Loretta....Part 1 free porn video

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Loretta’s words still lingered in my head as I awoke. She had somehow worked her way in to my subconscious. That someone so young could be so vindictive, so manipulative, so selfish, regardless of the consequences, amazed and appalled me.

I looked around, taking in the familiar, comforting beach scene before me. It was late afternoon on a balmy day in February; the beach had been crowded earlier, too crowded, but now only some local families and a few couples taking their dogs for a walk strolled past; some of them very familiar faces. The raucous teens of summer had moved on and it was the wrong season for surfers. The oppressive heat of the day had gone and the sun was well into his slow decline; turning the water a deeper, more intense blue.
I looked over at my dog, Jet who lay asleep on the beach blanket next to my copy of The Count of Monte Cristo. I traced patterns in the sand with my feet, watching rove beetles scuttling over the sand ripples as though they were traversing an immensity of desert. I felt a trickle of water on my shoulder.

“Sorry Pete, did I startle you.”

Jet looked up and rose from her spot by Dumas’ book, wagged her tail and greeted the speaker. The heat must have got to her as she only managed to jump up in front of the girl once. It was Kayla, a pleasantly familiar face from our local supermarket – a Checkout Chick as we call them here in Australia.

“Hey Kayla. You didn’t startle me. I was just waking up.”

“Oh ok. Can I take Jet for a run?”


I handed Kayla Jet’s lead and watched as the two of them ran down to the water. Kayla was petite, cute and about twenty. A beautiful, sweet girl with not a bad bone in her body. Why then; as I watched her lithe, tanned legs churning up the sand, while I admired her laughing face, cute butt and perfect smile and as I marveled at how her wet hair shook magnificently - why, in the face of such poetry, did I imagine only Loretta?

By anyone’s definition, Loretta was hot. She had come to our quiet beachside suburb from the country, to stay with my neighbour Zane and his wife Jade. She was Jade’s younger cousin and was in town for about a month to apply for next year’s university courses and to get a feel for life away from home. Also, she said, she badly needed a break from her parents on the farm.

At just nineteen, Loretta had shoulder length, strawberry blond hair, she liked showing off her tanned shoulders and midriff but she seemed particularly proud of her perky boobs; always wearing tight t-shirts and tops that left little to the imagination. Aside from that, she was beautiful; tall and slim with large, luminous blue eyes and hips that swayed like a cat walk models’.

In the first conversation I ever had with her I asked her if she wouldn’t mind getting naked for me one day.

Perhaps I should explain. I’m an artist, a painter and I’ve been good friends with Zane and Jade during most of the eight years that we’ve lived next to each other. I paint and draw from a variety of live models; women mostly, but also a few young men and one guy in particular, whose portrait I’ve drawn and painted very successfully several times over the last two years. His name is Ulrich and I count him as a friend too, but he comes into this story later.

The day after Loretta’s arrival was a Saturday and I got a knock on the door at about half past ten. It was Jade. I opened the door and smiled. Jade is thirty, just a little shorter than me with long straight hair; black and lustrous. She has a sweet oval face and delicate brown skin with large dark brown eyes and an endearing sprinkling of freckles. Her ancestors were Maori from the top of New Zealand’s south island and she is a vivacious, energetic and very hospitable person.

True to form, she grinned broadly as I opened the door.

“Hi Pete. Great sunny day it’s turning into hey?”

I looked up at the faultless blue of the sky and smiled

“Hmm, I think you’re right.”

“Well my cloistered maestro, how would you like to join Zane and me for dinner later? I don’t want to drag you away from the studio but we have a guest; my cousin Loretta from Loxton.”

“Oh ok. I’ll bring a bottle of wine.”

“Great! Let’s say seven?”

“Wonderful. See you all then.”

A few hours later, after I had showered, dressed and selected a good bottle of merlot, I tapped on Jade and Zane’s door. I made eye contact with the woman who opened the door she did likewise; looking me up and down ever so casually. She gave me a smile I’ll never forget; it was a sly, crooked smile, a smirk, with lying eyes – as the song says.

“Hi, you must be Loretta.”

“And you must be Pete the painter from next door. Painted any masterpieces lately Pete?”

Ok so she had attitude, but I suspended any other impressions momentarily as my attention was caught by a pair of skin tight floral shorts that were now leading me up Zane and Jade’s parquetry corridor past several of my own works. Never one to let a challenge go unanswered I said,

“It depends on your definition of a masterpiece.”

She paused and turned, flicking her hair past my shoulder. It was a beautiful shade of strawberry blonde with redder streaks and hung heavily just above her tanned shoulders. If nothing else, life on the farm had been good to her physique. She looked at me for a second, seemingly unsure of how to reply.

“Are those your pieces in the hallway?”


“Hmmm, does being a nude model pay well?”

“That depends.”

We now stood in the kitchen from where I could see Zane and Jade in the back yard, cooking the barbeque. Loretta handed me a large bowl of potato salad.

“Depends on what?”

“Depends on your ability to sit still and do what I tell you.”

I said this with such seriousness that at first, it sounded like a reprimand but then I said,

“Twenty dollars an hour. Are you interested?”

She paused, surprised by my offer, but she said nothing, taking a strand of her hair instead and twirling it idly.

“Hi Pete!”

Jade had come in. She stepped in front of Loretta and kissed me then took the potato salad. I showed her the bottle of merlot and she smiled.

“Oh, there’s a cork screw over there by the microwave.”

She took two bowls of food out to the table in the yard. Loretta meanwhile had disappeared. I opened the bottle and saw that there were already wine glasses on the table outside. I stepped out and greeted Zane. He had been a great friend of mine over the years. We had a lot in common and he was someone I could confide in and trust implicitly.

“So how about we go skin diving again soon?”

“I’d love to, if Jade will let you.”

I teased him gently, knowing full well that his wife found our adventures at the many good local dive spots and in the open water a little too dangerous. He looked at me a little shame-faced and nodded.

“We could take the girls along. Loretta was saying she has spent very little time on the coast.”

Before I could answer Loretta appeared wearing a bikini. Orange, white and black, it was damn sexy yet very tasteful and in it she was an absolute knock out. She lay down on a deckchair in the sun and proceeded to rub tanning oil into her arms. I looked Zane straight in the eye,

“Err, you were saying…..”

We both laughed and Zane offered me a beer.

Later we all sat at the table to eat. Loretta sat opposite me and next to Zane. Lunch was delicious – one of summer’s simple pleasures. I poured Loretta another glass of merlot.

“So what are you thinking of studying at uni,” I asked her.


“Oh ok. Well, there are several good courses including theory, history and practical.”

“Loretta draws,” offered Jade. “You should show Pete some of your work Loretta.”

She was silent for a moment, seemingly embarrassed by her cousin’s revelation. A little resentfully she said,

“Ok, maybe. If you say so couz.”

For the first time I detected that there existed some friction between Loretta and Jade – just how much, I was to discover later. Zane quickly changed the subject and soon we were talking about the local restaurants, nightlife and the beach – around which the lives of those of us who lived by it inevitably revolved. Jade brought up my work again which caused Loretta to interject.

“Pete’s asked me to pose for him and I said yes.”

Her cousin looked at me a little concerned then smiled ironically.

“That was quick.”

“Might as well make hay while the sun shines. Besides, what better way for me to learn about art than to take part in its creation?”

“Well put”, said Zane, but his tone concealed the merest hint of doubt.

I took a sip of my wine and sat back contented. Life was good.
I made arrangements with Loretta for the following Saturday. She was to come over at ten in the morning and sit in on a session with one of my regular models Ulrich. I was sure that Ulrich would not mind.

A week passed and I saw little of Loretta, Zane or Jade. Zane worked in the city and he was seldom home before 6pm. Jade ran an on-line jewelry business which kept her busy but not tied down to office hours. My studio took up my entire front room. It had large windows from which I had a good view of the street and the sea beyond. On Friday I sat at my easel, painting a background – a complex and dramatic mixture of black, browns and grays - just as important to the finished work as the main subject. As I finished, I turned towards the window and noticed a familiar metallic green car drive by – Jade’s Ford Fiesta. Nothing unusual in that but a few moments later I heard a loud tap at the door.

I grabbed a rag and wiped my hands. Opening the door I found Loretta. There was a spy hole in the door which I rarely used. A fact which Loretta was obviously unaware of or else why would she strike a pose designed to show off her body in profile? She giggled at my look of mild surprise.

“G’Day painter Pete, what ya doin?”

I stepped aside to let her in.

“Watching paint dry, you?”

She laughed. “I guess you have to do a lot of that in your business. Jade has gone out to buy beads so I thought I’d pay your atelier a visit. Watching paint dry can’t be half as boring as beading.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Jade seems to do very well out of it and I like most of her work.”
She said nothing and blew an imaginary hair impatiently from her face. I could tell that the whole subject of Jade was closed. Hmm…well you can pick your friends..but..

“Would you like some coffee? I usually drink espresso.”


“Milk, sugar?”

“Plain black and don’t call me Sugar.”

“Oops, sorry,” I replied jokingly.

I went into my kitchen from where I had a partial view of the studio. As I waited for the coffee to boil I could see her looking at the many drawings, sketches and paintings in various stages of completion that decorated the walls. I’ve always been a collector and the studio was filled with curious objects that I had picked up. She seemed to find these fascinating and as I carried the coffee tray into the room, I found that she had unsheathed an old sword.

“That’s a Scottish claymore from the 1660’s or thereabouts.”

She looked at me doubtfully and returned the blade to its sheath. Next her attention focused upon a frame containing a page of Sanskrit calligraphy.

“What is this?”

“It’s a verse from a medieval Indian book – a book on lovemaking.”

She turned sharply and I handed her a cup of coffee which she accepted silently.

“Is it the Kama Sutra?”

“No, the Koka Shastra.”

“The Hindus wrote a fair bit about sex, it’s called erotology, isn’t it?”

I was impressed, “That’s right.” Quietly I added, “Very good!”

“What does it say?”

Then, for an instant I saw the genuine desire for knowledge in her eyes – as though she appreciated that I was treating her as an adult and as an equal.

“It describes a type of woman called the ‘citrini’ or ‘picture woman.’ It tells of how she moves, how she sings and dances, how she is not overly tall or too short. Also that her body is slender, that she has prominent breasts, buttocks and lips and that her pussy has the aroma of honey.”

She laughed, but not out of embarrassment. “Is that all?”

“No, I think it also describes how she likes to make love. She might have a sweet tooth too, I can’t remember exactly.”

“Hmm, quite a picture of a woman. Have you painted anyone like her?”

“Once or twice.”

She swelled her chest slightly. She wore a light cotton shirt with roses embroidered on the sleeves over a 1940’s style twist bikini top and tight, black tracksuit pants with orange piping – that she was hot there was not a shadow of a doubt but I am a cautious man by nature so I did my best not to notice.

“So are you ready to pose for me tomorrow?”

She took a last swig of coffee and looked me in the eye, then in a sultry whisper she said,

“Why wait until tomorrow?”

“Ok, well, I’ll get some paper.”

When I returned a few minutes later she had taken her shirt off. I pinned my paper to the easel and selected a few pencils of different grades.

“Sit over there and let me see your profile.” She hesitated.

“Don’t you want me to take my clothes off?”


She seemed a little disappointed until I said, “I think we have enough to work with,” making it sound like a compliment.

I lit some incense and put on a chill-out CD. Loretta’s face had exquisite bone structure. Her full lips and crystal blue eyes struck me every time I looked at her face, her hair and delicate brows were beautiful. I had seen many beautiful women; I went out of my way to look for them, wherever they might be found. Here was fierce beauty but with much subtlety too. Minutes passed and my sitter seemed to be doing well, she was patient and relaxed. The music certainly helped as did the incense.

I drew Loretta’s graceful lines; the svelte contour of her chin, the graceful lines of her back, the slender curve of her hips, her long legs, and the lovely fullness of her breasts. My pencils caressed her body and little by little, so did my imagination.

I brought our session to an end after about an hour. I was glad that Loretta was able to concentrate through the whole session and to follow my instructions. I produced three sheets of sketches and two sheets of more finished drawings.

“Are we done?” She asked, now with a hint of impatience.

“Yeah, we’re done.”

She rushed over, knocking my coffee table in the process, and stood in front of the easel with her arms crossed and the frown of concentration on her face. I spread the other sheets of paper on the floor and she walked around them a number of times in silence. I was happy with my mornings work; it had been a good session. Her face hidden by her hair, Loretta turned slowly and cast a steady glance at me. She had an intense look in her eyes that made me wonder what was going on in her mind. She walked up to me at last and to my great surprise, I felt her hands grasp the sides of my head and her lips crush my own. I felt a tingle of electricity flow through my body – the stirrings of deep desire. All I could do was breath in and kiss her back. Her scent was delicious – all spice and savour. She pulled away after a moment as though to tease me, then kissed me again with double the intensity. Her hands soon began to wander over my neck, my back and shoulders, coming to rest on my hips. I too explored her supple shoulders and lissome arms; I held her head and drew her close. The whole time too I was conscious of her breasts pressing hard against my chest.

We stood in the middle of my studio kissing tenderly and passionately for what seemed a blissful eternity. Then I opened my eyes to see her looking at me with a smile that was all mischief. I smiled back and suddenly felt myself being pulled forward. Loretta was undoing my belt. She looked down for a moment as she undid the clasp and unbuttoned my jeans. Her hooded eyes told me exactly what she had in mind. I started to help her loosen my bonds when there was a quiet knock at the door. Loretta instantly left me standing and looked through the spy hole. She turned abruptly, smiled furtively and disappeared into the kitchen. I was astounded. Under the circumstances, I had been perfectly prepared to ignore whoever was at the door. I answered it and found Jade standing there looking distinctly uncomfortable.

“Jade, what is it?”

“Sorry to disturb you Pete. Have you seen Loretta?”

“No,” I lied. “Is everything ok?”

“Well no……. I mean yes – oh it’s nothing.”

She was about to turn and leave when something caught her eye. Hanging from the chair on which she had been posing was Loretta’s rose embroidered, white cotton shirt. Jade recognized it but said nothing. Instead she turned without looking at me and walked back to her house; leaving me feeling like a complete asshole and not knowing exactly why.

Stay tuned for Part 2……………………


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Three outfits lie on my bed. Should I go for the classic little black dress, cream halter top and blue jeans or pink blouse and mini skirt? The invitation to Jenna’s housewarming party had been very last minute and I’d only just decided to go (besides, it was that or sit in front of the telly with the cat for the fifth day in a row). It’d been a long time since I’d been out anywhere other than the local supermarket. Let me introduce myself. My name is Chrissie and I’m a 22 year old spinster....

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Gia Derza Naughty Teen Gets Her Round Ass Bulldozed By Manuel

Gia Derza is a teen pixie with wide hour glass shaped hips. The bubbly babe is in a photo session with Manuel, pointing her heavenly cheeks towards the sky. Manuel has the tart take the camera to do some directing. Gia suddenly gets speechless and chooses to playfully twerk in front of the camera. Manuel notices her shyness and takes over. He kisses her passionately while furiously strumming her clit, causing her legs to shimmy. She hops on his cock, grinding it with her booty blubber. Manuel...

3 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 15 The Morning Run

Nina's alarm went off an hour earlier than normal, and she shut it off quickly, before it woke Scott. She had laid out her workout clothes the night before, so she could fumble her way into them half-asleep, and in the dark. Heading downstairs, she filled a water bottle, and attached it to her waist with a belt. Her music player went on her left arm in an elastic wrap, and she put a house key in a pocket of her shorts. In the driveway outside, she saw the sun just starting to peek over the...

2 years ago
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Mom and I Getting Plumbed 6

o my god Dan that was amazing" I said as I collapsed on top of your chest. My huge tits pressed against your chest as Barbara removes her fingers from my tight butt. I feel you still pumping slowly into my tight smoothly shaved pussy. I'm exhausted from the two in redouble orgasms I just had from you and my mother. My mother removes me from your grasp and fucking "I think it's time for Busty Brittany here to take a rest and let my body spoil you Dan."She has you slide out from the kitchen sink...

4 years ago
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The Proposal Chapter 4

I stopped by the grocery store on my way home to buy some tuna and a litter box. When I opened the front door I was greeted by the pleasant odor of cooking, but the best thing was seeing my wife at home doing the cooking. Hobo jumped out of my arms and immediately ran to Allie, meowing and rubbing against her leg.She smiled and said, “You men are all the same. All you think is if you ‘rub on me’ just right, you’ll get your way.”I stood there feeling so happy that all I could choke out was,...

Wife Lovers
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New Beginnings CH03 The Weekend Penetration Time

Penetration! I awoke Friday morning after a night of wishful lustful dreams. I could not believe Friday was finally here at last. Today was the homecoming game so school would get out at lunch today. Unfortunately Adam had to stay and work out and get ready for the game tonight. I was also going to run home grab a shower and make sure I was smooth as possible for my upcoming weekend. I was so excited I skipped my morning shower since I was going to get one once home, I was sure I would need...

1 year ago
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Don and the Stuarts

Don and the Stuarts. I heard the birds singing, even though my windows were now closed and locked up. I hopped out of bed and looked outside. A vague green color rimmed the treetops on the street across from our house. Good, I was up first. This was going to take a while, and I wanted to be able to make breakfast for Zach before he left. But first I really had to shower. My skin felt sticky and gummy, and the makeup was starting to make my face itch. Last night I had resolved...

2 years ago
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Swapping With Bhabhi Sister 8211 Part I

Hi my name is Nilesh from pune, I m most fan of ISS, this is my first story & this is real story.This is SWAPPING story with my bhabhi & sister………………. Ye kahani me hindi me lika raha hu kyoke sexy story hindi me padhna bahot mast lagata hai (masturbate karte waqt) my self Nilesh ,age 28 height 5.11, my shaft size 7” & 2” thick mera kud ka business hai meri story pasand aane par muze jarur mail kare mera mail id hai , so please contact me——— Ye kahani 1 sal purani hai meri shadi hoke 1 sal bit...

1 year ago
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When Your Cocks are In Us We Cant Think

Have you watched the videos here? Sure, some of them are fake, clearly staged, and have no connection with reality. But there's one aspect to many porn vids that is absolutely authentic:Ever notice how, even when the woman initiates sex, she always ends up under the man's control?This is not coincidental, gentlemen. Whether you realize it or not, hard cock, has an enormous amount of power over us! As women, we don't like to admit this (that would be telling, after all), but when you're in our...

2 years ago
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Do Oms Ke Shadi Ki Dastaan 8211 Part 1

Hi friends. My name is Sanjeev am from New Delhi. Now studding B.com 3rd year. This is my 1 Real story. I have a small family I mean my parents and me. My mom name is Saritaa, she is looking like a south Indian Heroin. Her body size 38-36-40. To friends me 4 saal se incest story padh rahahun, aur mujhee bahat acchaa lagtaa hii. mujhe pataa hi ki aaj kaal larke aur larkiyaan kaise story pasaand kartee hii. esiliye me meraa 1st real story aap log sunaa ne jaaraa hun. Baas thorasaa aap log kaa...

3 years ago
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Moth Ch 017

Posted on literotica.com with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Valo came home just before dawn and found the place emptied of all but his mate. She had lighted, and was somberly staring at, a tiny, shielded, bright-glow. Next to it was a tiny bowl of sweets. Valo’s heart twisted at the sight. This was Lei’s birthnight. ‘I’ve got us a new juice-can,’ he said, placing the big ceramic can on the table, defiantly treating the table as a piece of furniture, not a...

3 years ago
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Teen Diaries 17 Language Barriers

My name is Missy. I'm a blonde seventeen-year-old with a full figure. I'm an only child and my parents decided we should take a family vacation for Spring Break to Mexico. I really wanted to go to Cancun, but they decided on an all inclusive resort a ways away in Playa Del Carmen. We've been here a few days and I quickly made friends with a few other teens. The resort has a club, called a disco here, and my parents left the resort last night to go on a night diving excursion, so my new friends...

4 years ago
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Ambers Daughter KarenChapter 2

By clearing his throat, Jack interrupted Bee and the administrator. The mood was gone, and Bee quickly followed the pair to the aid station, while Jack spoke to the administrator. At the aid station, Bee quickly took pictures of Robert's injuries, which were minor, and treated them. Karen sat in a chair and watched with tears flowing down her cheeks. When Bee was finished, she turned her attention to Karen. "You need to get up on the table, Honey," she told her. Then, "What is your...

2 years ago
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Devils Island CH 2

The four women were brought up from below. Their collars locked together with a short chain between them. The yacht had docked in a secluded harbor on the small island. The women could feel the moist and warm air blowing in from shore. They had no idea where they were but clearly it was somewhere warm. A road led up into the hills but no house or building except for the harbor shed was visible from where they stood on deck. Jason pulled on the chain and the four women had to follow him. Linda...

2 years ago
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Entropy and Sorrows Kiss

Part I: Debbie Alan Burnett listened to the same ‘oldies’ station he had for years now, the music was predictably comfortable and the commercials were kind of funny – sometimes anyway, and besides, almost everyone else in the department listened to the station. You could always count on a happy mix of sixties stuff, but usually they played more seventies music. The mix filled his time with memories of his parents and his childhood, and when things on the street were slow, like they were this...

3 years ago
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A Sentimental HeartChapter 6

Marcus Phillips drove to his home with his concentration on the road, but his mind on Miranda. He remembered how he had felt when he had kissed her. He remembered how she had felt in his arms ... his imagination kicked in, as in his mind he took the next steps with her... This of course was a mistake. It didn't take much to imagine Miranda and him, wrapped in each other's arms, kissing and touching and stroking... By the time he drove onto his driveway, and climbed out of his car, his...

2 years ago
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The Masseuse 2 The Deprived

NOTE: This was a collaboration piece written by myself and a fan of my first story. It was written a number of months ago now, but is finally being posted. Special thanks to this great co-author and sexy woman!It was late afternoon when my phone pinged. I looked down at it.Come.It was the masseuse.My friend Alexa told me about the masseuse. It was during one of our Friday night pub get-togethers we had, when we had the chance. We would meet, have drinks, talk about our dating lives, work,...

1 year ago
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How I Became A Paid Cross Dresser

Hello friends, without making you feel bored directly coming to the story. It was the time when I was in need of money and I asked my friend Rahul. He told that he will help me and when I met him he told me that I have to work his boss. I asked what kind of work then Rahul said that his boss is a bisexual who prefers crossdressers more than gays. Me:- so what I should do for your boss Rahul:- don’t get me wrong, you said that you were in need money so am telling this. You need to get dressed...

Gay Male
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A Slut and Her Tentacle Monster Pt2

The next morning I woke up more refreshed than I could ever remember. I was sure I would be sore all over, especially in my kitty, but I didn’t even feel the least bit tired. I even woke up before my alarm.As I rolled over to shut it off before getting up, I noticed I felt…heavy. When I flipped off the sheets, I was in for a major shock. My tummy was HUGE! I stared at it in wonder for a long while, eventually rubbing my hand over the skin. I remembered how much of his slime my lover put in me...

4 years ago
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Mad Cowboys and Alien FucktardsChapter 5

“You saved me!” Paul proclaimed as Frankie and I struggled to pull him in towards shore. The poor bastard shivered frantically and coughed up a lot of water. He was soaked from head to toe, but did manage to crawl onto the riverbank under his own strength. He laughed, almost hysterically, in a state of disbelief before collapsing onto the hard, dry ground. He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the blue sky. “Thank you God!” he wheezed over and over again. “Fuck,” I mumbled to myself,...

1 year ago
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My Reawakening

It was a long time since I had been to Sydney and even a longer time since my misspent youth had taken me on a journey descending into the world of all night underground dancing clubs, flying on eccies, dancing, touching and being wild. I am not gay but curious and as a young jilted 23 year old girl I took safety with the gay men and women of the dance scene with their beautiful bodies and energy to dance all night to powerful house music. At 44 my body is still a pert size 8-10 of an 18 year...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Sexual Hynosis

John had been studying hypnotism for 3 months now. He had an ambition to become a Stage Hypnotist and entertain people with his art. He was now at the stage where he needed to try out his techniques on some guinea pigs, so he invited Jane, a neighbour, around for a coffee and he asked her whether he could practice his relaxation techniques. Jane had been a bit stressed recently and agreed. John sat her in the lounge with the curtains closed and soft candles burning to give a orange glow to the...

Mind Control
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Kitchen cleanup leads to the bedroom

I was at the counter doing dishes when I felt his hands slip around my waist. His lips touched the back of my neck. He pulled me against his chest and I leaned my head against his chest. I felt his dick get hard when I pushed my body against him. I shook the water off my hands and looked up at him and smiled."Hey Scott," I said sighing when his fingers pushed a curly blonde hair away from my face. His hands gently caressed my cheeks and he smiled when I smiled again. Scott slipped his hands...

Straight Sex
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Living the Dream

I would like to thank Cassandra Morgan's 'A Few More Favourite Themes' for putting me on to the stories by Mrs Anyonamrs and Miss Anyonamiss : Careful and Careful 2. They were basically one story from two perspectives, but provided the inspiration for my short and comparatively dim shadow of an offering here. The original stories seemed to hang in the air, have the author(s) thought of giving them both a definite finish? They were too good to be just left with unanswered...

4 years ago
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Sex In The City Chapter 7

“I do hope we don’t bump into anyone,” said Alice as they got ready to leave the apartment.“Why? We will be okay, it is only down a couple of floors,” replied Charles.“I know, but you are dressed in a tuxedo and I have a bloody long coat on; if we bump into anybody who knows us they will wonder why, when we are not even leaving the block, we are dressed like we are,“ said Alice, looking at Charles with a concerned face“Well, we'll just say we are off to a works charity evening,” said Charles,...

1 year ago
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The Camping Trip

Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife and I decided to take our kids camping. We have two children Lisa our eighteen year old and Guy our 18 year old son. both Lisa and Guy wanted to bring thier best friends along on the trip that was to be a week of camping in the north country. The day before we were to leave my wife got called to work the next day and Guy asked if he and his friend could come up with my wife. We talked about it for several hours and decided that i needed to go...

4 years ago
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First time fucked as a CD

About a month ago, I had sex with my first man. It has been a long time coming but I am so glad I did it.I have been crossdressing for a while. I started going out in public just to see if I could get away with it. I am only a little effeminate, 5'7" with a toned swimmers build, about 115 pounds, I even grew my hair out to get a crop cut.So I finally decided I would take it to the next level. I posted ads on craigslist, and after about a week of posting everyday I finally found the guy I...

2 years ago
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Pool bang her

I was invited to a backyard pool party by a fewtelemundo network interns. we talked played darts and I had a few beers with them and they left, then i saw Natalia Villaveces the host of nitido on telemundo, I watch the show a lot when it was on, natty always had lovely dresses and heels on on every show.natty sees me and she comes over to me and in her Spanish accent she tells me"hey you so is it true you think about me a lot?" she asked."yes i do, i think you're muy bonita" i told her she...

3 years ago
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indian mom gangbanged

Hello all, I am Rohan, 18, second year student. My Dad is very soft spoken and a quite person. My family is a small family me, my mom and my dad. My mom is 44, housewife. My mom is a very conservative and traditional person. At the time of the incident I was 10 and my mom was 36 years old. Let me describe you my mom as she was 8 years ago. She was a normal Indian woman with good figure of around: 34-30-32. My mom was busy in household works and Pujas. It all started when the problem of sacking...

1 year ago
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Friends With Benefits

This is the story of my first sexual experience. Although I had a girl friend, I never had sex with her. I am 29-year-old male and this incident happened last year. I am not disclosing locations and other details to maintain the privacy of individuals. My girl friend dumped me sometime back and I got along with my life, was not interested in girls, busy with work and other interests.I had met a girl longtime back on facebook, I was good friends with her. After my breakup I used to talk to her...

2 years ago
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Once a Cheater

It was a Monday morning and we were sitting at the kitchen table. We had finished eating breakfast and I was drinking my coffee and reading the morning paper. My wife Bea said: "Would you put the paper down Rob? I have to talk to you." I put the paper down on the table and then asked, "What is it Bea?" "I'm leaving you Rob. I want a divorce." "Is that all?" I picked the paper back up and started reading the sports section. "I'm serious Rob." I ignored her and she got...

1 year ago
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Nick and Logan Adventures Close Call 3

"Let's go guys!" Logan yelled up the streets to the 2 neighbor boys, Johnny and Noah. Johnny and Noah were twins, and two years younger than Logan. Nick, Logan, Johnny, and Noah were all neighbors until Nick had to leave the neighborhood because his parents got divorced. "Coming!" they replied in unison. The three boys were headed back to Nick's new house so that they could hang out and Nick could show the two brothers his new house. Logan was just going to hangout. The two...

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