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All through school and even before, Don Brown and Tammy (Tamara) Stone had been a pair. From the first day of school when their mother's had put them on the bus together they had sat with each other, played with each other and, later, learned about the opposite sex with each other. Unfortunately, Don had a dream—a dream that not even the love of Tammy or the needs of the family farms could dissuade him from following. Don had fallen in love with the sea when he began reading history in school.

Don, like his mother was a voracious reader and one day in the school library he found a book that would change his life—Carry on Mr. Bowditch—a book about a young boy that had ran away to sea and learned navigation. He rose to Officer's rank and became a fantastic mathematician and navigator. Don spent many hours sitting in his room dreaming of going to sea after he read that book.

From the first book on sailing ships he branched out. He read history of all the great naval battles and the great ships that fought in them. He read about the clipper ships sailing across the pacific to China and he dreamed.

Of course, it didn't hurt too much that his father was a little bit hard for him to live with. Young Donald was like many young men. He liked to play and screw around. He knew what his chores were on the farm but he would rush through them so he could read more history, historical novels or science fiction. Oh, yes, he fell in love with the works of the old school Sci-Fi writers too like Robert Heinlein, Poulson, Pournelle and many others. He would rush through his chores and many times do a poor job so he could get back to reading or down to the river that ran through their farm and fish or swim.

The summer he was 18 his parents were building a new house and his father always gave him a long list of work to do during the day while he was occupied with a part time job in town or with more pressing farm work. Of course to Don this work was not as pleasurable as reading or spending time on the river or with Tammy so he either didn't complete his jobs or did them in a haphazard manner. This resulted in spirited discussions with his father.

One day Don had spent much of the evening rereading about WWII submarines in the book "Down Periscope". He read about the Wahoo and her cohorts during the battles in the Pacific. The next morning his father told him he had to carry bricks up onto the scaffold so they could brick the new house. Don started the work but ... well, about 9 a.m. he quit to go to the local town for a drink. While he was there he saw a sign about the Navy Recruiters office in the next large town and began dreaming about the sea once more.

Somehow, when he left to return to the farm his car turned toward town and the rest is history. He found the recruiter in the office and bought the spiel. Before lunch he had signed on the dotted line and had even been taken to the local MEPS for his testing and physical.

At 3 p.m. Don returned home to his very angry father who was doing the work he had assigned to Don. When Don got out of his car Howard came down from the scaffolding and started for Don. He said, "Where the hell have you been son? I told you to get the bricks up on the scaffold so we could lay some this afternoon and when I got here you were gone. If you weren't so old I would warm your ass! No get your gloves and get to work. We'll have to work until dark to get the work done I had scheduled for today."

Don's mother walked up behind Howard and looked at Don. Her face seemed worried and she cringed when Don opened his mouth to speak. He said, "I joined the Navy today. I leave the middle of August."

Don's father stopped his yelling in mid thought. His face turned white and he walked off after his wife Barbara put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Howard I told you if you didn't take it easy on Don he was going to leave."

Don watched his parents for a moment then put on his gloves and returned to work. That evening he had a date with Tammy and he was excited to tell her what he had done. He knew she would be happy for him. Don rushed through work and finally at dusk his father cleaned up the masonry tools and put them away. He and Don rode back to the old house in silence, neither spoke a word. Don rushed through his shower and took off without supper to see Tammy. He didn't have far to go as her parents owned and operated the farm next to his families.

Don rushed up to the door of Tammy's house. She had seen him coming down the road and met him with a smile, a hug and a deep kiss. When they broke apart Don saw her mother standing in the kitchen door watching them and smiling. She said, "Hello Donnie. You're late tonight." She looked at him a moment longer and sighed then continued. "For once I'm not sure if we want to hear the explanation or not. I talked to your mother earlier and she was crying about something you had done today. I..." She took a deep breath and continued, "From what she said I don't think any of us will like it so why don't you just come on in and tell us before we die from worrying about your news?"

Don smiled and almost bounced into the room. He grabbed Tammy's hand and pulled her along with him. He never noticed the scared look on her face as he pulled her to the couch and sat down then pulled her down beside him.

He looked over at Mrs. Stone and said excitedly, "I joined the Navy today. I leave in two weeks for recruit training then I come home for a month and go to the fleet for three years. I..."

Tammy screamed, "WHAT! Don how could you? What about our plans, what about college this fall? How could you do something like this without even talking to me about it?"

"Tam, I've talked to you about the Navy lots. I don't understand what you're talking about. You knew I was thinking about going into the Navy. I just got ... well, I don't know, I saw a poster today and went in to talk to them about it and, well before I knew it I had signed up and even have a job if I can pass the class. I'm going to be a Fire Control Technician."

"What? Don you could get on the Rural Fire Department here. Why do you want to go into the Navy to be a Fireman? Oh, I can't believe you did this!"

"No, Honey, a Fire Control Technician works with electronics. I will operate and maintain radars and computers that aim the guns and missiles for the ships. When I get out I can get college credit for the education and I can even take courses while I am in. This won't mess up college too much and I will have the GI Bill to help us when I get out in four years. We'll be set then!

"Get out! I can't believe you did this to me!" Tammy hit Don with her fist and ran down the hallway to her room. He sat there with his mouth open in total shock. He looked over at Mrs. Stone and saw her watching him with sorrow on her face.

Mrs. Stone sighed and said, "This wasn't the smartest thing you ever did Don. I think she'll get over it but you have a really pissed off young lady here now."

Mrs. Stone walked into the kitchen to return to her work and Don sat on the couch. After a few minutes he walked down the hallway to Tammy's room. She was laying on the bed crying as she talked on her phone to one of her girlfriends. He sat on the bed beside her and began rubbing her side and back as she cried. Finally she hung up the phone and turned to him. He wrapped her in his arms and held her until she quit crying. All the time he told her how he did it for them, about the GI college benefits and he reminded her of his dreams to go to sea and see the world.

Tammy hugged him to her and replied, "But Don we could go to college and get an education then we would have a good job and we could take trips and see the world together. Now I am here all alone for four years while you run around and play. Don I don't want to be without you that long. How could you do this to us?"

Finally after almost an hour Tammy agreed to go out with Don as they had planned but the evening was not as enjoyable as the rest of their dates had been. There already seemed to be a wall growing between them. The next two weeks things were touchy between the two young lovers and the adults in both families. Don was excited about leaving but also sad to leave his girlfriend and parents.

Finally the day of departure came. Seaman Recruit Donald Brown stood outside the departure gate with his parents Howard & Barbara Brown and almost fiancée Tamara (Tammy) Stone. He was struggling to remain dry eyed and to keep his voice from breaking. He could see the tears glistening in his mothers' eyes and running down her cheeks. His father's voice had been unnaturally hoarse when he had wished him goodbye and given him a self conscious 'man hug'. This would be the first time the small group of neighbors had been separated for any length of time since he and Tammy had been born. Their parents had been neighbors and friends all their lives and they all knew Don leaving would leave a hole in their lives.

Don gave Tammy a last kiss and walked through the departure security gate. He was so excited. He was off on the adventure of a lifetime. Almost before his family was out of sight he had forgotten them and dreams of adventure were running through his head.

When Don arrived at the airport in Chicago he looked for the sign he had been told to find directing all new recruits to their ride. When he found the sign he found three 'real' sailors and a large number of new recruits just like him. He gave the Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) his name and was checked off the list. The PO2 looked at him for a moment, pointed to a chair and said, "Sit over there with the others. We'll leave in a few minutes if the other assholes on my list ever get here."

Finally three other young men arrived and the PO2 walked to a position in the center of the seated recruits. He said, "All right. Listen up you people. I'm PO2 Carver and I am supposed to get you to base and turned over to the in processing people. I hope you got some sleep on the planes because you sure aint agonna get any here tonight. Now when I call your name answer 'here Petty Officer' and line up over there by PO3 Lincoln."

After the names had been verified once more PO2 Carver walked to the front of the group and said, "OK, follow me and we'll get you on the bus. Now I don't want any horseplay and I expect you to move rapidly and carefully."

Don managed to get a seat by the window and spent the entire trip looking out of it. This was his first time to fly, to ride a bus or to be more than 60 miles from his home. He was so excited he didn't know what to do. When they arrived at the base he was impressed. It was still early enough some of the sailors to be were marching to and fro. The streets were clean, the buildings large and neat. He couldn't wait for training to begin.

That was one of the longest days of his short life. After getting off the bus they were ushered into another building where the in processing began. They handed in their orders and other paperwork they had been instructed to bring. It was placed in a folder and given back to them to carry. They began going through a long line answering questions, signing papers and so forth. They were marched through a building where they were measured and issued clothing, and then on to another where they were issued bedding. Finally they were outside once more and lined up together. Late in the afternoon they were all marched to the Chow Hall where they were instructed to place their bags on the ground and take one step backwards.

The new recruits were allowed to file into the mess hall for evening chow then. All throughout the process more senior men were pushing them to hurry, hurry, hurry. Don only got about ten minutes to eat after he got his tray of food. He was lucky however because most of the recruits had spent their meal time visiting instead of eating. Many had only eaten a bite or two before one of the men who had been yelling at them all afternoon forced the recruits to stand and leave the tables. They carried their trays and filed past the scullery where they left their mostly uneaten trays full of what, to many, was barely edible food.

Don was one of the lucky ones who didn't leave hungry because on the farm he was used to eating fast so he could get back to the field. Of course being extremely hungry helped him eat rapidly. He had almost cleaned his tray when they were forced to leave. Some of the men who had been visiting a lot got almost no food that night.

After leaving the chow hall they fell back in on their bags and were marched back to a large drill hall. It was full dark by now so they needed the lights inside.

An enlisted man in kaki's stood in front of the now tired group of new sailors. He said, "OK now listen up. I'm Chief Salle. These other gentlemen and I are going to be in charge of you apes for the next several weeks. We will be your Company Commanders. Now beginning on the left I want you to count off by fives."

After the count the chief once again began speaking. He said, OK all ones go with PO1 Jensen, all two's go with PO1 Harris, all threes go with PO1 Stewart; all fours go with PO1 Hodges. All you fives got unlucky. You get to stay with me."

After the new recruits had shuffled over to their respective Commanders they were formed into Companies and training to march began. They were marched around for a short time carrying everything they had been issued then they were marched out the large open doors toward their barracks. It was after midnight when they arrived and was nearly 0100 before they were allowed to go to bed.

All the young men were sleeping soundly when the lights came on and alarms started to ring. The Chief walked down the center isle of the barracks banging a wooden night stick on the bottom of an aluminum dish pan. He was yelling at the top of his voice, "OK you Monkeys. Up and at em. Drop you Cocks and Grab Your Socks. It's time to go to work in this man's Navy."

The new recruits staggered to their feet. Several of them looked at their watches and moaned. It was 4 a.m. (0400 military time) and they listened to the loud speakers outside the building belting out reveille. The second day of their Naval service had begun. The first thing they did the second day was visit the barber where they were given a buzz cut haircut. From there they went to medical where they were poked, prodded, x-rayed and interviewed about previous health problems. They also began a battery of immunizations that would be required before they could complete their training and be sent to the fleet. Those with special skills and training were identified so they could be utilized in the Navy.

As the days rolled by getting up at 0430, normal reveille became easier for all. Some never got used to it and to some, like Don, it was no big deal. Training went on and was by no means too difficult physically but the hours were long. From 0430 to 0500 the men dressed, made their rack (bed), and prepared for the day. First formation was at 0500 then they were marched to breakfast. At 0600 they marched back to the barracks and cleaned it from top to bottom then had to do their past days laundry by hand using a scrub brush. They hung it on a line in the quadrangle then had formation at 0800 for the beginning of classes.

Classes went from 0800 to 1200, then lunch, then classes until 1600. From 1600 to 1700 was free time if they had no demerits to work off. 1700-1800 was supper then they were to study until 2200 only taking time out to shower in rotation. Lights out was at 2200 then they were allowed to sleep until 0430 when the next day started. Sundays were special. Reveille was delayed until 0530 and after morning chow the new recruits could either go to religious services or, if they refused to a 'moral enlightenment' class. After lunch was free time unless there were demerits to work off or a special training need to be addressed. Many times the whole company had to do extra training because of some real or imagined failure during the previous week.

Of course the actual sleep they obtained never did total to the number of hours they were 'allowed' on paper because of having to stand duty. Every member of the unit had duty of some type during at least two nights of the week. They were all sleep deprived and in a bad temper.

Don almost got beat up several times because of his mouth. Don was an even tempered polite young man but he was used to hard work and getting up early on the farm. When there was a job to do he thought it should be done rapidly and correctly and THEN you should relax. He was wont to say to any who would listen that, "I don't know why you all are crying about the work or hours. Hell, I grew up on a farm and this is the easiest money I've ever made in my life. During the summer when we planted and harvested we worked hard physically as long or longer than they make us here." The young men who lived in and grew up in the city seemed to think the opposite to Don and became angry with his attitude and contempt.

Finally graduation day arrived and Seaman Apprentice Donald Brown marched in review in front of his family. After they had graduated he rushed to the reception area to see his family and Tammy. His parents hugged him and told him how happy they were for him. Tammy on the other hand gave him a luke warm kiss and just stood beside him during the reception. He had a whole weekend of liberty then his family and Tammy would go home and he would go across the street for another four months of training in electronics on the main post as opposed to the Recruit Training Depot. After that he got a long leave before he was assigned to a ship for the remainder of his enlistment.

At the hotel Don had his own room with a connecting door to the one his parents and Tammy had. Unfortunately he was not allowed to sleep in the same room with Tammy. He could and did get some free time with her but he felt like something just wasn't right. Finally he asked Tammy what was wrong and she said, "Nothing Don. It's just ... well, I've been all alone and we just don't ... well I don't know what to do or say to you any longer. I'm sorry."

By the time he had to return to base he and Tammy were more relaxed with each other but Don was uneasy about how she had reacted to him and some of the comments she had made. Tammy had always been a friendly girl but always before if she had male friends they were also Don's friends. Now Tammy was in college and she had mentioned several male friends she hung with. She seemed extremely taken with her new friends and her newfound freedom. Now he was not looking forward to the next four months. He worried about Tam. There was nothing he could do about it however so he went on and his family returned home.

Phone calls and letters to Tammy kept them in touch and up to date with each other but there was a distance growing between them. Don was afraid. Don felt like Tammy was slipping away, growing more remote from him. She seemed more interested in her life than the life they had planned on building together. He kept talking about their future together and how he wanted her to be with him after recruit training but she never gave him any positive hope that would happen.

The schooling was tough but at least he no longer had to rise at 0430 or go to bed at 2200. Reveille was still at an ungodly hour but as long as he was in class at 0800 and passed all his tests with a 70% score or better he was left alone. He only had to stand duty one day in ten and could go to town in the evenings or weekends if he so chose. Usually he stayed on base during the week and went out Friday and Saturday nights with his buds.

Don learned to drink. He went to his first strip bar and saw much more of the seedier side of Chicago and Kenosha Wisconsin than many people knew even existed. His friends saw to it he got laid. He and Tammy had only had sex twice and he had to admit it had never been anywhere near as good as it was with the three young women he picked up in the bars and fucked in Chi Town or Kenosha. After the third time he got laid though Don quit picking up women. He felt so bad about cheating on Tammy he just couldn't live with himself after so he quit.

Don still went out with the guys but he drank and had fun then went back to the base and choked his chicken.

His thirty day leave after his training was better than the weekend he graduated boot camp. He and Tammy reconnected. After the first week back they were almost back to the way they had been before he left. She was almost finished with her first year of college and Tammy excitedly told him about all the new things she learned and all the fun she was having.

The third week Don was home was Tammy's birthday. She turned 19 and Don, his family and all their friends still in the area were invited to a party with Tammy and her family. After the meal of burgers and chips Don took Tammy's hand and pulled her away from the table where her presents were. "Honey come here a moment please. I want to talk to you a minute before you open your presents."

Don led Tammy to a spot at the edge of her yard where the light just barely reached. He stood and gave her a gentle kiss then reached into his pocket and pulled a ring from it. He looked at Tammy's glistening eyes and said, "Tammy I know the last few months have been rough on you, on us but I still love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?

Don took Tammy's left hand and held the ring toward her ring finger. He looked into her eyes and watched as she blinked, then licked her lips. He was beginning to become afraid when she finally whispered, "Yes. I do love you Don—but when? I mean you are going away for three years and I have my college and ... well what about all my friends and ... I just can't drop it all and go away with you now!"

"Tammy, why not? They have colleges where I'll be and it's nearly the summer so you can marry me now and we will move you to the coast when this year of school is over. It'll be great honey. We can see lots of new places and be with each other when I'm not at sea..."

Tammy placed her fingers over Don's lips and said, "Shhhhh. Not now honey. Yes, I'll marry you but I just can't do it right now. This is enough for now and you know that."

Tammy grinned when she heard some of her college friends yelling. One male voice rose above the others. Don looked over and saw a tall well built man that appeared to be of Mediterranean descent. He said, "Hey, come on back over here Babe. We all want to see ya open yore presents, not whisper in the dark with that sailor."

Tammy gave Don a quick gentle, almost sisterly kiss on the lips then smiled once more, grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the light and her well wishers. She never mentioned her acceptance of marriage to the assembled group and as far as he knew no one was told. It was almost as if her acceptance had been a non-event. Don left the party well before it wound down feeling lost and sad. He kept wondering what was wrong.

The rest of his leave was spent with his family and Tammy but other than a small comment about the beautiful ring from Mrs. Stone no one mentioned the engagement. All she said was, "Well son it's about time you got a ring for my girl. We could be having the wedding this summer if you hadn't gone off to play sailor." She saw the hurt in Don's eyes and smiled a sad little smile then said, "I just hope your decision to do that doesn't jump up and bite you in the ass. Congratulations anyway."

Don asked what she meant but Mrs. Stone only said, "Nothing Don. I just worry about things like most mothers." Of course that did nothing to allay his fears.

Over the course of the next year the only contact Don had with anyone back home was by phone, e-mail and mail. Tammy was especially hard to keep in touch with because of her college and hectic schedule. Sometimes he would go as long as two weeks without a message from her and it hurt. It hurt a lot.

Finally another leave came and Don was able to return home for two weeks. He wanted to surprise everyone so didn't tell them he was returning. It was the middle of the summer so he knew his parents would be home. After all they farmed and had to do most of their work in the summers. Don wanted to surprise everyone at home so badly he decided to rent a car and drive home from the airport. He reasoned he could return it the next day and have Tammy come pick him up in his old truck.

Don's flight arrived just before lunch. By the time he collected his luggage, rented the car and drove the sixty miles to his home it was nearing 3 p.m. He was so anxious to see Tammy he drove straight to her parents' farm, not stopping in town or at his own home before hand. When he drove down their private lane a billowing cloud of dust stretched out behind him. He knew he was driving too fast for the lane but he just couldn't wait to see Tammy. His cock had been hard and straining against his trousers the entire day and by now it ached it had been hard so long. He fully intended to get Tam into his car and down to their parking place by the river as soon as he could. He intended to take her to their place even before he went to see his parents.

When Don's rental car slid to a stop in front of the Stone home Mrs. Stone opened the kitchen door and stood just outside on the patio. He could tell she was angry with him from her stance. She stood with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. He knew she would forgive him though when she saw him. Don rapidly got out of the car and started around the front of it toward her.

Mrs. Stone face showed shock and she pulled her hands to her face covering her mouth. Her eyes took on a haunted, almost frightened look and she said, "Don! What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming home!"

Don grinned at her and said, "Yeah, I didn't tell anyone. I was only granted the leave a couple weeks ago and I wanted to surprise everyone." He was looking around as if he was searching for something then he finally said, "Where's Tammy? I have really been dreaming about seeing her!"

Delores Stone looked around wildly then she sighed and said, "Don Tammy's not here Son. I"

"Oh. Well when will she get back? I see her old truck over there. Is she in the field somewhere or"

"Don, she's gone for the summer. She and unh ... some of her friends and she are in Europe for the summer doing some kind of course and seeing the country ... I ... I can't believe you forgot that. I mean"

Don stood in shock. He looked at Mrs. Stone and felt his stomach lurch. Finally he found his voice and said, "No, she never mentioned any trip to me. All she said was she wasn't taking any summer classes this year and wanted to take it easy, to have a relaxing summer. She said she wanted to just have fun this summer. I guess she didn't think I would care about my fiancée running around Europe with a bunch of ... Oh, FORGET IT."

Don turned and walked back to his rental car. He started it and returned to the highway in another cloud of dust. He never looked back to see the tears in Mrs. Stone eyes and he certainly didn't hear her whispered comment. "Oh, Honey I hope this doesn't come back to haunt you. I'm afraid you're going to lose that boy."

Don's family, on the other hand, was overjoyed when he drove into their yard in a billow of dust. His father started for the slowing car with a questioning look on his face. He knew the vehicles of all the neighbors and wondered if he was being blessed with a sales call or a bunch of religious fanatics. When the door opened and Don stepped out his face broke into a smile and his pace picked up. He yelled for Don's mother. When she came from the back yard she saw the two men of the family locked in an embrace. She hurried to add her welcoming hug to the group.

Don enjoyed touching base with the few friends he had that still lived in the area. Of course it was wonderful to see his family also. His family was shocked when they found out Tammy was gone and doubly shocked when they found out she had not told Don she was going. One time when they were talking about her his mother looked at him in sadness and said, "Don, Honey. I don't know about that girl. We love her like a daughter but, well, I just worry she's enjoying her college too much. I'll pray for you both but sometimes the lord moves in mysterious ways you know."

His leave ended way too fast even without the company of Tammy. His parents took Don back to the airport on the last day of leave. When he returned to duty he would be boarding a different ship, one that was to deploy to the Gulf. He was excited. He was now a Petty Officer Third Class and expected to have some men working under him in the new job. It would be his first time in a supervisory capacity. His ship, the USS COLE (DDG 67) was almost new and she was beautiful.

Don reported aboard and quickly settled into his new job. He enjoyed working on the equipment and guiding the lower ranking men he supervised. He quickly became a favorite of his superiors and was treated as such. Their deployment was nearing its midpoint when the ship went to Aden, Yemen to refuel.

Shortly after mooring the crew began to congregate on the mess decks for lunch. There was a roar, the ship lurched and the mess decks were filled with fast moving shards of metal and dark smoke. The lights went out. Don's head was ringing and his right side hurt. He could hardly breathe. The General Quarters alarm was bonging away but Don was having trouble moving. He knew he had to hurry to his station but something was wrong. He felt so weak. In the dim light of the battle lanterns he could see a gaping hole in the side of the ship and many of his comrades were lying on the deck unmoving. He pulled himself to the nearest and began trying to remove the debris from them. He uncovered three of his friends when the world went dark once more.

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© Copyright Mojavejoe420 2013-17 (Trent has written an erotic story on, but he's afraid to tell his girlfriend, Whitney, about it. Her sisters know about it, however, and have threatened to tell Whitney. They're also seeing our man Trent in a rather different light. Please check out Chapter 1! Thanks for reading.) - The Imperfect Storm - Chapter 2 Whooshing noise. What the fuck? I'm dead asleep! Oh, it's my girlfriend Whitney's phone. Incoming...

2 years ago
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My perfect life

           MY PERFECT LIFE(incest,d/s,bdsm,violent)   -stHell66   Stupid cunt thinking of Daddy's cock, licking his cock with my new tongue piercing. It licks his balls like he licks as he teases my cunt with his toes. King of the house like he should be, seating on the couch watching TV as it cleans the my shit from his glorious cock. He pinches my piss flaps with his toes as he yanks on my leash. He pets me lik a good pet, as I should be.     Being a cockworshipper and a pain-slut is the...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Life

The Perfect Life By Daniel Charles I guess you could say I had the perfect life. Millions of friends, tons of ladies to screw, and thousands upon thousands of dollars. And at least twenty cars, and as little as 30 servants in the mansion I call my house. My name? Well my name WAS Jack Vandelay. I am a 23-year-old male who had made quite a living for himself. I had a somewhat supermodel type build with a huge monster dick that bulged to 9 inches when in front of the ladies....

4 years ago
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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

2 years ago
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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

4 years ago
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My perfect life

This is my first time writing anything like this. This happened to me early in the summer of twenty nineteen. My husband and I have been married for six and a half years, we have a rampant sex life and, I have never thought about straying. I am thirty-two and Kevin is thirty-six. Kevin is a service director for a car dealership. I am a freelance hairstylist. I am slim, thirty-four-inch bust and, shoulder-length brunette hair, I weigh just one hundred and twelve pounds. My piercing green eyes...

Wife Lovers
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Lifes Imperfections

I can only imagine what life would be like with her. That future is perfect, immaculately flawless, yet I know life is never without an imperfection. There will always be a negative to a positive, bad luck to good luck, a downfall to an up rising. And yet I expect so highly and I expect perfection that could never be accomplished, even in a hundred lifetimes. Dramatic lies and brutal honesty contrast yet without one, the other ceases to exist. The pretense that I live and the limitations that I...

4 years ago
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Imperfect Ch 03

The thing that I had nearly forgotten was that what I told my mother on the phone was only half a lie. I really did have a meeting with a guy from a gallery, just not that day, but the next- Saturday. Lucky for me it wasn’t until two, so even though I has slept till noon, I had (barely) enough time to pull my hung over, sex rumpled self together and get my ass to my appointment on time, and (hopefully) looking at least semi-professional. The man’s name was Guy, and he was about 65, with short...

2 years ago
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The Imperfect Storm Chapter 1

© Copyright Mojavejoe420 2013-17 (Howdy folks. This story has been hanging around, unfinished, on another site for about four years. I’ve actually finished it now! It’s 8 parts, yikes! I have tried to revise chapters 1-6 to fix massive grammatical and tense errors, but it’s basically the same as it appeared 4 years ago, very trashy! Chapters 7 and 8 are the new ones. It’s related to the first story wot I ever did writ, “My Sister and Her Friends” from several years ago. You don’t have to...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

4 years ago
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Picture Perfect1

Picture Perfect “Oh come on! It can’t be that bad!” Amy chuckled to herself in front of the glow of her computer screen. “There is no way on earth that I would sleep with a 50 year old pervert just to get my share of the rent together.” Sarah had argued for the past ten minutes with her roommate about the dangers of using Craigslist to make money, but as always with Amy, she had to feeling she was fighting a losing battle. “You don’t have to sleep with someone, you can just do what I...

3 years ago
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just perfect0

I stepped out of the shower and began to plan my first night of freedom. What should I choose out of the many options like the all night keg parties, little get together parties, or should I just relax in my big empty house alone with my girlfriend Crystal. Yeah, I think I’ll pick door number three, so I grabbed my cell phone and gave her a call. Just hearing hear voice, even on the phone, just makes me want to do back flips. Finally I was finished getting ready as I heard the knocking...

3 years ago
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A Perfect Stranger

Somehow, Autumn had snuck up on me. It seemed like just yesterday I was wearing sleeveless shirts, Capri pants, and sandals. The sun blazing from the crystal clear blue sky. The breeze, hot and heavy, full of humidity, that did little to cool you if one had to spend more than a few seconds outside. Heat so cumbersome, I could hardly drive with the top down in my new convertible, and when I did, I got a sun burn to prove it. However, the dog days of summer were over. The cooler, crisp air had...

1 year ago
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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

2 years ago
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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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It'd been sixteen months since Jessica broke up with me, and I was drunk. She'd been everything to me. Blindingly clever; a great cook; my best friend. She'd been a lab assistant with me under Professor Kingston while we both studied graduate chemistry at university. She wasn't the prettiest girl on campus, but she was cute, and funny, and as professor Kingston loved to point out with a chortle, we had great "chemistry." And then, after a year of dating, she left me. For her...

4 years ago
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PerfectMatch Part 2

It was almost midnight when we finally pulled up in front of Mimi's building. My building, I reminded myself with a shudder. As I climbed out of the limo, the rich man handed me "my" things. "Purse, keys, and mobile phone," he said, tucking the latter two into the former. All three were cheap-looking and garish, bedazzled with various combinations of sequins, faux leather and false gemstones. Notably absent from the collection was any kind of driver's license, passport, or other...

4 years ago
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Club Perfecto

Club Perfecto Xxx A short story giving a slightly different angle on someone's transformation. As always, love to hear some feedback on it (or any of my previous stories if you read them). Slip on some satin and enjoy - S.S. xxx Tall, muscular and handsome, in his late twenties with chiselled good looks, Stuart Cameron was a highly succesful broker with his own business. He should have been an extremely eligible catch, with his pick of women, but he had a slightly...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Life

I'm thirty eight, single and of course, always on the look out for pussy, which is how I wound up in a young persons night club. I saw this young lady there, with the biggest tits I ever saw in real life, she looks to be about thirty pounds or so over weight and I am really intrigued by the size of her tits. She doesn't quite look like she is twenty one, the legal drinking age, but she's in the place with an empty glass in her hand, so I figure, she has to be at least twenty one, so I asked her...

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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

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The Lifeguard

 I was 22 years old and I out of work, in the last year of college, I had to find a job to get me through the summer. The YMCA had a busy summer k**s' camp, and they needed someone with lifeguard and first-aid experience to supervise the pool. It was the typical, run-of the mill lifeguard gig… keep down horse-play, nurse a minor sc**** here or there and prevent injuries and other liabilities. It didn't pay much, but it had a perk: it gave me the chance to look at gorgeous k**s wearing...

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Desert Wildlife

Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...

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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

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Interview mit PORNOLIFE

PORNOLIFE: Wann hast Du deine ersten Sex-Erfahrungen gemacht? Andrea: In der Schule lernte ich viel, aber Sex lernte ich von den Jungs. PORNOLIFE: was bedeutete dies für dich? Andrea: Das Lusterlebnis war bestimmend für mein Selbstvertrauen. Ich war begehrt und deshalb stolz auf das, was ich als junge Fickstute tat. PORNOLIFE: Und nach der Schule? Andrea: Ich hatte weiterhin sexuelle Beziehungen zu den Jungs und deren Familien aus dem Maghreb, wo ich wurde zur Hure abgerichtet wurde. PORNOLIFE:...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

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You recently moved to the big city to find a job, since unemployment is very common where you come from. Another aspect was, that you wanted to try out new stuff. Sexual stuff. But word in the small town spreads fast and you did not want to shame your Family. You like it rough, and none of your small town friends could really satisfy you. So here you are. Your name is Lena, 20 years old. You are 1,62cm short, have blonde curly hair, a slim body with nice 80c breasts and a cute small ass. It’s...

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Sissy dreamlife

Hello little sissy. Do you still remember me? You don’t do you poor thing. Allow me to refresh your memory. Last night I saw you at a bar you looked so shy and a little awkward so I approached you. We talked for a little while and I immediately came to the conclusion that you would make a great sissy, so I d**gged your drink. No stop that little sissy you won’t make it out the bondage you should embrace it, it is what you are meant to be. You must have so many questions. But since I don’t like...

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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife

My name is Greg and I have been dating my college sweetheart, Shelby, since freshman year of undergrad and now coming up on 25. We recently moved in together in a small but cozy 1 bedroom apartment close to the city. Shelby loved being in the city surrounded by people, while I enjoyed my solitude so we settled on the apartment not too far from the city but close enough to make her happy. I've been at my new job for about 4 months and have dedicated a lot of my time to my work, making our sex...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I'd just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

Group Sex
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Bad back bad sexlife

My wife had always been a horny woman and we had a great sex life. Now when we got a bit older, she was very much in control of her sexuality and her needs. We still made love at least once a day, after 20 years of marriage. I know that she often would masturbate during the day when she was home alone. She was a house wife and had raised our k**s and run the home when I went out to work. We were lucky that I could make enough money for her to stay home. When the k**s grew older she started...

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cuckold lifestyle70

We got a break from all the heat this weekend. Lower seventies beat upper ninties anyday. This short of kick started my wife's fall shopping. After doing all my chores Saturday I was told I needed to shower , shave , and lock myself up in my CB3000 because we where going shopping. Shaving my pubic area always takes me a long time. Shaving a nut sack can be tricky. It took me an hour to finish up and when I came into our room to get dressed my wife was setting on the bed already dressed and...

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I’m a guy late forties fairly fit for my age, and like to swim regularly at the local swimming baths, that’s where I meet, a hot early twenty year old girl, she is a lifeguard there and she is very friendly and extremely hot, she is an American girl from T===Ss, her accent is so hot.Anyway we often chatted and I noticed she often come up to me to chat when I’m in my swimming shorts, and I’m sure she flirted with her eyes and body, I’m older guy but do get the odd look from younger ladies...

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cuckold lifestyle42

Saturday night my wife wanted to go out and have some fun , but, she wanted me along. I was watching something on the TV in the den when she walked in wearing a white denim mini skirt and a red button up shirt, the top two buttons where left undone and she must have had on one of her pushup bras. Her 34 B's aren't normaly that round on top. Her legs where naked and she was wearing a high stacked strappy sandals. She said get up little dick and lets go do something. I jumped up and turned off...

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cuckold lifestyle26

Being a cuckold husband is always fun but when your wife is as crafty as mine its almost to much fun. She knows how to run the ragged edge. Buy this I mean doing her cuckolding while we have friends over or at public places , like the ZZ Top concert in story number 16. Well we had a wedding to go to one Saturday, I didn't want to go...( what guy does )? I was about to complain about having to go when my wife walked in wearing the dress she had bought to wear. It was pale blue, to her knee, and...

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cuckold lifestyle5

Well she had working at the BBQ shack for four months , September was almost over but it was still warm here in Georgia. Someone at the shack came up with the idea to have a summer is over party. Well being that we have a house and pool my wife said they could have it here. Most of the other wait staff was made up of college aged guys and girls that lived either at home or in an apartment. So they all agreed with the idea the party was going to be here. My wife came in and told me we where...

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Why there are safety procedures when working with other lifeforms

It was in the depts of the hostile sea that covers planet SG-58231 that it was found. Though found is not the right word to describe what happened. Agnes was there, the one, lucky intern in Nasa’s most coveted crew, the crew that gets to plant an American flag in new worlds, unveils environments never before seen or touched by humans, plans and executes the initial research necessary before anything found is deemed safe enough to be shipped back to Earth for further examination. They entered...

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Salla and Savva crouched low as they worked their way through the jungle flora. The waist high bushes provided perfect cover along with the camouflage of the leopard fur shorts and bras the duo wore. The two long brown haired jungle women would not easily be seen. The tribal explorers moved stealthy and silent as a jungle cat. They edged toward the strange sounds. If the sounds were voices they were not like any voices they ever heard. These voice-like sounds had a deep tone. Never before while...

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Want to see some interactive porn at Life Selector? Looking for some "choose your own adventure" porn? Simply watching porn is great, sure. But don’t you ever wish you could be right there in the action calling the shots? Of course, you do. Who the fuck doesn’t? Now, I can’t fly you out to the best porn studios to have you take Emma Hix in the ass, but I may have the next best thing. Remember those choose-your-own-adventure books as a kid? The ones where you flipped through the pages based on...

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Real Life Cam! Just face it: you are a creepy old man. Why else would you be interested in spying on other people on You are precisely the skeevy guy that girls are warned about and told to watch out for all their lives—the stranger danger stalker, the guy offering candy to girls if they’ll just get into his windowless van, the peeping Tom lurking outside in the dark, beating his meat while a girl gets ready for bed.There is one main difference, come to think of it, between you...

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SwingLifestyle! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

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Life Under Cam! Voyeurism is a fetish old as time. For as long as people have been fucking, there has been some sad, lonely guy who has wanted to watch those people fucking. I guarantee you that, even in the days when Neanderthals ruled the earth, there was a cave woman getting fucked monkey style by her mate and some other cave man was watching, unbeknownst to the couple, jacking his dick out of sight. It’s just human nature to be curious; it’s just human nature to want to see other people...

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Life Porn Stories! I’m a big fan of the kind of stories you find in pornography. There’s a good chance any trip to the doctor or real estate viewing will erupt into a full-blown orgy, just like you always wish would happen in real life. The thing is, a lot of really sexy stories also occur in the real world. That’s the premise, or at least the pretense behind LifePornStories, a site full of amateur porn movies showing just how sexy reality can was registered in 2018, but...

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Thots Life! How often do you see yourself walking by a hot bitch in public, only to find yourself secretly jerking off as you stare at them? Hopefully not a lot, because that’s how you will end up in jail, you dumb bastard! Do you want to be known as the creep fuck that can’t stop jerking off at women? Maybe you do, perhaps you don’t, but I get the sentiment. When you see a hot piece of ass, sometimes you have to tug on that peen!But consider this. Have you ever stopped to think that some of...

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The Penalty of Imperfection

Thunder cracked its fiery whip against the verdant landscape of the Orelas Valley as Elizabeth descended inside the cavernous gash of the cave mouth. Rain pelted her luscious figure as though it were a desperate admirer, plastering her silk burgundy dress against her body as she escaped its smothering embrace and conjured a bright green flame to illuminate her path. She shivered as she descended down the narrow passageway holding her flame close to her body to keep warm, rain dripping down her...

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Perfect Life

Authors note: This is my first story on CHYOA and will be writing each of the chapters myself. If there’s a particular option/choice you would like to see on any of the chapters please comment. If I like the suggestion I’ll be happy to add it! You could barely sleep last night, the thoughts of finally turning twenty-one had made it nearly impossible. The thoughts of finally being able to drink without needing to beg your older friends to do it for you and able to finally tag along when they...

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