The Dark Legacy
- 3 years ago
- 24
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I shook off the strange feeling and took in my surroundings as the full weight of the nightlife of the witch resort on Thunder Island hit me. The air reeked of debauchery as moans filled the evening as well as a few shrieks I had no care to investigate.
I ignored Pierre as I took it all in. Splashing came from the hot tubs, giggles, moans, and laughter rang out all around, but there was near pandemonium at the wolf chess. Of all the dark things calling to us in the night, the subtle lights illuminating the large chessboard drew my attention. Wolves posed with headgear denoting which piece they played stood statue-still, all but for two.
A wolf whose headdress designated him a rook was currently thrusting deeply into a pawn, bent over, writhing in her pleasure. They were both beautiful creatures in their prime, hell, everyone on the island was, but to see them was sheer erotic poetry. The outfits they wore covered little and were designed for easy penetration. Wolves moved with inherent grace the witches did not, it struck me. We had used magic to make us graceful, but the wolves were creatures of pure magic and it showed in everything they did. Never had I seen what poetry two wolves giving one another pleasure could be, and looking away was near impossible.
Around the chessboard witch and wolf alike watched with the same focus I did, and I saw the crowd reflected my flare of arousal. Oh, that was no good, I moaned to myself. I didn’t want to have anything in common with the rest, but this was a feast for the eyes. A voyeur always struggled with the arousal of watching others and the guilt of watching. If I knew the wolves were perfectly willing and not forced into the game, I would be free to enjoy, but I felt a sliver of shame at my desire.
‘Oh.’ I jumped at Julian’s light touch on my arm. ‘Are they…are they forced to do that?’
The crisp fabric of his evening suit brushed my bare skin and made me shiver in the pressing humid heat of the ocean air. ‘Think of this island as more a modern example of serfdom. The wolves who participate in wolf chess choose to do so, none are forced. They are forced to be here and work, but they can choose what work they do.’
After the pawn wailed in orgasm the rook withdrew, and resumed standing straight and still. Beneath his loincloth his unsated arousal was plainly visible, but his eyes were hard and distant. She struggled off the board and other discarded ‘pieces’ helped her. Above the board on two cushioned platforms witches sat, the real players of the strange game. The woman called out her move and her pawn captured another.
Her pawn was female, the losing piece male, and this time it was the female wolf who pinned her conquered partner down and rode him. A dark tremor ran through me at the sight. I knew I should look away but I just couldn’t. the male wolf had already been aroused, doubtless the winning piece numerous times. My eyes went to the female riding him, trying to hold back her own pleasure. How did she do it? He was magnificent, and his cock looked so hard. My own body clenched in need as I thought of riding any one of my lovers.
‘How is it played?’
‘Like regular chess,’ Andre said behind me, his breath on my ear making me jump.
‘But when one piece is driven from the board, he or she is made to orgasm. They only cum when they are knocked off,’ Pierre said, crowding my other side.
I tried to speak but it came out a strangled moan as the male pawn howled with orgasm, and being a wolf it seemed to go on and on. I held my breath as I watched, entranced, and my wolves remained close but did not interrupt the moment. After an eternity the male pawn left and stumbled aside, and the female stood up though she panted with obvious arousal. Her witch waved her hand the trailing remnants of the male’s orgasm disappeared from dripping down her leg. The surreality made me shake my head.
The male witch playing smirked and called out his move and a knight took a bishop, both male. I cleared my throat, but of course my wolves knew by a million tells how much this aroused me. I had always been a voyeur, and while the idea of wolf chess had seemed odd and off-putting, the reality was powerfully arousing. They had chosen this path, and pleasure was being given out, and so I felt free to enjoy.
Andre’s hands slid onto my shoulders and I jumped with it, my mind completely on the board.
‘But that means whichever piece wins the game is left unsatisfied?’
Pierre chuckled. ‘This is why king and queen are both played by a male wolf. Whoever wins will be auctioned off to the crowd.’
‘And male wolves fetch a higher price, particularly ones who have proven stamina,’ Andre murmured.
I turned to them in horror. ‘Auctioned?’
‘Before we reach puberty it is decided to what place or line we’ll be gifted, Anna. We are possessions in the eyes of witch law.’ Julian was bitter.
‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be enjoying this.’ I turned away and found my nose in Andre’s chest.
‘Only you can decide what you feel is right. Anna, there are many corners of the world where witches congregate, and our home will be one such place, it is the curse of rule. You must be familiar with all the entertainments of this world. They will come to expect you to enjoy such things, and offer such entertainments.’ With a hand on my chin Andre turned me back to face the board, and I felt lost in madness for a moment.
‘Remember, it’s one thing to be aroused by what you see, another to take away a person’s will,’ Julian whispered.
‘Surely it’s the same,’ I countered.
At that moment a bishop looked our way as he flipped up the skirt of another pawn. His eyes met mine as he thrust in and I whimpered. In his eyes I saw arousal, fear, and hope. It was terrifyingly beautiful even as his gaze invited me into the erotic moment.
‘Indeed it seems those who volunteer like to be watched,’ Pierre said softly, a smile in his voice.
The strange wolf continued to hold my eyes as he pumped into the female wolf. His expression was one of sensual promise, the oldest look any man had ever given any woman, but more than that it was hope, and sharp desperation honed into an offense. He’d heard our conversation.
In that moment, even as my body softened, swelled, and heated with arousal, something in my soul clicked into place, like a puzzle piece sliding home. This was the strange feeling I had sensed on the air, the little piece of fate I couldn’t explain. He was beseeching me, this strange wolf. In his mind I was queen, a great power, the only power that could free him. He might enjoy the feel of the supple, lithe wolf body he sank into, but he wanted true freedom.
‘This has to stop,’ I said aloud, though more to myself than my pack.
‘The game?’ Pierre asked.
‘These laws, these customs.’ I broke free of them and walked a few steps, whirling to face them. ‘These idiots, most of them have been alive long enough to have lived when absolute monarchies ruled. Perhaps it’s time they remember what that meant.’
‘Anna?’Julian asked.
Andre smiled. ‘The words of a true queen.’
‘Oh, stow it, Andre. I don’t give a shit who my ancestors were. I only care that I seem to be one of the few people with a lick of sense on this damnable island!’ But it was a lie. I had made my decision. Come what may, these people believed me to be a power to reckon with, and by any god, I would be.
With that I stalked over to the chessboard not caring if my pack followed me. There was a murmur from the crowd and they parted, leaving chairs in the center for me and my wolves. When I sat my lovers joined me, having followed, and the murmur grew louder before the witch who presided over the players swept her hands apart dramatically, calling for silence.
The two witches ‘playing’ stood up straighter and instantly a wolf came, bearing a tray of wine. One could argue
it was good to be the queen, and I couldn’t help but think for a moment on the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, how every Cleopatra had hungered for power and met a bad end. There was a cautionary tale in there, but thank the gods I’d more admired Catherine the Great. The best lesson she taught me was make the people love you. If I just started bandying about orders somebody would rape me, knock me up, and the second that kid was born I’d be swimming with the fishes. So I had to be subtle and not aggressive, not an easy task in my current mood.
I ruminated over this as the game progressed. Each wolf ‘chess piece’ glanced at me, wondering. I supposed they knew why I was there, even if no one else did. When a witch playing made a move that would prolong play, passing up a chance to check, there was anger in their glances up the ladders.
I sipped at my wine and tried to ignore all the speculative eyes on me. The rough queen, the prodigal bucking the system now sat at an exhibition worthy of Rome, a prime example of everything I’d so far objected to.
For the moment, it pleased and suited me to make them think I was sampling their world. And Hell’s Bells, I could not watch the play on the board and remain unaffected. I felt dirty and creepy for being aroused, but resigned myself to it. Once my plan was enacted, I would take my pack back to our bungalow, and ease the burning fire that had risen.
At last the male witch won, and it was the bishop who’d implored me that delivered the winning blow. He had no revulsion of men, nor any great love, and claimed his victory by stroking the cock of the opposing king with his hand until the king came, wailing.
Then the bishop stood and joined his witch to bow to the applause. The remaining players on the board fell upon one another in an orgy that distracted much of the crowd. Those not entranced, and I admit it was hard to pull my eyes away, were looking eagerly towards the victor and the bishop.
Julian leaned over and explained the process coming up to me. ‘They bid with money. The money will be charged to the witch’s account and go to the island’s upkeep.’
‘I thought our money was no good here.’
‘As you’ve learned we cannot create something that did not exist if it upsets the balance of the world. Money is like that. So they still need to purchase things from humans who will only take money. The island depends on things like this to buy the food we eat, and all the other sundry.’ Andre nuzzled my shoulder and I shivered, well aware my nipples were harder than I could ever remember.
No doubt my wolves smelled my arousal, as well as the arousal of everyone there. The wolves around the witches seemed slightly drunk on it, all of them appearing awfully soft and sensual for the deadly predators they were. Even mine seemed affected, and six hands covered my bared flesh, enticing and distracting me.
The judge made a joke about the wolves which the witches laughed at. I did not frown nor did I smile, and did not even consider laughing with them. He opened the bids after explaining the prize was an evening with the wolf who had proven himself to possess the greatest stamina of any on the island. It took all I had not to snort as I glanced at my own wolves and seriously doubted the claim.
Looking back I discovered the bishop about to be auctioned had found me, his eyes pleading, but still there was that forceful masculine promise. If I weren’t fully committed to loving only my wolves, sharing my body with only them, I would love to take this one up on what he was offering. He was tall and lean, broad shouldered, his body that of a swimmer’s, sleek and powerful. His hair was brown and hung to his chin, parted in the middle. His skin was tanned deeply, making his light eyes fairly glow. Covered in a sheen of sweat he appeared to be one of the most primal of female fantasies.
It would give me joy to execute my plan.
My wolves bristled when my hand went up when the bidding got going. Everyone commented, murmuring, and the judge paused for a moment, then acknowledged my bid. Andre leaned in to whisper into my ear, ‘What on earth are you doing?’
‘Wait and see, my love,’ I whispered back and upped my bid.
All too soon it became clear no one wanted to counter the queen, and I won. The man I had won like an object nearly sagged with relief.
‘Do as I say, and in a moment this will make sense,’ I promised my wolves as I rose.
The crowd parted as I walked, most witches walking off with their wolves playing grab-ass, the only way I could put it. What we had all witnessed was organized eroticism. What they left with was free and immature. A few more lingered to speak with the judge of securing the services of another chess piece, many of them with frowning wolf packs waiting in the shadows.
There was one witch, the one I’d bid most heavily against, and he seemed to hate me. Everyone else was perplexed, awed, or curious, but this one who was tall, golden, and looking like Hollywood’s Spartacus, openly hated me. I gave him a finger wave and dismissed him as if I didn’t care, but in the morning I would ask Valerius who this man was, and how much of a threat he might be.
‘My queen, I am most honored by your bid. This is Jericho,’ the judge said.
I held out my hand to Jericho and tried to smile in a non-sexual way. ‘Jericho, I am pleased to meet you.’
He bowed and looked confused.
‘I’m American, Jerry, just shake my damn hand,’ I said in a stage whisper.
He rose and awkwardly shook my hand.
‘Thank you,’ I said to the judge. ‘Now, if you will excuse us?’
‘Certainly, there are others who need my attention, majesty.’ He bowed and slunk off, and I tried not to twitch at the title.
‘So Jerry, may I call you Jerry?’
‘Good. Now, quickly, are you in love with anyone?’ He stared at me agog. Sighing, I folded my arms, anxious to conclude this business and return to my loves. ‘Are. You. In. Love. With. Any. One?’
‘Olivia,’ he sputtered out.
I nodded and smiled. ‘And is she here?’
He pointed to a blonde who’d been a knight, weaving on unsteady legs from the board, one of the final players.
‘If I wish her too, do I have to pay?’ I asked Andre.
His eyebrows shot up to his hairline. ‘It’s a standard fee.’
‘Very good, thanks.’ I turned and strode to the judge, placing a hand on his arm. Immediately he dropped his current conversation as the spurned witch bowed slightly.
‘The blonde one, Olivia. How much for her as well?’
The judge was a witch, but unlike most he did not appear to be between twenty-five and thirty-five, instead he appeared a wise man of his mid-forties, his rich dark hair silvered at the temples, long and pulled back into a smooth ponytail. ‘Your majesty, she will join you with my compliments. You may keep them both forty-eight hours.’
‘Good. Olivia!’ I called to the blonde.
She broke off from the group and when she saw me her blue eyes went wide and she dropped to her knee. ‘Your highness.’
‘Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, this is pretty damn awkward for an anarchist.’
‘What?’ My wolves, Jericho, and Olivia all echoed.
Well, that was the downside of having not discussed our pasts. It was going to be awkward explaining to all and sundry their new ruler was a woman raised by humans to believe in no rulers. Just wait until we got to the agnostic talk, I thought with sudden mirth. ‘Never mind, now is not the time. Come with us, please.’
‘Of course, majesty.’
I walked the entourage back inside, through the hotel full of staring witches and wolves, and back out. Once we were far enough down the covered beach walk that there was no one close, I stopped.
‘Okay, here’s the deal. With what will happen over the next two days, not a single one of you is to breathe a word to anyone, is that understood?’
Five puzzled pairs of eyes met mine,
even as they nodded. ‘Look, Jerry, Liv, sorry, I like nicknames. Anyway, join us in our bungalow. You’ll have your own room. Come and go as you please, do as you please, enjoy being together without interruption. If anyone asks, I’m making you fuck for my amusement and fucking you both like a demented rabbit.’
‘But you won’t?’ Liv asked, confused.
‘I can barely keep up with my pack. I don’t have the stamina of a wolf and five of you would kill me. Plus, I don’t like how you’re treated like objects. However, I’m the new kid around here and I can’t rock the boat too much. I need the rabble to think I’m enjoying their vices, playing their games, even if I can’t stomach it. Hence why no one can ever know.’
Jerry put his arm around Liv and hugged her close, smiling at me brightly. ‘Thank you, majesty.’
‘Call me Anna. Okay, let’s go.’
I led them to the bungalow and asked Pierre to show our guests to the attic room, Julian to turn on the a/c and close the doors, and Andre to take Diego out for a bathroom run. Once the air conditioning was running I asked Julian to toss together some snacks for our guests and I went up to meet them in the office and spare bedroom. Jerry and Liv moved the desk and chair up to the attic and I passed over the Murphy bed in the closet and used the conjuring box and got them a bed, nightstand, and everything they would need, and Pierre assembled it with Jerry’s help.
Julian brought up some snacks and wine and I promised I’d order a late night room service meal for all. I heard the door below click closed and the scrabble of paws. Andre and Diego were back.
‘Do you two need anything else?’ I asked as Julian and Pierre left, standing in the hall.
Liv was wide-eyed and giddy. ‘How can we thank you?’
‘Express your love to one another as often as possible the next two days, that’s all I ask.’
‘Wait!’ Jerry called as I turned to join my men. ‘Majesty…I saw you…watching. You like to watch.’
I squared my shoulders and turned back. ‘So?’
Liv hugged Jerry tight. ‘We like to be watched. It’s why we volunteer for the chess game.’
Jerry nodded. ‘Perhaps we can express our thanks that way. You could watch us. We would be honored.’
My soul felt a keening cry, like a sudden avalanche in my stomach. I knew I stood on a tightrope over the chasm between desire and morality. If I watched, would I be the very thing I was fighting? Would the men think me less?
Liv and Jerry were so beautiful, and I knew I would enjoy the show. Truthfully my arousal had flagged on the walk back, but even now it was roaring to life.
‘I’m trying to fight against the objectification of wolves,’ I said, pleading.
‘This has nothing to do with how society views us. You helped us, and there is something we can do that we will all enjoy, given freely. Will you watch us?’
I cast a pleading look to Julian and Pierre. ‘We won’t judge you,’ Pierre said softly.
‘You’re not the only voyeur,’ Julian added with a smile.
‘Only if my pack may join me,’ I finally said as I turned back. ‘Please, come downstairs then where there is more room.’
Everyone followed me down and I ruffled Diego’s fur, then ordered him to go into his attic room. Diego whined, sniffed at the new people, and ran off once I gave him a treat. Julian explained to Andre what had been worked out and I saw the same knife edge of desire in Andre’s eyes that I felt, making me relax. They would not judge me, particularly not when Julian and Andre shared my proclivity.
I settled on the sofa and Andre and Julian sat on either side. Pierre turned down the lights and then dragged a stool from the counter over and sat behind me. In front of us on the floor, the lovers embraced lightly, nervously giggling even as they kissed, hands on one another’s face as if they had been long parted.
They were a beautiful pair. His hair was long and dark, lightened slightly by the sun, and hers was a lighter version, wavy and wild. Both were deeply tanned, muscled, and statuesque. Their headgear was gone but he still wore his loincloth and she her small banded top and skirt. For a moment I had to look away as the look between them was private, one of deep, true love.
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It seemed to me like I'd known Joe all my life. His family lived next door but one to mine; looking back I'd say Joe and I spent all our spare time together as kids. We didn't actually go to school together because Joe was American and he was sent to the nearest American school, somewhere in town. Maybe that's why he never did lose his Yank accent although he spent nearly all his spare time with us Limeys, as he insisted on calling most of us, in jest of course. You know the sort of thing....
The next day passed uneventfully but with Bess feeling much better than she had in years. The morning stiffness and body aches that usually greeted her were gone, a new vitality surged through her she had long forgotten. She met Kate again in front of the inn and like the night before they paid a visit to the blacksmith. They continued this routine another fortnight. Always finding him in the same condition, they slipped in, used him and slipped out. Kate monitored Bess’ progress and was...
“Hahaha!” Zax’s voice rolled as he laughed in jubilation. “Sooner than I anticipated. Good, good!” He was pleasantly surprised, since now he would able to spend a while longer in New Earth before leaving for Ercas Mir. “Let’s see how my Inner Panorama and soul have changed”. He entered his sea of consciousness to have a look. ‘Whoaa! It’s so abundance! So that is the sea of consciousness of a second realm soul!’ Before he even got to his Inner Panorama or soul, Zax was captivated by the...
“Chrissy, are you disappointed?” the interviewer asked. “Disappointed? At what? I’ll be in the first dozen people to set foot on Mars and my team will be the one to establish a permanent base on the Martian surface. Why should I be disappointed? It makes perfect sense from a mission perspective to have the first team conduct surface surveys while we remain in orbit performing analysis of the possible locations. Once we select a suitable site, we’ll land and start the construction phase.” I...
Tashana bounced up and down, her eyes alight with excitement. “Valada must have built a secret bunker under the palace!” “It certainly looks like it,” John agreed, squinting in the direction of the study. “The lift shaft starts from a room concealed within the wall cavity.” “Let’s go!” the Maliri archaeologist exclaimed, turning on her heel to rush to the study. John caught her hand and pulled her back. “Hold on a second. I know you’re excited but we need to be careful; Valada might have...
The deafening sound of motorcycle engines tore around the courtyard like the cries of demonic beasts. The noises blasted against the buildings and ripped through the air as if rupturing the very fabric of time and space itself. As I peeked through the student dorm-room curtains, I clenched my teeth and winced in terror. Every rev made my bones vibrate. I didn't want to stare, but I couldn't help it: my eyes were helplessly glued to the scene.I watched wide-eyed as my room-mate, Jacie, strode...
TransThis guy might be dangerous; she’d only met him once and didn’t know him that well. Sure he’d bought her a couple of drinks even a light lunch, but she didn’t really know him. Seemed pleasant enough but openly admitted that her fantasies had awoken something in him, something dark, sinister, dangerous even. Could she trust him? Could she be alone with him and let him act out his desires, her fantasies? Biting her lip as he flashed a smile at her she already knew the answer. His eyes were too...
I’m back! For everyone who read the first parts of my Seduced by Sin line, thanks for all your wonderful feedback and requests for more! I promise I will work on getting another installment of that story in here soon. The holiday season is always crazy for me and I just haven’t found the time to write. I wanted to move in a different direction for a bit, so here is a little something new. Be forewarned, the first chapter or two have no sex, character must be built… I promise once I have the...
and my messages, I'm very, very dirty. Crissy can hardly wait, she was dressed to kill, or be fucked senseless. All in black. Short dress with a zipper up the front. Black stockings. Black boots. Black coat. If she undid the coat and unzipped the dress, I could play with her naked front very easily. She is dressed to be exposed to me. Crissy is always looking for places -- hidden corners in coffee shops, secluded alleys -- to be ravished. Being finger fucked where she might be seen drove her...
June ’10Amy drew a trembling breath and removed the flash drive from her computer, hiding it in her desk drawer. It had been a present from Lex, one she treasured beyond comprehension. Photos of her. Video as well. If any of her friends knew they existed, she’d die of humiliation. She let that thought linger, fantasizing about leaving the flash drive on Jake’s dresser at the next party, picturing him opening it up, calling Kevin in, the two of them staring bug eyed at porn that starred herself....
BDSM“I do not need a baby sitter,” I told my boss.“Whether you think you need one, or not, you have got one,” my boss bawled back.I didn’t mind Mandy, our Health and Safety Officer; being honest about it, I wanted to fuck her senseless. Sometimes, I would hear her strut across the concrete floor in the factory production area; the clip clop of her heels seemed to be calling to me - Fuck Me, Fuck Me.Mandy was a bubbly brunette, tall, well covered, hourglass figure; but certainly not over weight. In...
CheatingI was at the community center of my condominium complex when I saw her that night. That same dark haired woman who had been haunting me for the last few weeks was back again! She'd been playing a game of cat and mouse with me, watching me, and giving me that same tantalizingly sexy smile from a distance away, only to round a corner or step into a shadow every time I tried to approach her. I followed her many times, but she always disappeared like a wisp of smoke. I had no idea who she was,...
NovelsI guess some background would be in order. I was a virgin when I met Sandra, and so was she. We dated through our junior and senior years of high school, though she would tell friends things 'weren't serious' until college. I always wondered about that, since after my 'always ready' attitude she'd given in and we had sex the 1st time shortly before graduation. Honestly I don't remember much about it ... I was nervous, she was scared, neither of us knew what we were doing. I got the...
There they lay for what seemed like an eternity in just a few minutes. She in a trance like state from her ordeal, he just happy to be there, with his plaything; this woman. His face in her hair as she lay on him almost drifting into sleep as she relaxed more with this man, who had so taken her almost to the edge just previously. He was enjoying this moment; he could feel her warmth, smell her perfume, intoxicating him He could lie here with this woman forever, breathing in her scent,...
Author’s Note: ‘Dangerous Dealings’ (DD) is a one-off story, serving as a prequel to a series of full-length novels featuring Heather Hunter. Because she was only six years old in 1988, Heather does not appear in DD, but some of the characters that do appear become major players alongside her. Please be forewarned: DD only contains a small amount of sex, and it is ‘straight’ at that. I realize this submission is very different to anything I have offered previously but do value feedback from...
I hope that you’ve enjoyed the story series and the conclusion to this tale. Your feedback or comments are welcomed. I’ll be submitting more works in a variety of areas on literotica. Cheers! ***** The weekends never lasted long enough. Monday morning felt a bit ominous as the weather was overcast and raining softly. Dr. Connie Hatcher put on her champagne coloured satin blouse, maroon dress skirt and black jacket. She smiled as she adjusted her garter belt and smoky nylon stockings. Then...
Part 2 Chapter 5 Mark picked up the ringing phone,’ Rutherford.’ ‘Santiago just left Holloway’s house. He was in there for a good long time.’ The cop laughed. ‘Just don’t let him out of your sight. And Peters?’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘Be careful. This man is extremely dangerous. DO NOT let him know you’re on his tail.’ ‘Don’t worry he wont have a clue.’ Mark sat up in bed,’ Shit, Trinity, I thought you’d be smarter than this.’ He made his way inside the bathroom and began splashing water on his...
Michael was gripping his cell phone so tight he could have snapped the damn thing in two. He was furious. He’d been waiting for two hours for them to go. First, that blond bitch had gotten there before him and now, these guys. ‘Who the hell were they?’ One thing he knew for sure, he didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t want anyone sniffing around what was his. Michael was getting restless, since he had done away with William, Leigh had distanced herself from him even more. However, He’d made sure...
You read the rules of the "Dorm Game" carefully, since losing means losing your scholarship. Honestly, considering the price of this place, you'd rather just leave if that happened. For a second, you consider dropping out of this madness, but then you realize that the amount of sex as well as the fact that graduating from here sets you up for life combined offset the risks. Even one semester here would leave you well off. You grab your belongings and head up to your room, 307. On the doors are...
At senior high, during a sex education film,I sat at the back of the class and had a series of orgasms, I was f******n and found a love of sex, in particular, voyeurism and exhibitionism, two 'isms', that would define and shape my life as a woman, and it started that afternoon.I managed in the darkness of the room to take my panties off, and perform whenever the lecturer was close by, he could see I was touching myself, and I brazenly did so as he watched.At the end of the lecture I hung back,...
Dangerous Obsession Chapter One: I wanted her life! Staring at her on the latest Social Media Application, all I could think about was how amazing it must be to be her. Now! I realize that no one's life is perfect however from all her internet post she portrayed the life of perfection! At 29 years old, married, and due to gastric bypass surgery had lost a lot of weight, she looked on top of the world. Blonde hair perfectly styled, incredible makeup, one would think she could grace...
Dangerous Liaisons Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When Claire first approached me, it was with the craziest idea I had ever heard of, and my first, and only reaction was to tell her she had taken one brick to many out of her wall of common sense! But, she was persistent if nothing else, and after about a week of listening to her nag at me, I finally gave in, telling her it I would try it, but just that "one time". I took it all with good humor, confident that all...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIALOF A SEXUAL AND VIOLENT NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to posting.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dangerous Gamesby Night OwlChapter...
If you've been through Woodburn, you know where Route 82 curves over the river coming into town and the road narrows from four to two lanes just north of the bridge over Miller's Creek. The two lanes continue until six and three-tenths miles south of town when it divides into four lanes again. The two lane section, which is within the Town Limits, is a sedate forty-five miles an hour. Since the speed limit on the four lane is seventy, some people have trouble complying with the lower speed....
At forty-two years of age, Jackie Anderson was an attractive looking brunette that looked more like a woman in her early thirties. She still wore her hair long, usually in a ponytail that helped to make her look younger as well, which probably helped to contribute to her being mistaken for a much younger woman. She worked out, though not as often as she would have liked, but enough that she kept her still firm figured well toned and in reasonably good shape. Though her breasts weren't...
The morning sun broke through the curtains and onto Mac's sleeping face. Gradually his eyes opened. Suddenly, he realized that it was after eight A.M. He never slept this late. He jumped out of bed, put a robe on and hurried to the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, it appeared that he had a hang over. His eyes were red and he looked haggard. He concluded that it was from the guilt and embarrassment he felt from losing control last night. Still, he could feel a twitch in his penis when...
He kissed her sex gently, delicately. All over the wet fleshy folds he placed butterfly kisses not missing one spot. Then he began to lick her pussy with his tongue, all around the outer lips then inside the outer lips then up and down the middle. He needed this, he had dealt out some serious sadism today but right now he wanted her…badly. He breathed in her musky scent and his erection throbbed. God he wanted this woman, but he must remain in control. He settled for tasting of her and...
June ‘10Amy sat slumped, ass perched upon the edge of the swivel chair, legs spread. The blinds were shut, dark drapes drawn, the only illumination this late at night coming from the computer screen before her as a slide show slowly played, each digital picture more revealing, more perverted then the one proceeding. She watched, face burning with embarrassment, as the scene played out, remembering that night when Lex had taken the photos, remembering the humiliation of it all, as well as the...
BDSM“You ready, baby?” Rob asked when he walked inside Trinity’s apartment. It had been three days since he last fucked her and could feel his dick harden just by being inside her house. Rob couldn’t go more than a few days without some sort of sexual release, but he knew he would have it once he got her to the guesthouse. “Yeah Rob I’m ready. This is my last bag. Fingers got the rest of them yesterday.” She gave him a small fake smile. “It isn’t going to be so bad. Damn you act like it’s the end...
While driving around doing her errands Dr. Connie Hatcher had a lot on her mind. She’d just gotten off the phone with her psychology partner from their office perhaps an hour earlier. Traffic was bad, but she was in good spirits. She wasn’t quite sure why? The day was fairly boring. She’d worked a bit on her research and writing for a book that she and Denise were coauthoring. She’d paid for another year of lawn services from her attractive contractor Tim. Perhaps that was it. Tim had a great...
Psychologist Connie Hatcher continues to encounter some very atypical situations which put her in some very compromising positions. Oddly afterward her memory of specific events seems a bit clouded. She’s not quite sure, but something odd is going on. Sooner or later, she’d get to the bottom of it! ***** The music was awesome, the company outstanding, and Denise and Connie both looked amazing. This party comprised not only their colleagues but also some of their clients as well. A lot of...
‘I told you Trinity will be moving into the guesthouse by this weekend.’ Rob said to his wife his anger barely contained. ‘How can you bring your whore into this house? This is my house and I will not have my children around your little slut of the month!’ Dana never saw his fist coming until it contacted with the side of her face, knocking her to the floor. Rob grabbed her by the shoulders pulling her into his face, ‘This is my fucking house! I’ll bring whomever into this house I want to....