Total Woman Academy 02 Redux free porn video

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At mid-afternoon, Ned waited in the front hall for his mystery transport assignment. He scanned the graduation award plaques decorating the walls, venerating the many exceptional women who had succeeded in being the best in their class each year. There was ‘Best Total Woman’, ‘Best Fellatrice’ and other celebrated categories. He heard clicking heels coming down the long hallway. Mrs. Jones strode towards him, followed by an angel. The angel had mid-back length brown hair, gull wing eyebrows and almond shaped brown eyes. Her full puffy lips were glossed bright red. The fashion magazines called that type ‘bee-stung’ lips. The rest of her makeup was subtle. She silently announced her presence with a faint flowery perfume. An overnight bag containing the clothes for her scheduled appointment was waiting at the door.

Ned knew the angel as Brooke. He had delivered her to this junior facility after her sophomore year. That overnight trip was unforgettable and his pulse beat a little stronger at the remembrances. She had been curious about his desires and eager to please. She had bloomed considerably since then. Now Brooke was near the end of her junior year during which she had absorbed oral skills. Ned would spend the next two days getting reacquainted with Brooke. It would be his opportunity to upgrade her ‘bee-stung’ lips into more aptly titled ‘cum-stung’ lips.

Mrs. Jones gave Brooke some last minute instructions. A few special dresses were packed in the luggage. She should try them on and model them for Ned to get his professional opinion of their appropriateness for her glamourous outing. Her pledge contributor host had been equivocal about the nature of the fund raiser but said Brooke should be prepared to adjust her wardrobe to suit the progressively changing phases of the fund raiser event.

Ned checked them into the luxury hotel that would be their base of operations for the next few days. Ned had been too busy these past few days to exercise and wanted a quick work-out in the hotel gym to ease his tense muscles. He directed Brooke change her clothes and join him. After donning his standard gym shorts and teeshirt, Ned watched Brooke squeeze into stretchy tap pants and then drape her braless torso with a very loose tank-top. She always wore heels but carried along a soft pair of running shoes. Ned held Brooke’s hand as they strolled to the gym room, his peripheral vision loving the bounce her stride gave to her unfettered boobs. Gentleman guests they passed in the hallways also seemed to like it.

At the hotel gym, Brooke changed into her running shoes. She was stealthy, facing the treadmill Ned was on, and leaning forward in Ned’s plain view to remove her heels and don the sneakers. Her loose shirt hung open and Ned could see all the way down between her dangling boobs to her shorts elastic waist band. She stood and selected a stepper facing Ned’s treadmill. Brooke had exercised a full routine this morning unknowingly under Ned’s daydreaming gaze. For her, this time was not about the rigors of the exercise but her display while doing it. She set a slow pace and her body’s bobbing during the routine set her unfettered breasts shaking beneath her billowy tee shirt. Ned could hardly walk on the treadmill as his swollen organ strained his jockstrap. He made her stop and pick another machine. The exer-cycle proved she was equally bouncy when she bent forward holding the handle bars. Ned was again mesmerized as he stared down the tee’s drooping collar. He watched the non-stop display of dancing cleavage, intermingled with the occasional nipple flash. Another hotel guest entered and perceiving the situation. He shrewdly picked the machine beside Ned’s so he could enjoy the show as well. Ned decided a half hour was enough exercise for this evening. He shielded Brooke from the other exerciser’s view as she changed into her heels.

Ned pulled Brooke back to their room. She doffed her gym outfit. Ned’s cock twitched at the sight and he felt his temperature rise like it had when he first saw her in the Academy hallway lobby. Brooke’s exercises were working. Her stomach was flat and firm, a feminine version of a six-pack. Her hips were perceptibly narrower than they were last year. The butt muscles were tighter and higher. Her breasts had filled out more and the increased contrast with her narrowed waist and hips gave her an even more pronounced hourglass shape. Ned stepped out of his clothes and stood with his back to the bed directly in front of Brooke.

Feeling a bit frisky, Brooke stepped forward, pressed her palms to Ned’s chest and pushed. He sat down on the edge of the bed. Brooke knelt between his thighs and looked up through her exercise tasseled hair. Her tongue moistened the ‘bee-stung’ lips. She cocked one gull wing eyebrow.

‘Want to find out how much I learned in junior year?’

Ned nodded, too choked for words. Brooke protruded her tongue tip and touched it to Ned’s cock which was already standing at attention. She licked Ned’s cock repeatedly from balls to tip and back again. She kissed the tip and then moved her lips over the crown. She paused and sucked it in deep. She slowly backed off and her tongue fluttered on the tip. Her stiffened tongue tried to pierce the end slit. Her hands palmed his scrotum, smoothed along his inner thighs and pressed the skin behind his balls.

Brooke used every oral activity she had been taught, then recycled and repeated them over and over again. But she never settled into one rhythm long enough to lift Ned’s ardor to the release he desired. Ned would feel the heat rising then lose it when Brooke shifted to another focus. The effect was more irritating than stimulating. This was not acceptable. He finally had had enough of the chaotic silliness. He needed to feed her his cock and show her the right way to suck it.

Ned grabbed handfuls of her hair and gripped them like handles. He slowed her movements to a moderate pace of long deep strokes. He held her still at half-mast so she would pay attention to his instructions.

‘Suck real hard… harder, please… I said HARDER!’

Brooke’s cheeks hollowed as she complied.

‘Okay, now slooowwwly… up… down… hold the suction while you do that… again… ‘atta girl… keep that up for a while…’

Brooke worked as he directed.

‘Now swallow me… deeper, please… press your nose against me… okay, that’s nice!’

Brooke held her breath as his knob blocked her breath. Ned didn’t care to test her lungs. He pushed her hand-hair gripped head away enough to back his knob from her tonsils.

With his shaft half embedded, he instructed her to paint the area beneath his crown with the rolled back underside of her tongue. Brooke complied readily and Ned began to feel the improved effects of her revised oral attentions. Ned felt his toe start to tingle. He cramped his toes hard to control the buildup.

‘Okay, girl, deep again and this time, hum… yeah, that’s it… oohhh, yeah, that’s a good vibration…’

Brooke pressed her nose hard against his tummy. Her humming capped it and Ned let loose. He felt his spunk rocket up and out into Brooke’s mouth. He let her lift half back but not release him, letting the goo pool on her tongue. He released his tight grip on her hair and fell back on the bed. Brooke feared he would fall out of her mouth. She sucked hard and hugged his ass cheeks to keep her pinioned face pressed against his groin. Her breasts pressed to his thighs. Ned glided down from his high. As he eased into a more stable heartbeat, he petted and lightly fluffed her hair. He told Brooke to swallow and join him on the bed to pamper him through his afterglow.

Brooke crawled up beside him, head crooked on his bicep. Her index finger lazily drew circles on his chest as he regained his breath. Lazing in bed, Brooke asked Ned why he had taken control. Ned explained the advantages of performing one or two types of stimulations throughout a single love session and using a
few others during the next one.

‘Don’t use your entire repertoire all at once. Pick a few moves and continue them through to the climax of the session. Once or twice, give him a hint at one of your other tricks. Keep your males guessing what they can expect from you next time. If you pique their curiosity, you might get selected again to be of service.’

‘So, did I do okay?’

‘Yeah, well enough. Keep trying.’

‘So, sir, which do you prefer: mouth or pussy?

‘It depends on my mood, available time and specific circumstances. A Total Woman is attentive to her potential intimate’s carnal cravings. If the man tries to mask his sexual yearnings, she stokes his passion until he reveals his preference.’

Brooke asked about the difference a man felt between her cunt muscles and her oral muscles. Ned gave her a puzzled look.

Brooke explained that she had been practicing clenching her vaginal muscles during sex. The junior facility had dildos with embedded pressure sensors and she had practiced electronic biofeedback with them. But did they accurately mimic the sensitivity of a man’s cock?

‘Can we review my vaginal dexterities again, like last year?’

Ned decided they had time for Brooke to discover the answers. But first he needed some rest.

‘Let me nap for a while and in a few hours, wake me softly.’

Ned dozed off and when he awoke, Brooke was between his legs, gazing into his face with her mouth holding on to his semi-erection. She lifted a questioning eyebrow. Ned sighed and nodded. She licked and sucked the tip gently, understanding he might still be tired after the last session. But Ned rose to the occasion.

He got up from bed and rearranged a bit of furniture. The naked beauty stood next to a stool in front of a mirror. Ned sat down and guided her to straddle his thighs. She sat on Ned’s lap facing him, her knees bent and the ever-present strappy heels braced on the floor. He admired her tight butt in the reflection. She put her arms around his shoulders. Ned shook his head. She might get animated and distract him. He would focus totally on Brooke’s ministrations to his penile nerve sensors. She hung her arms at her sides and Ned encompassed her docile body in an easy wrist-locked bear-hug.

Regrettably, Brooke’s marvelous breasts were squished against Ned’s chest. Her excitement was kindled by the impending research and he felt her hardened points nudging into his skin. Nothing was ever a perfect situation but this would have to do for now. Ned told Brooke to get on with it. She took a cleansing breath and gave a quick nuzzle to Ned’s neck. She pressed her tress shrouded ear to his. His nose was filled with her hair fragrance.

Brooke braced her feet and lifted her butt, moving it around until the head of his cock was at the moist entrance of her cunt. She moved lower and smoothly sheathed him deep. She began her cunt contractions while she held her ass still. Ned felt the pressure build and release. Brooke tried to control it so that the pressure rippled up her vagina and created a milking effect. Ned was impressed with her attempts but the method fell short as a solitary stimulation. He knew she was trying very hard to demonstrate her abilities. Brooke was breaking out beads of perspiration on her chest and forehead from the exertions. She hadn’t broken a sweat during any of today’s earlier gym exercises.

Ned adored the feel of Brooke’s compressed boobs against his chest but it was distracting. He reluctantly released her. He reached across, hooked a knee and spun her around using his erection as a pivot point. She leaned back in his lap and the mirror reflected his partially embedded cock surrounded by her swollen pussy lips. Ned tilted her torso forward and told her to press it all the way in. Brooke slid down. Now she rested her hands on her legs while Ned reached around and gripped her breasts to give her the tempo. He cupped the masses and pushed up, signaling her to lift her cunt up along his shaft. He let them settle again and she knew to slide down, taking him all the way in. After a few cycles, Ned let her continue the steady pace unassisted. Brooke added clenching motions and Ned felt the difference.

‘Nice slow moves, my dear… okay, try that one again… ohh, yes, that’s almost it… again… a little higher… OHHH, YES, that’s the spot… keep working on that area…’

Ned’s knob strummed her G-spot. He watched Brooke in the mirror. Her hair hung over her face but she could see him watching her through the slits in the cascades. She shimmied her shoulders to set her breasts bounding. The pointed tips spun with eye-catching auras. Her wiggling body added more movement in their groins. Ned warmed to Brooke’s inventiveness and curiosity. He hoped Brooke was getting her sexual anatomy questions answered. But more so, he was finding her experiment arousing. Likewise, Brooke was developing a rosy glow to her face, an indication of her growing arousal.

He and Brooke panted harder in unison. He finally cried out his orgasmic power, she joined in a light spasm, delighted to feel some physical satisfaction from her aptitude test. After the final shudder, she leaned back and Ned hugged her body against his.

Brooke rested against his chest in her soft afterglow, stretching her neck up to cuddle his face with her hand and kiss his cheek in a soft Thank You. As they rested, she asked Ned for his comparison of her vaginal talents. What were the differences he felt versus her oral efforts?

Ned gave her the particulars and Brooke gleaned clues to better execution. He described where she had been good at lighting up his penile nerve endings and described the other places on a man’s cock she should try to stimulate. She promised to locate them in the future and resolved to combine cunt clenches with her other vaginal techniques from now on.

They spent the remaining evening in the room playing freshman level touching games. A seated, naked and blindfolded Ned tried to perceive the stealthily approach of Brooke. If she managed to kiss an erogenous area of Ned’s anatomy before he felt her presence, the point was hers. If he called her out before she touched him, the point was his. Nobody ever bothered to keep score, it was just a lot of fun.

Unsurprisingly, the pooped-out Ned slept through the night without rousing and fucking his bedmate, Brooke.

After brunch, Ned took Brooke to the hotel rooftop pool. He found a shaded area where they could relax without sun over-exposure. Brooke’s thong bikini was scandalously small for public swimming, barely covering her pussy and nipples.

A few gentleman guests wandered in and found lounges that suited their preferences. Ned noted that after spying out Brooke, the other men adjusted the tilt and direction of their furniture, affording them a better casual view of her prone body. Everyone wore sunglasses, including Brooke with her fashionable ‘bug-shields’. Ned and Brooke were not fooled by the secret spying going on all around the pool.

A young waiter walked by with a tray of tropical drinks for some patrons across the deck. As he passed Brooke’s lounge, he was paying more attention to the location of her cameltoe than he was to the location of his own toes. He tripped and the tray of orange and tomato juice cocktails cascaded over her torso. She bounded up and whipped off the bugshields.

‘I’m sorry, ma’am, I’m so sorry. Please, let me get you a towel to mop that up.’

‘Shit! I need more than a mop!’ she shouted.

Brooke wiped the excess liquid of the red and orange splotches away from her expensive designer swimsuit. The boy was desperate to care for his guest but also to avoid a job-ending public scene. Ned tried to intervene and laugh off the incident. Brooke started to scowl at his humor directed towards her public embarrassment but checked her rejoinder towards a coach tutor in keeping with her Academy poise training.

‘May I have the key please, I
need to get this cleaned up and rinsed off.’

Ned gave her a frisky smile. The other men at the pool had spent all afternoon, tactfully adjusting crotches to accommodate swelling penises. Ned decided to up the ante.

‘No need, my dear, there’s a shower right over there in the corner.’

Ned pointed at the pool side shower meant for pre- and post-swim rinses. Brooke looked at his mischievous grin and took his meaning, though she was not amused. She didn’t know or want to know the other male patrons at the pool. They were not coach trainers or pledge contributors and she was the best of the best, not some stripper or street performer. But Ned was a coach tutor and she was prone to follow his guidance.

Brooke walked bare foot to the outdoor rinse. The water was cool but tolerable. She got completely under the spray, her wet hair plastered to her back and shoulders. She spent some time wiping against the fabric stains but they persisted.

Peering over her shoulder to check for spying eyes, she saw that everyone was spying in her direction. She had no choice but to give them her back as she removed her bikini top. She rinsed and wrung out the skimpy fabric, getting more but not all of the juices out. In the process, her boobs swung enough to show bulges past her ribcage to the completely enthralled audience. Brooke raised her arms to retie the neck and back straps. It was the final sidewinder peek-a-boo for the men.

The job was half done. Still facing away, Brooke removed the string thong. It never was meant to cover her ass cheeks so not much more was exposed there. The pussy patch was even smaller than the top and she rinsed it as best she could. She re-donned the thong.

Brooke swept her wet hair behind her shoulders, closed the water tap and turned to face the men, all now seated upright and staring opening at her. As she walked to her lounge, one man started clapping, and then others joined him until everyone was showing their appreciation for the sexy break in their languid afternoon.

Ned could see that Brooke was covering her embarrassment with poise control. He relented and led her by the hand back to the suite. But first, Ned couldn’t resist parading her one more circuit past the other lounges letting each lust lost gentleman get a final gaze.

The juxtaposition between his and Brooke’s age was out of character for a normal hotel guest. Ned smiled smugly, knowing they believed he was engaged in the old ‘uncle-niece’ ruse. Ned’s pretentious demeanor exposed his disdain for these normal souls. He thought ‘Yeah, boys. Eat your hearts out. I fuck this sex kitten anytime I want to.’

All the way back to the room, Ned mulled over his silent taunt to the male spectators. Like the others, he had spent all afternoon in Brooke’s presence, tactfully adjusting his crotch to accommodate his tumescent prick. Ned enjoyed being idolized for fucking an impassioned sex kitten anytime he wanted. Arriving at the suite, he decided ‘anytime’ might just as well be now, so he did.


After room service dinner consumed while nude, Ned reminded Brooke of the obligatory dress modeling before her departure tomorrow for the event.

Brooke unpacked the dresses and hung them in the bathroom. Modesty was unnecessary but Brooke wanted Ned to see her grand entrance just as others would at the fete. Ned found a comfortable chair and waited facing the bathroom door.

Brooke’s first dress was a red form-hugging floor-length gown formed from panels held together with secret Velcro tabs. When fully fastened, the only skin shown by the long sleeve dress was Brooke’s face, feet and hands. Removing some strategic fastener panels gave sidewinder boob flashes and flirty peek-a-boo skin in clever little places. The fully closed dress would do for any high school prom. But with panels let loose, it was risqué chic and suitable for an adults-only party.

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Redux By Cal Y. Pygia Today, Stormy Danielson was re-creating the late Renaissance's Antonio Allegri da Correggio's Jupiter and Io. Danielson's re-creation was to remain true to the original in every way but one--the same detail, if one could call such a feature a mere "detail"--that his anonymous billionaire patron had ordered in commissioning the series of works upon which the artist was now hard at work. The painter thought that his benefactor's obsession with such a...

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The Office Girl Epilogue Redux

Authors Note: I did not think this story called for a true sequel that some asked for, but I decided to flush out the ending that was admittedly hasty. Consequently, I decided, in an act similar to the grand tradition of directors ruining their films by making changes years later, to write The Office Girl Epilogue Redux. This story takes the place of the Office Girl Epilogue. I decided not to alter the original in case some preferred the story the way it was. This epilogue is largely the...

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Sarah Carerra 214 Wake Up Redux

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 1, 2010) Chapter 14 - Wake Up! Redux I stepped into The Treble with Music with a large smile on my face. In two weeks I would be signing CD's in this store. Dad had confirmed the details earlier this morning before he took...

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Reboot Redux

"Reboot" Redux "I come from the Net. From systems, people, and cities, to this place. Mainframe. My format? Guardian. To mend and defend. To defend my new-found friends. Their hopes and dreams. To defend them from their enemies. They say the User lives outside the Net, and inputs games for pleasure. Nobody knows for sure, but I intend to find out .... Reboot!" **** "Look out, Enzo! There is a another Game cube coming in!" "Alphanumeric Bob! Lets go, and beat...

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Moms Girl Redux

Mom's Girl Redux by Elizabeth Joanne Author's note: It has been a long time since I originally posted the beginnings of my coming out to my Mother and her acceptance of her new daughter. I apologize for the gap however life seems to have a way of interfering with the best of intentions. I may get back to that story eventually bit only time will tell there. My life has changed dramatically over time so I am picking up at a later point. It was a time of joy yet fraught with fear. It...

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Family Issues Complete Redux

Family Issues Chapter 1 - Innocence and Acquiescence Your life is a story, a narrative pieced together over time, expanding, evolving. It is the only thing that is truly yours, the very essence of what it is to be you. It is not however, your only story. Each decision that you have made throughout your life, from the most mundane, to the grandest, has taken you down a path, branching away from what could have otherwise been. This is where the full scope of your life becomes...

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Total Woman Academy 21

Ushia exited the taxi in front of a major company headquarters. Her heels clicked on the sidewalk as she approached the entrance. Her short skirt revealed her long legs, trim and toned, encased in hose. The doorman wore sunglasses and she couldn’t see his eyes. But Ushia knew his eyes were following her as her breasts jiggled beneath her woman’s business suit. She had worn her most supportive Wonderbra and it was displaying mounds of flesh between the lapels. Her shoulder satchel’s strap...

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Total Woman Academy 09

Ned sat naked in the limousine headed for the senior facility. Across from him sat Indira wearing perfect makeup and, for now, all of her clothes. Between them was a low table with flash cards. In the interests of time, Ned had designed a combined intelligence and poise test method. Indira was a Mechanical Engineering major with a high GPA. Ned uncovered the first card which presented a question about entropy, a property of heat transfer. Indira indicated her answer and Ned turned over the...

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Total Woman Academy 19

Simone sat in the beauty salon chair at the junior facility. Other students were helping her style her hair and apply makeup for a promotional photo-shoot to be used in campus recruitment posters for the Total Woman Academy. She had been selected for her magnificent beauty without regard for her poise or intelligence scores. The flyers were a way of identifying potential candidates for freshman transfer scholarships. If a candidate showed interest, a recruiter would initiate discrete contact...

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The Sweet Academy complete

THE SWEET ACADEMY (Complete text of the 3-part story.) By Lisa Lovelace Part 1 On my fifteenth birthday, my great-grandmother, Nana, dressed me in one of her favorite old frocks, one she'd carefully preserved from way back when she was a girl. It was a pink silk taffeta dress with a white Peter Pan collar, short cap sleeves, a snug bodice with a self-belt, and a full skirt that fell to my knees. Under it I wore old-fashioned nylon panties, a bullet bra, a garter belt, nylon...

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Iridani Kitten Academy 8

Iridani Kitten Academy, 8 Sitting in the dining hall I was watching my Kittens as they visited during breakfast. Tonight, after the last class of the day Chantilly would be coming to the cottage for the weekend, and I could hardly believe how much I had missed her. Sure, I had her adopted sister Chichi doing her best each night to keep me entertained but we both missed her during the week. Of course, I had another reason this morning for watching her so closely. Ta had told me...

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The Academy

The Academy I always felt like I had something within me, something strong and powerful that yearned to escape its confinement. I'd been intrigued by it and frightened by it at the same time. At times I wondered if everyone felt the same thing, but no one ever hinted that they had something lurking inside them. I would have liked to talk to my mom about it, but she was a thousand miles away and never spent any time with me. My father was long gone, supposedly leaving my mom before I...

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The Sweet Academy Part 3

THE SWEET ACADEMY - Part 3 By Lisa Lovelace Hampered by my high heels and maid's uniform, I struggled with Mr. St. James in the darkness, trying to keep him from shoving me into the back seat of his car. He was much stronger than me, but he slipped on the gravel driveway and fell to one knee. He swayed slightly. I think he was drunk. I tried to pull free of him, but he kept his grip on my slender wrist. "Help, help!" I cried. A woman's voice cracked like a whip in the darkness....

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The Academy

The Academy By Morpheus When I woke up in the morning I climbed out of bed, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. I immediately looked at the calendar which hung beside my bed, even though there was no reason to do so. There was no doubt that today was the day. After all I'd been looking forward to it for weeks. "I can't believe I'm so excited about going to school," I muttered to myself with a faint shake of my head. "Of course this isn't any normal school..." My...

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Orbital AcademyChapter 17

****Part 1 - Controlling the Flow **** Pivot's General wears silver hair well. Aimee mused, leaning back in her chair. She let her gaze travel up and down the man as he paced on the podium in front of them. People talk about General Auspus being handsome, but Pivot's General is handsome too, in his own way. I actually like his look better, the mature look. Grown up, like he can handle all of the responsibility. Auspus never looked like that, he just looked like an angry kid all the time....

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The Sweet Academy Part 1

THE SWEET ACADEMY (Part 1) By Lisa Lovelace On my fifteenth birthday, my great-grandmother, Nana, dressed me in one of her favorite old frocks, one she'd carefully preserved from way back when she was a girl. It was a pink silk taffeta dress with a white Peter Pan collar, short cap sleeves, a snug bodice with a self-belt, and a full skirt that fell to my knees. Under it I wore old-fashioned nylon panties, a bullet bra, a garter belt, nylon stockings, a full slip, two crinoline...

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Orbital AcademyChapter 16

****Part 1 - A Change in the Orbit **** General Hunter stared off through the wall of the elevator, lost in his thoughts. When the doors opened he stepped through on autopilot, flanked by two of his security force. Anger and worry warred in his stomach, but he kept his face calm as he reached the door to the Academy rookies' cell. They didn't cause this mess. He reminded himself. They may've been the catalyst, but it's Auspus who is the root. This is Auspus' disaster. For whatever...

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Iridani Kitten Academy 7

Iridani Kitten Academy, 7 Things were flowing along nicely, my Kittens and Grandkittens always finding ways to bring me joy. I missed Fiona and Carlotta but I had others now to help occupy my time. And Runt was definitely getting lots of attention, especially now that his eyes were open. Of course it wouldn't be new territory, teaching a young Kitten with an untrained Chow Companion. And to think I now had three, plus one still too young for Kitten classes yet. From previous...

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Academy Stars the Evaluation

Academy Stars, the Evaluation Begins By: Malissa Madison Donnie Pierce sat in the Meeting Hall of the Terrellian Intergalactic Academy, engaged in a Secure Conference that no one else was supposed to know about. Also in the conference were Commandant's Blackstar, Delia Scarr and Breeze Lander. There were five others not with a military academy, they were Hob Orchid, Jarda Nimbus, Commanders Otru Demure and Lydia Shore. But the one leading the video...

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Iridani Kitten Academy 9

Iridani Kitten Academy, 9 Friday rolled around again, I'd adopted the practice of alternating between Academy Meetings and Seeker Meetings until I learned more about Seekers. It wasn't that I didn't trust Ta, it was because two of the people most dear to me were Seekers, and my father had been one. This just happened to be my Friday to attend the Academy Meeting. We conducted the usual business then Mistress Gina introduced us to Mistress Denice, the new Earth Academy' Kitten...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 12

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 12 By: Malissa Madison The minute we got word that the convoy had shot the portal from Lyconia everyone wanted to go meet it knowing that they wouldn't be able to make it to the house. Donnie had our two big Snowmobiles out front waiting as first Rachel then Anna, Maleeza, Sherry and Tiffany got in line to follow us. I knew that Danny and Denise would be joining us when we got there, and that Erika would be there as well. "Honestly I have no...

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Lust Academy

Lust Academy, by Bear in the Night Games, is arguably one of the most highly regarded porn games out right now. While most adult video games are thrown together by some lone pervert with a stray fan or two before being given away on the free porn game archives, Bear in the Night has managed to build up a sizable following who are willing to pay for their games. They've got around a thousand Patrons right now. And given how many cheapskate weeaboos live in their mom's basement and spend their...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 37

LTD, MA, 37 By" Malissa Madison I sat at my vanity, the events during and after our School Field Trip still playing in my head. Something just didn't feel right, not that I thought it was harmful. It was just that something was off about Donnie's meetings. Why all the cloak and dagger secrecy? I already knew almost everything about the PTRVs being used by our planetary police force. Were they planning some new upgraded version? Had they discovered a flaw in the Neural Uplink?...

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Living the Dream Malissas academy 8

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 8 I felt like I'd slept for an entire day, slowly I made my way to the shower seeing Donnie's dirty clothes in the hamper I knew he'd at least been home. Then just before I stepped in I heard the voices of my younger girls as they raced through the house playing. "Slow down, you'll wake up Momma," Rachel said. "Who are your new friends?" "My brother and Sisters," I heard Norrish answer happily. I hurried to finish my shower wanting to meet...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 11

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 11 By: Malissa Madison The celebration lasted long into the next day with people coming from all over. Not just from the other Academies and in town. But from the Tribes and even the Terraformers as well. I was happy to see the Orchid again as Bounder, Shorty and Midge rushed happily to greet their parents in the Tank transport habitat. Soon we began the task of cleaning up. At first I thought it was just getting late, but then I realized as I stepped out...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 4

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 4 By: Malissa Madison Walking toward the grade school classrooms I heard the clash and ring of steel on steel. Curious now that there was no music I hurried toward the sounds to find what looked like a real fight in progress. There were four of the bodyguards ringing Juliet, all covered in sweat, their Vershang making Whirring sounds as they spun before the next strike. "Try again," Layla said. "You're too angry." "Let it go or you'll lose...

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Tales From The Academy

Tales from the Academy by Robin Cardinal The Caribbean is home to several small, remote, privately owned islands which appear to the uninitiated to be uninhabited and desolate. One such island is owned by a private corporation whose shares are controlled by a discrete group of aristocratic women who believe in absolute female supremacy and have inherited or acquired enough wealth to put their beliefs into practice. Through clever landscaping, this island conceals a number of...

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Orbital AcademyChapter 14

"Jackson, why'd you bring us to Pivot? What about Orbital Academy?" Preston reached across Missy and flicked the cruiser's autopilot off, beginning to manually pilot their cruiser in line with the other squadmates'. "Rookie Preston, please cut the comm chatter, we wouldn't want to crowd Orbital Pivot's comm channels," Jackson's voice crackled into the small space. The message was clear; We're being listened to. I can either trust Jackson or come up with my own plan. Preston and...

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Waifu Academy

How many times have you played an XXX game that had the name ‘Waifu’ in it? Probably more than you can fucking count. Most of the time, these games task you with fucking these women. Typically, they are the kind of women that you would want to fuck for the rest of your life.Marry? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Fuck on repeat? Now you’re getting the idea. The shining example of a fuck buddy that will let you do whatever the hell you desire without saying no, a guy would be lucky to have a...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 32

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 32 By: Malissa Madison Waking up on Christmas morning was as usual a very exciting time for everyone. Seeing the littlest ones with their new toys brought back so many memories. Of course Tammi and Nova were like I was at that age, more interested in the boxes and pretty wrapping paper. The older children were trying to get them to play with the actual toys though. Then Becca opened her special gift from Santa Clause and I gasped seeing it. It was the...

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The Sweet Academy Part 2

THE SWEET ACADEMY (Part 2) By Lisa Lovelace I woke up late on Monday, disoriented until I remembered where I was: in the Sapphire dorm at my new school, The Sweet Academy, on the first day of fall term. My gorgeous roommate Parvaneh was already up. I rose, showered, did my face, put on my schoolgirl's uniform, remembered to put my hair in pigtails. I finally opened the envelope that contained my class schedule. It was weird. A bunch of girly subjects, nothing like what you'd study in...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 2

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 2 By: Malissa Madison It's the beginning of the first full school year, as Malissa begins to prepare for the arrival of new students as well as the return of older students. There are a few surprises in store as things get underway. Summer break had come and gone, and Malissa and Donnie were spending much of their waking hours in their offices preparing for the beginning of the next school year. Nona sat at her desk sorting through all the student...

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Living the Dream Malissaa Academy 14

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 14 We were busy making sure everyone got back safely to where they were supposed to be. My feet were beginning to ach from my four inch heels, and finally I was able to stumble through the closet into my own room at a little past 2AM. I'd taken off my shoes as I entered Donnie's office and I found Sophie's just inside his office door. There was another pair, clear, laying just inside my closet. 'Hmm, I guess Maleeza decided to use the doorway...

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