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“Got a spare fiver?”
“Go on. Just a fiver. I’ll make it worth your while.”

I had already walked on a couple of paces, but now I slowed and stopped. There was something about that “please”. It wasn’t what you might expect;- what I had heard before by young boys, and girls, of similar age, who, when they finally realise they are not going to get a penny out of you by accosting you in the street, hurl a mouthful of abuse and epithets at you. This “please” was different. It had a note of real desperation in it. A note of hopelessness, of weariness, and of resignation too, a cry for help not from the twisted and devious mind of a youngster trying it on, but a cry because the mind that uttered the word was at its wits end;- a forlorn, pleading request for deliverance from something. I turned round.
The boy had also turned away and had begun to walk back in the other direction.

“Hey!” I called. He turned and stopped, then came towards me again. He was dressed in grubby jeans and jeans jacket, unzipped as it was a warm evening, with a pale yellow, and also grubby, T-shirt under the jacket which bore the logo “I’m good!” On his feet he wore the de rigeur trainers for a youngster of his age. They had obviously seen better days.
“Yes, Mister?” he queried eagerly. “You got a fiver for me?”

I regarded him for a moment. I am rather tall, and his head just about came up to my chest. He looked quite young, with dark hair and brown eyes which in turn were regarding me hopefully. He had long, dark, rather girlish eyelashes, which made his face look young and innocent. His teeth were even, white, and clean. He was slim, almost thin, and his skin had a faintly dusky look. What surprised me most, however, was the fact that his complexion was completely clear. I had fully expected to be faced with “a wretched, pimply-faced horror” which is what most of his ilk usually looked like. But not this boy. He looked different to the run-of-the-mill rent boys.
He glanced round and lowered his voice.
“I told you I’ll make it worth your while. Whatever you want. Hand job, blow job, a fuck? Whatever you want.”
I said nothing but continued to watch him while several different thoughts went through my mind.

“Come on, Mister,” he pleaded again. “Only a fiver. You look as if you can afford that.” He paused, and when I still didn’t answer he said, “Okay. A couple of quid then. But no fucking for that price. Just a hand or blow job. Come on. I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning and I’m starving hungry.”
He turned his head to look at the hamburger bar across the road, and I followed his gaze.
“Yesterday morning?”
He nodded. “That’s right. And that was just a lump of cold chicken.”
“I see,” I said. “Come on then.”
I led the way across the road and into the hamburger bar. I sensed him following me and as we entered the place I heard him sniffing appreciatively.
“Order what you want,” I said.

He ordered a mountain of food – two cheeseburgers, two hamburgers, a large fries and a drink. I settled for a hamburger and a coffee and we went to sit at a table away from anyone else. At that time of the evening there weren’t that many customers anyway, but I didn’t want to be near enough to anyone for them to overhear us.
The boy dived into his food and if I’d had any doubts about when he really had last eaten, they were dispelled by the way he attacked the food. He really was very, very hungry. I let him eat for a bit as I finished my own burger.
“So,” I murmured eventually, “you’re offering me any sex I want for a fiver.”
He nodded, his mouth too full to speak.
“The bill for this was double that,” I pointed out. “So what else are you offering? Anything else?”
He paused in his chewing and looked at me, then swallowed.
“I can only do what you want,” he said. “But this is great! Thank you for this.” And he attacked the next hamburger with equal gusto. I sipped my coffee as I watched him.
“How old are you?” I asked him.
“I’m eighteen,” he replied through his mouthful.

“Of course you are,” I said conversationally. With that clear, slightly dusky complexion, short dark hair and the slim body, and the fact that he was slightly on the short side, he looked to be about fourteen or fifteen.
The boy sighed, and without stopping his chewing he unzipped the top pocket in his jeans jacket. His none too clean fingers fished inside and he withdrew a folded piece of paper which he held out to me. I unfolded it and read it as he resumed his meal.
It was a birth certificate, in the name of one Kenneth Noble. Son of father so-and-so and mother thus-and-thus, and if it was to be believed and wasn’t a forgery, which I had no way of knowing, then whoever Kenneth Noble was he was certainly eighteen years old. I refolded the paper, something that had obviously happened to it several times in its existence and offered it back to him.
“And who is Kenneth Noble?” I asked him.

He nodded as if he had expected just such a question next. Once again the grubby fingertips fished inside his pocket and this time they withdrew a passport. Silently he held that out to me.
Whatever I had expected, it wasn’t this. I opened the back page, and there, sure enough, was a photo of the boy sitting opposite me. A year or so younger, but unmistakably him. The passport had been issued fourteen months earlier, and still had almost nine years to run.
I handed the passport back to him and he pocketed it with a nod.
“I apologise, “ I said. “Lucky you have the passport, but you don’t look eighteen.”
“I know. It’s come in useful sometimes.”

He used his fingers and thumb to collect the last remaining crumbs of French fries and ate them. Then he sat back with a contented sigh and started on his cold drink.
“Thank you,” he said again. “You have no idea how good that was.”
“And what happens now?” I asked. “Having eaten your fill free of charge, you make a beeline for the door and run off down the street?”
“No,” he said to me. “I sit here until you either tell me to get lost, or we go somewhere and I repay you for the meal. And your kindness,” he added.
A strange feeling went through me. My initial reaction on hearing that “please” from him had been right. There was something different about this rent boy, this youngster, this down-and-out. He was polite, he had manners, he looked and responded as if he had some intelligence, but more to the point, he had actually sat there and said, in his own way, that he was not going to rip me off.
“You don’t have to repay me,” I said at last. The thought of sex with this boy was turning me on, but, simply because of the way he seemed and the way he behaved, I couldn’t bring myself to accept his offers.
“Well, I feel as if I should repay you in some way,” said the boy. He leaned forward slightly in his seat and I felt his warm hand on my thigh. He squeezed it very gently and then stroked his fingers up towards my crotch.
“People call me Kenny. What’s your name?”

I considered whether to tell him for a few moments, but before I could reply he removed his hand, shrugged and said, “Whatever. Listen, Mister. I can tell you’re not like my usual tricks. No-one has ever bought me a meal before I’ve given them what they want. And usually they just pay me and I buy something. What you just did for me means a lot to me. Thank you once again. But let me give you something in return, okay? Do you know somewhere we can go?”
“Yes I do,” I said. While he had been talking, several things had chased themselves through my mind, and, depending on the next few minutes, I had decided what I was going to do.
“Take your jacket off and show me your arms,” I told him.
He smiled. “Don’t touch the stuff, Mister,” he said, and proceeded to remove his jacket. He held out both arms and they were as clear as the rest of his skin. Not a bruise or a dot or a track or a puncture mark anywhere. Inwardly, I relaxed a bit.
“And I don’t snort, either, but you’ll have to take my word for that.”
“Okay,” I said. “That just leaves one problem.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “What’s that?”
“Despite the fact,” I began, “that you look young, healthy, have a good complexion and are probably generally in good health, given your –calling--, one might say, you are probably riddled with Aids.”
The boy shook his head decisively.
“Not me, Mister. At least,two weeks ago I wasn’t.”
It was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

Kenny sighed deeply and fished in another pocket of his jacket. Once again he presented me with a folded paper. “This was two weeks ago,” he said. “And I’ve only scored a few tricks since then. And I am always very careful.”
The letter, addressed to “whom it may concern”, bore the crest and insignia of a major hospital. In a simple, single sentence it stated that as a result of a blood test taken on that day, Kenneth Noble’s blood was found to be normal and showed no traces of the HIV virus or any other infectious or known sexually transmitted disease. There was a doctor’s signature, an inked stamp from the hospital, and it was dated, as Kenny said, two weeks previously. He was putting his jacket on again as I handed the paper back to him. He refolded the letter and put it away again.
“Apart from the first two times, I’ve always made sure a trick used a condom if he wanted to fuck me. The other guys warned me I should. They told me I’d live longer that way. And I haven’t swallowed any trick, either. So I’m pretty sure I am clean.” He sat back and regarded me. “Happier now?”
I nodded. “Yes.” I toyed with my empty coffee cup.
“Kenny, tell me about yourself. Why are you here, doing this? You seem to be intelligent, you speak well, and it seems you look after your body, or have done till now. Why are you a rent boy?”
Kenny sipped his drink.
“Very simple,” he said. “My father is from Asia and my mum is English.”

That, I thought, explained the slight duskiness of his skin.
“Since I was about fourteen,” he went on, “my father has always taken every opportunity he could to touch me, play with me and try to wank me off. More to the point, he also took every opportunity to get me to toss him off. He told me if I told mum he would just deny it and call me a liar. He also tried to get me to give him a BJ several times, but I wouldn’t.”
Kenny paused and looked out of the window at the busy street, but his eyes were far away, seeing things that were locked in his mind, and only brought out for inspection on rare occasions.
“About four months ago,” he continued in a soft voice, “my mum was visiting her sister and was away for a day or two. My father wouldn’t leave me alone from the moment she said goodbye to us. I had to toss him off as often as he could get hard again. He kept on about a blow job, but I wouldn’t. He came to my room the first night she was away and said if I wouldn’t suck him off, he would fuck me instead.”
Kenny paused and I knew he was reliving it all in his mind as he explained.

“In the end I agreed to suck him off because I didn’t want him sticking his cock in my ass. He loved it. Half an hour later he wanted it again. In the end, that night, I must have sucked his cock at least half a dozen times. The man’s stamina was amazing.”
Kenny looked down at his drink and his words became very soft.
“He made me swallow his cum every time.” He took a deep drink from his fruit juice, as if it would wash away the memory. There was a silence and I let him finish the torture in his mind. At last he looked up at me.
“The next day he said how good it had been and tonight we would do the same again, but tonight he would definitely want to fuck me as well.” The boy sipped his drink and stared out of the window again. “I packed a few things in a bag and went to my mate’s house. I wrote a letter to my mum explaining it all and then jumped on a train and came here. I had a little money.”
He faced me squarely.
“Not a very nice story,” he said. “But the truth. Now, of course, I do all those things without hardly thinking about it. But at the time…..and my own father….” He tailed off and his eyes took on that absent-minded gaze again.
I reached across and gave one of his hands a squeeze.
“I’m really sorry,” I said. “You’re right – it’s not a nice story. But I can understand you needing to get away.”
“Far away,” he agreed.
“Have you never been in contact with your mum since you left?”
“Only a birthday card with a note inside it telling her I was fine and I was okay and I’d got a job and she shouldn’t worry.” He finished his drink and gave a wry smile. “Not the sort of job she would be thinking about,” he admitted, “and of course she will worry,” he added. “I know that.”
It was my turn to nod. “Yes, of course,” I agreed. “Don’t you miss your mum?” I asked gently.
“Yes, I do. Very much. I keep a photo of her.” He patted a pocket. “I’ve thought about contacting her, but that would only lead to questions I don’t want to answer and pleas for me to come home, but I’m never going back while he’s around.”

I leaned back and regarded this strange young lad for a while. He seemed content to sit there and watch the world go by outside.
“Where’s your plot?” I asked him.
“Under the railway bridge,” he replied absently. “As soon as I got off the train I put my bag in a left-luggage locker.” He reached down the neck of his T-shirt and brought out a key dangling on a thin cord, then let it drop back out of sight. “Then I went into the station café for something to eat and I met – I suppose you could say I was picked up, or recruited by, a young guy called Lee. He told me I could doss down with him if I didn’t mind sleeping rough. I’m not stupid. I guessed what he was. He told me it was a good way to make quick money. He could make sixty or eighty pounds a night. He took me round the corner under the bridge and I’ve been there ever since. He’s the only other person I’ve told the truth of what happened.”
“I see,” I said quietly. “And after your fa—after your experiences, I suppose it wasn’t too difficult…?”
“The first couple of times were not too easy,” he admitted. “Kept seeing my father and not the trick. But after that……” he shrugged expressively and watched me for a few moments. “Why am I telling you these things?” he muttered uncomfortably.
I ignored that. “At that sort of money your mate can soon retire,” I said.
He gave a short dry laugh. “Lee’s habit costs him almost that much each day,” he said.
He watched me silently for a while, then;-
“You said you knew somewhere to go,” he reminded me.
“Yes,” I agreed. “Shall we go?”
He collected the remains of our meals and dumped the rubbish in the bin on our way out.
“You were well brought up,” I observed.
“Yes,” he agreed. “I was. And I had quite a good education too.”
“You’re not my idea of a rent boy,” I told him, and he chuckled.
“And I’ve told you,” he said, “you’re not my idea of a trick, either. Something different about you.”
“More than you know,” I answered. I felt him look up at me as we walked along. He was silent for a while, and then, “What does that mean? You’re not into the rough stuff, are you?”
I shook my head. “Not at all.”

I could feel the wave of relief that went through him.
“Good,” he said. “I was a bit worried there for a moment. Look.”
He stopped, pulled aside his unzipped jacket and pulled up his
T-shirt. Across his ribs were two large, angry red weals. He let the T-shirt fall and resumed walking.
“Legacy of the wrong type of trick,” he explained succinctly.
“An occupational hazard, I would think,” I ventured.
He nodded. “Yes. Maybe I’ve been lucky up to now. Perhaps because after that I’ve tried to go for a trick who looked at least half-decent. I know some of the guys who’ve been beaten up really badly.”
“What happened?” I enquired. “If you want to tell me,” I added hastily.
Kenny shrugged. “The trick thought it would be fun to rough me up before he fucked me,” he said simply. “After he hit me the second time I kicked him in the balls and ran. I went to the hospital because I wanted to be sure the guy hadn’t cracked or broken a rib, because it hurt a lot. While I was there I asked if I could have an HIV test. They asked why and I just told them I had a few sexual partners. That letter is the result.”
There was another silence for a while.

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"PTP - Pre-Transformation Period" I was now beginning to understand what those words really meant. It has been almost six weeks since I had voluntarily applied Mother's lipstick to my male lips in that strange rite of acceptance. So much has changed. It is amazing how eating salads and yogurt and fish every day can result in a 20 lb. weight loss in just six weeks. Still thirty lbs. to go. But Mother has no worries on that score. She is so happy. She has even been dieting along with...

2 years ago
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A Case Of Mistaken Identity

“I’m out right now, getting my hair done,” She said over the phone. “Alright, are we still going to the club tonight?” I asked in response. “Of course, but this might take a bit longer, so I’ll just meet you there instead, ok?” “That’s fine. I’ll see you there. I love you, Tiffany.” “Love you too, Mark. Bye.” The phone clicked as she hung up. Tiffany was Mark’s girlfriend of six months. They first met at that same club, Chat Noir, or Black Cat. It was one of those nightclubs that was usually...

Quickie Sex
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wife fucks 3 teenagers on holida

My wife and I went to Turkey on holiday, at the time I was 32 and my wife was 29 I knew that the heat and relaxing atmosphere would make her so horny. We had been swinging for about 3 years in our local clubs, but this was the first time we had been holiday since we started swinging. On about the 2nd day Jane ( my wife), and I were lying round the pool, she was wearing a very skimpy blue bikini, and was lying on the sunbeds just chilling, . After a while I noticed 3 young lads who were about...

2 years ago
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Rwo strangers double teamed me

I suddenly woke up and opened my eyes, as that huge black guy Emerson pulled me up holding my hands. He pushed my knees up and bent them towards my chest, before he pulled my arms over to each side, really tying my knees down on my chest. He then started fucking me harder, sinking so deep into my well exposed and slippery cunt. I felt so used, so taken, so vulnerable, so slutty. And I came, thinking that just two hours before, I did not even know this black guy…A couple seconds later, Emerson...

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My First Virgin

My son's friend, Josh, was going to be spending a week with us while his parents were out of town. The Saturday Josh was to come over my husband had to run up to his parents house out of town to tend to some emergency they were having with their plumbing, and he took my daughter and son with him. They would return on Monday. Josh showed up and after some chatting he went out to mow the lawn for me. Josh is a good k** and I have known him since he was little. He was excited about getting his...

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My Sister Ashley chapter 3

“Whatcha doing?” she asked aimlessly picking through my stuff messing up the order I had put them in. “Nothing. What do you want?” “Tim,” she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose, “I thought you would have gotten it by now.” “Gotten what?” I responded innocently. I knew exactly what she was talking about but I wanted to string it out as long as possible and make her lose interest. I really didn’t have the energy for anything that she wanted to do. “Don’t play with me...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 1

______________________________________________________________________________ Once upon a time, in a subdivision maybe not so far away from you, I (David) lived with my wife of 3 years. Jill was a California girl I met while I was getting my Master’s Degree. She was a doll, 5'6" with an athletic figure of 125 lbs., long, strong legs, firm body, modest boobage, but perky with small, hard nipples and a very hard, firm ass. Stunning green eyes, nice ass, and other than the natural blonde...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader Lovers

I really want to be a part of the cheerleading squad going into my senior year. I know getting on the squad is going to be very hard since there is one spot available and 6 girls going for the spot. I will do anything to get on the squad. I am lesbian, and don’t know if anyone else knows. I don’t want them to know until I’m on the squad. I arrive to try outs in a skimpy red skirt and blue tank top and my blonde hair in a ponytail. “Alright girls stretch out and lets get ready!” Virginia the...

2 years ago
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Making You Mine

‘I love you,’ I whisper, my hand on your cheek. ‘You are my everything.’ ‘Mi Amour,’ you trail off. I know that you are searching for words, but I can’t hear them. Whatever they are, I need you. So I kiss you. My mouth slants over yours just as perfectly as it has for weeks, neatly, every day in the elevator. Your hands on my waist feel like fire. Just sitting there, just above my hips, I feel the space between us more than I feel anything else. I cant take it. I can’t stand the space. I need...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 1 Where Am I

"Oh shit! I can't even fucking kill myself right!" I thought as the pain from the room's lighting crashed through my skull. It took a while, but slowly, my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. "Christ! This place is old," I thought as details began to register in my brain. Everything looked like it belonged, but something didn't seem quite right. I automatically began to inventory the small room, taking in the old-fashioned décor and the antique appearance of most of the things in the...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 63

Dead Penguins - I never knew this! Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica? Where do they all go? Wonder no more! It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird and lives an extremely ordered and complex life. Penguins are extremely committed to their family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with their offspring throughout the remainder of their life. If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface,...

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But first let me tell you how beautiful I think you are and what a fabulous body you have, it excites me just to look at you laying there, looking so tranquil, it excites me to see your breasts as they are in your lacy bra, it excites me to see your puffy shaven cunt behind the transparent fabric of your panties. Honey, my girl Sweetness is going to do the things I’m unable to do, she’s going to delight you in the most wonderful way, I’ll be here just watching and enjoying, that’s my...

2 years ago
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Apni Saali Ko Mutth Maarte Dekha

Meri saali ko dekh dekh kar aur uske baare main soch soch kar mainain kayin baar muth maara h.Main usse nanga dekhta hun aur muth maarta hun kareeb kareeb har roz.Mujhe uski gaand ki saari jankaari h.Uski chhut kaisi dikhti h ye bhi pata h aur usske gaand ka chhed kitna pink ye bhi pata h.Mujhe pata h uske maume meri biwi se chhote hain aur ye bhi pata h gaand usse badi h.Kaise?Wo hamare saath bahut dino se rehti h.Main usse yahan shalini bulaunga.Shalini mast maal h.Raat main kapde pure...

4 years ago
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Mistress of the Wardrobe 5

Part 5 Talking with Lisele "Lisele? Where on earth did you come up with that name?" She asked. "Well I'll tell you my darling companion, when I was living at home with my father and mother we had a neighbour who was from the old country so to speak, Germany. And one of their children, a small bright eyed, dark haired spit fire of a girl was named 'Lisele' and she was the most fun an eight year old boy could have. I mean she ran and played and generally tore up the countryside...

3 years ago
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The Magic Tape Player

Saturday, July 8, 2018 Caleb and Kaitlyn were twins. They’d turned 16 years old in March. Caleb was born 9 minutes earlier, and Kaitlyn reluctantly accepted being the younger sister. She liked being Caleb’s little sister sometimes. “I can’t believe you found these. I can’t believe Daddy even has these.” She held up a pair of VHS tapes. “ ‘Cocksure Housewives, and ‘Everything Sue Wanted to Know About Sex’? Really?” She laughed, huskily, appalled and delighted. “Ew, Caleb! Ew-ew-ew!” Caleb...

2 years ago
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The Creators Chapter 2 Redux

JULIA Eighteen years ago, the incubus mystic came to the elven capital of Terondia, and with him, came a shadow that darkened the empire. The matriarchs of the Church of the Holy Mother denounced him and tried to bar him entrance, but the emperor waved them away; the mystic’s prophecy was too tempting to disbelieve. The old man stood in the great hall before the horrified eyes of the matriarchs, the scrutinizing eyes of the wizards, and the greedy eyes of the emperor, and he spoke his...

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Zendayas Descent Into Bestiality

Her friends had dragged her down to one of the local college bars to flirt with guys and they had ended up drinking way too much. It had gotten so bad in fact that they had to call one girls brother to come get them and take them home. Zendaya was dropped off first and the brother and another girl had helped her into her house, up into her bedroom and onto her bed. Luckily her parents had gone out of town for the weekend and wouldn’t come home to find her black out drunk. Her friends had left...

3 years ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 10

I woke up, and it took a second for me to remember where I was. It looked like my room, but the ceiling was wrong, as were the colors of the walls. When I remembered, I turned to find Dana lying next to me. She was making little noises in her sleep and wriggling around. Whatever she was seeing, she certainly seemed to be enjoying it. I was mildly surprised that I woke up first. Emma woke up before I did when we forged our bond, and with my Fonti, the duration of my unconsciousness grew...

3 years ago
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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 2 Masturbation With My Brother

I hurried up to the room that I was sharing with Matt and went straight into the en-suite bathroom, latching the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror. My body was still flushed and glowing, and I was a bit embarrassed to see how hard my nipples still were, poking out inside my bikini top. I slipped my top off, baring my breasts, then pulled down my bikini panties so I was naked. Still looking in the mirror, I touched myself between the legs. My clitoris was still aroused, and I...

3 years ago
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The Staff Sergeants Wife

Introduction: Once again I would appreciate your feedback, this is only the second story I have ever written down but like the previous one, it actually happened to me. I had just completed three and a half years of service in the United States Marine Corps, mostly in Japan and Vietnam, and for the remainder of my four year tour the Corps decided to station me in what I felt was the armpit of California, Bar-fucking-stow. Although right now Barstow is probably a fairly nice little city, back...

4 years ago
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Hunting the witch Public

Walking into the guild hall I walk over to the job wall and look it over. Feeling my stomach grumble softly I look for a quick job so I can eat something. The only job I could ever get was adventuring for various reasons and it didn't pay that well. Grabbing a job about a witch I move to the counter and hand it in presenting my card to the old man there. "Ah this one, you are a brave son a bitch, or stupid," The old man says as he fills out some paperwork. Handing the job papers to me he grabs...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 15

~~Jack~~ Every time he woke up, it was a shock. Julias had said a Kindred doesn’t really sleep, cause how could a corpse sleep? They just become a corpse, and when the sun sets, they un-corpsify. Each and every time, it was like someone jammed adrenaline straight into his heart. He sat up in his bed with a jolt, and could feel the Vitae spike through his system to wake him with its unnatural power. But then it settled. He’d grown more comfortable with his new body, its strange, thinned and...

1 year ago
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Damsel of Fey Dreams

Damsel of Fey Dreams by Tegeli PART I - The Dandy and Swordswoman CHAPTER 1 I glanced behind me. The sober neighbourhood didn't have an ill reputation, as far as I knew. Yet the sun had set, and most of the windows yawned lightless. My physique lacked the sturdiness for me to be confident when walking through dark and unfamiliar places. I should have armed myself with more than my rather superfluous walking stick. But I had to make the best of impressions. No weapon was...

2 years ago
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Family TiesChapter 2

The new housekeeper had returned and quickly unpacked her few meager possessions. Claire and Drummond had invited Shanti to dine with them that evening as their guest, a gesture to get things off to a good start and to introduce her to their son and daughter. The young woman was seemingly reluctant but finally, upon continued urging, especially from Drummond, agreed. As she was dressing for dinner, there was a knock at Shanti's door. Pulling the sweater on hurriedly, she opened the door to...

3 years ago
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"Look!" He Said "You're being a pig, Chris. I want you to know that!" she chided him. Chris belched. "Sorry," he said, "it's the beer." The look on his face however told a different story. He was amused at the woman's discomfort. "Well, this isn't what we agreed to! You're being a jerk!" Chris shrugged his shoulders. It didn't seem to bother him in the least that his 'date' was upset. He picked up his beer and finished it. He'd had three already and wanted...

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the mcdonald daddy

It was one of these boring nights playing video game home and going out to get some Mcdo round the corneri smoke some weed walking there and was about to order when i realised I had forget my walletcursing i was stupid and going out when between doors i passed a black daddy smelling loudly saying i must had smoke some good stuff''do you wanna sell some boy''and i told him i had more home i could sell if he paid me a burger since i forgot my walletwe ate kist talking about where i get my stuff...

3 years ago
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The Home Made Video

The Home Made Video  This is a continuation of the story of our real life sexual journey. This story is my best recollection of the events that occurred. I have previously written about how we started to explore our sexuality in stories entitled, “The Life and Times of a Horny Couple”. Since this event was a first for us, we put it as a stand-alone story. It really could have been Part 9 of our series though. We hope you enjoy reading about our latest sexual experience.We hadn’t seen Will since...

Wife Lovers
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Punjabi Babe8217s Afghan Guilty Pleasure

Hello readers, I am Sulaiman, an Afghan Muslim guy who has been living in India for a very long time. I came to India when I was 20 for studies. Now, I am 28, working in Delhi. Today, I will narrate the story of how I banged a girl for the first time, a Punjabi girl in a college near Chandigarh. I then became her guilty pleasure. First of all, let me describe myself. I am of average height with a muscular body frame. I am fair, have greenish eyes, and a reddish light beard. Living in India has...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Girlfriend

Me and Ria were in a long distance relationship for more than an year. She was doing her undergraduate studies from Singapore and me in India. We had been best of friends since school, but somehow it never felt like we could be a couple someday. Once we got out of school, we used to stay in touch by the then famous Yahoo messenger. I would wait when I could hit the cybercafe and talk to her. We would chat endlessly and that’s how we fell in love. Each night we would talk for hours. About each...

1 year ago
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Encounter With DestinyChapter 11

He looked so handsome, lying there like that with the duvet turned down to expose his muscular chest. Alexa stood in the bathroom doorway for several minutes and just watched him sleeping. That man is my master, she thought, and the thought brought a smile to her lips. It was early - not quite dawn but she couldn't go back to sleep again. Alexa's mind was still reeling with the previous day's events. She had never endured such dreadful pain as Marek had inflicted with all the electric...

1 year ago
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First Time For SisterChapter 9

Hanson Allen put his feet up on the railing of the porch and sipped the iced tea his mama had just handed him. He was wondering whether or not he should bother borrowing his dad's pickup to drive to Elsie Shelton's that night. What he really wanted to do was see Billie-Ann Wheeler, but almost a week had passed since he'd given her the books at Basset's Pond and there'd been no sign of her either at the pond or walking the dusty roads. It was a pretty sure bet she'd decided not to go...

4 years ago
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Fayes New Daughter

FAYE'S NEW DAUGHTER By Lily Florette I'VE DONE THINGS I'M NOT PROUD OF, terrible things that ruined other people's lives while all I had to deal with was a short prison sentence of five years. What did I do exactly? Well, after I dropped out from high school, I stole drugs from a doctor's surgery to sell on the street for profit. No I didn't sell any of the hard stuff, just uppers and downers, not that it made much of a difference in the end. It was an easy way to make money. Too...

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The Hart LandChapter 6

“Don’t look so shocked, Jody. Dad wants to know all the details, he wants to know that you did a good job and that he’ll be a Daddy again,” Ingrid said and I eased up a bit. When we got back to the hay field, Ms. Judith got in the tractor cab with Mr. Joran and Ingrid and I drove the hay loader trucks. She showed me how to drive right beside the rows of the square bales that came out the back of the baler and flipped over on the side so the loader could grab them, the loader would pick them...

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