Between Cold And Spicy (What A Ride Edit): Chapter One free porn video

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"Prove it," I let a hint of my lascivious thoughts escape through my smile, and I felt in my bones (and in my subsequent boner), Jelly would appreciate it instead of it being a problem.

And I was right.

"Prove how?" she smiled, looking suspicious, one of her expressive and naturally bright red-colored eyebrows up. The proof was right there, on top of her eyes. I realized but obviously wouldn't say it. Unless she dyed it too.

"I don't know. You might have a way to prove it. Some girls have matching colors everywhere," I grinned and took a sip of beer. "I'd assume you do too."

Jelly laughed loudly, her full cheeks blushing, something marvelous to witness. I finally said something that had really sunk under her sarcastic, sassy, white porcelain skin. And she laughed. As I had imagined, with her, it was fair game.

"Look, my hair was always this color," she took a strand of her orange-colored hair in her tiny fingers, "I can prove it, but there has to be something in this for me."

"Name it," I said promptly. If Jelly showed me armpit hair, I'd be extremely disappointed.

The cute, petite girl thought for no more than a second, "Your bike!"

"Hell!? You want my motorcycle?" And it was my turn to burst into laughter.

"No, stupid!" she leaned onto the parapet that surveyed the lower, grassy area of my mother's house and looked at me very wishfully, "You'll let me ride it, and you'll give me lessons so I can get my permit next March."

"Do you have any idea how much that bike weighs?"

"I can do it. I've seen girls my size ride sports bikes before."

"Do you even drive?"

"Nah. I'll learn how to ride first. If you wanna bet, that's the price. Do we have a deal or not?" The last sentence came out in a mix of sassiness and sexiness, making my blood pump harder in my veins.

Fact number one, her confidence made it pretty clear that her hair was, for a fact, as fiery and deep orange as she said it was. Fact number two, she wasn't shaved, and she was willing to show me. How fun was that girl, I thought. How lucky was I that this train wreck of a girl showed up in my life now of all times?

"Deal," I moved to the side to have a better view.

Jelly smiled, put her beer can over the parapet, and stepped back, her cheeks so beautifully red. I looked up and down at her petite body, but when her little hands grabbed the waistband of her blue leggings, my eyes focused there, and I did my best to silence a deep breath.

I remember how struck I was the very first time I saw her. After moving back, she crashed dinner at my Mom's the first night I spent there.

Although I had a good relationship with my mother, I didn't come back for any emotional reasons; it was practicality that counted. I had moved back in with my mother since I had gotten a new job only thirty minutes from her place, and I was still selling my old apartment to buy another one. She had inherited that huge house from my grandma, and my living there would be good for us both since I'd be sharing her bills, so when she offered me to stay with her for a while, I accepted. Single life had been treating me well, and I had no intention to change it, nor did I want to be sharing the roof with my younger half-sister. Alice had all the ingredients to create a good relationship with me but chose otherwise, and I didn't have the patience for her "don't know/don't care" persona.

Allie was an introvert, looked at life as cynically as I did, and had had a childhood as messed up as mine had been, both our parents bailing on us when we were young after their forceful personalities had done their trick while helping form our own. But she was a teenager, I was twenty-seven, and I was her half-brother; it was understandable why she didn't want anything to do with me even though we were alike in so many ways. I'd probably have done the same and kept my distance.

That made having her around uncomfortable for us both as she grew up; it didn't matter how much she took after our mother, being tall, slender, with silky, sleek brown hair falling down to her heart-shaped, tight butt, she wasn't entirely my sister, only half, and we hadn't lived together enough so I'd consider her more than that. If anything, it made it worse. What a gorgeous girl she was, with a more squared face, a chiseled jawline, and a wide, full-lipped mouth that was really tempting to look at. With no real brotherly thoughts permanently in my mind, I sometimes saw her solely by what she was: even though quiet and all to herself, she was a hell of a tease.

But then, Jelly happened. The girl showed up uninvited on a night my mother made every effort to make the moment a family thing.

"Hi, hi! Oooh, what is that?" she said soon as she entered the kitchen glass door to the backyard. I heard it from across the kitchen aisle, coming back to the table with a bottle of wine.

"Oh, hi, Angelica," my mother said, instantly throwing a censuring look at Allie while my sister shook her head in a very "It wasn't me" sense. "It's stroganoff," my mother answered, as politely as she always tended to be.

The girl nonchalantly pulled a chair to sit down while saying hello to Allie, then looked at me while I sat down. That's when it hit me.

When I was a teenager, that rock, pop, punk, emo, or whatever they wanted to call themselves... Paramore showed up. I didn't care for their music, as I liked heavier stuff. However, I just loved looking at their vocalist, Hayley Williams. She was a tiny, petite thing with pale skin, angular, pretty facial features, and red, shoulder-length hair. Although what she sang about wasn't really my style, it was impossible not to think that she was the kind of girl who would understand a more quiet, not popular kid like I was. I just loved watching that girl get sassier over time, jumping her little tits off on stage as her hair grew longer, tinged with different fiery colors, and she started to show more of the beautiful curves of her little body every year as the emo thing they had going on washed away. I only knew that band was still around because every time any news about them popped up on the music websites I checked out, I'd take a look just to see how she looked…

And there was an even cuter version of that petite girl, about 5'2", with a more delicate nose and beautifully shaped high cheeks… She looked my sister's age - or not old enough to get a driver's permit yet - and sat right in front of me. She wore a small white t-shirt with some silly multi-colored cartoon at the front, washed-off jeans ripped on her knees and a pair of worn-out high-top red Converses.

"Who are you!?" she asked me while I still basked in the look of her. Her hair was one foot past her shoulders and was of an orangey tone of red that seemed artificial; I mean, it had to be. Her cute face had the smallest freckles I had seen in my life, only barely speckled over her full high cheeks, and her eyes seemed to be of a grayish tone of blue. Although wearing no makeup, with tiny little cracks on her full lips and disheveled hair, the girl looked exquisite, to say the least…


I shook off the feeling that reverberated all over me. Just like that singer, Jelly would only be another teen far out of my reach, only to be gazed at. Too young, too much trouble, inaccessible.

"I'm Dan. I assume you're friends with my sister," I said, opening the bottle of wine and pretending to be disinterested.

"You got that right," she opened up a smile while looking at my sister while Alice still had her shoulders together, barely smiling back. The girl then went on to pick a plate and start serving herself. "Is that red motorcycle outside yours!?"

Her excitement got me by surprise, "Uhum. Do you like it?"

"Yes! It looks fucking awesome. What kind of bike is it?" And I saw Mom's eyebrows crease.

"It's a Ducati Monster," I said, trying to keep it short as my mother seemed to enjoy her presence there less and less.

"Ooooh… Monster. Is it?"

"Is it what?" I was dumb enough to ask.

"A monster, duh," Jelly said mockingly, and I saw Allie smiling for the first time in ages while feeling slow-witted.

"It depends on who's riding it," I started grinning, and I couldn't stop it, "To you, certainly."

"Touché, mister," she said, pointing her fork at me and blinking.

Mom was upset, Allie was worried because Mom would certainly be upset at her, and Jelly took turns looking at the food on her fork and the wine I served. The girl didn't even fake it, she just looked at the wine glasses, and I laughed to myself, wondering if that's how I looked at alcohol when I was younger. That told me a lot about the girl, though. Also, it made me wonder what kind of girl my sister was. It was her friend, after all.

The vibe my mother tried to convey with that dinner was mainly ruined, but I enjoyed it anyway. Any attempt at making it more intimate went down by how Jelly made a point of speaking her mind on anything we said; it didn't matter how old the subject or the memory, things she wasn't a part of. If we spoke of that trip to the beach, she'd mention the cookouts by the lake with her father when she was younger. When Mom tried to remind us of that good time we had visiting our aunt in Boston, the girl would tell us about the times when she visited her grandma in Missouri. She spoke to my Mom and sister as if they all lived together and to me as if we had known each other for ages. What seemed like a disaster to Mom was just funny to me, and although somewhat worried, Allie seemed to be enjoying herself. Even though she was very contained in her emotions, I was learning how to read her, and that was as good a time as any to notice her cold expression didn't at all match her thoughts or feelings.

However, my mother didn't say anything; she just let it happen. Depending on the girl's words, she'd even look a little touched. Later that night, when dinner was done and the girls went to Allie's bedroom, Mom got to the point of apologizing to me for dinner, mentioning Angelica came from a broken, problematic family and that she felt sorry for her, even though her constant presence at the house was bothersome.

When I said I actually had fun, I was the one in trouble. Mom had never heard me say I had fun with them before, but with the crazy neighbor girl disrupting the serious, melancholic way things happened at that house, I had.

"Oh, if you don't mind, that's ok," she said while turning away, obviously pissed at how dismissive I was with her "family moment."

"Mom! It's not like that…"

"No, of course not. Nevermind."

"Mom, come on…" I called, but it was too late. Socializing was never my strong suit; I think I knew who I got that from.

When I saw Alice the following day, I was very tempted to ask what the conversation with our mother had been like that night, but I didn't. I had suited up to go to the office, and she was leaving for school. We looked at each other for a moment, and I saw her eyebrows raise. I think I looked the same. We said good morning, and we left the house.

I looked at her walking down the stone path on the grass, how the way she had grown tall, about 5'9", had given her body a model-like shape, and when my eyes were on her butt, so beautifully shaped by how the jeans she wore made it extra pert, and how delightful it was to admire the shape of her slender, long if rather skinny legs… I looked away. The day before, watching her laugh at the stupid stuff her friend said, with her button of a nose getting enticingly red at times, it had made me see her differently, and although she looked more attractive by the minute, I guess the brotherly part of me was awake.

"Hey. Would you like a ride to school?" I asked, "I have time."

Allie looked back, her blouse falling softly over the shape of her young breasts… And I had to straighten my thoughts yet again, believing I was becoming a sex deviant or something. She blinked a couple of times, maybe questioning herself if she had heard it right.

"Are you sure?" Allie asked, and I could hear the conflict in her voice. Was I such a terrible brother? Had I forced this space between us? I asked myself.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go."

"Oh, wait. You are not taking the bike, right?" And I saw the slightest of smiles start to form on her lips.

"No. The car…" I smiled the same, "...Duh."

And then her smile grew, and if I had any questions about whether my half-sister was gorgeous or not, they were gone. We got in my old Audi S4, and we left in silence. In silence, we stayed, as always, but for some reason, that day, it wasn't uncomfortable.

When I dropped her off at high school, Allie leaned back to say thank you, and she stayed there looking at me for a second after I said welcome. We smiled at each other, and she closed the door. I watched her go, a bunch of mixed feelings storming their way through my body. She was so much like me…

…That I started wondering if Allie was struggling around me just the same.

That first week, I couldn't say it felt bad living with them. I missed some of my freedom, yes, and Mom was a little overwhelming at times with her pampering, for the first time having her son home since I was eighteen - seemingly forgetting I was far from someone who wanted or enjoyed being taken care of. Allie gave me silent nods when we passed by each other, but it was easy to see her disposition toward me had changed somehow. And it just got better with time because there was Jelly.

The girl showed up almost every single day that week, Thursday being the only day I didn't see her around the house at any moment. When I got to the house around 6:30 that first Monday, she was splayed on the living room couch, in a combination of loose tank top and shorts, with her colorful bra absolutely visible in a vibrant tone of yellow. When she saw me, she let out a sonorous "Heeeeey, brother!" and I knew that melody from a song. At first, I was taken aback and surprised; I had just returned from work at a new job and was somewhat stressed out. Yet, I laughed. It was an Avicii song. I was used to getting home to an empty house for the last eight years, and to be back to a cute girl greeting me mockingly, smiling, it was amusing, to say the least.

"Looking good," she said, turning on her belly on the couch and propping her elbows on it to look at me. I knew she said it because it was the first time she saw me in a suit; what I didn't know was whether Jelly was telling the truth or not. With her, it was hard to know.

"Thank you," I said dismissively and moved on to drop my case on a chair, pretending to pay zero to no attention to her while the opposite was the truth.

"Do you work out?"

"No, why?" and said while loosening my tie.

"How can you both be that tall, yet Allie is skinny, and you look that muscular?"

"I eat, and I exercise. Both things Allie is averse of," I said.

"She told me you fight," she made fists with which she mimicked little punches.

"Yeah. Since I was young."

"Cool. You should teach me stuff one of these days," Jelly said, in a mix of looking silly and cute, still punching the air.

The thought of teaching her stuff was tempting, and when my mind started really digressing into those kinds of thoughts, I tried to pull the brakes. Not before imagining her asking me to teach her sex stuff, as most men would… Even though there was a big chance that a girl like Jelly knew some things already.

When Allie showed up with a big bucket of popcorn, we said our almost silent hellos, and she had a little smile on her lips. Things were changing, and I think I knew what. Most specifically, I knew who was responsible. I let them to their movie night and left.

At times during the week, even when my mother seemed upset and Allie seemed not to be in the mood for company, I started enjoying having that girl always there, making funny, sassy, or sarcastic comments on anything, making fun of us for being quiet, serious, and eating our food, sharing our space. She'd stay most of her time with Allie in her bedroom, but when they were out in the kitchen or the living room, we'd have small interactions, and although we didn't bond, may it be for lack of time or because of our age difference, I started to like the girl not only for being able to watch her cute, sexy little body.

While the week happened, they both seemed prettier than I remembered, for some reason. I know Jelly at least had been taking care of her hair, making it look even more beautiful, and those little cracks on her lips were gone. I didn't give much thought to it. Maybe she had started dating someone… And I realized I was thinking about it, and imagining her with someone was making me pissed. I guessed guys like me were weird like that.

Thursday, when she didn't show up, we all noticed it.

"No Jelly tonight?" I broke the silence and asked Allie at dinner.

"No. She is out with someone," and the resented way she answered… I had a feeling she wasn't only missing her friend. If I could read my half-sister at least somewhat, I'd say she was jealous. I tried not to read too much into the situation, and I was no expert on teenage girl behavior, but they seemed excessively close at times…

I kept that suspicion to myself as Mom finally got her family time. Just as I remembered, it resumed to tepid conversations woven in awful silences, but now Allie and I spent some seconds at a time looking at each other without feeling awkward. I admired my half-sister, having zero ideas what she thought. When there was any reason to smile at her, I purposefully did it to see if Allie would retribute… And she did, every time. If she was gorgeous while serious, Allie was adorable while smiling. She was the kind of person that smiled with her eyes, her naturally thick eyebrows curving, her high cheeks looking fuller, and her thick eyelashes getting even more noticeable over her chocolate-colored eyes. I noticed how her nose was cute and small as a button, something she didn't share with my family, yet, I was starting to like my sister in a way I hadn't anticipated.

Then, Saturday happened.

"Are you going out tonight?" Mom asked me.

"Yep, around 10," I answered while still taking off my suit jacket, as I had barely gotten home.

"Good. Can you be sure Allie is in her room when you leave? Chances are, they won't leave there while I'm out. If Jelly wants to stay the night, that's no problem," she said.

"You are going out," I said with a grin. I knew she had been dating. It was funny, but also somewhat weird, to have my mother going out at night for the same reason I was.

"Yes, I am," and the little and ashamed smile told me she felt it as well. "I'll be home by eleven."

"Do you really have to keep an eye on them like this? I mean… I can't imagine Allie going to parties or fooling around with boys like this. Actually, I can't imagine her doing anything that would worry you."

"Jelly," she said while looking down, putting things in her purse. It was information enough.

"Oh, right."

Mom had left for about twenty minutes when the girls came downstairs, and I was having a beer by myself while watching an episode of that Game of Thrones sequel. Jelly was obviously the first one to notice our mother wasn't around.

"Is Mom out?" she asked while literally throwing herself on the couch beside me.

"Yes, she is," I said while looking at Allie, who stood still near the single step down to the tv room. She wore a long white sweater that ended at the top part of her long legs, what made me instantly wonder what she had under it. Even if I knew pretty well Allie wouldn't come downstairs in her panties, or wearing nothing underneath... And I realized I was fantasizing about her in about time to stop doing it.

"Ok!" Jelly said, not hiding her excitement at all, "Can I have a beer, Dan?"

Finally coming into the room, Allie stopped in her tracks and looked at me, her brown eyes wide. I ignored Jelly for a second and looked at my half-sister. I remember hearing people say teenagers learn better if they learn in the safety of their homes and with their families. It was a good excuse I came with to justify my wanting to have the girls drink a little with me, a very hypocritical one, I know, but…

"Allie, do you want a beer?" I said, looking at her, then at Jelly, "Obviously, Mom can't know."

"C'mon, Allie!" Jelly looked at my sister, almost pleading, understanding I'd only share my beer with her if my sister was included.

"Yeah, whatever…" Allie said and sat on the single-seat couch, crossing her long legs and looking slightly bothered.

Allie had never had beer, or at least she effectively pretended not to while Jelly yelled, "Cheers!" and guzzled a third of hers. I chuckled at the sight of it; Jelly saw it, then raised her bottle to clink it with mine. It was awkward initially, but we started talking after a while as soon as Jelly started with her usual talkative behavior. The show I watched was still on TV, and there was a big moment of silence when a sex scene began to play. It was interesting to watch their different reactions to it: While Jelly had a malicious smile, Allie had one of her delicate hands balled up and covering her mouth as she slightly sank onto the couch, blushing.

When the episode was over, Jelly asked for more beer, and I again looked at Allie. She had also finished hers and shyly asked for one more when handing me the empty bottle. I gave her a sarcastic smile, and she smiled back. It didn't take long before, after drinking some more, Jelly suggested a game of truth or dare. I thought I had been inserted in someone's wet dream, and gathering all the willpower I had, after seeing how terrified Allie looked at us, I said no. Going forward with that would have been dangerous; I had been a teenager, and I knew how that could end. And just like Allie, I wasn't good at sharing personal details. It wasn't a game; it was torture. Maybe I just wasn't drunk enough.

Jelly pouted for a couple of minutes, but everything was fine after a while. We just made small talk, talked about movies, tv shows, and music, and they told me stuff that happened at school - where they apparently mirrored their relationship when not home. They told me how they became friends; Jelly had defended Allie when some bullies trashed her for being too skinny, and Allie, an A student, subsequently helped Jelly out with her grades (by cheating and giving her answers, I guessed), and the rest was history.

At the third beer, Allie fell asleep on the couch, and Jelly seemed interested in whatever was going on in a show on the tv. I looked at both girls and thought I had done the right thing by sharing that night with them, even though I still had the time to go out. Soon they'd be in bed, they were safe, and I had stopped myself from acting like a sex psycho. I looked at Allie, snoozing sideways on the couch, and for the first time, I felt really fond of her, watching the cute girl sleep and thinking, 'that's my sister.' So I went outside to vape a little. Not my mother nor sister knew I vaped, and I intended to keep it like that. I didn't want the judgment. My lungs, I could do whatever the hell I wanted with them.

I propped on the parapet, the back of the house high and backing a vast forested area. I looked into the night when I heard steps behind me.

"Can I?" I heard Jelly's voice.

"You smoke?" I said, looking back in surprise.

"Nah, I vape," she sarcastically said.

I handed her the vape pen, and while I watched her exhale a small white cloud, I asked, "Jelly. What kind of nickname is that?"

"One day, a kid said my hair looked like the orange jelly they served us in one of those little plastic cups at the cafeteria," she started saying, and I was surprised at how not completely drunk she sounded, "They used to call me Angel before that… You know, Angelica… Angel… I clinched the kid and stuffed a bunch of my hair in his mouth."

"You!? You managed to clinch a boy?" I laughed at the idea. She was so small. I was 6'2". The top of her head barely reached my shoulder.

"We were all small at the time," she laughed, "and it was another girl. After that, I was Jelly."

"Oh, I see," I took another sip of beer, then I decided to play with her, "Are you trying to tell me your hair had this color when you were younger? You liar."

"It is!"

Having accepted the deal, or the bet as she called it, I intently watched Jelly as she stuck both her thumbs under the waistband of her blue leggings. I had my eyes on her tiny, cute belly button and the porcelain skin around it, as the loose top she wore exposed her stomach. Then her fingers moved, bringing her pants and panties down with them, and there it was, that faint little trail of orange-colored pubic hairs, only slightly darker than the ones at her head.

"See," she cooed, and her tone told me she was a little shy but also enjoyed the moment.

"Yes… But not really," I said without taking my eyes off her, feeling my cock hardening to life inside my pants, "Can you pull it down a little more, so I can know for sure?"

Jelly chuckled softly and pulled it down a little further. Then, I could see the puffy mounds of her pussy, which was beautiful. Her contours had a pink tone, and I was entranced by what I saw and marveling at how that moment could actually be happening.

"Admit it," she practically mewed, and it was the first time she sounded a little tipsy.

"What," I said, "Oh, ok, you were right."

"No," she said while pulling her pants up, smiling, "This had absolutely nothing to do with the color of my hair."

"Was it that obvious?" I mocked.

She stepped forward and joined me, propping her elbows at the parapet. Jelly took my beer and sipped from it.

"What is next? The color of my nipples?" She chuckled.

"I don't know… Let's see," and I moved behind her, then slowly wrapped my arms around her little shoulders, giving her all the time in the world in case she wanted to stop me. It didn't happen.

Sliding my hands down her shoulders, I touched her breasts, feeling how soft but firm they were. Jelly gave me a kittenish giggle and put her hands behind her on my hips. Then I slipped my fingers under the sports bra she had beneath her white top, and I gently freed her tits. There they were, her small B-cup breasts, perfect on a girl her size.

"Pink… Pretty," I complimented her delicate nipples.

"You think so?" She asked in a low tone and looked up and kept looking, and the way her cheeks had the same tone of pink I found in her nipples was so beautiful.

I knew what she wanted, and I complied. I leaned down and kissed her while still enjoying the feeling of her tits in my hands, softly squeezing them. Jelly let my tongue roam free in her mouth, hers circling mine as if she knew what she was doing. The girl let out a telltale moan inside my mouth when I lightly pinched one of her nipples, then we looked at each other, panting.

"What else is there to check?" I exhaled, feeling the massive hard-on I had touching the small of her back, as indeed did she.

"Dan…" she called my name while I wrapped my arms around her torso, my forearms cuddling her breasts.

"Yes?" One slight movement behind her, and I almost instinctively rubbed myself on her behind, and the young girl gasped.

"You can just fuck me…" she said in a whispery, enticing voice, " need for bets or checking anything," she giggled.

I didn't lose control, even though that was probably the sexiest moment of my life. I thought of everything, the repercussions, how potentially wrong it would be for me to do that. The way she said it, so surprisingly decided, there was no way I would deny myself of fucking Jelly.

In less than three seconds of internal debate, I inhaled deeply and pulled her up, Jelly suppressing a playful little scream so as not to wake Allie up, and I carried her to an outside corner of the house, between a concrete pathway and trees. I let her on her feet in the dark, facing the house's white wall, and I saw her in a shade of grey when she put her little hands on it, leaning over and tilting up her behind for me. I touched the small of her back, and she leaned a little more, exposing herself to me while I could hear her breathing.

I knelt behind her and took my good time sliding her tight pants and striped blue and white cotton panties down her toned legs and off her tiny feet. When I looked up, I saw for the first time that beautiful slit, and it looked so small and delicate between the puffy mounds of her pussy. Carefully, I spread her butt cheeks with my thumbs, right there where they met her thighs, and Jelly gasped softly, then louder when I started to lick her slit, taking my time sliding my tongue all over her labia, feeling her taste in my mouth.

"Oooh..." she cooed softly when she felt it, then gasped when I started licking her little love nub.

I moved my tongue all over her nubile sex, always going back to her tiny little clit, and after a while her legs started to shake. I felt on my tongue how wet she already was, and I let it slide inside her tight entrance a couple of times. She moaned in such a beautiful way, still trying to contain herself, making me stay at it for longer, even though I was craving to be inside her already - and time was of the essence.

When she panped already, and I felt her cute little butt shaking in my hands, I stopped and stood up. Jelly looked at me over her shoulder with a mix of apprehension and anxiousness while I unzipped and dropped my pants. Then I aligned my dick with her entrance, and I took a second to acknowledge how small that girl was, how I looked bigger than I already was in contrast. I rubbed the tip on her warm, wet entrance a couple of times, then pressed forward, and she gasped.

Jelly arched her back and let out a small groan when I felt her little entrance start to give me passage, "Oh m-my… Ga-ah…" The path felt so tight around the head of my cock, in a way I had never felt before, that I was honestly divided between my arousal and worry. I pushed a little bit more and felt it stretching her, the tip suddenly popping in. "Uhh! F-Fuck! Fuck, Dan!" she half moaned, half whimpered, as alarmed as I was. But the sensation… It was incredible.

"Do you need time?" I asked while gently wrapping some of her hair around my fist, standing still, not moving an inch.

"No," she giggled between big breaths, "Put it in me…"

I let go of her hair and held her shoulder, the other hand at her hip, and I did just that. Steadily pushing, I inched further inside her love canal, so damn tight. Tight as anything I had ever felt. The way it gave me passage as if resisting, then letting in, little by little, as that teen girl's pussy stretched to accommodate me was amazing.

"O-Ohh God!" she let out in contained little screams, her soft voice distorted by what she felt, "You must be b-big… Gu-uuuh! You're big, aren't you?"

"Considerably, yes…" I said, panting myself, slowly but steadily putting more of me inside her tiny body.

"Huuuh… F-Fuck… Fuck! Me! Grrr..." She let out through gritted teeth, more as an interjection than a request, in a breathy, exasperated tone when I was about three inches inside her.

The way she went through it was so fucking lovely, with all the gasps, the moans, and groans… I was enjoying the longest it ever took me to start fucking someone.

I leaned forward, keeping myself inside her as I was, gently holding her throat in my hand, her chin on my fingers, and I kissed her nape.

"Take all the time you need," I said, and I could occasionally feel her pussy quiver inside, giving me delightful shivers.

"Nah… Come on," Jelly took a deep breath, "I am not this kind of girl… I can take it." She said, and I could hear a lot of anxiety in her adorable tone.

So, still carefully at first, I went for it, starting to move in and out of her hot crevice that wrapped around me, tight as if her life depended on it. Nothing else mattered at that moment except what I felt for being inside her. The first thrust, a very restrained one, got me at least four inches inside that pretty little thing, and she reacted to it promptly, groaning softly, "Uhhhnn."

While pulling back, the walls of her vagina grasped at my member, and the second thrust, a little more avid, gave me that crazy constricting sensation all over again. And she groaned, "Uuuuungh!"

By the third, I started to move, savoring the feeling of her. Jelly turned her head, biting her own shoulder over the fabric of her top, moaning and sometimes groaning away, and in no time, the petite girl was rocking back and forth with me.

Although I considered it very lame to think like that, it was impossible not to consider that moment something of a dream come true. None of the women I ever had compared to what I felt at that moment, not only because of the exquisite feeling of how tight and hot she was but because her youth made everything seem dangerous yet special; my mind always reminded me that what she was experiencing with me was probably new to her, as I doubted she had had that many partners…

"Uhn-Uuuh-Huuuh!" Jelly moaned in what at times sounded painful, and although part of me wanted to believe it was the size of me causing havoc, I felt maybe I was being a complete idiot.

Just because of how she acted, the things I heard about her, and how outgoing she was, I jumped to the conclusion that she had been having sex already.

I held her nape, gently placing my fingers under her hair, "Jelly… Are you a virgin?" I asked while still moving but slower now.

She looked at me, and her eyes glistened, "Uhum…" and she smiled.

"Fuck… Why didn't you tell me?" I stopped, carefully taking it out of her while she gasped.

"What for?" she sounded surprised, even a little pissed, "What difference would it make to you!?"

Not saying a word, I turned her around, wrapped my arms around her thin waist, and lifted her, and she again let out that girly, surprised little yelp. Then, while she looked at me, somewhat confused, I passed her legs around my waist, firmly holding her little butt and letting the back of her legs rest on my forearms.

"To me, none," and I kissed her softly, "but this is no way for you to lose your virginity," I whispered with my face very close to hers and kissed her again, more passionately this time.

Would the fact she was a virgin have stopped me from fucking her? No. But… Come on, was it that romantic of me to think I could make it better for her somehow? I thought to myself. To hell with what kind of girl Jelly thought she was or the problems she had.

I kissed her again, realizing that was something she felt very much into, I reached down to my dick with one of my hands and put the tip back between her lips, and feeling how wet she was, validated everything I had done so far. So, I put it in again, slowly, and she let out an alarmed little whimper inside my mouth, "Hmmmmgh!"

Pressing her little body against the wall, I dosed how much of me I put inside her at every short movement, and soon she was moaning, her petite frame trembling against my big body. But then, she chuckled.

"Sure, because pinning me against the wall is so much better!" She laughed.

It is funny how the way someone acts, their personality, instantly creates a construct of that person in your brain, and you believe it. It didn't matter how much fun she could make of the situation. Although small, with such a delicate body, I had never considered Jelly delicate herself, and I think neither did she. At that moment, she was nothing but.

"Shut up," I laughed with her, and I pushed some of me in her.

"Nnnnngh! Oh-f-fuck-J-Jesus!" And I felt her legs tighten and shake around me.

I timed the intensity of our kiss with my movements in and out, and her size made her so easy to handle. Feeling her stretching down there was unbelievable, and I started to get more confident, thrusting more with each demonstration she gave me that she enjoyed it. Soon, we couldn't kiss anymore as I got pace.

"Huuh! Huuh! HuUuh!" Jelly moaned while her eyebrows flickered as the teen girl dealt with the feeling of that big thing inside her, her blue eyes on me at all times, even if a little ajar.

We were both panting and, for a moment, that situation that seemed so wrong, so wrong of me for taking a girl twelve years younger than me, just felt right. She bounced up and down with my movement, and although she grimaced at the discomfort at times, there was no way I could say she didn't enjoy it: she wrapped both her legs and arms around me, and any time I stopped moving, I could feel her quivering inside in a succession of quick spasms and contractions. So, I kept at it, savoring what it was to have little Jelly for the first time.

"Uhn! Uhn! Uuungh! D-Dan! J-Jesus, Dan!" she let out in a succession of moans and one or another eventual groan when I let it slip a little deeper inside her, and her pleading tone was so fucking beautiful to listen to.

I didn't push her, never tried to put more of me inside her than I thought needed to have a good time. She was good to me; I oughta be good to her. I did my best to make it last as much as possible, but the way I felt her so fucking tight around my girth was enough, and with how her entrance clenched around me, her moans and groans, her adorable face showing me exactly how much she felt what I did to her, it didn't take long before I burst in one of, if not the, biggest orgasm I could remember.

"A-Aaahhh!" she leaned her head back against the wall and swallowed loudly, then gasped as she felt me thrust yet slightly deeper, pulsating, jolt after jolt depositing everything I had deep inside her. Jelly leaned forward and bit my shoulder, huffing. "Hmmmph! Huunnngh!"

And since she kept spasming, her breathing rigged, and went back to moving, slowly, more deeply.

"H-Huuh! Huuuuuh!" Jelly started groaning again, and I felt her insides quivering around my length, "Y-Yes-Yes-Yes," she said in a pleading tone, panting.

Then the young girl gasped, loudly, and her little face contorted, her mouth opened in a silent "O". I moved, and moved, in and out of her tight little entrance for as long as she kept gasping and shaking, until her head fell on my shoulder I felt myself completely depleted.

I breathed hard as I let myself lean forward, my weight pressing on her, my forehead against the white wall of my mother's house. It was cold, and she had had her back on it all this time without complaining.

Instantly, I moved back, standing in the middle of the dark pathway and the trees with her weight in my arms; her legs trembled while wrapped tightly around me. She had her head resting on my shoulder and panted. I managed to keep one arm under her, feeling her tight little butt and a combination of our juices dripping on my forearm, and with my free arm, I caressed her back.

After a little while, she looked at me in silence for a second, then we smiled at each other.

"Damn…" Jelly exhaled and said in a satisfied tone.

"Yeah," I agreed, a smile crossing my face from side to side.

"You can let me down on my feet now. Dude, you're strong!" she chuckled.

"You're light," I said while easing her down.

I took a good last look at her breasts while Jelly fixed her top and bra, then at her white, flat belly, at her hips, and that thin patch of deep orange pubic hair, and all the pink contours of her lower body while she pulled her leggings up. Her legs looked wobbly, and still shook.

"Let's come inside, so you can clean yourself up?" I asked.

"Nah… I'll go home," she said while looking down at herself, acknowledging the probable mess in her panties; then she looked at me, "It is better if Allie doesn't know about this. At least for now."

"Yeah, I agree," I said when she approached me, touched my arm as if asking me to lean forward, and, as I did, we kissed. Then, with a smile, she turned away.

"I don't think it is a good idea to let her know I fucked her bestie…" I said in a humorous tone.

Jelly was already leaving, walking the path around the house when she looked back and said:

"Not that. She is into you, silly," then she giggled and went her way.

And I was left there, flabbergasted.

"Oh!" I heard her coming back quickly and saying from afar, "I still want the ride!"


Same as Between Cold and Spicy (What a Ride edit): Chapter One Videos

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Reality Edit App

You must be wondering what Reality Edit App is. It's a magical app that allows its user to alter reality. But to limit its power and prevent misuse, the application now allows only editing of generated statements. You may ask why, but in previous versions of the app, users destroyed the world as you know it and made us, developers, many hours of fixing reality. You may not remember, that every one of you became a very submissive cock-hungry girl or that public nudity was a norm but we,...

1 year ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

2 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

1 year ago
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From Candace to CandyChapter 4

When we returned home I took Candace to my bedroom, laid her on her back on my bed, and tied her hands and ankles to the head and foot boards of the bed. I kissed her lightly on her lips, then began to kiss and nibble on her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, around to her ears and her neck. Her body was stock still but her breathing was quick and shallow. When I got to the front of her neck I began to work my way down the front of her body. I grabbed the scissors I left on the bed table and cut her...

3 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 14 Editing the World

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fourteen: Editing the World By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Angels crowded my bedroom. They stared at me with worship in their eyes. Sandalphon had spoken true. He knew the true name of all one thousand angels in existence. With time paused, I had edited them one by one. It was tedious, but I could feel my power swelling with each one. “Master,” Anael whimpered as she squeezed...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 4 Summer of 1991 Sandy Wanda and Patti

It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

3 years ago
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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

4 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 12 Schoolgirl Studies

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Twelve: Schoolgirl Studies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Anael's pussy wrapped about my dick. The angel's back arched, her cheerleader top rustling as she shuddered in delight. Her blonde hair swayed. Her snatch squeezed about my cock as she wiggled her hips. She leaned over the desk, her fingers caressing the frozen Nikkole's face. My first class of the day was paused thanks to...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

3 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 16 Broken Rules

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Sixteen: Broken Rules By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I stared in awe at the door. I had edited it after it had been edited. That should be impossible under the old rules. I glanced down at my phone. At the increased abilities of my editing app. My heart pounded in my chest as this rush shot through me. I'd doubled my number edits for the day. After my new modifications, the door...

4 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Three

Becoming Brandee Chapter Three: What a difference one cup size makes. With my new top dimensions along with my tight cocktail dress, CFM pumps, perfect make up and gorgeous mane of blonde hair cascading onto my slender shoulders I felt like the most perfect piece of middle aged eye candy that ever was on a man's arm. With Richard I finally got to see a part of my girlie potential that I could have only dreamed of before. I knew I would soon have to find a yummy opportunity to...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Four

Becoming Brandee Chapter Four: Richard picked me up in his Lexus at the steps of the beauty salon. It was another wonderful experience. All the operators knew him and about me. I now had acrylic nails in a French style that were ? inch from the tips of my dainty fingers. I also had electrolysis and laser hair removal sessions as well. The girls treated me with a lot of fussing and tenderness and made me feel so welcomed there. I was already looking forward to my next...

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Brandys Ride Home

It was a Saturday night and Brandy was striding angrily down the side of the illuminated street, her fists still clenched from her anger. She had had enough of that jerk Chad to last a lifetime. And when she had stormed out of his car a few blocks back, screaming for him to stay the fuck away from her, she was pretty sure he finally got the message. She was pretty much into her own thoughts as the headlights from the large rig behind her caught her in their bright light. Glancing back for a...

2 years ago
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Meeting Amanda Amandas Discovers Her Special Talent Chapter 4

Tommy was totally enjoying sucking on her sweet breasts. Each time he lightly bit down on her nipple she would tighten her grip on his hair. He could feel her heart beating so hard that he thought it would jump out of her chest. Since Amanda hadn’t had a shower since they went swimming Tommy could taste the chlorine on her skin. He didn’t care though because right now that was one of the best tastes that Tommy had ever had in his mouth. But he knew that something better was just a...

1 year ago
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CAW11 Cold Winters Day reedittedII

My pimp had forced me to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for a profitable night to keep him and his henchmen away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single, twenty-one-year-old mother and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter named Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling every icy cold whiff of air tonight. I stand 5 foot 7 inches and weigh 103 pounds and I wasn’t dressed...

2 years ago
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CAW11 Cold Winters Day reeditted

My pimp forced to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for profitable night; to keep him and his henchmen, away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single 21 year old mother, and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter, Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling, every icy cold whiff of air, tonight. I stand 5-foot 7-inches and weigh 103-pounds; and I wasn’t dressed appropriately for the elements...

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