September free porn video

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Carol looked briefly up from the cock she was gently sucking, and was shocked again at the sight that greeted her. Somehow, for no explicable reason, it brought all back the carefully suppressed memories.

She had not had a very happy childhood, not because she was mistreated, or anything like that, but because she had, to a certain extent, been ignored. Her brother Ben, older than her by nearly three years, had had Multiple Sclerosis, diagnosed when he was just three months old. Their parents had naturally lavished all their attention on Ben, quite unintentionally ignoring their younger daughter. Carol had loved her brother, particularly because he radiated out such love and happiness, it was impossible not to love him, and in his own way he had loved her.

Ben died shortly after his eighteenth birthday, when Carol was not yet fifteen, and both she and her parents had been dreadfully upset. Unfortunately, her parents had turned in on themselves, leaving Carol to grieve on her own.

By the time she left school at sixteen, her father, a career diplomat, had moved the family to the USA. The move had not helped, so by now she was a little disturbed, and found it difficult to make friends. Just before her seventeenth birthday, and disenchanted by the job she was doing at the local super market, she joined a local commune.

This was the worst mistake of her life, and it didn't take her long to realise it. The commune wasn't a separate entity, it turned out to be part of a much wider network of communes, with people regularly moving from one to another. Everybody in the commune wore simple shifts and boots, and nothing else, not even underwear. At first it was difficult to work out who was who, but after a while she realised that the different colours signified different skills and trades. As an unskilled newcomer she wore plain white.

About three weeks into her stay, and two days before her seventeenth birthday, she was told she was being sent to another camp some seventy miles away, there to be trained to be a camp listener. This puzzled her at first, but she accepted it with equanimity, though she did notice some of the other women giving her odd looks, some of them even steering well clear of her. She put it down to jealousy, but was soon disabused of that notion.

At the new camp she was allowed to settle into her small cell, the first time she had had a room of her own since joining the commune, and then had to see the camp leader.

"Are you a virgin?" was his first abrupt question to her.

She gave a little gasp of surprise before nodding her head.

"All right, take your shift off."


"Take your shift off."

"But ... but..."

He started towards her, an ugly expression on his face, his fists clenched. One fist lashed out and caught her just beneath the eye. "Do as you are fucking well told." he grated.

Carol, crying and in pain, pulled the shift over her head and held it in front of her. The man, who's name she still didn't know, grabbed it and flung it behind her.

"Stand up straight." She did so, sobbing and embarrassed. He grabbed her roughly by the shoulder, ignoring her flinch, and turned her. She was a beautiful young woman, rich dark red/brown hair that reached to her shoulder blades, large brown eyes, small upturned nose, generous mouth that normally smiled readily. Her figure was equally stunning, firm 34b breasts with tiny nipples and huge aureoles, 24 inch waist, and thirty four inch hips, smooth skin, and long shapely legs. The colour of her pubic hair proved that the colour of the hair on her head was completely natural, while her small, shapely, buttocks drew the eye from the rear.

But it was her hair that was her greatest asset, and had now become her greatest enemy, for it was this that the previous camps leaders had seen, and known would make her useful.

"Lie down," he snarled, pointing at a camp bed in the corner.

"What are you going to do?" Quavered Carol in a small voice.

"Lie down." The menace was back, and Carol hurried to obey, fearful of what would come next.

She was right to be afraid, because while her back had been turned, he had removed his own shift, and was now advancing on her, his huge, to her eyes, erection out in front. She began to whimper, terrified now, knowing what was coming. He reached her and pressed her back onto the hard bed, wrenching her knees apart with a brutal strength.

He raped her mercilessly for over an hour, leaving her bruised and bloodied, her spirit totally broken. The last couple of times she'd just lain there and let him do it, her mind just retreating in on itself and ignoring him and the whole world. She was seventeen that day.

She awoke in her cell, instantly remembering the previous day, for she could tell it was now the following day, and began to sob, quietly but uncontrollably. The door opened and at first Carol was terrified that it would be the man who had raped her, instead it was a much younger man, his eyes filled with sorrow and sympathy.

"I'm so sorry," he told her gently, "Ralph should not have done what he did. He has been punished," he said with such a finality to his voice that made Carol wonder. He put a tray onto her bed. "Now eat." He left before she could respond to his statements.

For two days she was ignored except by the young man who brought her in her meals. He refused to tell her anything beyond his name, Peter, and that she would learn everything when she was ready. On the third day she learned just how deep was the hole she was in.

Just after 'breakfast' Peter came back into the room, and instead of departing with her tray, he sat down on the bed in front of her. "You are to become a hand maiden," he told her.

"I was told listener," she murmured.

"It's the same thing. We prefer 'hand maiden' or simply 'maiden' here, but out in the camps you are normally referred to as listeners. It makes outsiders," the term used for everybody not a member of the communes, "think that you are just social workers or something like that. And in a way, you are." He paused for a moment and looked at her. "Do you know anything about our camps?" She shook her head.

He paused and took a deep breath. "Well, as you're probably already aware, the whole movement has just under one hundred thousand members world wide, just under half of them here in north America., including Canada and Mexico. We have communes in Europe and Australia, two in Brazil, a couple in South Africa and one each in Japan, South Korea, Thailand and the Philippines. The one we had in Hong Kong was closed down when the chinks took over back in '97, most of those members are either in hiding or in prison. A few escaped to other countries, including this one.

"The other thing you should know, is that there are far more men than women in the system, in fact, for every woman, there are around seventeen men. This means that most men will never get a partner. This in turn means that for all the other sixteen men, something has to be done. But if one woman has a partner, there are thirty three men vying for the next woman. In fact it's far worse than that. if we have one thousand men, that's about 58 women. If fifty seven of those men have partners, that leaves just one woman for the other nine hundred and forty three. Given that we have somewhere in the region of ninety four thousand men, and about five and a half thousand of them have partners, that leaves eighty eight and a half thousand men for the remaining 95 or so women." He stared at her for a moment, and then told her, in a quiet voice, the worst news.

"There's a month's training to start off with, but then after that, for the first eight months or so, you will have at least one thousand men between your legs. You will treat them nicely, you will give them pleasure, and you will do it." His voice turned a little hard as he spoke the last sentence. "After that, you will have one month off to rest, but there will be a one week refresher course in there if we think it's necessary, and then you will go around the smaller camps, along with a small group of others, and you will do the same for all the camps who do not have permanent hand maidens. After about a year of this, you will be brought back here, and the cycle will begin again.

"There will be a three week training period starting today, followed by one week off. After that, for the next eight months, thirty three weeks, you will have forty men a week for three weeks, then a week off timed for your menses. After that, the standard rate will be raised to forty five men a week. During your camp tour though, you may be lucky and have as little as twenty men a week, with longer breaks between, but you are far more likely to be hitting the maximum."

"This camp has eight maidens based here, simply because it is one of the largest. Four are here permanently, the other four, which may be a different four each time, are often out at the various smaller camps. If a camp is not big enough to support at least three, then it has none, and has to wait for the peripatetic maidens. Strictly, this camp needs six, but by having eight here half the year, and four here for the remainder, we cope both here, and with the smaller camps. You'll be our ninth, and we've had authorisation from the Philippines, to recruit and maintain a tenth. In a few cases, camps send us a girl for training, and we send them back a year later, fully trained and experienced.

"As far as the smaller camps go, you could, theoretically, be sent anywhere in the world, but in practice, you probably won't be sent outside of the America's, north and south. You may get to Australia, but that's unlikely, and you may even get as far as Japan or the Philippines, though that's extremely unlikely. In your case, you absolutely will not be sent to Europe or Africa."

"Why?" asked Carol in a whisper.

"In the first case because you're British, in the second case because you're not black. This is a mixed camp, but the two African camps are basically black. Even white South African women are sent to Australia, because there are still a few racial tensions, despite the end of apartheid and the fact that the people in these camps are amongst the most tolerant people in that country."

"However, back to today." He smiled grimly, ignoring Carol's sudden terrified and despairing look. "For the next five years you will have between fifteen and eighteen hundred men a year between your legs. Between seven thousand five hundred and nine thousand. That's not to say they will all be different, but a vast majority will be. Out of the eight-two-fifty average, say two to three hundred will be duplicates." Then he gave a little laugh. "Well actually, it's possible you'll have less than that if they don't all want to fuck you, but don't bank on it. At the end of that five years, if a man want's you as a partner, and you agree, you will become his partner.

"In return for all this you get a room of your own rather than have to sleep in the dormitory," he waved around the small cell they were in, "you will be given extra rations, extra clothing, makeup and washing stuff. You will have no out door duties except for emergencies, and that really only means evacuation due to fire. There are also a number of other concessions and privileges that I can't remember off the top of my head."

He stared at her. "Do you understand?"

Carol just stared at him, her mind whirling in terror. "Don't be afraid," said Peter. "It actually isn't as bad as it sounds. First, you only have forty five men a week, and for the first eight months only forty, and at fifty minutes each, with a ten minute break between, that's less than forty hours work. Everybody else works at least seventy hours a week, and often more. You can specify when you do your hours as well, you could do ten a day for four days, eight a day for five days, seven a day for five days, and five on the sixth. If you really felt up to it, you could even do twelve a day for three days, and spread the last four out one a day, two a day, just so long as you do your forty. It's a little more hectic with forty five, but with practice and a regular rhythm you won't notice it."

"If you don't get a partner after those five years, you just carry on until you've taken twenty thousand men, which usually takes about twelve years. You then have three options. You take a partner, though by that time it's unusual for many men to want you as a partner, and those that do, you probably wouldn't want. You can keep going, and as a second timer, you can set your own limits, provided you have at least twenty, and an average of thirty, a week for forty weeks a year, or you can be neutered."

"Neutered?" asked Carol weakly.

"You will have a complete hysterectomy, a double mastectomy, a complete female circumcision removing clitoris, inner and outer labia, and most of the vagina. That will then be sewn completely closed, and a small tube inserted into the urethra to allow you to pee. You will also be completely shaven and depilated, both between your legs and on top of your head, your eyebrows, everywhere."

Carol was terrified now, and tears were starting to leak out of the corner of her eyes. She just stared at him, a horrible croaking sound coming out of her mouth.

"By then many women actually want that, and they are treated honourable, and reverently. They still get many of the privileges, but without the pain. On the other hand, second timers are also honoured. We have three in this camp, one now approaching fifty, though in her case she's only been doing it for twenty years anyway. At the menopause she'll have to retire, and at least three men have offered to be her partner, all of them men worth having." He grinned for a moment. "She's had over thirty thousand men by now, and if you kept going until you were fifty, I was working this out earlier, you'd have the best part of forty five thousand men between your legs. As a second timer, it's entirely up to you whether you go out to the camps. You could be out there all the time, we have one that only comes back here for about a month a year, you could stay here all the time, as our fifty year old is now doing. You can split it how you like."

He stared at her for a moment longer. "Now," he said after a while. "get out of bed."

She got shakily out of bed, and stood by it, trembling.

He gave a small smile as he realised she'd slightly misinterpreted his request. "Lie down on top of the covers," he said gently.

She did so, holding her shift tightly to her, her legs clamped firmly together.

"Let go of your shift."

"Noo," she moaned, her hands gripping even tighter.

"I'm not going to hurt you, just let go of your shift."

She still couldn't, and her eyes closed in fear.

"Ralph is one of our enforcers," said Pete gently, "generally we don't have to use him more than once. In your case though, you've already met him. Just remember, if you don't obey, he's the one you'll have to deal with." He paused a moment. "Are you going to obey me?"

Carol nodded her head shakily.

"Good. Let go of your shift."

She did so, but her hands were still clenched into fists in front of her. "Arms by your sides," he told her. She did so, but her arms swung back into place when he gently lifted the hem.

"Arms by your sides." He lifted the front of the shift up to her waist, and looked at her body. "You're very beautiful," he told her. "I really didn't believe that your hair was that colour naturally." He reached out and touched her pubic hair, ignoring her terrified flinch. "This colour is natural isn't it?" he asked softly.

"Yes." she whispered. "Don't hurt me," she added a moment later, her voice very childlike in her fear.

"I won't. I promise."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm just going to lick you three orgasms, right now, then nothing until tomorrow. Spread your legs just a little."

Slowly, fearfully, her ankles moved just six inches apart, and then stopped.

"Okay, that's fine," said Pete. He bent down and kissed her pubic mound, allowing his tongue to slowly reach between her thighs. For an hour, he licked and kissed her pussy, tickling her clitoris, pushing his tongue inside her vagina, sucking on her labia, occasionally moving his mouth up to her navel or down to her thighs. Once he even kissed her breasts, sucking at the nipples until they were erect, using his fingers to masturbate her while he did so. She had spread her legs much wider within just five minutes, and her body was aroused, but not especially so, and she'd been no nearer to orgasm at the end, than she'd been right at the start.

Pete looked at her bemused. "All right, back into bed," he said after a while. Carol got into bed and closed her eyes. Pete watched her for two minutes and then left the room. Three hours later he was back with her lunch tray. He sat and watched her eat it, saying nothing until she'd finished.

"Okay, we'll try again. Lie on top of the bed, your legs apart, your hands by your sides." Carol complied, slowly, and Pete again began to lick her out. An hour later she still hadn't responded, and again Pete ordered her back to bed.

Exactly the same thing happened, and with exactly the same results, at the evening meal.

What Pete didn't realise, was just how much Carol was loving the sensations. She hadn't orgasmed because she didn't want to, and was controlling her body, but aside from that, the liquid feeling engendered in her body by his tongue and mouth were the most wonderful feelings she had ever felt in her short life, and she was keeping them going simply because it allowed her to forget her fears.

The following morning Pete again brought in her breakfast, and Carol watched him warily. After the small meal he ordered her out of bed and they began again. After that she didn't need to be ordered out. For the rest of that day, and the following three days, after each meal she would calmly get out of bed, take her shift off, and lie on top of the bed, her legs spread wide. Pete would spend the next hour or so attempting, and failing, to lick her to orgasm. He was extremely baffled and confused, and though Carol didn't know it, he was getting a lot of stick from some of the other trainers.

The day after that, her period started. Pete looked at the bloody shift in surprise.

"Shit," he said, more to himself than to her. He looked up. "Someone has cocked up good and proper. For some reason we thought you'd had your period just before you came here."

Carol was suddenly afraid again, and Pete saw it. "Oh don't worry, it's not your fault. It's someone else who'll get the bollocking. We'll start again when it's over." He left.

She didn't see him again for six days, her meals being brought to her by a succession of girls, all not much older than her, each of whom were wearing ordinary clothes rather than the shifts, but all of whom were wearing a ring with a large red stone on their wedding finger. It took her a couple of days to realise that these were others just like her. They were all very pretty, but although they smiled to her, none of them would speak to her.

On the sixth day, Pete was back. This time, after nearly forty minutes, he brought her to a small, but very definite climax. "See," he said smiling. "That wasn't so bad. The plan calls for twenty one days training. The first day you should be just licked to orgasm three times. Normally it would all be done during this period, but for you, I'm going to leave the second until after lunch, because of the problems last week." He kissed her on the cheek. "Get back into bed for now, and have a rest." He gave her some reading material, books about both the male and the female bodies, about sex and loving, and about psychology, physiology and biology.

The second period, after lunch, Pete brought her orgasm on after thirty minutes. The third time, after tea, took just ten minutes, though this time he carried on and brought her to two more climaxes in fairly quick succession. None of them were particularly big orgasms, which disappointed Pete somewhat, though more for her sake than his.

The following day, she had to use her own mouth to bring him off. Having 'trained' some fifty women in the past, Pete had long since learned a great deal about control, and was normally able to hold off for a very long time.

This time he was surprised. After giving her a ten minute lecture on the male organ, and how to 'blow' it, he lay down and watched her approach him. This was always a nervous moment. Just once, the girl he been supposed to train, had tried to bite his penis off. What she hadn't realised was that Ralph, or rather his predecessor, was waiting outside, and at Pete's first shout of agony had been inside and had beaten her quite severely. Carol though surprised him in a totally different way. Her delicate touch and soft mouth brought him to a climax in less than fifteen minutes.

"That was very good," he said when he got his breath back. "We'll do the same this afternoon."

Again, this wasn't normal. The usual thing would have been for nothing more until the following day, but he had been so surprised he wanted to check it out. Quite apart from the fact that she'd given him the best blow job he'd ever had. After lunch was the same, but it took her a little longer as he was more prepared.

"You should be trying to get them to last," he said after a while. "You're a natural talent with your mouth. Slow down and take your time. If your client wants to be quick, then so be it, but learn to slow down as well. Okay?" She nodded, expressionless. "Okay, after tea I want you to hold me for an hour. Not let me come until after that time. Okay."

She nodded.

That eveniong Pete was in heaven. Carol brought him close to climax fairly quickly, but then, helped by the fact that he had already come twice that day, she held him close to climax for over fifty minutes, using her talented mouth and tongue, her hands, and even her teeth. When he finally came, his shriek of delight could be heard almost clear across the camp. He ejaculated more than he had ever done before, and he was shattered and unable to move for over ten minutes.

Carol on the other hand was nearly in tears. Her jaw muscles ached like they had never done before, with tendrils of cramp creeping out, and her back and thighs ached from the tension of holding herself in one position for so long. After Pete had climaxed, showering her face with his come, she too had just collapsed onto the bed, completely unable to move.

"Next lesson tomorrow," whispered Pete some time later. "Massage." He staggered out of the cell, but Carol was already asleep, Pete's sticky sperm drying on her face and in her hair where she had left it. She didn't hear him mutter to himself, reminding himself to tell her to swallow next time.

The following day after breakfast, he just massaged her, explaining what he was doing, until she was almost asleep. Then, that day and the next, trained her in the art of giving back and neck massages. She was okay, and would get better with practice, but for now it was not one of her better 'subjects'. At the start and end of each session though, he would first lick her to orgasm, than have her lick him to erection and just beyond, though not to orgasm, the point being to remind her that above all else she was being trained to give sexual satisfaction.

Days five and six and he taught her all the male erogenous zones, and how to excite them with mouth, lips tongue, and any other part of her body. Again she had to 'blow' him at the start and end of each session, but he was no longer blowing her as well. He also made sure she knew how to control, and to make it last. On day seven, this turned into a lesson on masturbation, and how to masturbate a man in general. He explained that, like women, all men were different, and the techniques were, of necessity, only very general.

On day eight this was turned the other way around, and he made her teach him what she liked, and how she masturbated herself. This was timetabled to spill over into days nine and ten as well if necessary. Most girls were particularly shy about this, and it often went into two days. A few took three days, whilst a very small number managed to release all their inhibitions enough to do it in the first day. During this time Pete taught her about her own erogenous zones, and how to masturbate herself more effectively. Some of this was done on her own, without anybody else in the room, but Carol had a sneaking suspicion, correct as it turned out, she was under observation, and diligently obeyed her instructions. Carol took two days to masturbate herself to twenty five orgasms, at least fifteen of which were in front of Pete, which meant that for her, day ten was a free day. Pete gave her a vibrator and suggested she learn how to use it on herself, to improve her own masturbating techniques.

Carol took the vibrator and spent a short while running it over herself, but although she found it not unpleasant, and even brought herself to a small climax after a little while. She didn't like using it though, and after her climax left it in the drawer and didn't use it again that day.

By this stage of their 'training', most of the girls he had taught, and to a limited extent that included Carol, were resigned to what was happening to them, and learned as much as they could about the subject of sex, and sexuality, their own and the males they would be tending.

From now on, they would be spending as much as ten hours of the day together, almost all of it in the nude, and most of it in direct physical contact with each other.

Day eleven was a continuation of days five and six, except that this time she was learning not how to arouse generally, but how to bring on an orgasm using everything except her mouth and vagina. She learned how to use her thighs, her breasts, her armpits, her hair, toes, buttocks, even her navel to excite a man to orgasm. Although Pete came to orgasm only once that day, by the end he knew that she would be able bring a man to orgasm using any of the techniques he had taught her.

Day twelve was turnaround time again, and he licked and sucked her to multiple orgasms. This time though, instead of concentrating on just her genitals, he licked and sucked every inch of her, watching her carefully as she came to a powerful and noisy orgasm with his toe between her labia, her toe in his mouth.

Days thirteen and fourteen were a complete change of pace. She was taught by other people how to use makeup properly, how to keep herself clean, and how to look after her hair, her body and health, and even how to put on, and remove, a condom.

On day fifteen, they started the final leg. He started by teaching her how to get herself aroused enough to take a man inside her within five minutes, and how to use lubricants or her own saliva if she wasn't ready. The vibrator, and a larger rubber dildo were used a great deal, as they still had not had sex. This was to change that very afternoon. Pete had started by describing the main sex positions, and to finish off the day, Pete got her to lie down, legs apart and knees raised. He lay on top of her, making her take most of his weight, and slowly slid inside her. He made her bring her legs up and around his waist, but they didn't move for about ten minutes. Pete reluctantly pulled free of this exceedingly beautiful girl, kissed her on the forehead, and told her to get some sleep, as she had a long day ahead of her. Carol knew just what was coming, and cried herself to sleep that night.

Days sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, they'd made love a number of times each day, each time in a different position. He also taught her about controlling premature ejaculations, how to control violent men, and how to bring them to a climax quickly. They also spent a lot of time in mutual masturbation, and in mutual oral sex, the sixty nine position, teaching her how to concentrate on more than one thing at once, and how to move from one position into another without hurting either herself or her partner. At first they were spending an hour at a time with his penis inside her, and by the end he was inside her for four hours solid, orgasming three times himself, Carol twice, moving all the time, and never in the same position for more than ten minutes at a time. Although Carol climaxed like this, in fact it was Pete's fingers on her clitoris, or his tongue on her breast that was the trigger.

This was not easy for Pete. Carol was one of the most beautiful and responsive girls he'd ever taught, and he was starting to fall in love with her, as to be honest he had done with a number of the girls he'd taught, but this time much more deeply. He found her to be a natural with her body, never needing to have anything explained more than once, and often understanding even before explanations were forthcoming.

Day twenty was normally a washup, anything that had been missed for any reason during the previous nineteen days was covered now. In Carols case, this actually meant going back to the massage from right at the start of the course. Pete cheated slightly, though Carol never knew, by combining the massage with another three hour fuck.

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Undercover Milf Ch 02

Laura waited until the afternoon of the next day, then she drove down to her son’s school and found a place to park. The spot she chose was out of plain sight, yet gave her a view of her son’s school parking lot. Her son, Teddy and Matt were walking toward a red minivan, a large heavy set gentlemen got out of it. The four of them stood in the parking lot for several minutes and laughed as they talked, then the boys got into Teddy’s car and the large man got back into the van. They pulled out...

2 years ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Kiara Cole Sweet Vibrations

Kiara Cole’s boyfriend can’t see his girl during quarantine, but he has a sexy gift for her: a remote controlled vibrator. He urges Kiara to put it in and then let him surprise her throughout the day. Kiara agrees, pushing the vibrator deep. The first time her boyfriend zaps her, Kiara is in the living room with her stepbrother, Rion King. Rion can see that something is wrong with his stepsis, but Kiara swears it’s nothing. The second time the vibrator goes off, Kiara is...

4 years ago
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The Party

Coming out onto the balcony, hoping for some fresh air, you inhale the night wind and sigh. The party back inside is still in full swing and although it is a good party as parties go, you cannot help but feel slightly frustrated and mildly horny. There are a lot of new faces back inside, but none of them so much as made eye contact with you. You gaze out over the courtyard as the wind picks up. A gust blows up your silken dress and you slightly open your legs enjoying its warm breath on your...

3 years ago
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An Erotic Waterfall Dream

My Only Darling, Last night I had another dream about you. We were hiking in the mountains. I know how much you always loved spending time outdoors. In my dream, I was following you up a fairly narrow and difficult part of the trail. I told you it was for your protection, in case you fell. It was really because I wanted to see your ass, to watch your body as you bent and climbed. You are so beautiful with your ponytail bobbing up and down. I would have caught you if you had fallen. I couldn’t...

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The Mechanics Big Tool

Dallas, Texas 2005 "Will ya look at that?" I heard Uncle Mario hiss as I lay on the gurney under the Ferrari. "What?" I grumbled, greasy and sweaty from a mornings work on the toys of the rich and famous. "You gotta see this broad boss," he said as he knelt down and winked at me under the car. I couldn't imagine any broad getting Mario this excited; when you work in the best Ferrari garage in the Southwest you see a lot of prime cunt. These old farts that can afford a half mill for a...

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Who Knew a Physical Could Be Fun

I woke up grumpy. I couldn’t eat or pee this morning. I had a physical scheduled for first thing this morning. Even worse, the doctor had warned me that today I even got a prostate exam. Oh well, I hope his hands aren’t too big. I arrived at the doctor’s office early and waited for my turn. The nurse ushered me into the exam room and drew blood then gave me the little plastic cup I had to pee in. I relieved myself and gave the cup to the nurse, and then I waited for the doctor’s arrival. He...

3 years ago
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Sex In Delhi

Hey guys … once again. This time its in Delhi. But before I start I want to tell you that we have lots of pictures getting laid in Mumbai. Also, I have a video in which he is masturbating. It’s extremely hot and the amount of mouth is tremendous. I love him shack his load and it really helps me cum too. So I met him in CP in the morning. I was wearing a black jeans and a white t shirt, with no undergarments. He was still the same :). We smooched for 5 min in the middle of Central Park, with his...

2 years ago
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Naughty Classroom Fun With Ria

Hi, I’m Vikrant from Pune and this is my third story on ISS. I decided to write this story after I got 4500 likes and lots of positive reviews from all you horny girls out there. I even had steamy online sexting sessions with four girls. I am 19 years old, 5’10, with a 6-inch cock and an athletic body to go with it. I play football regularly which has helped me to stay in shape for all my lady fans out there. You can contact me at I would love to hear your views and comments. Maybe even give...

4 years ago
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Ill Make it a Date Part Eight

I'll make it a Date, Part Eight: Tabitha's Story Introduction I have been telling my story of how I met and fell in love with Tabitha, and everything that followed in our first week together. I hope that I have given you some idea of how much I enjoyed that time. We were madly in love and it was unbelievable that we had a place where we could be intimate in complete comfort and privacy. I was the luckiest man on earth. So far, everything I have written has been from my point of...

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First time used

This started last summer while my wife and family were away on a cruise.Do to work I had to stay home and work. However I took a week or so off to get some honey do stuff done.One thing was running to the d**g store to get my perscripitons etc.There at the pharmacy was a good looking d**g store tech. She was maybe in her 40's. About 5'8" with blond hair and a really slim build. I often flirted with her on my visits and she with me. Her name was Sharon and she told me she was divorced and lived...

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The Resort part 2

I had a few things to do, so we had to divide the forces. I told Lidia to vacuum clean the upstairs bar and Ania to check all the upstairs rooms in the next wing and give me a written list. Then I told Irina to take the piles of clothes and follow me. Since Diana still was wearing the handcuffs, and since Lidia would be near anyway, I didn´t give her any job. I had my office downstairs, behind the lobby. I could sense how Irina began to get a little nervous. The master chef lived close and he...

3 years ago
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First time with Dawn

I met the first real love of my life when I was at school. Dawn had long dark brown hair, she was tall, slender and very good looking, a real catch for a young lad.After a short while of the usual hormone filled passionate kissing and heavy petting sessions we decided on a night that we were going to have full blown sex. My parents were going out and the house was to be empty. A good 3 or 4 hours on our own was just the job. I loaded up with condoms and awaited the said night coming...

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Mothers DayChapter 7

The next morning found Gwen preparing breakfast as David entered the kitchen whistling a tune. “My, you sound chipper this morning,” she opined. “And why shouldn’t I? I got to kiss the most beautiful woman in the world yesterday.” “Uh, David, about that. We have to talk.” “We certainly do,” he replied grabbing a couple of strips of bacon, “but right now I have to get to work.” “But I thought Sunday was your day off.” “It is, normally, but we’ve got a couple of guys out with the flu and...

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LebenChapter 4

Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Alan had just gotten to his feet when he felt the intrusion and impending fight outside his door. Growling he appeared next to Harman who had a wicked smile on his face that became even bigger when saw that Alan had joined the party. They were all tense awaiting the advancing enemy, suddenly Alan’s eyes went large, and then they narrowed when he saw the weapons that the advancing men were...

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Pleasure in Punishment Lessons Learned Part 4

My body wakes itself up at 5:30 am every morning.  This morning was no exception.  I kiss the top of her head that is resting on my chest and slip from under her arm that is lying across my thighs.  She moves slightly but curls the blanket up under her chin.  I lift a chair from the desk and gently place it next to the bed.  I sit and watch her breathe, slowly, deeply.  I smile, and quiver with the satisfaction I saw in her face when she realized that I took care of her.I sit and drink in her...

2 years ago
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Pargat Singh Santhoshi

PARGAT SINGH – SANTHOSHI Dear readers, Thanks for your mails on my experiences. Let me tell you on thing. All my narrations are true incidents that occurred either to me or to my relatives, friends and other contacts. Many of the readers expecting me write quickly, but one thing to remember is “Sabr ka phal meetha hota hai.” Another thing is as I already told you I am working for an MNC firm and while working you have to think how difficult it will be write, that too juicy narration. For...

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It was a sudden shifting of the bed that woke me from a deep, dreamless sleep. A tiny giggling sound coming from under the bedcovers told me that it was my sister Natalie. I was very concious of the fact that I had a raging erection--one of those adolescent hard ons that felt as if rigor mortis had set in. Under normal circumstances I would have dug under the bed mattress for my meager collection of pornography and would have taken care of the situation before going down to breakfast.But...

3 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 4

Stirring Memories The group was huddled on the floor, staring at the mock map Mike had made of the hallway. He had used his knife to carve wooden blocks from the still flopping dresser, lying the pieces end to end. The smaller ones had already stopped shaking, and the larger ones were weakening. Cecilia hovered overhead, and Carmina stood amongst the blocks. Carmina had gone first, flying along the ceiling and then back again. Cecilia had become invisible, traversing the same distance. The...

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Hans Und Greta

The winter in the mountains had been harsh that year.Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...

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I use to work for a campground about 10 years or so ago, not long after I turned forty. One of my duties was to lead a weekly bird watching tour. This usually occurred on Saturday or Sunday at dawn. Most often nobody showed and I would go off by myself. Later I would report to the owners that half dozen or so people showed. During this time I use to explore the campgrounds remote areas and some of the neighboring property. I would also keep a list of the birds I saw just so it looked like I...

2 years ago
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Mustis Adventures Part 110

The next morning everything was soaked, and the rain was threatening to resume. The dogs had assembled the cattle in their usual place, to await Pete to milk them. Pate came down wrapped in a poncho and wearing knee-high rubber boots. In a couple of places the water had gathered until it threatened to overwhelm the boots. It had been like this before, even if it had been awhile. He just had to deal with it. The cows HAD to be milked. No ifs, ands, or buts. He got a squeegee out and started...

1 year ago
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The Minstrels Tale Part 3

Edwin touched his wrist again to reassure himself. The tiny vial was there, tied securely to his arm. The king sat at the head of the table with the prince on his right side. The banquet table was lined from end to end with the various lords and ladies who had come to the castle for his birthday celebration tomorrow. The food had not yet been brought from the kitchen, but servers rushed here and there, anxiously refilling wine goblets before they could be drained. A lock of light golden hair...

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Runaway TrainChapter 38

“Those boys,” Brian remarked as we started our northward journey the next morning not long after the sun rose. “Yeah,” I said, laughing. Just as they’d done with Liz, Lucas and Brandon had charmed the former Marine Corps corporal. “All of them were just ... cool,” Brian said. “They didn’t make me feel like an outsider or a stranger. They just...” “We’re a little family,” I said, shrugging. “Matt’s mom pinched my butt,” Brian said, laughing. “You’re lucky that’s all she pinched,” I said....

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It's Zainab's wedding day and she is making all her students do her hair, make-up, manicure, and pedicure. She asks me to come to her house to do her make-up. I reply, “Okay.” She says, “I will meet you next to my car.” When I get to her house, she says, “I want you to practice your make-up on me now, so I don’t look like an idiot on my wedding day.” I start to do her make-up when she tells me to stop because she gets a phone call. I stop and lie down next to her beautiful caramel toes,...

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Noopur Ki Chudayi Part 1

Mai us samay btech ka student tha bachpan se hi mai muth mara karata tha aur humesha kisi hasin ladaki ke sapane dekh kar apane lund ko sahalata tha Kabhi condom lagakar muth marata tha to kabhi oil laga kar jab mai btech me gaya to sochata tha ki kas koi fuli huyi kasi huyi chut mil jaye to maza aa jaye Meri class me ek ladaki thi usaka nam noopur tha bhai log kya mall thi usake boobs par nigahe jate hi mera lund humesha salami dene lagata tha Usake yovan ka rus hi itana hasin tha ki humesha...

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Accidental Fantasy

It had to be the freakiest of freak accidents. Both cars ran the red light, trying to beat the yellow and the came together right in front of me, sending both cars skidding towards mine. I slammed on my brakes and thankfully received just a mild bump as they came to a stop. People were running everywhere and it seemed like only seconds before the sirens could be heard in the distance. An officer had me move my car to the curb and I sat there, shaking, my head on the steering wheel. I wasn’t...

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Masturbating Mummy

It wasn't Allan's fault that he had been suspended from school. Marcie O'Neill offered to show him her hairy cootie if he would show her his stiff dickie and he was close to firing a stream of fresh semen all over her thick pale thigh when the door to the storeroom opened and Miss Briggs, their maths teacher, walked in. Allan's mother was called but she didn't answer her mobile phone which was strange because, as a real estate agent and single mother, she was rarely without it clamped to her...

2 years ago
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Wild GeeseChapter 2

If my story so far seems odd, or unlikely, well – unlikely perhaps, but let’s think about the development of relationships. Firstly, any relationship is dependent on a person’s ability and willingness to progress it. In my mid thirties, I’d always been reserved. My few relationships had been short lived and far between. My parents, old-fashioned and religious, instilled, despite my resistance, a feeling that sex was a part of a permanent commitment, if not actually marriage. Quitting my...

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Supernatural A Quick Drink

Quietly sipping her third wine, she wondered where the hell Toni had gotten to. They were supposed to meet here an hour ago, have a couple of drinks and then head out to some new flash nightclub Toni had been raving about. Bet she's got distracted by some gorgeous guy. How does she always attract the decent ones? Damn it, it looked like tonight was going to be a total bust. She'd really been looking forward to a bit of clubbing tonight too. It'd been a while since she'd had any action and...

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Ted WhoChapter 15

Sandy kept her housecoat on while she unbuttoned my shirt, removed it, motioned for me to kick off my loafers, and then started unbuckling my belt. When she pulled down my pants, she took care to pull my Jockeys down with them. Unceremonious. I wasn't hard yet, although I was sporting a semi. It had all happened kind of quick, and Sandy's frumpy housecoat wasn't doing it for me. In addition, I think I was still wondering if Sandy wasn't maybe too much of a flake for me. "Socks," she...

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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 9

Phil was lying naked in bed and wondering how the hell he was going to get out of his current predicament when he heard the chanting. It caught his attention immediately because the voice was male and the chanting sounded a lot like the spells he used to hear at Wargsnouts College for Warlocks. 'How the hell' was quite appropriate considering Phil was currently trapped in Hell. Rosa and Verdé, a pair of succubi, had spirited him here after he and a friend had botched a summoning...

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Daddys Little GirlChapter 8

Kirkwood, Missouri was our next and final stop for the day. We would be traveling about 270 miles in little under four and a half hours. I had a lot on my mind and the long drive would allow me time to sort it all out. Here I was, driving cross-country, with a seventeen year-old boy. A young man almost ten years younger than me, and yet I was beginning to have feelings for him. He was nothing like anyone I'd ever met before. He was sweet, kind, gentle and exceptionally smart. Naïve to the...

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My mates son asking me about stuff cause his dad d

He was asking telling me that he would do anything for me and I didn't know what he meant then he winked at me andHe said anything at all I said I hurt my ankle can u help me out and get some food he said anything thing at all then he Just Come out and asked me if I would let him suck me off I said why do u want to do that he said cause it's something new and he thought I would like to do it to I said to him that I am not gay or bi he said that doesn't matterHe asked me if I wanted to see girls...

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My County Tis of MineChapter 4

The next week, I had a chance alone with dad and asked him about Kathy and Marty's behavior. "You see what happened here, because you didn't say hi in school, the two of them were afraid they would loose their happy home. Look, the trailer is worth spit, taxes and insurance are cheap, the two of them are basically a tax write off, so it doesn't cost us anything to have a couple of girlfriends ... Now, hey it would cost a shitload if you're mother was the divorcing kind, but she...

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Ceciline Part 2

It had been a week since I had met Ceciline and her husband. Although I went to the parking lot every night, I hadn’t seen the man again. Some other men had tried to pick me up and I had gotten into a couple cars, but I didn’t want to miss my chance to go back to the house and see Ceciline. I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head. I could have gotten back there myself, but I was worried that they would not want to see me. What had happened the week before scared me, but also made me crave...

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The creature Worms Mommy 2

Ashley spent her waking hours in complete bliss. Even when the creature, whom she was beginning to think of as her mate, seemed to be resting, she found that she could spur it on by clenching her vagina a couple times. Her body was still fully restrained in a doggie position. There were a few exceptions, such as her feet, which she found she was able to wiggle them freely. With not much else to do, she began clenching her pussy, hoping to turn the worm on again. Sadly, the worm did not seem...

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Ohnomorehybrid Or BlitzChapter 4

Ohnomore hybrid is, for the moment, at least, intertwined with Synergy 13, so many events are the same. But Gabe and Maren see things though different eyes, and react differently to the same words and their thoughts and actions reflect this. So please read both stories to see how each of them thinks and see what is happening. I got up early again and this time paid a little more attention to my appearance. I picked out some clothes I thought would be tasteful and even tried to get my hair...

3 years ago
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Not my Mom Part 3

“Come here,” Said Grandma “Suck on my tities while your mothers give us a show.”Both Brady and myself stood either side of the armchair, the smell from cunt filled my nostrils as I bent over a tit and a huge aerola and sucked on the stiff nipple, while my cousin did the same. I could see In the centre of the room in front of us Aunt Karen and my Mom making out. The sticky cum loads which had landed on their bodies where being licked and sucked off, sharing the loads by kissing. Both women had...

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PublicBang Angel Rivas Anal at the Graffiti Wall

Angel Rivas met with Emilio Ardana in a public parking lot. She showed off her body, flashed her tits at him and the cars that were passing by. They wanted to do more. So they went to a slightly more secluded place. But only slightly. Still from time to time people walked by and stared at them as they fucked. And they fucked rough. The British would say the buggered. Emilio went straight for her ass. He thrust his dick in and banged her like a rabbit. He fucked her in all positions until her...

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Lesson Of My Sex Education 8211 Part II

Hi Friends, Akshay here with another true story for you guys alike my previous stories this story is also independent for itself and there is no requirement for reading the previous ones. Now this story is not a story concerning any recent events and it may even sound a little different from the other stories that you may have read but it is true. I’m could have told you guys about this story before but never had the guts to do so before but I guess now I feel a little comfortable with you guys...

4 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 20 Birthdays and other catastrophes

I botched an experiment Friday morning--I had gotten distracted, and lost count of... let's just say that I added too much of something in the first few steps of an experiment, and it ruined the entire thing. Unfortunately, I realized this at around two in the afternoon, when a preliminary test turned up the wacky results. Feeling rather disgusted with myself, I set up a few culture tubes to grow over the weekend, and spent the afternoon going over drafts of a paper I was writing. The...

2 years ago
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A Friendly Surprise

New York City in the spring is the best time to visit the city. The urban landscape fraught with metal and steel and concrete set ablaze by Time Square's symphony of sounds and firework electric displays can't help but make you feel alive! Mandi had just arrived at JKF airport for business. It was her first time in the city and she was in awe. Riding in the cab, she got a text message from her friend Karen. "Guess what? I'm in NYC. SURPRISE! Dinner tonight?" Mandi grinned. She loved Karen. She...

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my fantasy

You pick me up at the station and I jump in the car. We exchange looks of anxiety and I crack a joke and say ‘smile, cause later you’ll be screaming with pleasure’ which loosens the mood as we both laugh. We arrive at the hotel and slip into our room. As the door shuts we both gaze at the full length mirror and smile. I smirk as you smile and proceed to drop your bag on the bed. We sit and exchange quirky one liners easing the tension until finally I move up close and pull you firmly close as...

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Panty Sniffer busted Part 1

It all started innocently enough.... I was the handy man of the group of relatives that lived in this area. As usual once a week my wifes 10 years younger sibling called with another job for me as her husband was worthless when it came to home repair. This time it was a bad heating element in her cloths dryer. Just a little back groud. I met my wife when after serving in the Marine corps i came back to live in my home town and got a apartment in town and she and her then...

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Katies Dream

I know that I have told you in the past that I have this overwhelming sense that if you and I were ever to get together it would be the best sex of our lives. And that I can't explain why you get my fantasies boiling, but you do. I don't know why or how but I find myself infatuated with you so much that I'd be willing to do anything you wished. That being said I had a dream about you last night. It started with me approaching you from behind in a candle lit room. As my arms envelope you I begin...

3 years ago
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I was of course shocked at what she was doing, ….but then again…I would love to see my sister Jodi undressed myself. She had a killer body, nice tits and her and I ….well….we kinda liked to cop feels on each other once and a while. I had only seen her once semi-naked in a very shear nightgown, and I could see enough to start a hardon going each time I looked at her now. We both were afraid to go any further as it could lead to trouble with mom. We had one close call when I was...

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Brandys First Strict Obedience Training Lesson

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly;...

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The Collins Brothers Chapter 5 Cousin Charles

It was finally the beginning of November, meaning Charles was able to visit the Collins' household again. I had abstained from sexual activity since July. A little background of Charles: Charles is an eighteen-year-old muscle god. He has blonde hair and hazelnut eyes. He currently is a freshman at the University of San Francisco, majoring in Business. He is one of the youngest in his class, but he is for sure one of the biggest. Charles is pretty insecure about his body but is very confident...

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