Be Careful From Whom You Except A Lift From free porn video

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Some years ago while hitch hiking around Europe, I got a lift with two Belguim men, they opened the car door,asked where I wanted to go, Ghent I said, ok they said get in and the front passenger got out and I slid into the front seat next to the driver. The man who got out then proceeded to get back in ,it was a tight squeeze on the bench seat..
Off we went down the road , we got talking about many things,they spoke excellent English, and the subject soon got around to sex,well at 18 years old,very inexperienced in that field,I was getting quite exited,and my cock was getting hard and grew in my pants. What I had not realised was that these two men were Gay, well they prefered straight men, and after traveling about 10 miles,the man to my left who was about 27 years old, put his hand on my thigh and started to rub the inside of my leg. Excuse me I said,I am not that way inclined, he took no notice of my protests, and continued to put his hand onto my flies and drew the zip open..... Your thinking why did,nt I move my arms ,well they sorted that problem very quickly, by having me sat in the center position, as soon as I moved forward they moved each arm behind their backs, and I was stuck.So there was nothing I could do to prevent them from touching me.

The driver of the car, took a right hand turn and followed a dirt track, he drove for about a further 3 miles and stopped, in the meantime his buddy had taken my cock out my pants and started to rub the end very gently, giving me an even greater hard-on, he then bent his head and started to suck my cock, which was begining to ooze pre-cum.By the time the car stopped he had very carefully removed my jeans to ankle level, and had brought my under pants down below my knee,s , so I was sat there with one very hard cock ,partially naked ,with two very horny men , who announced that their intention was to fuck me ......

When the driver stepped out of the car both my hands were released , and I got out trying to run,but of course I tripped over my own trousers and landed in a heap on the floor...The taller one of the men lowered his body on top of me ,pinning me to the ground, his pal had taken his own trousers and underclothes off ,and put his hardening dick on my lips, I was,nt really not in a position to argue and the pressure of the other mans weight of my body,was getting very heavy,and I opened my mouth to try and capture extra air,I caught his cock, in it came, and the man held my head quite tightly,and proceeded to fuck my mouth. He took my right hand and told to fondle his balls, I did as I was told, the other man got off my body, he removed all of his clothes , came and laid down beside and started stroking my cock again, Then he realised that I had two hands, he released my cock and moved into a position were he could access my other hand and told rub/stroke it.I did just that and started to rub his cock very fast, he did,nt need much encouragement ,I quickly brought him off and his sperm came out and covered my face, and dripped off my chin, and onto my chest, His friend saw what happened ,he quickly came himself, and held my head even tighter, and exploded inside my mouth, most of which I was forced to swallow, the rest just slipped out of my mouth onto my chest with the other spunk......I took my own hand and placed on my cock and wanked myself silly, I needed to cum, they just watched me, while wanking there own cocks back to an erection, I came in floods of sperm, It flew out of me ,up my chest , and just dripped out of the end of my cock.......,The taller of the men, bent down beside took my now flacid cock,and started to suck it,cleaning off my sperm and giving me a slow wank, his own cock became hard again,and they ordered me to lie on my belly, I turned over, and got on the my knees, & the shorter one got down and started to finger my arse, he was putting his finger in with longer strokes and encouraged my arse to become wider, ...
Well his now very hard cock found its own way (Just like a homing pigeon) up my bottom and into my anal passage, and with his right hand ,he manouvered me into a position where he could stroke my now hardening cock, he started to whisper in my ear, that he would like me to cum the same time as him, and he really started ram his cock into me,I had never had this type of sex before, and I can honestly I was,nt aiming to repeat it, ...
He suddenly pulled his cock out of me ,quickly to be replaced by his friends cock,that was even bigger, and I was lifted off the ground to a 45 degree angle, still being fucked,and now finding a hard cock entering my mouth as well, I started to wank my own cock it was ready for a nice pussy, (Girl), that was not going to happen. My arse shagger was begining to wind up like a coiled spring and with a swift grab of my hips,unleashed torrents of hot spunk inside me, he kept comming,it seemed endless ,but at last his cock plopped out ,and his friend came in my mouth,with gusto,spunk everywhere, I did,nt like the taste and I cannot abide the smell, but that was not stopping them ......

When they had finished with me,I heard them say that I could I would make a good sex slave, and they would enhance their collection, Im not a bloody ornament, I said, shut the fuck up, the tall one said,you will do as you are told, get yourself dressed,and get in the car, back seat. Well I had to do as I was told,as I had no means of getting away from them especially in the middle of nowhere,I felt that if I went along with their order I could find a way out at a later date.......

We drove for about an hour and a half,through towns and the countryside, until we came to a rather grand affair on the left hand side of the road, they turned into and drove up a long drive, it ended at a large Mock Tudor house, with leaded windows, a large front door, with a great big over sized brass door knocker....The tall man got out of the car to be greeted by a youth of about 15 years old,hello Sir he said, the youth had some type of ragged uniform on, then I realised it was a large cloth flap which covered his genetalia, and as he came down the short step the man lifted the flap and openly fondled the youths cock, he said I hope you have,nt been wasting any of your spunk have you ,and with that statement squeezed his cock , No Sir,I have,nt touched it, the man then turned his attention to the youths arse , bend over slut he said,he bent over and the man felt inside his arse cheeks, and then smacked bottom hard,the youth winced, and said nothing, he straightened himself up and went back inside the house..
They called to me to get out of the car, he said there is one rule which you will obey,you will do exactly as we tell you,and you don,t masturbate, your spunk is for our pleasure only, do you understand, I nodded Yes...Now go into the house and speak to (A2) you are going to be known as (A9), and you will refer to us as SIR1 & SIR2, off you go (A2) will tell you exactly what is expected of you,.

Do please write a reveiw of this my first Complete Gay Story, is it good,bad or indifferent,and should I write chapter 2,

Chapter 2....

I was taken upstairs to what was going to be my living quarters, (A2) started to remove my clothing, and told to go and shower,as the Masters expected everyone to be clean & smell fresh.Well I must admit I did smell of stale spunk ,sweat etc, so it was a pleasure to get under a warm shower. Having dryed myself off I was given a uniform of sorts, It was a one piece,with very easy access to both my cock and arse.(A2) said I must always make my self available to the Masters ,as they both had a insatiable appetite for sex , and I would soon find out that they would want to fuck me,or watch being fucked at least 2-3 times a day......It was about 7pm I after having a reasonable meal (At least they looked after your welfare)was told by (A7) to make my way downstairs and present myself to my Masters in the drawing room, (A7) was a man in his early 20s, very tall,muscular body and I assume a big dick to match,although I did,nt see it.....

I made my way downstairs to the Masters in the drawing room, and found them sitting down on a chesterfield settee, SIR1 told to come over to him, he told me to kneel down and suck his cock,I did,nt really have much choice,I proceeded,to take hold of his zip,pull it down,remove his now growing cock,and wrap my lips around the bell end,oh thats good he said,and took hold of my head and started to force his cock further down my throat.I really went to town on his cock, licked the shaft up & down, rubbing my fingers in such a way he nearly came,but I wouldn,t let him.Took his big balls in my mouth sucked them with some force,and then released, SIR1 was beside himself, he quite clearly thought I was the best thing since sliced bread, I even tugged on his pubic hair ,he liked a little S&M, He was telling or should say shouting at the top of his voice that he was going to ejaculate, SIR2, reminded him that my arse was tight ,and would he like fuck my arse and cum inside me,with that suggestion,he quickly removed his cock from my mouth, and shoved it straight up my arse,it hurt because his cock was bulging with blood filled veins, and he only rode me for a couple of mins,and suddenly all hell was let loose, he came so much spunk I just could not accomodate it ,and it eased out of bottom and made a mess on the floor, (A6) was called and told to lick my arse and my cock and then the floor,in that order,hurry man we have guests comming in half an hour, (9) , he told me go upstairs immediatly ,I want you washed and ready by the time our guests arrive.......

1/2 hour later I was summond down stairs once again, but told to remove any clothes I had on before comming down,this I did,,,there three extra men in the room, One was a fat man , thier was a youth of about 17 with him, I noticed that the fat man was fondling this boys cock , pulling it and slapping it, the other man was a tall thin man aged I would guess about 40 yrs,,, Sir 1 & 2, called me over,introduced me as thier new toy,and said I have a very accomodating bottom and he recomended trying me out ,while the night was still young.....
The tall man ,came over told me to stand up, now bend over,I did,and I did not forget it , Whack, a cane of some type started to beat the cheeks of my arse, sore,it was red raw by the time he finished, and I was in agony, but that was not going to stop their, I was still in the bent position, when I felt a large cock starting jab its way into my anus, I cryed out in pain, hoping he would give up, that was just like red rag to a bull, He rammed his cock up me as far as he could go, held my shoulders firmly, grabbed the back of my hair , and fucked me, without any form of passion or emotion, that hard rod was like a jack hammer, and then it happened he pulled my hair extra tight , put his left around to the front of my body,and started to wank me, I did,nt have long to wait, he came in torrents, he was still stroking my cock, but doing that, he lost his balance and fell over taking me with him, landing on top of me, no one was hurt,but when he fell on me ,he managed to poke my mouth with his very hard cock, and so it all began again, but this time both SIRS got involved as well.The tall mans cock was firmly in my mouth,SIR1 clambered around to my rear and proceeded to fuck me once again, and SIR2 told me to lie in such a position, for him to stick his cock in my arse as well.......I was nearly split in half.........They were all going like hammer and tongs, then I suddenly felt three volcano,s about to release their contents, and off they went one after another, I felt a bit like Cleopatra bathing in spunk instead of asses milk.I was covered in it,they all withdrew their weapons and left me, a big sticky mess on the floor, (A6 & A7), came downstairs and collected me , and I was put into a large bath tub, and scrubbed clean,..Every hole on my body was very sore....Whilst I was lying in the bath I could hear the Fat Man fucking the youth that they brought with them, and he like me was being totally abused, and 15 mins later, he was brought upstairs and thrown into the bath with me, I got out and left him and (A6&A7)to give him the rough treatment.........................

I slept well that night ,apart from about 3am, when I felt a hand put over my mouth, and someone stroking my very sore cock, I told them to FUCK off, they left me to sleep.......At about 7.30am I was awoken with a sharp tug, get up I was told the Masters require you and (A6) down stairs in their bedrooms, so off I went,didnt have time to refresh myself. We both made our way downstairs (A7), said you ,pointing at me go to SIR2 & (A6) go to SIR1...I opened the door, and was told to come and lie on his bed next to him, He could see that my bottom was still red raw from the night before,and said he would not fuck me today (Oh how kind of him I thought), but that will not stop me giving him a blow job. Now I want you to rim my arse "now" he said, he rolled over onto his belly, and stuck his arse into my face, I hesitated , this was not my scene, my thinking time finished with a timely whack to the side of my head, Lick me now, or I will hurt you, reluctantly I put my tongue into his puckering anus and started to lick, (Im glad he washed) well I spent about 15mins sliding my tongue up and down, even lowering my head to give some Tea Bagging, he loved it,Hold my cock hard slut, stroke my cock he kept whimpering, suck it , love the end of my cock, make me want your cock , up my arse (I had,nt bargained for this) ......Well he took hold of my cock and spat on it, put his knees on to the bed and proceeded to feed my hard cock up his arse, now fuck me you pussie, he told me that if I did ,nt increase my stroke and pump harder, he would get SIR1, to take me again, I increased my pace, I rammed , and I came my spunk flooded inside him, he came as well, all over the bedclothes......I pulled out of him, and just lay on the bed,knackered, he said rest, I don,t call 15 mins long to rest.................

The Master went off to shower & feed, whilst I went back upstairs to clean up....While was washing myself, I could just here a conversation between the Masters, they were discussing my future, I heard them say that they had prospective buyers comming tomorrow, he was going to get a good price for me, well I thought this may be a route of escape...............A9 come here ,yes sir I replied,and quickly made my way down stairs, come into the drawing room the voice said, I went in and there was SIR1 sitting on a bench type chair with a suspended bar hanging just beside him.... He called me over, as usual I was without clothing,they felt we were less likely to play with ourselves if were naked....
I want you to lie on this bar faceing away from me, I did,and then he tied my wrists to the bar,and then raised the bar to about 5 feet high....I suddenly felt very vunerable, he took a large cane off the wall and started hitting my bottom, I screamed to him that I was promised NO corporal punishment today, he said I will do as I like,and you will do as you are told....I had no choice......Whack Whack Whack, it stung every time it came down on my cheeks, then the torture started , he rubbed salt water into my sores, now that did sting, I nearly passed out........When he finished, he swung around to face him, my little cock had shrivled , but he soon changed that, he took my cock in his hand and started to stroke it and quickly brought it back to life, he said SIR2 was now wanting to fuck me ,sore bottom or no sore bottom, he wanted me now...SIR 2 came into the room, I was still hanging off the bar, my erect cock waving in front of me , he came over and grabbed hold of it,and SIR1 left him to it, whilst holding my now very firm cock,he turned me round to taker a closer look at the damaged flesh on my arse, he was still stroking me ,playing with the end, I yet again was getting extremely horny, and sadly, even desiring his cock up my hole, as I had no choice anymore, a cock up my pussie was better than nothing at all, and given the circumstances I now found myself in.......
He inspected my arse ,licked his middle finger,and proceeded to drive it up my back passage, again no emotion or care shown,just his own lust for my arse.He really went to town, he continued to stroke my cock, and whispering,how he was going yet again fuck my mouth he kept telling me that my cock would find relief very soon,and with that statement called A6 into the room and told him to suck me off,this young boy was told to stroke his own cock at first and then take my cock into his mouth.This he did,and soon the force of SIR2 up my arse was pushing my cock into A6s mouth........While this was going on A6 had orders to wank himself off, SIR2 was really ramming his big hard cock in and out of me, I could feel every stroke , and A6 was sucking my weapon and I could feel the build-up of spunk comming to the surface, I was about to explode, and then it all happened I came ,cum was shooting into A6s mouth ,and SIR2 was comming into me...It came in torrents, he must have loosed a gallon of sperm up me (Well thats what it felt like ,well more than a teaspoonful)....White stuff was dripping out my arse and A6s mouth, and then A6 came ,his cum flew across the back of the wall , and we all seemed relieved , and I was still hanging on the bar....he untied my wrists, lowered me to the floor,and told to go rest & bathe, and he expected back down in 5 hours.........................................................................................................................................................................................

Chapter 4..

The following day, I was told that I was going to be sold, but they could,nt get enough for me,so they sold A7 instead, so thats my escape route gone,,, I was somewhat low, after all the effort I had made to the potential buyer last night.....I wanked him,sucked him, and he even complimented my Masters on what a lovely arse I had, and he was nice, and showed a little respect for me, which was a bonus.......he only offered them £5000, they wanted £10,000,,(Of course I get no say in the matter)........The Masters announced that they are taking a holiday in Monaco, and A7 & A9 were going to accompany them, they had to clothe us in the correct clothing, to avoid suspicion, apparently they had inherited a villa some years ago, which they had torturing facilities fitted(How wonderfull, I thought, more abuse)... Arrangements were made and we were taken there by a wagon, whereas the Masters flew.... Of course the usual threats had been made, No playing with yourselves, and definatly no wanking, as they new by the time we got there we would be peaking ,and ready to be fucked ....It took us two days, in the back of this old wagon, with no home comforts..........At last we arrived, we were led into the tradesmans entrance, and told to report to the Conservatory-Swimming Pool area, A7 was told to go and unpack there suitcases, and I was told to strip, they wanted to inspect me (Rubbish, it was fucking time again).. I proceeded to remove all my clothing,and stand in front of the Masters, bend down SIR1 said,I did he got out of his chair and came behind me, He started to play with my anus , placed his middle finger inside me, and began to rub me, whilst all this was going on ,I noticed that another young boy walking towards me,, he like me was naked ,he had a big cock, which was totally erect, (All he needed was the flag at the end of his pole), he came over to me and was told to fuck me,,, and with no hesitation he shoved his cock up my still tight arse,, and off he went in and out, he was a fairly tall boy for his age, with a very fair complexion, and balls as big as a bulls, they swung as he shagged my pussie, and hit me,The Masters were getting really exited, and SIR1 had pulled his swimming trunks down, and was wanking very fast, he closed in on my mouth, pinched my nose ,I opened my mouth to breath ,and he pushed his hard weapon into my mouth, as normal he grabbed my hair and fucked my face, no holds barred...........his brother SIR2,had also removed his clothing and stroking his own cock, and then stopped the boy from fucking me , told to go stick his dick up his arse ,and he put his cock up mine,(Daisy Chain).So with cocks in me both back & front, I was getting shagged ,but yet again no-one thought of my needs , that was all to change, then this cock in a frock arrived on the scene, and stuck my cock in his mouth, grabbing my balls and massaging them .Well I was so pent up ,I came first, and the cock in a frock milked my cock of everything that was there to take, he/she drained me , she drank it all down ,ooh I felt better,but of course I was soon to be presented with my own mouthful, and yes on que SIR1 ejaculated into my mouth,holding my head very very tightly, he just pumped and kept on pumping,his spunk just flowed into my hole , I could,nt swallow fast be continued


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NSFW YouTube

It goes without saying that NSFW YouTube is my favorite YouTube. After all, I am a professional masturbator, a world-renown internet pornography expert, and a self-described pervert. I mean, sure, sometimes I’ve got to watch the same SFW tutorial videos as you when I’m figuring out how to upgrade the RAM on my laptop, but it’s only so I can watch higher-tech porn. (Those VR gadgets can be a real motherfucker, can’t they?) ThePornDude ain’t just a clever internet nickname, you...

Porn for Women Sites
3 years ago
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The Lift

I stood gazing looking all around its still quite busy and I had a relatively packed agendaI had just checked into my hotel and am about to go up the lift to my room and I am standing in the reception waiting for those stainless steel faced doors to open.The bell rings with each floor it stops at as I wait for it to open for me. A long week ahead and all I want to do is get undressed, take a shower and get into bed. I have a very busy schedule booked for tomorrow. I look at my watch and it is...

4 years ago
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Stuck in a lift with Jennifer Lawrence

The excited teen hurried into the hotel lobby and looked around quickly at the lifts. He just managed to hold open the doors of the lift before they closed and breathed a sigh of relief as he pressed the button for floor fifteen. He became aware he wasn't alone, Pete looked around to set eyes on a beautiful woman who was leaning against the side wall of the lift, obscured from site when the doors had opened. He recognised her immediately as Jennifer Lawrence."Hi, going up?""I was going down...

3 years ago
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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

1 year ago
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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

3 years ago
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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

4 years ago
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The Lift

My name is Tony and I was a council housing officer (a crappy job) in East London when this happened...…The work took me to a lot of lower standard buildings so that I could take peoples complaints, as you can imagine there was no shortage of work. I was 24, six ft tall, have a good body and am aware of being well endowed, not particularly long, but very thick. I split with my girlfriend of the time after finding out that she had been fucking her boss on a regular basis. It wasn’t long after...

1 year ago
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Desperate in the Lift

Beth was glad to finally be on the way home. It had been a long day and she’d spent most of it dying to pee. Her boss had called her into his office first thing and given her the task of showing the new girl the ropes. She hadn’t wanted the job, things were busy enough without spending the day babysitting. But when she met Kathleen she quickly changed her mind. Kathleen was quite an old fashioned name for a sprightly nineteen year old. Named for her grandma apparently. Although Beth bet her...

1 year ago
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Desperate in the Lift

Beth was glad to finally be on the way home. It had been a long day and she'd spent most of it dying to pee. Her boss had called her into his office first thing and given her the task of showing the new girl the ropes. She hadn't wanted the job, things were busy enough without spending the day babysitting. But when she met Kathleen she quickly changed her mind. Kathleen was quite an old fashioned name for a sprightly nineteen year old. Named for her grandma apparently. Although Beth bet her...

2 years ago
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Hot Man Fucked Me In A Lift

Hello Friends! Do you remember me? I know it has been long since I published a story on ISS. Let me remind you all. I am Chahat Khanna, a 5’7″ tall Delhiite girl who owns this amazing figure of 34-24-34, aged 23 and fair complexioned. I will leave the rest up to you to imagine. The story is about how I got trapped in a lift with a hot stranger. So, the story goes. That fateful night, I was returning to my building from a pub. It was quite late. I had had an amazing night with all types of fun...

1 year ago
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pehli baar chudi wo bhi lift me

hello boys and girls.main anmika haryana se hoon,mumbai me padhai karti hoon.meri age 23 bahot cute dikhti hu. college me ladke fida he mujhpe. ek din jo mere liye kayamat ka din tha.jab me mumbai me thi.pehli baar mere uncle ke ofice akeli jaa rahi thi.mere uncle city bank me job karte hai.achchhi post pe din me bas saturday tha to milne chali gai.kyu ki mein account ka study karti hoon. 14 wi majil pe unka office tha. lift se jana tha. me lift me gai to waha ek handsome ladka...

2 months ago
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Lust started in Society LIft

A sex hungry childless home maker seduces her neighbor and gets gift of motherhood Lift service on New Year Eve,Hello, I am Benjamin, an Anglo Indian from, Panaji, Goa. My great grandfather was a Portuguese and mother a Goan. Naturally I had the DNA and genes of a European National, bit of red complexion, blue eyes, tall. I always maintained best health, 6 AB figure as it was very important in Airforce where I served till I took Voluntary retirement and settled in Thane, Maharashtra. I started...

Cheating Wife
1 year ago
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The Lift

It was late afternoon, I was still at work, daydreaming. Thinking of how my lover would caress and kiss my body all over that night. Just then my boss walked in giving me a large document to type. Damn, I wanted to get home early. I wanted to surprise my fiancé by lying with his choice of favorite lingerie on the bed when he got home. So much for that fantasy, I got on the phone and called my fiancé to tell him I would be late at work. He said he would see me at home. I started to...

2 years ago
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Consequences I No More I Love Yous

Consequences I: No More I Love You's By Myria Looking back it seems like it was all simple fate. If I hadn't had so much paperwork to do that I stayed well past my shift, if I hadn't decided to take the bridge across instead of my usual route home, if the moon hadn't been shining so brightly, if... If so many things hadn't conspired to come together I never would have even seen her. There's something about winter nights that can be almost exhilarating. The way the cold air...

3 years ago
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The Girl In The Lift

Hello guys, I am back after a very long time. This story is long and focused much on setting the plot and directly doesn’t jump to fuck and sex. So sit back and enjoy it. I live in Pune, and this is the story of a girl who lives in my building. We used to meet each other in the lift. Let me describe her, she would be around 5.7” in height. Her stats are not so great. Her boobs would be around 32 but firm, her ass would be around 36 in size. Her skin color is on the darker side but possesses...

2 years ago
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Lift going down

“……And get onto the suppliers and ask them what the fuck they’re doing.” Anita was saying as she stepped into the lift.“Will do first thing tomorrow.”“What’s wrong with doing it now?”“It’s ten twenty seven at night and there’s no-one there,” John said patiently as he pressed the button to take them to the tenth floor of the office building.Anita looked at her watch and let out a loud sigh.“Oh Shit, is it?” she said. “Amy will go fucking mad at me!”“Surely she’s used to it by now,” John said...

4 years ago
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When She Met Me In The Lift

Hi guys, this is Aarush posting my third sexual encounter which happened recently few weeks ago. You guys can mail me your comments on but please don’t ask for any girls information. And those girls who read ISS but not sure about sex then please don’t find some stranger guy to have sex because if it has to happen then it will happen to you soon. About me I am 24 year old from Mumbai but currently working in Dubai. I am an average guy with good physic and innocent look. Since 2 years m here in...

1 year ago
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Lift Office Se Bathroom Tak Big Boobs

Mera naam Sujay hai aur meri umr 26 saal hai. Aap mujhe email ya kik id sujay_patil par contact kar sakte hai. Mai asha karta hun ki aapne meri purani popular stories (Madmast Akansha Ko Data Structures Sikha Dala) aur (Pune Local Bus Mein Young Ladki Ka Garam Badan) padhi hongi aur aapko pasand aayi hongi. Ye meri nayi story keval kuch dino pehle ki hai. Wo kehte hai na ki sabr ka fal meetha hota hai, yeh story isiki ek acchi misaal hai. Bahut dino se, ya kehlo mahino se mere life me koi...

4 years ago
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To Whom It May Concern

Tom McGee sat at his computer, contemplating some of the feedback from some readers regarding his most recent story. He had developed a pretty good relationship with a few of his readers and was enjoying using his abilities to keep them happy. He wasn’t quite sure what he did with all this creativity before stumbling across Literotica a few months ago. Now he was quite thankful for those wonderful people who created this venue! The new friends he had made through his writing was worth every...

2 years ago
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Ex Daughter Grown Up Part 7 In Love With Whom

(Introduction: if you have read parts 1-6, you will know the people involved: a husband back working in the country he loves and where his grown-up 17y.o. step-daughter from a previous marriage has arranged for her ‘daddy’ to be taken care of by others during her school semesters back in her adopted Australia, where she lives with her mother, the ex-wife. I had to go to my northern office again for business, had more sex, more love there, but I didn’t know then my ex-Vietnamese wife, Ha, mother...

3 years ago
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My Friend8217s Hot Mom Cum Neighbour To Whom I Lost My Virginity

Hi, this is Erav (name changed) I`m 19 yrs old with normal pysique and I’m from erode,tamil nadu. Any aunty/girls wannna kind of sex chats or some ral fun contact me “” sorry for a lenghthy introduction.This story is about how I seduced my frnds mom who is striving for sex.This happened in my twelth standard.The heroine of the story is revathi who is 40 but looks like 30s(to whom I lost my virginity) my friends mother cum neighbour.She was a my neighbour in the same appartment.Every men’s penis...

2 years ago
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Experience With The Guy Whom I Met By Accident

Hi guys, I am Rajesh (cd sissy) from Hyderabad. Am a regular reader of ISS I visit this site very often. Now the incident which I am going to share with you all had happened with a man whom I don’t even know. His name is Ramesh whose age might be 40+. I actually met him when I was travelling in a train. I went somewhere and was returning back in a train and the train was fully crowded. I got into it and was standing near the door. Forgot to tell you people about me am 22 years old height 5’11...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Took The Virginity Of A Girl Whom I Met In Hyderabad 8211 Part 2

Before getting into the story, let me describe myself. I’m 6″ height, 70 kgs weight with fair colour, well built body. I always enjoy reading stories in ISS and I have a lot of sex desires. If anyone wants to have a good secret relationship, either through phone or direct”, please feel free to mail @ My inbox doors are always open to everyone. After trying really hard to convince her to come to my house, finally she accepted to come. It was around 8:30 pm, went to her hostel to pic her, bought...

3 years ago
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Lost Virginity To The Guy I Loved Whom I Met Online

Hi, this is riya mehra am from bangalore.I am a medical student.I seems good in looks though am not zero figure.I am curvy and am never demotivated because of that cause I always got attention what I wanted coming to my stats its 38-36-38 am fair with medium hair and good ass&boobs.You can give yours reviews on my email address that is I have bored u a lot now I would like to describe my story .. .It all started wen I shifted to my friends flat leaving my hostel without my parents knowledge my...

2 years ago
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For Whom the Bells Toll

Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. For Whom the bells toll by Waldo The judge adjusted her glasses, took a deep breath and then said "Mr. Walker, please stand." She watched as the man insouciantly rose from his chair and stood beside his very attentive and formal lawyer. For the last half hour, she had ample time to observe his demeanor within...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Aunt Pooja Whom I Worship

Hello I live in pune I am now 19 years old this incident happened 2 years ago when my uncle died and my aunt was shaken so my dad said that you come live with us we have my aunt agreed my aunt looked nice was fair and she had a busty figure she had daughter of 3 years old her age was 36 years My aunt was new to city so my mom said that why cant atharva show you the area my aunt agreed my mom called me and asked me I had no problem with that so next day my aunt came she had wore a punjabi dress...

3 years ago
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Lady Whom I Met In Bus Is My Next Client

Hi everyone thanks a lot for all your feedback and reading of my stories. This story is for one of my follower who demanded me to write. The one who don’t know, let me tell them, my name is Anuj and I am 21yr old living in Anand. This story is about an aunty, whom I met luckily while going to attend one of my client in Vadodara. I was going to vadodara for my gigolo client. I was travelling by bus. That day there was rush in bus and I got a seat luckily. Before bus started, one lady got in and...

2 years ago
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Whos whom

Who's Whom ? The photographs are spread out on the desk in front of me. Stories through images are so much better than stories with images. The former leave so much more to the imagination. Of course, I can't show them to you; some of the characters may be recognized-the quality of the pictures is so good. Perhaps I can just describe a couple in the hope that there is a great draughtswomen amongst you ; a good artist who can capture the emotions in elegant lines. I do hope so! The...

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For Whom Death Comes

For Whom Death Comes By: Light Clark Synopsis: Owen has a plan for his summer which he hopes will make him the most popular freshman to ever attend his high school. Things start to go astray, though, when he sees a mysterious girl in white who seems dead set on throwing all of his plans into disarray. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It uses no characters or places from that universe, just borrows a few terms and general thematics. It is certainly...

2 years ago
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For Whom the Bell Tolls

Being the sibling of a rising, hot Hollywood starlet is not the glamorous role that it seems. Well, alright, the parties and freebies and constant spotlight on your family does have its perks. Not to mention all the access to every hedonistic desire you could want, practically whenever you want it. But there is a downside to it as well: the stepping out of the shot for photo calls, the 3rd tier seating at awards shows, the neglect by your parents ... but I digress. For the sake of my all...

3 years ago
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To Whom It May Concern

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I know, you probably found me in a bizarre compromising position, an 85-year-old woman in a run-down old-fashioned house in some hard-to-imagine circumstances. There is a story here that you probably won’t believe, but ask yourself, what else could be the reason to find a woman my age sucking on a baby bottle with a vibrator buzzing on her clit, or her hair up in pigtails wearing little girl socks impaled on a dildo bouncy ball, or whatever of the three other possible...

4 years ago
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Who Played WhomChapter 8

Saturday, August 17 As promised, Tim pulled up to Sandy's house promptly at 11:00 Saturday morning. He had no idea what he was going to tell her or how she might react. He had no contingency plan; he would just have to wing it as best he could. He walked up to the door and rang the bell as if he were signaling his own doom. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls," Tim thought as he waited. Sandy opened the door and smiled. "Hey baby, how are you?" she said as she opened the door. "I'm...

4 years ago
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Free Birds in the Bayou

“If you’re a man in America, and you have a great divorce lawyer, you get the kids every other week. If you have a decent divorce lawyer, you get them on the weekends. If you have a bad divorce lawyer, you get them a week of every month. If you have my divorce lawyer, you get them for one month every year before school starts, and no contact until then. You know, I sympathize with women activists in this country, I really do. It makes no sense that half the population had to claw through...

2 years ago
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Love story Within the Bayou of Houma Louisiana

Charles Tate and I had been childhood sweethearts. Everyone within the bayou of Houma, Louisiana thought we were the perfect couple. But we discovered a terrible secret that tore through our love and hearts. We were half brother and sister. How could this be? How could this possibly happen? When we were eighteen years old we demanded to know the truth from our parents. My Mama told me that Charles’s father, Emmet Tate, had been a few years older than she and seduced by his charm and good...

3 years ago
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 “What do you want me to wear?”“Wear that orange dress you wore the day we met and a pair of come-fuck-me shoes,” I replied.“Anything else?”“Actually, yeah, put on a skimpy pair of thongs,” I said, “no bra.”“Ok, What about stockings? And do I need my purse?”“No, none of that this time. Go get ready, I’m leaving to come pick you up now,” I told her.“Ok, I’ll be ready,” she said, hanging up.I left and drove to Jessica’s house. As soon as I pulled into her driveway she came out of the door and...

1 year ago
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Shoplifting Punishment

Here I was tied, gagged and blindfolded and I wondered how I had let myself end up like this. Jim and I had worked for the same company for several years and then he left to take a position with another company. I had not seen him for almost a year when we ran into each other at a local club. I had always thought he was an attractive man but he really never seemed to take an interest in me other than on a professional basis. However, that night we had a few drinks together that night and ended...

2 years ago
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Cute Indian Girl Fucked By Officers For Shoplifting

Hi, I am Chetan and I am back with another story. This is a story about how a cute Indian girl is fucked by strangers. The girl has a shoplifting disorder. She doesn’t do it intentionally but it has become her habit. So, one day this beautiful girl goes to a mall to buy some clothes. She was wearing a tight top and tight-fitting jeans which was displaying her curves very clearly. Her figure was 36-32-36, which can make any cock hard. Her name was Nisha. So when Nisha was in the mall, she came...

2 years ago
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ShopliftingThe mall is deserted, for it is closing time, yet I watch the glass case spin as its contents sparkle. I still have some "shopping" to do. The sales lady catches me staring and smiles a beckoning smile, exposing teeth so white they make me sick. She reminds me of the Barbie dolls my mom used to force me to play with as a kid. Fried, bleached hair; tangerine-colored skin; emaciated physique; botox-plumped lips – she was a cocktease and she knew it too. Her rosy nipples stick out...

2 years ago
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Shoplifting Punishment

Here I was tied, gagged and blindfolded and I wondered how I had let myself end up like this. Jim and I had worked for the same company for several years and then he left to take a position with another company. I had not seen him for almost a year when we ran into each other at a local club. I had always thought he was an attractive man but he really never seemed to take an interest in me other than on a professional basis. However, that night we had a few drinks together that night and ended...


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