Remember Me Ch. 02 free porn video

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A/N: All rights reserved.

This is a separate story from Twisted Royal. This is also a different Dante. Enjoy!


Chapter 002: Au revoir Bahamud


Elliot wasn’t sure what he had been expecting when his Commander had assigned him the task of finding and capturing Dante Reed. The knowledge that she was still presumed alive and WELL had stunned him. For the last eight years he had been in grief over losing one of his comrades, only to realize it was all for naught.

From the report his Commander had handed to him, it was apparent she had been in hiding for the past eight years. She had killed two officers that had been sent to restrain and bring her back to the base in Hime. Not only that but she had stolen several identification cryptics and had been traveling between nations, keeping her own identity hidden.

It was evident that someone had been assisting her, but that person was unidentified and from Elliots observations, powerful. So powerful if he or she could assist an agent in avoiding the governments radar. Dante had been tracked of course, but somehow they always managed to lose her each and every time.

But not this time.

Elliot was fuming. He had a right to be angry. A right to feel betrayed. He had thought his friendship with Dante had outweighed her secretive nature, and he had always assumed she would go to him for anything.

Sure, he didn’t know why she had ran off. People had speculated that she had been secretly insane and some even had the gall to accuse her of working for F.L.E.X. He hadn’t believed them of course. He had did his own digging for information and the most plausible explanation was that she had been blackmailed or…or tricked.

Dante had never done anything without reason before. He had known her for too long. He knew there had to be an explanation. Elliot cared too much for her to just throw away their ten year friendship. Crystal may have given up on her, and Andre may have been too preoccupied with his own stupid problems to care. But Elliot did care. He just didn’t show it the way others did. Of course he was far from completely forgiving Dante. Though she had been a righteous and amazing woman eight years ago, the Dante he saw now was different.

When he had caught her trying to escape from the squad that had been sent to capture her, he had seen her changes right away. That young and innocent woman he had been friends with had a different look in her eye, a different aura about her. There was something cold and something broken he saw when he looked at her. He had tried to ignore it and stay focused on the matter at hand, alerting the Commander and the council that he had found her, while also making sure she was subdued. But now that he had the time to look at her, really look at her…

He realized that the Dante he once knew was gone. Someone had changed her. He couldn’t bring himself to believe that she had transformed on her own.

By who, he didn’t know. But now that she was in front of him, now that he knew she was alive…

Things were only going to get alot worse. For the both of them.


Dantes entire body was tense as she sat wedged between two burly soldiers. Two soldiers whose holstered guns looked mighty intimidating upclose. Her rifle had been taken away from her and now she was in her smoldering living room under the even more heated gaze of over twenty guards.

Her living room had been extremely hot and crowded enough already with just her. But now…

It was torture.

”Well tie me up and send me to Timbuktu because I. am. screwed.” Dante muttered under her breath as Elliot paced around the room lividly, his raven ponytail swinging from behind him.

He had been that way for quite a bit. After he had caught her before she could escape, Elliot had cuffed her and dragged her through the house, shouting coordinates and orders in the large communicator earpiece he wore. Her wrist was still sore from how tightly he had gripped it, as if was afraid that if he let her go she might vanish in thin air.

After that he had shoved her on the couch she was currently sitting on and left the house for several minutes before coming back to check on her…only to leave the house again. Thankfully the window in the living room had its drapes drawn so she could see the activity going on outside on the desert floor.

Needless to say, she was sort of flattered. To send so many security agents after her proved that the agency viewed her as a valuable asset. Of course that flattery was squashed once she remembered the consequences of being an unauthorized runaway.

An unauthorized elite runaway at that.

Once again. She was screwed.

And suddenly Dante was ripped from her thoughts as Elliot let out a loud curse. Several of the uniformed men turned an eye to him, but he only waved them off and spun in Dantes line of vision.

‘You.’ Elliot snapped, pointing a gloved finger in her direction. His blue eyes seemed to flash behind his rimless glasses.

It took her a full five seconds to realize he was speaking to her and not the guards beside her.

‘Who…me?’ She asked politely, turning her best poker face on. She hadn’t seen Elliot in years and yet she was still always stunned when he payed any amount of attention to her. Call it lingering puppy love. But hey, he was the enemy right now. Even if he used to be her best friend.

‘Yes, you.’ Elliot grit out, his eyes roaming over her. He looked as if he was struggling to keep his composure. He must have been overwhelmed since they hadn’t seen each other in years too.

The last time they had met each other had been during a victory speech in Hime, right after a successful infiltration mission in Monaco. He had invited her on a lunch date once they had been given their rewards and sent on their way.

Guilt swept through her chest as she remembered that particular event. But she pushed it away. No matter how much she cared for them, the people who were once her friends were blind puppets controlled by the government of Hime, trapped in a conspiracy that few spoke of.

She had contemplated revealing everything to them. But she knew it wouldn’t have worked out. After all, ten years ago she wouldn’t have believed the things she had seen. Shock had been her companion for months before she finally set it in her heart and mind to run.

She ran away instead of facing it. No matter what the hell those optimistic pep-talkers said, one person couldn’t change the world. Not her. Not them. Not anyone. And as she mulled over this, her mood worsening by the second, Elliot continued to speak to her, oblivious to her daze.

‘You look horrible Reed. You do realize that a Judge is on his way here right now? He can’t see you like this.’ Elliots distant voice sounded in Dantes ears, once again interrupting her thoughts.

Looking up to meet his eyes Dante stared at him quizzically for a moment, trying to make sense of his words. When the meaning sunk in however she lost her confused look and her expression turned to one of flushed anger. Did he really think she cared how some uptight Judge who worked for the Hime government saw her?

Sure Judges were intimidating. They were the highest of the Elite and could kill her with one word to the firing squad. But if she was bold enough to defy them and their laws to go on the run, she wasn’t going to become a wimp the second she was caught. Dante sent Elliot a mild glare that made a wave of surprise wash over his tanned face.

‘Elliot.’ Dante began slowly as she crossed one leg over the other and leaned back. Stray curls fell into her eyes as she did so, and she lifted her thin brown fingers to brush them out of the way. ‘Look at me. Really look at me. Do you see the girl I was eight years ago?’

The question was simple. And yet by the look on Elliots face, Dante realized that asking su
ch a thing from him was like asking him to set it into his mind that she really had changed. Eight years ago she had been a cheerful mask hiding her fear. Ten years ago she had been a gullible child who played soldier with the wolves.

And now she was something else entirely. And she knew Elliot could see that. But she also knew he didn’t want to see. Despite her own beliefs, he still thought of her as a little sister. And who would want to believe their beloved sister had changed for the worse?

Elliots gaze was intense as he took a step closer to Dantes spot on the couch and leaned down. When his face was level with hers, Dante found herself struggling not to get lost in his eyes. Instead she gave him a stony look as he studied her. His eyes swept over every line, every dent, and every cut of her face, neck, and torso all the way to the tips of her toes..

Even though Dante had become the master of stoicness in her years of isolation, she felt a wave of uneasiness wash over her as Elliot leaned closer. If he had been this close to her ten years ago she would have turned crimson red instantly. She had more control over her emotions now of course, and her crush had subsided since he was taken (Though since she had been gone so long she wasn’t sure if that was still the case).

But still, as Elliots all-knowing blue gaze swept over her, Dante was reminded of why she fell in love with him in the first place. She found it cruel that they were pushed even farther apart now, since she was now a fugitive and he her captor.

‘No.’ Elliots deep voice echoed in her ears as he suddenly reared back from her. ‘No, I don’t see the girl I knew eight years ago.’ His voice and his expression were now so cold that it froze the blood in her veins.

Despite knowing the answer was inevitable, Dante still felt a pang of hurt strike her. It was almost as if he had slapped her. Clutching her fists to her sides so as not to let them tremble visibly, Dante sent Elliot the fakest smile she could muster, her brow cocked up in mock amusement.

‘Well, that’s good because I’m not that same girl.’ Her voice shook, betraying her inner emotions. Once agan blue clashed with gray, and this time Dante held his gaze all the while trying not to let her tears fall. A long moment of tense silence passed.

Elliot opened his mouth to speak. But another voice in the room rang out before he could reply.

‘And such a shame Mrs.Reed. Such a shame indeed.’ The feminine twinge in the voice alerted Dante immediately to who it was.

Elliot, Dante, and the guards all turned their gazes toward the owner of the voice.

Judge Estafana stood at the entrance to the living room, her silvery curls spilling from the dark headpiece she wore. Her arms were folded and she leaned against the bloodwood walls, a cool smirk on her pale lips.

Dantes dark skin paled at the sight of the woman before her. Of course the look of pure fear that passed over Dantes face wasn’t lost on Elliot, or even Estafana herself. In fact the notion only made the immortally beautiful womans smirk grow wider.

Dante whirled on Elliot, her eyebrows furrowed.

‘I thought you said a male judge was coming.’ She hissed, her eyes darting between Estafana and the bewildered bespectacled man in front of her.

‘Your Honor…’ Elliot too looked as if he hadn’t expected Estafana to be present. Assessing the guards reactions as well, Dante realized that was exactly what Estafana wanted.

‘Now, now. Don’t stare at me like a fish out of water.’ Estafana nagged playfully as she took a step further into the lounge, her silken robes flowing around her legs.

Dante stiffened as Estafanas gaze swept around the enclosure, taking in its cluttered appearance. Silence overtook the room as the taller woman stood there like a beautiful statue disdaining its surroundings, and eventually Estafanas steely eyes met Dantes.

‘You’ve been busy.’ Estafana remarked coolly, her lips curling into a knowing smile that made Dante want to hurl out of her chair and punch the powerful judge in the face.

She could have handled any other person except for Estafana. The woman could break anyone and she would take pleasure out of it. No one could hide anything from her, and Dante had been particularly grateful when she managed to run off because it meant she didn’t have to see that monster everyday.

But Estafana was like a guilty conscious. It showed up when you didn’t want it to. And Estafana knew it too, if the unspoken message in her eyes was anything to go by.

‘Scared, aren’t you?’ She seemed to say. ‘You can run and run, but you’ll never escape from me. Makes your blood boil dosn’t it?’

Dante had to use all of her willpower to stay still in her seat. Elliot was eyeing her as if her reaction to Estafana might give him some answers. But he didn’t say anything. No one spoke in the presence of a judge unless they were required to do so.

Finally, Estafana broke her gaze from Dantes and let out a dramatic sigh as she turned to the body guards behind her. Dante hadn’t noticed the large bulky men before. Estafana whispered something to one of them, causing him to nod and gesture for the other guards to leave the room.

Dante blinked profusely as the room emptied until it was only her, Estafana, and Elliot. For some reason the lack of guards made Dante feel even more vulnerable. Her day had started out so normal and dull. And now eight years of isolation were wasted like a fresh cake thrown into a trash can.

Dante couldn’t even consider contacting her source for help because she was cornered into a dead-end. She’d have to wait. He would realize something was up when her location showed up on his screen, if Estafana decided to transport her to Hime that is.

And then he would come up with a plan to rescue her. But for now Dante was stuck in the same vacancy with one of the people who caused her to run off in the first place. And as that person walked elegantly across the room and sat on one of the chairs across from her, Dante held back a sneer.

‘I guess it’s time to make a deal.’ Estafana said softly, breaking the silence with her gloved hands clasped in front of her. All eyes went to the only fugitive in the room, and the room became that degree hotter.

Dantes eyes narrowed.


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My ass ruined by sexy Stella

So I was there, on all fours onto a bed in a dark filthy room…Some salty tears of pain ran down my cheeks, as this sweet babe Stella drove her huge black cock into my ass. In my wildest dreams I had never expected myself to be in this situation, beaten, bound and having my tiny asshole fucked by a sexy well hung transsexual black girl…I had started to go alone to bars and pick up lonely ladies to just fuck them. My sex life with my sensual wife was going down, since she began to fuck black...

1 year ago
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House of Incest

Will the cycle never end? I swear the devil has chosen my family as his house of incest. It all started with my sister, mother and me. My parents were divorced when I was a young child and I lived with my paternal grandparents and father on a farm. I was my mother's favorite child. I'd cry at night and beg my father to allow me to be with her. When my mother refused to reconcile with my father, he committed suicide. I was 14 years old. Since I was such a difficult child, my grandparents...

3 years ago
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Teacher Vaaiyil Sunniyai Vitar

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil teacher ennai usar seithu eppadi matter seithaar enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Raani, vayathu 21 aagugirathu kalluriyil mundram aandu padikiren. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, Coimbatore kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enaku kama kathaigal endraal migavum pidikum, thinamum kama kathaigal padithu viral poduven. En thozhiyum nanum iruvarum sernthu thaan kama kathaigal padipom, en thozhi kalluriku mobile eduthu varuvaal. Aval phoneil kama kathaigal eduthu...

2 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 2

Jed, as Jamie's dad was known, had left Savanna, seldom to return, to attend the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. After graduation he got a masters degree in finance at The Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. Instead of returning to Savanna to work in his papa's bank he took a job with the Jameson Company, Limited, an investment banking firm located in Philadelphia. After a few successful years with the company Jed was invited to the Christmas party at...

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Kristinas Secret Cleaning Job

Kristina felt her normal sense of foreboding as she walked up the pathway to Heather’s house. It was two o’clock on Saturday afternoon and she knew that although her cleaning and ironing duties should last three hours she was unlikely to leave much before eight o’clock. She wondered whether her bottom would be untouched or stinging when she left Heather's house that evening. That usually depended upon how satisfied Heather was with the quality of her work. Heather did not like imperfections,...

1 year ago
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Slut wife loves sex

I just experienced the most amazing week of my life! My best friend, Eric, came to visit me for four days. He looks very similar to me, and was mistaken as my brother by those who didn’t know. My wife, the one who has bore two of her father’s c***dren, has always been reserved about sex with anyone else outside the family, but this past week was a major step away from that trend.Eric wasn’t used to all the walking and exercise I put him through as we explored parts of the local wilderness. When...

4 years ago
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Apocalypse How

Don’t stand to close to a paranoid is my advice. It catches. One night my friend, while leaning over his PC, decided to conduct an experiment (no doubt stoked by a considerable amount of book smarts, too little wisdom & too much esoterica):’ Meme virus- unreality as infection my bosom bud, a downloadable paranoia’ He spun in his swivel chair to stare me down. ‘Those black Ops wizards painting hologram spirals in the night sky oh yes’ he wrote the virus on his keyboard in a lightning-quick...

3 years ago
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The Dinner Party

The Dinner Party - By SONIA =========================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) This story is based on a television cookery program called TV Dinners which ran in the UK with host Hugh Fernley Wittingstall where the show followed the meal preparation and ended with the dinner party. The episode in question was a big affair in a marquee and the person who was doing the party did exactly what is described below. The only differences were that I was...

2 years ago
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Home alone or so i thought

So I was home faking sick from school one day and I had free range of the house, I watched mtv for a while and than some stupid infomercial and I was getting bored fast. So I decided to snoop around the house and see what I could find, I was going through my moms room when I came across her boyfriends weed and bowl, (why not right) so I got super high and continued looking around the house, and in my older brothers room behind his game station and games I found a porn. So I went to my room and...

2 years ago
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Peyton Finds Her Place

CHAPTER 1 The sky was dark with an approaching rain dump and Annalee Roach-Simpson’s face reflected the mood of the weather as she went with jaw-set into the dayroom to confront the embarrassment of her family, her unmarried 30-year old daughter Peyton. ‘Hi mom.’ ‘We need to talk.’ ‘Shoot.’ ‘What on earth does that mean?’ Peyton put down the lurid magazine, ‘Males Bare It All’. Carefully she tucked it away from her mother’s searching eyes. ‘What kind of magazine is that?’ ‘Nothing.’ ...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Dusky Cousin When Her Boyfriend8217s Away

Hey all, I am writing my first story here. Hope I am supported by the ISS family. This is RidingWood (My pen name for ISS). I am based out of Bengaluru and if any chick or aunty wants some action, they can email me. Don’t worry, will have my email address shared by the end of this narration. I’m 5’8, with a lean and athletic physique and my tool is 5-inches long. I am a little dusky, but my dick is an authentic Dravidian dagger! Coming to the story, this is about the sexual encounter I had...

3 years ago
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Isabels Fantasy

I sit before the small mirror, running a brush through mylong hair and dreaming about tomorrow night. Our holiday ball. Mother and Father have been planning it for months, and the neighborhood is all abuzz with talk. The invitations were sent a month ago, the replies have all been received, seating charts have been made. We are expecting 160 guests, a very respectable number for a ball. Fewer than 100 and it would just be considered a dance. Fewer than 50 and it would be considered nothing more...

3 years ago
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I got NASTY at the local BAR

Ok, sometimes I get in a horny mood and I want to get just plain NASTY and SLUTTY and do filthy things and last night was one of those kinda times! After messaging back and forth with about a dozen of you on my PM here at Hamsters, I got wet between the legs and I needed some FUN so I put on some sexy clothes, no panties or bra and went to a local bar to see what I could get into.I'm in my 60's but haven't ever been lacking to find some cock when I want it and when I arrived, I sat at the bar,...

1 year ago
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From this moment on you are a girlpart 4

From this moment on, you are a girl...part 4 -Seven Days Earlier - 9 p.m.- Sarah's knock came exactly at nine. I of course knew she was coming as I had been peeking through the peep hole since about...oh seven...and pacing...and worrying. Was she going to show up with the police and have me arrested? Or some boyfriend I did not know about and beat the shit out of me? I went over scenario after scenario in my head, but none of them really seemed to match what happened that...

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a very hairy girl part 1

here i was at the beach, surrounded by micro bikini's and big fake boobs when something out of the ordinary caught my eye.. there was a girl approaching me, i tried to guess her age, she was probably between 16 and 20. A bit hard to tell since she was very skinny, so did not have big breasts at all. I could see that already although she was still fully clothed.she was looking for an open spot on the beach, and i considered myself lucky to see her choosing a spot just a few feet away from...

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Transgender feelings diary entry 1

It has consumed me for years.I cannot shake it off. I try to bury it. Deep inside me. The more I try not to think about it, the more it comes back. The more I feel it. I am transgender. I want to be a woman. I need to be a woman.Ever since high school, when I marvelled at lingerie models in the newspaper, pretending to pose like them, feeling jealous of the skirts and tights the girls in my class were wearing, dreaming of being a lesbian submissive, I have struggled to shake it off.I have...

2 years ago
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Shoe Shopping

This is about pantyhose hope you enjoyHere is a story that happened when I wentshopping for shoes one night.After work I had stopped and had dinner withfriends,I didn't bother going homejust went straight from the bank for drinksand dinner I had on tan pantyhose,tan pumps and a nice black skirt,white top. I decided I wanted new sexy black heels for a date I hadthat weekend. I decided to stop at the mall at one of those small shoeshops. I went into the store and a very young man about 20 came up...

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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 1

THE PAST I was the youngest member of the Erotic Elderly Wives Club of Long Learey and I was actually ‘found’ to be their ‘mascot’ – the live doll for their erotic fantasies to be acted out. A role I was hesitant at first to do but soon became a willing partner and I never said ‘No”. A little about myself. I was born and raised in the US SW. I was married just before my 19th birthday having become pregnant. I found sex wonderful and was like a rabbit. My boyfriend Thomas, later my husband,...

2 years ago
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Killer Tuna Redux ndash Chapter 1

Cat Valentine rolled onto her back from snuggling up to her pink pillow as her body felt a shift in weight on the bed and the sudden chill on her bare arms and shoulders from her missing sheet and blanket. She slowly blinked opened her eyes and mewed out softly in a small yawn along with an easy stretching of her muscles.She finally opened her eyes then smiled up at seeing the source of the shift in weight: Sam Puckett staring down at her with a slightly hungry look on her face. The blonde had...

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Black and white 2

The limo eased it's way through the traffic, keeping its three passengers oblivious to the outside world. Sitting between Steffi and Edward Colter, Dani made whimpering sounds and mumbling pleas not to make her go. A sharp reprimand by Edward only made Dani quiet down for a few minutes, and soon she was again begging the Colters not to take her to the hotel. Exasperated, Edward admonished his wife, "Christ, Steffi, make her shut up will you, feed her if you have to, but make her quiet down,...

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Winter in Sweden Part 16

Chapter 40 – Summer holidays with Ole and Matti (Part2) 13th August40.1 ConfessionI wake up feeling relaxed. The last night has given me a feeling of warmth and I believe, that my life will bring a lot of experiences and surprises. I decide to tell Masha what has happened. NO SECRETS BETWEEN US. That’s what we promised each other. When I find Masha and me alone in the bathroom I made the confession. Masha asks to my relief with a smile: “Why didn’t you wake me up? Did you enjoy? You know, I am...

4 years ago
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Depraived Chapter 1 Part1

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

3 years ago
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Cyber Meeting

Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As you knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of Pandav Nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or any female who wants some fun can mail me too. Julia and Rose were two college roommates, both girls came from big cities on opposite ends of the country. Their first day of college when they met in their dorm room for the first time they felt they...

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Marks Dark Desires

Mark’s Dark Desires By Reeb This story is dedicated to a very sexy young lady at Lush. Chapter I His heart pounded in his throat as he reached for the door handle. Inside he could hear the splashing of the shower water cascading over his sister’s sexy young 18 year old body. Mark was 26 years old, living at home with a woman whom had become the subject of all his sexual fantasies, his gorgeous brunette sexy little sister. He stood a good six foot three inches tall, slender muscular build,...

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Sue Cheated on Me

Last year my wife had a fling with another man. This may not sound so unusual but it was for us as we had previously only involved other people when we were together, having had a threesome with another man and swapped with two other couples. She told me she had met someone in the course of her work and that he had propositioned her. This in itself was not unusual but what was unusual was that she wanted to take him up on it and in this instance, I would not be involved and she asked for my...

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The day Kay discovered she is bisexual Ame part 1

Kay decided to jog to work that morning and decided to shower there just before work starts. She normally runs home or does her exercise in the afternoon but today she decided to do it in the morning because the afternoon she has an appointment. That morning went as planned until she entered the shower rooms... As Kay enters the shower area, she can hear one of the showers going. Kay can hear moaning coming from the shower. The person in the shower obviously didn’t hear her enter. Kay...

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