Audra: A New Life Redux free porn video

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Audra: A New Life Redux Joanne Foxcourt Author's Note: Shortly after the first version of this story was posted to the Internet, I received some incredibly good advice about what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. I'm extremely grateful for that strong and detailed critique - enough that I felt it completely necessary to revisit this story and try to make it better. Equally as important, I felt that too much was left dangling after the first attempt was done. Re-reading it, I found myself feeling dissatisfied in the way it ended. Thus, Audra: A New Life Redux. The story, through chapter 6, hasn't changed that much. I've added some details, particularly around the characters, to provide a better view of them. I've also added some additional context around the critical decision that the parents make, since it's really the driver of this story. Beyond chapter 6? Big time changes, especially in the story focus and how it progresses. The original story got muddled between attempting to tell the struggle Audra goes through, play up my own transgender nature, and the motivations for Bobby beyond chapter 6. It didn't work for me when I went back to it and thus becomes the point of real divergence in Redux. Special thanks to Aardvark for his advice and suggestions, they were beyond excellent. All the usual copyright and "viewing if you're legal" rules apply. There is no sex in this story (the character is far too young) but there is implied violence. It is a work of fiction and all the characters are fictional; any similarities to the living are chance. This story may be archived on any site that does not charge a fee for reading. How you format and split the file for archiving is up to you, I'm not that fussy about it. If you want it in a different format (e.g. RTF) than is presented on my site, just drop me an email and I'll see what I can do. Chapter 1: Ransom Demands. "Remember honey, come straight home after the game," said Aaron's mom, "we have your grandparents visiting." "I will mom," replied Aaron as he grabbed his baseball glove and hat from the front table. He smiled happily at the start of a new summer with baseball, grandparents, and all of the other fun things kids get to do on their summer vacation. Aaron had just turned eleven and, while he was small for his age, he was actually a pretty good athlete. He was also a real baseball fanatic because its lack of physical contact gave him a better chance against the boys who were bigger than him. Aaron's size was unusual for the men in his family. Both his father and older brother were quite a bit bigger when they were his age. He was more like his older sister and mother; small, compact, and cute rather than handsome. He sometimes got teased for his cuteness, looking more like a girl could be a real burden for a young boy, but because of his baseball ability and his general friendliness, the teasing was usually good natured. Aaron led a good life. His family was very well off, courtesy of both inheritances and a father who had very sound business sense. They lived in a fancy neighborhood and he and his siblings attended a prestigious private school. Being a smart lad in a moneyed family meant very bright prospects for Aaron as he got older. Of course, being eleven, he didn't really think about those issues. *** As Aaron tore down the street on his bicycle, he failed to notice the dark van that had pulled out from around the corner of a nearby street. The van had tinted windows and a license plate that was obscured by dirt and road dust. The swarthy man behind the wheel nodded at his shorter companion beside him, "Is this the one we want?" "That's him. He's perfect for us. Wealthy family, young, easily controlled. We can make a lot of money for the cause if we grab him." "Do you want to grab him now or wait until after his game?" "Wait for the game. He is rushed now; he may not stop for us. Besides, it will give us a chance to study him and maybe we will see some other potential sources of revenue amongst his friends." The driver nodded again and turned to pass Aaron as both headed to the baseball diamond. As the men parked their van a few minutes later, they watched Aaron enter the parking lot and chain up his bike, getting ready for the first game of the season. Most of his team was already there and the men could see that the other team was also getting ready to go. They found themselves some seats in the bleachers and settled in to watch them play. *** "Hey Aaron, ready for the big game?" shouted out Aaron's best friend Mike. "I was born ready Mike!" Aaron laughed at him. It was their superstitious ritual like many athletes have; they had been doing it for years. Mike and Aaron were almost always together and often found in the same pot of trouble when they let their better sense get ahead of them. They were pretty good kids, but boys will be boys. Where Aaron was small, somewhat delicate, Mike was much bigger and more aggressive. He protected Aaron from much of the teasing his small size would otherwise have cost him. "Can you hang out after?" Mike asked. "Nah, my grandparents are coming over today and I promised my mom that I'd go straight home." "Nuts." Mike was disappointed, but the summer was just starting and they'd be hanging out a lot together anyways. Aaron laughed again and shrugged with that "what can I do" kind of shrugs that all kids seem to be able to use. He wasn't that unhappy about it though, he loved visiting with his grandparents. Soon after that, the home plate umpire shouted, "Play ball!" *** After the celebration of the win, 7-4 with Aaron scoring twice, he slapped a high five with his friend Mike and jumped on his bike for the ride home. Aaron was feeling pretty happy: he won, scored some runs, and his grandparents were coming to visit. All in all, he though, this was turning into a glorious day. "Hey kid!" Aaron looked up at the van that had pulled up beside him and the smiling face of the man at the passenger window. Aaron pulled over his bike as the van came to a stop and the two men climbed out. "Yes sir?" Aaron asked, politely. His parents had taught him to be polite, especially to adults. "My friend and I are a little lost, we're looking for State Lane and we haven't had much luck finding it," said the man as he pulled out a hand drawn map. Aaron didn't have either the native caution of girls or the street caution of poorer youths growing up in the inner city. He leaned over to look at the map, "You're close, sir, all you need to do is..." His voice fell silent as he felt the prick of a needle and the world started to go black. His mind screamed help, but nothing came out of his mouth. Both men acted quickly. They lifted Aaron into the van through the side door. The former passenger picked up the bike and climbed in after him. The driver jumped in behind the wheel and the van sped off down the road. *** "Where is that boy?!?" Marianne, Aaron's mom fumed. "He was supposed to be home hours ago!" "Have you called Mike's place, mom?" Susie asked. "He usually goes there after his baseball games." "He had better not, but I guess I'd better check." "Don't get too upset with the lad, Mari," said Aaron's grandmother, "he's just a boy and he's doing what all little boys have done for centuries." Aaron's grandfather laughed at that and nodded wisely in agreement as he looked at his son, Aaron's dad who was also chuckling. "Still, I'll call and get him to shake his tail home," replied Marianne as she picked up the phone in the parlor and dialed Mike's home. "Hi June, its Marianne, is Aaron over there? I see... Okay... Thanks June." "He's not there. Mike told his mother that Aaron left for home straight after the game." Marianne looked worried. "Ken would you take a look around the neighborhood for your brother?" "Sure mom. Don't worry, I'll find the little brat and bring him home." Ken smiled reassuringly. Ken teased his brother a lot, but he was thinking that this was pretty unlike him; the kid was normally pretty reliable when he made a promise. Ken, too, was getting worried. However, before Ken could head out of the house, the phone rang. As his father, James, picked it up, he told Ken to wait since it could be Aaron calling. "Hello, Wilson residence, James Wilson speaking." As James listened on the phone, the rest of the family watched him turn pale and start to shake. He said into the phone, "I see. I understand. I'll wait for your next call." "What's the matter honey? Is Aaron hurt?" Marianne asked, worry for he son showing plainly on her face. "Hurt?" James shook his head. "No, not hurt, not yet. He's been kidnapped!" Tears formed in his eyes as he hugged his wife who began to cry in fear for her youngest son, her baby. Other cries of fear and astonishment quickly followed from the rest of the family in the room. Fear and worry evident in his voice, but ever the strong one, James' father tried to calm everyone down. "What did he say on the phone son?" he asked. Grateful for the strong, but simple, reassurance of his father's calm voice, James replied, "They want five million dollars in seven days or they said they would start taking away portions of Aaron's life." Marianne cried even more at hearing that. "What do they mean portions of his life?" "I don't know. What do we do? They warned against calling the police." "We call the police anyways and we start trying to get the ransom together," James' father said. "We can hope that they find Aaron first, but we only have a week and five million is a lot of money to put together in such a short time. Use your cell phone in case the kidnappers call back." "Are you sure calling the police is wise?" James asked. Grandpa Wilson nodded. "I do. Tell them to be discrete, but we need the police on this. We pay the ransom, but that doesn't mean we let the bastards get away with this." James went to his office to get his cell phone and make the call. Chapter 2: Darkness. Aaron could feel the tight rope around his wrists and ankles as he slowly woke. His mouth felt parched from the cloth gag and the blindfold kept him from seeing where he was. All he could tell was that he was lying on a thin mattress and the room had a slight stench to it as though it had been urinated in. Aaron shifted on the mattress. "He is waking up." The voice startled Aaron, coming from above. "Good," replied another voice as Aaron felt the gag being removed from his mouth. "Don't talk boy or we put the gag back in. Now, you will listen." Aaron just nodded as he was given a small sip of water. The voice continued, "We've contacted your parents. Your continued safety relies on them following our directions clearly and quickly. We have demanded five million dollars in seven days. If they fail to do that, we will take away part of your life and the ransom will double. If they succeed, we will let you go as we have found you. Do you understand?" "Yes sir," Aaron croaked through the dryness of his mouth. "Why?" "Though you spoke, I will answer, but remember that you are not permitted to speak again. We have a cause for the glory of Allah. We are his warriors and we seek justice and retribution for the suffering and evils that your country has visited upon us. It is both just and fitting that financing this goal comes from you. Allah smiles at the irony of the devils paying for their own destruction. Your ransom will help us as will the ransoms of others like you." Aaron remained silent as the fear swept through him. He was young and the events of September 11th were a blur for him, but he remembered the fear and who was blamed. For the first time in his young life, Aaron was beginning to understand the evil lengths that some would go to further their own ends. Silently, he prayed that his parents would save him. He no longer doubted the danger that he faced at the hands of his captors. *** James answered the door and admitted the two police detectives. They introduced themselves as detectives Stewart and Bolton respectively. "We're very sorry about this situation Mister Wilson; we will do our best to get your son back," Detective Stewart said after the introductions. "Thank you Detective, we appreciate both your assistance and that you have managed to keep this away from the press. My wife is not up to the strain of dealing with the press right now. Not to mention that the kidnappers were quite direct about not involving you. Your discretion is much appreciated." "Thank you. Is the rest of the family still here Mister Wilson?" asked Detective Bolton. "I've sent my other two children with their grandparents until this is resolved. I thought it best to distract them and to keep them from being underfoot while you investigate. My wife is exhausted and upstairs sleeping." "That's fine. If we need to talk to them, we can always call them. I don't think that will be necessary though. We've talked to Aaron's young friend and his story checks out. He did mention that there were some people in the stands that weren't usually there. He wasn't sure if they came to watch the other team, but they looked a bit out place, especially their van. I guess the van was pretty beaten up for this neighborhood." "That's not a lot to go on is it?" James asked. "I'm afraid not," replied Bolton. "But that's what we have so far. We've placed traces on your phone line, but I would be surprised if they called from their hideout. You never know though, sometime kidnappers slip up. We managed to monitor the second phone call with the ransom delivery instructions, but the trace ran to a pay phone in a shopping mall. I suspect that the kidnappers are close to that area, but there are a lot of apartments and houses around there and it's a bit rundown. It could take us weeks to find them there." "Weeks!" James exclaimed. Just then, the phone rang. James looked at the detectives for guidance. "Go ahead and answer Mister Wilson, the trace is automatic and the conversation will be recorded. We're not as archaic as the movies make us out to be," Stewart informed him. "Hello? Wilson residence, James speaking," James said automatically as he picked up the phone and turned on the speaker. "Mister Wilson, you have been very bad and you were warned. You have contacted the police and that has a price," came the harsh sounding voice at the other end of the connection. "A price?" asked James with fear in his voice. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Don't bother denying it Mister Wilson, we know. Did you think we were stupid and wouldn't watch you? The new price is ten million dollars and we will now be forced to take a piece of your son's life to demonstrate our seriousness. You shouldn't have made this mistake Mister Wilson, that was foolish, but it is done and your additional contribution will only help our cause." The click of a phone hanging up was audible to everyone in the room. "What have I done?" James cried. Both detectives looked at each other with concern. "We're extremely sorry at this turn of events, sir, but all we can do now is find your son or give them the ransom as they demanded. Can you arrange ten million?" Stewart asked. "I can, but it will be very hard to do," replied James as he collapsed into a chair. Bolton answered the ringing of his cell phone. "Bolton here. I see..." *** Aaron was shaken awake. He'd been drifting in and out of the sleep, since whatever they had used to sedate him had made him feel both tired and nauseous. The lack of food in his stomach wasn't helping him either. "Your parents made a mistake boy." Aaron paled and began to shake. He tried to speak from behind his gag. "There are two prices for their mistake. The first is the ransom has doubled. The second is a part of your life." Aaron felt the needle as the darkness once again began to cover him. Chapter 3: Found. "We have some news," Bolton said as he hung up his cell phone. "The kidnappers have made a mistake, they used the same phone." "How is that a break?" James asked. "They'll call back, be assured of that, and this time we will have the phone watched." "What of my son?" James felt a surge of hope at the news. "Hopefully he will be okay. These threats are common, but they are not usually followed through." "The ?usually' is cold comfort Detective." "I wish I could offer more, but we don't know these kidnappers and we don't know what this cause of theirs is. For now, we have to wait until they call again. Get some sleep sir; we'll wake you if the phone rings." James nodded. He was exhausted, but he didn't know how he could sleep through the fear and worry. *** "The operation was successful. We're keeping the boy sedated, but he seems to be reacting badly to it," Said the gowned man as he lowered his mask from his face. "It can't be helped; it was the best we could get on short notice. Have you packaged the part?" asked the shorter man from the van. "Yes. The note is included. We have destroyed the remaining portions; they won't be able to use what we send." "The boy will never reach Heaven now, but he is a spawn of devils, so he wouldn't have reached it anyways. Send the package and prepare to call the parents once it has been received." "It will be done." *** The doorbell rang, startling James, his wife, and the two detectives as they tried to eat some breakfast. It was a very restless night of worry for the two parents, Marianne had been told about the ransom change and had been extremely upset and fearful since. James opened the door. "Delivery for James Wilson," said the courier. "Sign here." "What is it?" James asked. "I don't know sir; it was picked up from one of our courier drop points. Delivery has been paid in full." "I see," responded James as he signed for the package and thanked the courier, closing the door. "Who was it?" Marianne asked. "A courier with a package," replied James as he began to open it. "Careful, there may be fingerprints we can use," Stewart cautioned. James nodded as he cut the bindings and around the package with greater care. He opened the box inside and found a metal container that was cold to the touch. With it was a note which he opened. Mr. Wilson, Behold one of the prices for your mistake. We have taken your son's life as a man; you will find the proof in the metal container. That is his first life that we have taken. Future mistakes might result in other lives, such as a life of vision or of speech, if you do not show more caution. Marianne collapsed crying, "My baby, my poor baby. They are monsters!" "Don't open the container sir! Doctors have a lot of skill; it may be possible for them to recover what has been lost. Now it is best to keep this container chilled," Bolton said as he stopped James from opening the container. Tears streaming down his face, James nodded, "I understand. I hope you're right. These people will pay for their monstrous acts." He gathered his sobbing wife into his arms and led her to the sitting room to try and comfort her. The phone rang. "What?" James roughly demanded as he answered, his normal polite greeting forgotten under the stress. His finger stabbed at the speaker button. "You have gotten our package." It wasn't a question. "You're a monster. Why have you done this to our son?" "His many lives are paying for those lives of our people. Do not doubt that we will exact further payment if you fail." The phone line clicked. Within a minute, Bolton's cell phone rang. "Bolton. You have him? Tail him carefully; we'll get the team in place." Bolton hung up. James looked at the detective. "He made a mistake Mister Wilson, they used that phone again and one of our detectives is following the suspect. We'll get them." *** Bolton and Stewart arrived outside the rundown apartment building. Their assistant was waiting with several uniformed men, keeping an additional watch on the building. "We found the van, I think. It's dark brown, a little beaten up, and there's a bicycle inside. We also know what apartment they're in," said the young assistant detective. "Good," responded Stewart. "Let's get these bastards. Get everyone into position and seal off the exits." *** The apartment door crashed open with a bang, surprising the four men playing cards around the folding table. One of them jumped up and began running towards the bedrooms. Bolton fired a round at him, taking the man in the lower back. The remaining three raised their hands as additional police entered the apartment and spread out to search. "We found the boy!" one of the officers shouted from a bedroom. "It looks like he's hurt pretty bad. There are bandages and he's out cold." "Get the ambulance people up here. We've got to get the kid and this slime bag I shot to the hospital ASAP. Put these others into the holding van and get the forensics team up here. Partner, can you read them their rights?" As the men were led away, Stewart went through the standard recital, passing the ambulance attendants in the hall. Bolton called James Wilson, "We have your son; he's alive and we're taking him to Grace Hospital. We'll meet you there." Bolton could almost feel the relief of James Wilson through the phone line. Chapter 4: Decisions. Grandma Wilson picked up the phone, "Hello?" "Hi mom, it's James. The police have found Aaron and he is at Grace Hospital." "My goodness! Is he alright?" Grandma Wilson asked, relieved that Aaron had finally been found. "Is he alright? I don't know if I can say that exactly, but he is alive. Mari and I are going to the hospital now, can you bring the kids? I'll explain everything once we hear from the police and the doctors." "Okay dear. We're very relieved that they found him. We'll see you there." Grandma Wilson hung up the phone, "Children! Your brother has been found!" "Is he okay, Grandma?" Susie asked. "Your daddy didn't really say sweetheart. All he would tell me is that Aaron is at Grace Hospital and that he's alive. Your father said he would explain when we got there, so get your shoes on and we'll go." *** James raced with Mari to the hospital as fast as he could. His mind was whirling with fear and concern for his young son and he could see similar concern in his wife's face as she clutched the cold metal box that neither wanted to open. Every now and then, a small sob would escape Mari as she thought of her son, but she was grateful for the strong and calming silence of her husband. Arriving at Grace Hospital, James and Mari rushed into the Emergency Room and were greeted by the two detectives. "Good, you brought the box," mentioned Stewart. "The doctors have been waiting for this." "Can we see our son?" Mari asked. "I'm sorry ma'am," replied a woman's voice behind her. "He was brought in sedated and we're examining him to understand the extent of the harm. I'm Doctor Anne Sharpe; I've been looking after him since he arrived." "Can you help him Doctor?" James asked. "I hope so Mister Wilson," replied Dr. Sharpe. "We're depending a great deal on what we find in this container. I don't want to raise your hopes, but we have very good surgeons here and, if it is possible, it will be done." "I understand Doctor and thank you." Dr. Sharpe smiled kindly at the two parents as she headed back to the examination room with the metal container. She felt badly for the two, but even more so for young Aaron. The way the damage looked didn't give her a lot of hope in the container, and she was beginning to think that the parents were going to face some difficult choices. *** "Mom!" Ken called as he entered the waiting area with his sister and grandparents. "How is Aaron? Have you heard anything?" Ken had been tearing himself apart since the incident happened, even though he knew that he couldn't have prevented. Ken was always the big brother, the protector. He felt that he had failed Aaron somehow. "Not yet honey," Marianne replied. "The doctors are still examining him." "What's taking so long Mari?" Grandma Wilson asked. "It's the nature of what they did to him," Marianne replied as she began to cry again. "They hurt him terribly. My poor, sweet, baby." Grandma Wilson gathered Marianne into her arms as James came back from the counter area. "What did they tell you James?" Grandpa Wilson asked. "Not much. The doctors are still working on him," James replied. "What happened dad?" Ken asked. James sighed. He dreaded telling his family this, but they were going to know soon enough. "The kidnappers told us that they had taken away his life as a man." Grandma Wilson gasped, "Oh my God!" Ken and his grandfather went white as sheets. "What does that mean dad?" Susie asked, before Ken could hush her. "It means, sweetheart, that they hurt your brother very badly down there. The doctors are trying to help him," James informed his daughter quietly, pointing downwards, as her eyes widened. Before anyone else could ask any more questions, Dr. Sharpe came back out. "Mister and Missus Wilson, can I speak to you privately for a while?" she asked. Her face didn't hold out a lot of hope for the Wilson family as James and Marianne followed her into a private room. "Tell us Doctor, we have to know," James quietly demanded. "It's grave news sir, I have to be honest. The monsters that did this to your son were very careful to ensure that we would be helpless to repair their work. We tried, but too much was missing and we couldn't repair that." "I... see..." James hugged Marianne tightly as she began crying once again. "What are our options?" "We have three that I can see. The first is to do nothing other than to ensure basic urination function, but this will leave Aaron effectively sexless. The second is to try and attach the remainders and a prosthetic from skin grafts, but it will never function sexually. The last is to make him a girl and give him some hope of a normal life." "What?!? A girl?!?" James looked shocked at the suggestion. "I understand Mister Wilson, believe me, but the third option is really the best. The other two options leave him with no future possibility of sexual intimacy and that may cause even more damage to him in the long run. As a woman, he would at least have options for intimacy even if it was with another woman. We have saved a large number of nerves and that will allow him to still experience some pleasure." "I can't think... I don't know... What does Aaron say?" "I don't want to pressure your decision Mister Wilson, Aaron is still not awake. The sedation that he was under has worn off, but the stress to his body and his young mind has put him into a light coma. His vital signs are strong and we have every reason to believe that he will come out of it in a few days or a week, but we don't have that much time. If we are to make use of the nerve cells, we will need to act almost immediately." James' mind reeled with the implications of this decision. "It seems too drastic doctor, are you sure that this is the best course?" he asked, seeking some reassurance that this made sense. Doctor Sharpe looked at the two with sympathy. "There are schools of thought on this Mister Wilson, for and against. Aaron is still quite young, his gender and sexual identity are still forming and can be molded. He will be, at least visually, very attractive as a girl and will have, I suspect, little difficulty in that respect. With this surgery, he would be able to function reasonably normally and we can provide counseling and assist him in this journey." "Can we have a few minutes?" James asked. "Marianne and I need to discuss this." James was still quite uncertain. The doctor's argument made some sense, but it bothered him anyways. "The specialist is on his way, and he will be here in about fifteen minutes. Once he is here, he will need to know your decision. Time is of the essence." "I understand. We will let you know by then," James assured her. Dr. Sharpe quietly left the two alone. *** "What do we do James? He's my darling little boy, I can't lose him!" Marianne cried. "Oh my love, I wish I knew the right answer," James tried to comfort her. "We need to do what is best for Aaron. We need to give him a chance at recovering his life, his hopes." "How would making him a girl do that?" Marianne asked, "His hopes are shattered with this." "I don't know Mari, but I fear a lifetime without real intimacy for him if we don't agree to this. Is that better or worse? I don't know. I wish Aaron could answer this question. I feel like I'm betraying him with any answer we could give. The doctor made a lot of sense there, though it disturbs me to admit it." Marianne pulled herself upright as if she had reached a decision. "My beautiful son is treasure to me. It's not a result of his outer skin; it's a result of his generous heart and his warm smile. That he would not be able to share himself deeply with another would be a great loss to him and to others. We have to give him a chance to find a new path to happiness. The Doctor is right." James kissed his wife tenderly. He believed that she was right. He wanted to believe she was right. Aaron was a strong, generous boy who was open and honest with his love and affection. To leave him without a chance, or a slim one at best, of having that reciprocated as an adult would be almost criminal in their view. Together, James and Marianne rose to give their answer to the Doctor. Chapter 5: Audra. James and Marianne had sent their other two children home with their grandparents. The surgery was going to take a long time and there wasn't much point in everybody staying at the hospital. Of course, there was no way that either of them could leave; they wanted to be there. The sun was just coming up when Dr. David Caine, the specialist who was working on Aaron, came into the waiting area. He could see that the two parents had stayed awake most of the night. They looked exhausted and their eyes were rimmed with red. "Good morning folks. The operation was successful." "How is he?" James asked. "Aaron is fine, though the coma is still hanging on. He had a very bad reaction to what they had used to sedate him. The signs are good though, so we are hopeful that it will be a short one." Dr. Caine gestured for James and Marianne to sit. "An important aspect of recovery for both of you, as well," he continued. "Is that you must start thinking and speaking of Aaron in the feminine form. She will be struggling with her new identity, with the conflicts inside her, and she will need help and reinforcement. I wish I could be easier on you with this, but it is critical for her and it is as equally critical for you." James nodded as Marianne spoke quietly, "We will need a new name for her." Dr. Caine smiled gently at them as he nodded, "You can see Aaron now. Your voices might help to bring her out of the coma." *** James had been researching names and they had finally found two that they felt suited their child. The first name they chose was Audra, meaning "noble strength." The second name was Jennifer, meaning "fair spirit." For them, it summed up their child and the hopes they had for her future. Audra Jennifer Wilson was the name now around her wrist and beside her door. It had been several days since the surgery and Audra was still not out of her coma. Both parents spent hours every day talking to their child, trying to wake her. They talked, they pleaded, they ordered, they cajoled, but so far without avail. Today, Marianne sat beside her new daughter gently washing her face with a soothing stroke. She had often done this for Aaron when he was sick, so she had hopes that it would help Audra now. "Mommy?" James sat bolt upright in the chair where he was reading the newspaper as Marianne leaned forward and said, "Yes sweetheart?" "I hurt mommy. Where am I?" "I know sweetheart, I know, but you're awake now and you will get better. You're in the hospital and you're safe now," Marianne told her. "Okay mommy," Audra murmured as she fell back to sleep. Real sleep this time and not the drug-induced coma that had claimed these last few days. James looked at his wife with tears in his eyes as he sprinted to the nursing station, but he was also smiling. "She's awake!" A cheer went up from the nursing station and Dr. Sharpe was paged. James went back to Audra's room and hugged his wife who was still stroking her child's brow. *** It was late at night when Audra awoke again. Her parents had been sent home by the doctor to get some rest and to tell their family the good news. "Mommy?" The lack of answer scared her for a moment until she realized that it was late and she remembered that she was in the hospital. She didn't feel much pain, she felt mostly numb from the waist down, but she didn't really understand why. "I see you're awake angel," came a soft voice from the doorway as one of the night nurses entered. "Your mommy and daddy went home for awhile, to get some sleep. They'll be back this morning to see you." "Oh. Thank you, ma'am." The nurse laughed, "Call me Nurse Williams sweetie, ?ma'am' makes me feel so old. Better yet, why don't you call me Angie?" "Okay Angie. I'm Aaron," Audra replied as she stuck out her hand. "I know sweetie," Angie smiled. "Would you like something to drink?" "Yes, please." Angie held up a glass with a straw so that Audra could drink. "Slowly sweetie, you haven't had much in your stomach for quite a few days." "Days? What happened to me? The last thing I remember is these voices telling me that I would have to pay the price because my parents made a mistake." "You've been asleep for day's angel. You had us worried." "I'm sorry," Audra sounded genuinely contrite. "Oh no, don't apologize. Very evil men did evil things to you. You don't have to apologize to anyone for that. Remember angel, you didn't do anything wrong and you don't need to apologize for it," Angie soothed. "What did they do to me Angie?" "I can't tell you that angel; your parents will do that. It wouldn't be right for me to tell you." "Okay Angie, I'm still tired. I think I'll sleep some more." Audra was feeling safe and secure for the first time in days. "Sleep well little one," Angie responded as she stroked the hair from Audra's eyes. *** James and Marianne felt a lot better in the morning as they entered the hospital. While they both dreaded telling Audra what had happened, they both felt better knowing she was awake. "Good morning folks! I have some more good news for you," Angie told them as they approached the nursing station. "We could use good news Angie!" James smiled. "Audra woke up last night and we chatted for a bit. She seems quite bright and is a most delightful child. You may have to fight all the nurses to take her away from us if this morning is any judge," Angie smiled at them. Marianne smiled back gratefully, "Is he... um, she awake now?" "Yes and we've called for Doctor Coulson to come down to help you." "Doctor Coulson?" "That would be me," a soft, pleasant voice from behind said. "Sheila Coulson, at your service." The Wilsons turned to see the smiling face of an attractive younger woman. She had an almost pixie look of irrepressible humor with deep compassion in her eyes. "I'm here to help both of you and Audra through what can be a trying experience. From what the nurses have told me, you have named her well. In one morning, she has charmed all of them with her grace and strength. This will be difficult, but I believe that her strong character will see her through. Are you ready?" "Thank you doctor," James said after that breathless rush. "I think so." "Sheila, please. We'll be spending quite a bit of time together and I simply hate formalities." "Sheila, then. I guess we're as ready as we'll ever be. I'm James and this is my wife Marianne." "Mari, for short," smiled Marianne in greeting. "Do you want me to explain what has happened, or would one of you prefer to do it?" Sheila asked. "I'll do it," James responded, taking a deep breath. James knew this wasn't going to be an easy thing to do, but he had to do it. Sheila smiled reassurance. "That's a wise choice. I'll observe and if I see a bad reaction, I can sedate her quickly. Don't be alarmed if that happens; denial and anger are definitely stages that she will experience." *** "Mommy! Daddy!" Audra cried as her parents entered the room. Both rushed over to her and hugged her gently. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to worry you," Audra tried to apologize after they had let her go. "Don't apologize sweetheart, you're not to blame," Marianne told her. "We're grateful that you have come back to us." "How do you feel slugger?" James asked, trying to put off the inevitable. "I hurt a bit daddy, down there, but I guess I feel okay. Nobody will tell me what happened. What happened daddy?" James felt the tears well up in his eyes as he sat on the bed beside his new daughter. Brushing them away, he sighed deeply and took Audra's hands in his own. "This is going to be very hard for you and I want you to understand that your mother and I love you very much. We love you as much as we ever did and that love was already boundless." Audra look frightened at those words. "Am I going to die daddy?" she whispered. James breath caught in his throat, "No slugger, you aren't going to die, though you might sometimes wish you had. You have to be strong for me and for you. You have to have the courage to accept and to grow. Can you promise me that you'll try?" "Yes daddy, I'll try." James smiled at her gently. "Those men that kidnapped you did a very bad thing to you. They did this because we tried to find you and help you. They are evil men and they have been caught and will be punished. However, what they did to you couldn't be repaired, all the doctors tried." "What did they do daddy? Oh no, it's down there!" Audra cried out at the sudden realization of the source of her pain. She tried to reach down to where she was bandaged, her hands curled as if to pull them off. James held her close and prevented her hands from reaching the bandages. "Yes, it's down there. We tried, the doctors tried, but there wasn't anything we could do." He could feel Audra sobbing almost noiselessly into his chest as he held her. "We couldn't leave you like that. We had to make a decision for you; you were in a coma and couldn't do it for yourself. Oh, my darling, sweet, child, we had to make you into a girl." Audra screamed, "No! No! No!" Her head shook wildly, her denial echoed through the corridors of the hospital. Sheila quickly stepped in and injected a sedative into Audra as the monitors attached to her went wild. As James gently laid her back down, her body continued shaking and her head still turned back and forth in denial, her voice mutely mouthing denial. Mercifully, the sedative put her to sleep. James and Marianne held each other and cried. *** Angie heard Audra's scream of denial as she was preparing to depart her shift. She sat back down; her eyes tearing at the pain that the child must have been feeling. "Are you okay Angie?" asked Marie Jacobs, the day nurse who had just come on shift. "They told her. Oh that poor, sweet child." "Go home and sleep Angie," Marie told her gently, her eyes echoing the pain that Angie felt. "I can see she has already stolen your heart, so sleep and come back to work strong for her. She'll need that." "Thanks Marie." Angie gave Marie a grateful smile. *** Sheila sat with James and Marianne in the room. "I'm sorry I had to put her under, she was going in to hysterics." "It's okay Sheila, I don't think I could have taken that otherwise," James smiled wanly. "I've done many things in my life that were difficult, but that was the hardest by far." Sheila accepted the smile and nodded agreement. "We need to discuss something important." "What's that?" asked James, struggling to refocus. "You and Mari need to understand the stages she is going to face when she wakes up again. For her, Aaron has died, and she will face that in five general stages." "What are the stages?" Marianne asked. "The first stage is denial. She will attempt to deny that it has happened and she'll be able to maintain that until she sees for herself. Next is anger. She'll be angry at you, at the doctor, and at herself. The third stage is bargaining. At this point she will be desperate to regain herself and she will bargain with whomever she thinks can do that. The fourth stage is depression. We need to be very careful here and watch her closely. It is critical that she pass this stage to the final stage of acceptance. It is our goal to get her there in one piece." "How will we know when she reaches a stage?" Marianne asked. "It's usually quite obvious Mari, especially anger and depression. Bargaining doesn't last too long because it's fruitless and often people discover that quickly. Some or most of these stages can happen quite quickly and they may happen here. Some may not even happen; this process is not graven in stone. However, the nurses know what to watch for and will help when neither of us is here." "How much longer will she be asleep?" "A few more hours. Rest is good for her right now. It will help to heal both her mind and her body. I'm going to begin counseling her when she wakes up. If we have any hope of her accepting her new life, we need to start now and teach her." "Is there anything more we can do right now?" James asked. "Well, Audra will be here for a few more weeks at least, but you need to prepare for her to come home. What will be truly hard for her is that the nature of her injuries and the mental reinforcement work we need to do will almost certainly require her to wear dresses for the next four to six weeks," Sheila told him, mentally wincing at that white lie. "So you need to be able to show her that being a girl isn't a bad thing, that there are rewards to it. Don't try to strip away her life as Aaron, but try to introduce the feminine and encourage her with rewards. Above all, don't punish her for behaving like a boy, that will cause her to rebel, but don't reward her for the masculine. It's positive reinforcement, not negative that you want to use." Chapter 6: Stages. Audra awoke several hours later with her mother sitting quietly beside her. Her mind was still reeling from the revelation that her father had made earlier in the morning. She kept repeating "no" in her mind, over and over again. "What do I know about being a girl?" Audra thought. "Mommy?" Audra asked out loud. "I'm here sweetheart," Marianne replied. "Are you okay?" "Tell me it isn't true mommy? Please! Mommy..." Audra cried softly. "Oh, my darling baby, I wish I could tell you that. You don't know how much I wish I could tell you that," Marianne replied as she gathered her new daughter into her arms. Audra cried softly in her mother's arms as she fell back to sleep. *** Ken and Susie finally arrived home after the extended stay with their grandparents. Both were a little frustrated at being kept away from their brother and nobody would tell them anything. Today, finally, their parents were going to tell them what had happened and let them visit Aaron at the hospital. "Mom, Dad, we're home!" Ken shouted as they entered. "We're in the front parlor son," James called. "We need to have a family talk." Entering the room, both Ken and Susie could see the strain on their parents faces. Obviously the lack of sleep, coupled with worry for Aaron, had left them exhausted. "How's Aaron? Is he coming home soon?" Ken asked. "Sit down kids, this is really important," James told them quietly. Both sat quickly, they could see that their parents had something very serious to tell them. "I really don't know how to say this; it's very hard for us. Do you remember what I told you about the injury he received?" James asked. "Yes dad," Ken replied as Susie nodded agreement. "The doctors tried very hard to help him, but they couldn't," James began to explain. "We didn't tell you that night, but we talked to the doctors and finally agreed that the best thing for Aaron was to make him into a girl." "Oh my God! Are you serious?" Ken exclaimed, his legs crossing unconsciously. "Very. This is not something I would joke about Ken... you should know that." Susie looked stunned, "Aaron is going to be my sister?" "Yes sweetie, she will be. You have to help her; she hasn't grown up with this," Marianne told her daughter. "She? Her?" Ken asked looking a little dazed. "Yes," James said firmly. "She and her. You have to get used to it and you had better start now. Your new sister is Audra Jennifer and you will love and treat her like you always have." "No sweat dad, I didn't mean it that way. I think my brain has just gone numb." "I know the feeling son, believe me I know the feeling." "When can I see my new sister daddy?" Susie asked. James smiled at her, "Today. Audra should have come out of sedation by now." "Sedation?" Ken questioned. "Not surprisingly, Audra became very upset when I told her what happened. The doctor had to sedate her to keep her from going into hysterics. She woke up a while ago and talked a bit with your mother before falling asleep again. She's in denial now, but the doctors don't believe that it will last very long. After that, I expect she'll be very angry, and probably mostly at me." "At you?" "Yes, at me. Those monsters did this to her, but all she really understands right now is that I told the doctors to make her into a girl. It will take a while for her to see past that." *** "Hey brat, how's it going?" Ken asked from the doorway. Audra looked up as her brother and sister walked into the room. "Ken! I'm so glad to see you. You too, Susie, I didn't mean just Ken." Susie ran up and hugged Audra, she was already crying. "I'm so glad you're okay!" "I'll be better when everyone stops playing games with me," Audra replied while hugging her sister back. "Games?" Ken asked. "Yeah, they keep telling me I'm a girl. Can you figure that?" Ken looked at his new sister sadly, but decided it was better to drop it. Obviously, Audra didn't want to hear the truth right now and he gave Susie a warning shake of his head as she was about to respond. "So, I hear you've been lazing about watching TV and reading magazines all day," Ken commented. Audra laughed. "Hey, it's summer vacation you know!" "When do you get out?" Susie asked. "Soon, I think. The doctor thought in a couple of weeks. I want to go home, but they're trying to make sure everything is okay." "Were you scared, you know, when..." Susie whispered. Audra shuddered, remembering the darkness and the voices. She nodded at Susie, afraid to speak for a moment. *** Audra was awake when Angie came into the room later that night to change the dressings on the wound. "Well, hello angel! How are you feeling?" Angie asked in a cheerful voice. "Hi Angie! I'm okay," Audra conceded. "I'm just here to change your dressings and see if you need anything. Do you want me to screen the dressing change?" "I'd like to watch Angie. May I?" "You can angel, but I'll warn you that it may upset you. Can you be brave for me?" Audra nodded her head. She had been waiting for this, the proof she needed that everybody was fibbing to her. She didn't really understand why everybody would do that, but she just couldn't believe that you could make somebody into a girl. "Okay angel, lie back a bit and lift your knees. This may sting a bit, but I'll try to go as gently as I can." Audra complied with the instructions, feeling very strange as she did so. It didn't seem normal as she watched Angie carefully removing the dressings. It stung a bit, but it wasn't that bad --- she had felt worse before. As the last dressing was removed, Audra looked over and down at herself and bit her lip. Outwardly, she tried to look calm, but inside her mind was screaming at her, "It's gone! It's gone!" Angie sensed Audra tensing at her first sight of her new anatomy. She knew this was a risk, but Dr. Coulson felt it important for Audra to see this when she was ready to ask, even if the healing process made it look worse. Angie's heart was breaking at the obvious mental pain that the girl tried to hide from her, an effort that stemmed from trying to be brave as she had promised. Pretending not to notice Audra's reaction, Angie quickly changed the dressing and smoothed the hospital gown back over Audra's knees. "You were very brave angel, I'm proud of you. Do you need anything or did you want to sleep?" "I'd like to sleep Angie. Thank you," Audra managed. "Okay angel. Sleep well," Angie said as she closed the room door behind her. She hurried to call Dr. Coulson. *** In the darkness, Audra seethed anger at her father. Her mind screamed at her, "He made me into a girl! He must have hated me as a boy because I was small. Why else would he make me a girl?" Over and over again these questions pounded through Audra as she tried to come to grips with what happened. Hot, angry tears streamed down the sides of her face. Audra's tears were interrupted by the opening of the door and Dr. Coulson walking in. "Hello Audra, Angie thought that you might need someone to talk to." Sheila couldn't miss the unmistakable signs of crying on Audra's face. "My name isn't Audra, its Aaron." Audra stared towards the window. "I see. Do you hate Audra that much?" Sheila asked. "What?" Audra asked, surprised by the question and turned to look at Sheila. "Do you hate Audra that much?" "Audra doesn't exist." "Ah, but she does. Audra is you and you are Audra. Why is that bad?" "I'm a boy! Not a girl!" Audra balled her fists. "What's wrong with girls?" "Nothing." "Then why would being one be so bad?" "I don't know, it just is!" Audra shouted, frustrated at the questions. "I hate him!" "Hate who? Aaron?" "My dad!" "Why?" "He did this to me! He made me a girl, but I'm not a girl!" Audra cried. "Why would he do that?" Sheila asked. "Because I'm small, not like Ken, and people say I'm cute like a girl." Sheila could see the pain that admission had cost Audra. "You're wrong Audra. I think you need to understand something here. Evil men kidnapped you. They brutally and cruelly tore something away from you because they believed it would destroy you. Your father made his decision because he wanted you to win. Your father believed you were stronger than they thought. Do you know why he called you ?Audra' afterwards?" Audra shook her head, partly in answer to the question and partly in denial. "It means ?noble strength' and he believed that it was a name that demonstrated who you are. Your father loves you beyond all imagining. He didn't do this because he hated who you were. He did this because he loved you and trusted you to succeed." Audra began crying in deep, wracking sobs as Sheila's words sunk through the anger and denial that she had been keeping. She was a bright child, she grasped quickly that the doctor had told her the truth, even if she didn't want to accept it. Chapter 7: Home. Audra spent a few more weeks in the hospital for healing and for counseling. Sheila Coulson was spending a lot of time with Audra, working at getting Audra to accept her new life. It was a tough battle. Audra varied between fits of anger and bursts of denial, followed by periods of what seemed like acceptance or, at least, resignation. "I don't know Anne," Sheila admitted. "She's a strong kid, and a very sweet one, but she hasn't accepted this change." Anne Sharpe, Audra's doctor, shook her head. "I hate keeping patients in the hospital, she needs to get outside and get some fresh air. We're removing the stitches today, then I have to teach her to use stents, but after that..." Sheila winced at the mention of stents. "That is not going to go very well." Anne nodded agreement. "It has to be done. I want to remove the catheter too." "That means teaching her the necessary hygiene as well." "Yes, but she has to learn these." Sheila sighed. "That she does. I'd better be there for this." "I was hoping you would say that," Anne admitted as she visibly relaxed. "Is Nurse Angie Williams around?" Sheila asked. "I think so. Why?" "Audra trusts Angie. Trusts her quite a bit really. I think that having Angie show her these things would be better than having you or I do it." *** Audra was watching a baseball game when the three entered the room. "Who's winning?" Sheila asked. "The Blue Jays, for once," Audra noted. Audra was suddenly curious as to why Sheila, Angie, and Doctor Sharpe were all in her room at once. "Normally, the Yankees beat them. What's going on?" "Well Audra, I have to remove your stitches and then Nurse Williams and Doctor Coulson are going to help you," Doctor Sharpe told her. "Help me?" "Well, there are some important things for you to learn and we thought it best if Nurse Williams helped you. In a couple more days, you'll be able to go home and you need to be prepared for that." "Okay," Audra replied cautiously. "Don't worry angel, I'll be with you and I'll help you," Angie told her. Audra smiled at Angie gratefully, but she was very nervous. Every time they removed the dressing, Audra got upset, even when she tried not to. "Do you want me to screen this?" Angie asked. Audra nodded. While Audra usually watched her dressing being changed, in the hopes that everything had gone back to the way it was, she felt that this time she should avoid it. Angie prepared the screen around Audra's waist that blocked her view of Doctor Sharpe's work. Once she completed that, she wheeled over the tray for the doctor and sat beside Audra, taking her hand. "So, you like baseball?" Angie asked as distraction. Audra winced at the feeling of the dressing being removed. "I love it," she replied. "Who's your favorite team?" "The Yankees," Audra admitted as she felt the tug of her stitches being removed. The feeling was very disconcerting, distracting her from the game and making her more apprehensive. "Are they any good?" Angie asked. Sheila nodded at Angie from the other side of the bed, smiling encouragement at the ongoing distraction. Angie and Audra talked about baseball as Doctor Sharpe worked. As the minutes passed, Angie could feel Audra's grip on her hand tighten. When the Doctor removed the catheter, Audra's grip became like iron and she struggled to answer the last question about the Yankees. Doctor Sharpe stood up. "All done! That wasn't so..." Doctor Sharpe trailed off seeing Audra's face. "Why don't I leave you with Sheila and Angie for now?" Doctor Sharpe felt bad. She knew the theories, subscribed to them, but she was beginning to doubt them a bit. Smiling encouragement that she didn't feel, Doctor Sharpe pushed the cart out of the room. *** "How did it go Sheila?" Doctor Sharpe asked later. "Poorly." "How so?" "Well, first it took her a while to urinate. We finally pushed her into a shower, which she needed anyways, and that seemed to do the trick. I'm relieved that she was able to do it, I wouldn't want to have you put the catheter back in." Sheila Coulson rubbed her temples as she related the events. "Well, that's a relief, medically speaking. How about the stents?" Sheila closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. "That was bad, as I expected. It took nearly an hour to convince her to use them; she resisted them a great deal. Angie was a godsend there. She was so incredibly patient with Audra that I might have to put her up for sainthood or something. You know, I didn't think such a sweet kid as Audra even knew words like that." "Did she use the stents?" Anne was anxious to ensure that Audra was practicing the necessary regimen to avoid future complications. Sheila nodded. "She did." "And?" "God Anne, the poor child was almost hysterical. It was a combination of shame, pain, and outright fear that nearly sent her off the deep end. She's so damn young to even remotely be feeling such things, let alone having to practically violate herself out of medical necessity." Anne dropped her eyes wearily and sighed. "Sheila, we talked about this. Those animals left us with very little to work with and so we had to take action like this. It's better for her to be a woman than to be a non-functioning man." "I hope you're right Anne. I really and truly do, but this is very hard for me and even harder for Audra. When does she go home?" "Friday." "I really need to talk to her parents." *** Audra was having a hard time of it. She realized the necessity of learning proper hygiene for a girl, despite all of her desire to not have to learn it, but the stents? They hurt, they hurt a lot and the process embarrassed the new girl. Despite hating the process and hating her current situation, Audra was smart enough to realize that failure to do it would only lead to more surgery, more pain. So, Audra did what she had to do, but it didn't mean that she had to like it. So, it was a tear streaked face that Angie Williams saw as she entered the room that Friday morning. "Good morning angel, how did you sleep?" Angie asked. "Okay, I guess." Audra wasn't feeling very talkative. She seldom felt all that talkative after using the stents and today was no different. Audra wiped at the tears and attempted a smile. "Well, I have some news that will cheer you up," Angie told her with a smile. "What's that?" "You're going home!" "Great," Audra said without feeling. Everyone at the hospital seemed to think that going home was going to be special for Audra, but she knew better. Going home meant facing friends, facing more family, and facing the reality of her new lot in life. To put it bluntly, Audra was scared silly about going home. Angie frowned slightly. "You don't seem too happy about this," she noted. Audra shook her head. "Why not?" "I'm scared," Audra admitted. "Scared of my family. Scared of my friends." "Audra, angel, you have no reason to fear." Angie was trying to pour on her best bedside manner, stroking Audra's forehead as she attempted to reassure the child. "You're a good kid and your family is really nice, there is nothing to fear." "You don't understand," Audra thought, but instead she just nodded at Angie and attempted a smile. Angie accepted the weak attempt at a smile as ?good enough' for now. "Lord knows," she thought, "The kid is tough enough to make the attempt. Many supposedly stronger boys or men would have probably have been destroyed by this already." *** Marianne Wilson packed the small suitcase with clothing for Audra. She had some misgivings about the instructions from Sheila about bringing a dress or a skirt instead of loose pants. Sheila, and Anne Sharpe, had both indicated that while the dress wasn't a physical necessity, they thought it was a mental necessity. The purpose, they explained, was to get Audra used to the idea of being a girl as quickly as possible. It was to have the exterior reinforce the interior. Marianne thought that it might be too much, but as she wasn't a doctor, so she went along with their suggestion. Just in case, though, she packed a pair of pale blue track pants into the bag. "At least they're girls track pants," Marianne thought in response to the mental image of two disapproving doctors. "That ought to count for something." "All set?" James Wilson asked from the doorway as he watched his wife hesitate over the overnight bag. Marianne nodded and zipped up the bag decisively. "Have you and Ken finished the last touches on the bedroom?" she asked. "Yep, it's all set. We've tried to be careful not to make it too much; there is still a lot of Aaron in there. We've kept the posters up, her trophies, and such. Still, it looks a lot more like Susie's room than Ken's now." Marianne sighed with the necessity. "Shall we go?" she asked. James nodded and took the bag from his wife. *** Audra was talking with Sheila when her parents entered her room carrying the travel bag. Sheila smiled a welcome as James asked, "All set slugger?" Audra nodded. "I guess so," she replied a bit hesitantly. James was a bit taken aback by the unenthusiastic response. "Hmm... well, your mom is going to help you get ready and I'm going to finish off all of the paperwork so you can come home." He smiled encouragement as he left the room for the nursing station. Marianne plopped the bag onto the bed. "Come on sweetheart, it won't be so bad. Ken and Susie miss you and Mike has been calling every day. I've brought some clothing for you." Audra looked at the bag with distaste. Sheila had forewarned her that she would be wearing a dress and Audra had been dreading it from that point on. However, the first thing her mother pulled out was a pair of plain, white, cotton underwear. "Those aren't so bad," Audra thought. "Even if they don't have a fly in them." Dutifully, Audra put on the underwear when they were handed to her. When Marianne pulled out a light blue top, Sheila could almost see the relief on Audra's face. Obviously, the girl had been dreading a dress and a top would seem to indicate that there wasn't a dress. Almost smiling, Audra put on the top. It was girl's top, she could tell from the white flower patterns along the sleeve and neck, but it wasn't a dress. Marianne hesitated over the skirt. Like Sheila, she could sense that Audra had been dreading a dress and that the appearance of the top alleviated that stress. Obviously, Audra hadn't even considered a skirt. Still, Marianne had to try and follow the directions she had been given by the doctors and she pulled out the jean skirt. Audra's eyes widened and she backed away. "No. No. No. I can't!" Turning, she fled into the bathroom and locked the door. "Audra!" Marianne and Sheila said at the same time. "Can you open it?" Marianne asked Sheila. "I can, but I think we'd better talk to her first." The two women went to the bathroom door. "Audra, please come out," Marianne cajoled. "No! I can't wear that! I just can't," Audra shouted from the other side of the door. "Audra, we talked about this," Sheila reminded. "You have to get used to it sometime. Besides, it's better for your healing." Sheila hated to tell that white lie, but she was acting under her best knowledge of what to do. "Why now? Why?" Audra asked. She was shaking from her reaction to the situation. Marianne shook her head at Sheila and held up the track pants. "It's delaying the inevitable Marianne," Sheila argued. "I know, but I think the stress of going home is going to be hard enough as it is," Marianne asserted. "I agree," Sheila admitted. "I wasn't keen on this idea to begin with. Anne seemed to be under the impression that it was important to start it fast and hard. I'm letting my better judgment as a psychiatrist get overridden by a surgeon." "Audra, come out," Marianne instructed. "You can wear track pants instead." "Truth?" Audra asked feeling a great deal of relief. "Truth," Marianne affirmed. Audra unlocked the door of the bathroom and came out as Marianne handed the track pants to her. Like the top, they were girls track pants, but at least they weren't a skirt. "Thank you mommy," Audra said as she donned the pants, her shaking subsiding. "It is delaying the inevitable Audra," Marianne told her. "You will need to get used to dresses and skirts sometime." Audra nodded reluctantly. "I know. I just can't y

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Larry Redux

Larry Redux This is Belle. This tale is from Nicole. It is about her brother. I will let Nicole tell it. Hello everybody. I am Nicole. I had the night off. I was watching my brother's children while he filled in for a shift at the Ye Old Irish Inn. My work partner Bobbie had to work a graveyard shift as well as her normal posting. My housemate Jo was working a twelve hour shift with the Salem PD. Helga was out of town for a convention and was due back in two days. It was Three...

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Murder Misstery Redux

Murder Misstery Redux © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did.... After faking her death, Maddy is enjoying her life as the mistress of the Parisian doctor who is turning her into a woman. The next few months were among the happiest of my life. Long, lazy mornings puttering around my apartment, fixing myself breakfast while I picked up French...

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Redux By Cal Y. Pygia Today, Stormy Danielson was re-creating the late Renaissance's Antonio Allegri da Correggio's Jupiter and Io. Danielson's re-creation was to remain true to the original in every way but one--the same detail, if one could call such a feature a mere "detail"--that his anonymous billionaire patron had ordered in commissioning the series of works upon which the artist was now hard at work. The painter thought that his benefactor's obsession with such a...

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The Office Girl Epilogue Redux

Authors Note: I did not think this story called for a true sequel that some asked for, but I decided to flush out the ending that was admittedly hasty. Consequently, I decided, in an act similar to the grand tradition of directors ruining their films by making changes years later, to write The Office Girl Epilogue Redux. This story takes the place of the Office Girl Epilogue. I decided not to alter the original in case some preferred the story the way it was. This epilogue is largely the...

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Sarah Carerra 214 Wake Up Redux

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 1, 2010) Chapter 14 - Wake Up! Redux I stepped into The Treble with Music with a large smile on my face. In two weeks I would be signing CD's in this store. Dad had confirmed the details earlier this morning before he took...

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Reboot Redux

"Reboot" Redux "I come from the Net. From systems, people, and cities, to this place. Mainframe. My format? Guardian. To mend and defend. To defend my new-found friends. Their hopes and dreams. To defend them from their enemies. They say the User lives outside the Net, and inputs games for pleasure. Nobody knows for sure, but I intend to find out .... Reboot!" **** "Look out, Enzo! There is a another Game cube coming in!" "Alphanumeric Bob! Lets go, and beat...

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Moms Girl Redux

Mom's Girl Redux by Elizabeth Joanne Author's note: It has been a long time since I originally posted the beginnings of my coming out to my Mother and her acceptance of her new daughter. I apologize for the gap however life seems to have a way of interfering with the best of intentions. I may get back to that story eventually bit only time will tell there. My life has changed dramatically over time so I am picking up at a later point. It was a time of joy yet fraught with fear. It...

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Family Issues Complete Redux

Family Issues Chapter 1 - Innocence and Acquiescence Your life is a story, a narrative pieced together over time, expanding, evolving. It is the only thing that is truly yours, the very essence of what it is to be you. It is not however, your only story. Each decision that you have made throughout your life, from the most mundane, to the grandest, has taken you down a path, branching away from what could have otherwise been. This is where the full scope of your life becomes...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 29 Seis de Mayo Redux

-- SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2006 -- 12:39 AM I was about to command 'Do it, Elyse' into the microphone, but before I could speak, I saw that such a command was unnecessary. In the past, Elyse had always required extra prodding in order to get her to suck dick. Even after years of knowing what she was supposed to do when an erect cock was presented in front of her face, her abhorrence for such an act always made her hesitate. She NEVER swallowed a cock first thing, always staring at it in disgust...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 35 LA Confidential Redux

March 6, 1994, Admiral’s Club, Chicago O’Hare International Airport “This is a strange place to meet, Samantha!” I chuckled. “We’ll miss our usual time tonight after the Rap Session, and we do need to talk.” “About Stephanie?” “No, that’s settled. She starts tomorrow, and she’ll basically be my personal assistant. She’ll do all my meeting scheduling, handle my correspondence, and sit in on all my meetings. Sort of like Kimmy does for you, only I won’t be around three days a week, so...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 3 April Showers Redux

February 22, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Jesse!” Mom One called up the stairs. “Breakfast!” I typed the last few words into my journal, saved the file, and then closed my indigo iBook G3 Clamshell Mac and put it on my desk. One great thing about my dad being into computers was I always had something new and cool, even if Mom Two didn’t like that he bought them for me. I grabbed my book bag and went downstairs. “Happy birthday!” Mom One exclaimed when I came into the living room. “Thanks,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 49 Siouxsie and the Banshees Redux

June 4, 1989, Chicago, Illinois I parked at Midway Airport, walked across Cicero Avenue and into the terminal building. I found the Delta arrival listing and walked to the correct gate to wait for Abbie’s plane. I was a bit early, so I sat down in a chair to read the latest edition of The Economist. Events in China were unfolding so fast that the week-old news had already been overtaken by the military crackdown in Tiananmen Square which had begun very early in the morning Chicago time. The...

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True Lies Redux

T I’ve started another serial. I can hear the groans now. It’s just a start with this chapter and the whole thing is NOT finished so it will be at least a week. As always for me it’s a ‘Loving Wives’ core but pretty darn non-erotic. More of a spy genre. I was motivated by QHM1’s ‘Mr. and Mrs. America’ follow on story and of course the Arnold S. ‘True Lies’ movie with it’s own almost strayed ‘loving wives’ sub-plot. Enjoy and please vote and comment. ************** What can I say? I’m a spy....

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Teresas Christmas Story Redux

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Total Woman Academy 01 Redux

Ned lay on his back on the fluffy white linens with the bed covers pushed back. His cock was planted firmly in Angelina’s cunt and he felt the wonderful soft friction being generated by her motions. Ned’s half dazed eyes saw her shadowed, upright figure in the moon glow that filtered through the curtains. Angelina’s long strawberry hair waved gently behind her back and her breasts stirred as she oscillated her body in the sensual rhythm. Her nubs were erect and darkened, swelled into pert...

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Felix Driscoll Redux

A NOTE TO THE READER: This story takes place in 1949. ********** When the two goons burst through the office door behind me I leaped out of my chair. Both of them big boys. Both ready to put me down hard. The guy behind the desk had obviously put a toe to an alarm button on the floor to summon them. A big bore pistol lay on his desktop but I wasn’t too worried about that. He barked some orders at the pair of goons when they shoved in to take me. I saw one of them reaching inside his...

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Total Woman Academy 13 Redux

Minutes of the Total Woman Academy Board of Directors Quarterly Meeting 1. Krista, the Chairwoman, called the meeting of the Total Woman Academy Board of Directors to order. 2. Attendance was taken and recorded showing that all four house-mothers, Krista and three other alumni were present. 3. All attendees confirmed the accuracy of the previous quarter’s meeting minutes which were approved. 4. The treasurer’s report was again superb with alumni legacy funds, fantasy request...

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Total Woman Academy 02 Redux

At mid-afternoon, Ned waited in the front hall for his mystery transport assignment. He scanned the graduation award plaques decorating the walls, venerating the many exceptional women who had succeeded in being the best in their class each year. There was ‘Best Total Woman’, ‘Best Fellatrice’ and other celebrated categories. He heard clicking heels coming down the long hallway. Mrs. Jones strode towards him, followed by an angel. The angel had mid-back length brown hair, gull wing eyebrows and...

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Total Woman Academy 05 Redux

Ned awoke from his deep sleep feeling refreshed and ready to face another day of duty at the Total Woman Academy senior facility. Yesterday, he had solved Destiny’s dilemma but along with the previous days of facilitating Brooke maximum impact at the fund raiser, he was worn out. He wandered the grounds which were unusually alive with excitement. There was a whirr of activity throughout the facility. The kitchen was bustling to prepare the banquet meal for this evening’s annual event. The...

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When I shared a true story about the hot tub in the Astoria Holiday Inn Hotel, I barely believed it myself but it actually happened in 2009. Ben & Cheryl were the sexy couple whom I met in the hot tub there at the hotel. I fingered Cheryl to two huge climaxes as her husband sat next to us, not knowing that he was secretly watching the whole time. Then when he joined her three kids in the pool, she jacked my cock with them only a few feet away. She stroked me hungrily until a huge load of...

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Shop Girl Redux

She still hadn’t called and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I decided to see her at the shop where we first met. Making my way there I went over in my mind what I would say. I paced back and forth mustering the courage to enter. I opened the door, the small bell announced my arrival, stepping inside I saw her. She was, reading a novel, her cute little glasses perched on her delicate nose. She looked over her novel noticing me standing there. She put her book down saying, “Oh no here...

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Bubbles Redux

Bubbles was my high school sweetheart and my first true love. I had not seen her for many years until we met up last Valentine ‘s Day when she was out west for her oldest daughter’s wedding. We had a good time and caught up on how our lives had gone separate ways. Now it is almost a year later. See last year’s story for more background. * I’m an adjunct professor in a local southern California college teaching various computer courses. It’s an enjoyable job when the students are willing and...

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The Club Kirby and Anna Redux

It was the Friday before Christmas vacation started. We had finished all our grades and had submitted them and for once, we were going to stay out of our office during our break. Neither of us was going to a conference or anything so we figured we would play it by ear. If we wanted to take a trip, we would. For now, we were just going to stay home and rest. Kirby had been really busy working on some stuff for NASA. He had finished that up earlier in the week and he was anxious to just relax. ...

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What have you done for me lately redux

Please read part one “What have you done for me lately?” for a background in the events leading up to this. The miserable cold wind blowing outside made a wailing sound as it pushed before it an icy rain. Florida was experiencing one of the coldest winters, definitely not a nice start to 2010, thankfully I didn’t have to go in to work. It was Monday the 3rd, there was inventory at the plant and production wouldn’t begin till after 12 p.m at best and with everyone working second shift,...

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Theatre Hijinks Redux

You park your car and head towards the backstage door to get into the moderately sized local theatre. You punch in the code, and step up the stairs towards the dressing room, your brain swimming around with the thought of the show coming up soon. Tonight's only the dress rehearsal, but you're here early to make sure all your stuff is ready. You've learnt from experience not to piss off your director Claire. Claire may be a smoking hot MILF, with long flowing dark hair and a slender figure to...

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College Days Redux

I have resubmitted this story under the name "Jimson" because I can no longer use the name "Sco". Tom wakes up and rolls over. "what happened last night?" he thinks to himself. He remembers the party he and his roommates had at their house, but he doesn't remember anything past 12 o'clock. "Another good night" he laughs to himself. Tom rolls over to his right to notice a girl in bed with him. She has long blond hair and is rather pretty. "way to go Tom" he thinks to himself. He lifts up the...

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Island of Fantasy Redux

You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone with sexual fantasies about females could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After admiring your room, which is expansive and nothing like what you...

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Island of Fantasy See Fantasy Island Redux

You are Jason a 30 year old young male that has had many interesting fantasies over the years. You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After...

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Lucy Redux

My name is Lucy Matthews. I am just eighteen years of age. The last eighteen days, though, have been as trying as all those years combined. It started innocently enough. Instead of joining my parents on their yearly summer holiday throughout Europe, I chose to stay with Aunt Sophie in her quaint little stone cottage in the English countryside. It, of course, has turned out to be one of the warmest and sunniest summers the U.K. has seen in years. Fortunately, Auntie had an inground pool behind...

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Meet the Pornstars Redux

My name is Joey Brett. I am an average man. Everyone thinks of me as Mr. Innocent, but what they don't know about me is that I am a porn addict. Every night, I watch porn videos, dreaming of the day I would be in a porno myself. I would have loved to be in a threesome with two big-breasted women, on or off camera. Those videos were my fantasy. One day, I had entered a contest to win tickets to meet two porn stars, Sierra Devi and Janet Jade. I would have loved to meet them, but what were the...

Group Sex
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Oedipus Redux

His was not a unique perversion, but it was one that brought him considerable shame. Brendon was in love with a woman and, though he knew it was dangerous folly, the more he tried to talk himself out of it the more deeply wrapped within her he felt. It was not as though it was a love borne of any illicit, unmentionable experience; the truth of the matter is that, as it evolved, it more often felt like the most natural love one can have for another. But the moment the image of his mother’s lusty...

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Pussy Redux

It is a long story, my wife busted me fucking our 18 year old neighbor, then they found out I was fucking the 18 year olds mother, the neighbor, and the lady that lives behind us. So my wife took pretty much everything I owned in the divorce. Then for some salt in the wound, I learned that my wife was fucking my boss for some time so I got fired during the divorce. So I had to move back in with mom, with nothing to my name. Mom is one of these pure Texas women, beautiful blonde hair, nice...

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The Club Kirby and Anna Redux

It was the Friday before Christmas vacation started. We had finished all our grades and had submitted them and for once, we were going to stay out of our office during our break. Neither of us was going to a conference or anything so we figured we would play it by ear. If we wanted to take a trip, we would. For now, we were just going to stay home and rest. Kirby had been really busy working on some stuff for NASA. He had finished that up earlier in the week and he was anxious to just relax. ...

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UY Redux

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Urusei Yatsura, nor do I intend to profit from abuse of its characters. Now there is something you don't see every day, Shawn thought. He'd seen Starbucks that popped up overnight many times, but this was the first time one had disappeared overnight. It was rather inconvenient since he happened to work part time at the coffee giant. In its place was a simpler looking establishment called Spell's R Us. Curious, Shawn decided to enter. "Hello Shawn,"...

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Dont get mad IV Endgame Redux

XV "What next?" Chin asked. "The subliminals and hypnotics have worked wonders." "But he's still fighting it," Shandon said. "We need to break that last block." "How about..." Diedre looked at Andrea, then leaned over, whispering. Andrea chuckled. "You are such a bitch." "What?" Winters asked sharply. "Well, Diedre looked at her sister. "We're trying to convince him that doing what Vanessa tells him will get him perks, right?" "Yes," Solomon commented. "You have no doubt...

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Fairy Part I Redux

First Contact Daniel Hodges checked his traps meticulously. A shy boy, he had never really gotten along with his peers. He was too short for basketball; too light for wrestling or football, little hand to eye coordination so baseball was out. What could a kid do? He discovered an interest in insects. They never expected him to hit a glove at 90 feet. They didn't care if he could kick, hit, pitch or anything else. They went about their lives with indifference to anything they...

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Gender Studies redux

Author's note: When I first published this story a few months ago, I had several requests for either a sequel or a longer version. I may still do the sequel at some point, but for now I've expanded the story, with a bunch of new scenes (including depicting the transformations for all five couples instead of just one), a more detailed epilogue, and smaller changes throughout. Also, as before, I have to credit Morpheus' "Four Days" for introducing the character of Dr. Neuman and his...

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What have you done for me lately redux

Please read part one “What have you done for me lately?” for a background in the events leading up to this. The miserable cold wind blowing outside made a wailing sound as it pushed before it an icy rain. Florida was experiencing one of the coldest winters, definitely not a nice start to 2010, thankfully I didn't have to go in to work. It was Monday the 3rd, there was inventory at the plant and production wouldn't begin till after 12 p.m at best and with everyone working second shift, coverage...

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A Family Affair redux

The {lastname} family are, at least on the surface a pretty normal, typical affluent family. They live in a quiet neighborhood, a gated community. Well off, they are like many of the other families in the neighborhood, or at least were until one day when a diary was left open. John : (image) Senior executive at a large Silicon Valley tech firm. Has a son, Alex from his first marriage, married his current wife Suki after she divorced her husband. His relationship with his wife has been on the...

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The Dress Redux

It was Monday at lunchtime and one of the first warm days of the spring and the sun felt amazing on my naked body as I lounged on the patio for some much-needed sun.  It felt so good to feel the sun again on my body as I took some time for myself during a work break.But my reveling was soon interrupted by my phone chirping a notification of a text message; ‘Hey, do you have time for a chat?  Want to ask you something.’  It was a message from my ex-boyfriend Chris. We had a long-term and intense...

Wife Lovers
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The Creators Chapter 1 Redux

Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So eight years ago, when the oxen-pulled carriage ran my sister into the dirt, it was a tragedy, but it wasn’t an anomaly. I had seen this play before; the townspeople rushing to the accident, the driver sitting in shock, the wails and screams...

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The Creators Chapter 2 Redux

JULIA Eighteen years ago, the incubus mystic came to the elven capital of Terondia, and with him, came a shadow that darkened the empire. The matriarchs of the Church of the Holy Mother denounced him and tried to bar him entrance, but the emperor waved them away; the mystic’s prophecy was too tempting to disbelieve. The old man stood in the great hall before the horrified eyes of the matriarchs, the scrutinizing eyes of the wizards, and the greedy eyes of the emperor, and he spoke his...

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The Creators Chapter 3 Redux

ASTRID The Gratoran Wall was nothing but a blue haze against the sterile desert sky, its amorphous outline split violently by Droktin’s Pass, whose geometric strangeness dwindled to a murky sliver with each agonizing minute. I watched as the tallest peak of the range, Iona, my homeland, faded into the azure blandness with the rest of the mountains until it disappeared completely in the sweltering air. The wheels of the slave cart squeaked, and the metal bars singed my skin. My wings ached...

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The Creators Chapter 4 Redux

BRANDON “So,” I said as we walked down the dirt path to Drastin; Tera on one side of me, and Justina on the other, “the Heat Bringer can ignite with the force of a volcano, the Earth Former can level entire mountains, and I can grow fucking plants.” I held the disappointing tulip in my palm, whose sickly-looking flower drooped pathetically after growing another inch. Tera, who I’d since relieved of her lustful slavery, laughed. “You can do more than grow plants, Brandon,” the succubus...

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The Creators Chapter 5 Redux

LUCILLA The alarm bells tolled from every tower in the palace, the yells of men and the clanking of armor sounded from every corridor and stairwell. I kept my cloak wrapped tightly around me, trying to conceal the glowing patterns that laced my skin from toe to chin. I had a fortune in gold and jewelry tucked away in my sack, but that would hardly do me any good if the royal guard stopped us. I grabbed Julia by the wrist and pulled her from the corridor as a squad of heavily-armored knights...

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Sarah Loves Being In Charge part three Redux

Hi guys I was kinda drunk when I wrote the original part three made a number of errors, I think the biggest one by far was in reversing the tone. Having Sarah let Adam take the reins and having Sarah become a little submissive wasn't what I was going for so I decided to retry. Thanks for the feedback and again I'm still new to all this so voting is great and comments are better. Sarah waited in the kitchen thinking over the night before she had lived out her ultimate fantasy pegging Adam....

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Mr Lucky Redux

by Millie Dynamite Copyright© 2014/22 by Millie Dynamite A Dark Angel’s violent encounter with a young white man. Mr. Lucky The town was far removed from the problems of the big city. What minor crime occurred in the sleepy hamlet was of the misdemeanor variety. Boys dreamed of running away from the community, while the girls dreamed of marrying the local boys and running off with them. That night did not differ from the tens of thousands of proceeding days. The local movie theater ran...

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Milkman Redux

I check into a motel in my latest town after my last stop and milk raid of an innocent mommy. Her warm sweet milk still coats my belly and lingers on my tastebuds and her fear and terror fill my thoughts. I roll into a playground on a warm fall day during the pre-noon hrs. I sit in my rental car in the parking lot where I can see the playground and track. I choose this time because this is when husbands would be at work, kids if any would be in school and milk moms can meet others to chat or...

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"Charley" Clara said, "What in the world is wrong with you?" Okay, I thought, why not, "When I heard your husband bragging about fucking my wife this afternoon (and I saw Loretta's face go pale) I got a little upset and so I hit him." Then I looked around the room and said, "And there are a couple of more here that are going to get the same as soon as I find out who they are." I grabbed Loretta by the hand and started heading for the front door. "Charley, what are you...

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Kristens Big Mistake Redux

Kristen’s trip went well, she’d bought dozens of new outfits, spent a fortune on all kinds of indulgences, and enjoyed herself indulgence in the resort getaway. She felt satisfied and only wanted to get home to her husband to play the part of a loving wife. He’d be happy, she returned two days ahead of schedule, and she would satisfy his every whim, the old fart had always been an easy mark. Passing over the exchange, she turned onto the highway to take her home. Glancing to her right, she saw...

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Tempest Erotica Redux

Donny Gentile listened with his eyes closed to the splashing of his sister as she swam in the clear water of their family swiimming pool. Their parents were both off on an afternoon of flea market shopping, and they had the house to themselves. Jenny always demanded they take advantage of such oppotunities, and he would taunt her with other things he had to do, girls he wanted to visit, all the while as excited as she was. The pool was well protected by both a high fence and landscaping, so...

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Maggie Redux

Chapter 1 She let her anger push the damn weight, straining her midsection, feeling the pull all the way to her pussy. Fuck you, machine. Fuck you. Take that. Ungh. And that. Suddenly, the first hint of a pull in her thigh warned her she had reached her body's limit. No matter what she did, which machine she used, her abs never twinged, never gave out. It was always the goddamn legs. In spite of the jogging. Maggie lay there gasping, the bar still resting on the top of her feet, sweat...

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A Girl Can Hope Redux

“Bottom line, Charlene, Stephanie comes and lives with me, NOW, and the next time he hits you, I break his arm. And, I swear, cuz, the next time he hits that precious child, I’ll either break both of his arms or kill him, I’m not sure which yet. I don’t care if he’s her step-father or your husband or the Prince of Arabia. He has no right to hit either one of you. Stephanie isn’t his daughter anyway. Why would he care? She’ll be safe here at home with me, so you should care. You’re welcome here...

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