A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 7 - SakurakoChapter 35: LA Confidential, Redux free porn video

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March 6, 1994, Admiral’s Club, Chicago O’Hare International Airport

“This is a strange place to meet, Samantha!” I chuckled.

“We’ll miss our usual time tonight after the Rap Session, and we do need to talk.”

“About Stephanie?”

“No, that’s settled. She starts tomorrow, and she’ll basically be my personal assistant. She’ll do all my meeting scheduling, handle my correspondence, and sit in on all my meetings. Sort of like Kimmy does for you, only I won’t be around three days a week, so she’ll handle anything that arises that doesn’t need my personal attention. And for things that do, I’ll expect her to review them and recommend a course of action.”

“You’ll be in class. How will that work tomorrow?”

“We have a full-day orientation program. Well, the morning is orientation. The afternoon is some mandated SEC training. She’s not going to be a licensed, registered securities dealer, but she still needs to pass the money laundering and securities fraud tests. And she’ll be fingerprinted.”

I was supremely glad her misdemeanor conviction had been expunged, as that might have caused some serious issues.

I nodded, “OK. I know things are good with Brian, so that’s not it. Things ARE good with Brian, right?”

Samantha laughed, “Yes, Dad! He curls my toes!”

I laughed hard, “I know you didn’t talk to Katt! Who gave you THAT line?”

Samantha smirked, “Kara. She thought it would be funny. I think she’s relishing the day when Birgit tells you something like that.”

“Of course she is!” I chuckled. “As Katt’s dad said, there are things a dad just doesn’t need to know. So, what?”

“I have a problem with one of the fund managers who isn’t meeting his fund objectives and is seriously underperforming the market. The problem is, he’s very popular at Spurgeon Capital, was close to my dad, and is well-liked by his investors.”

“Do they like the results of his investments?”

“No. One of them, a very important client, called me, which is what really got my attention. I mean, I knew his performance was off, but that happens from time to time.”

“But?” I prompted.

“It’s gone on too long.”

“I assume you have all the documentation you would need to justify your decision, even though Illinois doesn’t require you to specify a reason.”

“Actually, he’s under a contract which specifies the conditions for ending our relationship. There’s what amounts to a buyout clause. I can exercise it and pay to terminate the contract.”


“I’m worried about the impact on morale, and how his friends at Spurgeon will react.”

“You’re learning,” I smiled, “But you can’t let it drag on. One of my bosses before I started NIKA, who also happened to be a professor, was very direct with Dave and me. You can’t let performance problems linger. They need to be documented and dealt with immediately. I think that’s especially true when it’s hurting your clients.”

She nodded, “OK, but what about how everyone else reacts?”

“It doesn’t directly translate, but do I let my precocious five-year-old dictate what I do?”

Samantha laughed, “She only WISHES! Even with what I had to offer, I couldn’t get you to do what I wanted in every instance! In fact, it was YOU who got ME to do what you wanted!”

I chuckled, “I remember some serious negotiations! But back to your fund manager; is there any hope he’ll recover and begin performing again?”

“That’s a very good question. Historically, guys have bad streaks, but they tend to be short. If you have a longer one, you’re pretty much done in this part of the securities business and go do something else like investment banking, venture capital, or whatever floats your boat. I think he’s deep-sixed his career as a fund manager at this point.”

“Do you have another place for him?” I asked.

“I haven’t talked to him, but we do have a new venture capital arm that might be a good fit.”

“I think you just answered your own question, then. Go talk to him, explain the situation, and offer to move him. He’ll understand what that means. Maybe he decides to cash out, but maybe not. How old is he?”

“Late 30s. I don’t think he’ll cash out. He’s made some serious money, but the buyout isn’t ‘fuck you’ money for someone like him.”

“Implying it is for me?” I grinned.

“Two million would do it for you, because you could easily make $100,000 tax free a year if you invested properly. At that point, you could say ‘fuck you’ to anyone you wanted and be happy, even if you ignored Kara’s and Jessica’s incomes. His lifestyle is more like mine or Jeri’s, and the buyout is a bit less than your ‘fuck you’ amount.”

“Now, the more difficult question - are you sure he’s really suited for that new role? Or are you simply transferring your problem from one area to another?”

“That’s a good question. My dad would probably have a better idea, but I’m not going to talk to him about it. In fact, I’m not talking to him at all. I do read his letters, but I don’t write back.”

“Ask Bo,” I said.

Samantha laughed, “That hadn’t even crossed my mind! I’ll talk to him after the family dinner tonight. I’m sure Doctor Gina won’t mind, and I’d like to do it away from the office. Your sister will be there, right?”

“Yes. You’re going to include her in the conversation?”

“She may as well jump in with both feet! She’s spent three years at Arthur Andersen, so it’s not like she’s clueless!”

I chuckled, “My little sister has NEVER been clueless! And I’m going back to when she was seven!”

“I got that picture. You two have a seriously strained relationship that confuses the heck out of me. I get the picture you were super close and then something happened and you had some kind of falling out. I just can’t imagine what could cause that after I saw how you responded to the situation with Jessica.”

I nodded, “It’s complicated and not really something I can share with you. We’re working on fixing our relationship.”

“Kind of like me and my mom.”

“I suppose that’s a reasonable comparison,” I said, hoping to end the discussion on this topic.

“You’ll be back next weekend?”

“I’m home Friday night. You have my mobile number if you need me. Except when I’m flying, I’ll be places with good cell coverage, so call if you need anything at all.”

“Thanks! I appreciate the mentoring and being able to use you as a sounding board.”

We stood and hugged. Samantha headed towards her car and I headed to the gate for my flight to Los Angeles.

March 7, 1994, Los Angeles, California

“Seriously?” I laughed. “Now I’m VERY glad I’m away for the week!”

“Jesse is NOT amused,” Jennifer laughed. “I’m guessing the other kids will get it from him.”

“Probably. He just broke out this morning?”

“He got up and said he itched, and when I lifted his pajama top, it was pretty damned obvious it was chickenpox!”

“Are you taking him to the doctor?”

“Jess came over and looked at him and confirmed my diagnosis. Then she sent ALL the kids to see him!”

I chuckled, “Nice. If I remember right, he would have been contagious since Thursday or Friday, and we all hung out together over the weekend. And if he contracted it at school, that means Matthew and Birgit probably will break out soon.”

“That was Jessica’s assessment as well. The four who don’t go to school will probably show symptoms in a week or two.”

“And Nicholas,” I said. “Actually, I should call Pia and let her know, even though she was here a few weeks ago.”

“You had chickenpox when you were little, right?”

“I did, and so did Stephanie. I know Kara and Jessica did because we talked about it. You should probably spread the word amongst our friends.”

“So they can bring their kids for a chickenpox party?” Jennifer laughed.

“It’s pretty much innocuous if you get it as a kid. Getting it as an adult can cause some serious complications. What are you doing for Jesse?”

“Calamine lotion, antihistamine, and Advil, per Jessica. And soft, loose-fitting clothes. She also suggested baking soda baths. I was thinking if it spreads, we’d just pile all the kids in the whirlpool!”

I chuckled, “Are you at home?”

“I stayed home today, but I’ll go to work tomorrow. I think all I’m doing is annoying our son at the moment.”

“I think ANY adult, especially a female, telling him what to do would annoy him at this point. He’s ready to be an adult for real.”

“Yeah, in his own mind!” Jennifer laughed. “He’s still a little kid in many ways.”

“Of course he is. It’s the eternal struggle - to define your relationship with your parents. He does love you, you know.”

“Oh, I know. It’s like with Birgit; we know he loves her, but those two can go at it like Frazier and Ali! Well, verbally, at least.”

“So true! I need to finish my breakfast and get to the office. Call me if anything changes.”

“I will. See you on Friday night!”

I snapped the phone shut, shook my head, and thanked the gods I wasn’t anywhere near Jesse at the moment. I finished my breakfast, and headed to the office. I checked in with Barbara, made a quick call to the Chicago office to check in, then called Amanda.

“No signs of an outbreak just yet!” she laughed. “But I heard from a couple of the moms that they’re going to bring the kids to see Jesse!”

“Make sure you talk to Jennifer and Jessica about how to handle the kids if they start to get spots. I’m assuming you had chickenpox when you were little.”

“I was four, I think. It was before I started kindergarten for sure. I just remember how itchy it was! And I did talk to Jennifer and Doctor Jessica when I arrived this morning. I have everything under control!”

I laughed, “In your dreams! Birgit and Jesse simply haven’t decided to challenge you yet!”

“Abbie warned me! How’s California?”

“Except for the airport, the hotel, and the office, I haven’t really seen any of it. But that’s pretty much the norm for when I come here. I’ll see you next week! Call if you need anything.”

“I will. Thanks.”

I hung up and then checked the clock and decided Pia was probably home, so I dialed her number from my address book. She laughed hard when I told her the reason for my call. She said not to worry, that Marta’d had «vattkoppor» about six months previously. She wished me luck with the all the soon-to-be suffering kids. We said ‘goodbye’, I hung up, and went to Barbara’s office.

“Sorry about that. Jesse came down with chickenpox and we’re expecting a full-scale outbreak!”

Barbara laughed, “With that army? Oh God! You’re lucky you’re traveling!”

“Exactly what I said to Jesse’s mom. Any changes to my schedule?”

“No. We’ll head over to Kuznetzov, Kazinsky, and Streltsov in about twenty minutes.”

“That sounds like a hockey team,” I chuckled. “Or a chess team!”

“Five Russian lawyers who defected about ten years ago when they were in Germany for a Warsaw Pact/NATO meeting.”

“«Я любл это!»” I chuckled.


“I love it, or an approximation, anyway. I don’t really speak Russian, but I am «культурный»!”

“OK, I think I got that one - ‘cultured’?”

“Yes, as in knowing how to act properly. The opposite is «некультурный», which is best translated as uncultured, or boorish. It’s a pretty significant insult to be called that.”

“You had a thing with some Russian girl, didn’t you?”

I nodded, “Tatyana Ivanovna Voronina, daughter of Ivan Konstantinovich Voronin, former Trade Attaché to the US. Our politics and career choices precluded having a future together. Had the Soviet Union collapsed ten years earlier, who knows what might have happened!”

“I’m not sure how these guys would react to that!”

“You don’t know the full story!” I said.

I proceeded to tell her about Dima’s actions and his promotion, and Vanya’s political leanings. But I also promised to keep ANY mention of politics out of the meeting, and not reveal my ‘Russian Connections’ unless it seemed wise and appropriate. Barbara needn’t have worried.

“Vladislav Tretiak!” I said as we walked into their conference room.

“You know him? Just from the signed photograph? Do you read Russian?”

“A tiny bit, but I’m a hockey fan, and I’d know Tretiak anywhere! I have a poster of him in the conference room just off our lobby in Chicago.”

That broke the ice and we spent the entire hour discussing ice hockey, my trips to Russia, and my relationship with Dima. I was asked to go to dinner with them, but given I already had plans with Ben Jackson, I asked for, and received a rain check for my next visit to Los Angeles. We left and headed back to the office.

“OK, that went a totally different direction than I expected!” Barbara laughed.

“Yes, but I think we cemented the relationship perfectly. This was one you thought we might lose, right?”

“Yes. But after that performance, I think we’re home free. I take it your dinner with them will involve ridiculous quantities of vodka?”

“Ridiculous doesn’t even begin to describe it,” I chuckled.

“OK, next meeting is a network support customer. They want to meet you before they sign for the expansion to their other offices.”

“I read the proposal and discussed it with Cindi and Zeke. I’m a bit concerned about what this means in terms of travel costs and the load it’s going to put on the phone support team.”

“Cindi talked to the team about that. Right now, our workload is reasonable, but we are getting to the point where we’re going to need another person, and this contract will help cover the costs.”

“Oh, I know. I’m just concerned about expanding too fast and too far afield. That said, the only real issues we’ll have are their Atlanta and Houston offices. Denver, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia we can manage fairly easily. The real question in my mind is how we handle the Western region long-term.”

“I talked with Andy and Cynthia about that, and we think you should formally change the base of operations to Denver.”

“What about the LA office? And the phones? And don’t forget Ben Jackson.”

“I don’t have a fully formulated proposal, but I know we can’t afford to expand our office in California; it’s just too damned expensive.”

“When you have something, send it to me. But we do have to make sure we don’t upset Ben Jackson.”

“That’s why I’ve been reticent to put forward a proposal.”

“Let me worry about Ben. Just tell me what you think we should do, please.”

“OK! Has Charlie talked to you about the new consultant for Denver?”

“Not yet. Does she have it narrowed down?”

“I’ve talked to three people, one of whom I really liked. I think Charlie will have her come to Chicago next week.”

“So Denver is an all-girl office?” I chuckled.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing!”

“Not at all! The girls outnumber the boys at NIKA. They hold all the senior roles except Director of Development and Eastern Region Manager.”

“And CEO.”

“Hah! That won’t be true in a couple of years. I am going back to programming!”

“You keep threatening to do that, but you’re great as our leader!”

“Which won’t change. What WILL change is all the fucking paperwork, meetings, and phone calls!”

“Wow! You really hate it that much?”

“Yes and no. I’ve never wanted to do anything except program. So far, life hasn’t allowed me to focus on that. In a few years, I’ll be able to. But you’ll still see me regularly, and I’ll still set the tone and direction.”

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Total Woman Academy 05 Redux

Ned awoke from his deep sleep feeling refreshed and ready to face another day of duty at the Total Woman Academy senior facility. Yesterday, he had solved Destiny’s dilemma but along with the previous days of facilitating Brooke maximum impact at the fund raiser, he was worn out. He wandered the grounds which were unusually alive with excitement. There was a whirr of activity throughout the facility. The kitchen was bustling to prepare the banquet meal for this evening’s annual event. The...

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When I shared a true story about the hot tub in the Astoria Holiday Inn Hotel, I barely believed it myself but it actually happened in 2009. Ben & Cheryl were the sexy couple whom I met in the hot tub there at the hotel. I fingered Cheryl to two huge climaxes as her husband sat next to us, not knowing that he was secretly watching the whole time. Then when he joined her three kids in the pool, she jacked my cock with them only a few feet away. She stroked me hungrily until a huge load of...

4 years ago
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Shop Girl Redux

She still hadn’t called and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I decided to see her at the shop where we first met. Making my way there I went over in my mind what I would say. I paced back and forth mustering the courage to enter. I opened the door, the small bell announced my arrival, stepping inside I saw her. She was, reading a novel, her cute little glasses perched on her delicate nose. She looked over her novel noticing me standing there. She put her book down saying, “Oh no here...

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Bubbles Redux

Bubbles was my high school sweetheart and my first true love. I had not seen her for many years until we met up last Valentine ‘s Day when she was out west for her oldest daughter’s wedding. We had a good time and caught up on how our lives had gone separate ways. Now it is almost a year later. See last year’s story for more background. * I’m an adjunct professor in a local southern California college teaching various computer courses. It’s an enjoyable job when the students are willing and...

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The Club Kirby and Anna Redux

It was the Friday before Christmas vacation started. We had finished all our grades and had submitted them and for once, we were going to stay out of our office during our break. Neither of us was going to a conference or anything so we figured we would play it by ear. If we wanted to take a trip, we would. For now, we were just going to stay home and rest. Kirby had been really busy working on some stuff for NASA. He had finished that up earlier in the week and he was anxious to just relax. ...

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What have you done for me lately redux

Please read part one “What have you done for me lately?” for a background in the events leading up to this. The miserable cold wind blowing outside made a wailing sound as it pushed before it an icy rain. Florida was experiencing one of the coldest winters, definitely not a nice start to 2010, thankfully I didn’t have to go in to work. It was Monday the 3rd, there was inventory at the plant and production wouldn’t begin till after 12 p.m at best and with everyone working second shift,...

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Theatre Hijinks Redux

You park your car and head towards the backstage door to get into the moderately sized local theatre. You punch in the code, and step up the stairs towards the dressing room, your brain swimming around with the thought of the show coming up soon. Tonight's only the dress rehearsal, but you're here early to make sure all your stuff is ready. You've learnt from experience not to piss off your director Claire. Claire may be a smoking hot MILF, with long flowing dark hair and a slender figure to...

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College Days Redux

I have resubmitted this story under the name "Jimson" because I can no longer use the name "Sco". Tom wakes up and rolls over. "what happened last night?" he thinks to himself. He remembers the party he and his roommates had at their house, but he doesn't remember anything past 12 o'clock. "Another good night" he laughs to himself. Tom rolls over to his right to notice a girl in bed with him. She has long blond hair and is rather pretty. "way to go Tom" he thinks to himself. He lifts up the...

4 years ago
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Island of Fantasy Redux

You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone with sexual fantasies about females could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After admiring your room, which is expansive and nothing like what you...

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Island of Fantasy See Fantasy Island Redux

You are Jason a 30 year old young male that has had many interesting fantasies over the years. You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After...

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Lucy Redux

My name is Lucy Matthews. I am just eighteen years of age. The last eighteen days, though, have been as trying as all those years combined. It started innocently enough. Instead of joining my parents on their yearly summer holiday throughout Europe, I chose to stay with Aunt Sophie in her quaint little stone cottage in the English countryside. It, of course, has turned out to be one of the warmest and sunniest summers the U.K. has seen in years. Fortunately, Auntie had an inground pool behind...

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Meet the Pornstars Redux

My name is Joey Brett. I am an average man. Everyone thinks of me as Mr. Innocent, but what they don't know about me is that I am a porn addict. Every night, I watch porn videos, dreaming of the day I would be in a porno myself. I would have loved to be in a threesome with two big-breasted women, on or off camera. Those videos were my fantasy. One day, I had entered a contest to win tickets to meet two porn stars, Sierra Devi and Janet Jade. I would have loved to meet them, but what were the...

Group Sex
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Oedipus Redux

His was not a unique perversion, but it was one that brought him considerable shame. Brendon was in love with a woman and, though he knew it was dangerous folly, the more he tried to talk himself out of it the more deeply wrapped within her he felt. It was not as though it was a love borne of any illicit, unmentionable experience; the truth of the matter is that, as it evolved, it more often felt like the most natural love one can have for another. But the moment the image of his mother’s lusty...

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Pussy Redux

It is a long story, my wife busted me fucking our 18 year old neighbor, then they found out I was fucking the 18 year olds mother, the neighbor, and the lady that lives behind us. So my wife took pretty much everything I owned in the divorce. Then for some salt in the wound, I learned that my wife was fucking my boss for some time so I got fired during the divorce. So I had to move back in with mom, with nothing to my name. Mom is one of these pure Texas women, beautiful blonde hair, nice...

1 year ago
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The Club Kirby and Anna Redux

It was the Friday before Christmas vacation started. We had finished all our grades and had submitted them and for once, we were going to stay out of our office during our break. Neither of us was going to a conference or anything so we figured we would play it by ear. If we wanted to take a trip, we would. For now, we were just going to stay home and rest. Kirby had been really busy working on some stuff for NASA. He had finished that up earlier in the week and he was anxious to just relax. ...

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UY Redux

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Urusei Yatsura, nor do I intend to profit from abuse of its characters. Now there is something you don't see every day, Shawn thought. He'd seen Starbucks that popped up overnight many times, but this was the first time one had disappeared overnight. It was rather inconvenient since he happened to work part time at the coffee giant. In its place was a simpler looking establishment called Spell's R Us. Curious, Shawn decided to enter. "Hello Shawn,"...

2 years ago
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Dont get mad IV Endgame Redux

XV "What next?" Chin asked. "The subliminals and hypnotics have worked wonders." "But he's still fighting it," Shandon said. "We need to break that last block." "How about..." Diedre looked at Andrea, then leaned over, whispering. Andrea chuckled. "You are such a bitch." "What?" Winters asked sharply. "Well, Diedre looked at her sister. "We're trying to convince him that doing what Vanessa tells him will get him perks, right?" "Yes," Solomon commented. "You have no doubt...

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Fairy Part I Redux

First Contact Daniel Hodges checked his traps meticulously. A shy boy, he had never really gotten along with his peers. He was too short for basketball; too light for wrestling or football, little hand to eye coordination so baseball was out. What could a kid do? He discovered an interest in insects. They never expected him to hit a glove at 90 feet. They didn't care if he could kick, hit, pitch or anything else. They went about their lives with indifference to anything they...

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Gender Studies redux

Author's note: When I first published this story a few months ago, I had several requests for either a sequel or a longer version. I may still do the sequel at some point, but for now I've expanded the story, with a bunch of new scenes (including depicting the transformations for all five couples instead of just one), a more detailed epilogue, and smaller changes throughout. Also, as before, I have to credit Morpheus' "Four Days" for introducing the character of Dr. Neuman and his...

2 years ago
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What have you done for me lately redux

Please read part one “What have you done for me lately?” for a background in the events leading up to this. The miserable cold wind blowing outside made a wailing sound as it pushed before it an icy rain. Florida was experiencing one of the coldest winters, definitely not a nice start to 2010, thankfully I didn't have to go in to work. It was Monday the 3rd, there was inventory at the plant and production wouldn't begin till after 12 p.m at best and with everyone working second shift, coverage...

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A Family Affair redux

The {lastname} family are, at least on the surface a pretty normal, typical affluent family. They live in a quiet neighborhood, a gated community. Well off, they are like many of the other families in the neighborhood, or at least were until one day when a diary was left open. John : (image) Senior executive at a large Silicon Valley tech firm. Has a son, Alex from his first marriage, married his current wife Suki after she divorced her husband. His relationship with his wife has been on the...

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The Dress Redux

It was Monday at lunchtime and one of the first warm days of the spring and the sun felt amazing on my naked body as I lounged on the patio for some much-needed sun.  It felt so good to feel the sun again on my body as I took some time for myself during a work break.But my reveling was soon interrupted by my phone chirping a notification of a text message; ‘Hey, do you have time for a chat?  Want to ask you something.’  It was a message from my ex-boyfriend Chris. We had a long-term and intense...

Wife Lovers
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The Creators Chapter 1 Redux

Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So eight years ago, when the oxen-pulled carriage ran my sister into the dirt, it was a tragedy, but it wasn’t an anomaly. I had seen this play before; the townspeople rushing to the accident, the driver sitting in shock, the wails and screams...

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The Creators Chapter 2 Redux

JULIA Eighteen years ago, the incubus mystic came to the elven capital of Terondia, and with him, came a shadow that darkened the empire. The matriarchs of the Church of the Holy Mother denounced him and tried to bar him entrance, but the emperor waved them away; the mystic’s prophecy was too tempting to disbelieve. The old man stood in the great hall before the horrified eyes of the matriarchs, the scrutinizing eyes of the wizards, and the greedy eyes of the emperor, and he spoke his...

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The Creators Chapter 3 Redux

ASTRID The Gratoran Wall was nothing but a blue haze against the sterile desert sky, its amorphous outline split violently by Droktin’s Pass, whose geometric strangeness dwindled to a murky sliver with each agonizing minute. I watched as the tallest peak of the range, Iona, my homeland, faded into the azure blandness with the rest of the mountains until it disappeared completely in the sweltering air. The wheels of the slave cart squeaked, and the metal bars singed my skin. My wings ached...

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The Creators Chapter 4 Redux

BRANDON “So,” I said as we walked down the dirt path to Drastin; Tera on one side of me, and Justina on the other, “the Heat Bringer can ignite with the force of a volcano, the Earth Former can level entire mountains, and I can grow fucking plants.” I held the disappointing tulip in my palm, whose sickly-looking flower drooped pathetically after growing another inch. Tera, who I’d since relieved of her lustful slavery, laughed. “You can do more than grow plants, Brandon,” the succubus...

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The Creators Chapter 5 Redux

LUCILLA The alarm bells tolled from every tower in the palace, the yells of men and the clanking of armor sounded from every corridor and stairwell. I kept my cloak wrapped tightly around me, trying to conceal the glowing patterns that laced my skin from toe to chin. I had a fortune in gold and jewelry tucked away in my sack, but that would hardly do me any good if the royal guard stopped us. I grabbed Julia by the wrist and pulled her from the corridor as a squad of heavily-armored knights...

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Sarah Loves Being In Charge part three Redux

Hi guys I was kinda drunk when I wrote the original part three made a number of errors, I think the biggest one by far was in reversing the tone. Having Sarah let Adam take the reins and having Sarah become a little submissive wasn't what I was going for so I decided to retry. Thanks for the feedback and again I'm still new to all this so voting is great and comments are better. Sarah waited in the kitchen thinking over the night before she had lived out her ultimate fantasy pegging Adam....

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Mr Lucky Redux

by Millie Dynamite Copyright© 2014/22 by Millie Dynamite A Dark Angel’s violent encounter with a young white man. Mr. Lucky The town was far removed from the problems of the big city. What minor crime occurred in the sleepy hamlet was of the misdemeanor variety. Boys dreamed of running away from the community, while the girls dreamed of marrying the local boys and running off with them. That night did not differ from the tens of thousands of proceeding days. The local movie theater ran...

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Milkman Redux

I check into a motel in my latest town after my last stop and milk raid of an innocent mommy. Her warm sweet milk still coats my belly and lingers on my tastebuds and her fear and terror fill my thoughts. I roll into a playground on a warm fall day during the pre-noon hrs. I sit in my rental car in the parking lot where I can see the playground and track. I choose this time because this is when husbands would be at work, kids if any would be in school and milk moms can meet others to chat or...

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"Charley" Clara said, "What in the world is wrong with you?" Okay, I thought, why not, "When I heard your husband bragging about fucking my wife this afternoon (and I saw Loretta's face go pale) I got a little upset and so I hit him." Then I looked around the room and said, "And there are a couple of more here that are going to get the same as soon as I find out who they are." I grabbed Loretta by the hand and started heading for the front door. "Charley, what are you...

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