Zanu PF Fuckpig Pt 2_(3) free porn video

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Her fingerless hands had healed now, and the skin on her stumps where they had severed her legs at the knee was hard and calloused and she was able to discard the child's boots she used to wear if she kept away from the Tarmac. She liked an early morning dip in the river and would wallow in the mud banks to get a nice coating of mud to avoid sunburn.

She was getting fat, not from pregnancy, Her friend and surgeon Mr Stephens had seen to that, but from eating scraps, she was so scared of starving that she was eating too much, a great big fat lazy fuckpig. None of her clothes would have fitted had she been allowed any, but she was the official ZANU PF imperialist fuckpig and fuckpigs don't wear clothes.

She liked to wear her boots in the mornings and had learned to put them on herself, then she would go to the carefully manicured lawn, now used as the parade ground where The Officer took the salute and have a shit as the flag was raised, kneeling on all fours like a Pig, sometimes she would eat an apple as she shit, but no one thought of her as a person anymore so her act of defiance was ignored.

Stephens had realised he could read her lips and they had long conversations in the moonlight, she would not let him fuck her but used her mouth to keep him satisfied, with no tongue to obstruct her facial orifice his prick fitted easily into her throat, and she breathed easily as he shot his load each evening, but each night she returned to her lonely kennel and he to his bunk.

She had made other friends, Bush and Blare the Rottweillers, she had stolen food from the kitchens for them, and spent time with them, sooner or later she knew they would be ordered to attack her, she sneaked into Blare's kennel one stormy night he was unsure but after eating the meat she had stolen for him he allowed her to give him a blow job, and soon he realised she wished him to mount her.

She came to enjoy her nights with the dogs, when she trained them to take her cunt and to fuck face to face not doggie style she found the experience emotionally satisfying, the knot keeping them together when passion was spent, and she appreciated the warmth of their fur coats in the cold African nights, she visited them in turn, one tonight the other tomorrow, after seeing Stephens in his quarters and then dozed on the hill by the tennis court in the daytime as the Soldiers fucked her.

She sometimes thought of her previous life but there was always someone needing to fuck her or else with her obscenely enlarged breasts her nipples were touching the ground as she bounded along stimulating her so that she needed to find someone for sex that really she had no time for such thoughts.

"What would you wish for if you could have anything?"

A voice asked as she was fucked again.

"Campari and Ice," she whispered as she had painstakingly learned to do.

The Officer roared with laughter, he had asked, she had not known it was he.

He was troubled, white women were supposed to hate sex, yet she seemed every bit as oversexed as the young girls from his own tribe, perhaps there were no differences under the skin. He quickly set the treasonable thoughts aside.

Warm sun, regular orgasms, her pet dogs, her soul mate Mr Stephens, she did not know his Christian name despite all the blow jobs she had given him, Susan realised that for the first time in her life she was happy.

Her mother hated her, legacy of a failed attempt to ensnare an earl, he mother dumped her at the earliest possible stage and her mothers parents brought her up in their austere town house, then boarding school at five years old, a fat ugly duckling she remained a Virgin until University where her belly subsided and her tits became pleasantly rounded and then in the gap year she had married Richard so she could accompany him to the UAE an Islamic country frowning upon single women.

Why could Richard have not fucked like Mikel Bung or Joshua Unfartu, or flooded her with pints of cum like Johnston McBride. Her sex life had never been important to her but now she realised it was because she had never really had one.

She lay watching and a woman approached. "You fuck my husband too much, he has nothing for me"

Susan pointed to her empty mouth with her stump.

The Woman looked sad, Susan put her arms around her in a sisterly way, but their breasts interlocked and they looked into each others eyes and smiled, their lips entwined, the girl explored Susan's mouth with her tongue as Susan eased her knickers down and for the first time explored another woman's cunt with her thumb.

They were unaware they had an audience.

"Mugenwe what are you doing" A voice shocked them to reality.

"I tell her leave you alone, you fuck her not me" Mugenwe told her Husband Pieter.

"You are insatiable, you are not normal" he replied pulling his gun and aiming it at Susan.

A shot rang out and Pieter fell to the floor dead.

"He was going to shoot fuckpig" Joshua Unfartu explained.

Mugenwe looked stunned "He was no husband, he was a boy, I want a man."

Joshua needed no second bidding and quickly tore Mugemwe's knickers from below her knees and drove deep within her. Fuckpig held he face between her fingerless palms and kissed her as Joshua pleasured her and the crowd grew, someone started to fuck Susan but she did not look up preferring to concentrate on Mugemwe's tender kisses.

"Am I man enough for you?" cried Joshua as he came.

"Do it again and I will tell you" whispered Mugemwe as she giggled satisfied as she had never been before.

Fuckpig was learning all the time, she watched Blare and Bush and took to marking her territory with piss like they did, and still made sure they fucked her regularly, but life was hassle free, she came to realise she had found utopia.

The UN mission came, Fuckpig saw them coming, the plume of dust travelling fast. wasting fuel, where ZANU drove carefully. A Landcruiser, White with UN emblems.

Fuckpig crawled to her kennel and checked her stash, she had hidden three knives and two grenades which she had stolen, she knew The Officer could not let the UN find her, and she tried to hide in the shadows.

The Officer just missed her at the Hillock but correctly assumed she was in the Kennel, she heard his footfalls and stopped breathing. He could see nothing, he edged into the stinking kennel and in the gloom he saw her, the grenade in her front paws, the pin in her mouth.

He froze, then carefully aimed his gun down and returned it to his holster. "The UN, I can't let them find you." she could not speak without losing her grip on the pin but she bowed faintly. "Stay in the darkness until they go, then you may be safe." The Officer cautioned her and then carefully walked away, gently shaking with fear at his brush with death.

Fuckpig should have followed his advice but a few minutes after the delegation arrived she scuttled out, she had become used to her status as pet but had not realised what her effect upon the UN team would be.

The Inspection had started well, Stevens had polished up his instruments and was wearing a clean white coat, the Dogs and Crocodiles had long ago digested the evidence of executions, and the four UN inspectors seemed well satisfied with the arrangements for the elections to come. The polling booths, boxes waiting and voting rooms were all fine and then as they enjoyed a cool drink fuckpig trotted around the corner.

The tinkling of a glass breaking on the concrete announced to those who did not see fuckpig coming that something was wrong. his face turned ghostly white as the glass fell from his hand. The Officer drew his pistol "Be calm gentlemen please, this is Miss Susan Harding, our white imperialist fuckpig."

"I shall haf to report this" Piet DeNeuve, the European UN observer mentioned."

"We won't live that long, you bloody fool," announced the woman in their party, "how could she demean herself, I would rather die."

"Well said Madam," The Officer beamed, The Woman would have been beautiful but for her thin straight nose, narrow lips and undersized breasts, her white skin tanned to a healthy shade her blonde hair bleached white. She stood proud erect upright like a man, he thought of her sucking his prick whilst the dogs took turns to fuck her, he smiled, he would have some fun.

"This desire to report things is unfortunate, but we can always use an extra Land Cruiser, and the Crocodiles are hungry," He walked slowly towards fuckpig and tenderly stroked her head. "You see Susan is healthy and happy so why do you react so negatively, would you think the same if she were black?"

The Woman spat, "you are an animal".

The Officer replied, "as are you anthropologically" as his gun barked, and three neat holes appeared in three foreheads, it was strange how two fell backwards and one forwards. of the Five in the UN party only The woman and the driver remained alive, for the time being at least


"I am sorry, but I cannot leave witnesses. Jakob, let us feed the Crocodiles."

"What about me" the woman asked.

"You shall watch the Crocodiles."

Orders were shouted and men ran to obey.

An ancient GMC five ton truck lumbered across the once immaculate lawns of the Club and the War Veterans easily loaded the still warm bodies aboard, the gun barrel in his ribs encouraged the UN driver to board whilst the woman climbed up quietly without protest.

The trip to the river was fairly short, the track led to the river then along the riverbank to the deep ponds near Klevedon lodge, even in the driest summers when the river shrunk from its fifty yard width to a muddy trickle a few feet wide and but a few inches in depth plenty of water remained here but there were always crocs around at Klevedon, with its ponds and long fishing Jetty.

The Lodge was a blackened shell with the roof gone and the walls peppered with bullet holes, an oversized Bungalow for the amusement of white farmers as they fished for crocs for fun and now used by locals to catch crocs for meat and raw materials, crocodile shoes being a cheap alternative to Chinese plastic now the economy had collapsed.

The wooden Jetty looked very unsafe, standing several feet above the sluggish river water, the legs rotten, some parts missing completely. The Officer undid the catches and dropped the truck's tail board, allowing the passengers to disembark. The Woman remained clutching the side rails tightly.

"Yes you can see very well from there, I shall come for you later." The Officer advised her, as the others carried the stiffening bodies towards the pond.

They stood around the landward end of the Jetty awaiting orders, unsure of the safety of the structure. The Officer shouted

"Ah Driver, walk to the end, there's a good chap, make sure it is safe for us."

The UN driver looked at The Officer's gun barrel and carefully set off along the apparently unsafe structure, he reached the end, The Officer shouted "Jump up and Down"

The driver obeyed reluctantly, the structure barely moved.

"The end structure is Steel, just made to look like wood, sir" Jakob Unfartu murmered quietly.

"Yes Jakob, but let's not spoil the fun." The Officer replied.

"Come here, take a stiff out to the end." The Officer bellowed and the terrified driver

returned and lifted the first body and took it to the end of the Jetty.

"Just put it down and fetch another."

Soon three bodies lay on the wood planking at the outer end of the jetty.

The Officer smiled "Live bait I think, shoot his leg please Jakob"

The Driver screamed as he lost his balance deprived of the support of his left leg as Jakob's bullet smashed his knee cap.

The water boiled as Crocodiles fought over the free meal, the muddy water briefly turned red with spilt blood.

The Officer walked to the Truck and held out his hand to guide the Woman as she climbed down to the ground, he led her to the Jetty, "Just push the bodies in for me."

he asked politely.

She walked carefully, as if the six feet wide platform were a tightrope. at the end her dead friends and colleagues, now cold if not stiff, crocs eyes breaking the surface betrayed their presence.

She pushed the first, carefully, careful not to fall herself. it landed with a splash and the waters boiled as the crocs tore the meal into bite sized pieces, the waters subsided and the order "Next" drifted across the water, the woman pushed another body, the crocs came again, the same or different ones she could not know but there could be hundreds, and certain death awaited her if she fell.

The waters subsided, and again the order and the body descended the waters boiled the red stains crocs fighting for their fair share of the bounty.

"Last one" The Officer ordered.

"Jump, or dive, we are waiting, this is your chance, to escape, surely you prefer death to the humiliations which await you?"

She looked down, he had won, she could not face the plunge.

She stared straight into his eyes "Shoot me"

He smiled and shook his head.

"Please" she added, "please shoot me."

"No it would waste a bullet, just jump, like at the swimming baths." The Officer suggested.

"I can't."

The Officer spoke loudly and clearly "Then you understand how Miss Harding became my fuckpig, will you become our fuckpig, live like an animal. or will you jump."

"Will you hurt me?" she asked pointlessly.

"Of course we shall hurt you, we shall rape you this evening and when we have worked out what you do best we shall modify you to our taste, like fuckpig. but not exactly,

She stood and slowly walked towards the shore.

The Officer shouted across, "Stop, take your clothes off and throw them to the crocs,"

"Shoot me" she replied hopefully.

Willing hands grabbed her as she reached dry land her jacket, shorts and underwear

were stripped away to reveal her pale beauty, the pulled her hairpins out to let her hair cascade around her shoulders.

"That is disgusting," The Officer pointed to her lush pubic hair, "somebody shave her now."

Their razor sharp bayonets barely scratched her s they hacked the fur away and despite the humiliation or maybe because of it she realised to her horror she was becoming aroused, her clit peeped shyly from its hood and she was becoming distinctly wet,

"No please not my arse" a savage fondled her tight rear entrance, all black men were savages in her book, animals, all of them. It did no good for instantly a black wooden rod was produced, a policeman's truncheon, she recognised it and she saw a savage spit on it and despite the searing pain she was unable to resist its entry, it eased as the savage moved it around to loosen her then suddenly with a plop it was withdrawn and thrust instead into her moist slit.

She felt relieved they would just use her normally, she had never even considered the possibility of Anal sex, and the pain of the truncheons entry had convinced her she would never consent to such when she felt a warm stiff prick pushing at her rectum, strong hands held her as the first savage entered her, awkwardly at first then more easily as her insides adjusted but, when having closed her eyes because of the pain, she felt a penis against her labia, pushing in and up she realised that she was to be taken simultaneously by two men.

Two big men, she wondered if one penis would emerge from her intestines into her mouth it felt so good, she meant to think huge but, self preservation instincts were playing tricks with her mind, a disembodied voice she later recognised as her own was asking to be fucked harder, men changed places, and slowly the sun set on the Lodge, a fire was lit to keep wild animals away and amid the flickering light they took their pleasure.

The Officer looked on, she looked like something from a pornographic magazine and she seemed to enjoy the attention, she needed to be brought to heel.

The Officer waited until everyone had taken their pleasure before her embarked on the next stage, they brought her to the camp fire, where on The Officers instruction

Ezikiel Bezu, heated the brass hooks in the flames.

She looked in horror yet silently as the hot metal sizzled against her left nipple, it stiffened in confusion as the metal slowly burned the flesh away and passed through.

Willing hands held her as she fainted and someone pissed in her face to wake her.

The right nipple was next and again the smell of burned flesh, then the lips of her sex two brass hooks, one through each side, and finally as it strained peeping from its hood her clit, the brass sizzling as it passed into her most tender spot and she screamed the tortured scream of legend, echoing around the river valley, scaring birds into flight and sending wildlife scurrying away fearful for their lives. They hung fishing weights on the hooks through her nipples threatening to tear them from er body, then on the labia hooks, she supported the nipple weights in her hands she reasoned she needed her tits and screamed as the weights on her labia distorted the flaps of flesh, they lifted the dropped each in turn tearing the flesh a little more each time causing the blood to trickle then flow and finally from the continued torture as they molested her again and again the hooks tore completely through the fleshy flaps her lips tore apart, she realised she could be bleeding to death.

The Officer regretted not having Stephens along but they quickly staunched the blood with a rag that had been part of her clothing and after loading the Truck they returned to base.

The Officer roused Stephens and he came quickly to the makeshift operating theatre with the old Pub bench to operate on and his rusty surgical instruments, he saw the blood soaked rag between her legs and feared the worst, had she been disembowelled the way defeated enemies were disembowelled in olden times?

Stephens ordered the War Veterans to leave him some room, as he peeled away the blood soaked blouse to inspect the wounds, then taking his craft knife he started cutting slicing the skin around her cunt cutting away the torn and useless flesh before sewing the wound neatly, he admired his work, no longer would she endure the pain of pierced lower lips because essentially she no longer had a visible labia at all, the skin now remodelled so the entry to her womb was now a simple slit like a young girl, the ugly flaps of skin consigned to history.

"When can we fuck her?" a War Veteran asked.

"Right now, give it a try, I will do the stitches again if they tear."

But there were no takers, and she lapsed into a fitful sleep.

She woke next morning, and immediately fainted.

Stephens had cut her left breast open and was fitting a none too clean silicon implant, one of a pair bought for fuckpig before they realised her tits already brushed the ground.

Soon Stephens had enlarged both of the Woman's Breasts to DD or beyond and the skin now stretched painfully over them the stitches threatening to pull out.

She woke and then fainted several times before she finally managed to ask Stephens what he was doing.

"Officers Orders", he lied, the boys liked big tits and being liked was the only way she would stay alive for a while.

Stephens looked at her naked and ravaged body, her breasts a mass of bruises, the stitches ugly and raw, and her cunt, somehow especially obscene with the neat pattern of the stitching etched out in dried blood.

The woman was saved by an unlikely event, a gang of Movement for Democratic Reform (MDR) had attacked a ZANU PF Land Rover when it broke down, the War veterans had fought back and captured their attackers and Stephens was asked to work his magic.

The four men were brought in, proud full of fight, sure of the justice of their cause, all young, eighteen perhaps. The Officer spoke softly "Mr Stephens, I wish these "Men" to return to their families as a dire warning.

Stephens smiled "I shall try, have you any guidance sir?"

The Officer shook his head, Stephens spoke thoughtfully, "I shall experiment in that case,"

The woman laid on one of the Pub Tables Stephens needed for surgery, her freshly enlarged Tits still painful but her remodelled cunt now less so but unattractive with the scars still so prominent.

Stephens untied her bonds and she tried to sit up, the weight of her new DD or was it larger Breasts unbalanced her. Stephens carried her to a corner.

They brought three benches from outside then the four were tied down naked.

"Chop their Pricks off" suggested a War Veteran, The Officer smiled.

Stephens took out his rusting surgical instruments and with an oily and blunt Stanley knife he started cutting, he remembered a story about gender reassignment where someone had made a cunt from a mans penis skin and slimmed down the Penis for a Clit, he soon had the entire skin of the Penis separated from the body and he delicately manipulated it within the War Veterans Pelvic area, then a quick cut and the whole assemblage was pushed through an incision and up the unfortunates Anus.

Stephens struggled to stitch up before the wound became saturated with shit leaking from the ruptured back passage and as the flies came and went he not so neatly stitched the gaping hole closed.

He was tiring, he needed a rest, something touched his shoulder, he turned, The Woman, "If you find me a Bra I'll sew up the rest, Sarah Mallan, formerly Staff Nurse Mallan, at your service."

He shook her hand as he worked. "There is some Woman's stuff in a holdall through there" he pointed.

She went as directed supporting her breasts in her hands, "Some filthy bastard has wanked all over...." she stopped seeing his embarrassed grin.

She found a maternity Bra which stretched enough to accommodate her, and felt a lot more comfortable, which lasted about twenty seconds as she found the effect she had on Stephens, the bulge in his pants unmistakeable. "I suppose you want to road test your handiwork," she teased pointing downwards, the spreading wet patch on Stephens trousers gave mute testimony to her effect on him, she returned to the clothing and taking a pair of small child's Panties with a few deft cuts and some new elastic covered the scars of her pubes to give a possibly even more obscene look.

The screams of the Victims had aroused great curiosity but it was not until late that

Stephens finished.

The Officer came, "Excellent, now give them Tits,"

Stephens spoke quietly "I don't think I have any more silicon"

The Officer smiled "Then use these again" he pointed to Sarah.

She was annoyed "No you're not having my ..." even she was shocked

she was supposed to be humiliated not pleased.

The Officer stroked her left nipple. it responded instantly, "Such beautiful breasts.

I shall enjoy them, find something else Mr Stephenson.

There were some shapeless blobs of soft plastic around so Stephens and Ms Mallan set to work shaping then into Madonna shaped cones ready for implantation, and by the end of the third day our warriors were transformed, Ms Mallam used her dainty surgical stitching to remodel a set of curtains into lovely little dresses and dressed the Warriors appropriately.

Stephens watched anxiously as they healed, one went septic so they fed him to the crocodiles, which livened up the afternoon a bit, in fact it was a bit tragic in that Morgan Botsuma was larking about on the jetty when he fell into the pond and was seized by two crocs who tore him in two, he was screaming for help with both legs bitten off, and it took five shots to the head to shut him up, "A remarkably thick skull," the Officer commented.

"And where are our three little maids? The Officer commented and the name stuck

"Maids" they were now to be called. The Maids wandered around the camp, hands tied behind their backs, their wounds had healed but their frustration built like a pressure cooker until one of them found an old bicycle pump and sank down to force it up his arse and stimulate the itch that needed scratching, his imbedded penis swelled and soon there was a crowd watching the Maid cavorting as he tried to wank himself off using a bicycle pump up his arse, the crowd laughed and shouted, it was so funny, and the Maid was so caught up in things that he could not stop.

The other two tried it in the calm of night and they then fought over the pump till they broke it. They took to begging passers by to fuck their arses, some Traders from the North, obliged but Fuckpig was always available and her cunt much preferred to their arses.

The Maids decided to kill Fuckpig, she suspected their ploy and built a mound in her kennel, burying two grenades and removing the pins, so if disturbed it would blow up and she spent her nights with the Dogs, Soon enough it blew up, two Maids made a nice meal for the crocs, the third, blinded and deafened was sent back to his homeland and Fuckpig's place in society was secure again.

ABS + PM 2007


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Hi I'm Kyle 17 m uk I'm 5 ft 10 , slim toned , I have dark brown hair , brown eyes and have a pretty dark tan Ive Got a 7.5 uncut cock , and trimmed pubes with a smooth ass hole .I've always had a thing for older guys it just turns me on knowing how old they are compared to me .I'm bottom and like to be treated abit rough and told what to do , I have met a couple of older guys in the past some just to give them blow-jobs because I can deepthroat or some to fuck me .Not long ago my mum and her...

2 years ago
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Aschool girl part 2

A School Girl part 2 Next Saturday Maria, her mom and her elder sister were at my house for dinner. I went to their house to pick them as they didn’t have driver that day. We reached home at seven o’clock in the evening so we had some time before dinner to chat. I could see my mom and Fauzia annie looked so much interested in Maria’s elder sister, as they were teasing her and making her laugh by exchanging naughty words, especially talking bout lesbian things between her and her mom. She was...

3 years ago
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The Allure of VirginityChapter 11 Canteen Storage Room

It was Thursday. When the bell rang to signal the beginning of lunch, I walked out from my algebra class and, instead of walking to my locker to deposit my books, I went straight to the canteen so I could be early in line to get some food. When I arrived at the canteen in the school hall I was shocked because the queue was about twenty meters long! It snaked around the hall for a while and then went outside the hall. I couldn't believe it. As I walked to the back of the line I heard someone...

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Massage And Friend8217s Mother

Hello Everyone, I’m Vishwanath from Bangalore. My email id is This is my First penning I will be narrating the small-small things also… Please don’t mistake if it is wrong. I’m an average guy of 26 years old, working in a private concern. My native is Chennai But I live in Bangalore for my job. Don’t want you to bore. This is the Real life incident which happened on 27 April 2015. I do Massages for females and couples in reasonable cost @ their doorstep or hotel. Hema(Name Changed), a sexy...

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My sons birthday

After my son's birthdayMy son is 17 years old. For his birthday he organized near Warsaw on the Zegrze reservoir. We rented lagoon villas for the whole weekend and the k**s had fun alone all night. The next day, the son returned home very sad. I saw that he had some stress and something bothers him. I asked several times what happened, but he would dispose of me and answer some nonsense. The next day was school and work day. That day, my husband went to Brussels for a few days, and I had an...

3 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 3 An Amazing Evening

Emboldened by my reactions Helen seemed to take charge of the situation and stood up. "I do believe I'm over dressed," she stated while slowly removing her blouse and bra. As her breasts came free I took a moment to enjoy the view: their perfect conical shape, well defined areole, and nipples just begging to be played with and sucked on. While I desperately wanted to say something, it was all I could do not to drool. "Now, I know you've always liked me in skirts," she continued with...

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GenerationsChapter 6 Girl Talk

“Mommy!” Holly Graham screamed in delight and tore through the open gate into the back yard. She tackled her mother around the knees, hugging her fiercely. “Mommy!” Heather Mackenzie looked at Lauren curiously as she wheeled her bicycle into the yard, Jimmy in tow. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “Why aren’t you working?” Lauren smiled and reached down to wrap her daughter in a tight hug before sending her off. She dropped the reel of hose she had been wrestling with and answered,...

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PalimpsestChapter 31 Pedagogue

It didn't take long for both Joe and Debra to cum. After being treated to a romantic dinner, candlelit, unique California style fusion which promoted flavor over abundance keeping them comfortably sated and not stuffed, overlooking Lake Michigan on top of an older building North of the Loop, all senses had been deliciously pleasured, Debra realized Joe had provided a peak evening in her life. They talked easily throughout, Joe encouraging her to reminisce about her youth growing up in a...

2 years ago
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Helping with A Demonstration

I was sitting at my desk Friday afternoon wondering what I was going to do with my night. Just then, my phone rang and I looked at the screen to see that it was my friend Macy. I had known Macy for the past seven years and during that time, we became very good friends. We are both in our mid-forties, share the same down to earth attitude, and have no problems telling each other things straight out. Our friendship is good enough that we share all our sexual secrets but not good enough that we...

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Tamara and Camille

God I worship Tamara! She is so fucking hot! Her sexy demeanor and her firm athletic body are a huge turn on to me and all of her fellow crew, I would be surprised if any of the male, not to mention some females don't masturbate and fantasize thinking of Tamara every day! Camille well she a little bit of a control freak but she can control my climax any time she likes! My Husband agrees that Camille would be a very erotic lover and probably ony masturbates in secret. I guess she's experienced...

1 year ago
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My Telescope Found Love

Many, if not most, had been split into one or two-room flats and a lot of those were quite illegal, in-so-far-as, they failed to meet the regulations required of landlords. But people were desperate for accommodation, consequently very few dared to complain. I was lucky, part of the road that I lived in had been demolished and a couple of small blocks of flats built. My block was only three floors high and comprised of six flats. It had been built in the seventies and had been well...

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A Day on the Dunes

My name is Samantha. I’m 41 years old. My story begins one afternoon this last July. My son Steven asked me if I would take him to the sand Dunes to do some dirt-bike riding.This was something his father used to do with him ever since Steve was eleven. Now, since his father {My ex.} had married his twenty two-year-old secretary, three days after our divorce was finalized, he hasn’t had time for his son.Steve is fifteen now, almost sixteen, and loves to ride that dirt bike. I don’t ride with him...

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Eventually I became a lobbyist, and my ‘good intentions’ went completely out the window. I began advocating for whatever position my clients and bosses wanted me to. I was paid extremely well, and my salary was tied directly to my ability to get politicians to vote for – or against – bills that specifically benefited my clients’ interests. To them, success was measured in the number of votes I could bring to their side of pending legislation….but for me, it was all about the money….and I would...

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Whores 2

They rode in silence back to the house. Stone was trying to wrap his brain around the last hour of his life while Nikki stared out the window with a vacant smirk. Her hand rested on her upper thigh, deceptively delicate fingers surreptitiously digging against the shape of her mound as it pushed against her jeans.He knew she felt him thinking about her. He could practically smell it rising off her skin. He kept searching for the right compartments to fit everything into he felt coming on without...

Straight Sex
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"How old were you when you first sucked a dick?" Karen's question was accompanied by smothered giggles from the rest of the group. Simon opened his mouth, then closed it again, staring speechless at his questioner."Well?" Karen pushed for an answer, seemingly taking pleasure in his discomfort. "You know the rules. You picked truth, so answer the question!""But I'm not gay!" Simon almost wailed in indignation. Karen snorted in disbelief. "I'm not!" Simon glanced over towards Brenda, looking for...

1 year ago
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Drink Me Sissy Story by sdvine

With my chin resting on the table, I stared at the little bottle. It was a rather unremarkable looking thing. It could almost be called a vial, but I think of vials as something smaller and thinner, like in a lab. This was more like one of those small energy drink containers, only bigger and made of glass. The liquid inside, however, was much more remarkable. Silvery, with tinges of blue, it appeared to shimmer. Almost as if it were alive and breathing, the shimmer was like a pulse. I found it...

4 years ago
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Mommy Boss Son Fucked My Virginity

By : Preetikul Cheer! Again this is Preeti Kulkarni from Aurangabad banging a story for you and this time it’s my first fuck of life thru my Mom’s Boss Son, Ronit returned from UK. studies. My Mom agreed to Khot uncle and granted his Son to fuck me as he dreamed to fuck me since he met. The day was fixed by 3 of them but wasn’t informed to me. But later told by my Mom that he was eager to fuck me as he fantasized that I would have to piss infront of him and after 10 mins he will take the aroma...

3 years ago
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Sitges Encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. I had to go to a conference in a small city near Barcelona called Sitges. It was early March and my home town was covered with snow and ice cold. In Sitges spring had already started. It predicted lots of sun, nice temperatures and no wind. Something to look forward to. After a short flight I landed in Barcelona and...

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Aunties Surprise2

I woke with my cock telling me I had a good night only to find Catherine straddling my chest, my arms pinned under her knees, "don't tell what happened last night or we'll both be sent away" I struggled to move her but either because I was half asleep or her fanny was an inch from my face I agreed and she moved to my side making sure her fanny brushed my nose as she did.The whole day was a game of me trying to get answers and Catherine teasing me about my cock and being a wee boy. After lunch...

2 years ago
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Guilt.That's what you saddled me with, David. Guilt. It's your fault. It doesn't matter what you call it, regret, ruefulness, shame at doing things that cousins should never do, it all boils down to guilt, and I feel it deeply. It shakes my soul. You wonder why I feel guilty? Let me tell you. You probably have no idea how it all started, so I'll tell you. Remember that summer we spent together at Grandma Reese's? The summer when the thunderstorms never came and the heat just built, day by day....

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The Good Wife 4 Graces Discovery

"So, were Mr. and Mrs. Gibson going at it again last night?" Jenna asked. She and Grace were in the basement family room at Jenna's home, watching some TV. Actually the TV was on, but they'd just been talking most of the time. "I don't think so," Grace said and they both chuckled at the idea of the older couple engaging in sexual activities. "But I was so tired from the night before that I think I would have slept through anything." "I bet it wasn't them," Jenna said mysteriously....

1 year ago
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OliviaChapter 19

Lauren was up early, she wanted to check her messages from the Cougar Hunters website before her daughter woke up. She found that her two guys had each given her a very high rating, which resulted in a boat-load of new messages. It seemed every guy wanted to get a piece of her now that the word was out that Lauren Hastings would put out on the spot and was eager to please. The question now was, did she want to keep up with her recent behavior? She wasn't a slut, she was just trying to make...

4 years ago
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The Can Be Only One Part 3

There Can Be Only One Chapter 3 When I got to my room I jumped on the bed, the girls right behind me. “I can’t believe you made mum suck your cock” Cathy squealed. I pulled Vicky to me and kissed her hard on the lips, my tongue pushing its way between them only to find her tongue eager to play with mine. I felt a hand gingerly touch my now flaccid cock which I knew would not respond having cum for the third time in as many hours, but what the hell, the hand felt good and even...

3 years ago
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Suddenly my life got changed

HI i am Rohini here this is my real story and writing 1st exp. Which I like to share with u. I am 32 married lady from pune.i have a son JAY of 5 years. Actually it all started three months back. When my husband VIJAY went to singapore for some official work . I was alone at my home just getting bored so i just called my very close my schoolfriend Swati.she was in her office and we fixed too take luanch together near her office. So soon i got up and got ready for her office. I was there in...

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Emilys Ass Goes English

“You want me to do what?” my husband, Jack, asked me. “Fuck me in the ass,” I whispered. “You serious? That’s what fags do. Why the hell do you want me to do that?” “Because I like it.” He hauled himself up onto one elbow and looked down at me accusingly. “You like it? You’ve done it before?” I was unsure of how much to admit to him but decided honesty was the best policy. “Before I married you,” I explained, “When I was going out with Tom. If he forgot to get condoms he’d screw my ass so I...

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Looking back, he knew the affair had been a mistake. Of course, in retrospect, ALL affairs are mistakes (or you had better be sure you could convince yourself of that fact if you choose to remain married). This affair had cost him. Not only had it hurt his young, yet already crippled, marriage and ended the marriage of his partner in crime; it had also cost him his best friend. Worst of all, it had cost him part of his sanity. He had made the mistake of falling dick-first into his best...

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Le Belle Donne Ch01a

Chapter 1 Just outside San Casciano dei Bagni, on a picturesque vineyard, a beautiful Italian woman in her early forties picked another drove of grapes from one of the many bushes and put it down in her basket.Grazie Dio… Corrina Martaci exhaled lightly as she took off her straw hat and wiped some sweat from her forehead. The warm weather she was used to, but today it was especially humid.Though suddenly she lit up with a smile when she felt a sudden gust of wind come in from the north and...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 79 Can You Feel Me Now

We'd barely made it through the door when Alistair kicked it shut behind us. He set me carefully on the bed, then took the platter of food from my hands and put it on a table. Climbing up bedside me, he curled himself around me and pulled me into his embrace. I relaxed, enjoying the comfort and closeness, enjoying the warmth of his body pressed against mine. Even after the bath, I didn't really feel warm. It felt like the cold in the dungeon had settled in to my bones, and I was having a...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Edyn Blair Katie Kush Special Delivery

Edyn Blair is waiting on a delivery as she hangs out with her stepdaughter Katie Kush. When there’s a knock on the door, Edyn jumps up to get it. Katie can’t help but notice how cute the delivery boy, Brad Sterling, is as her stepmom is inviting him in. Both the girls are falling all over themselves to get Brad’s attention, but Edyn gets her hands and mouth on Brad’s package first, but Katie eventually catches them in the act. She chases Edyn away with the threat of...

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Stevens Fetish

It was a dark and stormy night... Ok OK, so it wasn't really. I just wanted to get your attention. Actually it had been a beautiful day made more so after I received the purple invitation to a party. It had been a rough day at work despite the warm sunny weather. I'd been working hard on a huge merger. We're talking about millions of dollars. That type of money can get to a guy, even if it isn't his. Hmmm probably more so since it isn't his. Anyway... it went well with only the few minute...

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Married Indian From Australia

I am jord from Delhi. And the lady in the story is Rita (name changed). This happened a few years back when I was 21 in college. I got a friend request on my social network site. I couldn’t recognize her first but then recalled that we studied in the same school and she was my senior about 3 years ahead. In school days she was not so popular with I knew her because we used to go to same tuition classes. We used to talk but not so much as she used to hang out with different friend group. I...

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Camping at our lake

"Hi Lisa, Sally is almost ready, you guys are headed to that festival right?" I said, greeting Carl's daughter. "Yea, they have so many awesome bands this year, will be amazing." She said with a smile then went inside. "Liz is in the shower Claire, she'll be down in a minute." I said to Carl's wife, she greeted me with a hug and whispered in my ear. "She'll be down about 20 minutes after you all leave." She said with a grin. "Wait till you see her new toys." I said...

4 years ago
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Arabian Nights Part Four

Arabian Nights Part Four - The Whore By Michele Nylons Back in her cell Sarina helps Michele undress. "That suit isn't too bad; you can just brush it and hang it up. That blouse will need a soak to get the come out of it. Check out your lingerie and stockings and if they have any rips or tears just ditch them. You get an allowance for lingerie and hosiery; the boys are always tearing them because they are so rough, but anything else you clean yourself or replace it out of your...

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Gary GingerChapter 8

Sally heard the loud knock on the door. It almost sounded like Gary’s knock but she knew Gary was with that slut Ginger and he was still at home healing. She got up from the couch looked through the peephole. Shit! It was Ava looking demure and sophisticated in a black coat and beautiful red scarf. Sally frantically rushed to the bedroom to put on some pants. She couldn’t let Ava see her half naked! Danny was in the shower so Sally went in to let him know his grandmother was knocking on the...

4 years ago
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Deep Passionate Sex With A Just Married Super Hot Babe

Hi friends. I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my really passionate sex experience with a super hottie Nirupama. She is 25 years old and she just got married about 7 months ago. Her husband is in USA for a project work for his office. He visits India every 6 months for a 10 day holiday. He last came to India in the 2nd week of February and left on 22nd February 2013. She stays with her husband in an individual house and when her husband is off to USA she stays alone. She...

4 years ago
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Hot New Teacher

I had been at Greenichville High School for the last year and nothing exciting ever happened. All the teachers wore boring clothes - grey button-up shirts and ties, long, frumpy sweaters and skirts. The school uniform was a black blazer, grey skirt, white shirt, long white socks, and black heels. So cool - I think not.Today, was like any other day, except there was torrential rain outside. The rain pounded on the windows like drums. I sat slouched at my desk looking down at it, but glanced up...

3 years ago
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Seduced My Classmate To Have Sex

Hi, every one, I am Akshay from Bangalore. Studying be the final year in a reputed college. I have an athletic body and I am going to gym to maintain it. I am wheatish in complexsion and very cute and innocent in looks. Pardon me if any mistakes found as this is my first sex story. You can share the feedback at Coming to the sex story, this happened when I was studying 2nd year of my BE. I am in a branch where you can find least or no girls at all I.E., mechanical branch. Due to our luck,...

2 years ago
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New Home New Adventures

THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL Around the age of 16 I moved into my fathers home in Florida... It was more like moving in with a room mate more then a father. I had rules yes, but mostly his only concern was i did not miss school and i did not do drugs. No bed time, no curfew, nothing. Growing up with a strict mom this led me to run wild with excitement, parties, booz's and fucking girls became a regular thing for me. Hell in one months times i fucked 5 different girls, all of them were...

2 years ago
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mummy whore part 1

feedback: [email protected] FF Fdom inc Mummy Whore Chapter one My life was to change dramatically when I agreed to house sit for my mother whilst she took a weeks holiday. My name is Julie and I am 19 and could be considered to be attractive, I have shoulder length brown hair with a straight fringe. I am slim with average sized breasts and love to dress to make the best of my body. My mother on the other hand is Margaret though she prefers to be called...

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Somali Pirates and Their Prey Chapter Three

Chapter Three “ Diamonds” Lord Vattendaul with his money belt strapped tightly around his waist is in a hurry to meet with these shady diamond traders! He has enlisted one of the crew's help as the yachts small power launch with him aboard heads for the small port of Mogadishu and this clandestine meeting! Once there he is blindfolded and and stuffed into the back of a Land Rover, then whisked away to this unknown appointed place. He is almost insane with lust to be the owner of these...

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Do For Love and HealingChapter 3

She nodded for he used to say those things when they were lovers. She was also feeling very stimulated as she pictured in her mind what they used to do and how it felt. God, she needed some type of release, she was wetter then she had been in months, maybe years. When he finally left she would have to go to the bathroom to take care of herself even if there was a chance of someone coming in while she was cuming. She was so preoccupied with those thoughts she didn't notice him slowly lean...

1 year ago
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Just A Kiss

It was a cold, gray January day in 1955. Fighting the chill, Tammy pulled her coat tighter. She was only five feet tall, but had just recently turned eighteen. Her shoulder length brown hair pulled back into a ponytail only added to how cute she was, and her bright blue eyes accentuated that even more.Despite her sexy curvy figure, Tammy had gone unnoticed by the guys her own age, who were obsessed with what you’d call model types. That didn’t bother her much because she knew when she would go...

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Bang Bang With Friend8217s Family 8211 Part III

Madhu’s story ……… Every one wished each other good night and left, leaving myself,Lata and Nagarathna on that gigantic bed. Nagarathna told Sheela to make Grandma comfortable and to see If Rajanna needed any thing. Lata was surprised. ” Why, are you not going to sleep in Rajanna’s room? What if he needs any thing in the night? ” She asked her. Nagarathna acted hurt. ” Oh, I see, you want privacy. Why don’t you say so? Let me go” She tried to free her boobs from our hands and mouths. “No,no,...

1 year ago
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My Camp Buddy

THIS STORY IS 100% FICTIONAL Here I was bored out of my mind just waiting for the Bell to ring from my last period class. Usually I wouldn’t be so anxious but today was June 17th, the last day of school. I was even more excited because tomorrow I would be on my way to 7 weeks of Sleep away camp. I was more excited than ever because this was going to be my last year. The next morning finally arrived; I opened up my presents and had a nice breakfast with my parents. Before long I was kissing my...


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