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Salvation At Last By: Lorraine B. (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved Chapter 1 The sun was going down it was fall, yet winter was quickly approaching, the wind was picking up and the temperature was dropping. The current of the river was running fast below the old railroad swing trestle bridge called Suicide Bridge, the bridge was named by the locals due to all the people that took their own lives from it. I for one almost became a statistic when I first came here. It took forever to...
I guess I was no different from any other guy growing up in the bad old ’80’s. Those were the days when greed was good, nice guys came second, and political correctness was yet to be thrust upon us. Life in middle class suburbia was comfortable rather than excessive, but with the increasingly intrusive advertising and an ever growing focus on lifestyle, wealth, and success, it was easy for a young 18 year old guy like me to get a contorted view of the world. My stock standard reading material...
“That was amazing.” He whispered at last. I hummed into his groin. “I can’t believe I let you do it again. Glad I did though.” I let his cock slip from my lips and flop over his balls. “So am I.” He reached between his legs, ruffled my hair and smiled. “You’re addictive, faggot.” “Does that mean I get a fuck next time?” “Maybe.” “You said that the last three times.” I was gagging for Hassan to ram his fat dick up me. Then I’d be able to tell Nev that I’d succeeded in turning...
Sally waited patiently with the rest of her class for Miss Marshall to arrive. When she did, she smiled at them seemingly unaware of how deeply they all idolised her. "In you go," Miss Marshall, said as she ushered them in. Sally was concentrating so hard during the lesson that she failed to notice the messenger boy arrive, and it never occurred that the note could be about her, that is until the music stopped and Miss Marshall glanced her way. "Sally Newcombe!" Miss...
the staff, and Claire Aldiss is one such pupil who has taken full advantage of this rewarding opportunity. As midday approached, Claire, who was normally calm, was bubbling over with excitement, earning her a scolding look from Miss Evans as she chewed on her nails waiting impatiently to be summoned to Miss Ashton's office. Finally, a tall boy entered the classroom to request her presence in the headmistress's office and Claire took a series of deep breaths as she made the...
enrolled her at Avondale Academy in the hope that the regime of harsh discipline would cure her of her wanton behaviour. The memory of Sarah's interview still makes her mother's heart miss a beat and acts like an aphrodisiac for her father. Caroline only has to say to her husband, "Do you remember her interview?" and that's enough to make him rampant. There was something quite exciting about watching Sarah being made to undress and stand naked, then to be told by Miss...
teachers at Avondale, but Lady Bennett his sponsor, enjoyed nothing more than to watch the young Adonis as he struggled to cope with the all the pain and humiliation of his punishments. At the sound of the wake up bell, David made his way to the cleansing room, never minding to put anything on. Morning ablutions at Avondale are always assisted, and he smiled as a naked Rebecca Allcot eagerly awaited his arrival. "Come along David!" she told him, holding an enema nozzle in one...
Miss Hilda Ashton sat at her desk reviewing the newcomer's reports, the most recent being that of Emily Ashby. She remembered Emily from the special lesson that she gave her during her interview, a warning if nothing else, but nevertheless an opportunity to enjoy her lovely charms. From Emily's report, Miss Ashton was able to see that she had settled in well and was becoming an able and studious pupil, but secretly she hoped that the child would rebel. Several soundproofed...
and unusual teaching practices but there's never been any shortage of parents or guardians eager to enrol their children. The elegant townhouse has its entrance around the back for reasons of discretion in Wigmore Street, whilst the front overlooks fashionable Cavendish Square. To its neighbours, is just like any other building, but because the pupils are taught behind closed doors, they are none the wiser to the clandestine visitors and activities. The Academy was founded in 1895...
and unusual teaching practices but there's never been any shortage of parents or guardians eager to enrol their children. The elegant townhouse has its entrance around the back for reasons of discretion in Wigmore Street, whilst the front overlooks fashionable Cavendish Square. To its neighbours, is just like any other building, but because the pupils are taught behind closed doors, they are none the wiser to the clandestine visitors and activities. The Academy was founded in...
pleasures of being a patron at Avondale Academy. He is able to watch as the pupils learn some very painful and humiliating lessons, from Miss Hilda Ashton the Academy's sadistic Headmistress and her equally sadistic staff. Working closely with Miss Marchant, Herbert had gained her trust and it was Alice who introduced him to the ancient art of acupuncture and one day without telling him the reason why, made him accompany her to London's Haymarket. Requesting the coachman to...
Sorry it's taken so long to post. Don't worry, the story is almost complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's totally amazing!" Peter Fuller enthused. "The change in my daughter Beatrice is phenomenal!" he told Doctor Croft as they walked along the corridor towards her private room. "I have to admit, that she does show signs of adapting to the change in her circumstances,"...
"Good morning," she said curtsying before drawing the girl forward, her wrists bound behind her back. "This is Melody who is eleven and she is going to receive Doctor Croft's special treatment for self abuse," she explained. The parents looked at each other and licked their lips; there eyes travelling over the child, her plain cotton shift hiding little of her pretty pubescent form. Jasmine let them admire the nervous girl while she turned down the bed and puffed up two large feather...
His clothes were dark and cut in a style that was no longer seen in the city. However, Doctor Croft's discrete enquiries had discovered that he was highly respected at the Bank where he was Manager, but, as he put it, felt restrained by his family's lack of obedience. "You've tried training them yourself?" Doctor Croft asked. "Yes I have, but my wife Joanna is a burden in such matters and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to join the children in learning self control...
Some rekindled the sensations they had caused inside her at the time and, despite herself, she found her cunt moistening at the thought of them being used. "Your father is a very special man," the Colonel told her, as he held up a clip she had often felt close over her nipples, and on a couple of occasions had been used on her labia and clitoris hood. Her clitoris now throbbed at the memory. Despite having had her cunt scoured tender, Jasmine still found herself excited by the...
Since then there had been a steady trickle of patients, all in need of his special treatments and along with them had came their parents and guardians, eager to learn the many techniques and treatments with which to keep the children clean and full of vitality. Samuel had been judicious in the use of the income that his clients had provided him. He had needed staff, but he'd recruited them with care, offering them low wages in return for opportunities that were seldom afforded by other...
As he drew nearer, he was able to admire its architecture. It stood three stories high and over eighty feet long, and had windows that were heavily draped. The dark roof gleamed from the recent downpour and the windows reflected the sunlight, moving from pane to pane as he approached. The building stood well back from the street and had a doorman always in attendance for added security. Built for up to fifty patients, who were accommodated in their own private soundproofed rooms situated...
to a second, but narrower corridor. Facing south, it has the benefit of sunlight illuminating the walls. Here, several paintings hang, each seemingly low for the adults, but perfectly placed for the children to gaze at them as they pass. The paintings are German in origin and depict scenes of the time when Zealots commonly tortured peasants to learn of witches and any other ungodly activities. Dressed as priests and monks they sought out mainly the young girls of the villages...
extensive grounds a mile from the old Oxford road. To the front of the Manor there is a large ornamental lake and to the rear many smaller buildings. It was quite dark when Karen and Deborah Mellor arrived and to them everywhere looked cold, drab and most uninviting. Miss Victoria Hall, the housekeeper, ushered them straight into the warm kitchen, serving them some special broth to help get them warm again after their long journey in the damp carriage. Always delighted with...
the facilities fresh on her mind. Having Herbert to take care of all the paperwork had freed her to entertain her many distinguished visitors and to be able to indulge herself in her greatest passion, the abuse, punishment and torture of her young charges. Jim Cosgrove appeared from the side entrance, three young girls in front of him, all with that special glow and look to their faces that spoke of a secret knowledge, a special knowing of what was in store for them. "Miss...
the ledger before thanking Herbert for his diligence. Herbert, a small man in his fifties had become her secretary and accountant after approaching her during one of her many visits to find new stock. Meekly, he'd suggested she might need his assistance in running St Saviour's, in keeping track of the many bills, their debtors and creditors. He also suggested that for his room and board and the occasionally night with a child of his choice, she could have him, body and soul....
recruits and had been allowed to shed her sailor uniform for a tight leather costume, lovingly made by the seamstress. Alice had remembered how Molly had handled the domination of young Martin and decided to give her more power and encourage the sadistic side of her nature. Now, another boy preceded her, his head continually turning to look at her, a bulge in his shorts from the revealing leather costume she wore. Molly enjoyed seeing his pain, as she enjoyed thinking of what...
had gathered in St Saviour's purpose built lecture theatre. The three tiers of seats that rose in a horseshoe from around the tiled floor were now full to capacity and the excited patrons and governors were eagerly awaiting the first of Doctor Steven's experimental lectures. Men and women of acquaintance nodded to each other, often surprised by each others attendance while others whose long term friendships had been built upon their clandestine meetings and the pooling of funds...
just knew that she had to spend some time alone with her. Greta had developed a real passion for abusing and punishing little girls in her position as governess and Amy Jennings was now about to find out just how much. She had mentioned this to Alice a while ago, but it wasn't until now that Alice decided the time was right. Still angry that Amy had interrupted her much-needed orgasm, she arranged for Miss Foulds to spend the afternoon with the girl in one of the private...
enterprise was now starting to pay dividends and several new clients had recently been showing a keen interest in visiting St Saviour's as paying guests. Today, Jonathan Brown MP and his wife Elizabeth would be visiting St Saviour's and Alice intended to persuade Elizabeth to become a patron like her husband. Like all her prospective patron's, Alice had found out about the Brown's sexual interests and was delighted to learn that they were both sadists who took every...
both the staff's quarters and the children's dormitories. The rooms are private, isolated and soundproofed so that the screams of the children she tortures to satisfy her pent-up sexual passions, can't be heard throughout the orphanage. When the other children were sent to bed that evening, the matron brought Sally to Alice's bedroom to prepare her. Drugged, little Sally wasn't sure where she was, the bed wasn't hers; it was far too large to be hers. The air was perfumed...
“Let the entertainments commence,” Alice ordered, a sly smile on her face. A very nervous little girl was led onto the stage, still wearing her costume from the party. Standing beside the girl Alice Marchant was tall, elegant and an austere figure who towered over the child. “This is Sarah, who is twelve years old,” Alice announced. Jenny Richards recognised her as the little girl who had been made to give her pleasure at the party. Alice remembered just how exhausted little Sally...
She was able to see all the intertwining buildings that made up her beloved St Saviour’s and the long tree-lined drive that was now showing signs of wear due to the increased number of visitors. “Today, we are going to have so much fun!” she told herself. The newly built dungeon will at last come alive with the sound of children’s screams, as they struggle to entertain the lusting audience. Alice had to pinch herself to be reminded that this wasn’t a dream. The very thought of...
Alice’s parents had always insisted that these harsh drills and routines were necessary for the children’s character building, but as Alice helped matron to administer them she developed a real passion for inflicting them. Since inheriting St Saviour’s, Alice Marchant has introduced many new and even more sadistic routines, that now attract many wealthy patrons who pay to watch and participate in there enforcement. It has only been a week since their arrival, but the children are...
Weary, sore and filthy from they're long journeys the children were being given refreshments in the hall when Miss Marchant strode in carrying a vicious looking whip in her hand. "Assemble these children in the courtyard for a thorough cleansing now!" Alice ordered Rebecca Bolton the matron and then just as quickly strode out again to rejoin the governors and their guests in the courtyard where they waited with baited breath for the entertainment to begin. Full integration into...
It was a bright sunny day and the journey was much smoother than usual due the unique design of the carriage springs and to Alice’s delight the interior was completely enclosed to prying eyes. On arrival at the orphanage in Hamstead, Richard helped Alice to step down from his carriage smiling as he admired her radiance. Realising that she was just as much flushed with lust, as he was made this occasion even more special for him. Looking around for prying eyes just as if they were...
Lord Holmes was generous with his time and helped out when needed. Alice never let it show, but she was grateful to him for suggesting ideas that reduced the disruption that this work made to the children’s daily routines. Although she would have denied it a bond was growing between them as they worked closely to re-build the once prosperous St Saviour’s. Alice brought the governors together on a regular basis to discuss important matters such as the purchase of new equipment and...
Alice sat at her desk looking through the replies and was delighted that all four had agreed to attend. Her pleasure was made all more enjoyable because she knew that none of them would have replied had she not made it clear that she knew something about them that they wouldn’t want to be made public. Alice smiled to herself as she heard a commotion outside and got up to look out of the parlour window that overlooked the walled garden. Children were being drilled naked, by their teacher...
Standing in its own private grounds and set back from the road, the only way into the property is by a long and winding driveway. At the rear of the main building are several smaller buildings, an enclosed courtyard next to the old stables and a large walled garden. Foundered by the Marchant family in 1837, it has provided care and shelter for children who have lost their parents at sea, for the past 60 years. Located in the St John’s Wood area of London, it serves, through the family...
~ Through the Turnstile ~ It was hard to decide if the goose bumps were from the cold air or from mild trepidation. The chill was easy enough to explain: she had taken her shirt off, exposing her back. Trish had thoughtfully put a warm towel on the pad to cushion her breasts, but she was still cold. The apprehension was more complicated. She had asked Leslie for a referral, knowing she was well-versed in these matters. Marla had made her decision, but was now having second thoughts about...
~ Yesterday’s News ~ He was relegated to the back page of section B in the local newspaper, overshadowed by an advertisement for the Disabled American Veterans. ========================================= BOARD DENIES PAROLE FOR MEREDITH BY ANDREA CASPER * STATESMAN JOURNAL * SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 SALEM, OREGON — The Oregon Parole Board has denied the release petition of convicted felon David Meredith. Meredith, originally from Klamath Falls, had served less than half of a seventy-five month...
In loving memory of Sharon * ~ A Flaming Rose ~ He heard it hit the floor, the tiny set screw that slipped from his fingers. It ricocheted off his shirt and jeans on its bumpy course, but gave no hint as to its final resting place. Jon cursed to himself, slowly backing away from his workbench, hoping against all odds the screw would be right at his feet. It was not his lucky day. A timely buzz from his cell phone postponed the mandatory search and rescue mission. ‘Hey Andy. What’s up?’ A...
~ In The Chapel ~ Dust particles drifted lazily through the filtered light from the stained glass window. The image of the descending white dove, olive sprig clenched in its beak, held the promise of peace and absolution. That hopefulness, however, had yet to reach the far corner of the chapel. The lone patron listened to the recorded pipe organ, weeping and praying for comfort. ‘Saint Jude, Thaddeus, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, pray for me who am so miserable. Come to my assistance...
With the sudden obliteration of a strange comet over the pacific ocean few cared what would happen. Microscopic spores purposefully spread to major landmasses entering everywhere. Only when some humans discovered the spores a few months later did activate consuming all organic life that it came in contact with and spreading its strange carapace like structures over all inorganic structure. Within minutes of Outbreak due to the density of its populations China, Japan and much of the eastern...
“Sam wait...don’t touch them.” “But we have to help them...” “I know, let me do it.” I said to Sam. I did a quick brief inspections on their bodies for broken bones before taking them back to the ranch. They both seemed to be passed out from exhaustion with no injuries but I don’t know if they’re infected or not. Only time will tell. “I’m gonna carry the older one back to the house while you stayed guard on the little one until I come back for him.” “But I can carry him myself.” “No you...
One The door was an old, heavy oak, turn of the century thing, beaten and weathered, with years of damage around the area of the latch. A fairly new key set was about a foot above it, but as he pushed in, it opened without resistance. The moment it did, the smell hit him in the face. Predominantly urine, but a sickly sweet, acrid odor too. And a hint of Lysol. His eyes adjusted slowly as he slipped in, and closed the door behind him. There was a bare light bulb at the end of the hall, to the...
"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...
So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...
Hentai Porn Sites"Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, Woods, or steepy mountain yields. And we will sit upon the rocks, Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals. And I will make thee beds of roses And a thousand fragrant posies, A cap of flowers, and a kirtle Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle; A gown made of the finest wool Which from our pretty lambs we pull; Fair...
This story starts with events that really happened, and continues with what could have been. If you're not an adult into kinky things stop reading. Names are changed, similarity to real people coincidental, etc.After dinner, couples who are close friends use deception to transform a model monogamous couple, the hostess and her husband, from a prim and proper wife, mother and matron to a cock craving gangbang slut and her unwilling cuckold. I hope you enjoy it.*The Deception:Susan came from a...
A son’s loving kiss on his mother’s special place by Oediplex 8==3~ My mother is a beautiful redhead. Her hair isn’t that dark kind of red, but a lighter, brighter shade; and natural, as I can attest from intimate knowledge. I might even say ‘bare witness’ to, the pun is intentional of course, as I’m sure you’ve guessed. Her skin is that pale creamy type of complexion that is highlighted by the pink blush on her face and other places, as well as a rosy color to parts private. Her...
Where Ponygirls come from Summer was not your typical 15 year old girl. She didn’t go to school (well not any school you would recognize). She didn’t keep up with the latest fashions (those were useless to here). She didn’t spend her idle time online or on the phone. She had a job in the family business one that she loved, and that business was being a ponygirl. Ever since she was 13 years old she had been a pony girl like her mother before her and all her younger sisters on the compound where...
The following work is the whole property of R. C. Conrad. No license or property is transferred by posting this story. No authority is granted to post this story to any pay site. This story may be posted to any free site, provided notice is given to the author. This story contains transgender images and imagery of magic. If you are easily offended, please do not continue. Persons under the age of 18 should not view this material. This story contains adult situations and imagery...
My name is Stephen McCain, formerly Alex Shay, and I’m a tall and lean young black man living in the city of Plymouth, Massachusetts. These days, I’m a student-athlete at Saint Meredith College, a small private school located in the heart of Plymouth. These days, I’m finally doing alright. I’ve escaped from the clutches of my evil family. Black American families in general are a model of dysfunction but mine was absolutely the worst. You think you’ve got it, wait till you meet my relatives....
Some years ago while hitch hiking around Europe, I got a lift with two Belguim men, they opened the car door,asked where I wanted to go, Ghent I said, ok they said get in and the front passenger got out and I slid into the front seat next to the driver. The man who got out then proceeded to get back in ,it was a tight squeeze on the bench seat.. Off we went down the road , we got talking about many things,they spoke excellent English, and the subject soon got around to sex,well at...
Once, as a joke, a female friend took a picture of me with a digital camera as I stood naked in her bathroom after a shower. We laughed about it and forgot its existence.Several years later, while I was doing some shopping at our local mall, I noticed a man seated on one of the benches staring at me as I browsed through the discount bin in front of the bookstore. He alternated between looking at me and focusing on his smart phone; he seemed to be searching for something.I'm not a beauty....
ExhibitionismMona Lisa Life 2003: Right Back Where We Started From By Heather St. Claire Claire carefully adjusted her wig, and checked over her makeup one more time. She was making sure the collar of her purple velour jogging suit was smoothed diwb when she heard her lover Melissa call, "Hurry, darling, if you can, the car's here." "Be right there, love." Claire stared back at the 75-year-old woman she saw in the mirror. There were lines in her face that hadn't been there a year earlier; those...
Hi again Baby, Mandy's back from Arizona/Kansas ... I'm glad she's back where she's close enough that I can check in on her in person every once in a while to make sure she's OK.I started imagining a very hot and interesting fantasy while I was sitting at the kitchen table and just putzing around. I imagined that you were here and the three of us were visiting and I went into the kitchen to get something to drink. You came in and walked up behind me and told me that there was something you'd...
"Hard Eight" was the call from the dealer, cheers went up and the table got paid. It was pure excitement, the table was hot... a crowd gathered to watch, the stick man passed the dice back to me. Picking them up, tossing them towards the other end of the table, "Five, number, pay the line." we are still going... Chips are being paid, people are smiling, the crowd is amazed... I haven't had a roll like this in years and it is exhilarating. I look around the group of people gathered, yet I...
I was the last scheduled "customer" for Beth this day. I headed off for my equipment room and she was left to tidy up the room after our tryst. I had a mound of small duties to attend to, but nothing that would keep me from watching the rest of the women after their first day. Lucinda came back in shortly after Beth. Charlotte was in the room ahead of them. Kristin returned next, walking slowly and carefully. "Oh, fuck me!" were the first words out of her mouth as she tried to sit and...
I do not know where the term comes from but locals sometimes use it to designate a uppity European who has issue with the locals. A good while back, long before we were married, heck, even before we got intimate......I'm going out with Ken after work and meeting up with his pal Roger. Ken mentions these Euro folks might be meeting us. Roger's words were "Just a couple Sonny Jim's". I asked "What is a Sonny Jim?" and was told "A white person of little consequence". Then it was added "They...
This is my first story, so bear with me. Based on a true experience of me. Support me for more such stories. Me and achu used to go to the same tuition. One day she gave me her email ID and we started speaking to each other like that. I later understood that she had a crush on me. I replicated the feeling and told her that I to had a crush on her. A few days ago, we went to tuition together. On reaching there we found out that the teacher was out of station and so we had to go back. Achu said...
Jack never dismounted. He just hollered from the jeep, "What the fuck do you want? And get the fuck off my porch, you're trespassing." The door opened and who Jack assumed was the head honcho stepped out onto the porch. That did it. That Defender engine and running gear wasn't something the Alphabet soup knew about. They were expecting a putt putt four banger. The road from Frogmorton to the Flintkote mansion was loosely called a road. The soup had enough trouble getting those...