Testing Theories Him
- 2 years ago
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"So did you notice anything else of interest in their auras?" Cate asked. She'd conducted several 'experiments', mostly provoking me so the girls could detect which colors in my aura each action produced, but personally, it felt much more like she was trying to humiliate me. I wasn't terribly impressed—but still, it had produced some interesting insights. Now she was trying to determine what results the girls had observed during it that she may have missed.
"I saw several things," Shani observed, squinting against my glare as she tried to see things in my aura by looking at me from different angles. "It was hard to separate the colors when they occur at the same time. There's a lot going on." She was quiet for a second as she glanced away and groped for the proper words to describe what she had seen. "I think that the colors that represent emotions occur in a dancing pattern surrounding a person's body, and that they change so frequently they appear to be flickering. When we look at Alex, that's all we can see as everything else is washed out. But in other people, we see more stable, less ... transient colors over their body—the parts of Alex that we can't see. And those central elements aren't really solid colors, it's more that they're speckled or mottled, as if there's a lot of different elements occurring at once.
"I know we keep saying colors," Patricia added, "but these visions don't look anything colors you've ever seen before. We don't know if we're seeing one color or several blended together. It's like, if you don't know that green is actually a combination of yellow and blue, how can you attribute any meaning to the color. Right now, we don't really understand how this particular color spectrum operates. When you were doing the experiments we saw several colors pop up, but they sort of overshadowed each other, and they'd flicker so quickly, they were hard to recognize quickly enough." She tried glancing at me, squinted and looked away once more. "It'll take some work to learn to differentiate and figure out what each one means."
"Now that you have a handle on what everyone is seeing, I'd like to get back to what we were talking about before," Allison asked, the faint scowl on her face making it apparent that she was still feeling out of sorts. "Are you saying that because I was helping those guys, that what I did with them was all right?"
"Actually, I couldn't say," Cate told her patiently, as she finished jotting some quick notes in her notebook, slipping it into her pocket and then looking directly at Allison. "I'm simply going by what you told me. Right now, we have no idea if that's the case or not. I'd love to learn more about how you might have used these abilities before you met Alex, but right now we don't understand them well enough to evaluate their usage. It's a piece of the puzzle that fits and helps us understand it, but that's about all it does now. I'd like to think that you helped them because that would better explain what's going on, but I have no idea whether what you did was justified or not. It will probably take a while to form an opinion on it. I'm sure you were good at what you did, but if you want me to say whether your abilities had any additional effects you'd have to consider the eventual outcome. Did you 'cure' anyone? Did any of them no longer need to see you anymore? Did they stop sleeping with you because of your assistance? Since I've never met any of them nor have known you for long, I really can't judge for myself."
"That sounds like a long winded way of saying nothing," Allison replied with an annoyed sigh. "But I guess I understand what you're saying. I've been telling myself that I've been successful because of what I've brought to the table, but I've never allowed myself to consider just what overall effect I've had on their lives before."
Cate smiled, reached out and grasping her hand. "As Alex said, he's not here to judge you. He doesn't even know you yet. He seems to be the source of these new abilities, but none of us have any clue how or why. So far, we're just guessing. Don't expect him to sweep down from the heavens and anoint you as clean and forgiven. If you're uncomfortable with your life then change it. If you can live with it then that's your choice. But Alex really can't read your mind and figure out what's best for you. That is something you'll have to do for yourself."
"It's so nice to hear my little girl sounding so grown up," our mother whispered sotto-voiced to our father. Cate blushed a little at the overheard complement.
"So, have you figured out why I'm only attracting women?" I asked.
"No, that's still a mystery," Cate replied. "I'm guessing the ability to feel this energy is tied to being female. That could be based on hormones, genetics or any number of other things. After all, women have the reputation for being more emotional and sensitive, so it might be the results of a fair number of them sharing this ability. Of course you'd think there'd be some variance, strictly from a statistical point of view, but so far we haven't noticed a single male having the same reaction to you."
"Any theories on why that might be?" prompted my father, once again pushing her to flesh out her presentations.
"Since it affects women I presume it has to do with a specific trait on the X chromosome. Specifically, I'm thinking it's a weird recessive trait that requires the same trait on both" of the X chromosomes. That would explain why so few women have it and also why no men have it. Normally recessive traits show up in things like color blindness, where a dominant X chromosome overrides a recessive one, thus making men much more likely to suffer from color blindness than women. What we're talking about here is a doubly recessive X-chromosome. Men simply wouldn't have the opportunity to get it and women would have to get it from both of their parents, which would cut way down on its occurrence."
"Are there many cases of, what did you call it, a doubly recessive chromosome?" Shani asked, sounding intrigued in where her abilities might originate.
"None that I can think of," Cate acknowledged, "but that wouldn't rule it out either."
"And the likelihood of that being the case?" my father pushed her once again.
"No clue, it's just a guess with no supporting evidence. It would explain a few things, but there'd be no reason to assume it was true. A more likely culprit would be hormones or other chemical differences in the female body, but then we'd be back to why no men have experienced it. Men have varying levels of female hormones as well. Of course, we're only dealing with a tiny number of subjects," Cate concluded.
"OK, moving on then, I think we've had about as much science as we can deal with. So far you're suggesting that all these lights the girls are seeing simply show a person's emotional state?" I asked.
"No," Cate said, warming to her theory, "As they've said, there's a whole lot going on in these little light displays. They describe a central color which varies for each individual, but also a variety of other colored lights that flicker around the edges. I'm guessing that the central color reveals something about the person, possibly their core personality. That's sort of like the person's soul, their essential being. What we've been focusing on is the flickering outer lights they've described, which seem to reflect the various emotional states that play on the inner characteristics of the person. They may feel happy or sad, but that doesn't change the core personality, it just shows up momentarily and affects the central personality."
"That would describe much of what we're currently seeing," Shani said. "It makes a lot of sense."
"That's a pretty sweeping conclusion from what's been suggested," Dad pointed out.
"Yeah, it is just conjecture at this point, but it's the likeliest guess I've been able to think of so far," Cate explained.
"It sounds pretty good," Patricia suggested. "We could see the outer colors change when you were doing your little, uh, experiment, so your theory makes sense there at least. But you're right, there's a lot more going on than we've been able to touch on yet."
"I think my head hurts from all this theoretical stuff," Natalie stated, holding her head with one hand for effect.
"Well, as wonderful as it was listening to my kids finally unraveling their own mysteries," my mother said proudly, "that's probably a sign that we should eat. I've noticed no one's asked us about food. It's still early, but we could probably eat something since we skipped breakfast."
"I think that's my fault," Cate confessed. "I told the waitress that we'd be sitting and talking for a bit, so she's held off interrupting us. I'll get her attention."
Once we ordered lunch we discussed non-theoretical topics, mainly focusing on food and other things to do for the afternoon. Everyone seemed to be very accepting of the others, so far. No one commented on Allison's claim of being an expensive prostitute, assuming it was OK for some odd reason. Well, aside from Cate's idea about her abilities benefiting her clients, I guess. I assumed I'd hear how everyone dealt with her when everyone cornered me later, primarily my parents. I was sure they'd have a definite opinion about Cate and my spending much time with a known prostitute.
I assumed everyone was purposely avoiding the topic to allow Allison to adjust to everything. I noted that the women focused on me whenever I mentioned anything, as if everything I said was some pronouncement from on high, and they were highly attentive, noticing anything I might want and trying to anticipate my every need. That was bad enough, but they did it with a nervous smile, as if I'd call down a thunderstorm if they didn't pass the salt quickly enough. But as intimidating as that was, it was eerie as well—especially since they seemed more happy to be doing it than just nervous. It was like they'd just found the man of their dreams, the one they'd been waiting for their entire lives, and I was 'it' for each of them. I certainly hoped that wasn't the case, but given how oddly things had been occurring lately, I couldn't discount it too quickly. Shani had certainly established she was interested in me almost immediately after we met, although she hadn't shown any signs of jealousy in regards to the other women being attracted to me. Whenever a new girl would show up she'd make sure they had clear access to me and would seek to assist them in any way she could.
However, given everything they'd said so far—what little they'd said about it, that is—they all seemed to feel they owed me for whatever I'd unintentionally done for (or to) them. Still, I couldn't see how that would account for much. Sure, it was amazing, but it was hardly personal, as I'd had no control over it. But they all continued to treat me reverently. Anything I said they took seriously. I knew if I took a position, they'd likely follow it regardless of their own personal opinions on the subject. Of course, I didn't have evidence of this yet, but due to their general behavior around me I was pretty sure I was correct. I just hoped that I wouldn't screw up as a result. After all, Allison was depending on me to forgive her, Shani intended to uproot her entire life to follow me home, and I could see them all depending on me to always know what was best for them. That thought scared the hell out of me as I had no clue what the best options for my own life were, let alone that of three independent adult women. No one had ever considered me a guiding moral influence before, and the inherent moral responsibilities terrified me.
As the meal progressed, I thought about this newest addition to our little group. And 'group' was starting to become a more appropriate word as I found more people following me around as each day passed. I was hoping all the excitement would slow down soon, but with someone new appearing every single day I thought that unlikely. So far, everyone that I'd affected had first become aware of me on the first day we'd arrived, and that must mean they'd all eventually find me and then they'd stop showing up. That made me feel a little better, but then I considered the various looks I kept getting as well. While many of them were from people we'd seen before, we also had to consider some were new people who hadn't observed me yet. While I might be whittling down the list of people still trying to find me, there was no stopping new people from reacting to me as well.
As lunch finished, my parents decided to wander the parts of the French Quarter they hadn't seen yet, which was mostly the old Saint Louis Cathedral and Jackson Square Park down by the water. The girls were far more interested in accompanying me than in where we were going. My parents tried to engage them in conversation, something made easier by their acting as our tour guides. I also think they imitated Shani in trying to win over my parents first.
"Alex?" Allison asked quietly after sidling up to me so we could talk somewhat privately, despite the constant presence of the other women around me.
"Yeah?" I responded simply, awaiting her question.
"I know you said you didn't know much about me yet, but surely you know how you feel about what I've done," she continued with a pained look on her face, clearly pensive about my view of her character.
Sighing heavily, I considered the situation. She wasn't going to be denied. She wanted to be absolved whether I was a capable of it or not. "Look, I know all of you think I'm this mighty character walking around judging who is worthy of my gift of sight, but that's not what's been happening. I'm just an innocent naïve high school kid who doesn't understand what's going on. I've never met anyone in your line of work before, so I can hardly be expected to pass any kind of judgment on them. Surely there are others who know what's involved much more than I do."
"That's not the point," she replied, copying my tired sigh. "Everyone" has an opinion on women of ill repute. Finding someone with a strong opinion on what I should do isn't my problem. I don't care what other people think. Your" opinion is what's important here. Like your sister said, we can all feel that you have a tremendous amount of power. I feel that God led me to you this morning when he directed me to search out a new church. Surely He" trusts your judgment. I need to know if what I've been doing has been doing anyone any good or if I've just been fooling myself all of these years."
I noticed that Cate had edged closer during this little exchange, straining to hear our words despite the fact that both Allison and I had been keeping our voices lower than normal. When she saw me glancing at her she nodded her head, silently telling me that I had to say something to Allison about this, apparently whether I knew what to say or not. I knew that I had to respond as well ... yet the fact that I could say the wrong thing and possibly hurt her practically paralyzed me with fear. In just a short time I'd grown to care very deeply for these women who all worshiped me. I knew it wasn't justified, but they simply wouldn't be dissuaded. I knew my father would simply tell me that there comes a time when you have to simply grow up and accept what life gives you.
"Well, Allison, as much as I feel uncomfortable saying this, I think you have to figure out something that's going to make you feel more comfortable doing what you seem to be doing. Maybe you've been helping those men, maybe you haven't, but isn't there a better way to help them? Besides, you're limiting yourself in who you can help. You aren't helping those most in need. In fact, you're only placating the rich and powerful. You're also limiting yourself to only helping half the population, and the more powerful half at that." I shrugged, to show I didn't have all the answers, and then smiled as a nice alternative occurred to me. "Personally, I think you'd do better becoming a therapist. That way you could help those that come to you needing assistance. With your intuition and vision you should be able to help a lot of people that way, and you wouldn't be conflicted by your inner doubts." At her somewhat dubious look, I decided to sweeten the pot a little.
"Plus," I added with a wink that I hoped might let her know I wasn't trying to pass judgment on her behavior, "if you wanted to have some fun, you could do it on your own terms."
She thought about that as we walked, but I could tell that her dark mood was lifting as we continued. "You know, that's a good idea," she replied. "I've saved up a fair amount of cash, so paying for additional schooling shouldn't be that difficult. I'd be able to still help those I've helped in the past, but I'd just tell them I'm no longer in that line or work anymore. It's a win-win situation for everyone." Yeah, I thought, except for all those men wanting an uncommitted fling behind their wives back at your expense.
"It's not like there's a long career path in this sort of thing," she continued, still reflective. "I'll probably never make any more than I'm making right now unless I go public and write a book, embarrassing everyone I worked with. A new career might be a solid investment. It'll mean a lot of study and several years before I could begin, though."
"Uh, how much training does it take to be a therapist?" I asked naively.
"No, silly," she replied, playfully slapping my shoulder. "I'm planning on becoming a Psychiatrist."
I felt my jaw working as I thought about the implications of her decision. "Isn't that a bit extreme, after all, that'll take a long time of hard work, not to mention a lot of money?" I asked, realizing I'd just done what I'd been afraid of, unintentionally saying the wrong thing and having her commit herself to something she could never afford.
"Not really," Cate suggested, finally joining the conversation. "You could study part time while doing something else. You seem to be motivated, so I doubt you'll have the lack of drive most students do. By studying on your own, you could move ahead more quickly. I'm involved in a lot of independent studies myself, and I'm sure we could find some Universities that'll be willing to assist you."
"Yeah, especially if you're willing to pay them," laughed Shani, causing everyone else to laugh as well. Apparently our private conversation hadn't been very private.
No one seemed to be concerned about the money involved, so I assumed I had a very poor understanding of how much a 'fair amount' of money was. Apparently escorts made a lot more than I'd been led to believe. Or at least those of Allison's caliber did.
Since it was now later in the morning but still too early for lunch, the streets had become more crowded. We were strolling along when Patricia grabbed Allison's arms and said, "Wow, look at that, isn't that amazing?" Allison immediately sighed in pleasure, apparently appreciating what they saw without the need for further explanation, but I couldn't figure out what they were pointing at.
"What's amazing?" I asked. They both looked back at me.
"I guess you can't see it," Patricia told us, "but we can see the woman over there has a tiny baby inside her that's apparently old enough to have its own aura. She isn't showing at all so it can't be very far along, she probably isn't even aware she's pregnant yet, but already her baby's aura has its own color, showing it to be unique and not just a part of her."
"That is amazing," Shani echoed, apparently watching the same thing.
"Wow," Cate stated, also enthused, "so all this talk about seeing people's souls is more accurate than we initially thought?"
"I guess so, if you can see the characteristics of the unborn," Natalie commented from the side.
"It seems to lack the emotional colors at the edges of its aura," Shani observed. "I guess it's still too young to be feeling very much or to be aware of anything yet."
"Let me tell Mom and Dad about this," Cate replied excitedly. "They'll get a kick out of it." She ran back and started relaying the information, causing everyone to turn and watch the young woman who, for her part, squirmed a little under the sudden gaze of our group.
Cate returned a moment later. "They were excited about it too," she stated. "So what else can you see in the people walking around?"
No one responded, but the women with the vision began looking around more thoughtfully, trying to determine just what they were observing. Given the respite, I pulled Cate aside for a quick one-on-one.
"So what was that whole 'experiment' thing earlier about?" I pressed.
"Why, Alex, whatever do you mean?" she giggled, demonstrating she knew exactly what the issue was, even as she went on to deny it. "Isn't a sister allowed to show her ... love ... for her brother in public?" she added, pitching her voice low in a vague imitation of a sultry voice and clearly enjoying my discomfort. She fluttered her eyelashes at me for a moment, then decided to be merciful and patted my shoulder. "It was clearly a valid experiment. I was testing a valid hypothesis and it provided some valuable information that we didn't have before."
"Yeah, well, it was a bit unorthodox," I complained.
"So are most experiments that prove new things. It was unexpected, but that was the whole point. It wouldn't have worked if I'd told you I was gonna smack you upside your head."
"Yeah, but what about kissing me like that?" I countered, still not able to get over her surprising behavior towards me in front of our parents.
"The idea was to surprise you, and I think I did a good job of that," she replied, giggling quietly. "Besides, I was trying to generate as many different emotions as I could. I wouldn't have been able to do that without a long discussion otherwise."
"No, you made your point. It's just that you seemed to relish it," I argued, already losing much of my supposed outrage.
"It had to be authentic. If you could feel insincerity then you never would have responded sufficiently for the experiment. We had to see genuine arousal and lust. I think it was a very positive development," she answered, somehow crafting perfectly logical explanations for the weird behavior she'd instigated.
"And what about rubbing my crotch in front of Mom and Dad?" I whined.
"Again, it was necessary to generate the response we were looking for."
"And you didn't enjoy any of it?" I asked, searching for what was left of my righteous anger.
"I'm not saying that. In fact I'm not saying I did. I'm just saying that it was necessary, and that there was no one else who could have done it like that at that moment in time, unless I pulled some bimbo in off the street."
"A bimbo might have been less embarrassing. At least she wouldn't have been related to me," I continued to complain, not being able to give up the argument after it was already abundantly clear that I'd already lost.
"Allison was needed to observe what we were seeing," Cate continued, ignoring my desperate attempts to salve what was left of my position. "As one of only three people capable to observing what was happening, I couldn't use her, especially since it was her familiarity with the subject matter that allowed us to separate the different emotions. As I said, it needed to be a surprise, so Natalie couldn't have done it initially, and asking some strange woman, or that guy in the restaurant would have been awkward as well," she stated, effectively countering my bluff.
"No, I guess you're right. Still..."
"You can't have your floozie and eat her too, Alex," she mollified me with a joke.
"I guess," I said, still not convinced of anything, but feeling bamboozled enough to finally shut the hell up.
Cate continued to look at me defiantly with a little smile, seemingly enjoying herself, then her lower lip started trembling and her eyes began to mist before her facade suddenly crumbled. She broke into an unexpected sob and launched herself into my arms, which I instinctively wrapped around her as I'd done since we were both young children.
"I'm sorry, Alex," she cried beseechingly. "I didn't mean to disappoint you or to be mean to you; after all, you're always looking out for me. I feel terrible about what I've done to you."
There wasn't much I could say to her as I had no idea what had brought about this sudden change in her. One minute she's assertive, decisive and playful, and the next she's a basket case, so I simply held her tight and let her get it out of her system. After about a minute she simply pulled back, wiped her eyes, thanked me and quickly backed away.
Now I'll be the first to admit, despite having lived in a house full of girls, I just can't figure women out. Was her sudden reaction just a flood of unexpected emotions, or was it simply Cate trying to pull one over on me yet again by acting upset just so I'd come to her defense and telling her that everything was OK? I couldn't help but feel suspicious, which also made me doubt her honesty in telling me she was sorry for how she'd behaved earlier.
Cate had always been like that, though. She'd be fine one minute and then suddenly get all emotional, either crying or getting angry. It would never take much to settle her, she'd simply come in for a few brief moments and get my offered hug, then she'd just get up and walk off as if nothing had just occurred, leaving me feeling confused and used. Of course I was always interested in looking out for my little sister, especially when she was scared as a little girl, but I'd never been able to figure out just what went through that little head of hers. I simply had to shake my head in confusion, as nothing else I could think of could enlighten me any further.
Now that our little discussion had ended I noted that the other girls were all clustered together and speaking quietly, completely oblivious to Cate and my little scene as they kept glancing after someone who had just walked past them.
"What's going on?" I asked as I approached them.
"Cate, you're our local science expert, what's located right here in the human body?" Shani asked, indicating an area just south of where I guessed the stomach should be.
"Oh, there's a bunch of stuff around there," she responded, showing no signs of her previous emotional upset. "There's the stomach of course, the liver, the kidneys, the top of the intestines."
"Is there something specific you're looking for?" I asked.
"You asked us to keep a watch for unusual things we could see about people with our new vision. It's just that for a lot of folk in this area, their auras have a dark spot right around here," she specified, rubbing her hand along her side.
"Which people?" Cate asked, intrigued to be playing scientific guessing games again.
"Uh... ," Shani hesitated, "mostly heavier people, especially the local blacks. In most of them it's just a bit dim there, but we just passed a young, skinny thing where it was much darker."
"Could it be the pancreas?" my sister prompted.
They looked at each other as they pondered her question. Allison remained blank-faced and Patricia merely shrugged, both showing they had no idea.
"It could be," Shani finally responded. "That would certainly explain it."
"So you're saying you can use this vision to identify health problems?" I asked, amazed at the possibilities.
"I'm not sure, but this is a very interesting development," Cate enthused. "I'm guessing the dim space they see in the auras is a lack of life energy caused by dead tissues. In an older diabetic, they'd see a dim spot as the pancreas is weakened, thus producing less energy. In a Type 1 diabetic the pancreas isn't fully functional, so it would appear darker."
By this time we had attracted my parents' attention. After we explained what we'd been discussing we decided to keep watching people nearby to see if anything became obvious. We had just gotten some drinks and were turning back to a bookstore we'd noticed earlier, when Shani hurried to me and whispered something in my ear.
"You're kidding me?" I protested, not sure if I wanted to do what she was asking of me.
"No, seriously," she insisted, pressing her request. Shrugging, I figured it wouldn't kill me to embarrass myself in front of a complete stranger, so I walked up to a man who had just passed us and stopped him.
"Excuse me, sir, have you had any headaches or any unexplained symptoms recently?"
He stared at me like he couldn't believe I was standing there. "That's a rude question, and no, I haven't, not that it's any of your business anyway," he huffed.
"Look, no offense, but my sister just noticed from the way you're carrying yourself that she thought you might be showing symptoms of a possible brain tumor," I bald faced lied to the guy. He seemed to take me seriously though.
"No, I haven't felt anything odd. What makes her think that?"
"Well, she's a researcher for a medical project and has been studying the effects of brain tumors, so she's pretty knowledgeable about such things," I said, inventing stuff as I went along, trying to tie it into things I could substantiate, figuring he or the doctors he might see would want to verify my claims. I never pointed anyone out, so he was free to assume my supposed sister was one of the adult women accompanying me.
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Becky felt her heart pounding against her chest. Her arms and legs pulled and struggled against the restraints but she could not wrestle free. She felt abandoned here in Ryan’s playroom. It was only a few hours ago that she was staring at the package from the adult novelty store dreaming of sexy, kinky encounters and now she was tied and at her master’s mercy, a master that she did not even know until she stepped into his den of bondage, pain and delight. She strained to hear the voices on the...
AnalHi to all. This is Karthik aged 32, married, from Chennai. Please ignore any grammatical mistakes. I will tell you the real incident which happened to me last year with an unknown passenger from Chennai. Her name is Kavita, aged between 25 to 30, single. Height will be 5.6 and stats, 34 30 36. She was staying at Porur and working in a company in Chennai. I am working as a driver in one of the famous travels in Chennai. I love to drive the car late at night. Chennai city is more peaceful at...
Welcome all ISS readers. I Ronit Rai from Delhi welcomes you to the world of Fun, sex, lust and the stories of my real life. I am ensuring you that you all gonna enjoy this sex story. I am expecting reply of girls and ladies from Delhi who want to enjoy making love in ultimate way that they never had. If you want to connect with me mail me at () Kuch logo ko sex ka adiction hota h and mjhe b h isliye mai hamesa ladkiyo ki talash me rehta hu. Mjhe ek din meri isi ID pe Hangout aaya. and ye...
You can call me hunter mail id aur mai ahmedabad ka rehne wala hun agar koi lady gal ya aunty ko mei company chaiye ho to can mail me too to yeh incident tabka hai jab mai ek raat sg highway Ahmadabad par ek raat aise hi tehel raha tha to maine dekha waha kafi cars ake mere age slow hojati and koi mirror se jhank k chala jati.To mai wahi khada hogya and achanak se ek black sedan car mere age ake khadi hogyi. By the way I forgot to tell I look.Handsome as I height of 6ft fair skin and muscular...
Unknown Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 by Couture We lay curled up to one another in the hotel bed, Sandra and I. I looked forward to the day we'd no longer have to make do with hotel beds and the occasional foray to my apartment. Yes, one day soon, she would leave her bastard of a husband and move in with me. God, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was mussed up, as she lay on the pillow. Her face had the tranquil look that only comes during sleep. She...
I am Raunit 23 years old from delhi. I am in Businessman and this is my first story in this site. I am reading this sex stories site from last 2 years but today I will like to share my own experience as it was New Year party that was held in delhi. I was dancing with my friends Chalo aapka jyada time na lete hue kahani pe aata hu.ye baat 31st night ki hai hun saare friends ek club me gaye the new year celebrate karne Vaha Bahut bheed thi aur there was many beautiful Aunties and girls. Me jab...
Hi Friends, I want to share my latest exprience with u happened in train with an unknown AUNTY. Mai sabse pahle apne app ko introduced kr du … Dosto meri age 20 hai aur mai Ahmedabad ka rahne wala hu and Mumbai ke ek college se Engg. kar raha hu. Meri height 6.0 hai meti body ek athletic person type hai .. Mera lund 7 inch itna lamba hai jo ki kisi bhi lady ko aasani se stisfy kar sakta hai. Abb mai apni story pai ata hu.. Dosta bat ajj se 4 din pahlr ki hai 9th november ki mai mumbai se apne...
Pranaam, hi hot ladkiyon, sexy bhabhiyon or mere doston. Mera naam ekluvya hai main Mumbai kaa rehaneywaalaa hun mujhe bye chance God ne bohot Luck ke saath bhejja hai kyunki schul or college k friends group k har ladkee ko mainey chodaa hai lekin main aaj ek aisee story share kar raha hun jiss k liya mujhe bahut struggle kar naa padaa that is an angle of my village a perfect Pamela Anderson looking and woman. First, I will describe myself I’m 5.8 inches long with normal body and with huge...
Dear iss readers, i am a housewife leaving with my husband and my three years old daughter in a city of kerala. I am very new to this site but enjoyed many of the stories together with my husband. I am an average looking keralian housewife having brownish skin with large breasts and big round ass. My hubby is a tall man of dark complexion with a great appetite for sex. Recently we read two consecutive postings by one bengali housewife about how her husband allowed a milkman to have sex with her...
The next week was quieter, the only alert coming from Nemesis as it appeared that Perkins tried to stay away from all contact with his mysterious boss, and it seemed that he had managed it. Perkins received an email which he read quickly and discarded – Nemesis could only see part of it, for which he apologised but since he didn't have direct access to Perkins' computer there wasn't much he could do about it. I quickly made an amendment to Nemesis structure to allow him to access any...
Near the center of the city park, there was a small, rundown bathroom far from any of the main walking paths. It had originally been intended as a park employee bathroom, but as other facilities were built over the years it fell out of use. Nowadays it received very little foot traffic, but thanks to a lax cleaning staff, managed to be as filthy as any heavily used gas station bathroom. The usual graffiti adorned the walls, most of the floor was covered with tracked-in dirt and leaves, and...
4 years later........ This case has been the toughest on all of us. No leads, no witnesses it just seems like they vanished into thin air! The police chief took a deep breath and continued, "As always there have been false leads, maybe to throw us off their trail or maybe it's just people looking for the reward money. We may never know in fact we may never......" A knock penetrated the room. The chief yells at his secretary for letting people into the building when it was supposed to be...
After I have finished my morning routine, put on a clean sleep shirt, and I’m done in about an hour. I’m downstairs and there is some light cleaning needed to be done from the gathering he had here last night. Sometimes he allows me to join, sometimes he keeps my locked upstairs. Last night I was kept locked in my room. There are moments after he has sent everyone else home he will come up and spend time playing with me, other times I am left alone listening as the door creaks shut. ...
Waitressing was my job that I had had since I turn sixteen. My first job and only job. Now at the age of twenty-one I was still waitressing. College had never been an interest for me no matter what anyone told me. I didn't have many friends to tell me anyway. Just one. We were still friends til this day. Triss. I had been a shy and reclusive young girl and Triss had been quite the oposite. She has a boyfriend, and she's living with him right now. I have my one room, one bathroom,...
With the formation of the Women's International Party in the mid 2000's, political power has been gradually shifting away from the men and into the hands of a group of radical feminists. These women claim that patriarchy is the root cause of most of society's problems, and that a world dominated by females would be free of war, poverty, class divisions, and corporate greed. While the party is essentially still a fringe group, it has managed to seize power in a few communities on the west coast...
I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...
Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...
Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...
Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...
The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...
Seeing the naked 60 year old Grandma with her hand buried into her pussy was so naughty...my 24 year old mind raced back and forth thinking of just how old she was. While she was very sexy, her body showed many signs of her age...I wondered if she had always been a nasty lady, perhaps she fucked many guys while she was in school, or maybe she was shy and reserved. GILF waved her free hand at me, motioning for me to come to her. I climbed off of the bed where the MILF was still laying and...
I arrived around 9:30 P.M., the driveway to the large house was dark, illuminated by just a row of small dark orange lamps that followed the path surrounding the well manicured front yard. The path lead me directly to the front door. As I reached out to knock on the expansive, heavy, molded French door, I realized my cock was hard and pressing against my jeans. Pushing my cock down so that it would rest against my leg and hopefully be held in-check until I knew for sure what these ladies had in...
While attending college I worked at Safeway as a cashier. The job was mundane, but the pay was good. The best part of the job was the constant flow of attractive ladies that came through my line. Over the course of my five years with Safeway I hooked up with more than 20 customers and 10-12 girls who worked at my store or who were on loan from another location for a few weeks. While most of my fellow employees I hooked up with were close to my age (I was 22 when I started working there), the...
This is purely fictional and fantasy but if the cashier does see this hopefully we can make it a real story.I live by myself I'm quite fit and i go too the gym regularly I usually go for skinny girls but one day. As i was driving home I remembered I needed to go too the store and pick up some food for my diet I was a few weeks out from a bodybuilding competition. So i had to buy a bunch of healthy food for my diet to make me look more lean. As i walked into the store i noticed a bbw it was a...
What happens when you’re out past curfew?I learned the answer to this question the hard way. It was a school night and I had been given permission by Mistress to go to the library after classes to do some research for my term paper but that I was to be home no later than 8pm. Well as you can figure I obviously wasn’t home by 8pm seeing as I know the answer to the question: what happens when you’re out past curfew?I was sitting in the library surrounded by books for my paper when I heard the...
July 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Your mom hasn’t called you yet?” Tasha asked when our small group gathered at her apartment on Sunday afternoon. “No,” I replied. “But I figured it would take a couple of weeks of not hearing from me or Liz before she decides she needs to talk to me.” “You’re doing OK?” “Yes. It’s not all that different from you and Sasha, except that your dad figured it out quickly.” “If by that you mean you shamed him into behaving as a Christian should, then yes.” “How...
When Wife Wants to Play, what do you say? It’s a question I like to pose to strangers, especially if they’ve got a good-looking ball and chain, and it’s a question you may be asking yourself right now. Maybe it’s your own cuckold fetish you’re looking to feed, or perhaps your wife has developed a sudden new interest in BBC, but whatever the case, this next site may answer some of your questions, give you some ideas, and maybe even help you find a well-endowed stud to give your hotwife the...
Porn ForumsJohn Trent took a quick look at the clock as he loaded a bucket with ice. He frowned with worry when he saw that it was already a little past ten thirty. John's shift ended at ten, but two other workers had called in sick. Friday nights were always busy, and being short two workers had just made keeping up harder. The ice, cup lids, napkins and condiments in the dining room needed to be filled up. It was John's responsibility, to take care of that when he wasn't waiting on customers. Maybe...
Hi all mera naam Aryan hai aur main bareilly UP se hu age 22, ht 5’7, wt 60 in all aap mujhe smart keh sakte hain and this is my 1st story on ISS baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab bareilly me curfew laga tha main delhi aya hua tha Apne kisi interview k liye dopahar me ghar se phone aya k hindu-muslim riots ki wajah se kuch areas me curfew lag gaya hai hamara koi bhi relative delhi mein nahi tha isliye mujhe shaam ki train se hi bareilly wapas aana tha Ab dikkat ye thi ke main station se ghar kaise...
Hi, I am Ashu,18,m,from Mumbai back with my latest story..This is again a fiction for u all to enjoy and not a true story..as many of you all know, I have posted one of my own experiences and three of my creations..please mail your comments on Another dead soldier. David Hollis dropped his long neck bottle into the pile in the garbage can. He looked at the clock. It was 2:00 a.m. Laurie’s curfew was midnight, and here it was two hours later. Senior prom or not, seventeen years old or not, when...
Another dead soldier. David Hollis dropped his long neck bottle into the pile in the garbage can. He looked at the clock. It was 2:00 a.m. Laurie's curfew was midnight, and here it was two hours later. Senior prom or not, eighteen years old or not, when he gave his daughter a curfew, he damn well expected her to hold to it. He was providing the house, her bed, her car, her food. Ungrateful little brat. But she had looked good on her way out the door. Hell, she'd looked great in that...
Neville worked at the Mill and came home at 9pm one evening. He walked through the door and closed it, he never step forward, he just let himself fall against the door and slide onto his bottom. Mary heard the door and walked to the door, to her surprise she found her dad on the floor. "Dad!" she yelled and ran to him, he quickly woke and looked at her in shock. "I'm just tired love. I'm fine." he said and woke up slowly while exhaling heavily. He went and sat in the lounge. Mary...
Note-the entire work is not erotic, so if you are simply looking for the sex scene, scroll to chapter two. Thank you for reading! Chapter 1 It was another cold night in Greenwood Vale. While the snow was yet to arrive, everyone could feel it's presence clutching the breeze of the late-autumn air. Lanterns were lit bright in most households, and hearths were ablaze in an attempt to shut out the bitter draft. An impossible task, however. Greenwood Vale is a small village built beside...
This story starts with a birth of a boy who has strange features at birth, He is born with two red eyes and green skin. Yes he is born a Orc, Later in life he grows to be about 7ft 8inches and he is considered to be a strong orc, With a Muscular body and weighing 450pounds, He also a 6 pack and to all the women Orc he is perfect candidate to birth children for them. He has no Mother as she died during child birth his father is gone as in he is missing, He was adopted by another family as a baby...
FantasyOne night while I was stationed in Germany. I was traveling back to the barracks by train. It was late and the train stopped and they told everyone to get off. I was like what the hell is going on, come to find out the trains stop running at night. I was stuck in a train station in a town that I didn't know. It was really cold so I got inside of a phone booth. I was warming up when the local police told me that I had to leave. I was like dam and started walking around outside to stay warm. I...
To baat isi week ki hai jab meri desi hot sex story post huye 1 din nikle the aur mujhe kafi saare mail aaye. Unme se ek mail mere hi seher se kuch hi dur se aaya tha. Yani k dekha jaye to bagal me chora aur sehar me dhindhora. Khair uska naam anju(name changed) hai. Usne mujhe friendship offer ki nd maine ha kar di. Fir kuch der humne mails k jariye hi baat ki.Nd mujhe pata chala ki she is married nd living alone with her old mother.Nd she was divorced from last 2 years.Fir yu hi idhar udhar...
Hey guys Mera nam abhay hai , mujhe story read krna pasand hai , so socha ki apna experience bhi share kru aap sb ke saath , ye meri 1 story hai . Mujhe ladki aur aunty aur bhahbi ko chodne me bhot maja aata hai , me 20 saal ka hu B.Com last year me hoon abhi . Agar koi bhi ladki bhabhi aunty mere sath sex chat karna chahti h ya sex karna chahti h wo log mujhe kariye main apko bahut maja dunga aur apki full privacy ki guarantee . . Meri story kesi lagi uska feedback mujhe meri I’d pe jarur...
Hey friend this is rounak again …From delhi..And thx all of you kafi likes kiya mere last sorty ko.. So ye story 6th march ki hai…Main metro se utar k apne fat me ja raha tha ..Karib dpoeher k 1 baj rahe honge…Garmi thodi jyada thi main aise hi khada tha stand k pass Tabhi meri najar wanha khadi ek ladies pe padi jo ki minimum 38 year age ki thi..But fit thi..Height 5.5 and size 36-32-38 thi..Meri dekh k hi halat kharab hone lagi… Then tabhi ek city bus aayi…Wo ladies us bus me chad...
I was waking from a deep slumber from a nice sensation. Not completely concious yet, almost as if still in a dream. The sensation was amazing, like a blowjob almost, a warm wet tightly wrapped around circle. I kept my eyes closed, hoping not to lose this if it happened to be a very nice trick by my subconcious. It was so real i could even hear the slurping noise. I decided to enjoy it to the fullest so I let my hands go down and push the head down. Feel the throat tighten around my cock as it...
Hi friends, mere Indian sex stories pe yeh pehle real story h agr koi galti ho jaye toh maaf karma dosto me apne baare m bata du meri height 6″ feet h aur lund 6 inch ka aur dikhne m average hu agr koi ladki mumbai se sex chat ya private sex karna chati h toh mail kare Ab apko borr na karte hue story p aata hu baat baarish k dino ke h mere no. p ek miss call aya mene jb call back kiya toh waha se ek ladki ke sexy awaaj aayi uska naam tha payal name changed fir aise karte hue hamari dosti hui...
Hi everyone, im back after a long gap, for those people who don’t know me, I am Praveen 26 years from Bangalore. Readers if you wish read all my previous stories, please visit this link below So lets get started. This is such an saga took over around 2 years back, her name was ramya, she was a friend of my cousin, I had met her in one of my relative function, bubbly girl with little extra curves. After the function got over we cousins of same group had plan to go for a booze party that’s was...
Hello hi, this is Imran 21 years old from kurnool. I am very big fan of iss and I read stories every time this is a time to share my own experience I want to say it true. My cock is medium 6 inch. I don’t want to tell lie in this thing. I have completed graduation and was enjoying holidays.Coming to story this relationship between me and one aunty who met me in the bus.Do comment or reply me in my mail Onces I went to hyderabad and very next day I completed my work and have to return kurnool...
Thank you so much guys for your valuable feedback and awesome comment, hope you continue the same in reading all my personal life story at various junction of time. If you what even more adventure while reading this content, reply me by you in this place by imagination, I am 100% sure you will long for those moment in your future good luck. I have already banged anu (name changed) during her birthday party which leaded our way to satisfy her dreams with me while having a chit chat with her,...
IncestPlease do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture *********** I blinked away the tears welling in my eyes and looked at the cute brunette in front of me critically. She wore white. White heels, white stockings, white g- string panties, white lace corset. The corset was tight and gave her an exaggerated hour-glass figure. Her breasts were pushed up by the corset. Hair that was short and dark, with bangs...
Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 3 by Couture email: [email protected] (TG, MM, MC) When we got back home, the honeymoon was over. He even told me so. He had come home from work and by the look in his eyes, he was furious. "Okay little girl," he said, walking toward me, a looped leather belt swinging menacingly from his hand. "The...
Hi myself Abhi aaj mai aapko ek aapni story batane ja raha hun pahle mai apne bare mai kuch bata du koi ldki ya bhabhi ya aunty sex me interested h to muje msg kr. Mera rang gira hai aur dekhne mai thik thak hu body bhi average hai height 5.10in hai and age 36 years aur mera Priya kaam sex hai mujhe sex mai new experiment kafi aachha lagta hai oral sex ko jayada value deta hu mera manana hai sex ka maja jab tak oral karo tab tak jayada hai ek baar lund daal di chut mai to 10 se 15 ya 20 min ke...
Hello friends rekha here, apne mere bete rohan arora ki stories to padi hee hogi ki kaise usne puri family ko chudak bana diya ek dusre ke laude ka aur iss baar usne mujhe incist kiya ki aap ye stoty likho jisme aapne apni bra panty ki shop kholi or mujhe kesi nayi chuto ko chodne ke liye mila… To baat kuch esi hain hum log jaab malaysia se ghumke wapas aaye jaab tak barish ka season aa gaya tha or phir aab tak to hum log roz hee sex karte hai…Mein aapko pehle ye bata duu ki mein raand nhi...