Cecaelia free porn video

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Cecaelia by Kachakali See a picture of this story as well as other captions and short stories at my hobby site http://fantasyspiroscaptions.blogspot.mx/ Enjoy. I need to get to water. The ocean is calling for me. He's calling for me. My long pink tentacles are squirming. They want to drag me out of my cabin and out to sea. I don't know if I can stand upright anymore, but my new appendages look strong enough to carry me. I am moving around in my dark home. My tentacles going over my things. Things that don't matter anymore. This home is no longer mine. I'm worried. People are going to know I'm missing. I miss them already. But something is reassuring me. I should be scared but I'm not. As I crawl towards the door, my new tentacles struggle, but they lift me up higher. My little suction cups are sticking to the wall and holding me steady. I grab the latch and open my door. The moonless night and darkness welcome me. I can hear the ocean waves crashing along the beach. I find myself wanting to get into the water. That voice in the back of my head is getting stronger. He's welcoming me. He wants me in the water. Closer to him. I feel the other changes in me. I'm skinnier and feminine. My face is completely different now. I have long blond hair. I have breasts now. I have slender arms and long fingernails. I remember I used to be a teenage boy. But now I'm some sort of octupus girl. Not that being turned into a half-octopus is a good thing. I struggle to keep at least some of my human thoughts. I wonder if my thoughts are mine or the creature that I'm becoming. As I crawl over the rocks and make it towards the sandy beach, somehow, that voice I'm hearing is helping me. I try to think rationally. I remember what has happened these last few days and what led to my new self...... It started one night when I couldn't sleep. I kept hearing things in my head. I left home and was walking along the beach. The night and cool beach breeze should clear my head. As I walked along the shore, I saw this gelatinous, tentacled mass washed up there. The ocean waves were hitting it. It looked injured. I looked around. It was just me and that thing on the beach. I somehow felt compelled to help it and push it back to water. As I pushed and dragged the slimy, heavy thing back, some of its tentacles and suckers bit me. The thing awkwardly swam away and I made it back to the beach. Soaking wet with cold water. I woke up a few hours later, laying on the beach. Sand coating my cheek from my own drool. My head hurt. The memories of last night were coming back. Did last night really happen? I went back to the place I think I saw the creature but the waves removed any evidence along the shore. I cleaned myself up, brushed more sand out of my hair and went back to town to do my errands. As I went around helping my friends and townsfolk, my feet felt weird. My toes had a mind of their own. They kept wiggling and moving. I could see them moving around beneath my shoes. People saw me struggle, But I would tell them I was fine. I finished a few more errands. I ate a nice lunch with my baker friends. I went back to work. I love my seaside town and everyone knows me as the helpful errand boy. The next morning, after a long difficult night of trying to sleep, my feet looked very different. They looked wrong. My toenails are gone. My toes were pointier and longer. No, they weren't longer. The gaps between my toes were widening. Little slits were forming at the soles of my feet. My body was changing. I should be freaked out but something in the back of my head is telling me not to worry. I grab some bandages and wrap my slimy feet in it. I wrap the cotton bandages many times over. All the way up to my sweaty shins. I struggled to put my hard leather boots on. They were pretty tight with all those bandages. My feet did not like being contained. I had a hard time walking, but I managed to find my stride. As I did my little jobs around town, people were telling me how different I looked today. A few shop girls told me that my skin was very smooth and soft.I enjoyed their compliments and kept on. But I had a harder time walking around. I kept stumbling and tripping. It felt like my ankles weren't there anymore. I could feel the dampness of my feet traveling higher up my legs. Since I couldn't feel my ankles anymore, I had to make a funny walk with my knees and hips. I got funny looks from people because of that. I had one last errand to do before I called it a day. By then I had a really tough time getting around. My legs were buckling I used the walls of buildings for support. Other townspeople were walking right past me. I was frustrated by my sudden shortcomings. A kind old man on horseback walked towards me and said, "hello miss, I see you're having a tough time walking. Did you forget your cane? That happens to me a lot too. Look, I'm on horseback and I don't need this spare cane with me. I'm sure you need this more than I do. So please my lady, take it and I hope you make it home safely." I thanked him, but I was a little confused. Did he just call me a girl? I wasn't going to correct him. We both went our separate ways. With his cane I now had a little more support. I adjusted my sack and I finally made it to the tailor shop. The lady in charge saw me struggling and opened the door for me. "Hello there miss. Are you helping Jacopo? I'm glad he's got help now. That boy is going to wear himself out doing too many things around town. But look at you, you're no different than he is. Come sit down and have some tea." I followed her into a backroom. I was going to say something, that I was a boy. But again, I am too polite to correct her. Her thick glasses must not let her see things right. She grabs the bag of cloth, yarn and thread that I brought in. She points to a chair and wants me to sit down. She pours me a cup of tea. I try to make myself comfortable. But I struggle with my wobbly legs. My feet are twitching and toes are still yearning for escape "Young miss. I'm not sure if you have parents, but they should have taught you how to dress properly. I tolerate someone being a tomboy. But you are a growing girl and you need support for your chest. All women do. Here, have this brassier. It's a spare from a client that didn't like the color. The material was too thick as well she said. With a little adjustment it should fit you perfectly. Now take these coins as payment. Young miss, go home and get some rest. You don't look too good." I reluctantly took The seamstress' gift and I eventually made it home to my cabin outside of town. I was quite tired. The long walk left me feeling very thirsty. Even my slimy, squishy feet felt dry. I walked into my home, The late afternoon sun was creeping in through my dirty windows. Poofs of dust go by as I get around. I help a lot of people but yet I don't have time to clean my home. I walked towards my backroom. There was my big wooden tub. It was filled with water, that I was going to use to wash my pile of dirty clothes. The cool water looked so refreshing. I slinked my way toward it and dropped right in. Clothes and all. My whole body should have reacted to the cold water, but it surprisingly felt good. I was completely soaked. I let myself forget the days troubles in the cold water. I sit in my tub for bit. Seagulls are heard in the distance. I focus on my weary body, only to find new troubles brewing. I saw long blond hair floating along with me in the tub. Somehow throughout the day, my hair got longer. I had failed to notice it. My wet cotton shirt heavily clung to my body. Two unfamiliar mounds were on my chest. I could see the outline of large nipples poking through my wet clothes....Breasts! I was starting to lose it. I was thrashing in the water. Dirty water was spilling out of the tub. My long toes are flailing wildly in my wet boots. Suddenly, I stopped. Something in the back of my head was trying to tell me something.. 'It is okay' 'you want this' 'New you emerging' 'soon' Somehow those words were comforting. I relaxed my body and let myself further soak in my tub. My eyelids got heavy. I calmly fell asleep. When I awoke again, I could tell it was night. My home was bathed in darkness like I was covered in water. But I was able to see everything. My eyes are able to see in darkness? My other senses were active as well. I could smell things in the room. Plain household objects now had new sensations. I could smell the dirty water I was soaking in. I could hear ocean waves crashing in the distance. I stretch my arms out, I sit up in the tub and look at my new body. As I sloshed in the water I unbuttoned my wet heavy shirt. As I pull off the shirt I can tell my shoulders are different. My shoulders were getting broader because I was working hard at the docks. But now they looked very petite. My new long, wet hair sticks to my cheeks. I brush it aside and touch the rest of my face. I have big round eyes and a small pretty nose. I look down on my body My breasts are larger than they were a few hours ago before I fell asleep. I could feel my smooth stomach. Even my belly button felt different. My hands follow an outline of my sides. I have a slender waist. My hips are much bigger as well. My legs are aching. They want freedom. I adjust my body to try to take off my trousers. My thick pants are sticking to me. I can feel the throbs of my legs as I wiggle off the pants in the smelly water. I manage to get them off to what I think are my knees. I cant go any further because of my shoes and my pants are bunched up. My skin and muscles feel weird. I don't feel my thighs. Only thick, throbbing skin. I lift my legs up above the water. I can feel my soft butt at the bottom of the tub. I stretch myself farther out and manage to slip off my boots. Squirmy, tentacled toes wiggle and greet me. My soggy bandages begin to unravel a bit. I pull my pants off, finally. I fling them away from the tub. My old bandages are stuck on my skin. I peel them off, carefully unwrapping them. Threads of slime drip away. Thick pink skin appears. I can see vertical lines going down what should be my legs. I'm puzzled by my new lower body. I stare at my strange legs. There is nothing to tell that I ever had human legs. Toes, ankles, knees all gone. The outline is there, vaguely human shaped, but replaced by different colored flesh. I feel a strange pulse going up and down my legs. My toes begin to wiggle and squirm, violently. It hurts badly. Feels like I'm tearing apart. I grab the sides of the wooden tub. I wince in pain. I open my eyes again. My legs are splitting apart! From my former toes, right up to my thighs along those vertical seams. With each twitch, my throbbing legs break apart even further. Like a fist opening up into a palm. I can see little cups opening right where my legs are spreading. My legs finally stopped coming apart. I was breathing heavily. My body felt a heavy rush. But I managed to breathe and calm myself down. My legs were now like octopus tentacles. Some of them were still and others were slapping the water. I could feel a few sticking to the sides of the wooden tub. There were so many of them, I couldn't count how many I had. I focused on trying to control them. Eventually I managed to calm them down. I was no longer surprised that my lower half had turned into this. A curious thought creeped into my head. I knew I was a girl now. But do I still have my thing? I moved aside some tentacles. I feel around trying to find my penis. But only cold, slimy, puffy skin greets me. I'm compelled to keep exploring down there. I come across a new opening. A slit. It's soft and it feels good the more I touch it. I realize they're my girl parts. As I pleasurably keep probing my new hole, my twitchy tentacles once again grow restless. Each time my fingers go in and out, it sends shocks all over my body. I moan in delight. My other hand gravitates toward my breasts. My whole body is feeling erotic! I want to grab both my breasts and touch my vagina. I grow a little frustrated. I want to please my body but I only have two hands? But then it clicks. I don't just have two hands anymore! I remove my fingers from my vagina and I grab my other breast. I massage both my breasts with my hands. It feels good kneading and touching them. I will a few of my tentacles, and they move towards my girl parts. One tentacle parts open my folds and another finds its way deeper into me. Deeper than my fingers ever could. My body spasms in bliss as one of my tentacles slicks itself in and out of me. My eyes roll back in joy as I grab my breasts and get penetrated by myself. I feel something building up inside of me with each thrust I give myself. My back arches and my other tentacles tense up. I bite my lip and let out a ferocious scream. The most wonderful feeling I've ever had courses through me. I came. My tentacle pops out as a cloud of black ink shoots out of me. The water in the tub is thick with a new smell. But I didn't care. I was in bliss of my new woman parts. 'Yes' 'ready' 'Beautiful' 'Come to me' That voice in my head was much clearer now. I realized now that the voice was not just inside my head. That was the creature that I saved a few days ago! It's been controlling me. It's been making me accept the changes that I've been going through. I crawl out of the tub. My hands brace myself as I flop to the floor. I try to stand like a human, but my tentacles aren't strong enough to do that. I sit up as best I can. I talk out loud, hoping that he could hear me. "Why did you change me creature? I wanted to save you and this is how you thank me? Can I change back or am I stuck as a creature of the sea like you?" My feminine voice was sultry. I wanted to sound a little angry but my words did not convey that. I heard that voice again in my head. 'procreation' 'forgive me' 'race dying' 'time will tell' I could feel his sadness in my head as the creature spoke. I began to resent what the creature did to me. But I've never been one to hold a grudge. I love helping people and this time its no different. Only this time its not a human that needs help. I sighed. "Well, what do you want from me?" I spoke to the nothingness again. 'come to sea' 'please' 'still hurt' I drag myself along the floor. The goal is to head outside. I shudder to think that I hope I'm doing this because I want to, not because he's telling me to. I look back and see a slimy trail across the floor, I spot my bag with the woman's bra in it. Strangely, I remember the bespectacled seamstress' words. I reach the bag and pull it out. I look at it for a second. Lean forward, and then put my arms through them. Two of my tentacles hold up my bra as I use my hands to clamp it from the back. My breasts fit nicely in the garment. I wonder how the bra will hold up in the water? The thought comes across my mind. It probably wont last, but I wanted to look a little more humanly feminine....... I snap out of my memories as the first ocean wave hits me. It was a little foamy and it went up my nostrils. I sneezed. I feel him closer now. My senses became more acute in the water. I can tell where he is. He's a few miles away by a rocky outcropping. My body ached to meet him. I look back to land one last time. I see a long swirly trail in the sand. It's from the direction of my cabin. It's my drag marks. In a few hours, the waves will wash away any trace of them and me along with it. I wonder if I can ever come back. No, I have to come back. I'm still half human. I have to find a way. "I'm coming creature," I said out loud in the starry night as another wave crashed into me. "I may not human anymore and you may have turned me into this, but I expect you to be a gentleman. You may be an animal, but I am not." I drag myself farther into the water. The water is deep enough for me to swim. I find myself able to breathe like if I was on land. My tentacles start to expand and contract. I'm suddenly swimming in the water with great speed. I find the my new movements exhilarating. Maybe this wont be so bad? 'Come to me'

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Recovery of a Hero Ch 07

Chapter 7 Hero to the Rescue This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. When we had left the room, Janny grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. She said, ‘I’m proud of you. I don’t believe in violence because I’ve seen what it can do to people. But you were willing to stand up for people you cared for. George is the same way, and I love him for it. I love you too, and I’m proud that you are my little sister.’ I hugged her...

4 years ago
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Green Eyes

Her long brown hair fell against my cheek as her rosy pink lips reached mine. I could feel her soft hands caressing up and down my back. I found my hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her body close to mine. She parts my lips with her tongue and for the first time, I actually taste how sweet she really is. She presses her lips into mine so hard I actually feel like she is swallowing my soul. My hand slips under her shirt and slowly make their way up the small of her back, within minutes I...

3 years ago
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Jake and Me

Jake and Me PartOn and Me PartOne by Dale10 It was my own fault, I suppose that I allowed Jake to lead me down the path to my own complete humiliation degradation and destruction. After all he had just turned eighteen and I was thirty-five. What made me think he would ever be interested in me to begin with? Well, I know the answer. Lonely middle aged gay guys who are in good shape, still prowl dance clubs and bars and malls and streets looking for that sweet young cute "true love" that...

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A Case of Mutual Seduction

I guess you could say Janice and I were destined to be together. I first saw her at work. She was an intern with the company and there for three months of training. After she had been with us a couple of weeks, a group of us asked her to join us one evening for drinks at our favorite hangout. Once the evening got underway, I found myself sitting across from Janice. We both joined in conversations with those around us for awhile, but then our eyes met and almost immediately I became aroused. I...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 26

Michael’s eyes opened slowly. The languorous pull of contented sleep not wanting to release its grip easily. Gray light spilled into the room from the open French doors beside the bed. Morning had come, a bit later than the past few days. The evening had held so much for all of them. It was an ending and a beginning. What ended was the tentative steps towards the edge of the abyss. The questioning wonder of finding new love. Finally releasing the worries and concerns of what may lay beyond...

3 years ago
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Kija Part Of The Conquerors Reward SeriesChapter 2

During her senior year of high school Tony walked to a local mall not far from her school. Tony was eighteen now, and had waited as long as she could for this. Inside of one of the bathrooms Tony changed took on her female form, and changed into clothes she brought with her. She had to admit that simply walking around in public as a young woman felt incredibly free. Both men and women seemed to notice her eyeing her as she passed. The fact that it wasn't just heterosexual males or lesbians...

2 years ago
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Senior Se Hisab Barobar Kiya Aur Wo Bhi Khush Se

Hello friend’s kese hai aap sab? Pahle to thanks kahena chahunga ki meri pichale experiences aur stories ko itane sare appreciations di aasha rakhata hun ki ye experience bhi aapko accha lage ga. Ye 2month purani baat hai, meri office me Neha ka transfer huva tha wo meri senior hai aur pahle dusari branch me kam karati thi me pahle se use janata tha wo sexy dikhati hai 5’11 height hogi aur slim hai kafi stylist Bhi hai, aur body bhi shape mein hai par wo had se jyada ghmandi hai aur ye baat...

4 years ago
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The CharmChapter 2 Freed by Mom

As the months passed and the school year approached an end, Monica’s physical appearance changed drastically. First, the streaks of gray slowly disappeared from her hair, leaving her a thick head of lustrous auburn. Then the lines on her face gradually faded and her skin became more soft, moist and firm. Her body became toned, her gradual, round curves became sharper, wilder, and her clothes became baggy and ill fitting. All the beauty that had appeared faded came back into full bloom. By...

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Part 3 Pinky the wife and sex

Part 3 The sun rose up, breaking through the blinds in the living room. I had slept on the love seat, still naked. I took a minute to wake up and look around. The TV was on but, but static as the cable box turns off after several hours. The lights in the living room were off, and so was the kitchen. I looked at the couch to see a blanket but no Pinky. I did see a note on the coffee table next to the couch. No clothes, and no sign of her. I knew she left for now, and the note was by her. I...

2 years ago
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We Finally Got Minnie

We finally got the gorgeous Minnie on bed. Minnie is my close and best friend’s wife. But he has affair with my husband and with Juss’s wife too. We decided to take revenge on him by fucking his gorgeous, glamorous wife. Minnie looks a bit short in height but has a perfect figure. Minnie’s voice was really sweet, every man wants to listen when Minnie mourns and screams. We decided to fuck Minnie and i know Minnie well but she never used to talk to me lot. I called Minnie to some hotel and me...

2 years ago
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Heather Part 10

"I'm a mess," Heather giggled."You are a truly magnificent mess, Sweetheart," I replied, helping my daughter off of my bed.Heather stood looking up at me, smiling. I bent forward and kissed her lips, "Let's get you cleaned up."Heather followed me to the master bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub while I began filling it. My daughter watched and smiled as I busied myself arranging towels and a washcloth for her. I carried the candles from the bedroom, setting them around the tub. I had no...

3 years ago
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Wanting EveryoneChapter 9

Cabin did not describe the luxurious split-level home that Phil's friends had provided for their weekend holiday. Four bedrooms, an immense kitchen, three baths and a large den complete with fireplace provided enough space to get lost in. It was more than either Susan or Phil expected. However, the chill filling the cabin was something they hadn't expected. It was the type of chill that a roaring fire couldn't dispel. "I think we blew it, brother," Susan whispered to Phil while they...

3 years ago
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Taking a chance

My marriage had been celibate for years. After our daughter was born, my wife had lost interest in sex. I'd suggested she see our doctor about it, but she felt too embarrassed. She never wanted more than a cuddle. Don't get me wrong, I supported her decision to stop working to raise kids. She was a good mother, and she kept a clean tidy home, tending to my other domestic needs, while I worked all hours. I'd 'played away' a couple of times, but never looked for a relationship. And now I am no...

3 years ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 8 St Dominic

Okay, Duke Arlington. Head Scout for the Royals. Age 43. Southern California — born and raised. Had played right field with the LA Dodgers. I read several Dodgers blogs and columns and recaps. Arlington had been what insiders called a journeyman player. Astonishingly good to make it to the majors; but merely average once he got there. I went back to my Fount of Sports Knowledge, Pat Hodges. She glanced at her watch — I was back on the $100-per-hour clock. She sipped Henrietta’s Own, chewed...

2 years ago
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Monday night, Ruth had one of those nightmares that psychoanalysts love to make a big deal out of. She dreamt that she was... no, it wasn't she. She dreamt that she was someone else, and she was naked in a public place, with everyone staring and pointing and making noise. She had some books, and a large notebook, and she tried to cover her breasts and crotch, but she dropped them, and people laughed when she couldn't cover herself with her hands. It was a frightening dream. It was just a...

3 years ago
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Bus sex

This is my first story in Xhamster.. This story is about how I enjoyed my neighbour whoz a dirty slut..This happened when I was in my college now am 30 years old. There was a 33 year old lady next to my house. I use to see her from the terrace every evening she is very boutyful with a nice plump buttocks and a little over sized boobs for her otherwise normal figure.many days i use to see her and mastrubate imagining her.. I use to travel in bus to my college. one day when i was coming back from...

2 years ago
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Mighty Good Mans Conundrum

In Prince Holloway’s mind, the alarm went off way too early every morning. He rolled over and groaned as he slapped the clock to stop the piercing sound. It was a Tuesday, The five-foot-nine man with the shredded body sat up and yawned. His wife, Tessa, yawned. “Morning, baby,” he said. He heard her groan something indistinguishable before climbing out of the queen-sized bed and going to the bathroom.Prince, whose mom had named him after the musical genius, started his shower and stepped in the...

1 year ago
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Two DiariesChapter 18 Running Hot

Fiona’s diary: I woke up in the middle of the night as Amanda was mumbling and thrashing again. “No, no, no, no!” she said. I stroked her hair and hushed her. This time the nightmare seemed to quickly dissipate. She settled down with a sigh, and a little moan. I kissed the back of her head, her hair still smelling of shampoo, closed my eyes, and did my best to fall asleep again. I managed to sleep the rest of the night until the alarm clock rang, and, seemingly, so did she. I turned it...

4 years ago
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Forbidden love in school

This story will follow a student who gets a new teacher and falls in love with him or her or whatever. You can make it gay/straight/bi as long as it features some aspects of a hidden BDSM fetish for the teacher. Now then, let´s see what stories we can create! P.S First name is the students name, last name will be the teachers name.

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It Begins With the First

This story is the first of it's series, there will be more depending on the reviews I receive from this one. So please leave comments. And suggestions on what you would you think should happen to other girls in future stories :) Enjoy It begins with the first. My name is Sarah and I am about to be the first victim of a brutal and humiliating rape. This is my story. I was camping during a long weekend one summer with some friends miles from the city. We rented a small...

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Jenny laid back on me so I could see our bodies joined at the groin. She is so tiny that her head lay on my chest and I could look down and see everything - her ripe breast swaying in time to our thrusts, her firm tummy rippling with each contraction of her cunt, my slick cock pushing in and out of her distended labia crowned by her hard clit. Jenny's legs were thrown to either side of my bent knees and I kept my legs spread too so she could reach down and cup my balls while we fucked. I...

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Twas the night after Thanksgiving

Twas the night after Thanksgiving, and Taylor and Skylar Hamilton had fallen asleep while watching a marathon of The Twilight Zone. Skylar awoke first because something was tickling her ear. She had fallen asleep with her head in her brother Taylor’s lap and quickly realized his cock had hardened in his sleep. At first she was aghast, but she stopped short of screaming when she noticed how big it was. Skylar was no stranger to dicks, she looked like Brooklyn Decker except with a bigger nose....

2 years ago
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My name is symphony, and I have been addicted to sex my entire life, my mother was a sexual deviant which caused me to be expossed to sex at a very young age. as far back as i can remember, i allways knew where she hid her porno movies and herr bag of dildos, and when she was at work, i would be sprawled out on her bed in front of a mirror sucking the dildo not realizeing it probly had dry ass and pussy juice all over it from one of my mothers sexcapades. probly some guy she fucked up the ass...

4 years ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 40

We’d arrived back in Phoenix on the 25th. We’d been home a week; it was march 3rd. We, well I, got the visit. It was Saturday around 3:00 p.m. I answered the door. “Zoe Hardy!” I said genuinely surprised. I think I’d accidentally stung her by recognizing her as a Hardy. She decided to not make anything of it. “You could have let us know,” she said, as she passed by me uninvited into the Wyatt inner sanctum. “Know?” I said, as I wheeled back inside and she closed the door. And yes, I knew...

2 years ago
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A Wife Alone

I need to tell you about what happened here last week while you were away. You deserve to know and I just hope that you understand. You left me on Monday last week and by the time Wednesday rolled around, my mind started to wonder. I started thinking about you and your tongue and your cock. I put on some lingerie to make myself feel sexy and opened a bottle of pinot. I sat at the computer trying desperately to find myself a story to get off to. I sat there stroking my big black dildo that you...

2 years ago
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A Loving Husband

In some ways Vince and Vicky were an unlikely couple. They had vastly different backgrounds from much different socio-economic classes. Vince had a blue collar upbringing while Vicky came from a well-to-do family. Vince had to fight, both literally and figuratively, for everything he had attained while Vicky’s accomplishments seemed to come almost effortlessly.  As a fifty one year old Vince bore the physical scars of his upbringing. The tough neighborhood he grew up in was no place for the...

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NubileFilms Kate Rich How Many Licks

Modeling her crop top and her tiny thong, Kate Rich makes eyes at Ricky Rascal as she sucks on her sweet frozen treat. She looks young and totally nubile with her hair in pigtails and a mischievous smile on her face. When Ricky doesn’t give her the attention she’s looking for, Kate takes matters into her own hands by putting her sweet down and climbing into bed with him. Tossing Ricky’s book aside, Kate crawls on top of him and gives him plenty of sweet kisses. Then she slips...

4 years ago
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True tales of a salesman 1

Tales of a Salesman 1It was just another routine sales call on one of my favorite department store buyers. She was probably among the friendliest of all of my buyers. It was always a little joking, playful double entendres and always a nice order. She was buying for older women’s apparel and she certainly didn’t fit the role for an older woman. Granted, she was in her late thirties or at best only 40. I never had more than 45 minutes or maybe an hour with her. Someone was always in and out of...

2 years ago
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Boss are bosses

My name is mala and i a married Indian woman am 34 Y/O. I work in a private management group, I am quite attractive with 34d .my husband works in a private share trading company. Our financial situation was not very good. I don’t have a degree. I was promoted to sr. Sale manager by working in the company for 5 years. My husband’s job is also not permanent. My company was bought by a new company and the new companies boss announced that there will be job cuts. He called me to his cabin and said...

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