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It started my first semester in college. I ran into Suzanne, a girl I knew from home. We never spoke that much back in high school. She was always with Tom, her long term boyfriend. But it was nice seeing a friendly face, so we went out for a beer.

One beer led to another, and pretty soon we were both feeling no pain. I walked her home. It started pouring as we reached her dorm, so she invited me in. We laughed drinking beer as the rain turned into a thunderstorm.

I'd never been interested in Suzanne. She wasn't bad looking, a cute brunette with big tits. But I preferred petite, leggy blondes. Still, she was homesick and lonely, and I was bored. So around midnight, with the rain still pounding against the window, I leaned over and kissed her.

She resisted at first, but I persisted, having gone an entire week without pussy. I thrust my tongue into her mouth, and eventually she began returning my kisses. I brought my hand between us and felt her tits. Shit they were big. I massaged her breast meat and rubbed her nipples. When she started moaning I knew she wouldn't stop me unbuttoning her blouse.

She wore a plain tan bra with a front clasp. I opened it and gazed at her bare breasts. I'm not a tit man, but hers looked pretty good, shapely without any hint of sag, and capped with enormous erect nipples. For a moment I envied Tom. I caressed the soft flesh of her left breast, and leaned down and sucked her right nipple. Pretty soon I had her moaning and writhing under me.

I pulled down her jeans, seeing a wet spot in her panties. Then I fingered her. She didn't stop me when I pulled off her panties. It surprised me how easy she was being. She and Tom had been inseparable in high school, and planned to get married right after college. But here she was, opening her legs without much effort on my part. What was going on?

Then I saw tears running down her cheeks. "What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't be doing this," she sobbed. "I love Tom. But I haven't seen him in months. I miss him so much!"

Understanding hit me. She must've been getting it regularly from Tom, but cut off since going to college. She was a horny bitch in heat! "It's okay Suz, I'll never tell him," I said, thinking how lucky my timing was.

I pulled out my cock and rubbed it against her pussy lips. She kept herself nicely trimmed, with just a thin landing strip about her clit. "She keeps herself looking nice for you, doesn't she Tommy-boy?" I thought to myself.

I pointed my cock at her bare pussy lips, not worrying about a condom. She had to be on the pill with how long she'd been going with Tom. I penetrated her with the head of my cock, pleased to hear her gasp with surprise. I'm bigger than most, so I've learned how to ease myself in. Pretty soon I was in to the hilt. Her face and moans told me she loved the new experience of my big cock.

Just then her phone rang. "Oh god no!" she cried seeing the caller ID. "It's Tom!"

"Don't say anything, okay?" she pleaded. Seeing me nod, she picked up the phone. "Hi honey, um, I miss you so much, ah, ah, I'm sorry, what did you say?"

It excited me to hear Suzanne try to carry on a conversation with her boyfriend with my cock buried deep inside her. I couldn't resist rocking back and forth. Suzanne scowled and shook her head violently, but she wasn't in any position to stop me.

She tried to talk naturally to Tom, but I could tell the fucking was getting to her. I started taking faster, longer strokes, making her face flush with pleasure. Then I reached over and rubbed her nipples, and she moaned into the telephone.

"What was that, are you okay?" I heard Tom say.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, I'm just, ah, I'm just a little tired."

"You sound strange," Tom said. I positioned her legs over my shoulders and fucked her harder.

The bed banged against the wall with each thrust. "What's that?" Tom asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Suzanne panted into the telephone. She was fighting back an orgasm, but her body wasn't cooperating. "Tom, I've got to go!" she blurted out, her body arching into an orgasm. She let go of the phone and threw her arms around my neck, kissing me as her body shuddered with pleasure. I came seconds after her, pressing her legs into her big tits and ejaculating a huge load of my sperm into her pussy.

Tom and Suzanne got married four years later, right after graduation like they always planned. It excites me to imagine talking to him. "She let me fucked her," I'd say to him. "You know her big tits you love so much? Her trimmed pussy? She gave them to me. Then she came on my cock, and let me shoot my spunk into her."

That night with Suzanne changed my life. It opened my eyes to the thrill of fucking women who belong to other men.

Earlier this year I went to the Hyatt next to the airport. The bar was half full, and an attractive late 30s/early 40s brunette sat alone, reading a magazine and sipping a Cosmo. She wore a black dress that ended just above the knee. She had a pretty face and nice legs. Most importantly, she wore a wedding ring.

I sat one stool over, and ordered a beer. "Flying out tomorrow?"

She looked up from her magazine. "Oh ... yes," she answered, surprise on her face. I guessed she didn't have many conversations with 25 year old single men in bars. "You?"

"No, I live here. I come here for the action."

"The action?" she asked, looking intrigued.

"Sure, you know, for the girls. You know this is a meat market, don't you?"

She laughed, motioning at the mostly empty bar. "Here, a pick-up place? It's almost empty."

I finished my beer, and motioned to the bartender to get his attention. She stared at my arm as my biceps rippled under my tailored shirt. She blushed and looked away when I caught her staring. "Another one?" I asked, pointing at her almost empty martini glass.

"I shouldn't, but ... well, why not?"

We waited in silence as the bartender fetched another beer and mixed a Cosmo. From the corner of my eye I saw her surreptitiously checking me out. Not to brag, but I'm pretty good looking. Most chicks describe me as ruggedly handsome. I'm pretty tall, six foot two, with a dark complexion and dark curly hair that I usually slick back when I got out. I work out to keep the linebacker body I've had since high school. I'm also big in the cock department.

I passed the bartender a twenty. "You don't need to do that," she said.

"It's my pleasure," I insisted, and clicked her glass with my beer. "Cheers."

"So, this is really a pick up bar?" she asked with a conspiratorial smile. "I never would have guessed. I stay here all the time, and usually it's mostly empty, like tonight."

"You're right. It's not a place to meet college girls, or 20-somethings."

She tilted her head to the side inquisitively. "Then what?"

"I come here to meet older women," I said grinning. "You know, MILFS."

She covered her mouth, and then began to laugh. "Oh my god, you're joking?"

"I'm absolutely serious."

Her cheeks reddened. "So -- are you saying you're trying to pick me up?"

I pretended to study her. "I don't know. You satisfy the I-L-F. But I don't know about the M."

She laughed again. "Well, I do. M for married and M for mom. I have two k**s."

"Okay, then," I said with a mock lecherous grin. "You're my prey tonight."

"I haven't been single for a long time. I don't remember men being so aggressive."

"Come on, be truthful. You're beautiful and sexy. I bet you get hit on all the time."

"Well -- maybe," she said demurely. A smile crept across her lips, telling me my compliment pleased her.

I stood up and offered her my hand. "Come on, dance with me once before you reject me."

She shook her head. "You're sweet. Aggressive, but sweet. But I'm happily married. In fact, it's our anniversary tonight. I'd be home right now, but my flight was canceled."

I felt my cock stir in my pants. "Ah ... so that's why you're so dressed up."

She nodded. "We were going to a play tonight."

"What did your husband do? Did he go alone, or just toss the tickets?"

"Oh god no. They were too expensive to throw away. He went with his secretary."

I raised an eyebrow. "His secretary?"

A cloud passed over her face, but she quickly regained her composure. "Well, you know, when I told my husband my flight was canceled, he invited Mandy to go to the play as a thank you for all her hard work."

"Mandy, huh? She sounds young. It's convenient she was able to go to the show, on such late notice."

The cloud returned. I could tell she'd thought the same thing. She drained the rest of her Cosmo, and I motioned to the bartender to refill her glass. "It's nothing," she finally said. "Sometimes I think he might be cheating at me, but I know he's not. It's just ... we've been married 15 years, and he doesn't pay as much attention to me like he used to. And lately he's been working late a lot, ever since ...."

"Ever since what?"

She hesitated, then finally said, "He hired Mandy about 2 months ago."

The bartender returned with a new Cosmo, and she immediately drained half of it. The alcohol was getting to her, and I knew why. I glanced at the bartender and gave him a sly appreciative smile. There are all kinds of vodka. There's the normal stuff, like Absolute and Grey Goose. And then there's the really hard stuff, the high proof stuff. A Cosmo made with that jet fuel is like 2 normal martinis. The bartender is my friend, so he always does a switcheroo when I'm on the hunt. I figured she'd had the equivalent of 5 martinis in under 30 minutes. That'd get to anyone, especially someone as petite as this MILF.

I slid closer to her. "Do you want to know what I think? I think your husband's an idiot. If I had a wife as good looking as you, I wouldn't let her out of my sight."

She looked searchingly into my eyes, trying to detect any insincerity. I knew she was vulnerable. I gave her my best movie star smile. "I'm not k**ding. You're a knock out."

"Stop," she said embarrassed. "I'm practically old enough to be your mother."

I shifted my smile from charismatic to reassuring. "No way. Anyway, if you were, I'd call my congressman to make i****t legal."

"God you're so bad!" she said laughing.

I extended my hand again. "One dance, just one."

She looked nervous. "No one else is dancing."

I smiled inwardly. I couldn't believe how easy this was getting. Keeping a straight face, I motioned behind the bar. "It's dark back there. No one will be able to see. Just one dance. Come on, it's your anniversary, and your husband is having fun with Mandy. You deserve some fun too."

Mentioning Mandy decided it for her, just as I hoped. She slipped off the bar stool, momentarily revealing a lot of thigh. She really had nice legs. I took her hand and led her to the darken space behind the bar.

I put my arms around her waist, and we danced a couple inches apart. As we swayed to the music I brushed against her, letting her feel my muscular chest. Gradually I pressed my body against her's. She couldn't miss feeling my erection. I didn't grope her, but even with casual touching I could tell she wore a bra and -- could it be? -- a garter belt. That made sense, as she planned to have a romantic anniversary evening with her husband. Anticipation of having this beautiful wife -- on her anniversary no less! -- aroused me further, and her flushed cheeks told me she felt my cock throb.

I led her into a stock room and maneuvered her against the wall. Her eyes were glazed with a mixture of alcohol and lust. Through fantastic luck I'd met this MILF at exactly the right, when she was vulnerable and insecure with her marriage. That, coupled with her inhibitions and good sense weakened by the spiked Cosmopolitans, meant that this pretty wife was primed to cheat on her husband.

I covered her mouth with mine, thrusting my tongue down her throat. Passive at first, she soon returned my kisses. She cautiously slid her hands down my back and up my arms. It had probably been a long time (if ever) since she'd embraced a man with a physique as defined and ripped as mine, so she was curious, as well as aroused. I moved my hand between our bodies and cupped her breast. Her hard nipples were evident even though her dress and bra, and she moaned into my mouth as I rubbed them.

I took her hand and moved it to my crotch, letting her feel the outline of my thick cock. She broke our kiss and looked down. "God you're big," she slurred in a partially drunken, throaty voice.

I put my hand over hers, showing her how I liked to be handled. "You've got a really nice touch," I groaned. She seemed pleased with my compliment, and fascinated as my cock grew even larger.

I reached down and pressed my fingers between her legs. She moaned as I rubbed her pussy through her dress. With my other hand I took out my cock. "Stroke me, just like before. Shit, your touch is good, you're going to make me cum."

I reached under her dress. "I want you to cum with me," I said as my fingers touched her soaking panties. She gasped as I inserted a finger into her. "Cum with me baby," I urged as I fingered her.

She moaned as I finger fucked her, with one finger and then two. She pressed her head against my chest. As she panted I felt her hot breath through my shirt. So focused was she on my fingers in her pussy she didn't notice as I reached behind her and unzipped her dress. She began thrusting her pelvis against my hand. Her body stiffened and time stopped like a roller coaster just before plunging down the abyss. Then, suddenly, her body shuddered as waves of intense orgasmic pleasure cascaded through her body.

She collapsed into me, spent from her orgasm. I slipped the unzipped dress off her shoulders. Startled by the air on her suddenly bare torso, she pulled away, but that only caused her dress to fall completely off her body and land crumpled around her feet. Down to just her lingerie, I got a good look at her body for the first time. Small breasts in a lacy black bra, mostly flat stomach. Her legs were long and shapely, with just a hint of thickness in her hips and thighs. She wore black stockings held up by a black garter belt fringed with lace, black panties matching her bra, and low heeled pumps. Her ass had some jiggle, but it was still shapely. She was hot, a true MILF.

"You're incredible," I said honestly. Before she could object I reached back and unsnapped her bra. It fell off her shoulders to join her dress on the floor. Her breasts were small with a little sag -- no doubt from breast feeding her two c***dren -- but they were nice nonetheless. "Beautiful."

She blushed in embarrassment, knowing her 40-something breasts were a shadow of the perfect perky tits she had as a coed. "Mandy has enormous breasts," she said with regret. "My husband gets more handsome every day, and he's surrounded by young beautiful girls who'd love to have him, and I just get older."

"You're wrong," I said as I leaned in to kiss her. What she said was true and a fact of life, and that reality was making it so easy for me to get into her pants. Within moments I was going to make this devoted and faithful wife into a cheating and adulterous slut, and the prospect of her downfall made by cock throb.

"You're beautiful and incredibly sexy," I said reassuringly. I cupped her bare breasts and rubbed her hard nipples. She had just cum, but I suspected she had a longing for something in her pussy, and her heartache and lingering alcohol in her system left her vulnerable to my advances. I pulled aside her panties and bent at the knee -- she was more than a head shorter than me -- and positioned my cock at her pussy lips.

I eased up, penetrating her with my cock head, and inwardly smiled as she gasped at my size. I quickly pushed two inches in. "Oh god!" she grunted, her face contorted from the unfamiliar large cock inside her pussy.

"Don't worry, I'll go slow," I said reassuringly. "Not used to something so big, huh?"

"God no!" she cried.

I smiled feeling triumphant. I love it when they compare me to their husbands. Rocking slowly back and forth, I soon had her stuffed to the hilt, then I started moving in and out faster. "I'm fucking you now babe. How does it feel?"

"Oh god it feels wonderful!" she cried in ecstasy. I was hitting places her husband couldn't hope to ever reach, and she was experiencing first hand why size matters.

I eased her onto the floor, moving her dress to serve as a makeshift blanket. Then I moved her legs over my shoulders. "I'm going to fuck you like you deserve to be fucked," I said looking into her eyes.

Missionary is my favorite position. I love looking at the MILF's face as I fuck her, to see her face reflect the ecstasy she's feeling as I make her cum over and over again. It's not just the size of my cock, or my ripped body, or my good looks. I know HOW to fuck women to give them intense toe curling pleasure. It's not an accident or a god given gift. I work at it. My payoff is seeing the realization on her face that she'd never been fucked as good before, and wouldn't be again, at least not by her husband. That's what gets me off.

After about 15 minutes and two intense vaginal orgasms for her, I felt myself close. She saw it in my face. "Don't cum in me!" she urged. I nodded, surprised. Was it possible she wasn't on the pill? The thought pushed me over the edge. I barely pulled out in time, ejaculating my thick sperm all over her stomach. After cumming, I pushed back into her and my body spasmed with post-orgasmic pleasure.

After we caught our breaths, I grabbed a rag and wiped her stomach. There wasn't anything I could do for her garter belt, its fine lace soaking with my jism. She looked down at the ruined garter belt and my large, softening cock still buried inside her, and the reality of what she'd done hit her. She started to cry and pushed against my chest. "What have I done? I love my husband, and now I've cheated on him. We've been talking about having another c***d. We were going to start tonight. It's our anniversary, and I've cheated on him."

That explained why she wanted me to pull out. "It's okay, babe," I said soothingly. I felt my cock coming back to life. "We were both lonely tonight, and attracted to each other. It happens."

"But I've never cheated before, not in 25 years!" she sobbed. "And on our anniversary!"

"Don't worry, I'll never say a word, I promise." I kissed the tears away from her cheek. "I don't even know your name, he'll never find out." She stopped trying to push me out of her. She could feel me getting hard again, and her face was a mixture of heartache, confusion and doubt.

As I comforted her I started slowly rocking back and forth. "Don't," she said in an almost pleading voice, but she didn't try to stop me. I started pumping faster, still kissing her tears away. "Stop, we can't."

The first fuck is easy because I've got the deck stacked in my favor. Getting the MILF to let me fuck her a second time is the challenge. By then she's mostly sober and sated, and feeling remorse for stepping out. It doesn't always happen, but when it does it's so sweet, because it completes her fall from devoted faithful wife to cheating cock-loving slut.

Her face was a window to the passion building inside her as I rotated my hips and quickened my pace. During the first fuck I'd found her g-spot, but didn't concentrate on it. Now I did, and she gasped as I rubbed it on every stroke. I put her legs back over my shoulders and leaned forward so my cock also rubbed against her clit. It's hard to do, simultaneously stimulating a chick's clit and g-spot, but like I said, I practice at it.

Her moans told me she was about to cum, so I backed off. I slowed my pace until her panting subsided, then started up again. I repeated this over and over, getting her to the brink of orgasm, then backing off and denying her release and pleasure.

There's something you've got to understand. It's a game, and every game has rules. You can always break the rules and win the game, but what's the challenge in that? No, I follow the rules -- I made them up after all -- so if I win, it's a satisfying victory. Here's one of the most important rules. If the MILF asks me to pull out, I pull out, simple as that. But if she doesn't ask me to pull out -- after I give her fair warning mind you -- then it's fair game.

"Oh god oh god," she moaned as her orgasm neared again.

I pumped harder. "I'm gonna cum," I warned her. "Do you want me to pull out?"

"No! Don't you dare pull out! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

I leaned in smashing her legs against her tits. This let me penetrate her deeper. I felt her body tense and begin to shake. She was cumming, and the shudder of her body and what was about to happen pushed me over the edge. My cock spasmed inside her, and then my potent seed splashed against the walls of her fertile womb.

We laid there for long moments. She seemed in a state of blissful euphoria, still reveling in the intense orgasm she'd just experienced. Then, suddenly, she realized that something was amiss. I'd cum, but my cock was still inside her. "Oh no, oh no, no, no, no," she cried. She pushed against me. This time I pulled out and stood up. I looked between her legs. Only a trickle of my sperm spilled from her pussy, yet I knew I had cum a gallon. She seemed to realize that as well, and looked panicked. She stood up and rapidly pulled on her dress. She didn't bother trying to find her bra.

She looked at me anguished. "I've got to go."

I felt sorry for her, and remorse at what I'd done hit me. Wanting to give her a lifeline, I lightly touched her arm. "Listen -- tomorrow when you get home, make sure to have sex with your husband. Then, if you get pregnant ..."

I left the thought unfinished, but understanding came to her. She nodded her head, looking a little less panicked. "Thanks," she said. She turned to leave, but hesitated, her body revealing her conflicting emotions. Then she kissed me on my cheek. "Thank you," she said in a soft voice, then turned and left.

(A few weeks later)

I ordered a beer and scanned the crowd, seeing a lot of pretty young girls. Many smiled at me invitingly. I smiled back, but returned my attention to my beer.

My head's wired differently, I know I'm strange. Single girls don't interest me. I look for the older women with wedding rings on their left hands. None of my friends have this obsession. But I can't help myself. Since that first time with Suzanne, the only thing that excites me is fucking women who belong to other men.

Sometimes I get lonely, and wish I could have a long term romantic relationship. But how would that work? I don't see how I can have a steady girl friend, yet still get what I need sexually. I'm not the type of guy who has a girl friend or wife. I'm the guy who fucks the other guy's girlfriend or wife.

I scanned the crowd again, then did a double take. She was looking at me, and our eyes locked. Her beauty was apparent even from across the room. Silky blonde hair framing a very pretty face, small breasted and petite, with long legs. Exactly my type. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Finally she looked away, but I still couldn't take my eyes off her.

A few minutes later the blonde was approached by another girl. Brunette, cute but not nearly as pretty, a little chubby with big tits. The brunette pulled the blonde onto the dance floor. As they danced, I saw the sparkle of a diamond wedding ring on the blonde's left hand. I felt my cock stir in my pants.

As they danced, the brunette teasingly traced her fingers up the blonde's legs, which were incredible. They were a dancer's legs, long and graceful, taut and shapely. The two were dancing so seductively close their tits were practically touching. The song ended, and I applauded along with the rest of the crowd.

The brunette lingered and playfully curtsied, but the blonde seemed embarrassed and wasted no time disappearing into the crowd. I rapidly looked around, wanting to find her. Then she appeared at the bar, just a few feet from me. I quickly made my way to her. Just as I arrived, the bartender delivered her a new Cosmo. I handed the bartender a twenty. "I'll get that," I said.

The blonde turned and her eyes grew wide. She quickly regained her composure. "Oh, that's not necessary," she said.

"That's okay," I said, studying her. She looked even better close up. I envied her husband, being able to wake up every morning next to this beauty. I felt unbalanced. Was it her pretty face, her lush blonde hair? Was it her small breasts, which somehow I knew were as perfect and perky as a teenager's? Or the wholesome, bubbly air she exuded? Or perhaps it was her legs, incredibly long and shapely, and firm and strong like a ballerina's? Or her slim ankles and small feet in her stylish designer heels? Whatever the reason, I'd never felt so attracted to a woman before.

On impulse I extended my hand. Not my right, as custom, but my left. She tilted her head, but took my offered hand. Her small hand was soft, dainty and perfect, just like the rest of her.

"I'm Darius," I said.

"Hi. Well, thanks for the drink. I'm, ah, I'm Jen."

I smiled, thinking how perfect her name fit her. I gently squeezed her hand, extending our introduction, and felt the diamond of her wedding ring press against my palm. My cock throbbed. I resolved at that moment to make her mine.

At least until I got tired of her.

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OnlyFans Leaks

OnlyFans Leaks have become one of the hottest commodities on the internet, which is fascinating to me as a professional smut historian. Five years ago, could you even have imagined this new breed of DIY pornstar taking over the whole damn internet the way they have? If you told me yes, I’d probably call you a fucking liar. Maybe you really are psychic, but if not, I bet you’re just as surprised as the rest of us eager perverts. I bet you’re just as horny, too.And that’s why you’re here, right?...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
2 years ago
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Little Fuckdolls first Lick

Imagine that you are standing naked in daddy's upstairs media room. In the middle of the room, with your slender arms secured with manacles stretched out above your head, secured with a chain to the steel ring in the ceiling where daddy usually hangs his kickboxing bag... You have been standing like that for a while, only wearing a black leather collar with a steel ring in the front of it, a mask covering your eyes, and your spider-gag in your cute little mouth, making you rely on your hearing...

1 year ago
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A to Z Fuckstories ndash F is for Fuckfest Part

After a grand week of losing my virginity, I thought I was in for a nice, restful Saturday. Probably no jerking off either, as I’d blown well over 20 loads (14 with the girls, before Alex’s blow jobs, not to mention jacking off), in the last 5 days alone. That’s a new record for me, easily. I went to bed almost as soon as I got home. It was about 10:30 when I pulled the covers up and laid my head on the pillow. I thought of the great week I’d just had as I drifted off to sleep. *****When I woke...

3 years ago
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Lost a fuckbuddy but replaced him with two

After I my former fuckbuddy introduced me to two of his frat guys last July I didn't think I'd hear back from them. after all, they were in a different state away at college. I mean, most Universities are filled with very pretty young girls who are away from home who probably want to party and have fun right ? Well, I took a break from sex and then thse two naughty boys called me not long ago. We had a nice talk and they told me what a great time they had and could not stop thinking about what...

1 year ago
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Breaking in a New Fuckbuddy and Porno Partner

Caroline (Caz) was a colleague of mine. She was 29 and I was 60 when we met. It started with childish flirting in the office. She teased me asking “Have you got something in your pocket or are you pleased to see me?” And I replied, “It is a brolly!” After that she would say “I see you’ve got that brolly in your pocket again!” It developed from there. Then we exchanged mobile numbers and very soon we were sexting. She was to become the first fuckbuddy I’d had for a while. We had agreed all...

2 years ago
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Dumb Fuckmeat Begging for More

If rough, brutal fucking is not your thing, stop reading. If it is, continue. The story might even give you a hard-on.I'm a fit, good looking guy, with a big fat cock. I'm a nasty fucker though. Don't give a shit about the fuckmeat I'm banging as long as I am enjoying myself, and guess what. Every cumdump I've fucked, and there's been very many, has cum multiple times on my dick! These whores just need to be treated like shit in order to cum.Just picked up a piece of FUCKMEAT the other week,...

1 year ago
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Daddy helps his little fuckdoll relax before her f

Daddy's lil'fuckdoll is at school. It is her last day, with her exam upcomming in less than an hour.. You are in your cute school uniform. You are nerveous... Suddenly your phone beeps, and you take a look at it. It is a message from daddy, reading "Men's bathrooms. Now my little pet!". You hart skip a beat, your pussy immediately go hot and you make your way to the men's bathroom at school...As daddys lil'fuckdoll gets there, you see two boys exiting the men's bathroom, give you a curious...

3 years ago
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Daddys fuckdoll

This is about my c***dhood, most of which took place in the 70s and 80s. The names are different, but the acts are as I remember them.My name is Marie. I cannot remember a time in my life when Daddy didn't play with me. He would always touch and kiss me, and he encouraged the same behavior from me. I learned very young how to suck cock and swallow both piss and cum at Daddy's whim.Mommy was aware of and involved in the play. Often Daddy would fuck her and I would lick his cum from her cunt or...

1 year ago
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En Vacances Part 6 Fucktoy Fucked 1

En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...

3 years ago
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En Vacances Part 6 Fucktoy Fucked 1

En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Diary of a fuckpig

It seems like i’ve only been asleep for five minutes when the alarm goes off.  i feel so tired but i have another long day ahead of me serving my Pimp as His transvestite whore and sex slave.  i run my fingers round my leather collar before throwing off the thin blanket which serves as my bed linen and start to get ready for another cycle of violent physical and sexual abuse.   Looking down at my bed it’s a wonder i manage to sleep at all – it’s just a thin foam mattress stained with blood,...

2 years ago
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Onlyfans Would Understand

"All girls are the same and anyone who defends them are total simps," a young man's voice echoed through his headset mic while playing his favorite online hero shooter. "Yeah totally dude. They're only good for one thing: breeding," another man's voice replied through the other end. "I don't understand why they don't fall onto their knees and suck my cock when I'm in their presence." The toxic conversation continued between the two guys as they played until the round came to an end,...

4 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand II Language School

Four years ago, I decided to apply my experience devising strategies for businesses worldwide to develop strategies that would bring me streams of fresh Fuckmeat in the countries of the world whose women I most enjoy to fuck. Head and shoulders above the crowd of nations is, of course, Thailand. Thai women are undisputedly the world’s most beautiful, and are also by far the most satisfying sexual female creatures on earth. I have worked in Thailand several weeks a year for years, and decided...

4 years ago
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Fucken Hmong Bitch from Milwakee

I know what you guys are saying. Oh it the same thing every single time. You know the saying "This is 100% Real." As much as I want to say that. It is you to judge if it is real or not. But I'm going to say. This is 100% Real.So back in the day around 2007, I got my heart broken by a bitch and I decided "Fuck it, I going to just go around fucking bitches." During that time I got a boy that lived in Milwaukee, WI. He and I were tight because we use to kick when we were k**s. Any whores, He...

3 years ago
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his fuckmeat

he says....being having some nasty thoughts involving you. nothing much nice. just you, as a non-willing participant. for example, right now, i could see you fastened in some way....hands in like stocks....feet trapped too in some way. i come up behind you. while there might be buttons and clasps, i just want to use you. so i tear or cut-off relevant pieces of clothing. you can turn your head, maybe, but with hands and feet trapped behind these boards of wood. you cannot...

3 years ago
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PAMELA I THE WEEKEND She was nervous. And, yes, frightened. But the fright only added to thelittle worm of excitement that was wriggling inside her, making her nipples hardand keeping her pussy damp. She was dressed, according to his instructions, in atight blouse and a very short miniskirt. That was all she had on, except for hershoes. No underwear, he had stipulated. Nothing else on her body. No jewelry, norings, no wristwatch. Just...

3 years ago
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Three Fuckings In A Row With Raman

We had to shift from the village while my father was transferred from the block office to join at Bhubaneswar on a promotion.My transfer certificate was taken from the village school and admitted in the Govt. school. I was excited to see the huge school building and large number of students reading in the school.The premises was wide spread.My village school was very small with thatched school rooms with very few teachers and students. At the tiffin break I could notice that a group of boys are...

3 years ago
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Livein With Fuckbuddy

Hello friends! How are you all? This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) once again to share my new story. Please read to know about my sexual experiences. This story is of last year. In May, I have shared my sex experiences on ISS. I got lots of messages, mostly from married girls. But some wanted just sex chat, and those who wanted sex were from other cities. Finally, one day I got a message from Surabhi, who was from Mumbai and wanted real sex. We started talking on hangout. She was from...

3 years ago
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The motherfuckers Part 4

Part 3 : https://xhamster.com/stories/the-motherfuckers-part-3-898260Mom and son step out of the shower and dry each other off. Carole has picked out the light blue g-string and matching light blue heels, not bothering with a top. Hell, everyone will probably be naked anyway! Ricky is wearing a pair of the sexy striped jockeys that Jojolove had recommended."Mom, look, we look different, don't we?""Yes...we are now...Mr and Mrs...Motherfucker!"Holding hands they walk down the hall and into the...

3 years ago
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A Clusterfuck weekend

“If you want us to do it, you must first suck off Andy,” came the challenge from my wife Marianne. Our friends, Andy en Lynette, were visiting us for the weekend in Cape Town. We were sunbathing on the sundeck of our beautiful home next to Table Mountain. We could see the city and the ocean in the background. The women, Marianne and Lynette, took off the bikini tops a while ago. Their itsy-bitsy string bikini bottoms barely covered their aroused pussies. Andy’s and my erect cocks in our...

2 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

Introduction: Life of a secret humiliation fucktoy. This is the longest erotic story Ive written thus far, and so Im really excited to post it. Im sorry about any spelling/grammatical errors, though I did give it a quick edit. I love writing stories about humiliation and bdsm, so if you all like this, Ill be sure to write up some more. Be sure to leave a comment if you liked it or have any suggestions. Enjoy! ________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy Hed told me hed call me whenever, so I...

1 year ago
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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...

2 years ago
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This is what happens if you are brave enough to meet a man from an internet chat room ;-)Its 2 am in the morning.You follow the careful instructions and park your car in private car park. You are in the parking space you have been told to park in. You are next to a nice set of modern 2 story flats in a nice part of Ealing.. Your phone rings and I give you your next set of instructions.I tell you I can see you sitting in your car. You must remove all your clothes immediately.Reluctantly you do...

3 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy He'd told me he'd call me whenever, so I expected him even when I went out. Today was one such day, I was out with my family, shopping at a mall when I got the call. I picked it up, lagging behind a bit. 'Hello?' 'Hey fuck toy, meet me in the largest stall in the men's bathroom in 2 minutes, pronto. I've left a bag in there, put all your clothes into it and be on all fours when I get there.' With that, he hung up, leaving me...

3 years ago
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FaceFuck CuckSucker Gay

Ever since I became interested in guys, I've wanted their cock in my mouth. And I've fantasized about not just sucking a cock, but letting a guy use my mouth. A completely submissive facefuck. Since my divorce, I'd sucked three guys and I found two things: letting a guy suck me was a turn off and having a guy work my face, moving his cock back and forth in my mouth, was a major turn on.So for guy number four, I hit up a guy on a male hook-up site who was a total top who only wanted oral with no...

2 years ago
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My First Facefuck

Ever since i have became interested in guys, all I've wanted for as long as i can remember is it to know what it feels like to have a cock sliding down my throat. i fantasised about sucking a cock for such a long time, but not just thoughts about sucking a cock i have wanted to be facefucked hard , and i mean really hard, i was dreaming about getting put on a desk upside down and getting my skull fucked so hard and sloppy that my face is covered in so much sperm and saliva that a can't open my...

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How i met Mariela my titfuck fwb

So back in December 2019 i was on this adult dating site called fling.com when i found her. On her profile she was looking for a "sugar daddy" or someone to help her with her financial problems. On her proflie she wrote "Latina woman with 44hhh breast looking for help". So i wrote her a message offering her $100 to sent me more pictures of her breast in different bras and colors. She liked the offer and accepted we exchanged numbers and i got 15 pictures of her breast for $100.So we text and...

2 years ago
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How Michelle Became A Fucktoy Chapter 1

Michelle Barton had been secretly seeing Dave for several months. They had to keep their relationship private for several reasons. First off, Dave was her father's best friend and was forty-one years old - twenty-four years older than she was. Secondly, Dave was married, and his wife and her mother were also very close friends. And thirdly, Michelle's parents had something of a standing in their quiet, conservative neighborhood of Pinellas Park, Florida. Members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church,...

3 years ago
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The motherfuckers Part 3

Part 1 : https://xhamster.com/stories/the-motherfuckers-part-1-897362Part 2 : https://xhamster.com/stories/the-motherfuckers-part-2-897364Friday afternoon after school couldn't come soon enough! Mother and son each packed a large suitcase for the long and hopefully sex filled weekend ahead. Carole had packed all of her new outfits, each with her new matching 5 inch fuck me stilettos. She brought all of the new sexy boy briefs for Ricky. She couldn't wait to see the other mothers' eyes light up...

3 years ago
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JessiKa and Serana Part IV Two Gangbangs One Fuckhole

At this point in the sex story, I have done quite a few things that involved me getting fucked in the ass by women with huge strapons and transwomen with huge cocks. I have gotten my ass double penetrated by two women with two huge strapons and by two transwomen with huge cocks. I've always wanted to try having double anal sex and I'm glad that I did because its now one of my favorite things to do. I have gotten anally fisted by JessiKa who shoved her entire arm all the way up inside of...

2 years ago
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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...

3 years ago
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Used as FUCKMEAT Part2

You see a large collection of toys on the bed. There are leather cuffs, chains, dildos, but plugs, vibrators, and a plug-in massager. In the corner is a wooden chair with rope on it. I stand behind you and uncuff your hands. I cup and squeeze your tits and slowing kiss your neck and whisper 'You are my lil FUCKMEAT slut for the rest of the night' You can feel my hardness pressing against your arse. I push you forwards towards the bed, when your legs hit the edge of the bed I shove you forwards...

1 year ago
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Fucky Friday

--- Fucky Friday (F-solo, MF, mf, Mf, mF, con, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Prologue -------- Lindsay moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her pussy. Umm! She arched her back off the bed to get greater penetration from her wet digits. Her other hand massaged her teenage breasts, squeezing the medium-size mounds and tweaking the nipples. She was so close... Jamie moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her vagina. Hmm! She arched her back off...

4 years ago
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How Michelle Became A Fucktoy Chapter 2

Michelle and Dave began to see each other fairly regularly after that. However, they still had to keep their affair secret. Dave stood to lose a lot if the word got out about his fucking his employee's barely-legal daughter. His marriage, his job, his family would all be gone. Being in the advertising business, he knew what this would do to any chance of finding another job as well. Even moving wouldn't make it less painful... this was something that would follow him no matter how far he moved...

3 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 13 Fucktoy Frenzy

After my boyfriend left me I decided that I was would be an unapologetic slut and let go of my inhibitions. I had all of these desires, and decided to no longer suppress them. The first few months were a whirlwind, having sex with my older married neighbor, my ex-boss, being gang banged more than once, fucking complete strangers, being a sub for my boyfriend's old boss and loving it, and so many more. I went from having sex with three men in my entire life to having sex with dozens of men in...

Group Sex
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Becoming Daddys Perfect Fucktoy 2

Chapter 1 Bad Dreams AAAAHHHHHHH! The ear piercing scream woke me suddenly from my sleep, bolting upright in bed and after just milliseconds while I wondered where I was, I shot up and bolted from the bedroom and out into the hall heading straight to Sophie’s room. I quickly got to her bedroom to find her standing next to her bed in tears and shaking, I was there in an instant hugging her petite body tight to myself, kissing the top of her head. “There, there darling, it was just a bad...

1 year ago
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The motherfuckers Part 1

It had taken Carole Baker quite a bit of mental gymnastics to get to this step. It seemed that lately a lot of things were happening in her life since the divorce. The blonde mother of a teenage boy had finally jettisoned her abusive husband and had decided that the best way to get totally away from him was to sell the house and move out of town. She was starting over in a new city, as far away from that fucking bastard as possible. Thinking back she wasn't quite sure how she and her 18 year...

1 year ago
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I love computers. I’ve loved them for a long, long time. I’ve been designing them for over forty years. My computers make machines tick and make me enough money to do whatever the hell I feel like doing, which usually has something to do with a computer. Because of my work and my familiarity with the little devils, I get a little deeper into them than the average user. Sometimes it comes in pretty handy. My granddaughter Sara got sent to live with me because she was simply raising too much...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Fuckbuddy

Hung white male looking for a sub cocksucker to worship and swallow – In town the week of March 19 – 26. Looking to meet at a local coffee shop, before returning to my rental and spending several hours fucking your face into submission. If you are not an expert deep-throater, you will be when I finish with you. You should take instruction well and be willing to submit to light bondage and humiliation. I will not reciprocate and am not looking for chit chat or drama.Me: 6'2", 195, in-shape,...

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Collegemate Becomes My Fuckbuddy

It’s a real story and I don’t give a shit if you believe it or not. So pull down your pants and grab your dicks/pussies and enjoy. So the person I’m talking about is my classmate cum fuckbuddy Princiya(name changed) we study together in a medical college. We are 19 years now and we have know each other for almost 10 months. About her looks: she is looks fine. Not too fair and not too dull. It doesn’t matter to me about the looks. I am okay with anything. Coming to her body she has a fine body...

1 year ago
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Finally A Fuckbuddy

Several of my buddies take an annual trip, just the guys, leaving the wives at home and taking a week to do all that stupid stuff that wives hate; drinking beer, watching sports, swapping stories, and generally being guys. This year we decided to go skiing and found an awesome cabin in the woods near Lake Tahoe. Even better, the cabin was near a casino; drinking beer, watching sports, and gambling, it just doesn't get better than that. Eight guys were able to convince their families to let them...

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A Fucktoy for a Couple

It was mid afternoon one day, and I was over at someone's house while his wife was out, getting fucked hard while wearing her panties--a fetish of his. We were in their bed, fucking wildly, rough and dirty as always and ruined the sheets and her panties. It was like any other time we hooked up, wait for his wife to leave, and go over to serve him like a good dirty fucktoy, but that's when the bedroom door opened up with his wife standing there.I was bent over getting pounded, my hair pulled, my...

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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 14 Fucktoy Free For All

The night before, Mr. Bradford had taken me to an adult bookstore and introduced me to a glory hole and I sucked and fucked the cocks of complete strangers for hours. The next morning I woke up to a wonderful breakfast. Mr. Bradford had ordered room service for us and we enjoyed a lovely meal together, talking about how well we got along. "I really enjoyed last night," I said."Me too," he said. "You are a rare gem.""Am I?" I asked. "You ever get a girl to go that far?" Mr. Bradford and I had...

Group Sex
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En Vacances Part 5 Fucktoy Tease

En Vacances Part 5: Fucktoy Tease All is quiet; the silence broken only by the eternal background noise of insects and the heavy panting of shivering, orgasmic me. I’m clinging to the balcony rail, my body shaking from the after tremors caused by Anita’s fingers’ twin assault on my arse and pussy. Ejaculant drips from between my legs, my vagina an open faucet with a stopcock that can’t quite be fully closed, my thighs streaked with its slippery wetness, my calves and feet splattered, and...

Group Sex
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Training my new slut fucktoy part 1

Victoria had just turned 18 and was still in high school. She was popular at 5' 1" with nice C cups a tight little petite 100 pound body complete with a hot sexy ass. She was dating the football quarterback Mike at her high school when we met. She started working at one of my favorite bars and we both knew there was a instant connection. After a few nights chatting after she got off work she started telling me about her sexual experiences. She had been fucked by her quarterback boyfriend...

1 year ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapt 4 The Clusterfuck

Andre came past us and said “Now Astral may be washed and we can start this Clusterfuck for real.” Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, “Come you can help me wash Astral,” I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia. I had to make this fast but I also had to get Audrey back up to at least simmer...

1 year ago
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My first tranny assfuck

This is the story of the first time I got butt fucked by a tranny...In my early twenties, I'd gotten in the habit of visiting strip clubs for a bit and then picking up a hooker for a quick blowjob. At home, my jerk sessions were always pretty dirty (I love eating my cum) but more and more frequently involved toys and ass-play. I was also starting to explore transsexual porn.Over time I was noticing an increasing number of trans and CD/TV hookers on the street but hadn't yet hooked up with any...

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