Jonathan gets a classical education
- 3 years ago
- 35
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Memory lane is always a painful road to stroll down.
I turned Professors Casey's picture down onto the desk. I didn't want to look at him ... I was a mess still ... the job he had offered me was eating away at my sanity little by little. What seemed like a blessing had become a curse.
But it wasn't his fault; he just wanted what was best for me.
I heard a car alarm go off on the street below. It was quickly silenced.
I opened a drawer, and fished out a piece of paper and a pen. I began to transcribe the 'rules' to the new relationship Sarah and I were embarking on.
Rule One: Master Creed owns Sarah the slave.
Rule Two: The title Master is only used when in the Master's house.
Rule Three: Slave must attend to every desire of the Master; the Master is to be awoken by a blowjob.
Rule Four: Slave is never to wear underwear, be it outside the house or not.
Rule Five: Slave must maintain her appearance.
Rule Six: Slave is to be naked at all times while in the Master's house.
Rule Seven: Slave is to tell no one of her relationship without express permission from Master.
Rule Eight: Failure to comply with the above rules will result in punishment at the discretion of the Master.
I put my pen down and looked at my new and bizarre relationship rules. Suffice it to say I felt incredibly weird transcribing these barbaric tenants to paper.
Yet at the same time ... I felt electrified. Some of these rules were simply to keep our relationship secret and safe ... yet there was no denying that some of those rules were for no other purpose than my pleasure.
I drew a line at the bottom of the paper. I placed an X in front of it.
I wanted her to sign the paper ... chip or no chip ... claims of undying servitude or not ... I wanted a physical manifestation of her willingness. I knew this document would in no way be legal. It was ... in the most simplest of ways ... an excuse ... something that I could look at to allay my moral objections.
I centered the piece of paper on the front of my desk. I placed the pen neatly next to it. I then rotated it so that it would be right side up for someone on the other side of the desk.
I sat back in my chair and waited.
I often sat in my chair like this ... with nothing to do. Jim called it brooding. I called it being miserable and bored.
But today wasn't like the other days ... today I wasn't just sitting around ... waiting until the FBI tugged at my leash.
Today I was waiting for my beautiful and self proclaimed slave to walk in ... with a cup of coffee no less.
That made me smile.
A small knock rapped on the wooden door to the study.
"Come in," I called out.
The door creaked open. Sarah padded slowly into the room. Her eyes were focused down on the ground in front of her. She was carefully not looking at me.
She was holding a steaming mug in her hands.
Her dress was even more frazzled than it was after our impromptu morning spanking, and her hair was a mess.
Sarah skittishly approached the desk. She extended her arms and proffered the mug to me.
"I'm sorry I took so long Master, but I couldn't find where you kept the filters ... and I ... well." She looked down...
I took the mug. "What else kept you Sarah?"
She clenched her eyes shut. "I masturbated."
I sighed. "Where?"
She gulped. "On the couch..." she said tentatively.
I took a long draught from the mug. The coffee was hot ... and it tasted wonderful.
I fixed my eyes upon my red headed slave. "Sarah, look at me."
She slowly brought her spring green eyes up to look into mine. I stared at here for a long while ... she seemed truly anxious. What a turnaround from the spunky girl who called me a nerd just earlier this morning.
"Sarah," I said softly... "Don't worry about it ... there were no rules in effect to keep you from doing that."
She exhaled loudly. She smiled brightly at me. "Thanks ... sorry, I'm still new at this."
I raised an eyebrow at her. "You know, you don't have to do this."
She nodded her head, and fixed me with a death glare consistent with the spunky Sarah ... not the slave Sarah.
"I want to do this MASTER", she said with some force.
"Alright ... take a look at the paper in front of you then."
She glanced down at the sheet of paper. Her stance was much less submissive. In fact, she was standing quite confidently ... in contrast to the hunched posture she had when she thought she was in trouble.
"Is this it?" She said sarcastically. "Come on, I thought you could be a little more creative than this. I mean, most of these are the ones I said. And the last one was a given."
I sighed. "Are you disappointed that you don't have more rules to follow? I thought teenagers weren't big on rules to begin with."
She stuck her tongue out at me. "I want this..."
I crossed my arms and sat back in my chair. "You know, you're not acting very slave like at the moment."
She cocked her head and looked at me. "I'm trying out what you said to me. I'm not going to lose my personality to this slavery thing. True it turns me on like no other, and true I do think of myself as a slave. But I'm going to be me still ... sarcasm and all."
I gave a small chuckle. "I didn't know slaves got to be sarcastic to their masters."
She smiled back at me. "Oh don't worry Master, if you asked me to do anything I'd comply. If you wanted a quick fuck right now I wouldn't deny you ... in fact ... I'd beg you for it ... I'm still me ... but I'm also sex slave ... do you understand?"
Not really ... but hey ... this sounded a little out of my depth emotionally.
"It sounds like you have it figured out. But to make your slavery official I want you to sign that paper."
She glanced back down at it. "Yeah ... sure, I'll agree to all these rules and more."
I rolled my eyes. "We'll wait until we are more comfortable before adding the 'and more' part."
She picked up the pen, and signed her name in big loopy cursive. She put it back down. "There, happy?"
I smiled at her... "Very, my little slave."
“Miss Brandon,” her secretary’s voice came through the speaker on Friday, “you have a call from a Jonathan Quirk.” She picked up the phone. “Melissa,” he began, “would you have dinner with me tonight?” “I’d be honored.” “Five o’clock at your office?” “That would be fine.” He met her at the office and walked her to his car. “Are you wearing the stockings I gave you?” he asked when he was in traffic. “No.” “Have them at home?” “Yes.” “We’ll go there first then.” He parked in a guest...
Melissa had missed Jonathan. When he called her up the day after Christmas, she thrilled to the sound of his voice. “Did you enjoy your Christmas?” What did he want her to say? “I missed you.” That was safe enough. “I’ll get back to town tomorrow. Come over then?” “Yes, Jonathan.” “Five o’clock, my place.” It was hard to find parking in his neighborhood, and she had to walk three blocks to his apartment house. The wind was cold and gusty. Since she was wearing a skirt, no panties, and...
I knew where I was this time. I was in the 'dark' space ... my subconscious. A small part of me mused if this was normal or not. I decided it wasn't ... someone would have written a book on it ... or maybe I just didn't check the 'metaphysical' section. Once again I was seated in the chair of dark stone. I looked around. I couldn't see my doppelganger ... I couldn't see 'The Beast.' There was nothing ... I was profoundly alone. I stood up and stepped out into the...
I could feel someone shaking me. "Jonathan ... Jonathan ... wake up, you have got to wake up." The shaking continued. Why couldn't everyone just leave me in peace? Suddenly I felt an icy splash. I started to cough. Someone had just poured a glass of water on my head. I blearily cracked my eyes open. I was on the floor of my office, staring up at a little crack in the ceiling. I could see Jim's wispy blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. Jim was holding an empty glass, and wore an...
We picked at our food in silence. Sarah kept her head down, and her eyes focused on her food. She was idly playing with her fork, and randomly scraping it across her plate. She did it in the way that people do when they're either extremely bored or extremely tired. She had hardly touched her meal. The afternoon had turned overcast, and it was dark in the kitchen, however, neither of us made a move to turn the lights on. I cleared my throat. "So tell me about yourself Sarah," I said. I...
He wouldn't stop kicking me ... even though I had fallen down. "You think you're better than us wimp?" My attacker spat between kicks. He was big, I was small ... I was young, he was old. I curled up on my side. "You think just cause you're some kinda freak you can just act like you know everything?" The kicks kept coming ... one after another ... my stomach was in agony. Bret was a high school senior taking Pre-Calculus, I was a twelve year old, and I sat next to him ... I got a...
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The door closed with an audible click. We were silent for a beat. We both turned to look at each other, her question hung in the air. I smiled. "Alright my sweet, all rules are now in effect again," I said warmly. Sarah looked up at me and blushed. She gave a small smile and, shyly, she slowly unzipped her beige skirt and gracefully stepped out of it. I got a good look at her bare pussy as she did. She had already taken all my rules to heart and hadn't worn any underwear. Next she...
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I reluctantly spooned my eggs into the trash can. Looks like I would be eating granola for breakfast. I grabbed a bar of the stuff from my pantry, and ran out the door. It was only after I saw my street side parking space empty, did I remember my car was still at the office. Shit. I scrabbled through my pockets for my cell phone ... then realized I had left it on my kitchen counter, and ran back into the house. It was five minutes until I found my phone, and another twenty until the taxi...
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Jones wasn't speaking. I couldn't tell if the ability of speech had simply deserted him, or if he was thinking of something particularly scathing to say. Suffice it to say, he didn't take my news well. "Let me get this straight Agent Creed. Not only did you activate this girl's brain chip ... thingy, but now you tell me that she has refused witness protection and is insisting on living with you?" I wanted to disappear. "That's about the size of it sir." Jones exhaled ......
Melissa Brandon was sure that Jonathan would be livid when he got back. She had tried to do what he told her, but she hadn’t tried hard enough. He’d told her to pay up her Visa Gold. She’d almost paid it up by the time the December statement had arrived. And then, knowing that the next check would be the last one, she’d neglected to mail in the payment until nearly the deadline. Caught in the Christmas mail rush, that payment hadn’t got there. She still owed $7.32 on the card as of the...
The moment had passed. She had been eager enough to leave the building, but the second we stepped into my little black sedan things became awkward again ... by the time we hit lunch time traffic it was just plain uncomfortable. Unfortunately in bumper to bumper traffic I had nothing to do but to steal glances at my new teenage ward. Suffice it to say she looked ... on edge. She was sitting up very straight in her seat, and her hands were clenched into fists on her lap. She was also...
Sarah's mouth dropped open... "You mean ... you're going to hit me?" She asked timidly. Inside me I felt something building ... a sort of tension ... something primeval ... like there was a raging beast inside me that knew no humanity and no society. All it knew was its will, and its desire to be obeyed. "I said I would, and I meant it." My voice sounded cold to my ears ... clinical, detached, yet ruthlessly uncompromising. It was eerie to here this voice pass my lips. Sarah noticed...
I was pacing the floor of my bedroom. Thoughts were rushing around my head at a mile a minute. This situation was out of control. I was out of control ... we need boundaries ... maybe if we couldn't ignore it ... we could come up with something to deal with it. Sarah was on the floor kneeling calmly with her hands in her lap. She had a small smile on her face and she followed me with her eyes as I wore down the carpet. I finally threw up my hands. "I'm no good at this," I said. Sarah...
It was silent for a beat. The dull hum of the water heater filled my ears. The warm stuffy feel of the basement pervaded my skin, and my legs were falling asleep from sitting awkwardly on my pool table. Sarah Gale had just asked me to claim her. Half a minute passed, and thousands of thoughts ricochet around inside my head. But one singular one came to the forefront. What she had just said turned me on ... and that worried me. As a modern man I wasn't supposed to think of women as...
I decided to wait her out. It wasn't like she could go anywhere. If she wanted to go get extensive surgery she would need transportation. The keys to my car were in my desk, and I took the phone on my desk off the hook, so she couldn't call a cab. Patrolling cabs never came by my neighborhood. I couldn't fathom what had brought this on. It was a bit strange for a woman to ask a male what his fantasy female would look like. In all honesty I had just given a description of Sarah with...
For me, sex had never held my interest. I had grown up at a different rate then people my age. I matured faster and couldn't relate to any of the girls my age. A boy with a college education did not want to fuck a freshman in high school. Even if that freshman was the same age as the boy in question. My previous relations, therefore, had left me wanting. This was not like those past encounters. The girl beneath my body was driving me insane ... and I wasn't sure I wanted my sanity to...
Needless to say, sleep did not greet me swiftly. I tossed and turned. I tried lying on my back until my shoulders became sore ... I tried my stomach ... but my neck began to ache. All the while the clock silently marched forward. Twelve O'clock. One O'clock. Two O'clock. I put a towel over the clock ... knowing the time wasn't helping anything. Sarah's words kept echoing in my head. 'You act like an entirely different man when we fuck. You stand a little straighter, your eyes...
"Master ... master." Sarah's voice floated above me like a protective angel. I groaned and tried to roll over. To my surprise, I couldn't roll over ... I wasn't even lying down. "Master, wake up ... you're scaring me..." I cracked open one bleary eye. I found myself looking directly into Sarah Gale's perfect green eyes. They were glistening with moisture, and her cheeks were read and puffy. "Oh Master! Master it's me, can you hear me?" I groaned, and nodded slowly. My head...
I returned to my corporeal body with a jolt. It took me a second to reorganize myself ... it felt good being back 'in' my body after being 'out' of it. Carol was still on the floor ... and was still glaring at me ... strange ... how much time had passed while I was immersed in her neural processor. I looked down at her, and fixed her with my sternest glare. "Look," I said. "I'll deal with you later. Right now I need to assess the situation." Carol continued to stare at me. "Do...
~Five Days Later~ "You've been very bad slave." Sarah nodded. Her position was truly a work of art. She was eagle spread on my bed. Her arms and legs were tied to the bed posts with scarves. Her pale breast's rose rapidly. She murmured something behind her bright red ball gag. I grinned. "Oh no. No speaking slave. Only good little girls may speak ... and you've been bad. Haven't you? Sarah nodded. Her face was flush with arousal. I dragged my little leather flogger across her...
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At 28 years old, Emily was in the prime of her life and she knew it. She had just stepped out of the shower and was now looking in the mirror as water dripped off her body. She liked the look of the person who looked back at her. Her wavy brown hair hung down to just below her shoulders where water drained from it and followed a path down over her full breasts to drip off onto the floor. Her brown eyes were the shade of chestnuts and they twinkled with mischief. Her eyes moved lower, down over...
Straight SexThe morning started off like any normal morning in the summer, in Northern Ohio. That is, if by normal you mean waking up at 4am to travel an hour and a half to the airport to catch a 7am flight to Reno, NV - then yes that is normal. I was 17 years old and I was traveling by plane out west to visit my grandparents and other family members on my dad's side. We had arrived at the airport in Cleveland a bit early because my dad needs to get places hours early for some reason (even to this day)....
LesbianThe baby sitter was a next door neighbors daughter who was 16 years old. They were a black family and he was a white man with two daughters of his own ages ten and eight. They really liked the girl as she liked playing with them and wasn’t afraid to tell them when they were doing something wrong. She scolded them without being mean to them like so many other girls that they had had as a baby sitter. This girl was more a young women then a teenager. She was tall about 5’ 4”, with long...
Justin sat down on the couch, deciding to relax after work. His girlfriend Jolene would be home soon and he wanted to be nice and comfortable when she arrived.“Hello, Justin.”Justin heard someone call from behind him. He turned around to see Greg. Greg had recently moved in with Justin and Jolene and already the three of them had become extremely close.“Let me help you relax,” Greg said as he put his hands on Justin’s shoulders and began to slowly massage him. As Greg increased the pressure he...