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Mona Brewton

Mona Brewton touched the low neckline of her bejeweled blouse. Her hands trembled so intensely that she could hardly grasp the tiny top button. She was about to undress before a group of total strangers. She glanced quickly down at the people seated around her hoping that they somehow might be ignoring her. Instead, eyes of lust and lasciviousness stared back at her. She was mortified. Her mind and her emotions were on high alert as she tried desperately to comprehend all that had happened.

How could I have possibly gotten into such a dire predicament? Me-quiet, conservative Mona Brewton? Traditional, religious, devout, pure Mona, wife of a Baptist preacher and a living example of things righteous and moral?

It had started so innocently.

It was one of those perfect spring days. Birds sang sweet songs, the fragrance of flowers perfumed the air, and Mona was bored. There were no church meetings to attend, no Sunday school lessons to prepare, and no wifely chores to perform. On a whim, Mona had decided to go shopping. She knew from the outset that she could not afford to buy anything in particular. Her husband made a meager pastor's salary and proper preachers' wives didn't work outside the home. But, today was a gorgeous day, so Mona had decided to treat herself to a brush with the finer things in this life by going to the most exclusive department store in town, just to look.

After browsing about the store and even trying on a delicious dress (she had gasped at the $900 price tag on the dress), she felt somewhat ashamed. Covetousness was a sin after all, but Mona instant solace in that it wasn't another person's possessions she coveted. It was just a store's merchandize, for goodness sake, reasoned Mona. It was just a bit of fun, not a sin.

Mona was about to leave her fashion revelries when she found herself in the store's jewelry section. Sitting on top of the counter, left there by a careless sales person, was a tray of beautiful bracelets. Mona reached for the loveliest of the group. Suddenly she realized that there was no other person in sight. She held the bracelet for a moment, felt its exquisite weight, and, on impulse, dropped it into her purse. She would never in her life be able to buy a bauble like that. Other women had such beautiful jewelry and didn't appreciate what they had.

She instantly knew that what she had done was wrong. But, she rationalized, whom am I hurting? Just a store owned by a giant conglomerate? They won't miss this one little trifle. And I will never have this chance again.

Mona looked around once more and saw the sales clerk emerging from the stockroom.

"Can I help you," she asked Mona in a charmingly unsuspicious voice.

"No, thanks. Just browsing. These are gorgeous bracelets," said Mona. She tried to act as nonchalant as possible.

"Yes, they are," replied the clerk. "We just got those in."

"Too expensive for me," sighed Mona.

"Me, too," laughed the clerk. She slipped the tray back under the glass-topped counter.

Mona slowly headed for the door, stopping along the way to gaze into the lovely displays.

When Mona arrived at the doorway, the obviously bored clerk drawled, "Come back to see us now, you here."

Mona was about ten yards out the store's entrance when suddenly she found herself in the grip of a very large security guard. Terror shot through her. It was as if all of her insides had disappeared at once, leaving a big, empty void.

"Would you come with me, please," ordered the guard.

In seemingly seconds, Mona was seated in a security room with no windows, a table and a couple of chairs. The guard wordlessly emptied the contents of her purse on the table. Out dropped the bracelet with the $1,800 price tag still dangling from its clasp. Mona made eye contact with the guard and realized that she was in trouble, serious trouble, for the first time in her life.

"Ma'am, I am going to have to turn you over to the police on a charge of shoplifting merchandize greater than $1,000 in value. I must tell you that this is a felony in our state. Just remain seated right there."

Mona burst into tears. All at once, her life, at least as she knew, ended. She was ruined. She had been a perfect person all her life and now, in one brief moment, she had become a common criminal.

"Please," she whimpered through the tears. "This will wreck my life. It's not just me." She gulped for air sobbing uncontrollably. "This will ruin my family too. I'm a good person. My husband is a pastor. His congregation won't understand this. He will be fired from his job. We will be homeless!" She put her head in her hands. The cold metal chair in which she sat seemed to get colder and harder. "And, I have a young child at home." The words wouldn't come out anymore. She gasped for air and she looked up at the guard helplessly. Her tears ran freely off her cheeks and splattered on the table in front of her.

The guard stared back strangely. It was as if he was trying to make a decision.

"Wait here." He took Mona's purse and abruptly left the room.

In the next office, the guard consulted a card in his wallet and dialed the phone. "I think I have another candidate for you, sir. She is a pretty one-beautiful, in fact. Preacher's wife. Very upset. Has a lot to lose."

The voice on the other end said, "Give me her number. Your fee will be on its way to your bank account immediately. Keep up the good work."

Moments later, the guard returned to the interrogation room. Mona looked and felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach.

"I think I can help you, ma'am," said the guard.

Mona gave him a puzzled look.

"Listen to me carefully," he said in a soft voice. "Go home now. In a few days, a man will call you. He will explain how you can make restitution for your offense without going to the police. If you do what he says, this won't be made public and we will destroy the videotape I made of you shoplifting that bracelet. If you don't do exactly as he says, then everyone will know, starting with the Chairman of Board of Deacons at your husband's church. Is that clear?"

Mona's heart leaped. "No one will know?"

"No one," answered the guard. "Now, go home and remember what I said."

Mona sprang out of her chair, grabbed the guard, and hugged him exuberantly. Suddenly, she realized what she was doing and released the stone-faced guard with a blush.

"Thank you, oh, thank you so very much." And, out of the room she ran.

The Call

"Mrs. Brewton," the man's voice on the other end of the line said softly. "I'm calling in regard to the... uh... incident last week at the jewelry store."

Mona's heart began to pound. She hoped that her husband, who was sitting near by, couldn't actually hear or even feel the horrible thumping of her heart.

"Yes," she said trying for nonchalance.

"Mrs. Brewton, we are willing to keep your little indiscretion quiet, if you will cooperate fully with us." The man sounded like anyone's grandfather--so calm, so trustworthy.

"Yes, of course," she replied.

"Remember this address, please. Don't write it down. 5 Alabaster Circle. You will join us there this Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Come dressed as you would if you were going to church. Do not tell anyone where you are going."

"What?" Mona was completely confused.

"Seven o'clock, 5 Alabaster Circle. We are having a small party and you will be our guest. Remember what the security guard told you?"

"Yes," she uttered. The phone line went dead.

"Who was that, honey?" asked her husband.

"The... uh... the women's Bible study group is shifting to Friday night this week."

"That's nice, dear," said her husband returning to his newspaper.

The Others

Tears welled up in Mona's eyes again as she drove down a narrow lane leading to Alabaster Circle. She had never lied to her husband before. She felt so ashamed. He had even kissed her good bye and told her to enjoy her Bible study. Guilt brought a flood of tears once again.

"But, Mona, old girl," she said aloud as she regained control of herself, "whatever this is about, you are one lucky person. You can make it through anything if the alternative is a jail term and losing your family. Anything!"

She turned at a broad gate marked simply with a 5 and was confronted by two burly guards.


"Mona Brewton."

The guard smiled. "Park there. Go in the white door on the side of the main house. The others already are here."

Others, thought Mona.

Mona found her to the door and warily stepped inside. In a very large utility room stood two other women, both with terrified looks just like Mona's. One of the women had dark features, dark black hair, and a strikingly beautiful face. She was either Hispanic or Italian, Mona surmised. The other woman obviously was very wealthy. Her blond hair screamed expensive salon and her clothes were straight out of the latest women's magazines.

"Shoplifting?" said the dark-haired woman in a weak voice. Mona blushed and nodded affirmatively.

So, there are others in the same boat, she thought.

" Us, too," sighed the blonde. "Isn't this a bitch."

An interior door squeaked opened and an elegantly dressed, gray-haired man stepped into the room.

"Welcome, ladies. I know that right now you are afraid. I also know that you are very safe here. You will not be forced to do anything tonight. You always will have a choice. However, I hope that you will do as I... ah... suggest during the evening. And, I hope you will stay here for the entire time. If not, my store will bring charges against you in a court-of-law. Clear? Good. The first thing that you must do is smile. You are each so much more beautiful when you do so."

His voice was soft and reassuring. All three women smiled weakly.

"That's much better. I have even better news. Tonight, all of you will be guests at a lovely party for a small group of my friends. This is a formal affair, hence my tuxedo, so each of you will need to change clothes. There are some wonderful dresses from my dress shop in that closet. At least one should fit each of you. I'll give you fifteen minutes to freshen up and then you should come upstairs."

The dark-haired woman's eyes flashed.

"What kind of party?" she said.

The man exhibited a hint of anger. The appearance of reassurance left his countenance and he frightened Mona. Suddenly, his smile returned.

"A fun party. Drinks and a card game," he said returning to his calm demeanor. "I assume that all of you know how to play draw poker. If not, those little sheets there on the table have a simple version of the rules. Read them, please. Now get dressed. The guests are waiting." He disappeared through the doorway.

The Party

Mona selected the most demure evening gown in the closet. Most of the choices reminded her of lingerie. She would not be caught dead publicly in one of those outfits. The gown she chose, however, was exquisite. It was a delicately sequined blouse with matching long skirt made of the most marvelous material. She felt like a million dollars in the dress. The other women had chosen more revealing outfits. Both wore them well, but both also wore grave expressions on their faces. Mona tried to be calm and remember that, regardless of what would be required, it would protect her dirty, little secret forever.

A man who appeared to be a servant led the women from the utility room into a giant living room, actually one of several living rooms in a very large, well furnished mansion. Four men were gathered around the bar. They all looked normal, cultured, and rich. Their eyes lit up when the three women approached. The butler appeared with a tray of full champagne flutes for the ladies and the men greeted them in most gentlemanly ways. Mona's apprehension started to lessen when suddenly she noted that that there were no other women present.

Something is not quite right here, she thought.

"Ladies and Gentlemen?" said the host. "Let's play some cards." He motioned the ladies to the table and three of the men graciously held chairs for the women.

Very cultured and genteel, noted Mona. She began to relax a bit.

After being seated, the dark woman said, "I'm afraid I have no money. I had better just watch."

"I'll stake you a few chips," smiled a tall man. "But, you have to promise to pay me back."

"I've never really played poker," whispered Mona taking out her instruction sheet.

"No time like the present to learn," said the gray-haired man. "I'll stake you your chips. Five blue ones, worth $1,000 each."

Mona gasped. "$5,000? Just like that. I can't pay that back if I lose it. And, I have never played poker before, so I surely will lose."

"Oh, we'll figure something out," winked the man. "This could be your lucky night. Everything you win, over $5,000, you get to keep."

With that the blonde's eyes lit up. "Well then, gentlemen, let's play some cards."

"That's more like it," said the gray-haired man.

The first few games progressed smoothly. Mona was getting the hang of playing, but she also was losing. So were the tall man and another man much younger than the rest. The younger man was much larger in stature and appeared to be most athletic. He struck Mona as being very handsome, but she quickly put the thought out of her mind.

The chips in front of her were vanishing quickly. She couldn't believe that the men treated losing so much money so casually. The butler filled her champagne glass. Mona never used alcohol, but her throat was dry and she began to take a few tentative sips. She felt a pleasant warmth grow inside that led to a few more sips.

The gray-haired man definitely was the consistent winner, along with another gentleman who had barely spoken a word. Mona was lost in her musing when suddenly the gray-haired man flipped over his cards with a flourish and shouted, "Full house!" He began to pull the chips on the table toward him.

The dark-haired woman sighed, "Well, that's the last of my chips. I guess I'm out of the game."

"Wait up, missy," said the tall man. "You still owe me $5,000."

A look of severe shock came over the woman's face.

"Tell you what," continued the man, "I'll forgive your debt at a thousand dollars for each article of clothing you take off and give me right now."

The breath went out of Mona's body. She suddenly understood what was going on here. Now all the secrecy and intrigue made sense. Mona suddenly felt sick at her stomach.

"Listen, you old sack of shit. I'm not playing your sick little perverted fucking game." The dark-haired woman's eyes flashed fire.

"Harvey, I believe this one wants to go to jail," said the tall man.

"Too bad," said the gray-haired man. "James, show Miss Gomez to the gate... after she gives back my dress. The police will be by to see you, madam."

"Wait!" said Miss Gomez.

"Too late," answered Harvey quietly.

The dark-haired woman was escorted out in a flash. Mona's hands began to tremble. She felt like a fly in a spider's web with no where to go or hide.

"Shall we continue?" said Harvey dealing the cards and smiling as if nothing had happened.

Mona stared at the lone chip in front of her. She would have to use it as ante for this hand. Tears began to well up in her eyes. The blonde had only two chips left. The tall man tossed one of his two remaining chips into the pot and the betting proceeded.

"Mrs. Brewton, the raise is one to you. You may fold and lose your chip for sure... or you may use your blouse as a chip, if you like. If you win, you get it back."

Mona looked at her hand. Three jacks. She thought quickly, if I don't play along, Harvey, the gray hair, might ask me to pay back all my debt at once in clothes. She took a quick inventory--blouse, skirt, pantyhose, bra, and panties. She would have to strip naked!

"I'll play," she said, tears now began to overflow her eyes and slowly make their way down her cheek. For my family, my husband, his job, and my secret... for all that, I'll play. Somewhere deep inside her, however, she felt something exciting about all this.

"Stand and remove your blouse then," said Harvey.

Mona nervously chewed on her lip and tried to get her hands under control enough to unbutton her elegant blouse. She could feel the four men staring lustily at her. She finally opened the blouse and took it off one arm at a time, eyes downward. She tried vainly to hold one arm across her bra-covered breasts. She could feel the men's eyes almost piercing her.

Mona thought, This is not me, this is so, so not me!

Normally she felt uncomfortable when she simply looked at herself naked in the privacy of her own bathroom mirror. She and her husband always made love quickly and in the dark. And, now she was brazenly exposing herself to a room full of strange men.

I am being punished for my sins, she thought. That's it... God is punishing me. But, I also am saving my marriage. So, it is worth it... every bit of the shame is worth it!

"A Flush! Sorry, miss," said the quiet man. "I believe I won that blouse."

Mona sat holding her arms closely to her bosom. Now what... now I have no chips and no blouse, she thought.

"Frank, you are beating us like a drum tonight! What a lucky streak!" said the young muscular man.

"Skill, only skill, my man!" replied Frank.

"I see that you have lost all your chips too, Mrs. Moore," said Harvey. "Would you like to use your dress as ante now?"

The blond rolled her eyes, quietly stood, unzipped her dress and let it fall around her ankles. Mona stared at the blond woman in utter shock. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her large, pendulous breasts swayed when she bent to retrieve her fallen dress and toss it aside. The woman placed her hand across her chest, but did not succeed in covering her nipples. Mona, and all the men, could see blue veins through her very fair skin. Her areolas were pink and puffy. Mona watched as the woman's nipples began to slowly stiffen into hard points. Without warning, the blond woman whipped her arm away from her breasts.

"Like what you see, boys?" Mrs. Moore sneered as she returned to her seat.

"God, yes!" said the younger man. He stared directly at the woman's breasts as they sagged under their own wieght. Mona could not believe that the woman was so unconcerned by her nakedness.

"I seem to be out of chips too, gentlemen," said the tall man.

"Well, Earl, my man, you had better take something off. We want to be very fair here. No gender discrimination allowed. So, off with some clothes!" The room filled with laughter while the tall man removed his tux coat in a mock striptease.

Mona's mind was ablaze. Shock commingled with excitement. The strange feeling that a while ago had been lurking in the back of her mind began to grow and tingle within her. She felt a bizarre excitement began to build. She had never felt anything like it. Shame, yet pleasure. It was, at once, a horrible, yet wonderful feeling.

"Ante up, Mrs. Brewton."

"Oh my! Must I? Please, I don't..." Mona's voice faded away. She had been so focussed on Mrs. Moore's breasts that she had forgotten her own condition.

"We'll accept that skirt."

Mona stood, unzipped the skirt, and stepped out of it. She unexpectedly almost laughed when she thought, I bet I look pretty ugly with these pantyhose over my panties. Without thinking she downed her Champagne in one gulp. James instantly refilled her glass and the game progressed.

"One chip raise to you, Mrs. Brewton,"

Mona's embarrassment now was profound. She had a promising hand, but she had to take something else off in order to play. She awkwardly slipped off her pantyhose and tossed them on the table. When she looked up, the muscular man was staring directly at her crotch. Mona felt her face begin to burn.

I have to win this time, she thought. Then I'll get my clothes back.

She didn't. Now she sat before God and everyone in panties and bra. Her mind was spinning, as was the room. She abruptly felt nauseous and all the air seemed to have been sucked out of the room.

"Earl, we'll have those pants. Tom, you owe a coat." Both men complied to the accompaniment of gales of laughter from the winner.

Earl, who was seated just to Mona's left, tossed his pants aside and instantly Mona became aware of the large bulge in his crotch. His erection was obvious even under his white boxers. Adrenaline began to pump through Mona. She had never seen a man's penis, other than her husband's, and she saw his only by occasional accident. Now a fully-grown man sat inches away from her with an erect penis.

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Part 1: The propositionMy department held had a party just before Christmas. Partners were invited but I went alone as was unattached at the time.For the meal I sat with a colleague, Doug, and his wife Jeanette who were both about my age, perhaps a little older. I had always got on well with Doug but this was the first time I had met Jeanette. I was immediately attracted to her and I must say, judging by her glances and friendly smiles, I think it was mutual. She was a nicely shaped brunette...

3 years ago
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Donalds Path The SequelChapter 3

My London clothier was adamant. Not only had the style of men's formal dress not basically changed in the last four years, but in my opinion, it had grown worse. Men at high society functions were required to wear snug fitting tights and flashy waist coats. A cod patch was required to mold the man's equipment so that only the outline was visible, not the individual parts. That style had come into vogue four years ago. I had been a little too embarrassed then because of my larger than normal...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 188 Informant

We had a family meeting Sunday night. Jennifer, Courtney, Anna, Mom, Dad, and Betts. Addison held Maddie while we talked around the dinner table. "We didn't mean to be so rude last night, Elizabeth Ann," Mom said. It was her 'listen up' name for Betts, but she said it kindly. "We get so carried away when Anna arrives that we forget our manners. We were going to talk to you and tell you. There just never seemed to be the right time." "How long?" Betts asked. "A couple years. Well,...

3 years ago
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Family Inheritance Part 1

"We don't need to work, the inheritance covers that handsomely" Cynthia and Patrick were repeating the same lame discussion that they had chewed over every day for the last week. Cynthia threw her hands up in the air, she was fed up of his lies. " I know you have been screwing your new secretary, so why don't you just be honest". Patrick tried to pretend but he was sick of pretending. "Alright, it is true, Lucy and I are friendly, and I don't want to go with you to Wuthering...

2 years ago
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The Mystery Solved

One of the few things that Terry liked about his job was the location. His office building was downtown and convenient to everything. The best thing recently was his regular visits to the sandwich shop next door, “Crusts and Cookies.” Everyone in the office referred to it as “The Crust.” The reason for his regular visits recently was a rather tall strikingly pretty African American girl named Cassie. Aside from the fact that she was attractive, she was friendly and seemed content with the...

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The Handy ManChapter 6

I took my tool belt off and lay it aside, then started to pull my boxers off. “WAIT, we want to do that, PLEASE?” Polly said as both of them dropped to their knees beside my feet. “Sure, but I was already planning on you both getting really acquainted with what’s in there.” “We want to be best friends with him and we haven’t even met him yet,” Sera said. They each hooked their fingers on my waist band and pulled my boxers slowly downward. My cock popped out and they both jumped back....

2 years ago
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So, here I am, on vacation. And you wonder what I’m doing with all of my ‘free’ time (I hesitate to call it free because I worked for this time off). As I type this, I’m fresh out of the shower and I’m lying on the bed. Yes, naked. It would be so nice if you could join me. No kids, no distractions (except the usual bark of our dogs). Otherwise it’s just me in all my naked glory. I take a second to wipe the moisture from between my legs. You know being clean-shaven down there causes it to stay a...

3 years ago
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Me and my bro

Hi again everyone! I am back with another story about me and my cousin Saurabh. In my last story I told you how one night I was upset and my cousin Saurabh made me feel better and then we made love; this changed everything, I love him immensely now and I am not shy anymore. The next day, everyone was going out for shopping but me and Saurabh said that we didn’t want to go with them as we just felt like sitting at home and watching TV. So everyone left and we were all alone at home. We decided...

2 years ago
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Resturant porn

Dawn stuck her head into Alex’s office and asked if he was ready to go to lunch. “Sure am,” he said, while jumping up and grabbing his coat. “Where to,” he asked, as they hurried towards the elevator. “I’m really tense today,” she replied, “how about Under The Table?” He laughed and said, “Tense huh? Sounds good to me!” Talking shop until they entered the restaurant, their tone quickly changed as the hostess asked what type...

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Taking the Risk Mishas Story Ch 14

For those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love,, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Hot Maami Explored Me

Hi I am back again and his time also a true story about how my wife’s Mami enjoyed sex with me after two years of my marriage and then on she was mad about me. My wife’s cousin mami was 35yrs of age and she lives in Kolkata with her husband and 8 yr old son and I and my wife also were staying in Kolkata. Her mami was a well built lady and had a good figure and pleasing looks and had a very fair complexion .She had a pair of nice big melons and her gaand was very attractive as it was huge and...

2 years ago
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Dear Daddy

One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was to start keeping a diary, it was also one of the best things that I ever did. I started jotting things down when I was twelve and as I grew up my entries grew more and more detailed until I was writing everything in my diary and I mean everything. My hopes, my dreams, and my wishes they all got written down. When my periods started and finished, my first time with a man, my most recent sexual adventure, who, where, when, how and how many times, it all...

3 years ago
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Annie Alex

I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh, I was common.  Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...

2 years ago
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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 12 Succor

I wouldn’t say my Gibraltar presentation rehearsals were a disaster. Until I saw the video that Cora had shot. Then I would say it — my Gibraltar presentation rehearsals were a disaster. Ms. Sloane seemed non nonplussed. But then she usually did. “Some room for an upgrade, Birdie. But, plenty of time. It’s not until Tuesday.” “The Sisters?” “Agree there’s an opportunity for refinement.” Gulp. “Now, what are you to focus on?” “Naked people.” “What!” “It’s The McGovern elixir for the...

3 years ago
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Mummy Ki Taxifod Chudai

Hello friends..Apka friend rahul fir se new story le k hazir hu…Thanx k aplogo ko meri story ‘mummy ki palangtod chudaiyan’ achi lagi..Aplogo k feedback se mai mummy ki new story jo ki also real hai aplogo k liye le k aaya hu.. Jo ni jante mai introduce krwa deta hu aologo ko meri mom se…Unka name hai soma..Unki age 43yrs hai..Wo school teacher hai…Unki figure 34d-30-36 hai..Unhone yoga and walking se apni body ko maintain rakha hai,unki height 5ft 7inch hai..Face cut simple hai pr hai wo puri...

2 years ago
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Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. I am a regular reader of Andaharvasa’s ISS & it is my 2nd submission of Anubhav. Humble request if you have not read the 1st chapter, pls read and proceed to chapter. 2 so that you could understand each and everyone and the situations involved without any further inintroduction/repeatation. Continue now.. In our department, (in 1995-96): 4 ladies & 3 more gents excluding self & Jeso; they are namely: (Meena Ghate – Marathi, 29 years, married-hot un-happy mood, No...

1 year ago
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My BBW Wife And My Friend

Most stories about wife sharing/cuckolding seem to start out with how classically sexy the woman involved is. Slender, great figure, nice tits and so on. Let me tell you up front that isn't a description of my wife. My wife, Kay, is a wonderful woman; she has always been a good wife and mother. She has also always been a bbw. To be honest that was one of the big attractions to me, those full hips and well rounded bottom. It didn't matter to me that her breasts were on the saggy side. Those...

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“Please tell me she didn’t have you try to get her pregnant,” Desmond asks and Stuart shifts between me and my heavy hitter. “No she said not to. She only wanted anal which was different but she said she was waiting for permission from Katy to have your baby,” Stuart explains with honesty. “Desmond calm down he didn’t know and was told it was okay from Katy,” I explain when Stuart interrupts. “Well she said that she messaged Katy to say it was okay and then there was a message on my...

3 years ago
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The new Design guy

Working in the Marketing department of a company allows me the opportunity to meet and work with a lot of different people. A few months ago my company started using a new design company. Luckily our rep turned out to be tall and attractive. Scott and I hit it off right from the start and he would always make a point to stop and speak to me whenever he came into our office. At first there was something about him that made me uncomfortable when ever he was around. Over time we developed a...

Straight Sex
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Aunties IslandChapter 5 Endless Night

FRED: Her breasts were fairly small, but wonderfully pliant and supple, and her nipples strained upward over small, pinkish areolas, begging for attention. I gave it to them. Her whole body seemed to thrash in repressed energy. She clutched at my head as I sucked in first the right nipple and then the left, lathing them with my tongue, biting gently, sucking hard, then gently again, and finally holding one in my teeth while I flicked it with my tongue. At last, she couldn't seem to take...

4 years ago
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The New World

The New WorldBy BossDaddyThe year was 2034 and on a quiet April morning our world change… forever. News reports stated that NASA deep space satellites saw a large dark object on a path to earth. They watched it for weeks and at first thought it was a meteorite but they calculated that it was slowing down as it approached Earth. The day came when the object simply stopped between the moon and earth. Earths governments tried to communicate with the object but nothing happened. Then a few days...

2 years ago
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Chloroform man

Welcome to CHLOROFORM MAN! Now chloroform man is personally BI to me but this is an anthology! In the dark prison cells of Joey Buscher Penitentiary, in the maximum containment are there is a mysterious entity known only as Chloroform Man. "Sooo.... Since we *are* alone here" flirted Michaels her fingers tiptoeing against Sanchez's back in a feline way "what do you say... We have fun?" She asked slowly raising up packs of condoms. Sanchez smirkes at the offer, woah was Michael's beautiful, with...

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First time29

I was 14 years old and living in upstate NY …way upstate near Watertown in military housing with my parents. It was cool because most of all the kids in the neighbor hood were military also and we all went to school together. So there were plenty of kids to hang out with. I have always been a thin skinny girl and then was no different. I was 5’1”, about 90 to 95 lbs, blonde hair, and always had larger than average boobs for someone my size. At 14 I was a 32B. Not large, but not small...

1 year ago
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Hot virgin BPO trainer gal

Hello readers, this is Rahul (name changed for secrecy), I am a software engineer in a giant MNC and working in Pune. Basically I’m from Mumbai. You must have read my previous Story “Virgin chat friend fucked” in Virgin Category of ISS. Hope you all must have liked it. Now I am narrating my true sex experience with a BPO trainer gal from Delhi. So I come to story, her name is Nidhi (name changed for secrecy); stats are 34-28-36 ht, 5’6″. Once I was chatting in Delhi Yahoo Room along with my...

3 years ago
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My GF MsPriyanka

I was in Xll standard, was good in Studies, never had any GF, One fine day, there was announcement in College that if anybody wants to participate in Cricket Team they can fill the Necessary Form. I thought to join and filled the form, and Joined the College Cricket team. After 3 months there was a inter college competition of cricket, in which I was one of the Player who got Selected as a Batsman/Fielder, It was a twenty Over match, and I was the opening Batsman, I scored 32 runs in 27 Balls...

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Body Electric

“Hey, you,” he whispered with a smile. “Hey,” I said nervously. “Umm, what are you doing here?” He laughed. “You always complained about how I never come to see you, so I came to see you.” “Well you could have at least knocked. It’s one in the morning!” A shiver suddenly ripped through me, and I realized that my small candle wasn’t doing anything for me. Leo pulled the covers up to my legs and inched closer to me, his face just inches from mine. “Why did you come here so late...

4 years ago
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Help Part 7

Introduction: A heart warming tale of a young boy who finds himself in a lot of trouble and needs a hero to cum and save him! Welcome, this is part 7 of my Help! series. Continuing on from Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5, I strongly recommend that you read those parts before reading this if you havent already done so. Enjoy… *** What? Come on Jake theres no need to be nervous Danny said with sympathy in his voice. Its just that, Im new to this. Haha, thats ok, I guess Ill have to...

2 years ago
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Starting Work At A New Company With Kelly Part 1

It was the fall of 1982. Kelly, who was now twenty-two, had recently started working for a new company. The thing she thought was a little odd about this new company, was that on any given day maybe half of the women in the office were braless. And it wasn’t hard to tell. Hard nipples. Big boobs swaying. It seemed like everyone had big boobs?Occasionally someone would wear something sheer. She had already clearly seen three sets of areolae in her short time working there. Boobs seemed to be a...

Office Sex
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There Must Be a Mistake Ch 03

Note: All persons used in this novel are fictitious. Although the areas used in this novel are real, the streets, buildings, roadways, recreational areas, and other points of interest used to make this interesting reading for you, are neither at the exact heights, or in the location described. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this is not the story for you. As I have it notated now, those scenes will be evocative rather than aggressive. They also will be a few and...

2 years ago
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Mutual Masturbation With Blonde BBW Neighbor

I was about to leave town and she came over to get my house key to look after the place.She is a big girl, 42C tits, 5’ 3” and we were having idle chat when she said “Well give me a kiss before you go”She has flirted with me before, even in front of my wife, so I have been working to have fun for a while now.I leaned over and she put her arms around my neck. I decided to go for it and put my left hand on her ass. When she pulled into me I grabbed her left tit with my right hand and watched her...

3 years ago
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The doorbell rung, it was katy, we'd organised a girly night for tonight; movies, wine just the usual saturday night. Except I opened  the door to tears streaming down her face and frantic mumbles, I couldn't understand a word she was saying. "Come in babe, we'll get you a glass of wine and you can tell me what all these tears are about yeah?!" Katy was two years younger than me, I'd always felt a kind of motherly instinct towards her like she needed looking after. With a glass of wine in her...

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Sunday Morning Workout

The sun was shinning down, it was a warm summers morning. Walking through the park in the early hours of a Sunday morning was just what Kimmie needed. Birds singing and the faint smell of the dew.Finding that nice quiet area she loved Kimmie settled down on the bench. It was a little damp but she was not worried, adjusting her skirt and hold ups to get comfy she undid a button on her blouse to let in just a little cool air. She opened the bottle of water she had in her bag and took a mouthful...

4 years ago
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Three Valleys SammiChapter 8

"You have quite a smile on your face," Cindy said the next morning. "I'm just in a good mood," Sammi replied. If Cindy had been from Three Valleys she could have explained, only she wouldn't have had to: she and Stan had awakened early and had sex; afterwards they'd taken a nice long shower together. She was completely dressed and ready to face the day when he tossed her on the bed, flipped up her skirt and slip, pulled aside her panties and dove in with his tongue. The night before...

1 year ago
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Jean Therapy

Jean Therapy Amanda said she found them on sale from some store that was going out of business. She'd always been envious of those girls in the stretchy jeans that flattered their perfect buns. She could never find a pair that she could either a) afford or b) fit into, but here was a pair that fit the bill on both counts. She snapped up the last two that they had and decided to give me a fashion show when I came over for dinner. Amanda and I had been dating for about 6 months, and...

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Padisvali Bhabhi Se Saath Sex Kiya

Hi..Friends, Main 26/M hu. Mai Indian hu but 4 years se US mai rahata hu. Muje mere friend se ye web site ke bareme pata chala. Maine kai stories yaha padhi hai aur kuchh bahut pasand bhi ayi hai. Mai kuch story readers se E-mail dvada contact me hu. Unhome muje apna experience likhne ko kaha to mai apna sex experience likh raha hu. Maine yaha US me kai girlfriend banayi thi. Kuchh girlfriend ko kai bar chodchuka hu. Maine yaha 2 indian gujju bhabhi ko bhi chod chukka hu. Muje sabse jyada gujju...

3 years ago
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Maid Servant Had Sex With Me

I am sooryaa 26 4m chennai.This incident occured 2 years ago with my busty horny maid santha.She was of the same age as me.I used to see her busts and bum when she did work in my house but did not have the courage to ask her for sex..She was very sexy with good shapely body and any man would like to have her in his bed.My family planned for a outing in the month of may.I decided to stay at me home alone as i was not feeling well.Santha was also asked to stay to look after the house..It was...

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THE BIRTH OF A CD SISSY SLUT In coining that old phrase "Time flys when your having fun," its hard to believe nearly five full years have passed since the birth of CD DIXIE which is now forever my feminine side created name.This all started back in late 2015 when I inherited and shortly afterwards moved into my Aunt Helen's small country ranch home located on Pine Bluff Court.When alive, Helen my dads older sister was a very popular lady quite active in this rural towns everyday affairs. Never...

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