Marions Story Chapter Five free porn video

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Credit here to my friend and fellow author EM Kay (Marina Kelly) who helped with the story and kept me on the straight and narrow and of course did all the editing so thanks Marina.... It was an incredible feeling sitting with mom, with my secret revealed. The moment I had dreaded the most passed and the fact it happened so easily blew my mind. She was totally accepting, it was like she had wrapped me in one of her pain absorbing hugs that she specialized in when us kids were younger. It absolved me of the embarrassment and guilt, we sat and rocked our hands held tight. Just then April and Molly came strolling in through the front gate hand in hand giggling about something silly. The moment they saw mom and me sitting in the rockers they dropped their hands, as if they were scalding hot potatoes. Mom looked at me and we laughed as I yelled out. "You may as well hold hands, you've been busted mom knows." They came and sat down on the veranda steps and April snapped accusingly. "Did you tell, you little narc?" Mom hissed. "No, he did not, look here young lady if you are going to sleep in only one bed then you need to be more creative with the other..." "Oh I see, so you knew all along?" "Of course, I my dear aren't as sneaky as you think." There was that all-encompassing silence, just the occasional dog yapping to break it up. Mom sighed. "April I don't care about what you get up to and I am not going to judge you for your lifestyle choices, all I care about is that you're happy, but no more lies I want to know everything from now on, you lie to me one more time and I will be looking for a switch young lady." April whispered. "I'm sorry mom, I just didn't know how to tell you and I certainly didn't want to hurt you." "Hurt me, god damn it April I was more hurt by knowing you couldn't confide in me... I am your mother and it hurts knowing that you think so little of me." "Sorry mom." "That's alright, now let's start again, tell me all about your life and I mean everything including this pretty young lass." I got up and left them to it. It was over an hour later when Molly came into the kitchen. "Wow that is one cool lady, god you are so lucky to have such a cool mom....." She gave me a hug before the others came in. That night we had a big family dinner and mom made everyone sit through all the footage of the lips. There was a lot of banter and teasing but they were all pretty impressed. Sue shook her head in bewilderment. "Jesus little bro who would have thought, you the scrawny little runt would turn out so pretty, god knows why you're still pretending why don't we go out to the treehouse and fix you up." Mom bit her head off. "Sue stop it, you have done enough already, I should have paid more attention when you were younger." Sue lowered her head contritely, giving me a guilty look. Slowly the conversation went back to the competition and they all agreed that they were all coming to the next heat. I stayed for a few extra days to keep mom company, we all knew that the next week was going to be hard for her, but Sue was busy and had to get back to the office as did April. So I agreed that it was going to be me, Bev was going to be here as well, but I though at least for the next couple of days it would be nice for mom not to be alone at night. Each day we went for walks and I drove her around to visit friends which seemed to make her happy. Returning from doing errands and the supermarket, I got a surprise. Mom was sitting in the kitchen at the big old oak table and sitting with her was Sandy April's old girlfriend. When mom spotted me, she smiled. "You remember Sandy, don't you?" I nodded surprised, Sandy the spotty nerdy little girl that had been April's special friend had been replaced with a gorgeous vivacious looking woman. "Hi Sandy how's things?" She stood up and we hugged oh god her perfume smelt divine. "I am going OK, what about you, how's school?" Mom chipped in. "He is in a band and they just won the state rounds of Battle of the bands." "Stop it mom, it's nothing special." I snorted. Sandy arched her brows... "Battle of the bands, wow that sounds pretty important." Mom stood up and grabbed Sandy's hand on the way dragging her along to the computer in the den. "There's lots of videos, if you would like to see." I reached across her as she sat down in front of the screen "Mom she doesn't want to see this." I don't think mom realized how embarrassed I was by being outed to everybody. "Nonsense, you want to see don't you Sandy?" Sandy glanced at me as I hunched my shoulders in defeat. "Um yeah that'd be cool, I'd love to see." She gave me a resigned shrug and pulled up a chair beside her, I think she was expecting to sit through something like holiday snaps. Mom was getting to be an old hand at this stuff, she quickly found the official site and popped up the clip of us performing. "When's your band on?" Sandy asked. The deep embarrassment flowed up brightening my face into a bright red. Mom circled her shoulder with a comforting hug. "Silly this is Marion's band we're watching." Sandy did a double take as mom pointed me out. Sandy turned surprised glancing between the screen and me. "Holy shit Marion you look hot." "Doesn't she," mom remarked almost proudly. The smile on Sandy's face was a mile wide. "So, are all the performers guys? Is it like a drag show?" Her snide comment bit but it was mom who stepped in. "Sandy Marion is transgender that is an all-girl band." "Jesus mom please... can we not talk about this, I'm not trans, I just like to wear dresses." Sandy realized she had said the wrong thing. "Sorry Marion, I didn't mean to insult you, I know you used to like it but I always figured you'd grow out of it." Mom glanced at her. "Yeah sorry Mrs. B we used to force him to dress up, it was mostly Sue's idea, she used to tease you something wicked didn't she Marion?" I hunched my shoulders and stared at the floor wishing a huge black hole would swallow me. They both turned to watch the screen and I took the chance to escape to the only place I could get any peace... The treehouse. I had been up there for over an hour when Sandy popped her head in. "Can I come in?" She didn't wait for an invite and just burst on in. I was playing with an old dress I found in the corner. We sat in relative silence. "You know you're lucky, your mom is so cool, she is really proud of you." "I'm sorry you had to sit through that." "Don't apologize, I loved it. Marion you are incredibly talented, you should be proud." "It's nothing special." "You know when my parents found out I was a lesbian they just about disowned me. The only one in town who didn't judge me was your mom, of course she didn't know about April and me." "Huh I wouldn't be so sure about that she is pretty perceptive." "Well if she did, she never said..." "So what happened between you and April?" I asked. "Oh I don't know really, I wanted to tell the world and she wanted to hide in the closet, she was embarrassed by me. I don't think she ever really loved me, it's just I was the only lesbian she knew." "So, what happened?" "Well I got sick of her being ashamed of me, it was just because I wasn't as pretty as her, but I got sick of it and we just stopped hanging around together anymore. I was broken hearted but she didn't even care, or at least that's the way it seemed to me." "Sandy you have to be joking you're beautiful, you always have been." She grinned embarrassed. "Thanks Marion, I appreciate the compliment, but back then I was far from pretty and I know that." "Baloney I always thought you were pretty." "You never said..." "Well that's because you were April's girlfriend and you know a lesbian." We both laughed lying on the floor staring up at the roof. "So, how's life in the big city?" "Ah it's OK, schools pretty full on but now the bands doing OK I don't have to work which is good. What about you?" "Well I have been working as a clerk down at Davidsons and I am studying accounting online, I can't afford to go to college." "Staying at home?" "Na I moved in with a couple of girls." "Wow a couple, that's a bit greedy." She slapped my shoulder. "It's not romantic asshole, we're just sharing an apartment." "Roommates with benefits... Very nice." "Cut it out, actually lately I wonder if I am really gay at all, none of the girls do it for me." I laughed, I wouldn't worry about that, it's a pretty thin gene pool around here, I imagine it must be even thinner if you're looking for a little girl on girl action." "Jesus don't be so coarse, April is the only girl I have ever been with." "Well what about boys? They must be knocking down your door." "Fuck not likely since I told the whole world I am gay none of the boys even bother." I laughed. "Shit there might be a chance for me then." She smiled. "If you were interested yeah you might get lucky." Laughingly I muttered, "You need to know I am a bit twisted, not your usual boy." "Yeah well that makes two of us, Marion I always thought you looked really pretty when we played dress up. I loved doing your makeup, seeing you in that video.... Oh my god you are so hot." Things got a bit awkward after that and it was only mom calling out dinner was ready that broke the stony silence. When we walked inside mom was surprised to see Sandy, well at least she said she was but I noted the table was set for three. "Sandy you have to stay for dinner." As we ate it was mom who kept the bubbly conversation going and after dinner, she chased us off to the living room with strict instructions I had to entertain Sandy by playing some songs. Mom walked in and sat beside Sandy and they both listened to me play some new songs I had been working on. Mom shook her head in amazement. "Lord knows where you get that voice from Marion it is a gift from god." I smiled. "Thanks ma." After I had finished Mom said. "I am having an early night, Marion you better walk Sandy home when she is ready." She kissed us both as she sidled off to bed. "What the hell, it's only eight o'clock," Sandy whispered. I laughed. "I think this is moms attempt at matchmaking." I giggled. She looked at me with surprise. "Matchmaking..... Really?" "Sorry, she is ever the hopeful. I think she is worried I'm gay." She gave me an anxious peek. "Are you?" I shook my head vigorously. "Hell no I am strictly a lesbian." We both laughed as we lay back on the settee watching TV chatting casually. "You don't have to walk me home Marion, its only Dodge." "What! My mother would shoot me if she found out I didn't do what I was told. Besides you never know Wyatt Earp might be lurking around somewhere." She laughed and as I walked her home her hand fell naturally into mine and we swung along together and when we got to her apartment and we were saying goodnight and she slid up close and her lips closed on mine in a gentle kiss that grew slowly and our tongues cuddled and snuggled. It went on and on and my knees went weak. When we pulled apart, she stared into my eyes. "Goodnight Marion." I stared back wanting to say something anything but it is hard to be succinct when all the blood in your body has been absorbed by an organ other than your brain. I wanted to say can I see you tomorrow but all that came out was. "Yeah see yah Sandy." I was nearly out on the road before she called out. "Could we catch up before you leave?" "I'm here till Wednesday and I would love to see you again." I walked back and we kissed again. "I have to work in the morning but I'm free tomorrow night." "I could pick you up and we could go out somewhere?" She smiled. "Sounds perfect." As I walked in the gate at home, I spied mom sitting out on the veranda in her rocker. I flopped into the one beside her. "I thought you went to bed?" "Couldn't sleep, it was to quiet." "Yeah right, I believe ya." "Sandy is such a very pretty girl isn't she?" "Yes miss matchmaker, she is very pretty, but I am not sure about it she was April's girlfriend." "Sweetheart they were young. It was never going to work out." "Mom how do you reconcile all this with god? I know how strongly you feel about your faith." She patted my hand as we rocked gently in the cool evening breeze. "Marion, I believe in god and I believe in love. If god didn't want you to wear a dress he wouldn't let you. If he didn't want April and Molly to be happy then he wouldn't let it happen. Love is the ultimate power. If you like Sandy then see where it takes you. All I ask is don't trifle with that girls' affections, April hurt her enough already." We sat and rocked for a while before I kissed her on the cheek. "Goodnight mom." "So are you seeing her again?" "If you are OK here, then I was going to take her out tomorrow night for dinner." "She could come here, I don't mind." "Mom without sounding mean it's hard to talk to a girl with your mom peering over your shoulder." She laughed. "Yeah alright I can take a hint, but you look after her she is a nice girl." "Yeah I got it Ma I will be on my best behavior." I asked Beverly to invite mom over to their place for dinner. I took an age getting ready for our date I was as nervous as my first time on stage. When I picked up Sandy, she looked spectacular she had on an amazing blue turquoise dress that fitted like a glove and finished halfway to her knee. Her pantyhose shimmered in the light like her sparkly open toed heels. Her makeup was beautiful she was so pretty but not only that I was jealous... Wow what an outfit. We went to the Dodge House restaurant, as we ate, she asked. "So how did you get into an all girl band?" I gave her the whole story and she nodded and listened until I got to the bit about Molly and April. "Jesus she can be so cruel, what a bitch." I sensed that there was more. "So you're still in love with her huh?" "What no I hate her she hurt me and now I know she hurt you as well.... She's a bitch." "Sandy I can see it on your face you are still in love with her, I am OK with it I'm still in love with Molly maybe because she was my first but as much as it hurts, I still have feelings for her." Her head dropped and she looked everywhere but at me. "Yeah I suppose I do love her but I hate her more I have dreamed up so many ways of killing her, I like strangulation the best I want to look into her eyes when her last breath escapes I want her last words to be 'but I love you'...." "Fucking hell Sandy.... She is still my sister." She grinned. "Sorry I want to get on with my life and find somebody who will love me, like I love them." As we worked through our meals the conversation warmed up and we talked about her job and friends and how our lives had changed. I felt my emotions gathering swelling the sound of her voice was so soothing and her cute little laugh was so infectious, I think she felt it as well her cheeks were red as she talked about what she wanted from life I was surprised to hear that children were high on her list. She wanted a family. Slowly the conversation shifted to sex and things got flirty. I asked. "OK tell me what makes you think you are suddenly no longer gay?" "Well now I sort of look at guys, I mean I still see girls as pretty but I wonder what it would be like to you know be with a guy.... Guess I won't know until I try." She grinned. "I need to find a guy who thinks I'm pretty." "Fuck off Sandy every guy in town would be on your tail if they thought they had a chance, jeez you are the prettiest girl in town." She blushed. "You are just being polite, you don't mean that." "Yes I do you are gorgeous so damn sexy... honestly after our kiss the other night it's all I can think about." Cheekily she smirked. "Then why are we still here?" "You mean......" "Yes silly I want you as well, that kiss was amazing I want you too." "Can we go to your place?" I asked hopefully. She shook her head. "Na I have roomies, I don't want them to know, what about your place?" "Fuck no not with Ma there she has ears like an elephant." As we sat staring at each other I got a brain wave. "If you can climb the treehouse in that dress, we could sleep up there." She giggled. "I love it I let April kiss me for the first time up there." So that's what we did we snuck home crept around the side of the house, mom was still up watching TV so we climbed up into the treehouse the problem being there was no mattress or blankets. I had to sneak inside and grab some blankets, luckily mom had left the back door open. As I climbed up pushing the blankets ahead of me Sandy was waiting and she looked nervous as I clambered in. She knelt staring at me like a frightened animal waiting for the axe. I knelt down in front of her. "Hey if you want, we can just snuggle, I don't want you to do this out of vengeance." She leaned forward and kissed me. "This has nothing to do with April, I'm just nervous, do you have condoms?" I nodded. "Yeah I have been carrying em round since Molly left me." Sandy grabbed my head and pulled me into a kiss that defied the laws of physics my head spun so quickly I couldn't believe it was still attached and I felt like I was floating. I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her tighter and drove my tongue into her mouth toying with hers as the heat in my body grew. Her nipples were sharp pointy spears pressing into my chest through my T-shirt. My cock was as hard as I could ever remember her frenzied attack had robbed my body of blood, I let my hands roam feeling her boobies fill my palms as I mauled them fiercely, her nipples hard erect pebbles. "Oh fuck Marion Jesus that's good." I kissed my way down her neck, her shoulders lower pushing aside the spaghetti straps of her dress. I pulled them down her arms trapping them by her sides as I pushed down her bra exposing the creamy white flesh of her tits. I dived on them sucking her like a baby nursing her fleshy mounds filling my mouth. We were still kneeling and her hands tangled in my hair pushing down my hair tie that held my ponytail in place. She freed my hair and tangled it as she held my mouth over her boobs her nipples sucked deep in my mouth. Her moans of pleasure overtook my senses her body was so smooth her skin hot to the touch. I pushed the dress down further and she wriggled to help me get it down past the hips then lifted her legs to let me get it off her. I knelt there in awe admiring her sexy body. "What are you staring at?" she giggled. "The most beautiful girl I have ever seen." "What prettier than Molly?" "A million times yes, you are gorgeous." It might have been a bit of an exaggeration but I wanted her to know that I thought she was beautiful. We fell back into our kiss our arms locked together, we fell sideways onto the pile of blankets as she tried forlornly to undo my jeans and lift my shirt off. I had to push away her arms and sit up until I sat beside her naked as a jay bird. My hands slid along her trembling flesh, her thighs, her tummy, her boobs gently massaging and caressing and as I increased the intensity her hands also reached out and she giggled as her hand fell onto my erection. Like a kid with a new toy she caressed it so gently it was like being held by a bed of feathers, she was hesitant and nervous scared that she would break it off or something, it was the sexiest torture. I pushed her back on the blankets and kissed my way around her body torturing her as she had me. I purposefully went so slow Antarctica would become a desert before I reached my prize, but as I kissed up the insides of her inner thigh her body reacted, writhing uncontrollably trying to get away from my tongue. "Marion you are being a tease." I pushed apart her legs even further wanting to reach the gates of heaven. She jumped as my tongue slithered along the outer folds of her sweet pussy. "Oh fuck," she cooed as my tongue slid into her wet dewy crevice her lips swelling as I kissed my way along the trembling flesh. Her hands were now tangled tightly in my hair as she tried to force the pace crushing my face against her gasping pussy. "Please Marion don't tease don't be a bitch, fuck don't make me beg." My tongue slid deeper into her gooey creamy depths sucking and nibbling as her fleshy pouting lips slipped across my mouth, I breathed blowing hot moist air over her most erotic places. Slowly I slid a finger into her luxuriating in the creamy oven like hole that opened sucking it in clutching and holding as I slipped it in and out. Her thrusting jerking hips shuddered as my speed grew and then another finger and another, three fingers plunging in and out squelching and gurgling using my thumb I pushed back the fleshy hood that covered her lit exposing it to my tongue. "Fuck Marion..... Oh fuck oh fuck Jesus fuck." She panted frantically her body shuddered and jerked spasmodically. I sucked her clit gently at first kissing and nibbling sucking harder pulling at the nub as it popped out throbbing like a small potent cock. "Jesus Marion suck it you fucking bitch I am almost there fuck me fuck me fuck me, with a giant thrust of her hips that lifted right off the blankets her legs flailing and tightening around my head my hair stretched to breaking point as she tugged pulled and crushed my swirling tongue against her convulsing snatch. It took minutes of gentle tongue bathing before her breathing lowered anywhere near a normal level. "Fucking hell Marion... Jesus Molly is crazy babe you should be a woman." I laughed. "Well sometimes I am." She grabbed my cock and laughed. "What with this thing?" "It has some uses." "Well are you going to show me?" I looked at her nervously. "Are you sure?" She kissed me. "God yes I want to feel it." I pulled out a rubber and slid it on as she giggled stupidly, her giggles disappeared as I climbed up her legs and my cock was nudging at the entrance to her gooey hole. I asked one last time. "Are you sure...." "Yes....." she mewed quietly. "Yes I want it." I wriggled from side to side as the head slid in inch by tantalizing inch. "Ooooh god," she purred. "Oh god." "Are you?" "God yes don't stop, fuck it feels so soft." As my balls nestled on her ass I pulled out then back in fucking her slowly. Her legs lifted and I felt her feet on the back of my legs bouncing with each thrust then as the intensity grew her legs lifted higher as she greedily wanted more until I pounded her hard her nails digging into my back her teeth gnawing ferociously on my ears as she wailed . I ripped my ear out of her mouth to kiss her to shut her up as I emptied my balls into her pulsating clutching pussy. I collapsed beside her as she giggled. "Jeez Marion holy shit thank you that was incredible, I loved it." I didn't answer directly as my heart was still racing. "Sandy it's me who should be saying thanks Christ you are beautiful when you cum." She kissed me. "So what happens when you are you know not Marion?" "It's the same except I wear a dress." "And make up... Do you wear makeup I would love to kiss you with your lipstick on?" I laughed. "That could be arranged." We fell into silence enjoying the feel of our bodies snuggled together under the blankets. "When are you leaving?" She asked sadly. "Day after tomorrow, but you could come with me." "What..... No! I have a job and not a lot of money." She kissed me. "I like you a lot but I can't just get up and leave... I need to save some money." "Fuck the money after stealing my girlfriend April owes me! I will make her give you a job and I could help you with your studies." "I'm not working for that bitch, I know you meant well but I couldn't work for her, I couldn't have her telling me what to do." She snapped bitterly. "I would love to go with you and get out of this dogshit town but I need to sort my life out. I loved making love but please Marion give me a chance to get used to the idea." I sat up slipping the rubber off my dick disappointedly. "I understand but Sandy I know this sounds crazy but I have always had feelings for you, even when you were with April I loved watching you get all dressed up and when you kissed her my heart skipped a beat I was jealous I didn't know it then but I know it now." She kissed me again tenderly. "I always like watching you but I felt guilty, I felt like we were forcing you torturing you, I always thought you hated it. I never wanted that." I tried to get her to stay the night but she complained. "I am not doing that walk of shame in the morning, shit I have to go to work. I would love to stay but no I have to go." I fell asleep wrapped in the blankets that still smelt so strongly of her perfume and our sex it was heaven. When I woke the sun was up and the day was well under way. As I walked inside mom was already in the kitchen and she shook her head. "Where have you been young man?" Guiltily I mumbled, "I slept in the treehouse, I needed to think." "I'll get coffee," she smiled. "Thinking... Well what did you discover?" "I don't know mom, I'm mixed up." "Did Sandy help with your thinking?" I gave her a quizzical glance and she grimaced. "Marion if you are going to sneak girls into this place you gotta learn to be quiet. I thought we were being robbed." Sulkily I muttered, "Sorry mom." "I am not judging Marion but Sandy is a nice girl and this family hurt her enough, now I warned you about toying with her emotions, it's alright for you, you're leaving tomorrow but she is going to be stuck here." "Mom I asked her to come with me, but she turned me down, I like her." She hugged me, wrapping me in her motherly arms. "Oh honey I am so sorry......she might change her mind." "Na I don't think so, she seemed pretty adamant." "Well sweetheart give her time, she probably has a lot to figure out for herself, moving to a new city, a new man in her life, it's a lot to take in." I nodded enjoying her hug. "Are you gonna be alright mom? Or should I stay?" "If you want to stay for Sandy that's fine but I am fine, Beverly lives nearby and she will be here most days." I nodded. "I wasn't staying for Sandy, I am worried about you, I love you mom and I know how close you were with Grandma." "I will miss her, but you have your life to live. I am hoping April might come home more regularly now." That night I waited outside the market where Sandy worked and she smiled broadly when she spotted me sitting on the bonnet of 'big orange' my old Chevy nova wagon. She sauntered sexily up swaying her hips like a model strutting the runway. "Well hi there stranger, Whatcha doing?" "Picking up my girlfriend." She turned looking behind her then around before focusing on me. "Girlfriend.... But there's only little old me." "Well I was hoping that you were my girlfriend." Putting on her best southern drawl she said. "But sugar you ain't even asked me to go steady.... Ain't you being just a little presumptuous?" I was sure she was joking but with little experience at dating I wasn't sure. I sunk down onto one knee, and a small gathering of tittering passersby stopped. "Sandy would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" She laughed. "Well now that ya asked in front of all these folks I have to say yes don't I?" Her big beaming smile allayed my fears. "You don't have to if you don't want to, you can always walk home." "Now dontcha be getting all uppity with me, I did say yes." She pulled me up until we were standing toe to toe. "Marion I would love to be your girlfriend if you'll have me." We kissed to some polite applause as the crowd dissipated. As we were driving to her place she asked, "So what happens now, I suppose I can't sleep with any other boys?" "Hell no," I snarled. "Well what about girls?" I shook my head. "Sandy if we are going to make a go of this it has to be just you and me." She pushed me playfully. "Lighten up Marion, I was just joshing." "I don't know how we make this work Sandy but I want you to come and live with me when you're ready." "honey I'm ready now I just have to sort out my stuff here, I can do my studies anywhere but it's all the other stuff." We stopped at Miss Kitty's caf? on the way home and we talked some more casual easy conversation. I thought I better warn her that mom knew. "By the way, when we get home mom knows about last night, she busted me this morning." "Oh shit... Was she mad at me? God I hope she doesn't think I'm a slut" "Mad at you... Hell no but she bawled me out and warned me that I had to look after you proper or she was going to give me a whooping." She giggled. "So is that why you asked me to be your girlfriend... Or are you just taking a shot at April?" "I asked you because I like you, I already told you, I think you are funny and smart and the hottest chick in town." She kissed me. "Marion, I have to warn you I am not sure... I really like you as well but my sexuality I'm still unsure." I picked her hand up and kissed it. "Let's take it one day at a time and if that's the way the cards fall then that's the way they fall. If you come to live with me, you're going to be surrounded by hot chicks that're mostly lesbians." She clapped her hands. "Oh goody, then I won't have far to look." I think the look of horror on my face said it all. "Wow lighten up Marion, I'm joshing, man you better develop a sense of humour or we ain't gonna last one bit." It was a sad goodbye when I drove off leaving Mom and Sandy arm in arm, at least mom would look after my interests. Certainly, it didn't take long for word to get around I had barely been back in Lawrence two days when April rang. "So you got a new girlfriend I hear?" "Uh huh. Didn't take you long to find out." "Mom told me, Marion be careful I know she thinks she is confused but she is gay little bro. I don't want you to get hurt again." "I think I will be OK so long as you keep your hands off her." "Marion I have apologized to many times already, stop throwing it in my face OK." "If she is gay then I am prepared for it, but I like her and I think she likes me." "Molly likes you as well, in fact I think she is still in love with you in a way. She still talks about you all the time and I see the look on her face. Sexuality is all that stands in your way." "I don't think so April... For your information Molly loves cock... So watch your back." I hung up her supercilious manner vexed me. Over the next couple of week Sandy and I talked every day and she moved in with mom, it saved her money and kept mom company, the good news for me was I was able to talk to them both. The band was busy since winning the state heats we were in hot demand playing gigs all round the area we now had a big fan base in Kansas City and we were playing there at least once every couple of weeks. Kansas has a much larger than normal LGBGTQ scene and there are lots of bars that run special nights once or twice a week and we were doing the rounds but our reputation was growing. On a personal level I was a bit lost I had really fallen for Sandy in a way I wasn't expecting and although she said she was comfortable with my alter ego Mimi I was skeptical and didn't want to endanger our budding relationship. At first, I tried to stay away leaving my female persona locked in the closet but it was impossible when I had to drag her out every weekend to play in the band. My twisted emotions were driving me towards making a decision I didn't want to make. I decided to try and wind it back. At rehearsals I started wearing just my usual clothes which drew some sneers and strange looks. The girls liked me to be Mimi even at rehearsals and leading up to my trip home the only time I was out of drag was when I was at school, but now I was trying to take a step back. I tried to explain it to the girls after rehearsal one night as we sat around unwinding. "Look guys I have been questioning myself lately and trying to be two different people and its hard work, its stressful living a lie." Mel laughed with a bit of a sneering bite. "Then don't.... Kick boring old Marion to touch, grow some balls and come out of the god damned closet, be the girl you always should've been." "Shoulda known you wouldn't care, but it's hard, you know really damn hard, I am wondering if maybe I shouldn't pull the pin." Jas jumped up and fell at my knees. "No babe, please you are just having a little moment, you love Mimi, you come alive on stage you are the heart of this band we will be nothing without you." Mel spat out, "Fuck you Jas, we were doing OK without her, if she wants to go let her." I stood up quickly and threw my beer bottle against the wall. "Yeah well, I might just do that, I don't need you Mel. I'm outa here!" I stormed of leaving my gear behind, I would pick that up in the morning. At home I paced around the apartment wearing a track in the floor. To hell with them I could do this alone, they could shove their poxy band. I was back at the rehearsal room packing my gear in the car when Jas came wandering in. She gave me a nervous peck on the cheek. "Hey Mimi." I nodded in silent acknowledgement. She peered into my eyes and she hugged me. "Come and sit down babe, tell me what's going on... how come the sudden change of heart?" We grabbed a couple of cokes and we sat together. "Come on Babe don't shut me out, something has happened, you seemed so comfortable as Mimi." I sucked in a deep breath it was hard to be angry at Jas... She is such a sweet good natured little pixie. "OK I have a new girlfriend and I am nervous about her seeing me in drag." "Wow new girlfriend, back that wagon up!.... When do we get to meet her?" I shrugged. "I don't know she lives in Dodge I am waiting for her to move in with me." "If she doesn't even live here what's the rush?" "Jas this whole Mimi thing has taken over my life I almost forgot what it's like to be myself anymore. Going home for Grandma's funeral forced me to accept I am still Marion, I am still a guy. I need time to find myself before she moves here." "Does she know about Mimi?" "Yes, but I don't want to risk it we spent a night together when I went home and she enjoyed being with me Marion." "If she knows about you why not let her make up her own mind, how long have you known her?" "Since I was about ten I guess." "How did you meet?" "She used to be Aprils girlfriend." She just about choked. "What you mean she's gay... Christ babe don't be an ass if she is suddenly straight then she might like Mimi." "Jas this is bigger than just Sandy... It's about me. I want to try being me for a while and if you guys won't support that then I don't know what to do." "Hon you know how I feel we would be nothing without you now, but all our fans know us for what we are. I mean everybody will know if suddenly Mimi is Marion.... The whole world will know are you ready for that fall out?" I hadn't really thought about that aspect and she saw the realization dawn on me." "Maybe I have to step back, you guys were doing OK without me... You can find another guitar player." She hugged me. "Babe this is bigger than the band you are our friend, I love you." "What...." I spluttered. "Settle down I don't mean like that, although if it kept Mimi around, I would give it a go. Honey I love you like a sister I don't want to do this without you." We finished our cokes and she helped me load up my gear... "Please babes don't make any rash decisions we have that gig tonight at the Uni, let Mimi out and then we have the best part of a week to see what happens." She drove away leaving me more confused than ever. I loved playing in the band but she was right I couldn't kill off Mimi and suddenly become Marion without exposing myself to the world and all the shame and humiliation that goes with that dirty revelation. When I got home, I wandered around trying to figure out what to do when my phone went off. It was Sandy on a video chat. "Hey sexy, Whatcha doing?" "Not much just about to get ready for tonight's gig." "Ooooh I wish I was there to help bring the magical Mimi out. Whatcha gonna wear?" "Sandy are you sure you want that? I mean if you are worried about your sexuality perhaps, I should stop the dress up stuff." "No way babe, no god damned way... Jeez I am dying to meet Mimi, I can't wait. Go on show me what you're gonna wear." I hesitantly walked towards the wardrobe and started to rummage through it. "Shit," she yelped. "You've got more clothes than me. Holy shit." I laughed, she was right I did have a lot of clothes. "Marion how many of them are Mimi's?" "Most of them." I giggled. "Guess I am a bit of a hoarder." "I am seriously jealous, oh my god I am going to love sharing that wardrobe with you, although first up best dressed." She seemed really upbeat and into Mimi. "Sandy I am confused at the moment and I don't know what to do. I don't want you to think I am some kind of weirdo." "Hey there's nothing weird about wearing a dress, I wear them all the time." "C'mon be serious I'm confused." "I can see that, not surprising with a wardrobe like that. Marion, I like you but I'm betting I'm going to like Mimi more. I watch those clips with your mom most nights although I have to say I hated the one you wore last night, please promise you will never ever wear your hair like that again, Mom was horrified." "You saw that?" "Yeah somebody added some video to the bands Facebook page. Everybody was making fun of you, please babe be sexy tonight I want you fighting the girls off all night." After talking to her I was more confused than ever, but when I looked at our Facebook page, I saw what she meant I did look horrible and there were lots of shitty comments. I started to get ready early, I had a red leather mini skirt which I coupled with a black crows T-shirt that was at least two sizes too small. When I pulled on my corset, I had to really cinch it tight a cut of demin jacket completed the look I chose my favorite steepling 4 inch heels. Because they were short little boots that strapped up over the ankle, they gave me plenty of support to strut my stuff on stage. I started by moisturizing my legs... I love the smooth feel of my legs when they are freshly moisturised as I rolled on my black stockings. I revelled in the feel of the silk sliding up my smooth skin. The skirt was so short the garter straps would sexily show. I pulled the skirt up and zipped it up, god it was tight, there would be no bending over in this thing I inserted the pads into my bra and paraded in front of the mirror I loved the look. Now it was makeup. I decided on braided pigtails I had spent many times doing April's hair into pigtails, it was a bit more difficult doing it for myself but I wanted something different, something memorable. I applied layer after layer of plumper lipstick trying to pout up my lips. By the time it was time to go I was running late. When I turned up the other girls were already set up and Mel gave me a cold stare but Jas came in for a big hug and Cindy was close behind. Jas gave Mel a sour look and she came in for a hug as well. "Sorry bout last night I shouldn't have said what I did." I kissed her on the cheek. "No you were right, it's OK I just had a moment of doubt I am struggling with my identity at the moment." Cindy stated rather loudly. "Well next time talk to us babe, don't bottle shit up, we are a family up here we have to have each other's back." "Stop it you're gonna make me cry." It was another fabulous gig and we got overrun afterwards. Mel went home with another girl, Jeez she really was a slut almost every night she was with somebody new. Cindy was the quiet one, she never hid from the crowds in fact she seemed to love it, but her legs seemed welded shut. It was very rare to see her with anybody and Jas seemed to me well and truly in love with Taylor her new squeeze. I was barely home when I got the video chat from Sandy. "Wow I loved the new look, I can't wait to have those pigtails in my hands while you make love to me, god that outfit is so damn hot I'm going to wear that when I get there." "So when will that be, I am getting lonely?" "Mom and me are coming to the show in St Louis, we are just trying to find accommodations." You can stay with me, they are supplying us all with rooms." "What about Mom?" "I will see if I can get an upgrade, maybe a twin share room." "What... you mean she would be in the next room... Jeez is that what you really want? Your mother listening to us.... You are kinkier than I realized." "Oooooh yuck holy crap Sandy Jesus.... I was just trying to figure out a way we could be together." She laughed. "Calm down I was just joking I could never do anything with your mom close by." "I will see if I can get some sort of deal with the promoters." "That's OK you looked really sexy tonight so gorgeous I can't wait to hold Mimi in my arms." "Mimi or Marion?" I asked. "Both silly although I have already held Marion now, I want to experience Mimi, I have been dreaming of nothing else since I saw those videos." "So, is that what got you interested in me? Does Marion have any chance?" "Sounds like you are jealous of Mimi or something." "I guess I am a little confused, since we hooked up, I am wondering about Marion's identity it is hard being two separate people. Would you be interested in me if it wasn't for Mimi? I need to know." "I don't know Marion I have always been attracted to you since we were kids there was always something, I mean I haven't even met Mimi yet I don't know." "I am nervous about Mom seeing me in a dress the whole thing has just got weird. I was so worried about mom finding out and now it's like it was no big deal... She seems so into it it's scary." "She loves you, just as much as the other girls, she accepted Bev's pregnancy, April being gay, don't you see she doesn't care so long as you are happy." After our conversation I was more confused than ever about my identity, the one thing I did know was I loved Mimi I loved everything about her, the clothes, the smell the way people fell at her feet. I spent at least an hour after every gig fighting off fans some wanting autographs or free stuff but most wanted dates and they were ninety percent girls... Lesbians... That's the bit that upset me, it was all a fa?ade they would be horrified if it ever became public knowledge... For some reason gays hate transgender people especially those who float between hetero and homosexuality. Trans people are really shunned by everyone straight or otherwise. I was able to get a different room for Mom, I had to pay for it although at a reduced rate. The big weekend was fast approaching and rehearsals were stressed, Mel is hard to deal with when she is stressed. She is very demanding maybe not OCD but she sure is a perfectionist when it comes to the songs. We ended up after much fighting choosing a selection of the original Lip's songs and my songs which we had added to the mix. Jas was on a mission as well she wanted to take control of what we wore and she wanted to follow the methods that had worked for some bands. ACDC and the school boy look. siouxsie and the Banshees sexy costumes, she was adamant that we needed to have a point of difference from all the other acts. We knew or had seen on YouTube all of the other acts. They were mostly male although one band did have a female singer. We were going to be the only all-female band, well as far as everyone knew all female. Jas wanted to emphasis that with very skimpy outfits. I rebelled. "Jesus Jas my mom's going to be in the audience I am not getting on that stage flashing my bare ass." She laughed. "So what about your new girlfriend is she going to be there?" "Yeah she will be there as well." "Well I bet she would love to see your ass bared." I snapped. "Yeah well I don't care, come up with something more fitting or I will just wear jeans and a T." "Like Hell," Mel spat out. "No we are all in this together, no it would look ridiculous if we didn't all follow suit. Just find something less stripper like Jas." She sulked. "OK I'll see what I can do but I really liked these costumes." Cindy laughed. "Hell, yeah I thought they were smoking, I was looking forward to sitting back there watching those cute asses bouncing around in front of me." Mel gave her an icy glare. "Fucking perv..." So, with our set list decided and our costumes picked out we were ready, well as ready as we would ever be, the nerves were starting to kick in, the event was going to be filmed as part of a TV series and it was big. We were already scheduled for personal and band interviews, we had to supply bio's and everything. That bit worried me, I had sat for four hours trying to figure out how to answer some of the questions, about school, families how I got into music, influences all that stuff. Once I entered my details, they would become part of my perceived reality, I would be telling a huge lie, but not just me the band as well. With the backline provided there was no need to take amps or drum kits so we talked about driving together but with Mom and Sandy turning up I figured I should drive them, they already had a four hour drive behind them before they got this far. So they travelled to Lawrence on Friday and stayed the night with me. I was standing outside on the pavement as they drove up. Mom broke into a big smile and we hugged, she shook me like a rag doll. "Sweetheart it is so good to see you." When she stopped Sandy fell into my arms as well. It felt a bit weird with mom standing there watching, but we did share a quick kiss before I carried their bags upstairs. They were both pretty impressed with the apartment, Sandy just walked around saying 'wow'. Mom asked about sleeping arrangements and I said they would have to share the bed and I would sleep in the living room. Sandy looked disappointed and mom smirked. I took them out for dinner and as we were sitting eating mom almost whispered. "Honey I hope I am not in the way, when do we get to meet Mimi?" I frowned. "Mom you're not in the way, I love having you here, but I am embarrassed, I am OK being Mimi usually because nobody knows I'm a guy... I guess tomorrow before we leave. Mom I need to ask you to go along with it tomorrow, keep my secret." She nodded. "I understand son, Sandy told me all about the little ruse, but why do you keep it a secret?" "Because I'm embarrassed by it, I let Molly talk me into this so I could join the band and now I am trapped in living this lie." She clasped my arm and hugged me. "Sweetheart it's OK, I wasn't judging, I will keep my big trap shut tight as a drum." Sandy who had been sitting quietly playing with her food muttered. "Marion I think you should be proud of who you are not embarrassed, I am not saying come out or anything. I just mean you shouldn't feel embarrassed. I was hoping to meet Mimi today." Mom added, "I have to say honey I was a bit shocked as well, I thought it would be Mimi who greeted us. I shook my head in disbelief. "You realize that Mimi is me right..... There is no magical change just a dress and some makeup." They both laughed and mom asked, "So, have you heard from April? Is she coming to the show?" I took a quick glance at Sandy who I saw flinch. "Yeah I spoke to her a few days ago, but no I don't think they will be there." Mom scowled. "Oh I was hoping to see her before heading back." "We could stop on the way and say hi, if you like?" She smiled. "That would be lovely if we could." Sandy asked, "Did you tell her about us?" It was my turn to smirk. "I didn't have to.... The jungle telegraph beat me to it, but when we talked, I said yeah we were going out." Mum gave me a scowl. "What was I meant to say, she asked." "So what did she say?" Sandy asked trying to hold back her smile. "Not much she seemed surprised, shocked I suppose, but she didn't say anything bad." As we were walking back home mom drifted behind us and she was on the phone organizing with April to meet tomorrow. Sandy slipped her hand into mine as we walked and nestled up against me. "So you're sleeping in the living room huh?" I sighed. "Well like I already said, what was I meant to do, I couldn't ask her to." She kissed my cheek. "It's OK I was just joshing, although I'm disappointed." I whispered, "Not as disappointed as me that's for damn sure." She snickered. "Maybe we could drop off your mom and we could go somewhere private?" I squeezed her hand. "Shit I would love that and I know just the place." Mom caught up with us. "Good news April and Molly are coming to the show, they said I could drive with them, give you lovebirds some time." Sandy didn't seem that happy about it but she put on a smile for moms' sake. When we were making ourselves comfortable at home and I was making coffee Mom said. "Honey why don't you show Sandy around the town, I'm a bit tired but I am sure she would love to do some sightseeing wouldn't you dear?" Half an hour later I was showing Sandy into our rehearsal room. She looked around. "So this is where the magic happens?" I smiled broadly as I dragged her into my arms. "Well it's going to tonight." Our lips collided in a searing kiss it was so overpowering we fell backwards landing on a pile of insulation material. It was fast and furious as we ripped each other's clothes off. Her jeans were so skin tight it was a real mission bit the moment my hand was inside her panties I felt the heat and moisture. I rubbed my hand across her mound pushing down and crushing open her slit exposing her clit which throbbed angrily under the pressure. Our tongues played and danced as her breathing became erratic her hips thrusting wildly against my hand as my fingers plunged into her wanton crevice. Already exuding juices like a squeezed orange, I rubbed harder and harder her boobs pressing into my mouth as I sucked and licked nuzzling like a suckling baby. Her pussy squelched wetly as I pumped her my hand almost disappearing up her soppy hole. "Fuck Marion, Jesus I am going to cum baby fuck don't stop." Her hand was just as busy as she stroked and pumped my erection. Thankfully she stopped as her orgasm took over her body shuddering jerking like crazy. I was between her legs in a flash my latex covered cock sliding deep into her silky depths to the accompaniment of her deep moans of pleasure, oh my god talk about heaven I was balls deep, she moaned and writhed kicked and scratched as I filled that little latex sheath with the sticky contents of my convulsing balls. By the time we got back to my place mom was already in bed. Sandy and I fell asleep in each other's arms tucked up together among the pile of cushions in the corner. We woke early with the first early morning rays of sun bursting through the big plate glass windows. We were already cooking breakfast when mom appeared looking quizzically at us. "You two must have been out late." I deflected her with an omelet and coffee. The next bit was the toughest and the bit I was least looking forward to, the birth of Mimi. I helped with the clean-up and tidying the pillows and mom asked. "What happens now are we leaving? Do you get changed here or St Louis?" "No mom I will have to stay dressed the whole weekend, and I sort of need to start now." She smiled. "OK sweetheart, we can finish the tidying up. You do your thing." I walked into the bedroom and started to go through my wardrobe, I had a good idea of what I was going to wear but with mom standing there watching I couldn't do it. I walked out and she gave me a startled glare. "I thought you were getting ready?" "Mom I can't do it while you are here, I feel embarrassed." She glanced at Sandy who chuckled softly at my dilemma. She definitely wasn't helping, in fact she seemed to be enjoying my torment. Mom saved me. "Sandy perhaps we could go and have a look around town, do some shopping?" Sandy reluctantly agreed and they wandered off out the door. I rushed knowing they wouldn't be long, pantyhose, flats my corset and a summery shift style dress with a square bodice I used just enough padding in my bra to give a nice swell at the bust. The makeup was hard, daytime makeup is so much harder than a smoldering night-time look. It took longer than I wanted and I had barely applied my nice pink lipstick when I heard them at the door. When they walked in, I saw the look on moms' face... her chin just about hit the floor. Sandy looked stunned as well and she stuttered. "My god you look really pretty." Mom chimed in. "Marion honey she is right you look like..... Oh I don't know..." She burst into tears and I thought it was all over but she shocked me. She walked over and gave me a hug. "Sweetheart you look adorable." She kissed me before Sandy got a chance but she almost pushed mom out of the way she was in such a rush. "You are way to pretty, oh damn you look like.... I mean I wouldn't have known. If we just met I wouldn't recognize you," Sandy then spent half an hour doing her own makeup moaning that she didn't want to be the odd one out. Mom and I sat in the sun and she held me tight. "Marion honey this is a shock for me, I didn't expect you to be so perfect, I am proud of you sweetheart and if this is really you then I want to support you, I am not ashamed or embarrassed, if this is you then you have to know I am behind you all the way." We hugged and there were tears and somehow her acceptance was the elixir I needed it was so empowering. I had been so worried about what she would say when it was real and in front of her, not on some video, but seeing the tears in her eyes and the love totally swept me away. The 40 minute drive to Kansas City was fun Sandy teased me about how cute I looked and mom even joined in it was a lot of fun. We pulled up outside April's place, it was pretty ritzy neighborhood. As mom was getting out of the wagon Sandy sort of slunk down in the seat. I opened the door. "Come on, you can't hide in here, you have to face her at some point." "No please babe I don't want to see her." Mom saw us and came over she didn't muck around she reached her hand in and pulled softly on Sandy's arm. "Come on sweetheart there's nothing to be scared of." "I'm sorry I can't do it I can't see her." "Don't be silly honey you are part of our family you have nothing to be embarrassed about." Sandy slowly got out she looked so hesitant I pulled her into a tight embrace and as we kissed I heard April give a shriek as she came running down and jumped into moms arms. Sandy and I watched and I held her close. When they finished their hug, April turned and smiled. "Hi Marion." She turned her gaze to Sandy and reached for her. "Hi babe how are you?" Sandy fell into her embrace and there were tears as they both broke down and sobbed. Mom gave me a hug. As I looked towards the house Molly stood watching and if Sandy was hesitant Moll's was glued to the spot motionlessly staring. She waited for us to walk up the drive and it was mom who gave her the first hug and introduced Sandy to her, they tentatively hugged before she said, "Hey Marion, you look nice, the shows going to be awesome." April joined in. "Yeah you guys are going to kill it." Molly and I hugged. "Thanks, but I don't think we will go so well, you know what it's like, being from Kansas. If it was anywhere else it would be cool, but...Missouri there is no love lost there. It means we start behind the eight ball." April chuckled. "You need to start having some faith little bro, you guys are better than you think." "Hell yeah!" Molly cried out. Mom added her ten cents. "I agree with April, I don't know much about music but the audiences seem to like you a lot and I think you are wonderful." As we walked inside Molly picked up Sandy's hand who looked shocked. "So, Sandy has Marion been looking after you?" She mumbled shyly, "We only arrived yesterday but the place is nice." April's place was huge very modern with what looked like new upmarket furniture, it was very much straight out of a brochure. April dragged mom by the hand and took her on the grand tour leaving Molly, Sandy and me standing awkwardly. Molly being Molly just dived in. "Sandy you know that Marion and I used to be an item and I know you used to go out with April but I don't want things to be awkward, can we at least try to be friends?" Sandy glanced back and forth between Molly and me before she smiled shyly. "Yes I would like that." "Is that ok with you Mi?" I nodded. "Of course, I want us to be friends as well." She held her arms out and we all shared a hug and Molly and Sandy held on for a little to long for my liking. "Sandy you look gorgeous." "Thanks Molly but I don't go to a lot of these things and I didn't know what to wear." "Oh, honey you should have raided Mi's closet there's heaps of cool shit in there." She grabbed her hand and announced. "Come with me, I have the perfect outfit for you." Sandy stared back at me forlornly as Moll's dragged her away to the bedroom. Moments later April and mom appeared. "What the hell are those two up to?" April asked. I just shrugged. "God knows... Something about an outfit..." April gave me a hug and held me tight. "Little bro I am so glad you came today, I want us to get back to the way it used to be." Molly and Sandy came out dressed like a couple of very hot party going chicks. Jesus Sandy's skirt a denim mini which barely covered her ass and she was wearing stockings... Holy shit she looked stunning, teetering on pointy little stiletto heels, her top was a sequined tight fitting thing that made her boobs stick out like beacons. Molly looked like her twin in an equally short form fitting denim skirt and shiny lycra top. "Well what do you think? Do we look alright?" I thought mom was going to choke, her face was bright red. "Oh my you look very..... I mean... Very." April kissed her. "Its OK mom we know they look sexy right." Mom nodded. "Yes of course.... But... Those... oh never mind, yes girls you look very modern." I thought to myself. "What the hell is she going to say when she sees me on stage? Jesus, I started to sweat already. "I hate to be a party pooper, but I have to get going." Molly announced, "Well get going then, Sandy can come with us, she and I can sit in the back and compare notes." April and her laughed loudly, but Sandy looked nervous. I said sternly, "No thanks Molly, Sandy can keep me company, better she stays away from you I think." "Spoil sport," she hissed. As we pulled out of town onto the freeway Sandy heaved a big sigh of relief. "Wow that was tough, are you mad at me for going off with Molly?" "What... no of course not, well that is unless you're telling me I should be?" She giggled. "No of course not, although she is really pretty, I can see why you were in love with her, it's just if it was me, I would be jealous..." "I didn't say I wasn't jealous, I just said I wasn't upset." She giggled. "It would have been fun to compare notes with her though, she has so much more history with you than I do, she probably knows what you like, did you know she was gay when you started going out with her?" "I guess I sort of suspected, she hung around with the girls in the band so I guessed that she was bi." "Are you mad at April?" I nodded. "Yeah at first I was furious, I swear I could have killed her, but now I am trying to get used to it for the sake of having a relationship with April. Molly I was hoping to never see again but we talked at grandma's funeral and I am trying to put the past behind me." Sandy gave a nervous giggle. "She said you like blowjobs." "What.... Jesus Sandy why were you talking about that with her?" Her giggle turned to a sob. "I'm new to all this. I am so unsure about what I am supposed to do, I have never been with a guy and I want to please you, you give me so much pleasure and I just wanted to reciprocate." Giving her hand a squeeze I muttered, "Sandy we can learn together, you don't have to worry, there's no rush, we will just explore as you get comfortable, I'm in no rush and babe, you don't have to worry I am satisfied, or at least I would be if you lived with me." She squeezed my hand. "Thanks babe, by the way I didn't really say while your mom was here but I don't like the outfit you are wearing, it makes you look like a schoolteacher." I laughed. "Yeah I don't like it either, I did it for mom I didn't want to shock her, I know she says she's OK with it, I just thought having a son dressed as a girl would be hard enough without looking like a stripper, I thought it might be a bit much for her." We both laughed and the trip disappeared in a flash as we actually got to know each other. I had known Sandy most of my life but we didn't know that much about our loves and hates. We talked about all sorts of things as we got to know more about each other. We pulled up at the hotel and headed for our rooms. We went straight to my room, the door barely closed before Sandy had her tongue down my throat pressed up against the door kissing me like there was no tomorrow. Her hand went straight between my legs, lifting my skirt and grabbing a handful of my panties. "Wow you have a hard on." "Jesus what do you expect, dressed the way you are I had a hard on from the moment I saw you in that outfit." Her hand crushed my nuts and squeezed my erection. "Would you like a blowjob?" Her big eyes staring into mine... When I didn't reply straight away she teased. "Well would you?" Stuck for a reply I stuttered something about getting changed but she slid down my body until knelt at my feet. She pulled my panties down and I stepped out of them. "Sandy you don't have to do this." She sneered, "Like hell if this is what she did then I'm doing it to." Her hand grasped my cock firmly and stroked it pushing the skin up over the head then all the way back, leaning forward her lips kissed the swollen head kissing licking then slowly opening and taking the head into her mouth. "Oh fuck." I moaned as my knees went weak and I leaned back against the door trying to stay upright. She stopped and peeked up at me with a worried frown. "Don't you like?" "Jesus of course I do, fuck it feels wonderful your mouth is so hot." She giggled. "Do I just suck on it like a lollypop or something?" I laughed. "Yeah something like that." Her mouth closed over the head and she sucked and licked it the head slipping in and out of her mouth. Her hand stroked my shaft but her fingers were so soft she was driving me crazy it was torture. She licked the head her swirling tongue licking me just like a lollypop which was fun but I was now fully aroused and wanted to cum and she was so tentative and just licking and kissing. After fifteen minutes or so she stopped and stared up at me with sad eyes. "I'm doing it wrong aren't I?" I pulled her up and we kissed. "I loved what you were doing, it was incredible, but I want you to do it when you want to, not because you feel you have to." "What was I doing wrong?" "Nothing babe, it was amazing." "Then why didn't you cum?" "Babe it was just a bit slow for that, it was fine I loved that you wanted to do it." She knelt back down. "Well then tell me what I have to do." "OK do just what you were doing, open your mouth." Her mouth engulfed my aching cock and I pushed forward pushing almost the whole thing into her mouth. I grabbed a handful of her hair and guided her mouth up and down my shaft slowly careful not to choke her but she learnt quick her tongue swirling as my head pushed in and out her mouth and she sucked it hard. I grabbed her hand which was resting on my hip and placed it on my cock and showed her how to stroke as I pushed in and out. It didn't take long and soon my balls were convulsing uncontrollably, my knees trembled. "Fuck Sandy babe, Jesus oh fuck that's good babe but you have to stop I am going to cum soon." I tried to hold her head off but she shook her head shaking off my hands and dived right back over my cock swallowing it fully her head bobbing up and down furiously as she stroked me hard. It was beyond incredible and I squirted exploding into her gasping mouth. She choked and gagged as I kept squirting. She pulled her mouth off and gasped as I kept spurting and it sprayed over her face. She fell back on her ass staring up at me. "Jeez, wow that was a lot." I sunk down the door my head spinning wildly. "Holy shit Sandy oh god that was incredible." She licked her lips and wiped the residue from her cheeks. "Was that OK? Did you enjoy?" I nodded. "Yeah babe, that was the best I have ever had." "Bullshit." She giggled. "God what a mess." I helped her get clean and as I wiped the last of the goo from her chin my phone went it was Mel, we were to meet the organizers for interviews and a pre-show chat. Sandy snapped, "Well you better change, they won't be expecting a schoolmarm ." She ripped open my suitcase and found the little leather mini skirt and my Ramones T-shirt. I pulled on my stockings and black stilettos adjusted my makeup to match the rock chick persona. Sandy looked somewhat stunned at the transformation. "Holy shit," she muttered. When we stood together, we looked like a couple of groupies on our way to a concert. "OK let's go," I announced. "We are already late. We walked into the theatre and Sandy became increasingly edgier as we walked towards the massed group of people. We were walking hand in hand and I felt the pressure increasing as we got closer. Cindy, Mel and Jas were standing off to one side in a huddle. Jas was the first to spot us and broke into a smile. "Wow Mi, so this is the new girlfriend huh?" She opened her arms and they hugged. Cindy and Mel followed suit as Jas nodded. "Well Mi you sure have good taste in women, Sandy you are a cutie, Mi is going to have to hold on tight to you." Sandy glanced at me as she blushed. Mel dragged us all off to the side. "We are going to be interviewed by a TV crew in about half an hour, it is just general info about our music and stuff." We talked about the other bands and Mel muttered. "Shit the organizer wasn't very friendly, he gave me the impression we are just here to make up numbers." Jas nodded. "Yeah he is a real asshole, smug shit." Cindy added loudly. "Yeah well fuck them... We are here to win and we ain't taking no prisoners." Mel laughed. "Yeah I don't care if we win or lose but let's kick some ass, show them the way we do it in Kansas." As we talked, we were directed to a room where a studio was set up and a film crew waited. Local celebrity Simon Smithson was waiting to do the interview. "Welcome ladies." As he waved us in. There were three separate cameramen and a guy holding a boom mic. "So how would you describe yourselves? Are you feminists, is the music just a platform to protest feminine rights? Or do you see yourselves as an actual band?" Mel fumed and was about to curse him out so I jumped in. "We are a band first and foremost, the fact we support feminism is just coincidental , all our the songs are original.." He was taken aback by my quick response. "So you are Mimi, is that correct?" "Yep that's me." "How did you girls meet? Were you friends who decided to form a band?" "Well I was looking to play in a band, it just so happened that the girls already had a band and since it was the best one in Kansas I wanted to join them, you know you always want to play with musicians who are better than you." He turned to Jas. "So tell us about the songs, is it punk, Indie or do you classify it as rock?" She laughed we Classify it as The Lips and we do what we do, don't place no labels on us, we do it all." "So how do you think you will go, can you win?" "Hell yeah we can win! We ain't here to watch." We walked away feeling like we weren't being taken seriously, we were definitely on the outer. It was going to take a huge effort to finish in the top five let alone win. We walked away to the bar where we got some drinks and moved to a table. Jas and Sandy fell into a hushed conversation as we listened to Mel ramble on about the whole thing being rigged. We were just here for eye candy. Things were getting a bit heated when a couple of other musos came over and introduced themselves. They came on pretty strong trying to hit on us. Cindy laughed. "Guys you are wasting your time, if you want to talk music then we're in but we all have girlfriends." "Girlfriends.... You mean you're all gay?" Mel laughed. "Well let's just say everyone at this table has one thing in common.... We all like pussy." Jas burst out laughing as the guys spluttered and made quick excuses to vanish. Sandy mumbled. "Shit what a bunch of assholes." "Welcome to our world babe." Jas whispered in her ear. They were fast becoming friends. When we got back to the hotel mom and the girls had arrived and they all looked pretty happy. Mom gave me a worried look but Molly smiled. "Now that looks more like the Mimi we have all come to know and love." April joined in and mom swallowed whatever it was she was going to say. I had to leave them to it because Mel had called a band meeting. "Right I think it's clear that we are going to have to pull something outa the bag here tonight or we are going home with our tails between our legs." We all agreed so I made a suggestion. "What say we start with that new song, the one with the drum intro, I reckon that would make a kick ass start to the set." Cindy nodded. "Yeah man that thing rocks." Mel didn't look quite so convinced but Jas nodded. "Yeah then follow that with Almost there." "Yeah but the first song, its important nobody is going to expect that from us, they're expecting indie girl pop. I think we extend the drum intro build it and Jas rather than all of us coming in together after 16 bars you come in with a big fat E and hold it let it ring out, get some feedback going, then Mel an I will come in next time around with single strums holding the E with you then we will build it fat and loud next time around Mel and I will come in with the vocals and this time you have to help on the chorus." It took an hour but we had our set list we picked all the more up tempo numbers, we were going to go out on a high come what may. The show was due to kick off at eight O'clock and we were the fourth band up. The crowd was huge, the place was sold out and when I cast my eyes out over the audience there were plenty of Kansas flags and pennants, some idiot even had a Jayhawks flag he was waving like a Wildman. Shit the tension was building and there was banter flying around. There was also a huge group of girls I recognized from school, yep the gay influence was here tonight. Mom April and Molly had good seats right down near the front, Molly and Sandy sat close together and Molly was in her ear as they laughed about something, April was in deep conversation with mom and not paying much attention. I laughed to myself, if she didn't watch out, we might both lose girlfriends.... The MC introduced the first band who were from Nebraska, damn they were good to they got plenty of applause. As good as they were, they lacked an edge, musically they were tight and the vocals were strong but they lacked something. The next band was from Oklahoma and they were a bit of a let-down, they were more garage band than actual band. Arkansas was up next and man they brought it, they were rocking and we all stared at each other and mouthed, WOW, shit what an act to have to follow. We had a quick huddle and Mel led off with passionate gusto. "OK girls we are here and we are taking this thing, no fucking around...we are going to kick ass so let's give it our best and leave nothing on stage." We walked out on stage and there was a huge roar from the crowd and the Jayhawks flag was waving madly. I watched as mom and the girls were standing clapping like crazy, Molly had her fingers in her mouth whistling loudly. The MC seemed taken by surprise at our welcome, he got caught up in it and gave us a boisterous introduction. Cindy started with the drum intro it was a cross between the Pogues on crack and maybe the Drop Kick Murphy's the drums sounded amazing, yeah Cindy was good and the groove was fat and stinging, think Ball room Blitz but louder more powerful, then Jas came in with the bass. The tension was building nicely and the crowd was well into it. Then when Mel and I came in and Jas started dancing the crowd went ballistic. Jas danced right up to Mel and got in her face as they danced off leaving me free to insert a loud ringing riff. Fuck it sounded amazing this was what the DKM's could have been... Boston eat your heart out. By the time we got to our third song the crowd were all on their feet and were dancing and clapping along. The bass drum sounded thick and fat and it took me a while to figure out it was the crowd stomping their feet. Mel was better than I could ever remember and Jas was in my face shaking her cute ass like a stripper on speed. There was no doubting we were the pick so far, the crowd reaction left no room for argument. By the time we finished the aisles were full and the area in front of the stage was overflowing and front and center was Molly, Sandy, April and even mom dancing their asses off. Holy shit mom in the mosh pit, holy fuck. I thought the crowd was going to scream the place down when we finished. They wanted an encore and they wanted it bad. The rules however didn't allow for that. We went out front and Sandy leapt into my arms, April hugged us both. Molly joined in but before I could say anything a group of fans flooded us and there were hugs and kisses from happy go lucky fans. Sandy looked a little jealous but after signing some T-shirts and a set of boobs they disappeared leaving me to talk. Mom screamed to be heard over the next band which had fired up. "Sweetheart you were amazing, all of you, I'm so proud." "Not as proud as me," April countered. "Yeah babe you were rocking." Molly added with fervor. I left them to listen as I returned to sit with Mel, Cindy and Jas. We were having a few beers off to one side and a few girls hung around throwing themselves at Mel and especially Jas. Cindy always amazed me she was so cool and laid back, she was easily as pretty as Jas in a darker way, not outward and bubbly but deep and cool she was a watcher and a thinker, always with her eye on the prize. Her eyes were dark and glistened with insight. Yeah, she was deep. Soon the prelims were over and the judges had to narrow it down to four. All the bands were called on stage. The MC built the tension as he called out the first band and it was the band from Arkansas. Next up was the band from Iowa, they were pretty good and much like us managed to get the fans out of their seats. Proudly we were called up next which got the loudest shout out. The last band called out was the local boys from Missouri they were a band straight out of the university and they got a cheer almost as loud as ours but I thought not as raucous. Next came the random drawing of band names out of a hat to see who was going up first in the finals. Surprisingly it was the locals who came out first, then Arkansas, us and lastly Iowa. The dice was thrown, it would have been nice to go last but we were happy just to make it. We had a quick meeting as the Local boys kicked off their last chance. We had to play four songs so we were careful with the selections. We decided to start off with the love song ballad and finish with our rockiest number I managed to squeeze in another get together with the girls and mom. There were congratulations all round but it was impossible to talk because fans kept coming up to talk and wish us well. Our turn finally arrived and when we walked on stage the place erupted in a groundswell of screams and cries, of course the Jayhawks got another furious wave. Mel and I walked up to the microphone and Jas started her slow ascending bass intro it was deep and sombre, Cindy joined with a cymbal roll building it gradually. Mel and I sung into the one mic staring lovingly into each other's eyes. My guitar part was quiet and warm finger picked clean with no distortion for the start. Mel gave it her all and I matched her as we shared a deep moment our mouths almost touching as we sang. Then it was into the solo, Mel picked up the quiet guitar line and I stomped on the big muff and ripped into my solo with long drawn out notes singing dirtily over the top. Jas sauntered up to me as I played leaning back with my eyes closed and she swayed sexily in front of me and when I opened my eyes she was in the moment as well her eyes shut tight as she swayed erotically enjoying the moment. When we came back to the vocals Mel and I again sung to each other our mouths close together her piercing eyes staring into mine and such was the intensity that a little tear escaped her eyes. At the finish the crowd who had been noisy was now apoplectic stomping and clapping furiously. Molly was back with her whistle the only worry was the expression on Sandy's face she looked distraught. Our next songs ramped up in tempo and our last song was riotous with Jas and I dancing wildly our strings touching as she rocked and bopped sensuously in front of me showing her sexy ass to the audience in those tightly stretched shiny black latex tights. God it went off there were people everywhere dancing standing on seats and screaming. We had a couple of crazy drunk girls who managed to escape security and get on stage to dance with Jas who was in her own little world, they flung their arms in the air pirouetting and twirling crazily like gypsies in the night. The crowd screamed demanding an encore, they pleaded for it but the MC took control shooing us off the stage, although even after we were gone it took ages to quieten them down. The final band was a bit anticlimactic after that but it was nice to know we had set the bar that high. Finally the announcements were about to be made, like the first time the bands were called back up on stage. We held hands as the presentations were to be made. Third place was the Arkansas outfit, which brought polite applause. When the local band was chosen for second place, I felt Jas squeezing me hard, her hand was that tight I thought I would end up with broken bones. Then the winners were announced and of course it was us. Jas flipped jumping up and down, Mel grabbed me and hugged me tight planting a big sloppy kiss on my gaping mouth. Cindy just stood there smiling knowingly as if she had always known... God she was so cool. Molly and April burst onto stage with us but I noticed Sandy was not quite so effusive. We had to play again to finish the night. As soon as I could get down I grabbed Sandy to give her a kiss but she turned away and all I got was cheek. Uncertain what was going on I asked, "Babe what's the matter." "I saw you and Mel singing that song... You're in love with her aren't you!" "What," I gasped. "Don't be ridiculous." "Don't lie to me, oh my god it's so obvious, we could all see, even Molly was shocked." "Sandy I promise you there is nothing between us, we are friends that's all, that is just for the song, for god's sake it's a love song." She wiped away a small tear. "Do you promise." "Honey I promise there is nothing between us." "What about the kiss?" "Shit it was just because I was standing beside her, if you had been standing there it would have been you," She chuckled. "Well that would have been nice." Mom appeared with a big grin plastered across her face as she hugged me. "Marion that was amazing, your father would be so proud of you, he would have danced to that." "Thanks Ma even in the dress?" "He wouldn't have cared about that and neither do I but honey I do wish you would show a little more decorum, I could almost see your panties." The organisers called us up on the stage and we were presented with our prize, twenty grand and a spot in the finals in LA in six weeks. It took another hour shaking hands and accepting hugs and congratulations. We decided we needed to celebrate and decided to find a club to have a drink but Molly said, "Just come back to our hotel, we can get drinks on the way." Everybody agreed, well everyone except mom who just wanted to get to bed. We dropped mom off at the hotel with a warning that we were going to be late, she smiled. "Well you kids have fun, but honey please be careful and don't drive if you drink." The party was already in full swing when we walked in, Molly stuffed drinks in our hands and we fell inside there were a few fans who had weaseled their way in and Mel already had her arms around one girl and they were making out on the sofa. April came over and toasted our success by clinking bottles and we had a drink. "Little bro you were amazing, who knew all those hours locked in your room with that old two dollar guitar would produce this, you surprise me every time I see you." The music was pumping and Jas grabbed me wanting to dance, we had the radio playing and as we danced she rubbed up against me, then Molly joined us and it got a bit raunchy. I watched as April led Sandy out onto the balcony where I lost sight of them but Jas wasn't interested in that all she wanted to do was dance. Sexy little tramp god she was still wearing those latex tights and she looked and felt sexy as hell. April came back in for more beers and then went back to Sandy. Molly fell all over me her arms draped over my shoulders and she was about to kiss me when our song played on the radio. Cindy jumped up and turned it up loud and we all did our impressions of epileptic's having a fit. As we were dancing I looked out on the balcony and April and Sandy were locked in a tight embrace and their tongues were doing internal examinations. I stopped and stared, Molly who was beside me noticed as well and grabbed me turning me away from the door. "Babe it's nothing OK... They are saying goodbye, give them a moment." She pulled me into a dance and I fell robotically into step with her. Jas noticed and wrapped her arms around us both. "It'll be OK babes, don't sweat it." It was OK for them but they weren't watching their girlfriend make out with somebody else. When Sandy eventually came back inside, she looked at me with a very guilty nervous glance before quickly turning away, she couldn't hold my gaze not even for a second. I wanted to grab and shake her. "What the fuck were you thinking." But before I could get to her Molly intercepted her and pulled her into a dance, April who didn't look in the least guilty slipped into my arms. "I am sorry but I wanted to say goodbye to Sandy properly, when we broke up it was nasty with lots of yelling and screaming and I have always felt bad for the way it ended, it was my fault." She rested her head on my shoulder. "Little bro you are a very lucky she is a beautiful person and I can see she cares for you, don't fuck it up." "Would have been easier if I didn't have to watch you making out with her." "Bro I was just saying goodbye, I am not trying to steal her away... I think once is enough don't you?" "Don't make light of it sis, she is my girlfriend now, you didn't want her, don't make this hard." "You're right it was selfish but it needed to happen, she is feeling bad so don't be mean to her, we both needed closure." As she drifted away to talk to the others Sandy wandered over and she snuck into my arms. "Am I in a lot of trouble?" "No... not really I guess I understand but the question is, are we good?" Her lips closed over mine and it was a kiss to end all kisses. "Does that answer your question?" The night ended up being a crazy night, we got a knock on the door late to be quiet or get out by hotel management. It was the first time in my life that I ever got really drunk. It was messy and we all ended up crashing there, not that it mattered by the time I closed my eyes the sun was over the horizon and filtering between the buildings. It was heaven Sandy was in my arms snuggled together on the day bed on the balcony. Mel and Jas had commandeered the sofa and Cindy was curled up in an armchair. It must have been about 10 when my phone rang, of course it was mom wondering where we were. Still drunk I mumbled we were just heading down for breakfast. She laughed. "Oh, dear seems like my little girl had too much to drink." "Uh huh sure did Ma, could we meet for lunch in town?" It was a race for the shower and then what to do about clothes... What I was wearing wasn't going to suit so while April and Molly slept, I raided their bags and found some jeans and a T-shirt that looked OK, April had fabulous makeup and I had no shame in robbing her. Sandy and I left them to their sleep in, how they slept through the girls and us showering and heading out I will never know. We spent the rest of the day sightseeing and trying to stay awake for moms' benefit. April called us later to suggest we stayed another night and we meet for dinner. It turned out to be the right choice as I would never have kept my eyes open for the drive home. We did some shopping, and I brought mom some things even although she told me off, I knew she liked it. At dinner Molly gave me shit about stealing her clothes and April blasted me for making a mess of her makeup. Mom enjoyed playing the mediator. The next day we headed for home and even after a nights rest it was still a long haul. Sandy slept a lot of the time and Mom and I talked, it gave me a chance to express how much her support and acceptance meant to me. She patted my arm as I drove. "Sweetheart you have my support, but you have some big decisions ahead, you need to make up your mind if this is what you want then you need to commit, the last thing I want is for you or that sweet girl in the back to get hurt." "Mom I would never hurt Sandy." "Not intentionally sweetheart but if this isn't really what you want and she gets caught up in it she is going to suffer a broken heart, I have noticed over the last few days she thinks a lot of you, I think she is hopelessly in love, all I ask is that you make up your mind about the future and don't lead her on." Giving her hand a kiss, I nodded. "Mom I promise I will never hurt her." As we pulled up outside my place Sandy woke up with slobber all over her arm where she had been sleeping. As they chilled out, I cooked us dinner and we crashed afterwards. Mom went to bed early and Sandy and I laid back on the cushions watching some music videos. As we snuggled together her wet lips slid over my neck and shoulders, little scorching kisses, she giggled as she worked her way down my tummy, her breath tickling as she went lower and lower until her nose was pushing aside my bulging panties. Her hot moist breath sweltered causing uncontrollable muscle spasms. "Jesus Sandy, mom is in the next room." She giggled louder. "Yeah well you better be quiet then." "Oh fuck," I gasped as her mouth engulfed my cock. "Shush or we will both be in trouble." Her mouth slid up and down my slippery pole, gasping and gagging as she sucked. She had me under her spell as I writhed frantically, she teased and now she knew it, she delayed my release tormenting me with the determined slow movements of her head. Her hand snuck up into my satin panties and cradled my swollen balls, caressing and massaging as her lips in a perfect O sliding mercilessly up and down. God it was torture as she savored my frustration. I had enough and rolled her over on her back and she squealed softly. "What are you doing?" I snickered. "Two can play at that game." I ripped her panties down and dived headlong into the velvety depths of her succulent foamy pussy. Now it was her turn to wriggle around like a lizard with its legs cut off. "Shit Mi... oh god that's nice." She was already open and her lips were swollen and engorged my tongue slid in easily and I quickly added fingers into her sodden hole as she jerked madly, her hips thrusting wildly as I focused on her squiggly little clit. She jumped biting hard on one of the cushions. Her eyes were clamped shut and her head rolled wildly from side to side. "Oh fuck you Jesus I am going to cum." Cum she did coating my face in her sticky pungent juices. When her body stopped shuddering, she pushed me over, swing her leg over me and reached back behind her grabbed my pulsating cock and stuffed it into her burning pussy. "Condom... Baby I am not wearing a condom." She bit my shoulder hard as she rode me. "I don't care just fuck me I want to feel it inside me." The feel of her hot clamping pussy walls was too much for me as she kissed me I squirted powerfully as she ground her pussy down over me our bodies joined as one, pubic hair matted together like glue. "Oh my god she whispered... Mi that was incredible, I always wondered what that would feel like." "Jeez what happens if you get pregnant?" She giggled. "Silly your mother made me start taking the pill, she isn't as gullible as we think. She warned me that sometimes we do dumb things so it made sense." "Phew thank god, jeepers that was nice though." "Sure, was babe, sure was." "Why did you call me Mi?" "I heard the girls calling you it and I really like it, it is exotic and sexy, why don't you like it?" "Actually, I love it, especially when you say it." We snuggled together wrapped in a blanket I dragged out. Mom woke us in the morning. "Sorry kids but I have to get back home, I am babysitting for Bev tonight." They got dressed and hit the road. It was heart wrenching watching them drive away, they were barely out of sight before the tears rolled down my cheeks.

Same as Marions Story Chapter five Videos

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Girls Like That

She was so tight she made my loins ache. I wanted inside of her. The slutty little thing wore a shiny lick of a dress that reminded me of the black paint on my favorite ride. Now I wanted to ride her ass just like I ride my bikes, with a lot of speed. No brakes would be needed for that piece of tail; she wasn’t after safety. I could tell by the way all five-foot-nothing of her prowled the bar floor in those spiked stilettos. There was nothing passive or tentative about her. She had game, but...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Zone Defense

Zone Defense, written as Gavin E. BlackChapter OneNathan Kent wasn't thrilled with the idea of completing his final year of college at a completely different institution from where he'd started, but the opportunity to join one of the top varsity football teams had been too much of a temptation to pass up.   The truth of the matter, Nathan was glad to have an excuse to move away. His last relationship had ended badly, and the thought of having to play a defensive position in conjunction with his...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Escort and the

My heart was pounding in a symphonic surge as I lingered in front of the hotel room door. I checked and rechecked the metal plate bolted to the rich, dark oak. Number 2412. Yes, this was definitely the right room. The hallway corridor was empty. The dimly lit sconces glowed invitingly along the richly textured walls. They had led the way from the elevator of the lushly swank boutique hotel, The Hazelton, just like beacon lights leading me towards the precipice of a decision I still wasn’t sure...

2 years ago
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I Seduced My Dads Law part

So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life. This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok? So...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Broo

“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Eggnog

The first shot struck Jennifer under the chin. That one came from Lawrence. She was still yelping when Trent’s delivery took her full in the face, filling her mouth and blinding her in an explosion of thick white. She spat and wiped her eyes clear, then pursued her boyfriend, scooping snow as she ran. Trent taunted as he fled, but stumbled knee-deep in a drift. “Bastard!” She laughed as she pelted him, then pushed him over while he was still off-balance. He pulled her with him and they rolled...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Lonely Housewife

She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her; she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds drift...

4 years ago
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Nights To Remember

I escaped my fucked-up life into late-night erotic fantasies for years as waves crashed onto the sand beneath my balcony. I frequented my favorite site and started writing stories after becoming enamored with an author. Her stories had dirty, rough stuff I loved but also sensual and tender in a way I tried to emulate but couldn't master. I fantasized she spent hours getting aroused reading my words as I did hers. When she joined a new site, I quickly followed, seizing an opportunity to become...

Straight Sex
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Kyli

“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Shelbys Dirty Vacation

“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Billion Dollar Booty Call

Chelsea was late, the victim of a failed alarm clock and cab shortage. She silently cursed her tight skirt and heels as she flew through the lobby, skidding across the polished marble floor just in time to catch the elevator. Breathless, she jumped in, glanced at her watch, and exhaled in relief. The button to the fifth floor was already glowing, pressed by the elevator’s only other occupant. When she turned to say good morning, the words stuck in her throat. It was Liam, the gorgeous new...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Bad Habits Need Hard Measur

For the first few weeks working at Joelle’s, my feet never really touched the floor. This was everything I had dreamed of, and more. In case you don’t know about her - though I’d be curious if you didn’t - Joelle’s the woman who turned makeup into a true art. Where others only “applied” lipstick, rouge and eye shadow, she painted with an artist’s skill and turned the plainest women into goddesses, into true artwork. Nobody knew her surname, and nobody needed to. All the big stars flocked to her...

4 years ago
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Fade to Black

Aidan Black stared at the online text that flashed up onto the screen. ‘I luv ur stories!’ He yawned, and took another sip of his Jack Daniels. He quickly typed a reply and then leaned back in his chair. ‘What do you like about them?’ He smiled at the long pause. All these fans are the same, he thought to himself. Innocent young girls that dream of being treated like dirty sluts and too afraid to tell their college boyfriends that doggy-style after a long alcohol-fused pub crawl just wasn’t...

4 years ago
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It had been five years since my wife died. I was stuck in a rut. It was as if my life had stalled the day Gina passed away. I was as emotionally healed as I would ever be, yet I lacked the will to go out and start anew. I worked, I came home. I slept, and then I headed back to work again the very next day. My life became a cycle. Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.Maybe that’s why I allowed Christie to get so close to me. I told myself I just needed the help, but had I thought it through, I would...

3 years ago
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Im Sorry Daddy

Kailee knew she shouldn’t be here. He warned her of what would happen if she came into his space alone again. Shane, her father in-law was a good man, but he liked things his way. He wanted everything run his way. When Kailee and his son had to move back in with him and his wife while their place was being finished, the rules had been simple. Stay out of his office. Last week Kailee had been wandering around the large house, bored and looking for something to do. She walked down the hall and...

4 years ago
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Danis Dilemma

I watched his plane lift off and disappear into the eastern sky. As I slowly walked across the airport terminal to the parking lot, I tried to compose myself as I wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. I could still feel his lips on my lips and the lingering scent of his shaving soap was still with me, but both sensations were rapidly vanishing. As I climbed into the car, I leaned back one last time saying good-bye to the man I loved. The feeling of the strength of his arms around me in our...

3 years ago
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Caught in the Act

Anna had only been living with Lincoln for three months, one week and five days when he walked in on her masturbating. He’d originally left with an overnight bag swinging from his clenched fist and a casual comment thrown over his shoulder to let her know he'd be spending the weekend at a friend’s place. Ten minutes after he'd walked out the door she'd stripped down to her tank top and panties, feeling the urgent need to relieve some of the tension that being around him regularly caused. In...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Cabo Connection

Damon: I’ll bet you’ll get up to some trouble in Cabo.  I smirked at the text that flashed up on our chat-log from the computer screen. He was always teasing me. Ashleigh: No trouble. At least not the good kind of trouble. I’m going with my boyfriend don’t forget. There was a pause, and while I anticipated his next words, I took a sip of the vodka soda I was prone to drinking while I spent my online hours chatting with my favorite virtual stranger, DamonX. I leaned back in my computer chair and...

2 years ago
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Totally Unacceptable

Dedication: This story is just a bit of fun and is respectfully dedicated to all the tireless story checkers on Lush, whose hard work makes this site possible and who have to put with rubbish like this every day. Also, thanks must go to Fugly, whose story "Bag of Lush All Sorts" was the inspiration for this piece.I was in only my second month at Global Biofuels and still finding my way around the organisation. As the head of procurement in a modern, forward-thinking, ethical company, I had to...

4 years ago
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10 Items Or Less

Robyn thought about sex a lot. She craved sex. Robyn wanted to feel a man’s strong masculine hands all over her naked body, to hear him whisper dirty words in her ear and make her pussy sopping wet.She imagined his hands pulling her hair back and his tongue in her ear as his thick hard cock penetrated her wet cunt. She wanted to feel his bulging biceps caress her sides and the feel of his sweat mixing with hers on their warm wet bodies.Just then Robyn looked up and saw bright red brake lights...

4 years ago
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Bag of Lush all sorts

Anal “You like that, don’t ya Fugs, hey?” asked Eric. “You like a big cock going deep in that sweet tight little puckered up ass?” “You know I do, Babe,” I said between thrusts. “But, do you want to talk or fuck?” “Oh, let’s talk please,” Eric smirked. “How was your day, sweetheart?” “Well asshole, it was going fine... until you opened your mouth. So, stop being a smart ass, shut up and”... BDSM “Take it like the bitch you are,” I said, as I rammed my condom covered rubber opaque cock...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Kinky Twisted College Sex

(episode 31) Prelude to the Party: After finding out about Mary Beth’s kinky tryst at the lesbian club and also allowing myself to participate in Jennifer’s twisted drug-fueled gang bang, I found myself in a very strange mood. In fact it was like being apathetic, ashamed, strangely aroused and creeped out all at once. Despite all the bizarre events of the past weekend, I thought I’d try to maintain my relationship with Mary Beth. I figured my participation in Jennifer’s twisted orgy and Mary...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Focused On Sex

Milena's story My name is Milena and I work in a well-known chain of Opticians on the high street. When the manageress of our store suggested that we have a ‘wear what you want day’ I was excited. I’ve always been one for fancy dress. Then she added one or two caveats. We must be decent and not wear anything that brings the business into disrepute. Knowing me, that was a tall ask, but hey ho! She said it would be good for morale and create a talking point among customers and attract passing...

Quickie Sex
5 years ago
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Losing It

Mike,  Enough endless talking.  You once said that it is not bragging if one can back up one’s words with action, and now it has come time to back up your words, mon petit.   Please see attached; everything has been arranged.  Yours, Jen. No further explanation.A ‘click,’ a mental turn as my brain processed those three short sentences, and time quite changed, my vision dimming as I read the attachment.  It read as follows:Dear Mr. Stone,Thank you for choosing Alaska Airlines. Please make note...

3 years ago
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Claires Conception Part

I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Excerpts From My Inexperience T

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.I’ve always been a bit of a loner. Even in my daydreams, which largely featured a handsome prince who saw me completely differently to how I really am, more time was spent waiting and dreaming of him in those solitary imaginings than I did actually with him in them. I believe that was prophetic, leading into (or perhaps from?) pathetic. When it comes to sex, with two startling exceptions, all of that...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Rach

“Hi, I’m Rachel, and yeah… I guess you can call me a sex addict,” I giggled as I looked at the expectant faces surrounding me. I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I’d never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all? They were a miscellaneous...

2 years ago
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The Devils Harem The Curs

‘To pluck a beautiful flower from the desert is an unpardonable sin.’ – Man Of Mountain, Shoshone Medicine Man My best friend Karla, lived with her dad, Hank, in a trailer until she was eighteen. Then she fixed up an empty trailer, one of those old chrome things with the rounded corners, and moved into it by herself. She used to get spooked in that trailer all by herself. She would call me on the phone and say, “Jan, come over and spend the night. You know I’ve got NetFlix; we’ll rent something...

4 years ago
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Touching Myself

I love sex. I suppose that doesn't make me unusual. Most women do. My urge to share my desires online isn't so common. Maybe I love the attention, and maybe by sharing, part of me hopes others will share their own desires with me.Such things are never easy to speak of. Maybe it's easier for guys, but I don't know if that's true. I do know some girls find it very difficult to talk about their intimate secrets. I think that's a shame. How can we hope to achieve a satisfying sex life if we are too...

4 years ago
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The Midnight Walk

Something powerful stirred inside me when I heard the groan of carnal satisfaction over the gentle waves. That something had been trying to return for a while, nudged toward life with every sultry glance and beautiful body that I encountered or imagined. But when I turned the corner that night and saw her on his lap, rolling her hips, unmistakeably fucking, that was when it officially re-awakened. It had been asleep for literally years; when I moved to Jamaica, it truly slept in peace. It was a...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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A rough night at work

Saturday evening was delightful, the club was jumping, and there lots and lots of pretty people around to enjoy. A tall brunette was giving me the eye, and the way she was looking at me told me we were on the same wavelength. She finally walked up to me and spoke."Can I buy you a drink, pretty lady?"Silly girl, of COURSE you can!"I'd love that, and I love Cosmos. My name's Elizabeth, and you are?"She smiled and it was the kind of smile I liked."I'm Kendra, and I'm impressed, you're very...

3 years ago
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Executive Toy

I sighed, hit “send” on my email, and wondered if it was time for another trip across the road to Costa. The office was supposed to be air-conditioned, but it didn’t seem to be working today, just when it was most needed. It’s not that I was complaining about the hot weather, it’s just that I’d much rather be out sun-bathing than stuck at my computer all day.Suddenly I heard a voice behind me.“I don’t suppose you’ve got any Ibuprofen, Annie. This heat’s given me a splitting headache, and I must...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Wheres the Remote

If I hurried, I had time to drive home, take a quick shower, get dressed and still not be late for my dinner date with Jason. He was working late, so he would be meeting me at the restaurant. Since I knew he wouldn’t be stopping home first, it gave me time to get my naughty surprise ready for him. Hopping out of the shower, I quickly dried off, rubbed on some lotion and made sure I was smooth all over. I put on a lace black bra and garter, slid on some black thigh highs and attached them to the...

2 years ago
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The Little Black C

My boyfriend and I were cuddled together in my bed enjoying the post coital bliss that followed a nice, but not spectacular fuck. I was gently fondling his rapidly deflating penis as he softly massaged my labia - both slippery with various sexual fluids. Devin broke the moment asking, “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this?” “Sssh,” I sighed, “Let's just enjoy this.” “Seriously,” he said, “One to ten, with a ten being mind blowing.” “Devin, let it be,” I protested, “Just be quiet.”...

Group Sex
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Pam Sandwich

Pamela had already made the picnic and packed it into a wicker basket when the boys arrived. She’d cleaned the kitchen as well, been a thorough little domestic goddess with her mom and dad away for the week. And finally she had changed from jogging pants and T-shirt into her costume. Nothing outlandish, just a simple white-muslin dress and sandals, and then to the garden to pluck daisies and buttercups and ring them into a crown and a necklace. She stood before her bedroom mirror adjusting the...

Group Sex
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My Husbands Best Friend

On a warm, quiet night, Lauren lay in bed listening, through her open bedroom window, to the deep moans of an unknown woman that was repeatedly brought near climax, only to be edged back from her orgasmic bliss. Lauren’s husband, dead to the world in a deep sleep, lay next to her, oblivious of the other woman but thirty feet outside their window, being ravaged by Jason, who had been their best man just three years ago.Lauren’s fingers were massaging her rock hard nipples as she imagined Jason’s...

2 years ago
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In Praise Of Older Women

Jack’s Story Despite all my reservations, I had agreed to house sit my parent’s place for a month this summer while they were on vacation in Europe. My parents lived in the suburbs and were far from my usual stomping grounds. Literally there was nothing, but nothing, around unless your amusement was the local shopping mall.“Jack,” my father had said, “your mother and I would feel so much more comfortable if you were here. There has been this wave of robberies in this area occurring when people...

4 years ago
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Gift Of The Geisha

Seven o’clock, the black numbers showed clearly against the silver LED background. Tanner noted the time with a sense of detachment, not concerned or hurried, but with an awareness that his guest would soon arrive. A geisha, Tanner thought while gazing out through the expanse of windows in his penthouse apartment.Tanner rolled the word through his mind again, sampling its meaning as if he could taste its implications. Would she offer sex? Probably, but there was no guarantee. From what little...

Straight Sex
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Little Perversions

The city is lonely and my bedside table is in disarray. Cherry cola fizzes in a champagne flute. A ragged copy of Albert Camus’ The Fall holds a position of importance in place of a Bible. It’s bookmarked at Jean-Baptiste’s recollection of that warm autumn night by the River Seine. I like to reread that passage when I can’t sleep. Next to it, there’s a half-smoked joint in a vintage glass ashtray that I stole from an ex-lover’s apartment. I can’t remember his name, but there’s something...

2 years ago
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Shall I Serve You Myself

It was just another normal day in the cheese aisle when I first noticed her. Customers came and went as normal buying all manner of chilled foods. The queue at the deli ebbed and flowed as people clamoured for cheese, cold meats and fresh pizzas. It was my job to manage the staff and ensure all the shelves were fully stocked. In hindsight I didn't pay too much attention the first time, but after four days of seeing her visit my aisles I knew every curve of her body! On day one she bought milk...

3 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is C

As the door closed behind me I looked at my watch. One a.m. I should be home in less than half an hour. It smelled refreshing and invigorating outside. As I walked to my car the last few drops of his semen ran down my leg. My bra and panties were in my purse. I was dressed in my normal work attire, not having showered after. I was sure I was ripe with the fresh sent of rigorous sex. When I arrived home intended to drop my clothes, get into bed, odorous as I was, and shower in the morning.I...

3 years ago
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Kinky Twisted College Sex

(episode 30) My infatuation with Mary Beth grew during January of 2008. She was damned sexy and really good looking, plus she had one of planet Earth’s best camel toes. Another great thing about Mary Beth was that she was almost as daring and insatiable as Jennifer. However, as February came along, a few problems did arise. Mary Beth was becoming more and more possessive and controlling, and she would get really pissed off about me going over to Brittany and Jennifer’s apartment to study. ...

College Sex
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Cocksucking Teens

Gav slipped off his leather jacket and hung it over the back of his chair. It was Monday again and he needed to get to grips with the project that he was overseeing. He was head of IT Infrastructure at a busy lingerie firm. Lucy’s Underwear Show House had a turnover of £120 million and was one of the fastest growing businesses in the sector. In spite of the recession the company had made inroads into the ‘bedroom’ market capitalizing on the gap left by a recently dissolved name. Gav was a...

3 years ago
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Seattle, Winter ‘07 Her name was Lucy, or at least that’s the name she used, and she was a junkie. I didn’t need to see the track marks to know. In my line of work, I’d seen enough addicts to ID them quickly. She said she was 25, another lie. Closer to 20 would be my guess. That’s the thing about junkies. Lying comes naturally. It’s second nature. “I want to get clean.” See? Translation. I’d rather go to rehab then the slammer. Eventually, I got the truth out of her, though. Surprisingly,...


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