Leap of Faith Ch 03
- 3 years ago
- 27
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The Rookie – Occupied city center, eleven hours after drop.
Once they were done with their impromptu meal, the Rookie led Alba out onto the street again, following the route that was plotted on his map. They were finally nearing the city limits, and once they reached the freeway, they could hopefully follow it all the way out of New Mombasa. That was the plan, at least.
They reached another one of the massive gates that blocked the street, this one had closed on a car, cutting it almost in two. There was no driver inside it, fortunately. It wasn’t as though the doors snapped shut like a trap, the owner would have been given ample time to get out of the way.
Alba waited as he checked his files for the correct code, entering it into the numeric keypad that was embedded in the metal, then he took a step back as it began to slide open with a mechanical rumbling. There was a creak as it released the car, the metal bent beyond recognition. They stepped through, dodging around more abandoned vehicles, the glow from the streetlamps casting eerie shadows. The sky was still dark, storm clouds roiling, the glow of far-off fires staining the horizon red. As the gate began to close behind them, Alba stopped him, holding a finger to her helmet.
“Wait,” she muttered, “I am picking up something...” Her eyes widened beneath the shadow of her helmet, and she took the Rookie roughly by the arm, practically dragging him off the street and into the darkness of a nearby alley. Before he had time to ask her what was wrong, his VISR alerted him to enemy movement nearby, a shape outlined in red rounding the corner ahead of them.
“Be silent,” Alba whispered, “Covenant patrol.”
“Which faction?” the Rookie asked.
“It does not matter, both are bad for us...”
He watched from the shadows as an entire pack of Brutes made their way along the sidewalk, strolling about like they owned the city, he counted at least a dozen of them. They looked so out of place, contrasting with the mundane scenery around them, the colorful armor that they wore reflecting the light of the street lamps and scrolling advertisements. They were armed to the teeth. The Rookie could pick out the purple shine of Carbines, and the gun-metal glint of Maulers, cruel shotguns that the aliens wielded one-handed. At the head of the pack was a Brute in ornate, golden armor, a gravity hammer clutched in his hands. These guys meant business, if Alba had not been with him, he would have wandered right into them.
He wondered why they weren’t picking up Alba’s transmissions in kind, but perhaps their comms system could be set to receive-only. The Covenant BattleNet, as it was known, had notoriously poor counter-intrusion security. The Rookie had even been in a combat situation where they had been broadcasting unencrypted orders over the E-band frequency, the same one used by the UNSC. Even with the civil war going on, it might not occur to them that hostile parties might be listening in.
The pack of Brutes approached the door, the golden-armored alien at their head shouldering an abandoned van out of his way, pausing to inspect the now sealed gate. The blue-armored Brutes that made up his entourage fanned out, as though they were trying to figure out how the door had been opened. Perhaps the noise had alerted them.
The gold one put a finger to his ear, planting the haft of his long, heavy hammer into the asphalt as he appeared to have a conversation with someone on the other end of the radio. The weapon was massive, to say that the head of the hammer was as large as an engine block would be no exaggeration. It was probably just as heavy.
“He speaks to the carrier,” Alba whispered over the Rookie’s shoulder. “He heard the sound of the gate opening and is confused. He wants to know how to proceed.”
“You can eavesdrop on their comms?” the Rookie asked, and she nodded her helmeted head.
The golden Brute seemed to grow frustrated, walking up to the door and examining the numeric keypad. He tapped at the buttons clumsily with his sausage-like fingers, a warning icon flashing in red as he was denied access. He roared like an angry gorilla, lifting his gravity hammer over his head and bringing it down on the gate, the metal ringing like a gong. It was a futile gesture, but the force of the blow sent a spiral of dust into the air, the windows on the buildings to either side of the door shaking in their panes.
The Brute barked at his pack, and they fell into formation, heading back the way that they had come. The Rookie watched them from the safety of the alley, thanking his stars that they hadn’t been sniffed out. It was probably only thanks to the dumpsters that surrounded them, the stench of rotting garbage sneaking its way through the filters in his helmet.
He waited with bated breath until the last red outline had vanished, then finally exhaled, Alba checking her comms to ensure that the pack was gone.
“We should be safe,” she said, “they continue their patrol.”
She sounded as relieved as he was, she really wasn’t fucking around. He got the impression that she would have been in as much trouble as him if they had been discovered. How could she explain why she was wandering around in a deserted city with a Human in tow?
The Rookie took a moment to modify his route, steering well clear of the street that the Brutes had vanished down, then waved for Alba to follow him.
They wandered the empty streets, the Rookie keeping watch with his VISR, Alba monitoring her radio carefully. The sky was starting to clear somewhat now, a few twinkling stars visible here and there between the dark clouds, and the rain had finally let up. They came across another large, open plaza, areas that Alba told him were used as staging points by the Covenant. Due to the gates blocking the streets and sectioning off the different parts of the city, the aliens had been hopping between the plazas in Phantoms, setting up FoBs wherever there was room. They had been tasked with patrolling the walled-off areas, finding and killing any enemy forces therein.
“We should go around,” she warned, “there will be Covenant forces stationed there.”
The Rookie pulled up his map, checking the maze-like layout of the streets. They all funneled into that plaza, there was no way to avoid it without doubling back and taking a completely circuitous route that would add hours to their journey. It was more of a traffic circle than a plaza, really. Four large roads intersected there, and the simplified map showed a circular junction with an island of grass in the center. That would be where the Covvies would have set up shop, it would make an admirable landing pad in a pinch.
“All roads lead there,” he muttered, Alba keeping a lookout while his map filled his field of view. “Can’t go around. We’ll stick to the buildings, stay under cover.”
She still seemed nervous, but they had little choice. He closed the map, peering up at her as she was lost in thought for a moment.
“Very well, but we must be careful.”
They made their way towards the junction, staying off the street as much as possible, cutting through empty buildings wherever they could. As they neared what they assumed to be a Covenant FoB, Alba stopped him, one finger pressed against the side of her helmet.
“What?” he asked, “you pickin’ up traffic?”
“No,” she replied with a shake of her head. “That is the problem. Alba knows that there is a forward base here, or we would not have encountered patrol, yet I hear nothing. There is no chatter, the local channel is quiet. There should be two teams patrolling at least, and large Covenant presence at the plaza.”
“So what does that mean?” he asked.
“I ... do not know. It is unlikely that they would change their broadcast frequency.”
“We have to pass by there anyway,” he replied, checking the ammo counter on his carbine. “We’ll take a look see.”
The Rookie led Alba to an office block that overlooked the junction, and they made their way to one of the upper floors, giving them a higher vantage point over the traffic circle. He instructed her to stay away from the windows, making sure that the room was clear before taking a look outside. It was a generic office, packed with cubicles and computer terminals. This place would be a great sniper’s nest, and he didn’t want to stumble across another pack of Jackals.
He crept over to the nearest window as Alba watched from the doorway, peeking over the sill, exposing as little of his head as possible. His VISR was able to penetrate the gloom, outlining objects in yellow, and enemies in red.
There was indeed a large, grassy island in the center of the intersection, the circular road absolutely clogged with abandoned vehicles. The Covvies had erected a forward operating base there, just as Alba had said. He could see a floating guard tower, stacks of pod-shaped crates that must have been offloaded there by a Phantom, and the aliens had erected rows of purple barriers to serve as fortifications. He counted three plasma cannons, and one of the broadcast towers that the Covenant used to boost their comms signals. They had the place on lockdown, even with a full team of ODSTs, it would have been a pain in the ass to assault.
“What do you see?” Alba asked.
“There’s a base there,” he replied, “but no Covvies.”
“What?” she grumbled, perhaps assuming that he had made some kind of mistake. “Your primitive visor must be malfunctioning, move aside.”
She ignored his request to stay out of sight, marching across the office and shouldering him out of the way. Her eyes narrowed as she looked out over the intersection, her frustration replaced with confusion.
The Rookie gestured to the window as if to say ‘I told you so’.
“But this is not possible, where could they have gone? They would not have been recalled to the carrier, the battle is all but won.”
He gestured for her to hand him the needle rifle, and Alba tossed the weapon to him. He leaned his carbine against the wall, then shouldered the rifle, peering through the magnified scope.
“There’s your answer,” he said, “they’re dead.”
“Dead?” Alba repeated, failing to conceal her shock. “Impossible, give me that.” He passed her the weapon, and she looked for herself, muttering something under her breath in a language that he didn’t understand. “We must go down and take closer look.”
“Uh ... thought you wanted to bail?” he said, gesturing behind him with his thumb.
“We met full Covenant patrol not half hour ago,” she replied, leaning down to pick up his carbine and thrusting it into his arms. “We must solve this puzzle. If your UNSC are the culprits, then salvation may be closer than we think. If it was someone else, well...”
The Rookie swallowed, the implication not lost on him. If there were Sangheili in the area, then they needed to get the hell out of dodge, and double-time it. Those ugly bastards wouldn’t care whose side he and Alba were on, they would shoot first, and ask questions never. As much as Alba liked to tout their concept of honor, he had seen more than one person impaled through the back by a cloaked Elite.
They headed back down the stairwell, creeping out onto the street, their weapons raised as they scanned their surroundings for movement. Everything seemed quiet, but there was no telling what might be lurking in the shadows.
In his black BDU, the Rookie could go unseen when he needed to, he was the size of a mouse in comparison to some of the Covenant species. Alba, on the other hand, was nine feet tall and covered in gaudy armor. Going unseen was the last thing that she was built for.
He clambered over the derelict cars, Alba simply pushing them out of her way, wading through them like she was walking through waist-high water. When they reached the grass, the Rookie shouldered his carbine, checking behind one of the purple barricades. He swept his weapon across the Covenant base, checking the watchtower that was suspended on a beam of energy, his VISR picking up nothing.
“I smell blood,” Alba said, sidling up behind him and lowering her rifle.
As they moved into the base, the Rookie began to paint a picture of what had transpired here. There were dead Covenant strewn everywhere, Brutes, Jackals, and Grunts alike. Technicolor blood stained the grass, burn marks, and embedded needles peppering the barricades. There had been one hell of a fight.
“Tiny man,” Alba said, getting his attention as she pointed to a pile of dead Brutes. He recognized one of them, its armor tinted gold. “This is the patrol that crossed our path.”
“Fuck,” he muttered. He and Alba hadn’t been far behind the Brute patrol, and they must have been relatively close when this firefight was going down. If the timing of events had lined up a little differently, they might have been caught up in the slaughter.
“Don’t see any UNSC,” he added, turning over a dead Jackal with his boot. It had been killed by plasma fire, its wounds cauterized and blackened.
“Here is culprit,” Alba said, the Rookie rounding another purple barricade to see a dead Elite slumped against a crate. It was wearing armor in an odd style, colored a dark shade of purple that bordered on red, with black underclothes. The shoulder pads were rounded and curved, tapering into a triangular point, the full-faced helmet similarly pointed.
“Stealth Sangheili,” the Rookie muttered, “probably assigned to a special operations team.”
“They use their cloaks to launch surprise attack on base,” Alba added. “Is no wonder they suffer so few casualties, they would have taken the defenders completely unawares.”
“If they’re not lying here full of holes, then they’re out there somewhere,” the Rookie said as he looked about nervously. “Just what we need, fuckin’ SpecOps splitheads runnin’ around...”
“We should not linger here,” Alba said as she moved over to the dead Brutes. “But first...” She leaned down, facing away from the Rookie as she seemed to struggle with something for a moment. She stowed her needle rifle on her back, then stood up, the golden Brute’s massive gravity hammer clutched in her hands. “Alba always wanted one of these, but they would never have bestowed the honor upon a female.”
The Rookie gestured for her to follow him, and they set off into the night.
“Now what?” Alba asked. They had stopped in front of a long, underground tunnel that passed beneath a section of the city, leading to the coastal highway that they intended to follow out of New Mombasa. The mouth of the tunnel was closed off by a gate, but that wasn’t the issue. The pileup of abandoned cars that completely blocked their path was. Closing blast doors on a busy highway seemed more dangerous than blocking off random streets in the city, and it had caused a large traffic accident.
“Can’t get through this way,” the Rookie muttered. “There’s gotta be maintenance access somewhere.”
He began to clamber over the derelict cars, making his way towards the tunnel. It seemed as if those at the front had stopped suddenly, and those behind had rear-ended them. There were no bodies that he could see, but it was hard to imagine there being no injuries in such a big crash.
To the left of the closed gate was a maintenance access door, as he had hoped, but it was protected by a metal cage that was secured with a hefty padlock. Only city workers were supposed to be able to get through this way, and there was no keypad on which to enter a code. He wrapped his fingers around one of the iron bars and pulled, straining against it, but to no avail. When that failed, he tried to break the rusted lock with the butt of his carbine, but it held fast.
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No sex in this chapter, folks – my characters need more time getting to know each other. The rest of the story is finished and will post imminently – let me know what you think! * * * Rain streaked down the windows in greasy rivulets, distorting the myriad of reflected lights. The bus trundled on, rumbling through the dirty streets and by-ways of the dreary town. Eventually the houses and factories gave way to endless fields and flat scrubland. It was featureless and grey – just like the rest...
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The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6.30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to...
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Alba – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, eleven hours after slip-space rupture. Alba’s heart pounded in her chest, she could hear her blood rushing in her ears, she felt so ... alive! How long had it been since she had overcome such odds, since she had faced off against such a worthy foe in single combat? A Special Operations Sangheili, one of the most skilled soldiers in the Covenant, and she had bested him with a gravity hammer that her people would never have permitted her to wield under normal...
The Rookie – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, twelve hours after drop. The Rookie felt Alba’s dinner plate-sized hands close around his helmet, and she lifted it off slowly, the unnatural colors and outlines of his VISR replaced by her grey skin and her pink lips. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew what she was proposing, but he wasn’t sure why. Was it because they were probably going to die, or more because the previous fight had filled her with adrenaline that she needed to burn off? Either way, he...
The Rookie – ONI Orbital Facility, one month after drop. The Rookie opened his eyes as Alba nudged him with her elbow, raising his head from her lap as the door to the interrogation room slid open. Alba was sitting on the deck beside him, her legs crossed, while the rest of his squad waited around nearby. The Huragok was floating beside a table in the middle of the small room, toying with the optics package of an F-99 UAV, fascinated by its intricate machinery and electronics. When presented...
The Rookie – Sydney suburbs, eighteen months after drop. “Try to keep pace, tiny man,” Alba laughed. She was jogging a short distance ahead of the Rookie, easily outpacing him with her long strides. She liked to stay fit, Earth’s gravity was around half that of Doisac’s, and so she would start to lose muscle mass pretty quickly if she didn’t keep up with her exercise regimen. The Rookie was a military man, and he was no stranger to two-mile runs, but Alba was in a class of her own. They...
The Rookie – Occupied city center, six hours after drop. The distinctive sound of a Phantom soaring by overhead greeted the Rookie as he opened his eyes groggily, his head pounding as he looked around the interior of his battered pod. It took him a moment to remember where he was, and what had happened, the memories coming flooding back to him. The slip-space rupture, the crash ... where was the rest of his squad? The monitors and readouts were all either too damaged to make out, or hissing...
Alba – Occupied city center, seven hours after slip-space rupture. The rain was coming down hard, pouring off Alba’s armor in sheets, seeping beneath her helmet and making her short-cropped hair damp. It wasn’t doing much to lighten her already sour mood. They had been patrolling until sunset, and there had been no sign of Human resistance. The streets were empty, and the defenders were long gone. The Unggoy were pleased, but the Kig-yar were becoming even more restless than she was. They...
The Rookie – Occupied city center, eight hours after drop. The crack of thunder echoed through the empty streets as the Rookie pressed on, dodging beneath the cover of a bus stop for a moment as a Phantom passed by overhead, its searchlight scanning the ground below for signs of life. There were more and more of the ships clogging the skies, perhaps more of the Covenant fleet had jumped into orbit to reinforce their armies. He needed to get out of here, and fast. He hadn’t encountered any...
Alba – Occupied city center, eight hours after slip-space rupture. The Kig-yar snapped their jaws gleefully as the patrol emerged onto an open plaza, surrounded on all sides by native buildings wrought from glass and steel. There were fewer derelict vehicles here, it seemed to be reserved for pedestrians, and the ground was covered with regular patches of alien grass in places. The center of the open space was occupied by a group of Covenant and a deployable watchtower, there was enough room...
Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the shot while she was searching one of the cramped rooms in the Human structure, the telltale sound of a needle rifle echoing through the corridors. She rushed to the source of the gunshot as more followed it, her carbine at the ready. When she pushed her way through one of the narrow doorways, she found one of the Kig-yar firing out of a window that overlooked the street below, his fellow Jackals rushing to get into...
The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie moved into the building, the waypoint on his HUD leading him towards the nearest stairwell. He checked his corners, sweeping his plasma rifle across open doorways and pockets of shadow. This place was still crawling with Covvies, but he didn’t have time to clear every room. He mounted the stairs, trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder, passing the first floor, and then emerging onto the second. A sudden screech from somewhere...
Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the scuffle as the remaining Jackal launched its ambush on the Imp, along with the squeal that informed her of its outcome. She readied her carbine, aiming the reticle at the shadowy stairwell down the corridor. There was only one way that the Imp could come, and the radioactive rounds from her carbine would punch straight through his jet-black armor with ease. His helmeted head emerged, but she hesitated once again as he...
The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Brute spoke. It opened its mouth, its breath misting his visor, its tusk-like teeth and its long tongue on display as he practically looked down its throat. Its voice was coarse and gravelly, but the deep contralto unmistakably feminine, the rumbling speech shaking his bones. There must be female Brutes, but he had never heard of such a thing. Its yellow eyes peered at him from beneath its blue, horned helmet, its features obscured by the...
Alba – Nehru Street Gym, ten hours after slip-space rupture. Alba sat beside a pile of discarded wrappers, wolfing down processed meat and bread. The Human portions were tiny, she had already gone through a dozen of the packaged food rations, and she still wasn’t satisfied. It didn’t hold a candle to eating fresh meat straight off the bone, but at least the only thing that they had slain in order to obtain this meal were the glass machines. The Imp had removed his helmet so that he could...
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College SexMy version of the conclusion to How High a Price 12th August 2003 On Monday morning Early went to work at the usual time and upon arrival checked his mail finding his company Visa statement and when seeing the hotel account for his last trip listed he suddenly thought what surprises Susan's Visa statement might contain. He told Carole to cancel his days appointments and went home and went into the den/home office where he looked for and found her statements. He checked out the last 12...
“I see you both chose the sexiest nightie I sell,” Lacy commented to Susan and Sandra each holding two. “I want you to change into the black one and walk around the store so customers can see you.” Dan relaxed on a chair by the change rooms waiting for his girls. He smiled as they reappeared. The nighties fit them exactly like the one Lisa wore for him. “It doesn’t cover very much, that’s why I’ll likely wear it as a sexy dress for Dan to a club or bar,” Sandra said. “You’ve got more nerve...
It was getting close to lunch and I was sitting in my 5 th hour class, Economics and Government, making a paper airplane in the back table. I was zoning off as she talked about the laws of Supply and Demand, as if I will ever need to know any of that bull crap. I looked around as I finished up the final touches of my airplane and noticed half the class was droopy eyed and zoning off as well. I would hate to teach Econ to a bunch of teenagers who don’t care, haha. I was about to throw the...
Part 2As previously revealed, Dana was Africanized that first night during the four day retreat at Niga Falls near the more famous Owu Falls. During my conversation with Hart and his daughter, Candy, it became even more eerie to hear what had happened with her that first night and how Candy had lost her innocence to black African lust. Although Dana was more inviting as to her seduction, Candy was more reluctant during her submission to black African cock and it scarred her mind for years to...
Interracial‘I missed you this week. Glad you’re back home with me.’ ‘Yeah, travel is a bitch and I miss my beautiful, and I must say, very sexy, wife. I live for these Sunday mornings.’ ‘Mmm, it’s fun catching up on the weekend but I miss you when you’re away. You must have missed me a lot, you usually don’t wake me up in the middle of the night, like last night, to make love. We already did it twice on Saturday. But I guess it’s better than not wanting me, right?’ ‘Oh, I could never not want you. I did...
Introduction: We finally meet Mom. Boy do we ever… This is my favorite chapter so far. I love writing from (Mom) Maxines perspective. She is one of the hottest characters Ive ever written, as youll learn in coming chapters. The best stuff this time might not be the sex as much as the tension and the open discussion of taboo. I hope it gets you off! If this one is too slow, just wait for Ch5, which is pure hardcore. When I pulled into the driveway after a long, hard day at work, I knew no one...
Daniel pounded the bag like those demons from the fires of hell he had tried to outrun. His body needed to release the frustrations and doubts that his mind refused to admit. The past four days had been fucking amazing. After his little fight with Samuel on Monday and his surprising afternoon romp in bed with his wife, that word still stuck in his throat sometimes, all should be right with the world. Except… ‘Give the damned thing a break man. What has it ever done to you?’ asked the voice...
Veronica decided she would work a full day, go home, then tell Stan that she had a job. Somehow, over breakfast, she just couldn't work up the nerve to come out and tell him what she'd done. She had too much to think over from the night before. The fucking just hadn't been what she'd hoped it would be. The excitement she had felt when Mr. Marshall had raped her in his office hadn't carried through to the bedroom. Even after Stan had gotten mad at her for making him do all the absurd...
The feeling of being unfulfilled had captured me. Here I was beautiful, married, successful, and yet lonely. A combination of circumstances that I never thought in a million years that I would have to own. But I did! It's amazing how one lonely desire can lead you on a wild and crazy journey. Let me tell you my story.Part One:It was a typical morning in the house. As usual, I was awakened by the sound of keys dangling from my husband's hand along with the sound of his shoes pounding across the...
There were a full twenty years between the mother Renata and the daughter Heidi, but in all honesty, they both had similar tight pussies and I would have to say the mother had a tighter ass hole than the daughter because the daughter had been doing it with a well-endowed black soldier for almost a full year, only in the bum, because of his religious convictions about not impregnating a female of another race. The mother’s posterior fields of glory were absolutely pristine at all times...
“I've just been fired... there was nothing else to say about it, no protest that would be listened to anyway. But... it’s my birthday! Even though birthdays were meant to be happy days, and everyone is meant to make it special, my new boss and the man that only six days before had been my boyfriend had just fired me." I think to myself as I sit on the hot bus wondering about how everything has changed so much in a week. I try to stop my eye from failing me, yet I still feel the burn of tears...
BisexualThe plane was just about reaching cruising altitude as the entire traveling company of the Pro Skaters On Ice were settling into their seats for the long flight from Miami to Salt Lake City, when Lindsey teased her best friend, Allison, with, "You'll never guess what I saw after the show last night!?!" "I dunno," Allison replied, "what did you see last night after the show!?!" "Okay, Lindsey answered, "Of everyone in the show, show do you wanna fuck the most!?! "Shush," Allison whispered...
EroticSession A64: “It’s important that your children are happy, isn’t it?” “Yes.” “People who have sex three or more times each week are happier, aren’t they?” “Yes.” “Your children should be having sex three or more times each week, shouldn’t they?” “Yes.” “But they can only be doing that if they know about it, can’t they?” “Yes.” “Your son knows about it already from the textbook, doesn’t he?” “Yes.” “But Lucy doesn’t know, does she?” “No.” “Someone needs...
The viewing is one which Elena has seen before. Only once, two days ago, but it is unique in several respects. It is the first vision in which she's actually seen herself. The hair, the face, the pink bathing suit she's wearing, everything the same as today. This alone would have ordinarily been enough to rivet her attention--like having a twin sister, albeit one who's forever out of reach--but Gavin is there as well. A thrill runs through her as she watches. She's seen him countless...
(Shishio takes the full force of the explosion.) Yumi: Lord Shishio!! (Kenshin leaps into the air.) Hiten Mitsurugi-- Houji (thinking): I have faith! No matter what Battousai tries, it can't finish Lord Shishio! It can't destroy him! (aloud) Lord Shishio! Ryuutsui! Shousen! (Kenshin strikes downwards and upwards in quick succession.) Sanosuke: A double attack! Saitou: Fool. He won't let this chance slip by. Aoshi: He's still going. Ryuukansen Kogarashi! Tsumuji! Arashi! (He...
Feeling very nervous I pulled into a parking space, then went into the hotel, paid for the room and went to find it. I was there to meet someone but as I entered the room he called to say he was running a bit. So I got out the cameras and got one set up to view the bed, the other I was using while we played. With the room all set I went to get a coffee in the lounge area and waited. I thought he was not going to show, but then he arrived. We locked eyes and smiled, he walked over kissed my...
I got out of bed at 6 AM to make my husband breakfast as usual. Quarter to seven he left for work and I had half an hour before I had to wake the children up for school. It was part of my daily routine. As usual I couldn't make any ruckus because that would wake the children up early and they wouldn't like that. Instead I just poured myself a cup of coffee as I do every morning. Still wearing the robe I went to get the morning paper exactly as usual. But this morning the paper wasn't...
Note: This story never truly happened. Any names or resemblance is purely coincidental. Second story^^ woo hoo Kendra Douglas was 22 with wavy dark brown hair that reached her ass. Her eyes matched her hair they almost looked chocolaty. She 5’4 and weighing about 150 pounds. Her breasts were a 36c cup and her ass was perfectly rounded. She and her friend Katie stood in line for a club. Kendra was wearing her hair loosely braided as it hung down her back. She had on a wrap dress as black as...
Then I started noticing her wearing her skirts and tight blouses less often and one day when I was telling her to take her special bra and leave the panties at home she refused. It made me a bit angry and when I asked why she told me a group of guys at the office had started making passes at her, dropping inappropriate comments. She had seen them on several occasions standing together throwing looks at her and laughing amongst themselves. One day at the coffee machine one of them even...
My wife and I had talked and discussed the hotwife/cuckold lifestyle off and on for two years. I am 44, about 5’6”, good looking, but not your typical male. Somewhere in my upbringing I became more of a “watcher” instead of a “do-er” in terms of sexuality. I don’t think my little penis of barely 4” is the main cause, but it does play a part of me being the way I am. She is 39, about 5’4”, Latina, with long curly dark hair, and full lips. She had been raised in a fairly strict religious family...
It was Another night in the hood. The milf cops received a disturbance call in the neighborhood and came into investigate. Upon arrival these hot cop sluts discovered that two suspect car thieves had been stalking the parking lot. The sexy lady cops chased down the suspects but only managed to get one. It was all they needed. The milf cops asserted their authority over this suspect. Pulling his dreadlocks and letting him know who’s in charge. After they asserted their will and dominance over...
xmoviesforyouTonight was the night. Incredible. It was really going to happen. In just a few hours, assuming fate didn't play another crazy hand, she was going to experience something that she never thought possible, not in a million years, not ever. She smiled as she tried to unravel the pronouns in her train of thought, difficult enough without the mounting excitement she felt in her head and elsewhere. The "she" that she meant was herself, but she had already decided that was going to change...