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Jim Grant moved quickly down the long, semi-illuminated, basement hallway. The seventeen-year-old was one of the editors of the high school paper and had spent the better part of two hours rewriting an article that had been turned in three hours before the paper had to be sent to press.

If it had been up to Jim, he would've just tossed the poorly written feature in the trash can and been done with it. Unfortunately, it had been written by Phyllis Fox, a member of the school's in crowd and the darling of the paper's faculty advisor, Miss Ferguson. It was Jim's opinion that Phyllis's column was mindless drivel, filled with the sort of useless garbage that the small school's beautiful people thrived on. If he'd left it out, Miss Ferguson would've been all over his ass and he really didn't want to have to deal with that again.

The sandy haired teen already had enough arguments with the thirty-seven-year-old English teacher to last a lifetime. Just last year, they had a confrontation over the direction the paper should take that led to Jim being suspended from school for a week. The only reason he managed to get back his position on the paper when he came back was that the Principal quickly discovered that what was left of the staff was incapable of producing anything resembling a decent publication without him.

So despite Michelle Ferguson's objections, he returned to the board of the Lakeville Star. There was a constant friction between the two of them, but Jim was careful not to let anything blow up enough to get him suspended again.

"Damn, Mom's going to have a fit when I get home," Jim thought as he turned the corner. "I was supposed to pick up her dry cleaning on my way home and the store is going to be closed by the time I get there."

The rest of the staff had gone home an hour before, including Miss Ferguson. She had been satisfied with the layout for the paper, even if Jim hadn't. The young man resisted the urge to tell her that the paper was crap as it stood, instead suffering in silence and staying on his own time to fix the errors.

To make matters worse, the custodians had locked the gates at the staircase by the newspaper office, forcing Jim to travel the length of the basement to go out the stairs by the gym.

"Oh baby, do it to me, do it baby!" a voice echoed faintly from a side passage down the hall.

The sudden sound caused Jim to stop in midstep. The school should be deserted at this hour on a Friday night, he thought, who the hell was that?

"Oh baby, suck it, suck my cock!"

"Fuck, I know that voice." the young man said as he remembered what was down that side passage.

His carry bag in hand, Jim moved quietly down the passageway the voice had come from. He'd reached the end of the corridor when he saw the lights in the gym coach's office were on. From where he stood, he could see right into the glass walled room.

"Holy shit!" the teen said under his breath as he saw what was going on in the brightly-lit room. "I don't fucking believe it!"

Leaning against his desk was Coach Rob Kelly, the forty-six year old head of the athletic department. The coach was stripped to the waist and also had his sweatpants down around his ankles. Rob Kelly was six foot two and two hundred and thirty pounds, all of it muscle. He was also bald, good-looking, and very, very black. Married with five kids, his wife Kate was also a teacher at the school, a member of the music department.

That the coach was using his office to get a blowjob from a woman not his wife was shocking enough. What was really mind blowing to the seventeen-year-old was that the woman with Kelly's cock in her mouth was none other than Michelle Ferguson herself.

There was no mistaking the redheaded teacher. From where Jim was standing in the darkened hallway, he could clearly see her face as Coach Kelly's dark cock slid in and out of her mouth. He could also see that the white blouse he had seen her wearing in the newspaper office only an hour ago was now hanging open. As was her bra, displaying her 36C bust for all the world, or at least one teenager to see.

Whatever her personality, even Jim had to admit that for a woman nearly as old as his mother, Michelle Ferguson had a pretty hot body.

"No one is ever going to believe this." he thought as he watched Michelle swallow Coach Kelly's manhood once more.

He watched for another minute when he suddenly remembered something.

"I'm an idiot!" he said to himself.

Jim zipped open the carry bag at his feet and pulled out a rather professional looking camera. The camera belonged to the newspaper and Jim had signed it out to take some pictures of the football game tomorrow. In addition to being one of the editors, he was also one of the photographers.

"Well they say a picture's worth a thousand words." he said as he looked through the viewfinder and started snapping away.

Jim thanked his luck that he had fitted the camera with a telephoto lens and high-speed film for the game. The film that could freeze the action in mid-play, also worked great in low light.

"These are going to be great." Jim said as he clicked away.

With the telephoto lens, it was as if he was almost in the same room as the two lovers. He watched in rapt fascination as Michelle sucked off the gym teacher with the skill of a back alley hooker.

"I think he's about to blow." the young man behind the lens thought as he saw the look on the coach's face.

Sure enough, blow he did as Rob Kelly exploded all over Michelle's face. Jim had to keep from laughing as the redhead found herself covered with the sticky whiteness. An image captured for posterity in living color.

Coach Kelly handed Michelle a towel to clean off her face with. One of the same towels, Jim noted, that the students used to dry off after the showers at the end of gym class. He wondered for a moment if she planned to use those showers to clean herself up, and if so how could he get a picture of her in them. Watching her wet the towel from the water cooler in the office, it became apparent that a shower was not to be. He settled instead for getting a really great shot of her naked breasts when she stood up.

The sound of his roll of film coming to an end as he took that last shot made Jim realize that he had better get out of there while he could. Quickly and as quietly as he could, he stuffed his gear back in his bag and retraced his steps back up the hall. Thankfully, the staircase up to the street level was unlocked and he flew up it as fast as he could.

After getting home and listening to the inevitable lecture from his mother about the dry cleaning, Jim excused himself from the dinner table and headed down to the basement and his darkroom.

A short time later, Jim watched with excitement as the first 8x10 image began to form in the development pan. The picture was as clear as if he'd taken it on a sunny day, the film had worked perfectly.

The first shot was a close up of Michelle with her tongue licking the tip of the Coach's cock. Jim couldn't believe the resolution of the photograph, he could even see the drop of precum on the edge of her tongue.

The next shot out of the soup was even better as it showed a wider view in which you could see Michelle's tits as well as Coach Kelly's face. The third and fourth shots alternated between close ups and wider angles, reflecting the fact that Jim had kept changing the settings on the telephoto lens after each click of the shutter. As more and more pictures began to grace the small line he used to air dry the prints, Jim found that he'd gotten a major class hard on just looking at them.

Knowing the door to his darkroom was locked, Jim sat back in the old, beat up recliner that his father had once tried to throw out and began to rub his cock through his pants. It wasn't long before he had it out and was pumping it with his hand.

His blue eyes never left the image of the teacher he hated blowing the gym coach. As he felt his climax approaching, Jim began to wonder what it might be like to be on the receiving end of that hot mouth. It would be hard to hate Miss Ferguson at a time like that.

Jim had gotten a few blowjobs from girls at school. In fact, two months ago he had even lost his virginity on his seventeenth birthday when his neighbor's cousin Heather, who had been visiting from Canada, went to bed with him. She was a nice enough girl, but it was apparent that it was something she had done more than a few times before. Jim was glad when she went back home at the start of the school year. On the verge of orgasm, he wondered what it might be like with someone like Michelle Ferguson.

"Fuck!" Jim gasped as his cock exploded all over his pants. The force of his eruption was enough to send small white splatters onto the arms of the chair as well.

He sat there, covered in his own sperm, for what seemed like a real long time. The climax he had just experienced was even better than the one he felt with he was inside Heather. Go figure that one, the teen thought.

Jim took the time to clean up both himself and the chair. It wouldn't do for his Mom to come down and find the come stains on the material. Next he collected the now dry pictures and hid both them and the negatives in what he considered a real safe place.

The clock on the wall told him it was time to hit the sack. Jim still had to get up early in the morning and go photograph the football game. He reloaded the camera with the best film he had on hand. It wasn't as good as the stuff he had just developed, but it would do the job. Then again, there was nothing he was going to see at the game that was likely to be as interesting as what he had filmed tonight. Not even if Susan Todd didn't wear panties again under her cheerleader's skirt, a fact that became obvious to attentive spectators when she did a cartwheel. Always attentive, Jim already had two good shots of those cartwheels. One of which he had blown up into a close-up of her bush and sold to a few guys who asked him about it.

Thinking about that, Jim figured that if he sold the pictures of Miss Ferguson and Coach Kelly, he'd get a lot more than the ten dollars a shot he'd gotten for the pics of Susan. A whole lot more.

But that was a decision for tomorrow or maybe even the day after. It had been a long day and jerking off always made him a little tired afterwards. After taking a few minutes to make sure he was leaving everything cleaned up, he headed off to bed.

Jim Grant woke up the next morning with a hard on. Normally this was not that unusual for a seventeen-year-old boy, but in this case, Jim found it a little surprising. The reason being that he had woken up two hours before with one as well. He had jerked off then using a tissue from his night table to keep from staining his bed. Now, despite two climaxes in less than eight hours, he still couldn't get the images he had captured on celluloid out of his mind. The proof of which was the six and a half-inch post now once more straining against his pajama bottoms.

He was pleased to discover that this early morning orgasm was just as enjoyable as the two that had preceded it. The pictures now hidden in his basement were proving to be a potent aphrodisiac.

His lust abated, if only for the time being, Jim quickly showered and dressed. Bill and Jack, two of his best friends picked him up to go to the game. It took all of his strength of will not to tell them about the pictures he had taken.

"You think you'll get any more pictures of Susie's pussy?" Bill asked as he drove down the road leading to the school's playing field.

"Forget about Susie's pussy," Jack said from the other side of Jim. "You ever get a shot of Donna Petrowski's tits you let me know. I'd pay big bucks to see those babies."

"If you weren't such an asshole, maybe you'd get to see them for yourself." Bill laughed.

"Oh yeah," Jack countered. "And whose tits have you ever seen other than your sister's?"

"Just your mother's!" Bill shot back.

"Fuck you!" Jack shouted back.

"She wanted to, but I've got better taste." Bill fired back just as quickly.

Jack fumed at the response for a moment, but Jim had been here many times and quickly defused the situation.

"I'll have to give that round to Billy." he said. "He got you on points, Jack."

"All right," he grudgingly admitted as his temper subsided. "I guess he did."

All of them then laughed.

"You wouldn't really want to fuck my mother, would you?" Jack asked Billy.

"Hell no," he said. "Who'd want to screw someone that old."

"Yeah, right." Jack agreed.

Jim didn't say a word, thinking of the pictures in his basement. Who indeed, he thought.

All through the rest of the weekend, Jim pondered what he should do with the hidden photographs. He was still thinking about it Monday morning when he showed up at first period English. The class had just about resigned itself to yet another of Mrs. Conway's boring recitations of equally boring poems, when who should walk in but Michelle Ferguson.

"I'm afraid that Mrs. Conway's got a touch of the flu and won't be in today," she said as she walked across the front of the room. "So I'll be covering her class for at least the next two days."

That statement perked up the attention of at least the male half of the class. None of them would rather have to pay attention to the fifty-five going on eighty Mrs. Conway. In fact, as Jim had noted to himself in the basement Friday afternoon, Miss Ferguson was a first class fox.

Hanging out with the guys one afternoon, he and they had come to the conclusion that there had to be at least one Miss Ferguson in every school. A Teacher that just exuded sex appeal and more importantly knew it. Someone who, they were sure, knew exactly the effect she had on teenage boys. Even following the conservative dress code the School Board had laid down for female teachers, Michelle Ferguson was still the subject of countless wet dreams. One of the guys at that afternoon bull session had remarked that if Miss Ferguson had been at the Catholic School he had transferred from, and had been required to wear a habit, she still would've been giving even the Priests hard ons. Jim had to agree with that assessment. There was no way you could totally hide a body like that.

Unlike when Mrs. Conway read, every eye in the room was on Miss Ferguson's lips as she read the day's poem. It happened to be a love sonnet, and even the girls were enraptured by her rendition of it. The heaving of her breasts as she added emphasis to her words was almost enough to give every guy in class a woodie, and Jim was no exception.

Unfortunately for Jim, he had the added image of Friday afternoon's little escapade to add fuel to his fire so to speak. As he watched her cherry red lips move as she spoke, he couldn't help but remember how they looked wrapped around Coach Kelly's cock. Then as with the rest of his fellow male student he watched the expansions and contractions beneath her blouse, the young photographer pictured the shape and look of the dark pink nipples hidden beneath the white material.

Jim had gotten so wrapped up in his own private imagery that he hadn't even heard his name called the first two times.

"Mr. Grant!" Michelle Ferguson said much louder the third time as she stepped down the row of desks where he sat.

"What?" Jim muttered as he snapped out of his almost trance-like state.

"Nice to have you join us again." Michelle said from where she had stopped a few desks in front of him.

A few low laughs from his fellows greeted her statement.

"Now that I have your attention, I'll repeat the question," she went on. "How did the poets words make you feel when you heard them?"

"Well, I..." Jim began, knowing full well that he wasn't the only guy in class who wasn't paying the least bit of attention to what the poet's words actually were.

"Stand up please."

"What?" Jim said.

"I said, stand up please," the woman in white and blue repeated. "In my class when you give an answer or render an opinion, I prefer students to stand up so that everyone may have the full benefit of their answer."

Jim quickly became aware of his body's response to the imagery he had been so recently remembering. And if he stood up, so would everyone else.

"I'd rather not." Jim said.

"I'm afraid that wasn't an option I gave, Mr. Grant," Michelle said, the slightest of smiles forming at the corner of her mouth. "This isn't the Lakeville Star where you can do what you want as the result of some misguided sense that you are indispensable. In my classroom you will follow my rules. Or would you rather explain what the poet was talking about to the principle. I'm sure he'd be most interested in your answer."

The memory of his suspension last semester fresh in his mind, Jim slowly rose to his feet. It was Sally Welles sitting just across from him who noticed it first. It didn't take seconds after that for everyone else around him to notice it as well — including Miss Ferguson.

"Well, I see that perhaps you were moved by the imagery of the poets words after all, Mr. Grant," Michelle said with a snide satisfaction in her voice. "But not in the way he intended I would guess. Very well, you may return to your seat."

Jim did so, his ears ringing with the hushed whispers and quiet laughter from those around him. He knew Miss Ferguson had no right to make fun of him like that. But he also knew that if he made a complaint he would find more of the students backing up any version of events she put across rather than what actually happened.

"Well, if our little entertainment is over with," Michelle said as she returned to the front of the room. "I'd like you all to turn to page fifty in your textbook and..."

The rest of the class, in fact the rest of the day passed in a rapid blur for Jim Grant. As he had guessed, half the school had heard about his having an erection in English class by the last period. He had been equally right in predicting that no one heard a word about Miss Ferguson making fun of him as she did.

"I hope you enjoyed your little laugh, Miss Ferguson," Jim raged as he ran down the school steps, trying to ignore the pointed stares. "This time you've gone over the line!"

Jim was just as angry when he finally reached home. He sat at his kitchen table drinking a glass of soda. Eventually, he began to get control of his anger enough to think about getting even.

"Hey what's up little brother?" the tall twenty-year-old asked as she came through the kitchen door.

"Sure, you think it's funny too!" Jim called out at what he perceived as his sister's ill attempt at humor.

"Wait a second, little brother," Marcy Grant said, "What do I find funny? I was just asking how was your day."

Realizing he had jumped the gun, Jim took a deep breath and told Marcy what had happened in English class. He omitted of course what he had been thinking about when he had the erection.

"I guess that would be embarrassing," his sister said with some sympathy. "But you're not the first guy that's happened to, and I'm sure not the last. I remember it happening to Kyle Hamilton back in junior high. Trust me, by the end of the week everyone will have forgotten about it."

Jim then told his sister about how Michelle Ferguson had made fun of him. Of how none of the other students would back him up if he wanted to file a complaint.

"That woman always was a cruel bitch, even back when I was in her class," Marcy commented. "If it wasn't for her I would've gotten the Walker Award. Instead it went to one of her pets. I'm sorry she didn't get fired that time."

"What are you talking about, what time?"

"Back when I was a Senior, Miss Ferguson was involved in some kind of scandal. No one was really sure of all the details, at least no one that I knew. All I know is that there were rumors that she had something going on with one or two of the teachers at the school. When I came back to visit during my College Freshman year, she was divorced and three married teachers had been transferred to other schools. Make of it what you want."

"I think I have a pretty good idea what to make of it." Jim said quietly, the pictures hidden down in his workroom very much on her mind.

"But she managed to worm her way out of whatever her problem was back then." Marcy concluded.

"Sis," Jim asked his sister. "What would you say if I told you I knew a way to get even with Miss Ferguson. A way to pay her back for every nasty little thing she's ever done to anyone."

Marcy considered the question for a minute. She was well aware of some of the stunts her little brother had pulled over the years. A few he had gotten caught at, but even more he had gotten away with. He'd always been a pretty imaginative kid. So if he said he had a way to get even with Miss Ferguson, she had to believe he did.

"I don't think I want to hear this," she finally answered. "But if you really have a way to get back at that bitch, then I say go for it."

Jim's face lit up with his sister's encouragement. His older sibling took note of a mischievous gleam now in his eyes. It was a sparkle she had seen there before. She almost felt a little sorry for Miss Ferguson. The key word in that thought was almost.

Right after dinner, Jim retreated to his basement workshop. Spread out on his desk were the pictures of Miss Ferguson and Coach Kelly. Sitting back in the old recliner, the young man toyed with a bright red floppy disk from his computer. On the disk was a web page containing copies of the pictures on his desk.

He had been debating with himself for the better part of the last hour if putting the web page up on the Internet would be enough of a revenge. To make sure that every teacher and student saw the page, he had also added to the disk the high school's master email list. He planned to send the URL to everyone on the list after he put it up. Jim figured that it wouldn't take half as long as the story of what happened to him in English class for everyone to know about the web page. Oh he was sure that eventually the school would take steps to have the page removed. But by that time, anyone who was interested would've copied the pictures. He could just see copies of them turning up all over the school.

The best part of it all was that they would never know who had done it. When they traced back the email address used to open the account on the free web page provider, they'd find that it belonged to Michelle Ferguson. It had been kid stuff to get into the school files and find out her password.

Still, the whole plan lacked the feeling of satisfaction he expected it to have. Jim just couldn't put his finger on it. He'd been careful to crop the pictures he was going to put online so that only Michelle was identifiable. It wasn't so much that he wanted to protect Coach Kelly. After all, he was a more than willing participant. Rather it was because he had liked Mrs. Kelly when he'd taken her class and had no desire to cause her any embarrassment if he could avoid it. Finally deciding to sleep on it all, Jim stuffed the red disk into his knapsack and headed up to bed.

Jim woke early the next morning before even his alarm clock had gone off. He was too excited to stay in bed any longer. In the middle of the night he'd had a dream, a dream that had told him what was wrong with his plan of revenge.

It was so obvious that he was surprised it hadn't occurred to him before. His plan was too impersonal, too detached. Jim wanted to see the look on Michelle Ferguson's face when it all came back to haunt her. He wanted to watch her world crumble.

Quickly dressing, Jim raced down to the basement. He pulled out the hidden folder with the 8x10s and selected the best shot of Michelle licking the tip of the Coach's cock. Stuffing the photograph into an large envelope, he printed Attention: Miss Ferguson — Urgent! in large block letters on the front. The envelope then joined the disk in his bag.

The hardest part of his revised plan was getting the large envelope onto Miss Ferguson's desk without being seen. Jim's luck held out as he was the first one into class that day. Quick as he could, he stuck it in the middle of the equally large interoffice envelopes one of the school aides had already dropped off. Then he quickly left the classroom, returning ten minutes later with other students.

As was the practice for Tuesdays, most of the English period was set aside for private study. Most teachers used this time to catch up on their paperwork and Michelle was no exception. From his desk, Jim watched carefully as his target went through the contents of the first two envelopes. One eye constantly watched the clock, taking note that the papers she'd read so far had taken up most of the period. It was possible that she might not get to his surprise before class was over. Jim began to experience a feeling of disappointment.

Then, with only a few minutes left before the bell would ring, Jim's face lit up as he watched Michelle put down the pile she was working on and reached for the envelope he had left. The Teacher looked at the label for a moment, shrugged her shoulders, then slit open the top with her letter opener.

Michelle Ferguson's normally rosy complexion turned a deadly pale white when she saw the photograph from the envelope. For a moment, Jim thought she might actually pass out as it looked like she couldn't catch her breath. Had he gone too far?

"Miss Ferguson, are you all right?" one of the girls in the front row asked loudly when she looked up and saw the look of distress on the teacher's face.

With that, every student in the class looked up from what they were doing to see what the girl was talking about. Her face still pale, Michelle quickly stuffed the picture back in the plain manila envelope and rushed out of the room. Jim could only guess that she was on the way to the closest bathroom to throw up.

Ignoring the discussion going on around him about the Teacher's strange behavior, Jim sat back in his chair very pleased with himself. It had been more satisfying to actually see her reaction to the picture. And that was only the beginning. The red disk was still resting in the knapsack at his feet. Additionally, he had also printed a small note on the back on the photograph in a last second inspiration. It simply said, coach's office - 5:00.

Jim had toyed with the idea of physically confronting Miss Ferguson. Personally letting her know that he was the one she could credit with her downfall. He still didn't know if he would actually go through with that part of his plan, but it felt nice to have that option. The Lakeville Rockets were playing at Northside tonight and the coach's office would be as empty as a ghost town at that hour.

The bell rang soon after and Jim headed to his next class. He became even more pleased with himself when he overhead one girl tell another that she had gone to check on Miss Ferguson and found her in the girl's bathroom, her head buried in one of the toilets.

By the end of the school day, Jim had decided to wait around and see if Michelle would keep her appointment. He'd heard she'd asked other teachers to cover her classes for the rest of the day, saying that she felt a little ill. Yet at the same time, she hadn't gone home to rest, telling them she just wanted to lay down in her office for a little while. Normally any teacher taking sick time would've been out the front door before the administration had even arranged for a substitute.

As a member of the newspaper board, it was easy for Jim to hang around after everyone else started to go home. Most of the students in the office were going to the Northside game and wanted to catch the 4:30 buses. By quarter to five, Jim was all alone in the office.

"Decision time," Jim said to himself as he put down the proofs he hadn't really been reading and looked up as the clock neared five. "I guess it wouldn't hurt just to take a walk down the hall and see if she actually showed up."

Jim took his time strolling down the hallway, walking like he didn't have a care in the world. He stopped to read a few notices posted on the tiled wall. Unlike Friday evening, the hall was still well lit at this hour.

Passing the side corridor that led to the coach's office, Jim paused just log enough to look down it. Sure enough, there was Miss Ferguson standing impatiently by the locked door.

Jim had gone about ten feet further when he came to a full stop. He thought about it for a moment, then turned around and headed back toward the side corridor.

Michelle Ferguson was so lost in her own thoughts that at first she didn't see Jim coming toward her. She looked up and was startled by his presence.

"Oh it's you, Grant," she said when she saw him. "I don't have time to talk to you about the paper right now. It's going to have to wait until tomorrow."

The fact that the thirty-seven-year old couldn't make a connection between the seventeen-year-old's appearance and why she was waiting here just added to Jim's sense of animosity. It was just yet another example of her not taking him seriously.

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For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story I Warned You, I'm here to let you know that I did not go gently into that good night. For those of you who did not read that story, I'll give you a short synopsis. I work too damn hard and too damn many hours on my job. My home life sucks because I'm too damn tired from the job to give my wife the attention I want to give and get too many honey do lists finished. The stress was getting to me so I decided to treat myself to...

1 year ago
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Are you ready for some Black Payback? Before you answer that, I should warn you this ain’t your typical premium interracial site. They say that payback is a bitch, but I’d argue that the girls on the receiving end of these BBCs are more worthy of the name. If you’re looking for tales of romantic jungle fever, you’re wandering around in the wrong part of the hood. This is hardcore sexual payback, end of story. Get ready for some motherfucking has been hawking their...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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LoveHerFeet Domino Neon Gel Nail Polish

When hungry, have a piece of banana. If horny, search for an available cock. Luckily, Domino has both. The beautiful tattooed blonde with big fake tits and sexy feet enjoys the phallic-shaped fruit/berry while sitting comfortably on the countertop. While she’s enjoying her snack, Stanley Johnson comes to the room to check her out. The handsome lad can’t help but admire the gorgeous hottie in red lingerie. The green neon gel nail polish on her toes quickly attracted the attention of...

1 year ago
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Coming Upon Celeste

After I let myself in, I stealthily made my way into her spacious bedroom, expecting to find her still sleeping. I looked to see Celeste reclining on her bed peacefully, lying on her side, presenting me with a delightful view of her superb ass. Although there were no lights on, the early morning sun was spreading out over her bed through the horizontal blinds. She hadn't realized that I was in the room with her yet, and as I took in the sight of the graceful curves of her shapely derriere, I...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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An Odd DiscoveryChapter 3

My elder brother was away on business and his wife Michelle had asked me to take her on her regular Friday shopping trip. Knowing that she could not drive and as I had done so on many previous occasions I had readily agreed. I had nothing else planned for the day so Michelle would walk the half mile to my house whenever she was ready. Michelle and my brother were obviously aware of my situation and no doubt she intended to add her advice, or more likely my brother's advice in her words....

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The EmbezzlerChapter 11

Tammy was going to be late with some prom committee stuff and Peter was sitting in Maur's kitchen as she made him an after-school snack. "How Domestic", Maur laughed to herself, as she was buttering his sandwich, domestic in heels, thigh highs, panties and an apron! But it was nice doing things for Peter, he had been so good to her and her daughter! She put the plate and a glass of milk down and went to sit across from him, before she sat down, she took off the apron so her boobs were on...

1 year ago
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Beth buys a house

When Beth Jones finished collage she got a job as a personal secretary in an insurance company. She was a mousy girl who wore thick glasses and plain dresses. Her parents beat the crap out of her since she was a little girl. Her mom broke her cherry with a hair brush handle when she was two. Her father raped Beth when she was seven and every night afterwards with her mothers approval until she left home. They made their little girl a masochist who loved abusive sex. Collage taught her how to...

4 years ago
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Divorced MILF Massaged With Feather In Goa

Hello to all ladies and guys here. I will call myself the ‘masseur’. I am not too comfortable sharing my name in my first experience itself. I am happy to have learnt a bit about the art of massage which helped me pen this. It was a hot humid summer in Goa and I had taken a break from work. I checked into one of the most beautiful secluded parts in south Goa for a weekend getaway away from the noise. Little did I know that the weekend would be one I would remember for ages to come! While...

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The dirty old man

Kate’s husband Dave had run off with his secretary two years ago. Not that Kate was really bothered by his betrayal. In her eyes, he was a worthless piece of shit and even that was complementing him. They had met in the spring of '97 – married by the spring of '98 – and separated in the millennium year. She had realised she’d made a huge mistake when she’d found out he’d cheated on her the day after their honeymoon.Since then, she’d retreated further and further within herself, moping about...

4 years ago
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Complex Relationships The Indian Context The Client Visit

Synopsis: Its a story of an Indian guy who lusts for his wife's sister, and one day he gets the opportunity of his life time. He catches her flirting with clients and decide that she may as well be an object of amusement for himself.In continuation of the story called Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The DiscoveryTitle : Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The Client VisitSynopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife's younger sister is said to...

4 years ago
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The last mission had been just short of disaster. What had promised in the beginning to be a simple extraction from Geneva of two defecting Chechens had turned out to be a trap for both sides, with a double agent in our side selling out to a third, unknown party. There were no goodbyes or tears when we left - guns had been shot, people killed, and your truly got a lead souvenir in his shoulder that still hurts when I turn to the right. If it had not been for my daughter, my 'backup,' I would...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Pleasure

My name is Jan, and I am in my late 40s, and like to keep fit. I would like to relate to you what happened to me last week.You see a young couple from down the end of our street who were in their late teens I would say and that I had got to know quite well over the years, asked me if I would be kind enough to take some photo's of them both together. Only too happy to oblige, an evening was arranged for me to visit. Once I had arrived this is what happened......They sat me down and asked me to...

2 years ago
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Triumvirate Book 2

Triumvirate Book 2 By Paradox Wolf Springs, Wyoming, Buckman Rental Property She gasped as the combination of a warm, wet tongue laving her tight, puckered nipple and the thrust of a hot, steel-hard member driving deep within her soft, hungry sex sent her mind reeling amidst a wash of delicious pleasure that threatened to blank her mind. Her nails clawed desperately at the strong back of the body that lay positioned...

1 year ago
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It was my first year on the Woodrow Wilson high school girl's track team; I was just a sophomore, 15 years old and new to Ellicott City. Our coach had watched all of the new boys and girls trying out for the team, evaluated their talent, and I was selected to run the hurdles and compete in the long jump. I believe that I was selected for those events because I wasn't fast enough for the sprints nor was I very strong so the hurdles and the long jump seemed to be the perfect fit for me. I...

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Family Time

Family Time By Ellie Dauber c) 2004 "Johnny, slow down. You're driving much too fast." Johnny Crayne glanced at his wife in the rear view mirror of their SUV. "Paula, this is Arizona, nothing but flat, straight roads that go on for miles. There's no better place to see what this baby can do." He chuckled and patted the car's dashboard. "Yeah, relax," Ray Preston said from the front passenger seat. "Johnny's a good driver, and there's not another car on the road." The SUV...

4 years ago
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Catching my wife Part 5

I leaned down, at Connie’s verbal and physical encouragement, and took a cautiously slow lap at my wife’s red and sensitive looking pussy. It’s then that I noticed that my wife’s vulva was smoother around the sides than I had ever noticed before. She still had a short tuff of hair above the cleft of her folds, yet the sides were as if she never had any hair whatsoever! It because of her new smoothness that I was able to see how puffy and red the outside of her vulva was… I couldn’t quite...

2 years ago
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Another Changed Life Ch 05

I’m sorry for the delay with this – life got in the way and I had trouble finishing it. This is the last chapter. Thanks to those who have commented or voted. * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * ‘We need to talk.’ Pretty much the last thing that anyone wants to hear from their lover. That’s the way you start the breakup conversation, and the way I’d made a few women in the past aware they were getting far too clingy for my liking and they either needed to accept it was just sex or leave me alone....

2 years ago
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Our Secrets

This is the story of events leading up to and the accounts of a life-changing event for my sister Sharon and I.  Sharon was 17, almost 18 at the time, and I was 22.  It was late last summer on a hot weekend.  My parents had gone out of town on one of their getaways, and my sister was at home by herself.  I live alone, not far from my Mom and Dad’sIt was a Saturday morning, and it was pretty outside with the smell of flowers in the air, birds singing, and not to mention a lot of sunshine.  The...

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Shawns Addiction

Shawn's Addiction by Starhawk Chapter 1 I awoke to the realization that I was not alone in my bed. My eyes looked down to his thickly muscled arm, which was wrapped around my chest and cupped my left breast with his right hand. I cannot say that the sensation was unpleasant. Quite the contrary, it was not only pleasant, but also, somehow, familiar. Then I remembered, and that memory brought a smile to my face, for that hand belonged to the love of my life . . . Kevin. ...

4 years ago
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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 9

There had been more discussion. But both women found themselves in uncharted territory, and that made making decisions much more difficult than it would have otherwise been. For Jennifer, the unfamiliar part of all this was that she had finally met a man who would talk to her. That might sound odd to a lot of us, but that’s only because we’re grown and talk to people all the time. We have friends, both male and female, and we have an entire array of people to choose from if we want to talk...

4 years ago
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She walked up and sat next to me on the bench. Her green eyes peered into mine, and she spoke. "You're so very sad." Not a question, not an accusation, just a statement of fact. Four decades worth of tears welled up in my eyes, flowing freely down my cheeks. I didn't make a sound. "You haven't always felt this way." I nodded agreement. "When you were a boy, you wished you were a girl. As the girls you knew became women, your wish became the desire to be a woman." I nodded...

3 years ago
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Andy Nailed His Cousin Geetha

Hi to all the ISS fans here after reading thousands of stories in ISS, I decided to post my story. I’m Andy name changed 23 years of age from Raichur, a district in Karnataka. I’m an engineer by profession now working in Bangalore. This story I’m submitting now happened 3 and a half years ago when my cousin sister was here to our place district that is to our home for 10-15 days her name was Geeta name changed. She was 3 years and a few months elder to me. She was married now and it was...

2 years ago
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142 DISTANT CONTROL the subject is a blond her middle name is margaret, shes Age 36 , size 32b 32 33 5 ft 6 inches tall her hubby is not named tony but thats lifethe bits in italics are thought unsaid the bits in bold are me She is sat on the sofa just wearing a tea shirt, black bra & panties and a denim skirt her hubby is to act for me and she will remain passive throughout just using the laptop.I am over 100 miles awayAre you on that sofa and ready? YehYou can tell him what to doI will do...

3 years ago
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A Little Bit of Magic

I wanted soft lights, soul-stirring music, and a good, strong cocktail or two… or three, so I decided to go to The Social. I had never been there on Valentine’s Day before. The occasion had always taken me to other places, so I decided to switch things up and give it a try. I wanted something different than a standard fancy restaurant. I wanted to feel a little bit of magic, and on any given night, The Social was the perfect place for that. For decades, it had been a haven where some of the...

2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 47

After stopping off for a visit to the loo, I went down for some lunch to the small cafeteria on the first floor. As I entered, I looked around the small but tastefully decorated room. Everywhere I looked there were tanned faces, everyone seemed young and beautiful. The women looked like catwalk models, but with bigger boobs, and the men all looked as if they'd just stepped out of a mail order catalogue. Vicky waved to me and beckoned me over to her. As I joined her, she introduced me to the...

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The Spurious Sister

The Spurious Sister © 2019 by Nom de Plume It's one thing to pose as my missing sister to keep the money coming from a distant relative. It's quite another to start living her life.... "Aw Mom, do I really have dress up as a girl?" "Yes Andrew, please don't make such a fuss about it. They're only clothes! And you know how much it will mean to your Aunt Esther." "Does she really think I'm Amy?" "I'm afraid so. I suppose it was my fault, when your father and...

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The Halloween Ride of Paula Revere

(Listen my readers for I shall tell Of the story disclaimer of Miss Jezzi Belle. On the 31 of October of '84 If life for you was not yet in store You're too young so get your butt out of here.) The Halloween Ride of Paul(a) Revere By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2002 TRP Listen my darlings and you shall hear Of the Halloween ride of Paul(a) Revere. On the 31st of October of '95 No "man" involved is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. Paul said to...

4 years ago
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Mistletoe and Holly Second Part The New Years Party

************************************* Even though she knew what we were doing, Mom didn't say anything more to us and quickly got used to us going to the same room at night. My twin and I used my bedroom because the guest bed was bigger, quieter and had more bounce. For the next six nights Holly and I lived in a sexual fantasy land as we tried to make up for the years we were apart. We didn't try to make excuses for our behavior, we didn't try to rationalize, we just fucked like...

3 years ago
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Wife Helps Out A Friend Part 3

Okay, I admit it. I have not been keeping up with writing about the ongoing story of my wife and my (our) friend and although I have been slacking off, they haven’t been. I mentioned at the end of the last story that they were planning to meet at a hotel soon. Well, that happened…It took a long time to work things out and to sync schedules, but we finally worked it out. Because of our living arrangements (my mom living with us), we decided that getting a hotel room in our name was the best...

4 years ago
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An Unbelievable Wedding Night

It was February 1994 and a month after the events related in "Prior to my wife's Gangbang". I had discovered that if we got married before I left the R.A.F. my wife would receive half of my pension in the event of my death. As i'd done 22 years I would be receiving an immediate pension so this was significant. The problem was i'd been absolutely useless at saving and all our parents were either dead or pensioners. I was due to receive a gratuity of thousands of pounds but this would be...

3 years ago
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MotherInLaw Gets Her Way Again

Evelyn looked amazing standing in front of me in her black thigh-high stockings. My cock began to grow as soon as I saw her, and I was glad I’d chosen the light basketball shorts after my shower that morning.  She had two glasses in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, but the look on her face told me she wasn’t planning on drinking the wine.  She walked up to me and noticed my cock pushing the light material of my shorts up with very little resistance.  “Oh, I see you like my morning...

3 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 3 Day 1

Steve's second awakening in his new world was similar to his first. He was groggy again, and his head still seemed full of cotton. He found himself spooning with Amanda, his hand inside her pajamas and cupping her breast. As his head cleared, he started to notice some discrepancies. First of all, the breast he was holding was smaller and firmer than Amanda's. Secondly, the woman it was part of was shorter than his wife. And thirdly, he now remembered seeing a video yesterday, showing his...

4 years ago
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The Candle Part One

Tommy sat watching the television, his mother was talking on the telephone. ‘Yes Maureen, I’ll ask him and get back to you tomorrow, bye.’ Norma replaced the receiver and turned to her son, ‘Maureen was wondering if you could pop in on Saturday to fix her bedroom light, it keeps burning out the bulbs.’ Tommy looked up, his mother was always asking him to do little jobs for her friends, he didn’t mind, it was just that she said he wasn’t to ask too much in payment. This what not the way he...

4 years ago
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All female foursome on a business trip to the BIG

Ok, so, those of you that know me, and what I like, you know I am a very into other sexy woman and love to explore my bisexual side. And I am going to tell you about a story that was a real first for me.So, last year I was asked by my boss the CEO of the company work for to tag along to a trip to America for a boring bio medical exhibition but of course while I was there I wanted to take a few days off R & R and do some shopping. So I a took a few days off at the end and went to New York to...

3 years ago
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The Client Call

I stand in the doorway of your small home office, just watching you at your desk. You don’t see me yet. You are leaning back in your leather office chair as you talk with one of your most important, new clients on the phone. He’s briefing you on a new project. I’m impressed by how you manage him. From everything you’ve told me, he is “a lot” and can drive you a bit crazy sometimes. You’d never know it from the confident way I hear you speak to him. But then, you’ve always been like that. In...

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How It All Began Ch 09

With one eye open and then another, Jack realized he must have dozed off momentarily. Peering over the top of his sunglasses, the sun loungers were unoccupied. Jack felt disoriented and confused, he wondered where the others had gone. Questioning if the fun and games had started without him, he looked to his left. Looming into his personal space, there was Brigitte staring through her sunglasses directly at him. Caught unawares, only his own glasses maintained his façade of calm. Jack knew...

2 years ago
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first time sex with a bbw

it was late last summer on a very sunny day was on my way to the train station that i met a very plump big and sexy lady waiting at the train station.she stared at me and i looked at her and i saw her two nipples in her transparent blouse really big and hard .then she came towards me and asked if i could help her change her money from twenty euro bill to two ten euro bills then i looked inside my wallet i heard none, but asked her where she wanted to go and she told me she was going to the next...

2 years ago
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Amanda Alarcon

Amanda Alarcon is from Guatemala. I met her in New Jersey when she was in the United States going to college in NYC. She got a full scholarship from the United Nations to attend the NEW SCHOOL in lower Manhattan. I really thought she was absolutely gorgeous. As we got to know each other she told me that she is Catholic and in her country if you want to marry well you must be a virgin. The priest and her mother always told her that. When we met Amanda was 38 years old and still a virgin. At...

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SRU Justice Shall Be Done

SRU: Justice Shall Be Done By Alec Stevens 1. Almost Caught Frank Lopa parked his car down the street from the home of Gina Sert; a former girlfriend of his whom Frank believed was involved in a scheme against him to ruin his life. Frank didn't have very good people skills and many people he had met and associated with hated him. The fact that his parents had both been murdered and the loss of his job had caused the rational Frank's mind to snap. He had leaped to the...

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I looked up and saw my 18 year old Cassandra looking at me. I didn't know what to say. I was mortified. She just stood there looking at the three of us. Felicia perked up and she said, "what does it look like we were doing? Having sex cassandra. And don't act like you don't want to. Daddy knows all about the three of us and you watching him and touching yourself..* She stood there for another moment or two and then walked out and went into her room. I jumped up and put my shorts on.I ran to her...

1 year ago
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Week At Camp BrowningChapter 3

It was during desert that Miranda announced that the counselors would not be returning to their cabins, but would instead, meet in the administrative building. The young campers were instructed to prepare for the pajama party and that the older girls would retrieve them at nine sharp. Lisa didn't want to be away from Shelly for even one moment and complained about their separation. "I was hoping you'd help me get ready!" she whined. "You'll do fine", Shelly said, "You've been...

1 year ago
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Alices Humiliation

Alice Hemingway is the nerdiest girl in town. Too caught up in her books, Alice doesn’t have many friends outside of Josie and Edmund who stuck by her side since middle school. Alice is used to being picked on and bullied especially by Chelsea and her squad of friends. Alice has a stepmom named Margaret and a stepsister named Stacey. Margaret is often strict with Alice while letting Stacey getting away with nearly everything. This time it’s a bit different though as now that she’s over 18…...

4 years ago
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Three Is Better Than Two

Lying on the bed with my beloved in my arm, we wake slowly from our much-needed slumber.“Love you, honey,” I say kissing her mouth.“Love you too,” she replies.Coffee is made and she relaxes back in my arms to watch Pornhub.My favourite topic she says, "Gangbang, Little Miss Red Riding hood is getting attention from a group of black guys and from her expressions and sound, she’s enjoying it."Juicy throws her leg over mine, grabs my hand and places it on her pussy,“Play with me,” she says.I do as...

Group Sex
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You cant always get what you want Part 1

Cole and I had been friends for quite some time now. We worked at rival tattoo shops in New York and my boss and best friend, Sasha, always warned me about him. She was always telling me how troublesome he was and how whoreish he was with the women. Did I care? No. It only intrigued me more. I was a rebellious person, I wanted what I wasn't allowed to have and that was Cole. Problem was? He was in and out of relationships like I changed my undies. It seemed like he had a new girl on his arm...

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Hole in One

This is my second attempt at writing a story. It is a true account of one of my golf trips. If you like older/younger stories and some spanking, you might like this story. I don’t think it is as wild as my first story, but I still have fond memories of the experience. Again, if you are not eighteen years or older, do not read this story as it contains explicit sexual content.  It was several years ago. Every year I would travel to Myrtle Beach with a bunch of friends, most were my cop buddies....

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I love my teacher

Hi ISS readers. I am a male from Hyderabad. This is my first one so please don’t mind about spell mistakes. When I was studying intermediate there was chemistry teacher named Vani. She dint look curvy when I saw her first time. One day while she was explaining a problem to my adj bench students she bent a little to write something. That was the 1st time I saw the real shape of woman’s boob. It was shining like anything with a tight green blouse. I wasn’t able to turn my head from that view....

2 years ago
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How I Broke My Virginity With My Boss

Hi all ISS readers this Nagesh from Bangalore, I am the regular reader of Indian Sex Stories and this is my first story in ISS, so if there is any mistake kindly excuse me. This is the story about how I broke my virginity with my boss vidya First let me introduce myself I am Nagesh from Bangalore working in MNC in Bangalore and my age is 28 years, I am 5.10 height and fair looking with 8 inch dick size and my boss vidya is an divorcee women and her age is 34 years old with prefect figure that...

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Daddy and his girls 3

As I opened my eyes, there are Jenny's shins just inches away. Last night and yesterday came flooding back to me. Jenny, my petite 17 year old daughter and my lover for over 6 months, naked in my bed. Sky, my elder daughter, Jenny's half sister due to an affair I had over 19 years ago, asleep in the bedroom next door. They met for the first time yesterday and twice managed to kiss and fondal each other without my knowledge. Jenny told me all this as she sucked my cock the moment we were...


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