Pathan say gand marwai
- 2 years ago
- 43
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Brianna O’Connell, Bree to her friends, stood on the sidewalk outside North Cambridge Elementary School, watching as her daughter walked up the path to the main entrance with a few of her friends. As they disappeared inside, the redheaded twenty-eight year old’s thoughts flashed back to a time when she would’ve walked Kellie herself.
But those days were gone as her only child, now a precocious ten, would no longer permit such an embarrassment. In only a few more years, much too soon in the eyes of the ponytailed mom, Kellie would be a teenager. Then what would she do?
‘You’ll do what you’ve always done,’ Bree said to herself as she turned away. ‘You’ll deal with it and keep moving forward.’
With that she started off to where she’d parked her car, only to stop thirty feet along when she heard someone call her name. Looking up in that direction, Bree saw a trio of women standing by the flagpole - women quite familiar. Seeing one of the women waving to her, she started up the small incline towards them.
“Ladies,” Bree said with a smile as she reached the flagstaff, shifting her head left to right to look into the faces of Matilda Dougherty, Yvette Sanchez and Brenda Kauffman. Along with herself and Valerie Stanton, they made up the executive committee of the North Cambridge PTA.
“I thought you couldn’t make it this morning,” Brenda, who had been the one to call out her name, said, “but I’m so glad you did.”
“Make it to what?” Bree asked, focusing her attention on Matilda, who had a look of disappointment on her face.
“Actually, it’s my fault,” Matilda, who was the chairwoman of the committee, said, interrupting the exchange between Bree and Brenda. “As silly as it sounds, I simply forgot to send you a text about this morning’s meeting.”
“Well then, isn’t it a lucky thing that Kellie was running late and I had to drive her this morning?” Bree replied, not believing the explanation for a moment. “So what’s this all about?”
Matilda seemed hesitant to answer, but Brenda had no such reservations, quickly explaining that Matilda had called her and Yvette last night, saying she wanted to go over the plans for the Fifth Grade Social one last time. Based on Matilda’s reluctance, Bree figured it was something the bleached blonde hadn’t wanted her to know about.
The only reason Matilda Dougherty had been elected to the chairmanship of the committee in the first place was because her husband, a local land developer, had made a sizeable donation to the student activities fund a week before the vote. Once sworn in, she’d wasted no time in trying to remake the committee in her own image.
Twice before, Matilda had proposed changes to the social that she felt, in her opinion, would improve the dance. Both times her suggestions had been voted down, the last occurring just a week ago at the regular PTA meeting. Having known Matilda since they were teenagers, Bree wasn’t surprised that the chairwoman had pulled a stunt like this. According to the committee rules, three members were a quorum, and since Yvette would vote however Matilda told her to, the changes would undoubtedly have passed had not Bree unexpectedly turned up.
“Why are we still going on about this?” Bree asked, the irritation in her tone evident. “Wasn’t two votes on the matter enough, even for you?”
“Well, I felt that we should take one more look at it,” Matilda replied, her tone still reflecting her own annoyance at Bree’s appearance. “After all, we do want it to be the best it can be for the kids, don’t we?”
‘More like what’s best for Matilda Dougherty,’ Bree thought but didn’t say. What she did say was, “And what about Valerie, did you forget to text her too?”
“No, I did ask her if she could stop by this morning,” Matilda replied, “and she said she couldn’t because she had a new client coming in.”
Bree doubted Matilda told Valerie why they were getting together or she would’ve been here. Both their kids were in the fifth grade and would be attending the Social, so both had an interest in seeing it go off without Matilda’s changes.
The animosity between Bree and Matilda dated back to their days at Grant High. Even then Matilda was an arrogant little bitch, always trying to make everything all about her. In her mind she viewed herself as Miss Popularity, but at least half the girls in her class had a different soubriquet for her, one that most wouldn’t repeat in public.
The origin of the conflict between the two women could be traced to their sophomore year, when both were nominated to be the class representative on the student council. Certain that she couldn’t beat Bree in a fair vote, Matilda sought to disqualify or at least sabotage Bree’s chances by spreading the rumor that she was pregnant. A claim that, while prophetic, was definitely at the time not true. Unfortunately for Bree, the rumor took on a life of its own when the redhead wound up being sidelined for a month with mononucleosis. Matilda had won the race by the narrowest of margins.
Revenge had been quick in coming as Bree targeted Matilda’s biggest weakness, her ego. Not exactly blessed by the boob fairy, the then brunette was always sensitive about the size of her breasts. So much so that she had taken to stuffing her bra at an early age. She was hardly the only girl to do so, but few took it to the extremes that she did. There was hardly a girl who shared a locker room with her that didn’t know she was barely a B cup, much less the C she presented to the world. What Bree did was arrange a little demonstration that shared that information with the rest of the student body.
Bumping into Matilda in a crowded hallway during first period, Bree surreptitiously stuck a long straight pin into her breast, or more precisely the piles of tissue paper surrounding it. That the pin was there, but not who had placed it, was almost common knowledge by third period.
Matilda didn’t find out about it until the end of the school day, wrongly assuming that the looks she was getting from other students were, at least in her mind, ones of admiration. When one of her entourage finally heard the story and let her know, Matilda’s humiliation was only exceeded by her desire for revenge. The problem was, while she had her suspicions, she was never able to prove who had done it.
“Well, unless anyone has changed their mind since last Friday, it would still be two for and two against, which, however you want to look at it, is a tie,” Bree said. “So it stays just the way it is.”
“Actually, according to the committee rules, in the event of a tie vote, any committee member can call for further debate on the issue,” Matilda pointed out, “and then a final vote afterwards.”
‘She’s just not going to let go,’ Bree thought, not being able to remember anyone in the PTA ever going to such lengths as Matilda seemed willing to go, to get her way.
Glancing at her watch, Bree reminded herself that she really didn’t have time for this. It was her day off and she had a half dozen errands to run, the most important of which was picking up Kellie’s dress at the dry cleaners. Not having a job, Matilda could afford to spend most of the morning debating the issue. Then it occurred to Bree that she had the solution to the problem right in her pocket.
“Hold that thought,” she said to Matilda, holding up her index finger on one hand as she pulled out her cell phone with the other, quickly speed dialing a number.
There was a brief ring during which Bree hit another button that put the smart phone on speaker. On the second ring, a familiar voice said hello.
“Valerie, I’m sorry to bother you,” Bree said, “but I’m here with Matilda, Yvette and Brenda at the school, and it seems Matilda is insisting that we revisit the changes to the Fifth Grade Social that she had proposed last week. Since there are only four of us we’re looking at a tie, so...”
Bree didn’t get any further.
“Hell no, and that’s my vote,” said the voice over the speaker.
“Well, I guess that’s settles it,” Bree smiled, again apologizing for bothering Valerie before ending the call.
“That doesn’t count,” Matilda said as Bree put the phone back in her pocket. “You can’t vote over the phone.”
“Really, and where in the rules does it say that?” Bree said, continuing her smile.
Matilda opened her mouth to say something but couldn’t come up with an answer.
“I didn’t think so,” Bree said, feeling a bit pleased with herself. Then, turning to Yvette and Brenda, she added, “I guess we’re done here, ladies, so I’ll wish you all a good day.”
As she turned and walked back down the small slope, it didn’t take much imagination for Bree to picture the look on Matilda’s face. This hadn’t been the first time she and Valerie had ruined the chairwoman’s plans, but it was probably going to be the last. Next term, Kellie, and Valerie’s son, Mark, would be moving on to Junior High and both North Cambridge and Matilda Dougherty would be things of the past. Of the two, she would only miss one.
Forty minutes later, Bree pulled her 2002 Ford Focus into the driveway of her split level house. Exiting the well worn vehicle with a plastic-covered dress in hand, she took a moment to carefully lock the door. North Cambridge might not be the big city she spent her preteen years in, but it wasn’t Mayberry either. Some small town habits were still beyond her.
As she stepped up onto the porch, Bree didn’t see, at least at first, the figure sitting on the bench just off to the right, hidden from the street by the hedges. It was only when she’d reached the top step and the visitor stood up that she realized someone was there. In alarm, she jumped back before recognizing a most familiar face.
“Jesus, Valerie, you almost gave me a heart attack,” she said, coming to a stop just at the edge of the steps.
“Sorry,” the well-dressed black woman said with a apologetic smile. “I figured you’d head right home after dropping Kellie off, but you weren’t here when I arrived. So I decided to wait a bit in case you were on your way. I only sat behind the hedges because I didn’t want that nosey neighbor of yours to see me waiting.”
“You could’ve told me you were stopping by, you know,” Bree said as she brought her key up to the lock. “We did talk, what, a half hour ago?”
“But that would’ve ruined the surprise,” Valerie grinned.
Bree gave her a serious if not angry look, held it for a few seconds, then stuck out her tongue. Valerie responded with a hearty laugh.
“Well, let’s not put on a show for Mrs. Wilson,” Bree said in reference to the inquisitive neighbor Valerie had mentioned. “Since you’re here, you might as well come on in.”
A smile still on her face, Valerie followed Bree thought the doorway.
In contrast to Bree’s blue jeans and white short-sleeved blouse, Valerie wore a dark, navy blue business suit and skirt. Barely an inch taller than the redhead’s five six, the ebony skinned, thirty-two year old was the owner and main employee of a small but growing law practice.
A natural beauty, she wore little makeup and kept her black afro cut short, only a quarter inch in height. Regardless of what she wore, however, the first thing that men, and most women, noticed about her was her thirty-eight inch bust - the contours of which were plainly visible beneath the white blouse she wore under her jacket.
The two women had been introduced three years before by their respective offspring, and quickly found that, despite different backgrounds, they shared a mutual outlook on life, that eventually blossomed into a close friendship.
“Wait a second; don’t you have a new client coming in this morning?” Bree asked as she hung up Kellie’s dress on a hook rack in the foyer.
“Do I?” Valerie asked, a mischievous smile on her face...
“But Matilda said...” Bree started to say, and then paused. “You are diabolical,” she said instead with a grin.
“No, I’ve just learned from experience,” Valerie replied. “Matilda has a habit of asking for free legal advice, especially if it’s something she doesn’t want her husband to know about. I don’t mind an occasional question or two, but she’s gotten to the point where she should probably be paying me a retainer.”
“I guess I’m lucky that Matilda only talks to me when she absolutely has to,” Bree observed, “and I don’t have anything that anyone else would want.”
“Oh I wouldn’t say that,” Valerie noted with a sly smile.
“So, not that I’m not happy to see you, but what was so important that you had to take time out from your day to come over?” Bree asked as she led Valerie into the living room.
“It just occurred to me, as I was driving to the office this morning, that since I have such a nice new SUV, and you just have that piece of ... excuse me, that classic old car out in the driveway,” Valerie said as she came to a stop about a foot from Bree, “that Mark and I should come by about seven-thirty to pick you and Kellie up. Then we can all go to the dance together.”
“That would be fine,” Bree said, a bit surprised that was why Valerie had stopped by. “Although I don’t see why you needed to tell me that personally.”
“Well, I guess I could’ve just called and told you,” Valerie said as she took a large step closer, “but if I had, then I wouldn’t have been able to do ... this.”
Bree was caught by surprise as Valerie slipped her arm around the younger woman’s waist and, in a sudden, quick motion, pulled her close. Leaning inward, her mouth pressed against Bree’s as she kissed her in a definitely not just a friend way.
The unexpected embrace took Bree by surprise, but only for a moment. Then she began to respond, her arms wrapping around Valerie even as she opened her mouth to allow the press of the other woman’s tongue.
As their mouths shared a mutual passion, excited hands moved across their bodies. Bree moaned softly as she felt Valerie’s hand close around her breast, squeezing it softly. She moaned even louder as that hand opened just enough buttons to create a passage and slip inside her blouse. Sliding up under her bra, Valerie’s fingers found warm flesh, quickly making their way to her nipple, stroking it to a firm hardness.
Valerie’s other hand was equally active, moving with practiced skill as she undid both the belt of Bree’s jeans and the snaps beneath. Keeping her hand within the redhead’s blouse in place, Valerie moved behind Bree, pulling her so tight against her that her breasts pressed hard into the younger woman’s back.
By now, she’d also pushed Bree’s bra up and off her breasts, exposing both mounds. Moving her hand back and forth, she gave them equal attention, covering the supple flesh with her eager caress.
With Bree’s jeans now loosened, it took little effort for Valerie to bring her free hand under the waistband of the heavy corduroys and then that of the much thinner cotton panties beneath. From there it was but a moment’s journey to the lightly haired mound that was her goal. An excited smile filled her face as she made contact and found it already wet to her touch.
“Blessed Mother,” Bree gasped as she felt Valerie’s fingers slide inside of her, using the invocation taught to her by her catechism teachers at Saint Matthew’s in a manner that no doubt would’ve shocked the good sisters.
Valerie began slowly, gently moving two fingers deep within Bree, causing her to become even wetter. Then she quickened her pace, adding a third finger and probing even further. Waves of delight washed across Bree’s excited flesh, her breaths beginning to shorten even as her heart started to race.
With Bree’s head arched back, Valerie took the opportunity to kiss first her neck, and then her lips. The look of bliss on the woman in her arms encouraged her to increase her efforts. It didn’t take all that long for Valerie to work her magic.
“Oh God, Val ... I’m gonna...” Bree cried out amidst labored breaths.
Not that Valerie needed the warning, as the quaking of the body against her gave more than ample warning of the impending explosion. If she could see the motion of her hand within Bree’s pants, it would be but a blur, but she didn’t need to see it to see its effect. Not more than a dozen heartbeats followed before the core of Bree’s sex exploded in erotic fury.
“Oooooooooo,” Bree moaned loudly as she felt her legs grow weak beneath her, her body rocking with joy.
Through it all, Valerie held her tight, sharing part of the delight she had brought her, an enjoyment reflected in the elation on her face. She waited until she was sure that Bree had regained her footing before releasing her hold on her.
“That ... that was nice,” Bree said as she regained her breath, “really nice.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Valerie smiled as she watched her friend adjust her clothing, restoring a more respectable appearance.
“I don’t think ‘enjoyed’ is a good enough word,” the redhead corrected.
That made Valerie smile even more.
“Not that I’m complaining, mind you,” Bree went on after she finished composing herself, “but what happened to the idea of us keeping things like this for our alone time?”
Valerie didn’t immediately answer. Instead, she looked first to her right, then her left, and finally behind her. An action that left Bree a bit bewildered.
“Well, as far as I can tell, we’re alone here,” Valerie finally replied, “and is any time really a bad time?”
Bree really couldn’t argue with that.
“Do you have time for me to return the favor?” she asked Valerie, desire in her tone...
“Would that I did,” Valerie replied, “but while I don’t have a new client this morning, I do have a late morning appointment I really can’t miss.”
“I understand,” Bree said, disappointment clear in her voice.
“But soon enough, my love,” Valerie promised.
That made the redhead smile once more.
They shared one last kiss and then Valerie was on her way, saying again that she would see Bree at seven-thirty.
Bree resisted the temptation to stand by the door and watch Valerie walk towards the car she had hidden around the corner. Instead, she sat alone in the now empty living room and considered what had just happened and what change it might signify in the relationship she and Valerie had shared for nearly a year. A relationship that had never been planned, but had since become vital to Bree’s happiness. One that had started with the best of intentions, and the most ordinary of decisions.
“Come on, Bree, it’ll be fun,” Valerie said as she dried the dish that Bree had just washed, sharing the cleanup of their weekly dinner together.
This time, it had been Bree’s turn to cook, and after Mark and Kellie had been sent off to do their homework, Valerie had brought up again the idea of Bree coming along with her to Douglaston on her business trip the coming weekend.
“I don’t know,” Bree responded as she rinsed off another dish. “I’d have to find someone to watch Kellie and...”
“Which, if you’d paid more attention to what I’ve been saying, I’ve already taken care of,” Valerie cut her off. “David will be home by Friday, as you well know, and he’s already said Kellie’s welcome to stay over at our house.”
David Stanton was Valerie’s husband, a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy. He spent just as much time deployed at sea as than he did at home, if not more. They had been married almost fifteen years and even with those prolonged absences seemed to make it work.
The trip that Valerie was trying to get Bree to accompany her on was a once a month thing, the business of which only took a few hours of her time. Most other clients would’ve been content to send her the material she needed to review, but Alfred Dukes was a bit of an eccentric. Preferring face to face interactions, he’d rather have her take a three hour train ride upstate and stay overnight. Since Mr. Dukes had been one of her first clients, she was glad to make the effort, especially since not only did he pay both her fare and hotel bill, but over the years had referred a number of more local clients to her.
“Your husband doesn’t mind you going away the first time he’s been home in months?” Bree asked as she handed off the still wet dish.
“David understands how important the monthly trip up to Douglaston is to my practice,” she said.
“Then he’s one in a million,” Bree laughed. “I can’t imagine many men letting their wives out of the bedroom after four months at sea, much less letting her traipse off halfway across the state.”
“Well, we have been married a long time,” Valerie pointed out as she laid the last dish down on the counter. “That part of marriage really isn’t all that important to us anymore.”
“Yeah, like I’m going to believe that,” Bree replied in a skeptical tone.
In the summer of the year they met, with the then younger children safely left in the care of grandparents, the two couples had vacationed together at a resort down in the Caribbean. Much to Bree’s initial dismay, the beach there turned out to be clothing optional, with few guests availing themselves of the option. After an initial hesitation, she finally decided, what the hell, when in Rome, and joined the crowd.
After a few days, the constant nudity all around her seemed so casual, Bree no longer gave it a thought - well, at least as far as strangers were concerned. David Stanton, she discovered once they left their swimsuits behind, wasn’t endowed like the girls back in high school used to whisper about, but was gifted enough to lend at least some credibility to the rumors they’d heard. So much so that, try as she might, Bree couldn’t help wondering what it might be like with someone that impressive. Not that Frankie wasn’t equally impressive, at least in his own way, she told herself.
On their next to last night at the resort, with the men off on a late night hiking excursion that held little appeal to their wives, Bree and Valerie found themselves at the seaside bar downing shots. After having enough of them to wash away her inhibitions, Bree found herself broaching the subject. As soon as the words had left her mouth, however, she immediately felt that she’d gone too far over the line.
To her surprise, rather than be offended, Valerie had laughed and said that if Bree ever really wanted to find out, then she didn’t have a problem with her doing so. Thankfully, come the following morning, the question seemed forgotten and Bree chalked it all up to the two of them having been just a bit drunk.
“You’re sure I wouldn’t be in the way,” Bree asked, bringing a smile to Valerie as she saw her friend was finally at least considering the idea.
“I just need three or four hours on Saturday to meet with Alfred,” Valerie again explained. “Then we’d have the rest of the day and half of Sunday to ourselves. I usually take the three-forty train back home.”
“I guess I could use a day or two away from home,” Bree finally admitted.
Valerie beamed; she had won.
Bree had been depressed of late and the reason was obvious. This month, next week in fact, would be the second anniversary of Frankie O’Connell’s death. Bree had come to grips with his loss in an industrial accident a few months after that Caribbean trip, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel low at times because of it.
Frankie and Bree had been high school sweethearts, deeply in love, well, lust at least. So much so that she found herself pregnant at graduation and married before the summer was over. In the years since Kellie had been born, however, that love had cooled until, by the time of the accident, they were doing little more than cohabiting. The shared vacation had been a last attempt to rekindle the fires. But even with that being true, she still missed him at times.
Between the insurance settlement and her job at the Food Mart, Bree managed to live a simple but comfortable life with her daughter. It also helped that her father in law, Steve O’Connell, a successful businessman, doted on his only granddaughter and saw that she wanted for nothing. He had made the same offer to Bree, not understanding why she felt the need to work, but she’d declined. His paying her bills was where she drew the line.
Come Saturday morning, bright and early, Bree and Valerie were at the train station to catch the seven fifteen Northbound Limited, and, three hours later, stepped out onto the streets of Douglaston. After checking into their room, Valerie went off to meet Alfred Dukes and Bree headed downtown to check out the shops. She really didn’t plan to buy anything, but it was fun just to browse.
They met up for a late lunch, after which they spent a few hours sightseeing, winding up at the Museum of Art. They’d been admiring the exhibits there about two hours when Valerie drew Bree’s attention to an item of interest not found in the little booklet they’d been given on the way in.
“Don’t look now, but that guy is checking you out,” Valerie said in a whisper, leaning close to Bree so that only she could hear.
“What?” Bree said in surprise, her voice loud enough to be heard by nearby bystanders.
“To your right, over by the painting of the girl on the swing,” Valerie clarified in the same low voice. “The cute one with the short black hair,” she added, identifying him among the three men standing there.
Curious, but not wanting to seem interested, Bree managed to take a look without being too obvious about it. She timed it just right, as she did indeed catch him checking her out. At least five nine and well defined, he looked to be in his early to mid-thirties. Well dressed, she decided Valerie did him an injustice in only calling him cute.
“God, he is, isn’t he?” she said in surprise, her tone now much lower.
“What do you sound so surprised?” Valerie asked.
“I don’t know, I guess it just feels a little bit strange,” Bree replied.
“I don’t know why,” Valerie replied. “You’re an attractive woman, single and available. Or did I miss something when you finally took off your wedding band and went out on a couple of dates a few months back?”
“I only did that to make Steve happy,” Bree said, referring to her father in law. “He felt I needed to get out and start living my life again.”
“And in that at least, he was right,” Valerie said, having not always agreed with the older man. “So what was the problem?”
Before she answered, Bree glanced around her to make sure no one was too near. No one was, but even so, she pulled Valerie off to an empty alcove where they could talk in private.
“Because it didn’t take long for me to realize that all any of the men that asked me out were looking for was to take me to bed,” Bree said.
“And you say that like that’s a bad thing,” Valerie questioned, thinking that she knew a few single women Bree’s age who would’ve been quite happy with that prospect.
“You don’t understand,” Bree said.
“Obviously not,” she countered, “so why don’t you enlighten me?”
“Men assume that since I’m a young widow I’m perpetually horny and that, given the chance, I’d fuck just about anyone that asks,” she said.
“And that’s not true, right?”
“The hell it isn’t,” Bree replied without hesitation. “I’ve been going through batteries so fast these last few months that I feel like I should be investing in Duracell.”
Valerie resisted the urge to laugh. She could sympathize with her friend, because her own night table also contained an assortment of battery powered toys.
“Then why you didn’t just fuck one of those guys you went out with?” Valerie asked. “It’s the twenty-first century: no one expects you to marry a guy just because you share his bed a few times.”
“If I was back in the city, I’d agree with you,” Bree replied, “but as much as I love it, North Cambridge is a really small town. You have no idea how hard it is to keep a secret there. Back when Frankie was alive, I used to hear him and his buddies talk all the time about which women in town were easy lays. Guys like to talk worse than women, especially about who they’ve slept with.”
With David gone more then he was home, Valerie never had to deal with things like that, or have someone like Sarah Wilson living next door who watched not only her coming and goings, but who might be spending the night. Of course if she had, Valerie was certain she’d have had it out with the nosy old bitty long ago.
“Trust me, it’s not as hard to keep a secret as you might think,” she offered, “but I can appreciate your concern.”
She paused a long breath.
“But we’re not in North Cambridge now” she added. “ So if a guy expresses an interest, why not see where it might go?”
“Val, you know I’m no prude,” Bree said. “I gave it up to Frankie on his sixteenth birthday, and some of the things we did after we were married, well, I never imagined myself doing half of them. But as horny as I’ve been, I don’t think I could ever do it with a stranger.”
As they stepped back into the main chamber, the point proved itself academic. The man who had expressed such an appreciation of her assets was now long gone.
It was almost dinnertime when they got back to the hotel, but neither woman was feeling especially hungry. What they both wanted, however, was a drink. So rather than head back up to the room, they instead found themselves in the hotel bar.
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In the not to distance future the world has changed. People are struggling to survive outlaw gameshow like organizations are setup offering people a better life. Food, comfortable living an easy life. The catch you must make your way through one of their elaborate mazes. Hayley Jones is one of these people hopefully and desperate enough to try gain herself a better life. 27, a red head with a slim body she tried her best with what she had to stay healthy, but eventually she could not sustain it...
Mind ControlThis happen around one month back. I was with my friend & we go 2 meet one of his friend actually married aunty He call her frm my cell….then she came…& we meet for 10 min THEN leave After 2 days I got call from her inquring about my friend i say he is nt with me after formal talk,she talk 4 10 min ,she will like 2 do friendship with me I got ageed…then we started frequent calling .one day she told she is very tense & want to meet me.i agreed go 2 her ….. I drive my car 2 her & we meet..she got...
IncestHello guys, mera naam azim hai aur aaj main aapko apni 4th story sunaane wala houn, meri first story mere gay guard ke saath thi aur pichli dou stories apni maids ke saath thi. Meri 4th story bhi ek gay story hai to agar aapko iss type ki stories nahi pasand toh phir please meri koi aur story read kar le magar main yeh zaroor boloun ga ke yeh story aap ko bohat pasand aayi gi. Yeh story urdu aur pashto dono main hogi. Ab main story shuru karne wala houn, yeh ek asal story hai jo koi 3 months...
Gay MaleAmelie planned to serve as my honorary caddy during the pro-am. She rode in a cart beside us. Jill volunteered to caddy for Catalina for the week to help the girl save some money, which I thought was pretty nice. Bailey had told me the sisters were having a difficult time financially on the tour. "If one of them doesn't get a decent payday soon, they'll be in trouble," she told me. "Sophie won a little bit last year, but with her sister on tour, too, it's going to be rough. Jenny and...
My name is Jefferson Anders. I’m a Sex Therapist living in the Washington D.C. Area. Anyone looking at me would see a tall, good-looking black man in his early forties. I’m a graduate of the Mount Washington Institute of Technology. Ah, my college days were fun. For years, I operated in the Boston area, in the state of Massachusetts, but I just had to come back to Washington. Boston was boring. The city totally sucked. Too many pseudo-intellectuals. Not enough real people. Few real challenges....
A few things: First, I was unsure if this should have been categorized as a romance or simply erotic couplings. I feel it is more of a romance once seen as a whole – and I ask your forgiveness if you do not agree with my choice. Second, this is a slightly different story than the others I have written. The love scenes are still hot, in my opinion, but they may not be as frequent as some would prefer. So take that as a warning, because this is a very long story that needs to tell itself at its...
Totally unexpected, that’s the only way to describe it. I hadn’t been prepared for him taking part of my heart. I hadn’t even realised there was a part of my heart left to take. I know him from work. He’s my boss of sorts, his position in management. I see him in meetings and read his memos, they always make me smile, he has such a way with words. I say work, but my time’s given on a totally voluntary basis. I do it for the love and experience. I also do it to occupy the moments that should...
I walk over to my bike, bypassing drunks, after having said farewell to my co worker before heading home. It was her turn to close tonight at the bar and I was exhausted. “Smile for me, baby!" a man yells out across from the parking lot. My middle finger flies up in response before I ignite the engine and drive out of the parking lot. A few minutes later, and a few backroads later, I enter the usual quiet inside my home. I suppose most people would be going to sleep now but I had another...
SupernaturalTotally unexpected, that’s the only way to describe it. I hadn’t been prepared for him taking part of my heart. I hadn’t even realised there was a part of my heart left to take. I know him from work. He’s my boss of sorts, his position in management. I see him in meetings and read his memos; they always make me smile, he has such a way with words. I say work, but my time’s given on a totally voluntary basis. I do it for the love and experience. I also do it to occupy the moments that should be...
Wife LoversI was desperate for a piss, one, or several beers too many does that to you, well it does to me anyway. I wandered through the crowds, squeezing though narrow gaps between people talking and dancing. Trying to edge closer to the toilets, which was easier said than done in this bar.I was in a good place mentally, smiling to myself and having fun, it had been a hard but successful day at work. Of course, I was quite aroused, had been all evening really. Dark lighting, beer, music and hot women in...
Unexpected Sex Hello Readers, I am Ray. A well presentable male following with a fitness lifestyle and little busy office schedule from Mumbai. Blessed with a Manhood that will make a female moan in ecstasy. I am writing this story specially for women readers here and not to brag about my heroic adventure. You can connect with me if you like or love.. the story on loving_ray22 @ It was the 31st December 2014, My friends made plan to spend the eve on one the friends farm house....
Why did I say yes? Mathew asks himself, shaking his head. I should have unmatched her a long time ago.With a resigned stance, he walks toward the restaurant where Andrea has set their date, in Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles. As much as she looks gorgeous on Tinder, their chat has led to nowhere. He tried, when they first matched, hoping to have found the one, but her attitude and the fact they don’t share anything in common makes it so unlikely. To get him to have a date, she promised she will...
Straight Sex"I'm afraid the news isn't very good, Mr. Tyler," Dr. Demby began. "Most of the repair from your first accident has been undone by the second one. We are going to do our best to reconstruct the ligaments and tendons with some synthetic grafts, hoping that will give you some mobility in the knee. Luckily, there is no further sign of bone damage, so we won't need to do any knee replacement surgery yet. What we can't predict is how much mobility and flexibility you will retain. That will...
Our lives settled down over the next six months. I spent the summer on the brewery packaging line as supervisor. All of the men knew I would be moving into administration in September, and I got the impression they were pleased to see someone get the job who knew what the operating floor was all about. True, I knew little about the brewing end of the business, but that wouldn't be part of my responsibilities anyway. In early July, I asked if I could hold a round-table meeting with the...
The automated alarm went off in the still make-shift sickbay of Salem One and it took Phlox a moment to realize what it actually meant. One of Lieutenant Sato's changes and improvements to the stations communication and computer systems was to couple any critical alarms on the station to the systems in sickbay. Since the station was destined to become a repair facility and with the inherent dangers of engineering, it had been decided that any critical alarms in one of the workshops or any...
I needed another ally in my quest to sell the Chinese Project to our people. I was confident that John was on my side and even Wray had ceased his criticisms for a while. But, like any other corporation, there was an inescapable component that I needed to include. The money man. In this case it was the money lady, one Lynda Powell, CFO. "I'm quite cross with you, Cameron," she said sternly after I'd sketched out the strategy and where we were at. "You've given me very little time to do...
by Quiver Chapter 1: Feedback Loop "I know what you are," said a voice. Sienna glanced up from her phone looking to see who had spoken. It was some guy, mid-twenties, long dark hair, unkempt. He was sitting at a nearby table watching her, his feet propped up on an extra chair. He had this ineffable kind of sleezy charm that she couldn't quite describe. He definitely stood out. He was wearing a tight black band t-shirt, black jeans and combat boots. It was July. Who wears combat boots in...
maine aj tak boht stories parhi hai..but aj mai apni ik story share karna chahta hon. mai pakistan k sheher peshawar se hon..ap log to jantay hongay k pathan nasal boht khubsurat hai. so kahani mere ghar ki hai..mere ghar mai main,mummy,papa or 3 sisters hai..meri ik sister mujse ik saal barhi hai.uska naam maria hai.. or pir 2 mujse choti hai.meri age 19 hai.maria ki 21,zaini ki 18 or maheen ki 7 year..hum peshawar mai ik govt colony mai rehty hai..mere abu aksar kam k silsily mai bahir rehte...
This was inspired by the Path of Evil Module for NWN2—little besides character names and abilities are used. * The story thus far: Our party of adventurers arrives at the decrepit keep they intend to turn into their base of operations only to find that not one, not two, but three groups of enemies had infested the keep. Thurlith bargained with the devils, offering their assistance in defeating the Drow, in exchange for certain payments (including the succubus courier whose company he’d...
This was inspired by the Path of Evil Module for NWN2—little besides character names and abilities are used. ***** The story thus far: Thurlith has gotten rid of the village’s abusive guardians, which earned him no friends, as the villagers are terrified of what will happen without their guardians. With Jorra…busy recruiting the tavern wench, he turned his attention to the ‘leaders’ of the village. The leaders were a motley bunch of old men and women, distinguishable from their colleagues...
This was inspired by the Path of Evil Module for NWN2—little besides character names and abilities are used. This chapter has no sex, but the second part of the prologue does. I’ll try to keep splitting the chapters like that so folks looking just to fap can find the material they want and those looking for story can get that too. The keep was in ruins. One half of its gate hung from a single rusting iron hinge, leaving an easy passage into the inner courtyard, not that such a passage was...
This was inspired by the Path of Evil Module for NWN2—little besides character names and abilities are used. The story thus far: Thurlith and party dealt with the drow and have the devils. The predictably treacherous devils were outmaneuvered and mostly wiped out, except Jorra the succubus, and now Thurlith’s consort and the leader of the devil’s who is currently undergoing ‘questioning’ by Caracin. That leaves only one power left in the keep. The last and least, the undead. ***** Kvas and...
In the ancient and dangerous realm of Hythoria many races of sentient and mindless creatures dwelled together in a turbulent coexistence. In the massive continent there were several petty kingdoms that had been carved out in the sprawling expanse, but the largest three were divided between the kingdom of Vitrainia, which was ruled by the race of Men and their warmonger King, the kingdom of Exonia, ruled by the cold and indifferent Elves and their Queen, and the large swath of Wastelands that...
Fantasy“We need your help,” she pleaded. Your eyes sweep over the young, widowed queen. Golden hair falls to her waist and a thick white silk dress covers her buxom frame. Blue eyes, filled with desperation meet yours, as she takes in your wandering eyes. The dress falls all the way to the ground, covering up long, soft legs, just a hint of a belly, an impressive ass and the tits that put any whore you’d ever fucked to shame. Her arms were covered by a shawl, clutched in soft hands that had never done...
FantasyStory Title "The Path Of Least Resistance" from Alamo Preacher Chapter One It was the stag film that started it all, though, looking back I can now see how many things had been leading up to it over a period of time. The stag film however, seemed to be the beginning and I can remember that evening so clearly, every detail is etched on my memory. It was, in a very real sense, the end of the beginning. We were sitting in the living room of our apartment, Julie and me. We were...
Hi readers its Jyothy back, thanking all of you for your wonderful emails and comments. I just go hereabout further in my life – THE PATH as my title suggests, I kind of think that I am writing my autobiography… LOL Just kidding. Ok, here we go through my flashback. After that wonderful experience that night, I called Binu the next morning and thanked him once more for the party he (I) threw last night. I told him that the party was given even before the event of me seeing my new employer;...
October was hectic for Mark as he settled into his new life as an undergrad. He spent most of his time diving into his studies. By the end of the month, his bet with Dennis was all but forgotten. Right after their field trip in September, he had made it a point to smile and greet Kara in class, and she ignored him for a few days. But then he was passing her on the quad and said hi, and she hissed "Fuck off!" at him in return. Mark considered walking into Dennis's room and leaving $3 on the...
The deep growl woke both of them with a start. "What the hell was that?" asked Kara sleepily. She blinked, and suddenly remembered where she was. Mark felt her stiffened with the shock. "Sounded like a bear, a big one... Not too close..." Mark put the flashlight back on to low power and moved to his backpack. He pulled out something Kara did not recognize. Kara gave a quick smile of admiration to his naked body and said, "Mark, I saw you get that out of the gun case yesterday. What is...
It was almost dawn before Mark was led to the hut where Kara and Mayoni were sleeping. The first hint of light pink was on the horizon, and the frost in Mark's breath made him think that the climate here seemed definitely colder than West Virginia. He was led to a circular hut about 14 feet in diameter, and his escort bid him goodnight. Mark quietly sang the friendship goodbye in response. The inside of the hut was surprisingly warm. A hearth made of clay pottery was burning along the wall....
Mark awoke early next morning to the delightful sensation of Va'an massaging his butt. " * Good * morning * Mark * " she sang cheerfully. Mark turned and blinked, the sight of Va'an's naked body in the rising sunlight still took his breath away. " * Hi! * " " * I * have * kind * Hopewell * offer * teaching * me * language * today * Do * you * want * me * to * serve * you? * " "Huh?" Mark thought, and then sang, " * You * mean, * instead * of * learning * language? * " Va'an...
Dinner was exceptionally good. The Stenstroms treated me to one of the finer restaurants in the area. I was worried I would be severely underdressed but the clientele was very casual. Bailey looked stunning as usual. There is something to be said for 6-foot-tall blonde women. After we had gone back to her suite to change, her dad asked me for another visit to the balcony. At least Bailey had me prepared for the "don't-rush-things" portion of the speech. She didn't have me prepared for...
I had to appear at a press conference the night before to give an update. It sucked, but the hospital switchboard was getting inundated with calls, so I agreed. The doctor urged me to keep everything vague, and since I didn't know shit anyway, it wasn't hard. At the least the girl who stayed at my bedside seemed to know enough about the 20-year-old me to help me write my comments. She seemed really nice and it gave me hope that I had truly turned out better than I had expected. I did my...
EMPATHY By Vickie Tern Prologue Darla is an absolute darling when she wants to be. I wish I could be half the woman she is but I know I can't, I don't have it in me. Or anywhere near as adorable, though there I do try. She came by her charm easily while growing up, while I've had to learn mine only very recently. But she's a wonderful teacher. She could see my potential all along, I'm a natural, that's what she says. I tell her that natural or not I do love what I am now and I owe...
"I know what you are," said a voice.Sienna glanced up from her phone looking to see who had spoken. It was some guy, mid-twenties, long dark hair, unkempt. He was sitting at a nearby table watching her, his feet propped up on an extra chair. He had this ineffable kind of sleazy charm that she couldn't quite describe. He definitely stood out. He was wearing a tight black band t-shirt, black jeans and combat boots. It was July. Who wears combat boots in the middle of the summer?"...what?" Sienna...
SupernaturalIndru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana akkavai marainthu irunthu paarthu avalin azhagil mayangi akka udan udal uravu kondu sex seithen. Eppadi akkavai usar seithen enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar subash vayathu 19, naan thinamum en pakathu veetu akka kulipathai marainthu irunthu paarthu kai adipen. Muthalil aval kalluri padika chennaiyil padithu vanthu irunthaal, aanal ippozhuthu aval padipu mudinthu veetirku vanthu irukiraal. Avalai paarpathe nadakaatha...
Ilamaiyaana 20 vaythu pen kaama very pidithu kathalanai vidamal oothu konde iruka sollum very thanamaana kathaiyai padithu magizhungal. Intha inimaiyaana kama kathaiyil ungalai muzhga vaikum vaaipu thanthatharku migavum nandri. Vaarungal enathu kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar sathish vayathu 25. Enaku pengal endraal migavum pidikum, ippozhuthu oru ilamaiyaana penudan pesi kondu varugiren. Aval peyar arasi gramathu pen thaan, aanal vilaiyatu veeranganai. Parka sumaraaga thaan irupaal karupaaga...
I’d taken a job at a local factory, which meant I could cycle to work. Better still, I could avoid the roads and take the canal route. This particular day I’d been having trouble with my chain, it had come off twice on the way to work, so I was pushing hard to get home and do some maintenance. The towpath was quite narrow in places, and I had to brake sharply when a black man walked out in front of me. I thought I was going into the canal but managed to stutter to a halt. ...
Pathfinder: The Trio Author's note: I've been playing pathfinder in the chat room, and it inspired me to make an adventure of my own ... They were known simply as "the Trio". No one in the little town knew what had brought three such different women together, but they seemed more than capable of handling themselves, and were willing to help the town out against some local bandits - for a price, of course. First, there was small Besh, the gnome sorceress, whose familiar Max...
Pathfinder: The Trio - Cave Conversations Author's note: Since this is a sequel to "The Trio", you might want to read that one first, if you havent already. Goruza led the way towards the cave, with Emerald behind her leading Champ, her mule, on which Besh (and Max) sat. Finally, they reached the lip of the cave, and entered into it. "It's bigger than I expected," Besh remarked as she jumped off Champ, temporarily dislocating Max in the process. "We should explore it, so we...
Pathfinder: The Trio: Two plus one equals... Author's note; Guess my muse wasnt quite done with this yet... The next morning, Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah had a bite of breakfast, then searched the cave more. While they looked around Milah told them about how the axe beaks had come into the cave through a tunnel that came out in the fields nearby. "Whoever made this place was pretty busy. I didn't get a chance to do any exploring, but i saw several tunnels while I...
Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...
Pathfinder: The Trio: A trio becomes a quartet (plus one) Author's note: Yep, I'm still doing this one. But this might be the last, I dont know. The four adventurers followed the river upstream, slowly gaining elevation as they did so. As the day waned, Goruza and Emerald allowed Star and Champ to graze, while Milah sent her wolf Ajax off into the woods to hunt, and Tamarie went to the river to catch some fish for supper. After everyone had been fed, they began to look for a...
Pathfinder: The Siege of Fiddler's Vale. In loving memory of crazypagangurl, aka Tiffani, who was a great help in getting this one started. Prologue Sometimes, bad things just come out of nowhere. But sometimes, there is a warning. And riding hard towards the town of Fiddler's Vale, a warning is coming... Early in the morning, the gate guards saw three people riding towards the gate. One was tall, and her blindingly white hair could be spotted at a distance as she rode....
Sara knew she was obsessed: this was the fifth day in a row she came to this cafe for lunch looking for that sick bastard. She wondered again if she was wasting her time trying to find that asshole, and would she be better off spending her lunch hour trying to find some young housewife at the mall. But what could you do in an hour? Again she began to fret, struggling with the concept of seducing a woman. Everywhere she looked she saw gorgeous, sexy women; and it seemed each was married or...
It all begun on an ordinary day. I had a meeting with a new biotech startup, Empathics, Ltd. There had been a big bloom in biotech after people started working out how to read the genome, and it was an exciting time to be an investor. I had just about enough knowledge not to be sold a bill of goods, and that was more than most of the other VC agents managed. This Empathics company seemed interesting, and they had accepted to meet with me under a very strict non-disclosure agreement. From the...
Steve Jackson's annual Labor Day party was something that many of the employees of our city's civil engineering department looked forward to each September. Jackson, a senior engineer who had been with the department many years, was at the top of the pay scale and owned a large house in one of the nicer parts of town. Steve spared no expense when planning his parties and they were always quite lavish, with catered food, several kegs of beer, and an open bar that he himself tended with a loose...
Naturopathy – A Sapphic story My name is Saroja.I am a 26 year old girl from Andhra. By cast we are Brahmins. We are very orthodox at home in my native place. I am working in Pune in a Biotech firm as a research head. I enjoy my job very much. Therefore the lack of a life partner or a boyfriend was not felt till a few months ago. The situation suddenly took a turn after I decided to purchase a home PC. My orthodox parents preferred me to take a rented single bedroom house rather than a Women’s...
Erotic.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom PathwaysChapter 3: Deb's PlanCopyright© 2014 by Coaster2
Your hips and ass are extremely shapely, and your breasts are magnificent卆nd no bra厃ou are an adventurous girl indeed.� I felt a second arm snake around me and two hands close over my breasts卹ubbing the nipples. I was a little scared, but strangely calm協or some reason I sensed that wasn抰 any danger here. A warm body pressed lightly against me, the hands circled my breasts卼hen one slid down to the bottom of my shirt. I felt my shirt being pulled up and smooth hands cupped my breasts, fingers and...
August 19, 2002Dear Diary,“What if my husband had strayed once or twice,” had run through my head as I left Al’s science room down the hall from my room? I knew the day I thought that I felt a deep kinship at 53 for this man, an 8th grade science teacher, and he wasn’t my husband! I still loved and shared life with my husband but after so many years of marriage, travel two or three days a week in his job, maybe what fluttered inside my body when Al was nice to me was for the first time maybe,...
It was Christmas Eve, 2013. Our parents had to travel to Ontario to tend to my grandmother who had a stroke, leaving my sixteen year old stepbrother and me alone for the days leading up to Christmas. My mother had told me that they hoped to be able to return Christmas day, but even that was uncertain. Feeling lonely and nostalgic, my stepbrother and I had raided my stepfather’s liquor cabinet as we watched classic Christmas movies. The loneliness of my parents being away at Christmas, coupled...
TabooHi friends this Amruth from Bangalore…I am fan of ISS since 4-years ,about myself am 5’10” in height…,age 30 ,married to beautiful gal ,enjoying healthy sex life with my life partner.. Fun loving guy…easy going, fair in complexion, model type… I am going to tell one of my incident which had happen few months back and this is my first story in this site…… This story is about my junior in my engg. College her name is yonika..She is bit bubbly gal with nice eyes, pink lips, and a good pair of...
Empathic Echoes by Quiver Chapter 2: Surround Sound Sienna and Jasper had spent the last two weeks together, holed up in his warehouse basement. Luckily, Sienna had been right about there being a bathroom down there. In fact, there was basically an industrial sprinkler that Jasper had turned into a relatively functional shower, complete with shampoo, soap, and even a razor. Sienna was starting to feel more comfortable here. It helped that she had sent Jasper to grab a few things from her...