Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 17
- 4 years ago
- 17
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Wendy and Daddy Dave (Senior) were gone for a week. David was left without transportation. The Dodge was at Doc's Marina.
The only transportation was the Ford and he didn't have the key. The new motor was in ... the old motor was on an engine stand next to the shed on the trailer pad.
He looked up from a book on Colorado Archaeology. "Yes?"
Jesse had a glass of iced tea in his hand, offering it to David. "Sugar?"
"Here." Jesse commented, "Peace offering. She's not interested in me."
They both knew who 'she' was.
"I don't think she's interested in anyone right this minute," David said.
"Yup ... she's pissed at her ex and I don't blame her. I think he's going to be a hurting' proposition when she catches him." Jesse was in awe of her.
"Did anyone tell you why she's divorced?" David asked ... arranging his thoughts.
"Nope. Do you know?"
"Her husband was always gone. Big deals all over the world. Inherited a pile, turned it into more. He married her straight out of high school."
"She was always cute, still is. She's 35."
"Shit! You're kidding me?"
"Nope, looks 25 don't she?"
"Fuck! I thought she was 20. 35? Damn ... she's old."
"Problem is ... she's barren ... no kids, can't."
"He knocked up his secretary ... or so he thinks ... she IS pregnant but it's not his." David chuckled, "Wendy works for something to do ... family picks on her ... they all have kids and they're forever taping report cards and A+ papers to the fridge.
"You can't visit her sisters without being reminded Wendy can't have kids. Anyway ... she came home after being gone for a couple of weeks, the porch had two weeks worth of papers on it and the mailbox was stuffed full."
"Yeah?" Jesse drew off a big swallow and refilled his glass. He gestured at David's glass.
"Yeah, sure ... fill it up."
Jesse filled Davids' and picked up 4 packets of sugar, stirring it in his glass.
"I don't see how you guys and drink it sweet."
"I don't see how you guys can drink it plain."
They swapped glasses, both made a face at the taste and swapped back.
"Eew," like twins.
"In that pile of mail was a letter. She showed it to me.
'Wendy, I want a divorce. Sell the house and cars and send me half. Mike Martin' it was even notarized."
"And?" Jesse was hooked.
"She did, she advertised in the Lansing State Journal ... that paper sells all over the state. I read it myself ... that's where I found the Dodge. The Dodge ad read, 'Old Dodge Pickup. Must take all. $200.00.' and gave a number... 555-5567. I'll never forget it."
"Must have been a real douchebag of a truck."
"That's what I was sure I was going to find ... a disaster."
"How bad was it?"
"Looks now just like it did the first time I saw it ... cherry red and not a blemish."
"$200.00! No way!"
"Yes way!" David grinned, "There's more. 'Must take all' meant the trailer, camper and tools."
"You're shitting me."
"Nope. The best part's coming. She sold a 3 million dollar house for twenty thousand, and a pole barn full of restored classics and antiques for 200 dollars ... each!"
Jesse rocked back in his chair and clutched his chest.
"Wait ... there's more!"
"Oh God!!"
"The garage had a Lambo, a Ford GT 350, a '56 Lincoln Continental and more ... that little vindictive wench sold every car on the place for $200.00 EACH! You wouldn't believe the fights. Every cop in town was there ... I'm amazed no one got shot!"
"I'm gonna be sick!"
"It's all that sugar."
"It's all them cars!!"
"There's more..."
"Yes ... just like a Ronco knife ad." David said. "She sent the money in a registered, hand delivery, letter ... by BOAT!"
"I'm not sure Mike has the money yet! If he's not in Barbados, the letter carrier is going to have to find him and hand him the letter ... and Mike has to sign for it! And pay for having to be chased down!"
"She's so tiny."
"Yup ... her mom is worse!"
"So, Jesse, I'm abandoned for a week while Wendy is off jaunting with her dad. Let's build a motor."
"Ok ... when do you want to start?"
"No time like the present."
"Ok ... take this, this and that off."
"What are you going to do?"
"Instruct away. What do I need to take that, this and this off?"
"9/16th socket, ratchet and extension."
"What are those?"
"You've never done this before?"
"Why did you go look at a truck you thought was a basket case?"
"I never planned on buying it ... I was just looking."
"What did you do?"
"High school, College and 'Do you want fries with that?'"
Jesse laughed his ass off.
The B-25 flew over the trailer park, followed by a Kitfox with a radial. Wendy and her Dad were back from Denver. Wendy's Merc pulled into the trailer park. The milled, Ardun headed, 180 degree cranked, domed pistoned and assembled '40 Ford engine was sitting on an engine stand ... running. David and Jesse had rigged a spare radiator and a gauge panel out of spare parts from the shed. Well, David had, Jesse instructed.
"Hi." Twins speaking.
"Hi. Sounds wicked." Wendy grinned, she turned to Jesse, "Awesome job."
"David did it." Jesse grinned.
Big eyed Wendy! "No!"
David polished his dirty fingernails on his dirty shirt and blew on them.
"By himself?"
"I swear I never turned a wrench. My hand up on it." Jesse had his hand up like he was being sworn to 'tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, '
David said, "He instructed. The fucker sat in his chair, drank sweet tea all day and said, 'do this, do that and do the other.' He's going to charge you for it too."
Really big eyed Wendy.
"David? Daddy and I are going to Vegas ... two days."
"Oh, yeah." David hauled out a little notebook and opened it. "The hangar is done, the paving is done. They re-paved the old runway. People kept trying to stick their planes in the hangar. I had to lock it up ... here's the key."
I found someone to scratch mine ... after I used the watch. First, there had to be a way to keep the information I found in Teddy Bear safe. Mother suggested I find a shipping concern or a bank that managed to stay in business through the 'coming unpleasantness' ... something still in operation in 1975. Not as easy as you might think, shipping concerns fail, the name picked up again years after. Banks failed by the hundreds in the 'Crash of '29, ' picking one that succeeded in the...
The dig began like all digs. Before the crew arrived, a USGS survey marker was located. This one happened to be at the junction of Co. 210 and US 550. The Elevation and North were stamped on the cap of the marker. Declination from magnetic north was listed. The marker was dated 1920. Davis supplied his own 'pit boss.' Steve was a professional who ran his own archaeological survey crew. They mostly did foot survey for the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. They also worked...
Life goes on, I need to find someone to scratch and lotion my boobs. They itch. The Chief from the Guard Station in Ludington was right. I might be short but I'm curvy ... very curvy ... and getting curvier. Nice, polite people called it 'entering into your mothers estate'. Monty Python's The Holy Grail called it 'Huge ... tracts of land!' as the king cupped his hands in front of his chest. Along with tits and a butt, I grew into my face. The facial baby fat cheeks migrated to the...
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I wound the watch. I was careful to count the clicks of the stem winder. I quit at ten. “Wendy! Did you wind the watch?” Hmm ... Mom was in a panic. That was unusual. “Yes! I wound the watch. What do I? ... Gawd, mom ... they’re awful close.” “Something’s not right. The other boat is still there heading right...” The other boat, looking like a Coast Guard Cutter, plowed right through our boat ... or not. We were pretty confused. There should have been an enormous impact. That didn’t...
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"Wendy? Where's your plane?" David asked. "Um ... at the lake, I think," Wendy responded. "Why?" "Let's go see." David suggested. "I can call." She said. "I'd rather we went to see for ourselves." David replied. "Has anything been like it was when you bought the valley?" "What do you mean?" "All this." He swept the Wal-Mart, Costco complex that was along the highway. "Was it here ten years ago?" "Ah ... I see. No. Durango was a sleepy little town shedding...
"As I understand it," David began. "Wendy bought it from the Feds, the day it was confiscated..." "When was this?" asked Davis. "Lessee, she's 35... 2001 minus 35 is 1966, 1966 plus 12 is 1978. 1978. She bought it in 1978." The good Professor, trying to get things straight, said, "She bought a fifty foot sailboat in 1978 when she was 12. That seems rather ... odd." "According to what her mother said, Wendy One, her mother, paid for it with funds from Wendy Two's educational...
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I think my mom and I are going to have so much fun. We had to make arrangements. The boat was at the Coast Guard Station in Calumet City. It had been there just long enough for the Federal Alphabet Soup to thoroughly ransack the interior ... they hadn't had the time to get into the nitty gritty of chainsaws and implements of destruction when the Soup at the detainee's home found the evidence. The investigators left in a huff ... someone had spoiled all their fun. The Guard was just...
Scratch my itch! I did. Mike Porter. I knew he wasn't the one but I wanted a normal life. He scratched all my itches and I scratched all of his. We did not wait. Mike was five years older than me. I satisfied his itches, he satisfied mine. We were both trust fund kids. I had money, he had money, we had money. We signed a prenup and married in 1981, when I was 18. We honeymooned on my sail boat, by now completely stripped of the 102 million bucks stashed behind the 'paneling'. I was...
I keep telling people she's my mother ... doesn't seem to work. I'm her younger sister. I think I'll try that for awhile. So, I told the doctor, "Yes ... Catholic School. You know the nuns?" He rubbed the back of his left hand. The hand had a series of tiny interlaced scars ... moms was going to look like that ... but just one. "You know the broad shouldered one with the big arms?" There's always a butch. The doc flinched and said, "Sister Terry ... Theresa ... this does look...
The excursion was great. 15 girls took me up on my offer. They were decorous seated in the galley with the teddybear in the corner of the lounge, supervising. The Bleeker girls, from Hart, Michigan, comprised over half the group. Mr. Bleeker, Superintendent of Schools for Oceania County, was combining business with pleasure. He was inspecting his schools while giving the family a break from the daily routine. Mr. Bleeker was prolific: of a family of nine children, eight were girls, aging...
A week from the wrap-up, David and Wendy were in the middle of post traumatic stress. Let him tell it. "We left the site knowing that the archaeology would continue every season from the end of spring to the start of school, very likely for as long as there were graves and Native American warriors wearing Brooks Brothers suits, carrying Armani briefcases and wearing Rolex watches with court orders and lawsuits in hand. "The stress, especially on Wendy Too was enormous. Wendy had such...
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David asked at the new strip mall if they could park both trailers and the Dodge for a few days. "There's a trailer park just around the bend," the mall manager suggested. "How about you folks heading over there and getting off my lot." Wendy was just getting ready to explode when David commented, "Yes Sir. Thank you for your kind consideration. Just around the bend?" "You'll have no trouble finding it. It's filled with your kind of trailer trash." "Wendy? Did you want...
The ride back up the hill was considerably more sedate than the ride down. We also had the dubious pleasure of a police escort ... from a block back. Needless to say, I was very careful. When we got to Wendolyn's house, the movers were gone. Mrs. Porter was already losing the harried look. She pulled on my arm, "Please? Come in. I want to make sure it's all gone." She looked over her shoulder at the police car and hollered, "Officer? Please come with us?" He vacated his car and...
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My sibs were home when I was getting happy so there were interesting questions at the dinner table that night. My brothers Charles and Ben (twins), named after Charlie Arthur and Ben Franklin ... mom's kids. Gwendolyn and David III (Trey) named after the real name for Wendy and Daddy ... Kim and daddy were the parents. Daddy and Rachael kids, Leigh and Lynn (twins) and Willow, three and two and three makes eight. Seven inquisitors consulting the reason for my happy mood ... it didn't...
"Welcome to McDees. May I take your order?" "Hi, I'd like a David to go, and two coffees," Wendy said. David looked up from the register. There are moments in life when you have to make a choice. You choose every second, most of those choices aren't career changers ... this one was. He turned to the counter, rang up the PLU (price lookup) button for coffee (not senior) twice and reached under the counter for a cup carrier. David walked over to the coffee machine just as the shift...
It makes no difference how you slice it, dice it, or entice it ... there is no easy way to get to Durango ... unless you fly. They were already committed to the southern route ... no matter what, it was going to be miles out of the way any road. Any road worth taking, that is. You can go to Denver, to Grand Junction and south on 550. You can go to Pueblo, to Canyon City and Montrose then south on 550. Alamosa? Pretty much straight through on 160 ... if you can call that straight. When...
"Momma? Who is Tim?" "Wendy, remember when I told you I brought my diary ... Tim is in the diary. It's complicated and I might get it wrong ... so," She handed me her diary. The original title had been Journey. The newest title was STOPWATCH. I read it. Straight through, one sitting. While she caught up with Violet and Tim, the Shaman, I read. This was momma's life before and just after she married. I finished it. I jumped up and headed for the Club. I have to pee. She didn't say...
The Antler has a Wall of Fame these days. Photos of the famous and infamous denizens of the best little bar on the west coast ... of Michigan. Right in the very middle is a black framed picture of Albert Fromm, Husband, Father and Engineer, over an original Jean Fromm oil portrait of the Edmond Fitzgerald. That portrait was surrounded by twenty-eight photos of the officers and crewmen ... lost eleven years ago this coming November just short of Whitefish Bay on the Big Lake. There are...
Master Chef and Eveline bought the place. "I hope cash will do?" she said. Smart girl ... she had an oversized purse. Mrs. George, daughter of Mr. Johnson, he of the Mercury Sedan Delivery, said, "I'd be pleased to accept cash. My lawyer is on the way, Weatherford isn't far. Could you two wait and witness the sale?" That was to David and Wendy. Of course, they said yes. They all had tea on the huge veranda. It was a very genteel gathering that presented an interesting picture to a...
The park was pretty easy to find ... although they were sure Central Park was in New York City. This one was one block of dead grass and weak, sickly trees, with a few splintery picnic tables and those old fashioned grills on a pipe. At one of the other tables were some rough looking kids. Wendy took her watch out of her pocket and set it on the table. "David? Would you please get the black zippered notebook from between the seats in my Ford?" Wendy was uneasy about the other...
There's nothing to write about here. It's a piss boring trip from Armadillo to Albuquerque and up to Durango. It's desolate waste land that has no value. That's why the Native Americans got it. Washington had no use for the land and less use for the Navajo. Any time a white found a use for a piece of the rez, Washington took it. No compensation, and no apologies. Just took it. I highly recommend reading Lazlo Zalezac's John Carter series. He stirred my mind and my stories poured...
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Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...
Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...
Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...
David was in his bedroom, watching porn and masturbating slowly. Not an unusual situation for him, in fact during the last two years it had become his main form of relaxation. Now, with two years of intensive study, followed by exams and applications to University, he was at last able to relax slightly, the trouble being that the last two years had seen most of his friends drift away as his concentration on his studies became more and more intense.His routine had become just that, routine. Home...
His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...
His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...
His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...
David Morrison had just graduated from college. His father called in some favors and got him a job at a leading Marketing firm. He was an Account Level Executive. He liked the company, because most of the employees were young like himself. David was learning the job and getting situated comfortably there. David did very well in college and maintained a 4.0 grade point average. He was part of a popular fraternity. He pledged his second year of college and got in. All of his fraternity brothers...
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Caroline attended a private school in London which had been evacuated to North Wales for the duration and in a week’s time she was due to take the long train journey ready for the next term. She idly wondered where David would be going once the new school term came around. Helen had said something about him attending a local village school, if a space could be found for him, as his own school in Southampton had been damaged in recent bombing. She knew of course what she longed for. She...
I arrived home Monday evening, a few minutes before seven, nearly an hour later than usual. Tom’s semen was leaking from my pussy, soaking through the gusset of my panties. It was my first day back in the office since my tryst with my boss and husband last Saturday night. As I waited for the door to rise so I could pull my car into the garage, I shook my head in disbelief. Two weeks ago I was a faithful wife who had never even considered cheating on her husband. A great deal had changed in the...
CuckoldHi, everyone, this isn't my best, but then i wrote it as " therapy " anyway i hope you enjoy it, AnnaRichard had just left for the store when David came walking through the door. I was sitting in the kitchen in a towel as I’d just come in from the pool. I said hi to David as I was walking to the fridge to get a beer. David asked for a soda and I handed him one and sat back down. I wasn’t expecting the words that came out of his mouth when he asked shaved or bush? I laughed more than anything...
The following is a true story… of my friend fucking my mom.My friend David and I grew up together in the same rural neighborhood. David is two years older than me, but we still would hang out at each other’s houses because there just weren’t that many guys around the neighborhood. David eventually graduated from high school and went off to college across the State.We would still hang out on a regular basis when he was home for the summer and on break. My mom (Lena) liked him because he took...
MILFThis story is different from my other cuckold tales.Both readers of erotic literature, Becky and her husband David had been enjoying my Acts of Infidelity series for some time before she decided to get in touch. In an open marriage herself, she wanted me and my other readers to understand that there is a different aspect to partner-sharing that my ‘Cuckold’ stories so far had missed.Although she knows first-hand the pain and pleasure than can be derived from allowing a partner to take another...
CuckoldShe had to make it good. It couldn't be just another gift wrapped cologne set, or a gift card to Ulta. She wanted this Christmas to celebrate her newfound lust with her k**s. She wanted David and Dana's presents to be fun, kinky and perverted. That's why, after a few weeks of thinking about it and a little searching, she had finally found David's gift.David had very open tastes. He was very in touch with his sexuality; he knew what he liked, and he was willing to explore new things to keep...
The life and times of David Baker Part 2David starts work.A small aside to explain about David Baker. His mother gave birth to David when she was forty four years old. Then, David’s father Stanley passed away when he was eleven. Not having the guiding influence of a father, he tended to be around women of his mothers age. The only person near to David’s age was his sister Fiona, she was ten years his senior. When Fiona married, she moved away and had a c***d.From part one, we saw how David...
That evening as the four of them sat down to dinner Caroline and David chatted about their day and for the first time since she had been living there she looked at David in a new light… not as a nephew but as someone who might be able to fulfil the ache between her legs! As soon as these thoughts crossed her mind she felt herself go bright red and she suddenly realized what she was thinking. Don’t be ridiculous Rose! He’s your nephew and he’s only fifteen. However she had seen him by the...
Almost a month has passed since David and his family had arrived in California. David has not ventured outside except to take out the trash or cut the grass. He has been having the most wonderful dreams that he is still back in Minneapolis with Josh. They had planned to tell their parents about the new dimension of their relationship. They had started to grow tired of having to sneak off somewhere to do something that other people do in public. David thought how nice it would be to sit in the...
GayDavid pulled on his girls panties, he hated wearing these but suzi insisted, it was sometimes awkward like if he needed to pee in public but suzi suggested simply using a cubicle and siting down to pee so thats what he did, it was easier to agree with suzi. The same when he had brought up the argument about using the gym, "how can i get changed at the gym with these on " he asked "you cant " agreed suzi, david actually thought he had won a small victory until her next remark...
THE ESTATE OF MASTER DAVIDChapter 1Julie knelt at the Master’s bedside with tears streaming down her face. Master was dying.His family was here now, and for the moment they were all one in their grief. Yet even now Master’s son, Eric, regarded Julie as an interloper in this most private of moments.None of that mattered to Julie as she stared at her master. None of them would understand the intimacy she shared with Master David. They only saw a 78 year old man and a 32 year old woman; a...
(Many thanks to orvette1 for his help in editing this story for me and for the very helpful tips.) It was raining, not heavily by our usual standards, it was the wind that helped it along just enough to make people not even bother with the hope that an umbrella would protect them. Instead seeking refuge in a building they hadn’t even thought to be in. David’s choices were limited to one, the diner. Being a stranger in a city sometimes makes there choices for you. Sadly for him it seemed...
Kay looked anxiously at the empty desk and back up at the clock. Where was he? She grew panicky. What if he was absent today? Kay suddenly felt herself blinking back tears at the thought of not seeing him. She was surprised at her reaction and was about to reprimand herself when he silently strolled through the doorway. He slid into his seat quietly, folding his hands and looking out the window. ‘David!’ Ms. Halsey bellowed sharply. ‘You’re late! Would you care to explain?’ Kay watched...
"Don't you fucking stop! Don't you fucking stop! Don't you fucking stop!" Debbie was screaming at the top of her lungs while David fucked her from the back. She'd been bent over the dining room table for ten minutes now while he gripped her fleshy hips and slammed his cock deep inside of her. The table shook and sc****d across the floor with each hard thrust of his hips. David finally got tired of her scooting away from him, grabbed the table, and shoved it against the counter, giving him a...