BrodricksburgChapter 9 free porn video

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I sat up quickly and tried to focus on the digital clock on the bedside table. It was 3:45 AM. I wondered who the hell was pounding on my door at that hour.

"Just a minute," I yelled, causing my head to ache.

When I got to the door I asked, "Who's there?"

"It's Officer Martin and Officer Condon. You are wanted down at the station."

I opened the door to the two uniformed officers. "What's this about?"

"Don't know, sir," Officer Martin said. "We were just told to come over her and pick you up."

"Okay, give me a minute to get dressed."

Twenty minutes later I was escorted into an interrogation room where Captain Ross was waiting for me.

"What the hell is this about, Ross?" I asked.

"I have a few questions for you," Ross said.

"And they couldn't wait till morning?" I was beginning to feel as though I was being set up for something but I couldn't imagine what.

"No, this couldn't wait till morning. Where did you get these pictures?" Ross asked and tossed five photographs on the table. They were all pictures of Carrie sitting on a park bench with Commissioner Buske. There was nothing incriminating about the pictures. Carrie and Buske weren't touching each other, just sitting together.

"I've never seen those pictures before," I said. "Where did you get them?"

"They were on your desk," Ross said. "

"Then what the hell are you doing with them? If they were on my desk, they obviously don't belong to you," I said. I was beginning to get pissed. I didn't know what Ross was up to but I knew it wasn't going to be good for me. "If those pictures were on my desk, you had no right to touch them."

Ross just smiled at me. "You're in deep shit, Hobbs. Did you follow your wife and take these pictures or did you hire someone to do it for you?"

A group of curious officers had started to gather outside the interrogation room. When I looked out at them I saw Hanratty pushing his way through the group and into the interrogation room.

"What the hell is going on here?" Hanratty asked.

"Your partner is in deep shit," Ross said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just be quiet and listen. You'll know everything it a couple of minutes," Ross said to Hanratty and then turned back to me.

"So, you say you don't know anything about these pictures?"

"Is there a point to this?"

"Where were you earlier tonight?"

"When earlier? What time are you talking about?"

"Between 8:00 PM and 9:30 PM," Ross said.

I was losing patience with Ross and decided not to be cooperative.

"Why don't you tell me where you think I was and I'll tell you if I was there or not," I said.

"Don't try being cute with me. We both know where you were," Ross growled.

"I don't really think you know where I was so why should I help you by telling you where I was?"

Just then I saw Chief Pasiak coming through the squad room. People quickly moved out of his way to allow the Chief to enter the interrogation room.

"What the hell is going on here?" the Chief asked while looking at me.

"Don't know, Chief. You'll have to ask Captain Ross. He seems to think that where I was between 8:00 PM and 9:30 PM last night is important but he won't say why."

The Chief looked at Ross. "Well, what the hell is this all about?"

Ross picked up the photographs off the table and handed them to the Chief. "It seems that the Lieutenant has either been following his wife or hired someone to follow her. These pictures where found on Lt. Hobbs desk."

The chief looked at the pictures without comment and then looked at Ross and waited for him to continue.

"At eight o'clock last night Mrs. Hobbs was seen going into a house at 37 Third Street. She left the house shortly before 9:00 PM. At 9:05, Lt. Hobbs was seen going into that same house. A few minutes after Lt. Hobbs entered the house, a gunshot was heard. Shortly after the gunshot Lt. Hobbs was seen running from the house. The witness called 911. When officers arrived on the scene they found Commissioner Glen Buske dead on the floor with a single gunshot wound to the head."

"Commissioner Buske is dead?" I asked as I felt the blood draining from my face. I looked over Chief Pasiak and shook my head. "You think I killed him? You can't be serious."

"We've got you, Hobbs," Ross said. He smiled at me before he spoke again. "You had reason to believe that your wife was having an affair with Commissioner Buske. You followed her to 37 Third Street last night and when she left you went into the house and found Commissioner Buske and in a jealous rage you shot him."

In spite of the shock of finding out that the Commissioner had been killed and the anger I felt toward Ross as he accused me of killing him I couldn't help but laugh.

"You think this is funny, Hobbs?" Ross said.

"How many witnesses were there?' I asked. "I am guessing just one. One person saw everything. Saw Carrie enter and leave the house and then saw me enter the house, heard the shot and then saw me leave and then called the police. Is that about right?"

"That's right," Ross said.

I heard Hanratty say, "Bullshit."

"How did you know there was just one witness?" Chief Pasiak asked.

"Two witnesses would increase the chance that they would screw up the story they were paid to tell."

"What the fuck are you trying to pull?" Ross shouted with spit flying from his mouth.

"I just think it's curious that your witness happened to know that it was my wife that entered that house and happened to record the time and then recorded the time when she left. Then that very same witness recognized me and recorded the time that I entered that house. That last part would have been especially difficult considering I was nowhere near that house last night."

Ross started to say something but the chief cut him off. "Can you prove that you were not near that house last night?"

"Do you have Agent Van Horn's cell phone number?" I asked.

"Who's the hell is Agent Van Horn?" Ross shouted.

"An FBI Agent from Philly. He was up here working on a case last night," I said. That would give Ross something to worry about.

The chief pulled out his cell phone and looked through his directory. "Got it."

"Dial it on the speaker phone so everyone can hear this?" I said.

The Chief dialed the number.

"Chief Pasiak? What time is it?" Agent Van Horn asked.

"It's five o'clock."

"Why are you calling so early?"

I motioned for the Chief to let me talk.

"Lt. Hobbs wants to ask you something."


"Good morning, Kyle. How are you this fine morning?"

"You should know. My fucking head hurts. Is this something important or did you just call to harass me?"

"There seems to be a problem here that can be solved by information that you have." I said.

"Oh? And what is that?"

"Where were we last night between the hours of 7:30 and midnight?"

"What? You don't remember?"

"I remember but there are some people here that want to know if you remember."

"Okay, we were in a pizza restaurant called Dominic's," Van Horn said.

"The whole time?" Chief Pasiak asked.

"Yeah. We drank some beer, ate some pizza. Told some lies about how great we are at our jobs and shot some pool. It was almost midnight when we left the restaurant."

The Chief smiled and said, "I hope you boys were sober when you drove home last night."

Van Horn replied, "Of course we were, Chief. Then Ross butted in. "Did Hobbs leave your sight at any time between 8:00 and 9:15?"

"Other than nature calls to the men's room he was with me all evening."

I thanked Van Horn and so did the Chief.

"Can anyone else back up what Agent Van Horn said?" the Chief asked.

"A couple dozen people at Dominic's. Our waitress, the bartender and the guys we shot pool with."

Ross' face turned bright red, I think more from anger than embarrassment but I am sure there was some of that too.

"So who is this witness that was so sure they saw me last night?" I asked Ross.

"He was a confidential source so I can't give you his name."

"Bullshit. Your witness lied so I don't see how they can be claimed as a confidential source," I said. "Why do you think your confidential witness would want to try and pin the Commissioner's killing on me?"

"I have no idea," Ross said. "Maybe the killer looked like you."

"That still doesn't explain why your witness was watching the house in the first place," Hanratty said.

"What makes you think he was watching the house?" Ross asked.

"Why would he have noticed the time that Mrs. Hobbs entered the house and when she left?"

"I can't answer that but you can be sure I will ask him about it when I see him again," Ross said.

"Are we through here now?" I asked. "I have a murder investigation to run."

"You're off this one, Lieutenant," Chief Pasiak said. "Too close to home. Carrie may have some involvement in what happened last night so you need to stay away from the investigation... Hanratty, I want you to handle this. Keep me informed." When the Chief turned to leave the room the group of officers that had gathered outside the interrogation room quickly dispersed.

Ross was visibly shaken. I wondered if it was because he had really believed that I had killed the commissioner or was it because his plan for pinning the murder on me didn't work. He left the room and headed over to his office and closed the door.

"I'll keep you in the loop," Hanratty said. "Anything I find out I will let you know."

"You'll do more than keep me in the loop. I'll let you run the investigation but I will be the one to interview Carrie," I said.

"I'll let you talk to Carrie but please don't do anything to compromise this investigation. This is my chance to show the Chief that I am a good detective."

"Don't worry, I won't screw this up for you," I said. "Let's go get some breakfast and I'll help you plan your investigation."


Hanratty and I arrived at the law offices of Mitchell and Horne at 9:30 AM.

"We need to speak with Mrs. Hobbs," Hanratty told Marge Burke, the receptionist, after we had identified ourselves as police officers and showed her our badges.

Marge gave me an inquisitive look as she reached for her phone to call Carrie. Marge had known me for five years so our identifying ourselves as police officers and asking to see Mrs. Hobbs had to strike her as being a little odd.

"Mrs. Hobbs, there are two police officers here to see you."

Marge put down her phone and said, "You can go right up, Brian."

I thank her and Hanratty and I took the elevator to the second floor. When we got to Carrie's office I asked Hanratty to give me a few minutes alone with Carrie before he came in.

Carrie looked worried when I came into the office. "What's going on, Brian? You know you aren't supposed to come here."

"This is important, Carrie, and it's work related."

Carrie seemed to relax a little when I said that. "I just worried that you were violating the restraining order. People here know about it."

"I know but I had to talk to you about something," I said and then laid the pictures of Carrie and Commissioner Buske sitting in the park on her desk. "What can you tell me about these pictures?"

"Oh, my God, have you been following me?"

"No, I have not."

"Then where did these pictures come from?"

"I don't know where they came from but I have to know why you were with Commissioner Buske?"

"Are you accusing me of something here? I thought we were making progress and now this."

"I am not accusing you of anything but I need to know what this is about. I have to know why you were with Commissioner Buske," I said.

Carrie looked hurt. She took a deep breath and said, "That was last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Mitchell gave me some papers that he needed to have Commissioner Buske sign that afternoon. I call the Commissioner's office and was told that he was out of the office for the afternoon. His secretary gave me his cell phone number and I called him to ask him if I could meet his somewhere to get his signature on the papers. He told me to meet him in the park. We were there for no more than five minutes. He signed the papers and I went back to my office."

"That's all?"

"Yes. Now why do you have pictures of that meeting?"

"The caller that started all the trouble between us had them delivered to my desk yesterday."


"I am not sure yet," I said. "At first I thought it was someone who was just trying to break up our marriage, but after last night I think it is far more sinister."

"What happened last night?"

"You don't know?"

Carrie shook her head and I could see that she really didn't know what had happened.

"Did you go to see Commissioner Buske last night at 37 Third Street?"

"How did you know that? Did you follow me?"


"You better not be lying to me," Carrie said.

"Have I ever lied to you about anything important?"

Carrie looked directly into my eyes and then said, "No... So how did you know I went to see Commissioner Buske last night?"

"The same person that sent me the pictures told me that you would be there at 8:00 last night."

"So did you go there to spy on me?"

"No. I was at Dominic's all evening," I said. "So why were you meeting Commissioner Buske last night?"

"It was just business. Why is this so important?"

"It's important because fifteen minutes after you left your meeting with the Commissioner someone killed him."

"Oh, my God. Are you serious?" Carrie asked but then when she saw the look on my face she knew."

Carrie looked like she might get sick. "Why would someone want to kill him?" she asked.

"I don't know why he was killed but I believe I know why it happened last night right after you left the house."

Carrie said, "I don't understand."

"Pictures of you sitting in the park with Commissioner Buske appear on my desk and I get a call telling me that you will be at 37 Third Street at 8:00 PM last night. Shortly after your meeting with Commissioner Buske someone killed him."

Carrie just looked at me in bewilderment.

"At four o'clock this morning I was hauled down to the police station and questioned. It seems that Captain Ross had a witness that saw you enter the house at eight o'clock and leave just before nine o'clock. That same witness claimed that they saw me enter the house shortly after you left and then heard a gunshot. The witness claimed that he saw me running away from the house after he heard the shot. Captain Ross was trying to pin the murder on me."

"You were able to prove that you didn't do it?"

"What do you think?"

"I know you wouldn't do that but were you able to convince Captain Ross?"

"The fact that I am standing here should answer that," I said. "Now, can you tell me why you met Commissioner Buske at that house last night?"

"It was a real estate deal he was working on. I had to get him to sign a contract for an option to buy some land."

"Was this land out on the River Road?"

"Yes. How did you know that?"

"I'm a detective."

Carrie smiled at that.

"When did you find out that you had to meet Commissioner Buske at that house last night?"

"Mr. Mitchell handed me the papers last evening at six o'clock. He apologized for the inconvenience but said that we had to have the papers signed that evening. Then he gave me the address."

I had a sudden sick feeling come over me.

"What happens now?" Carrie asked.

"Hanratty is going to come in and take your statement. He'll just ask you about why you were at the house, when you got there and when you left. Don't worry about it," I told her then opened the door and invited Hanratty in to ask his questions.

As I listened to Carrie answering Hanratty's questions I reviewed everything I knew, thought I knew or suspected about the Commissioner, and his relationship to the other members of the Thursday Night Club.

When Hanratty finished his questions we got up to leave Carrie's office.

Carrie reached out and took my hand. "Brian."

I turned to look at Carrie to see what she wanted.

"I never lied to you about anything important either," she said.

"I know."

Carrie smiled at me.

As I turned to go out the door I saw Mr. Mitchell staring at me. The way he was looking at me made the hair on the back of my neck bristle. From behind me I heard Carrie say, "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"

"Yes... Ah, no," I said. I turned and looked at Carrie. "What do you think would happen if Fred ever found out that Barney was tapping Wilma?"

Carrie laughed and said, "Fred would probably kill Barney."

I nodded my head in the direction of Mr. Mitchell and said, "What would Fred do to Wilma?"

Carrie's whole demeanor changed as she began to understand. "Fred wouldn't do anything to Wilma because he would never find her."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Wilma is smarter than Fred. He would never find her."

I said nothing more to Carrie as I left her office. I saw Mr. Mitchell going into Carrie's office as Hanratty and I got on the elevator.

"Were you and Carrie talking about the Flintstones?" Hanratty asked as the elevator started down.

"Yeah. It's an old joke between us. I told her once that Barney Rubble was banging Wilma behind Fred's back. It's been a private joke between us ever since."

Hanratty just shook his head and laughed.

"Why don't you drop me back at the station and then you can carry on with your investigation?" I suggested to Hanratty.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't do anything that would compromise your investigation."

"I know you wouldn't. I just wondered what you are planning to do," Hanratty said.

"I don't have a plan yet. I need to think things through and try to make sense out of all this."

"I wish I could be of more help but until you can tell me what is going on there isn't much I can do."

"Sorry I have had to keep you in the dark but it won't be for much longer," I said.

Carrie Goes Missing

Back at my desk I couldn't get the image of Mr. Mitchell staring at me when I was in Carrie's office out of my head. He was a part of the Thursday Night Club and that worried me. My investigation was putting Carrie in danger.

I felt like I had figured out what was going on but I didn't have everything I needed to prove it. I was going to need help with the rest of this investigation but first I was going to have to make sure that Carrie was safe.

Same as Brodricksburg
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Continued from my last story... Steve carries on downwards, sliding closer to your seconds pair of lips. He kisses just above where your clit is hiding, and suddenly moves further down between your legs. He pulls your knees up, and starts kissing the inside of your left thigh, adding a nice suck to the kiss, teasing your skin. He moves slower now, kissing every half inch down your leg, tickling you as he moves. One hand is holding your leg still, while his other hand is sliding up and down the...

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Operation Rescue

Been a long time since I felt like writing. The subject is controversial - please heed my notes below. Operation Rescue A pro-life couple laments that they can't do more to prevent abortions. However, since he directs a lab doing biomedical research, the husband looks for ways to help. ****** Author's Notes: The subject of this story includes the debate around abortion. I recognize that not all will share my particular views on the subject, and I do not intend to demean those...

3 years ago
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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love Part 5

That afternoon, Dev came home. There she was, his mother clad in blue chiffon Saree. She served him lunch and stood near him. But his eyes were all set to his mother alone. He pulled his chair back, got up, gazed at his mother “You look so beautiful” He removed her saree. Clad in light blue blouse and petticoat, he lifted his mom and went to his bed. He lifted her petticoat and ate her, they made love and mother and son fed each other. That night Priya, slipped out of her room and snuggled...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 375

He probably could have managed by eating peanut butter crackers. I had done that kind of thing more than once when I traveled as an almost teenager in the Air Force. They never gave me travel advances and airport food is not very good but it is very expensive. At least that is how I remember it. "Now Jerrod, I am going to take a shower and you can not join me this time," I said with a laugh. "Why not?" he asked almost seriously. "Because we both stink, and we are both exhausted. We...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 22 TYR

I turned to run up the stairs and was already inside the staircase entrance. I was certain the big fish had no problem snatching a little human from the narrow ledge. There had to be a Harpoon in the place somewhere! “You won’t find harpoons or Slayers in old Egill’s home, Eric.” A thundering voice said! I felt like hit by lightning and could barely find the courage to turn. It could not be! The fish did not speak! “There is no one else here, Eric!” I did turn, not even knowing holding...

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Note To Black Women White Men

Dear Black woman, I want you to know this. I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I want to be in love with you. Am I in love with you? Can I love you? Can you love me? I don’t know. So many questions. Who am I? I’m the Brother with the Ivy League MBA who’s leading a Fortune Five Hundred company into the twenty-first century. I’m the Brother who’s smiling at you on the bus while wearing my Sean John’s. I’m the Brother sitting in class at our town’s community college, making goo-goo...

1 year ago
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Roadside Find

I live up in the mountains with my dad about an hour outside of this small town. The town has maybe two hundred people in it. It was spring break and dad had to go out of town for work and I was left alone at home. That is okay. I needed to get some things so I started the old truck and headed to town. I did not have a drivers license but that was okay as there are not any cops and I will be old enough soon. As I made my way down the crappy road I came upon this little BMW on the side of the...

3 years ago
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Business Trip Massage

Part I:It was about 7:30 when Todd finally got back into his hotel room after a very long day full of meetings. The room was your standard Marriott; business class room with a king sized bed, a desk, lounge chair, small fridge and a large bathroom. It would suffice for the next two days, or rather nights. The days unfortunately were taken up with Convention duties.He had just returned from a nice dinner with colleagues and had declined a night out in the city with them; he told them he was too...

1 year ago
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Halloween party

I love Halloween. My family have always had fun with Halloween since I was a k**.I have recently returned home to my parents after being away at college the last four years. My parents have lived without k**s for the last two years so it has been a transition for them to have me back in the house. My parents have had a great Halloween party for years. People go all out and dress up in costumes. There are so many people that dress up in total disguise so you don't know who is in that costume.So...

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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 20

Post Script: Lunch With Dr Julian Julian Castwich had suggested lunch. Since his proposed venue was in the dining rooms of Her Majesty's own appointed grocers, Messrs Fortnum and Mason, I was happy to agree. I spent my time on the journey across London reading the day's newspaper. Headlines trumpeted successes against the Ottoman and Macedonian forces but it seemed clear to me that the conflict would continue for some time. As I left my Stanley taxi-cab in Jermyn Street, a dark shadow...

3 years ago
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Darkness Inside

Introduction: She has that darkness inside her, that darkness whose finality is to reveal her true nature… I wish you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing, and I hope you like it enough to let me a comment, ok? Special thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for checking it for me. ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Darkness Inside. I was born on a dark day. The day my loving mother ceased to exist. And the dark gray clouds filled my sky for years, since Ive born. Im in...

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Xavier Corrupted Leader of the XMen

"Are you absolutely sure about this idea Fury?" asked a concerned Reed Richards. That he didn't only find friends with this commentar in this room was clear to him but as always he didn't care. "If you have a better idea, just say it Richards. I'm all ears." The head of SHIELD replied to the scientist, but the scientist failed to answer. Also the other scientists and heroes in the room looked rather insecure in front of them until finally Tony Stark took the floor. "I don't want to offend him...

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Norton Towers The Apartment Block for Sexy Girdled Seniors Chapter 2

Rosemary’s secretRosemary was a good example. I  guess she was around sixty-five, buxom and good looking with great legs. On Tuesday last week, she asked me if I could find her help her with a ‘delicate’ situation. Blushing, she mentioned that whilst her husband left her quite ‘well off’, she had been surfing the net and found what she described as ‘intimate desires mature chat room’ and had struck up a friendship with a couple who had sent her some ‘nice videos’ and they wanted some of...

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Yaadgar Happy Brithday

Hi hello friends mai aapka apna desi boy Akash hu mei dehradun me retha hu and ye meri peheli story h hope aapko pasand aaegi ye ek story se jayda meri life ki true story h to bor na karte huye seedha story par aate hai kad 5 feet 8 inch gora aur midium body mere land ka size 7 inches hai. Dosto bat us time ki hai jab mai BSC.IT 2nd year ka student hu mere ghar ke peeche 1 ladki rahti thi uska nam Rani name changed tha wo mujhe bahut pasand thi lekin mai kuch bolta nahi tha darta tha ki kahi...

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Young chinese lady part 3

We went for supper after the movie. It was midnight by then. The show was great as was the caressing and groping too in the midst of it. It was a great idea that we brought a small blanket along. We went to the washroom. I took a leak and texted L."We're heading to her place soon" i told her."Already??!! I'm still here enjoying my thing. Not going home anytime soon." she replied after awhile."What time then?" i continued but then i saw J walking out of the washroom."I'll leave around 3am or...

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See You Again 8211 Part 2 Fucking in Theater

I went to Goa with my best friends. Goa was fun as we did almost everything from partying to dancing, boozing to vomiting, hitting on girls to licking their cunts. Days passed and I decided to call Ashwini. She answered my call and was talking like a stranger. Later she complained that she was expecting my call earlier but since I didn’t call her she got angry. I asked her out for apologizing. We met at CCD in Thakur Village and had coffee. Since it was lunchtime we went to Mac Donald’s there....

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Met The Love Of My Life In A Family Function

Hello ISS readers, I’m a normal south Indian guy, 23  years old, dark, 5 8′ medium built living in Chennai. I don’t wanna expose my name. Well about my sex life it was so good till last month. I hugged my friend (classmate Lakshmi ) in college which slowly led us to lay on each other’s shoulders. Then I started smelling her hair and finally, it turned into lust hugs. I also had a girlfriend whom I loved from childhood (at least I thought I loved her seriously until I had that incident with my...

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the naughty mom part 6

Chapter Six: Alicia paced the floor of her bedroom, listening to the muffled sound of the piano music coming from downstairs. Her nervous excitement was so great that she had trouble thinking. She knew she ought to take a shower, then dress and make up the bed. She'd have to change the sheets. A puddle of Ricky's cum had formed under her crotch as she'd lain under him while he'd slept. Burn the old sheet and pad, then put on new ones, she decided. ...

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Slut Brandi and the BBC

My sexy blonde wife came downstairs, opening the lounge door, her spiked high heels clicked across our wooden floor as she strutted into the lounge.“Fucking hell!” I blurted out.She was wearing a tight shiny black clinging latex minidress with matching latex stockings and long latex black evening gloves. Her large full breasts were being hugged by the skintight latex as though they were painted with the shiny black material. Her waist was cinched in by the tightness of the garment which made...

2 years ago
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Three For The Price Of One

Three For The Price Of One I was only fourteen when I attended my first underage drinking party. My sister had been invited to them just as soon as she got her tits, that was four years ago. Ann Marie was now fifteen. I was told not to tell her and then wait a half-hour before following her to the clearing out in the woods where the kids always met. There was drinking, there was music, and there was a big bonfire. I paid the girl five dollars for my plastic cup. That bought me...

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The Bridal GangBang

About a year after Roy had been dating me, he asked me to marry him. We were engaged for another year. After a lot of debating on the planning of the wedding, we finally decided to have a traditional wedding but with a little twist.It turns out the reason Roy was never jealous was because he was actually turned on by the thought of other men fucking me. I never knew about it until a night that we were discussing the wedding reception. He was really drunk, and out of nowhere, he suggested he...

Group Sex
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Daphne and Velma on their own

"I've worked it out "Daphne looked down at Velma. " The clue was those fake bills we found. The old house is being used as the base for a counterfeiting operation." "What about those creepy noises, the disembodied head and that zombie?" asked Daphne doubtfully. Velma smiled. "The noises are just recordings played through hidden microphones. The head is just a projection from hidden cameras and the zombie is just someone dressed up. The only problem is proving all this. " "What about Mr. and...

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Maya Vahinila Zawalo 8211 Marathi Story

Tumhi mazi pahili story vachali asel ani avadalihi asel mala kahi mail sudhha milya, tumi mala mail karu sakata maza e- mail aahe Kontihi ladies/mulgi/kaku/mami/atrupta mahila jyanche age 18 to 35 darmyan aahe mala anytime mail kara mi tumchya sevet hajar aahe, aani ho goshta aaplyatach rahil, i promise.Mazya vahiniche nav Maya aahe. Ti mazya chulat bhavachi baiko. Chulat bhau police aslyane to kamawar kadhi kadhi 3-4 divashi rahayacha. Suruwatila lagna zalyanantatar maza bhau jevnha kamavar...

2 years ago
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forc to be female

forced to be FemaleCHAPTER ONE The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account. I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me. Then everything went...

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My friends Stepsister a true account

A true story about a friend’s stepsisterA true story about something that happened to me when I was a kid – it never left me and girls being stripped or stripping in front of others, particularly when they don’t really want to, still colours lots of my stories today. The summer of 1973 I turned . Up until the July of that year I’d never seen a girl naked in real life. I’d kissed a few girls’ of my own age and managed to touch a few boobs but nothing more than that. One of the boys in our gang,...

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GloryHole Gianna Dior 01062020

Gianna spent the night hopping from bar to bar. She came to a little dive called “The Hole In the Wall”. Unfortunately she got there after last call. Seemed like her night was about to end without any cock. She certainly dressed to get laid, but guess her luck had run out. Or did it. She asked to use the bathroom, which the bartender replied “Enjoy”. What the fuck? Was her luck about to change? In the bathroom? Of course it did…it’s a fucking Gloryhole!! Just...

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Uncle Bobs New CameraChapter 2

Several days went by and Bob heard nothing from Teri. He was a little surprised, but figured she'd had second thoughts and didn't want to be around him any more. Unsure of what to do, he waited until his sister's birthday and called her. "Happy birthday old woman" he said lightly. "Don't be a prick, Bob" said his sister. "It's been an interesting birthday, that's for sure." "Really?" he said, thinking about the only present he knew she received. "Why's that?" "Long story....

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Lesbian Show For a Stranger

Lisa and Jill finally plan a night out together. With work and the family they never have a chance to catch up. They met in college and still keep in touch. They make it a point to try and connect at least once a month. Lisa has been married now for 20 years, Jill 19. Both women keep themselves in great shape which makes them look much younger than their age. Even at their age, they’re still able to turn a guy’s head. Especially when together, they are a bit of a tease.The plan was to grab...

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Modern Day Cassanova The Beginning

At age 13, and with his mother in such a state, Michael's father was given custody, and he went to live with his father and his new girlfriend, Tina. Michael was nervous about living with someone he didn't know, but was glad that he was able to stay in the house he grew up in. Tina was 26 and a total knockout, with wavy blond hair, a meaty, yet firm ass, and what Michael would find out accidentally was a D cup bust. Even though she was largely at fault for ruining his parents marriage,...

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You Just Been Angelad Ch 04

The envelope found itself in the mail picked up by William he had been out of town and had ran past the post office. Throwing it in the seat next to his he was ready for getting back home. Living alone for the most part he was excited for the solitude he was enjoying more and more. Making some instant coffee he finally sat down looking through the bundle one envelope caught his eye a cream color velum envelope. He broke the seal and the most intoxicating scent permeated the air. Elegantly...

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Getting Out Of The Rut Chapter 11

 What is a cage for?I don’t know what time Carol disengaged herself, I was sound asleep, but she was awake before me. The shower woke me so I threw back the duvet and sat up enough to inspect the damage. Carol came rushing out of the shower, throwing a towel onto the floor so she didn’t soak the carpet.“What’s the emergency?” I said.“I want to see.”“What’s so exciting about a cage wrapped in condoms?“I want to see what’s inside.”She knelt beside the bed and started rolling the condoms off my...

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My friday night sub training Who else wants to se

My Friday, 26 July 2013It was set. I had agreed to push her hard. She believed she'd fuck me silly and leave me broken while she remained horny. I laughed. She'd underestimated me and had assumed my abilities to make this strong willed woman my sub were all talk. I looked forward to breaking her.She met me as arranged at the designated time. Our conversation was comfortable, yet formal. Perfectly civilised to any of the numerous people watching or walking by. And they were watching. She is a...

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Ms Rosen and I1

She asked, “What are you doing here?” I replied that I had missed the bus. So I used the phone called my moms job and told her that I missed the bus and if I can go home for the day. She said yes so I was about to go when Ms. Rosen said that she needed help with something. I followed her to her office. “Can you help me with these boxes to my car?” It was 2 boxes that were pretty heavy but I knew I could handle it so I said sure. Before we left her phone rang. She picked up “Hi honey. How you...

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