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Passion In James County XI
By D.C. Roi
Chapter eight
Albert Williams, a nurse who worked at University Hospital, stopped at a video rental store on his way home from work to pick up a couple of movies he could watch to make his evening home alone more bearable. When he walked into in the shop, he saw Abby Marklin, a nurse he’d worked with several years earlier, standing at the counter, her head down. Abby didn’t look up when he came in.
Albert found two films that looked interesting and took them to the counter. He got there just as Abby turned to leave.
Abby saw Albert and smiled weakly. ‘Hi, Albert’ she said. ‘I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?’
‘Hi, Abby. I think I’m doing better than you are. You look like you lost your best friend,’ Albert said, ‘Are you all right?’
Abby’s response to Albert’s caring comment surprised him. He was startled to see tears welling up in her eyes. ‘It…it’s been a pretty awful week, Albert,’ she said. Her shoulders began shaking as she started to sob quietly.
‘Would you like someone to talk to?’ Albert asked. ‘If you remember all those long nights we spent together in the CICU, you remember what a good listener I am.’
Abby took a deep breath, then she smiled at Albert weakly. Lee wasn’t home again, and Albert had been fun to work with back in the days when were working together. He had a silly streak and could almost always make her laugh, even on those nights when she was feeling down. Why not see if he could still cheer her up? ‘I guess I did tend to run my mouth a lot back in those days, didn’t I?’ she said softly.
‘I didn’t think so,’ Albert said, smiling back at her. ‘I used to like talking with you. Want to go get a cup of coffee?’
Abby shrugged. ‘OK, sure, why not?’ she said.
Albert looked at Abby. If anything, she was even more attractive now than she’d been when they were working together, and he thought she was pretty nice-looking then. She was still slim, and her golden-blonde hair hung straight to just above her shoulders and framed her face, a face Albert found very interesting. She was wearing a loose dress which was tan with a gray pattern and had buttons all the way down the front.
Albert checked out his videos and they left the store and walked across the parking lot toward their cars.
‘You want to take your car or are you willing to take a chance and ride with me?’ Albert asked.
‘I’ll ride with you, I guess,’ Abby said. ‘Do you think it’s OK to leave my car here?’
‘I don’t see why it wouldn’t be,’ Albert said. ‘This parking lot is pretty well-lit, and I know the cops check it fairly regularly.’
They walked to Albert’s car and he held the door so Abby could get in. Then he went around and got behind the wheel, started the car, and drove off.
Albert was surprised to find his heart hammering. He couldn’t understand why he didn’t seem able to breathe properly. He never had these problems when he and Abby were working together at the hospital. ‘Do…do you have any particular preference where we go for coffee?’ he asked.
Abby shook her head. ‘No,’ she replied.
‘How about that little cafe down on Rosedale Avenue?’ he suggested. ‘I understand they have all kinds of gourmet coffee.’
Abby smiled at him, nodded, and said, ‘Sure, why not.’
‘So,’ Albert said as he drove down the street, ‘you want to tell me what it is that has you looking so sad?’
‘I don’t know…I guess I’m not sure I should really be bothering you with my troubles,’ Abby replied.
‘I’m a good listener,’ Albert said, ‘and I thought we were friends. I mean, we did endure all those long, lonely night shifts in the CICU together, didn’t we? And we survived, too.’
‘I guess we did survive them, didn’t we?’ Abby said, smiling faintly for the first time. ‘Well…’ she said. She took a deep breath and began talking. Once she started telling Albert about the problems with her marriage, she couldn’t stop. By the time she finished relating story, she was sobbing and tears were rolling down her cheeks.
Albert was surprised by how honest his former co-worker had been. And he was really surprised, and a little shocked, that she’d told him she’d slept with one of her friends. Just the same, he felt bad that she was upset and, as he watched Abby cry, he felt a powerful urge to hold her and make the bad feelings go away. He pulled to the side of the road, stopped the car, turned to her, and put his hand on her shoulder.
‘Hey, now, there partner,’ he said softly. ‘Come on. Things will be all right. They really will.’
‘Oh God!’ Abby sobbed. ‘I feel so awful! My life is such a mess! I…I don’t know what to do…I…’
Albert put his arm around her. Abby slid across the car seat, pressed against him, and buried her head against his chest. Her silky hair tickled Albert’s face. He held her, rubbing her back and let her cry.
As he held his former colleague, Albert was acutely aware of things happening in him, things he knew he better control. ‘I’d really be some kind of shit if I let myself do what that other guy did to her,’ he thought, but the feelings of desire inside him kept getting stronger and stronger.
Finally, Abby’s sobbing grew softer, and she quieted. She took a deep breath, leaned back, and looked at Albert.
‘Oh, Abby,’ he said, gazing at her tenderly. ‘I wish I could do something to help you.’
Abby was confused by the feelings that had begun sweeping through her when Albert put his arm around her. It felt good, very good! In his arms she felt safe and protected. She looked into his eyes and saw the caring in them. She was glad she’d bumped into him in the video store. She had no idea how much she needed someone she could really talk to.
‘Thank you for being my friend, Albert,’ she said softly. Impulsively, she kissed her friend, intending it to be a ‘Thank you’ kiss. She was stunned by what she felt when her lips pressed against Albert’s. Kissing him felt really good! A lot better than it should have!
Albert, too, was surprised by the burst of sensations Abby’s kiss elicited. He felt his arms tightening around her.
The kiss lasted a lot longer than it should have. When the kiss finally ended Abby leaned back and looked at Albert. Her emotions were in complete disarray. ‘What am I doing?’ she thought. ‘God, isn’t it bad enough that I did what I did with one friend. Am I so out of control I’m going to do it again?’
‘Ah, I…I guess we…we better get that…ah…coffee now, huh?’ Albert stammered, his in turmoil. He’d started this evening wanting to help Abby, but things were getting way out of hand! He was thinking about doing things he had no right to think about, much less do!
‘I…I can’t go anywhere looking like this,’ Abby said. ‘I’m sure I look a mess because I’ve been crying.’
Albert looked at her. ‘I…I hope you don’t take this the wrong way,’ he said, ‘ but if you still want a cup of coffee, I think I know where we can go. And how you look won’t matter.’
‘Where?’ Abby asked.
Albert took a deep breath. ‘We, ah, we could go to my place.’ He had no idea where he found the courage to make such a bold suggestion. And, since his wife wasn’t home, it was a risky suggestion as well, given the kiss they’d just shared.
‘Won’t Melinda mind if you drag me home unannounced?’ Abby asked.
Albert shook his head. ‘She’s away attending a management workshop,’ he explained. ‘That’s why I was renting videos.’
‘Oh,’ Abby said. Warning bells rang in her head. Albert and his wife Melinda were both good friends and she was feeling vulnerable right now, just as vulnerable as he had been the day Bill Coughlin dropped by. After what happened with Bill a few days earlier, being alone with Albert in his home would not be a wise thing to do. But Abby ignored the alarms. She liked being with Albert, he listened to her an
d he always made her laugh. What harm could come from having a cup of coffee and talking?
‘What do you think?’ Albert asked. He half-expected Abby to tell him to take her back to her car.
‘Ah, sure,’ Abby replied. ‘Why not?’
The trip to Albert’s house didn’t take long. He pulled into his driveway, shut the car off. Shaking with excitement, he got out, opened the door for Abby, and escorted her into his home.
Abby walked into the house and let Albert help her take her coat off.
‘Have a seat,’ Albert said, gesturing toward the kitchen table. He realized his voice sounded a little funny. ‘I’ll start the coffee.’
Abby sat down at the kitchen table and watched as Albert started making the coffee. She wanted to help. ‘Where do you keep the cups?’ she asked.
‘They’re in that cabinet over there by the sink,’ Albert told her.
Abby went to the cupboard Albert indicated, took out two mugs and carried them to where Albert at the counter next to the coffee maker.
‘Are you feeling any better?’ he asked.
Abby nodded. ‘I am,’ she told him. It was true. Abby felt comfortable with Albert. Well, mostly comfortable. She felt a little on edge, too. After all, she was alone with him in his home and his wife wasn’t there. Unaware of how her friend was feeling about her, she put her arms around him, then kissed him softly on the cheek.
Albert, surprised, gazed at her. ‘What was that for?’ he asked.
‘It was a -thank you’ for making me feel better,’ Abby replied. ‘And for being my friend when I really needed a friend.’
‘I’m glad,’ Albert said. He tightened his arms around her.
Abby looked at her friend and realized Albert’s face was moving slowly toward hers. Then their lips met once more and she felt fire rushing through her. She was shaking and for the first time she felt his erection pressing against her. She hadn’t planned on anything like this happening and was stunned. But, now that it had started, she wasn’t sure she had the strength to stop it!
Albert, too, was shaken by the powerful feelings that were developing between them. He tightened his arms and pulled Abby into another passionate kiss. When the second kiss ended, he looked directly into Abby’s lovely eyes. ‘Abby, I…I want you,’ he said softly. ‘I…I want to…to make love to you.’
Abby gazed at Albert. Her emotions were in bedlam, ardor was inundating her. Albert’s kisses had aroused her to the point where she was barely able to think. When his hands cupped her buttocks and pulled her against the swollen bulge at his middle, Abby knew she wasn’t going to be able to turn him down! She looked directly into his eyes. ‘All…all right,’ she whispered.
Albert scooped her into his arms and started for his bedroom. Abby’s head rested on his shoulder and her hair tickled his cheek as he carried her through the living room and up the stairs.
When he reached his bedroom, Albert gently he laid Abby on the bed, then he sat on the bed next to her and began tracing her face with his finger.
The tenderness of Albert’s touch thrilled Abby as his finger roamed over her neck and whatever other skin was exposed by her outfit. She lay on the bed murmuring with delight, a look of bliss on her face, as her friend’s hands roamed over her body. It was so nice to be touched with such tenderness.
Albert paused his caresses, opened the remaining buttons on her dress, and spread it open. Once he’d opened the dress, he stared at Abby’s body, which was clad in an extremely lacy white bra and matching thong bikini. She had the most fantastic body he’d ever seen!
‘Oh, God, Abby, you’re so beautiful!’ Albert exclaimed, watching the rise and fall of her chest. He stroked her warm flesh, experiencing the incredible silkiness of her skin. He saw that her bra had a front closure and opened it, baring the loveliest breasts he’d ever seen. His hands moved onto the lovely globes, working their way out to the emerging tip of each perfectly formed breast.
‘Ohhhhh!!!’ Abby moaned as Albert stroked her breasts. ‘That feels wonderful!’ His gentle touch fanned her fires of need brighter and brighter.
Albert, delighted by how soft and warm Abby’s skin was, loved the way her body moved under his hands. He had to have those nipples between his lips! He bent and drew one taut bud gently into his mouth.
‘Ahhhhhh!!!’ Abby moaned. Her hands went to Albert’s head, tangling in his hair, pulling him against her.
Albert’s lips moved from one swollen nipple to the other, drawing ever more impassioned moans from Abby, whose movements grew more and more insistent.
While his lips were working on her breasts, his hand slid over her flat, warm belly and began to caress her slender, perfectly-formed legs.
Thrill after thrill coursed through Abby as her friend caressed her. She hated it that she was so weak she was allowing something like this to happen again, but she couldn’t help herself! She was quaking with passion. Each gentle stroke, each ardent kiss, built her hunger to a higher and higher pitch!
Then Albert’s hand touched the silken lips of her vagina. The sudden jolt of excitement Abby received sent her hips arching up, off the bed.
‘Ohhhhhh, Albert!!! You’re making me crazy!!!’ she groaned, pressing herself against his searching hand. Indescribable thrills roiled through her as he caressed her aching vagina. It almost felt as if he was touching her everywhere!
‘Ahhhhh, Albert!!! Oh God!!! Albert!!!!’ she mewled.
Albert, realizing how powerfully aroused Abby was, began probing her opening with his fingers and heard her groans get louder. She pressed herself against him, her body moving frantically.
‘Albert!!! Oh, God!!!’ Abby groaned, ‘That feeels so goood!!!’
Albert slid a finger between the puffy lips, into her. When his finger began thrusting, Abby’s hips began a rhythmic thrusting in response.
Abby, totally overwhelmed by exquisite sensation, saw explosions of delight flashing behind her tightly closed eyes. ‘Godddd!!! Godddddddd!!! Godddddddd!!!!’ she babbled. ‘Oh!! Oh!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!’ She knew she was going to come soon! Albert continued his tantalizing caresses, taking her to the very brink of orgasm, then backing off and letting her ardor cool, only to resume his caresses and take her back to still higher levels of need! ‘Oh, God, Albert!’ she moaned, ‘Please, Albert! Oh, please! I’ve got to come! Please, Albert! Please!!!’
Albert heard her fervent plea, bent down and, while thrusting into her with his finger, sucked her swollen clit between his lips.
‘Ohhhhh! What….What are you…Ohhhhhh!!!’ Abby howled as exquisite sensations flashed through her. It felt as if her insides were going to melt and flow out of her.
‘Yesssssss, Albert!!!! Yesssss!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ she groaned, ‘Yessssssssssss!!! Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! I’m commminnnngggg!!!! Commmmminnnnnggggg!!! Yesssssss!!!!! Yesssssssss!!! Oh, God, yessssssssssssss!!!!!!’ As the powerful orgasm wracked her, Abby’s body twisted and writhed, smearing her juices all over Albert’s face.
Gradually her desperate motions slowed, but Albert didn’t stop what he was doing to her until she lay still. He finally slid up next to her and lay there, looking at her face.
Albert stood up, shed his clothes, and laid back down next to Abby on the bed.
Abby, and wrapped her slim, warm hand around his erection. His swollen rod was hard, hot, and throbbed in her hand.
Abby’s touch sent a wild rush of pleasure up Albert’s spine. ‘Oh, God, Abby!! Be careful!’ he murmured, his voice strained. ‘I…I’m so turned on I can barely stand it!’
Abby tugged on him. ‘Take me, Albert! Please take me!’ she begged.
Albert rolled atop her. His bulk pushed her against the bed and his hard shaft slid between her legs. He raised his hips, reached between them, and guided the head of his straining cock to her moist opening. H
e lowered his hips and felt his cock begin to slide into her tight, hot, wet opening.
‘Oh, God, Abby! You’re so tight!’ he said.
‘Ohhhhhh!’ Abby moaned, ‘Oh, Albert!!! It feels so good! Oh God, does it ever feel good!’
Marvelous sensations billowed through Albert as his shaft was encompassed by Abby’s snug sheath. When he was fully embedded in her, he stopped moving to savor the delight rippling through him. Being in Abby was unlike anything he had ever experienced before!
Abby saw the pained look on Albert’s face. ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked. ‘Why…why are you stopping?’
‘It feels too good! I’m afraid if I move, I’ll come,’ Albert replied. ‘I…I’ve never been this turned on in my life!’ He remained still, his cock crammed deep inside her.
When Albert finally felt as if had some control, he slowly began to thrust into her again. He knew that even with the control he’d managed to get, he couldn’t wait long.
‘Ohhhh, Albert!!! That feels so good!’ Abby moaned. ‘Oh, God! Yessss!!!!!’ She locked her slim legs around her partner and thrust herself against him feverishly, seeking the release she wanted so badly.
‘Wow!’ Albert cried suddenly, ‘Oh, Abby!!! Now!! Oh, my Godddddddd!!!’ Urgent pulses rippled through him and he exploded powerfully, pumping gob after gob of hot cream into her.
‘You’re commminnnngggg!!!! Oh, God!! That’s so hot!!! That feels so good!!’ Abby wailed as Albert’s scalding juices deluged her insides. ‘Ahhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!! I’m commminng!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!’
When, finally, their intense desire was sated, they lay in each other’s arms.
‘I can’t believe I did this again!’ Abby whispered and felt tears rolling down her cheeks. ‘I…I can’t believe it! What…what is the matter with me?’ She was still feeling out of control and trying to get herself settled down.
‘I…I’m sorry, Abby, I…I…’ Albert stammered.
‘D…don’t talk…I…I don’t want to talk,’ Abby murmured.
Albert found he couldn’t lie still, and as long as Abby was in his arms, he couldn’t keep his hands off her. He kissed her on the forehead and began caressing one of her breasts. He could feel her shudder.
Abby couldn’t believe it! Albert was caressing her and his caresses were arousing her again! She should be stopping, but she didn’t want to, she couldn’t. She shuddered and more thrills went through her as his hand kept exploring her. His insistent manipulation of her breast soon had the fires of need burning inside her again!
She reached between them and was surprised to find Albert’s cock hard again. ‘I…I… Take me, Albert!’ she exclaimed. ‘P…please take me!’
Albert rolled atop her and began suckling her nipples, which had again grown to rigid points.
Abby couldn’t talk any more. What Albert was doing to her felt so good it robbed her of the ability to talk! As he sucked her rigid nipples, one of his hands slid between her legs and his fingers began to explore her swampy hole. Soon she was once again writhing and bucking with need.
‘Albert!!! Take me again!’ she said urgently. ‘Please! Take me again!’
Albert surprised her by rolling onto his back and pulling her on top of him. ‘It’s your turn,’ he said. ‘Get on top of me.’
His rigid shaft was between them, the length of it pressing against Abby’s belly. She kissed him, then raised her hips, freeing his engorged shaft. When it snapped to attention, the tip slid down her belly and between her slim legs and slapped delectably against her vaginal lips.
Abby reached between them, held the throbbing shaft steady, then lowered herself onto it. ‘Oh God!’ she murmured.
Abby started rocking her hips and the swollen tube that had invaded her stirred her delightfully! ‘My God! Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhh!!!!’ she exclaimed as, once more, stupendous feelings boiled up inside her. She sat up and experienced added thrills when Albert cupped her breasts in his hands and his thumbs began rubbing her rigid nipples.
Faster and faster Abby moved, her hips rocking, raising, and lowering. Each movement brought her to new heights of rapture. Then she felt it beginning once again!
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EroticBy the time we got back to my apartment, I was ready to sit down. The five women busied themselves with the bathrooms while I sat back on my couch and just closed my eyes. Mary woke me when she started speaking, “Kevin, I accepted your terms before, so we’ll stay here and play tonight. Can you tell me a bit more about what you were looking for?” I opened my eyes and found only Mary in front of me. The other women were nowhere to be found. “To be honest, I was pretty excited by the parade....
They quickly stripped and went out to the pool deck. Jack saw them come out and left Carol. He went up to Erin. "Sis, you're naked." "So are you, Jack. Lie on that couch. I'm going to fuck your brains out!" He looked surprised but lay down with his cock sticking up in the air. As soon as he was down, Erin straddled him and impaled her pussy on his hard cock. Both went "Oh!" Jack's cock went all the way in Erin's young pussy. She lay forward and Ben moved into position behind her...
Hi friends, en peyar Saranya. Naan oru kalluriyil aasiriyaraaga velai paarthu varugiren. En vagupil oru maanavan padikiraan. Avan peyar Rajesh. Avan vayathu 22 aagi irunthathu, en vayathu 25 aagi irunthathu. Naan vagupil strictaaga thaan irupen, enaku rahesh eppadi pazhakam eer patathu endraal avan sariyaaga padika matan. Eppozhuthum vilaiyaadi konde irupaan, naan avanai adikadi vagupai vitu veliye anapi vaithu viduven. Aanal veliyil irunthu enai kuru kuruvendru paarthu konde irupaan. Naan...
Benidorm Finally, the holiday time had arrived. I was really looking forward to two weeks in the sun. Yeah, I had worked hard all year, I possibly had neglected my wife at times but I had worked long hours and the odd weekend to provide for my family. As usual, my wife had booked the holiday and made all the arrangements. All-inclusive to sunny Spain, Benidorm. I had been informed it was just going to be just the two of us as the kids were off to France with the school. We arrived that...
Wife LoversAlso, for privacy reasons, all names in this story except my own will be changed. My name is Lovely, I am originally from Leeds, England but in March of 2020, my then one year old daughter and I moved here to the United States after I was invited to work for a major television network in New York City. Previously, I was working for their European subsidiary based in London. We moved into an apartment in Queens and whilst I was originally supposed to work from their office in Midtown...
Istanbul!That means: "the Turk's there,"...Constantinople, that means "the city of Constantine"...But for me it's "Byzantium" - and that was never Turkish, was never Roman, was never Greek.That was always just "Byzantium", the melting pot of nations at the entrance to the Bosporus, where blend Orient and Occident, mingle…, mate… great people bringing forth.Byzantium…, that name should commemorate to Byzas, a mythical figure, a Megarian army commander (today would we say "warlord"). He, as...
The general sales meeting was held at the Alamo Heritage Suites, a boutique style hotel that was far from the most expensive in town, but perfectly situated for some sightseeing. It was also just the right size for our thirty-two participants. The meetings were scheduled for Monday through Wednesday and we left Seattle Saturday midday. We had two rooms booked and with two bedrooms in each suite, we had more than enough room for the three of us. We had requested adjoining suites and we were...
"You are being detained," the SAC said again. "We can hold you for 72 hours while we check your ID and fingerprints. As long as you are detained we don't have to let you speak, call or contact anyone." "Okay ... you're certain of that?" "We're the FBI." They seemed to have forgotten Wendy. When I didn't come to the boat for the evening meal, she called for the Powers that Be. Seven showed up alone, she was wearing a toga. "Partay, partay, partay," she said. It looked like...
I managed to convince her that it was her causing my erection and after a chat I left for home. After that we became friends and I saw Karen quite often getting to fuck her at least once a week. The trouble was I still had the hots for her little girl and was always trying to get a look up her skirt or accidentally brush against her and the little minx was no better, constantly flirting with me. Then one day Karen told me her friend had invited her to her birthday bash and asked if I could sit...
Attention: I wrote this quick outline for a story, being directly inspired by this single photo: have related and extended ideas; and could author an illustrated novel or screenplay for an extended series. Would collaborate with like-minded photographers, video and illustrative artists, models, actors/actresses, etc. Here's the story outline:This is the second-day continuation of your tenth session with Goddess Layla over the three short...
You walk in through the large doors of the tavern. You have been travelling for days after hearing about a strange cult dedicated to conjuring and binding a god from their plane to the mortal one. You are a travelling summoner who has a thing breaking in summoned creatures. Breaking a god would be your greatest accomplishment. Of course, after the god is summoned, those cultists probably have prices on their heads as well. You look around the tavern. You see a man in black robes at a desk with...
FantasyI was a co-owner of a yahoo group that hosts gangbangs and hotel parties. One Friday in September one of the male members posted a message on the message board saying that he was in the area and wanted a small party either that night or Saturday. My co-owner - J - contacted him asking if he had any females. At that time the group was an all male group (except for myself since I was co-owner) that agreed to get together to pleasure a lady that wanted a group of men. The host said no. I had been...
I (Crystal Chase) really want to have another talk about that car… Sweetie, unfortunately your mother and I (Mark Wood) decided this just isn’t a good time right now. Well… I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me, sneaking peeks of me in the shower. Relax don’t worry, I would never tell my mom. Besides, it’s not like your my acutal dad. Would you like a better view? My mom is not home right now. You promise… this would just stay between us?? I...
xmoviesforyouAfter I wobbled my way home in the cold, getting sidelong glances from thecouple of people I passed, I collapsed into my bed in my outfit. I couldfeel the squish of cum inside my ass and the wet spot in my panties whereI'd come just from the feel of him fucking me so deeply. I reached into mypanties and rubbed my dick, not like I normally would, but rubbed the frontof it with two fingers under the panties like a girl. I touched my chestand my hard nipples with my other hand. Smelling his sweat...
I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...
Of the many things Caitlin enjoyed one came from ‘tossing me off’, well, you couldn’t really call it that, I think playing with me would be a better description, it was the foreskin, for she liked nothing better than washing it then getting me all oiled up before stretching this bit of flesh first one way then the other, rolling then stretching - rolling then stretching and there was nothing I loved more than for her to talk dirty or suckle a nipple while she manipulated me. One day I asked...
InterracialAs usual, Richard took his dogs for a walk that afternoon. There were a number of people he quite often met. The ex-Army officer with a couple of gun-trained Labradors walking at heel, the faded beauty with her Labrador and a rather stringy Springer Spaniel, the elderly lady with her equally elderly mongrel, and Sue. Sue walked dogs for other people but had her own elderly and arthritic dachshund plus what seemed a totally characterless white miniature poodle. She lectured Richard severely...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello friends i am just too tired of reading the regular material so i would like you to test my abilities.if you dont like it criticise openly but if you enjoy it keep on enjoying. nNow i live in newzealand with my father is on a hectic schedule almost everyday and that my old mother needed her for some comfort but he was too busy and me a loner too was just jacking off yearning for a lady to look after me and my needs and i coudnt do that...
IncestsHe sat and watched and waited for the young lady to leave the office and go home. Every time he saw her the anger raged within him. He had been doing this for over a month. Ever since he was released from the federal institution. He had served seven years for numerous criminal offences culminating in armed robbery. He blamed the young lady for all his problems. In high school she refused to go on a date with him. All his troubles were her fault and he was going to get even. He knew where she...
Hi all iss reader, I am Kiran from Hyderabad. This story takes place years back jarigina naa real experience with my cousin sister. Please give me your comments after reading the story and reach me First naa gurinchi, nenu naa degree aipogane job trail kosamai maa relatives house lo unnau naa hight 5.8, fair ga untanu and 6 inch tool. Maa cousin gurinchi chepalin ante tanu appudu drgree chaduvu tundi tana name pooja hight 5.4 and 28 26 28 sizes. Nenu cources kosam institue join ayanu daily...
I went to my window. "Good, Gary, you brought your girlfriend," I muttered, peeking out there. "Oh, Veronica, you're as hot as lava, but I wouldn't mind having you all over me," I muttered, letting my hand into my panties. "Here you come with my brother, but damn, I almost wish you two would break up. Of course, I wouldn't want to help another lady cheat, but shit, Gary, you know how to pick them. Oh, you're kissing now; if I didn't know any better, I'd say you had something big to tell," I let...
CheatingThe stories we hear from the girls who pass through our doors never ceases to amaze us, but the one we got from 21 year old Emma was a jaw dropper. When we asked her why she wanted to do porn, we got the usual answer of doing something different and to make dolla, dolla bills. But when we asked her what kind of porn she watched, she told us she doesn’t watch it, not only that, she’d never seen any porn. So you want to do porn but you’ve never seen what it is? Yes, she replied....
xmoviesforyouDonna had completely forgotten about the Pictures! Robert had been furious with her. He didn’t want those explicit sex scenes to be viewed by the whole world. Of course; she didn’t want that either. How could Ms. Brendan have been so cruel by posting those pictures on the net? Especially as she was satisfied with her efforts... “And you wanted to do something about that, right?” Ms. Brendan took a bottle of champagne and filled two glasses. She looked at Donna intently. “Yes, Ms. Brendan,...
Mere do jigri dost ne mom ki Chudai ki Hello dosto this is Tanmay Deshmane from Jaipur. I love this site and I also told about it to my other friends mere 2 dost bhut ache dost hai, hum teeno sath sath khumate ek hi school mai jate hum 3 no ne isi sal 12th class pass ki hai. Mere dosto ka name Sachin and Vishal hai hum teeno sath mai hi beth ker kai bar indiansexstories per sex stories padte the aur hum teeno ko hi aunty ke sath sex wali stories bhut achi lagati thi stories pad ker hum aas pass...
"This one's for table six," my colleague Saffron says to me as she places two hot cups of coffee on my tray. I take the opportunity to stealthily straighten my tight miniskirt before grabbing my tray and taking it over to the young couple at the corner table. "Ah, thank you!" The young man says with genuine gratitude as I hand him and his girlfriend their drinks. "Can we also order a plate of chips to share, please?" "Sure!" I enthuse. "What flavour would you like?" "Let's try the...
"Ughhh…" Kylie realized she was upside down before she'd even opened her eyes. The air felt cold, dry. She was in a basement of some kind. She was also completely naked. A chill raced down her body. Goose bumps rippled across her chest as she opened her eyes to see Brayden's muscled figure. He was wearing a dark skin-tight mask with openings only around the eyes and mouth, but she could tell it was him. "Good morning little cunt. You and your friend have been asleep, imposing on my...
After two weeks I was thinking more of Judy Canova than Martha Canova so I knew I was ready to go to Pearl Harbor and save the company ... well, if you can't laugh at yourself you might as well give up! I stopped by to see my sister Bess, she was five years older than me, and almost certainly a lot wiser. "Gonna miss you Jer. I didn't want to say anything before, but I always thought Martha was a cold hearted bitch!" "Jeez sis, just say what's on your mind." "You want us to take...
Introduction: Sister forces me to show her Hi everyone, my name is Steve, I am currently 20 year old and the following story is my introduction to CFNM by my sister when I was only 11 years old. I didnt call it CFNM back then, I just knew it as being naked in front of my sister. My parents were very modest about nudity around the house, except when it came to me being naked. I hadnt seen anyone naked since I was a toddler but both my mom, dad and sister seen me almost daily whenever I took a...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 84Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
Tír na nÓg was a madhouse, or rather Keldravan was. The attack by Oonagh’s forces had come as a complete surprise to an area that should have been as secure as anywhere possible. Yet the Sidhe could not detect how they did this, hence the invitation to Morgana. “Heinrich wards,” I murmured to Morgana as we were briefed on the attack which had failed to get to Verenestra, but only just. “You may well be right, John,” Morgana agreed. “Oonagh would have had dealings with Heinrich and may...
Mom smiled in relief and she leaned over and kissed me before she continued, "I'm ever so relieved you feel like that. I would really like to go further with our relationship and even though it is illegal I can't see that we will be doing anyone any harm. I can see no reason why 2 adult people, if they are acting of their own free-will, can't fuck each other as much as they like. Nature allows wild and farm animals to do it all the time and nothing bad seems to happen so that seems to... very good this video :-P also i have had a nice situation like in this video a day at home with my sister. An afternoon i'm at home in my room, it was end summer-beginning autumn, i finish printing several papersheets of the computer and i go out of my room and i call my sister that coming out of her room and she wearing a tunic for the house of color yellow-white-cream (but not transparent :-P) a...
"Danielle Sabrina Mayer!" The name boomed out over the football field. Nobody was clapping by now; they were only a little of the way through the M's, but 1500 people were graduating today with their various bachelor's degrees, and no one had the strength or interest in applauding every single one of them. I think we'd break our fingers if we tried. She shook the president's hand with a smile, accepted the diploma folder—there was only a vague placeholder picture in it; they'd be...
In her email, she told me her name was Brooke Anne Jackson. She came right out and asked, I want you to write a story about me. I'm a 19 year old college student. I'm bi, I turned 2 of my high school friends into pussy loving lesbians. I even seduced one of their mothers. I have pierced nipples and I'm thinking about getting a ring on my clit. I love to tease, it makes the fuck so much hotter. I like swimming naked in my pool and walking around sweaty in my Sunday dress with nothing...
"Comfortable?" His sardonic smile didn't quite make his eyes. She looked at him through tear swelled and reddened, half closed lids. The saline water of her tears seemed to enhance colours; the silver SS badge on his tunic shone and branded her mind. Not waiting for her reply, he slapped her pussy with the flat of his hand. The resounding smack rebounded off the whitewashed walls. She would have screamed, but the tape across her mouth allowed for a muffled murmff only. Two grease-covered...
At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She’s always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a kid. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich “California Girl” tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful “self made” woman that...