2008 Ch. 04 free porn video

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[Reading this chapter without reading chapters 1, 2 & 3 will make following the actions and motivations almost impossible. This chapter includes nudity, oral, anal, coitus and more.]

* * * *

She didn’t answer. Inside the kitchen I found a Sharpie, medium point and in my room a copy of the list of victims she had emailed me. On my way back to her I picked up a chair. I sat in front of her, making my eye level right by her tattoo. Just above Mark’s name I printed, ‘Roger’, then ‘Ken’. When I started the third name Kaye asked, ‘Will you put them all on me?’

‘Didn’t you cuckold me with all of them? Didn’t you give away what you swore in a wedding ceremony would only be shared with me?’

‘I’m sorry!’

I printed, ‘Brad.’ As I finished Brad I asked, ‘My brother Brad?’

‘Yes. But… I only did him twice.’

‘When? Exactly.’

‘The day before he married Emily and during the reception.’

‘How did you arrange that?’

‘I saw him at lunchtime the day before the wedding and followed him into the men’s room. I sucked him hard after he finished peeing and when he was hard we fucked standing in a stall.’

‘At the reception?’ I asked.

‘He snuck out onto the roof for a smoke. I followed and got him in a dark corner. We did it standing up, both times.’


‘Yes. I didn’t carry condoms to a wedding!’

‘You did go to that wedding without panties, as I recall.’

‘No. I wore panties to the wedding but threw them away after Brad fucked me.’

‘Did you see anything wrong with taking me to bed when we got home?’

‘I had to! If I said no, you would have wondered why.’

From her belly-button to mid-thigh she had names written front, back and sides. As I finished up the names I asked, ‘Would you like a vine and flowers too?’

‘No, thank you.’ Beth came around the back of the cabin carrying two bags of groceries. She hesitated, took in the scene and then went into the cabin. When she came back out I asked, ‘Would you like help?’

‘If either of you would like to help, I would appreciate it.’

‘Kaye, would you like to help?’

‘Yes, Pete, I would.’ I untied her and we followed Beth to the car. Beth never said anything. Kaye cried every time Beth looked at her. I carried two bags inside. The car was empty. Beth said, ‘I’ll close and lock the car.’

I said, ‘Kaye, go back to the clothesline post and stand just as you did before.’

‘Yes, Master.’ She sounded beat, defeated.

I brought my digital camera, in my pocket. Beth was standing ten feet from Kaye, looking at her.

She asked, ‘Should I be nude, too?’

I said, ‘Yes, then I have someone beautiful to look at.’

From fifteen feet back from Kaye I took the camera out of my pocket and aimed it at her.

She begged me not to take pictures. I took them anyway. I asked her to slowly turn around. All total I took twenty pictures.

I told her she could put the chair in the shade and sit. She did. Then I walked to Beth, standing nude between the clothesline post and the hot tub. We kissed and as we kissed I slid a finger into her slit. We kissed a few times and she helped me get naked. Kaye watched, looked away and then watched. A video of her would have looked like a naked woman watching a tennis match.

I held Beth in an embrace and said, ‘I apologize for bringing her. I felt the need to see if what I thought we had could be saved. What I thought we had, we didn’t have. I could spend the whole weekend humiliating her, attempting to train her and it would serve no purpose. At the end she would still be a feminist slut labeled with another man’s tattoo and the names of many others. After breakfast we’ll take her to the bus station.’

We kissed again and she wrapped her hand around my shaft. She looked into my eyes, but didn’t speak.

‘Speak, Sweetheart.’

‘Love me. I am already yours. Allow me to be your wife, your mate, your personal slut. Have me in every hole I have. Let me be your woman.’

She dropped to her knees and engulfed my swelling cock with her mouth. Kaye stood up and took a step. Beth looked up at me and I nodded. She said, ‘Take another step and I’ll tie you myself. You will watch Pete love me the way he’s wanted to love you, the way he tried to love you, but you wouldn’t let him. Sit down and keep watching!’

Kaye sat. Beth swallowed me again and worked at bringing me pleasure. When I was hard she held my shaft and asked, ‘Ass or cunt, my Master?’

‘On your back on the table. I so want into your beautiful pussy.’

As she centered her ass at the edge of the table she said, ‘When I went home to get ready, I showered and shaved my pussy again. I was swollen and wet, thinking about you wanting to be inside me. I’ve dreamed about how good you will feel!’

I held her legs, positioned my cock near her opening and her hands guided me in.

‘Oh! Yes! I knew you would slowly fill me so I could savor the feelings. You feel so good!’

When I bottomed out I held still. She was very wet, very tight and her muscles gripped me, released me, gripped me. I believed she could get me off without either of us moving our hips. However, we did. She moved on the table to present her self to me in many different ways. In each new position she described how it felt to her and asked if I liked what she was doing. As she approached her orgasm she asked, ‘My I cum?’

‘Yes! Honey, cum for me.’ Her inner muscles spasmed and griped me tightly as her body tensed and her back arched. A deep-from-within groan escaped.

When I looked over at Kaye she was crying.

I looked back at Beth who asked, ‘Master, may I give you my ass?’ As she asked she tilted her hips and drew her legs up near her chest, exposing her ass to me. I spread her own lube from her pussy to her anus and then slowly penetrated her anus.

‘Pete, you may have my ass any time, any where. That feels better than I imagined. I dreamed about you in my ass last night.’ We stroked together for a long time, slowly increasing the pace and power until we were slamming together as hard as we could.

As my seed splattered her insides she said, ‘I never want to let it out of me. I love feeling your cum inside my ass!’

We stayed coupled until I was soft and popped out. We kissed a few more times and I thanked her for being my love. She beamed. We kissed a few more times and I tasted her breasts for the first time.

When I came up for air Beth asked, ‘Hungry? I can make dinner.’

I nodded and she went inside. I sat three feet from Kaye. I noticed that the way I had written Brad the crease of her belly hid the ‘r’ and it read ‘Bad.’

‘Mark is laughing at you and at me, tonight. He lied to you and you bought it. You lied to all these people and they laughed at me and at you. One of the men is dead. Families are damaged and you are partially to blame. All these people are also to blame. What you did cannot be fixed. I no longer want to fix it or you. Go inside and get dressed. Shower if you want but the marker is permanent.’

‘Yes, Master.’

‘You are never to address me that way again. I was never your Master and never will be. I will not take care of you ever again. When we take you to the bus station I never want to hear from you again. In a few months we will be divorced. The court will notify me.’

I went to the hot tub, turned on the hose and continued filling the tub. A couple minutes later Kaye got up and went inside. The tub was full and turned on when Beth came out and hugged me. She had a folded paper towel in her hand. She smiled at me and said, ‘I’m sorry. Some of what you gave me is seeping out.’

We kissed and I said, ‘Better into the towel than dripping on the floor.’

‘Dinner is ready.’ We went inside. Folded towels were on all three chairs with plates in front of them. I called up stairs, ‘Kaye come
have dinner, please. It’s ready.’

She came down fully dressed and carrying her suitcase. She put it by the door and sat down. Her bowl had a good portion of Chinese Chicken Salad, a fork and a set of wooden chopsticks.

We ate in silence. When we were done I told Beth how great it was and compared it to the CCS from my favorite restaurant. She smiled and said she had watched how they made it and copied their recipe.

Kaye said, ‘It was excellent. Thank you.’

‘I’m going to take Kaye to the bus station. I think we should clean up from dinner and then go. I want you to go with us, Beth.’

‘Yes, of course.’ Beth said. Beth washed, I dried and Kaye sat quietly at the table. When the kitchen was clean I opened the back door and Kaye picked up her suitcase. At the car I opened the trunk and she hefted the bag inside. I said, ‘Sit in the back, Kaye.’ She nodded and got in.

I said, ‘Sit up front, please.’ Beth sat beside me.

At the gate Beth got out and opened and closed it. She held onto the keys, knowing we were coming back. Fifteen silent minutes later I parked behind the bus station. I took five hundred dollars cash from my wallet and said, ‘We’re done.’ I handed her the money. I popped the trunk and she got her bag. I backed out of the parking space and drove away.

Two blocks away I saw a DQ and went through the drive through. ‘Cone or bowl, Honey?’ I asked.

‘Bowl, please.’

I got a cone. We ate as I drove back to the cabin.

Back inside Beth peeled her clothes off and wrapped herself around me. It wasn’t seductive, it was comforting. We sat on the couch.

When the silence was ripe enough Beth asked, ‘May I talk?’


‘You are a better man than I knew. I was amazed that you wanted to try to save her. I thought she had dissed you so much you would say her name and spit! No, you gave her a big opportunity to change and be the wife she promised to be.’

‘She never promised to be my sub.’

‘She promised to love, honor and be your partner in all things. She promised to be faithful. She didn’t do any of it.’

‘Enough sadness. This started out as our first date. Up till now, it hasn’t been a good one. We’ll need to do things to change that. Let’s get in the hot tub and start there.’

She helped me get out of my clothes. It might have gone faster without the help, but I didn’t complain, or want to. We got in the water, adjusted the temperature up just a degree or two and relaxed.

My touch brought her closer. My hand seemed to find a home on the inside of her thigh. Her hand found the same spot on my thigh.

The bubbles made too much noise, so I shut them off.

A few minutes later Beth said, ‘I’m not sure of this, but I’ve read that prolonged exposure to hot water makes getting an erection more difficult. If you plan to have an erection and put it in me, maybe we should get out now or turn down the heat?’

I turned down the heat and leaned out of the tub, starting the hose and adding cold water for a minute.

‘That’s better.’

‘We know a lot about getting along with each other, but we’re still strangers.’ I said.

She smiled. I said, ‘Ok, you know a lot more about me than I know about you. I want to catch up and catch up quick.’

‘Ok. Ask anything, otherwise I’ll begin a long story with, ‘It was a dark and stormy night.’

‘Where did you grow up?’

‘Omaha. I left after high school and went to Seattle to college. After college I moved to Spokane Washington and worked for a wood pulp company. I met my first Master there on a hiking club outing. A year after we met I gave myself to him. We were together until he died of cancer. We moved to L.A. so he could get treatment. That’s the short version.’

‘Did you love him?’

‘Of course. I haven’t know too many subs, but all the ones I’ve known loved their men passionately.’

‘In the story you gave me, your Master gave you pain, hurt you. I might go so far as to say he beat you. Why?’

‘Two main reasons. If I screw up, disobey or embarrass you I believe I should be reminded strongly enough that I don’t do it again. There are lots of people who don’t need the pain to internalize the lesson. I need it. The second reason is that pain can enhance the sexual experience. The orgasm you gave me earlier was great and if you had slapped my tits as I came I would have flooded the yard and scared all the animals for a mile.’

‘So, you want that?’

‘I cannot ask for it. That would be me telling my Master what to do. That’s way outside my comfort zone. Right now I’m describing a Dom sub relationship as I’ve experienced it. I know other subs who have masters who are sadists and get pleasure from whipping and torturing them. Nothing I knew about you said you would be like that.’

‘I cannot even conceive of it!’

‘What else?’

‘Will you ask for orgasms? Do you like being eaten?’

‘I will not ask for an orgasm. I orgasm easily. I will love having you cum inside me wherever you cum. I meant what I said about wanting to keep your cum inside me. It’s almost like holding a treasured gift inside. You gave it to me. That’s a peak experience.’

‘What about when you move in?’

‘Is this about the division of labor?’

‘Yes, I guess it is.’

‘I’m willing to do whatever I can to have life work. My goal is for you to feel my love supporting you every moment. I knew my Master so well that I could go shopping and buy clothes and foods I knew he would like. Even now, that’s what I buy. I would like you to come home with me and go through everything I have and toss what doesn’t please you. Tell me why so I can learn what to buy that you’ll like.’

‘When we get home I want you to do the same for my clothes.’

‘I will try, because you ask me to, but it will be hard.’

‘Let me guess, if I like it, it’s your job to like it too.’


‘Phil has an ugly yellow shirt that he loves. He knows his wife hates it. He loves her enough that he never wears it around her. What if he wears it, thinking she’s out with her co-workers and they bump into each other at the Mall? I don’t want to do that. If I have something that doesn’t look good on me, with your eyes, I don’t want to wear it!”

‘You have a blue tie that has a single yellow stripe on it. You wear it about once a month. No matter what color shirt you wear it with it looks terrible. No, it just doesn’t go with the rest of you.’

‘Was that hard to say?’

‘Yes. It could be a favorite tie. It could be a gift from your Mom.’

‘Don’t be afraid of hurting my feelings. If it was my favorite tie and a gift from my Mom, we’d take it and go shopping for a shirt that complimented the tie. Then I’d have a gift from Mom and you.’

Beth crawled into my lap, straddling my legs and nestling her pussy against my pubes. Her arms went around my neck and her lips grabbed mine. Her kiss involved her whole body. Her hips moved her against me, rubbing her sex against mine, her hands played with my chest, shoulders and back while her lips and mine did a soft samba of delight.

In a short break from kissing Beth said, ‘I think you need to pinch me. I’m having trouble believing we’re here, just the two of us, on our first date.’

Using my thumb and the second knuckle of my index finger, I pinched her left areola, ever so gently and said, ‘In the story you used numbers to tell your Master how much pain you felt. Ten is screaming. At seven what you feel may leave a bruise.’

She nodded. I slowly squeezed. Her head went back slowly as the pressure increased. When she said four I thought she would have said seven. I hesitated.

She brought her head back so we could lock eyes and she asked, ‘Please, may I have more?’

I squeezed harder. I saw her eyes fill with tears and she said, ‘Six! Please, Master, may I have more?’

Without giving it conscious though
t as I squeezed tighter, I pulled her nipple away from her chest about an inch. She looked down at her breast and gasped in a breath. ‘Seven! Please, Master, I can take more! Please, bruise me.’

I slowly released the pinch. I bent to her breast and kissed her many times. Her hands and arms gently held my head to her chest. When I finally looked up at her face I asked, ‘Believe it now?’

She nodded, ‘You said you want to learn everything about me?’

‘I do.’

‘When you fuck me and you want me to cum with you, pinch me hard like that. I almost came just from the pinch alone. I love the after feeling, too.’

‘I almost feel like I should apologize for hurting you.’

‘I crave the pain. I have all my life. When I was twelve my father spanked me for piercing my ears without permission. I came while he was spanking me. It scared him so badly he never hit me again. As I move through the day the tingle I’ll feel in my breast from that pinch will remind me you care for me.’

‘Ok. This is so new to me. It may take a while for me to adapt, but I will. Being with you is worth it.’

We held each other and slowly touched and kissed for a while longer. When I felt the water had cooled enough it was actually uncomfortable I said, ‘I know this is our first date and all, but would you sleep with me?’

Beth quickly left my lap, splashed her way out of the tub and found two big towels. We dried off and went inside. As we walked to the bedroom I wondered about Kaye, just for a moment.

Watching Beth’s naked body going up the stairs was a joy and before we reached the upper landing I was hard. She looked back and smiled. ‘Which bedroom?’ She asked.

‘Mine. The others won’t be used.’

We went inside and she stood near the bed. ‘You said you can’t have babies. Is that because you’re on the pill?’

‘No. My tubes were tied. My… ‘ She hesitated. ‘My Master had me tested and they found that any babies I would have would have a high risk of birth defects. He decided the safest idea was to have both of us fixed.’

‘I want to play with you, learn about your body and enjoy this night. We can sleep late tomorrow.’

I helped her lie on the bed with her legs off the edge. I knelt between her legs and started kissing her inner thigh, just above her knee. I kissed three times and said, ‘I want feedback. Talk to yourself about what you’re feeling.’ I had an idea, jumped up and ran to the toybox. When I came back I had a leather blindfold in my hand. I put it on her and said, ‘Who do you see?’

‘No one, Master.’

‘No one is here. You are dreaming about a lover, pleasing you, bringing you pleasure. In your dream you can tell your fantasy lover what feels good, what would feel good and whatever you’re feeling.’

I knelt again and kissed inside her thigh. ‘Oh, your lips are so warm. I like how it feels.’

My kisses started moving slowly up her leg and she said, ‘Yes! I know where you’re going and love that you aren’t in a hurry.’ When I reached mid-thigh I switched to the other leg.

‘Oh lover, go back. The tingle in my leg started to fade when you left! Stay on that leg. My pussy is waiting to kiss you when you get there. My lips are already wet in anticipation of that kiss!’ I kissed a little closer to her pussy. I could smell her aroma of arousal. It made me want to skip the next four inches of skin and dive in.

My hands helped her legs spread wider. Beth said, in a whispery voice, ‘Momma said keep your legs together. Don’t show boys your treasure. Spreading like this is so naughty!’

My kisses move a little closer and my hands spread her even wider open. ‘Please, taste my treasure! Let my pussy kiss your face!’

I aimed my mouth to center between her lips and over her vagina. In the last inch I exhaled and knew she could feel my approach. Her hips lifted, her cunt searching for the contact she craved.

‘Contact!’ I screamed in my head as I pressed my face into her. She arched her back and moaned loudly. I sucked her nectar from her and started to slowly explore her sanctuary with my tongue.

‘Oh Pete! I am so close! May I cum?’

I moved my face back and forth and made no sound. My tongue avoided her clit, for the moment. My hands released her legs and slid slowly up her sides toward her breasts.

‘Oh sweet Heaven! Your hands are going for my breasts! Squeeze them and I will cum! I am so close! So close!’

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How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 16 True Lies

How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarkville Part 16: True Lies -I'd Rather Have a Bottle in Front of Me than a Frontal Lobotomy- I opened my eyes to the weak yellow glow of a bare bulb and for a second time found myself somewhere different than where I closed them. The bulb hung from the ceiling, suspended by a thin frayed wire. I was lying in an old recliner. The footrest was raised and the back lowered to form a makeshift bed. Something gripped my elbow, making it difficult to...

3 years ago
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Ladies Night

You know how fishermen keep their best spots to themselves? Well, this is kind of the same thing. I will never tell you where this happened, just say it took place in an Eastern European country. Just like fishermen, my friend Kelly and I might go back again to see what’s lurking under the seemingly calm surface. But, enough foreplay, let’s get to what happened.Kelly lit a cigarette with her brass Zippo and inhaled deeply. “That was one of the best and cheapest dinners I have ever had.”I...

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new neighbor

About four years ago, in October, we got a new neighbor. An older woman of 35-40 years. I didn't realize it until my boyfriend told me. He had met her earlier in the day and knew she was separated. And not very handy. But there are great apartments where we live. One Saturday morning I was done at work, I came home and went to take a shower. Hear the doorbell ring. My boyfriend opens because I'm naked and wet. It is a generous voice I do not recognize. Must be her I think. She asks if he can...

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Kathys College Days and Sex

Well, at the ripe old age of seventeen, I was off to college, turning eighteen not long after I got there. I must say I tried to be a bit more reserved at college; I didn't want to end up with one of those nasty college reputations. Hah! But that sure doesn't mean things didn't happen, because they did! Other than doing a bunch of flashing on spring break, my first year at college was pretty boring to say the least. At the start of my second year I went to a doctor to see about having my...

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Anita and her Servant Boy

This is not a story but can be called an event in real life. This event centers around a family whose daughter happens to be my very close friend. For reasons of privacy, the names are replaced by some fictitious names. But the other things remain the same. Nair’s are a close knit family with three members -the father, Mr. Y.P Nair, the mother, Mrs. Nair and my friend Ms. Anita Nair. They happen to reside in one of the metros of India (city not disclosed for obvious reasons). The family is very...

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Dominant Black Transsexual CheerleadersChapter 13

"Have you thought about what you want to do, Mattie?" Mr. Reid ... Wally ... asked me with a smile. "I'm sure there are some interesting opportunities for you in Las Vegas." "Hmmph!" I offered him a muffled laugh in reply, keeping his thick, black cock right where it belonged — Between my lips. "Seriously," he sighed, pulling a lock of golden hair from my sapphire eyes. "You're a beautiful, young man. I think you'd do well in the, uh ... entertainment industry." "Mwah!" I...

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Night Wars

This story is total fiction. Nothing in it ever took place. The summer began like usual, college was out and my two weeks vacation in New York with my cousins was up, I would be heading back to Utah to live with my dad at home for the remainder of summer. I was looking forward to seeing him, my first year of college was tough being away from home, and since my mom passed away when I was little I had always been close to my father. We would go on trips together like to Hawaii and he is going to...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 19 Amaranthus Caudatus

The Dover mail coach was almost empty, allowing Krish and I to have seats inside with the only other passenger, a rather corpulent cleric, who must have dined rather well as he slept the entire journey. As the coach pulled away from the Red Lion tavern I reflected on the day's events. I had scarcely got out of the mail coach from Portsmouth when I had heard the terrible news concerning Woody. Two hours later, after collecting a change of clothing from the house, I had boarded the Dover...

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Pirates Booty

My name is James Edward Sinclair, I am twenty one and a pirate. Well, it was not what I wanted to be but there is not a lot of ways to get ahead on a frontier world. I made it a point to cross train in several areas. Besides being a certified pilot and engineer I was one of only a handful of people on the closest three systems that could build and run a ghost projector. The projector was what let pirates get close to a ship before boarding. I kept making adjustments as we made our approach to...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 674

The Grounds Just Outside Ship Jeff turned to Sergeant Higgins, who had come roaring up in a Humvee, followed by numerous other Security personnel. “Sergeant, take command here. Secure that weapon,” he said, motioning to the pulse rifle lying a few feet from the body. “Everything is bound to be recorded because of all the Security cameras, and I imagine Ship has a recording also. I suggest that you delegate someone to go with the pilots so they can give their statements. She will provide...

3 years ago
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Love Lust Only Lust

Hi All, This is Ranvir again with new true story. I am 5 foot 11 inches muscular 24 year old boy. if you like the story then please contact me on I am from Delhi and by profession i am a model, truly speaking i am not a big model but was doing some shows and anchoring in Delhi. my friends told me to move Mumbai to take chance in at least for T.V industry. I am not over confident. i know my limits so i was targeting T.V. i am still doing the same. But this story is not about this. I moved to...

4 years ago
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Miko and me

I always look forward to Mike and Miko's visits they are a fun couple but for an ulterior motive as well. Miko is my Asian whore that who loves me taking advantage of her. She has everything I want in a woman, voluminous tits, a tight ass and pussy, and legs to die for. She is also Asian which is easily my biggest fetish and has been since as long as I can remember. She reminds me a lot of the American-Asian porn star Miko Lee who I believed starred in some of the aka Filthy Whore series. I...

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Adult Empire Facials

When it comes to cumming, the face is one of my favorite options. There are a million reasons for this, but I think what guys genuinely love is how demeaning it is. If a bitch lets you cum on her face, it's evidence that she would do anything for you. Plus, it gives us a great view of our work. The more of her face I leave painted, the more pride I feel.Jizz WinsThere is something satisfying in watching a bitch have to get up and go to the bathroom to clean your jizz wad off of her face. For...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Confessions of a Puck Slut

The past 60 minutes of play time all boiled down to these last three shots. 0-0, it really was anyone’s game. Mann skated back and forth in front of his net. It was at these times that I felt the most emotion for the goalie. The entire game they’re stuck in one section, all the blame gets landed on them. They play a great game, a shut-out, and they’re still at risk to get bashed if the shootout goes the wrong way. The amount of pain, nerves, and pure adrenaline they must feel during the few...

Straight Sex
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Love Potion Number Six

-Markus Zusak, The Book Thief *** An owl came to the kitchen window and shrieked twice, and Branwen knew she’d have two visitors tonight. So she put the kettle on the fire, lit candles in every window, and waited to see what trouble this way came. Her cottage was far away from the river but just barely close enough to the village that someone could walk through the pathless woods to her front door. Not many people did come; not many people liked to acknowledge that Branwen even...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 6

Chapter 13 continued from Episode 5Once Kyle sensed that Erik was trembling with anticipation and fully ready to be fucked, he rolled a condom onto Erik’s boner of an erection before donning a rubber himself and applying a liberal dose of anal lubricant to his own cock. By now, his own formidable cannon of man-meat was at maximum size and so as Erik lay there on his back and allowed Kyle to lift and his legs in the air holding one against each of his shoulders, he saw a superb, ten-inch,...

Gay Male
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Real Pleasure Of Rebellion 8211 Part 2

Ghar me ate he sushma sidha apne bistar pe chali gai.Usne apne kapde utare aur puri nangi ho kar let gai. Fir usne bag se wo rumal nikala jis se usne abhi thodi der phle us rickshe wale ka paseena pocha tha.Wo rumal ko apne chehre pe rkh k sunghne lgi.Usne us rumal se apne boobs ko pkda aur kalpna krne lgi ki wo rickshe wala sushma k boobs ko masal rha hai.Sushma ne fir us rumal se apni clitoris ko rgda .Sushma ab puri trah pagal ho chuki thi ab wo har hal me us rickshewale se chudna chahti...

3 years ago
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Pleasures Of A Woman

I put on my swim trunks, grabbed a beer, and went outside to sit in the lounge chair by the pool. I took a sip of my drink, laid back and began reminiscing about my deceased wife. Oh God, we had a good life and our sex life was extraordinary. My cock began to swell as I remembered the time we spent at the lake just the two of us, with no clothes, no phone, and no television. We were communing with nature and having hot-wild sex. I looked around to make sure no one was nearby, and then ran...

2 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version AlphaChapter 6

Jill was very unhappy, initially. Her mother clamped down on her, insisting that romance came after college, instead of before it. Lynne knew that wouldn't hold up, and that once Jill got to school, where she could do what she wanted, she would most likely find a boy to be interested in. So she also got her daughter on birth control. She didn't banish me from their house. Nor did she try to impose some irrational rule about Jill not being allowed to come to my house. She just sat us all...

4 years ago
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I Fucked My Virgin Girlfriend

Hi friends, my name is Harami(obviously name changed) I am a well built guy six feet all go to gym not on a regular basis n does have an instant hard on for sexy girls,aunties and bhabhis .This is my first sex story after reading so many stories i am inspired to write this one down so that all of u can read it n tell me how it was. It starts on a fine day I live in Delhi in keshavpuram also known as Lawrence road there was this girl named babu(name changed)this was the name i used to call her...

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Three Times in one night

It had always been a fantasy of mine.Cross dressing and getting screwed.I have very feminine features and long natural straight brown hair. Which recently I had shortened to shin length.I have been dressing in womens clothing now for many months and had decided that this was the night in which I get made up totally and head out into public. It took me a while to get ready because I wanted my look to be perfect. I chose my favorite black lace hipsters with the matching garter belt. My...

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White Daddy

Most niggers I use are younger than me. While I know there are enougholder nigger sluts that love meat as well, I of course prefer the tightbodies of the younger ones, but the younger ones also seem more openminded about letting a nasty White man abuse them and call them all thewords they've been told are bad...I picked Dee up online, as I do with many of the sluts I use. She turnedout to live only about half an hour away from me in London.When I first started talking to her I did not attempt...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 9 Hate Crimes

"Every home in America lies under the shadow of Godless alien subversion! Every family in America faces the menace of Godless alien infiltrators! Every parent in America knows the fear that their precious children will be caught in the snare of the Godless cult that invites and welcomes the alien subversion into our cities, our homes and our schools! This very same godless cult denies the true teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and the holy message of God's Primal Revelation. Every brave...

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One Kinky Night Part 2

We decided to move the activities downstairs as we had a plethora of toys to enjoy. As I guided her to the bed in the basement she was gently blindfolded. With reassuring kisses to the lips and neck she was ready. I laid her onto the bed and produced restraints. My hands rubbed against her undressing her in a way that excited us both, her wondering what was next and I know what was to come. I bound her wrists above her head to the head board and spread her legs to tie to her ankles, and keep...

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Threesum with friendrsquos wife and her lover

Last year, I posted one story “Seduction of wife of Fast Friend”, which was liked by many and replied to me. This was my relation (of course with changed names) with my fast friend’s wife Priya living in Patna, which was developed through a long time seduction since her marriage to my friend and then finally on a holi, I advanced my action which lead to sex with her afterwards. I used to fuck her everytime when her husband go out on tours. My friend was on a job of sales executive in a company...

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A Drop Of Inque1

Most call it, "The Big Apple." New York is also the home for all sorts of crazies. They range from self-appointed mercenary groups to would-be superheroes. A day doesn't go by that the news doesn't report the daring deeds of the Guardian Angels, Hells Angels, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Dare Devil, Wonder Woman, Captain America, the Flash, the Green Hornet, the Green Lantern, the Incredible Hulk, the Six Million Dollar Man, the X-men, The Tomorrow People, the Mighty Morphin'...

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Eden RescueChapter 40

"As soon as we're out of the wormhole we'll want to get a signal out to let Earth know we're OK," said Heisinger. "They expected us weeks ago, and they've got to be worried silly. It'll take about four or five hours for the signal to get there, but that's still a lot quicker than we will." The four of them—Meiersdottir, Heisinger, Igwanda and MacPherson—were in Meiersdottir's cabin, which they'd managed to expand by co-opting the space of the adjacent one. The old lady was still...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 25

Earth time: Friday, 5:55 AM Mountain Standard Time, December 24, 2010 Aina time: 6:54 PM day 72 of 1408 H.E. (Festival of Harvest, first day of autumn) Kara walked home alone after the tribal council meeting. It was an hour after sunset and a beautiful evening for a stroll, pleasantly cool after the warm day. Mahina was a brilliant waxing half-circle of blue light in the southern sky, and there were even a few solar-panel lights mounted on poles around the village, providing more than...

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Turn the Tables Ch2

  Hi my name is Kat. I am the star and owner of a pay for view website. My life changed forever when I found out my sleaze of a husband Jimmy had been filming me for 3 years without my knowledge and posting videos and pics of me to that site. When I found out I decided to take over things and make him pay for what he did. I found out I love what I do. My site is very popular and I make lots of money by fucking, guys other then Jimmy of course, on cam.

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Have you ever seen a nipple and aureola distended after breastfeeding? The aureola becomes dark brown with milk nodes standing proud. The nipple, swollen and engorged, stands out and is swollen to over an inch in length. When looking at a nipple that has been sucked on you can almost imagine it fitting perfectly into a mouth and down a person's throat, with its sweet milk gushing out.Have you ever tasted breast milk? It is thin and smooth in texture and very sweet. It is an acquired taste,...

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Sexy Servant Me

I am Rohit. 27 yrs old, doing own business. I am a Keralaite. This is a real story happened between me and my servant. I was 20 at that time studying for Engineering. We were having a servant at our home, her name was Usha. 43 yrs. She was fair with figure 36-30-34, she always wears saree and looks stunning and sexy. One could see her navel easily as she wears her saree below navel. First I was normal and didn’t feel anything much. But as days passed along, I used to watch her coming and going,...

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The Pleasure Of Pain

I know the exact moment when the urge to totally dominate someone became my obsession. I was at home on a cold winter Friday night about four months ago. One of those nights where the wind and the rain keeps you from wanting to go out. I was cruising porn sites when I stumbled on to a hardcore S and M site. I was mesmerised. Women tied to crosses or shackled to roof beams and all sorts of sexual and semi violent things were being performed on them. Just watching gave me an erection and I...

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Grounded for Life

Brian was a bad student. He never did he homework and was failing almost every class. He wasn't the best looking guy you ever met and never had a girlfriend. But worst of all this eighteen year old was a virgin. One day he got home late from school. "Where the hell have you been?" asked his mother. She was the biggest MILF anyone has seen. This thirty-four year old had long blond hair with amazing D's. Even with two kids, she had no sign of it. "I was at Greg's house," Brian said quickly...

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17 June 2007Chapter 3

Karen looked at her phone, Dan’s text said he was worried for her, missed and loves her. Her mind seemed empty of emotion as she started to drive home. Her self-esteem was now nonexistent, and she felt this need for a more humiliating punishment. She happened to stop at a red light at North Front Street, noticed the Go Go strip club to her right, and was surprised it was still open. “Why not ... North Dakota,” she chuckled. “Now my puns are getting just as bad as Dan’s. What better place to...

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Slutty Mother of the Year1

Today, she was dressed in a small black bandeau top, a white mini skirt that she bought out of a children’s store that was meant for a 6-8 year old, and 4” stripper pump heels. She was on her knees in front of me with my cock in her mouth as she moaned and drooled around it, letting some of the drool drip down to her top that still covered up those luscious tits. She had every intention of getting a bunch of cum stains on her top, and all over her face and in her hair. She kneeled there, deep...

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Found My Master On Omegle

I wanted a kink in my life. A kink which will change my life and make me involved in it every time. I use to read and see BDSM porn only. How slave girl is being torture was the fun part for me an orgasm every time. I was regularly looking for a master. Even on a tinder date, I use to look for the master who was able to control me properly and able to satisfy my needs. Every day I use to masturbate while seeing the BDSM porn which use to excite me so much. One day I found the best thing. Omegle...

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shy wife

we were at the beach at weekend and had been there about an hour, when a old guy and his wife set up near us, i could not understand why as there was plenty of space,but i knew why when i caught him watching the wife,we went for a meal and a few drinks,when we got back to the beach the old couple were just passing us,we had been back about 15 mins when i could see the wife had gone to sleep, she was lay on her side, so i thought i would have some fun,i pulled her top tit out of her siwmsuit so...

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A Little Christmas Magic

Outside the wind was howling and snow swirled and beat against the windows.  The storm had been raging all day, the first gentle flurries of flakes turning quickly to blizzard. There would be no going anywhere tonight, I thought. I was stuck here on Christmas Eve. Alone and without power, only a few candles to illuminate my small living space.“Bad enough that I’m stuck in Ottowa, away from everyone I know and love. Now I can’t even leave my apartment without freezing to death.”I stared sadly at...


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