In-Between - Chapters 54-57 free porn video

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You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! *************************************************** Chapter 54: Reviews *************************************************** I LOOKED UP at Henry Johnson and Aubry Harris who were both smirking as if they knew my appeal and life were now over. "The night she reappeared with the emancipation papers in hand, yes I did have sex with her," I told him with a smirk. "Instigated by her, completely consensual and legal." He looked at me oddly, looked back at Mrs. Harris and Doctor Dannigan, and said, "Well, I think the ultimate way I can prove your case of Maturosis is I bet you don't have clean pants right now?" "Excuse me?" I replied. "You've been pooping and peeing your diapers for weeks now. I'm sure you've probably made a valiant attempt through this hearing, but I'd be willing to bet you haven't made it through this three-hour hearing without needing to use the potty?" I sighed. "I am clean, but would you like to check yourself?" "Your Honor? May we have his mommy do it in front of us?" "Objection, Your Honor! This seems rather prejudicial in nature?" Kendra said. "I agree," Judge O'Connor stated. "How about you perform the check - as much as I think it's foolish, I do agree that after a few weeks of being in diapers it's not impossible there will be issues?" I grimaced. A few moments later I stood in front of the bench in the central area of the courtroom. I calmly pulled off my shoes and my pants. Kendra actually pulled my underwear fully off and showed that they were perfectly dry and clean while I stood there naked and blushing. My coat and shirt did okay at hiding things a little, but it was still the same public nudity that I had hated the past few weeks! "Your Honor, are you satisfied?" David asked as Kendra helped hand me my shoes after I redressed. "I believe I am, and I certainly hope the opposing counsel is as well! That being said I could use a potty break. Let's recess for ninety- minutes for lunch and we'll resume with testimony on behalf of Mr. Sylvester. Mr. Sylvester is to be remanded to the custody of his attorneys for this break. Ms. Harris I ask that you please allow them time to consult without your presence." "Yes, Your Honor." With the strike of a gavel court was adjourned, and I followed David and Kendra out of the courtroom, just catching from Addy's mom as they hurried away in front of us. "What the hell did you do for the past two weeks?!? He should..." "Let's hit the restroom and get a bite to eat," Kendra said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks," I said. It was an urgent need as I was escorted into the mens room by David, but I happily made it into the toilet! They had brought a packed lunch for the three of us due to concerns of someone tampering with our food at a restaurant. We were able to find a room to meet, and after scanning for listening devices began telling me their plans for the afternoon. I ate and drank very little during that time, in the hopes that there would be no danger of accidents! 'I had felt a slight urge to push...' I thought nervously in regards to the hypnotic suggestion. Court was soon gaveled back into order and Judge O'Connor said, "We will begin with the rebuttal case for Mr. Sylvester this afternoon. Mr. Benson, Mrs. Stein, your statement? You have fifteen minutes, and then you may call your witnesses." "Yes, Your Honor," David stated and went to the podium. "Your Honor, we heard testimony this morning from an attorney and others with a vested interest in removing our client from the rolls of adulthood. This vendetta is led by Mrs. Aubry Harris, who is the mother to Addison Harris - the assigned 'mother' of our client. Years ago, Cameron Sylvester and Addison Harris dated throughout their time in college. An unlikely couple, but one that clearly loved each other! Mrs. Harris did not approve of the relationship, even to the point of deciding she needed to push her daughter to break-up with our client - which she did when he proposed to her just before Christmas of their senior year at Emerson." "Fast forward to the summer before Mr. Sylvester graduated from Law School, and you will see that his involvement in the legal field already became a thorn in the sides of SafeFoods and Aubry Harris. At that time he provided invaluable assistance in a case to Judge Ruth Jones whom he was interning with. With his technical expertise, and growing legal knowledge, that case was ultimately referred back to the lower courts to retry it. They lost the second trial and were ordered to pay a heavy price to the victims. Upon joining our firm, he has been involved in six separate malpractice suits against this company, and has won three of those as of this time. This has not been a vendetta against them mind you, it's simply been a case of a corporation who has consistently demonstrated a disregard for safety and ethical standards in the way they test products. This criminal action led most recently to his fianc?, Elizabeth Fehler, and her mother Ashley Fehler, being irreparably harmed - and we believe unfortunately beyond any sort of curative approach to restore them to their adulthoods." He paused. "All of those actions showed more than enough motivation for Mrs. Harris to seek to remove him from the equation of our firm. Her actions showed far more though! We have submitted the video and audio proof of Mrs. Harris clearly threatening our client with being declared a case of Maturosis. There is definitive proof of misconduct now from Judge Taney who sentenced our client to this fate, and it is now being actively investigated by Federal Investigators. We have no doubt that there was a campaign that merely started with declaring our client to be a victim of Maturosis." "In the past several weeks, she has put incredible pressure on her daughter, Ms. Addison Harris, to regress him to the point he wouldn't be able to make it through the testimony earlier. She has insisted that her daughter breastfeed our client - something that likely goes against the order against physical modifications since we know that breastmilk causes incontinence!" "That wasn't enough for her though, Your Honor. In this exhibit," he said, passing an item up to a bailiff to take up to the judge. "you will see Mrs. Harris talking to a woman who works at the daycare that Cameron was enrolled at while she forced her daughter to come into work - despite mandatory maternity leave. This woman, Kristin Nance, was approached by Mrs. Harris with the intention that she would help degrade his control of his bladder and bowels, as well as attempt to instigate a tantrum that could be used against him as a strike on the Maturosis ruling. What she didn't know at the time was that Ms. Nance was once a classmate of Mr. Sylvester's in high school. They had a run- in the year they graduated where Cameron said some unkind things about her treatment of a former friend, and she held a grudge against him. Mrs. Harris helped convince a secretary at the school to place Cameron, 'Cammie' into the class that Kristin worked as an aide." "We now know that Ms. Nance recognized Mr. Sylvester and took things quickly into her hands, administering 'Little Go' into a bottle of breastmilk, and waited for the predictable results. Unfortunately for Ms. Nance, she was punished for her efforts to poison Mr. Sylvester, and my understanding is that she is awaiting a competency hearing of her own next week now following further maturity issues." David took a breath. "This, mind you, was just one piece of the puzzle that she was putting together. I am providing photos and video of a meeting between Mrs. Harris and Doctor Dannigan that occurred after the first time Mr. Sylvester was taken to this daycare. During this meeting an electronic funds transfer was made from an offshore account into Doctor Dannigan's account. Following that transfer, two things happened. The first was that a still unknown woman bribed a Little to attack our client with an autoinjector syringe. Fortunately, he avoided it, but the Little accidentally stabbed himself with it and it became clear it was a regressive set of nanites that rapidly reduced him to infancy. We have no proof that this was Mrs. Harris at work, but it seems likely. Secondly, we have video evidence of Doctor Dannigan clearly disregarding both Miss Harris instructions, and the court orders, to attempt to hypnotize our client." David turned and looked at Henry. "Something that our opposing counsel was aware of, because he attempted to trip it by speaking about a little birdie. The phrase was meant to cause Mr. Sylvester to have an accident in his pants. This is the final piece that they attempted to use today, when Mrs. Harris instructed her daughter that Mr. Sylvester should be dressed in the suit he is wearing, instead of a cute girly outfit she might have otherwise dressed him in. Highly unusual because she's been dressing Mr. Sylvester in female clothing since the initial court date when Judge Taney told her she could either regress him to an infant, or make him a toddler girl. By removing his original name, she hoped even if he could get free, he would never be able to practice law again." The red light came on. "Thank you, Mr. Benson, you may call the first witness from your list. Please remember testimony is limited for time today." "Yes, Your Honor. We would like to call Doctor Holly Nickerson to the stand, Your Honor." The Little girl I had seen weeks ago that set everything off in the first place, was now the first witness in my case. Once she was sworn in Kendra got right to work questioning her. "Doctor Nickerson, at our initial trial you were brought in as an expert witness to describe the medical diagnosis of the victims who are our plaintiffs. After initially supporting your testimony, Judge Taney suddenly threw out your testimony, why is that?" Dr. Nickerson sighed. "I?m not really sure to be honest. I did end up defecating in a diaper on the stand, but I was diapered and there was no danger to the courtroom of the mess spreading." "Did you know it?s uncommon to have a Little testify in Ames? Especially an adopted one?" She nodded. "Believe me I know all about uncommon. My ability to be a surgeon here in this dimension was, and still is, an uphill battle at times." "Do you ever poop in surgery?" She shrugged. "A stipulation of my hiring involves them giving me allowance for the incontinence I suffer. It happens every now and then, but Doctor Nickerson, my mommy, and I work hard to make sure that generally speaking I go in the mornings before work." "This seemed like a normal pooping incident?" "No, not at all." "What was different about it?" "This was clearly a drug induced bowel movement. The contractions of my bowels were very forced and the stool was very runny and loose." "Knowing those symptoms, what did you do?" "Well, after the craziness in the courtroom of the judge throwing out my testimony, and then sentencing your client to babyhood, I went immediately back to the hospital and had my blood tested." "What did you find?" "We found a large dose of bisacodyl in my bloodstream. It?s the most common main ingredient in laxatives and suppositories. Additionally, another chemical debetabierunt-phosphate was identified as well." "What is that one?" "Both are commonly used in many of the so-called treatments that adoptive parents give their Littles to cause full incontinence. Debetabierunt-phosphate in particular is used widely in ?Potty-B- Gone.?" "Did you ingest this intentionally?" "No, and I hadn?t had any food that could have been poisoned. We did identify a small chemical burn on the back of my thigh that had rested on the booster seat provided. It is my professional belief, as well as several other experts, that it was a contact burn that was evidence of how they transmitted the chemicals into my blood system." "Any idea of why?" "My testimony being thrown out would seem a good enough reason? Perhaps an intention to cause Mr. Sylvester to argue for it not to be? All I do know is it took a full week to clear from my body, and if it wasn?t for a treatment available at my hospital it would have caused long lasting effects." "No further questions," Kendra told the judge. Johnson surprisingly declined to even consider a few more questions. "Your next witness?" "We would now like to call Doctor Ivy Nickerson to the stand?" When Holly?s mommy was sworn in, David took over and asked questions about her qualifications, her role with the hospital, and just generally cemented her expert status. "How long ago did you adopt Holly?" "She?s been my daughter about ten years." "So, you would say that you know her needs and habits quite well?" "Certainly!" "Her status as a doctor while still being an adopted Little is unusual, correct?" She nodded. "She?s an unusual Little. Years ago, after she saved some lives in her daycare, we reached a compromise with each other that she would be able to work by day, and be mommy?s baby girl the rest of the time." "You treat her like a normal Little elsewhere? Diapers, bottles, furniture, toys...?" "Oh definitely, she has the best playhouse in the world too!" She smiled." "Do you breastfeed her?" She looked a little embarrassed. "We do, but it?s limited to evenings and weekends." "Why?" "It lets her control when she needs to go number two a bit better during the weekdays when she has surgeries scheduled." "So, when does she normally have a bowel movement?" "She?s normally poopy in the early mornings at breakfast time, always before we leave for work, or just afterwards on the commute into the office. Sometimes she?ll be a little poopy in the late afternoon on Monday when her body is still clearing her weekend nursing." "The hearing wasn?t on a Monday, was it unusual for her to have the bowel movement she had?" "Very unusual, and that?s why we hurried to the hospital to run bloodwork..." Specifics on the bloodwork, as well as information on the impartial persons involved in the test were given. She reinforced several things at that point from Holly?s testimony, before being dismissed from the stand with no questions from the opposing counsel. "We would like to call Professor Marshall from Emerson University as our next witness," Kendra said. I was a bit surprised by this tactic, but it seemed that, from what they knew, he was actually a pretty respected attorney in the courts in this circuit. As the gray-bearded Little man made his way to the stand, there seemed to be some deference from the bailiff that wasn?t present for any other witness so far. The suit he wore did a pretty good job of hiding the padding he wore beneath it. I knew he had been stuck in an adoption himself for nearly a decade, and control was something he had never regained. After having him sworn in and introduced with credentials, Kendra got to the heart of the matter quickly. "Professor Marshall, you are an expert in the Maturity Laws here in the State of Ames, correct?" "That would be correct ? I have spent decades researching the laws and applying that knowledge in court and teaching it at the university." "Was what happened to Mr. Sylvester considered normal?" He shook his head. "Procedurally it was about as abnormal as you could get really. He?s seventy-seven inches tall, correct?" "That?s a half-inch shy of his height on record, but yes." "Then the law states that he is not bound by the Little Statutes. If he had been under seventy-two inches it would have been a very plausible action for Judge Taney to have taken. I myself am exceedingly careful in my conduct due to that concern. Since he is above the seventy-two- inch mark there is still the ability to declare him a case of Maturosis, but legally there is a requirement in Penal Code 339.39 that he should have had a separate hearing on that matter." "Just being declared in contempt of court shouldn?t have allowed for that?" "Legally in a court setting he would need to have been convicted of this act of contempt should he have chosen to fight it. The charge is only a misdemeanor, not a felony, so his rights to adulthood should not have been immediately revoked." "What were Mr. Sylvester?s rights at the time?" "Well like any criminally charged individual, he had the right to a trial by jury, a right to an attorney, and every other right to defend himself. Judge Taney just immediately essentially ordered an execution without a trial." "Objection! There was no execution here!" Henry shouted. "Your Honor, I would argue differently. If the injunction had been received one minute later at the hospital my client would have had his gender altered forever against his will. He would have died as Cameron Sylvester and only existed as Camille Harris. That in and of itself legally would have meant his death." "Overruled," he said, "Professor Marshall, please avoid too much of the inflammatory commentary here?" "Yes, Your Honor," he said with a smile. There was further testimony from him showing that due process was not followed. That to me held more hope in this Court of Appeals than anything from anyone else. Appeals Courts were process based ? though I did hope that everything else was helping my case as well. "Sarah Lexington," I heard David announce and a tall woman I guessed just over eleven feet tall in height came to the stand. After she was sworn in. "Mrs. Lexington, what is that you do for a living?" "I?m a private detective," she told him with a smile. "Our firm hired you in an effort to ensure Mr. Sylvester?s safety after his adoption. During your investigation what did you find?" "Well, I managed to get my hands on a number of text messages and phone calls between Mrs. Harris and others involved in attempting to prevent Mr. Sylvester from ever regaining his adulthood." "You obtained this video," he said while a video showing me sitting in the egg chair at the daycare was shown. "Yes, I did," she told him as I heard muttering from beside our table. "How?" "It was sent via electronic means to Mrs. Harris," she replied. "Objection! Your Honor, this was obtained without a warrant, and further, this video would contain footage of a medically necessary counseling session that is covered by patient privacy. I move to strike!" "Your Honor, we believe the evidence is fully covered by a federal warrant that was obtained?" "Do you have a copy of the warrant?" he asked. A document was handed up to the bailiff, after looking at it. "This is a properly signed warrant Mr. Johnson. Now as to the question of the privacy of Mr. Sylvester..." "Your Honor, as of this time Cammie Harris is still a minor ward of her mother Addison Harris. She is the only one who can grant that exception to the privilege." "Miss Harris? Would you please approach the railing?" I looked up at her. "Yes Your Honor?" "As Mr. Sylvester?s guardian, what is your decision." "I..." I looked nervously up at Addy, while her mother seemed to be staring daggers at her. *************************************************** Chapter 55: Relevance *************************************************** "I... I GIVE my permission, Your Honor," Addy said with a shaky voice. She was really nervous, and I was quite frankly scared this was going to be the final straw for her mom to use her nanite trigger. "Very well, let?s see this video," he said, unaware of the full situation there. A glance at her mom revealed an angry flushed face that made her look as mad as I?d ever seen her. She seemed to try and kill Addison with just her look, but everyone?s faces were soon distracted as the video began playing of me having headphones placed over my ears, and a screen began to show a pattern just on the edge. The footage was paused. "Your Honor, due to the danger of this footage, we do not wish to show the full film?" "You?re certain it?s hypnotic in nature?" "Yes, Your Honor, I have a lab report here to verify it from an independent lab." A document was sent up. "Very well, do you wish to play any more of this?" "Just the end of it." I watched as the screen showed her pick me up from the chair. "How are you feeling, baby?" she asked me while wrinkling her nose. "I guess the time was well spent, it smells like you left a nice little egg in your diapee for me like a good birdie!" I watched as she carried me to the changing table in her office. She laid me down and went across my chest with the safety strap before unsnapping the crotch of my outfit?s pants, undoing the onesie beneath it, and then reached the diaper. "What a good little baby birdie!" she cooed at me. "I?m looking forward to years of playing with you!" I was pretty impassive in sitting there right as she tickled me a little. "Hmm... Have to adjust your program after your case. Need you to be a bit happier!" I winced at my naked poopy butt displayed to the court, as she wiped my butt with a few baby wipes. "Always dreamed of getting you into one of these like your friends!" I had been completely aware during the session, but it made me more nervous to watch her behavior from a third person view. When it was over David asked Mrs. Lexington, still on the stand. "How did you obtain this?" "Through an electronic exchange between Doctor Dannigan and Aubry Harris." "What else was said?" "The problem was taken care of..." "You take that as meaning?" "Clearly all of the evidence points to the likely conclusion that Aubry Harris solicited the services of Doctor Dannigan to hypnotize Cameron." "Did it work?" "Good question, according to the report we received, normally that was a strong enough hypnosis session to have easily implanted the trigger phrase. From the electronic exchange it seemed that anytime someone mentioned ?I heard a little birdie,? or any other ?birdie?s fly? phrase he should have been pooping his pants. I do not know what?s prevented it from working, but I do know that it?s an effective technique nearly all of the time." "When is it not?" She shrugged. "You?d have to ask an expert on that. I?m just relaying the report." "Fair enough..." David continued to ask questions for the remaining amount of time and Mrs. Lexington provided documentation of the communication with Kristin as well as threatening letters to Doctor Chester once that had failed. I felt that the testimony was all compelling and damning. It was weird that the opposition asked only a couple of questions then and moved on. ?Is there a fix in the works here too?? I wondered nervously. "We would like to call Addison Harris," Kendra said after he left the stand. I was surprised by that move, given they hadn?t even mentioned that as an option earlier that day. Apparently Henry was too, as he objected, but was overruled. Once she was sworn in, Kendra began. "Miss Harris, how long have you known our client?" "Since the first week of classes at Emerson University. He was my lab partner in our Freshman Chemistry lab." "Was that all he was?" She shook her head. "No, I had no intention to do so at first, but Cameron was an incredibly special guy that I fell in love with. We began dating shortly after he began helping me with tutoring." "Just to clarify, you two had a romantic relationship?" "Yes, a very close one," Addy answered nervously. "For how long?" "A little over three years," she answered. "Why did you stop seeing each other...?" She looked at her mom then, then looked at me, before sighing. "My mother didn?t approve of my relationship with him." "Don?t most mothers have issues with daughters? boyfriends?" Kendra asked rhetorically. "What about Cameron did your mother not like? Clearly he was smart and capable?" "She believed he was too short, and he wasn?t in the same league as us financially." "In essence she didn?t like Mr. Sylvester because he was just a Mid, and too poor?" "He wasn?t poor... just not rich enough. Though I guess to my mother that might be the same thing." I turned and looked at her mom who was now visibly steaming. ?Shit... Addy is sacrificing herself...? I thought worriedly. "What did your mother do to you to try and enforce her will?" "Umm..." She looked even more nervous. I turned to her mother whose face seemed to grow into a malicious grin on her face just then. "Did she threaten you?" "Umm..." "Are you scared of your mother Miss Harris?" I felt bad for Addy, as she literally squirmed in her seat. "Isn?t everyone scared of their mothers?" There were a few chuckles in the courtroom, including from Judge O?Connor about that. His serious fa?ade had cracked for just a second and then went back up to a proper neutral expression. "I guess to some degree, but I mean are you as an adult still scared that she can punish or harm you?" "Umm..." "I understand if you?re too nervous to answer with your mother over there." Kendra said, "Knowing what we?ve discovered in our investigations I would be scared too." Addy shrugged nervously. "She?s my mom..." "Yes, she is. Tell me Miss Harris, how long have you worked for your mother?s company, SafeFoods?" "I?ve done part-time work since I was fourteen?" "And full-time?" "It?s been about a year-and-a-half I guess?" "You?re twenty-eight, correct?" "Yes, that?s correct." "Why so long before you started working?" "Well, I did my four years of undergrad at Emerson, then I went to Mann for my Masters for two years, followed by two years at Beecher for my PhD in Biochemistry." She paused. "Then I did a year of Post-Doc studies back here at Emerson." "And now you bring that knowledge back to your mothers? company?" She nodded. "Yes, I?m the head of the lab that checks products for impurities and possible harmful chemicals." "Solely in the lab? No human testing?" She shook her head. "The closest I may occasionally get to a human test is if a blood sample is sent to the lab for testing." "Interesting, is that the role your mom ultimately wants for you?" Addy shrugged. "I don?t know. Growing up she always said that Danica and I would take over the company when she retired." "Danica is?" "My baby sister ? she?s three years younger than me." "She also works for the company, correct?" "Yes, she works on the public relations and advertising side of the company. She didn?t feel the need for grad work, so she actually beat me to working full time." "Do you see each other often?" Addy shook her head. "We work on opposite sides of the complex, and rarely get together for meetings. I?d say once a week most of the time is the maximum." I wondered where her questions were going right then. "Would you say you two are close though?" "Yes," Addy said without skipping a beat. "Close enough that you would do anything for each other?" Addy nervously nodded. "Pretty much?" "Objection, Your Honor, is this questioning leading anywhere?" Henry Johnson said then. "Mrs. Stein?" "It?ll be apparent soon? I just ask for a little bit of leeway here?" "Very little, we didn?t schedule a six-week trial here..." "Yes, Your Honor." Kendra said to the judge and turned back to Addy. "For the past few weeks while Mr. Sylvester has been under your guardianship and you have been his ?mommy,? you haven?t dressed him as he is today, have you?" "No, Judge Taney specified that if I was to take him as my baby, I could only either have him be a baby boy unable to walk, have his teeth removed, and have his stomach altered to only be able to process breastmilk or baby food, or I could have him be a little girl and changed into a girl that would be allowed to wear training panties and sleep in a big girl bed." "You were supposed to choose for him?" She squirmed. "Yes, I was supposed to choose. I let Cam tell me her... his preference though." "Which was?" "Obviously she?d rather be a girl than a helpless fake baby." "So up until today, what had Cameron been wearing?" "The cutest little girl outfits I could find... and diapers because of the injunction since I wasn?t able to complete the procedure there." "So, he?s been dressed in traditional girls? clothing - dresses, rompers, onesies, etc.?" "Of course, she?s been dressing as my little baby girl." "Including at his last court appearance, correct?" "That?s correct, we had a cute matching mother-daughter set of dresses that day." "So why the change today?" Addy squirmed a bit. "My mom sent me a note through our attorneys that she felt like it would be a good idea to dress him as a man one last time." "She said one last time in the note?" She shrugged. "I?m pretty sure that everyone assumes this will go like most Maturosis appeals. I researched it, only two of these have overruled a Maturosis ruling and guardianship placement in the last twenty-five years." "It is rare, but does it maybe imply that she knew there would be a certain reason for his failure?" "I don?t know?" "Have you been breastfeeding him?" I squirmed as much as Addy at that question, ?That?s embarrassing...? "Of course, all good mommy?s make sure they bond with their new Littles by doing so." "So, he?s worn diapers for several weeks straight now ? you?ve been breastfeeding him, odds are that in the span of a day hearing he would surely have at least one accident. Why would you dress him in regular underwear?" She shrugged. "I thought I was being kind honestly. He looks like his regular self except his hair at this point." "And if he had, or has an accident?" "I have a spare outfit in her diaper bag," she told her. "But the main reason you dressed him like this today, was because of your mother?" She looked nervously at her mother, but nodded. "Yes." "I want to move back to the day Cameron was declared in contempt of court, and sentenced to your care. Your vehicle already held a brand- new car seat, and a booster seat, that day correct?" I noticed Addy looked nervous for real then. "Yes..." "Why?" "What do you mean?" "Why did you already have car seats?" "I?ve... I?ve honestly been thinking of adopting for a while... I decided to be fully prepared in the last few months." "Who have you been looking at?" She looked guilty. "Actually I?ve been thinking about going through Emerson and adopting one of their Littles through their Student Services. I started on a playroom when I moved into the house as kind of a fun project, and then it just kind of spiraled out of control." "So, what work had to be done on your house the day Cameron was placed into your care?" "Oh... well, I had never intended on a boy... so I had to have the nursery changed to a boy?s... some more toys were placed into the playroom for a boy... and then I had outfits dropped off in Cammie... I mean Cameron?s sizes." "So, you didn?t come into the courtroom planning on adopting my client that day?" "Honestly my mom wanted me to adopt Cameron a long time ago instead of dating him, but I didn?t want to. The only reason I changed my mind in court that day was I didn?t want him going to an orphanage..." My head was getting twisted with her bent truth, and it was borderline a case of perjury on her plans... but I guess she hadn?t planned on it. ?She?d really been planning on adopting though?? I wondered, a bit confused. ?That doesn?t sound like Addy...?? I thought. Thinking back though I could tell that she had genuinely enjoyed babying me... ?She?s not the worst mommy out there either,? I had to admit. "While you?ve had Mr. Sylvester in your custody, has he shown many bouts of immaturity? Acted with aggression? Fought you?" "No, she?s been the perfect sweet little baby girl..." "If this appeal is denied, what are your plans for him?" "Well, that would mean Judge Taney?s order goes back into effect? We would go back to the hospital and have the procedure performed to make him into a little girl." "And what would she do for the rest of her life?" Addy shrugged. "I guess we would probably see about potty training once she adjusted to her new parts. If she can make it to the potty regularly, we?d probably move her up to a preschool class somewhere while I work." "She?d never be able to work again?" "I believe one of the other people already mentioned if this is upheld, she?ll no longer be able to be on the bar association... I can?t see how she would work as an attorney without that even if I wanted her to." Kendra came back to the lectern for something. "Just a few more questions Miss Harris, do you recognize this young woman?" I saw the picture briefly as she showed it to her, but her reaction was the bigger indication it was shocking. "Umm... Yes... that looks like a friend of mine from high school, Gina Miller." "Are you aware that Gina?s parents declared her a missing person ten years ago?" Addy squirmed slightly then, but I suspected only I noticed. "I wasn?t aware they had filed that, no?" "Are you aware that the last time she was seen by her parents was when she left to go to work at your family?s company on a day in December ten years ago?" "No, I haven?t spoken to her parents since high school?" "Did you know she had a job at SafeFoods?" Addy nodded. "I suggested to a department chair he should think about hiring her." "So, you got her the job?" Addy shrugged. "She still had to interview, but I suspect my suggestion carried a lot of weight." "I bet it did!" Kendra said. "Objection, Your Honor, relevance?" Henry suddenly said. "Your Honor if you?ll please just give me just a few more moments of leeway? Miss Miller?s disappearance will become quite relevant?" "This is the last leeway you?re getting!" He said, "I don?t want this case to last indefinitely!" "Thank You, Your Honor. We would like to introduce into evidence Exhibit Seventy-One. This footage was obtained with the attached search warrant by federal investigators." "Your Honor?" Henry Johnson asked. "Let me see the documentation Mrs. Stein." I watched in curiosity at this exhibit. She had told me that we?d gone over every bit of evidence, but this seemed way outside of that! I looked up at her as she went to have a sidebar with Henry and the judge. David gave me a shake of a head saying not to ask, and a moment later the judge said, "This appears lawfully acquired and admissible. It is entered into evidence per request." David pressed some buttons and a still of a scene showed on the screen. I recognized Addy?s childhood home, and felt my blood chill as I realized what they had somehow miraculously gotten their hands on! "Miss Harris, do you recognize the location of this video?" "Umm... it?s my parents? house... my childhood home?" "Do you recognize the young woman here?" She pointed at a figure I could tell was probably Gina. "Your Honor?" she said just as I heard Henry Johnson shouting. "Objection!" and another voice crying. "How the Hell?!?" *************************************************** Chapter 56: Triggered *************************************************** MY FIRST REAL day in the courtroom sitting next to Judge Jones? clerk and court reporter had seen the courtroom erupt loudly following her verdict involving postponing the return of Lilibeth Tully. It had been an extraordinarily unusual event, as I found later in my summer, and as my career continued. Courtrooms were meant to be somber spaces for justice, not a party atmosphere! Arguing was supposed to be limited to the counsel presenting their arguments at that moment ? especially in a Court of Appeals! Right then though I felt there was only one word that could describe things. Pandemonium! I felt like time had stopped as everyone on Aubry Harris? side realized they were in line for some serious legal trouble, Addy probably wondered about her own legal exposure, and I just wondered if this evidence would do anything to help me regain my freedom! I was also scared to death for Addy right then, as this video was going to clearly demonstrate the trigger her mom could activate, and could send her over the edge. "ORDER!!!!!" the judge shouted. "ORDER!!! OR I?LL CLEAR THE COURTROOM!!!" The video stayed frozen in the still as the courtroom finally grew silent. "If everyone cannot behave themselves like adults, I will have everyone but the attorneys and clients removed!" He looked truly shocked and pissed if I had to describe it. "Mr. Johnson, what was your objection?" "This evidence is highly prejudicial, Your Honor and may cause issues with related cases." "Your Honor you have already seen the documentation about the legality of the evidence!" Kendra said. He nodded. "Miss Harris, you were trying to answer Mrs. Stein?" "Your Honor, I?m not sure..." "You are under oath Miss Harris. I hope there?s not a need to, but you are entitled to plead the fifth amendment if you feel like you are in legal jeopardy here? Perhaps you should consult with another attorney?" She looked at me. Really looked at me for the first time since that day she wouldn?t say ?yes,? and then turned to the judge and shook her head stiffly. "No sir, I?ll answer Mrs. Stein." "Your Honor!" Henry objected. "Counsel, you will get your turn to rebut this evidence if needed. Mrs. Stein?" "Miss Harris, do you recognize this woman?" On the screen you could see two large men holding a young woman tightly to keep her from escaping just barely visible on the side of the wall by their sitting room. A ridiculous looking ball gag was stuffed in her mouth. "Yes, that?s Gina Miller, my friend." "Who else is on the screen here?" I noticed then that there was someone standing behind Addy, and someone behind Danica, with syringes coming at Addy and Danica. "My mom, Aubry Harris, two of her security guards are holding Gina, my sister and myself, and I don?t know the names of the two women behind Danica and I." "Let?s see the film, huh?" Kendra pressed play and I watched events that she?d described play out on the video. The film showed both young women getting the needles pressed quickly into their bodies. "What the Hell is going on?" Addison asked angrily. "What was that?!?" Danica added. Aubry Harris laughed a villainous laugh that chilled my bones as I watched. "What?s going on is that if you and your sister don?t start shaping up, you?ll be shaping down." "What do you mean?" Addy asked. "Let me show you," she said with a smirk. Gina was brought fully into view then of Addy. She was screaming and fighting with the two men holding her. "What are you doing to Gina?!?" Addy screamed. "This," Aubry said and pressed a button on a tablet she was holding. We watched as Gina screamed in pain, and convulsed violently as she shrank, until moments later she finally lay on the ground naked as a newborn, now crying with the voice of one as well. Addy yelled. "Change her back!" "No," Aubry said, "She was trying to turn us in on some things she found working for us in the office. She?s going to get adopted by a nice couple tonight. She?ll make a nice baby... just like the two of you will..." "Mom you can?t do that to us!" Danica screamed. "Oh, I can... I don?t want to, but I certainly will! If either of you don?t behave, I?ll have the code sent remotely to both of you so I can have a beautiful set of baby twin sisters for their big brother Matty. Now, first thing you?re going to do Addy, if you don?t want to be Baby Addy, is break up with that sniveling Little boy you?ve been dating!" The footage stopped, and I saw Addy was trembling, and tears flowed out of her eyes and down her face. Her mascara was running badly down her cheeks as she tried to wipe her face with her hand. "Bailiff?" Judge O?Connor said after a moment. "Your Honor?" "Please arrest Mrs. Harris. I?m issuing a bench warrant for her at this time until the district attorney?s office and Federal Investigators can issue their own indictments." "You ungrateful little bitch!!!" Aubry said as she hissed towards Addy. I watched in horror as she pulled out her phone and began typing in a code in some app as the bailiff walked towards her. I had little doubt as to what she was doing as she gleefully pressed a button and looked up at Addy. I could tell she expected her to immediately shrink like her friend had. I looked back and forth at them, expecting the same thing to happen. "What the Hell?" She swore. Mrs. Harris pressed a couple other buttons in rapid succession then. "Officer, please take her into custody now and preserve that device for evidence!!!" I felt like a spectator at a cage match or something as Mrs. Harris threw the device as hard as she could. Another officer, who had been summoned as backup, happened to walk in the door and right into the path of it. I watched as he reflexively caught it with some pride, before developing a blank stare on his face! All of the other eyes in the courtroom were all focused on Aubry Harris, who was being cuffed and brought down by the bailiff who had already been inside the room. Her attorney was making noise about the arrest being unfair and no one was paying attention to the other officer. Sensing something was wrong I bolted over there and could see swirling colors on the screen with that weird tint that I apparently now saw on hypnotic screens. I leapt up and yanked it easily from his hand and turned it face down. "Officer, are you okay?" I asked him. "Huh?" He responded incoherently just as he began to pee his pants. "We need a medic or someone over here!" I shouted. The Little doctor had apparently not left, and she and her mother were over there. "What?s wrong?" Holly Nickerson asked. "He got a dose of the screen there ? it had a hypno screen on?" She made a face at that. "It already affected him? A Big?" "That?s bad..." her mommy said. "Let?s get him to the hospital. I don?t know if we?ll be able to do much for him. Sir, do you understand me?" He slowly nodded. "What?s going on?" He asked like he?d downed a full bottle of liquor on his own. "You got hit with a hypno bomb, we?ll take you to General and see if there?s anything we can do for you..." Another officer showed up then and said, "Where?s the device?" "You need to put it in a bag, there?s a hypno screen that was active just now," I told him. He held a manilla envelope that we carefully slid the phone in without looking at it. Even from within the bag you could see the screen was bright, so we doubled it up and he followed Aubry Harris out of the courtroom. It took a while to come back to order for the courtroom, and you could tell that Judge O?Connor was pissed! "I don?t know what the Hell is going on here, but this circus is ending now!" He looked at our table where Kendra and David had joined me in sitting down. "Mrs. Stein, do you have more questions for Miss Harris?" "Just a couple more, Your Honor?" "Make them quick ? no more theatrics!" "Yes sir," she said. "Miss Harris, I know that had to have been a shock for all of that to happen right now. For the record, you broke up with our client Mr. Sylvester because your mom threatened to turn you into a Little?" Addy looked truly shell-shocked, but nodded. "Yes... She threatened to do the same to my sister... I couldn?t risk my sweet sister Danica having that happen..." "Last question, as far as you were aware, your mom?s trigger on the nanites should have worked on you just now, correct?" She nodded. "She even tested it on me one time and permanently removed my body hair... I know it worked... it?s never grown back." "No further questions, Your Honor," she told the judge. "Questions for this witness, Mr. Johnson?" "No, Your Honor." "Do you have any further witnesses, Mrs. Stein?" "Just one brief one to testify on this matter with the nanites? I think it?s relevant?" "Briefly!" he said. "Thank you, Your Honor. We would like to call Doctor Amanda Westerfield to the stand at this time." Amanda was led into the courtroom and gave me a wide smile as she passed by. Once she was sworn in Kendra began. "Doctor Westerfield, would you please explain your credentials?" "Certainly! I am the head of the AI Department at Emerson University." "AI meaning Artificial Intelligence?" "That?s correct." "What do you all focus on?" "Well in the last ten years programming on nanites has been one of my main focuses." "You are in fact one of the leading experts in nanite AI programming, correct?" "I?d like to think I?m up there, yes." "A couple weeks back we contacted you due to receiving information about the nanite bomb that was placed in Miss Harris and her sister. What can you tell us about that?" Amanda sighed. "Well it?s unfortunately a real thing ? and hers was capable of reducing her in size and mass just as the video you showed me of the other young woman." "For the record she is referring to Gina Miller," Kendra said. "Why didn?t it work?" "Assuming that was her intention, it was no longer going to operate with her password. Your office contracted me to change the passwords to give her some protection." "You hacked into the code?" "In a manner of speaking." "When and how?" "Their private investigator discovered they were going to be traveling to our local mall. We traveled there quickly and I ?ran into? Miss Harris and her sister out shopping with Mr. Sylvester. It was pretty simple to scan for the frequency of the nanites, and through some proprietary software, edited the nanites? passwords and code." "You just gave them new code?" "Essentially, yes," Amanda answered. "So, your code did what?" "The nanites are still inside Miss Harris, it?s just changed the password needed to alter her through them." "What?s the point of having such a code?" "Well, nanites have been heavily used in the medical field, but boutique changes to Littles using them have become more and more common. At some point it was realized that the nanites stayed inside a Little and could be programmed still to make additional changes without going back to a hospital or a research lab. Now if you go into a doctor?s office to have a Little altered, they?ll give you a password and you can have settings changed further with a simple visit." "Is that something that should be done?" "That?s not in my field," she smiled. "I have seen them do a lot of good for some people, including my own two Little girls." "You only have one?" "My other Little girl grew up and went back home to her home dimension after she graduated from Emerson," she smiled. "She?s doing well for herself there." "One last question, can any of the nanites in people?s bodies be altered?" Amanda grimaced. "Yes, unfortunately that is one of the biggest faults of them." "And they stay forever?" "At least fifteen years according to our studies. They self-replicate in the body and use some of the same nutrients that a person consumes to power them. At some point in the future, we may very well view them as being a harmful pollutant." "Interesting, no more questions, Your Honor." "Mr. Johnson?" "Your Honor to be honest I don?t see the relevance of her testimony, no questions for her." "Thank you Doctor Westerfield." I sat tensely in my seat as Kendra said, "Your Honor we had subpoenaed Judge Taney, but she responded that she had a court scheduling conflict. Without that overridden in some manner, that is our final witness." He looked at his watch. "Tough to get someone like a judge in... If you want to wait and force the issue you may, but I don?t believe it would change the facts of this case in any way. Let?s adjourn for a thirty- minute recess, then each of you will have a fifteen-minute closing argument you may make." He gaveled the court into recess and I gratefully took the opportunity to start walking out. "Where are you going?" Addy asked me, grabbing my hand. "The bathroom?" "By yourself?" "I..." I started to argue. "Yes?" "You?re still my baby girl Cammie, I?ll let you use the potty again, but you?re going with me." I turned to Kendra who shrugged. "I would have said not to go alone too after everything that?s happened today, Cameron. Make sure he?s right back here after the potty break." Addy smiled at me. "Come on." She led me by the hand to the bathrooms, and any hope of using the men?s room was squashed as she took me into the women?s, and one of the larger accessible stalls. "Hand me your coat..." she told me. I groaned, but didn?t want the contents of the diaper bag that was on her shoulder ending up on me instead. After I handed it to her, she let me unbutton my pants and I hopped up onto the large toilet to do my business. Going number one and number two, she was ready with toilet paper that she insisted on wiping me with, before helping me with my coat and holding me to wash my hands. One woman came in and said, "What is a man doing in the women?s room?" "I brought my baby in here, I didn?t want him possibly being kidnapped or harmed..." The woman seemed incredulous, but took a stall and closed the door. I was glad to take my bright red face back out into the hallway! I didn?t speak with her returning to the room, other than to look up and ask. "Are you okay?" She sat down in a seat and pulled me into the chair next to her. Addy shook her head. "No, I?m decidedly not okay... My mom is a monster in every way she can be. Seeing her arrested should make me feel better... knowing that Doctor Westerfield saved my sister and me from being shrunken earlier should make me feel better. Honestly, I think this hearing is going well for you ? and that should make me feel better too, but at the heart of the past few weeks is my heart being ripped back open..." I looked at her and said, "I?m sorry..." "None of this is your fault, no need to apologize. Now why don?t you get back up there with Kendra before the judge comes back and let?s figure out what?s going to happen..." I squeezed her in a hug, and walked back up to the front. Kendra leaned down. "You okay?" I nodded. "This whole thing has reopened wounds for both of us... Worst of all, that was by far the most embarrassing bathroom trip of all time. You could have helped me out you know!" She smirked. "I?m hoping this gets taken care of ? might as well have given her a little more time there." The judge was soon back and I was listening to the opposing arguments. "In conclusion, a reminder that today isn?t about the circus theatrics we?ve seen today. Today is about procedures and if the right steps were taken to declare Mr. Sylvester in contempt of court, and a case of Maturosis. Even without the testimony of our witnesses, the video and information on her many diapers she?s been through, the initial outburst was definitely deserving of this change in status for Cammie Harris." I glared at the jackass as he walked back with a cocky smile. David stood up to deliver the closing arguments like he usually did. "Your Honor, Mr. Johnson is absolutely correct that this case is about procedures, process, and law. I agree with that one-hundred percent, but his conclusions are flawed and highly colored by his own opinions. The judicial part of our government does rightfully wield significant powers to be able to dispense justice. In Ames, yes, it is legal for a judge to declare someone under eight-feet-tall as a person unable to care for themselves. But there should be due process. A hearing? Interviews with psychologists? Testimony from those around them? Surely there should be some of this per case law as testified by Professor Marshall." "The ultimate problem though is that the process, not even followed, was tainted by blackmail and intimidation. We?ve shown that Judge Taney was not adequately distanced from the case at hand. She should have at the least recused herself. With our evidence though, we?ve shown it was more than that ? and I suspect if we could examine Judge Taney, I would not be surprised to discover she has her own nanite bomb programmed and ready to blow for Mrs. Harris to control her." "Your Honor, Cameron Sylvester is one of the most noble hearted men I have ever known. He stands the likelihood of possibly even being on a bench himself someday! There is no doubt in my mind that he is more than mature enough to live on his own, and continue to contribute to society as an amazing attorney. We implore the court to right this injustice today. Thank you, Your Honor." I gave David a small smile of thanks, and felt my stomach twist and turn as Judge O?Connor sat there silently, moving a few documents around. "I want to thank both counsels for well-presented arguments and testimony. I would have preferred to not ever have the theatrics we had today in my courtroom, but that is neither here nor there as they say. I have sat on the bench now for thirty years, and during my fourteen years on this bench, I have held a tradition that I will consider both sides for a period of time before rendering my verdict. A rush to judgement due to passions sake will not benefit the law, and society overall. To that end I will issue my ruling within the next seven to ten-days through my office. During that time, I am remanding Mr. Sylvester to the care of Miss Harris." I wanted to cry then. Freedom had felt so close!!!! "During that time Miss Harris is not to have ANY contact with her mother, mother?s attorneys, or her agents. She may go into work if absolutely needed, but during that time no contact shall happen with your mother Miss Harris. Mr. Sylvester is not to be modified physically in any way! You may still dress him according to your wishes as a mother, but he should be allowed unlimited contact with his attorneys and they with him. I implore you to be kind, Miss Harris, and not make me regret my decision." "Yes, Your Honor," she said to him. "Very well, court is adjourned!" ******************************************************** I really appreciate those of you who have been commenting! Please leave me a quick note in the reviews just to let me know you?re reading and what you?re thinking! Thanks again for reading!!!

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Spread sex into chapters

A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor… A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor friend loves to masturbate experienced guys. She loves to give a blowjob, and we are happy to show everyone who wants to...

1 year ago
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Between Two Fires

A second-person-viewpoint narration of a Pagan journey through a year-and-a-day of the familiar, to find the mystery behind the mysteries. Yes, this is a magical gendershift story. ---------------------------------------------------------- Between Two Fires --Kiai 24sep03/29jul06/05mar07 Perhaps it is being brought up Pagan that has brought you to this. Where other religions segregate the sexes with walls of guilt and shame, never to meet...

3 years ago
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Between The Trees

?Between The Trees?By Thomas Chaser, [email protected], 2012Intro: This story has a very strong ?horror? element to it that some readers may not particularly enjoy.  If you are one of those people, I encourage you to skip the gory parts but come back to the storyline as it’s woven throughout the action.  Read the story all the way to the end, then go to the beginning and read it again, this time not skipping over the gore.  Hopefully you will enjoy the story in its entirety that way,...

2 years ago
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Between Visits AKA My BrotherinLaw Part 4

Between Visits (AKA My Brother-in-Law Part 4) By Erica Wright December 3, 1998 This is a stand-alone story but will make a little more sense if you read "My Brother-in-Law 1 + 2 + 3". Robert had left sometime during the night. He had thoughtfully set the alarm clock so that I had plenty of time to get cleaned up and ready for work before my wife Connie got home from her night job. I was incredibly sore (in more ways then the obvious one!) for a few days, but almost immediately...

3 years ago
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Between Friends

“Shit! This wasn’t supposed to happen.”“What?”“Us together. Alone. You know my wife’s always been jealous of you.” You open your mouth to protest, but I cut you off.  “Yeah, I know, I know. It’s not like anything is really going on between us, but she’s just kinda… insecure I guess.”“What for?” you ask, straightening your back. “We’re just colleagues.”“I know. I never thought we were more than that, but… I mean, I don’t know if I should tell you this, but she put on some weight the last couple...

3 years ago
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Between the Bridesmaid

I have a brother named James. My parents were and are a couple of sick individuals. James' wedding was the family event of the season and I was stuck in a tuxedo to play usher. Mary first caught my eye at the rehearsal dinner. She had sparkling green eyes, a cute button nose on a lightly freckled face, a wonderful smile, long shapely legs and a slim sexy body. She was the bride's older sister and a bridesmaid. Though we were paired up to walk down the aisle, she was way out of my league. I'd...

1 year ago
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Between Two Brunettes

Note : This story is completely fictional! I guess every boy jerks off. For me it was a daily routine, if not numerous times a day. I had discovered it by accident. I was feeling horny one night and I instinctively began touching myself. Before long I was hard and stroking my cock to climax. That first time was great and I was hooked. You can imagine my disappointment when I broke both my hands in a freak accident a few years later. That’s how this story came to be. I was Eighteen and very...

2 years ago
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 5

The weekend just gone was the first ever in my mundane life to drag. It started with a row with mum. Being busy at the Saturday job helped, but Sunday lasted an e t e r n i t y. As I counted every second, I remembered the happenings of the past week and what might happen or the possible old games and activities I could recycle for my rude fun with Eric.The long summer had broken and the new week started on a much cooler autumnal note. Mum had finally bought my crisp, new navy school pinafore...

1 year ago
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Between Two Worlds

So I live two lives, both in Georgia. One in the twenty-first century, where I’m Mr. Politically Correct, rubbing shoulders with all races, colours, creeds and sexual persuasions; and one in the nineteenth century, where I am - like almost all moneyed white gentlemen - a slave owner.I discovered the ability to step between the worlds when I was but a teen. The first time was an instinctive flight response to a threat (a mugger). It took me some time to figure out what had happened, and even...

2 years ago
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Between One Step and the Next

Between One Step and the Next Sam Wells sat on a bench and tried not to cry. He had just come from a frustrating meeting with a government agency and was debating in his head what he should do next. Months of underemployment had left him on the edge of losing his home, but nobody seemed able to help him. He finally gathered himself, and looked around him. Across the street was The Arch, a rather unique work of art. ?It looked like two streetlamp poles placed two and half feet apart,...

1 year ago
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Between the Races

I met Maleeka at an art show my friend Tony dragged me to last week. Art and I don’t normally mix, but I owed Tony a favor and a ride to the show was going to be it. Bunch of paintings on the wall; that’s all I can tell you. The show was in a community center in a pretty rough neighborhood. All the artists were local people showing off what ever talent they may have had. Tony had walked away from me to whatever he came there for, so I wandered around looking at the...

4 years ago
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Between Aphrodisia And Anathema

"Well that was... certainly different.""Different? That's all you can say?""What else would call it then?""...Weird?""That's worse than different.""Yeah, you got a point there."Neither one of them knew what to say at that point. There was plenty that needed to be said but both were so confused and a bit frightened by the night's events that they couldn't even begin to think of what to say. Looking at one another for a moment, the shorter haired one of the two finally broke the staring contest...

2 years ago
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Between Friends

“Shonda, I have a huge favor to ask you.” My ears perked up with interest. Simone was my girl. You know, the one you planned mischief with since you were seven. The one who you giggled with as a teen and had so much dirt on you she could bury you in a heartbeat but you knew she would go to the grave with your deepest secrets. I couldn’t understand why she was being so formal. “Puh-lease girl, you know you just have to say what you want. None of this ‘favor’ bullshit. You need a kidney or...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Between The Lens 8211 The Erotica

Dear Readers. Thanks for stepping into my story. Well, to start with, this may not be classified as a sex story like the ones you see on this website. It’s more of an erotica. Everything revolves around sex, but there’s never any long explanation of how it is happening between the protagonists. Infact, the narration just skips that entirely. No oohs and aaahs at all. So, while the story is really long, please head in with the expectation that this is more of an erotica than sex story. Brickbats...

2 years ago
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Between Mister Joachins legs Part II

That day was unique, I would never forget how an 9 year old boy touched, caressed and tasted the veiny, big and fat cock of a 35-year-old man.I did not go again to my friends' house until three days later, since I was a little afraid that Mister Joachin might say something about what happened, I did not know what he was going to tell me, he would scold me, he would tell my parents; I didn't know what was going to happen.On the third day I came back. I remember it was Saturday and that meant...

2 years ago
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Between Cold and Spicy What a Ride edit Chapter One

"Prove it," I let a hint of my lascivious thoughts escape through my smile, and I felt in my bones (and in my subsequent boner), Jelly would appreciate it instead of it being a problem. And I was right. "Prove how?" she smiled, looking suspicious, one of her expressive and naturally bright red-colored eyebrows up. The proof was right there, on top of her eyes. I realized but obviously wouldn't say it. Unless she dyed it too. "I don't know. You might have a way to prove it. Some girls...

3 years ago
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Between UsChapter 2

The following Years ~Regina~ She was feeling him. His erection was throbbing in her hand as she slowly stroked his cock back and forth, back and forth. His eyes said it all. He wanted her again and she felt the same way. She wanted to feel him inside of her. Even after three years, she craved him. He was almost like an addiction. She kissed him again. Hard. His tongue pressed against hers and his strong arms wrapped around her naked body. Her breasts pressed against his hot skin. "I want...

3 years ago
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Between The Lines

The email came out of the blue. We hadn't spoken or sent messages or emailed or acknowledged each other's existence in over fifteen years. My ex had obviously thought there was a need to let me know she had been diagnosed with the big ‘C’.I guess I felt sorry for her and so I responded. We entered, into what turned out to be, a fun and exciting email exchange in which I told her I was happily married and she told me all about her evenings at a certain pub where she still met locals for sex. ...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 2

The sound of footsteps on the promenade approaching the shelter somehow accelerated the atmosphere within. I turned the page of my textbook and the man quickly turned his head towards the sea.A couple on their late summer's break at the fading resort slowly sauntered past. I took the opportunity to take a break from my reading, I swung round and placed my feet on the ground. I stood up and stretched my body with my arms up in a arc whilst looking out to sea. I tidied my long bob of light...

1 year ago
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Between Friends

Chapter 1 Our next door neighbors, Dawn and Jeremy, were friends of our parents and also friends of my brother and me. They were younger than our parents and older than we were, like half way between. I was thirteen, my brother, Hank, sixteen, Dawn was twenty-three and Jeremy twenty-six. So, we were basically all friends including my parents. Hank and I would often spend the night at Dawn and Jeremy's and play games or rent movies, eat pizza and make popcorn, mostly fun stuff and we all got...

4 years ago
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Between father amd son at the pool

It is a hot august day and my eight-year-old son is splashing in the swimming pool as I doze off sunbathing in my running shorts, my chest and face exposed to the sun's rays to improve my tan. The sun warms my blood and gives me that familiar itch between my legs. I rub my hand against the smooth fabric covering my burgeoning cock. Three things happen: my breath gets shorter, the edge of my shorts rides up my thigh uncovering the head of my penis, and my young innocent eight-year-old son...

1 year ago
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Between Fae and Foe Ch 02

‘I was young, impetuous and headstrong, much as you are my darling. Only I grew up in circumstances far different from yours. Mortal I was but I belonged to a line of powerful women and men, that had the power to act as seers and vessels between worlds. And this meant that I grew up with a strong sense of responsibility, identifying and keeping all those parts of those worlds that could collide distinct and separate from each other. I had vision beyond what my ancestors had seen and yet, when...

3 years ago
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Between Lovers Part 1 A Couples Erotic Story

Jessica is the normal girl next door. The good sweet girl. All then neighbors know her and adore her. She is kind, caring, smart and beautiful. She the kind of girl who would do anything for anyone. She is the an angel among man. All her life she has been in love with him, the boy next door. Alex was much older then Jessica, by 10 years in fact. He was always protective of her. When she was bullied, he was the hero. When she is sad, he is her clown. Jessica wanted Alex to be her first for many...

1 year ago
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Between Lovers Part 1 A Couples Erotic Story

Jessica is the normal girl next door. The good sweet girl. All then neighbors know her and adore her. She is kind, caring, smart and beautiful. She the kind of girl who would do anything for anyone. She is the an angel among man. All her life she has been in love with him, the boy next door. Alex was much older then Jessica, by 10 years in fact. He was always protective of her. When she was bullied, he was the hero. When she is sad, he is her clown. Jessica wanted Alex to be her first for many...

4 years ago
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Between a Mother and a Son

John Donato got out of the cab and looked at the simple house that he had called home for all of his 18 years until going off to college last fall. The house looked smaller, in fact the whole neighborhood looked smaller than it had a few months ago.That was a product of spending time in Denver and then coming home to little old Troy, New York, a old industrial town no match for a major city in any way except in his heart. John had gone to school out there, because of a scholarship he won, but...

1 year ago
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Between WorldsChapter 3 A Womans Misplaced Revenge

Cleveland, Ohio Lake Front Marina, Monday early afternoon "Amanda, except for taking Jane from me, God has been good to me. When I sold my half of the company, I gained a significant amount of money and I had good lawyers. "One of the things I did to get out of taxes is to set up a foundation that my daughters are administrating. It is a sort of "Habitat for Humanity." We provide financial training to people in trouble, and help them get into good housing. After they get into a safe...

1 year ago
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Between Holes

It was a gorgeous sunny day for a walk, so Julie and I decided to set off on a regular route along the main road, through the golf course, and back home via the canal. Weather permitting, we do quite a lot of walking, covering between twelve and fifteen miles on an average outing. We do it mainly for fitness but sometimes we indulge in open-air fun. Today, Julie was in a naughty mindset from the get-go, something I gathered from her outfit: a white, spaghetti strap top and a denim miniskirt.The...

1 year ago
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Between Fae and Foe Ch 08

I’m so sorry for the delay and so grateful for all the support that the readers have continued to extend to me. No excuses except a major Writer’s block initiated because of exams. Hopefully, the next installment will not take so long. Please continue reading and supporting my work through your votes and feedback. Jaded! -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8- ‘Ada’an…. Ada’an…’ Ada’an struggled to shake off the darkness that was clouding his senses, opening his lids with great effort as if they were leaden...

2 years ago
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Between Fae and Foe Ch 04

Contradictions! The air, the room and the people in its warmth were surrounded by them. The room was quiet, the stillness belying the chaos that had been wrought by its inhabitants during the night. The sun struggled to peek through the early morning fog, the chill wrapping around the figure that except for a slight tightening of her arms crossed over her chest stood still and silent by the window. ‘How am I supposed to deal with this? I can’t let this take me this way. How can something...

1 year ago
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Memories

"I'm legal! I'm legal!"Celia Ward's uniform pinafore pleats below her hips swirled as she danced backwards down the austere corridor, the brick walls painted in dull battleship grey and the sombre dark lino floor lit feebly from the lights overhead. Our accompanying celebratory laughter suddenly died."At last, I'm L...."Celia looked at our change in expression and swung round. At the end of the corridor at the entrance to her study stood Miss Hardcastle. With a sour look and a too-short,...

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Between My Son's Legsbypokenose©I noticed that Tommy, my 18-year-old son, seemed to be spending an awful lot of time in his room lately. I wondered if something was wrong, or if he and his girlfriend had a fight that made him seem so depressed. He hadn't been out of his room all day, except to have breakfast and then, briefly, when I told him that lunch was ready. I decided that it was time for me to take some action, and that the two of us had to have a talk. I had no idea what it was that we...

2 years ago
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Between Tanu And Taru

My studies completed and got a lucrative job.Soon after married a beautiful girl tanu who was also in service in a mnc with good salary and responsibility. Tanu was very systematic,punchual and workaholic.She is more concerned about her work then family.She carries the view that since both are in job, all house hold responsibility to be equally rendered without any dispute. Amazingly, during the period we are in sex she remains intimate..Co-operative but wants condom as mandatory. She is of the...

4 years ago
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Between The Soul And Soft Machine

The following story contains some mildly harsh language. It is otherwise wholly lacking in sexual situations, sadomasochistic bimbo-ism, theft of giant spaceship components, general delinquency, oral sex obsessed ex-presidents with linguistic issues, or old-fashioned rock 'n roll. Those bothered by the former or searching for any of the latter are advised to move on to the next story - these aren't the 'droids you're looking for. This story also contains one of my Patent...

4 years ago
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Between Two Cute Red Lips

I had just had a magical evening with my new lover, Zach. We went to this amazing diner downtown and had probably the greatest conversation I've ever had. I could just melt in those strong yet gentle arms, those deep brown eyes, that soft brown hair. His top shirt button was undone, so I could see a glimpse of dark chest hair, and I almost melted inside. After dinner, we went down to the beach just a few minutes out of town, and walked hand in hand down the shore line. We stayed a bit back from...

Oral Sex

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