Workout 02 free porn video

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It was Monday evening, and as I parked my car, and got out to walk into the gym, my ass hole veritably throbbed with the memory of our encounter last week. I had mixed feelings about doing anything more with Jim, I was afraid of getting hooked on his cock, and I wasn’t sure he wanted a repeat performance.

But, my throbbing asshole and tingling balls over ruled my conscious thoughts, and here I was. Eagerly anticipating… what? Maybe he wouldn’t be here tonight.

I opened the door, entered the building, hung a right, and went into the locker room.

It was empty, I went to my regular locker, changed my clothes and put on my workout clothes, a vague tingling in my cock, wondering if Jim was here tonight.

I grabbed my hand towel that I use to wipe down the machines, and entered the gym.

I didn’t see anyone, except the student at the check in desk. Disappointed, I signed in, and went to my first machine. Halfway through my routine, I heard the loud clunk of weights hitting the floor. I continued on, a few minutes later sensing a presence, I lifted my head to see the smiling face of Jim standing in front of me.

“Hey” he said, a big smile on his face, “I was wondering if you were coming back, I didn’t see you last week after we …um…you know…I thought maybe you were afraid to see me.”

I looked around quickly, see no one, I said in a low voice “No, not at all, I’m glad to see you, I had other evening commitments, and I am afraid I was in a bit of a daze when I left your place, I forgot to tell you. I’m sorry.”

“No harm, no foul,” he said. “But I am very glad you came tonight. Let’s finish our workout, maybe we’ll talk later.”

With a big smile on his face, Jim turned away to finish his routine.

I went back to finishing my workout, but, if you asked me, I honestly couldn’t have told you anything about what I’d done. Pretty sure I was floating around in dreams and thoughts of encounters to come.

We finished our work outs, still the only ones in the gym beside the desk guy, and entered the locker room. As before, we had lockers next to each other. We undressed silently, both looking at each other unashamedly, slight smiles on our face.

I don’t know about Jim, but I was fighting getting a full on erection.

We entered the showers, both taking our usual shower spots, the difference now being, we openly watched each other shower. Not a word was said, but knowing looks at each other were often exchanged.

Washing himself, Jim’s cock got quite firm, but not quite hard. I could feel myself hardening.

We turned off our showers, and began toweling off as we walked to the lockers.

“I’m sorry I can’t invite you over tonight,” he said quietly, looking me in the eyes. “I’m afraid I have company staying over.”

I must have shown disappointment in my facial expression.

“No, No, not that,” he quickly said, “Female company. My gal pal, or maybe fuck buddy. She wants to get serious, I’m not ready to commit. And…I...” he paused, looking me in the eyes. “I need to think about us, what we did the other night. I enjoyed myself a lot. A lot more than I expected, and I’m not sure how she would like knowing about us, and I’m not ready to give up what we did, and …I guess I’d like to do what we did again...”

I’d be lying if I said my heart wasn’t beating faster. Going from a sinking feeling of disappointment to a surprising feeling of happiness sat hearing his words. I shocked him, and myself as I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

THAT brought silence.

Suddenly embarrassed and unsure, I stammered “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have...”

“No, it’s alright. Fine. We’ll work this out. Calm down, you’re married, you need to be careful. Let’s not ruin anything for either of us. We’ll talk more, figure out what we’re gonna do. If anything.”

At the mention of the words married, I almost had a panic attack. SHIT!! I needed to be careful, I wasn’t about to ruin my life, my family over this. “Right. You’re right” I said.

We were both standing there naked, I was seated, and Jim leaned over to get his shirt from his locker. His cock, now soft, was a few inches in front of me.

Without thinking, I shot my head forward and captured the head of his cock in my mouth, and started suckling like a baby at his cock.

He got hard. Rock hard, real fast.

With a moan, he grabbed the back of my head, thrusting his hardening cock down my throat.

To say I was happy would be an understatement. I continued sucking his cock.

Jim was moaning quietly. “Stop. You need to stop.” He said.

Shaking my head no, I continued sucking him, reveling in the hard, warm flesh in my mouth.

All too soon, I tasted the saltiness of his precum. I put my hand on his shaft and began jacking him lightly, urging him to fill my mouth with his salty goodness.

It wasn’t long when I felt his fingers tighten in my hair. He held my head, and with a grunt, began filling my mouth with his cum.

A LOT of cum. He must not have shot a load since last week when we played together.

I sat on the bench, cleaning his shaft of all remnants of his cum, and my saliva. Finished, I looked up at him, and said “Thank you.”

“You shouldn’t have done that, someone might have come in.”

“Yeah, but I couldn’t resist.”

We got dressed and walked out together.

Out in the parking lot, we said our goodbyes, I got in my car, and headed home. All the way, I could taste his cum still remaining in my mouth. Mmmmmm.

The next day, as I got out of my car to head into the gym, I was in a pretty good mood. I was hoping to see Jim, hoping to continue our play.

As I rounded the end of the row of lockers where we usually left our stuff, Jim was just finishing getting changed. “Hey” I said, big smile on my face.

“How you doing?” he replied.

“Pretty good.”

Jim waited while I changed. No embarrassment between us, he looked approvingly at me as I stripped, and turned to face him, letting him get a long look at my nude body before I dressed.

We walked in together. We pretty much completed our circuits together, I spotted him at the bench press, and then he returned the favor for me. Once again, my breath caught as I lay on my back, looking up the leg of his shorts, his thick cock on display. I couldn’t help it, I started to get erect.

I heard him snicker, I looked at him. “You can’t resist, can you?” he teased.

I didn’t respond. What could I say?

We finished up, headed into the lockers, stripped and went into the showers. We were alone, taking the same positions as usual.

This time however, Jim was openly masturbating.

I stared, getting hard myself. I stopped soaping myself and watched.

“You going to finish?” he asked.

“Oh. Yeah. Right.” I resumed washing, never taking my eyes off of him, or his cock, which was standing up at a 45 degree angle from his body. With a start, I realized I was washing my asshole, my pussy hole? More than usual. Lots of soap, plunging my finger in and out, scrubbing myself clean. Yum.

We went back to our lockers, with me sitting on the bench as usual.

He stood a bit back from me. “Not today.” He said as I looked up to him. “Too risky, don’t want to get caught.”

He was right.

“Look, I was wondering if you might want to come over to my place Friday night, after our workout.” He looked at me questioningly, “You know, maybe we could umm….well…”

“Play you mean?”


“How about we skip our workout, and I’ll just go straight to your place?” I know I was getting hard sitting there.

“Okay, sure, that’d work” he said.

We dressed, walked out, said goodbye, and left.

Two days later, I was walking up to Jim’s door, happy as a lark, giddy with anticipation. Knocking lightly on the door, it was opened almost instantly. Jim stood there, a huge smile on his face, and a towel around his waist. It looked as if he’d just stepped from the shower.

“Hi. I just got out of the shower, I was running a late, and was afraid I’d miss hearing you at the door” he said, stepping back so I could enter.

Turning his back, he walked towards a stuffed chair, removing his towel as he did. Without turning, he bent somewhat to lay the towel on the chair.

I stared at his muscled, round ass as he was bent over. He started to straighten up, “Wait.” I asked, moving behind him, lowering myself to my knees.

“What?...” he asked.

Gently touching his ass cheeks, I pressed my face against his bottom. “Mmmmm” I moaned as I kissed and sucked his muscled ass. “Is this alright?” I asked.

“Yesssssss” came out like a long low hiss from Jim.

I pushed my face against his ass, flicking my tongue lightly at his muscled bottom. Jim leaned forward and rested his hands on the back of the chair.

Moving my hands lightly up and down his thighs, I ran my tongue up the crease of his ass. Using my hands, I parted his ass and pressed my mouth against his ass hole.

“Oh my god!” exclaimed Jim, as I felt him push his ass back toward me. “Ohhh, I’ve never had this done before” he whispered, just barely loud enough for me to hear.

To be fair, he was the first guy I’d ever done it to, also. It was a spontaneous thing, that I’d given no thought to before I’d knelt down behind him.

I continued probing his tight dark hole with my tongue. Pulling his hips to me, as if he was trying to get away.

He wasn’t.

As I licked and sucked his asshole, my chin bumped against his tight balls. I moved back and looked at his cock. It was rock hard.

So was mine.

I stood up and took off my clothes, putting them on the same chair as his towel.

Jim had moved behind me, fondling and caressing my cock and balls, both of his hands reaching around me, as his hard cock rubbed up and down the crease of my ass.

The light, almost tickling sensation of Jim’s cock in the crease of my ass was driving me crazy. I found myself leaning back into him, rubbing against the warm hardness pushing at my ass. I closed my eyes as he pinched my left nipple while feeling up my smooth shaven nuts.

Holding me close to him, Jim turned me and, with his cock buried in my ass crack, urged me toward the bedroom. He was lightly biting and sucking on my neck. My cock was so hard, if I ran into anything it would have snapped off. I do not believe that I have ever been hotter in my life. Little did I know?

Entering his bedroom, Jim pushed me to the bed. As I started to lay down on my stomach, Jim held my hips and pulled me back, so my knees were just onto the bed, my hands toward the middle of the bed. Slapping my ass more playfully than painfully, Jim stepped to his night stand where a pink bottle of Baby lotion sat. He pumped the pump, putting a grape sized dollop of lotion on his finger, using his hand he pulled the cheek of my ass to one side as he plunged his lotion bearing finger into my ass hole.

He retrieved a little more lotion, wiping it in my ass crease, pushing some more into my ass hole.

It felt so good. His slippery finger lubing my hole. Fucking my ass. My pussy. My newly deflowered hole, sphincter muscles bulging where they’d been torn by our last, unlubed, and frantic coupling, felt so good. The millions of nerve endings simultaneously overwhelming my brain with pleasure.

Holding my hips, I felt the end of his cock nudging at my ass. After a few attempts, he got it lined up and pushed.

The head of his black cock popped into my tight hole, bringing a rush of pleasure through my loins.

Slowly sawing his thick cock in and out of my ass, my cock hung down, hard and dripping precum. He seemed to know just how to guide the head of his cock in my ass to bring maximum pleasure to me.

We were really going at it, when a low soft voice interrupted our pleasuring each other.

“So you do like fucking asses, don’t you, Jim honey.”

I whipped my head around to see an extremely pretty, milk chocolate complexioned girl, leaning against the door frame, watching us.

I simultaneously pulled off Jim’s cock, making a sucking-popping sound as his cock was yanked out of my ass, and went from rock hard to soft and limp in a second.

“Oh, don’t stop on account of me, guys.” She said, smiling at us.

Jim grabbed my hips, pulling me back to him. I felt his cock sliding back into my gaping ass hole. “It’s okay, big fella,” Jim said “This is Annette. I told her about us, and she asked to watch. I would have asked you, but I was afraid you’d say no.”

I looked from her to him, my ass still full of Jim’s hard cock. I could feel him gently thrusting in and out, probably to keep himself hard in my ass.

“What the hell is going on, Jim?” I asked.

“This is Annette, the lady I was telling you about the other night, at the gym. She asked if she could see her competition.”

“Competition?” I asked. “There is no competition. Let me go, I’ll leave now.”

“Please don’t leave on account of me,” Annette said in a throaty whisper. “I’d like to join you two, if it’s okay with you.” She said, looking straight at me.

Jim’s gentle in and out in my ass had me back to about half mast, and looking at this very attractive girl, who was now almost half naked herself, didn’t allow me to use any kind of rational judgement.

“Do you like me?” she asked moving so her hands could touch me, running her fingers down my back. “Could I talk you into eating me while Jim uses your ass?”

She slid onto the bed, her smooth shaven pussy right below my face.

Without a word, I lowered my head, my tongue running between her pussy lips.

A long moan came from Annette’s mouth, as she took my head in her hands, slowly humping up against my mouth as my tongue licked at her clit.

“Wait. I need you inside of me.” She said. “Do you mind fucking me while Jim fucks you?”

I was puzzled until Jim, still buried in my ass, pulled me back by my shoulders. Annette quickly turned, and presenting her back side to me as Jim held me upright, my now fully hard cock sticking straight out in front of me, backed towards me.

“You can put it in my ass or my pussy,” she said, wiggling her bottom at me.

My cock slid up the crack of her ass as she backed into me, sending a shiver up my spine. Annette reached behind herself, and grasping my cock, rubbed it up and down her crack. She held it against her ass hole. “Here, I think.” She said, pushing her ass hole back against my cock. “Hold on” she said, dipping my cock to her pussy, she drove it into a couple of times, getting my shaft somewhat wet and lubricated. “Now” she said, holding me against her ass hole.

I popped in easier than I thought I would have. Her ass felt wonderful.

We were all three fucking more or less as one, me on my knees with Jim’s fat cock buried in my ass, and me, also on my knees, bent over Annette, my hard cock buried in her perfectly rounded milk chocolate colored ass.

Not much was said for several minutes, other than moaning and grunting, and gasping as we pleasured each other and ourselves.

I, for one, had never been a part of anything like this. Jim was using my ass to get himself off, while at the same time pressing against my prostate, forcing my cum up my shaft, which was, in turn, buried in a beautiful black girls asshole. I reached under Annette to touch her clit as I fucked her.

Strumming her clit with my finger, Annette launched into orgasm, her ass spasming and causing my cock to erupt, pouring my load into her velvety tight ass. In turn, my asshole spasmed, clenching Jim’s cock in a vise tight grip, causing him to fill my ass with his scalding hot cum.

We fell forward onto the bed as one, rolling to our sides as we did. My arms around Annette, Jim’s arms around me. We were all breathing hard.

What a workout. Much better than the gym!


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Am I A Slut Part Two

Mom's mind clears of lust as she looks around. She now realizes what she has done. She begins to feel so guilty, yet it feels like the right thing to do. To help Alex. Her son. In shock, she sits there, almost not able to hear her own thoughts. Finally, she gets up and looks at Alex in a way that can’t be described.As she looks down at the hatch she suddenly feels hands going under her T-shirt. Alex is behind her. He moves his hands up and grabs her motherly breasts."Thanks for the help,...

3 years ago
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Soul of Evil

Prologue To Hell Time is a linear sort of thing, but it’s not smooth or level. Like a meandering river it has peaks and valleys. If one looks close enough it has something else that makes it amazing. It has bubbles, or rather it seems to be made up of bubbles. Large, small, nestled against and within one another, they cluster together like so many random thoughts to form a path. Bubbles have membranes and membranes allow for the passage of things, ideas, beliefs or events. Back up a bit and...

4 years ago
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Ek Ajnabi K Sath Enjoy Kia

Hello ISS Readers, yeah meri first story hai mujay writing karni sahi tarannh nahi ati bus koshish ki hai koi galti ho to sorry Mujay is story kay baray main zaroor batana kaya p ko kasi lagi mera Email address hai Mera name maheen hai main 28 years old hon , meri shadi ko 4 sal ho gay hain ,meray husband ek multinational company main job kartay hain, meri ek beti hai jo k ab 3 sal ki hai , jo story main ap sab ko aj sunanay ja rehi hon yeah 2 sal purani hai, mera figure 36-29-38 hai now story...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Teacher

Hi,This is rajive to share my new experience with u.. Thank you all and enjoy the latest experience with my ratna madam. I have been doing my master degree in engineering in one of the famous colleges in tricy. There our faculty for advertising is Mrs. ratna. She is not slim or not fatty and maintained a good figure. Her most attractive part is her boobs. All of us are ogling at her when she explains the importance of the subject. Her butts also round and firm sometime her panty line is visible...

3 years ago
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Looking for Healers

Looking For Healers By Razor7826,           Copyright 2008        High Cleric Ramona Wilhelm pulled open the office door and entered the waiting room.  Her knee high white boots clicked on the linoleum floor as she walked to an empty seat.  Across from her sat a knave, one which Ramona immediately recognized from one of her recent cases.  She had recommended his execution, but her co-arbiters outvoted her and gave the man a mere slap on the wrist.        It was the slight but constant...

2 years ago
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Bottoms UpChapter 2

Once in the shower, Sally and I didn't take long getting to business, as she began washing me without even being asked. I grinned and enjoyed her magical hands as she touched, fondled, and groped me every step of the process. I began to really harden in her hands and she would stop just shy of making me cum, knowing that she would have to pay for her cock teasing ways. She had a look of complete mischief on her face the whole time, but she wasn't ready for what I did next. As I washed each...

3 years ago
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My Slut Wife Sally Part 4

---------------Darla in my bedBob and Sally were not back yet by the time Darla and I arrived at home. We went straight to my bedroom where she stripped, retrieved from her purse a leather dog collar with a leash attached to its big brass ring, then knelt between my knees. Uncertain where she was taking us I sat on the edge of the bed and waited in quiet anticipation. With tears in her eyes she handed me the collar and leash, begging, “I make you a gift of my body. Be stern with me. Buckle this...

1 year ago
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Simon Says RevengeChapter 8

“What’s so funny, babe?” Jamie asked me as we waited for Ana and Oscar to join us. “Just the thought that not that long ago, I was a betrayed husband with a horrible harridan of a wife who drugged, kidnapped, restrained, and humiliated me. Now ... I have what some might call a harem and such ... couldn’t I have just skipped the shrewish cunt of a wife from hell and gone straight to the harem?” I blushed a bit at my own stupidity in trusting, loving, and marrying a royal pain in the ass bitch...

3 years ago
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Forget The Bitch Gimme A Drink

The place was a shambles. Devi Sloane surveyed the damage with a frosty gaze. What did it matter to her? Hauling herself upright, she wiped blood from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, stepping over the defeated body that still lay on the wet floor among the shattered glass and broken furniture. Making a feeble attempt at adjusting her ragged clothing and pushing disheveled jet-black hair from her face, she swaggered to the bar on one broken sandal heel. "Hell, Devi, what...

3 years ago
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Lost Weekend Sex Addicts

Vinay... Iove this guy . He has all the bells and whistles a woman is looking for..Love his cock and balls.. His face is Adonis... Love his muscle tone and deltoids...I love the way he wraps my long legs around his waist as he is fucking me.. I love the way he holds me up when we are doing sixty-nine..Sucking his balls and shaft while he eats and blows my clit..The dawn brings an exciting new day filled with orgasmic pleasures..We are watched by the Venusian light and the fading moon......

1 year ago
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I Love You Daddy Part 1

As usual, I was the first to wake up. Master’s sluggish, heavy body was totally still, and since his cock wasn’t pushing into my side, I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and shave. I had just finished my eye makeup (lots of blue eye shadow this morning, with thin tapers on the edges of my eyes) and was straightening my honey-blonde hair when he came in to relieve himself. “Good morning, Master,” I offered as he stood there peeing, holding his thick, flaccid Mulatto cock....

3 years ago
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Tales From Paradise Apartments Chapter 3

Evelyn walked steadily behind her master, her hands bound to her waist and a tether tied to Everet’s belt. She was pulled off balance several times by her master’s long confident strides. She understood why she was in the situation she was in, What she’d done would’ve gotten her thrown out by other masters, just not Everet. She stared at her master’s back wondering if he’d change his gait.Everet Walked confidently, at times taking a bigger step than needed, he was going to make this as...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Kat Arina Case No 7482365

December 14th 6:19pm – Case #7482365 – Petty Theft – Store associate noticed size of suspects purse keep growing and growing. Associate assumed she had been stealing. LP officer was alerted and sweeped the floor. Suspect was apprehended and taken to back room LP office. Suspects bag was searched and a myriad of merchandise was uncovered. Suspect then offered to pay for damages. LP officer denied and stripped suspect due to hypothesis the clothes being worn were also stolen....

2 years ago
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Kathy Lee and Regis

41 year old Kathy Lee Gifford was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror as she finished her shower. Not to bad she thought, certainly not the figure she had when she was Maryland's Junior Miss but still a shapely woman. Her 5' 6" frame carried her weight well, her hips were a little more generously curved but she still had a slim waist, just a little swell in her stomach. Her Junior Miss 35B breasts were fuller and rounder now, up to a 35C size, just a little sag but not much. All in...

4 years ago
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Shemale sex is Best

I had been in sex with gays for 1 year, but had always been intrigued by those hot looking chicks who packed more than a pussy between their legs. I had no idea where to find one in Pune I was definitely bi-sexual, still seeing whores, and still going to gloryholes for my cocksucking needs. Pune was a dream come true for me, I found a beautiful girl to have some really hot sex with. For a total slut like her, it was like dying and going to heaven. On my way into the street one afternoon, I saw...

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England My England

Sooner or later the shock wears off. We know this, Lives go on and those who cope can deal with the aftermath until it becomes commonplace. It started, not in the dark as these things do in novels, but in a light and airy student flat. The plotters, six men and two women, all young, all fired in the belief that they could strike a blow for their religion against its oppressors. They looked carefully at the protest sites using hopefully safe proxy cut-outs; listened to the tales of carnage as...

3 years ago
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The Rise of Jade ForceChapter 2 Return to Amra

October 12, 1973 Colonel Wynn stared at the world map that hung on the wall of his new office, which was buried deep inside the Rock. He studied Amra not really thinking about anything specifically. Amra encompassed an area that spanned two major geological plates: the Fractured Lands and the continent of Surprise. The two plates weren’t even that close together, but were linked by a number of islands. Back when dinosaurs roamed the planet, the Fractured Lands had once been a single...

4 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 25

We had driven into Brantley to listen to the news conference in which the governor made the announcement. He told the news people that he expected me to shake things up and make the AEMA more responsive and grassroots oriented. He also said that I had refused to accept a salary. He said that he expected me to assume my duties as soon as I could get on the job but that I was deeply involved in the relief effort in Crenshaw County. To put it bluntly, I was screwed. I never figured he was dumb....

3 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 34

The heat persisted throughout that week, making Lauren irritable and short tempered. She lacked sleep and if she had not been able to snooze during the day she would have been a wreck. Felix called on Friday afternoon just after lunch to say that he would have to work late that night, but would be able to take her out on Saturday afternoon. She agreed, looking forward to his company and a break from the boredom of the household routine. After the usual salad for tea, she lolled on the sofa...

3 years ago
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Dragon Age Leliana

"Do you trust me, Elyssa?" He stopped her just outside her tent, out of sight of the others at the fire. "With my life, Alistair. You know that." "What about with your body? Your heart?" "Always, my love. Though right now you're kind of scaring me..." "Don't be afraid. Just ... trust me." From somewhere, he produced a dark blue scarf. Steeling herself, allowing the vestiges of anxiety to escape, she nodded, and tied the scarf on, blinding herself. Alistair took her hands and...

2 years ago
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The Best Week Of My Life Pt 6

When I got home, I decided to get some rest and recharge, seeing as how my dick had become the flesh equivalent of a machine gun. A little while later, my sister woke me up and took me to a bar where we shot a few games of pool and ended up dropping about $10 worth of quarters and one dollar bills in the jukebox before closing time finally came about around 1 in the morning. Some time before that, a bartender had brought me a drink saying it was “compliments of the two Irish girls over there”...

2 years ago
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A new life with Lee and Em chapter 3

I have experienced in the past with some of my old girlfriends that having sex two or three times a day over a two week period would wear them out.Even though the sex was always good it was too much for some to handle causing them to tell me to find some one else. Sometimes it led to us breaking up but a couple of times they would bring a girlfriend in to assist them. In the case of Lee and I we had Emily who is 32 and seemed eager to step in when needed.She has yet to be called on but...

1 year ago
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Thursdays ChildChapter 17

Becca's and Steven's visit to The Moat was special to both of them. Whereas last year Steven had had to restrain himself and Becca was trying to break that restraint down this year they were both free to show each other their love. Becca's new dress took his breath away she looked so beautiful: not just beautiful but, to Steven at any rate, devastatingly attractive. They had a delicious meal, talked, laughed and flirted with each other. On the dance floor during the slow numbers there was...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 4

Our tour lasted almost four months. It was early April before we returned to Hawaii. By that time Jenny and Clair were so deeply a part of me that General Wilson took me aside to ‘discuss’ it one afternoon. “Phil ... You have a very distinguished career ahead of you ... IF you don’t screw it up by the way you behave. Those two women are so totally in love with you, even my wife commented on it, and she only saw you three at the medal ceremony. If she is aware of your... ‘special’ ......

3 years ago
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Eerie Saloon seasons of Change Winter part 9 of 13

Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson Sunday, February 25, 1872 As soon as Mass ended, the congregation hurried out to the courtyard beside the church. Two long tables had been set up beside the fountain. At the first, R.J. Rossi and Jane Steinmetz were pouring sparkling red liquid from bottles into a pair of large crystal bowls. Arnie Diaz was arranging rows of glasses near them. Trays of yellow cake were already set at both ends, and a...

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Xioxhel Warper of flesh and Eldritch Cutie

Xioxhel, The flesh twister is a god as old as time. She was one of the many first to be cast out from her dimension to the mortal world. She weakened and laid dormant inside of mortal bodies for millions of years until humans became the dominate force on Earth. Able to return back to her home world for fleeting amounts of time to her, but thousands of years in the mortal realm. Every few emergence, she would change those who followed her religion's bodies to twisted mockeries of human form. the...

1 year ago
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Nutty Night In

Polly the Preggo was sitting on the couch, spread-eagled and kicking her legs, whilst her wellies flapped comfortably onto her skin. There was something delicious about that feeling, the waft of air as it rushed past her knees with every kick. She could sometimes feel those welly breaths blow up between her legs, underneath the thin, long t-shirt she was wearing. As she lay back on the couch and looked down, all she could see was the large curve of her massive, tender boobs, her ever-growing...


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