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                                         Chapter 1

   Ok, so maybe I do have a few issues, but whatever it’s not like I was a complete psycho. 

  Since I don’t exist to him, I needed to figure out a way for him to see me. I had so much anger towards this guy, whom I’d had this obsession with for months. I tried everything to get his attention to try and become friends but he kept blowing me off.  Who did he think he was all powerful and mighty?  Thinking he was better than everyone.  Well, I was going to teach him a lesson.

So, the time was finally here, I was going to make him notice me.  He didn’t see me watching him; he didn’t see me sneak into his house. 

I heard him in the shower, so I slipped the pill into his glass of whiskey.  ?He will never know what hit him?, I thought to myself.  I hid in the closet by the living room and waited.  I didn’t have to wait long; he was already out of the shower and back on the sofa drinking his whiskey.  

About a half hour later, he was passed out.  I guess the guy who sold me the stuff wasn’t lying when he said it was very powerful stuff. I knew from doing my research that he was going to be passed out for at least 10 to 12 hours.  That was just enough time to get everything I needed set up and get him ready for his new life. 

I had done my research on him and knew that he didn’t have a lot of friends.  I knew that he worked from home as a free lance writer so; I knew no one would be really missing him.  This was perfect, he was perfect.

I ran back to my car and drove it into his garage.  After closing the garage door, I started unloading everything I was going to need. My power drill, screws, chains and steel rings just to name a few.

He had the perfect room too, I couldn’t believe my luck.  And here I thought I was going to have to improvise.  I emptied my car and brought everything I had with me to his storage room, which was now where he was going to suffer.

Hours later, he was all hooked up to his chains, lying on the floor when he started to move around. When he finally woke up he was pretty groggy. He started fighting trying to get out of his shackles but of course I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

I woke up with the worst headache I have ever had. I tried to move but I couldn’t.  I realized in horror that I was shackled and chained up. I tried to get out but I couldn’t move I was trapped.  When my eyes finally focused I saw this woman standing above me.  I vaguely even knew this person.  I had seen her around maybe even talked to her a few times but that was it.  What could this psycho possibly want with me? This was crazy.  My mind was really foggy, I was trying to remember what happened.  The last thing I remember is sitting on the sofa finishing my glass of whiskey.  I remember getting really tired all of a sudden?..

?Give it up; you won’t ever be getting out of those shackles.? I told him. ?Who are you and what do you want from me?? He stammered.  I could tell he was trying hard to hide his fear.  At that point I stepped on his balls with my four inch black stiletto heels.  He screamed in pain. ?That is not how you address your Mistress? I said to him pushing down even harder on his balls. ?You will only speak when spoken to and you will address me as Mistress.?  ?Yes Mistress.? He said.

?Do you know why you’re here?? I asked. ?I honestly have no idea what’s really going on here?, Please tell me Mistress.? He begged.  ?For months you barely spoke to me and when you did you were very rude to me.’ ‘All I ever wanted was for you to acknowledge me but you wouldn’t and now you are going to notice me!? I yelled at him. ?I’ve decided that I need a slave and you’re it.? ?You thought you were too good for everyone, well not anymore.? ?You’re my slave now and you’re going to do everything I tell you or things are going to get really bad for you.? I said. ?NO! I won’t.’ ‘You can’t force me to do anything I don’t want to do.? He stammered. I didn’t even respond.  I simply reached under my skirt, pulled off my thong and walked over towards his head. ?What are you doing?? he asked.  ?Teaching you a lesson.? I said.  I stepped over his head facing his feet and squatted down. ?Drink up, you piece of shit!? I commanded.  ?No, that’s disgusting? He replied. So, I pried his mouth open and sat my pussy right down on his face. ?I suggest you start drinking if you wish to breathe again.? I started pissing in his mouth and I heard him gagging. ?Keep drinking slave.? I replied.  ?Now clean me up dog!? I ordered, once I was done pissing.  He started licking me all around my hole and the sides of my lips. ?Good slave? I said once he was done. I got up and walked away from him.  I put my thong back on and proceeded to walk to the door.  ?Is this all done now?’ ‘Are you going to undo me now?? He asked.  ?Nope this is only the beginning for you.? I said with a big smile on my face.  He looked really scared and uncomfortable.  But too bad for him he was going to suffer. 

That was the most disgusting thing I have ever done.  I was really terrified at this point.  I had dabbled with golden showers with some girlfriends of mine in the past. I kind of had this thing for being degraded.  I loved being with a woman who knew how to take control but this, this was never something I wanted to do.  I hated being tied up like this against my own free will. I had to get out of these shackles.  She couldn’t have shackled me up properly.  There’s got to be a way for me to get out of this before things get worse.

I never realized how much power I would feel just by pissing in his mouth.  It was the greatest feeling in the world.  Then I had a thought, if I felt this good just by pissing in his mouth, I can only imagine how good it would feel to take a shit in his mouth.  Of course he would have to eat every drop of it.  I wasn’t going to clean up a mess. 

I had to go run some errands and he was going to have to stay where he was.  This was going to be so great; a new place to live and a guy waiting for me when I came home.  The best part was that I wouldn’t have to use a regular toilet.  I had my brand new toilet.  He was still rough around the edges but nothing a little breaking in wouldn’t solve.

So I went out to do my errands and when I got back I decided to cook some breakfast.  He probably thinks I’m cooking him breakfast as well.  I thought laughing to myself.  He was in for one hell of a surprise!  I was looking around his kitchen trying to find where everything was.  I knew this was going to take some getting used to. 

A little while after I was finished eating I started getting really bad cramps.  I knew it was almost time to empty myself.  This was going to be so much fun, I thought.

I walked back into the room and he had a slight smile on his face which seemed to disappear once he saw that I was empty handed. ?Did you think I made some breakfast for you too?? I asked with a huge smirk on my face. ?Well I can’t make my own breakfast and I’m starved.’ ‘You can’t starve me you know; I do have rights as a human being!? He bellowed.  ?Yes you do have rights as a human being and don’t worry you will be well fed.? I said laughing now.

I took off my thong again and walked over to him.  He was now looking at me with this terror in his eyes.  I squatted on his face again, this time with my back towards his feet. ?Open up slave, time for you to eat!? I commanded. Just then he started moving his head from side to side. All I could hear were muffled sounds. I started to laugh. ?I like it when you give me a hard time.’ ‘It makes the victory that much sweeter? I said laughing.  ?Now lick my ass hole to stimulate my anus.? I demanded.  He kept fighting me so I pried his mouth open again and put all my weight on his mouth. ?Do it I said!? He hesitantly started slowly licking my ass hole. I could now feel the shit slowly sliding down my rectum. ?Now wrap your lips around my ass hole? I commanded.  He did as he was told. I could feel the shit sliding down it was almost ready to come out. I push down a bit to hurry it up but I let out this loud fart. ?Eat my farts, toilet? I said.  It was already pretty stinky.  This only made me happier.  I knew how disgusting this shit was going to smell. Then the shit started to come out. It slid out of my ass hole and I could feel it going into his mouth.  He was gagging but I could hear him chewing.  The first log was pretty small and he finished it pretty quickly.  The next log that came out of my ass was a lot bigger.  This one he was really going to have to work at. I made sure to let the shit come out slowly so he had time to chew and swallow.  I could hear him chewing and swallowing but he wasn’t gagging so much anymore.  I could smell how horrible my shit was but he kept on eating.  Log after log he ate.  Once I was done, I realized I had forgotten a roll of toilet paper.  I guess he was going to have to clean me up!  ?Lick my ass clean Toilet!? I demanded. He did as he was told cleaning every part of my ass hole including the sides of my cheeks.  He was quickly becoming a good little toilet.                                                               

I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.  Her shit was so disgusting.  I thought drinking her piss was horrible.  Eating her shit was so much worse.  It smelled so putrid.  But, the taste was so much worse.  It was sticky and so hard to swallow.  I couldn’t wait for this to be done.  I knew I had to figure a way out of this.  I just needed time to think.


Chapter 2

I was lying on the sofa watching TV thinking to myself.  I had really pulled it off. The best part was that no one who really knew me would think I was actually capable of this.  It was great.  I liked trying new things out especially on my new slave. It hasn’t been that long since this all started but I was becoming quite comfortable with my new toilet.  Thinking of which, I had to pee.

So, this time I went in the room with nothing on under my dress.  I didn’t speak a word I just walked over to his head and squatted.  He started licking my hole and I immediately started to piss. Once I was done he cleaned me up.  This was almost perfect but I was really starting to miss the whole fighting me thing.  I thought this guy would have put up more of a fight.

?Please let me go.  I’ve done everything you wanted without giving you a hard time.  I’m sorry for hurting you but I can’t take this anymore please let me go.? He whined.  ?You really are pathetic you know that.  Just when I was thinking how good of a slave you were becoming; you’re not going anywhere. You’re becoming a good little toilet and I’ve decided to keep you.  Once again you will obey my rules.  When I think you have earned luxuries only then will you receive them at my sole discretion.  I own you now slave.? I said. ?You are a toilet slave you will be used for that sole purpose.  You no longer have any other reason to live.  The sooner you accept that the sooner you will be happy with your new way of life.? I said.  With that, I left the room.

I decided I needed some kind of chair to use. So that his mouth was free to really eat me shit.  I went out to the garage and found some pieces of wood.  There was just enough wood to make me a comfortable seat right above his face. I found the nails I would need and put this little seat together.  In no time it was finished.  It was perfect and I couldn’t wait to use it. So, I took off to the kitchen to start dinner and brought my new chair with me.

Dinner was so unbelievably delicious however; my stomach wasn’t feeling so good.  I was becoming really bloated and gassy.  Something I ate wasn’t sitting right in my stomach.  So, I had all this gas stored up in me and needed to let it out. I grabbed my chair, a magazine and brought them in the room.  He was lying there all chained up just looking at me with this scared look on his face.  Man this guy was a pussy. 

I took the chair and placed it right over his face.  It fit perfectly.  There wasn’t even half an inch between his face and the hole of the chair.  This was working out better than I had planned, I thought to myself.  So I sat my ass down on the chair.  Once I was sitting I immediately started farting.  So much gas, I was going to be here awhile.  I took out my magazine and started reading.  As I was reading I just kept on farting. But, I knew shit was coming soon.  The whole room was starting to stink from all my farts. Soon enough my farts were becoming very wet. ?Lick my ass clean!? I instructed. He started licking my ass hole clean and all the area around it.  This only made me want to shit even more.  I started to push hoping that would make me shit. I sat there patiently waiting for the shit to come.  Out of nowhere came this huge fart and with it came this huge log of shit.  I could hear him struggling under me.  I guess it came out a little too quick.  Haha that’s alright he will learn. ?Keep eating toilet, I think you’re going to get a big tasty dinner tonight? I teased. ?I’m going to sit on my comfy chair and relax while you eat up your dinner.?  I said. Boy did I ever have to shit. By now, this room was really starting to stink. I could barely handle my own smell.  I could just imagine how awful it was for him. I was really surprised at how much shit I had stored up in me.  The logs were huge in size.  I could really hear him chomping away.  He was biting right into it.  I guess he was really hungry. Finally, I was done for now.  This time though, I remembered the toilet paper.  His mouth was way too dirty after that load of shit to be able to actually clean me. So, I got up and wiped my ass clean.  Once that was done I put the toilet paper in his mouth for him to eat. ?I hope you enjoyed your meal, Toilet. There may be a snack for you later on tonight.? I said as I was leaving the room.

What kind of psycho would do this to an actual human being?  This woman must be pretty heartless and uncaring about humans to be able to do what she’s doing to me.  I never did anything to this woman. I keep racking my brain trying to remember something I must have done to her to deserve this but I can’t remember anything.  As far as I remember our brief encounters, I’ve always been nice to her.   I may not have been interested in her romantically but, why would she do this to me just because of that.  This doesn’t make sense.  I kept moving around checking my shackles and the chains trying to find some way out.  From what I can tell there was no way I was going to break free.

Her shit is so disgusting.   I haven’t eaten any real food in what feels like days.  All I know is that I can’t take eating any more of her shit. 

A couple of hours later, I was lying on the couch watching TV when I started getting cramps again.  The cramps started getting really bad and I knew I had to go Now! I flew off the couch and ran to my toilet.  I sat down on the chair just in time.  I let out this huge log of shit.  It just flew out of my ass and into his mouth.  I could tell that he was caught off guard but he didn’t seem to miss a beat.  Log after log he just kept eating.  These logs were really big and would fill his whole mouth up.  He really needed to swallow quickly in order to make room for another log of shit to go into his mouth. 

Finally my shit started to slow down some and I thought I was almost finished. Then I would feel him start to lick my asshole and more shit would come out. He would dart his tongue in my asshole and that would trigger more shit. These logs were harder than the ones previously but he didn’t seem to mind having to chew on my shit.  Once I was finally done he licked my ass clean.  I got up and left the room never saying a word to him or even acknowledging him.

That was worse than the first time I ate her shit.  What the hell was this woman thinking?  A human permanent toilet? That isn’t possible, or is it?  I’m not cut out for this.  All I can keep thinking about is getting out of here and away from her.  There has got to be a way out of this.

The next morning I woke up and made breakfast.  I was starting to get cramps but I didn’t feel like I needed to shit.  I left the house deciding that he would have to wait to be fed.  I ran some errands and went to work leaving him all by himself.  I knew this would be strange to him since he is usually fed before I left to work, but this morning I just didn’t have to shit.

I’m so glad she didn’t feed me again this morning. I know I couldn’t eat anymore of that shit of hers.  Man that’s some awful tasting shit.  I think she’s gone to work.  Its going to be a long day here.  Its so dark in here I can’t even tell what time of day it is.  I have no idea what time or even the date.  I have to try and get out of these shackles. 

Throughout the day I kept getting cramps and I really had to shit, but there was no way I was going to use a regular toilet. I had the best toilet back at home. This was the hard part; I would store up all my shit and piss for the day just so I could use my toilet. By the time I got home my stomach was really sore from holding my piss and shit all day.  So, I ran in the room to use my toilet. ?I hope you’re really thirsty and hungry Toilet, I’ve been saving this for you all day.? I said as I took a seat on his face. ?Now drink and eat up toilet.  I hope its extra tasty for you since it’s been stored up all day.? I laughed as I started pissing in his mouth.  It was a really long piss but he drank every drop of it.  ?Lick my asshole, I need help shitting today Toilet.  I commanded.  He did as he was told, licking every inch of my asshole.  He darted his tongue in my asshole and sure enough I started to shit.  At first these were really small logs of shit but these logs were hard and he had to bit into the shit to break it down so he could swallow.  After a while the logs started getting bigger and coming faster.  He really had to chew and swallow the shit as fast as he could in order to fit the rest in his mouth. ?Did you enjoy your dinner Toilet??  I asked as I was getting ready to leave the room again.  ?Yes, Mistress I did, thank you for feeding me.? With that said I left the room to enjoy the rest of my evening. 

I hated telling her what she wanted to hear.  I hated her feeding me her shit and denying me any real food.  This was unthinkable.  No one would ever believe me if I even get the chance to tell someone.  The cops would think I made this all up like it was some sick fantasy. 

I tried all day to get out of these shackles.  I think I’m going insane here.  At this point I am actually hoping that’s exactly what is happening to me.  Going insane would be a lot better than living in this reality.

        Chapter 3

I decided to take a long hot bath. I started thinking about how much of a good sport my slave was.  I was thinking maybe he deserved a little luxury. Of course that would come at a high price.                        

?Alright slave its treat time. I have decided to let you out of this room for a little while however, you will still be chained up hands and feet.  You will do everything I tell you from beginning to end. This is a one shot deal if you blow it you will not get another chance.? I told him. He looked up at me surprised but he seemed happy. So I untied the connections to his hands and feet leaving the chains attached. ?Follow me Toilet.? I commanded. He obliged willingly. I helped him to his feet.  He was pretty wobbly since it had been a long time since he was able to move. I walked him to the sofa and demanded that he lay down. Once he was lying down I climbed up and sat my ass right on his face. I turned on the TV so that he could at least listen to a movie while I watched.

I wanted her to think I was totally trustworthy, yes that was the plan earn her trust and then make my escape. 

Watching movies while sitting on my slave’s face was great. I had to pee and he was under me perfectly. I just started pissing and he would drink every last drop of it. He knew instinctively when I was starting.  Once I was done he made sure to clean me up exceptionally well. 

I decided to make some popcorn for the movie.  It wasn’t long after I finished eating my popcorn that I realized that my stomach was again upset.  ?Look out Toilet, that popcorn didn’t agree with me.  You have a snack coming!? With that out came the shit, with very little warning. My slave ate every last drop of my shit. The smell of course was horrible.  And the shit must have tasted even worse but he didn’t miss a beat. He just kept eating and eating my shit.  Once the shit started to slow down he started licking and sucking my asshole.  Another log of shit came out and he ate it all up. ?Good job Toilet! Now finish the job.? I demanded.  He did as he was told.  He cleaned every part of my ass paying special attention to my asshole. Licked my asshole for what seemed like a long time. I was really started to enjoy the cleaning part. I hardly ever used toilet paper anymore.

It was really hard to think clearly under all of her weight.  But I knew I had to keep making her think I was on the enjoying this side.  Maybe she wouldn’t like that and let me go.  All I knew was that if I wanted to escape I was going to have to keep earning her trust.   I was going to have to make her think that I was submitting to her. 

I finished watching the movie but since he had been so good I decided to watch another one.  He seemed to be pretty comfortable where he was under me.  I was pretty comfortable too.  Near the end of the movie I decided to have one more pee before bed.  I started peeing as usual and he was waiting so patiently for my piss.  He drank all my piss.  He cleaned up the left over dribble.  He was such a thorough cleaner.  Then all of sudden I let out this huge nasty fart.  He immediately was there to eat it up.  All of sudden he started licking my asshole trying to coax more shit out. To my surprise I could feel shit coming down my rectum again. ?Toilet, keep licking my asshole like that and you will get another snack.? I encouraged him.  The shit started coming out of my asshole and his mouth was already open and waiting. The shit slid right into his mouth.  This time the log was so long that he had to open up his throat and let it slide down his throat.  Once the log of shit ended, he was able to chew the rest and swallow.  Once I was done shitting I could feel him licking his lips clean.  Once he was done with that he cleaned my ass cheeks and asshole.  He cleaned my ass so good making sure no shit was left uncleaned. 

I finally got up off of his face and let him get up. ?Time for bed Toilet.? I said.  He got up from the couch and I led him back to his room and chained him back up. ?Thank you, Mistress for tonight.? He said.  I didn’t reply I just walked out of the room for the night.

That morning I got up and left for work. He was going to be starving again when I came home considering I was going to be later than usual.  Oh well, he would survive.  I was going to stop at the grocery store to pick up some items.  I was in the mood for something spicy.  Something that was really going to stink when it came out. He seemed to be a little too comfortable with my shit.  I think he was starting to enjoy it.  I definitely didn’t want that.  He was here to suffer and I wasn’t about to lose sight of that.  Just because I was really enjoying him as my toilet and having him around did not mean I was starting to like him.  I refused to go soft on him.  It was certainly time to step things up a notch.  I had been thinking about this all day. He was being a really good slave and he did deserve some luxuries however; he still deserved to be punished. Since he seemed to be enjoying my waste a little too much, well I was going to make him a little uncomfortable. I had just the thing.  I was walking down the aisles getting the items I needed to make my hot and spicy chilly when someone tapped me on the shoulder.  I jumped and looked up. ?Hi!? he said. ?I’ve seen you coming in and out of Darren’s place and I was wondering how he was doing.? He asked.  I was startled by the question and had to think fast. ?Oh, Darren is great. He’s actually out of the country for awhile. I’m just house sitting while he is away.? I explained, hoping he wouldn’t get suspicious or ask me anymore questions. ?Oh well that’s good, I’m glad to hear it. Take care.? He said as I was already starting to walk away.  That was close! I was thinking. He seemed to buy that and I was relieved. I hadn’t really thought a lot about how this was all going to play out.

I got home and started cooking the chili.  It wouldn’t be long now and the chili would be ready to eat.  I really needed to piss.  I had been holding it all day again.  I walked into the room and went directly over to my Toilet.  I sat down on his face and began to piss. ?I hope you’re thirsty Toilet, I’ve been filling up my bladder for you all day.? I said.  I must have pissed for what seemed like minutes.  He drank every bit of my piss.  Once I was done I told him about the man who stopped me in the grocery store. ?But don’t worry Toilet, I told him you were going to be out of the country for awhile, so no one will be looking for you.? I told him with a smirk on my face.  The light in his eyes seemed to go out at that time.  Like he was finally accepting his fate.
?Oh by the way, I’m making something extra special for dinner tonight.  I hope you like it.? I said as I was leaving the room.  I couldn’t help but smile to myself.  I had crushed this guy’s hopes.  He now knew for sure that no one was going to come looking for him.  This was perfect.  No one would suspect anything.  There was also nothing unusual about me house sitting. 

I guess that’s it for me.  There really is no way out.  No one will come looking for me.  Its not like I have a lot of friends or a social life.  I felt this despair wash over me.  All I could feel was doom.  This was the most horrible torturous time of my life and there was no way to stop it.  I was stuck at least for the time being and as more and more time was going by I was really starting to loose hope of ever getting out.  At one point I even had hope that she would have a heart and see that I’m not really happy here and let me go but this woman is too cold and heartless to do that.  The worse part is that I never knew what she was going to do next.  Sometimes it felt like the fear was going to over take me.  This woman could do whatever she wanted to me and there  was nothing I could do about that.  My whole life I’ve always had to be in control of everything and now?. That control has totally been taken away.  

I went to the kitchen to check on dinner.  I was starving! My chili was ready to eat.  I sat at the table with my bowl of chili.  I took a bite of the chili.  Man this was spicy.  I had to drink a big glass of milk as my mouth was on fire it was so hot.  The whole time I was eating I was smiling. I was thinking about how bad this was going to be when it came out of my ass.  The gas alone was going to make him gag. 

After dinner, I decided to take a long hot bath and relax in front of the TV for awhile.  He was going to have to continue waiting in suspense for what was going to happen later on that night or maybe even in the morning.  I had decided that he was not going to be allowed to lay on the couch tonight.  That was a privilege and would not be occurring every night. 

It was later that night and all I had was gas.  So I decided I was going to read my book while sitting on my chair over his face. He was going to eat every fart I had until the gas passed.  This was going to be a little preview of what was coming for him in the morning.  I knew he hadn’t eaten today so I knew he would be nice and hungry in the morning.  I walked into the room with my book and sat down on my chair.  I immediately started farting.  I could hear him gagging.  ?Eat my farts Toilet!? I demanded.  He did as he was told. This was going to be so great, I thought to myself. I must have sat there for a good hour. He ate every one of my farts.  I knew it could not have been too enjoyable for him.  Every once in a while I could hear him gag.  The whole room reeked even I could hardly stand it.  Once the gas subsided I got up from my chair and started walked towards the door. ?I hope you enjoyed your little preview Toilet.  It will only get worse from here.?  I hope you will be nice and hungry for your breakfast.?  I said to him laughing.

All I could feel was dread.  I couldn’t even sleep I just kept thinking about what was coming for me in the morning.  This woman seemed to be getting off on doing horrible disgusting things to me. 

I went to bed that night and slept like a baby. I got up the next morning nice and early so that I would have extra bathroom time.  I hadn’t had a shit the day before so I knew I would need to take a big shit this morning.

I got ready for work.  Once I was done I headed for the toilet. ?Rise and Shine Toilet.  Breakfast is here.? I told him.  I took off my thong and walked over to him.  I hiked up my skirt and sat down on his face.  I really had to piss and almost couldn’t make it.  The piss started shooting out into his mouth.  ?Good Strong piss first thing in the morning, huh Toilet. You must be thirsty.? I said to him. Haha, I could smell how strong my piss was.  It was stronger than normal and I was enjoying every second of it.  Just as I finished pissing I could feel the shit coming down my rectum.  It was coming out fast.  He had barely enough time to get his mouth around my asshole before shit started coming out.  The first log of shit was out and I could already smell how horrible it was. ?Oh by the way Toilet, I pigged out on Chili last night for dinner.  Nice hot and spicy chili.? I said to him chuckling.  I heard him let out what sounded like a moan.   He started to move his head back and forth.  He was really putting up a fight. So, I grabbed him by the hair. ?Toilet, you will eat this disgusting shit of mine.  You deserve to eat everything that comes out of me.  This is your job and you will do as you’re told.? I yelled at him.  He was still fighting me so I reach over and grabbed him by his dick.  I squeezed so hard he yelped. ?Do not give me a hard time Toilet.  I will make this so much harder on you.? I said. He stopped moving his head around but he still wouldn’t open his mouth. I reached down again and grabbed him by the balls. ?Toilet, open your mouth and start eating!? He finally did as he was told and opened his mouth. My shit was coming out so fast that he had to open up his throat and let it slide down.  I really didn’t like that. I wanted him to chew my shit up before he swallowed.  I wanted him to be able to taste how nasty it was. I started holding my shit back. ?Toilet, chew my shit first! You need to savor my shit. I want you to really taste your breakfast.? I demanded. I started to slowly let my shit come out of my ass. I dropped one log in his mouth and I could hear him chewing.  The next log I let out was bigger. This time it filled his mouth up completely.  I waited for him to finish chewing before I let the next log out.  This was a huge shit just like I knew it would be.  He was getting well fed this morning.  Log after log he kept on chewing my shit.  He was taking his time and was savoring every piece of shit that came out of me.  The very last log that came out was the biggest.  He really had to chew this piece of shit.  Once he was done eating, I got up and used toilet paper.  I knew his mouth was way too dirty to be able to clean me good enough. Once I was done wiping my ass I put the toilet paper in his mouth and left the room.

Work went rather quickly, but I was in a real hurry to get back home.  I had to shit real bad again and there was no way I was going to use a porcelain toilet.  When I opened the door to the room I could see that he was sleeping.  This was going to be a nice surprise to wake up to.  I quietly walked over to him and sat down on his face.  I started to piss. This woke him up. Once I was done pissing I had to shit but for some reason my shit wouldn’t come out. ?Toilet, you’re going to have to help me out here.? I said.  He started licking my ass as usual.  I could feel the tip of the shit at   the opening of my asshole.  He started to suck on my asshole to get the shit out.  He kept on licking and sucking on my asshole for a few minutes before my shit finally decided to come out. 

                                       Chapter 4

The next day at work my boss called me into his office. He wanted to discuss a convention he wanted me to go to. It was a three day convention in a city about two hours away.  I said yes to going on the convention.  Then I spent the rest of the afternoon and the drive home deciding how this was going to work. I knew I couldn’t leave my slave at home the whole time I was gone.  He was going to have to come with me.  My car has tinted black windows no one would see him in the back and I could just sneak him in to the hotel. This would be perfect.  I couldn’t wait to come home and tell him the news.

I walked into his room and went over to talk to him. ?Alright Toilet, something has come up.  I was asked by my boss to go to a convention two hours away from here. I have agreed to go.  Since I can’t trust to you to stay here by yourself you’re going to have to come with me.  Everything that goes on here will remain the same.  This will be considered a luxury.  This is your chance to show me that you can be trusted. Don’t worry you will not have any chance to get away so don’t even think of planning an escape. You are mine now, you belong to me. We leave in two days from now.  No one will even know you’re coming.  You will do everything I say.  Remember the better behaved you are the better things will be for you.

For the next two days I spent getting my slave and I ready for our trip.  This would be a great chance to see how he would behave and how much I could actually trust him. 

The next morning I got my slave ready in the back seat of my car. I had child proof locks in the back so there was no way he would be able to get out. We were finally ready to go. I had everything I needed.

We got to the hotel and I kept him locked in the car until I was registered and settled in my room.  I made sure to leave special instructions at the front desk advising that I did not need cleaning service during my stay. 

He was finally settled in my hotel room. His new place was set up in the bathroom.  I was getting ready to go to my conference when I had to go to the bathroom.  I took of my thongs and went to sit on his face.  Nothing was happening so he started to lick my asshole again.  Of course this worked.  I immediately started to shit.  The logs of my shit were so hard and chewy. He had his lips around my asshole getting ready for more shit to come out. It smelt so nasty.  I could feel him chewing my shit. ?Hurry up and eat Toilet I have a lot more where that came from!? I said to him as another log was sliding out of my ass. I sat up a bit more over his face so he had to reach up.  I wanted to watch as my shit came out of my ass and into his mouth.  My logs of shit were now so long I could see the log going down into him mouth.  His mouth was open and ready for the next log. Once the whole log was in his mouth I could see him biting down and chewing. Once he was done he would open his mouth to receive the next log.

Shortly after, I left to go to my convention.  I was a little worried about leaving him there but I knew he would still be there when I came back.  I had put a pad lock on the outside of the door and only I had the key.

I can’t believe it!!! I had a chance to escape but the stupid psycho thought of everything.  She made damn well sure there was no way that I could escape.  Not in the car nor in this room.  It would have been perfect.  I was planning on jumping out of the car while she was driving but she made sure she had the child proof locks on.  She had control over that as well.  There was no way I could get out of that car. 

The hotel room bathroom would have been easy to escape too but no, she had to go and put a padlock on the door.  And well there is no way a maid will be coming in here to clean I’m sure Psycho took care of that for me too.

Man this woman was unbelievable!!  I had to hand it to her though she really did think of everything.  That really scared me too though. 

After the conference was done for the night, I went with a few friends for dinner.  We decided to go to this Mexican restaurant not too far from the hotel. I ordered Enchiladas. I even added spice for extra flavor. We sat around making small talk and enjoying our dinner.  I even had a few drinks. 

On the way back to the hotel I was a little tipsy from the drinks. I kept trying to think of new ways to make my slaves life a little more uncomfortable.  I wanted him to pay for all the hurt he caused me.  I wanted him to be punished even more than he already has been.  He really did deserve to be punished and I was going to make sure that he was. 

I ran back into the hotel room and unlocked the door to the bathroom as fast as I could.  I really needed to pee.  I sat on his face and almost didn’t make it.  ?Toilet drink my piss!? he already had his mouth open drinking.  Once I was done he started cleaning me up, licking all around my pussy.  He was done cleaning me up and he immediately went to my asshole.  The shit immediately started coming out and he seemed eager to eat it up.  It smelled horrible from all the Enchiladas. I could hear him chewing and it sounded so good to me.  I loved hearing him eating away at my shit. It may have been the alcohol I don’t know but I was turned on.  I moved my ass so that my clit was on his mouth. ?Lick me Toilet!? I commanded him.  He refused, so I grabbed his hair and started pulling.  His hair was short enough so that it would hurt him a lot. I didn’t spare him any pain.  I was sick and tired of him not co-operating.  ?Lick my clit Toilet and make me cum!? I said as I was pulling his hair even more.  I could hear him gasping in pain but I didn’t care.  He still wasn’t licking me so I grabbed his ear and started digging my nails as I pinched him.  He was in so much pain that he started to lick me.  He was licking my clit slowly at first and then he started to lick faster.  The faster he was licking me the closer I was to cumming.  He was licking every inch of my pussy making sure not to leave anything out.  When he started to lick my clit again I came.  It was the most amazing orgasm I have ever had.  I made him clean up all of my cum and there was a lot.  When he was done I got off his face and stood up.  My legs were shaking and felt like rubber.  I looked down at his face to see it covered in my juices.  ?Haha Toilet lick up your face now, you’re soaking wet!? I said to him laughing as I left the bathroom.

I lay in bed totally satisfied.  I had never had anyone eat me like that before.  I guess this was going to become another chore he was going to have to do. 


                                       Chapter 5

We were back at home now from the conference.  He was back in his room all tied up.  He was well behaved throughout our trip.  The conference had gone really well and it was time for me to go back to work.

While I was at work I had lunch with friend of mine.  She was telling me how bored she was and how she wanted to do something fun. I told her about how I was house sitting and invited her over for dinner. I told her that I had a surprise for her and to keep an open mind.  She agreed and accepted my invitation.

After work I went to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner.  I knew it was getting late and I had to hurry.  I also had to stop off at the liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine.  I figured if we both had a few drinks who knows what could happen.

I got home and got dinner in the over.  It was going to be something simple, some chicken, potatoes and salad.  I had just finished setting the table when the doorbell rang.  She was here right on time.

?Hey there Amber come on in.? I said as she was coming in the front door. ?This is a great place, who did you say you were house sitting for?? she asked.  I dodged the question and walked her into the kitchen.  ?Smells great in here.  Is there anything I can help you with?? she asked. ?No thanks I’m fine, dinner is almost ready.?

I went to take the chicken out of the oven.  I made the potatoes and got the salad ready.  When everything was ready I placed all the food on the table.  We both sat down to eat.  We made small talk during the meal.  After dinner was done, I cleaned up the kitchen and got out the wine.  I grabbed two glasses and we headed for the living room.  We sat down on the couch and I poured us each a tall glass of wine. 

We sat there talking and drinking our wine for awhile when she stated that she needed use the washroom.  ?I’ll be happy to show you to the washroom but first I need to tell you a little secret.? I said as I started telling her about my Toilet.  I left out some details about drugging him and keeping him here against his will.  I wasn’t sure if I could trust her fully yet. ?Are you serious? He really eats everything that would go down a normal toilet? She asked me totally intrigued. ?Yes, absolutely everything.  It’s really quite empowering.? I said. She just laughed and said ?Well I have to change my tampon so I guess he will have to eat that too. My period is really heavy this month.?

We both got up and I escorted her to my Toilet.  We got to the door and she was already taking off her thongs.  I opened the door to the room and she walked in.  We both went in and she walked right over to him.  The chair I normally use was already positioned above his face.  She didn’t acknowledge him whatsoever.  She just squatted down on the chair and started to pee.  ?Pull out my tampon Toilet.? She commanded him.  He did as he was told.  He pulled out the tampon by the string and it fell into his mouth.  A gush of blood started squirting out.  ?Clean me up Toilet!? I was across the room and I could hear him gagging. All I could do was stand there and laugh at him.  He did as he was told and started licking her clean.  It took awhile since she had so much blood.  Once he was done cleaning she got up and we left the room.

Once we were back on the sofa, she said ?That was so thrilling.  I’ve never felt anything like it! I need to me get a toilet like that!? and we both started to laugh. ?It is pretty awesome. I plan on keeping mine for the rest of his life.? I said.  As we were drinking our wine I started telling her all the mean stuff I’ve done to him. ?I guess what I just did to him was pretty bad too.? She said laughing.  This was great I finally had someone I could share this with.  I wasn’t sure if she would be able to handle this but she seemed to really like this.

After awhile of talking Amber said she needed to go to the bathroom again. ?Can I use your Toilet to go take a dump?? she asked. ?Absolutely, if you got a thrill out of pissing in his mouth, just wait until you take a shit.? I said.  ?I really have to shit.  I haven’t gone all day.  I hope he doesn’t mind.? She said giggling.  

She got up from the couch and walked to the room.  She went into the room, took off her thongs and sat on the chair.  It didn’t take long before her shit started coming out of her asshole.  Toilet of course was right there eagerly awaiting her shit.  He took the first log in his mouth and started to chew and swallow.  As he was doing this he started to gag on her shit but kept eating.  ?You are the lowest of the low Toilet.  Eating shit is absolutely disgusting, but here you are eating my shit! What kind of a person does that?  Does it taste good Toilet? Does it feel good sliding down your throat?  Well here is some more Toilet, Enjoy!? She said to him laughing as she pushed a long log of shit out of her asshole.  He immediately started to eat again.  Once she done shitting he cleaned   her ass. ?You sure know how to lick an ass clean Toilet.  I knew how good it felt to have my ass licked.? She said as she got up to leave the room.

After about 20 minutes Amber came back to join me on the sofa.  ?That was the most incredible thing I have ever experience.  Is this guy for real?  He actually seems to somewhat enjoy what he does.? She said.  ?Ya he’s turning out to be quite the little sicko.  But I wouldn’t say he enjoys it so much as he’s gotten use to it.  That’s all he eats and drinks is my shit and piss. He’s been doing this for weeks now. I try not to let him get too use to anything though.  So when I think he’s becoming comfortable I do something to bring him back to reality.  This isn’t something I want him to enjoy.  I want him to know where his place is in life and that is my toilet and slave.  He’s learning to do everything I tell him to do and when he doesn’t he’s in pain.? I told her.

I couldn’t believe this psycho. Now she’s bringing in other women!!! That was even more disgusting.  I had no idea what would happen next. 

The days were so long.  I spent all my time sleeping out of boredom. I’ve given up trying to find a way out of these shackles.   This woman is way smarter than I ever gave her credit for.  She really wants to make my life a living hell and she’s succeeding.  She keeps me in total suspense never really knowing what she’s going to make me do next.  I don’t know how much more of this I can take. 

?Well a bunch of girls and I are going camping out at red lake this weekend.  Do you want to come and bring your toilet with you?  I think he would be so much better than an outhouse.  He will never starve with all of us that’s for sure.? She asked. I couldn’t help but start to laugh.  This was so perfect, 10 or more girls.  I wonder if he could handle us all.  Haha oh well if he couldn’t he would have no choice. ?It sounds great. Let me know all the details later on this week.? I said.

We sat there chatting for a little bit longer before she decided to leave.  We discussed the upcoming weekend and how much fun it was going to be humiliating my Toilet.  ?All of us girls using Darren as our Toilet, Haha this is going to be the perfect punishment.  We should even tie him up to a log by the fire naked.  How humiliating would that be for him.? I said laughing.  ?I love humiliating him.  I get such a rush from it.  It’s about time he’s put in his place.  I hope between you and I that we can come up with some other really horrible things we could do to him especially out there in the middle of nowhere.  Haha we’ll make him not only be our Toilet but our slave as well. He can tidy up the camp ground for us.  Serve us our drinks and cook us our meals. I can’t wait!? I told her.  I was getting really excited just thinking about everything we were going to do to him this weekend.  Darren was going to wish he was dead after we got done with him. 

There we were, Amber and I just sitting there on the couch chatting it up.  Out of no where she moved over closer to me. At first I didn’t think anything of it until her hand was rubbing my knee.  She looked over at me and smiled.  I was surprised, I just kind of sat there for a second frozen.  I wasn’t sure what to do. I had always wondered what it would be like to be with a woman sexually but never really considered doing it.  I smiled back at her awkwardly. She then leaned in closer and kissed me.  I couldn’t believe I was kissing her back.  At first it felt really weird kissing a girl.  After a few minutes of kissing I really started getting into it.  I started to move my hands up towards her tits and started feeling her up.  She let out a moan.  She put her hands between my legs and started rubbing my crouch. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was getting.  We stopped kissing then and I got up from the couch and grabbed her by the hand.  I led the way to my bedroom.  Once we got to the bedroom, we started to undress each other.  Once we were naked  I pushed her down hard on the bed and laid on top of her.  We started kissing really hard.  I don’t know what came over me but, I was really turned on.  She seemed to be just as turned on as me.  I started moving my hands down her body and felt between her legs.  She was really wet and ready.  She let out a moan.  I could tell by her breathing that she was really horny but I didn’t want to give in too soon.  I wanted to drag it out, torture her a little.  We were now on our sides making out.  Kissing her felt amazing and man I was turned on.  I kept rubbing her clit letting my fingers get her really wet all the while I was sucking her nipples.  I kept taking turns with her nipples.  She started moaning louder and louder.  Stuck my finger inside of her and that seemed to push her over the edge.  She grabbed my head and was trying to push me down on her.  I started kissing her lips again while I was fingering her. I started kissing her down her body until I reached her pussy.  She spread her legs for me eager to get my tongue on her clit.   I started to lick her slowly just above the clit.  I worked my way down to the nub of the clit and started licking faster.  She grabbed head then and pushed me right into her.  I kept licking her clit faster and faster.  The moaning was now getting really loud and I could feel her body tightening up.  I started licking her clit faster and faster.  I knew she was going to cum soon and I wasn’t going to stop until she did.  I started licking her clit in circles really getting my tongue in there.  I could feel her cumming as her body tightened up and she was screaming out my name. 

I laid up beside her while she was coming down from her orgasm.  She was really out of breath and had this huge smile on her face. ?That was incredible!? she said to me.  ?Now your turn.? She said giggling.  I got up and sat on her face.  She immediately started licking my clit.  She started slow at first.  I felt myself grinding into her and she instinctively started licking me faster and harder.  It didn’t take long for me to cum but when I did it was amazing. 

We laid there in my bed.  Neither of us said anything for a long time.  I guess we were pretty exhausted.  I couldn’t believe what we had just done.  What surprised me even more was how much I enjoyed it.

We talked for about a half hour more about the upcoming weekend then Amber decided it was time to go home.  I walked her to the door and said good night. ?April, when you invited me over tonight I figured we would sit back and have a relaxing girls night, but this was the best night I’ve had in a really long time.  I know this weekend will be even better.? She told me as hugged me good bye. ?See you at work tomorrow.? I yelled to her as she was walking to her car.  I closed and locked the door smiling to myself.  I couldn’t wait until the weekend.  I didn’t know what would come out of what just happened but I really like the thought of what this was going to do to my toilet.  Man he was going to be surprised.  I hope he likes his surprise.  I said to myself as I was going to jump in the tub before bed. 

I filled the bath with lots of bubbles.  I really wanted to relax and think about everything that happened tonight.  It was quite amazing that I had now gotten a friend of mine into this.  Even better was going to be this weekend with all the other women there.  We were really going to be pampered this weekend.  Toilet was going to wait on us hand and foot.  He was going to cater to our every need our every whim.  There was nothing he could do about it.  I already knew he wouldn’t be able to run away with all of us out there with him.  The good thing for him would be that he would no longer be tied up for the time that we are out there.  I guess I could give him that much however this would not come cheap for him. 

I got out of the bath and went to bed for the night.  I needed all the sleep I could get for the next few days until the weekend. 

I was just laying there trying to get some sleep after my ordeal.  Mistress’ friend’s shit was even worse.  It had a totally different taste than Mistress’.  The consistency of her shit was different too. What made it ten times worse was the fact that she was on her period man that was gross.  Licking up period blood that’s just sick.

As I was lying there I could hear moaning.  At first I thought I was just hearing things but then the moaning got even louder. I couldn’t believe they were dyking it out.  I liked that thought, of the two of them going down on each other.  They must have been going at it for what felt like a really long time.  All I could do was just lay there listening to them.  I could imagine everything they were doing to each other, it was great.

                                       Chapter 6

The day was finally here.  We were getting ready to go camping for the weekend.  I still hadn’t told Toilet anything just that we were going away for the weekend. I figured it would be more fun not to tell him anything until we got there.  The girls that were coming with us were told almost everything according to Amber.  Toilet and I were taking my car and meeting up with Amber at her place so she could come with us.  I loaded up the car with everything we needed for the weekend.  Toilet was the last to be placed in the car.  ?Mistress, where are we going?? he asked. ?You will find out soon enough Toilet.  Don’t worry you will be in good hands all weekend.? I told him with a smirk on my face.  He tried to fight and get away but I grabbed him and kneed him in the nuts. ?Toilet, I’m only going to say this once. Do not try to get away or you will regret it.  I will make sure you are in so much pain you will be screaming for me to kill you. This is your life now, you belong to me get use to it!? I yelled at him as I was strapping him in the car.  ?Besides Toilet, it’s no use trying to escape.  It won’t happen.  I will always be near enough to stop you and you will be in even more pain than the last time.  If you were a good little Toilet, you would be thanking me for taking you out of here for a while.  This is a treat for you and you should be thankful.  So, I don’t want to hear another word out of you.  I will tell you what you need to know and that’s it.  I’m in control here and you obviously still need to learn that. I own you Toilet, do you understand me.  Do you get that?? I said to him. ?Stop being such a baby or I will treat you as one.?  ?Yes Mistress. Thank you for taking me wherever you are going.  I am grateful to you.? He said as I was driving out of the garage.

Now I was really scared.  I had no Idea where this psycho was taking me next. I tried to get away but it didn’t work.  I hated the fact that I had to submit to her. I hated every second of it.  There had to be a way out.  There had to be some way to get out of this.  I know I couldn’t possibly do this for the rest of my life. 

About 20 minutes later we arrived to pick up Amber.  We loaded up her stuff and were on our way.  Red lake was about a 20 minute drive from the outskirts of town.  On our way there, Amber and I decided to advise Toilet on what his duties were going to be for the weekend.  He didn’t seem at all pleased, which only made us happier.  We were the first to arrive at the lake. Amber and I got out of the car.  I went around the car to where Toilet was sitting. ?Ok, Toilet, get out and unload all of our stuff. I suggest you do everything we all tell you to do this weekend or you will be really sorry you didn’t.  There will be lots of girls here and lots of stuff for you to do.  I unstrapped his seatbelt and he got out of the car.  His wrists were attached to a long thick steel chain which I had tied to a hook under my car.  There was no way he would be able to get away.  He would have lots of room on this chain to be able to go out just behind the tress at the starting of the woods.  This way us girls would have our privacy while we used my toilet. 

He immediately started to unload all of our stuff.  Once he was done with that he set up our tents and made a camp fire.

The girls finally arrived. Toilet didn’t say a word just walked over and started unloading everything while us girls sat around the camp fire enjoying the outdoors. When the girls got out of their vehicles they all started to laugh.  Toilet was just so pathetic chained up like that doing everything we were suppose to be doing.

?This is going to be such a great weekend you guys.  I haven’t been catered to in such a long time.? One of the girls said.  ?It is really nice to have a man around to do everything.  That’s the way it should be, although Toilet doesn’t really look like a man.  He looks too pathetic to me, the lowest of the low.? We all nodded in agreement.  We were all sitting around the fire when one of the girls said she had to go to the bathroom. ?Take Toilet in the woods, he’ll help you out.? I told her.  She got up out of her chair and started walking to the woods with Toilet following behind.

?Lay down on your back Toilet.? The girl said. He didn’t move so she grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head down. He still wouldn’t go down, so she grabbed his nipple and used her nail to squeeze. She could tell that he was in pain but he still wouldn’t drop to the ground so she kneed him in the balls. This time it was hard enough to make him drop to the ground. ?Now lie down Toilet.  Do as you’re told or I will tell your Mistress how disobedient you are.? She commanded.  He finally did as he was told. He laid down on his back and waited for what was to come.  She sat down on his face and pissed. He cleaned her up. Once he was done she got up and pulled her pants back up. ?Wait here Toilet.  I’m sure some of the other girls will need to piss.? She said as she walked away. 

She went back to the camp fire leaving him there waiting. She sat back down and told the rest of the girls how disobedient Toilet had been.  ?We’ll shown him who’s boss.? I said.  ?Everyone of us will take our turns peeing now.? I said.  One by one the girls all went to the woods where Toilet was.  We all took our turns peeing in his mouth.  He was ordered to clean each and everyone of us up.  And since he insisted on being disobedient, we were now going to make his life hell for him.  This weekend was not only going to be about serving us women it was also going to be about how much torture he could take.  We were going to humiliate him.

I was the last one to go use my Toilet.  I could tell he was tired and full from all the piss he had just drunk but I didn’t care.  He was going to learn his place really quick. ?So, I hear you haven’t been on your best behavior huh Toilet. Well you will be punished for that as promised. I squatted above his face.  I made sure to piss not just in his mouth but on his face too.  He was nothing to me and I was going to show him exactly what he was.  Once I was done pissing I made him reach up to me and clean me.  Once he was done I got back up and got dressed. ?Toilet, get up!? I commanded.  He did as he was told. Once he was standing up I ordered him to take off all his clothes.  He was going to have to walk around the camp site naked.  He may have the body of a man but from what we could see he was no man. He was nothing. He was our servant and he was going to do the best job anyone has ever done.  I was bound and determined to completely break my slave.  So, Toilet took off all of his clothes. I started walking back to the fire and Toilet was on my heels.

When we got back to the fire all the girls started laughing. ?Start up the barbeque Toilet we’re hungry.? I commanded him. He did as he was told and went about making all of us some supper.  All us girls sat around the camp fire talking and laughing.  ?Wow I never thought that using a human for a toilet come be so much fun I can’t wait for when I really have to go.  I guess Toilet really does have his work cut out for him this weekend.? One of the girls said laughing.  ?I can’t believe I’ve never thought of having my own human for a toilet before but I think it’s definitely something I need to consider getting for myself.  My own personal slave! Wouldn’t that be great!? Another girl said.

A few minutes later our dinner was ready.  Toilet had everything we needed out on the table waiting for us.  Even our wine was chilling for later.  I could just imagine what would happen to Toilet once all of us had some wine in us.  I even think one of the girls brought some Tequila haha.

We all sat around the camp fire and ate our supper.  It was actually pretty good. After we were done eating Toilet cleaned up our plates and served us our wine.  Once he was done doing everything he needed to do he was told to go back to the woods and lay there until we were ready for him.

Every 20 minutes Toilet came back to fill our glasses and stoke the fire adding logs when needed. As he was walking back to his spot one of the girls said, ?Hey Toilet, I bet you haven’t seen this much pussy in your life.? ?I doubt he has.? I said laughing.  ?Poor excuse for a man! I bet he doesn’t even know how to please a woman.? Another girl said.  I started to laugh at that point because even though Toilet wasn’t much of a man he did have quite the tongue. 

Every hour or so one of the girls would get up and go use our Toilet to pee.  All the alcohol was hitting us. One of the girls went over to use Toilet.  She took off her pants and thongs and squatted down on his face. After she was done peeing she moved her clit on to his mouth. ?Toilet, this is so empowering that I’m turned on.  You’re going to eat me.? He started fighting, moving his head from side to side. ?Oh Toilet, it turns me on even more when you fight me, but believe me I will win. I am really horny right now and you’re getting me off whether you like it or not.? She told him.  He kept fighting her so she reached down and grabbed his balls. She squeezed him so hard that he yelped in pain.  He still wouldn’t do as he was told so she burned him with the cigarette right on his pelvis near his dick.  He screamed in pain then and started to lick her.  He began licking every area of her pussy.  He stuck his tongue in her hole and started darted it in and out.  Then he started licking her clit as fast as he could. It felt so good that it caught her off guard.  She was trying not to moan too loud but she was having a hard time.  Her climax was so intense that she had to bite down on her hand from screaming so loud.  After she came he cleaned her up making sure he left nothing behind.  She got up and put her clothes back on and walked away.

Back at the camp site the music was loud and everyone was dancing around having fun.  After about 2 minutes another girl went to use Toilet.  The same thing happened with her.  She went for a piss and then made Toilet lick her clit until she came. Within two hours every girl there including me had gone to use Toilet and had gotten off. His tongue was amazing and no one care how tired or full he was.  We were all going to use him in any way we wanted.

Everyone sat around the fire with smiles of satisfaction on our faces. But of course no one said a word about what had happened. No one wanted to admit that this lower than human life of a toilet had given us all an orgasm.

Soon everyone was drunk and tired.  We were all ready for bed. Toilet came out to make sure the fire was out and everyone’s sleeping bags were ready.  Everyone went to bed exhausted from all the fresh air and from their orgasm.

The next morning we all awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking. We all got up and got dressed and came outside.  ?Toilet assume your position!? I demanded.  We all really had to pee.  Toilet went back to his spot and waited for each of us to go and piss in his mouth.  One by one we all came back to the camp and waited to have our breakfast served.  The last girl to come out of the woods was followed by Toilet. ?Serve us our breakfast Toilet. We’re starving!? I commanded.  One by one he served each one of us.  There was bacon, eggs, toast and coffee.  Each of us was served our eggs the way we liked it and our coffee the way we liked it. 

We all sat around when the fire had been the night before eating our breakfast. ?Toilet this tastes really good.  I guess you’re going to get a taste of it too once we’re finished eating.? A girl said to him laughing.  He had this look of surprise and hope for a split second before realizing what she actually meant. 

After breakfast Toilet cleaned up after us while we all sat around drinking our coffee.  Once he was done he went to his spot to wait. ?I have to use the toilet.? One of the girls said as she got up and headed towards Toilet.  ?Are you ready for your breakfast Toilet?? She asked laughing.  She started farting in his mouth.  The farts were disgusting but she didn’t care.  Soon enough she started to feel the shit coming out into his mouth.  He started to chew and then swallowed the shit. ?Ewww that is absolutely disgusting Toilet.  How can you do that?? She said to him as she shit some more. He ate every log that she fed him.  Once she was done he cleaned her up and she was on her way

Once she was back at the camp the next girl got up and headed for Toilet. This time she squatted right above his face. ? I want to watch my shit come out into your mouth.  I want to watch you eat my shit.? She said as she started shitting in his mouth. ?You have got to be the lowest thing I have ever met.  You are so disgusting I can’t believe you’ve allowed yourself to be a Toilet slave.  You must really enjoy eating shit.  I hope you do because there are a lot of girls here that all need to use the toilet to take a big shit.? She said to him. He kept on eating her shit.  This girl had so much shit she probably hadn’t had a shit in days.  It smelt awful and old like it had been stored in her for awhile.  He gagged but kept on eating every log she let out.  She just sat above his face watching as her shit came out of her ass and into his mouth.  Toilet just chewed and swallowed.  Sometimes she would see him make a face.  That only made her smile.  She was going to fill his belly up with as much of her shit as she possibly could.

Back at the camp the next girl was patiently waiting her turn.  She went over to Toilet. ?Toilet, you reek of shit.  I can smell you from way back there. You smell like an outhouse.? She said as she squatted down on his face.  She sat there breathing through her mouth, the smell was that bad. She really had to shit.  The log that came out of her was really long and hard.  He had to take big bites and chew and swallow as quickly as he could so that he could hurry up and take another bite of the shit before it fell on his face. Each log that came out of her was like that really long and hard.  He really had to chew. It was different from the other girl’s shit.  He had been forced at this point to eat so much shit his stomach was full.

After she was done she went back to the camp.  She joined the other girls who were all sitting around laughing. Everyone was enjoying themselves except for Toilet.  Everyone continued to sit around drinking coffee and talking.  Soon another girl got up to go to use Toilet.  ?Get up on your knees Toilet.? She demanded.  She had stripped off her pants and was ready.  ?Now tilt your head back.? She ordered him. He did as she was told she was just tall enough that her ass fit right above his mouth.  She stuck her ass out while spreading her legs.  She was in the perfect position.  She pushed out the shit and it slowly came out of her asshole and into his mouth.  After the first log came out and he was finished eating he waited for the next log to come but it wouldn’t.  He spread her ass cheeks apart and started licking her asshole to coax the next log out.  Slowly the next log started coming out of her asshole.  He wrapped his lips around the log and sucked it out.  The log was bigger than he thought it would be and had trouble fitting all of it into his mouth.  He opened his throat and let the big piece of shit slide into his mouth and down his throat. After that piece of shit came out another one came out quickly.  He ate all of it as fast as he could. It seemed like as soon as he was done with one log another one came.  He kept eating her shit for what had to have been at least 15 minutes. Finally she was done.  He cleaned her up and she was on her way.

She went back to the camp and joined the others. ?Ok, who’s next!? She asked as she sat down in her seat. ?All the girls who hadn’t gone yet looked at each other. ?I have to go.? One girl said. ?I really have to go bad.? Said another girl and got up to head to Toilet.  20 minutes later she returned to take her seat with the rest of the girls while the next girl got up for her turn. 

About an hour later all the girls had gone to have their shit in Toilet’s mouth.  One girl looked down at her watch. ?Wow, look at the time it’s almost time for lunch.? She said laughing.  ?I hope Toilet is hungry!?

Toilet came over to us and shouted ?No, I can’t take this anymore!  I’ve had enough; Mistress please let me go I will find my own way back to the city. ?He stammered.  ?Toilet, Toilet, Toilet, you don’t get it do you? This is only the beginning.  You’re not going anywhere.  You are mine for life.  I rather enjoy my new Toilet and I’m not letting you go.?  I guess Toilet really didn’t like that answer and started pulling on his chains trying to get out of them.  I thought for a second that he might actually cry.  ?Acceptance is a virtue, Toilet.  Things would be a lot simpler for you if you would just accept your purpose in life.  You are a Toilet and a servant.  That’s all you are and that’s all you will ever be.  Think about it Toilet, you’re not much of a man.  You’re a hermit.  You’re pathetic Toilet.  Besides you had no life before me. At least now you do.  Woman should be treated as queens and since most men don’t know how to really treat us, you’re the one that’s going to suffer for it.  Don’t you remember how you treated me Toilet? ?Toilet just nodded his head. ?Yes, I know you remember Toilet. I’m sure by now that you really regret the way you treated me and are sorry for your behavior.  But what’s done is done.  I am so sick of men thinking they can treat women like crap and get away with it.  Well it’s about time someone treated men that way.  Men need to be punished for all the hell they put us through and well Toilet; you are the first of many men.?

?When I do get away from you I will go to the Police and you will be put behind bars!? Toilet said to me in a cowardly voice.  ?Ha Ha, that’s really funny Toilet. You really think the Cops are going to believe you?  They will probably make a big joke out of it or have you committed.  You can’t possibly think that the cops would actually believe your story. What are you going to tell them?  That I held you captive against your will and used you as my slave? That I took you camping in the woods and you were made to serve all of us women for days? Is that what you would tell the cops Toilet??  I said to him laughing.  I could tell by now that he realized how stupid this all really sounded.  This was way too farfetched for anyone to believe.

I walked over to him and grabbed him where his chains were connected and pulled on them. He yelped in pain. I dragged him over into the woods. ?You will stay here until you are needed.  I don’t want to have this discussion again.  You are what you are and it will be a lot easier for you if you just accept it.  I am your Mistress. I am in control and you only speak when spoken to.  From here on in if you speak without being addressed by me first, you will be punished severely.  Toilet, I am warning you, Do Not mess with me.  I am just now realizing how cruel and mean I really can be.  If you keep this up I will be exploring this new side of me even more than I had originally planned.? I told him.  After that I didn’t say another word, I just walked away leaving Toilet to ponder everything I had just told him.

I went back to join the other women around the fire. ?We really need to step it up a notch with Toilet. He really needs to learn his place and accept it. Any thoughts on how we can make his life even more miserable?? I said when I had sat back down in my comfy chair.

?I knew this would work out perfectly!’ ‘He’s going to turn into the best little bitch we could ask for.? I said as I sat there in thought gazing into the fire.  Everyone seemed to be in deep thought thinking of ways to make his life even more miserable.  I knew we were going to have to go back to our normal lives eventually, but until then we were going to have the time of our lives.  I wanted to see how far I could push him before he breaks. 

I went for a walk out towards the bush where Toilet was.  I could hear him sobbing.  ?Toilet! Stop crying like the pathetic little man you are. You love to make things harder on yourself don’t you?? I asked.  ?I have no problems making your life even more miserable.? I said as I squatted on his face to have another shit.  ?You make me want to shit all the time Toilet, I love shitting in your mouth and so do the girls.? At that point another piece of shit came out of my ass and into his mouth.  I could hear him chewing my shit.  I loved hearing that sound.  I loved the power I held over him.  Toilet was all mine, there was no way he was ever going to get away unless I let him go.  He continued to eat the rest of my shit until I was done.  When he was all done cleaning me up I headed to back to the fire to sit with the girls.

Back at the fire I could hear the girls all talking.  ?I think having a toilet slave around is the best thing.  This is even better than having a maid.? One of the girls said.

?Well don’t worry, you’ll be able to use Toilet when we all get home.  This doesn’t have to end here.  Toilet will be staying with me for the rest of his life.? I said.

?Toilet! Come out here right now!? I said.  Toilet did as he was told.  ?We’re out of wine, get us some!? I commanded.

Toilet did as he was told.  As he was filling out glasses with wine, I could hear him talking to himself.  ?What did you say Toilet?? ?Nothing Mistress? he said cowardly.  ?You are a sorry piece of shit Toilet.  You are nothing and will never be anything but a toilet.  When he brought me my glass of wine I grabbed him by the balls and squeezed.  He winced in pain. ?Good little bitch!? I said.  Toilet just dropped his head and walked to the next person to hand her a glass of wine.

I could tell the effect these last few weeks were having on him.  He seemed to be so humiliated now almost as if he was finally broken, but I knew better.  This guy has so much dominance in him and I loved breaking him in.  I enjoy taking his control away.  Toilet had no more control over his life.  Little by little he was realizing this.  The harder it was for him to relinquish his control the more pleasure I got from it.  Bringing him here with all us girls was so much better. 

One of the girls got up and escorted Toilet back to his spot in the bush. ?Get on your knees Toilet.? She commanded as she pulling off her panties.  He did as he was told. She lifted up her skirt and sat her ass on his nose and mouth.  She left out a really big fart. ?Eat all my farts Toilet.  I have so much gas build up and I have to let it out.? She said.  Toilet breathed in and ate all of her farts.  ?Now lick my ass hole Toilet, I need to shit.?  Toilet was hesitant so she grabbed him by the hair and pushed his head into her ass.  ?Now lick it!? she commanded.  Toilet started licking her ass hole.  He could feel her anus open up.  He could feel the shit slowly coming out.  It smelled horrible probably the worse shit he had smelled. ?Now rap your lips around my shit and suck it out of my ass Toilet!? Toilet did as he was told he placed his lips around the log of shit and sucked it out of her ass and into his mouth. Toilet remained on his knees with his face in her ass eating her shit.  Once she was done he licked her clean. 

Back at the fire we were all sitting around. ?I guess we should start to head out soon.? I said.  All the women nodded in agreement. By now it was Sunday late afternoon and we all had to get back to the city. ?Toilet, come!? I said.  Toilet appeared right away. ?Go pack up all our stuff and load it into the cars.? Toilet went and did as he was told. All the women sat around watching the fire slowly burn out.

About an hour later Toilet had everything packed and we were ready to go.


                                                                        Chapter 7

We were back at home from our camping trip.  I think it was a success. Toilet had a taste of what it was like to serve all of us women for two whole days. Instead of tying him back up in his shackles I decided he was going to continue to serve me and my guest when I had any.  I connected the long chain that we used out camping to where he was originally shackled and tied him back up. ?Toilet, you’re going to clean the house and make all my meals.  Of course you will be making whatever I request.? I told him.  I didn’t care what he thought. 

The house was a mess and Toilet was going to clean it up.  Once he was done he was instructed to go back to his room and stay there.  All I had to do was close and lock the door and he was completely confined in there.  There was no way out of there. No windows, and no way to get through the bars that I put up on the inside of the door.

Once he was completely secured in his dungeon I went to take a long hot bath and relax.  As I was soaking in the tub I kept thinking of all the things I was going to get Toilet to do and how great my life was.  I was just getting out of the bath when I heard the phone ring. It was Amber wanting to get together tomorrow night.  I invited her over for a special dinner that Toilet was going to make us.

Later on Toilet made me a light dinner as I watched tv and relaxed for the night.  While I was relaxing he was cleaning.  Once he was done he was back in his dungeon for the night.  I used him a few times that night for pee.  I hadn’t had a shit all day.  But I wasn’t worried, there was going to be so much shit for him to eat when I finally had to go.

I went to bed early that night.  I wanted to be well rested for tomorrow.

I woke up in the morning and got ready for work.  I had Toilet make me my breakfast and my lunch for work.  It was great having someone do everything for me.  Once I was ready to leave Toilet went back to his dungeon to stay there for the day.  I couldn’t have him running around the house all day that would be too much funny for him.

I can’t believe I have to cook and clean for her now too.  At least it’s only her now and not all of those other women.  That was just horrible. I wish I could find a way to get out of here maybe go to the police or just go somewhere else and start over.  I don’t know how much more of this slavery I can bare.

On my way home from work I stopped off at the grocery store to do some shopping for the week. I wanted Toilet to make Amber and I a romantic dinner. 

I got home and brought the groceries inside.  All of a sudden I really had to shit.  I ran into Toilet’s room, took off my panties and had a seat.  ?Toilet, this one is going to be nasty.  It’s been a while since I had a shit.  Get ready.? I said with a wicked grin on my face.  I had to strain to get it out at first but once the shit came out it didn’t stop.  It smelt really bad too.  I could hear him gagging, which I hadn’t heard in a while.  I sat there for what must have been at least an hour.  It felt so good to have a shit but it felt so much better knowing he was eating it.  I couldn’t get enough of the power I felt.

I checked my watch and I still had enough time to have a quick shower and get ready before Amber got here.  I jumped in the shower and washed quickly.  The water felt good on my skin it was kind of turning me on.  I got out of the hit shower and got ready.  Once I was done I had Toilet come out and start our dinner. 

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it checking the peephole before I did.  ?Hi Amber? I said as a I gave her a hug and a kiss.  ?Let’s have a drink on the sofa while Toilet finishes our dinner.?  Amber smiled and grabbed my hand and let me to the sofa.  We sat there looking at each other.  Amber then leaned over and kissed me.  It was gentle at first and then became very passionate.  I was feeling things for this woman I have never felt before. She brought out feelings in me I never knew exist and I couldn’t wait to get her in my bed. 

Dinner was finally ready.  We sat and talked while we ate our dinner. Toilet was back in his room waiting for his next command. Once dinner was finished, Toilet was brought back out to clean up.

?Toilet, I need to pee.? Amber said as she pulled on his chains.  Toilet dropped to his knees as Amber took off her panties and put her foot up on a chair.  Toilet reached under her pussy with his mouth and drank her piss. He drank for what seemed like two minutes at least.  He cleaned her up.  Once he was done she came back to sit on the sofa.  We immediately started making out.  This time we were both really hot and bothered.  We were touching each other’s breasts and it felt amazing.  We started undressing each other.  We were going to have sex right out here on the couch.  We both didn’t care that Toilet was right there in the kitchen cleaning.  Once we were naked, Amber wanted to go down on me first.  She started kissing and sucking on my breasts then worked her way down to my clit.  She licked my clit until I came.  It was the most amazing orgasm I had ever had.  I got Amber to come sit on my face while I gave her the same intense orgasm she had given me. 

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At first sight, the exterior of the house at Auteuil gave no indications of splendor, nothing one would expect from the destined residence of the magnificent Count of Monte Cristo; but this simplicity was according to the will of its master, who positively ordered nothing to be altered outside. The splendor was within. Indeed, almost before the door opened, the scene changed. M. Bertuccio had outdone himself in the taste displayed in furnishing, and in the rapidity with which it was executed....

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Lily Lane Tits and Tattoos

Retro pinup babe Lily Lane doesn’t like to get drunk on booze, she likes milkshakes and getting drunk on anal and cum! Barman Will Havoc was kind enough to fix her a creamy treat, after the copious titty jiggling and teasing in her red polka dot thong bodysuit. Seductively tonguing and sucking her dessert down, she invited Will to partake in her fun and games, and that means fucking her tight little asshole and sweet pussy till she squirts girl jizz all over his face, and of course,...

4 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 21

The next morning after breakfast I rounded up Shamona, Miya, Liya and Dana. I told them I was getting Red and Jake ready to go and asked them to get ready also. Once I'd finished that, I got Red saddled. I also packed Jake lightly. I included my camp saws and hand axes. I figured I would need them soon. About 15 minutes later Shanana came up with a couple of bundles she wanted to stow on Jake. "Food" she said matter-of-factly. Almost on her heels Miya and Liya arrived with small packs of...

1 year ago
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That Punishment In Sex Toys Store

She has been working in this sex toys store for many months now. Right after she walked into this job, she felt attracted to the owner; early thirties, 5’11 with dusky complexion and nicely toned body. She always fancied holding his rock solid tool in her hand. Probably that was what kept her distracted most of the times. Today he was looking really hot. She must have been lost in her fantasies, when something fell off from her hands and broke. He came rushing and saw broken glass on the floor....

4 years ago
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Thoughts and actions

Chaper 1NOT JUNKAs the crowds passed by she sat there, totally unnoticed and utterly unnoticeable.  Flicking through the paper, her cappuccino going cold in her hand she was glancing at the words. The words seemed to form a smooth pattern across the dull, crumpled sheets but other than a pretty pattern barely a word in front of her made sense.Individual words stuck out, almost like they were jumping out from the sheet, WAR,TAX, RAPE, FINE, ECONOMY, JAIL, TERRORISM, but none of them where good...

3 years ago
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CowboyChapter 20

“ALL ABORRRRDDD!” Shouted the conductor, theatrically and somewhat needlessly. Everyone who was travelling had long ago made sure they were on the train. It wasn’t like there would be another past that day. The engine complained, puffed and skidded the wheels; then gained a grip and they began to move out. At last they were moving away from the wild west towards the civilised east. Or, as Jesse and her new friend Melissa agreed they were moving from fun towards boredom, from excitement to...

4 years ago
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The Assistant States Attorneys Prerogative

"What about..." I tried to protest, but she cut me off."Be quiet, or we'll get caught," she insisted.She pulled me into a stairwell, and we quickly went down one level. We moved purposefully without looking like we were in a hurry as we moved to the far end of a long, darkened hallway. We entered another stairwell and raced up two levels. She checked that the coast was clear, and we moved down to the fourth door.She produced a key, and suddenly, we were inside a dark office. She left the lights...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Through My Eyes AgainChapter 5

The weather after Christmas continued wet, cold and miserable. There wasn’t even a decent storm we could watch crash on to the beach from the cliffs, listening to the roar of the shingle as the retreating waves sucked the pebbles back down the beach. It was dark until about 8 o’clock in the morning and was dark again by 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Col and I spent much time reading to each other from the same book, snuggled under blankets. Mutti Frida somehow acquired a copy of a slim book of...

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A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing.  The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...

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The Light

As he felt the air rush past his body, he instantly realized that this could change his, little did he realize however that it would be for the better. John Doe had only gone for a small walk to clear his head after his recent exams, but after setting off he decided to trek through the forest near his house outside the small village, after about 20 minutes he heard a faint clink of stone underfoot. By the time he'd looked down, it was too late. John awoke, confused by his location in this dark,...

1 year ago
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Patchwork People XX Glass Houses

XX. Glass houses. To the sadly uninitiated, a bicycle is simply a convenient means of transportation, low-tech, eco-friendly, inexpensive, ultra-democratic. For the fitness conscious, it's a superior form of practical exercise: you could get your aerobic workout and run errands at the same time. For others, the bicycle endures as the conveyance of childhood memories--tricycle, Big Wheels, training wheels, scraped knees and paper routes. However to someone like Walt, a bicycle was all...

2 years ago
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Not The Same Old Gym Clothes

NOT THE SAME OLD GYM CLOTHES By Denny My wife and I have been married for over twenty years. Until recently, I thought she was straight laced when it came to sex. I mean we had a good sex life. Most of the time she would wear what I asked her too, if I was feeling a little kinky. The only thing I ever ask her to wear would be a pair of tights and leotards. There was just something about seeing her dressed like that. I guess I always have had a fetish about tights and leotards....

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Alice Cheshire Rich Chick BBC Blues

A rich chick like Alice Cheshire may seem like she has it all, but all she really wants is a little attention from her dad. But when he does not show up after school, she is disappointed yet again. Luckily, our stud is there to comfort her. He has been around her whole life and feels like a father figure to her. So, she climbs into bed with him and whips out his big black cock to make up for all the attention she is not getting. She slides his chocolate dick into her mouth and slobbers all over...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Tea Ch 07

# ## Two months later, in Rome … Sophie squealed as her naked husband tossed her onto their hotel room’s bed. Bouncing to her knees, she tossed a hank of damp hair out of her eyes. ‘You wretched beast, don’t think that just because we’re married now, you can manhandle me as you please. I was enjoying that bath!’ ‘But sweetheart, I want to enjoy you – and my head still hurts from where I cracked it against the side of the tub yesterday,’ Cole said, rubbing an imaginary lump on the back...

2 years ago
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When my wife and family lived in Hertfordshire we became very friendly with the neighbours. Ed and Ellen Bradshaw were a bit older than us with two teenage daughters Jeannie and Tammi, nineteen and s*******n respectively, Jeannie a stunning blonde who had a steady beau and was usually with him, Tammi on the other hand was a brunette with small pert boobs and not quite as pretty as her sibling. They also had a large black Labrador dog named Bruno Tammi usually took out to the park so when I...

4 years ago
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Halloween Gangbang

Maria looked in the mirror on Saturday, October 30. This was the night every girl in her residence was probably doing the same thing. Looking in the mirror at their scantily clad reflection and wondering about the nights activities. Maria was heading downtown to a local strip of bars that always had the best costume parties and the best dance music in the city. Her girlfriends were all getting ready around her but she couldn’t hear them… the only thing on her mind were the last minute regrets...

4 years ago
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Another happy bbc

Hey im in Montreal on the covid funds for the last 10 month and ive been a very very good little sissy white boy , oh yes thats right!Its was my dream to have time finally of my own to stay dress as a cute sissy all day and please guys who need a good blowjobI had been watching sissy vids for a year , my amazon orders all in that box in my war robe, thats right my sissy box like all of us sissy fill more and more the day passing becoming more into being fem and cutethen covid happened and i...

3 years ago
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Luke to Lucy Part 1

Luke was 18 years old and about to graduate from HS. It was 1977 and Luke lived in a suburb of Pittsburgh. Luke was only 5'2" tall and slim, was good looking with delicate features and shoulder length blonde hair. Technically Luke was an orphan. His mother had died in a car accident when Luke was 8 years old. After that his father remarried when Luke was 10. When his father became ill with cancer he set up a trust fund for Luke to go to college. After his father passed way when Luke...

1 year ago
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Keeper Ch 08

January 2 ~4:17 AM~ Blue didn’t know what to say. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She knew what she wanted to say, but leaping into John’s arms and yelling out a heartfelt ‘YES PLEASE!’ would probably put her on John’s Borderline Crazy, Run From This Woman As Fast As You Can list- (every man had a list like that, didn’t they?)- and she really, really wanted him to stick around and follow up on what he had just said to her. ‘I want you to come for me.’ He’d said it in that slow, low,...

2 years ago
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The Watersport Fantasies of a Beautiful Woman

Phyllis ordered the custom-made urinal costume a week ago, and today it finally arrived. It was a strange outfit, which required the wearer to sit on the floor with their knees crossed and their arms behind their back. A heavy plastic casing was affixed to their front, looking like a large deep urinal. The face and chest of the wearer - made up in gloss white - were exposed in the bowl, and the exit pipe led to their groin area. The man who'd designed it remarked to Phyllis on the phone that it...

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Life With sis Pt 20

I was really feeling emotionally drained after everyone left. I had fun, sex was good, but there was kind of an empty feeling inside. I'm a big wussy, I started to cry, like for no reason. Jeff asked why and I told him, it's like being the biggest slut in town, I did what I wanted to feel good, but I felt really empty inside. He had me move over closer to him so he could hold my hand and told me that was crazy talk, the reason we are here is to have a fun time, cut loose, do the things we...

4 years ago
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An unexpecting incredible desire

I had never been fucked before, that is to say, I have never had another man inside me. I have had a few “experiences” before, mostly when I was younger, but they were all oral. Wonderful, new and exciting, but all just oral sex. I had always wondered what it would be like, to have a cock inside me, to be fucked and pounded into. To have a man fill my ass with his seed. The chance had just never presented itself. Until I met Miguel. Miguel made no mistake about it, he called himself a “top” and...

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apni shop main mast aunti ki chudai

salam-o-alaikum mera naam prince of chodu hay meri age 19 hay lollay ka size 8″ tak hay yeh ik aunti ki story hay jis ko mainay apni shop main choda tha mera apna corporation ka karobar hay meri dokan main main aor meray abbu hi bathtay hain yeh aaj say taqreeba 2week pehlay ki baat hay meray abbu ko achanak kisi kaam say lahore say bahar jana pada aor main dokan pay akela hi reh gya aoralmost after 2hours main boor hota raha tv dekhta raha achanak ik aunti dokan main aayi slaam liya aor baith...

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Pool Party Starring Anna Kendrick

Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjasFor more celeb content visit Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She stepped...

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The Blouse

It was just sitting there, a plain white cotton blouse on the top of a pile of similar looking shirts. It had a small collar and tiny white buttons that ran down the entire front. It wasn't really a short-sleeve or sleeveless, but had just a ruffle of material that extended over the top of the shoulder. Although it was just a blouse, it was really a Blouse, with a capital "B." It was different, even if it didn't look or feel any different than any other blouse. "How about that one?"...

2 years ago
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Farie Dust

My roommate, Daisy is very dominant. She is comes from a very rich family, and even if she wasn't such a genius, I’m sure she could have gotten in to this college. I’m a very passive person. With is in mind, we operate on a love-hate relationship. About six months ago is when my life changed for what I thought would be forever, but Daisy assured me she will let me go before I graduate. For her own fun and games, she slipped one of her “magic pills” into one of my drinks one night. I don't...

2 years ago
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Blood BondsChapter 6

"I'm deeply sorry for your loss," said Father Likembe and nodded solemnly. He struck Ethan as a man of integrity and good will. His words sounded true enough, so Ethan obliged a sincere reply: "Thank you, father," he said and nodded pensively, suddenly lost in thought, his eyes fixed beyond the mass of people waiting for a meal. There was a peaceful murmur in the air, rarely broken by the sound of crying children. The people that had gathered weren't restless at all. He had been...

4 years ago
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Marine Biology

********* CHAPTER 1 I couldn’t believe my 16-year-old eyes. There was my mom, naked as a jaybird, with Tom, my big bro’s best buddy buried up to his balls in her ass. She was sitting on his cock as he bounced her up and down on his massive cock. And it was massive – especially in comparison to mom’s petite body. Mom is blonde, blue-eyed with these great firm tits and a snug body all of 5’2” tall. Tom was 6’3” or 6’4” of solid marine muscle and his cock was in proportion, or maybe...

2 years ago
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Could The Past Truly Be Her Future

Amber is 23 years old. Her whole life feels like its been a lie. A world of acting a certain way, being who her family wants her to be. Shes a stunner, 5’10’, blonde, tanned, long silky legs, big sexy breasts, always making guys stare, and gorgeous blue eyes. She modelled as a teenager, but gave it up when her Dad said it was ruining his image. She was also very prissy, and never wanted to show off her body at all. Her father, a wealthy politician, very controlling, always ran the show at...

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Forever a Slut

Britney has been a tramp ever since junior high. Ever since she sucked off the most popular boy in school she knew she wanted to be the girl anyone could come to for sexual pleasure. By her sophomore of highschool she was known as a slut but never denied the accusations, she loved it! Almost anything you could imagine a slut doing in highschool, she did, flashing the class, blowing Chris in the back of the room, being fingered by Steven under the desk, she even took cock from the quarterback in...

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The Chauffeur 43 Fighting Back

BY PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Waking up with a refreshed Jill was a delightful way to open my eyes. For the first tie in a long while, Dakota did not sleep in my bed. I got up and headed towards the bathroom for my morning ritual. I shaved and I showered. Once I was through, I went back out to the bedroom where my darling wife was still sleeping. I put on clothes to head towards the Hawk today as my 24 hours of staying at the Chateau is now over. I unplug my phone, grab my...

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A day at Cassis house

Another few weeks of the 2nd term went by and it was once again the time of the month when Cassi was on her period. On this occasion her parents and brother went away for the Saturday and would only be returning back on Sunday. That Saturday morning I played a rugby game and there after went home showered and made my way out telling my parents that I was meeting up with friends at the mall to watch a movie, relax and have dinner but that obviously wasn't the case. I made my way to Cassi's...

2 years ago
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Good Girls like it Bad

This will be a compilation of several stories. The beginnings here will allow you to pick which one you’d like to follow and from there explore endless possibilities. Feel free to leave a comment or a like if you enjoyed them.

2 years ago
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Rogue reliving without regrets

She had many names attached to her, most of them she didn’t want nor would she want to call anyone who she liked… She was curled up on her bed unable to sleep. So many memories came back to haunt her in the deep of the night. She looked around the shared room and despised how she and the Brotherhood were floating from flop house to flop house while her former so-called friends had rebuilt the mansion and were living in luxury. She looked out the cracked window as spotted a shooting star… A...

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A Wife Has to Do What a Wife Has to DoChapter 2 Fucking the Boss

The next morning Tim watched me getting dressed for work. I stepped into my sexiest lace thong panties, then selected a pair of black lace stockings with elastic at the top, a knee length red skirt with a slit up the middle so deep it ran all the way up to the middle of my panties. My thin black sleeveless sweater was cut low in front, exposing plenty of bare flesh down almost to my nipples. I also wore no bra, knowing if I bent over one or perhaps both of my tits might fall out. “You look...

3 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 4

Tim couldn't believe what was happening to him as he sat there on the bed in his parents' spare bedroom, his bare hard cock buried in his own mother Sue's hot mouth as she caressed his full nuts and her mouth moved up and down over his cock. Sue had caught him nearly by surprise when she confessed how she'd desired him as a lover and then asked that Tim only allow her to give him a blowjob before he decided if he wanted to go further with her. Tim's hand moved to Sue's head, pressing...

4 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 34 The Parcel at the Door

Exactly two days after the ‘ACCEPTANCE’ document arrived another parcel arrived at Tom’s home that contained three very clunky looking wrist bracelets. To say they could never be mistaken for a fashion accessory was an under statement because the bracelets were just positively ugly. A covering letter explained that new and much more attractive models were still in the design phase. Those new designs would be made of a non-allergenic plastic material and would come in several different colors...

4 years ago
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Pajama Party

PAJAMA PARTY by Throne Peter was so happy that he had moved in with Mary. Her rented house, that he now helped to pay for, was small but comfortable. He loved to simply watch her chatting on her phone or reading e-mails on her laptop. Mary was so pretty, with her long blond hair, sweet face, and slender figure. He couldn't believe that they were living together. And they were learning how to accommodate each other. He had dated a few other girls but never been in a real...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 37

As soon as Andy put on his seatbelt, Elizabeth punched him – hard – in the arm. "Don't ever do that again!" she shouted. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," Andy said. "I was tense this morning and you were an added complication I didn't count on." "I wasn't talking about that," Elizabeth said. "And I'll thank you not to refer to me as a 'complication' again. I was talking about painting a huge fucking bull's-eye on your ass and parading down Main Street. You scared the shit...

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Josephine Gets Submissive Or Does She

“Jake, I’ve heard from Josephine,” Livia said.  “Apparently, you did quite well yesterday.”That was when JoJo was in her dominatrix mode. He was surprised, “I did?”“Yes, you certainly did. She was impressed with your, call in stoicism, during her discipline of you. Give her a few days, and then call her and ask her out.”“Are you sure of that?”“Absolutely. She said she’s looking forward to it.”Livia had sent up her boss with her kinky friend Josephine. That lady was a switch, and she sometimes...

3 years ago
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The Howling Wind Chapter Two

“There are many perks in my senior position…” After Dane and I made rough love hours ago, I couldn't help but feel excited and strangely relieved after those passionate words drooled from my lips: I love you. As his sphincter stretched so lovingly to take my body into his, I was left in awe and amazement. He was bottling up such fervent sexual energy that shouldn't be wasted, instead be released twirling around the steamy body of a partner who longs to please your flesh. At the same time, I was...

Group Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 246

This one is compliments of Rrrosco It is from a bye gone year but it is worth a repeat. Operator: 'Ridge Hall, computer assistance; may I help you?' Caller: 'Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect.' Operator: 'What sort of trouble?' Caller: 'Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away.' Operator: 'Went away?' Caller: 'They disappeared' Operator: 'Hmm. So what does your screen look like now?' Caller: 'Nothing.' Operator:...

1 year ago
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Auntie Caught Us

Just a typical summer day hanging out with my close friend at his house, it was late morning about 11 - Frankie was still in his PJ’s. His mom was home and told us she had to go off to the store and to her mom’s and be back by 1. She told us that her sister was coming by, but she should be home before that, and lock the door if we go out before she gets there (she had a key), We said OK, see you later and off she went.We were just lads not having any luck with the neighborhood girls, but we...

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