Lift Going Down! free porn video

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“……And get onto the suppliers and ask them what the fuck they’re doing.” Anita was saying as she stepped into the lift.

“Will do first thing tomorrow.”

“What’s wrong with doing it now?”

“It’s ten twenty seven at night and there’s no-one there,” John said patiently as he pressed the button to take them to the tenth floor of the office building.

Anita looked at her watch and let out a loud sigh.

“Oh Shit, is it?” she said. “Amy will go fucking mad at me!”

“Surely she’s used to it by now,” John said absent mindedly as he made notes on the sheaf of papers he was carrying.

“She is! That’s the trouble,” Anita said. “She’s a f******n year old girl and her mother is out working all hours of the day and night. She hardly gets to see me.”

John looked at her. She was a powerful woman. Not only because she ran a multi-million pound company but generally. She knew what she wanted and worked hard to achieve her goals. She also expected her staff to be equally as dedicated and for this she gave large rewards which ensured total loyalty to her. She was very clever and at thirty-four, could have given up work permanently and lived in luxury for the rest of her life. A single mother (she’d been ‘knocked-up as she put it, by someone who had professed undying love and left when she told him) she carved her career out of nothing. A beautiful woman. She had long, chestnut hair worn like Lauren Bacall in her favourite film. Her tailored blouse emphasized her bust which, although not large, was beautifully shaped. A wide leather belt circled her slim waist and the pencil skirt emphasized her hips. A hem line just above the knee and dark stockings led down to elegant three inch high stiletto heeled shoes. This made the most of her sway as she walked which always drew the stares of the male staff and the envy of the female staff.

John, her PA, was in his late twenties and not remarkable. He was not a ‘hunk’ He wore an ordinary grey suit and his hair was more mousey than anything else. But he was efficient and highly intelligent. Anita had spotted him among the clerks and during on staff dinner was sitting next to him and knew that this man was just what she needed as a right hand. He had been promoted into the job which was created for him and in the four years they had been together had kept her on time with her appointments and made sure everything she wanted was carried out. In private they were on first name terms but he made sure that when others were there that he was properly deferential.

“Go home!” he said to her. “There’s nothing important you need to do here. Take a day off and spend it with her. Take her shopping.”

“What would I do without my little gnome?” she said with a smile.

“You couldn’t exist now,” he said. “I’ve made bloody sure of it!”

“Will you marry me, John?”

“No! You henpeck me enough at work.”

“I’m sure you could take me in hand.”

John thought for a moment before speaking.

“Can you imagine what it would be like? We’d be making love and you’d be giving me orders. ‘John, don’t forget to suck my tits’ and ‘use your finger when you’re doing that’.”

“I’m sure you wouldn’t need any direction…..Shit! What’s happened?”

The lift had ground to a halt and the lights flickered off. After a few seconds they came back on.

John pressed the button but nothing happened.

“What is it?”

“I think there’s been a power failure,” John said.

“But the lights are on.” Anita said.

“Back-up! It’ll keep the lights on and the air circulating but it’s not enough to power the lift.”

“Well, press the emergency button!”

“The emergency button?”

“Yes! That’ll alert the security staff……..” her voice trailed off.

“…..who go home at nine?” John completed the sentence.


“Think that’s all we can do until the power comes back on.”

“No chance, Mister! You turned my proposal down.”

“So what do we do?” she asked.

“Have you got your mobile?”

“On my desk.”

“Mine too. Bollocks!”

“If I can get the door open, we might be close to a floor and be able to open the outer doors and squeeze out.”

“I hope so because I don’t want to be in here too long.”

“Claustrophobia?” John asked as he worked.



“Ah indeed!” Anita said.

John slid the inner doors open and was greeted by a blank wall.

“Now what do we do,” she asked.

“I suggest you don’t think about peeing.”

“What good will that do?” she said sounding a little desperate. “You know what happens when you try not to think about something. You want to do it MORE!”

“Well then, you are going to have to pee on the floor.”

“Please tell me you’re joking!”

“Well,” he said. “There is a gap between the lift and the wall. If you’r careful and your aim is good……”

“John, darling. I love you dearly but you may not have noticed - I’M A FUCKING WOMAN! We don’t aim! It’s you lot that are equipped to do that. We sit and hope!”

“Come on, Anita. You know as well as I do, You can stand and aim a bit. Not as well as us guys it’s true…..”

“OK, so you can piss higher up the wall than me! Isn’t that what you guys do in the loo?”

“In primary school, yes but I personally leave it to the ladies to use it to write their names.”

Anita looked at him.

“You let ladies…..”

“Oh, come on, Anita. Don’t tell me you haven’t held a guy’s cock while he pee’d.”


“You don’t know what you’ve missed.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” she said. Then after a long pause. “Do you do that often with your girlfriends?”

“Yes. Lots of them like piss play.”

“Wow! But that doesn’t help me right now and I am getting a little desperate, John.”

“There is another way,” he said to her. “But you might not like the idea.”

“What. I am desperate!”

“You could let me take it from you,” he said quietly.

“What do you mean by ‘take it from me’. how would you do that?”

“Well, I lay down and you - sort of - squat over my mouth!”


“I knew you wouldn’t like the idea.”

“John! Don’t you think I piss on your parade just working for me? Now you want to - drink it too?”

“It was just an idea,” he said, blushing. “Just thought, as we don’t know how long we’re going to be trapped, it might make you comfortable.”

“You are really something else, John Mason!” Anita said, surprised that she wasn’t revolted by the thought. “But it’s piss!”

“I’ve drunk it before, if that helps,” he said. “I told you, there are a few girls who like it and I’m afraid I enjoy it too. Come on, Anita. It’s just between us and I can see you are desperate.”

“How do we do it?”

“I lay down and you squat on my face. And don’t worry about aiming. I’ll make sure my mouth covered the right spot. Just don’t let it go too quickly or it’ll overflow before I can swallow.”

“We-ell! OK. Turn around.”

“What for?”

“I’m going to take my knickers off!”

“Anita! Your going to sit on my face, for God’s sake. Your cunt will be covering me! And you’re worried I’ll see you take your knickers off.”

“It’s my skirt as well,” she pouted. “This fucking thing is so tight I can’t get it over my hips.”

John laughed as he lay down.

“Just strip off, Boss. I’m thirsty.”

“You’re not supposed to enjoy it!”

“But I will!”

Anita was self-conscious as she unhooked her waistband and lowered the zip. John looked up with pleasure as he watched her wriggle her way out of the tight skirt. She was wearing stockings and a black suspender belt and sheer, black briefs. Hooking her fingers into the waistband, she lowered them and stepped from them. For a moment, they hooked on her high heel and she leant back against the wall of the lift to free them.

She had long and very shapely legs and firm, rounded buttocks. A neat triangle of dark chestnut hair and John watched as she placed a foot either side of his head. Slowly she lowered herself into a squat over him.

“Are you sure of this?” She asked.

“Yep!” He replied and lifted his face to her. His mouth opened and closed on her hairy slit. Immediately she backed off.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

“Anita. I have to have a good contact to ensure it doesn’t go everywhere. Now come on.”

“Well, OK. If you say so. But if I hear one word of this in the office……”

“Don’t worry. They think you shit on me anyway!”

“I’ll do more than shit on you. You will NOT have something I’m sure you value and I’ll have them for ear-rings.”

Once again she lowered herself to his face and felt him close his mouth onto her and, despite herself, it felt good.

“Well?” he mumbled after a while.

“Don’t rush me! And open up. I’m concentrating.”

“On what?”

“On what you keep doing with your tongue you bastard. I can’t pee when you’re licking me like that.”

“It’s so wet down here I thought you might have already pee’d.”

“Shut up, toilet boy!”

He grinned to himself and once again covered her and felt the first trickle. It was warm. Not a flood and lasted just a couple of seconds. Then another. And another and finally it flowed. He swallowed furiously and felt a trickle from the side of his mouth. But Anita was good and had excellent control until finally she finished. She leant forward and peered down into his eyes.

“If you like, you can continue with your tongue,” she said and felt it penetrate her slightly. Closing her eyes she let the feelings of the licking flow through her body. John was good. Very good and she was soon thrusting her cunt hard against his face.

“Oh yes, John,” she said softly. “Fucking YES! That is so bloody gorgeous. Ohyes, right there. Lick my clit fuck you. Yes. Lick it! Lick it! Just like that Ohhhhhhhh Shiiiiiiit here it…….. Oh Yes! OHYES! YESYESYESYES! FUUUUUUUUUCK!”

John swallowed as her orgasm hit and a gush of hot juice filled his mouth.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuck FUUUUUUUUUCK!”

Anita rolled off John and lay on her side, panting. He raised himself up and looked at her. She looked back at him

“Fuck me!” she said.


“Fuck me, John. I need a prick in me! I need a fucking hard cock and I need to be filled up. Fuck me now!”

John knelt up and loosened his waistband and pushed his trousers down to his knees. His underpants followed and she stared wide eyed at his hard cock. She rolled onto her back and put her legs either side of him. Nothing was said as he leaned forward and taking his cock in his right hand, guided it to the wet slit. Gently he rubbed the knob up and down the soft channel, coating it with her copious juices and then, finding her hole, eased it in. Anita arched her back and moaned.

“Gently, John. Gently. I haven’t had one in there since Sophie was born.”


No,” she said shaking her head. Except a small vibrator I carry with me. But that’s only a little thicker than a pen so be careful how you use that monster.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, pleased that she was impressed by his size. He thought he was only average but it was always nice to fantasize.

Gently he eased in his full length and began the slow rhythmic pumping. He was turned on more and more by her moans and whimpers as she began the slow ascent to orgasmic heaven and he could feel his own sensations building inside him. His strokes got longer and faster and she arched her back to get maximum pleasure from his thrusting, guiding his shaft over her clit as she did so.

It was a long, low wail starting softly but building until she was screaming and bucking as he fucked her harder and harder. Ramming his cock into her, his body slapping against hers.

It hit him suddenly. He reached his peak and gave an almighty thrust and held it there. So deep was he that she cried out and gripped his buttocks, her long fingernails biting into the muscle as he emptied his balls deep inside her and she cried out involuntarily as she felt his cum fill her. She was quivering against him and holding him in there. Muscles in her cunt walls gripped his shaft.

Then she was crying. Tears rolled from her dark eyes and down her cheeks. Great sobs filled her chest.

“Anita! What’s wrong?” he asked. He put his arms around her and held her tightly to him. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. I thought it was……”

“I do. Do want it,” she sobbed and held him to her as her crying eased. Finally she was able to speak. “It’s just that it’s been so long, so very long since I felt like that.”

They were looking at each other.

“I swore I would never fuck another man. Never!”

“So why?”

“When you used your tongue on my clit it just drove me wild and I needed that shag.”

“Well, I’m glad I could help you out,” he said with a smile but he made no effort to pull out and his cock remained hard inside her. And she made no effort to push him off.

“Oh, I think you did more than help out,” she said. “I see a future in which you MAY be called on to help me out some more.”

“Will I get a raise?”

“Don’t push your luck! The only raise you will get is the one between my legs which seems to be keeping itself up I note.”

“Well, let’s keep the little chap happy then, shall we. Who knows when the lift might start again.”

The lift started again half way through the third fuck and they barely had time to scramble to their feet and adjust themselves before it arrived. As the doors opened they were greeted by empty office.

“First job for you tomorrow is to arrange for an emergency phone in that lift,” Anita said.

“Pity. We wouldn’t have had so much enjoyment if a phone was in there.”

“Just because the phone’s in there, doesn’t mean we have to use it,” she said and kissed a finger and placed it on his lips. “Now I must go and phone Sophie. She’ll be worried.”

“OK and I’ll drive you home.”

“There’s no need…..”

“There’s also no trains,” John said. “And I’ll be cheaper than a cab all the way to Croydon.”

“Thank you, John. Then you’d better stay. I’ll get Sophie to make up a bed in the spare room. And we’d better set the alarm for six thirty.”

“Six thirty?”

“Yes. I want to be back in my bed before she wakes.”

It was ten thirty the following day and John knocked politely on Anita’s office door and entered. She was just handing over a file to a young girl who turned and gave a broad smile to them both before leaving..

“One of your ‘girls’? Anita asked.

“No!” John replied placing the file he was holding in front of her. “I don’t have any other girl.”

Anita raised her eyebrows and smiled. Her long, chestnut hair was in a pony tail which hung to between her shoulder blades.

“It’s true!” he said. “You keep me too busy to have girls.”

“Then I wonder why the smile.”

“She saw us arrive together this morning. I expect it’s all round the office by now but don’t worry. I’ll block any rumours and say we had to meet a client first thing.”

“What would I do without you. But there is something going on. A few people have had a fit of the giggles when I’ve been around. See what you can find out.”

“Yes, Mistress!” he said heading for the door.

“And don’t let them hear you call me THAT!”

“No,” he replied out loud and then mouthed the word ‘mistress’. She threw a pen at him and grinned as he disappeared. It was two hours before he returned with a worried look on his face.

“John?” What’s up?”

“I think you will need a stiff drink,” he said. Anita looked at him and nodded to the mini bar. He went over and poured a large scotch for them both.

Handing one to his boss he took a seat on the corner of her desk. She took the cut crystal tumbler and held it to the light, watching the sparkle through the amber liquid and then smelling the peaty aroma before taking a large gulp.

“Tell me!” she said simply.

Well the good news is, they are arranging for a telephone to be fitted into the lift so that what happened last night won’t happen again.


“And the bad news is that, although the emergency power can’t operate the lift, it can operate the emergency lighting, the air conditioning and…….”


“And the security video!”

“Oh, Shit!” she said and took another large swig from the glass. “Who’s seen it?”

John raised an eyebrow.

“Everybody!” she went on.

“Look, It’ll be a five minute wonder. Give it a few weeks and no-one will remember. They’ll have found something new to talk about.”

“Yes but it’s those few weeks that……..”

She was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. Anita picked it up.

“Oh, Hello, Bob,” she said in a sultry voice she always used for clients. “How’s business? Really?…….What!?……. You Tube?………Oh, my God!…….”

“John took a large swig of his drink and guessed what had happened. Heads would roll for this.

“I’ll see what I can find out,” he said softly and left the room.

An hour later his telephone rang and he heard Anita’s voice.

“John! I want all staff in the conference room in five minutes. All calls to be held. I don’t care what they’re doing. Five minutes! Make that four!”

There was silence in the room as the door opened and Anita swept in, her face blank. She walked to the end of the room.

“I have just had three of the most embarrassing phone calls of my life,” she said to the silent room. “Now, I’m not going to ask who put that video on You Tube. That is for them and , John. If you’ve found out, keep it to yourself. I don’t want to know. Whoever it is, it’s a matter for your conscience. But I have had to put up with lots and lots of smutty innuendo from our clients. I have bourn all this because I truly believe that some good may come out of it. So I just want to say that, as a result of that, we have just secured contracts for over fifteen million pounds.”

There was a large intake of breath before laughter broke out followed by applause. Anita was smiling and blushing.

“Wow,” John said as he moved up to her.

“Wow indeed,” she said and smiled at him. A few in the room noticed but most were just celebrating. Seems they liked to do business with a ‘forceful’ woman!”

“And now?”

“And now, I’m going to take the afternoon off and take my daughter to the shops.”

“Yes, M……”


“Yes, ma’am! I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Oh no you won’t! You’ll see me at seven o’clock sharp for dinner!”

Over the next few weeks business was hectic. Orders had developed from orders and Anita drove everyone. Quality was her watchword and it spread. Orders from foreign companies had developed.

John walked into her office and sis she was finishing a call. She motioned to him to close the door. E did so and walked over to the desk. She looked up at him.

“Well, let’s see if you’re right,” she said.

“About what?“

“Give them a few weeks and they will find something new to gossip about.”

“They’re too busy at the moment.

“They won’t be. Not after what I’ve done.”

“Why? What have you done?”

“Only got myself pregnant!”


“You know the word, DADDY!”

“Oh, Wow! What can I do?”

“Tell me, John. Are there any security cameras in here?”


“Then lock that fucking door and let’s make sure of it shall we. And you’d better make me scream!”

I looked at her quizzically and at the door.

“Fuck them! Let’s really give them something to gossip about


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Shoplifting Punishment

Here I was tied, gagged and blindfolded and I wondered how I had let myself end up like this. Jim and I had worked for the same company for several years and then he left to take a position with another company. I had not seen him for almost a year when we ran into each other at a local club. I had always thought he was an attractive man but he really never seemed to take an interest in me other than on a professional basis. However, that night we had a few drinks together that night and ended...

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ShopliftingThe mall is deserted, for it is closing time, yet I watch the glass case spin as its contents sparkle. I still have some "shopping" to do. The sales lady catches me staring and smiles a beckoning smile, exposing teeth so white they make me sick. She reminds me of the Barbie dolls my mom used to force me to play with as a kid. Fried, bleached hair; tangerine-colored skin; emaciated physique; botox-plumped lips – she was a cocktease and she knew it too. Her rosy nipples stick out...

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Shoplifting Punishment

Here I was tied, gagged and blindfolded and I wondered how I had let myself end up like this. Jim and I had worked for the same company for several years and then he left to take a position with another company. I had not seen him for almost a year when we ran into each other at a local club. I had always thought he was an attractive man but he really never seemed to take an interest in me other than on a professional basis. However, that night we had a few drinks together that night and ended...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 30 The Finals Countdown

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...

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Lift me anuradha ki pahli training

Hi, I am gain back AMIT. Pahle to main aap sabhi ko thank’s kahna chahunga jinhone mere pahle story (SUMAN SE DOSTI PAKKI HO GAYI)ko appreciate kiya. Aaj main phir ek apni kahani batane jar aha hu. Mere samne ke ghar main aik bohat hi khoobsoorat ladki rehti hai. Uski umer 18 saal thi. Us ka naam Anuradha hai. Wo dekhne main fit hai. Sexy hai. Us ki khoobsoorati par main fida tha. Roz apne khayalon main us ke saath sexy scennes sochta. Mera ghar ka chat aur uske ghar ke chat per sirf ek 10 feet...

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Our Neighbour in Lockdown

This is purely a fantasyWe moved into our home nearly a decade ago. Our garden is not attached to our house and we have to get access through our neighbour’s garden. Roger, our neighbour, was widowed a few years before we moved next to him and is now in his late 70s. He can be cantankerous and rude and we have had many disputes with him over our access rights. I have not really gotten on with him, but my wife has tolerated him. The good Samaritan in my wife came out immediately at the time of...

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A New Taste Part 32 Lockdown

It felt like an age since I had pleased a beautiful cock. The virus lockdown had put a stop to my regular servicing and my thoughts circled around like a goldfish in a bowl. The tension was evident when I masturbated and before I knew it and without orgasm, semen started pulsing out of me. I scooped it into my mouth a savoured it. I so enjoyed the texture and taste that I played with the little load pushing it against my teeth and around my mouth for some time as I edged my cock. Images of...

4 years ago
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101 Days of Lockdown

Thanks for that. Well, that’s if you choose to believe that bullshit anyway. The only certainty about this whole weird alternative world we’ve found ourselves in is that however it started it has fucked it for the rest of us. We have to wear masks. We wash our hands a hundred times a day. I use hand sanitizer like my life depends on it. There’s a daily death report on the 5 o’clock news each night that we’re all absolutely glued to watching, to the point that it has become a rote part of...

1 year ago
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 22 Lockdown

We had completed our major pickups of short-term residents and we were in the final stages of getting the residents settled in their new homes. We now had to make a final decision regarding further pickups. Things had gone bad on our last major pickup. The pickup started out the same as the other pickups we made. By eight thirty in the morning, there were over a hundred demonstrators outside the stadium, and more were on the way. By ten, the number was close to five hundred and growing, they...

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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 5 Lockdown

We slept straight through and woke up starving. We got cleaned up and made love in the shower. It was hard to stop fucking when every glance showed me a new side of Jas that turned me on even more. The little dimple at the base of her spine. The difference in the color of the sole of her foot from the top of her foot. The one slightly crooked tooth on the far right side of her smile. Everything I discovered made me want to have more sex with her. And she seemed to agree. It was only our...

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Just got through security. The wait was boring, and boarding was tedious. Neither of us were searched or pat down though, which is nice. That always feels like a bad portent for the coming trip, no matter how random it is, or how benign their motivation might be. Harry’s nervous enough, and I don’t want her to start adding uncomfortable and self-conscious to her emotional palette. She’s never been out of the country, and here we are, getting ready sitting on the tarmac waiting for a plane bound...

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The calls would be early tomorrow, because dad had to leave for a long meeting at Aronow & Associates and mother was committed to helping with a Make-A-Wish bake sale at nine. Anger filled the room. That was it; meeting over. My dad was screaming angry things I will never remember as my parents stormed out of the kitchen and up to their bedroom. I sat choking on a strange vomit that just rode in my throat. I could hardly breathe. I reached up under the remains of my blouse. I was hot in...

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shoplifter fucking girl

shoplifter fucking girl,Hardcore is the broadest of porn categories as it includes anything where the penis enters the vagina for thrusting. Scenes include every position imaginable, a great deal of foreplay to arouse both parties, and penetration that lasts for a shockingly long time or can be a quick homemade fling to capture a couple's passion.BBW pornography stars chubby women of exceptional size demonstrating their fuck hungry pussies. These free sex scenes are full of obese girls with fat...

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And there she was, right on time. Every Saturday afternoon the cute little redhead shows up at my store and every time she does something gets stolen. The problem is that she's good at it and I've yet to catch her red handed. I sat at my desk in the loss prevention office and watched as she moved out of the view of one camera and into range of the next. She knew where the cameras were placed and where the dead zones were, at least she did before I'd added the new ones. "That's it baby, poke...

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shoplifter has to pay the price

I recently took on a second job to help pay off the mortgage on my house. I got a job at JT’s Liquor Store, the owner Leo is an old friend of mine. I work there from 6pm until midnight during the week. I gotta tell you, we get the most interesting people in here. Believe me man, I have seen it all.We get a lot of local u******e high school k**s coming in here trying to buy booze for their parties with fake id’s. I won't risk getting arrested by selling to minors so I card pretty hard. ...

2 years ago
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Shoplifter Punished

I don't know why I did it, but I was starving, I was on my home from college when I went into the newsagents to get a bar of chocolate or something, once I got in there I realised I didn't have enough money in my purse to pay for anything. I noticed that the asian shopkeeper was busy re-stocking, so I picked up a bar of chocolate and slipped it into the pocket of my jeans.I looked up again and he was still busy, I then walked towards the door and went outside. Suddenly I felt a hand on my...

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They had set me up! And they had done it so neatly that there was no way out. I stared at the two women in shock and dismay. There was no alternative – I was going to have to do whatever they wanted – anything at all.I was fifteen and a half years old, although I looked two or three years older – a fact which caused me a lot of bother, with older boys and men constantly making passes or dirty remarks. The reason for this was partly my height – I am five foot nine inches – but most of all my...

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Shoplifter Part 1 of 3

SHOPLIFTER (Part 1 of 3) By Lisa Lovelace Back when I was still a boy, I was a grad student in history at State U. Like all grad students, I was broke. I couldn't afford to buy the ladies' underthings I secretly liked to dress up in. So I stole them. Always from the same place: Dullard's, a locally owned, old-fashioned department store in decline. Their security was weak, no doubt due to staffing cuts and lack of investment. They usually had a clerk at the women's dressing rooms...

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Shoplifter Part 2 of 3

SHOPLIFTER (Part 2 of 3) By Lisa Lovelace When I awoke, I was lying on a bed in my new maid's uniform. I was in a bedroom decorated in feminine shades of lavender, pink and cream, with lace-trimmed curtains and bedclothes. I recognized the d?cor. I was in Sir and Madam's house again. I heaved a huge sigh of relief. I'd escaped! I was no longer in the place its victims called Pink Prison. I'd been taken there months ago after being caught trying to shoplift ladies' lingerie and a d...

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Shoplifter Part 3 of 3

SHOPLIFTER (Part 3 of 3) By Lisa Lovelace Someone was shaking me. "Wake up, wake up! You're Lisa, right? You need to get dressed! It's almost time for breakfast." I opened my eyes and saw another girl staring into them. I was back in Pink Prison. My old bedroom, room 24. Windowless concrete block walls painted pink. This was the place where I'd been sent after I was caught shoplifting ladies' clothing from a local department store. I was one of two dozen boys here, all panty...

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Shoplifter complete story

SHOPLIFTER (Complete story) By Lisa Lovelace ~ ~ ~ PART 1 Back when I was still a boy, I was a grad student in history at State U. Like all grad students, I was broke. I couldn't afford to buy the ladies' underthings I secretly liked to dress up in. So I stole them. Always from the same place: Dullard's, a locally owned, old-fashioned department store in decline. Their security was weak, no doubt due to staffing cuts and lack of investment. They usually had a clerk at...

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It was that moment when defeat showed on her face that I knew that I had won. I had won the day against a rich bitch mother and the spoiled teenage daughter who I had caught shoplifting in my employers department store. I had made the mother an offer that was just too hard to refuse. “Come around her momma” I beckoned her as she sat on the other side of my massive desk. Momma (real name Julie) was a 40 year old married rich bitch. She just exuded money, but the behavior of her daughter had...

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Mike Bowden was a professional shoplifter, and had never been caught before. This was his livelyhood, he would steal stuff and fence it for money. Lately, he had his eye on this one pornography store that was owned and operated by an attractive young woman with fair skin and brunet hair named Victoria Russell. She had a sexy, and lightly muscled athletic body. Despite her athletic condition, Mike was convinced that she could not overpower him if she caught him, so he had it in his head that he...

1 year ago
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Mona Brewton Mona Brewton touched the low neckline of her bejeweled blouse. Her hands trembled so intensely that she could hardly grasp the tiny top button. She was about to undress before a group of total strangers. She glanced quickly down at the people seated around her hoping that they somehow might be ignoring her. Instead, eyes of lust and lasciviousness stared back at her. She was mortified. Her mind and her emotions were on high alert as she tried desperately to comprehend all that...

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Back with steve after lockdown

Well it has seemed like an age due to lockdown but back visiting my black lover steve but musnt complain as health and safety is paramount. Visited last saturday and cant believe the session we had. I prepared for hours to get ready as i wanted everything to be perfect and chose the outfit that steve likes as he insists on being my master and im his sissy faggot. Put on my thong with matching basque suspenders black stockings and a skin tight latex dress then heavy makeup with ruby red...

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MILF Neighbour And Her Daughter During Lockdown

Thanks for the amazing response to my previous stories and kudos to the ladies with whom I got closer because of the stories! ;) Like my previous stories, this is also based on real-life experience. The facts although have been tweaked to make the story more relevant and related to the current times. For those reading my story for the first time, my name is Akshay. I am a 35 year, six feet, and a moderately built married man from Bangalore. I have had a lot of fun outside marriage during my...

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Milf Seduction During The Lockdown

This is a fictional story. No events or people depicted in this milf seduction story are real. Things have not been the same between mom and me since I returned home for lockdown. Actually, things had been quite shaky since my 18th birthday 7 months ago. My mom Vasundhara is a beautiful MILF. Yes. She’s a total MILF – a Mom I’d Love to Fuck. She is just 42 but hardly looks a day older than 35. She keeps fit by doing yoga. I am sure she makes many heads turn and dicks hard at the school she...

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Maid Stayed At Our Place During Lockdown

Hi guys, this is Raja again with a recent lockdown story. I know I have plenty of story continuity pending. Hope you will give me your feedback as much as possible. Coming to the story, as you all know I am a sex freak and addict. Usually, I have sex with my neighbors during this lockdown but this one is different and I had never expected if would be like this. Yes, this time it was with my maid, aunty Vanitha. She was in her mid 30’s, I think but I am not sure. Her figure was 40-36-38 and she...

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Meeting Her Dad For The First Time Since Lockdown

“And I believe that’s checkmate, Don,” said Charles with quiet satisfaction, casting a charming smile at his father-in-law. Don rested his glass of red wine on the table and passed his fingers through his long, dark blonde hair, casting a final glance at the chess board in a futile attempt to spot some avenue of escape.   Charles really was devilishly handsome and charming, thought Don to himself as he finally looked up and their eyes met briefly. But more importantly, he knew that he was a...

2 years ago
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Naked Fucking With Dad Post Lockdown

“And I believe that’s checkmate, Don,” said Charles with quiet satisfaction, casting a charming smile at his father-in-law. Don rested his glass of red wine on the table and passed his fingers through his long, dark blonde hair, casting a final glance at the chess board in a futile attempt to spot some avenue of escape.   Charles really was devilishly handsome and charming, thought Don to himself as he finally looked up and their eyes met briefly. But more importantly, he knew that he was a...

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Lust In Lockdown

It had been almost nine months since their lockdown began, six months longer than they’d thought it was going to be at the beginning. Simon, Alexis, Whitney, and Roger had been finding ways to become comfortable with being around each other constantly. Simon and Whitney were engineers for a data collection firm that shifted them to teleworking after seven people in the company contracted COVID. Alexis, Simon’s ex-girlfriend, moved in before she ultimately lost her job as a chef when the...

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BDSM Threesome During Lockdown

Hey, this is Coolguy back with another encounter about BDSM. For those who don’t know about me, please check out A brief introduction about me, I am a 6 ft tall, normal built, 28 years old, mallu guy in Chennai. Coming back, We all know that we are going through a tough time with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our daily life. Ever since the nationwide lockdown, I have been working from home. I had little opportunity to socialize and venture out. Most of the daily routine was work and boring...

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Lift Incident With Chubby Aunty

Hi All, Below Story is imaginary. I didn’t had any guts in life to perform any below actions, but would like to. Once me and my neighbor was in lift, she was wearing saree which was exposing half of her curvy figure. By looking at that back, I got hard on. She is chubby, but wonderful shape. She came from grocery store with 2-3 heavy bags. One of the bag broke and everything dropped from bag and she bend it to pick it up. Her Saree pallu got removed from her back and her back was all visible. I...

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A Supermodels Downfall

A Supermodel's Downfall (East Coast Slavers Organization Story III) by: Desert Dog (Desertlickingdog at yahoo dot com) Prologue – Introductions (or What's E.C.S.O.) Credits : The story that follows is my own work. However, for the energy and inspirationto craft this story, I would like to thank two readers who responded with timelye-mails containing simple story suggestions. One reader's recommendation (whoserequest ended up being mirrored in a number of responses) was to subject...

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Caleb 14 The showdown

As always, my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 14 – The Showdown Saturday morning, I got up at four. Everyone else seemed to be having a lie-in. I did a couple of hours of martial arts and then...

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Shoplifting trouble pt 1

I'm in target doing my weekly shopping and sneaking a little makeup in my purse. I put the makeup in my cart and proceed to the food part where I sneak the makeup into my backpack. I get my food and proceed to the checkout, I pay. As I'm walking to the door I get a tap on my shoulder, I look behind me and it's a cop. I pause and decide if I should run or not, I just stand there and ask "what's happening?". The officer says I'm being arrested for shoplifting and he's going to search my bag and...

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Shoplifting from a Witch

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Shoplifting from a Witch By Paul Jutras This morning Sam jumped out of bed and had a quick shower. He slipped into a padded bra that made him look like he had breasts that stuck out like two torpedoes, and then into a blouse and skirt. He didn't put on his normal taupe color nylon pantyhose because he planned to steal a pair. The shop was located at...

3 years ago
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COUNTDOWN Twenty minutes… I glared at the clock by the door, and shuffled back to the kitchen, thecuffs on my rest snug and locked together. I knew that there would be a phonecall within ten minutes, and I wanted to be close to it. She had kept me like this for three days now, monitoring my well being throughall of the damned electronics, and having me keeping that idiot clock running. I closed my eyes for a moment, remembering how it started. "Do you trust me, slave?" she smiled and dangled...

2 years ago
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Tales from lockdown

So It is the year 2020 and things are going fine. On the run-up to this year, everyone was joking about a new flue like a virus in China that shared its name with a make of Beer. The Coronavirus or COVID 19. It was all fun and games until it started spreading out of China as tourists brought it back to countries such as Italy. You were concerned but hoped it would all blow over. You laughed at people panic buying: toilet roll, pasta and hand sanitiser. The good weather was finally here and it...


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