Ohnomorehybrid Or BlitzChapter 2
- 2 years ago
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Ohnomore hybrid is, for the moment, at least, intertwined with Synergy 13, so many events are the same. But Gabe and Maren see things though different eyes, and react differently to the same words and their thoughts and actions reflect this. So please read both stories to see how each of them thinks and see what is happening.
I got up early again and this time paid a little more attention to my appearance. I picked out some clothes I thought would be tasteful and even tried to get my hair into some form. I made some sandwiches for both Maren and myself before I ate a quick breakfast and then I was on my way to the Community Center. I saw Maren from a distance and smiled to her. She smiled back and waved. As we got closer both her and I began to say, "I'm sorry."
Realizing she'd just apologized to me for some reason,. I motioned to her, saying, "Go ahead."
She replied, "I'm sorry I shot you with my stun beam. I shouldn't do something like that. I hope I didn't hurt you?"
I sat down with her on a bench, "I didn't mind that Maren. It kinda nice. I guess I should tell you I'm an electricity elemental. I had no problem absorbing what you shot me with."
Her eyes got big, "Still I shouldn't have done it. I usually have my power under better control, but my emotions ran rampant yesterday. I know better than to use my power like that. I can be quite dangerous you know. In fact I blew up a mountain with my power with the force of an atom bomb."
Now it was time for my eyes to go wide, "That was you who blew up that mountain near Yellowstone?"
She swallowed and screwed her eyes, "Yes, it was. Why do you ask?"
"Because I wasn't too far from there myself. I saw the explosion. It happened only a day before I..." I trailed off.
Suspiciously, she asked, "Before what?"
Swallowing to calm myself, I got out, "Before I scared my pursuers away with a lightning storm that I made worse than normal."
She looked at me, "That was you? I saw a freak electrical storm in Montana just before I came back here."
I nodded, "Yes. But back to you, you mean everything you said about the reason you're taking these lessons is true? You really were kidnapped and blew apart a mountain?"
She nodded, "And you? How much is true about your story?"
Then, after I was admitted to the hospital I went through MORFS again. It cured most of my hybrid characteristics and gave me an elemental power, but my parents who are both hybrids, rejected me for no longer being hybrid. That's why I came here to live with my uncle."
She looked at me with a look between respect and compassion. Then she asked, "What kind of hybrid were you?"
I looked puzzled at her, "A canine. Why?"
She looked lost in thought before responding, "I think that's why I felt awkward around you. I felt like that before with another Canine hybrid. My feline hybridism reacted to it."
I was about to say something when a man walked up to us. "Hi Maren! And you must be Gabe Kramer. I'm Mr. Brands, your teacher today."
We got to our feet and followed him inside. Inside the classroom he asked, "So how is my favorite student? Zap any students lately?"
I thought, 'How the hell does he know about my powers? I never told him, Did he hear it from Aunt Vanessa? But she would keep it quiet she said.'
Then he continued, "Hey I'm only kidding, Maren."
I sighed, 'He must have meant Maren with her power. Of course! I wasn't even his student.'
Maren looked up to him, "Well yesterday I did happen to zap Gabe here with my stun beam."
I interrupted, "But she didn't know that I'm an Electricity Elemental, so it just fed my power."
Now Mr. Brands looked perplexed. "So instead of one student with powers I have two? Well that is a surprise. I'd like to know more about both of you. I already know quite a bit about the things Maren can do and I'm writing a scientific paper about such things. Don't worry I'll let you two read it first and I'll keep your names out of it."
After we'd talked a bit more about what he wanted to do he asked me if I could demonstrate my powers. I powered up and made lightning dance between my fingers. Rubbing my hands as if I was making a snowball, I created one of my patented lightning balls. After I dissolved it, I told him, "I don't dare do much more, as I can be quite dangerous with these lightning balls. But I can also detect electrical impulses and power almost any electrical device."
Mr. Brands discussed with us things about our powers for half an hour before we started our physics and math lessons. Maren was quite good at it and helped me with some problems. After our lessons we walked out and sat down on the bench again. I surprised her with the sandwiches I'd made for us to eat. As we were eating, she started again, "I'm really sorry for getting mad at you and shooting you."
"Don't be silly. I'm the one to blame. You've always looked good to me, but yesterday you looked sensational. I should've said something nice about it. It took some advice from my aunt to open my mind and tell me I should have told you so."
She looked at me, "You asked your aunt for advice? Who is your aunt?" Then I think she saw the light dawn, "Dean O'Dale is your aunt?"
"Yes, well not really my aunt. She's living with my Uncle Frank. They might go further in their relationship in the future, but they haven't yet."
She asked, "Don't you have to go to work today?"
"I've got a few days off. Andre, he's the owner, is changing some things inside, so it's closed. Besides, I have an appointment later this afternoon with Gavin."
"Oh, I have an appointment with Gavin too! When's yours?" she asked.
"At 4 o'clock so I have lots of time to kill until then."
"I have mine at 3. Would you mind going there together with me?"
I smiled, "No problem, Maren. But I want to ask you something else. What do you say we go to the beach with the other guys tomorrow? We can sunbathe, maybe swim a little and have fun with the others."
She hesitated a little, "Um ... I don't know if I can go. I mean, if I should."
"Why? What's wrong? Did Morfs give you some kind of deformity on your body, or are you just too shy to show yourself? Please, tell me Maren."
She flushed pink, "It's not that. But I don't own a bathing suit or anything like that." She hesitated and I looked expectantly at her to continue. "The truth is, I never learned to swim."
Surprised, I looked at her, "That's it? Well I an teach you I'm quite a good swimmer. Not that I will win many races, but I can hold my own. Or is it a cat thing and are you afraid of water?"
She reacted indignantly, "No, it is not a cat thing. It's just that before my MORFS I had a serious disease, and my life expectancy was measured in years, not decades, so I never bothered to learn how to swim."
I pretended to be indignant, "Sorry, don't kill me!"
She smiled at my words. Then her tail swished in front of me and I grabbed it and started stroking it. She began purring and closed her eyes. She moved her body a bit and leaned towards me. When she opened her eyes, our heads were suddenly close and with our lips close enough I took a chance. Leaning towards her, I lightly brushed her lips with mine. After seeming to enjoy it for a moment, she pulled her head back, startling me.
I was about to ask her a bit sharply why she had done that that when my memory connected several things together. I remembered that Snake had told me that Maren used to be a boy with a serious disease, who'd changed into a girl. And just moments ago she'd told me the disease part herself again. 'I can kick myself. Here I am kissing a girl who used to be a boy. No wonder she's shy. She's probably confused about this whole thing.'
I stroked her tail again to get her into a good mood again. This time she did purr again, but kept looking at me. "Maren I'm so sorry. I should've remembered that you had a gender change during your MORFS. I can't begin to understand what you're going through emotionally."
She flushed again, "It's okay. It's not your fault, it's mine. I've been steadily growing into being a girl, but sometimes I still try to resist becoming one totally in my mind. I think it's time I resign myself to being a girl both in body and mind." She leaned towards me and retuned my kiss, not just brushing my lips That was my turn to be totally surprised.
I enjoyed it immensely, but after a few seconds an idea came to me. I broke off the kiss, "You said that you don't own a bathing suit?" When she nodded I asked,, "Well what do you say we go shopping for one?"
She hesitated, biting her lip before answering, "Okay. Are you buying?"
I laughed, "I had that coming. Yeah sure, I'll pay. I did ask you to go shopping with me, so the least I can do is buy it for you. Do you have any preference as to where to shop?"
"Sure, I know just the place and they have some clotheslines especially for hybrids with a tail like me," she replied as she got to her feet.
When we got to the mall, she went straight to a store that didn't look too big in front. But it was deep inside, with several stories full of clothes. Maren quickly found some bathing suits, picking out some with long sleeves and sort of pants legs.
I shook my head, "Maren you can't wear those! You'll look ridiculous." I picked up some bikinis that would show off her assets extremely well. "Here, these are more suited for the beach."
"No way!' she snorted. "No way am I ever going to wear something like that."
She looks so cute when she's indignant, and I couldn't help laughing. "Well the one you picked out will make you a laughing stock for everyone on the beach."
As she looked at the ones she had picked, a voice asked, "Maybe I can be of some help? I gather that you're not agreeing on what to wear to the beach?"
We both turned to the saleswoman and I smiled, "My friend here has never been to the beach. so she needs something that's fashionable so she won't stand out too much with our friends."
"Hi, I'm Anita, let me look around a minute." She searched in the racks of clothing and came back with three different bathing suits. "Here, try these on. There's a changing booth right over there." She pointed to the left and back of Maren.
I waited impatiently for her to come out. When she did, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked stunning in the light gray very revealing suit, even though she looked uncomfortable in it. Not in the sense of ill fitting, more like she felt embarrassed. Quickly, she said, "I'll try another one on."
She stepped out not too much later in a shiny wet look black bathing suit. She looked good in this one as well, but not as good as the first one. Without a word, she stepped back into the booth and came out a little later with the third on. This time it was almost a two piece. Like a bikini, but with a metal ring in front connecting the top and bottom. I nodded, it looked good on her, too, but I still liked the first one best.
Maren stepped back into the booth and came back out fully clothed. "I don't think any of these are for me. Maybe I should look further?"
I protested, "Nonsense Maren. I agree that the last two aren't really you. But the gray one really suits you. And your tail isn't bothered by it either."
Anita agreed with me and added, "I do know a lot about hybrids with tails and none looked as good as you did with the gray bathing suit on."
Maren seemed to be thinking about it, so I thought that she needed a little more convincing. "I know you've never worn a bathing suit like that before. But there's a first time for everything. You look good in that gray suit."
She punched me in the shoulder, "No need to say it. I know it already. Just let me decide on my own, okay?"
Anita asked softly, "Well, what will it be?"
Maren was silent, lost in thought but finally said, "Okay, I'll take the gray one. I just hope I don't regret it."
Anita took the garment for Maren to the register, telling her, "Oh you won't. This is one of the best we have. I'm sure you will like it."
I followed her and Maren to pay for it. It was expensive, but it was worth it. Anita pointed out is was made with nano-tube fibers, meaning would be very sturdy and would give her a lot of wear without damage.
I carried Maren's bag as we walked to the MORFS center, arriving a bit early while talking about the beach trip the next day. I told her about the country I was born in. I told her about all the waterways we had and that we were pressed to learn how to swim early on. We saw Gavin walking by as we were checking in at reception. He waved Maren over and looked a bit surprised that I was already there, too.
I sat down in the lobby while Maren followed Gavin to his office. Figuring I was in for a long wait, I picked up a magazine and looked through it. I saw an article about cooking with tips from a very well known chef, so I started reading. Time flew by very quickly and before I knew it, it was nearing 4 o'clock, still no Maren or Gavin in sight, so I kept on reading. When they finally emerged from his office a half hour late, I got up and raised an eyebrow, questioning what had taken them so long. When they got closer I saw that Maren had been crying. 'Why did she cry? What did Gavin ask her? I hope she'll be okay.'
Gavin asked, "Gabe, do you want to do it quickly or would you mind rescheduling? I'm running out of time."
I answered casually, "Oh there's not much to tell, really. I helped out a demolition crew while practicing my power. The site was quite secure so I don't think that it is a problem, unless you see differently."
Gavin cocked his head, "I will check it, but I don't think that it is a problem. What did the men say?"
"The foreman thanked me and said that I was welcome on their next job."
Gavin laughed, "Well that's good to hear." He turned to Maren, "I guess we're done here then? Now remember Maren, another appointment soon okay?"
I looked at Maren, who nodded and went over to the secretary. I waited till she was finished before escorting her out of the building. We were walking towards my home when Maren suddenly said, "Gabe I can't go with you to the beach like we were planning. Yesterday I found a baby squog. She's dependent on me and requires lots of care. Isabel took over for me today, but I need to take care of her tomorrow."
I explained things to Andre who just showed up, and he said to go to the hospital immediately. I rushed over to the hospital where Snake had said that they had taken Maren to. When I got there I saw Snake pacing the waiting room and I went over to him. "Any news? Do you know what happened?" Snake shook his head, "Maren's mom called me. She only said that she and her sister had been shot in the dance studio. She didn't give any details though." Just then a good looking older woman...
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Matureslave is born in a poor family. In order to tie up the debts family had, slavewas sold to a wealthy woman. She is very sexy, gorgeous and beautiful. Shehad three lady friends staying with her. They didn't know how to use aslave. So slave was made to wash dishes, scrub floor, clean clothes etc. Oneday they brought a slave trainer and slave was shocked to see the trainer.The trainer was my cousin sister whom slave secretly worshipped as a Mistress.slave felt so embarrassed. But she didn't show...
Chapter FourIt’s Friday afternoon. Three days since the night that has changed my life’s direction. One of hair clients, Mr. Kesler, has captured my soul and has offered to become my Master. His desire is for me to submit to an Institute for training and on completion become one of his slaves. Mr. Kesler already has two other slaves, his wife chloe, and a black bull stud name Max. Mr. Kesler is waiting for my decision but I knew the moment he left my door that night what my answer would. He has...
Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter Eight"What the fuck you doing showing me your ass in the shower all the time youfucking faggot?" he demanded.I was speechless, terrified beyond words and mortified to death that heknew what I was doing all this time.We glared at each other hard for a split second when I suddenly justdropped to my knees and gobbled up his cock like the starving whore I was.All I heard him say was "What the fuck?" and felt him let go of my arm."Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter...
It’s a bit disorienting being waked up with your anus stretched paper thin, but I immediately knew who was invading my back door, just from his unique male scent. Ben’s rock hard cock tugged on my sensitive pink tissues, pulling them out of my secret hole before shoving them back inside. I must have been still loose from our earlier session, because he was able to glide in and out with ease. I don’t know how long he had been fucking me, all I knew was my pussy was slick with dew and convulsing....
Saul was in his room catching up with his email when he heard his wife and sister giggling rather loud. Peace in the house while entertaining his sister was something Saul was relieved about. The two ladies hit it off quite well. It had been a few months since she had arrived at their house. His sister was a beautician by profession and that helped matters. His wife was pampered by his sister with various creams and oils. Saul loved to watch his wife being massaged by his sister although it...
8PHE0049 word count 4647 ******** Day 49, Monday Harmony? Princess? Wechuge? Chastity wasn't sure what was real and what was virtual anymore. The drugs didn't help. But her trainers were also working full-time now. Even with her glasses off - they were sitting on the nightstand, providing a remote view of some of the action - even with her glasses off, her internal mods provided a cartoonified view of the world. Overlays. Virtual Reality. Augmented Unreality. One thing...
Sarah could feel Ada’an stiffen against her, the rough heat of his palms marking her soft skin even as he held her. She felt the touch of his hand move upwards towards her shoulder, and shuddered as she felt heat surge through that spot on her shoulder where his fingers traced a pattern. ‘Ada’an!’ The shuddering gasp had Ada’an pulling back to look at Sarah’s face and stare as he watched her golden eyes widen and gleam and her face flush as he touched the marking on her skin. He could feel the...
Copyright 2000, 2001 SWL all rights reserved except the publication at Fictionmania. The song is Suzanne by Leonard Cohen. Decision at Ellis Island By shalimar Steve walked into his favorite bar in East Meadow on Long Island. It was not the same since Simon had disappeared about 3 months before. It hurt not to have Sy around, but Steve was determined to continue without his best friend. They had done everything together ever since they met in kindergarten. They even shared their...
Little Nikki is feeling sad. She has been hanging out with a boy at school and she thought things were going really well. Lately though, the boy stopped talking to her. She can’t talk to her mom about this kind of thing, but luckily her step-daddy is here to help. Nikki isn’t sure she is sexually satisfying her boyfriend and is looking to get some help learning exactly what makes boys go crazy. Her Mommy isn’t around so he is quick to teach her everything she needs to know...
xmoviesforyouMichael has always wanted a sex slave, don’t ask why or for how long just accept it people, because that’s not what’s important. What’s important is the How and the Who? How will he obtain a sex slave? The next question is who will it be? Well to answer the first question Michael has been given a unique opportunity in the form of his Mother and Step-Father leaving the recent University Graduate for a month long cruise. One of those spur of the moment trips that they never expected something to...
BDSM‘What kind of man plays bingo?’ Maryann asked with an exasperated sigh. ‘Where do you find all the men you’ve tried to fix me up with, Mother? I am not desperate, I like things as they are – just me and the kids.’ ‘Fiddlesticks, you’ve been alone too long and you need some nice male companionship.’ Mrs. Redding replied to her only daughter. She’d had enough ‘male companionship’ to last a lifetime, Maryann thought to herself. After too many unhappy years with her ex-husband, she was not...
I had just finished a well needed shower and was enjoying the a/c in my cut-offs and t-shirt when someone knocked on the door. Upon answering the door, I found two girls looking up an t me and a little frightened. The older one, probably 17-18 asked, "Mr., could we use your phone, we think grandma is having a heart attack? " I motioned for them to come in and pointed them to the phone. I asked the yopunger one to go with me back to their grandmothers' house, to which she complied. The...
Kitty was seething. She and Bran had an argument but an hour ago--albeit about stupid things, but she couldn’t let her dignity go, now could she! So Kitty had banished her lover, her husband, to the sofa for the night. It was so difficult to stay angry with Bran for very long, and while she was still cross with him, she missed the comforting cuddle of their bodies together. The fire of anger was still burning bright when Kitty heard the door open. Her back was to the wall, but it was...
We sat at the table, her holding my hand me bawling like a baby. "Clarence stop it now. I mean it. It is not the end of the world. I told you because I love you. I do not want to lose you. I do not want you finding out the wrong way about; well, about the things I am doing with Marcus," she said. I'm sure she thought her tone was supportive, but she was killing me. "Millie, you're my wife. Is what you really want a divorce? I mean after all of these years, Millie, twenty-one years!" I...
You have been watching me for almost a week from afar. 7pm sharp - I arrive home from university on the dot every day. I am good girl. I live all alone but I'm disciplined, leaving men and drunken parties out of my life. You like good girls. They are the best to break. Once you unleash their wild side, they are the dirtiest sluts. Best of all, you know for sure that they have little ties and little confidence with people so you do not have to worry about being interrupted or found out....
When we arrived in Chicago, we went and got our suitcases from baggage claim. The flight to Japan left in two hours, so we went to the car and dropped off our gear. Paul and I had packed separate bags for Japan, which we grabbed. Paul looked at his phone. “They’re here,” he said, letting me know that everyone going to Japan had been dropped off. I gave my family hugs. “I loved this guys’ week. I can’t wait to see what you plan to top it next year,” I said. “We could go to the nudist...
Hi friends Its Danial, 30 male working as a senior manager in a reputed company. Today I am narrating my experience with my neighbour girl nadia. Let me describe you Nadia. She was 18 years old at that time and have a very sexy figure of 34, 24, 34, with very fair complexion and attractive eyes. We are living in an apartment building nadia's apartment is on the same floor as mine. We have 2 separate doors for entrance, 1 for regular use and the other for guests which open directly in the...
100% fiction! I was doing my masters in CA, USA. We used to stay a bunch of guys in a apartment, and I had a friend of my mine Radhi who stayed a couple of blocks away from my place. She was a really good friend and I used to frequent the place a lot. I was goodf friends with her room mates even She stayed with a bunch of girls, just as I stayed with a bunch of guys. So there was this girl at Radhi's place named Priyanka. She some how I didnt know how but seemed familiar to me from the first...
IncestHi friends. My name is Anoushka (name changed) and I often read comments on this blog about various experiences written and shared by women and girls. I too had a life changing experience which I thought I should share with you friends. It is a long event but I will try to write it as short as possible. I am 41 years old and my hubby, Arvind is 42. We got married fifteen years back and have a son who is thirteen now. Ours was a love marriage. We were in the same stream and after a brief...
A few months earlier, after persuading Yvette to bite her nipples while hand-fucking her hard, Laura had joked in passing that having her breasts tied up at the same time made the orgasms even more intense. Yvette had been so intrigued that only time pressure had made her reluctant to try it herself. Now, she sent Laura an email: Remember that thing with the rope? You said I could try. Y. Laura felt warm fuck nectars flowing into her pussy, embarrassingly, as she read it on her computer...
Dear all, this is a true incident that happened just a few weeks ago. I am Sameer. I am good looking with a strong and muscular body. This is about julie, my friend pranay’s wife. Pranay got married to julie just a year ago. Julie is from kolkata, truly a bengal tigress, beautiful with a voluptous curvy figure, silken smooth long hair and a naughty smile always on her face when we are all around. Pranay was fat and we always knew that he used to boast about his size. Julie always used to make...
I woke up with someone standing over me. "Um...Hi," I said, trying to stay calm. "I thought about attacking you. I really did but I couldn't bring myself to do it." "Wh-What did I do?" "Well you're here and you seem to be getting along with all this just fine." He motioned to the night dress I was wearing. "Dammit!" I must have been too tired to fight off the urge. It had been one time and I already gave in. I pulled it off and threw it on the floor. "Well it seems you're...