2 sat. You've got a pneumothorax and free blood in your chest so, as you know, we're going to have to put in a chest tube. Dr. Cohen is on the way down to evaluate you and get you ready for surgery if that's what they decide to do. Is there anyone you want us to call?"
"Umm, not right now. I'll call my mom after the surgery when I can give her some good news."
Dr. Haddad leveled one of her infamous disapproving looks at me. "I'm a mother, Kevin, and I'm pretty sure she might not appreciate your consideration, but I'll leave that up to you."
As the anesthetic wore off in the recovery room, my shoulder and my chest began to throb. My mom had been called in spite of my request and was sitting beside me. Her tears splashed on my face when she kissed me on the forehead. "Take it easy, Mom. I'll be fine."
"I know, Kevin. I've already spoken to Dr. Cohen. I'm just so happy to see you looking back at me and to hear your voice."
The recovery room nurse injected something into my IV line and said, "This is something for the pain and we're going to put you back to sleep now. You'll be in the ICU overnight, then we'll move you to a private room."
I really did get a private room. Hospital policy was, if a private room were available, any cop, firefighter or medic injured in the line of duty would get it. An even nicer surprise was who was waiting for me when they wheeled me in. It was Millie! And damned if she wasn't crying too. Between her and my mother, you would have thought it was a wake.
Taking the offered hand, I chided, "Hey, take it easy. The bullet didn't do nearly as much damage as it might have and I'm going to be just fine, OK?"
"Don't be so darned clinical," she came back, sniffling. "It's a woman's prerogative to be emotional. Jeez, Kevin, I almost died when I heard about it on the news. They reported that you had been taken to the hospital in critical condition. I came right away but they wouldn't allow any visitors to the ICU." She leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips.
"Mmm!" I smiled and licked my lips. "That's good medicine but you might need to up the dosage."
Mom broke in with a chuckle. "Ahem! I hope I'm not intruding on a private moment."
"No, Mom, you're not. This is Millie Carter, a former patient and now my friend. Millie, this is my mother, Beth Mendel."
"I'm so happy to meet you Mrs. Mendel. Your son may not have told you that he truly saved my life last week. The news of his injury floored me and I just had to come and see him."
"No, Millie, he never talks about his work. I only get second hand reports of his good deeds."
I had to break in before it got too deep. "OK, OK, ladies, enough already! By the way Millie, thanks for the great cookies. I managed to stuff a couple of them down before my day went south."
By the time I'd described all the gory details of the shooting, I was getting pretty tired. Both of them said they'd be back later. A detective from the police department came in and took a statement. There was nothing I could add that they didn't already know but they needed it for the record. I remember thinking as I drifted off to sleep that maybe the current circumstances might mitigate my earlier ethical dilemma.
On the fourth day after my surgery, Dr. Cohen came into my room while Millie was visiting and said that everything looked so good that he'd be happy to cut me loose to go home but only if there was someone there to watch after me and make sure I stayed relatively inactive for at least another week. I'd already been up walking for the past three days with a sling holding my right arm in place and I was getting anxious to leave the hospital. Three quarters of the paramedic division and several firefighters had visited and, while I was appreciative, it was all pretty tiring. I said I supposed that I could stay at my mom's house for a few days. Millie broke into the conversation and said, "Oh, let me do it, Kevin. There's a spare bedroom at my place. I've got tons of vacation time saved up and I'm a pretty good cook." I was about to graciously beg off but when I saw the expectant look in her eyes, my resolve faded away.
"Well, Mom does have a business to run so, if you don't think it would be too much trouble..."
"No trouble at all. OK, it's settled then. When can he leave, Dr. Cohen?"
The good doctor looked at me and then at Millie and grinned like a Cheshire cat. "I'll go sign you out now. You know what to look for, Kevin, so if anything doesn't feel right, get your butt back here on the double, OK? Maybe I should add, 'mild physical activity only'." Millie went to get her car while an orderly provided the obligatory wheelchair ride to the hospital entrance. We stopped by my apartment and packed some clothes and personal items for my stay.
Millie lived in an awesome apartment on the twelfth floor of a high-rise condo overlooking the park. Her spare bedroom was larger than my living room. "This is beautiful! I see you live in the upper stratum of society."
"My parents do ... I don't. This place belongs to my dad. He bought it as an investment when property prices were going nuts. When the bottom dropped out of the condo market, he said he was damned it he was going to give it away and said I could live here until he could at least break even on it. My own personal ways and means are a lot more humble. Like you, I work for a living and I never ask my folks for money and I insist on paying rent on the apartment. My dad thinks it's stupid but I moved out of my parent's house to be independent and independent I shall be."
"Good for you. A girl after my own heart," I praised, patting her on the shoulder.
"I hope so," she said impishly. "OK, let's get your shoes off and you can lie back for a little rest while I unpack your stuff. That control there on the nightstand will raise and lower the head of the bed. I'm guessing that lying flat isn't very comfortable for you."
"Thanks, and you right. This will be a lot more comfortable than trying to sleep on a stack of pillows. If it's all right with you, I'd really like to take a hot shower first. I just need a little help with this sling and then I can one-hand it from there."
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He probably should’ve realized something wasn’t quite right when he came home and she was waiting for him in nothing but a sheer top in a candlelit living room. It wasn’t totally new to find her this way. Tonight something felt different? Maybe it was that she was wearing a new top he hadn’t seen before? But what really caught his attention was that she was playing with the new dildo he bought specifically to tease her ass with the night before. ‘I didn’t think I’d enjoy last night quite the...
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Hi guys, this is Krish, and I am back with another story under the umbrella of office chronicles. This one’s about how I took on my manager and tore her to bits. So here we go… I had been working in this company for nearly two years now, with a boss who was always on my case and causing trouble and without any recognition for kicking ass day in and day out. My boss was an absolute bitch, she was in her mid thirties, and was divorced. I was 27 and was having the time of my life outside of work,...
Tanja woke up from the muffled moaning at the end of her bed. She lazily stretched her muscles stroked a hand through her long blond hair and examined herself. Hmmmm she moaned she had fallen asleep wearing the clothes she wore last night: Thighigh leather boots, leather skirt, leather bustier and operalength leather gloves. She felt the leather against her skin and it immediately aroused her again. Her nipples went rockhard and her 34DD chest heaved as she started to slowly move down between...
“Why the fuck did she go and do that?!” I shouted down the phone to my best mate, “She looks like a little boy! How am i supposed to wank over the bitch now!”“Ha ha, Im sure her first thought wasnt about whether her perv fans would still be able to cum over her to be honest mate!” he replied.We were of course discussing Emma Watson and her new haircut. After getting the role of Hermione in the Harry Potter films aged 11, the whole world had seen her transform from a cute little girl into a...
Today I rode to the local medical marijuana dispensary on my bike. Let me rephrase, my bicycle. I have a car, but have much enjoyed the physical advantages to riding in reasonable distance on a bike. About five miles out, two in, I encountered a silver SUV stalled out in the right lane of a busy street I was biking through. Naturally I stopped because I am a good person, and I know the detrimental exchange of the bystander effect ( When there are more people around, a single person is less...
I love Venice Beach,CA. When ever I have a couple of bucks to blow I will take turns vacationing either thereor Vegas (they're both pretty close to Phoenix). Shan6969, my ex and now periodical fuckbuddy, digs Venice as well. I can't count how many times we visited there when we were an "item". Shan6969 lives back east andalways comes in town unexpected ready to fuck. This time was no different. Her call woke me up Friday at 1:22 a.m.BOIDYNHO:(sleepily) "Hello?" SHAN6969: "Wake up you big black...
For the longest time I suspected Jose cheating. I never had proof, it was just a feeling. I'm not one to snoop around, but I just had to find out. After 4 years of being together and living together, I thought I had rights to. One day while he was at work, I decided to check my computer. There was a file called "Music Baby". Hmmm, I wondered. I know he sings and all but music baby? So I clicked on the file and there were many folders, with folders inside. I found pictures of him fucking this...
1 Chapter 1 Ok, so maybe I do have a few issues, but whatever it’s not like I was a complete psycho. Since I don’t exist to him, I needed to figure out a way for him to see me. I had so much anger towards this guy, whom I’d had this obsession with for months. I tried everything to get his attention to try and become friends but he kept blowing me off. Who did he think he was all powerful and mighty? Thinking he was better than everyone. Well,...
Having established their intentions, each turned to the older woman kneeling before them, her hands taped together behind her back, a strip of tape over her mouth. John reached down and ripped the tape from her mouth, smiling a sadistic smile when she screamed. "Well, Grandma, it's time to teach you a lesson", he said, his face filled with cruel joy. *** To understand the events that are about to occur, you must understand what came before. John and Mark had been raised by their...
This is crazy.I now understood women’s attitude to being viewed as meat in a cattle market.Twenty men, standing naked, slowly masturbating.Clothed women circled us, drinks in hand, inspecting us, fondling genitals.When satisfied with their selection, the man would walk off behind her, and disappear behind one of a series of curtains. Soon I was picked, and followed my woman behind the curtain, entering a cubicle where clothed women of various ages, sipped drinks.Well, this is itTo continue...
IncestAs noted, all my stories are true...The other night, the wife opened a bottle of red wine. This is always a good sign... without the wine, she's a prude, uninterested in any sexy times. But with a glass or two, she gets a little warm and a little turned on.She had three glasses.Twenty minutes later, she dragged me upstairs. "I'm sleepy!" she protested. But as soon as she got into bed, the sound of her magic wand came from under the blankets. I slipped off my boxers and started to stroke myself,...
The Police force had let them go three men who groomed and raped four teenagers the locals were not happy. The three were all Immigrants from the far East and had large families so getting to them was not easy. Two ex nurses and one ex police woman had a plan. Revenge would be drastic. One of the guys worked as cab driver and they found out which company he worked for. Over the next few days they prepared all they needed drugs surgical instruments and restraints. They agreed to call the...
Prologue Kyran Hamilton was a busy young woman. The tall, curvaceous redhead with the lovely face was involved with two separate tasks at the same time, although the first was the only one requiring any active thought. The second was, however, delightfully making concentrating on the first hard to do. She was making a valiant effort and, judging from audible and tactile responses, her effort was being appreciated. Kyran was performing these tasks, on her knees, in front of the desk chair of...
I approached the door nervously. I was dressed in something relatively normal — well normal for this new life I guess. I was wearing pink panties, white stockings with matching garter belt, pink four inch heels, pink silk gloves and of course the black leather cuffs that were locked onto my wrists and ankles. I had been summoned, so there was no way I could hesitate safely. I knocked. Called inside, I quickly approached her chair and knelt before her. I knew better than to look around before...
The idea had been stirring for a couple of months now as I was finishing a hot shower getting ready to surprise an old friend who was becoming somewhat of a pest, dropping by on my day off in the middle of the week. I had asked that he not drop by on Wednesdays, as I wanted to catch up on my soap opera’s on my one afternoon off per week. He still kept coming and cleaned the house for me, and my teenage daughter, and took care of the pets when we were gone for little trips. Kind of like a...
For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story I Warned You, I'm here to let you know that I did not go gently into that good night. For those of you who did not read that story, I'll give you a short synopsis. I work too damn hard and too damn many hours on my job. My home life sucks because I'm too damn tired from the job to give my wife the attention I want to give and get too many honey do lists finished. The stress was getting to me so I decided to treat myself to...
Jim Grant moved quickly down the long, semi-illuminated, basement hallway. The seventeen-year-old was one of the editors of the high school paper and had spent the better part of two hours rewriting an article that had been turned in three hours before the paper had to be sent to press. If it had been up to Jim, he would've just tossed the poorly written feature in the trash can and been done with it. Unfortunately, it had been written by Phyllis Fox, a member of the school's in crowd and...
Naomi was just the typical trophy wife, 5'7" with long blond hair and a body that could make most of the hottest women in the world ask for beauty tips. She was married to a successful industrial businessman, however she was unhappy. She obviously married John for the money but secretly there was another reason. John was the best lover she had ever known, he could fuck her all night long and make her see stars in the process. Naomi was always up to spice up their lives because although John...
I had settled onto the bed when Lori returned, after a bath, wearing a modest night gown. She was the picture of obedience. I was relaxed and unprepared for her next move. She quietly went to her side of the bed with a new perspective on our relationship. " You've hurt me for the last time.", she said quietly as she took a snub-nosed.38 out of her nightstand. I knew she could handle the weapon. I had taught her how myself. It was for protection when I was gone, and at this range she...
'HEY LITTLE BROTHER! Morrie and Julie are about to wake up the two lovebirds.' The vision appeared just in time for me to see 'the parents' standing on either side of the bed with a tray of food each. "My but I think we've come at just the right time Morrie, the pair of them look as though they're in great need of this," said Julie as they each made a little space at the side of the bed to put their tray down before Morrie shook Anne gently by the shoulder. "Wakey-wakey...
I woke up feeling sore and completely spent. It'd been about a month since I pierced Lindz and things were going very well. We agreed that things may have progressed a little too quickly our first weekend together and were determined to use her month of self-imposed abstinence to get to know each other better. We'd both lived in DC for years and had a lot of fun showing off our favorite haunts. It helped that we worked in completely different fields as there always seemed to be a happy hour...
That December we received an invitation to Robert and Megan Stanwick's house for a Christmas party. This would be the second party at the Stanwick's since Robert became Jennifer's manager. Thursday evening, the night before the party Jennifer was trying to find something to wear and asked me, "What should I wear tomorrow night?" I said, "Something short and clingy, showing lots of cleavage. You need to look sexy tomorrow." Jennifer gave me a quizzical look and asked, "Why?" I...
Charlie POV: (Still) Rex sent us all (mentally) some info on how two unsuspecting Coast Guard Cutters had been hit by torpedoes, down in the Caribbean. One had been sunk and the other was barely able to stay afloat. 12 crew had been killed and another 20 severely injured. The Lieutenant that I’d met as ‘Jonah’ was among the injured. A Naval Destroyer had just arrived and the injured were being treated thereon. I was now even more emotionally invested in taking out Rafael and his forces....
"That Bastard"! How dare he..'. The words sounded angry and hurt spoken out loud. Yet as Kathy stood alone in front of her bedroom mirror it was all she could do not to let the tears start again. After crying all afternoon she was determined that they would be the last she ever shed for her cheating hubby Paul. For a moment she felt herself begin to well-up, then forcing her emotions back down she dried her eyes and re-applied her mascara with careful precision. She needed to be strong. If...
Interracial"I tell you, Tommy boy, I been waiting for this moment a long time. Every time I had to get off in my hand or some jailhouse punk's mouth, I thought of your wife. I can't wait till she gets home." "Leave her alone, you bastards!" Officer Tom Barkley screamed. He pulled futilely at the handcuffs--his own-- that secured him to the kitchen chair. The effort almost caused him to tip over, and the three other men in his kitchen laughed uproariously as a frantically attempted to right himself. There...
InterracialNote : This story is completely fictional! I was a young boy in my teens visisting my aunts house in the north country for two weeks. My aunt had two daughters that were a couple years older than me. I had my bed on the same floor as her daughters who were just getting into dating. Everytime they came back at night and go into their room, they would leave the door adjar and I would sneek over and watch them as they undressed. This particular time was a saturday night and the girls were...
IncestNicole stormed through the hallway as angry as can be. She passed by Andrea, who used to be her friend but now was her enemy when she betrayed her and left her just to be Reha's friend. Reha was good at winning friends over people, nobody even knew how a 5 foot tall indian girl was so popular, a lot of girls really liked to chill with her. It all happened the last week, Nicole was texting her then best friend of 5 years, Andrea. But Reha decided to put things in her hands when she spread rumors...
FetishRuth my wife and i David 20, had known each other for 18 years as we met at sunday school. Both of us only children to older church going parents. We became boy/girl friend when we were 16 but never had sex we were both virgins. Ruth is a tall 5.10", with a slim figure and i must say big boobs (compared to the rest of her and they seem to be bigger, long legs wears glasses and is a very pretty brunette.I am blond good lookin and slim also. We both trained as helpers in foreign lands and had a...
InterracialVenice was having one of those days, she had a tough day at work and as soon as the clock hit 5:00pm she hurriedly got to her car and pulled away just as the rain started. Venice’s commute was very long. It took her an hour each way. She knew that it would take longer in the downpour she was in. As she pulled onto the highway she looked down and noticed that the her already too short denim skirt had ridden all the way up to hip and she is soaked. She sighed heavily thinking that her day...