Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 17
- 4 years ago
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I found someone to scratch mine ... after I used the watch.
First, there had to be a way to keep the information I found in Teddy Bear safe. Mother suggested I find a shipping concern or a bank that managed to stay in business through the 'coming unpleasantness' ... something still in operation in 1975.
Not as easy as you might think, shipping concerns fail, the name picked up again years after. Banks failed by the hundreds in the 'Crash of '29, ' picking one that succeeded in the surviving was difficult. I thought about the most trusted names in shipping, Wells Fargo. How about banking? Bank America.
Ah, Brinks! They have a branch in Lansing, or Grand Rapids. Either one would work. Grand Rapids, because it's close to Pentwater, or Lansing, close to home. Now came the hard part: Transportation to either town. Rail, air, or motor vehicle? Planes crash, cars wreck, the least incidence of freight loss? Rail. But I want to go! Ludington Rail has passenger service. Any railroad has passenger service ... in 1928. The problem is, there's NO direct connection between Ludington and Lansing.
While I was questioning my pondering, the ship to shore radio spoke. It's 1928 ... there aren't ship to shore radios. The boat radio has been on once just to check and all that happened was static ... and not very good static. Now it's working but it's not been powered up. The Power light isn't even on. Amazing, a frequency never used, over a radio never on, with a voice I've never heard.
It's a male voice speaking, "Wendy? Come in Wendy. Air you there, Wendy?"
Some one knew mom? Someone who knew how to work the radio remotely?
Well, Hell. I picked up the headset and microphone and slipped it over my head and ears and plugged it in. "This is Wendy." Well, I am.
"Not my Wendy. Fetch your mom, Wendolyn."
Whoever knew me? Or, at least, someone who my name?
"Whom shall I say is calling?"
"I'll not bite on that, Wendolyn Elizabeth Austin. You'll spoil my surprise."
UHOH ... not just my name, but the bad girl name. Ouch.
"Please, be a dear, and fetch her."
"I can't, she's at the Antler, having lunch."
"Run and get her."
"I can't leave the boat."
"Your papers will be safe. Your dad, David, opened the crate yesterday."
The boat rocked. I looked up ... mother. She was back. The smell of burnt meat and hot grease assailed my nose.
Like Pavlov's dog, my saliva started running and my brain shut down.
Mom handed me my sack lunch. My Wendy burger with fries. And a mug of homemade Antler root beer. As close to heaven as I was going to get in this life.
I opened the bag to get at the fries while they were still hot. A mouth stuffed full. "Mmmmmmm."
"Something to listen to?" She indicated my earphones and mic.
The total impossibility of speaking while I had way more in my mouth than I could chew, caused me to wave at the phones and jerk my head. "Mrgulphmpf."
"Oh, really?"
"Arghe-agoe-gormph," I pointed at her, the phones, and swallowed what I could. "Formph yomgh."
"For me?"
I nodded fiercely, chewing like mad and bent my neck so she could wrest the headset...
"OW!" I swallowed, took a long drink of the best homemade root beer in Michigan, and pried my hair out of the headset. I choked out, "Someone for you." I took another handful of fries and crammed them in my mouth.
All this time, whoever ... was speaking in my ears, imploring me to get mom, or at least answer. Ain't happening, buddy. These are Antler fries and I'm not letting them get cold!
Mom spoke a tentative, "Hello?" I had just lifted the still frosty mug of root beer to my lips...
"TIM!!!," mom screeched.
The inevitable happened. I blew root beer out my nose!
Carbonation, mixed with tiny pieces of fries blasting through my nose caused a reaction precisely in the manner in which teenagers throughout the United States have always reacted ... I inhaled.
The resulting cough sprayed mom, the radio, and half of the communications bench with large chunks of fries and root beer! I spilled my root beer in the bag with my priceless Antler hamburger and the tail end of my fries.
I was pissed ... my fries ... Antler fries ... HOT, fresh, vinegary, Antler fries and I all I got was a taste ... SOMEONE WILL PAY!!
SPLAT! The bottom fell out of the sack, the burger, a soggy, root beer soaked mess, unwrapped itself and fell, meat side down to the cabin sole. Mayonnaise, lettuce, dill pickle, two cheeses, three strips of bacon and tomato scattered to the four winds. The remaining fries added to the mess. A SECOND CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!! THE FIRING SQUAD WILL NOT BE PUNISHMENT ENOUGH!
The dig began like all digs. Before the crew arrived, a USGS survey marker was located. This one happened to be at the junction of Co. 210 and US 550. The Elevation and North were stamped on the cap of the marker. Declination from magnetic north was listed. The marker was dated 1920. Davis supplied his own 'pit boss.' Steve was a professional who ran his own archaeological survey crew. They mostly did foot survey for the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. They also worked...
Life goes on, I need to find someone to scratch and lotion my boobs. They itch. The Chief from the Guard Station in Ludington was right. I might be short but I'm curvy ... very curvy ... and getting curvier. Nice, polite people called it 'entering into your mothers estate'. Monty Python's The Holy Grail called it 'Huge ... tracts of land!' as the king cupped his hands in front of his chest. Along with tits and a butt, I grew into my face. The facial baby fat cheeks migrated to the...
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I wound the watch. I was careful to count the clicks of the stem winder. I quit at ten. “Wendy! Did you wind the watch?” Hmm ... Mom was in a panic. That was unusual. “Yes! I wound the watch. What do I? ... Gawd, mom ... they’re awful close.” “Something’s not right. The other boat is still there heading right...” The other boat, looking like a Coast Guard Cutter, plowed right through our boat ... or not. We were pretty confused. There should have been an enormous impact. That didn’t...
Thank the Powers that Be ... my vacation resumed being sun, fun and boring. You're welcome. I'll be switched ... it's the Powers. 'Hey.' What? 'Is my life going to be normal?' Oh no Missy. That is out of our MOS. 'MOS?' Military Occupational Specialty code 'You're military?' Damn it, Danny! We can't leave you alone for five seconds! Sorry, guys. 'Military, huh?' Sometimes it pays to ask twice. 'I asked a question. Military?' No answer ... but I could hear...
"Wendy? Where's your plane?" David asked. "Um ... at the lake, I think," Wendy responded. "Why?" "Let's go see." David suggested. "I can call." She said. "I'd rather we went to see for ourselves." David replied. "Has anything been like it was when you bought the valley?" "What do you mean?" "All this." He swept the Wal-Mart, Costco complex that was along the highway. "Was it here ten years ago?" "Ah ... I see. No. Durango was a sleepy little town shedding...
"As I understand it," David began. "Wendy bought it from the Feds, the day it was confiscated..." "When was this?" asked Davis. "Lessee, she's 35... 2001 minus 35 is 1966, 1966 plus 12 is 1978. 1978. She bought it in 1978." The good Professor, trying to get things straight, said, "She bought a fifty foot sailboat in 1978 when she was 12. That seems rather ... odd." "According to what her mother said, Wendy One, her mother, paid for it with funds from Wendy Two's educational...
So ... I guess I should tell you a bit about me. I'm 22, single, virgin, overqualified for dumb jobs and under-qualified for smart ones. Michigan is not a great state for paleoarchaeology so I went to Montana to study. Both Universities have good programs but Missoula is buried in smog 9 months of the year. I have allergies. Nerd slash geek in high school, I was too busy getting grades and ducking bullies to even think about getting laid. By the time college ran me down, I was too...
I think my mom and I are going to have so much fun. We had to make arrangements. The boat was at the Coast Guard Station in Calumet City. It had been there just long enough for the Federal Alphabet Soup to thoroughly ransack the interior ... they hadn't had the time to get into the nitty gritty of chainsaws and implements of destruction when the Soup at the detainee's home found the evidence. The investigators left in a huff ... someone had spoiled all their fun. The Guard was just...
Scratch my itch! I did. Mike Porter. I knew he wasn't the one but I wanted a normal life. He scratched all my itches and I scratched all of his. We did not wait. Mike was five years older than me. I satisfied his itches, he satisfied mine. We were both trust fund kids. I had money, he had money, we had money. We signed a prenup and married in 1981, when I was 18. We honeymooned on my sail boat, by now completely stripped of the 102 million bucks stashed behind the 'paneling'. I was...
I keep telling people she's my mother ... doesn't seem to work. I'm her younger sister. I think I'll try that for awhile. So, I told the doctor, "Yes ... Catholic School. You know the nuns?" He rubbed the back of his left hand. The hand had a series of tiny interlaced scars ... moms was going to look like that ... but just one. "You know the broad shouldered one with the big arms?" There's always a butch. The doc flinched and said, "Sister Terry ... Theresa ... this does look...
Wendy and Daddy Dave (Senior) were gone for a week. David was left without transportation. The Dodge was at Doc's Marina. The only transportation was the Ford and he didn't have the key. The new motor was in ... the old motor was on an engine stand next to the shed on the trailer pad. "David?" He looked up from a book on Colorado Archaeology. "Yes?" Jesse had a glass of iced tea in his hand, offering it to David. "Sugar?" "Plain." "Here." Jesse commented, "Peace offering....
The excursion was great. 15 girls took me up on my offer. They were decorous seated in the galley with the teddybear in the corner of the lounge, supervising. The Bleeker girls, from Hart, Michigan, comprised over half the group. Mr. Bleeker, Superintendent of Schools for Oceania County, was combining business with pleasure. He was inspecting his schools while giving the family a break from the daily routine. Mr. Bleeker was prolific: of a family of nine children, eight were girls, aging...
A week from the wrap-up, David and Wendy were in the middle of post traumatic stress. Let him tell it. "We left the site knowing that the archaeology would continue every season from the end of spring to the start of school, very likely for as long as there were graves and Native American warriors wearing Brooks Brothers suits, carrying Armani briefcases and wearing Rolex watches with court orders and lawsuits in hand. "The stress, especially on Wendy Too was enormous. Wendy had such...
David asked at the new strip mall if they could park both trailers and the Dodge for a few days. "There's a trailer park just around the bend," the mall manager suggested. "How about you folks heading over there and getting off my lot." Wendy was just getting ready to explode when David commented, "Yes Sir. Thank you for your kind consideration. Just around the bend?" "You'll have no trouble finding it. It's filled with your kind of trailer trash." "Wendy? Did you want...
"Mr. Austin, please meet me in the hall." I turned to the class, "Your first assignment today; arrange the portraits of the Presidents in their order of office. President Ford is to remain where he is. General Washington is to be placed two hangers to the left of President Ford ... his left ... not your left. You may consult each other. The moms will supply any needed materials or apparatus." I followed my father to the hall. As soon as the door was closed he spun on me and raised his...
The ride back up the hill was considerably more sedate than the ride down. We also had the dubious pleasure of a police escort ... from a block back. Needless to say, I was very careful. When we got to Wendolyn's house, the movers were gone. Mrs. Porter was already losing the harried look. She pulled on my arm, "Please? Come in. I want to make sure it's all gone." She looked over her shoulder at the police car and hollered, "Officer? Please come with us?" He vacated his car and...
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It makes no difference how you slice it, dice it, or entice it ... there is no easy way to get to Durango ... unless you fly. They were already committed to the southern route ... no matter what, it was going to be miles out of the way any road. Any road worth taking, that is. You can go to Denver, to Grand Junction and south on 550. You can go to Pueblo, to Canyon City and Montrose then south on 550. Alamosa? Pretty much straight through on 160 ... if you can call that straight. When...
My sibs were home when I was getting happy so there were interesting questions at the dinner table that night. My brothers Charles and Ben (twins), named after Charlie Arthur and Ben Franklin ... mom's kids. Gwendolyn and David III (Trey) named after the real name for Wendy and Daddy ... Kim and daddy were the parents. Daddy and Rachael kids, Leigh and Lynn (twins) and Willow, three and two and three makes eight. Seven inquisitors consulting the reason for my happy mood ... it didn't...
"Welcome to McDees. May I take your order?" "Hi, I'd like a David to go, and two coffees," Wendy said. David looked up from the register. There are moments in life when you have to make a choice. You choose every second, most of those choices aren't career changers ... this one was. He turned to the counter, rang up the PLU (price lookup) button for coffee (not senior) twice and reached under the counter for a cup carrier. David walked over to the coffee machine just as the shift...
"Momma? Who is Tim?" "Wendy, remember when I told you I brought my diary ... Tim is in the diary. It's complicated and I might get it wrong ... so," She handed me her diary. The original title had been Journey. The newest title was STOPWATCH. I read it. Straight through, one sitting. While she caught up with Violet and Tim, the Shaman, I read. This was momma's life before and just after she married. I finished it. I jumped up and headed for the Club. I have to pee. She didn't say...
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Master Chef and Eveline bought the place. "I hope cash will do?" she said. Smart girl ... she had an oversized purse. Mrs. George, daughter of Mr. Johnson, he of the Mercury Sedan Delivery, said, "I'd be pleased to accept cash. My lawyer is on the way, Weatherford isn't far. Could you two wait and witness the sale?" That was to David and Wendy. Of course, they said yes. They all had tea on the huge veranda. It was a very genteel gathering that presented an interesting picture to a...
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PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
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