Loretta....Part 1 free porn video

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Loretta’s words still lingered in my head as I awoke. She had somehow worked her way in to my subconscious. That someone so young could be so vindictive, so manipulative, so selfish, regardless of the consequences, amazed and appalled me.

I looked around, taking in the familiar, comforting beach scene before me. It was late afternoon on a balmy day in February; the beach had been crowded earlier, too crowded, but now only some local families and a few couples taking their dogs for a walk strolled past; some of them very familiar faces. The raucous teens of summer had moved on and it was the wrong season for surfers. The oppressive heat of the day had gone and the sun was well into his slow decline; turning the water a deeper, more intense blue.
I looked over at my dog, Jet who lay asleep on the beach blanket next to my copy of The Count of Monte Cristo. I traced patterns in the sand with my feet, watching rove beetles scuttling over the sand ripples as though they were traversing an immensity of desert. I felt a trickle of water on my shoulder.

“Sorry Pete, did I startle you.”

Jet looked up and rose from her spot by Dumas’ book, wagged her tail and greeted the speaker. The heat must have got to her as she only managed to jump up in front of the girl once. It was Kayla, a pleasantly familiar face from our local supermarket – a Checkout Chick as we call them here in Australia.

“Hey Kayla. You didn’t startle me. I was just waking up.”

“Oh ok. Can I take Jet for a run?”


I handed Kayla Jet’s lead and watched as the two of them ran down to the water. Kayla was petite, cute and about twenty. A beautiful, sweet girl with not a bad bone in her body. Why then; as I watched her lithe, tanned legs churning up the sand, while I admired her laughing face, cute butt and perfect smile and as I marveled at how her wet hair shook magnificently - why, in the face of such poetry, did I imagine only Loretta?

By anyone’s definition, Loretta was hot. She had come to our quiet beachside suburb from the country, to stay with my neighbour Zane and his wife Jade. She was Jade’s younger cousin and was in town for about a month to apply for next year’s university courses and to get a feel for life away from home. Also, she said, she badly needed a break from her parents on the farm.

At just nineteen, Loretta had shoulder length, strawberry blond hair, she liked showing off her tanned shoulders and midriff but she seemed particularly proud of her perky boobs; always wearing tight t-shirts and tops that left little to the imagination. Aside from that, she was beautiful; tall and slim with large, luminous blue eyes and hips that swayed like a cat walk models’.

In the first conversation I ever had with her I asked her if she wouldn’t mind getting naked for me one day.

Perhaps I should explain. I’m an artist, a painter and I’ve been good friends with Zane and Jade during most of the eight years that we’ve lived next to each other. I paint and draw from a variety of live models; women mostly, but also a few young men and one guy in particular, whose portrait I’ve drawn and painted very successfully several times over the last two years. His name is Ulrich and I count him as a friend too, but he comes into this story later.

The day after Loretta’s arrival was a Saturday and I got a knock on the door at about half past ten. It was Jade. I opened the door and smiled. Jade is thirty, just a little shorter than me with long straight hair; black and lustrous. She has a sweet oval face and delicate brown skin with large dark brown eyes and an endearing sprinkling of freckles. Her ancestors were Maori from the top of New Zealand’s south island and she is a vivacious, energetic and very hospitable person.

True to form, she grinned broadly as I opened the door.

“Hi Pete. Great sunny day it’s turning into hey?”

I looked up at the faultless blue of the sky and smiled

“Hmm, I think you’re right.”

“Well my cloistered maestro, how would you like to join Zane and me for dinner later? I don’t want to drag you away from the studio but we have a guest; my cousin Loretta from Loxton.”

“Oh ok. I’ll bring a bottle of wine.”

“Great! Let’s say seven?”

“Wonderful. See you all then.”

A few hours later, after I had showered, dressed and selected a good bottle of merlot, I tapped on Jade and Zane’s door. I made eye contact with the woman who opened the door she did likewise; looking me up and down ever so casually. She gave me a smile I’ll never forget; it was a sly, crooked smile, a smirk, with lying eyes – as the song says.

“Hi, you must be Loretta.”

“And you must be Pete the painter from next door. Painted any masterpieces lately Pete?”

Ok so she had attitude, but I suspended any other impressions momentarily as my attention was caught by a pair of skin tight floral shorts that were now leading me up Zane and Jade’s parquetry corridor past several of my own works. Never one to let a challenge go unanswered I said,

“It depends on your definition of a masterpiece.”

She paused and turned, flicking her hair past my shoulder. It was a beautiful shade of strawberry blonde with redder streaks and hung heavily just above her tanned shoulders. If nothing else, life on the farm had been good to her physique. She looked at me for a second, seemingly unsure of how to reply.

“Are those your pieces in the hallway?”


“Hmmm, does being a nude model pay well?”

“That depends.”

We now stood in the kitchen from where I could see Zane and Jade in the back yard, cooking the barbeque. Loretta handed me a large bowl of potato salad.

“Depends on what?”

“Depends on your ability to sit still and do what I tell you.”

I said this with such seriousness that at first, it sounded like a reprimand but then I said,

“Twenty dollars an hour. Are you interested?”

She paused, surprised by my offer, but she said nothing, taking a strand of her hair instead and twirling it idly.

“Hi Pete!”

Jade had come in. She stepped in front of Loretta and kissed me then took the potato salad. I showed her the bottle of merlot and she smiled.

“Oh, there’s a cork screw over there by the microwave.”

She took two bowls of food out to the table in the yard. Loretta meanwhile had disappeared. I opened the bottle and saw that there were already wine glasses on the table outside. I stepped out and greeted Zane. He had been a great friend of mine over the years. We had a lot in common and he was someone I could confide in and trust implicitly.

“So how about we go skin diving again soon?”

“I’d love to, if Jade will let you.”

I teased him gently, knowing full well that his wife found our adventures at the many good local dive spots and in the open water a little too dangerous. He looked at me a little shame-faced and nodded.

“We could take the girls along. Loretta was saying she has spent very little time on the coast.”

Before I could answer Loretta appeared wearing a bikini. Orange, white and black, it was damn sexy yet very tasteful and in it she was an absolute knock out. She lay down on a deckchair in the sun and proceeded to rub tanning oil into her arms. I looked Zane straight in the eye,

“Err, you were saying…..”

We both laughed and Zane offered me a beer.

Later we all sat at the table to eat. Loretta sat opposite me and next to Zane. Lunch was delicious – one of summer’s simple pleasures. I poured Loretta another glass of merlot.

“So what are you thinking of studying at uni,” I asked her.


“Oh ok. Well, there are several good courses including theory, history and practical.”

“Loretta draws,” offered Jade. “You should show Pete some of your work Loretta.”

She was silent for a moment, seemingly embarrassed by her cousin’s revelation. A little resentfully she said,

“Ok, maybe. If you say so couz.”

For the first time I detected that there existed some friction between Loretta and Jade – just how much, I was to discover later. Zane quickly changed the subject and soon we were talking about the local restaurants, nightlife and the beach – around which the lives of those of us who lived by it inevitably revolved. Jade brought up my work again which caused Loretta to interject.

“Pete’s asked me to pose for him and I said yes.”

Her cousin looked at me a little concerned then smiled ironically.

“That was quick.”

“Might as well make hay while the sun shines. Besides, what better way for me to learn about art than to take part in its creation?”

“Well put”, said Zane, but his tone concealed the merest hint of doubt.

I took a sip of my wine and sat back contented. Life was good.
I made arrangements with Loretta for the following Saturday. She was to come over at ten in the morning and sit in on a session with one of my regular models Ulrich. I was sure that Ulrich would not mind.

A week passed and I saw little of Loretta, Zane or Jade. Zane worked in the city and he was seldom home before 6pm. Jade ran an on-line jewelry business which kept her busy but not tied down to office hours. My studio took up my entire front room. It had large windows from which I had a good view of the street and the sea beyond. On Friday I sat at my easel, painting a background – a complex and dramatic mixture of black, browns and grays - just as important to the finished work as the main subject. As I finished, I turned towards the window and noticed a familiar metallic green car drive by – Jade’s Ford Fiesta. Nothing unusual in that but a few moments later I heard a loud tap at the door.

I grabbed a rag and wiped my hands. Opening the door I found Loretta. There was a spy hole in the door which I rarely used. A fact which Loretta was obviously unaware of or else why would she strike a pose designed to show off her body in profile? She giggled at my look of mild surprise.

“G’Day painter Pete, what ya doin?”

I stepped aside to let her in.

“Watching paint dry, you?”

She laughed. “I guess you have to do a lot of that in your business. Jade has gone out to buy beads so I thought I’d pay your atelier a visit. Watching paint dry can’t be half as boring as beading.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Jade seems to do very well out of it and I like most of her work.”
She said nothing and blew an imaginary hair impatiently from her face. I could tell that the whole subject of Jade was closed. Hmm…well you can pick your friends..but..

“Would you like some coffee? I usually drink espresso.”


“Milk, sugar?”

“Plain black and don’t call me Sugar.”

“Oops, sorry,” I replied jokingly.

I went into my kitchen from where I had a partial view of the studio. As I waited for the coffee to boil I could see her looking at the many drawings, sketches and paintings in various stages of completion that decorated the walls. I’ve always been a collector and the studio was filled with curious objects that I had picked up. She seemed to find these fascinating and as I carried the coffee tray into the room, I found that she had unsheathed an old sword.

“That’s a Scottish claymore from the 1660’s or thereabouts.”

She looked at me doubtfully and returned the blade to its sheath. Next her attention focused upon a frame containing a page of Sanskrit calligraphy.

“What is this?”

“It’s a verse from a medieval Indian book – a book on lovemaking.”

She turned sharply and I handed her a cup of coffee which she accepted silently.

“Is it the Kama Sutra?”

“No, the Koka Shastra.”

“The Hindus wrote a fair bit about sex, it’s called erotology, isn’t it?”

I was impressed, “That’s right.” Quietly I added, “Very good!”

“What does it say?”

Then, for an instant I saw the genuine desire for knowledge in her eyes – as though she appreciated that I was treating her as an adult and as an equal.

“It describes a type of woman called the ‘citrini’ or ‘picture woman.’ It tells of how she moves, how she sings and dances, how she is not overly tall or too short. Also that her body is slender, that she has prominent breasts, buttocks and lips and that her pussy has the aroma of honey.”

She laughed, but not out of embarrassment. “Is that all?”

“No, I think it also describes how she likes to make love. She might have a sweet tooth too, I can’t remember exactly.”

“Hmm, quite a picture of a woman. Have you painted anyone like her?”

“Once or twice.”

She swelled her chest slightly. She wore a light cotton shirt with roses embroidered on the sleeves over a 1940’s style twist bikini top and tight, black tracksuit pants with orange piping – that she was hot there was not a shadow of a doubt but I am a cautious man by nature so I did my best not to notice.

“So are you ready to pose for me tomorrow?”

She took a last swig of coffee and looked me in the eye, then in a sultry whisper she said,

“Why wait until tomorrow?”

“Ok, well, I’ll get some paper.”

When I returned a few minutes later she had taken her shirt off. I pinned my paper to the easel and selected a few pencils of different grades.

“Sit over there and let me see your profile.” She hesitated.

“Don’t you want me to take my clothes off?”


She seemed a little disappointed until I said, “I think we have enough to work with,” making it sound like a compliment.

I lit some incense and put on a chill-out CD. Loretta’s face had exquisite bone structure. Her full lips and crystal blue eyes struck me every time I looked at her face, her hair and delicate brows were beautiful. I had seen many beautiful women; I went out of my way to look for them, wherever they might be found. Here was fierce beauty but with much subtlety too. Minutes passed and my sitter seemed to be doing well, she was patient and relaxed. The music certainly helped as did the incense.

I drew Loretta’s graceful lines; the svelte contour of her chin, the graceful lines of her back, the slender curve of her hips, her long legs, and the lovely fullness of her breasts. My pencils caressed her body and little by little, so did my imagination.

I brought our session to an end after about an hour. I was glad that Loretta was able to concentrate through the whole session and to follow my instructions. I produced three sheets of sketches and two sheets of more finished drawings.

“Are we done?” She asked, now with a hint of impatience.

“Yeah, we’re done.”

She rushed over, knocking my coffee table in the process, and stood in front of the easel with her arms crossed and the frown of concentration on her face. I spread the other sheets of paper on the floor and she walked around them a number of times in silence. I was happy with my mornings work; it had been a good session. Her face hidden by her hair, Loretta turned slowly and cast a steady glance at me. She had an intense look in her eyes that made me wonder what was going on in her mind. She walked up to me at last and to my great surprise, I felt her hands grasp the sides of my head and her lips crush my own. I felt a tingle of electricity flow through my body – the stirrings of deep desire. All I could do was breath in and kiss her back. Her scent was delicious – all spice and savour. She pulled away after a moment as though to tease me, then kissed me again with double the intensity. Her hands soon began to wander over my neck, my back and shoulders, coming to rest on my hips. I too explored her supple shoulders and lissome arms; I held her head and drew her close. The whole time too I was conscious of her breasts pressing hard against my chest.

We stood in the middle of my studio kissing tenderly and passionately for what seemed a blissful eternity. Then I opened my eyes to see her looking at me with a smile that was all mischief. I smiled back and suddenly felt myself being pulled forward. Loretta was undoing my belt. She looked down for a moment as she undid the clasp and unbuttoned my jeans. Her hooded eyes told me exactly what she had in mind. I started to help her loosen my bonds when there was a quiet knock at the door. Loretta instantly left me standing and looked through the spy hole. She turned abruptly, smiled furtively and disappeared into the kitchen. I was astounded. Under the circumstances, I had been perfectly prepared to ignore whoever was at the door. I answered it and found Jade standing there looking distinctly uncomfortable.

“Jade, what is it?”

“Sorry to disturb you Pete. Have you seen Loretta?”

“No,” I lied. “Is everything ok?”

“Well no……. I mean yes – oh it’s nothing.”

She was about to turn and leave when something caught her eye. Hanging from the chair on which she had been posing was Loretta’s rose embroidered, white cotton shirt. Jade recognized it but said nothing. Instead she turned without looking at me and walked back to her house; leaving me feeling like a complete asshole and not knowing exactly why.

Stay tuned for Part 2……………………


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It was a beautiful setting for a wedding. The bride, Kate, and her husband had chosen to have a small ceremony, set on the beach, with just their closest friends and relatives in attendance. Everyone was in the festive mood that comes with a wedding. The husband could hardly take his eyes off his lovely wife. The ceremony was short, the guests gathered on a secluded spot on the beach near the hotel where the bride and groom where staying. Pictures were taken, vows were made, everyone...

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Thick Dick

Reddit Thick Dick, aka r/ThickDick! Some people say that I am biased towards men in my reviews. Well, guess what, of course I am! Most of the people who come to my website are men. I’m a dudes dude, and I’m going to make sure that all my male fans get what they want and enjoy themselves. However, every now and then, I feel the need to give my female fans something too. So, in order to provide you gals out there with something to do on Reddit, I devised a plan to go into the depths of dick picks...

Porn for Women Sites
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This Has To Stop

The email was short and to the point. ‘My office, noon.’ ‘This has to end,’ she thought to herself. ‘I can’t allow this to continue. He’s half my age and I’m a married woman.’ The decision made, she deleted the email and went back to work. A crisis arose around 11:15 that morning and it took the better part on the hour to deal with it. Once it had been successfully handled, she glanced at her watch and saw it was already ten minutes past noon. Sighing, she hoped he had finally got the...

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Broken Bliss Ch 02

I awoke the next morning in a panic. What had I done last night? I had m*****ed my little sister, is what I'd done; the fact that she had seduced me into it, made little difference to my guilt. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was just after 6. Good, Lisa hasn't left for school yet.It took me a second to get out of bed, my arms being useless in their casts, and I tramped down the stairs to her room. There was light coming from under her door, so I used my knee to knock softly. I heard...

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Veronica fists me crossdressed Part 2

I'm sure you all know how tomorrow can turn into a year, but better late than never, right? Sorry for the delay! We didn't get to tape the finale of Veronica's session with the crossdresser with two cocks. That was a shame because it was a rare and unbelievably hot scene that will never be duplicated. But I certainly couldn't deny the woman her "pussy time" to get more tape! She was completely satisfied except for what she had planned for me. I did talk her into getting more tapes so she...

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The Italiano

An Italian man enters his favorite ritzy restaurant and while sitting at his regular table, he notices a gorgeous woman sitting at a nearby table. ...Alone. He calls the waiter over and asks for the most expensive bottle of Merlot to be sent over to her, knowing that if she accepts it, she will be his. The waiter gets the bottle and quickly takes it to her saying who it came from. She looks at the bottle and decides to send a note over to the man. The note said "For me to accept this bottle,...

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Love you more Brother

"Katherine?" came a call from outside the room. "What?" asked Katherine. "Can I grab the keys? I'm going to John's." "Sure," said Katherine. Quickly, she adjusted her messy hair, and pulled the straps of her tank top to the side so that it fell down even further, revealing the very top of her bra. Likewise, she adjusted her shorts so that the thin line of her panties showed. She then unlocked the door and her brother Tim walked in. Tim was 16, 5 years younger than...

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Ninja tales

This tale starts with Naruto. Naruto can be a child, meeting a brother figure, or with Naruto on his way to the academy. Either way plz follow these guidelines 1) All teams must be 4 Genin and 1 jonin, 2) Your OC must not be a godlike, overpowered, super ninja, at least not at the start of the story 3)Have fun writing and reading :)

3 years ago
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Tits Twists In The Jungle 8211 Part I

Hi guys I am Shivani from “brother made me slut” and “surprise at the farmhouse”, hope you guys remember me. So here is another story of another encounter that happened 6 months later after the farmhouse incident. As you all know that at the farmhouse I decided to be a slut, so there were a few encounters with Rakesh and Rinku a couple of times, by now my figure had changed to 36c 28 38. So I became sexier and now I knew what to do to earn a handsome money. A month later the farmhouse incident...

3 years ago
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Chachi Aur Bhabhi Se Liya Badla Part1

Hi, dosto ye mera pehla story hay. Is story me mein bataunga ki kaise maine apne chachi aur bhabhi ko chodke meri mummy ke sath hue dhoke ka badla liya. Main tab 7-8 saal ka hoon, tabse sunte aaya hoon ki, mummy or mere chachi dono me nehi banti hay. Tab pata nehi tha kyu. Par mummy kabhi bhi mujhe ya papa ko unke ghar jayada jane nehi dete the. Ek din meri mummy or papa me bahut jhagra chal raha tha. Main bas school se wapas aya, aur darwaje par dastak dene hi wala tha. Jhagra sunke me darwaje...

4 years ago
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Landlords unannounced visit

So, this just happened recently, like literally a day prior to me writing this. When I’m home, I’m usually naked unless there is a reason to be dressed such as guests, parents visiting, etc… I usually accept deliveries and uber eats naked and give them a bit of a show. Sometimes they ask to touch and depending on how I am feeling, I sometimes comply. Anyways I live with a housemate who is listed as the person to contact. Before you guys ask if we have fucked, the answer is yes. We are friends,...

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Group Mai Mili Married Lady

Hi friends.. Mera naam sidhanth hai aur mair punjab k jalandhar se hu, mai 23 saal ka hu & merace khud ka business hai. Yeh story nhi aaj se 1 saal pehle ka ek true incident hai. Her name is shalini 28 years old slim & beautiful. Graduation finish hone k baad bht job dhunda in jalandhar but only marketing so maine socha jab tak koi achi job na mil jaaye tab tak bank k exams ki coaching le lete hai aur saath mai masters bhi chal rhi thi meri, toh jalandhar k ek popularly known coaching institute...

2 years ago
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Mrs Abernathy

Mrs. Abernathy By Cheryl Lynn A short evil story definitely not for the sweet and sentimental reader. All the usual disclaimers apply and may only be downloaded for personal use. All other use of this story is prohibited unless approved by the author. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Mrs. Abernathy Anthony looked up at the full figured old woman. She could have been his grandmother but wasn't. Mrs. Abernathy looked like the stereotypical grandmother with...

2 years ago
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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 6

At seven sharp the next morning I placed a cup of coffee in front of his face. I almost gagged doing it, besides the smell of alcohol he’d thrown up at least once and had lost control of his bodily functions. I could see the dark stain across the seat of his pants and had a cruel thought. Maybe he’d get diaper rash. He moaned and opened one eye. I didn’t give him a chance to speak. I threw down a pair of sweatpants. “Here. Put these on before you come into the house, and DO NOT bring those...

3 years ago
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I Only Fuck MILFs

It started my first semester in college. I ran into Suzanne, a girl I knew from home. We never spoke that much back in high school. She was always with Tom, her long term boyfriend. But it was nice seeing a friendly face, so we went out for a beer.One beer led to another, and pretty soon we were both feeling no pain. I walked her home. It started pouring as we reached her dorm, so she invited me in. We laughed drinking beer as the rain turned into a thunderstorm.I'd never been interested in...

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Pam gets blackmailed

This is just a work of fiction. Any similarity to real cases is unintentional.If reading this is illegal for your age where you are, just leave right now and don't continue reading.This story contains non-consensual sex, forced exhibition, blackmailing, incest, etc. Most things I don't agree with. If you feel offended with this kind of materials just leave now and don't continue reading.If you reach this point, and like to go on reading, do it at your own responsibility. Enjoy this as much as...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 405

There was silence; a long silence, then smiles, and then an outburst. “THAT SETTLES IT! I am resigning too. I want to stay home with the boys and do my part here,” Jenny said. The discussion lasted another hour and it was a happy discussion. JBG would be whole for the first time since we had started the business with all of us in the office every day. I was still behind on my favorite dishes so tonight we went to the big Italian restaurant in Annapolis - just us girls - and the boys who...

4 years ago
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Youre Getting Sleepy

The sun was still shining in through the wall of windows as I waited at the carousel in baggage claim at DFW.The click-clack of purposeful strides in high heels rang across the terrazzo floor behind me. I had to look; coming toward me was a statuesque beauty. Her skirt was mid-calf length and split up the front allowing brief glimpses of nylon-encased, tanned and toned legs leading to what, I am sure, was heaven. Her blouse was a white silk button-style with a tailored jacket. The front of the...

Oral Sex
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No Good DeedChapter 23

A week passed that was, thankfully uneventful, aside from the girls and I studying, and everyone else beginning the packing process. I wasn’t sure why we were starting this early, considering the house wasn’t even finished yet. Of course, when I voiced my confusion, Mom looked at me with amusement like I was a small child asking where the people on the TV went when it wasn’t on. We were in the midst of this, when Jawarski told me she and Carter needed a few minutes. I’d had them on a lot of...

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Harder Mom SaidChapter 2

The day was bright and warm. Despite her lack of sleep, Sabrina felt fresh and filled with vitality. She was a dark-haired, light blue-eyed widow of thirty-three. She was better looking than most of her friends. She was in fact beautiful. She had performed on a few television commercials and modeled clothing for a while. Her husband had been her photographer-manager until the horrible crash that took his life. There was plenty of money and she had no financial worries. And although she had...

3 years ago
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The Exposure that started it all Part 1

by Vanessa Evans Part 1 I’ll start by describing myself. I’m Jade, twenty three, slim, not very tall, small breasts (AA cup), light brown, shoulder length blondish hair and average looks. I have a good job in Banking and have my own, small apartment in the city. I have a boyfriend now but when my story starts I didn’t have one. I have a great set of girl friends with whom I meet up once per week for a drink and a catch-up. About once per month or so we all go to one of our groups home for...

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Skiing with My DaugherPart 2

Chris was the first to get in the tub. She moved over to me and lifted her body on to my lap facing me. She kissed my lightly on the lips. Jen moved in next to me and rested her hand on my thigh. I got another twinge in my cock and groin. Chris started. "So I hear you want to talk about this?' "We'll yeah, sort of." I responded. "Go ahead." Chris said. "Why me? What Jen and I did was totally immoral." I said. Chris looked at me then at Jen. She leaned over to Jen...

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Black Like Vee

Black Like Vee By Cassandra Morgan My father had death eyes. Hard eyes. Cold eyes. I was certain if he concentrated hard enough, he could shoot laser beams out of them, and I would vaporize with a puff of smoke. Dolphin eyes, we called them, because they were undefeatable. He could silence you with one glare, and leave you stammering with another. Medusa had eyes like those, eyes that would turn his business rivals to stone, that would end any conversation, that would make you nod...

3 years ago
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Carly MomChapter 7

Carly couldn't wait to get to her office before opening Stephen's email. She opened it before leaving Linda's. Carly read: "Hi ... please check your new email account: [email protected]. The password is ****." The message had been sent by [email protected]. "What the hell is he up to?" Carly said to herself. She had intended to make another stop, but she was now so curious to see what this was about that she went straight to the office. Once inside, with the door securely closed,...

4 years ago
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Strawberry Lips

Strawberry Lips Carley and Beth lived together in a small town house in North London. They’d met whilst travelling around Australia a few years ago. Beth was a diving instructor from Sydney and Carley and her boyfriend Tom were a young couple experiencing everything the beautiful country had to offer. Carley and Beth stayed good friends and when Beth said she wanted to come over to Britain, Carley and Tom were happy for her to use the spare bedroom in their house. It was a sunny bank holiday...

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Timothy Reynolds was one of the invisible masses. You know the type – he worked a dead end job deep in the basement mailroom of a major corporation that didn’t even know he existed. The mailroom didn’t have any windows, the only air came in from the building’s central air conditioning and it smelled stale and old when it got there. The harsh fluorescent lighting in the mailroom didn’t help his outlook much either. Is it any wonder why he felt depressed and suffered from chronic headaches and a...

2 years ago
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Santa BabyChapter 3

Becky arrived at 11:00 the next morning, the trunk of her car filled with a large suitcase, a laundry basket heaped with dirty clothes, and several brightly wrapped gifts. Jack had been sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, reading the newspaper, when he heard her come in. "Daddy?" she called. Jack nearly bumped into her in the hallway, and she leapt into his arms, wrapping her own tightly around his neck. "Merry Christmas, honey," he said, squeezing his little girl tight...

4 years ago
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Half A Lifetime Of Longing

I had known Carol since we were kids. My parents knew her parents, so I knew who she was and we said hello when we saw each other around the place, although we weren’t actually friends and certainly nothing more. I had seen her at the beach, though, and as a teenager, I had lusted after her as I lusted after every girl I saw in a bathing suit. She was big, though: tall and stout, so, like a stereotypical teenager, I wouldn’t admit to being attracted to her. But, as you get older, you become...

Straight Sex
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Fall of the Queen

Your name is Blanche Lechat. You are tall attractive 37 years old woman. Your skin is silky white, your face is beautiful – comparable to a Greek sculptures. You have slender hips, firm ass and big round breasts. Your violet silky hair reach below your ass. You love wearing stockings, garter-belts, high-heeled shoes and silky dresses. You love the feel of silk on your skin. You are a Queen of Akein kingdom. You’re a widow after last king and have been ruling for over six years. Your kingdom has...

3 years ago
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Lace CurtainsChapter 3

So what's a girl to do? I picked up the phone. "Hi, Tessa, want some company tonight? My parents are apparently planning to fuck each other blind all night long and they want me out of the house." "Well, come on over, Megan dear. I haven't seen you in a while; maybe you can 'help me with my homework.'" I loved the lewd tone in her voice, yet I went there with trepidation. Ever since that beautiful night with Kieran, the night my cherry disappeared forever, the night I welcomed his...

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Im a sissy princess

Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful princess, who loved to dress up and wear her pretty gowns and pink frilly panties and prance around like a sissy girl. But the princess had to hide who she was, and dress in her guys clothes, and the thought of no one knowing who she really was, and that under the frilly panties was a big, solid cock, made her very excited. But she lived alone, and had no one to keep her in control and she would be very naughty, touching herself and making her...

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Jeannies Story

I read each magazine and book cover to cover every chance I got. I learned about so many different kinks and fetishes. One of the earliest cuckold stories I read involved a husband daring his wife to answer the door for the pizza guy while wearing only a towel. Of course, the wife took the dare while the husband hid in the closet to watch what happened. The young wife opened the door for the pizza guy, pretended to be searching for money and dropped the towel. In a moment of uncontrolled lust...

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