Flickering Candles free porn video

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They had been “seeing” each other on-line for quite some time. It was at his insistence that she’d finally bought a digital camera (“the better to see you with, my dear”). They had thoroughly explored the sweep and limits of her desire. Finally, b**st, as he was called on-line, told her that they should meet, to do the things they had been talking about for so long.

When he told her, she was kneeling, bound firmly, and tightly with the cotton rope, dyed red that he had instructed her to buy. Her hands were free so that she could type, and so that she could do his will. She did not look into the camera’s eye, as that would have been the same as meeting his, something a slave was not permitted to do. Still, she was surprised, and a warm wave of happiness that he should find her sufficiently pleasing to take possession of off-line washed over her. Her nipples, each decorated with a ferocious little clamp, pulsated painfully as her heart leapt in her chest. Apart from the rope and clamps, she wore only the headset and mic, and a small butt plug.

He knew the city in which she lived, but ordered her to give directions to her house. She obediently typed out the instructions (though a girl would never give instructions to Master!). Master further instructed her as to how he would enter, how she would dress, and when he would be expecting to arrive. She was stunned: He would be here in less than twenty-four hours!

“Master,” she said, “This one must work tomorrow.”

It was true. Not only was she scheduled to work, her boss was expecting her to organize a presentation for the new product line.

“Yes. You will work. For me,” In the face of his confident growl, the new product line suddenly seemed insubstantial and silly. “Furthermore, if you defy me again then our first meeting will almost certainly be more pain than pleasure.”

“Yes, Master”—what else was there to say?

The earpiece gave the electronic click that let her know the session was at an end.

The following day was an agony. She awoke much too early and sat staring at the harbor far, far down the hill. She told herself she was considering the implications of what she was about to do, but really she knew it wasn’t any such thing.

She telephoned her office at seven-thirty. Her boss picked up the line.

“Hi, Tricia,” she said, trying not to let her voice quaver from the tension of lying and from the excitement of anticipation. “I . . .”

”I am not feeling well, Tricia, I have been up all night sick and have had no sleep”

“Well of course you can’t, you poor thing. Don’t you worry. I’ll have Gerry give the presentation.”

She was nonplussed. She stared at the instrument for a minute.

“Uh, can he handle it?”

“Well if he can’t do it now, it’s time I found out.” Responded Tricia “You do what you need to. If you need a few more days that’ll be fine too—just e-mail me.”

Her boss said goodbye and hung up.

For a moment she thought of calling him, of asking what he’d told Tricia. But she knew he was on his way.

Now there was nothing left but to wait for Master.

For the next few hours she went about in a tingly daze. Her pussy was entirely wet the whole time. She couldn’t help but think. She’d seen his picture before, of course. But she’d never done anything like this with anyone. For a moment, she allowed herself to wonder whether she might be meeting some psycho.

Then she dismissed the thought. It was unworthy of her, and more importantly of Him. Tonight he would possess her, take her, and make her all she wanted to be. There would be pain. Of that, she was certain. But she reveled in it. Suffering and obedience to her Master were what she wanted. There was no room for doubt.

Before she knew it, the sky was darkening. She went to her bedroom. He had given her strict orders:

First, you will strip.

That was easy. She allowed herself to preen in the mirror a moment. Her hair, dark and wavy, fell in a soft wave over her shoulders. Her eyes glowed as though illuminated from within so that they were brighter than the feeble bedside lamp, which cut the darkness only enough to enhance the shadows.

Her shoulders were golden, as were her smallish but firm breasts. She caressed her ass with one hand and then ran the hand up over her belly. The hand cupped her right breast, weighing it. Then she pinched the nipple hard, eyes looking into the mirror. When her lip curled in pain, she released the nipple, running her hand back down over her belly—not flat, but not puppyish either. She turned and bent forward slightly, her looking over her shoulder to the mirror. Her ass was still firm, the result of hours of exercise. It pleased her that she kept herself well for her Master. Her roaming hand smacked hard at her ass. Her pussy was shaven. Master had had her do that as soon as she bought the camera. She had squatted over a bowl and recorded the whole process. Today she had merely had to trim the stubble while she showered.

Give yourself twenty hard spanks with the leather belt.

The belt was identical to one he owned. He’d sent it on their three-month day. She hated applying it, but she'd been ordered, so she would do. She took up the brown length of the belt—it smelled like him, like she thought he would smell, a faint hint of Drakkar and . . . jasmine? And beneath that a deeper, more masculine scent.

With a deceptive ease born of practice she swung the belt around herself so that it smacked into her buttocks. Tears came to her eyes after the eighth stroke, but she continued. On the ninth stroke, she accidentally swung the end of the belt so that it struck her shaved pussy, and squealed aloud. Still, she continued . . . fifteen, then eighteen . . . she gasped for breath, her ass red, along with the extra marks where an unexpected backlash had caught her thighs, body, or cunt.

Have you done that? Good slut. Now dress: you will not of course require underwear except as gift-wrap, but you will wear a black thong and brassiere for this first night.

Thigh-high stockings and “fuck-me” heels completed the outfit. She knew that he would strip even these from her, that she would eventually wear only red silk.

Put in the emerald earrings.

The earrings were devilish; a gift from him. From each mounted emerald, a fine gold wire curled upward and inward, so that it gently brushed the inside of the ear. Suddenly she felt as if her feet were a mile from her head. She took hold of the edge of her dressing table, almost made dizzy by the intensity of the sensation. It would be hard to walk in heel. But she didn’t expect to be walking much. Not on her hind legs, anyway. She almost grinned at the thought, but then sobered somewhat as she read her Master’s next instruction.

Clamp your nipples

She had expected this, but still felt a momentary shudder of anticipation, desire, and a little fear. Always before, she had been the one in charge of how tight the clamps would be. Tonight, for the first time, Master would physically check. And if they weren’t tight enough? She was sure he’d make them tighter.

She reached under the bra and almost dispassionately screwed the little squares of torment onto her tits. Once she released the brassiere, the extra pressure tore through her nipples like a wave of fire. Her pussy was already wet.

Prepare me a drink.

Easy. Crown Royal on the rocks. She’d dreamed of serving him with a tray, kneeling at his feet while he rubbed a single ice cube over her and sipped his drink.

Now get twelve white candles. Light ten.

Once again, he had been very exact. She set the candles down in two rows along the entryway.

Now wait by the door, facing away. Once you are in position you will blindfold yourself. I will arrive at eight-thirty precisely.

She went to the door. This is me, the slave; obeying my Master’s commands . . . will he beat me? She wondered.

The red bit of silk went across her eyes. She never once thought of doing anything but Master’s bidding. She would please him, no matter what.

Her heart was pounding. Suddenly she realized she had no idea what time it was. But she didn’t dare peek. If he came in and found her unready, she would surely be punished. She had only been there minutes, it seemed. And yet it seemed like forever. Her breasts, her aching nipples, seemed to swing in the air, confined though they were under the constricting bra. Her ears, teased by the emerald earrings, buzzed dizzyingly. The candlelight wasn’t strong enough to penetrate her blindfold.

She took a deep breath, and in the silence heard the tiniest noise of the mat at the front door being lifted. The key that she had left underneath it as per His instructions sc****d in the lock, and the door swung open.

She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t even know who it was. Perhaps a neighbor had seen her stash the key and had come to look for his own amusement. She knelt, nearly naked in the center of her hall, feeling the big man enter behind her.

Then her heart smiled inside of her as her nostrils detected Drakkar and . . . was it jasmine?

“Good evening slave,” He said. Her racing heart jumped into her mouth. It was His voice! Shorn of the usual hiss and static of a telephone line it was smoother than she’d dreamed. It wasn’t quite as deep. He seemed younger, more vital, in real life.

The slave heard a heavy bag drop on the floor. There was a jingling of chains. Two firm hands (O enormous hands!) grasped her shoulders. Hot breath on her neck. His fingers stroked down her body—she felt the heat building inside of her at his touch, the touch she’d so desperately wanted for so long. She moaned slightly.

“You may stand.” He said. Phrased as permission, it was His first real-time order to His slave. Carefully, slightly dizzily, she stood up. The blindfold made it harder to stand on the high heels without staggering, but the slave was graceful, nevertheless.

His fingers explored her wet warmth, and then withdrew, tickling her clit on the way. The other hand slid down between her buttocks. She caught her breath as he gently, insistently forced his finger into her, tugging at her thong. He kissed her without any warning except the warmth of his breath on her lips. The heat coming from his body was radiant and searing to her. When the kiss ended, he pulled off the blindfold.

“You may look at me, slave.”

Craggy face with bushy eyebrows. Grey in the hair and the neatly trimmed beard. Amused eyes, hazel, with little crow’s feet that belied how stern they seemed. Tall, taller than her. Body slightly thickened through the middle, but well muscled for all that.

He released her.

“Now get your eyes back down. I said you could look, bitch. Not stare.”

The slight chastisement of his voice made her even wetter. He stooped to open the black gym bag he had dropped in the hall. Out came the toys: the wide cuffs for her wrists, the wider ones for her ankles, the even wider ones that would fit her thighs. These she saw in the corner of her eyes as he rooted them out of the bag. Other toys, obscene in shape, pleasurable and painful in purpose, joined the growing heap. After a while, he seemed satisfied.

He stepped forward, up behind her. She trembled slightly, anticipating glorious pain and pleasure. His hands, slightly cold, encircled her neck. Quietly he passed a leather collar around her throat.

“This is it,” he said “if you want to stop or talk about anything, you may say so. Otherwise, I will lock your collar and we will begin.”

She stayed mute, desperately wanting him to close the lock, unable to say so. Wanting with all her self to be his slave, to have the decisions taken from her.

The lock clicks shut. The hallway seems to expand away from her. Heat from her belly, fire in her clamped nipples, the throb of her engorged clit. This is all she is.

From the corner of her downcast eye, she watches him. He moves like something on the prowl. From his belt, he takes an enormous knife. She quivers in terror—she has always had a horror of blades. She has never mentioned this. As he approaches her, a violent trembling seizes her. He stops, seeing her distress, and frowns.

“Is there a problem, slave?”

There it is. It’s the code for ending a scene if necessary. She can tell him, get it out. Then the thought comes roaring in:

I will OBEY! He is my MASTER and I am his slave. I adore and worship him, and I respect the gifts he gives me: the gift of understanding, the gift of pain, the gift of obedience, and the gift of his respect for my submission! I will NOT betray him!

Suddenly, her tremor eases. Eyes downcast, she permits herself the tiniest, tightest smile.

“No Master”

The brassiere goes first, dropping like a flag of surrender to the floor. Then the thong, barely noticed as it is slashed into two neat pieces and slides away. Now the knife is drawn expertly down each of her stockings. The feeling of them peeling off her is the most erotic thing she can remember in her life.

Naked, her skin is tawny in the light of the ten flickering candles. Momentarily she wonders why he ordered her to provide twelve. What did he want with the other two? She almost smiles again. He’ll let her know when the time is right.

He doesn’t cut her shoes off. Instead, he undoes them so that she can step out. Without words, she bends, slips to the floor. Her buttocks resting on her calves, thighs spread, breasts presented forward and hands clasped behind. His crop tickles her chin and she lowers her head.

“Kneel up” he breathes in her ear. Just his voice and she wants him, needs him, to spear her in her secret places, to give her the pain and subjugation she wants, deserves, needs.

He binds her with a rope. First over her shoulders, around behind her neck, then looping forward again. Her throat is subjected to gentle pressure as he arranges the rope so that the collar will not interfere. A knot is made between her breasts, and the ends of the rope cross before her. The ends are brought around to her backside, where they are drawn down and through her legs, then pulled brutally tight. The rope is soft, but her bruised and constricted pussy feels chafed and raw. He produces another, shorter length of rope. Seizing her left breast he tugs hard on the clamp fastened there, tugging a half-gasp, half-shriek from her. The shorter rope winds around her body and between her breasts, getting tighter with each pass.

Master releases both nipple clamps, making her shudder and bite her lip as blood flows into her tingling flesh. He continues to wind the rope about her breasts until they protrude, jutting into the air, nipples fully and firmly erect. She is proud of her tits. In spite of feeding two c***dren they are still decently firm, and although they aren’t huge she knows her Master treasures them. The longer ropes are passed around her hips and tied tightly. Master reaches between her thighs and seizes her clit between thumb and forefinger, tugging and pulling at it so that it stands rudely forward between the ropes across her cunt, and sending shivers through her at the sensations concentrating in her crotch. With his slave artfully bound, He gently pushes her back to the seated kneeling position, forcing the ropes to bite even tighter. She moans quietly as he pushes her to all fours.

“I will train you in submission, slave. I will bind and beat you. I will use you as I wish, do you understand?”

“Yes, Master”

A finger in her pussy, and another entering her ass:

“Your cunt is wet, slut.”

“Yes Master.”

“Should I fuck that slave cunt?”

“Oh, please yes Master!”

“Or this tight slut ass of yours?”

“As it pleases you, Master.”

He looks at her with appraising eyes. The hardwood floor of the hallway seems glued to her sweating palms. Her ass is discomfort, but somehow feels good. Her cunt is on fire as he probes and pinches her lips between the thick cords. When he touches her clit, she bites her lip to keep silent.

She still has her eyes down when pain shoots through her clitoris. Bound as she is, it’s hard and painful to wriggle, but she does.

A hand smacks her ass “Down, bitch!”

She sees the glove stretcher he’s tucked behind the rope at her cunt, tightly pinching her sore, swollen clit. His hand holds her hair so that she cannot look away.

“You are beautiful, slut-cunt” he says, “You need to learn manners, though.”

“Master, forgive your slut!”

“Of course I’ll forgive you, slave—as soon as I’ve whipped you.”

He uses the riding crop. Ten on each breast, ten on her tender pussy. At number seven she realizes that she’s about to come.

“. . . Seven . . . OhgodMastermaytheslutcum? . . . ugh . . . Eight . . . Nine. . .”

“Come.” He says.

The word “ten” is lost in her orgasm.

He doesn’t stop. Twenty slashing cuts to her ass. And now she hears a tube of something squeezed. Something cold drips on her hot ass as he rubs it over her hole. Then his cock, thicker than she thinks it could be, invading. She opens her mouth and takes deep breaths. For all that he has made her practice with a dildo, the real thing is different. She’s conscious of enormous warmth, of being deliciously skewered.

“You are mine” he slaps her ass, hard.

“Yes Master, your slave, your slut, your whore.” Hard to talk, she inhales a rasping breath as he sinks himself undeniably into her anus. Hungrily, he pounds at her, she defiling herself, calling herself his bitch, his cunt, his cum-swallower. He yanks her nipples and slaps at her bound breasts. She screams. Amazingly, she feels the beginnings of another orgasm as his hands clamp her tender assflesh and he fucks her even harder. She feels warm fluid dripping from her ass as he withdraws, firing his come over her back and neck. His finger has found her clit again, and the cruel glove stretcher nips her as it’s pulled free. She comes in a wave of pain, pleasure, lust, and submission.

She doesn’t come to herself properly for a while. Finally, she finds herself kneeling beside him holding an ashtray and his drink as he watches a movie on television. For the moment, she feels disappointed. Is this all there is? Then he looks over at her:

“Did you enjoy that, slave?”

“Yes, Master, very much Master.”

“Even your punishments? The pain?”

“Oh Master, I loved it!”

“I?” He asks.

Her eyes fly open, and she hears the jovial tone in his words.

“You’re going to be punished for that. There is no ‘I’ in slave.”

But, he thinks, that can wait until later. The movie is good.

And kneeling by her Master, bound in rope, cunt and ass sore and dripping, wearing her Master’s drying cum in her hair and on her skin, the slave knows her real place at last.

Master relaxes, watching his movie, sipping his drink and thinking about the two extra candles.

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This is taken from a real Teen Talk episode... well not really! "My name is Doctor Greenburg... and this is teen talk! Hello caller you are on the air." "Hello Doctor, this is Tawny... I'm from Boise Idaho." "That's nice Tawny, what seems to be your problem." "Well you see doctor it started about two weeks ago when my current boyfriend caught me you know with another guy." "Go on my dear" I said. "Yes, well Curt the guy that I was banging when my real boyfriend Todd came in...

2 years ago
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No Accounting for TastesChapter 7 Clippings Concerns

George took the opportunity of being on the far side of town to go into a newsagent's shop in order to get the magazines and scrap book. The girl at the cash desk gave him a very odd look when he turned up with his small pile of purchases. He ignored her quizzical look, hiding his embarrassment by trying to appear as though it was the most natural thing in the world for someone like him to be buying such titles as Cosmopolitan, Hello!, OK!, Vogue and Marie Clair. He scuttled off home with...

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The Aftermath

This continues the story Spanked for Free Again:When Scott disappeared upstairs Sheila went to the kitchen followed by Grandma who closed the door and said,“Well you certainly showed Scott who is the boss here.”“Thanks Mum, I am sure he is now very sorry.”“Quite possibly dear, but how long will the impact last on the boy?”Sheila laughed, “Oh a few days normally. Still that’s better than when we just had a chat, or more like a row, as he would leave the room and forget everything. Mind you, Mark...

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SynergyChapter 5

The next couple of months passed by rather quickly and for the most part pleasantly as far as Marlin and Melody were concerned. Melody finally convinced him to move out of the Sunset House and in with her stating truthfully it was silly for him to be spending his meager allowance on a room he almost never stayed in. He did end up agreeing but insisted in helping out with the household expenses as much as he could. The Widow Binder was sad to see him go until she found out where he was going...

4 years ago
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The Revenge Of Anna

This is a story about a woman scorned. A not so tall tale about revenge. This is the story involving a pretty girl, college, stereotypes, and sports. This is the revenge of Anna.As Anna put on her lip gloss, red was the color of her choice. Red was also one of the school colors. She showed off her lipstick as she puckered her lips in the mirror. Red was also the color of jealousy as Anna rocked her hips in her dress that showed off her legs and her assets. She knew she looked good in it. Anna...

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Angel and the OkieChapter 4

The Devil You Say That evening, we attended the box lunch and country-dance. Angel expressed keen disappointment when she found our version of "box lunches" weren't sexual events. But she was a good sport about it and whammied up a nice little Kentucky fried box of goodies. I bid on her box and Harold Loomis bid against me. Suddenly, I felt a squirmy feeling in my right jeans pocket. I reached in and pulled out a big wad of cash. "Well, Rupert," I said to myself. "I bet this means...

2 years ago
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Jennys Awaking to SexChapter 11

I figured now that we had a week left before school started, I wanted to keep Jenny in my dreams and masturbation fantasies for when we wouldn’t be together as much. You know to use for masturbation. I felt it was time to ask her if she would pose for me. At first Jenny hesitated about doing it but I talked her into it. I promised her I would give her some photos of my cock in different stages of hardness, from completely deflated to hard to harder to hard as it gets and then one of my dick...

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Lexies Master Part One

I opened the door and saw a man standing there. He was good looking, extremely tall, and he had a very annoying smirk on his face. He was wearing a suit. He was standing on my porch like he was meant to be there, and I disliked him immediately. ‘Alexandria?’ he asked. ‘Lex,’ I replied. ‘What do you want?’ ‘I’m here to take you home.’ ‘Is that right?’ ‘Maybe it would be better to invite me inside so we can talk.’ ‘We can talk here.’ ‘You’re being rude, love.’

2 years ago
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A fantasy comes true

I guess I should start by telling you a bit about myself I'm in my late 30's about 6'4 tall and weigh about 300lbs and I guess you would call me a bear. I've always been a "I'll try anything once" kind of guy. Until the events of this story I had never been intimate with another man, but I had often wondered what it would feel like to wank and suck another mans cock.The story begins just over a year ago and I had just come out of another failed relationship and was here at home alone jerking...

1 year ago
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Fucked up weekend part 2

I finished my breakfast. and began continuing my story. “So, Eve just sucked me dry, and was shimmying out of her pants. I was still rock hard, and she just mounted me. “My aunt? Jumped you just like that?” “Yup… she was the wettest girl I ever met.” “You should see Cherry’s that girl is probably dripping right now,” Interrupted Alice. “Shut the fuck up~” Girls,” I continued, “ Eve’s panties were soaked through when she stripped them off. A wet spot was soaking though...

3 years ago
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The Fitting

Fitting a gown for the Charity GalaDave and Julie had been inseparable since the sailing date. Dave’s shop was in between yacht restorations and Julie had quit the restaurant job, so nothing competed with their time together. Dave loved the way Julie embraced life, so he took her to all kinds of events and activities just to see the joy on her face.Dave also encouraged her exhibitionism and provided her with additional wardrobe that a young woman with an incredible body could tease others with;...

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New Age CrazedChapter 5

The subject in the state of hypnosis is a tabla rasa, a pure slate open to achieving perfect suggestibility enabling a perfection of purpose, untainted by the imperfections learned and trained by a purposeless life and schooling. --from the thesis "The Psychopathology of Radical Thought Metamorphosis: Processes in Mind Transformation" by Deidre Haas I know it's a cliché to awaken and be completely confused by where you are, particularly if it's somewhere you have never been before. But...

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Pregnant He Likes It

My 28-year-old wife of 5 years walked into the room and my brother's eyes went right to her full 3-month pregnant belly. Tom was setting with his new wife Crystal and although I knew he was madly in love with her I also knew he had the hots for my Sherry. Sherry and I had dated in high school and even back then when ever she was around it was like he went stupid. He would wait on my 5 foot 3 inch wife hand and foot and if she would wear any thing to show off...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Jessica Marie There8217s A Black Man In His Daughter8217s Room8230

****WARNING: THIS IS A CONSENSUAL RACEPLAY SCENE, ONE THAT CONTAINS STRONG, RACIALLY CHARGED LANGUAGE (REPEATED USE OF THE N WORD). IF SUCH CONTENT OFFENDS YOU, PLEASE DO NOT WATCH****** Jessica’s dad always told her monsters were real. He would tell her about goblins and ogres and manticores….terrifying creatures that would always end up somewhere in her room. The stories would scare her so much. But the scariest ones were the ones her dad talked about the most. Her daddy really...

2 years ago
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sex games part3

the afternoon sun was getting hot, it was 90 degrees in the shade,.the two blonde s****rs were. licking and sucking my s****r,s tits .karen looked at me and said,i never did oral sex,is it better then straight out intercorse. what a question. it all leads to the bottom line. we love that feeling, when we cum. how do i tell karen ? well, lets start smoking this d**g i brought. it will make you horney. watching my s****r, and the 2 blonde girls getting it on. still made us hot in our belly,s. we...

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SaralindaChapter 21 Gary

I really was excited to be spending a week on Maui. I love Furthurmore, but cruising is slow and somewhat tedious. There's a lot of nothing in particular about the middle of the ocean, and as much as I love it, I can see why a lot of rich guys like Paul Allen have their friends take their yachts somewhere, then fly down and join them. Maui isn't that big. It's something like 50 miles long and 25 miles wide at its widest. But you can still put 300-400 miles on your rental car in a week...

3 years ago
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The Punishment of Jazz

Work was tough. Framing is not as easy as it looks. All I wanted to do is come home, take a shower and relax. Maybe watch some t.v. As I walked in the house, I see my little girl getting her round supple breasts fondled by some young man, probably some one from her school, as they were in a deep kiss. "What the hell?! You need to leave right now young man!" The fear in his eyes was enough to keep me from ripping him a new one. After he had left, I turned back to Jazz. She was huddled in the...

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My wifes inheritence

I had met Marian at college. It was Psychology 101 and she must have been sitting up behind me in the amphitheater seating because I didn't see her until she came up to me after class and introduced herself asking me to explain the back of my t-shirt. It said, "There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary and those that do not." I walked her through the fact that 10 was really a 2 in binary. She was extroverted and expressive and had dark hair and lots of it. I was tall and...

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The BarnChapter 5

Sharon's Morning Routine Over the course of the next week, Sharon's new life began to take shape. Every morning the light would flick on and Sharon had a few minutes to brush her teeth, run some cold water over her face, fold up her blanket, straighten the bed and get in position by the door. David would come down the stairs and stand in the doorway, holding her plate. Sharon would open his pajama bottoms, take out his cock and begin sucking on it. David's cock was never very full when...

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Midnight Fun

We are slow dancing in my room. The music is soft, and the volume is low. I start to kiss, and gently bite your neck. You gasp, and move your body slightly closer towards mine. I can feel your hips against me as we sway in time with the music. You are wearing your tight boxers, and I’m dressed in nothing more than my panties and bra. You pull me closer to you as you lean down to kiss me. I feel my breasts press against your body, and I eagerly return your kiss. Our tongues meet, and commence a...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abella Danger Sandy The Art of Older Women Part One

Abella Danger has been trying to scale up the ranks in the fashion industry for quite some time, she has been writing pieces to great acclaim until she gets a call to do a piece for Sandy, one of the most gorgeous models of her time. Abella jumps to the occasion and takes the job, she quickly arrives at Sandy’s door only to realize she’s not even there. When Sandy does show up, it’s to get ready for her fashion show. She tries shooing Abella away, but Abella Begs to get the...

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Teen Deviyaan Part 1

A journey of love with my die-hard sisters. This indian sex story is true like you, the earth, the sun, the moon. This has happened because of one of my childhood friend who was like helping hand for me. He was very intelligent and truly scores distinction throughout his career. I am very much inspired from him. And also I’m very thankful to him that because of him I have really got real and true love and now I can say yes I love my life. Introduction: I’m Raj, my childhood friend Mukesh. My...

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Strip Trivial Pursuit

The old farmhouse was perfectly set in the lush mountains of Magoebaskloof, one of South Africa’s special jewels. The tropical scenery there is exquisite and the house we rented was an isolated old dame. It had no electricity so we cooked on an old coal stove and water was heated via a donkey that we had to light half an hour before we needed to bath in a huge, old-fashioned tub. Best of all was the huge fireplace in the lounge. It wasn’t sophisticated any more, but it had character and charm. ...

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Sex With Busty Women Escort In Radha Escort Agencies 8211 Part 1

This is the real story happened in my life which anybody can never forget. This story is very lengthy . You need to be patient while reading this as it is very interesting as far as myself is concerned. My name is harikrishnareddy 22 years old. My father is a famous realtor in Hyderabad. My mother is house wife. We are very rich by grace of god. Even though I started earning separately which my parents do not know.i started HR Technologies. Through which I do material contract for security...

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This Should Be My Last Time

I told myself last time was going to be the last time. I have to stop. If my girlfriend Amy, who I love very much, ever found out I'm sure it would be over. But here I am again driving to his office.I pull into a parking space, take a deep breath and mentally purge all the reasons I shouldn't be here for the ONLY reason I'm here. His office is on the 4th floor and the elevator ride always seems so slow. He's expecting me, so his secretary smiles and lets me in."Hey." he says looking up from the...

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Teen Neighbor Obsession 21

The first round really expanded our relationship. She did everything she could to tease me as she spent the majority of her time at my house. Her mother was a drug addict and she had three younger sisters. Her Aunt and Uncle brought her to Italy to get away from the trailer park issues she had back home. Her values were a bit different than I was used to. She did not have a good father figure in her life and clung to me as a “trusted adult”. I think that she was less...

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An Ode to the Cock

'Come on, what's so terrible about a young woman love of a man's Penis?' I personally love the feel of one, especially when it lies in my hand. The potential it bears as it lies on my hand, drooping gently over my hand's length, watching the purplish glans become exposed as the foreskin miraculously peels back, an involuntary action, due to it's owner contemplating my excitement' and as it hardens, it's an example of positive feedback.Soon fully erect and it rises from my hand and assumes an...

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Aunty Ko Khush Kiya

Hello me sahil meri ye story padh k mard muth merenge aur aurte ungli se ras nikalegi to ab story pe chalte hai meri pehli story mosi ko choda us k baad muhe bahot mail mile un mese ek mail tha jisme usne apna phone no diya tha mene call kiya to samne ek lady n fon uthaya maine unka naam pucha to unhone apna nam nilam batay mene unse unki age puchi to 52 saal batayi aur fir unhone mera nam ouch mene apna naam bataya aur apni age 22 saal batayi unhone mera adress pucha to mene apna addres gujrat...

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My Dream Girl 8211 Hot Sexy Kirayadar 8211 Part 1

“Aaj ki raat mujhe itna pyaar kro ki kal subah mein theek se khri na ho payun,mere kayi mahino ki pyaas bhuja do raaja,raat bhar mujhe pyaar kro, “,kanchan ki in baataon ko sunte hi mere khusi ka thikana nhi rha h , aur usse smooch krne lga… Hi sexies, I am Aryan , a handsome , sexy and totally lustful guy ! I m 6 ft. Tall with fair skin , any my penis is 6inch , and quite thick ! Enough to satisfy any lady :d Any hot girl or lady wanna talk or have some relationship with me , pls mail me at ...

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My friends Help Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The part two of the super hit story read the exciting part and write to me. Over the next few weeks, the vision of Kathy stayed in my mind more so than anything else that was done or said that night. I did start being nicer to my mother and paid more attention to her. I had realized what she had done for me all these years and what she continued to do for me even as I grew older. I started to look at her in a different way. Catherine my mother was very...

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Auntie Marthas magic fingers

My Aunt Martha slid her fingers slowly up and down my pussy lips; skillfully and urgently exploring every fold of my sensitive places. I was now almost naked on her couch, dressed just with a t-shirt.She had found me there rubbing myself just a few minutes before. Her eyes moved up and down my body slowly as my breathing became uneven. I felt my tits bouncing slightly as my tummy twitched when she touched me. I had always loved watching my Aunt as she moved around the house. I was twenty years...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Anu

Two years back I completed my graduation and joined in a reputed company as s/w engineer in Hyd. The starting days in company are excellent, slowly the days are getting bore because of routine life. It is Monday I am in cafeteria and drinking tea, here I saw a lady with beautiful smile and by seeing her. I felt why can’t she is in my team they are very lucky people having an angel in their team. I left the cafeteria and as deeply involved in my work suddenly I heard a sweet voice calling me by...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 8 The Princesss Resonance

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Eight: The Princess's Resonance By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Two: Rebirth Ealaín – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My pussy clenched down on Sven's cock as his question echoed around me. I shivered and glanced to my left, locking onto my charge. My wife now. Kora writhed in a daisy chain with the others, lying on her side, performing such a delicious act...

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Azalea Ch 04

I know it’s been awhile. I do intend to finish this story, but I still have a way to go. If you’re reading this and haven’t read the other chapters the characters might be a bit hard to follow so you might want to start at the beginning. That being said some characters that seem to be taking a bit of a Non Consensual/Reluctance turn, although there is none of it in this chapter. There are many talented authors on Lit that I suggest you peruse if this doesn’t appeal to you. This story is being...

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The Milf Chronicles Harley

It was around four in the afternoon when the teacher’s meeting finally let out. Harley Hendrix felt nearly as happy to be leaving school that day as most of her students. She checked her planner that morning and been very happy to find that she finally had a free weekend all to herself. It had been a while since she had gone out and even longer since she had gotten laid. Harley just didn’t know that was going to change real soon. With her umbrella shielding her from the rain, she cut through...


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