Shoplifting free porn video

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The mall is deserted, for it is closing time, yet I watch the glass case spin as its contents sparkle. I still have some "shopping" to do. The sales lady catches me staring and smiles a beckoning smile, exposing teeth so white they make me sick. She reminds me of the Barbie dolls my mom used to force me to play with as a kid. Fried, bleached hair; tangerine-colored skin; emaciated physique; botox-plumped lips – she was a cocktease and she knew it too. Her rosy nipples stick out through her transparent, white, low cut shirt that threatens to expose them to the naked eye anyway. She is smoking hot. I wish she was mine, only mine. A clean cut, well-shaven businessman saunters by her store and ogles her as he passes. What a fucking pig. It's men like these that make me proud to be a lesbian.

Of course, I don't exactly need the jewelry that catches my eye. But then again, I don't need any of the contents that weigh down my heavy black bag right now either. I never really did. I have money, connections, a high-paying job. But that's not what does it for me. I like to shoplift. The bitches and bastards that own these joints don't deserve to be rich. I know my little game doesn't affect the workers' salaries because they already get paid minimum wage. But the assholes that control everyone else around them, they should be taught a lesson. Everything is handed to them. They don't have to work a day in their lives. My goal is simply to make their lives a little less cushy.

She is the owner. A younger girl with brown hair and slightly smaller tits but the same type of flimsy white top emerges from a back room. She whispers something to her blonde mistress and receives a slap across the face. I can't believe my eyes! Both the powerful blonde and quivering brunette are now red in the face, the blonde out of anger and the brunette out of embarrassment. The younger of the two couldn't be more than eighteen, nineteen tops. I decide that this woman deserves exactly what I'm about to do. I approach her station with an ever-so-obvious smirk on my face.

"Madam, I'm sorry, but we are about to close." She snootily remarks. I flash her the contents of my wallet and her blue eyes sparkle with glee.

"Well, I guess we can stay open a little bit longer, just for you." I knew she would say that. I look around swiftly, searching for the most expensive piece of jewelry that they carry. I find it. A morganite rose choker, $200,000.

I ask to try it on and the blonde woman screams, "Lisa, get out here and put this woman's necklace on for her!" The little brunette comes out and I notice that her skirt is hiked up high enough to reveal her ass cheeks to anyone who so desires to look (and I'm sure she has lots of takers!). I have never seen more beautiful legs in my life. They are porcelain, flawless and endless. I feel my face flush hot as those tiny fingers brush my collarbones and then the back of my neck as she fumbles with the clasp.

Lisa has me so hot by the time the necklace is secure that I almost forget why I've come in the first place. Almost. I abruptly turn around and start to bolt for the exit, but I am unsuccessful. A firm hand catches me by the wrist and long, stiff fingernails claw into my skin. I turn around and am surprised to find the blonde hanging over the table, her hand being the one that caught me. I can honestly say that I didn't think she had it in her.

"Now, now, now. What do we have here? A shoplifter!" She turns to face Lisa. "Lisa, what do you think we should do with the little thief?" Lisa smiles, her green eyes scanning every curve of my body.

"I think she should be made to work off her debt. After all, that's what I had to do." Lisa cups my chin in her hands. "Will you be willing to work for us? Don't speak, just nod 'yes' or 'no'." And with that, she shakes my head 'yes' and 'no'. I nod yes, seeing the direction in which this is heading and growing more turned on by the second.

"Very well, then." The blonde grins. "From now on, you will refer to me as Mistress Nikki and Lisa will be Lady Lisa from now on. Understand?" I nod my head yes.

"Good, good. Now, let's get you in the back room so we can train you." Mistress Nikki and Lady Lisa each take an arm and lead me through a door at the back of their store and down a set of stairs. When we reach the bottom I can't believe my eyes. It's a dungeon! And it's full of toys, some of which I've never even seen before.

"Before we even get started, you're going to pay for what you've done, bitch! Now strip!" I feel the hair rise on the back of my neck at the command, but nonetheless, I obey. Off comes my t-shirt and jeans. The women just stare at me, expecting me to know enough to take off the rest. Black bra, black panties, off. Their faces remain impassive. I don't have time to think about this because the moment I take off my panties, Mistress Nikki and Lady Lisa chain each of my arms above my head and kick my legs out to the chains that will soon hold my ankles, forcing me spread-eagled. My Mistress spits in my face.

She walks around me and suddenly I feel exposed. I hope I please them. My tits aren't nearly as big as theirs and I'm not quite as slim around the waist. I can't see what's going on from behind, but I hear the two girls whisper to each other. After a while, I start to zone out and forget about the situation at hand. Right when I least expect it, Mistress Nikki speaks up.

"You filthy little lowlife cunt!" A whip cracks across my back, hard. I whimper, but it doesn't seem to faze the women. When did she retrieve the whip? I can't remember hearing her go to get it.

"Shoplifting." This time it's Lady Lisa. "And when you had the money to buy the necklace too!" Another crack from Mistress Nikki. "When I shoplifted, it was because I didn't have any money. My husband wouldn't give me shit. Wouldn't let me work or do anything else for that matter without consulting him. Fuck, I had to get his permission if I wanted to eat or take a shit for Christsakes. How dare you who has everything fucking handed to her come into our store and attempt to shoplift?" Three more cracks. The pain is severe, but not entirely unbearable. In fact, I notice myself start to get wet between the legs.

Suddenly, Mistress throws the whip aside and it hits the ground with a loud crack. She shoves her hand between my legs and I am infinitely grateful that I just got a Brazilian two days ago.

"Look at this, Lisa. The little slut's getting turned on!" Then she turns to me. "This is supposed to be punishment you fucking whore! You're not supposed to enjoy this!" Then she turns to Lisa again. "Go get David and tell him to hurry." My Lady beams at Mistress and sprints up the stairs. My stomach sinks. They're bringing a man downstairs.

Mistress seems to notice my fear and it pleases her. "Now you're going to get yours!" She shrieks at me and then walks behind me again. The anticipation of not knowing what Mistress is going to do from behind is almost more than I can handle. Especially since she does nothing but get undressed. I wonder how I could go from despising her to yearning for her touch within an hour. Within seconds I hear footsteps approaching. That was fast! I think to myself. My stomach hasn't stopped lurching yet.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. A criminal, I see." The man is wearing a navy blue shirt with the word "security" printed across it in bold yellow letters.

"Now what would a sweet little thing like you be doing trying to steal jewelry?" He thrusts his face so close to mine that I could smell the peppermint he had in his mouth. "I'm sure lots of guys would be just too happy to buy it for you. But now, you're going to have to pay for the jewelry and you're not even going to get to keep it. What a waste of time on your part." He roughly gropes my breasts and slaps me across the face. I'm not sure what hurt more, the grope or the slap, but tears come to my eyes. I didn't think there would be a man involved in this.

Mistress comes from behind where I couldn't see her and I now see that she's wearing a strap-on cock. She grabs me by the jaw, her fire red nails shimmering in the dim light, and she forces my mouth open. Before I realize what she's doing, she kisses me long and hard. Her long, thin tongue fucks my throat, almost gagging me, almost taking me over the edge. Her red nails rake over my skin, trailing down my back and over my ass. Then, she slips one of them in my cunt, scratching my insides with her red nail. The burning pain rushes straight to my clit and I gasp. Mistress Nikki is unsure whether I gasp from pleasure or pain, so she sees it best to break away from the kiss and give the keys to my manacles to David.

She turns to me first. "Don't you worry, you little cunt, you'll get fucked by me in more ways than you could ever hope to imagine in time, but first, David is going to make you into a law-abiding citizen." She gives him a friendly slap on the back as he unlocks my arms and legs.

I don't know how I missed it before, but there has been a bed in the dungeon the whole time. A bed without covers or pillows. Really, it was more like a bench. As soon as David has freed me, he yanks me by the hair, leading me to this "bed."

"Now I want you to undress me, suck my cock until it's ready, and stick it into your cunt all by yourself. Show me what a dirty whore you are and I just might repay the favor." Do they not know that I'm a lesbian?

I cry and I gag and refuse to say a word until David yanks my head back by the hair. He takes up a pocketknife – perhaps the same one used by Mistress Nikki – and lightly runs it over my breasts. His voice is calm as he attempts to be soothing.

"I understand why you're crying, my precious little pet. You don't like the cock, do you?" His strokes with the knife pick up a bit more pressure. "But you didn't think about this when you tried to shoplift from this mall, now did you?" I shake my head no. "Did you think there weren't going to be any male security guards that would just be overjoyed to get a piece of your sweet little cunt? Well you were fucking wrong bitch and now you're going to have to deal with it!" He roughly pushes me on the ground this time and pulls his cock out of his pants. My eyes widen at its size. This cock is going to rip me apart!

I've never been fucked by a man before, but I've been fucked by some pretty big dildos. Yet I have never seen a cock this big.

"So you like what you see, huh?" David sneers at me. "Well you better get used to it because you're going to be seeing a lot of it over the next couple of months." My mouth gapes open in astonishment at this man's brazenness, and so David uses this moment as an opportunity to shove his cock down my throat. I have never sucked a dick before so I don't know what to do. That seems to be fine with him though because he makes sure I don't have to do much work. He places his hands behind my head and slams my forehead into his lower stomach over and over again, forcing himself further and further down my throat.

Just when I start to get the hang of things and begin to enjoy the clean taste of David's cock (David was adamant about keeping up on his hygiene, as I soon found out), he leans back and –pop– out of my mouth comes his dick.

"Nikki, you have quite the little cocksucker here. Let's see what else she's good at." A man has never before turned me on, but God did I love to suck David's cock.

Now David flips me onto my back and with a loud thud I hit the cold cement floor. Immediately, the searing pain from my earlier flogging flares up. The heat from the pain mixed with the cold from the floor feels amazing. I am eager to find out how else I will be used tonight.

David makes sure I'm on my hands and knees before he gives his next instructions. "Now I'm going to lie on my back and I want you to crawl over to me on your hands and knees like the filthy little mutt that you are and beg me to fuck your pussy." I do as I'm told.

"David, will you fuck my pussy?" I ask in the sexiest voice my trembling vocal chords can muster.

"Elaborate." He smirks at me. The arousal I had felt before evaporates now at this humiliation. I know my ass is in perfect view for the eyes of my Lady and my Mistress. I wonder if they can see my sopping pussy from the other side of the room. I figure they must be paying attention. Yet I do not care to turn around to see how near to me they actually are.

"David, will you please fuck my pussy. I need your hot, hard member to be inside of me. I want to impale myself on you. And I want you to come all over my cunt and face and hair and stomach and arms and legs and ass and wherever else you choose to come. Please, David, fuck my pussy." I try to make my eyes plead but I'm not exactly sure how they look.

"Why, of course I will, my little slut. I will fucking rip you in two." I can see David's cock harden at my humiliation. I make a mental note as to what turns him on.

I crawl over David's relaxed body, his cock being the only tense part of him, and he tells me that I must remain in my current position.

"You are to remain as the filthy little dog that you are, bitch. This fuck will not be for your pleasure. If you move an inch, you will be punished and you will not enjoy the punishment. You are simply my fuck toy and I will use you as I wish. I own you, you understand that? I am your master. Call me Master David." My new Master slaps my tits, yet for as much as I want to shrink away from his touch, I remember what he said about punishment, so I remain still.

Master David grabs my hips and slams me down on his cock. I did not expect the pain that now ripped through me. His cock feels much larger inside of me than it had felt in my mouth. Master David fucks me mercilessly, lifting my whole body weight up by my aching, screaming tits, dangling me above him like some sick, twisted superhero, only to let go of me and send me flying down to enclose his cock once more in my unbearably wet cunt. It doesn't take long before I'm close to orgasm, but David senses this and stops.

"My little slut, don't you remember how I said this fuck was for my pleasure and my pleasure alone? Well your pleasure will come soon enough if you're a good little girl, but now I can tell that you are too close to the edge for me to trust my cock in you. Open up." And with that, he shoves his dick into my mouth and fucks my face with even more intensity than he had the first time around. Yet he fails to realize that this only makes me even hotter. I thank God that I'm still forced to stay on my hands and knees because my hand would have otherwise been dangerously close to finding its way to my pussy.

Within moments I feel his cock tense and he shoots wave after wave of salty warm cum down my throat. Half way through this eruption, he removes the hose from my thirsty mouth, still squirting, and squirts all over my face and tits. He shakes his dick up and down as if it was having a conversation with me.

"Awh, gosh baby, you look so much prettier now. You'll look even better yet after we're done with you." And as he says this, he nods at Mistress Nikki who has been watching the entire time.

Lady Lisa speaks up. "Mistress Nikki, can I have a go with her too?" Mistress looks at Lady Lisa with devilish eyes and replies, "We'll see. Don't forget, I had to punish you only earlier today for masturbating without asking me." My Lady hangs her head in shame as Mistress speaks of her crimes.

"You are not aloud to masturbate or even move until we're done with this slut." And with that, Mistress spits in my hair. "You are to hold each ankle with one hand, spreading your cunt lips for all to see, and you are to stay in that position until we're done. If you obey my orders, I just may allow you to join in for round two. You know how I love to watch you take control." Lady Lisa smiles with pride at the compliment. She really has a much more natural smile than my Mistress. Grudgingly, my Lady abides and takes the position Mistress instructed her to. Her cunt is gorgeous. Even with her bare lips spread wide, I could tell that her cunt has one of the tightest little slits I've ever seen. My mouth waters for her and so does my pussy.

Suddenly, I receive a slap from my Mistress and my Master pulls my head back by the hair. "You are to pay attention to us when we are about to use you. Us and no one else." I don't dare to turn around again, but I can feel Lady Lisa's grin. She knows how hot she is.

Without warning, Master David lifts me up again and impales me on his cock. By now, my sensitivity from before has subsided, but the second I feel my Master's throbbing cock inside of me it returns with a new intensity. He fucks me slowly this time, the neatly trimmed hair around his cock tickling my pussy lips. I am so involved in this fuck that I forget about Mistress Nikki and so am startled by the feel of a cold jelly-like substance squirted around my sphincter, followed by the slightly warmer rigid plastic of my Mistress's cock.

"Have you ever been fucked in the ass before by a woman?" she hisses in my ear. I am panting too hard to speak. "Didn't think so." I imagine her devilish grin as she jams the plastic even further inside of me. It is the most painful thing I have ever experienced. My panting stops to make way for screams of both agony and ecstasy. I can no longer tell the difference between the two.

"Get ready for my come, slut." Master David grunts moments before giving way to animalistic howls. Both he and Mistress Nikki increase the pace. From the sound of her moans, I can see that my Mistress is close to the edge as well. Both Master and Mistress connect together through the thin layer of skin that separates my ass from my cunt. They orgasm simultaneously and their orgasm carries me over the edge along with them after what seems like ages.

The three of us collapse together on the floor with short, quick little pants. It takes us a while to recover, but once we do we notice our Lady Lisa in the corner, fingering herself yet not quite over the edge. Mistress Nikki is the first one to her feet, followed by Master David. I am still recovering from the best orgasm I've ever had, so I remain where I am.

Mistress pulls Lady Lisa to her feet, mid-masturbation. I feel sorry for the poor girl. She's the only one that didn't get to come yet. My Mistress slaps her bitch even harder than I saw her do earlier tonight.

"What did I tell you, huh?" My Lady starts to cry.

"I was to stay in my position and not masturbate or even move until you called for me, Mistress Nikki." Lady's tits blush with the impending orgasm.

"That's right, darling," my Mistress crooned. "Don't you ever learn? Now you're not going to get to use our little come dumpster at all tonight. And who knows, maybe someday she'll even dominate you." I could see Lisa cringe at the thought of being dominated by her newest submissive, but the thought sends me over the edge again, except this time without any other help. Mistress Nikki and Master David turn their eyes toward me just in time to catch the orgasmic bliss on my face, but they don't say a word, deciding that I deserve another orgasm for how useful I had been to them, and also deciding that they would offer me a permanent job at the jewelry store the next day. Of course, I take it in a heartbeat.

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Ms. Suzannah Weston and I crossed swords again a little over a month after I joined MilSys. Progress of new starters was monitored by their respective Project Leader, so one morning, when John Rudry told me to report to Ms. Suzannah Weston, and knowing my file had been sent to her office, I assumed she wanted to check my work. I could face scrutiny from my Project Leader with quiet confidence; John was impressed with my work, having two of the test programs completed, and being well into the...

4 years ago
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It was just starting to drizzle as Todd made his way across the street. The wind was picking up, signalling an approaching storm. As he neared the curb on the opposite side of the street he noticed what appeared to be a small diary or notebook lying on one of the metal rungs of the street drain. Picking it up, he quickly realized that most of the contents had been blown away, along with the front cover. He scanned a few of the remaining pages but found no name or any thing to identify the...

4 years ago
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The Cruise First Day

So far the flight had gone well except for an occasional bump of air turbulence. The drone of the jet engines had almost a mesmerizing effect. Ann was dead asleep and I was trying to watch the in flight movie on the iPad sized screen located on the seat in front of me. I forgot what a long flight it is to Hawaii. Unlike Ann, I can’t sleep on a plane. The server asked if I wanted another drink. I was thinking how much older the flight attendants looked these days. First class had some perks...

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Runners MoonChapter 7

Unknown to the six sitting around the back table in the Spearfish Lake Cafe, Tiffany was a concerned girl at that moment. Not worried, and not panicked; Tiffany had been through enough hassles with the dogs over the years to know that when things go to hell, panic rarely adds to the solution. Even though the fire was getting closer, she was closer yet to the lake, and she had a plan of action. If it got too close, she'd just drive the dogs into the lake. But it was moving fast through the...

4 years ago
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Last night

So last night me and my Girlfriend where in our living room watching movies, and she started to fall asleep. So I said hey I know your not sleeping, because everytime I spend a lot of time ppicking out these movies and everytime you fall asleep. she said I'm sorry baby I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open can you help me stay awake. I looked at her like ???? what? She said maybe be if you put that big daddy dick in my fat wet pussy I might be able to stay awake.I said I think I can keep you...

2 years ago
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Supernatural Secret

Twenty one years... Twenty one years since you began this journey known as life. At least that was what the blaring buzz from your desk top alarm told you. Glancing at the offending piece of technology you grumble in annoyance, with all of these advances in human technology and people can't even figure out how to make a damned alarm sound more pleasant. With a quick lash of your hand you shut off the offending equipment, muttering in annoyance as you slowly sit up in your bed. Twenty one years...

2 years ago
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Hot Little Army Brats Part One

Hot Little Army Brats – Part One This is a story about Nicole and April, two of the cutest Army dependents a young man could ever hope to meet. It happened long ago, but the memories are quite clear, and you’ll see why. I was a young Army private, just 19 years old, and I found myself deployed to an Army base in Germany. I was immediately lost and homesick, and it was quite a shock to find myself in a foreign country where the native language wasn’t English. I pretty much stayed on base among...

3 years ago
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Helping my wifes Boss

My wife is all the time volunteering me to help her boss, Julie. It involves household repairs like changing out a faucet, checking out her air conditioner or trimming her trees, the kind of stuff that I don’t want to do around my own house let alone someone else’s. I usually try to get out of doing it but my wife nags me until I give in. Julie doesn’t even pay me, at least until recently, but my wife makes it up to me by giving me sexual favors in return for helping Julie out. Julie is not...

1 year ago
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PrincessChapter 4

Author's note ... I was approximately half a paragraph from having this chapter ready to submit when the flash drive I was storing it on got wiped out. Since I am not working from an outline, I have to re-write the whole thing from scratch. This chapter is told from multiple points of view and has very little back tracking. I hope you enjoy and please vote ... SH I would also like to give my thanks and my undying gratitude to my editor for her editing prowess, making this a much better tale...

1 year ago
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1000Facials Felicity Feline Paying Rent

Things didn’t go well for Felicity Feline at her job interview. Apparently she looks like a slut with all her tattoos and she would be better off sucking cock than applying for jobs. She asks Ricky Johnson if he could help her with her rent and she is so grateful that she would suck his black cock and even let him cum all over her face. Ricky is so happy, I mean it’s not every day that a hot tattooed babe pops out of nowhere wanting to suck you dry and let you cake her with your...

4 years ago
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Our First Time Together0

My wife and I are very close. We each have our own vehicle but we keep in close contact and know where each other is, most of the time. I have some sports activities that don't interest my wife so some of the time, especially early mornings I'm on a golf course or tennis court. This one particular lady, about my age mentioned that she'd love to get together with me, and we've chatted about sexual things so I knew she would be loads of fun if only we could figure out where and when. To...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 254

Two dwarfs go into a bar where they pick up two working girls and take them to their separate hotel rooms for an hour of pleasure. The first dwarf, however, is unable to produce an erection. His depression is made worse by the fact that, from the next room, he hears his friend shouting out cries of, "Here I come again! ONE, TWO, THREE ... UMPH! Here I come again! ONE, TWO, THREE ... UMPH! Here I come again! ONE, TWO, THREE ... UMPH!" This goes on for the whole hour. Later, back at the...

2 years ago
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Motel Mama Another Story MomSon Aggressive Fu

I woke up at 3. It was the third time when my dream, lucid yet disturbing made me sweat and palpitate till I opened my eyes to stare at the white ceiling of my dark motel room.I was at a motel 6. I had my dinner at 10 and my sex at 11. The dinner was with the hotel manager. The sex was with a fat hooker he had sent to my room. He knew I liked fat women. I told him that during our dinner. "Fat, with lot of ass flesh, rolls of fat around their bellies, large tits and juicy lips.""What about their...

3 years ago
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Off the Hanger

A random piece of clothing or clothes the person comes across is alive. Rules: Only the individual (man or woman) sees this piece of clothing or clothes moving on its own. A few more people can get involved, but the entire general public never does nor does it cause a panic or apocalypse scenario . The clothing can have it's own personality from lewd, shy, aggressive, or whatever suits your fancy. You can choose to start and end in the clothing store, take it back home, or wherever. You can...

4 years ago
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Watching her do it

My wife, Estelle, and I had been swapping with another couple, Ron and Megan, but we had never been in the same house together while doing so. So even though we knew that each was fucking the other's spouse, I had never actually witnessed it myself. My wife and Megan and I had had a threesome together in which my wife had not only seen me fucking Megan, she had held my cock while I spurted my seed up into another woman's pussy. I wasn't sure that I could handle seeing Estelle get fucked by Ron...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 17 The Abbes Chamber

After having passed with tolerable ease through the subterranean passage, which, however, did not admit of their holding themselves erect, the two friends reached the further end of the corridor, into which the abbe's cell opened; from that point the passage became much narrower, and barely permitted one to creep through on hands and knees. The floor of the abbe's cell was paved, and it had been by raising one of the stones in the most obscure corner that Faria had to been able to commence...

1 year ago
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Day OneBilly, his mother Sara and sister Krissy, moved to the country, theirnew home was quite large but isolated. This didn't bother billy toomuch, living in the country with a forest beside the property soundedlike a lot of fun. He was a bit of a computer geek, where as hismother, who managed to use the internet, really knew nothing abouteither. Nor did his older sister Krissy, so Billy was in charge ofkeeping the families computers working, he was quite good at it too.Billy was barely a year...

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A Tyler ChristmasChapter 6

God Blessed Texas with his own hand – Brought down angels from the Promised Land – gave them a place where they could dance. If you want to see heaven brother, here’s your chance. Little Texas When her phone chimed Pamela was surprised that she’d actually been asleep. She’d been pretty keyed up and with the cross-country travel, changes in time zones, and worry about James, her sleep schedule had been disrupted to the point she hardly knew what day it was. A glance at her phone showed it...

1 year ago
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The transformation suit

It had been a quiet morning so far. You had slept in late enjoying the comfort of your bed after a late night watching films on the tv. You had woken up not that long ago and were just enjoying lying there for now under the warmth of the covers. Suddenly the doorbell went. You sit up with a start trying to work out who it could be. You certainly weren't expecting anyone and you were the only person who stayed in the flat. You decide to just leave it but then the doorbell goes again. 'Fine,...

3 years ago
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Neopets Mating Season

It's mating season in Neopia. For about a week, all neopets over 1 year old can mate at this time. Females have the best chance of pregnancy (though it's not a sure thing), and release a scent that most males find irresistible. Most females, while in heat, feel like they need to mate, and pretty much follow any male they see. And the males are usually only too glad to relieve them of it. Some males help the female take care of the child or children, while others pretty much say that they don't...

2 years ago
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Fateful Virgins

When my older brother got married and moved out, my room got very roomy. I was just 5 years old at the time and my parents even had to explain why my brother was leaving home. I thought he hated me. As I began to grow, I learned all these things were normal and I slowly inured to the new concept of being an only child, at home. Jason started a family immediately (I think he married because his girl was carrying his baby) and before I was even seven, I was an uncle. I saw very little of my...

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Maybe you just are just a Little Gay

I was desperate and horny, and with my best friend Todd deciding to take the "straight road," I didn't see much hope of getting laid in the near future. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not dancing far outside of the closet myself. I haven't gotten around to having one of those wrenching "Hi mom, I'm gay" moments yet, and I'm not sure I will, but I am gay.Todd's gay too if he'd just lighten up about it, but he's always been more conservative, with his short dark hair and his fast track career. He...

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Business Becomes Pleasure

It was extremely gloomy in the Motor City. My plane had finally landed and it was very cloudy. But I wasn’t here to see the city. I needed to land this deal. It would be my first major deal as a real-estate agent. So a little poor weather isn’t going to stop me. The plane finally docks and I was able to disembark and head to baggage claim. Before I get too far, let me tell you about myself. My name is Jordan Thompson. I’m a young, twenty-year-old man in the real-estate game. I stand about 5’9...

Straight Sex
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 30

I made it back to the house and pulled out Sophie's bra and blouse from my backpack. I carried them upstairs to the fourth floor, saw both girls were awake, and had their doors open. I stood between their doors and said, "I need some help." Both girls came into the hall to see what I needed. I asked them, "I seem to have made a mess of some clothes. Are these things salvageable or do I need to replace them?" Shawna said, "Britt, this is a nice blouse. What's on here?" "Some...

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My Shared Wife

My wife loves being shared. We started fooling around long before we had the net. She especially loves MFM. I love the look on her face and the sounds she makes as a hung stud works his cock into her. Our best 'fuck buddy' started out as just a guy from work who liked her. She told him she was married but they could come to her place as long as they didn't wake me or the k**s up. She came upstairs to 'change' and woke me up. She told me to come to the top of the stairs and listen. She hadn't...

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The headmistress at Glenhurn

Glenhurn was one of those places which seemed like heaven on earth during the summer months, but transformed into hell itself in the winter months.It was in the summer, at the height of the war, when our headmaster, Mister Dickinson, received his call-up papers. Although renowned for his firm guidance, Mister Dickinson was much liked amongst the boys, and was perceived as a great loss. His wife was immediately appointed Headmistress. This was the first major change. The second was when the...

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Injustice IIChapter 6

Jill pressed herself against me, and we kissed for a long time before finally coming up for air. We were still holding each other and hadn’t moved when suddenly there was the BOOM of a huge explosion, and we were knocked from our feet by the sound of it. It was a good number of seconds before we attempted to get to our feet. There was a loud ringing in our ears, and we couldn’t hear anything else. Once upright, I grabbed Jill to keep both of us on our feet, shook my head to clear it...

2 years ago
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The Christmas ShuntChapter 2

"What's wrong?" Wilma asked. She glanced down and gasped. I was carrying my "Package" on my ankle! Her hand clapped hard between my legs, and she felt me up roughly right there in the parking lot. "Mono!" she hissed. "My other self is nothing but a Mono!" She snatched the keys from my hand and dragged me around to the passenger side. "Get in the fucking car before somebody notices!" She opened the door, and I had little choice as she just shoved me inside. "Where are we going?"...

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My sexual experiences The Path of Desire part 2

I need good grades off school so I can get into college that has always been my dream. But if something went wrong now I would totally lose everything that I had set out to do. I walked in my class silently, scoped the room for anyone looking at me weirdly or not and I didn’t find anyone doing that, which is good that means they have kept it to themselves. Class started and I forgot about the problems until it was recess and I went to the secret spot. I found Luke and Eric there two...

1 year ago
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My First Gay Experience

I first met Keith when he came from Pennsylvania to visit his cousin Bob who was a very good friend of mine. We learned that he wanted to move here to northeast Ohio and was here to house hunt. He found a place and within a couple of weeks he moved in. It wasn’t long before Keith involved himself in many of our recreational activities, including joining our scuba club. Almost from the beginning I knew something was different about Keith. It was the way he talked, his body language and...

First Time
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Knock on DoorChapter 3

The cold evening rain was still drumming on the car roof in the partial light of the parking place I'd found beside two large dumpsters. The huge dark trash containers were located on the outside track of the Mall's back parking lot. A long section of tall privacy fence would block the view of my car from anyone off the Mall property. The tall trees just on the other side of the curb didn't seem to block the rain from falling on the roof of my car. Once again Jhoni and I were back in our...

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Girlfriend Ko Choda Hotel Mai

Hello friends mera naam mohit hai. Mai ghaziabad mai rehta hu. Mai 1 average looking guy hu ladkia kahti h ki meri aankho m ajeeb sa atraction h. Ab jayada boor na krte hue story par aata hu ye story mere or meri girlfriend k beech hue sex ki hai.Are mai to apni gf ke baare m to btana bhul hi gya. Meri girlfriend ka naam divya hai uska figure 32-26-30 hai vo bhut sexy h sawala rang per uske dekh k kiski ka bhi lund khada ho jaye. To meri girlfriend or mai fb p mile hmari chat hui nd phir number...

1 year ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 51

It was noon when we landed at Polokwane, but only after calling the men Andy had sent to verify everything was safe. The men were part of the crew that had come with me to kill the Prince. It almost looked like they were riding in some of the vehicles that were used by the Prince’s bunch of derelicts. They were! After we had killed the Prince, the Saudi investigators had instructed everything be placed in one of the aircraft hangars. After the investigation was completed, the Saudi’s - for...

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By ChanceChapter 11

After the euphoric time with Fiona Hank began to be nervous about Friday. The offer to look after Nigel had been rash and yet Fiona had accepted it without demur. He wondered, apprehensively, what she would tell her children about him. And then there was Sheila. She would undoubtedly realise there was something up and she would immediately start to compare him with her brother. Hank could have kicked himself for getting into such a mess. He rang Barbara. When she had finished laughing at his...

2 years ago
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 12

I woke in the morning to shower, shave, and dress before meeting Agnes. I walked over in nicer than class clothes to meet her and found her waiting with Melody, Tracy, Amanda, and the R.A. plus some other girls who were going for moral support. We went into the cafeteria together, got our food, and sat together. As we ate, others heard and gathered. We left for the courthouse at eight thirty and were now about a hundred strong. We all pulled up in our cars and found parking places. We walked...

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Wifes New Dinner Plans

*Please note this story may contain spelling issues as well as other small problems but I only write for fun and haven't had it edited may come back and do it at some time. Enjoy My wife and I have been married for about 10 years now, and although the love is still every bit as strong, the passion and romance seems to be slipping. Our sex life is nothing overly exciting and has been this way right from the start. I have tried to hint at some different things but have never had any...

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