Marions Story Chapter Sixteen free porn video

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I'm going to start with a big shout out to my dear friend Marina Kelly who helps keep me on the straight and narrow and helps with my writing and of course makes my scribble legible. So that was it the Lips were officially back together. Wayne was offered and accepted what was a pretty generous golden handshake to leave and by the end of the week he was gone and we were in the studio. As we settled into the recording process at KGM things began to feel easier and smoother. We spent a couple of days just rehearsing the new songs, going over and over them and I knew it was time for me to broach the subject of lyric changes. I expected Mel to push back, I expected anger and denial and I was braced for it hoping against hope that she would at least be open to the possibilities. During a break in proceedings when we were all chilled out and relaxed I decided to put it out there. "Mel I have been playing these songs up in my room over the last few days and I was wondering whether you would be open to some changes?" I saw her body tense up and with an angry grimace she sighed. "Changes...Oh fuck here it comes...come on then let's hear it. Fuck Mi, why are my songs never good enough for you?" Unsettled I tried to get my foot out of my mouth. "Mel you're a great songwriter and there's nothing wrong with them, I really love these songs, I just had a couple of suggestions. If it upsets you I would rather leave them as they are." She scowled. "Oh fuck off you dip shit, jeez girl, just tell me what's wrong with them?" "There's nothing wrong with them I just have a couple of small changes that might make them flow easier." "Flow easier huh..." I saw her face tighten. "Show me, come on smart ass show me." I started with the easy one first, I picked up the acoustic guitar and started playing it the way I heard it in my head, the way I had recorded it. As I worked through the song including the changes, I saw the contorted twisted expression. Her foot tapped along which was a good sign. Jas and Cindy sat listening and they joined arms singing along swaying back and forth which eased the tension. When I finished the room was filled with silence until Mel nodded. "Fuck you Mi...I want to hate it but as always you're right that works better," Jas interjected. "Mel they're still your songs babes, but I agree those changes do make it better, and the lyrics are kinda smoother." Cindy nodded. "Yep I agree, sorry Mel." The rest of my suggested changes were accepted as well and Mel wasn't as negative as I thought she might be. I think it had something to do with the fact we all now had an awareness of what we almost lost and there was a new and reinvigorated appreciation for each other. It was after a long day in the studio and Mel and I were sitting together outside having a beer when she said, "Mi I owe you an apology, and I have wanted to say it but I chickened out. I know I can be a bitch, that time you rewrote my song and I took all the credit...that was wrong. I should have been honest with everybody but I was so pissed at you. You are a way better songwriter than me and I was feeling unappreciated and yeah more than a little jealous." She refused to hold my eye but added. "It's just that all this shit comes so easy for you, I really struggle to write something even remotely interesting, and you float in and take months of work and in minutes you improved it." I gave her a hug. "Forget it, I already have. I was only trying to help. I knew you were struggling with the song writing, I should have approached you so we could do it together. Sometimes I can be a bit neurotic or self-obsessive and I don't always take notice of what's happening around me. I find songwriting easier by myself, locked in my room with nothing but the acoustic guitar. I didn't mean to offend you, I should have been more aware, understanding. I promise in future to try and be more inclusive." With a gentle kiss it was all over and if anything, our relationship was closer than ever. It was the start of a short but intense period of long days in the studio. Kim who seemed to have become our unofficial groupie come girl Friday spent every day in the studio with us. She ran around after us making drinks, running errands and she loved it. She sat in on all our group chats and even offered us her opinions and advice, some of which was right on the money. Hanging out with us every day meant she and Molly got a little closer, well more than closer, they were building their own friendship which was weird to watch. There was nothing sexual in it, they flirted a bit but nothing to outrageous, Kim flirted with everyone maybe even worse than Molly. It was hard with Molly around every day especially at the end of the day and Kim and I went back to my apartment and Moll's watched painfully as we walked out arm in arm. Several times Kim invited Moll's to have dinner with us which was nice but awkward. Having your ex watching us kiss and cuddle was off-putting to say the least. I guess if I'm honest I took some sadistic self- satisfaction in watching her struggle with it. Watching her sad eyes as Kim and I kissed did make me feel a little guilty that I enjoyed it so much, I just wish I could've eliminated the smile. I tried suggesting to Kim that she not be so generous inviting Molly around all the time, but she scolded me for being unkind...I thought I was trying to save her some pain. Kim on several occasions consoled Molly and scolded me if I unconsciously said something mean. More than once after Molly had left she chastised me. "Mi you're being a bitch, that girl loves you stop hurting her by saying all that horrid shit." "If she's hurting that's good, it's payback and we all know that payback can be a bitch." She looked horrified, disgusted with me. "Mi, stop it, you don't mean that and you know it. Sometimes you say the cruelest things. Molly loves you and I know you still love her, so stop being so hateful." Kim was one of those incredible people who never said a bad word about anybody, she never nagged or moaned, she was just nice and she hated it when I bitched about Moll's. Kim seemed oblivious to it and she embraced Molly with total acceptance. With the album finished and ready for release it was time to hit the road. Molly did a great job organizing the tour, she prepared everything, the bus, accommodation, venues. It highlighted to me how good she had become at her job. She was an incredible manager. So with the tour about to start Kim and I sort of reached that point in our relationship. It was sad and it hurt because we had grown so close especially since the band reformed and she was in the studio every day. If we weren't going on tour I'm not sure I could have walked away. She was too nice to me really, she knew as well as me and out last few nights together were passionate wonderful nights. When I asked what she was going to do while we were gone she kissed me lightly. "That depends on you, if you asked I would wait but I don't think that's what you want is it?" This hurt so much I didn't know what to say, this was my first go at letting go, so I sat there staring at her looking confused and anxious. She took the lead. "Mi, you need to stop fooling yourself, you aren't fooling the rest of us. You love Molly and I know she loves you we all see it. If you are stupid enough to still be single when you get back and want me I'll be here but really I will be happy if you and Molly get back together." We kissed and snuggled before she walked out of my life for what felt like the last time, or at least that's how it felt for me. There were tears from both of us, her parting words allayed my fears that I would never see her again. "Tell Molly I love her, and don't cut me out of your life, we can still be friends. It's been fun babe but let's be honest." That was it, the tour was officially underway. We were crammed into a bus and on the road, and it felt a little like d?j? vu, and the memories weren't so great from the last time we were in a tour bus. We went up and down the west coast before jumping on a plane and heading out East. We toured as many of the big cities as possible in the short time available, there were a couple of TV appearances on the tonight show and the Ellen show. By the time we got back to LA we were all exhausted, it was short but god so intense. Every night we played to full houses. Unlike the last tour when everything fell apart this time as tired and worn out as we were there was none of the nasty bitchiness. I mean we didn't agree all the time but there were more good times than bad and there was plenty of laughter and joking around. We had sing alongs we wrote some shitty songs but the mood in the bus was good. Moll's stayed with us for the entire tour and I have to say it was hard being stuck with her every day. We went back to our old habits of snuggling together and of course we talked and some real emotions emerged, things that we had pushed under the surface when we were together. Now however we found the courage to tackle them. If nothing else we were now friends. The album release turned out to be better than expected, we hoped it would do all right on the alternative charts but surprisingly it charted well on mainstream channels and was quickly floating in the top ten. The day we broke into the top ten Gloria organized a quick celebration and somehow, I ended up back at her hotel accompanied by her and Molly and our threesome was repeated. What a night that was, the sex was mind- blowing and ball draining. Our national tour was announced following our last New York show and we were again going to be locked in a tour bus for nearly two months. I guess this would be the decider for the band. If we could survive that we would probably make it but it was going to be a pressure cooker. It was on the tour that Molly and I found our way back, a new level if you like. With the girls around it was like old times we sat together on the bus, we talked about all sorts of things, she always curled up beside me with her head on my shoulder or in my lap and it amazed me how right it felt. She was part of me, I missed her so much when we were apart, I couldn't imagine my life without her. It was so weird having her as my friend, I desperately wanted more but couldn't find words. It was me who pushed her away, how could I invite her back in? It happened on a long desolate strip of road, it was hot and sticky, Moll's had curled up beside me, her head resting sleepily on my shoulder, my fingers running through her tangled tresses. She turned her head to look up at me and say something but I couldn't help it the forlorn look in her eyes, the quiet pleading...god I just wanted to kiss her and without thinking I leaned down and our lips touched. Not a fullblown kiss, just the slightest grazing touch, her eyes closed and my hand fitted behind her head and I pulled gently until the gentle grazing touch changed, her mouth opened accepting my offered tongue. My tongue played joyfully with hers, her hand came up resting on my face as our lipstick smudged, her hot mouth became the aggressor and our mouths made that wondrous passionate love until Mel cried out in anguish. "Oh for fuck sake you to get a fucking room!" We separated and Molly called out, "Jealous are you Mel?" She snorted derisively. "No but now you got the other two started and it's going to get worse." That night we were on edge as we tried to get through dinner before the show. Moll's and I found every opportunity to be together, doorways, behind speaker stacks, anywhere we could be in each other's arms kissing her hot body pressed against mine. We were like lovers again not two people who occasionally have sex, this was love not lust, although there was plenty of that. As soon as the gig was over Moll's literally dragged me off to her room and like old times our bodies joined, became one, her breath was mine. Our bodies were connected for the whole night. My cock stayed inside her beautiful welcoming pussy the entire night. After that night we went back to sharing a room. There never had been any doubt about the love, it was all the other stuff that got in the way, now we were going to have to make it work, my heart couldn't strand another breakup. Having shared her with Gloria I had to start reassessing why I felt the way I did about casual sex. Maybe she was right, maybe it was possible? It was late in the tour and we had certainly grown closer than ever and I had been wondering what would happen when we got back home. I had to accept that I didn't want to lose her again. I wanted her to be part of my life forever, whatever the cost. Somewhere west of Wallace heading for Spokane Moll's and I were cuddled up together on the bus. She was asleep with her head in my lap. I dug out the engagement ring from my purse where I had been keeping it ever since our breakup. I held it up and turned it over and over in my fingers as I tried to figure out what I was thinking. My mind turned to mush until I got a headache from over thinking. Her hand lay in my lap where she liked it, I lifted her hand slipped the ring on her ring finger. She didn't even notice, didn't even budge. I leaned back in the seat wondering what she would say? Later when we stopped for lunch at a roadside diner, like always it was a mad rush for the toilets, Jas and Molly were the quickest so Mel, Cindy and I went to the counter to place our orders. Jas and Molly were still in the ladies when I heard an earth shattering screech, the toilet doors flung open wildly smashing against the wall and Molly came bursting out into the diner running like an Olympic sprinter. She jumped into my arms... knocking us both to the ground. Jas wasn't far behind her and she dived on top of us. Cindy and Mel didn't understand but they knew something was up and just dived on top. The small crowd in the diner were treated to a sight they've probably never seen. A group of girls in a pile on the floor. When we broke up and helped each other to stand, Jas and Molly just started bouncing holding us in a group hug. Of course it was impossible not to jump with them, wrapped in the emotion we all bounced together like Maasai warriors, crying and laughing and kissing wildly as Molly explained to Mel and Cindy what all the fuss was about. Molly was in a total euphoria, A level of happiness I have never witnessed in another human being. Later in bed after making love she cried, tears of real joy explaining, "Babe, I thought I had lost you and it scared me. I know I have acted like a bitch, I can't explain why but I always thought you would come back regardless of how awful I was, but when I saw you with Kim and I saw how gorgeous and sexy she was it hit me for the first time, oh my god I've lost him." I winced reluctantly. "Yeah, I still feel bad for hurting her, and damn it was hard to leave her behind, she is one cool chick." Molly giggled. "You can still see her, I don't long as I know you're coming back I don't care, shit if she was up for it, we could see her together." I chuckled. "So you expect me to believe if I spent the night with Kim you would be OK with that?" She nodded slowly, a serious expression creasing her eyes. "Yes, I have tried to explain many times, I see sex and love differently. If you love her it would be different but if it was just two old friends reconnecting, I would be happy, although I am serious about seeing her together." Shaking my head in disbelief I chuckled. "Jeez Louise you're as bad as her..." The next few days I spent more time on the phone than ever. Molly called everyone to tell them the news which meant my phone ran hot with calls of celebration, especially mom. The tour was incredible although as it drew to a close the adrenalin slowed and it was the closing show of the tour in Seattle when Molly in a serious moment asked, "What are we going to do now?" Where are we going to live? Most of the acts I'm looking after are mostly west coast based. It seems weird to think of going back to live in Lawrence?" "Molly I no longer live in Lawrence and I certainly don't call it home. I don't mind LA but it doesn't feel like home either. I mean it makes sense musically. I was starting to get recognized and offered reasonable gigs." She laughed uproariously. "Wow babe you can be so na?ve sometimes, it is going to be so much better now, the album is charting well, you have three singles in the charts. Gigs are not going to be a problem. Scheduling them will be the problem." I nodded. "Yeah I suppose you're right. I would be happy to live in LA for a while, we would have to get a better apartment, the one over the studio probably isn't big enough for both of us." She disagreed. "You know I love that place it reminds me of our old place and it has such a cool vibe. Babe we won't be there much, I am going to be travelling a lot and so are you. I think it would be perfect, those big fluffy cushions on the floor, maybe just fix up the kitchen a little?" When we talked to the girls they were all having similar conversations, we had spent so much time travelling that home didn't seem that way anymore. Cindy and Jas were both looking at moving out to LA as well and Mel sort of said, "Fuck if you guys are all going to be living out here, then I should probably do the same." It was Jas who said, "If we are leaving Lawrence, we owe them a big party to say thanks, it all started there." Mel agreed, it was only Moll's who said, "Shit, you guys are too big for Lawrence...maybe KC?" I snapped back a little incensed. "The day that we're too big for somewhere is the day I quit. C'mon guys let's not become those fucking corporate sell outs, fuck we could do it for free!" Molly just about choked when she heard the word free. "Fuck off...Gloria will have a fit if I tell her we're putting on a free show, especially in fucking Lawrence...jeez be serious." Cindy snipped her off. "Na Mi's right, we need to say thanks, and we need to celebrate with the fans who made all this possible. Shit if they didn't buy our records and come to the shows we would all be working at McDonalds asking if they want fries with that." Gloria was turning up in Seattle for the last show and we had a big dinner to celebrate our success. When Molly told her what we were planning rather than getting upset she nodded. "You know're right, you girls aren't your average band and your fans are goddamned loyal, but you have to give us a chance to organize and promote it. Plenty of big acts have played free shows, but I think we can do better than just a free show, with a little work we could get some corporate sponsorship, so think of a charity you want to support." That got the conversation started, although finding a charity we could all agree on might be the hard part. It certainly fired up Gloria and as the night wore on and everybody drifted away Gloria managed to find her way into my arms as we slow danced, her succulent juicy lips slid over mine and we kissed, her tongue playfully interrogating mine. It didn't take long because Molly wasn't going to be left on the sidelines watching. I felt her boobs press into my back as she nestled in close behind me. Her hot mouth sliding across my flesh as she lowered my dress into a silky puddle on the floor I giggled and reciprocated sliding down her dress and we turned and dragged Molly into the mix stripping her as bare as us, with hands and mouths everywhere and with the city lights twinkling through the huge window, we swayed together naked, three hot bodies welded together, writhing mercilessly. As my erection grew Gloria parted her legs trapping the throbbing flesh between her legs and she moved them slowly, her thighs caressing the pulsing shaft. Molly sensed my arousal by my awkward movements and her hand drifted down between the cheeks on my ass. "Open your legs beautiful." She pleaded. Moving only a little I felt her hand gripping the inner fleshy part of my thighs as she reached through fondling my balls. As her hand moved back and forth, I felt her finger prod at my clenching butt. She giggled as she tried to wedge her finger in. She moved her hand slowly building little circles her fingertip trailing gently over my rosebud. "Open up now, don't make me spank you." I laughed. "If anybody gets spanked, it'll be you bitch." Her fingers were wet and I realized she was using her own juices to lubricate my hole. As Gloria rubbed her closed thighs back and forth caressing my trapped cock Molly slowly inserted her finger until it had disappeared completely up inside and she giggled more to Gloria than me. "God I wish I had a cock sometimes, imagine that I could be fucking this little bitch right now." Gloria mumbled softly as her lips slid over mine. "Hhhhmmmmm funny I never used to think about it but after being with this little minx I do wonder what it would feel like." As we kissed, she sighed. "What does it feel like to slide that hot bit of meat into me?" "Divine...." was all I could say, I was currently in heaven with Molly's finger gently fucking me and my cock now trapped by Gloria's hot pussy as she moved her hips slowly and my cock sliding along the length of her slippery slit. I wriggled to try and slip inside but she was too quick and trapped me with her pussy lips. She used me to caress her clit as she rubbed back and forth, I felt her squirm as tiny orgasms washed across her trembling body. It was exquisite torture getting fucked by these two torturous bitches. I pushed back but with my butt pushing Molly away as she cried out a loud, "Hey!" I pulled my cock from between Gloria's legs and bent down and picked her up carrying her to the bed where I threw her onto it with a heave and then I dived between her legs my tongue making a B line for her swollen pussy. We formed a little triangle, I licked Gloria's sodden hole, She licked Molly and Molly sucked me into her mouth. It was a wild ride to a frothy foamy cum and the rest of the night grew into an all-night fuck. The Seattle gig was incredible and it was a fine way to finish the tour. I think though we were all glad it was over and we could take a breath. Molly went straight to work on the charity gig in KC. By the time we got back to LA she had already started talking dates and sponsorship. The band sort of dissolved at that point as Mel, Cindy and Jas went back to Lawrence to pack up and move to LA. Molly and Gloria vanished to organize the European tour. That left me on my own. Adam was pleased to see me back and I helped him around the studio although I was mostly absorbed with writing new material. My own personal inner peace and the success of our album drove me to write mostly for the band. I found these new bouncy happy songs and they rocked, full of joyous anthemic hooks. I knew the moment I played them they would be popular. Three days later Molly flew back into town and later that night in a slow moment of bliss she asked, "So did you catch up with Kim?" I shook my head. "No, I don't think I can do that, it wouldn't be fair." She gave me a funny kind of what the hell are you talking about glares. "Babe I have told you I don't care." I hissed, "Moll's you might not care but I do. I want us to get back to where we were before the bust up and fooling around and cheating by either of us is going to make that impossible." "What about our relationship with Gloria, would you mind if I slept with her while you were away or if she and I met up in New York? I mean she is both our friend and lover." Frowning I mumbled, "I don't know....Moll's I am still trying to come to grips with your notion of sex and love being separate entities. I'm not trying to hide from the fact I enjoyed our time with Gloria but it's something I see us doing together, and it's not something I want to do every night, or every time we see her." She shrugged. "Alright, but just so you know if you do catch up with Kim, or for that matter Gloria I won't be upset, but I respect your position and I will not do anything unless you're there as well to enjoy it." The Lawrence concert organization grew in intensity it was going to be huge. Gloria arranged good corporate sponsorship for the event, it was going to be a free concert but for those who wanted to donate there was a donation page and the money piled up quickly. Organizing the event proved to be harder than expected because of its free admission. We had to move it to Arrowhead Stadium just because of the sheer weight of interest and expected attendance. The fact there were no tickets meant it would be first in best dressed. That of course meant there were going to be huge cues and the lines would cause real problems. The City was worried that the cues and traffic would be unmanageable and it was only Molly's hard work that got us over the line. She singlehandedly arranged traffic management plans with contractors, She arranged security and free buses for the fans wanting to travel from Lawrence. It was a huge undertaking and if there were any doubts about her ability this exhausted them. I mean who else could arrange free buses? She blew me away. Mom and Bev were coming, Sue wasn't about to be left out and she was coming as well. It was going to be a family reunion. I hadn't seen Molly for a week and she breezed into the apartment looking smiley and happy. She showered and changed as I got some drinks. As we talked she absolutely shocked me when she reached into her purse lying on the table and waved something in front of my face. When I grabbed it from her teasing fingers I opened the envelope to find an airline ticket from LA to KC return. When I stared at it she saw the confusion on my face and she whispered nervously, "It's for Kim, this is going to be huge and when I talked to her the other day she was really sad that she was going to miss it." Speechless I stared at her. "Kim....when did you talk to her?" She giggled. "I talk to her a lot actually, she was sad that you haven't bothered to even call her. I don't blame her either, if it was me I would be fucking angry." Guilty and embarrassed I whined, "I didn't call her because I wasn't sure we could be just friends. It might seem easy for you but for me it's damned hard, I had strong feelings for her." "Then prove it, stop acting like an asshole, she is good fun and she was your best friend. Jesus you don't have to cut her out of your life altogether." Cringing I asked, "Where is she going to stay?" Moll's giggled. "God help her I organized for her to stay with April." "Jesus, poor Kim, yeah OK as crazy as it sounds, it's a good idea, she loves the band." Moll's nodded. "Yeah she sure does, so do the right thing, invite her." With nowhere to hide I dug my phone out and was about to ring her when Moll's slapped the phone away. "Oh no you don't girl, you go in person and do it properly."' That's how I ended up knocking on Kim's door. When she opened it and saw me standing there looking guilty and anxious she jumped into my arms and we kissed, god she was gorgeous, sexy and now in my arms. When we separated she invited me in. If she was harboring animosity about our breakup it wasn't obvious. She started talking nonstop about the tour and asked endless questions. I had to put my hand over her mouth to shut her up. "Kim I'm here to say sorry. I didn't mean to cut you out of my life, I was just so nervous about how you would feel about just being friends." She smiled as she kissed my hand. "Babe I understand, but you and Molly were destined to be together. I'm just glad you were able to see that." She grinned coyly. "You know we talk occasionally?" I nodded with a sly snicker. "Yeah she told me, look the reason I'm here is this." I passed over the tickets and when she saw them she burst into tears and she was in my arms again and we kissed as passionately as we ever had. "Thank you Mi, oh my god I saw all the stuff on the news and I so wanted to go." I returned her strangling embrace and whispered, "You're going to be staying with my sister April, so I have to warn you it might be weird." She laughed. "Weird, no it'll be great I can find all about your life, get all the dirt from your childhood." Kim actually flew out on the same flight as us and the girls especially made her welcome and feel like she was part of it. She spent a lot of time sitting with Mel and that made me nervous. Mel was a real pussy hound. We arrived in KC the day before the concert and driving around the city it was obvious the place was more than ready for the gig. As we drove past Arrowhead it was like a city of hobos had invaded, there was a mass of people camping outside the gates making sure they could get in. I felt guilty seeing them sitting around in sleeping bags. Molly giggled laughing. "Shit I remember those days, I did that to see Courtney Love, I camped out for two nights." I decided we needed to do something for them. "Like what?" Moll's queried. As we sat in the cab watching I said, "Food and drinks, lets turn it into a party." She laufghed. "Jesus they will get locked up." "Na the City would get to much bad press." I climbed out of the cab and said, "Go to a liquor store and buy as much as you can fit in this thing, I'm going to order pizza and lots of it." The cab driver looked worried but Moll's started convincing him it would be OK. I walked into the group of mostly kids grouped outside the gates and at first they didn't recognize me. On stage I dress like a runaway lesbian slut but day to day I look more like an average boyish girl. Today dressed in my mini dress and denim cut off jacket and docs I looked more like one of them. As I entered the largest group one of the girls recognized me and suddenly I was swamped. It got wild when Moll's returned accompanied by the girls and Kim with the cabbie carrying arms full of booze. Mel got jumped on by a couple of horny young girls and soon after the food arrived. When Gloria found out she was livid but never one to miss a chance at publicity turned up with a photographer. A news crew turned up from the local station and we were on the nightly news. Of course the cops turned up and shut the party down but not before we were mugged by happy fans saying thank you screaming we will see you tomorrow. The day of the concert dawned sunny and bright and as we drove to the stadium it was obvious all the concerns about the traffic were warranted. Our bus had to weave its way through lines and lines of cars and screaming chanting pedestrians. This was going to be huge. On stage the place already had hundreds of fans streaming in and listening to the sound checks. The stage was already set up for us so it was just a matter of playing a few songs to get the levels right. Once we were happy the other acts went through their sound checks. Then it was just sit back and wait. I decided to wander down amongst the fans and talk to as many as possible. There was a stand set up where we were selling merch. As I talked to the fans, I ended up signing hundreds of shirts and CD's, Albums and caps. As the first act was introduced, I found a spot out in the middle and sat with our family, they were all there, Sue, Bev and her tribe, mom April and Sandy and right there in the middle was Kim snuggled up between mom and Fred. Holy shit what a nightmare. Mom welcomed me into the group and Kim gave me a huge kiss right in front of them all. Mom smiled with a worried shake of her head, we chatted for a while before I wandered off to talk to some fans. I loved talking to the fans, getting a feel for what they wanted to hear and what they liked and of course what they didn't. It was a chance to connect. I listened for a few songs before I headed back stage to catch up with Molly and the band and to get into costume. For this gig Jas resurrected our original costumes and we looked slutty, sleazy and it felt as sexy as hell. We helped each other with hair and makeup, Cindy pinched a peek under my little leather mini skirt squealing, "Well I?m the only one who hasn?t seen it!" Jas gave her a slap and we laughed easing the growing tension. We worked through a set list and had a huddle. As we held it for a few minutes Mel shouted, "This is it girls, it?s goodbye Kansas...hello world." As we walked out onto the huge stage the sun was out at its fullest and it was hot, summer was here and it was hot. Mel walked up to the mic and screamed. "Hello Kansas!" Cindy, Jas and me walked up behind her as we waved to the screaming masses. Mel lifted up the mic and walked out as far as she could before announcing, "Thank you all for coming out today. This is where it all started for us, Lawrence and KC we love you but we are moving and wanted to give something back, say thank you to all our fans. So here it is folks, thank you, this is your day and wasn?t that a great party last night?" The cheer went up and I heard a few of the girls from the previous night scream, "We love you!" The surge was visible as the crowd heaved forward clapping and cheering. We strapped on our instruments and as we played the cacophony started, the singing was so loud we didn?t have to sing, they knew all the words and sung them back at us. Even a couple of the new songs they knew. It was loud, raucous and wild. Jas wound them up even more once she started dancing and for once Mel got into it as well and the three of us danced outrageously shaking our asses and bouncing all over the stage. When it came time for the encores it was so damn loud and they chanted loudly trying to keep us on stage. We stayed as long as we could but of course there were limitations and we had to stop on time or the fines would make the whole thing worthless. After the show we were exhausted and even although Gloria wanted to put on a big party, we were all too tired. We couldn?t go because we had a dinner planned with mom and the family at a small out of the way restaurant. The dinner was incredible and watching Kim with April as they laughed and gossiped was scary and fun. Kim and Molly sat together as we updated everybody on our plans to make LA our home at least for a while. It was a late night and well after midnight before Moll?s and I snuggled up together in bed. As we snuggled together Moll?s laughed. "You know I wouldn?t mind if Kim was here with us." I snickered. "Oh yeah don?t worry I got that. I saw you dancing with her and I saw enough flirting but no I couldn?t do that. I do have feelings for her but I want to keep her as a friend." She sighed. "It?s your call babe, it might be nice and it would have saved her from Sandy and April." The next thing of course was the European tour. Molly and Gloria spent hours getting it ready, getting the venues right. The video from the charity gig made it easier to sell. It grew quickly having singles in the top ten helped. As we were getting ready Gloria turned up with another young woman. She was a spunk that?s for sure and after the introductions it was easy to see she was a hardnosed bitch as well. Gloria introduced Sally to us because she wanted Molly to have some help. This was going to be big, too big for just Molly to handle on her own. Or so I thought, the truth was very different which I was about to find out. Later when Moll?s and I were alone she told me why. "Babe, Gloria wants me to take a bigger role in her company and she is offering me a lot of money. The down side is I am not going to be there for the whole tour which is why Sally is coming along. She is going to slowly take over and I will step back." It was hard to argue, Moll?s was good at her job and I wanted her to be successful so as much as I hated the idea of us being apart, I knew it had to happen. For the first part of the tour Sally and Molly the fearsome twosome organized everything and Sally who was a real ball buster even on her own she took command and in Amsterdam Molly said her goodbyes promising to meet us in London for the last few shows.? Sally stepped up and the transition was seamless, she worked damned hard to make it work. Mel though was smitten, we all saw it from the moment she met Sally she was infatuated. She followed her around like a lost kitten and whatever Sally said Mel went along with which shocked the hell out of Jas, Cindy and me. At first it was comical watching her fawn over her, following her everywhere and doing her darndest to get it reciprocated. The uncomfortable part was Sally wasn?t interested. Well not at first anyway not that I could see. It didn?t help that one of us had to spend nights with Mel in our beds crying her eyes out. This was Mel?s first real taste of unrequited love and she had fallen hard. Sally gave her the cold shoulder, ignoring all and every attempt to get her to take the bait. Like I said at first it was funny but once we saw how much it was cutting Mel to bits, I decided to take Sally aside and talk to her. It happened after a show in Hamburg and the others had all gone to bed. It was just Sally and me and the barkeep. After a couple of schnapps, I got brave enough. "Sally I get the feeling you like Mel?" I was talking shit really although over the last week I had seen her eyes following Mel. She choked unbelievingly on her drink. "What did you say?" " like her, she has been throwing herself at you and you?ve rejected her every attempt, but I have seen you on many occasions when you think nobody?s watching staring at her. I think you like her." Sally went bright red and looked away guiltily. "Yes alright, I do like her, but this is my first really big job and I?m trying to make an impression for Gloria. I need to make this work and I don?t think a romance will help me." "I understand that, but do you have to be so cold and callous with her?....I mean c?mon there?s got to be some middle ground, at least talk to her, try and be friends at least." "I?m scared, I know in the past how difficult it is to be friends with somebody you like. I?m afraid if I let down my guard even a little we?ll end up in bed and then I?m fucked." I laughed at her choice of words. "Yes you will be, but cut the girl some slack." Over the next few days, it was noticeable Mel and Sally spent a lot of time together on the bus talking snuggled close together. Both Cindy and Jas at different times gave me a nudge giggling at them. It was the morning I caught them walking out of the same room hand in hand, Sally looking decidedly guilty that I knew it had moved past the friend?s stage. Mel became a different person, she was almost likable. It didn?t detract from Sally though she was as hardnosed as ever. Our last shows were in England, Scotland and Ireland. The very last show was to be at the Royal Albert Hall.? Molly and I had skyped and talked endlessly on the phone and she was supposed to be at our first show in Manchester but she was held up and didn?t actually arrive until we were in Edinburgh. When she walked in, we hugged so tight it was good to have her back in my arms. Damn I missed her so much when she wasn?t around. The show was at Usher Hall and it went off like fireworks. Man, the place rocked and it went off, the Scots are a wild bunch and when they like you they love you. As always our shows are packed with chicks, they form the pack at the front of the stage, mostly drooling over Jas as she works them over swinging her sexy ass in their faces. Mel though it has to be said since her love affair with Sally had started to take a lot more care with her appearance and she looked equally as sexy. From there it was off to Glasgow, Dublin, then Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and the last show in London. Having Moll?s back in my arms made the world seem a brighter place and although we were all tired having her by my side eased my mind. Gloria turned up for the Royal Albert Hall gig and she was full of praise for our hard work. Of course, there was a huge party which she organized and the night was incredible. Food drinks, dancing and a chance to just chill out knowing tomorrow we were on a plane home back to the States. After the party wound down Gloria caught Molls and me and she wanted us to stay the night with her but I had been giving this a lot of thought. "Gloria, I?m tired and I think it best if we just go back to our room." She looked confused, disoriented and more than a little disappointed. She glanced at Moll?s who whispered, "Babe, we could stay for a while." "No Moll?s I don?t want to make a scene but I am exhausted, it?s been a long tour." Gloria pulled us into a hug. "Chill babe, there?s no pressure, if you?re not up for it that?s OK." Molly hugged her tight. "I?m sorry babe, another time." Back in our room Molly undressed for bed and as we snuggled, she whispered. "That was pretty cruel, she was looking forward to tonight, it?s all she?s talked about for ages." I pulled her into my arms. "Yeah I guess it was but can we just focus on us for a while. Gloria is a beautiful woman and I?m sure she?s not short of bed partners." She gave me a worried look. "So are you saying that it?s all over between Gloria and us?" "Yeah, at least for the time being, c?mon Moll?s let?s simply try to see whether we can do this." She sighed. "Wow that was a shock, Gloria wasn?t the only one looking forward to tonight. I was looking forward to us all being together as well. It wasn?t just Gloria." Feeling petulant I spluttered. "If you?re not happy with that then just say so." "No dumbass, you know I love you and I have missed you like crazy but Gloria...we all enjoyed that...why can?t we still get together occasionally?" "In the future maybe we can, but at the moment I want to go back home, settle in and enjoy my fianc?e?s company, be a couple without interferance." Once we were back in LA things got a little tense. Molly was needed in Chicago for a few days which meant I was left to my own devices. Lounging around the apartment wasn?t much fun so I went back to work for Adam. He was busier than ever and it helped him out knowing he could accept some offers he had turned down. My loneliness was eased by Kim who started coming around and keeping me company. Just having a friend to talk to was nice. I didn?t see much of the other girls, they were deep into their own relationships, new places, new things to see so it was just me. To help out Adam I took over running the studio and recording a few acts which he had been stalling because of his commitments at KGM. Molly and I hardly saw each other for days on end and when we did it was rushed, she flew in and days later flew out and it started to get under my skin. I wanted my girlfriend to be by my side. On her next visit home, she walked in looking worn out. She fell into my arms. "Hey babe, god it?s good to see you." I hugged her tight swaying her side to side as my lips closed over hers in a sexy little kiss. "Yeah I?ve missed you as well." She headed straight to the shower and I headed for the kitchen to get some dinner. When she walked out, she sighed. "Don?t bother with food. Gloria wants us to meet her at her place." I carried on cooking. "Tough...I don?t care what Gloria wants. You are off the clock now, this is our time so just relax and let me get dinner for you." She grabbed me. "Don?t be silly, this isn?t just work although she does have some stuff she said she wants to talk to you about, but mostly it?s just friends catching up. I promised we would go over, she wants to talk to us both." "Tough shit, if it?s business then it can wait till Monday. This is our time." "Mi...please, don?t turn this into a fight, she wants to talk to us." Turning her so I could look her square in the eye I snapped, "I said no and I mean it. She can wait!" Seeing the determined look on my face she fumed. "Fine, then you can tell her because I already said it was OK." She passed me her phone and dialed her number. When Gloria answered I said brusquely without waiting for her to speak. "Gloria, we won?t be coming over tonight, Moll?s is tired and I am already in the middle of getting dinner. If you need to talk to us come into the studio on Monday and we can talk." There was a long drawn out pause before she moaned, "Alright Mimi, I get it. I was hoping that the three of us could get together, but if not, fine I will see you Monday morning." She sounded upset and hung up without saying anything else. I threw Molly her phone and returned to getting dinner. "Well, what did she say?" Molly hissed in a real snit. I shrugged. "She said fine, Monday it is." Molly turned and walked to the cushions and flopped back folding her arms behind her head for support. "I don?t see why we couldn?t have gone over." "Because I don?t want to...I told you I want us to work on us, god I hardly see you by yourself anymore. I want us to reconnect. Why can?t we simply focus on us, just you and me." "But you said once we got back, we could see her again." "No what I said was once we were settled and we were both ready, look Moll?s if you aren?t happy with that then say so and maybe we need to reevaluate our future." She snapped, "You know I want to be with you but I also want us to be open and include other people. I have never tried to keep that a secret. You know how I feel. Christ every time we disagree in something it?s like the end of the world with you. Jesus it was just going to be a fun night, a chance for the three of us to get together, shit it?s bloody rare that Gloria and I are in the same place at the same time." Spooning the food out onto a plate I walked over and handed hers to her. "Moll?s I have been trying to tell you...I don?t want that. I just want you. I think it is you who needs to make a decision. Either I am enough for you or I aren?t." She took her plate resentfully and started picking through it. "I don?t understand you Mi, if you didn?t like being with Gloria, I could understand but you like it as much as why not?" "Because I want to build our relationship, Jesus as it is, I hardly see you, if things don?t change soon then I will be getting very grumpy." "Babe my career is going great at the moment, please don?t make a fuss. Gloria is really giving me an opportunity to grow and I love it. God, we have some awesome acts at the moment and some great shows booked." "Yeah, well I have to say I?m struggling with that. I know work has been your priority and I have tried to give you space to do that, but I?m at the stage I want you in my arms every night, to have and to hold, you know the words." She gave me a pitiful glare. "Babe there will be time later, at the moment I need to make the most of it. Gloria didn?t have to offer me this but she did and I love her for it, please don?t fight." She played her trump card the pitiful yearning eyes, the pleading glimpses and I fell into her desire. After dinner we curled up together with music playing softly in the background and we made love right there on the big fluffy cushions. Moll?s really tried to make me forget about my anger and it worked. With her in my arms and our bodies wrapped together it was hard to be angry. Over the weekend we went shopping working our way up and down the shops and malls. We went out to great restaurants we even went to the movies, but Monday morning loomed large. Molly was flying out to Boston that afternoon so she was already packed. Gloria walked into the studio at eight and it was hugs and kisses all around. She sat us down in the chill out room passing over the coffees she had brought with her. "I wanted to talk to both of you because Mimi you mentioned you want to have a solo career and Molly and I have talked about it a lot recently and we think the time is right and we want to make it happen." I nodded appreciatively. "What did you have in mind?" Gloria sipped her piping hot cappuccino and whispered. "You have a lot of material, some recorded and some not. The first step is to gather together the material for an album. Molly has already picked out the songs. We thought with those carefully selected songs recorded we could release it and support it with a tour, a solo tour with shows at the very best venues around the country. This is the perfect chance while the lips take a short break." I nodded. "Sounds good, I smiled, I guess I will be getting my own tour manager?" The reason for the smile was I thought Gloria was attempting to do the right thing and let Molly and me spend some time together even if it was on the road. Molly laughed. "Of course you do babe, you?re a star now." With a big smile I gushed, "So, it will be you and me together against the world huh Moll?s?" Gloria glanced quickly at Molly before she hesitated. "Well no not for the whole tour, I can?t spare Molly for the whole tour, not at the moment. We will find somebody else, we have some great managers and I?m sure one of them will be perfect for you." Stunned by her blas? attitude I sat back in my chair and glanced from one to the other, I faltered a little before taking a sip of my coffee. "Then the answer is no." I turned towards Molly and rasped. "We hardly see each other as it is, if this tour is going to mean I see less of you then the answer is no." Molly slipped out of her chair and grasped my hands in hers. "But what about your solo career? You said it was what you really wanted, babe if you want it you have to work for it, this is important, if you really want a solo career then we need to build it and now while the girls are off doing their thing is the perfect opportunity." Gloria joined in. "Mimi you said that your solo career was a key ingredient, we agree, and think that you can have a fabulous separate career every bit as big as the lips but you need to put some effort in." Molly gripped my arm tightly as I shook my head. "No thanks Gloria." Turning back to Moll?s I sighed. "Molly I want us to spend some time together so bad, every moment you are away it hurts. I need you by my side." She sagged leaning back on her haunches. "Babe please, we can be apart for a while." Gloria could feel the tension building and muttered, "You don?t have to make up your mind right now, I just wanted to start the ball rolling. Perhaps later in the week when Molly gets back we can all get together and talk." Standing up I grumbled, "You don?t get it...I don?t want Molly to fly out. I want her here with me. What?s the point of having a fianc?e if I never see her? I want a solo career but not at the expense of my relationsghip." "Mimi, Molly is building her own career, you have to let her shine just like you do. God damn it Mimi Molly is the best manager I have." "I don?t have an issue with that, but let her work locally for a while, let us spend some time together." Gloria winced as silence cloaked us in its sticky tentacles. Eventually she said. "I think you need to sort out what you want together." She leaned down and kissed Molly. "I will see you when you get back." Molly held her hand and nodded. Once she was gone, I said, "What happens now?" Molly stood up, checked the time on her phone croaking, "I have a plane to catch, if I don?t go now, I will be late. What I think is we need to figure out how we get your solo career off the ground, Mi you could be bigger than the lips if you put the work in now, you have enough fantastic songs to have a top ten album." When I sat staring pensively at her she added, "Think about it while I?m gone and we can talk when I get back." I shrugged. "Have it your way, but I have been thinking about a tour as well, I was hoping it was something we would do together but seeing as how you?re not interested I might go by myself." "A tour.... Jesus Gloria just offered you an album and a national tour and you said no!" "Yeah, well this was going to be more like a holiday for both of us. You told me that you were jealous of the road trip I took when I moved over here and I thought we could do something similar, but like I said if you?re not interested I might just throw the gear in the van and just head out on the road." She sighed. "It?s not that I don?t want to go with you...I would love it but I want my own career and at the moment this is important to me. My life is important as well you know." I shrugged. "yeah OK, I get it, so I might go by myself. Just see where the road takes me." She snapped, "Oh for god?s sake, so you?re just going to fuck off and waste your time playing cheap bars when you could be playing to packed theatres and clubs, getting your name up in the spotlight." I snorted derisively. "Yeah, if that?s how you see it then yes." "Fuck Mi, why does everything have to be a drama with you? Everything has been going so great. The lips still have a single in the charts, the tour was great, my career is taking off and all you want to do is argue and fight." "No Moll?s I don?t want to fight, I just think that maybe we are after different things at the moment. I am suggesting we spend some time apart and try to figure out exactly what we want." She stared blankly at me, neither of us spoke and the tension built. As she stared at me a tear stared to trickle down her cheek. "I love you Mi, more than life itself but you don?t own me, I need my own life as well. I don?t want to spend my life as a groupie following you around. I want to make my way in the world as well. I?m good at what I do and I enjoy it. We have to figure out a way to make this work, we don?t have to be together every fucking minute of every day." "Yeah well it would be nice if we spent some time together, I swear to god Moll?s you spend more time with Gloria then you do with me." "She?s my boss, that?s natural, I mean we talk a lot but we are usually on the opposite sides of the country. Babe she has put a lot of faith in me and I don?t want to let her down, surely you can understand that." I nodded questioningly. "I understand you want to do the right thing for her but what about us? If she cared about us she would let you stay her in LA or if my solo career meant anything to her she would have organized for you to be my tour manager so we could be together." She sighed, bit her lip fidgeted before mumbling softly, "I love you Mi, you know that, but I don?t want to be one of those couples who have to spend every waking hour together. I need a certain amount of freedom." Feeling dejected and disappointed at the way this had gone I grumbled. "You say you love me Moll?s but sometimes I wonder." As we both stood facing off I grumbled, "You know what Moll?s, you can have your freedom, I might take Kim with me instead, I bet she will be interested." I pulled her into my arms and we hugged for an age before I said, "You better go, you?ll be late." I saw the hurt look in her eyes as I walked away.

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I Seduced My Dads Law part

So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life. This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok? So...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Broo

“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Eggnog

The first shot struck Jennifer under the chin. That one came from Lawrence. She was still yelping when Trent’s delivery took her full in the face, filling her mouth and blinding her in an explosion of thick white. She spat and wiped her eyes clear, then pursued her boyfriend, scooping snow as she ran. Trent taunted as he fled, but stumbled knee-deep in a drift. “Bastard!” She laughed as she pelted him, then pushed him over while he was still off-balance. He pulled her with him and they rolled...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Lonely Housewife

She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her; she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds drift...

4 years ago
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Nights To Remember

I escaped my fucked-up life into late-night erotic fantasies for years as waves crashed onto the sand beneath my balcony. I frequented my favorite site and started writing stories after becoming enamored with an author. Her stories had dirty, rough stuff I loved but also sensual and tender in a way I tried to emulate but couldn't master. I fantasized she spent hours getting aroused reading my words as I did hers. When she joined a new site, I quickly followed, seizing an opportunity to become...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Kyli

“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Shelbys Dirty Vacation

“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Billion Dollar Booty Call

Chelsea was late, the victim of a failed alarm clock and cab shortage. She silently cursed her tight skirt and heels as she flew through the lobby, skidding across the polished marble floor just in time to catch the elevator. Breathless, she jumped in, glanced at her watch, and exhaled in relief. The button to the fifth floor was already glowing, pressed by the elevator’s only other occupant. When she turned to say good morning, the words stuck in her throat. It was Liam, the gorgeous new...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Bad Habits Need Hard Measur

For the first few weeks working at Joelle’s, my feet never really touched the floor. This was everything I had dreamed of, and more. In case you don’t know about her - though I’d be curious if you didn’t - Joelle’s the woman who turned makeup into a true art. Where others only “applied” lipstick, rouge and eye shadow, she painted with an artist’s skill and turned the plainest women into goddesses, into true artwork. Nobody knew her surname, and nobody needed to. All the big stars flocked to her...

4 years ago
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Fade to Black

Aidan Black stared at the online text that flashed up onto the screen. ‘I luv ur stories!’ He yawned, and took another sip of his Jack Daniels. He quickly typed a reply and then leaned back in his chair. ‘What do you like about them?’ He smiled at the long pause. All these fans are the same, he thought to himself. Innocent young girls that dream of being treated like dirty sluts and too afraid to tell their college boyfriends that doggy-style after a long alcohol-fused pub crawl just wasn’t...

4 years ago
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It had been five years since my wife died. I was stuck in a rut. It was as if my life had stalled the day Gina passed away. I was as emotionally healed as I would ever be, yet I lacked the will to go out and start anew. I worked, I came home. I slept, and then I headed back to work again the very next day. My life became a cycle. Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.Maybe that’s why I allowed Christie to get so close to me. I told myself I just needed the help, but had I thought it through, I would...

3 years ago
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Im Sorry Daddy

Kailee knew she shouldn’t be here. He warned her of what would happen if she came into his space alone again. Shane, her father in-law was a good man, but he liked things his way. He wanted everything run his way. When Kailee and his son had to move back in with him and his wife while their place was being finished, the rules had been simple. Stay out of his office. Last week Kailee had been wandering around the large house, bored and looking for something to do. She walked down the hall and...

4 years ago
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Danis Dilemma

I watched his plane lift off and disappear into the eastern sky. As I slowly walked across the airport terminal to the parking lot, I tried to compose myself as I wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. I could still feel his lips on my lips and the lingering scent of his shaving soap was still with me, but both sensations were rapidly vanishing. As I climbed into the car, I leaned back one last time saying good-bye to the man I loved. The feeling of the strength of his arms around me in our...

3 years ago
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Caught in the Act

Anna had only been living with Lincoln for three months, one week and five days when he walked in on her masturbating. He’d originally left with an overnight bag swinging from his clenched fist and a casual comment thrown over his shoulder to let her know he'd be spending the weekend at a friend’s place. Ten minutes after he'd walked out the door she'd stripped down to her tank top and panties, feeling the urgent need to relieve some of the tension that being around him regularly caused. In...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Cabo Connection

Damon: I’ll bet you’ll get up to some trouble in Cabo.  I smirked at the text that flashed up on our chat-log from the computer screen. He was always teasing me. Ashleigh: No trouble. At least not the good kind of trouble. I’m going with my boyfriend don’t forget. There was a pause, and while I anticipated his next words, I took a sip of the vodka soda I was prone to drinking while I spent my online hours chatting with my favorite virtual stranger, DamonX. I leaned back in my computer chair and...

2 years ago
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Totally Unacceptable

Dedication: This story is just a bit of fun and is respectfully dedicated to all the tireless story checkers on Lush, whose hard work makes this site possible and who have to put with rubbish like this every day. Also, thanks must go to Fugly, whose story "Bag of Lush All Sorts" was the inspiration for this piece.I was in only my second month at Global Biofuels and still finding my way around the organisation. As the head of procurement in a modern, forward-thinking, ethical company, I had to...

4 years ago
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10 Items Or Less

Robyn thought about sex a lot. She craved sex. Robyn wanted to feel a man’s strong masculine hands all over her naked body, to hear him whisper dirty words in her ear and make her pussy sopping wet.She imagined his hands pulling her hair back and his tongue in her ear as his thick hard cock penetrated her wet cunt. She wanted to feel his bulging biceps caress her sides and the feel of his sweat mixing with hers on their warm wet bodies.Just then Robyn looked up and saw bright red brake lights...

4 years ago
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Bag of Lush all sorts

Anal “You like that, don’t ya Fugs, hey?” asked Eric. “You like a big cock going deep in that sweet tight little puckered up ass?” “You know I do, Babe,” I said between thrusts. “But, do you want to talk or fuck?” “Oh, let’s talk please,” Eric smirked. “How was your day, sweetheart?” “Well asshole, it was going fine... until you opened your mouth. So, stop being a smart ass, shut up and”... BDSM “Take it like the bitch you are,” I said, as I rammed my condom covered rubber opaque cock...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Kinky Twisted College Sex

(episode 31) Prelude to the Party: After finding out about Mary Beth’s kinky tryst at the lesbian club and also allowing myself to participate in Jennifer’s twisted drug-fueled gang bang, I found myself in a very strange mood. In fact it was like being apathetic, ashamed, strangely aroused and creeped out all at once. Despite all the bizarre events of the past weekend, I thought I’d try to maintain my relationship with Mary Beth. I figured my participation in Jennifer’s twisted orgy and Mary...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Focused On Sex

Milena's story My name is Milena and I work in a well-known chain of Opticians on the high street. When the manageress of our store suggested that we have a ‘wear what you want day’ I was excited. I’ve always been one for fancy dress. Then she added one or two caveats. We must be decent and not wear anything that brings the business into disrepute. Knowing me, that was a tall ask, but hey ho! She said it would be good for morale and create a talking point among customers and attract passing...

Quickie Sex
5 years ago
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Losing It

Mike,  Enough endless talking.  You once said that it is not bragging if one can back up one’s words with action, and now it has come time to back up your words, mon petit.   Please see attached; everything has been arranged.  Yours, Jen. No further explanation.A ‘click,’ a mental turn as my brain processed those three short sentences, and time quite changed, my vision dimming as I read the attachment.  It read as follows:Dear Mr. Stone,Thank you for choosing Alaska Airlines. Please make note...

3 years ago
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Claires Conception Part

I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Excerpts From My Inexperience T

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.I’ve always been a bit of a loner. Even in my daydreams, which largely featured a handsome prince who saw me completely differently to how I really am, more time was spent waiting and dreaming of him in those solitary imaginings than I did actually with him in them. I believe that was prophetic, leading into (or perhaps from?) pathetic. When it comes to sex, with two startling exceptions, all of that...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Rach

“Hi, I’m Rachel, and yeah… I guess you can call me a sex addict,” I giggled as I looked at the expectant faces surrounding me. I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I’d never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all? They were a miscellaneous...

2 years ago
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The Devils Harem The Curs

‘To pluck a beautiful flower from the desert is an unpardonable sin.’ – Man Of Mountain, Shoshone Medicine Man My best friend Karla, lived with her dad, Hank, in a trailer until she was eighteen. Then she fixed up an empty trailer, one of those old chrome things with the rounded corners, and moved into it by herself. She used to get spooked in that trailer all by herself. She would call me on the phone and say, “Jan, come over and spend the night. You know I’ve got NetFlix; we’ll rent something...

4 years ago
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Touching Myself

I love sex. I suppose that doesn't make me unusual. Most women do. My urge to share my desires online isn't so common. Maybe I love the attention, and maybe by sharing, part of me hopes others will share their own desires with me.Such things are never easy to speak of. Maybe it's easier for guys, but I don't know if that's true. I do know some girls find it very difficult to talk about their intimate secrets. I think that's a shame. How can we hope to achieve a satisfying sex life if we are too...

4 years ago
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The Midnight Walk

Something powerful stirred inside me when I heard the groan of carnal satisfaction over the gentle waves. That something had been trying to return for a while, nudged toward life with every sultry glance and beautiful body that I encountered or imagined. But when I turned the corner that night and saw her on his lap, rolling her hips, unmistakeably fucking, that was when it officially re-awakened. It had been asleep for literally years; when I moved to Jamaica, it truly slept in peace. It was a...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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A rough night at work

Saturday evening was delightful, the club was jumping, and there lots and lots of pretty people around to enjoy. A tall brunette was giving me the eye, and the way she was looking at me told me we were on the same wavelength. She finally walked up to me and spoke."Can I buy you a drink, pretty lady?"Silly girl, of COURSE you can!"I'd love that, and I love Cosmos. My name's Elizabeth, and you are?"She smiled and it was the kind of smile I liked."I'm Kendra, and I'm impressed, you're very...

3 years ago
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Executive Toy

I sighed, hit “send” on my email, and wondered if it was time for another trip across the road to Costa. The office was supposed to be air-conditioned, but it didn’t seem to be working today, just when it was most needed. It’s not that I was complaining about the hot weather, it’s just that I’d much rather be out sun-bathing than stuck at my computer all day.Suddenly I heard a voice behind me.“I don’t suppose you’ve got any Ibuprofen, Annie. This heat’s given me a splitting headache, and I must...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Wheres the Remote

If I hurried, I had time to drive home, take a quick shower, get dressed and still not be late for my dinner date with Jason. He was working late, so he would be meeting me at the restaurant. Since I knew he wouldn’t be stopping home first, it gave me time to get my naughty surprise ready for him. Hopping out of the shower, I quickly dried off, rubbed on some lotion and made sure I was smooth all over. I put on a lace black bra and garter, slid on some black thigh highs and attached them to the...

2 years ago
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The Little Black C

My boyfriend and I were cuddled together in my bed enjoying the post coital bliss that followed a nice, but not spectacular fuck. I was gently fondling his rapidly deflating penis as he softly massaged my labia - both slippery with various sexual fluids. Devin broke the moment asking, “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this?” “Sssh,” I sighed, “Let's just enjoy this.” “Seriously,” he said, “One to ten, with a ten being mind blowing.” “Devin, let it be,” I protested, “Just be quiet.”...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Pam Sandwich

Pamela had already made the picnic and packed it into a wicker basket when the boys arrived. She’d cleaned the kitchen as well, been a thorough little domestic goddess with her mom and dad away for the week. And finally she had changed from jogging pants and T-shirt into her costume. Nothing outlandish, just a simple white-muslin dress and sandals, and then to the garden to pluck daisies and buttercups and ring them into a crown and a necklace. She stood before her bedroom mirror adjusting the...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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My Husbands Best Friend

On a warm, quiet night, Lauren lay in bed listening, through her open bedroom window, to the deep moans of an unknown woman that was repeatedly brought near climax, only to be edged back from her orgasmic bliss. Lauren’s husband, dead to the world in a deep sleep, lay next to her, oblivious of the other woman but thirty feet outside their window, being ravaged by Jason, who had been their best man just three years ago.Lauren’s fingers were massaging her rock hard nipples as she imagined Jason’s...

2 years ago
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In Praise Of Older Women

Jack’s Story Despite all my reservations, I had agreed to house sit my parent’s place for a month this summer while they were on vacation in Europe. My parents lived in the suburbs and were far from my usual stomping grounds. Literally there was nothing, but nothing, around unless your amusement was the local shopping mall.“Jack,” my father had said, “your mother and I would feel so much more comfortable if you were here. There has been this wave of robberies in this area occurring when people...

4 years ago
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Gift Of The Geisha

Seven o’clock, the black numbers showed clearly against the silver LED background. Tanner noted the time with a sense of detachment, not concerned or hurried, but with an awareness that his guest would soon arrive. A geisha, Tanner thought while gazing out through the expanse of windows in his penthouse apartment.Tanner rolled the word through his mind again, sampling its meaning as if he could taste its implications. Would she offer sex? Probably, but there was no guarantee. From what little...

Straight Sex
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Little Perversions

The city is lonely and my bedside table is in disarray. Cherry cola fizzes in a champagne flute. A ragged copy of Albert Camus’ The Fall holds a position of importance in place of a Bible. It’s bookmarked at Jean-Baptiste’s recollection of that warm autumn night by the River Seine. I like to reread that passage when I can’t sleep. Next to it, there’s a half-smoked joint in a vintage glass ashtray that I stole from an ex-lover’s apartment. I can’t remember his name, but there’s something...

2 years ago
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Shall I Serve You Myself

It was just another normal day in the cheese aisle when I first noticed her. Customers came and went as normal buying all manner of chilled foods. The queue at the deli ebbed and flowed as people clamoured for cheese, cold meats and fresh pizzas. It was my job to manage the staff and ensure all the shelves were fully stocked. In hindsight I didn't pay too much attention the first time, but after four days of seeing her visit my aisles I knew every curve of her body! On day one she bought milk...

3 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is C

As the door closed behind me I looked at my watch. One a.m. I should be home in less than half an hour. It smelled refreshing and invigorating outside. As I walked to my car the last few drops of his semen ran down my leg. My bra and panties were in my purse. I was dressed in my normal work attire, not having showered after. I was sure I was ripe with the fresh sent of rigorous sex. When I arrived home intended to drop my clothes, get into bed, odorous as I was, and shower in the morning.I...

3 years ago
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Kinky Twisted College Sex

(episode 30) My infatuation with Mary Beth grew during January of 2008. She was damned sexy and really good looking, plus she had one of planet Earth’s best camel toes. Another great thing about Mary Beth was that she was almost as daring and insatiable as Jennifer. However, as February came along, a few problems did arise. Mary Beth was becoming more and more possessive and controlling, and she would get really pissed off about me going over to Brittany and Jennifer’s apartment to study. ...

College Sex

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