Lifestick free porn video

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Salla and Savva crouched low as they worked their way through the jungle flora. The waist high bushes provided perfect cover along with the camouflage of the leopard fur shorts and bras the duo wore. The two long brown haired jungle women would not easily be seen. The tribal explorers moved stealthy and silent as a jungle cat. They edged toward the strange sounds. If the sounds were voices they were not like any voices they ever heard. These voice-like sounds had a deep tone. Never before while on patrol had the two heard such noises.

Salla put an arm up stopping Savva. They crouched lower and Salla pointed. Peering through the foliage Savva saw what Salla saw. It was a being that looked very similar to them yet it was different.

"I need to stop and take a quick leak," yelled Alex to the rest of the exploration party. "I'll catch up."

The man in his mid-20s faced a big tree but to Salla and Savva he had turned sideways. He unzipped and pulled out his dick not knowing they were watching or even that anyone was there. He let out a urine stream.

"Lifestick!" whispered Salla, desperately holding back excitement.

"It's attached," Savva whispered back in equal amazement. "The legends are true."

"The legends are true," repeated Salla. "Go!"

The two women sprung from the thicket. Alex was about to zip up but the surprise caused him to try to turn and run but they were upon him. Savva, the taller of the two, grabbed him from behind and put a sharp knife to his neck. He stopped in his tracks.

Salla stood before him. To Alex both women looked to be in their mid-30s.

"Lifestick," Salla said. She touched his dick with the tip of her knife.

"Careful," he said. "I'm kind of fond of that."

"You are a male?" questioned Salla.

"Yes, at the moment, unless you're not careful with that knife."

"You're real." It was more statement than question.

"That's what I've heard."

"Tie him."

The woman was strong. His arms were pulled behind his back and his wrists lashed together in seconds.

"Now just a minute," he protested.

"Where did you get this?" Salla again touched his dick with the knife as Savva walked around and faced the man

"What? What are you talking about?" he questioned.

"The lifestick."

"My dick?"

"Where did you get it?"

"I was born with it."

Savva grabbed it and pulled hard.

"Ow! Careful!"

"It's attached!" Savva said.

Salla said, "He's real. He exists. You're a male."

"Not if you're going to do things like that."

A voice rang out. "Alex? Alex?"

"Come," said Salla.

They didn't give him an option. The women grabbed his arms and hustled him through the bushes.


His dick bobbed in the air as they continued to run. He had no choice but to run with them.

After fifteen minutes he couldn't go any further.

"Can we stop?" he gasped heavily.

The women stopped. They breathed as calmly as sitting down for a meal.

"Thanks ... thanks." He tried to take big slow breaths. He wasn't out of shape but he wasn't in the athletic condition of these women. "Could ... could I put my dick away?"

Salla and Savva stared at him blankly.

"My lifestick," he said.

"Lifestick?" Salla said.

"It's small," said Savva. It was her first chance to look at it closer.

"Well, it's hard to be aroused in such situations and my zipper is rubbing against it so that doesn't feel good."

Savva grabbed the shaft.

"Ow! Could you be more careful. I really, really like that."

"It feels strange," Savva commented.

"Would you please put it back in my pants?"

"Why?" Salla asked.

"The zipper ... like I was saying."

"What is zipper?"

"The metal," he tried to point but of course his arms remained tied behind. "Of my pants. It hurts."

"This?" Savva released his dick and pulled on the zipper.

"Right ... so could you put my dick ... my lifestick back inside?"

"I think I understand," said Salla.

She took her knife out.

Alex panicked. "Please ... no, no, no. Don't cut it off!"

Salla cut it off. She cut the zipper out and the entirety of his pants.

Alex now stood in a shirt, shoes and socks, and his boxer shorts with his dick still hanging out.

"Better. No more zipper," said Salla.

He was too relieved to still have his dick to be concerned that she just ripped up his pants.

"Bring him," said Salla.

Savva grabbed his lifestick and pulled him along to follow Salla.

Walking along with a female holding his dick, biology happened.

"Salla! The lifestick is growing!"

Salla stopped and turned. It was twice as big as before! Wider and longer and now it was hard!

"It feels warm now," Savva said.

Salla replaced Savva's hand around his shaft. "It IS warm."

"Is it still small now?" Alex grinned because that's what you do when you're captured by two strange women in the middle of the jungle. That's what you do to ANY woman who thinks you're small but hasn't seen your dick erect.

"It is ... very big," said Salla. "How did you do that?"

"What do you expect to happen when two beautiful women want to hold it?"

"Are you saying we made it grow?"

"You got it. Why don't you rub on it and see what else happens?" An orgasm certainly would make the best out of a bad situation.

Savva rubbed.

"Stop!" said Salla. "Lifejuice. Rubbing brings lifejuice. A lifestick rubbing inside a lifewomb brings forth lifejuice and makes new life.

That sure sounded like sex to Alex. So why the big mystery about what a dick was?

"So you've done it," he asked. "You've had..." He need to use their terms. " ... A lifestick inside you."

Savva shook her head.

Salla said, "We've never seen a true one before."

"Then how do you know about it?"

"In the teachings."

"Sex ed class?"

"History class."


"The study of our people, our past and how we came to be. What is sex ed?"

"Um ... it's the study of how we came to be and how a lot more of us might come to be unless we wear a wrapper or the woman is on the pill."

"You speak strange words."

"I could say the same about you."

Savva said, "I like holding it." She smiled at him.

"I like you holding it. You sure you don't want to rub it?"

"No!" said Salla.

"How about sucking on it?"

"We need to get back."

They walked for a long time and unfortunately neither woman held his dick.

Savva pulled back branches and Alex followed Salla through.

He found himself in a cave. They were cavewomen?

Salla followed by Alex followed by Savva walked deeper. It became darker and just when it looked like it was about to be too dark, it started to lighten.

They came out of the cave on the other end. He looked up and there was sky again. The trees were less dense but what was astounding was straight ahead. It was a castle, tall and massive. As the trees continued to thin Alex saw more and more. He walked looking up more than looking ahead. They came into a clearing. Ahead a huge wooden door stood at least three times taller than himself.

Four women were stationed outside the door and dressed similarly to his two escorts. They stared at the approaching trio particularly at Alex. They carried spears longer than they were tall.

"What is it?" Niffa, the lead guard asked pointing at Alex with her spear.

"Have any of you every tried pointing at things with your finger?" Alex asked.

"It's a male, answered Salla.

"The legends are true!" Savva couldn't contain her excitement. She and Salla found a male!

"A male?"

"Look," said Salla, "A living lifestick."

"No it's not. It's too small."

Alex frowned. "It grows."

"Yes, it grows!" Savva said.

"Why don't you make it grow again?" said Alex. Seeking pleasure seemed to be a good course of action in this situation.

Savva wasted no time grabbing his dick.

"Savva! No!" sternly said Salla.


"Why not?" asked Alex. "What's the harm?"

Savva released his dick.

"You can rub it later," Alex said. "I promise."

"You say words you have no control over," said Salla.

"But we get to be first after the queen," said Savva, "because we found him."

"We don't know what will happen. Open the door."

With a metal ball that Niffa picked up from the ground she knocked once then two times in a row then three times in a row on the door. To Alex's surprise the large door didn't open but a normal-sized door that was part of the bigger door opened. The regular door was well concealed. He followed Salla through again followed by Savva. The door closed behind them.

They walked along a stone path. The big castle he saw from outside the wall was ahead and looked even bigger now. To the left and right he saw cottages and gardens and the people who likely lived in those homes. Everyone person was a woman. The youngest of them looked to be mid-30s like his two captors.

"So you have no males living here?" he asked.

"No," Salla replied.

"Why not?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't any males live here?"

"Because there aren't any."

"Why not?"

"Why should there be?"

"When you have children you will give birth to males and females."

"No, we birth life to only females."

"Wait, what? Hold on." He stopped.

"Keep walking," Salla said.

"No, wait, this is important. If you don't have any males then how do your people continue? You need male and female to ... you know ... create life."

"We find the living lifestick and he creates life in every female old enough. That is you."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." He really wished his hands were free. "So you expect me to have sex with every woman here?"

Blank stares

"So you expect me to fuck everyone?"

Blank stares

"So you expect me to put my lifestick into every female?"

"Of course and create new life inside us."

"O ... kay." His mind swooned and then he almost fell over. Savva caught him.

"Starting with the queen of course," said Salla. "Once life is created in her then you will create life in everyone else."

"First us!" said Savva. "Because we found you."

"This might not be such a bad gig," Alex said.


"Never mind. Let's go see the queen."

They reached the palace. Two female guards were posted outside the main entrance. They opened the arched heavy door as Salla and Savva approached.

"Interesting decor," Alex commented. Outlining the door frame sides were two large dicks and they curved up forming the arch of the door. The tips of the two dick heads almost touched.

"What is it?" one guard asked looking at Alex.

"You'll know soon," said Salla. "We're taking him to the queen." She wasn't to be delayed anymore.

"Look," whispered the other guard and pointed but everyone heard.

"It grows," Alex assured. "And thank for pointing with a finger."

The three went inside the castle. They soon took a right down one corridor then a left down another corridor. The corridor became arched and it was lined evenly with lifestick statues again nearly touching at the top.

Alex marveled and commented. "You certainly have a thing for dicks."

"What are dicks?" asked Savva. "You use that word often."

"It's a word that means lifesticks from where I come from."

They approached two more women guarding a door. This door has two giant GOLD lifesticks providing the arch around the door.

"We need an immediate audience with the queen," Salla said.

"It is the day's end. You may request an audience tomorrow, Salla," Marra replied.

"Do you expect her to see this ... creature?" Mitta added.

"Look between my legs, ladies," Alex said.

"It ... it," stammered the guards.

"It grows," Alex said.

"Get the Queen Guard, " Salla demanded. "We will remain here."

"Yes ... yes, right away." Marra looked at Mitta. "Go."

Mitta opened the door and darted inside.

"Is it real?" Marra wondered.

"Would we bring it to the queen if it was not?" responded Salla.

Alex said, "You know, I'm more than just a lifestick. I have a great personality."

"Quiet!" Salla said.

"Or not," he muttered. "Must be someone's time of the month."

"Can I touch it?" Marra asked

"You know that he is first for the queen," Salla replied.

"Of course you can touch it," Alex said smiling. "Salla and Savva touched it." Alex liked the guilty look on their faces and especially on Salla's.

"We had to know if it's real," Salla said.

"And you expect her to let me in to see the queen without checking to see if it's real also? That doesn't sound right. Marra needs to touch it right now." Salla glared at him which made Alex really, really happy.

"He's right," Marra said. "I shouldn't have sent Mitta in until I checked to see if it's real."

Her words were enough to start his dick hardening in anticipation of being touched.

"It's alive," said Marra eyes widening.

"Living lifestick," said Savva.

Marra grabbed his dick in her hand.

"Thank you," he said.

"It's warm."

It crossed his mind to say, "The better to fuck you with, my dear" but reason won out.

"It's real!" Marra said astonished. "The legend has finally become truth."

"The legends are true," said Savva.

"What are you doing?" Mitta had returned.

"It's real," Marra said in a hushed reverent tone. "Living lifestick."

"It's much bigger," Mitta said surprised.

"It grows," Alex said.

"Can we see the queen?" Salla asked so to return to the reason they were here.

"Yes. Now," said Mitta.

Marra released his dick.

Alex said, "Since we're about to see the queen you should probably untie me first."

Salla answered by pulling him along.

The three entered the throne room. There were ever increasing in size lifestick statues arching above them. They statues hemmed in their walking path on brilliant green stones. The room was large and one could be on the other side of the lifesticks but one first had to get almost to the throne before one could go there. The first lifestick arch was not that much above his head but each successive pair was a little higher until the last pair was at least three times his height.

Two guards stood on opposite sides of the throne.

"Kneel," said Salla.

"What?" Alex barely responded before hands on his shoulders from both women forced him to his knees.

Salla and Savva looked down but Alex chose to look around and take everything in.

The queen came out. She looked at him and saw that he looked back at her. She carefully sat on her throne.

"Uh-oh," Alex muttered.

"Shh..." softly said Salla.

The queen said, "Salla, Savva, you have requested audience with me. Speak"

Both women looked up.

"Yes, my queen," said Salla. "We bring great news and joy to you and for our people. We have captured a male and he has a living lifestick."

"That is great news if it is so. All rise."

Salla and Savva helped Alex to his feet.

"See?" Savva pointed at his dick with her finger. Progress! Pointing without a sharp object.

"Untie him, remove his garments, and approach with the male."

Alex liked the idea of being untied but definitely did not like the idea of being stripped naked. He noticed the visual interest by the queen guards. The one on the right was cute. She looked to be in her mid-30s which was the youngest age he had seen.

"The queen is old," whispered Alex.

"So," whispered back Savva.

"Really old." In his estimation the queen was in her 70s.

Salla and Savva each grabbed an arm pulling him up the few steps until he was in front of the queen.

"It has been a long, long time since I have seen such a thing," said the queen. "Over 30 life cycles."

"Is that a year?" Alex asked.

"Quiet!" Salla pulled on his arm.

"It's okay. The male may speak," said the queen. "I don't know what a year is but a life cycle is a period of warmth to cold to warmth again."

"That sounds like what I call a year."

"Salla and Savva, you are most blessed by this discovery. You of course will partake of the lifestick after life is created in me."

"But... !" said Alex.

Salla pulled on his arm again.

"Stop that!" he protested.


"She said I could speak," Alex explained.

"There is a time and place for everything, male, the queen said.

"My name is Alex."

"And my name is Barra."

"Queen Barra to you and to everyone," said Salla.

"Suzzi," the queen said. "Take him to my chambers and wait with him."

The queen said Suzzi but Alex heard Susie. At last a normal name and it was the cute guard.

Susie grabbed his upper arm and escorted him out a back door.

They entered what was obviously the queen's chamber. There was an enormous bed with heavy blankets and plush pillows. A bed fit for a queen.

"So do I get on the bed and wait?" he asked.


Standing naked in front of this stranger did not feel that strange considering he just spent that last several hours with his dick hanging out of the fly of his boxers. Nor did it feel that awkward that she was looking him over. Every female had this day.

"So you're a Queen Guard, huh? What do you do?"

"Guard the queen."

"Well, yeah, but what does that mean?"

"Penna and I make sure no harm comes to the queen."

"Ah. Do you enjoy your work?"

"Yes. You ask strange questions."

"Well, we are strangers!" He laughed but she didn't respond.

Her gaze remained on his dick.

"It grows."


"My lifestick. It grows ... during times of pleasure. You're looking at it. I'm sure you're curious. Do you want to touch it?"

"Your lifestick is only for the queen until it creates life inside her."

"Yes about that. I wanted to mention..."

The queen came in interrupting.

Queen Barra looked Alex up and down.

"You may go, Suzzi. I will partake of the living lifestick now."

"It would be better if I were in the room so this..."

"His name is Alex."

"He may harm you."

"The living lifestick brings pleasure just like our plaster lifesticks bring pleasure when we use them on ourselves."

Alex said, "I noticed the one on the table next to your bed."

"I have not used it for too long. Leave us, Suzzi."

"Yes, my queen." She bowed ad left.

Barra took Alex's lifestick in her old hand. "I thought I would never again have the chance to have an heir. A long time ago, more than 30 life cycles, a daughter came from my lifewomb. She died after only two life cycles."

"I'm sorry," he replied.

"Yes," she wiped a stray tear from her eye.

He waited.

"But this is a happy time! Put your lifestick inside me and create new life."

Alex couldn't bring himself to say anything about her age. He would fuck her.

"Let me undress you," Alex said.

When she was naked she said, "Pull back the blankets."

After Alex did so, she slowly got on the bed. She opened her legs. He was very, very surprised to see a perfectly clean-shaven pussy.

Alex climbed on top of her. His dick was not hard. He thought about Savva and imagined her underneath him. He hardened. His dick found the right angle and he pushed.


He continued to push.

"Ow! Ow! Stop!"

He did.

"It hurts."

"You are older now. We need a lubricant."


"Some kind of lotion that will make it easier to slip inside."

"There are lotions on the table over there."

He followed her finger and hopped off the bed. He smelled each lotion and put a little on a finger to test the feel.

"I think this one will do."

He sread the lotion all over his lifestick. He got back on the bed and over her. He hand positioned his dick and pushed.

"Ow!" she still cried.

He was in.

"I don't remember it feeling like this."

"You said it's been a long time and even for your dildo."


"Your fake lifestick."

"It doesn't bring pleasure like it used to."

"I'll make this fast."

"Make what fast?"

He fucked her quickly. She grunted and groaned and not the "I'm gonna cum all over your cock" kind of grunts and groans but the "this doesn't feel so good" kind. He gasped loudly and released in her.

"Your lifejuice," she reacted.

"Yea." He rolled off her and onto his back.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Going to sleep."

"This is my bed." She pulled on a cord at the head of the bed and a bell rang.


Susie showed up right away.

"Show Alex where he sleeps," she said while pulling up blankets to cover her modesty.

"Come," Susie said.

Alex got off the bed. It felt like he did something wrong but he had no idea what.

Adjoining to the queen's room was a tiny room consisting of only a cot and a thin blanket.

"This is where you will sleep and stay unless summoned by the queen." Susie left.

Alex lay on the cot and pulled the blanket up. What did he get himself into and how did he get himself out of it?

Susie brought him bread and a bowl of something like oatmeal for a meal.

Alex was woken by a gentle rocking on his shoulder by Penna, the other Queen Guard.

"The queen requires your lifestick."

He went straight for the lotion. The queen instructed Penna to leave after protests similar to what Susie gave last evening.

He fucked her quickly again because it was uncomfortable for the old woman again.

He was returned to his room by Penna and later given a meal. The rest of the time he was bored out of his mind.

In the evening he had sex with the queen again and again a meal.

The next two days were the same. Anytime he tried to leave during the day Penna seemed to be right there to make sure he went back into his hole.

He could tell sex was not such a good thing for the queen. You don't use it, you lose it.

"My queen," Alex said. "I think it would be better if you only had my lifestick once a day. It's become more and more painful for you."

She thought for a moment then agreed.

The biggest problem was how did he get a woman pregnant who no longer could be pregnant? He couldn't be with any other woman until the impossible happened. If he had the opportunity he probably could have convinced Savva to have sex with him the day he was captured.

Once it became dark the queen went to sleep and Alex had done the same since he was here. Tonight he stood up in his room so he wouldn't fall asleep. Without a timepiece he couldn't track time but it felt like he waited an hour, definitely at least a half hour.

He strode out of his room. Barefoot he made no sound. There was no sign of Susie who was the night guard. Penna was daytime and both guards were out whenever the queen provided an audience.

He exited through the door into the throne room. He was just to the throne almost down the steps to walk on the green stone path when Susie appeared.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Going for a walk," he responded.

"Return to your room."

"No, you're going to escort me to Savva."

"For what purpose?"

"I am the Living Lifestick! Why do you not kneel before me?"



Susie looked puzzled.

"If you will not kneel then I will wake the queen and she will decide about your disobedience."

"You can't..."

"You have waited so long to find me and you're going to tell me what I can and can't do?"

"You belong to the queen first."

"Yes! That is right!" He pointed a finger in her face. "So you must kneel."

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Various passers-by, noticing an obviously religious rite being performed by their goddess, stopped to see what was happening. Word spread quickly and a large crowd gathered around her in a very short time. The goddess was chanting a simple prayer in ancient Sumarian, a dead language no one around her knew. It was the chanting that was important, not the understanding. The understanding would come later. Where she stood was important to the understanding. Before her was the blackened...

2 years ago
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Waking up to a new Life 5

Waking up to a New Life. Ch 5. By Matthew. I woke to the sound of nanny wishing me a good morning, while asking if I had a lovely sleep. Turning to face her, I suddenly realized the restraints were no longer holding my wrists secure, the earplugs no longer attached to my ears. But for some unknown reason I was still being tormented by that woman's voice reaffirming "I'm an effeminate sissy and always have been," Offering a warm smile I found myself asking, "Can I have a cuddle please...

2 years ago
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Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debtPart 3

FROM THE BEGINNING I knew about the Indian casino, but not the after hours casino run by racketeers(the same ones that the movie Godfather was made about). The Indians would sell the debt markers to the racketeers, and they would encourage the person in debt to come to their casino to win back their money. I found all about this at a later date. Krystal went to the Indian casino with her girlfriends, and she got in way over her head with her gambling. It appeared that the Indians encourage...

3 years ago
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Mami8217s maid satisfied me

Hi too all iss readers, this is Aslam again with another story of my life, last time I told u how I fucked my mami and took my revenge. This event happened after that event. For the people who don’t know me I am Aslam from Lahore, Pakistan. I am 22 years of age and doing bba at Punjab University I am having 6 feet height and average body. Lets come back to story after enjoying my mami for the first time fucked her on every time got a chance but our sex life took a turn when she was operated on...

4 years ago
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Applaachian TeenChapter 8

On Sunday morning I woke up when the bed moved. I opened my eyes and saw that Sarah had gotten into bed with me. This was something she rarely did. I think that it only happened twice before. She had the sheets pulled up just barely covering her breasts and I was sure that she didn't have anything on under those sheets. "Sarah, what's going on?" I think she moved and made the sheet drop away from her breasts on purpose, "We have to get a few things straight. Now that I'm eighteen I'm...

4 years ago
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Desperate Housewives Part1

Michelle was a lovely young woman that lived across the road from me. One day I had helped her to get her car started when I saw her battling to start it on her way out. She had both her k**s strapped up in their car seats, her daughter of almost two Caitlin, and her newly born son, Mark. I managed to get her car started, and she sped off, waving and mouthing her thanks. A couple of hours later I heard my doorbell ringing and went and opened it up, and was pleasantly surprised to find Michelle...

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UnconventionalChapter 15

“So, Detective, that’s what went down, you see. I’m a retired soldier of fortune and they wanted me dead and gone. I must not have posted news of my retirement in time to catch them. I thought that someone else was the target, mainly Zahira, as a hate crime or something for her being a Muslim or being bi or something like that. Evidently, I was very much wrong about that, especially given the arson at my place,” I explained to the homicide cops from my hospital bed. “I see. Well, I hear that...

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My Whole Family Needed Me 21

My Whole Family Needed Me 2 I felt like I was in the matrix. I was awake but I felt like I had to be dreaming. My beautiful younger sister was passed out next to me in her cum-soaked bed. Our Cum-soaked bed! I couldn’t believe how I had taken complete control of her last night and fucked her twice. I was never a stand-up guy but I’m starting to realize where they all come from. I wanted to be there for her and make her...

3 years ago
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She lay on her side. She had been awake for some time and was trying to take in every feature of the as yet unfamiliar bedroom. Through a chink in the yellow curtains sunlight was streaming in and the room looked warm, pleasant and cosy. There was an oil painting of a woman by a modern Chinese artist on the wall, in reds and yellows, and there was a low cupboard that probably housed clothes. There was an arm around her waist. A hand had cupped her right breast and its middle finger was...

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Wife Stories Marie

Introduction Harvey, relaxing in the hot tub, moaned at the work Marie was doing. She was under water sucking on his still working, nearly 60-year-old cock. His 33-year-old lover came up for air, laughing at the older man. Marie ran her fingers through her short, blonde hair, slicking it back. She straddled Harvey, guiding his cock into her. “You know, I’m surprised this thing still works,” Marie smiled, kissing Harvey’s balding head, her breasts dangling against his...

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Kese Main Bani Cal Girl Part 8211 2

Helo frnds me sumanpreet kaur ek bar fr hajir hu apni agge ki story leke apne meri pehli story kese main bani cal grl ko bhut pyar diya apke bhut sare mail aye aur me ek bar fr bta du ki ye meri real story hai ab me age ki story par ati hu .   Usdin jab me hostel phuchi to mera bhut bura hal tha me chal b nahi pa rahi thi me bhut muskil se apne room me phuchi room me ja k mene nahaya aur fr so gayi sham ko musakan ka castmr k liye fon aya par mera bura hal tha to mene mna kar diya agle din fr...

4 years ago
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DARK CARNIVALA STORY OF HORROR AND RETRIBUTIONFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCHAPTER 3Ben “Junior” Stokes “Please, let me go…” the bitch begged for the hundredth time. I rolled my eyes at her even though she couldn’t see me through the blindfold. I stalked around the tiny RV, trying to get my thoughts straight. I was trying to figure out a way to fix this, but I couldn’t think of anything. Okay, so maybe I’d planned on k**napping her…especially since I’d stocked my car with everything I might...

1 year ago
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Whoever chose Toonily as the title for this next site deserves some kind of award, maybe a handjob or a cock-shaped trophy. I review all types of porn sites with all sorts of names, and this one strikes me as pretty damn clever. It’s weird and catchy and honestly could have been a branding opportunity for something totally wholesome if they hadn’t decided to give out porn under the name. I mean, look at that classy logo. These guys could have been the next Hulu, but Nah, they’d rather help...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Kidnapped tortured and raped 1

His laughter rang throughout the dimly lit room in a menacing, villianous tone. He stood at the side of a bed, wearing nothing but a twisted smile on his face, belt in hand. The bed was filthy. Dried blood stains, cum stains, piss and dirt covered the linens. It had been well used, for purposes that most never even dreamed of. The sickest nightmares couldnt compare to this mans reality. Wake up, little girl, he cooed, nudging the sleeping figure on the bed with a large, calloused hand. She had...

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I think the quote was that 'those that sit and wait' also get served...eventually. It was long in coming, but eventually I got all that I dreamt of, and more.I had wasted my high school days, thinking that they were more for playing laser tag, video games, or hoops. I kept a basketball in my trunk and would stop at every unoccupied basketball court. Ironically, this did nothing for my resume, so my career after graduation didn't exactly take off.Kicked out of my house at eighteen, I took a tiny...

3 years ago
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I Want You To Fuck My Ass

I chose to wear the tight white mini-dress Thursday night for one main reason. It accentuated my curves in all of the right ways, especially my backside. Eric, my fuck buddy, the guy from the movie theater noticed as soon as he saw me.He took me out for a night of dinner and dancing, emphasis on dancing. After more than a few drinks between the restaurant and the club, our dancing turned dirty. Our bodies moved together, not too different than we would in the bedroom, except we were standing...

4 years ago
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If You Had Just Said No

My wife Sally is 48 has the body and energy of a 24 year old, 5” 2” 105 lbs, hot auburn hair, sparkling green eyes, 34D boobs a waste that I could put my hands around, and the cutest butt you have ever seen. In a word she was HOT! We were married 22 years but still had sex two or three times a week. That being said when it came to sex Sally was very concretive, sex missionary only, she lover oral on her never would her lips touch my cock and don’t even let my fingers or cock get near her butt!...

3 years ago
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My First Time Was Unexpected

Introduction: I didnt think that a movie and an uncomfortable mattress would lead to my first sexual experience with a girl &hellip, But boy was I in for a big surprise I was only seven when my mother and father split up, looking back on it I can honestly say my father was no good for anything! He drank all day and didnt have a job, and on top of that he beat my mum every now and then, not often &hellip, but enough. Anyway,mum finally broke it off with my dad, so my mum and I moved to a...

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What Is A Mother To Do

Candice was a wife, mother, homemaker, and busy. It seemed that so many things took up her time. Just getting everyone up and dressed, and fed, then off to their daily activities was a feat worthy of an Olympic medal.Her husband could pick out his clothes, but getting him up and fed was up to her. Her daughter was always wanting a little more sleep, then asking where this or that article of clothing was. Her son was getting older and picked out his wardrobe.Breakfast was not all that easy. It...

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Todds punishment and trip

Hi my name is Todd, I am 18 years old, and here is the story of how I got locked in a chastity cage by my step mother. It was a hot day, in the middle of summer vacation. My father had just left for a work seminar, he was going to be gone from Monday to Friday, which mean that I almost had the perfect opportunity to host a party. I just needed to get rid of my step mom. Me and my stepmom have a good relationship. We can talk about anything, from girls to sports. She was more of a friend to me,...

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Conflicted First Time Cock Sucker Ch 03

"I said," there was a look in his eyes that terrified me as he spoke – my father had the same look when he was angry – "if you leave like this, then the next time won't be as..."I'd shut the door and started the engine and couldn't make out exactly what he said, but I think he said "gentle." The next time won't be gentle because he's pissed at me? Fuck him, there's not going to be a next time, and out of anger on my part, I flipped him off as I backed out and drove away. Then I noticed my hands...

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You lay curled up behind me, warm breath fluttering past my cheek with each snore. Your arm grazes my hip and from time to time you move your legs against mine. It is the cuddle I crave, and it fills a need inside. Yet, it leaves me empty. I watch the TV that blares a random show; something dramatic, depicting characters that I don’t know, and don’t care about. Your breathing is rhythmic and the snores even. The rise and fall of your chest against my bare back soothes and inflames me. I move to...

3 years ago
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Rest of Kats Replacement

After eight months Kerry is so taken with Kat's way of controlling a woman that she ask Kat to teach her some things. What do you mean teach it just comes out of me when I see a woman I'm interested in things just seem to happen and before long I either get her or give up the chase. Kerry says you mean some get away? Oh yea not everyone falls but most do. Like how many can I ask? Kat smiles lets find out together ok she leads Kerry to her bedroom and a drawer opening it it's full of panties...

2 years ago
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Krystenahs kitchen Punishment and Prize Part II

As Daddy laughed with Robbie in the front room, I knelt in the corner of the kitchen with the plug in my ass. The word “switching” echoed in my ears. Daddy had promised to switch me for not asking permission to stand or walk minutes earlier when I had retrieved a beer for Robbie. My heart beat fast as I anticipated my punishment. I heard their voices lower and I heard them quiet as Daddy walked Robbie to the door. The front door opened and swung shut. Silence filled the room where the laughter...

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Strict rules of engagement Part 21

"I’ve never been a squirter!" Janice thought to herself as she squeezed her thighs together and felt her cum spread around her inner thighs from the pressure. She held that position for a while as she leaned against the center counter in the kitchen, amazed at having that much fluid leave her pussy during an orgasm. Brody came up stairs and sat in the living room. Dinner was almost ready so he found no point in going up to his room only to be called down in a few minutes. While sitting...

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Giving In to Temptation

Donna worked at the local five and dime store where one of the young bucks from her neighborhood had become a fairly regular customer. Regular enough that she started to wonder whether he really came in for pencils or a candy bar, or if it just made a good excuse to come in and see her.  She had often caught him staring at her ample breasts and at first, she passed it off as just the raging hormones of youth, but after five years with her trusty vibrator as her only lover, the thought of his...

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Mom sees visits me at Fort Benning

She said she would see me at my graduation from AIT but things fell through and she wasn’t able to attend. It wasn’t so bad because she made sure she was there at my Airborne graduation at Fort Benning Georgia. This is about our first night together after Airborne school and before leaving on our 3 day journey back home. After my graduation from AIT I was shipped on a bus with 6 other soldiers from Fort Jackson South Carolina to Fort Benning Georgia for Airborne training. I was gun ho and...

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Unlocking something in my wife

Do you ever really know someone? I dated my wife for three years before we married and the entire time I watched my P's and Q's. Andrea is five three and weighs an even hundred pounds, she has cute little thirty four B cup tits and a pair of perfect legs. After we married I was still afraid to let her in on my secret desires about wanting her to cuckold me. I noticed how men looked at her when we were out, and I had thoughts of what it would be like watching a stranger ramming his thick cock...

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Ministers Family Embraces IncestChapter 4

Waiting a few moments, I asked Momma the question that had been on my mind since she first attacked Sissy’s body. “Momma, this was not your first time making love with a woman was it?” Momma blushed and smiled a quirky looking smile before admitting I was right, that she had been with a woman before. “Who was she, Momma?” I asked. “My sister, your Auntie Diana.” Hmmm, I thought to myself. Has our incestuous family just grown? It had been a long night as we three pretended to sleep. We...

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Twin Switch Chapter 18

Twin Switch Chapter 18 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be detailed therefore the x rating. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT...

3 years ago
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Moms Summer Camp SwapChapter 7

It was another lovely, cool night in northern Wisconsin. The scent of fresh pines seemed that much more noticeable due to the crispness of the clean air, and the chirping of birds and the forest insects filled the darkness, along with the distant, constant sound of Lake Michigan lapping up against the beach and rocks all around the peninsula. One felt a comfortable closeness to nature here... and yet, weird things could happen anywhere, Mavis Richards knew as she and her two children walked...

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Bua Ki Jagah Masi Ne Bujhayi Meri Pyaas

Hi friends, this is my 2nd story I am sunny from Delhi mujhe aunties aur married ladies bohot pasand h, if any girl or lady is interested in secret sexual relation can contact me at age doesn’t matter for me. I am 5.11 in height, fair and built now i describe my story in Hindi. Jesa ki aap sab jante h meri pichli story se ki kese mene apni bua ko unhi ke hospital me choda uske baad mene kafi baar unki chudai ki ek baar ki baat h, barish ho rhi thi me aur bua sex kr rhe the mere ghar par koi...

2 years ago
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Me and My ZapperChapter 3

Maisie crossed her arms and stared at me; she was angry. "I make specialist receivers and transmitters," I told her. "It's only a garage operation but I..." "For getting men to force women to have sex with them! That's disgusting!" I shook my head quickly in disagreement. "No. It's only me that uses that device," I promised her, and took a slice of the breakfast toast I had put on the dining table. "That's my hobby." "Hobby!" She cried in disbelief. "You've ruined my...

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Lilys Little Secret Part 2

I sat there with my eyes wide just staring at my sister’s dick. For what felt like an hour but couldn’t have been more than half a minute neither of us said a word. I was transfixed in surprise, curiosity, and arousal. But then she spoke, “Alex…” I looked up at her eyes, a sad look in them. “Would you ever be able to love a girl with a cock?” “Huh?” I asked, confused. “I don’t mean me and I don’t really mean you, but I’ve never had sex because… I’m terrified. I’m afraid of what would happen if...

1 year ago
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Sharing Black The Ultimate Betrayal

TYRELL 6:00p.m. Dinner went great. No more hounding questions at the dinner table. Everyone ate and was stuffed. Big Momma and Jasmine got up, cleared the dinner plates and went into the kitchen. She brought back the hot peach cobbler from the oven and a bucket of vanilla ice cream. She served everyone their portions and returned to the kitchen. “Why don’t we take our dessert into the living room, Rell and Jas.” my step dad suggested. Jas and I looked at each other and got up. She walked behind...

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BrodricksburgChapter 9

I sat up quickly and tried to focus on the digital clock on the bedside table. It was 3:45 AM. I wondered who the hell was pounding on my door at that hour. "Just a minute," I yelled, causing my head to ache. When I got to the door I asked, "Who's there?" "It's Officer Martin and Officer Condon. You are wanted down at the station." I opened the door to the two uniformed officers. "What's this about?" "Don't know, sir," Officer Martin said. "We were just told to come over...

3 years ago
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The Housekeeper

It was an ordinary evening. I live alone but for a few servants you understand. I had been to my club, I had a few drinks, I played a few rounds of cards and then I came home. It took barely five minutes by Hansom Cab, so I was ready for my bed well before one of the clock after the mid night. I had a new maid. Very sweet, innocent. Housemaid. Upstairs maid. The last one had to leave, fat with child. Probably mine, but this one was a peach. And chaste, well chased but thus far she had...

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Out of the trailer she goes

On a hot and humid summer weekend in small a Oklahoma city, Gen would get up and get ready for her court date. Being poor and having a short temper, Gen had managed to get in trouble at her job for punching a guy in the face. Gen worked as a stripper in the most popular strip club in the city and she was one of the most attractive women there. Even though Gen made some money working as a stripper, she also worked as a waitress and, at times, even an escort to make enough. Gen was a tall...

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Dolly Part Five

The handful of society bimbos in cosmetology class had no urgent work. Cosmetology was a joke subject and mostly an unsupervised gossip session. The girls had put on enough makeup to last most women a lifetime. However, they were excited to grill their new sissy classmate and 'help' show him the ropes. "Hi cutie I didn't know much about you but some people shared with me your emotional Facebook coming out and it touched my heart. I can't imagine how hard it has been for you pretending...

2 years ago
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My husband and I went on a trip with another couple to some remote islands in the tropics. At the time I was only 28years old. I had only been married three years. I always had plenty of guys to date, they told me I was good looking. my boobs are "c" cups and I weighed only 105lbs. I am five foot tall and blond blond hair and I shave my pussy. The other woman was named Jill, 5 foot 2 inches tall, blondish brown hair, about 110lbs and nice "d" cup tities. The second day there our husbands went...

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The HookUp

Years later… As I walked into my friend's place of employment, I sighed deeply. I never did anything even close to illegal in my life. My cousin had one mishap. I promised him I would hook him up. I had my ways. It happened to be in the form of a beautiful, busty, Double-D cupped Latina lawyer. That hook-up happened to be... "Oh my God. Tell me you didn't..." "No, you should know me better,” I said. "Well, if you think about it..." Nancy said, pondering. "I'm here for my...

2 years ago
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Aunty Pavadaikul Pugunthen

Hai friends, indru en siru vayathil aunty udan kanam boochi aadum pozhuthu aunty pavadaikul pugunthu kondu avalin pundaiyil kai vaithu iruvarum kaamam seithu kondom. En aazh manathil pathintha kaama anubavathai ungalidam indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren appozhuthu thaan en aanma sathi adaiyum, vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. Enathu peyar ganesan vayathu 35 aagugirathu, en siru vayathil athavathu 20 vayathu irukum. Appozhuthu en ethir veetil oru aunty irupaargal, avargaludan kanam pochi...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Bett

Bett and I are an average couple in our early forties and we had been married just a little over sixteen years. Like in a lot of marriages of that length the sexual excitement had disappeared. I guess that after sixteen years of the same old thing we had gotten bored - maybe not of each other, but of sex with each other. A few years ago I had found a magazine in the seat pocket of an airplane and for the lack of anything better to do on the flight I sat back and read it from cover to cover....

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Fucked By Three Guys In Cohin

Hi I’m Sam, I live somewhere in North India. I’m 5.6 in height very cute to look, with very seductive eyes and I have very sexy body and I am gay. I am going to tell u a real story which happened last year when I went to Kerala with my friends. Kerala boys are always horny whether str8 or gay, you can always see horniness in their eyes and I love mallus because they have very big tools, we stayed in cochin near de back waters, we saw de city and den in de night we went to our rooms to sleep . I...

Gay Male
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Female DelightsChapter 11 Auction

When two of the guards came into her cell, it was very crowded and Laura, resigned now to being fucked countless times a day, thought that they would have to take her outside if they wanted to do a threesome on her. Instead, one of them cuffed her wrists behind her back while the other released her ankle chain. Then she was bundled out of her cell and out of the large room along a dreary corridor. At the far end of the corridor she came into another large room where there were several rods...

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