- 2 years ago
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Mona Brewton touched the low neckline of her bejeweled blouse. Her hands trembled so intensely that she could hardly grasp the tiny top button. She was about to undress before a group of total strangers. She glanced quickly down at the people seated around her hoping that they somehow might be ignoring her. Instead, eyes of lust and lasciviousness stared back at her. She was mortified. Her mind and her emotions were on high alert as she tried desperately to comprehend all that had happened.
How could I have possibly gotten into such a dire predicament? Me-quiet, conservative Mona Brewton? Traditional, religious, devout, pure Mona, wife of a Baptist preacher and a living example of things righteous and moral?
It had started so innocently.
It was one of those perfect spring days. Birds sang sweet songs, the fragrance of flowers perfumed the air, and Mona was bored. There were no church meetings to attend, no Sunday school lessons to prepare, and no wifely chores to perform. On a whim, Mona had decided to go shopping. She knew from the outset that she could not afford to buy anything in particular. Her husband made a meager pastor's salary and proper preachers' wives didn't work outside the home. But, today was a gorgeous day, so Mona had decided to treat herself to a brush with the finer things in this life by going to the most exclusive department store in town, just to look.
After browsing about the store and even trying on a delicious dress (she had gasped at the $900 price tag on the dress), she felt somewhat ashamed. Covetousness was a sin after all, but Mona instant solace in that it wasn't another person's possessions she coveted. It was just a store's merchandize, for goodness sake, reasoned Mona. It was just a bit of fun, not a sin.
Mona was about to leave her fashion revelries when she found herself in the store's jewelry section. Sitting on top of the counter, left there by a careless sales person, was a tray of beautiful bracelets. Mona reached for the loveliest of the group. Suddenly she realized that there was no other person in sight. She held the bracelet for a moment, felt its exquisite weight, and, on impulse, dropped it into her purse. She would never in her life be able to buy a bauble like that. Other women had such beautiful jewelry and didn't appreciate what they had.
She instantly knew that what she had done was wrong. But, she rationalized, whom am I hurting? Just a store owned by a giant conglomerate? They won't miss this one little trifle. And I will never have this chance again.
Mona looked around once more and saw the sales clerk emerging from the stockroom.
"Can I help you," she asked Mona in a charmingly unsuspicious voice.
"No, thanks. Just browsing. These are gorgeous bracelets," said Mona. She tried to act as nonchalant as possible.
"Yes, they are," replied the clerk. "We just got those in."
"Too expensive for me," sighed Mona.
"Me, too," laughed the clerk. She slipped the tray back under the glass-topped counter.
Mona slowly headed for the door, stopping along the way to gaze into the lovely displays.
When Mona arrived at the doorway, the obviously bored clerk drawled, "Come back to see us now, you here."
Mona was about ten yards out the store's entrance when suddenly she found herself in the grip of a very large security guard. Terror shot through her. It was as if all of her insides had disappeared at once, leaving a big, empty void.
"Would you come with me, please," ordered the guard.
In seemingly seconds, Mona was seated in a security room with no windows, a table and a couple of chairs. The guard wordlessly emptied the contents of her purse on the table. Out dropped the bracelet with the $1,800 price tag still dangling from its clasp. Mona made eye contact with the guard and realized that she was in trouble, serious trouble, for the first time in her life.
"Ma'am, I am going to have to turn you over to the police on a charge of shoplifting merchandize greater than $1,000 in value. I must tell you that this is a felony in our state. Just remain seated right there."
Mona burst into tears. All at once, her life, at least as she knew, ended. She was ruined. She had been a perfect person all her life and now, in one brief moment, she had become a common criminal.
"Please," she whimpered through the tears. "This will wreck my life. It's not just me." She gulped for air sobbing uncontrollably. "This will ruin my family too. I'm a good person. My husband is a pastor. His congregation won't understand this. He will be fired from his job. We will be homeless!" She put her head in her hands. The cold metal chair in which she sat seemed to get colder and harder. "And, I have a young child at home." The words wouldn't come out anymore. She gasped for air and she looked up at the guard helplessly. Her tears ran freely off her cheeks and splattered on the table in front of her.
The guard stared back strangely. It was as if he was trying to make a decision.
"Wait here." He took Mona's purse and abruptly left the room.
In the next office, the guard consulted a card in his wallet and dialed the phone. "I think I have another candidate for you, sir. She is a pretty one-beautiful, in fact. Preacher's wife. Very upset. Has a lot to lose."
The voice on the other end said, "Give me her number. Your fee will be on its way to your bank account immediately. Keep up the good work."
Moments later, the guard returned to the interrogation room. Mona looked and felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach.
"I think I can help you, ma'am," said the guard.
Mona gave him a puzzled look.
"Listen to me carefully," he said in a soft voice. "Go home now. In a few days, a man will call you. He will explain how you can make restitution for your offense without going to the police. If you do what he says, this won't be made public and we will destroy the videotape I made of you shoplifting that bracelet. If you don't do exactly as he says, then everyone will know, starting with the Chairman of Board of Deacons at your husband's church. Is that clear?"
Mona's heart leaped. "No one will know?"
"No one," answered the guard. "Now, go home and remember what I said."
Mona sprang out of her chair, grabbed the guard, and hugged him exuberantly. Suddenly, she realized what she was doing and released the stone-faced guard with a blush.
"Thank you, oh, thank you so very much." And, out of the room she ran.
The Call"Mrs. Brewton," the man's voice on the other end of the line said softly. "I'm calling in regard to the... uh... incident last week at the jewelry store."
Mona's heart began to pound. She hoped that her husband, who was sitting near by, couldn't actually hear or even feel the horrible thumping of her heart.
"Yes," she said trying for nonchalance.
"Mrs. Brewton, we are willing to keep your little indiscretion quiet, if you will cooperate fully with us." The man sounded like anyone's grandfather--so calm, so trustworthy.
"Yes, of course," she replied.
"Remember this address, please. Don't write it down. 5 Alabaster Circle. You will join us there this Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Come dressed as you would if you were going to church. Do not tell anyone where you are going."
"What?" Mona was completely confused.
"Seven o'clock, 5 Alabaster Circle. We are having a small party and you will be our guest. Remember what the security guard told you?"
"Yes," she uttered. The phone line went dead.
"Who was that, honey?" asked her husband.
"The... uh... the women's Bible study group is shifting to Friday night this week."
"That's nice, dear," said her husband returning to his newspaper.
The OthersTears welled up in Mona's eyes again as she drove down a narrow lane leading to Alabaster Circle. She had never lied to her husband before. She felt so ashamed. He had even kissed her good bye and told her to enjoy her Bible study. Guilt brought a flood of tears once again.
"But, Mona, old girl," she said aloud as she regained control of herself, "whatever this is about, you are one lucky person. You can make it through anything if the alternative is a jail term and losing your family. Anything!"
She turned at a broad gate marked simply with a 5 and was confronted by two burly guards.
"Mona Brewton."
The guard smiled. "Park there. Go in the white door on the side of the main house. The others already are here."
Others, thought Mona.
Mona found her to the door and warily stepped inside. In a very large utility room stood two other women, both with terrified looks just like Mona's. One of the women had dark features, dark black hair, and a strikingly beautiful face. She was either Hispanic or Italian, Mona surmised. The other woman obviously was very wealthy. Her blond hair screamed expensive salon and her clothes were straight out of the latest women's magazines.
"Shoplifting?" said the dark-haired woman in a weak voice. Mona blushed and nodded affirmatively.
So, there are others in the same boat, she thought.
" Us, too," sighed the blonde. "Isn't this a bitch."
An interior door squeaked opened and an elegantly dressed, gray-haired man stepped into the room.
"Welcome, ladies. I know that right now you are afraid. I also know that you are very safe here. You will not be forced to do anything tonight. You always will have a choice. However, I hope that you will do as I... ah... suggest during the evening. And, I hope you will stay here for the entire time. If not, my store will bring charges against you in a court-of-law. Clear? Good. The first thing that you must do is smile. You are each so much more beautiful when you do so."
His voice was soft and reassuring. All three women smiled weakly.
"That's much better. I have even better news. Tonight, all of you will be guests at a lovely party for a small group of my friends. This is a formal affair, hence my tuxedo, so each of you will need to change clothes. There are some wonderful dresses from my dress shop in that closet. At least one should fit each of you. I'll give you fifteen minutes to freshen up and then you should come upstairs."
The dark-haired woman's eyes flashed.
"What kind of party?" she said.
The man exhibited a hint of anger. The appearance of reassurance left his countenance and he frightened Mona. Suddenly, his smile returned.
"A fun party. Drinks and a card game," he said returning to his calm demeanor. "I assume that all of you know how to play draw poker. If not, those little sheets there on the table have a simple version of the rules. Read them, please. Now get dressed. The guests are waiting." He disappeared through the doorway.
The PartyMona selected the most demure evening gown in the closet. Most of the choices reminded her of lingerie. She would not be caught dead publicly in one of those outfits. The gown she chose, however, was exquisite. It was a delicately sequined blouse with matching long skirt made of the most marvelous material. She felt like a million dollars in the dress. The other women had chosen more revealing outfits. Both wore them well, but both also wore grave expressions on their faces. Mona tried to be calm and remember that, regardless of what would be required, it would protect her dirty, little secret forever.
A man who appeared to be a servant led the women from the utility room into a giant living room, actually one of several living rooms in a very large, well furnished mansion. Four men were gathered around the bar. They all looked normal, cultured, and rich. Their eyes lit up when the three women approached. The butler appeared with a tray of full champagne flutes for the ladies and the men greeted them in most gentlemanly ways. Mona's apprehension started to lessen when suddenly she noted that that there were no other women present.
Something is not quite right here, she thought.
"Ladies and Gentlemen?" said the host. "Let's play some cards." He motioned the ladies to the table and three of the men graciously held chairs for the women.
Very cultured and genteel, noted Mona. She began to relax a bit.
After being seated, the dark woman said, "I'm afraid I have no money. I had better just watch."
"I'll stake you a few chips," smiled a tall man. "But, you have to promise to pay me back."
"I've never really played poker," whispered Mona taking out her instruction sheet.
"No time like the present to learn," said the gray-haired man. "I'll stake you your chips. Five blue ones, worth $1,000 each."
Mona gasped. "$5,000? Just like that. I can't pay that back if I lose it. And, I have never played poker before, so I surely will lose."
"Oh, we'll figure something out," winked the man. "This could be your lucky night. Everything you win, over $5,000, you get to keep."
With that the blonde's eyes lit up. "Well then, gentlemen, let's play some cards."
"That's more like it," said the gray-haired man.
The first few games progressed smoothly. Mona was getting the hang of playing, but she also was losing. So were the tall man and another man much younger than the rest. The younger man was much larger in stature and appeared to be most athletic. He struck Mona as being very handsome, but she quickly put the thought out of her mind.
The chips in front of her were vanishing quickly. She couldn't believe that the men treated losing so much money so casually. The butler filled her champagne glass. Mona never used alcohol, but her throat was dry and she began to take a few tentative sips. She felt a pleasant warmth grow inside that led to a few more sips.
The gray-haired man definitely was the consistent winner, along with another gentleman who had barely spoken a word. Mona was lost in her musing when suddenly the gray-haired man flipped over his cards with a flourish and shouted, "Full house!" He began to pull the chips on the table toward him.
The dark-haired woman sighed, "Well, that's the last of my chips. I guess I'm out of the game."
"Wait up, missy," said the tall man. "You still owe me $5,000."
A look of severe shock came over the woman's face.
"Tell you what," continued the man, "I'll forgive your debt at a thousand dollars for each article of clothing you take off and give me right now."
The breath went out of Mona's body. She suddenly understood what was going on here. Now all the secrecy and intrigue made sense. Mona suddenly felt sick at her stomach.
"Listen, you old sack of shit. I'm not playing your sick little perverted fucking game." The dark-haired woman's eyes flashed fire.
"Harvey, I believe this one wants to go to jail," said the tall man.
"Too bad," said the gray-haired man. "James, show Miss Gomez to the gate... after she gives back my dress. The police will be by to see you, madam."
"Wait!" said Miss Gomez.
"Too late," answered Harvey quietly.
The dark-haired woman was escorted out in a flash. Mona's hands began to tremble. She felt like a fly in a spider's web with no where to go or hide.
"Shall we continue?" said Harvey dealing the cards and smiling as if nothing had happened.
Mona stared at the lone chip in front of her. She would have to use it as ante for this hand. Tears began to well up in her eyes. The blonde had only two chips left. The tall man tossed one of his two remaining chips into the pot and the betting proceeded.
"Mrs. Brewton, the raise is one to you. You may fold and lose your chip for sure... or you may use your blouse as a chip, if you like. If you win, you get it back."
Mona looked at her hand. Three jacks. She thought quickly, if I don't play along, Harvey, the gray hair, might ask me to pay back all my debt at once in clothes. She took a quick inventory--blouse, skirt, pantyhose, bra, and panties. She would have to strip naked!
"I'll play," she said, tears now began to overflow her eyes and slowly make their way down her cheek. For my family, my husband, his job, and my secret... for all that, I'll play. Somewhere deep inside her, however, she felt something exciting about all this.
"Stand and remove your blouse then," said Harvey.
Mona nervously chewed on her lip and tried to get her hands under control enough to unbutton her elegant blouse. She could feel the four men staring lustily at her. She finally opened the blouse and took it off one arm at a time, eyes downward. She tried vainly to hold one arm across her bra-covered breasts. She could feel the men's eyes almost piercing her.
Mona thought, This is not me, this is so, so not me!
Normally she felt uncomfortable when she simply looked at herself naked in the privacy of her own bathroom mirror. She and her husband always made love quickly and in the dark. And, now she was brazenly exposing herself to a room full of strange men.
I am being punished for my sins, she thought. That's it... God is punishing me. But, I also am saving my marriage. So, it is worth it... every bit of the shame is worth it!
"A Flush! Sorry, miss," said the quiet man. "I believe I won that blouse."
Mona sat holding her arms closely to her bosom. Now what... now I have no chips and no blouse, she thought.
"Frank, you are beating us like a drum tonight! What a lucky streak!" said the young muscular man.
"Skill, only skill, my man!" replied Frank.
"I see that you have lost all your chips too, Mrs. Moore," said Harvey. "Would you like to use your dress as ante now?"
The blond rolled her eyes, quietly stood, unzipped her dress and let it fall around her ankles. Mona stared at the blond woman in utter shock. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her large, pendulous breasts swayed when she bent to retrieve her fallen dress and toss it aside. The woman placed her hand across her chest, but did not succeed in covering her nipples. Mona, and all the men, could see blue veins through her very fair skin. Her areolas were pink and puffy. Mona watched as the woman's nipples began to slowly stiffen into hard points. Without warning, the blond woman whipped her arm away from her breasts.
"Like what you see, boys?" Mrs. Moore sneered as she returned to her seat.
"God, yes!" said the younger man. He stared directly at the woman's breasts as they sagged under their own wieght. Mona could not believe that the woman was so unconcerned by her nakedness.
"I seem to be out of chips too, gentlemen," said the tall man.
"Well, Earl, my man, you had better take something off. We want to be very fair here. No gender discrimination allowed. So, off with some clothes!" The room filled with laughter while the tall man removed his tux coat in a mock striptease.
Mona's mind was ablaze. Shock commingled with excitement. The strange feeling that a while ago had been lurking in the back of her mind began to grow and tingle within her. She felt a bizarre excitement began to build. She had never felt anything like it. Shame, yet pleasure. It was, at once, a horrible, yet wonderful feeling.
"Ante up, Mrs. Brewton."
"Oh my! Must I? Please, I don't..." Mona's voice faded away. She had been so focussed on Mrs. Moore's breasts that she had forgotten her own condition.
"We'll accept that skirt."
Mona stood, unzipped the skirt, and stepped out of it. She unexpectedly almost laughed when she thought, I bet I look pretty ugly with these pantyhose over my panties. Without thinking she downed her Champagne in one gulp. James instantly refilled her glass and the game progressed.
"One chip raise to you, Mrs. Brewton,"
Mona's embarrassment now was profound. She had a promising hand, but she had to take something else off in order to play. She awkwardly slipped off her pantyhose and tossed them on the table. When she looked up, the muscular man was staring directly at her crotch. Mona felt her face begin to burn.
I have to win this time, she thought. Then I'll get my clothes back.
She didn't. Now she sat before God and everyone in panties and bra. Her mind was spinning, as was the room. She abruptly felt nauseous and all the air seemed to have been sucked out of the room.
"Earl, we'll have those pants. Tom, you owe a coat." Both men complied to the accompaniment of gales of laughter from the winner.
Earl, who was seated just to Mona's left, tossed his pants aside and instantly Mona became aware of the large bulge in his crotch. His erection was obvious even under his white boxers. Adrenaline began to pump through Mona. She had never seen a man's penis, other than her husband's, and she saw his only by occasional accident. Now a fully-grown man sat inches away from her with an erect penis.
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"So what about it? Is this place a stud farm or isn't it?" "Janice!" Linda sat at the other end of the kitchen table, a glass of juice in her hand. The question had caught Linda off-guard. Janice was sitting opposite her, sipping her coffee nonchalantly, staring at her with those blue eyes. "Well, I've heard all those stories about the men who work on the ranches... you know," she said confidentially, setting down her coffee and leaning forward with a wicked smile on her lips....
My father was an amazing man. He was loved by all who truly got to know him for that humorous, gentle, and downright sexy person that he was. He had it all with looks, wife, job, money, his home, and anything else possibly imaginable. Dad was good at everything but even the best have to leave us at some point and his time ran shorter than he thought when we lost him to stage 4 lung cancer. He never smoked a day in his life. I'm Jason, his son. I have none of what he had. Not a damn thing was...
Mind ControlAmazing the crises one experiences in life. My first serious one occurred not long after returning home to my small town in eastern South Dakota in July, 1963/having just completed six months of active duty training with the Army National Guard, the first eight weeks undergoing basic infantry training at Ft Ord, California(it was usually Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri) then after a ten day leave at home it was on to basic artillery training at Ft Sill, Oklahoma where I completed training in mid...
Chapter Five: Time Manipulated Mother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson As I sat on my bed, allowing time to once again resume, my copy of the latest Berserk manga fell the rest away to my bed. It bounced once. I stared at it as it came to a rest, pages fluttering closed, while one thought permeated my mind: I wanted to fuck my little sister. I wanted her so badly. After having enjoyed making love to my mother while time was frozen, I got a taste for incestuous passion. And...
Kevin sat in the Uber as the car slowly made it's way to, well Kevin wasn't sure. Next to him his secretary who had spanked him to orgasm not twenty minutes ago was making out with some bartender they'd picked up. Kevin had never really considered Melanie sexually, he had never even really looked at her sexually. They had good banter, she did good work, saved him when he fucked up, everything he could have asked for. Kevin looked over at the mass of hair, hands, and passion sitting...
A/N: This story is meant more for the purpose of reading for enjoyment and entertainment than to provide material for jerking off. It will have sex parts later on…actually it will have lots of sex parts later on but please, if you want lots and lots of sex all during the story, don’t read this. Other wise, I hope you enjoy the story. ‘Awwww is the baby going to cry.’ The bully pushed the frail looking kid against the locker for a third time. ‘Now I’m only going to give you one more chance....
December 22, 2007 Ohmygawd! Yesterday was so, so incredible. When I got to work Friday morning, I could see Mr. Washington talking to Donny as I stood there nervously awaiting him in Clint’s office. He seemed to be joking about something. It must be strange to know that you’re on your way to fuck the wife of the guy you’re talking to, but it doesn’t seem to faze him at all. God, men are so strange. It makes me laugh. Donny had told me in the past that Mr. Washington is always going on about...
I went to the laundrette to do some big items that wouldn’t fit in our washer, when I got there, there were two other mature women doing their washing. The lady that runs the place came over to me and said “I’ll do that for you” “Thanks” I replied. I’m just popping out for half an hour she said she’d watch my laundry for me.Upon my return she’d dried it all and it was neatly folded, as I sat down she came and sat next to me, we were talking and I could tell she was flirting with me. She was...
Liz and I were already in her office when Dayton popped his head in to let us know that Clayton Boudreau, the last person we were interviewing to take over my rehab, had arrived. “Right on time, ” Liz said. The man we’d interviewed earlier in the week had shown up 20 minutes early (and seemed put out when he had to wait because I was on a call). The woman had arrived 10 minutes late (and seemed put out that we’d mentioned that punctuality was important to us). But this guy had seemed to...
Christmas selection boxThe following options could have been available this year if you had been in the right place at the right time.After a hard final few days preparation for the Christmas family get together, she was drying herself after a quick shower and getting ready for an early night when the phone rang. Being divorced and middle aged she was not prepared for late calls on Christmas eve, particularly when she did not recognise the number. Something inside her said “its Christmas” so...
"Susanne, so far so good! I love the way you trust me. Have no barreers, even to brand new sexperiences!Susanne, be prepared for the toughest test you will get from me, before we will work hard to finish your thesis.Susanne, step down to me. Bend over my lap. From your confession during masturbation, I know it's first time.Susanne, bite your lips, if you fear any neighbour might hear you here. This will hurt, but you'll learn a lesson."Susanne bravely bends over my lap indeed, where I sit at...
DOING IT FOR DAD Chapter 5 Our house is in a reasonably quiet suburb of the city. As I stepped outside onto the path, I suddenly felt the eyes of the entire neighbourhood were looking at me. "Oh, god, Elaine, this is terrifying!" I whispered. Elaine gave my arm a quick squeeze. "Carolyn, you look great, you really do. If anyone is watching, they'll be seeing a tall, slim woman leaving the house with me. They'll assume you're a friend of mine, which is perfectly true! Just try...
Hi friends my name is Shriya. & i am from Hyderabad. My family members are my dad, mom & me. I saw my mom having sex with my uncle. And first i will describe about my dad first his name is Prakesh he is govt. Employee in Hyderabad my mom name is rani she is house wife ( in this story names are changed) she is so sexy that time & she is so beautiful lady in our area and she was 28 years old & she was fair skinned with well nose and lips eyes are very attractively and she was...
Recap of chapter -1Shabnam had come for the job interview and she needed it very badly as her husband Raman was bedridden from three months because of an accident. Both their families had deserted them as they had an inter caste marriage and the desperation for the job mad her remove her shirt and bra for Rajesh, the senior manager who was ogling at her big 36D breasts. He ordered her to give him a blowjob, called his office friends and shot his cum in her pussy when she refused to swallow his...
I have always liked mature gentlemen. They treat me better, their conversations are more interesting, and they have more of an air of mystery about them. But I never thought Paul would respond to me the way he did. Paul is a 50 year-old VP in my company, ultimately my boss. He seemed conservative, married with a family, but even so I was attracted to him from the day we met. I flirted with him lightly, by text messages and in person, and he responded, but not eagerly. I’m half his age,...
For Carrie who is gloriously beautiful inside and out. Her nipple felt hard in my mouth. I knew that it would be addicting to be with her, but I hadn’t any idea how deeply I would feel this need to possess her body and make it my own. Carrie’s moans of pleasure made me want to drive deep, hard, and fast as I could, but I refrained. I kept my pace slow, deliberate and controlled. I wanted her body to completely overrun her thought. I wanted her to feel passion so intense that she would give to...
“Hello, Dearie?” Granny shouted from her rocking chair. “Oh there you are. Did you have a good day at College?” “Hi Granny, s’OK, I suppose. You know that guy I was telling you about…”Alice twisted her feet together and wrung her hands behind her back in the way she always did when she was nervous. “Well, I’ve brought him back… since Mum’s not here. You said it’d be OK if…” “For Christ’s sake, Alice Smith, stop being so wet. Bring him in, bring him in. Let me take a look at him.” Alice...
SupernaturalMy cousin Danniel came to stay for the holidays shes with blue eyes and A cups. Anyhow One night mum was out of town for some reason and dad and I were on the couch, well dad was at least I was giving him a blowjob, it was about 2:30am and we thought she was asleep. Dad was moaning away I looked up and there she was "um dad I think we've been sprung!" I said "jesus no, how long have you been there" He said to Danniel "Long enough to see this isn't the first time thhis has happened" She replied...
BisexualSay thanks to Pepere for this one!! In a terrible car accident, 3 nuns die at the same time. They all appear in front of the gates of Heaven to meet Saint Peter. When they arrive, Peter informs them that those who lived a life of the cloth must answer some basic questions about theology before they are permitted to enter Heaven. Each of the nuns has studied their bible well, so they don’t feel worried by this. The first nun steps forward and tells the saint that she’s ready. “Who was the...
It was a hot summer’s eve when Sasha received a call from her c***dhood friend Tammy. Sasha covered in sweat raced to her cell that was sitting on her coffee table. Out of breath from running, she answered the recognized ringtone. “Hey girl …What’s up?” “Well girl you know I don’t usually ask for favors but I really need a big one this time.” “Girl just spit it out! What is it?” Tammy finally replied.” Well you know my daughter Cameron just graduated and ….well she just was accepted to UNC. I...
This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and a business guy and I love to have sex and to read a sex story. Thank you all for your reviews and your emails. Thank you Indian Sex Stories, I met a lovely woman and enjoyed with her. So, this new sex story is about three girls Yashasvi, age 18 34-28-34, shoulder length hair, height about 5.6, Stuti age 18 34-27-24, hair shoulder length, height about 5.4 and Radhika age 18, 34-26-34,5.4. These girls were gangbanged by me and my friends...
Mai ek higher educated family se belong karti hu.Mera naam reetika hai dosto aaj mai apni life se bahut paresaan hokar aap logo ki help ke liye apni real position rakh rhi hu please sugess me. Mai kya karu..Mera naam reetika hai meri saadi retd. Army officer ke bete raajev ke saath hui.Hamari family me hum teen hi log the meri mother in law rajeev ke bachpan me hi exp. Kar gai thi.Hamara ek beta bhi hai 4 saal ka aarav.Rajeev ek pratisthit company me quality controller ki job karte hai . Unki...
I meet this guy Topher over 15 years ago from another friend. We were kinda party buddies but we remained connected as friends. He's a great attorney now an super hot , has the GQ look going on, over 6 foot and incredibly sexy. The kind that smell good an dress impeccably. In the past we had a couple sexual encounters but I have never fucked him. I dropped by his apartment after we had texted for a few because I was dropping off some baked goods I had made. I pull up an sat an waited for a few...
Hal wakes early, and smiles while he works his way out of bed. He has Alice and Betty on either side of him with Alison on his chest, on top of the covers. Betty is squashed up against the wall, as the bed is tight against the wall to give him more space in the centre of the room. Behind Alice is Jane, with Melissa curled up at the foot of the bed. While thinking he needs a bigger bed he grabs the top rail of the bedhead, and takes his time to pull himself up the bed, and out from under...
Joyce looked around her room. She was in her bra and panties since a little while ago Sam had nearly ruined her dress. That was total madness. She wore sensible underwear, as she did almost always. Except for a few frilly numbers she had tucked away for special occasions with her husband Paul.The t-shirt she’d slept in last night was still on the dresser. She pulled it on.Something had to be done about Sam. Joyce knitted her brow and chewed on her bottom lip. Things were spiraling out of...
Incest--> war schon mal hier ... sorry.„Zeig‘ ihm doch mal Deine Fotze“, forderte ich meine Frau Martina auf. Wir waren mit unserem Kumpel Frank während einer Fahrradtour auf einer sonnigen Wiese zwischen zwei Waldstücken in der Nähe von Soltau gelandet. Wir Männer waren bereits nackt und hatten uns auch schon ein wenig geblasen – waren also geil. Martina, die im Sommer ihre Shirts so weit abschnitt, bis sie nur noch ganz knapp über ihre runden Titten reichten, hat in einem Café an der Ostsee auch...
Hi, guys and girls… This is my first story. There is no need of mentioning her stats as I have got time to measure it. She is not much pretty but got normal flesh I’m every part. So coming to the story, it was a 3day tour from school and it includes the 10th and 12th student. Since the number of students was limited there was only one bus. It happened on the last day of the tour while we were coming back to school. We all were rocking in the bus and all were exhausted and was sitting with...
"Wuh- wuzzit?" you say jerking upright, gasping. "Greetings." says a female slightly robotic voice behind you. "What? Where am I.", you spin on a light bunk to face the voice, and find it is a stunning naked Chinese woman of perhaps 19 years. There are a few things not quite right about her though: Firstly the voice; Second that her feet were not quite reaching the ground; Third that she was completely bald. Not a hair anywhere. Your gaze rested long enough between her legs to confirm this;...
I walked upstairs to my bathroom and stripped off my clothes. As I ran hot water into the tub, I started thinking what I had let Mr. Burkle do to me. I remember him pushing his thick fingers in and out of my pussy and I unconsciously let my hand wander down between my legs. I found my clit and rubbed it back and forth. It started to swell and the feeling inside my pussy became more intense. I rubbed harder and I felt my knees almost buckle from the explosive orgasm I had. I braced one hand...
It wasn't a scabby horse, it was actually an Asian meal of spinach and potatoes, cooked in spices of course, with minced lamb also prepared in a very spicy sauce, half of which I'd gleaned from a recipe book and the other half from my own love of spicy foods.I'd worked in the kitchen at the institute and found that I actually enjoyed cooking and I still do to this day.Mum looked a new woman, wrapped in a bathrobe she'd bought as one of her purchases from across the road and her cropped blonde...
Incest“I love your fantasy about our first meeting. Can I continue it on for us?” Vicky asked. “Be my guest,” Dan said, moving his hand, massaging her calf up to her knee. “After the game, we say goodbye and both wish we’d asked the other if they wanted to go for a coffee. All the next day I couldn’t get you off my mind, and you were having the same problem with me. I really wanted to impress you, wanting what I wore to the hockey game to be perfect. I decided to wear a red crisscross top that...
Linda loved her selfbondage. She had thought about her reasons after reading many D/s and BDSM stories and realised that she was different to most others. She didn't have fantasies of being a slave girl, or being captured and used by others, it was purely a personal fetish. Being helpless aroused her, and it simultaneously extended the time to her sexual relief. Although she had tried a couple of times to interest her lovers into her tastes, they didn't seem to understand. They would tie her...
I got one experience that I have to share with you guys. Just Thinking of it is getting me hard down under. This happened to me for the First time couple of months back with my neighboring aunty. Calling her Aunty is an insult to her and all other babes who are deprived sexually by Their aged husband. Describing my babe, she is short about 5ft tall, fair Complexion, black hair long enough to cover her neck, black eyes and sexiest Juicy lips. She’s 38 yrs old now but she looks like 28. We knew...
Incest“If you want, you can take my cherry!” I’m not sure how it came that I heard it at all, with the music blaring much too loud through the worn-down speakers and the crowd around me shouting and jumping. Someone had bumped into me, as if I hadn’t been miffed enough after Kirsty and Jo-Anne had somehow up and vanished from the party. I had swiped the spilled Tequila Sunrise from the front of my red tank top as good as I could and cursed the gods. This should have been our big end-of-year party,...
Eines Abends saß ich,wieder mal allein,am Rechner und chattete mit meinem langjährigen Lieblingsuser auf X-Hamster.Er wußte genau,was mich total geil machte und so kam es,dass ich in völliger Ekstase ihm mehr aus Spass schrieb,dass ich ihn unbedingt mal treffen wolle. Irgendwie kam ich aus der Sache nicht mehr raus und als ich dann seine Handynummer wählte,schlug mein Herz bis zum Hals und zwischen meinen feuchten Schenkeln pochte es gewaltig vor Erregung. Wir verabredeten uns für ein langes...
Introduction: Robert comes home drunk after seeing his ex-wife at his work. After an amazing drunken tryst, he gets a big surprise. It had been a lousy day for Robert. Robert was a district manager for a retail company that had several locations in malls in the region, and his day had started with having to fire one of the managers. To make matters worse, he had seen his ex-wife and her lover in the food court during his lunch. Once he was done with work for the day, he had headed towards home,...