To Be Frank Ch. 05 free porn video

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Please feel free to read previous chapters – the following story will engage you much more if you do, although if you haven’t the time, then this will stand alone as a good read, I hope.


Inside, after getting home, I got on the phone to Karl. I didn’t know what I was going to say, I only knew that I really didn’t want to go out with him any more, and that now was the first chance I had to tell him so.

It rang.

‘Karl speaking.’ came the voice.

Bingo! I was hoping it wasn’t his mother or father.

‘Karl, it’s Kate. Don’t hang up, we need to talk.’

There was what sounded like a resigned pause, the pause of someone with no excuses. If only he knew what I’d been up to I’m sure it would have been different.

‘Karl, I know you were fucking Ann this afternoon. Besides your guilty expression and the smell in her room, she was covered in your cum, and believe me, I know that taste.’

I kicked myself at letting that little titbit slip, but Karl was so ready with his excuses he missed it completely.

‘Kate, Kate, I can explain…. I just went round to say hi, and one thing led to another. She led me on. I couldn’t help myself. It didn’t mean anything…’

The words tumbled out, one after the other, none making sense. I was listening to the ravings of a totally guilty man, caught virtually in flagrente delecto.

‘Shut up, Karl’ I interrupted, with a quietness that I didn’t know I had, my voice stopping him mid-track. ‘You betrayed me, I found out, and that is it. We’re through. I’m going to tell my parents that you dumped me, and you’d better say the same, otherwise I will make damn sure that everyone knows I caught you fucking Ann, including your parents.’ I could make no greater threat to Karl, his parents being the roost-rulers they were, and both of us knew it.

There was another long pause.

‘You’re right. We’re through.’

I put the phone down without adding another word. My coming of age was truly happening, and I was losing my early teen link to my first boyfriend, the one who’d also, up until this last weekend, also been my only fuck. I felt no sorrow, just a numb emptiness that told me I’d been under his spell too long, and that I’d just made the best and biggest decision in my life.

I called Nessie, and explained what I’d seen, but not what I’d done or the secret I now shared with Ann and Richard, and then told her about my conversation with Karl afterward. As ever, she was totally supportive, the perfect girlfriend, backing me without questioning.

I left talking to Tim till school the next day, when I collared him in the library at a quiet study carroll near the back in the sixth form area, out of bounds to the juniors.

‘Karl and I are through.’

‘You WHAT’ Tim jerked his head up, the look in his eyes one of total astonishment. ‘Really?’

‘No, I’m making it up. What do you think?’ Teen sarcasm is the worst, I knew.

His expression was one of mingled hope, exhilaration, fear, love, expectation.

‘Where does that leave us?’ The trepidation was obvious. He must have thought I’d keep him on the secret side as I lived my life. I had to stop that.

‘Tim, I am so in love with you. I’m really pleased Karl and I are finished. Last weekend meant a lot to me, and I want to see where we can go as a couple. Will that be okay with you?’ I finished my sentence in my best little girl lost voice.

He reached up and hugged me to him, completely breaking the school’s two-foot rule, brought in to keep randy teenagers off each other. Luckily there were no teachers around to see, so I leant in for the deep kiss his mouth was offering, our tongues meeting, and the resultant brain engagement releasing the hormones so closely associated with sex. I broke it off before my legs gave way.

‘See you.’


+Just over a month later.+


I’m in my bedroom, slightly tight, with a giggling Vanessa. Paul’s parents are away, but they’ve told him it’s okay to get some friends around for a hallowe’en party. Paul being Paul, he’s decided it must be fancy dress. Nessie and I have been to the costume shop, and walked out with our costumes. Nessie has a Morticia outfit, all very goth, and very in keeping with her pale complexion, large chest and extraordinarily long legs. I’ve also gone for something suitable, and have an elf outfit, with feathered hat, green buttoned tunic, mini skirt, and matching tights I’ve bought to complete the ensemble.

We’ve made excuses to parents about stopping over, and Tim’s also coming. I’ve been seeing him steadily for the last few weeks, and our relationship (and the love making) gets better every day.

My parents being out, we’re trying these costumes on, matching our dress-up session with a quarter bottle of vodka Nessie has stolen from her father’s cabinet. Both of us have stripped to our underwear and put costumes on, taking turns to admire ourselves and each other in my full-length dress mirror.

‘It’s no good, Nessie’, I say. ‘this material’s so thin you can’t help but see the outlines.’

With that I disrobed, the elf tunic and skirt hitting the floor, then I stood, wobbling with vodka effects, on each leg as I removed the tights, then my panties, then my bra. I finished my routine by putting the skirt and tunic back on and checking myself in the mirror once more. Besides the very obvious projection of my now unfettered nipples, the overall silhouette was much more pleasing.

‘That’s better’ I said to myself, then started to take my costume off again, intending to dress back into my jeans and t-shirt.

As I finished removing what little I was wearing, I became aware of Nessie sat up on my bed, looking thoroughly surprised.


‘You’re going to go…. just in your outers?’ Nessie conveyed outrage, combined with an amused approval.

‘Yes’ I said. ‘Never liked tights – too sweaty, so if I leave my knickers at home at least my crotch might be able to breathe. Likewise, look at my tits. I don’t need a bra when they’re this size.’ I cupped myself as I said this, enhancing my small breasts by squeezing them together under my top.

Nessie stood up, next to me, looking over my shoulder at my nude reflection in the mirror. She reached behind herself and unzipped her full length ‘Morticia’ robe, letting it fall around her. She stood in her black underwear.

‘I wish I had your breasts’ She said. ‘They’re so perfect. So petite, so young, so firm. They look great with your tanned body too.’

I was surprised she’d even noticed my breasts next to her own and said so. ‘I wish I had yours, Nessie, they’re great. Good size, sitting nicely, womanly and very adult compared to my small girl versions. Your pale skin sets off your green eyes and brown hair better too.’

I felt I had to follow up her compliment further. ‘I wish I had your legs, Nessie. They’re so long, so slender, so grown-up.’

‘I wish I had yours, Kate.’ Nessie stared down at my butt. ‘Your legs are just right. Mine feel too long, but yours are just right, and they lead up to that great little bum you have.’

‘Your bum’s better.’ I replied. ‘Your butt’s fuller, more rounded, nicer, and mine’s just undeveloped. I can hardly keep my jeans up without a belt, my bum’s so flat.’

Nessie looked at me in the mirror, and I could see her gaze fall to my mound. ‘Your pussy is much nicer too,’ she said, quietly, almost whispering. ‘So flat, so hidden, so smooth.’

I’d be the first person to admit that I don’t have much of a mons, and that my labia are very straight and underdone, giving the effect that I have just a small slit between my legs. The way I keep it shaven adds to the effect, but that’s what I like so that’s what I do.

I turned to Nessie, and hiked her undies down so I could her pussy properly. ‘Yours is much mo
re womanly,’ I said critically as I stared closely. You have good pubes, you have a good bump and great lips, from what I can see.’

Nessie held my shoulders. ‘I just wish it was more like yours,’ she whispered.

I giggled. ‘Listen to us. We’re both actually quite happy with the body God gave us, but both us want something else – each other’s body.’ I realised as soon as I said it that the statement could be read two ways, and desperately trying to make it sound like an off-the-cuff comment added. ‘There’s one way I can help.’

‘Help what?’ Vanessa asked curiously.

‘Make your pussy more like mine. Lie back on the bed – I’ll be back in a minute.’

I quickly pulled on my panties and t-shirt, just in case, and rushed out on my mission. On returning to Nessie I laid my tools out – a bowl of warm water, a damp face cloth, my razor and shave foam, a pair of nail scissors and a towel.

‘Lie on the towel’ I instructed, in a voice that brooked no dissent. Nessie obeyed automatically, her breasts swollen in her bra, but otherwise as naked as the day she was born. She parted her legs instinctively, as I picked up the scissors.

I knelt between her legs, working closely with the scissors, slowly snipping off Nessie’s long pubic hair to reveal the treasure beneath. Nessie, not being able to see, lay back eyes closed, perhaps partly embarrassed at having her best friend perform such an intimate act upon her.

Eventually I’d taken her hair back, and I applied the shave cream, squirting it onto my fingers and spreading it around her pubic area, eliciting a gasp from helpless Nessie. Picking up my razor I started to shave off the remaining roots, clearing the blade in my water bowl. Each stroke removed the cream, slowly exposing her stubble-free pussy to my close gaze.

I used my free hand to keep her skin taut as I shaved her, slowly getting closer to her lips, until eventually I’d finished. I leant over, grabbed the face cloth and wiped her clean, removing all last traces of shave cream and finally exposing her perfect pussy. She had a pronounced mound, and her prominent labia creased the length of her now-damp slit, slightly parted and flushed with the excitement of the close attention I’d given her.

Nessie started to get up, but my hand on her stomach pushed her back onto the bed.

‘One more thing.’ I said, firmly.

I got up and went to my chest of drawers, collecting my bottle of baby oil. I squeezed a little onto my fingers and went back to the bed, kneeling next to it so that my face was near hers. My hand went to her freshly exposed pussy, and I slowly rubbed the baby oil in.

‘Just to prevent a shaving rash’ I whispered. I massaged the oil in, using vertical strokes which took my fingers either side of her slit.

‘That tickles,’ Nessie giggled.

‘Sorry.’ I quickly stopped, moving my hand every so slightly away from her hot cunt.

‘Mmmmm. I didn’t say stop!’ Nessie murmured in my ear.

Looking at her, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, with an expression close to rapture, I figured it was a now or never moment.

My hand went back to delivering its ministrations. My middle finger delved between her folds, into her slit, and upward across her clitoris. The reaction was instant and immediate. Nessie’s legs drew up and outward in an involuntary response to this stimulation, as her arms gripped the sheets and her head went back, exposing her long, slender neck and wide-open mouth.

I couldn’t resist any longer. I covered her lips with my own, even as my middle finger sought her vagina. I kissed her, repeatedly, quickly. Little teasing kisses on the lip, mouth slightly open, testing, to see if I’d gauged things right, to see if I could get a response.

I did. Nessie started kissing me right back, one arm coming around my back to draw me closer to her. Our tongues met, crossed, circled and withdrew. She let out a ragged sigh as I introduced a second finger into her most intimate area, to join the first. At the same time my thumb started to massage her clit, to give her maximum pleasure. Her pussy was tight, feeling about as tight as mine did with two of my fingers inside, and I wondered how she managed with Paul’s cock, whether it hurt, and (oh, how I wanted to know) what it might feel like inside me.

We continued French kissing, and Nessie’s hand rubbed me slowly up and down my back through my t-shirt. Eventually I decided my knees had had enough of the floor, and I broke the kiss, withdrawing my hand. I gently removed her arm from round me, and pulled my t-shirt over my head, exposing once more my small breasts, little nipples pointing to the sky. Standing, I also took off my panties, so my straight slit was exposed too. Nudging her, I lay down on my bed next to her. My arm went round her back to remove her bra, the last article of clothing between us, and for the first time I got a close-up view of Nessie’s tits. They were big, at least a ‘D’ cup, and her nipples were large, swollen now with lust, and surrounded by a pale pink aureole at least an inch across, easily twice as much as my acorn-brown ones. Even with their size, Nessie’s taut teen body held them well, and there was little sag as she lay on her back, staring into my eyes.

We kissed again, an arm around each other, and each of us started tracing a path down the other’s body. My hand went over her breasts, touching, kneading, tickling. I briefly tweaked her nipple, then, palm flat, continued my journey downward across the slight swell of her belly, and back to her freshly shaven snatch. Nessie spent much more time on my tits, tracing lazy circles round my budding nipples, then slowly compressing them between finger and thumb, releasing, and beginning the process again. As we kissed, I was in ecstasy.

I was more than ready when Nessie decided she’d paid enough attention to my breasts, and sighed deeply as she caressed me, rubbing my flat stomach and then – oh! finally! – reaching my pussy. My leg was raised, knee off the bed, with my foot drawn up to give Nessie easy access. She caressed my mound, cupping it and feeling my heat and dampness. As one finger traced the outline of my slit I moaned, wanting her to hear as well as feel my need.

Nessie took the hint. Her finger pushed lightly, parting my slit and putting her at the entrance to my tunnel. I was wet and willing, and my hand covered hers, guiding her questing finger inside me.

‘Oh, God, that’s good.’ I groaned.

I lowered my mouth onto hers once more, and we gently fingered each other as we kissed. My stance meant I was leaning into her, and our breasts were touching, conveniently enough at nipple level, which added a new dimension.

I thrust a second finger inside Nessie, and she responded in kind, adding to my pleasure.

Our hands quickened, instinct guiding us, thumbs on each other’s love buttons as we fingered each other to an earthquake of a climax, sighing deeply as our mouths and tongues locked together, arms embracing, hugging and making one simultaneous orgasm out of our separate bodies.

‘Oh, wow!’ I breathed.

Nessie sighed. ‘Whew,’ she said. ‘I’ve never done anything like that before.’ She looked up into my eyes, reached forward and kissed me once more. ‘I’m glad it was you though.’

I smiled back at her, looking into her eyes, then kissing her back. ‘That’s what friends are for.’

We hugged again.

‘I saw you watching us.’ Nessie said into my shoulder, from our hug position. ‘Up in the mountains when I was fucking Paul. It was really erotic to think I’d turned you on, and then to see Tim come and take you from behind.’

I was stunned. I’d thought Nessie hadn’t been interested in anything other than the fat penis inside her. ‘I’m sorry.’ I whispered. ‘That was a really intimate moment. I didn’t mean to pry.’

‘No problem,’ replied Nessie, hugging me closer. ‘I enjoyed the audience, and when I told Paul about it later he was just
as excited.’ She giggled. ‘he screwed me so hard afterward he made me sore, and I’ve never had to swallow so much spunk.’

A plan was beginning to form in my mind. I checked the time, and jumped up.

‘Nessie, we’ve got to get moving. We need to shower and change for the party.’ Maybe we can continue this later.’ I looked down at her beautiful, naked body, and plunged on regardless. ‘With Tim and Paul.’

Nessie smiled as her eyes took in my form. ‘That sounds like a great idea.’

We showered together, lazily washing each other, and one thing led to another, with us both sharing another quick orgasm, lips locked together, legs trembling, in the bathroom.


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Hello, ungal sugunaraj, eppadi irukkenga, sirithu idaivelaikku piragu ungalai santhipathil santhosam. Ennudaya paya anubavangal “kozhunthanum en soothum” “chinna mamanarin aasai”, “puttam patta paadu”, “soothalagi”, mattrum en thozhin anubavamana “pundai purusanakku mattum” pondra anubavangalukku ungalidam irundhu responsekku nandri. Ippodhu solla povathu en anubavame idhu miga sameebathil nadandathu, enakku mattum ithanai anubavangal aen ippadi nadakirathu endru puriyavillai, ungalidam idharku...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 27 About Katy

January 29, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Katy O’Connor? I mean Taylor?” I asked. Elyse nodded, “She left him. She’s in tears in the ‘Indian’ room.” Shit. I could guess what that was about. I walked to the ‘Indian’ room and looked in the door. Katy was sitting in one of the basket chairs, her knees pulled up to her chest, her dark brown hair unkempt, and tears running down her face. “Katy?” “Hi,” she sniffed. “I need to talk to you.” “Mind if I shower first? I just came from the dojo.” “Go...

3 years ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 4

My dad had always said that helping a lady into a car is rewarding. I realized that I could see a lot of leg and even down her top without any effort. He was right and I vowed to help Karen into my car any and every time I had the opportunity. We went back to the college and I parked fairly close to the concert hall. I handed her out again. She grinned at me. “You like doing that, don’t you?” I smiled. “They are just legs.” I said, “No, they are your legs. They are very special and very...

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A Day in the Life

"whore" has already been up for hours preparing for your day. "it" is expected to be fresh smelling, shaved, and dressed in your favorite slut outfit with hair in perfect soft curls. Last night's obedience lesson made for a particularly painful shower. Cold water ( you say "nasty fuck pigs have to earn the privilege to use warm water") and home-made lye soap burn whore's skin as it tries gently to scrub the dried blood from fresh wounds. Although whore works very hard to please its Sir, you...

2 years ago
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Summer Holidays

By : Nympho_sangeeta This is a true happening (thought spiced up and random incidences compiled in one) that I would like share with you (although a few years back) I am 19 year old female around 5 feet in height,white complexioned, shoulder length brown hairs, light brown eyes, slim, 34-26-35. Last summer I went to stay with my cousin brother’s house, he is a bachelor and living all alone in the city. He was happy to see me proposed that I stayed with him for the complete 2 months i.e. till...

1 year ago
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Fucked A Neighbour Virgin Girl

So this is the sex story which was held 4 months ago between me and vidhi. I was in 12 and she was also on the same standard but she was in another school. She seems to be intelligent in studies and other things. I like her a lot. I like her round ass and big tits. She was like my friend and I was also like a friend with her. One day there was heavy rain and I was going to left the school for home, on the way to home I found her on the road and told her for the lift which she happily accepted....

1 year ago
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My Sexy Birthday Party

I’m totally super-excited. My best friend, Erica has got me something really special for my birthday. She's got us a suite downtown at a swanky hotel for the weekend! She says we are going to party and celebrate.Erica says she has a really big, sexy surprise for me. I beg her, “What kind of surprise?” but she won’t say. All she will say is that it will be “big, totally hot and overwhelmingly fun”. She holds out for a week, keeping me in suspense.Finally, on my birthday, on Friday morning, she...

Group Sex
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Blowjob in a bookstore

I need to tell you about the first time I went to an adult bookstore. The facility was fairly clean. I think it was converted from an old office building. There wasn't any movie theaters or small booths...but rather a lot of smaller office-sized rooms left and right down a long hallway. Each "office", so to speak, was outfitted with on-demand TV's, chairs, couches and even end tables. You could enter any of them and a small dollar machine was mounted on the wall...along with a channel changer...

4 years ago
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Long Hot Summer

Beth was bored out of her mind today. It was a hot summer day and the air conditioner was acting up again. Her husband of fifteen years, Roger, was out of town and had the car so Beth had nowhere to go. She was glad he was gone because he’d become a bore and had become intolerably fat for her, and yet she loved him, but they had stopped having sex several years ago. She fanned herself, but it wasn’t much help so she went outside to the backyard to see if pulling weeds from the garden would get...

3 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 49

When I got back up to the flat, I discovered that our petite Welsh flatmate was on her own; Sian and Malcolm were still off walking somewhere, taking advantage of the long Bank Holiday weekend and the fine May weather. She joined me in the kitchen as soon as I put the kettle on, seeming very pleased to have some company again. “Vee, Julie’s staying in Reading and coming back tomorrow – could you please take notes for her in the ten o’clock lecture?” “No problem, Jon!” “Thanks!” She...

4 years ago
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Glorias Second Wedding Ch 04

Buck and Gloria set up camp and then Buck made coffee and as they sipped listening to the river running over rocks into Skipper’s Pool he said, ‘Would you like to have sex now?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then get your condoms.’ ‘I haven’t any with me. I assumed if you were anxious for sex you would have tooled up.’ ‘No.’ ‘So you think it’s a woman’s responsibility?’ He chuckled and said he regarded it as a joint responsibility. They sat in silence for a few moments until Gloria sighed and said, ‘Providing...

3 years ago
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Sweet Revenge

Background Before I go into my husband's doings, I must emphasize that it takes two to tango. Why is that so important? Only because I believe that all the women my husband wasted his sperm with, were total sluts. You see, Gary was one of the most attractive and sexy men I ever knew. He had a certain appeal that made (the right) women melt in front of him. Melt? Well, you know, when a certain part of a woman starts to drip, and the sticky liquids flow down her legs - it's like a melting...

2 years ago
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Looking After My Sisters Chapter Two

ADAM After we’d had a nice catch up, I decided to take the girls out to see a few of the sights of London. First they dragged me around Canary Wharf for some shopping, then Cassie decided she wanted to have a go on the London Eye before grabbing some food at the nearest Nando’s restaurant. It was an extremely busy (and expensive) day but I didn’t mind. It was so nice to spend some quality time with my sisters. Jenny particularly seemed to be enjoying my company. I’m not sure if I was...

1 year ago
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Encounter at the Restaurant

Encounter at the Restaurant.Damian and Sasha are travelling together from the west to the east of Australia. Damian is driving and Sasha is a young girl of twenty or so he picked up as a hitchhiker. They have been travelling together for the whole day and have pulled into a Road House for dinner and a stay overnight.They booked into the Road House in separate rooms for the night. “I'll see you in the restaurant about seven for dinner. It will give us a chance to get a shower and change,” said...

3 years ago
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The Master WarriorChapter 11

Thorne still has the Narrative I drove the new SUV while Grace drove the rental one, in case we were stopped, but there were no problems. We registered at the hotel just off the Interstate using the rental as our vehicle. I parked the Caddie away from the hotel in their large parking lot. Once settled in our room, I got out the laptop and used the hotel’s WiFi to contact the people who took care of problems for me. The laptop had the encrypted program that they used. I had downloaded it when...

4 years ago
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The Haunted House

The Haunted HouseChapter 1‘So this is it,’ I thought.I stood in the moonless night, pensively staring up at the so-called haunted house. Evenafter all these years, it was still an impressive structure. Built in the late Eighteen Nineties, thefour-story house still had all the hallmarks of a great home. Detailed woodwork adorned thelarge covered entrance and marched its way across the brick façade, while large multi-panedwindows offered views of the outside. They were strategically placed and...

1 year ago
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A Changing ScriptChapter 3

I had been up since just before seven o'clock this morning, beating my alarm clock by the usual two to three minutes. It was not something I planned but rather something that had just happened almost every day of my adult life. It didn't matter what time the alarm was set to go off; my internal alarm seemed to be set for minutes before. During my 24 years in the military, I had usually had to roll out of my rack by 5:00 or 5:30 but sometimes earlier than that, and my internal alarm failed...

3 years ago
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Incompatible Birth of a Spellbinder

Incompatible: Birth of a Spellbinder Ragnarok Rising: Part I by D.A.W. This rant is brought to you by the demented mind of D.A.W. This story is something of an experiment. I wanted to write a story in first person, but I didn't want to be confined to a single narrator. So, after some input from the good folks on the Fictionmania Message Board, I decided to write the story as if it were a journal. The story is compilation of the protagonist's journal entries. It...

4 years ago
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A Night At The Club

This is a true story from one of my many visits to Tampa’s Rainbow. A few years ago, I went to the club on a weeknight. I can’t remember if it was a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. All I remember is that the next day was a regular workday. It was about 8 p.m.I was sitting naked on a couch in theater section for about 15 minutes watching the gay porn movie when a cross-dressed gurl walked in. The only light came from the movie screen. Still I could barely see her face but she clearly had...

2 years ago
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BreedersChapter 10

Jason held the door open and beckoned for his two charges to enter. Mario slid off his stool, hitched his tight continentals up to ease the strain on his heavy-headed organ which bounced freely in the open fly, and headed for the door with a smile on his face. It had been a long time, too long, since he had been involved with more than the daily routines of sex training. He liked the special effects of Jason's cruelties. It always meant something different, something exciting, for him too...

2 years ago
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My New Life 5

My New Life, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places or people, either living or dead,...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Alina Belle Single Real Estate Agent

Tony Rubino is doing a construction job for a house that real estate agent Alina Belle is trying to sell, and the rest of his crew is off for the day. Alina asks Tony if he’s still with his girlfriend, but having recently split from her, Tony tells Alina that he is single. A little later, Alina brings Tony a bottle of water, then asks him to join her in the kitchen so she can show him something. Once inside, Alina reveals she really wants to fuck Tony, and thinks he’s hot. The...

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One day while walking to work, Tony stumbled across a binder with a cd in it called "Rewrite.exe" written on it. Curiosity got the better of him as he took it with him. After getting home,he placed the cd in the disk and scanned it with every bit of his anti virus programs. The disk files were clean,so he clicked upon the main file. A popup revealed the following message. "Welcome to rewrite.exe. this program is intended to alter anything the user desires." Thinking that this must be a joke he...

Mind Control
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Daytime Dogging

We agree to meet for lunch in a bar in is fresh, but bright and the sun feels good after a period of gloomy weather.I arrive first and find a bench style table in one of the bay windows of the bar.You arrive slowly after looking fantastic in your office outfit of black above the knee dress, jacket, tan hosiery and black calve length boots. Very nice indeed!!I get up to great you and we smile as our eyes meet. I buy you a drink and we return to our table making small talk.I cannot take...

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Appleby Blush Ch 07

Chapter 7: Paris in the springtime Kirsten glanced around her, marvelling at the hustle and bustle. The two kilometres Avenue des Champs-Élysées was one of the most famous streets in the world. The two women had finished their shopping and were enjoying coffee and a slice of cake in the open air, outside of the Restaurant Le Fouquet’s Parisian brasserie. On their journey by private jet over the English Channel, Carmella explained that Paris cafes were more than a place to sip coffee. They...

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Stockholm revisited

Kay faced away from me and handed me the shower gel, placing a large amount of gel in my hands I started to soap Kay’s back working from the top downwards to her butt. Kay sighed slightly when she turned to face me and told me to soap her breasts, as I started to work on her breasts Kay’s left hand suddenly wrapped around my cock while her right hand was working her own pussy. Kay removed her hand from between her legs and started to rub the head of my cock up and down her soapy slit, come on...

2 years ago
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Stars Trump Tower Other Public Sex

I'd forgotten him in the course of 7 years, but when we got together again, it was for keeps. I'd also newly discovered sex and the art and gentle strokes oral sex ushered, and I was in afterglow heaven. Peter taught me everything I know about sex, I taught him to have a grand sense of adventure. What a pair of .... we are. Those times were puntuated with the freak shows we'd given on an AmTrak train to see his mother, the ten minute doggy style bangfest in Trump Tower elevator,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E15 Marnie Coburn 43 from Blackburn

We start this week’s show with a drone shot, flying over endless terraces streets of old homes. Black roofs, barely a solar panel in sight, narrow streets crowded with parked cars... Then we cut to ground level in one of those narrow streets, seeing the cars parked on the pavement on either side, giving just enough room for another car to squeeze through. Terraced two-story houses line either side of the street, behind small walls that protect about a meter of concrete rather than a...

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Wild Women Of The Family 8211 Part I

Hello friends my name is Roger 23 year of age. I’m here to narrate to you true events in my life that changed my perception about the wild women in my family my mother, Kamsin and sister, Ruchi. To start with I will narrate how it all began.My mother Kamsin 43 years old at 5’7 tall is very sensuous and a complete looker. A stunning lady with a sexy curvy body an hour glass figure to say the least. Her black hair ran up to her waist. I know her measurements due to peeking into her lingerie and...


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